The Next Step By The Storyteller The screen showed patterns of light and geometric shapes. The shapes and patterns encircled the surgical gown covered female, who was unsteady on her feet. The shapes and patterns met and formed DNA helix chains. In front of the subject was a plinth, upon which were several light crystals and some darker ones. The operator, in his black leather coat, touched the stones in the pattern of a 3d cube. As he did so, the helix chains around the girl were taken apart and reformed in a different order. The final touching of a large blue crystal brought the girl pain, pain so terrible that she couldn't scream in protest. The operator began a shrill laugh as the girls body began to shake uncontrollably. The blue crystal went dark as did the screen surrounding the poor girl, she fell to the floor like a rag doll, lifeless and spent. The orderlies lifted her body and half-carried, half-dragged her back to her pitiful room. They dropped her on the bed and half covered her with a thin blanket, her body shaking with shivers and her face as pale as sheet. Several hours later, the orderlies collected the passive girl from her room and wheeled her on a gurney back to the machine and it's insane operator. Balancing the semi-conscious girl on her feet, the orderlies stepped back and the operator activated the screen, holding the girl in place. The patterns and shapes formed the DNA helix of the girl once more allowing the operator to mix and match the strands of her DNA. This time the effects were immediate, startling the orderlies and shocking the operator. The girls eyes sprung open and stared into oblivion, her hair short hair was blown back revealing her beautiful features. The sweat soaked her gown as the machine held her body rigidly. The strands of DNA helix that the operator had created disappeared into her body, leaving her floating amidst the yellow screen. The cold air made her nipples stand proud against the soft material of the gown. The girl was totally oblivious to what was happening around her. The catatonic state she was in, was a side effect from the genetic tampering the operator had put her through. The girl's small boobs began to move forward, in fact they were being lifted as though they were being cupped. With her nipples standing firm against the gown, the movement began to stretch the fabric. With increasing speed, the gown became taut between the two nipples and eventually a rip formed along the stretch. The orderlies ran away with fear leaving the operator to watch the wonderous transformation he had created. He realized that her breasts were growing at an impossible rate, and through the tear, he saw the unblemished flesh of her boobs. The operator grinned to himself as the girl's breasts grew to full firmness only seen in men's imaginations. The girl's busom stopped growing but she remained held tight by the machine. The operator laughed heartily as he returned to the crystal console. Inside the screen, the girl watched the operator with her wide eyes. The operator, fully excited by his ability to control human DNA, rushed his next commands, pressing several commands he meant not to press. A scream came from the girl as the new patterns and shapes spun around her body. Looking up in despair, the operator watched as the girl underwent her most painful experience in the machine. Slowly the girl's scream died down, her newly developed chest heaved up and down as she breathed deeply. The young girl's trousers, that once hung loosely on her legs, began to fill. This new development went unnoticed by the operator, who had returned to the console. His hands flew across the console but he never realized that he had already set the machine in motion and it couldn't be stopped. When he realized what had happened, the operator looked up the look on his face relayed his disbelief. The machine had taken the swell command to the next step, not only did it make her boobs swell, it made her muscles swell. With her muscle mass increasing exponentially, her gown top had risen up her body, it revealed her trim stomach which had already begun to show the signs of a six pack set of abs. The machine brought the girl's arms up putting her into the iron cross formation. All over her limbs, tears appeared in the surgical gown, by now her stomach was as solid as a brick wall, with healthy and super hard abs. Her increased boobs lifted even furthur as the girl's pecs swelled thanks to the machine. The operator looked from the top of the girl to her feet and what he saw amazed him. Her feet were covered in veins which faded out as they reached her calves, her gown trousers had lifted up as her muscles had grown, but the rise stopped at the huge diamond calves. Tears appeared to grow up from the hem of the trouser legs, growing faster as the material gave way, like poking it's head around a corner, the calves of the growing girl grew at an accelerated rate beyond the confines of her trouser legs. Furthur rips up her legs exposed the teardrop muscle of her thighs which continued to grow unabated by the fabric of the gown. The sweat created by the young girl's body began to rot the material of the thin surgical gown, and the machine had noticed this fact and added to the destruction of the gown, the shredded pants fell away leaving the girl with some very skimpy style underwear. The increasing muscle mass made the underwear become a soft green coloured thong. A big tear sound made the operator look up at her arms, which had become too big for her sleeves, very quickly her muscles expanded beyond what the sleeves could hold. Like her trousers, the machine removed her sleeves exposing the solid bars of muscle that are her biceps. Her still increasing torso ripped and shredded the gown top revealing her impressive pecs and lats. The machine expanded the girl's body in such a way that, the top became a sports bra, incredibly tight and small against all the individual muscles of the girl. The frsh air in the room made her nipples expand suddenly almost poking through the thin bra. The final twist the machine put on the girl was to turn her short, red hair into long shiny healthy locks, which fell down across her broad shoulder. With the transformation complete, the machine lowered the girl from her iron cross formation. Her arms hung from boulder like shoulders. Her waist seemed immensely small against her huge lats. Her solid legs looked like redwood trunks, her huge chest rose and fell as the wash of pain from the transformation subsided. The operaor looked at the new girl with pleasure. From a pale weak and frail girl, he had created what could be the next step of female evolution. Unaided the girl stepped from the machine, the remaining orderlies uneasy as to her new size and unmeasured power. Standing in front of the operator the girl finally spoke, her voice soft and feminite. "Thank you for helping me beat my condition, however you are in my debt, not I with you. Now kneel before your new empress." Her command as full of power and the medical orderlies quickly fell to their knee, reluctantly the operator lowered himself to his knees. As he did so the girl flexed her body, intimidating all the males in the room, laughing as she did so.