The Cursed Mist By The Storyteller Many years ago, before events were properly recorded. There was a area of woodland, that no one would go into, not even the hunters of the area would set foot on that land. A group of travelers came upon on the Shrouded Inn, a free house on the boundary of the woodland, it was here that a family in that group, decided to cut short their journey time by along the road that ran through the woods. At the behest of the patron of the inn they proceeded on at first light the next day. The carriage contained the mother and daughter, and the father and son sat on top at the reins. As they journeyed through the forest, the light began to fade though they could see sky above their heads clearly. Slowly and stealthily, a mist formed all around them, causing unease to the horses, undeterred the father drove the horses on towards their final destination. As they made their way through the woods, the light continued to fade until they could see no more, upon lighting the torches, the father saw the two gypsy people baring the way. "The woods have almost claimed you, my friends, let us take you to our camp, there you may continue your journey when the light returns." Said the oldest gypsy. The father thought for while before replying "We thank you for your offer of hospitality, and hope that we may be able to repay in some way." "That is a matter to be dealt with later, for when you leave our company." Said the eldest gypsy, "If you follow me, I'll show you the way to our camp." A short while later, the family sat around the central fire of the gypsy camp whilst music and dance swept around them. Around the fire danced the eldest gypsy's daughter, her dance mesmerized the father and son and it took the mother some doing to get her husbands attention from the erotic and exotic dance. As the evening came to a close the son and gypsy daughter were inseparable, the gypsy leader announced an end to the day, and in amidst the throng of people, the daughter led away the son. The daughter took the son to her own caravan where he was entertained with a more pronounced version of the dance that was conducted at the fire, her movements stirred him to dance with her and as they danced, they kissed. The young son's loins spurned him to feel all over her body, his hands gently rubbed her back and as they rounded her firm butt, the kiss became more passionate. The gypsy girls tongue snaked between his lips and soon found his tongue, as their tongues danced, the son's hands clasped the firm butt of the girl, underneath his clasping hands her buttocks became firmer and harder, the son moved his hands to her waist and found it to be smaller than before, unbothered by this discovery, the son increased the intensity of the kiss, his hands now caressing her back, feeing it harden under her dress, the son broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, there he could see a passionate lust for him and him alone. The kiss renewed, the son went hold her arms but couldn't get a good hold. The gypsy girl pushed the son to the bed, tearing away his shirt and britches. The son was now amazed at the girl, who stood before him, she reached to undo her dress buttons and was greeted by a rip along her arms, with her dress fully open, the son marveled at the firmness of her petite breasts, the lust for her took over him and her pulled her on top. The daughter of the leader straddled him and as they bumped and moved together more rips and tears were heard from the girl. The next morning the father looked for his son, with the help of the gypsy leader and the rest of the camp, the found his son's body and mangled wreck half a league north of the camp. Demanding justice, the father blamed the daughter of the gypsy leader, for the murder of his son. He also demanded that he be the one to deal the punishment. Immediately the gypsy leader refused the second demand, saying that he would punish his daughter in his own way. The father took no heed to the gypsy leaders words and took up a knife from his belt, and rushed the daughter, however her father was the quicker. A flash of a blade and the father of the dead son lay on the ground twitching as the lifeblood poured from the severed arm. A scream sounded from the mother and both mother and daughter took flight from the camp. Pursued from the camp by the gypsy men, they made their way through the forest as best they could, the mother stumbled and fell, her daughter stopped and turned to help her mother. Her mother urged her on to escape the woods and find the law, her daughter turned and ran as best she could in the dark and dangerous woods. When she could no longer hear the voices of the gypsy men chasing her, the daughter stopped and collapsed from exhaustion, her breaths created clouds of warmth in the cool forest, she closed her eyes to regain her composure. When her eyes reopened she saw that the mist that had driven to take shelter in the gypsy camp, had reformed around her, strangely she felt no cold whilst in the mist, the sound of voices approaching jolted her back to the present and again the daughter ran through the mist, panic taking her mind so that she just ran with unsure steps. It was one of these unsure steps that caused her to fall over and into the mist. There as she lay, panic raced through her mind, as the daughter calmed herself, she felt a presence in her mind telling her not to worry, all around her the mist had created a circle where no mist penetrated. The voice in her mind spoke to her of revenge for her family, and in turn she wondered how she was going to complete such a task, the voice offered it's help and the daughter was reluctant, sure that there was witchcraft at work in the mist. The voice in the mist urged her to accept it's help and soon through tiredness more than anything the daughter agreed. Upon her agreement, the mist started to close in on her, swirling around her petite frame, the mist worked it's way up her body, until it covered her fully, as the daughter breathed normally, the mist entered her body through her nostrils and her mouth. A warmth filled her body making her content as the mist filled her frame up inside. Inside her body the mist permeated all of her flesh, gently more of itself entered her body swelling her frame upwards and outwards, as the mist continued to enter her body the daughter grew in size, her clothes remained the same becoming smaller on her increasing frame. The cloth on her body tightened as more of the mist made it's way into her body, the sleeves of her gown crept up her arms and then tore as her arms became four times their original size, the curvature of her torso filled the main body of her gown and in some places to weak to hold her frame, rips and holes had formed, her bosom held the most of the mist causing a large tear to appear and show the new voluptuous cleavage of her youth. By the end of the process, the mist had gone leaving a new person with the face of the daughter in it's place. The daughter stood up and shuddered as the remnants of cold left her body. The warmth of the mist was now fully contained in her body. The voice of the mist now told the daughter to seek out the murderers of her family and exact her revenge. With the mist guiding her way back to the gypsy camp, the daughter learnt of the new power the mist had given her, at the camp, the daughter halted and asked herself how she could take on so many people and live. The mist returned the answer by taking control of her body and forcing her to enter the camp. Immediately the gypsy men saw her and attacked, their swords and knives flashed in the firelight of the camp, and it was their screams that filled the night air. At the end of the fight the camp had been destroyed, the fires of the caravans fell on the backs of the daughter and of the gypsy women who had surrendered to her as she squeezed the life out of the gypsy leader. In amongst the group of women stood the leaders daughter, and within her body was the sister mist of the mist that now occupied the satisfied daughter. The gypsy leaders daughter moved to the more powerful daughter's side and gently ran her hand over the massive muscle of the arm, the lust for such a perfect specimen, welled up inside the gypsy daughter causing her to double in size, facing her father's killer, the gypsy daughter ran both her hands over the heaving cleavage of the daughter, tears could be heard as her arms outgrew the dress top, to match the daughter the gypsy daughters breasts swelled in size causing the dress to become no more than just mere lengths of fabric on her torso. Seeing the transformation in the gypsy girl's body caused a sudden urge to kiss her, the daughter reached out and pulled the gypsy daughter closer, the daughter's arms now pulsed with each passing moment as she held onto the gypsy daughter. Closer and closer they got until their mouths touched, a spark of raw energy filled the camp shambles as the two daughters kissed. Bolts of light burst forth from the kiss and hit each of the remaining women, filling them with the same mist that occupied the daughters. As the light faded, the daughters broke their kiss, this union had not only affected the rest of the women in the camp, but it had increased the daughter's size immensely. Together this group of women wandered the woods, meeting hapless souls who have entered their forest and adding to their ranks, the young and able-bodied women. In time the woods were felled and the lumberjacks found only two bodies in the exact center of the woods, the two daughters of the legend that was the cursed mist.