Searching for Sparky part 3 by Stewy The material beneath and around me was so soft and comforting. I woke up in a huge soft bed wearing a pair of toddler's firetruck underwear and a tiny white T-shirt that fit me rather well. I looked up at the lacey frilly pillows and saw 3 Teddy bears carefully placed on top of them so they were all sitting up. The sheets below me had flowers on them. I was in an extremely femenine room. Everything about it was girly. The walls were covered in pink wallpaper with flowery designs of tulips and roses and dainty patterns. There was a jewlry box on the dresser, a large mirror, and a music box. The smell of roses in the air was pungent. The room smelled like Clarissa. Everything was so huge, the biggest teddy bear on the bed even seemed to be as big as me. I guessed I couldn't have been much more than 2 feet tall. I looked down and saw my disgusting penis hanging two thirds of the way down to my knees. I shook my hips a bit and watched it wobble, both in awe and disgust. "What kind of a person would do this to somebody?" I asked myself. "Clarissa? Are you home?" I heard Milton's voice boom outside approaching Clarissa's room. Panic instantly washed over me and my survival instincts kicked in, I rolled off the bed to the side far from the door and dropped to the floor softly. *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* "Clarissa?" Milton asked right outside the door. I rolled my body underneath the lacy covering of the bed that almost touched the floor. I bumped into some kind of folder as I slid across the carpet, but the noise I made was hardly audible even to me. *Creeaaaaaak* I heard the door open slowly. "Clarissa?" repeated Milton's doofy voice. I lay perfectly still under the bed. *Creeaaaak* *Kaclick* the door shut softly. I looked at the folder I had bumped into under the bed that was half the size of my body. It had the words "Trexiclin 520 Test Subject #1" written across it in big black permanent marker. I pushed it out from under the bed. Once out from underneath the bed, I opened the huge front of the folder to see a stack of papers, some of them having polaroids attached to them. I looked at the first page of the stack. [Day 1,] it read. I stared with wonder at the first poloroid as was a picture of what appeared to be a younger, smaller, version of Clarissa. I couldn't tell how old she was, but she didn't seem nearly as tall as when I had first met her. She was standing next to a bulldog that was white with brown spots and she smiled into the camera. [Project initiation date 8-23-2004] I read from the upper right corner. "Wow," I thought, "that was less than a year ago." "THERE you are." I heard Milton's voice say outside in another room. "Hi daddy!" I heard Clarissa's soft voice chirping. Hearing her nearby made me cringe in fear, but I was compelled to read this file, suspecting it to be important. [Today I innoculated the test subject and found that the predicted results occured. The subject seems to have lost around 12% of its original body mass everywhere except for its penis and testicles. I was suprised to observe how much mass I gained, growing roughly 3 inches in height, and gaining 17 pounds in weight.] I turned the first page over and looked at the next one. The top was labeled [Day 2]. I glanced down at the poloroid to see that Clarissa was indeed about 3 inches taller. Not only was she taller, but she did seem bigger in all the right places, her girlish teen chest was now a bit heftier, having gone from from a B-cup to somewhere around a C, maybe even a bit bigger I donno. It was hard to tell from just the photo. Regardless it was easy to discern that she had grown all throughout her body. "I was just in Mommy's lab Daddy." said Clarissa's voice softly and sweetly, her voice being heard gently through the walls. "Oh right of course." replied Milton, pretending to know everything about his daughter. "I think you should..." their conversation was a bit muffled to hear all of it. I turned my interest back to the file as I suspected they were moving further away from the room I was in. [After the second innoculation, I experienced the same growth in mass as I had from the first. Subject shrank seemingly the same amount as the last time as well.] I looked down at the photograph to see Clarissa as I had known her from the very first day I met her. She stood beside her now shrunken dog with her brand new DD cup chest thrust proudly in a thin white T-shirt. You could see her nipples through the T-shirt if you looked closely, but I decided it'd be a bad time to get distracted and turned the page. [Day 3, the subject continues to shrink as you can see. In this picture it is readiliy evident that its genitals show no sign of reduction. It's loss of mass seems to be consistant being roughly 12-13% of its original body mass. The experiment seems to be going well, although today I gained no mass and I cannot discern why.] I began flipping through the pages left and right, seeing Clarissa's dog get smaller and smaller, while she remained at the size she was in the 2nd picture. She sure loved her dog alright, several pictures were of her coddling it to her huge bosom as it tried to squirm away from her grasp with a look of panic on its face. The disgusting part was that the dog's privates never shrank, making it look more than bizarre. I flipped all the way to the 8th sheet, the last one in the first stack of papers.. [Day 8, Today my experiment ends. The subject seems to have stopped shrinking now, ending with his genitals being roughly a little less than half his entire body mass. I don't fully understand why he stopped shrinking, but there appears to be a plateau. All in all the experiment has been a great success.] I turned to the next page. [Scientific Conclucions/Questions: I still don't understand why the innoculations only made me grow twice or why the subject eventually stopped shrinking.] [Side Effects: An unexpected side effect included extreme muscle fatigue whenever the subject became aroused. Apparently this is caused by the re-location of the subjects blood into the genitals. Other side effects included increased sensetivity of the penis and dizzyness. These are only the short term side-effects, there may be long term ones that I am so far unaware of.] I turned to the next page. [Trexiclin 520 Applicator Details and Instructions] I glanced down the page to see diagrams of what was some kind of liquid-gel applicator. There were diagrams on how to use it too. Innoculation was performed by applying the gel to one's skin, which would then have to rub against the male organ before making it ejaculate. One could use their hands, mouth, lips, feet, whatever, it wasn't important. The gel lasted an hour or two after applying it. I flipped through the rest of the file and came across a news paper article in the very bottem of the stack of papers that was dated 9 months ago. [Clarissa Huckleberry, the daughter of the famous 1997 Hudson's Prize Winner Myrtle Huckleberry has been taken under the care of a mental institution after using herself as a test subject in a dangerous scientific experiment. Ms.Huckleberry seems to have suffered severe mental damage and has become highly unstable. Once a bright promising young mind the world expected to see extroardinary things from, Ms.Huckleberry has regressed into what can only be described as a grown up child. Ms.Huckleberry's parents feel confident that they can find a cure and assist her in recovery, but medical authorities claim her brain to have been permanently damaged.] This article did nothing to comfort me. I dropped it in the file, closed it and shoved it back under the bed. I heard footsteps approaching and froze underneath the bed, hiding in the shadows. *Creeeeeaaaak* *Kaclick* the door of Clarissa's room opened and close, the footsteps were coming closer, whoever it was was right next to me. I saw the underside of the bed that was the ceiling above me cave downwards as a large weight settled onto the bed above, causing the springs in the bed to let out a soft creaking sound. Being as silent as I could be, I didn't move a muscle. The silence lasted a few minutes, but it seemed like an eternity to me as I cowered in the shadows under the bed in fear. Most likely, Clarissa was lying on the bed above me. Clarissa the mental patient, Clarissa the bloated overgrown sex goddess with a mind that had a 13 year old's maturity level and an 18 year old genious's intellect. I wasn't even sure what exactly was wrong with her. All I knew is that the experiment had messed her up. No doubt using the Trexiclin 520 again as me as her subject was not a smart move on her part. "I knoooow your innnnn heere." her voice said softly and sexily. Already I was fighting sexual thoughts. She hardly had to speak and sex would just shoot into my mind. I began combatting recent memories with my brain, fighting not to think about the time I held onto her pigtails with her huge head in between my legs, trying not to think about the time she brought me to orgasm almost effortlessly between those huge breasts of hers, and absolutely trying not to remember the time she made me cum so violently between those plush lips of hers. "Do you like you're new room? You're going to live with me now." her high pitched voice spoke above me. "Oh I'm so so happy Mitch. We're all alone, you and me. This is my dream come true. I have you all to myself. Now I can play with you all day. Take care of you. Oh god, it's almost too much." her girly voice squeeked with utter and complete joy. There was no doubt that she was both mad, and truely as ecstatic about kidnapping me as she was expressing. I heard her tremendous body shift, causing the springs to skwak gently as her weight shifted. "I have no chance of escaping." I thought to myself. "No chance at all." my mind echoed. "If I run for the door right now, she'll grab me. I'm far too short to open the door and there's no way I could get a footstool in time." my mind contemplated. I crawled to the other side of the bed closer to the door and peered underneath the lacy material of the bed to see into the room, peering across the carpet that seemed like it stretched on and on and on. Seeing all of the room's furniture and objects, I judged my top sprinting speed would seem like an infant's. Hearing the springs creak once again, an enormous up side down head appeared instantaneously in front of me as fast a serial killer leaps around a corner to suprise an unknowing victim. My whole body jerked and I banged my head on the underside of the bed, causing me to fall face first into the carpet in agony. I felt hands covering my whole torso as they wrapped around me and slid me out from underneath the bed, causing a slight rugburns on my legs. I felt air pass by me and rush against my skin I was lifted around effortlessly, feeling the change in height and position as I was plopped down onto a bed face first right below on of those huge pillows. I bounced up and down a bit and ended up with my face plastered into the soft white flowery sheet material, causing my vision to be dark until I turned my head to the right to see a white wall and 2 or 3 feet of the bed. I pushed myself up with my arms and rotated onto my back and looked the other side to see the most terrifying sight I had ever seen. Strewn across the expanse of the couch was Clarissa's enormous curvy body propped up on one elbow peering down at me. Wearing her school uniform, her tight white button down shirt was wrapped tightly around her chest with just the top few buttons unbuttoned, giving me a eyeful of the top of her cleavage being squished together, as they bulged out of her top, large in proportion to her titanic body as they fell gracefully onto the bed to my right. Her huge enormous head was directly to my right looming above me as I listened to her breath and watched her chest rise and fall, rise and fall. Her legs were bent up sexily far below me, showing off a great deal of those creamy thighs from underneath her skirt. I felt myself becoming aroused despite my terror that caused my body to shake and quiver slightly. "There you are." Her high pitched voice echoed throughout the room and my body. She placed a huge finger on my chest and began tracing circles on it playfully, my eyes still glued to that heaving chest of hers. "Hehe," she giggled, "You're staring down my top Mitch. Do you like what you see?" she cooed sweetly down at her toy, her finger sliding up and down my torso and across my arms, playing with me. "Please... Stop..." I stammered, my voice shaking with fear. "Stop what Mitch?" she chirped playfully, taking purposefully deep breathes. I couldn't take my eyes off her chest, they were positively hypnotic as they rose and sank, rose and sank, rose and sank. "You..." I began before I felt it. I felt my body tingling, my muscles growing weaker as the blood rushed into my loins. "Oh No!" I gasped, causing Clarissa's booming girly voice to chuckle above me, still lightly tracing her pointer finger across my chest. "What's wrong Mitch?" she asked innocently as her finger lifted up from my body and gracefully began to unbutton her shirt, popping free a few straining buttons, revealing all of the gaping cleavage that was bursting out of her bra as her body surrounded my right side. "Oh god." I gasped, feeling more and more of that wierd tingling feeling. My hardon seemed to drain my body of it's vital energy as it thickened between my legs and began to rise under my firetruck underwear. I already felt like I could hardly lift my arm. "No! Stop!" I yelped, pushed myself up but not raising more then 3 inches before a big soft palm placed itself firmly on my chest and torso, spanning it entirely as it effortlessly held me pinned to the bed. Using her left arm to prop herself up on her elbow, she used her left hand to hold me still while her other hand traced her index finger down her neck, slowly drawing big circles above her breasts before it gently slid across the very tops of her bulges teasingly. "Do you like looking at them?" she cooed. I simply breathed heavily into the air. "Ohhhhhh," she cooed "Look at how hard I'm making you." she informed me as her finger slid gently between the very top of her cleavage, then sliding back up out to her neck, then sliding back between and rubbing it around in small circles between those huge heaving tits that were bulging out of her bra. "Don't..." I gasped, so much blood was gone, and I was so aroused, speaking was more than an effort. Clarissa laughed and brought her soft finger up to my manhood that was pointing straight up into the air and gently ran her touch from the bottem of the shaft to the underside of the head before withdrawing. This caused me to rise to a full salute. She yanked my underwear off and tossed them across the room and I was aghast at how huge my penis was. It must have reached all the way to my sternum, and was thick and red. She unexpectedly tore my small T-shirt slowly up the middle and pealed it off me. I saw her lips lower close to my penis, pursing their soft red lushness to blow a soft gust of wind on it, sending a shiver down my spine and making her giggle playfully. She blew another gust at it, making it twitch, then another, laughing each time at my reaction. She seemed to like to stare at my penis, as if mezmerized by it, but she was almost as fond at staring at my face to read my reactions, seeming to revel in my arousal. "There. Doesn't that feel good? Hrmmm?" she cooed down at me like she was speaking to a baby. "D... Don't..." My mouth was full of air as I tried to speak. I felt massive weight shift off of the bed as Clarissa stood up. I stared at her huge body as it walked over to her dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a clear bottle and sauntered back over. Struggling in my position, I couldn't really muster the strength to lift my body up. I could sort of turn it slightly from side to side and lift my arms up a bit, and my legs could move around slightly, but that was about it. I stared up at the enormous dick that was attached to me and cursed it for being the source of my weakness. "This is disgusting. I must look like a human dildo." I thought to myself, feeling shame and pity welling up inside me for being so helpless. I bounced on the bed slightly as Clarissa settled her weight back onto it in the exact same position. *Snap* the sound of a bottle opening. Clarissa sat up and squirted some oil in between those great bulging breasts of hers before lying back down next to me. "Look Mitch. I made a mess." she whispered as she began rubbing the oil all over the cleavage of her breasts as they were squashed together. "OoooO, that feels nice. Look at that." she cooed, smearing the oil all over her, making her bosom shine and reflect light as her hand slid smoothly over and between them. Clarissa didn't bother using her hand to pin me to the couch anymore, she knew I couldn't move. "Gosh, now my hand is all slippery Mitch." she said innocently, her eyes bearing down on me with a huge grin as her fist wrapped around my giant stiffy, pumping it once up and down ever so slowly before stopping. I felt myself shudder, my orgasm already building. "This was Sparky's favorite part." she whispered, her hand passing up and down me again. I felt cool oil being squeezed onto my massive erection from above as her hand pumped against me again painfully slowly, smearing the oil into me. I squirmed and flailed, causing my arms to lift mear inches off the floor. "See? You're too weak now. You need me to do it for you." she said matter of factly in an immature tone. All of a sudden, her fist sped up, very fast. It began to pump and pump and pump against me. "OOhhh." I gasped, my breath quickened to the point that it sounded like I was running a marathon. Clarissa's voice cooed and coddled above me, giggling between her words of encouragement. "Ohhhhh shhhiitttt!" I yelled, her fist quickly bringing me to the verge of orgasm. The sloshing wet noises of the oil on my dick stopped all of a sudden, her hands letting go of me and tracing her fingers up and down my legs. I lurched as I had been denied orgasm. "Uuuugghhh!" I yelped, causing Clarissa to giggle again, smiling down at me, those shiny breasts expanding and contracting beneath me under her tight white shirt. Her own arousal was obvious as she breathed heavily in her shirt, her eyes twinkling with excitement as she played with her toy. Clarissa waited a moment and then traced her finger up and down the underside of my shaft languidly. It felt incredibly stimulating. She would linger at the spot right below my head, tracing circles around it with her slippery oily finger. Pretty soon her hand began to pump me slowly again, filling the air with the mushy noise of her oily minstrations. Her hand was moving so slowly against me that it took 10 seconds to slide all the way up and down my shaft. Pretty soon it began her super fast technique against, pumping the life out of me in her firm grip. Feeling my orgasm quickly pulse, her hand instantly slowed back down, passing up and down me painfully slow once again. Then it sped up again, bringing me to what I finally thought would be my orgasm, only to let go of my completely and coo down at me. "This... Is... Not... Right..." I panted, this made her giggle with joy as her fingers began to trace up and down my length again, blowing purses of wind down at me. Laying partially paralyzed against the bed, Clarissa stopped touching me all together, watching me with a fixed intense gaze like she was watching the most suspensefull movie she had ever seen, obviously enthralled with what was happening. I squirmed gently under her gaze, both unable to escape this giantess, and unable to finish myself off. "Ohhh look at you squirm, you're so CUTE." she coddled, touching my cheek with one of her huge oiley fingers. The oil smeared on my face. I managed to muster all my strength to bairly wipe it off with my hand. I lifted my hands to my enormous penis and tried to touch it but my strongest exertion of strength felt more pitiful then even Clarissa's faintest touch. Clarissa saw what I was trying to do and stared down at me with a huge open mouthed smile, relishing in her moment of triumph. She knew it was over, she had complete and utter control over me. "Awwww, poor baby." she said sweetly, lowering those big wet lips down to the head of my dick and planting a long, soft, lingering kiss with an audible smack. My dick twitched and pulsed in the air. I moaned that sounded half like a moan of pleasure, but half like the whine of a child. I felt those big oiley hands wrap around me again. This time she slid slowly up to the tip of my dick, opened a gap between her middle and ring finger, and slid my length back down between them, squeezing me between her knuckles. Her hand ever so slowly passed all the way back up and she grabbed my head like a doorknob, passing her fingers over the top and sliding it between her pointer and middle finger this time, once again squeezing it between her knuckles on the way down. All the while she searched my face, noticing when I cringed, when I shuddered, observing my look of pleasure and extreme frustration. Her body was still breathtaking. My eyes scanned her bulging curves as she stroked me and teased me, knowing that her pace was too slow to make me come. Her hand would stop stroking me and slide her fist around just the head for a while before sliding me back down between her two knuckles. She pursed her lips down at me and whispered "Ooooo"'s and "Ahhhh"'s, making "O" shapes with her lips and parting them seductively. Sometimes she would slide her tongue across her lips, wetting them and making them shine. "I did this to Sparky for 2 and a half hours once." She announced, like it was some form of accomplishment rather than sadistic sexual torture. I was quickly beginning to fully understand how and why Sparky had a heart attack and died. I pondered if I might share a similar fate. "Stah.... Puh..." I choked on my own words. "Huh?" she joked in her high pitched voice. "Stah... Puhh... Puh... Lease..." I uttered pathetically. "Hrmmm..." she pondered with a finger to her lips, stopping her minstrations. "What is it Mitch? Do you want to cum? Is that it?" she asked innocently. Allowing me the grace of recovery, it began to be easier to speak. "Please, I don't want to get smaller." I whined. Clarissa rolled her eyes, "Oh please, it's a LITTLE late for that don't you think? Besides, you won't shrink much more after this time. I would make you smaller if I could, but I don't know how yet." she spoke in her girlish voice. The words "yet" struck me, but I tried to stay on target, not knowing how long she would have mercy on me. "Please, please don't make me cum." I begged. "Newp, soon you'll be begging me to make you cum." she quipped. "You bitch!" I yelled, furious with my tormenter. The strange thing was she didn't seem the slightest bit offended. In fact she seemed pleased with my words as her mouth cracked into a toothy grin. My body shook as her hand descended on me once again, torturing me with her slow knuckle masturbation. I heard the sound of oiley skin contact as her huge hand squished and squeezed my seemingly giant head and shaft. She gripped almost the entire shaft in her hand and began rubbing her thumb back and forth right underneath the underside of my head. "Beg me Mitch. Beg me and I might let you cum." she whispered sexily. "No!" I yelled with effort. "Suit yourself." she said apathetically, her hand began pumping faster and faster and faster until it was almost a blur as it passed up and down my dick. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit." I thought to myself, cringing at what I knew was about to happen. "Fuh... K..." I whined, feeling my orgasm teetering already, then the hand slowed down to it's slow knuckle technique. "UUUuuuuUUUUuuuGgghghhhhhhhHHhHHRrrr!" I gritted through my teeth, having been denied orgasm once again. Once again the oiley hand sped up against me to a super fast pace, stopping just seconds after it started, slowing down once again. "HHuuuuUUuuRrrrrrr!" I grunted, feeling my orgasm teeter on the edge then be brought back by her withdrawel. Clarissa's head lowered to my dick and her tongue slipped out between her lips and pressed itself down against her chin like a little girl showing you what she had ate as she eyed me with evil intentions. She lowered her mouth so that it was inches away and then gave me one big long slow lick from my balls to my head before she once again withdrew. "FfffffffuuuuuuUUUuuCccCcccKKKKKK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Clarissa laughed hysterically, fully coming to realize her power over me. "Beg me Mitch. Beg me and you can have it all. You can cum anywhere you want, I'll even let you choose. Just beg me to let you cum." she commanded, looking down at a facial expression that dared me to defy her. "Never Bitch!" I yelled, making her crack another big smile. Once again her head lowered down and gave me another slow lick all the way up my shaft and balls. Then her tongue lapped at my enormous testicles, bouncing and juggling them before sliding all the way up my shaft once again. The timing she had down. It was almost too perfect. I felt my cock twitch and pulse as I thought she might have accidently pushed me over the edge, but my penis stopped and nothing came out of the head. I lay on the bed panting, my breathes reminded me of when I had to run the mile in high school. "Stop... Please... Stop..." I pleaded. She just shook her head playfully before her tongue slid against me once again, this time stopping at my head to undulate sexily against it. My orgasm approached and she withdrew with a seductive smile. "RrruuuuhhhH!" I screamed. This was too much, I grunted and groaned as she denied me release again and again and again. Eventually I caved. "FINE!" I gasped, feeling her tongue on me again. "Let... Me..." I panted, "Cum! Puh... Lease..." Clarissa's head lifted up and beamed down at me in utter and complete joy, a twisted look in her eye as she began to pant herself. I saw the nipples penetrate her bra and shirt as they stiffened. "OoooOoohhh." she moaned softly. "But you have to beg me Mitch! Beg me!" she breathed, easing off my penis to allow me to talk. "I'm... Begging you... Please let me cum. I don't care where, just let me come." I cried like a kid in a toystore doing his best to get its parents to buy a toy, only sounding even more desperate. "Tell me you're helpless." She commanded, her breasts heaving with her increased arousal, causing her chest to rise and fall more heavily as she looked down at me from her position at my side. "I'm helpless." I stated plainly. "Tell me that you're so so weak and helpless and that you NEED me to get you off." she commanded. "I'm so so weak and helpless and I need you to get me off." I responded undefiantly. I would have cursed the grave of my fallen ancestors if she had asked me to. "Tell me you would do ANYTHING for me to make you cum." she commanded. "I would do ANYTHING for you to make me cum." I responded. "Tell me you'll be my plaything forever and ever." she ordered. "I'll be your plaything for ever and ever." I reluctantly replied. I saw the weight of those tremendous breasts slide gently towards me, bringing them even closer to my head as she brushed her blond hair back behind her shoulder, providing me a better view. "So... Mitch..." she whispered, a finger tracing down her neck across her cleavage slowly and sexily. I lay there stunned in silence. "Where is it you want to cum? Hrmmm?" she asked softly in her high pitched voice, her finger now sliding in between those bulging breasts. I watched aghast as her cleavage swallowed her finger before it slid slowly back out, then back in, then back out, then back in. out, in, out, in. All this while she arched her back a big beside me. "I... think..." I began, my eyes glued to her finger. Staring at me intently, her finger slid up her neck, across her cheek and slid up across her lips that pouted before opening slightly to allow her big tongue to slide out across her finger before she stuck it into her mouth. Sucking on her finger, she gave me a mock look of ecstasy as she pulled it slowly back out, making loud sucking noises as she did. "What's it gonna be Mitch?" she asked throatily as she lifted her skirt up far below my feet showing me her thick tanned thighs underneath, rubbing her palm up and down them. "You can cum anywhere on my body. ANYWHERE. All you have to do is say where." she whispered, sliding her palms up her stomach and across her chest, giving her right breast a hearty squeeze, cooing in pleasure. "Your," I gulped "Breasts." There was no response, she only grinned and slid her bosom across the bed the short distance it took for it to be upon me. I stared in awe as they appeared to get bigger and bigger until they brushed against my side. "Oooohh." I moaned in pleasure as the brushed against me, sliding across my body slowly until I felt the material on my tremendous penis. Feeling my orgasm build quickly, it began approaching even faster as I felt her flesh squashing against me through the material of her bra and shirt. Clarissa pushed her chest up into my dick, flattening her breasts against me, pressing my member up against my torso hotly. She began humping me with her chest ever so gently, making sure not to put too much weight on me, but she still felt really really heavy. As she fell into a slow gentle roll on top of me, my orgasm was already approaching the level she had pushed me too time and time again earlier. I began to cringe thinking she might pull away again. "Ohh God. Clarissa, you're sooo big." I moaned, feeling my engorged dick sliding against the slick soft material of her shirt and against the bare flesh of her cleavage that engulfed me. "HuuuuUUuuu..." I whined, on the verge of orgasm. It didn't take more than 30 seconds and Clarissa never sped up, she knew she wouldn't have to. I let go of everything in the center of her heaving clothed bosom. "AaaaaRrggghhhhH!!!" I screamed on the top of my logs, feeling what had to have been the most explosive orgasm she had ever given me due to the fact that she had built me up for so long. Since the head of my dick was at my sternum, some of the semen sprayed up and splattered on my chin, face and chest as it spewed between her rolls. As her weight pressed back down against me, her tits would engulf it, causing the goo to splatter on her chest. Then as she lifted up again to roll into me with her gentle mistrations, more cum leaked out onto my chest, then she engulfed it again. I felt the material of her shirt get wet with my hot stick goo as she continued to work me so softly with the tremendous weight of her chest, coddling and comforting me the whole way through. "There we go. That's it. Just like that. Doesn't that feel better? All you had to do was ask." she cooed down at me in a baby doll voice. I sputtered and spat semen from my mouth as my face was substantially covered with it. It was really nasty, but I was lost in so much pleasure as I spasmed against the expanse of Clarissa's tits, I didn't care. The large heaving chest that was pressed into me finally slid down my legs as Clarissa's huge tongue began lapping at all the semen that had shot up at me. I felt her tongue on my face, wetting it as the rough, but tender tool cleaned me off. As it slid down my chin and onto my chest, I felt it growing bigger. I felt all of Clarissa growing bigger against me as I shrank. The flowers on the sheets expanded, the pillows rose above me a little higher. Despite my massive orgasm, I didn't feel like I shrank too much that time, believing myself to have finally reached my smallest size made possible by the Trexiclin 520. I was still spasming in pleasure as Clarissa's tongue continued to clean me off lovingly. Her mighty tongue slid up and down my shaft to make sure I was extra clean before she rose her torso up into the air, sitting on the bed. I was in awe as her massive form was raised above me and she looked down at me over her incredible bosom that was coated and caked with my load. There was a huge wet spot on her shirt, and her naked cleavage was glistening. Clarissa seemed to notice me looking and arched her back, stretching her arms into the air, allowing me to stare. I was simply taken by her, her size was simply awe inspiring. "You're such a good little boy. Look at the nice big mess you made." she pointed out, squeezing her breasts together. I lay there breathing, feeling absolutely fantastic. My cock was finally deflating and I looked forward to being able to move my limbs again. "You REALLY like looking at them don't you Mitch? I can tell." she whispered, lowering herself back down on her side, placing those breasts inches away from me so that they filled my vision. I stared down at them without a thought, watching them rise and expand, still shining with my juices. "That's right. Stare at them. I like that." she whispered, her hands petting my tiny head softly like a cherished pet. "We're going to do this all the time Mitch. All day, every day. I'm going to play with you and make you cum all over my body. Sometimes I'll let you even choose where, but I like to be the one in control." she informed me in her high pitched voice with her fingers playfully sliding across her bustline. "Yeah look at that. They're so big aren't they? And you're so tiny. So so tiny." she continued. "Think you could fit in between them now? Are you tiny enough?" she asked, pressing my body towards her as if to judge its size. As she compared my body to them, I saw she very well could wrap them around me, although they would cover my entire torso, shoulders and thighs, my knees would be hanging out from the bottem and my head peaking out the top. "Almost... but I could defenitely squish you between them." she said, squeezing her breasts together right next to me as she said the word "squish". My cock was now limp and flacid between my legs, hanging just about to my knees. I stood up and walked away from Clarissa across the bed, she made no attempt to stop me. Rather, Clarissa's eyes were glued to my body, watching my every movement with excitement. I climbed off the foot of the bed and felt my feet hit the soft carpet as I began to explore her room, walking across the sea of carpet between her bed and the doorway, looking at all the huge furniture. "Ohhh wow. You look SO cute walking around. Hehe." she giggled stupidly. I looked up at her as she lay back on the couch, her breasts falling into her as they pointed up towards the ceiling, her knees pointing up into the air causing her skirt to fall into her crotch, exposing her full creamy thighs. Her stomach was so very flat and taught and I felt slight pangs of arousal already coursing through me as I looked at her perfect curves. I explored her room, walking around, going into her bathroom and noticing how huge the tiles were beneath my feet. I stood in awe as I looked at how huge the toilet was with it's frilly pink seat cover. Come to think of it, I did have to take a leak, but judging my height to be around 1 and a half feet tall, I couldn't climb up. I walked over to the doorway and reluctantly spoke. "Ummm. Clarissa?" I asked meekly. Clarissa's huge face turned from gazing up at the ceiling to look over at me from her position lying on her back on her huge bed, her lips forming a smile. "I... Uh... Have to pee." I said pathetically, feeling like the most worthless little existance on the planet. "Awwwwww, you need mommy to help you?" she asked in that high pitched voice. "Mommy will help." she said coyly as she slowly slid off the bed and her huge legs began to strut towards me, causing the ground to shake and vibrate beneath me. Her huge sexy body seemed to grow and grow before me as she approached. I stepped to the side of the doorway and allowed her to enter. I looked up at those huge tanned creamy thighs and underneath her skirt to see those black satin panties that were stretched tautly against her perfect round muscular bottem. Regretting my decision to sneak a peak, I felt myself stiffen further between my legs. My body began to tingle and my knees grew weak. Clarissa bent at the waist and lifted the toilet seat effortlessly, her skirt lifting up and giving me a full view of her perfect ass underneath her skirt. I felt the blood rushing back into my dick as my knees gave and I fell to the floor, ashamed at myself. "Mitch? Are you..." she turned and looked over at my helpless tiny body on the ground, with a hardon that stretched up to my upper chest, my limbs slightly squirming in attempt to move. "Awwwwww, you poor thing. Is mommy making it hard? I didn't mean to. Let me help." she cooed. I felt my stiff rod pulse as she leaned in towards me, scooping me up with her huge palm under my thighs, ass and lower back as her other hand took a pointer finger and tickled my chest, coddling me. "Dooo Jooo Dooo. You're such a cute little guy, yes you are." she coddled. I was speachless as my body was whisked around effortlessly through the air. "Ok Mitch. Ready?" "Y... Yes." I managed to gasp. Then my head swam as the world was turned upside down, my throbbing erection pointed down into the bowl of the toilet as her hands grabbed my torso and legs, holding me above the toilet. "Go ahead." she told me. I had to take a leak so bad, but it was difficult with this huge she giant holding me in her grasp upside down. I concentrated and felt a bit trickle out and then stop. "Ooohhh good boy. That's it, go ahead little guy." she encouraged me. Finally I relaxed and my urine began to flow. I heard it falling into the toilet below as she did all the aiming for me. Soon I was empty and filled with relief as the world uprighted itself once again. Cassandra's face seemed as big as a billboard as it was held inches away from mine, coddling me. "Good little boy. You know what we do to good little boys?" she asked in her high pitched tone. I shook my head side to side as I sat in her giant soft palm, frightened to death with my erection beginning to wane. I stared in horrer as her tongue slipped out between her lips and licked all the way around her lips in a slow long circle as she eyed me hungrily. I didn't even have time to protest as her hand lifted me up towards her mouth, her warm plush lips wrapping around me lovingly. "UUuuNnnnNNhhhhh!" I moaned as she mouthed me up and down for a while. Clarissa carried me around the room as she let my stiffness sit in her mouth, her tongue lapping at me ever so gently. She walked over to her dresser and I saw the world rushing past at seemingly lightning speed as I lay back against her huge palm, coursing with pleasure. I heard a couple clicks and a music box started, playing a sweet twangy him that resounded throughout the room, filling it with a loving atmosphere. "Huurrrr Hurrrr Rurrrr." she hummed and mouthed agressively, causing my dick to vibrate as she lapped and sucked at it. I came in no time, she just held me in her mouth as she carried me about, fishing out clothes and seeming to do chores with her free hand while she let me twitch and pulse in her warm wet mouth. I felt entirely drained. Finally, a minute or so after I had fully deflated, Clarissa set me on the couch as she began undressing. I gawked at her outrageous curves as she unbuttoned and pealed off her shirt with her back to me. I oggled the huge wide bra-strap that wrapped around her back as she began undoing her skirt and let it drop to the floor to step out of it. My eyes felt like they were popping out of my sockets as I stared at her in that black underwear. She reached behind her and undid her bra, letting it drop to the floor. I could see the sides of her oversized bosom from behind her before she crossed her arms over them and turned around. My breath was speedy and my chest was rising and falling rapidly as I looked up at this teenage sexpot that was topless with her arms covering her massive chest, that spilled all around. She took a step towards me and spoke. "I've gotta take a shower Mitch, don't move a muscle." she commanded before turning around and bending over to pick up her clothes, releasing her hands from her breasts as she bent over and gave me a gut-wrenching display of her taut ass as it was thrust into the air with bent knees. I felt like my eyes were going to roll into the back of my skull as I attempted to catch a hint of nipple as her breasts heaved and wobbled as she bent back up. She held her clothes up to her chest as her hips and ass bobbed from side to side as she waltzed into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. I collapsed back against the bed, my head still spinning from that display. I needed a breather to recover from that, thinking that I might never be able to shake those images from my mind for the rest of my lifetime. Needless to say I was entirely caught off guard when the bathroom door swung back open with Clarissa still holding her clothes to her chest. She let them go and they fell to the ground, fully exposing her huge massive naked chest for me to oggle. "Actually, do you wanna join me?" she asked innocently. THE END