Cursed Lace By The Storyteller. Maxine had the whole evening planned. She had finished her work early so that she could go shopping before her husband got home. All the food for the dinner had been bought the day before and all now Maxine had to do was buy some new lingerie to surprise her husband on their anniversary. Maxine was headed to the main department store along Main Street when she saw a neon light flashing down a small side street. The street itself was like every other in the city, well kept and clean, with a few newspaper sheets blowing across the road. Intrigued, Maxine went to the shop and looked through the crystal clear window. Inside she saw all manner of female clothes, and looking above she saw the title, Female clothiers and Tailor, clothes made the same day. This surprised Maxine herself, she owned a couple of tailored suits for work and they had taken a couple of weeks until they had been ready for collection. Maxine thought that she could get something tailored to suit her own and her husbands desires, so she stepped through the door. Behind the wooden counter was a kind looking gentleman and a woman who appeared to be his wife. Speaking to the shop proprietor, Maxine explained her wish and soon he agreed to produce something within the next hour. The lady besides the owner, took Maxine's measurements and disappeared behind the drapes that lead to the rear of the shop. All of a sudden the owner began to sing a soft gentle lullaby that Maxine found entrancing. Seemingly, he stopped right after he had started, and beside Maxine stood the woman who had gone off to make the lingerie. In her arms was a black lace gown that was almost see through, on top of the gown lay a beautifully patterned wonder bra style brassiere and a pair of slim line knickers. The shop owner motioned Maxine to try the outfit on, and pointed to a well lit changing room. Feeling at ease with the old couple, Maxine obliged them, taking the outfit and made her way to the changing room. The cubicle smelt of summer fruit essence and made Maxine feel quite pleasant as she changed. The full length mirror reflected her slim figure back to her, letting her see the fabulous work of the tailor. The hourly chime of her digital watch broke her reverie and Maxine suddenly realised that she was going to be late to cook the dinner for that night. Quickly dressing, not bothering to take off the soft lace, Maxine thanked and paid the kind couple for the exquisite work they had done and left. Behind her the shop owner and woman smiled to each other pleased they had successfully changed another persons life. Traffic had been light and Maxine was glad that she had made good time as she drove into the driveway. Inside the spacious two bedroom house, Maxine quickly set to work making dinner, as she did her thoughts turned to how things would be in the bedroom for her and Rob, her loving husband. Maxine slowly became aroused at the thought of what would happen and she slowly became wet to the touch. Under her smart trousers and blouse, the lace underwear she wore from the tailor shop responded the arousal state of Maxine. The bra cupping her b-cup bosom swelled her breasts slowly until they were full to the point of overflowing the lace. At her crotch, the lace massaged her clit ever so gently Maxine never felt the arousal until she almost climaxed at the sink. Steadying herself Maxine composed herself and resumed her work making dinner. Her underwear continued it's work. Maxine had finished preparing the food and was about to begin the cooking when she felt faint suddenly. Putting down the saucepan, Maxine went to the bathroom to freshen herself up. As she walked to the bathroom, she passed the full length mirror she used to check her appearance before going to work each day. Working in the kitchen had rumpled her blouse and she straightened it. Doing this she made her way back to the kitchen but as she did she noticed something quite extraordinary. The smooth straight line her back was in, was now curved. It curved down ever so slightly and ended in a firmer and rounder rear. Maxine was sure her rear fell straight down and wasn't as ample as it had become. But she liked her rounder rear, and decided to think nothing of it. It was then that Maxine saw the fuller bust she had been given. Maxine almost screamed when she saw how raised her bosom had become in the last few hours. Gently she cupped herself and was most surprised to enjoy the sensation of larger breasts. Next she felt the cool fabric of her blouse on her arms, the blouse fit her perfectly, not too baggy or too tight, and now it felt just that bit uncomfortable. As she continued to hold her bosom, the feeling grew until it was almost unbearable. Maxine put her arms down and looked at herself full on in the mirror. Her skin glowed a healthy glow and her hair looked like it had been just done by a master hair stylist. Maxine watched in wonder as she changed completely before her own very eyes. The shoes she wore had become quite tight and Maxine flexed her toes, splitting the leather. Looking amazed at the split leather, maxine began to feel her calves rub against the smooth cotton of her suit trousers, unwillingly, she stood on her tiptoes flexing the calf muscles causing them to burst through the fabric. The cool air of her house blew across the hot flesh as the muscles continued to expand exponentially. With her calves filling out so much, the suit trousers slowly ripped downward to the bottom hemline, until the leg was loose of it's own accord. Maxine didn't need to look down, she just continued to look in the mirror at herself. The torn trousers stopped just short of her knees, here she watched on as the thigh muscles made a vertical tear all the way up to her hips. Maxine instantly knew that the muscles of her legs were growing in tandem, but she didn't know how it was being done. Increasingly, her thighs grew out of the tear forming incredibly dense teardrops of muscle, forcing her trousers apart at the seams. Behind her, the rear of her thighs had copied the front and were working their way out backwards. Her buttocks lifted and tightened and then filled out to produce an amazingly firm yet tightly shaped rear. Maxine didn't know this was happening but she felt the change take place. Her suit trousers were now ruined completely, but maxine wasn't worried about that. At present she wasn't worried about anything as she watched herself change even more in the full length mirror. Her waistband felt really tight suddenly and she almost had to undo her button, but she heard an almighty rip. The waistband had torn itself apart trying to accommodate her increasing muscle mass. Maxine then noticed a second tear, like mirror image of the first. All tears on her trousers met up and they fell to the floor at her feet. Standing in just her blouse and black lace knickers she had just bought, maxine stared at her powerful new legs. Deep cuts in between the muscles highlighted the sheer size of her lower body's physique. Against her thin waist and shoulders, her legs seemed like tree trunks. Her thin black lace panties had changed themselves too, from a pair of normal slim line panties, they had become a thong accentuating the sexiness of her thighs and hips. Her blouse had fallen down slightly over her hips and maxine lifted it to see how slim she had become. Her hand touched the hardest muscles she had ever touched. Beneath her blouse, her abs had formed the perfect eight pack every bodybuilder aspired to get. Tenderly she undid a button at a time, enticing and daring herself to reveal the abs she had grown. After three buttons, maxine stopped and held open her blouse to have a good look at her stomach. With her lower body completely transformed, her bra began to make the transformation. Having already made her breasts the perfect size, now it set to the task of making the rest of her perfect. Effectively taking over the task of her panties, the bra began it's work at the small of her back and her abs. in front of her eyes, Maxine's abs swelled and became deep cut all over. In her back, her spine became fully supported by two column like muscles all the way up to the middle of her back. Sprouting from the columns came her lats. Like wings unfurling, they spread across her back, tightening her blouse to the point of tearing. The tear shot straight down the middle of her spine revealing a deep cut and incredibly defined back and lateral muscles. With pure shock, maxine watched on as her back flared out to the sides without warning and much faster than her legs. The upper most button of her blouse popped off and rebounded off the mirror making her realise her chest was growing also. More buttons followed the first allowing maxine to see her pectoral muscles become striated to the most her body would allow. Now maxine could see how big her breasts had become and the glow her skin had throughout the change made them seem even better than they were. Her collar tore as the muscles at her neck grew upwards and out in line with her lats. Meeting the back tear, her blouse fell to the sides slightly only holding on by her shoulders. Simultaneous rips were heard in the silent house as her shoulders split her blouse open. Amazingly, the tears stopped a third of the way down her upper arm, but the muscle still had grown through. Firm and smooth shoulder deltoids rounded her arms off. Maxine looked at them as her biceps filled out the sleeve to beyond breaking point. Solid bars of muscle poked through the soft cotton of the now ruined blouse, the tears continued southward, tracing the main vein of her arm along her forearm. At her cuff the sleeve fell away letting her whole arm be visible to Maxine's eyes. Sensing the transformation was complete, maxine dared herself to move and removed the remaining tatters of her blouse. The black lace bra had also changed, it had become and even smaller bra only just keeping ample assets in check. Maxine marvelled and touch her new body, the sensations she felt were beyond anything she imagined previously. Suddenly she remembered the dinner she was preparing for Rob, but that didn't matter now, Rob and maxine would have their own feast of love making and passion. Now she was the dominant force in the house and Rob would be her plaything. The key in the door lock, made Maxine aware of Rob's return home. She waited for him in full view of the front door with increasing arousal. As she waited, she became mini multi orgasmic as the black lace underwear began it's second function, turning maxine into a nymphomaniac. The look on Rob's face went from surprise, to horror, to fear as Maxine made her way to him. Picking him up, she carried him with great ease to the bedroom, the slightest touch of her foot on the door sent it slamming shut and the new life of Maxine and Rob began.