Kat vs. Terry: Saturday night & got nobody By Steely Dan, steelydan1923@yahoo.com Two women find fighting partners and their own form of sensual foreplay. A corner booth, in a leather bar, on the Jersey Shore, alone ' and on St Patrick's Day too! Crap, this wasn't how Kathy had pictured things tonight. She was nursing another glass of Irish whiskey, as she gloomily contemplated the events that had landed her here tonight with no female companionship. No question, she was dressed to fit into her surroundings tonight ... calf-high leather biker boots covered her lower legs, a tight pair of black leather pants did their best to encase her massive quads with the pant legs tucked neatly into the boot tops. All that was hidden by the booth table, though ' what wasn't hidden to those who walked by was the tight white cotton tank top that covered her muscular torso, a top that made her look spectacular, if she didn't say so herself. The tank molded to her body as it showed off her wide, beefy shoulders, the deep valley between her thick, striated pecs, and her nicely sculpted, thickly muscled arms ... the same arms that had helped her destroy yet another impressively-muscled female opponent at this town's local Underground Fight Club earlier tonight. She wore a touch of gold to relieve the stark black and white look ... earrings, thick gold bracelets on both wrists, a thin gold belt with a butterfly clasp for a buckle, and a gold Claddagh ring on a chain around her neck. That last accessory was a gift from Mags given shortly after their first sex together. The Claddagh ring has two hands holding a crowned heart, symbolizing loyalty, friendship, and love, and is often used, especially in Ireland, as a wedding band. Kathy wore it around her neck because Mags had surprised her with it and, not knowing Kathy's ring size, it hadn't fit. She couldn't bear to have it sized ... she wanted to keep it intact, just as it had been given her. A black leather bomber jacket, draped over the back of the booth's bench seat, and a black leather purse with shoulder strap completed her outfit. Damn, I look like this and I'm sitting here alone, she thought to herself. What a fucking bitch this is, as she took a bigger gulp from the now-half-empty glass. Normally that impressive body -- "an attractive piece of meat sculpture," as she often referred to it herself -- and her face, still mesmerizingly beautiful despite years of bare-knuckle fights on the Underground circuit, attracted companionship of BOTH genders like an open honey jar attracts flies. Right now, either one would be OK, she thought. Any port in a storm. Indeed, she had received a few nibbles (the thought of that word bringing a brief and subtle grin to her face) since entering this establishment about two hours and two Irish whiskeys earlier. Some of the nibbles had been from women who, at first glance, looked quite capable of fulfilling Kathy's needs for the evening. Those needs being (A) a bone-crushing fight with a stunningly beautiful hunk of female meat sculpture, followed by (B) mind-shattering orgasms. MULTIPLE mind-shattering orgasms. However, at the moment, Kathy was sporting a left eye that displayed all the colors of the rainbow as well as a puffy lower lip, courtesy of her earlier opponent. Kristen hadn't been the sort of fighter who could stretch Kat's capabilities much, but she'd had her moments. The prospects, seeing these, had quickly decided that this might be trouble they didn't need, and practically scampered for other areas of the bar, as far from the big brunette as they could get and still be in the same building. But that had been a couple of hours earlier, when the place was still relatively sane. Now, at about half past midnight, the mayhem was in full swing, and from what was going on in the rest of the bar, Kat could only shake her head. Two booths away, two women were locked at the lips ' not a big deal, except they'd ripped off everything they wore above the waist before their passionate kiss. At a table not far from them, a very attractive woman was sitting by herself ' much like Kathy right now ' but her occasional "OOOOO" moans, her heavy breathing and her mouth locked in an oval shape made it obvious that someone was under the table, pleasuring her repeatedly. On one end of the wooden bar, the bartender was pouring tequila shots down a naked woman's chest, while others were slurping it up and moving to the woman's nipples, giving them a tequila bath. At the other end, a young woman who was apparently a gymnast had her thighs spread wide enough where two other women both had their heads locked in between. One bar stool had been pulled against a side wall, and a young woman in black leather ' the skirt short enough to expose her naked pussy -- was pleasuring herself while a couple of other women watched, both of them licking their lips. Near the door, one of the bar's female bouncers...herself a top-class piece of meat sculpture...a tall blonde maybe 5' 11" and 165 pounds of prime female beef, with a barbed wire tattoo encircling her well-developed right bicep...worth investigating but, unfortunately, on duty, was having a "discussion" with one of the rowdier patrons about whether it was time for her to go home or not...and the meaty SMACKS of their punches landing made Kathy's deprived pussy spasm with every smack. All that going on, and just because Kat had a reddening eye and a swollen lip, she was left to contemplate the depths of her glass, as she thought about the chain of events that had brought her to loose ends here in New Jersey. Kat's attention was diverted from the entertainment near the bar's entrance by a sudden burst of very loud, very drunken voices. She turned her attention that way just in time to see a heated argument between a brunette and a redhead at a table near the hallway to the Ladies' Room escalate from a shouting match into a full-on catfight. Both women stood up abruptly, the redhead was suddenly wearing the brunette's drink, while the brunette reeled back sporting a bright red hand-print where the redhead had bitch-slapped her nearly into the middle of next week. With a snarl, the brunette dived across the table, sending drinks flying everywhere as she tackled her opponent to the floor where, in seconds, they were rolling back and forth among the spilled drinks, slapping, scratching and pulling hair, their blouses in shreds, while an excited looking blonde, whose breasts, Kat suspected, HAD to be filled with helium, squeezed those huge knockers together with her arms while she watched to see who'd end up screwing her later. "'Girlie' stuff," Kat muttered with a snort, "Not worth my time..." and turned her gaze back toward the fight near the entrance...but, unfortunately, she'd missed the end of it. Barb Wire had polished off her opponent in the time it took Kat to look toward the rest room and look back, and was now heading toward the catfight with the obvious intention of giving the "fighters" the bum's rush. To be fair, Barb's opponent HAD been profoundly drunk, but it had looked pretty even before Kat's attention had been diverted. The object of Barb's attentions, now unconscious, was being revived by another voluptuous blonde, who had draped the drunk's meaty thighs over her shoulders and was "reviving" her by thoroughly tonguing "Sleeping Beauty's" pussy through the convenient slit in the crotchless leather pants the victim had worn tonight for just such an emergency. If the blonde hadn't been "Sleeping's" girlfriend prior to her encounter with Barb's ham-sized fist, she certainly WOULD be after THAT, Kat thought with a wry chuckle. And then the gloom closed in again, as Kat's thoughts returned to why she was here alone. It had been about two years now since "Kathy Ireland" -- the nom de guerre she used on the Underground fight circuit -- first met "Mags McGuiness" -- another nom de guerre attached to a tall, stunningly beautiful redhead -- for the first time. That night, they had fought a bare knuckle six- rounder that had bonded them and opened a new chapter in both of their lives ' a night from which Kathy remembered every small detail. They had been a couple since that night, keeping each other well-exercised in both the bedroom and in the back room ' the one reserved for "private" matches at the boxing gym where Kathy was a silent partner back home. That was when Mags was in town ' but nothing changed in the "workout room" in Mags' basement whenever Kat was in Mags' neck of the woods. The passion they shared, both for each other and for the activity that had brought them together in the first place, was deep and abiding, and strengthening with each subsequent encounter between them. However, they both understood the sexual component of what they did as fighters, and so their bond did not preclude either of them seeking other partners...of either gender...whenever their careers made that necessary. They always returned to each other, however, as often as they could. Tonight, though, their careers in the fight game had conspired to keep them apart. Winnie Lewis, formerly known as "Edwina the Strangler" when she had been a pro Underground wrestler (before she got her MBA and went into management), managed both of their careers on the Underground circuit, and this time, the scheduling had been against them. Winnie had accepted an offer from the club here in New Jersey for Kathy to meet the local Champion in a nude, bare-knuckle fight, and Kristen, her opponent, had turned out to be heterosexual -- frustrating for Kathy because the deep, primal emotional responses triggered by the act of fighting another gorgeous, impressively muscled woman always left her needing sexual relief afterward. Not that Kat hadn't made an attempt earlier tonight ' after she'd put the local club champion on her back for the fourth and final time in the fight, she'd stepped between her downed foe's legs, taken her bare foot and rubbed it against Kristen's pussy for several seconds. But the local champ had pushed her foot away with one of her meaty hands before she struggled to her feet. The woman had been polite enough when she refused with apologies after regaining her feet...Kathy had, after all, just finished thoroughly kicking her ass...but that hadn't made Kat feel any better. And the fact that her opponent was probably, at this very moment, getting a royal beef injection while Kathy sat alone in this bar with nothing but a Technicolor eye, a glass of whiskey, and a case of terminal horniness didn't help one little bit. Kathy and Winnie had been friends for over twenty years. It had been Winnie who had given Kathy her first lessons in wrestling when Kathy was just starting out on the underground circuit. But at that particular moment, sitting in this Jersey booth alone, Kathy could have cheerfully strangled her old friend "The Strangler." Normally, this would have been less of a problem than it was tonight since, on the rare occasions when that circumstance arose, Winnie would warn Kathy about it beforehand. That way, Kathy could arrange for someone to accompany her to the venue where the fight was to take place, both for moral support and then to provide the relief her opponent would not. Usually these days, that companion was Mags, if she were free. But tonight, Winnie had slipped up. She had failed to discover the local champion's sexual preference beforehand ... or at least had failed to warn Kathy about it, if she HAD known. Even worse, Winnie had booked Mags into an "Extreme Catfighting" tournament...actually a sort of Mixed Martial Arts event for women...taking place at the same time in Mobile, Alabama ... halfway across the country from New Jersey. And, unfortunately, the seconds the local club had assigned to the fighters for tonight had not appealed to her. They looked more like "traditional" Round Card girls than athletes, and Kathy preferred her partners to have considerably more sculpted meat on their bones than the seconds had had. And, just to add icing to the cake, the airline had lost one of Kathy's travelling bags. Normally, when "on tour" as it were, Kathy travelled with 3 pieces of luggage...a suit bag with a change of clothes, including shoes, her oversized yellow Everlast gym bag, containing all her "work" gear...fight gloves, hand wraps, mouthpiece and ring attire, including boots, and a 3rd small bag containing...well...FUN stuff, for use as required after the fight. The "fun" bag was, naturally, the one that went missing...and, equally unsurprisingly, it had turned out to be the most important of the 3 pieces of luggage this time out. As nearly as the airline could guess, the "Magic Suitcase" was somewhere between Poughkeepsie, New York, and Bangor, Maine. And since Kathy herself was in NEITHER of those places, it was doing her no damned good at all. And thus Kathy sat alone in her booth, staring at the last eighth of an inch of whiskey in this, her third glass of it, thinking "You're DEFINITELY going on my 'Fat Lip List' for this when I get home, Winnie." She was already gloomily contemplating the prospect of a date in her hotel room tonight with "Rosy Palm and her five sisters" to provide the release she desperately needed before catching her plane back home to Kansas in the morning. It was about that time that she sensed a presence approach the booth from behind her and a pleasant- sounding Jersey accent that had an attractively husky timbre to it. The voice said, "Hi, muscles. You look lonesome ... want some company?" Kathy turned to look at the person who spoke, expecting her Technicolor eye and fat lip to scare this one off as it had the other prospects so far. She saw a young woman ... Kathy guessed late twenties to early thirties ... with dark brunette hair cut short, dressed in a cropped black tank top which thoroughly revealed wide, meaty shoulders, a nice thick pair of pectorals, heavily muscled but well-proportioned arms and a washboard six-pack that bespoke many an hour spent sculpting all of the above on the iron at some gym. And NOT the sort of gym where underwear models went just to pose on the equipment in their Spandex "workout" suits while the guys ogled them, either. Moving her gaze to the lower half, Kathy noted a tight black leather miniskirt revealing massive quads, and a pair of calf-high black biker boots like Kathy's own to complete the ensemble. From a quick glance, Kat sized her up at about an inch shorter than herself at 5' 7", and perhaps ten pounds lighter at about 165 pounds. This woman was obviously the total package ... and the wide grin that spread across the shorter woman's face at the sight of Kathy's injuries brought a matching grin to Kathy's face, as well as sending a warm tingle through the taller woman's loins. Perhaps things were about to become a GREAT deal less gloomy, Kathy thought. "You look great," the younger woman said as she came forward past the back of the booth. "Thanks, so do you," Kathy replied, trying to keep her voice under control. "Please, have a seat." As she slid into the booth across from Kathy, her visitor said, "I'm Terry Clark, by the way, pleased to meet you," and offered her right hand to shake. Kathy took it and, for just a moment, both women squeezed hard as they shook hands, offering each other a sample of their strength. Both were impressed. "Kathy Ireland, nice to meet you too, Terry," Kathy said with a smile, using her ring name as she always did when she was on an Underground fight trip. "I don't know anyone in town, and could use the company." Terry's grin lit her face again, and she chuckled throatily before she spoke again. "You obviously know SOMEBODY, hon ... that eye and lip look pretty fresh. You been in a fight tonight? That look DEFINITELY works for you, by the way...you look sexy as HELL with a shiner." Kathy felt the warm dampness suffusing her loins since first seeing Terry intensify as the lips of her labia opened like a flower blooming and her womanly juices began to flow. "Could I be this lucky?" she thought, as she casually crossed her legs and matched Terry's grin with her own and replied "Hasn't worked too well for me so far TONIGHT, hon! But yes, I had a fight tonight...glad the evidence didn't put you off. Are you a fighter?," trying hard to keep the hopeful tone out of her voice as she responded to Terry's question. Even as she posed her own question, Kathy's deep blue eyes narrowed slightly as she examined the younger woman's face more intently ... and had her answer, even before Terry could reply. There they were ... the faint lines of telltale scarring around the eyes and an almost imperceptible thickening to the nose that would be invisible to anyone regarding that face with less intensity, unless they knew exactly what to look for. And Kathy did. In fact, she had a set of her own, visible only when someone else's eyes were only inches away from her face ... as they would be if she and the observer were, say, either locked up in battle or in the "throes of passion." "Yes ... underground." Terry replied with an intent look of her own. Kathy's own look sharpened further at her response. "Then you've heard of me?" she said, her voice suddenly tinged with just a hint of iciness. Like a gunfighter from the Old West, Kathy had often encountered women over the years whose intents were earning a reputation for themselves by being able to claim they had taken down the big brunette. Usually, they were youngsters whose egos had far outmatched their fighting ability ' like her opponent earlier tonight, who was probably still being "attended to" somewhere. So far, none of those young upstarts had even come within shouting distance of accomplishing their aim, and that was at the same time a source of pride and a source of frustration for Kat. She lived for opponents who could stretch her own abilities to their limit...and maybe a bit beyond that. The sudden hint of iciness in Kathy's voice was because she feared Terry might be another such inferior opponent. She devoutly hoped that was NOT the case, because Terry definitely had the sort of body that made Kathy's mouth water, and if she turned out to be "just another wannabe." it would ruin the prospects Kathy was beginning to hope for from their meeting. Terry blushed at Kathy's comment about her well-known status, her face and upper pecs turning red as she replied sheepishly, "Well, yes, actually. Who HASN'T? You're a legend on the underground circuit, hon, don't you know that? I'd heard you were in town, and wanted to meet you. I was even at your fight, though you were too busy to notice anything outside the ring at the time. You were TOTALLY awesome, by the way!!" And in that moment, Kathy suddenly realized that Terry, rather than using her ring handle, had given out her real name...because Kat kept track of talent, and Terry's name had rung no bells of recognition...and her heart soared with even greater hope than previously. No woman whose aim was just to enhance her ring reputation would have done THAT... Kathy laughed at Terry's comment, the relief so palpable she could TASTE it, and said, mock angrily, "And you've been deceiving me ever since you sat down! I ought to thump you!" "Maybe I'll give you the chance," Terry said, a perceptible lift in one eyebrow giving Kat reason to think she might be in action later on. "I'd love to see who is stronger ' where are you in from?" "Kansas, by way of Iowa and California," Kathy responded, already thinking it's time to get down to business. "Most of the time, I go wherever there's a good fight." "You les?" Terry asked, and Kat could see that her breath was already starting to come in short bursts. "Look around us, hon '" Kathy responded, with a lift of her own eyebrow..."what ELSE would I be in a place like this?" "Well, bi, like me," Terry said. "Love pussy, but a nice piece of man meat appeals sometimes ' got a boyfriend I live with ... Duke's good to me and I like jumping his bones when he starts thinking he's as good a fighter as I am. He's a bodybuilder so he looks really good, but he can't fight for crap and I love beating up on those muscles of his once in a while. But I'd rather fight a good hunk of woman '" She's making it obvious, Kat thought ' fuck, I hope she's as good as she thinks she is. Her loins were already stirring and she was almost ready to yell, "Check, please" to the waitress. "Me, too, sometimes, if it's the right man," Kathy said. "But I've got a partner ' she's a fighter, too, but we both see other people when we need to. Like when we're booked to fight in different places at the same time ' like tonight." I'm making it plenty obvious, too, Kat thought to herself, and had to stifle a laugh. Terry's questions kept coming. "You and your partner like to fight each other?," she asked, and as Kat nodded, Terry kept going. "PLEASE, tell me about your last fight with her! Fist fight?" "Yeah, we went bare knuckle. Mags was excellent, too ' it was great." Kathy smiled wistfully, remembering that night...Mags in the shower with her, her gorgeous body gleaming wetly, giving her THAT look...the breathless, mercifully short drive to the gym...the oil, then the fight...two gorgeous, magnificently muscled women hammering each other with their bare fists, pounding each other into such transports of arousal they couldn't wait another second for their release, and then the sex...the SEX...they'd barely managed to get away before the gym opened for business the next day, giggling like schoolgirls, so in love...GOD, I hope she's ok tonight, Kat thought, remembering where Mags was tonight... "MMMMMmmmm," Terry almost moaned, and Kat thought she felt a tremble as Terry leaned against the table. "Real bloody, I bet '. That's the only way to really fight." "Fistfights turn you on?" Kat said, getting her own question in and already knowing the answer. "I know that the gloves can do more damage, but the emotional rush from a bareknuckle fight is WAY more intense. At least, for me '" "I love any style that lets me punch," Terry said. "Bareknucks is fun, and there's something about putting the gloves on that's pretty exciting. I do a lot of no-holds-barred, too ' I closed this chick's right eye last fight with my MMA gloves. ' Something about dukin' it out with a gorgeous hunk of prime female beefcake just makes me really wet...so, the fight with your partner ' you won, huh? You get bloody, too?" "We BOTH did," Kathy said, downing the last of her whiskey to hide her excitement of talking about that last fight with her partner. "Mags looked really sexy with a shiner, too ' She got in some good shots, busted lip, blood nose, gave me a left eye about like the one I'm wearing tonight. We were in the shower together before it started, and she said she liked my look and I said I liked hers, too. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of months, we'd both been on the road, and we'd both gained some muscle since we were last together '" "So the fight was IN THE SHOWER?," Terry asked breathlessly. "No, although I've had fantasies about that," Kat quickly replied. "I own a half-interest in a boxing gym back home, and they set up a special room for me, for private matches. We went there '" Terry's deep breath was almost audible, and Kat was certain she heard a low moan coming from her, whom she hoped she'd be in a battle with very soon. "Gawd, I'd love to try you on," Terry said with a look that would melt steel. "Do you want to fight me?" JACKPOT! Kat thought, and felt her body shudder to a minor orgasm at Terry's question. "Love to," Kat shot back quickly, her voice barely under control. It was all Kat could do to keep herself from dragging her out of the booth and going at it right here, right now. "I've been thinking of nothing else since I first laid eyes on you, honey. Why don't we blow this pop stand and get to know each other a little better in the alley behind the bar? It'd be a shame to fuck up these outfits, though..." Terry grinned, then cast a meaningful glance to where Barb Wire was leaning against the wall glaring intently at them, her "Bouncer-sense" tingling at the suspicion of brewing trouble. "I was thinking of someplace a bit less public." Terry said, her lips almost quivering with excitement. "If we dance here, at least half the bar will turn out to watch, and some busybody will likely call the cops to break us up before we get to have all the fun we want. Plus we trash the outfits, and I'm fond of this look." "You've got a good point there," Kat replied. "In fact, SEVERAL good points. Got a suggestion to solve those little problems, hon?" "I've got a gym of my own," Terry said, squirming in her seat as she tried to keep her emotions under control. "It's in our basement, but it's pretty nice and well equipped ' got a nice ring, everything we need. I'd love for you to come over and see it...especially the ring!" "Perfect!" Kat said with a grin. "Tell me how to get there, and I'll swing by my hotel, pick up my gear and meet you there in, say, half an hour?" "Sure," Terry said breathlessly. "I'd love to show you what fighters here are really like." She quickly and abruptly stood up next to the booth, pulled out a business card and reached down, inserting the card between Kathy's breasts and strong pecs, wedging it inside her tight white tank top. "Go get your stuff and I'll go get everything ready. You got wheels?" Kat had already pulled the business card from her cleavage and her massive pecs ' noticing her nipples were so hard they were poking out of her top like wine corks ' and was eyeing it as Terry spoke. She saw that the directions had already been scrawled on the back ' she was hoping for this to happen as much as I was, Kathy thought. "I'll catch a cab," Kathy said. "A lot of times, after a fight, I don't feel much like driving." "And you won't tonight, when I get finished with you," Terry said as she locked eyes with Kat one more time. "Don't take too much time ' I'll be ready and waiting for you," she said as she quickly left the bar, almost running out the front door. I'll be ready, too, Kathy thought, pocketing the card before making the short walk back to her hotel (but not before stopping on her way out of the bar to have a brief chat with Barb Wire, which resulted in smiles on both sides and an exchange of phone numbers. Kat was never one to miss an opportunity where a gal with heft enough to be competitive was concerned), grabbing her equipment bag and jumping into a waiting cab. As she slid in, she noticed that her panties had long since given up containing her excitement, and she could feel the moisture from her already-warm pussy against the inside of her leather pants. I won't be wearing them much longer, anyway, Kat thought to herself as she handed the cabbie the card. "Quick as you can get me there," she said to him, and sat back in the seat and let her mind race and her crotch boil over. ++++++ When the cab arrived at the address on the card, Kat was a little surprised at what she found. It was in a residential neighborhood, a nice one at that, and the house, though a large one, didn't look that much different from any of the others she passed on the way there. She double-checked the address, made sure it was correct, and walked up to the front door and rang the bell, her equipment bag slung over her shoulder. It only took a few seconds before the door opened, and Kat saw a man standing in the doorway, a terrycloth robe wrapped around him. Boyfriend, she assumed. "Are you Kathy?" Duke said while checking Kat out from head to toe. "From the looks of you, that's a silly question. Did Terry give you that eye?" "No, that's courtesy of someone else," Kat said with a laugh. "I think she's planning to improve on it, though. It was the ice-breaker that turned our conversation in the bar to fighting." Duke grinned at that and said, "Come on in ' she's downstairs in the gym, waiting for you. Follow me." Kat was checking the man out at the same time, and she saw all the details about Duke that Terry had talked about. He was just about Kathy's height, but stocky with rugged good looks, and hugely muscular ' the robe wrapped around shoulders as wide as the door, but was tied off at a slim waist, and it was short enough to show strong thighs and calves. Kathy was imagining what the rest of him looked like without that robe, but Duke seemed to be all business and quickly led Kat to a doorway and opened it, showing a staircase inside. "Go ahead," he said, "I'll see you both later." Kat was a little skeptical, but stepped inside and headed down the stairs, and as the door closed behind her she heard the familiar sound of someone pounding a heavy bag and the unmistakable "whump, whump, whump," sound that came from someone who knew how to properly handle the bag...one who had obviously had a lot of practice with it. As she made it to the bottom of the stairs, she got a quick look around and was shocked at what she saw. The area looked less like a basement and more like a layout from a health and fitness magazine, with top-of-the-line weight equipment and every type of training apparatus imaginable. And in one corner of the huge open area, there was a full-scale boxing ring ' a top-of-the-line one, Kat noticed, thinking "this basement must be 1500 square feet all by itself" before her attention was drawn to the heavy bag suspended near the ring. That's where Terry was, dressed in one of those black body thongs that had straps up to the shoulders and wrapped around the outside of her nicely-exposed breasts, black boxing boots and black bag mitts ' and, as Kat got closer and could tell, a heavy sheen of sweat on what was an even more magnificent body than Kat could tell from their meeting at the bar. Terry gave a couple of last slams to the suspended bag, the noise of her quick shots echoing around the basement, before turning to her visitor and putting her mitts on her hips ' both to catch her breath and to show off her highly-developed musculature. "The guest of honor finally arrives!" Terry said. "I was afraid you might have stood me up for that hot bouncer back at the bar...." "Bullshit, hon ..." Kat shot back as she eyed Terry up and down. "After the way you got my fire stoked there, you KNEW nothing short of Judgment Day would have kept me from showing up!" she added, almost licking her lips at the thought of getting in the ring with the strong brunette ' and feeling her other set of lips already wet and wanting every time her powerful legs moved. "Well, I'm ready to LIGHT your fire, muscles..." Terry said, putting her bag mitts between her legs and pulling her taped hands out ' slowly. "I love what you've done with the place," Kat said, looking around. "Yeah, Duke takes care of pretty much anything I want," Terry said as she started lightly tugging at the strap of her thong. "And I take care of him down here, too," she added, an evil smile on her face as she picked up a pair of bout gloves with Velcro cuffs ' again black, Kat guessed 10-ozers. "I need a good workout tonight, too, and Duke will be MORE than happy that I found someone besides HIM to pound on tonight. There's a place to change down that hall ' if you think you can wait long enough to get ready... but don't take too long. The life you save may be Duke's!" "It'll be tough, but I think I can restrain myself long enough to get out of my good streets, sexy," Kat said, her body almost shuddering as she headed toward the hallway. "Don't you go anywhere." Terry didn't answer ' only swung one more time, this time at the well-worn speed bag, her taped fist pounding it against the board as the two eyed each other before Kat disappeared into the changing room. Kat sat her bag on the bench, noticing the small room had floor-to-ceiling mirrors on two sides ' perfect for checking out the whole package, she thought. She just happened to have another Kelly green thong in her bag ' one identical to the one that "Kathy Ireland" wore in her easy win earlier in the evening. She had the green boots, also, and the gold gloves in her bag were well-worn 10-ounce Velcro numbers that still had faint blood stains from some of Kat's previous battles. Maybe I can add to those stains, Kat thought as she began to strip herself nude, all the time watching herself in the large mirrors. Kathy had gotten down to the thong underpants she was wearing when she heard a faint tap at the dressing room door. Surprised, she turned toward the door just in time to see it open to admit Terry, and quite a sight she was, too. In the time it had taken Kathy to get undressed, Terry had divested herself of the wrap-around thong she had been wearing on Kathy's arrival, as well as her boxing boots and handwraps, leaving her dressed in only a pair of black thong panties herself. All of the promise that body had hinted at in the bar was now fully on display, and Kat found herself licking her lips at the sight, to make sure she wasn't openly drooling at it. Terry smiled at the sight of the next-to-naked Kathy, and said in a voice huskier than usual, "I hope you don't mind the intrusion, but I thought you might like some oil to show off the muscles, and I figured if that were true, you'd need some help with certain areas...and so would I..." Terry grinned and continued, "also, it'll give us a chance to talk a bit about the workout, and what we want to do during and afterwards." Kathy, her pussy wetting her thong again at the thought of running her hands over that magnificent body, smiled and said "Your gym, your rules, hon. I think some oil would be a FINE idea...you do me, and I'll do you while we talk..." "Great!" Terry said, and crossed the room to a small shelf near the bench where Kathy had set her equipment bag, taking a good-sized spray bottle of baby oil from the shelf and then turning to Kathy. Terry eyed the big brunette appreciatively, and murmured, "We'll need to lose the thongs, for the moment ... are you shaved?" As the two women stripped off their thongs, Kathy replied, her back to Terry as she stepped out of her drenched thong, "No...I keep it well trimmed, but I still have a bit of carpet to match the drapes..." and turned back toward Terry to let her see for herself. "Hairy...but not too much so...I LIKE that..." Terry said, letting Kathy have a good view of her own shaven sex as she stepped up to her and sprayed a healthy dose of oil on Kathy's pecs, then handed her the bottle. Kathy returned the favor, and tucked the bottle between her knees as they began to spread the oil over each other's massive pecs, laying on a nice thick coating. "Nice tits," Terry said as she worked the oil into them, watching Kathy's nipples grow even firmer than they had already been. "Big nipples. Like to lick those nipples ..." she continued, her throaty voice almost purring. "And your kitty is hairy ... like to grab your kitty ... you like to strap on?" Kathy ' thinking to herself God, I've died and gone to heaven! -- replied "Yessss ..." in a voice practically dripping with desire. "Let me have some more oil, and I'll do your traps and delts ..." Terry purred again. Kathy sprayed Terry's traps and beefy deltoid muscles, then gave Terry the bottle so she could do the same. Terry did so, again tucking the bottle between her knees, and as they spread the heavy coating of oil with their hands, their pecs pressed tightly together, their rock-hard nipples digging into each other's chests. As they spread the oil evenly, Terry's hot breath caressed Kathy's right ear as she murmured, "I would REALLY like to fuck you, Kathy ..." Oh MAMA!! Kathy thought, lost in the ecstasy of feeling Terry's hands roaming over her muscular body. Her oily hands slid around behind Terry and hugged the shorter woman tightly to her, her muscled right thigh sliding in between Terry's pressing against the shorter woman's mound, feeling her arousal as she answered, "Terry, I'd love NOTHING more than to do that with you...but I have this Rule ..." "What rule?" Terry asked breathlessly, and then began nibbling gently on Kathy's right earlobe. The heat from Terry's body was incredible, and Kathy knew her own body was just as hot, her chest pressed tightly into Terry's. In a suddenly husky voice, Kathy answered, "No one ... of EITHER gender ... gets into MY panties, unless they have muscle enough to get them OFF of me ... Do YOU?" Terry chuckled and answered, "I DO ... do you want to take my word for it? If not I'll be happy to provide you with proof..." "God, YES, Baby," Kathy replied, as breathless as Terry had been a moment before. "I believe you...but I think we'd both enjoy it more if you SHOW me." Terry grinned at that. "The answer I was hoping for," she said. "And you're right...I DO want to show you I'm a good match for you." And Kathy, with her emotional state in complete turmoil at Terry's response, asked a question she already knew the answer to. "Fistfights turn you on, Terry?," she quickly asked. "Yes," Terry responded, "but ANY kind of fight does, with the right woman ... and I think that's YOU, hon ..." "MMMMMMmmm," Kathy said. "How do you want our 'workout' to go, then? I think we already know what we want to happen afterwards, if we're good together ..." "We'll fight in three stages then," Terry said, as the two women oiled each other's thickly muscled arms. "If it's a test you want, let's make it a TOUGH one...for BOTH of us. We'll start with straight boxing ... 10 oz. gloves, regular three-minute rounds with one-minute rest periods, and we go until someone's down for the 10-count or gives up. Duke will count on knockdowns from outside the ring. He'll be watching, if you don't mind. It gets him so fucking hard to watch me fight." "MMMMMmmm ...will we be wearing anything besides the gloves?" Kathy asked. "Topless, in thongs and boxing boots for the first part," Terry said as she sprayed a hefty dose of oil onto Kathy's chiseled six-pack and handed her back the oil bottle so Kathy could do her. "Then we'll take the gloves off," her host continued, "and bare-knuckle for the second part, London rules, throws are OK, a knockdown ends the round and a 10-second count to get up after the round or it's a knockout. Duke'll count again. One-minute rest periods, and we go again until someone can't beat the count or gives up." The two women exchanged the oil bottle again, spraying each other's massive, sculpted legs, and Terry went on, "Third part is no-holds-barred, and there we'll go nude, and fight until somebody gives up or can't continue. Whoever wins two out of three parts gets to name the prize." And I know what THAT'S going to be, Kathy thought as the two women paid a little more attention than they needed to with the process of oiling their pubic areas. "That sounds like JUST the workout I'm looking for tonight, Terry," Kathy said with a huge grin. "I hope you can be awake at the finish of all three parts!" "Don't worry about THAT, bitch!" Terry responded with a laugh and a wink. "The reason I didn't tell you my ring name is because I wanted you to want me on my own merits, not because of my rep. Now, gimme the oil and turn around, so I can do your back ..." Kathy did so, and Terry sprayed her liberally with oil, then worked it in with her big hands, starting at the ankles and working up the backs of her massive legs, over her nice tight glutes, up the spinal erectors and wide flaring lats until she reached the nape of Kathy's neck, then playfully slapped the big brunette's bottom and said, "There, you're done. Now finish ME up, get your gear on, and meet me in the ring. My fists are itching, and I REALLY want to get this on!" Kathy grinned hugely and said, "No more than I do, sweetie! Turn around for me, and I'll put the finishing touches on you ..." and she did. ++++++ As soon as Kathy laced her boots, she grabbed the gold gloves and headed back out the door, her whole body tingling as she confidently strode toward the ring. Terry was already there inside the ropes, dancing and shadow boxing, and as Kat pulled on her well-worn 10 oz. Ringsides and tightened the Velcro wrist straps, she noticed that someone had turned out all the other lights in the basement except the four spotlights strung over the ring. The rest of the room was virtually pitch dark, putting even more emphasis on the ring area. Under those bright lights, Terry looked like an even more impressive specimen, her short brunette hair slightly tousled, and the rest of her shining in the light, having been oiled up heavily by Kathy bare moments before. Also under those lights, those wide shoulders, pecs and muscled arms looked even bigger, the shadows on her six-pack made it even more impressive and her quads looked like tree trunks. When we get to part three, Kat thought, I'll need to make sure not to get trapped between those things. Kat had figured her at maybe 10 pounds less than herself back in the bar, but from just outside the ring it looked pretty even on the "meat-sculpting" scale. Kat didn't know it, of course, but she had a good idea that Terry was thinking the same thoughts as Kat slipped through the felt-covered and perfectly- hanging ropes ' no expense spared here either, she had a fleeting thought ' and also began bouncing on her toes, rolling her strong shoulders and punching the corner pad to get loose as quickly as possible. Kat noticed while she hit the pad that Duke was in the process of putting water, ice, towels, and a spit bucket outside her corner. The stool for her to rest on in the between rounds breaks, she saw, was attached to the ring post, and so arranged that it could be swung into the ring when she needed it, and swung back out of the way again when it was time to resume fighting. This isn't the first time they've had bouts here, Kat thought, before Terry's voice interrupted her thoughts. "God, I am SOOO ready for you!," Terry yelled over the noise of Kat's gloves pounding the pad, and Kat turned around and saw her brunette opponent standing almost at mid-ring, gloves on her hips almost defiantly. "Are you sure you've got enough left for me after your earlier fight?" Terry asked. "Don't worry about THAT, hon ... I'm as fresh as a daisy!" Kat said as she slowly walked out, the two of them winding up only inches apart, their eyes locked on each other. Kat could feel her green thong already soaking wet, and she could tell from the aroma emanating from her opponent that Terry was equally aroused. "You LOOK more like a 'black-eyed Susan'!" Terry said with a laugh. "As we agreed in the locker room, first stage is boxing. Duke will count on knockdowns from outside the ring." Terry's knockdown rule made Kat quickly glance outside the ring, where Duke was already seated at ringside in the partial darkness. He'd taken off the robe, and was also down to a thong himself. Kat could tell he already had a throbbing erection from the way his manhood strained at the white thong. Damn, he's as excited as we are, Kathy thought, before she quickly looked back at Terry. "Is that OK with you?" Terry asked. "Fine by me," Kat said. "Whenever you're ready, let's DO this..." Terry just smiled before nodding toward the ringside chairs, and Kat saw Duke reach against the side of the ring. In just a couple of seconds a warning buzzer sounded ' an automatic timer, Kat thought, nice touch. "Ten seconds," Terry said, "and come out fighting," as she backed up slowly, slamming her black gloves together. Kat also backed up slowly, still bouncing on her toes and her whole body starting to loosen up and prepare itself at the same time ' one of the benefits of her years of experience being that her taut and muscular body didn't need long to shed the butterflies and get ready for a fight. Every muscle in her being was primed for battle and her crotch was flowing freely by the time the ringside timer sounded "DING, DING." ++++++ Despite her blatantly obvious sexual attraction to Terry, and Terry's equally obvious attraction to HER, Kat knew she couldn't allow that attraction to distract her from the business at hand...that business being to do her best to hammer that gorgeous hunk of meat-sculpture into a shuddering, bloody wreck. And so, from the moment she had slipped through the ropes, Kat's mind had been shifting into "Battle Mode," observing and assessing everything she observed with a sharply focused, diamond-like clarity. As the two fighters danced out to meet each other and began the intricate, intense, primal, GLORIOUS dance that all true fighters live for, Kat's world narrowed down to herself, the woman she was facing, and the intensely lit space containing them both. Both fighters approached mid-ring warily...Terry, because she had seen what Kat was capable of earlier that night, and Kat because she was facing Terry in the ring for the first time, and long experience had taught her that it paid to be careful when facing an unknown quantity for the first time. Both were in a conventional right-hander's boxing stance, Kat carrying her gloves a bit higher than Terry because she had already sustained some facial damage that evening, and she knew Terry would try to worsen that damage if Kat gave her the chance. As the two fighters cautiously edged into long punching range, they began circling each other...bouncing on their toes, heads and gloves in constant motion to confuse their opponent's aim and make themselves harder to hit, and began trading jabs, more to test each other's reactions, and reaction times, than in the expectation of doing any serious damage. The basement gym soon echoed with the sounds of the fight...the "BAP, BAP" of well-worn leather pounding into gloves or rock-hard muscle, the "PFFF!" sound from both fighters as they exhaled sharply whenever they threw a punch, the scuffle of their boot soles against the canvas as they circled each other, and the occasional grunt when a punch landed on something more vulnerable than a glove or a forearm. As they traded leather at long range, Kat smiled inwardly..."she's got the footwork down, all right...this may turn out to be a pretty good fight, for a 'pick-up' match," she thought. Whatever her intentions might be for after the fight, at this moment, facing her powerful brunette opponent in the ring, Kat's aim was to discover exactly what Terry's limits as a fighter were...and then see just how much she could STRETCH those limits. And she devoutly hoped that Terry was planning to do the same with HER. The first 15 seconds of Round One saw the two fighters feeling each other out, testing basic skills...movement, offensive and defensive capabilities as they traded single and double jabs and the occasional two punch combination, letting their muscles warm up to the work while each fighter observed how the other operated. Over the next 15 seconds the fighters, by mutual consent, decided to crank things up a notch and moved into medium range of each other. Movements became quicker and more precise, punches crisper and more accurate, and two-punch combinations became more frequent as the fighters continued stalking each other like a couple of big jungle cats, their pumped muscles gleaming under the intense ring lights as they both looked for patterns that could be exploited later. Somewhere between 30 and 45 seconds into the first round, Kat decided "ok, she can move...let's see if she can take a punch with some beef behind it!" Once decided, Kat didn't waste any time trying to seize the advantage and shot two quick jabs and a hard follow-up right that landed squarely on Terry's abs ' and didn't faze her. Before Kat stepped back out of range, she threw two hooks to Terry's sides, just under the ribs, and didn't get much more than a grunt. As the fighters separated, opening the distance once again, Terry, bouncing on her toes to show she hadn't been hurt by the body shots, grinned at the big brunette and tapped a four slap tattoo against her chiseled midsection with her open gloves to let Kat know she could crank it up to four punch combinations if she wanted to. Kat couldn't surpress a matching grin, and a twinge of pain as her bottom lip stretched reminded her that was a bad idea, thanks to the fat lip Kristen had given her earlier. "Cocky bitch," Kat thought, "This is gonna be FUN!" Kat began circling to the right, simultaneously staying away from what she figured was Terry's best hand and allowing her at any time to both jab and to plant to throw her own big right hand. Terry, meanwhile, was a picture of energy efficiency, striding purposely forward in a classic boxer's stance and trying to cut off the ring while picking off the quick jabs and light combinations that Kat poked out to test her opponent's speed and reflexes. Finally, Terry responded with two jabs of her own, both bouncing off Kat's gloves, and Kat's vast experience helped her see the muscles in Terry's right arm twitch ' a tell that she was loading up for a follow-up right, this time with some muscle behind it. Despite being taller, Kat easily ducked under the high headhunter and saw Terry's entire right side open. She quickly pivoted and slammed fast and hard uppercuts under Terry's ribcage with both hands, and Terry let out a "whoooff, whoooff" and grabbed Kat's arms in a clinch. "Stings, doesn't it?" Kat hissed into the ear of her shorter foe, a wicked smile on her face. "Nah," Terry said, a little breathlessly, "just wanted to rub against that body a little." Not a bad idea, Kathy thought, but that'll come later, as she twisted in the clinch and tried to create punching room. Instead, Terry let go her arms and took midring again, still in that tight stance, and Kat decided to keep her attack from a distance, trying to punish her from long range. She started sticking and moving, bobbing in and out and moving her head Joe Frazier-style to make it harder for Terry to pick up. At the same time, she kept loading up the jab, doubling off it and, occasionally tripling off it now, flicking it out regularly and rapidly into Terry's gloves, pushing them back into her face more often than not. Several moments later, Terry stepped into range, her right up around her face and her left down, and dipped to unleash a hook. Kat took a half-step back, her quick motion unhinging Terry's release and making her hesitate knowing her hook would either miss or land with no force. Kathy shot a lead right off her forehead and side-hopped right as Terry reached for the hook that missed. My speed is making her miss, Kat thought, and she kept up the pin-pricking jabs aimed at Terry's forehead and eyes, interspersed with more serious straight right hands, and hooks and uppercuts from either hand. Kat liked to mix it up ' she could brawl with the best, and had the fists to back that up ' but right now she figured she could pick her foe apart and wear her down, which would help her not just in this bout but in the other two to come. Terry seemed to be having no trouble keeping up so far, ably covering herself and matching Kat punch for punch...and the grins both fighters were sporting made it clear to both themselves and to Duke that they were thoroughly enjoying themselves up to this point. Kat kept her right high to ward off Terry's occasional jab, and was starting to punish her with her own left ' before Terry suddenly slammed aside one of those jabs with her right hand and swung a big left hook that pounded into Kat's right side, right above her thong. "UUUNNHHH," that sound and some saliva shot out of Kat's mouth ' had she not turned slightly as the punch landed, it would have dug right into her abs and likely had her in distress. As it was, the force of the blow knocked Kat two steps back against the ropes, and Terry was on her in a flash. "Shit, she can punch," Kat thought, as she kept her gloves up at her temples and her elbows pinched in against her sides while Terry loaded up and threw several punches that made big banging "whack" sounds that echoed off the basement walls. But most hit on Kat's arms and gloves, doing little damage, and Kat was clinching and pinning Terry's arms with her own meaty ones as they leaned against the ropes when the round timer went off. Kat headed to her corner and swung out the metal stool built into the post, and worked on getting her breathing under control. The dull pain from Terry's big shot had started to go away by the time she took a squirt from the water bottle, and she was up, refreshed and breathing normally when the warning buzzer went off and she pushed the stool back. Her finely-honed body had been trained to recover quickly in the short rest periods given her in her many bouts. When the timer went off for Round 2, it was a sharp contrast to the slow start in the opening round. Both fighters stepped forward quickly and Terry started unloading more big shots ' a couple of straight rights and a wild left hook aimed at Kat's head, and a pair of hooks to the body. Kathy was able to duck, weave and parry and evade most of the shots, a couple of times countering with a quick left-right to Terry's body as a penalty for her misses, before moving back to her now-comfortable range. As she opened the distance, she thought, "Terry's getting excited and it's making her a little wild with her shots...she'll grow out of that with a couple years more seasoning." It became obvious that Terry was looking to put Kat away with one or two haymaker punches, and if Kat could avoid those, she should be able to methodically control her foe. But Terry was still controlling mid-ring, and started crowding forward and pushing to get under Kathy's guard. She was able to dip down and take most of the shots on her elbows, but the crowding with her strong shoulders kept nudging Kat off balance and made it more difficult for her to jab her way out of trouble, not to mention keeping her from being able to plant to unload any power shots. Most of Round 2 continued in that manner ' Terry trying to bull her way forward and push Kat against the ropes, and Kat responding by bouncing jabs off Terry's head and eyes, stepping in behind a two or three-punch combination when she saw a likely opening, and circling away. That became a pattern, only interrupted when the two would lock arms, their now-sweat-covered bodies rubbing against each other ' and just that little bit of contact kept Kat's nipples rock-hard and her labia open as the wetness began to soak her green thong even more. Whether it was settling in to that pattern, or her mind wandering to the growing wetness between her legs, Kat was caught off guard when Terry feinted another low push forward about 45 seconds into the round and Kat instinctively dropped her left hand toward Terry's head. WHAM ' Terry's roundhouse right flew over the top of Kat's gloves and clipped her right on the point of the chin, knocking her directly back on her butt near the ropes. She was more surprised than anything, but Kat wasn't used to one-punch knockdowns, and as she heard the "1 ' 2 ' 3" shout coming from Duke at ringside, she started to get up before noticing that Terry hadn't gone to a neutral corner with the knockdown. In fact, Terry was looming over her downed opponent, her gloves low and ready to do more damage, so Kat was forced to half-scramble away as she stood up. This was nothing new for Kat...LOTS of Underground fighters didn't back off to a neutral corner when they had an opponent down. Terry gave chase but was overanxious, and Kat was able to pick off the lefts and rights aimed at her head ' and answered with a couple of stiff jabs that slammed directly into Terry's nose. The jabs stopped Terry's advance cold, and Kat noticed a drop of blood already coming from one nostril as her follow-up right cross landed solidly, causing Terry to back up a step for the first time and shake her head. She soon ate another right ' and another ' and another ' as Kat's own meaty arms started getting through Terry's high defense and began to punish her eyes and now-bloody nose before the timer went off ending Round 2. Kat walked again to her corner, angry at herself that she'd let herself get bounced on her ass. "When's the last time you let THAT happen, Legend?" her mind snarled at her as she swung her stool out and sat. Even so, she felt no small amount of satisfaction that she'd begun to get her own big shots in at the end of the round. She still felt fresh as she toweled sweat off her face, neck and chest, noticing that her nipples were still hard as bottlecaps, and she pounded her gloves together when she rose to begin the next round. Terry once again came out quickly and established her mid-ring position ' "She does stick to a plan," Kat thought, "but I am too, and she'll start wearing down soon. Once THAT starts, the extra 10 pounds of muscle I have on her will start to make a difference." Kat started feeling more comfortable with her different surroundings ' it's a boxing ring, like all the rest she'd been in, and being here for a fight is something she'd done for years. Because of that comfort level, Kat decided to try something she'd done a few times previously. She switched to a southpaw stance, pointing her right shoulder at Terry and making it harder for her left hook to find Kat's body and chin. She still had to watch for Terry's right-hand missiles, but at least she'd see them coming. And it didn't take long for Kat to start chopping out right-hand leads, which split Terry's gloves more often than not as she tried to solve the new stance. Kat's mental grin was a wicked one ' REALLY messes with their heads when they set up for a righty and don't GET one, she thought. Kat was getting off first on every exchange for most of the round with that hammering right lead, one catching Terry square on the nose and a couple above her left eye which started puffing up. And Terry's counters were either blocked by Kat's gloves or arms or they thudded off her back, as she was turned almost parallel to the shorter fighter. When one of those counters went off Kat's back, and she saw Terry steeling herself for another right, Kat quickly dipped her right shoulder, stepped inside and picked Terry up with a tight right uppercut ' quickly following with an arcing left hand over the top and directly into that left eye. Stunned, Terry stepped back, but Kat followed closely and again led with her right shoulder and dropped another quick left on Terry's jaw, sending a visible shudder through her. The short, snug southpaw slugging was working ' Kat was able to smother much of Terry's open attack and get in some short, chopping left hands, and as long as she could avoid Terry's right it was okay to be in close. Kat's gloves were punishing Terry now, with her right peppering her head and the snapping left catching her at an angle that Terry seemed unable to defend. By this time, Kat had accepted Terry's challenge to crank things up a notch and was throwing four-punch combinations ... still a couple of punches shy of what her hand speed was actually capable of, but coupled with the southpaw stance, more than enough to be giving Terry fits. By the time the bell ended Round 3, Kat had tagged the nose with one more open shot, adding to the blood flow, and a slashing right had slit open the puffy area above Terry's left eye and a trickle of blood was flowing down into her eye ' which she was rubbing to try to clear as she walked back to her corner, and Kat could see her chest going up and down rapidly as she breathed heavily. Kathy was a little winded herself and plopped down on the stool, once again using her vast fighting experience to control her breathing and steady herself for the next round. "I'm starting to do some damage now," she thought ' "And I KNOW she can feel the flow of the fight shifting in my favor. Maybe she'll be too worried about her face and won't be able to defend down low...or maybe she'll get anxious to try to take over the fight and leave me some lovely holes to punch through. I feel a body attack coming on," she thought, "Time to start breaking down that gorgeous six-pack of hers!" and there was a little smile on her lips when the warning buzzer sounded. Both boxers were a couple of steps toward mid-ring when the Round 4 bell sounded, and Kat quickly went into her southpaw stance again and Terry again looked for an opening to exploit. The first minute of the round was a replay of the end of Round 3 ' Kat's right-hand lead was like a piston, trying to pepper Terry's nose and eyelid but most of them hissing off her gloves, and now it was Kat's turn to be a little frustrated with not having the success of the previous round. Clearly, Terry had seen (and FELT!) enough of the southpaw style in the last round that she was finally starting to solve the problems it was facing her with. Still, Kat was solidly in control, and had just dropped another hammering right jab to her nose and jerked it back to block what she thought was going to be Terry's left hook. Instead, Terry had feinted the hook, pivoted and slammed a right cross into Kat's solar plexus, which was pointed directly at Terry in her southpaw look. Kat doubled over as the punch sunk in deep, looking like it was going to go all the way through her, and she grabbed Terry's right arm and around her waist as she began clubbing Kathy's head with her free left hand. Thank God it didn't hit the spot cleanly, Kat thought, or I'd be done now. Terry's follow-up punches didn't hurt, but they were irritating ' especially with Kat trying to get her breath back from Terry's body shot. That didn't take but a few seconds, but as she pushed away Terry's last right hand caught Kat at the outside corner of her left eye...the same eye Kristen had blacked for her earlier that evening...tearing open a small cut that started slowly dripping blood down Kathy's cheek as she danced away. As an experienced fighter, Kathy knew she needed to cover up that cut, and kept her right high and on her temple to prevent further damage, and began shooting out straight lefts to try to regain the momentum. She was back in her orthodox stance, but now she saw Terry begin to drop her left, and Kat began stepping in and chipping away with overhand rights that popped into Terry's left cheek and jaw every time she dropped her left. Kat was careful to always jerk that right hand back quickly and cover her eye, not wanting it to get any worse, but her right was starting to become much more a weapon that a guard. "She's getting tired," Kat thought ' her hands weren't moving fast when she did lash out, and Kathy easily avoided them. Suddenly, she caught one of Terry's right leads with her own left glove, and a quick return right-left combo both rocked off Terry's jaw, slamming her head from side to side. Taking advantage, Kathy was flat-footed with her weight forward, chopping with both hands to Terry's head and watching her eyes blink as each punch landed and began forcing Terry back against the ropes. She was punishing Terry now, head-hunting with lefts and rights and ignoring any defense that left her gloves out of position to continue punching' sensing that this was her chance to put her stocky foe down. And that chance presented itself, as Terry tried to spring off the ropes with a sailing left hook. Kat leaned back as it sailed by, and with Terry off balance Kat leaned forward, pivoted on her left foot and launched a right hook that slammed under her opponent's floating rib. The "UUUNNNHHHHHH" sound from Terry's mouth bounced off the basement walls, and her hands and arms instantly dropped. With her years of training, Kat didn't have to think about what to do next ' the big bicep in her left arm bunched up instantly, and her follow-up left hook slammed into Terry's temple and sent her crumpling in a heap to the canvas. "YEAH!!!!," Kat almost screamed, finally seeing her strong foe on the floor after she'd peppered her with so many shots. Terry's struggles on the canvas and the sound of Duke starting the "1 ' 2 ' 3" count got her juices flowing again as she stepped back. It took Terry a second to start shaking her head, and as she began trying to regain her balance Kat could see the blood dripping from her nose down to the canvas. For a moment, Kat thought Terry wasn't going to beat the count, but she stood up unsteadily and with her gloves low. Kat quickly stepped back in, but before she could throw a punch the "DING, DING" came from the timer ending Round 4. Kat turned the punch she had intended to throw into a one-armed hug, pressing the thick slabs of her pecs into Terry's before heading for her corner. Kat was visibly frustrated, thinking if she'd had 30 more seconds she could have put her opponent down for good and taken "Part One" of the match. Instead, she walked to her corner and quickly pulled out the metal stool and sat down ' in time to watch Terry finish working her way down the ropes and taking her own seat heavily. "She's not going to last much longer if I keep landing," Kat thought, and before she did anything else Kat let her gloves dangle by her sides for several seconds, shaking them and rolling her shoulders to get rid of the leaden feeling in her arms. All the punching had her a little tired and winded ' but all she had to do to recover was look across the ring, where Terry was leaning heavily against the ropes, both hands with ice put against her nose and eye and her chest rising and falling heavily. Kat was up and bouncing on the balls of her feet before the bell sounded to start Round 5, but she was a little surprised when she saw Terry up and about, looking fresh ' except for her mashed nose and two swollen eyebrows ' and banging her gloves together just before the "DING, DING" that returned the boxers to action. Kat didn't hesitate, stepping out quickly and targeting Terry's face with stinging left jabs and follow-up rights. This time, though, Terry's guard was up high, and most of Kathy's power punches bounced or slid off her gloves. And when a couple of Kat's shots got through, Terry was quick about grabbing Kat's arms and clinching hard, pulling her in close and completely cutting off her punching room. Terry didn't throw many punches in the round, but she wasn't looking for that ' she was content to keep her chest and belly rubbing against Kat's to neutralize her attack. Under normal circumstances, Kathy would have loved the up-close contact, and even now she could feel even more wetness building between her legs as their sweat co-mingled and their hard nipples had their own private boxing match with each other. But Kat would have preferred to begin finishing her foe, and as the round went along that became less and less an immediate possibility. "Lemme go!," she yelled a couple of times, to no avail, her frustration mounting as the two wrestled from mid-ring to the ropes and back again. Kat's impatience eventually caused her to pull back and jerk her arms hard and out of Terry's grasp, and before she could catch her balance and go to work again ' "UUUHHHHH," she felt a glove digging deep into her lower abs, just above her green thong, and before she could get her arms down to guard, "OOOOOOFFFFF," another hard shot low on her body. Terry had been waiting for the clinch to break, and she had leaned forward and used her strong shoulders and arms to slam home two shots. Kat stepped back, just in time to hear the "DING, DING" that ended Round 5, and she couldn't help but rub her lower abs as she stepped back toward her corner. "Damn, where is she getting that power?" Kat thought ' "She's good, but I know I can outbox her, and her face shows that, but the shots she's landed have all made an impression, as they say." And now, any advantage Kat took into the fight from the previous round was pretty much gone ' in fact, it may be her imagination, but Kat thought she saw Terry looking at her across the ring after she took her stool, with a hint of a grin on her face. Whether it was there or not, it gave Kathy some motivation, and she looked determined when she bounced out of her corner to start Round 6 ' and again made a concerted effort to continue her pounding on Terry's face. "She may have landed a couple of shots late last round," Kat thought, "but she's still wearing down and her face is starting to show the signs of a beating." Kat was almost flat-footed again, hammering home straight rights and leaning out to clip across some quick left hooks as Terry had to keep her hands in tight to defend, especially her swelling eyes. Keeping her guard up so high had negated part of her attack, and she was unable to get off as quick as her taller foe. Kat's gloves were a mixture of their golden color and maroon from the dried blood that was flowing from Terry's nose and over her eye, and it gave her a sense of entitlement ' and no little excitement ' to be punching that blood back into Terry's face. The cumulative effect of those punches had Terry backing up ' Kat could tell she wasn't used to backing up much, the way she lumbered when she took a step back ' and Kat was set in a punching pattern, raining punches on her foe. Perhaps it was that pattern that Terry picked up on, perhaps Kathy got cocky or perhaps it was the flow of blood from two places that made Terry desperate, but when Kat swung another straight right hand Terry leaned away, batted the punch away with her left glove and nailed Kat under the jaw with a right uppercut that must have started six inches off the canvas. All Kat saw for a second was the overhead lights of the ring and her own sweat flying between the stars that Terry's punch created, and she staggered back with arms flailing before she hit the ropes. Terry was on top of her in a flash, her feet wide apart and her arms sending hard lefts and rights at Kat's head as she desperately tried to cover. Kathy tried to clinch, but Terry used her beefy left forearm to push Kat back against the ropes and smashed her open abdomen with another right hand. Kat doubled over, her head about the height of Terry's waist as she beat a steady diet of punches around Kat's head, and the flurry eventually sent Kat down on her hip and side from the barrage. Kat's head was spinning ' part of it from trying to figure how things could turn so quickly ' and one glove was caught in the ropes, but she knew if she rolled onto her back she probably wouldn't be getting up before the count got to 10. Instead, she pushed herself up to her knees, grabbed the ropes and pulled herself up ' too quickly, as it turned out, because Terry was right there and slammed her open face, first with a left that plowed directly into her nose and set off the stars one more time, and a follow- up haymaker right hand that clipped Kat's chin perfectly and sent her crashing back down hard, face first on the canvas. Kat could vaguely hear Terry with her own "YEEAHHHH!" and the sound of her gloves slamming together, along with a yelled-out "1 ' 2 '," but her eyes wouldn't focus. The only feeling she had was wetness on her face, realizing later blood was running from her nose and making a small pool on the canvas. Her legs wouldn't respond to her silent pleas to pull themselves under her, and her strong arms could barely push her upper-body only an inch or two off the canvas as she realized that Duke's count was continuing. "6 ' 7 ' 8," she heard, and let her head go back to the mat, knowing she was in the very unfamiliar situation of taking the 10-count with an opponent standing over her. It seemed like she was there several minutes, but it was actually only about 10 more seconds before she felt a glove on her shoulder and heard Terry's voice saying, "You all right?" Kat was able to pull herself up to her hands and knees, the grogginess beginning to go away, and responded while blinking her eyes repeatedly to get her bearings. "Yeah, fine ' I'll be OK in a couple of minutes," she said as she slowly got to her feet. "A lot of girls that I hit like that don't get up for a while," Terry said, and Kat couldn't tell if she was bragging or trying to console her. Either way, Kat was already on her way to recovering ' the advantage of her long experience being the ability to bounce back quickly and be ready for the next challenge. "We can stop now," Terry continued, "if you're not up to continuing." "Wouldn't dream of it," Kat said, her breathing already back to normal. "We're just about to step onto MY turf, and I wouldn't want to miss thanking you for my nap! I'm just starting to get warmed up..." "I can tell," Terry said, looking down at Kat's green thong and seeing the telltale signs of her juices soaking through the crotch. Terry began rubbing her black leather gloves across her breasts, getting her nipples even harder, before she stepped close to Kat and started rubbing herself against her taller foe as her strong arms wrapped around Kat. Almost instinctively, Kat bent slightly at the knees, allowing their tits to meet head on with both "headlights flashing," and also letting one of her knees slide between Terry's tree-trunk legs. As each of their thighs slid close to their red-hot crotches, their lips locked in a passionate kiss that had both of the combatants instantly moaning. Their embrace only lasted a few seconds before the still-active automatic timer sounded a "DING, DING," and both backed off slightly. "Guess it's time for part two," Kat said. "Get those gloves off and get ready, then," Terry said, stepping back and heading for her corner to prepare herself. Kat did the same, stripping off the blood-stained leather and quickly grabbing a towel and some ice. She had two handfuls, one on her eyelid and one on her nose, and the towel draped across her chest. She mostly sat with her head back against the corner pad for several minutes after the blood stopped, resting and preparing herself physically and mentally for the bare-knuckle fight ' her specialty. She saw Duke walk behind her corner, reloading the ice, water and towels, and flashed a quick smile as she began rolling her neck and her strong shoulders, loosening up for the next part of what she already knew was going to be a very interesting evening. ++++++ With her gold gloves off, Kat checked her hand wraps, making sure they were still tight and supporting her knuckles ' the knuckles that had left red welts on the bodies of so many opponents. Almost absent- mindedly while she sat on her stool and readied herself for the second "phase" of her battle with Terry, she pounded one fist into her opposite palm, making sure her hands were ready and keeping her burly arms from tightening up until she could get back out on the mat. She also watched Duke come into the ring and run a fresh chalk line across the ring in two places. Kat noticed an old line that had been rubbed out repeatedly by footprints, and realized this wouldn't be the first time that Terry had fought under "London" rules. No matter, she thought to herself ' this is my specialty and there haven't been more than a handful of fighters in her long career that could handle her in bare knuckles. Even though she was down 0-1 in the three-way bout, Kathy was still confident as she threw some quick combinations into her corner pad and saw Terry get up and walk to mid-ring, and quickly met her there. She was more than ready to get started ' as the new sheen of dampness on her upper thighs proved. The "odor" of her excitement filled the ring as the two strong women stood close to each other. "Round starts when we toe the mark," Terry said as she rolled her neck and shoulders and beads of sweat rolled down her chest and in between that high thong. "Same rules we talked about ... round's over when one fighter goes off her feet, either knocked down or thrown. All that work for you?" "Pretty much how it's supposed to be," Kat said as she set her left toe on the mark, her hands up and her elbows in tight, peering at her opponent through her high fists and figuring she's going to try to get off with heavy shots as soon as she toes the line, trying to continue her advantage from the last round. And she was right ' Terry had no sooner touched the line with her toe than she unloaded a blistering three-punch combo, big and fast left and right hands aimed at Kat's chin, then doubled off the right with a hook aimed at the side of Kat's jaw, trying to take control early. But Kat's experience had her ready, and though the lead left smacked into her lower lip, splitting it, she quickly twisted and took the first right on her left arm and rolled under the second, and suddenly she was right in front of Terry's open body. Kat's taped fists quickly pounded their way home, a quick left-right that hit Terry's upper chest and sent "THUD" sounds across the gym, and a following right hook clipped the shorter fighter's jaw and caused her to step back and shake her head. Kat smiled as she bounced on her toes, her body and head in constant motion to make her a difficult target, the thoughts and pain of losing the boxing segment already long put out of her mind. "I'm just getting warmed up," Kat yelled out. "NOW we're going to have some fun!!!" Kat was in her element now ' the boxing had gotten her blood and her juices flowing, and now she was in the fighting style she enjoyed most. The primal nature of bare-knuckle appealed to her more than any other ' especially when she looked at Terry and saw the flushed red skin just over her tit where Kat's quick fists and knuckles had left their mark. The thought that always went through her mind in one of these bouts ' that she could inflict damage on a worthy opponent without any outside weapons, just with the weapons that were the fists at the end of her muscular arms ' came roaring back and filled her body with a warm and sensual glow. It didn't take Terry long to bounce back, and she began to circle Kat, trying again to close the distance between the two and jabbing quickly over and over, holding her left hand almost at arm's length, almost measuring the distance before she stepped into a right hook aimed at Kat's ribs. Kat's hands were quick enough to bat away the jabs and her own doubled-up jab caught Terry above her already-sore right eye, but she wasn't able to pick off Terry's hook and it landed with a "WHAP," forcing some air from Kat's mouth through clenched teeth. But Kat's strong obliques, honed to armor-like protection, didn't allow Terry's hard shot to sink in ' much to Terry's dismay, when she ate a slashing right cross and Kat's follow-up left uppercut that bit hard into Terry's open solar plexus. "UUUHHHH," Kat heard coming from Terry's mouth ' music to the ears, Kat thought, but she was still cautious about stepping in to take advantage. She knew the strong Terry was dangerous ' and without the gloves, she had to be at least a little careful not to have one of her meaty fists land wrong and injure or break her hand. After all, those strong fists weren't only the lead tools into eventually satisfying her sexual needs ' they were the money-makers, and Kat had to protect them at least a little bit. And THIS was what she LOVED, and there was no crowd tonight that she had to please, except for Duke, and Kat imagined his dick already sore from whacking off while he watched the two of them fight. Clearly, HE didn't want it to be over too soon any more than Kat did herself. So she backed off, still moving in that natural way that only great fighters can manage, and content to trade light punches, flick out jabs and light three-punch combos, alternating between upstairs and downstairs, to test Terry's reactions ' and if her hand and body speed flustered her foe a little, so much the better. She figured Terry would start picking up the pace as the two of them warmed up again, and that didn't take long as Kat could feel Terry's fists begin to come at her quicker and more crisply. Once again, the basement gym echoed with the sounds of combat...the "BAP, BAP" of well-worn leather replaced by the meaty SMACKS of hard knuckles, compacted by their handwraps, pounding into hard muscle and harder bone...all the other sounds remained the same as in the first bout. Kat knew what kind of power those fists had, having felt them inside of the gloves in the last round, but Kat was so settled into her fight aura that even thinking about Terry's power gave her some pleasure. Nothing else mattered right now but the two women trying to pummel and pound each other, and the space defined by the ring ropes. Kat was using that ring space to stay at arm's length and lash out quick left hands, trying to pepper Terry's face, and quickly backing off from Terry's counters ' one of which whacked her on the temple and sent sweat flying off her head. But Kat noticed that Terry's hands were low when she pulled them back after a punch, and she put a lot more muscle into a double-up jab that popped off Terry's right eyelid and started a new flow of blood stemming from the damage that Kat had done with the gloves on earlier. Two more quick lefts caught the confused Terry under that same eye, and a mouse quickly popped up there. "That eye's going to look like hamburger in a while," Kat thought. That thought was still in Kat's mind when Terry shoulder-feinted a left, and when Kat slid her hand over to block, Terry's left pounded straight ahead directly into Kat's nose, causing her vision to go white for a second, and she didn't see the stiff right cross that had plenty of Terry's muscle behind it. That right clipped across the left side of Kat's mouth, knocking her head to the side, and only her instincts let her lean back and get away as a murderous following left hook whistled just in front of her face. Kat instantly tasted her own blood, a trickle coming down from her nose into her mouth and her tongue also touching the left side of her mouth where Terry's cross had opened a small cut. She quickly circled back and away, noticing that Terry wasn't instantly stalking her. Damnit, Kat, you can't let her do that or your face is going to be a bloody mess, she said to herself as she reset herself near the ropes. Terry's shots made Kat refocus, and she quickly got back into the rhythm that had become her trademark ' take things easy before moving in, trading a few combinations where she invariably got the best of the trade, move back away and wait, taking things easy before moving in again. Eventually, that rhythm and her hard fists would wear her opponent down, and open her up for Kat to do some real damage, and taking a few fists off her own face and body were just the price of setting up her foe for the pummeling that almost always came. And, as always, the early battles, where things were close to even between the fighters, filled her with an excitement that was obvious from the way her nipples poked out and her moist thighs shone under the ring lights. It didn't hurt her arousal that Kat knew she was in the ring with a GOOD fighter, one whose talents she hadn't expected, and because of that Kat began to slowly move away from her stick-and-move tactics ' starting to press forward a little more and initiate the action. She landed solidly a lot ' defense wasn't Terry's forte, but counterpunching was, and Kat felt a few sharp counters bounce off her own head as she tried to follow her own salvos and bore her way inside. Kat had Terry backing up for the first time in this segment, and was trying to get her against the ropes so she could pen her up and hopefully use her speed and range to rain in some punches on Terry's sore face. Terry managed to evade the ropes once, but Kat lashed out a quick combination that snapped Terry's cheeks to each side and backed her up, feeling the ropes on her bare and sweaty back. Kat stayed at arm's length but snapped a double-up jab that caught Terry's nose and mouth, and Kat's view of Terry's blood spurting out of one nostril excited her again as she followed with a right hand that slammed into Terry's left eye and caused her body to shiver and caused Terry to raise her hands and guard up around her head cocoon-style. Time to get serious, Kat thought as she for the first time saw her own blood running down her chest and onto her taped hands. Kat rolled her shoulder and delivered a quick right that split Terry's elbows and crashed into her solar plexus again, and as Terry doubled over slightly, Kat's beefy shoulders and powerful arms began digging uppercuts into Terry's upper and lower abs. Her arms worked like pistons as she heard the "THAP, THAP, THAP" of her fists popping into Terry's bare and sweaty skin, her hard body shots unanswered by her opponent as Kat spread her boots wider and continued to beat her fists into Terry. She could feel her knuckles going deeper by the second as Terry's abs began to fail and she began to mumble, "unhhh ' shit '. owwww," before starting to whimper in pain, her arms not fast enough to defend all of her broad body as Kat continued to slam her fists into the open areas. The excitement of putting her opponent down just from pummeling her strong and beefy body got Kat even more excited, and she spread her legs even further, giving her a lower center of gravity ' and not surprisingly she felt even more wetness around the edges of her green thong as she pounded away on her struggling foe. A couple of times, she felt Terry's legs buckle, but Kat had been in this situation before ' in a bout like this, if she could deal out as much punishment as possible before her opponent went down, the less likely she was going to beat the 10-count. "BAM ' BAM ' BAM ' BAM," Kat's fists beat uppercuts in rhythm on Terry's bent-over body, and now every punch was met by a shudder as Terry slowly began to lean forward off the ropes. Kat's biceps bulged as her arms punched like a metronome, and just when she thought she was going to have to stop from the pain of exertion, she slammed a final LEFT-RIGHT that almost lifted Terry off her feet, and she crashed onto all fours on the canvas. "YEAAAHHHH ' my turn now," Kat yelled at her downed opponent before she began walking back to her corner, already thinking about the third and final part of the bout. No way she's getting up, Kat thought, as she heard Duke begin the "1! ' 2! ' 3!" count. But as Kat sat down heavily on the swing-out stool and started shaking out her tired arms, she already saw Terry reaching for the ropes as the count continued. As it hit "4! ' 5! '" she saw Terry's strong biceps bulge as she began pulling herself up the ropes. "6! ' 7! ' 8!" and Terry had the top rope in her hand. With one big tug from her burly arm, Terry picked up her dead weight with that one arm, beating the count and keeping the bout alive. Damn, how strong is she, Kat thought. Brave as hell, too. After a pounding like that, she dead-lifted her own weight with one arm, and Kat realized that, instead of moving on to the no-holds-barred, in another minute this bout would be continuing. Suddenly, she had to refocus and get ready for another round, and as she stepped out to toe the mark, she saw Terry slowly rising from her stool to do the same thing. Neither fighter said a word as the minute timer sounded, but as soon as Terry put her toe to the line, it was Kat's turn to try to get off to a fast start as she shot out a right-hand lead aimed for Terry's eye and followed by hooking over Terry's low right hand, slamming into Terry's temple. Terry lurched forward and threw her burly arms around Kat, trying to clinch and buy time, and quickly Kat grabbed Terry's shoulders, twisted her torso and hip-tossed Terry to the canvas ' her meaty body landing with a "WHHUMPPP" that sent sweat flying off her body. As soon as Terry landed, though, Kat realized she'd made a mistake ' she just gave Terry another minute and 20 seconds to recover ' the 10 seconds to rise and beat the count, the minute break and the 10 seconds to "toe the line." And rounds won don't have any meaning in London Rules ' not to mention the bouts can go an unlimited number of rounds. As Kat backed off, this time walking backwards and not taking her eyes off her opponent, Terry slowly rose and walked back to her corner, sitting heavily ' but not nearly as heavily as just a couple of minutes ago. "SHIT, the sneaky bitch snookered me!" Kat spat out as she grabbed a towel and some ice, holding it tight against her nose and lips to keep the swelling down from Terry's earlier shots. She never took her eyes off the other corner, where Terry was doing the same thing -- ice in both hands held over the eyes and against other sore areas ' but she was doing it much more alertly than the last round break. And when the timer went off, Terry was first to toe the line, and when Kat put her toe out and shot out a quick left, Terry was able to get her right up and duck away as she took a couple of steps back, giving her even more recovery time. "Who ARE you?" Kat asked as she went in hot pursuit ' she knew she still had the advantage, but needed to take advantage as soon as possible ' and threw another left hook that landed near Terry's eye, and pivoted to throw another hard right hand at Terry's sore body when '.. WHAAAMM! A set of knuckles slammed into her left temple, knocking Kat's head violently to the side, her body following into the ropes. In her haste to keep the advantage, Kat hadn't brought her left back up after her hook, and Terry had swung a right hand in desperation to try to get back into the match. And it had landed ' hard ' and Kat found herself leaning against the ropes, trying to get her bearings. Terry wasn't near full speed, but she was still able to bore in and started shooting out straight lefts and rights. But this time, she targeted a different area ' her bare knuckles slammed heavily into Kat's breasts, her right hand burying into her left tit and her left following into the soft underside of her right orb. "OWWWWW!," Kat yelled out as her chest became white-hot with pain, the red imprint of Terry's knuckles showing on both sides of her hard nipples, and she slid backwards heavily against the ropes, her own taped hands and heavily-muscled arms pulled back to cover her aching chest. Her cries of pain seemed to invigorate Terry, who quickly swung a hard left-right hook combo that both crashed off the hinge line of Kat's jaw, knocking her head from side to side and caused her knees to wobble. Terry saw the shaking, and rolled her big shoulders while bending at the knees close to Kat, and sent a right uppercut that started below her knees and crashed on the point of Kat's jaw. Kathy went down in a heap, her legs folding up under her and her head lolling against the ropes, her jaw aching and her chest still screaming in pain as she fought to keep her head up ' if she ever succumbed to the desire raging through her head to slump down, she would never be able to beat the count. Her strong will kept her upright while Duke doled off the count, and by the time he hit "6! ' 7! ' 8! '" she used her hands to balance herself and stood up, going slowly toward her corner. As she moved unsteadily back to her corner, she heard Terry call after her, "win this and the next one, and I'll TELL you who I am!" Almost immediately, Kat grabbed large chunks of ice from the bucket with both hands and began rubbing across her breasts. The cold sent a shock through her body, but it also began numbing the pain quickly and an "OOOOHHHHH" of relief escaped her lips. She kept rubbing the ice across her body, her head reclined back against the ropes and her eyes shut, while her breathing slowly got back to normal. She was toweling herself off when the minute buzzer sounded, and for the first time she looked across the ring and saw Terry, already off her stool and toeing the line, a small grin on her face. That grin's coming off soon, Kat thought, as she slowly rose and pushed her stool back before heading out to the line. She figured Terry would go for the quick start again, and when Terry shot out a left at the second Kat's toe hit scratch, Kat caught the left with her right hand and surprised Terry with a sharp left hook to her right breast. "AAAAGGGG," Terry screamed and reached down to cover, and Kat quickly shot back, "My turn now, bitch," as she popped Terry with a quick left-right that slammed into her nose and mouth, drawing blood from both. Terry shook her head, tasting her own blood in her mouth, and quickly retaliated with her own left hand that flattened Kat's nose against her face, starting it bleeding again, followed by a wicked overhand right with lots of beefy shoulder behind it, that pounded into the puffiness around Kat's left eye...the same eye Kristen had tagged earlier that evening, and which was now starting to close. At that moment, both fighters threw caution and defense to the wind and went at it toe-to-toe at mid- ring, head-hunting, fists sweat and blood flying as neither of the two strong women were ready to step back, dance away or even flinch. All each of them did was throw punches ' hard, wild punches ' for nearly half a minute. Between the two, Terry was the brawler ' but Kathy was by far the more experienced. She'd been in this situation before, and even when the action appeared to be chaotic, she had the innate ability to remain under control, and all of her punches were thrown with a purpose. Slowly, Terry's punches grew wilder and fewer and fewer of them matched the consistency of the meaty smack of clenched fists against dense muscle that accompanied most of Kat's hard shots. More and more, Kat's knuckles cracked against Terry's head and face, which caused Terry's punches to go even more off-target until it appeared she was swinging with her eyes shut. With Kat's fists beating a steady rhythm against her eyes, that wasn't far from the truth, and Terry began slowly stepping backwards ' and then staggering backwards as Kat continued her onslaught. A grin began to form on Kat's face and the rumblings of yet another orgasm rolled through her loins as she began to take control, working Terry back into a corner and hearing her grunts of pain each time Kat's fist made contact with her rapidly-swelling face. Terry's mouth was open, trying to draw in air, when Kat bent over and sent four rapid-fire hooks just below Terry's rib cage, both fists digging in deep and making Terry let out a retching sound as her guard dropped. It only took Kat a split second to see Terry's hands down, and her haymaker right hand shot across without conscious thought and clipped Terry perfectly on the point of the chin. The shorter fighter spun into the side ropes, and for a second it appeared to Kat that she was going to grab the ropes and stay up ' but she realized that it was only Terry's hands sliding across the ropes on the way down. Terry hit the canvas hard and fell to her side, and by the time Duke had begun his "1! ' 2! '" it was obvious that Terry wasn't going to climb the ropes this time. Kat stood over her downed rival until Duke had finished the count, her hands low but still cocked as if she expected to have to do more damage. It wasn't until the count ended that she put her hands on her hips and readjusted her soaking-wet thong, and then, remembering Terry's attempt to console her after the boxing match, she took two quick strides forward and dropped to one knee beside her. Terry had now rolled onto her back, and was struggling to rise when Kat knelt beside her. Placing the open palm of her big right hand against Terry's heaving pecs, Kat said in a surprisingly gentle voice, "Lie still, hon ... no place you have to be in any rush to get to...and you couldn't right now anyway. Just lie back, breathe deep, and wait...your motor control will come back pretty quick, and then you'll be able to get your arms and legs to do what you want." "Thanks," Terry mumbled, ceasing her struggles and lying back. "You were right...that was fucking INTENSE!" she continued. Kat grinned at her and replied, "Like you said back in the bar, honey...'that's the only way to really fight'..." "You clocked me good...was I out?" Terry asked. "No," Kat said. "But your neck will only twist so far...twist it just a hair further, and your muscles quit taking orders from your brain...it's called 'the knockout reflex'...this hasn't happened to you before?" "First time," Terry said. "What I get for picking fights with a freakin' Legend..." Kat laughed at that and said, "Terry, at the rate you're going, in a couple more years YOU'LL be the "old gunfighter", hoping your opponent really HAS as much talent as they THINK they have..." Terry answered Kat's laugh with one of her own, followed immediately by a wince of pain. "BAD idea," she said. "It HURTS when I do that..." "Then don't DO that!" Kat answered with the ancient punch line and a wicked grin. Terry was unable to defeat the urge to laugh again, which was followed by yet another wince. "Bitch! You did that on purpose!" Terry said, mock angrily, but Kat knew she was faking, because her grin gave her game away. Terry continued, "I think maybe we'd better have Duke come in and work our corners before Part Three...you look like a train wreck!" Kat's bloody lips stretched in an even wider grin as she answered, "You should see the OTHER bitch!" And then her voice gentled again as she continued, "Are you sure you're up to continuing, hon? You already showed me what I needed to know..." and her big hand moved from the deep valley between Terry's sweaty, striated pecs to close ever so gently on Terry's bruised right breast, squeezing the rock- hard nipple between her index and middle fingers. "OHHHH, that feels good!" Terry moaned, feeling Kat gently massage her aching breast. "As for calling it a draw, not a CHANCE, sweetie...not when we're just about to get onto MY turf! Now shoo...I think I can get up now...go on back to your corner and start getting ready!" "If you're SURE, Baby...truth to tell, I didn't want this to be over yet EITHER!" Kat said with a smile, and with that, started to rise...but Terry's right hand reached up to catch the back of Kat's neck as she started to move, and Terry said, "Before you go, take THIS with you..." and pulled Kat's face down to hers, administering a soul-searing kiss...which lasted until Kat thought her lungs would collapse...but then Terry broke the kiss and smiled up at her. "The shape of things to come," Terry said in that throaty voice of hers. "Now, get going..." And Kat smiled back, mussed Terry's short brunette hair, then rose and went to her corner, swung out the stool and sat down. Kat toweled the sweat off her face while holding ice against her nose, lips and eyelid, and watched as Terry slowly worked first to her hands and knees before finally getting one knee under her. As she tried to stand, she almost fell into the ropes before gathering herself and hanging onto the ropes as she made her way haltingly to her corner, sitting down hard. One-one, Kathy thought, and in a couple of minutes she verbalized the same toward her opponent. "One-one," she said, her eyes fixed on Terry, and she saw Terry nod slightly. They didn't have to say anything else ' both knew that there was one fight left, and it was going to start as soon as the two powerful women were ready. The break between the bout segments was probably at least 10 minutes, but to both fighters it seemed like only seconds. Both could have used more recovery time before going into the rigors of a nude no- holds-barred fight, but that wasn't happening ' especially when Duke went and turned off the timer ' no rounds or time limit for this one ' and one last "DING, DING" echoed throughout the gym. As Kathy stepped out from her corner, she started realizing ' despite her superb conditioning ' how tired she was. She'd been punching two strong-as-hell women around most of the evening, and now that she was in a no-holds-barred final match, she tried to roll her neck and shake out her arms without letting Terry know how winded she was. Hell, she's got to be just as tired, Kat thought, and she's the one that just got beaten to the canvas just a few minutes ago. Kat figured she'd take a shot at putting Terry back down quickly, not knowing if she'd fully recovered or not, and as she quickly moved forward on the balls of her feet she threw a haymaker right hook aimed squarely at Terry's jaw. But when it arrived, Terry's jaw wasn't there ' she had ducked under Kat's opening salvo, and moved like a blur in catching the taller woman off guard ' sliding a hip into Kat's body, lifting and swiveling her with a perfect hip-toss into the mat. Instantly, Terry followed her to the mat, trying to pin Kat down or straddle her with her steel-strong legs. But Kathy was able to twist away and crawl quickly to her feet, several feet away, as Terry took a wrestling pose, a grin on her face. So she wants to grapple, Kat thought. If that's what she wants ' but she's still going to eat a few fists along the way. The two moved close again, their muscular arms balled into fists in front of them as they slowly circled, waiting for one or the other to explode into action. And they didn't have to wait long. Terry shot out one of those fists toward Kat's head, but Kat used her cat-quick reflexes and grabbed Terry's right lead with her left hand. She quickly went for a headlock with her right arm but was unable to pull Terry in tightly, and quickly also wrapped her left arm around Terry's head. Terry dug a couple of hooks into Kat's sides, but at that close range they had no steam on them, and she grabbed Kat's body in a bearhug with both arms. Both of the strongwomen squeezed for all they were worth, Kat trying to cut off Terry's air intake to wear her down and Terry looking to make Kathy submit with the pain to her already-sore body. Terry slowly worked her arms down to where she had Kat locked around the waist, her head jammed between Kat's sweaty breasts, and was about to go for a carry to slam Kat to the mat when Kat quickly released her hold and ' "OWWWWWW," Terry yelled as Kat's right elbow slammed into the left side of her head. Kat followed up with the same shot with her other strong arm, making Terry's other ear begin ringing, and as Terry's grip loosened Kat shoved her back and slammed a quick left-right off Terry's jaw, sending her stumbling backward. No sooner did Terry's back hit the ropes than Kat was ready, leaping in front of her and snapping a vicious front kick that crashed right onto Terry's sternum, bringing a huge "UNNGGGHHH" from Terry's body and causing her to involuntarily lean forward. Quickly, Kat lashed out with her bare fists, slamming Terry's temples with left and right hooks before winding up another kick, this one with her powerful right leg that thudded off the side of Terry's head and forcibly knocked her to the canvas. Kat quickly jumped on top, looking to keep her advantage and maybe lock her opponent in some submission hold that would end this part of the bout and give her the win in the three-way match. But Terry was alert despite the knockdown, only off her feet from the force of the kick, and even though she had her back on the mat she was just as determined to lock Kat up in some hold that would give her an advantage. The grappling struggle was on ' both trying to scissor the other between their incredibly strong and eager thighs. For a brief time, they were no more than a sweat-glistening ball of hard-muscled arms and legs, glued to one another as they wrestled for control. Terry had brought both arms up and around Kat's neck, her hands clasped and trying to clamp down on a headlock, but Kat had too much leverage from the top and had an elbow and forearm across Terry's neck ' which gave her the chance to slide her legs outside and under Terry's in a grapevine. Her powerful legs slowly spread her shorter foe's thighs apart with her hooked feet, until Terry lay trapped beneath her. Who's got the strong legs now, Kat thought ' but her heavy breathing started coming less from her exertion in the grapevine and more from the tingling that was running through her body. It was the first time that Kat and Terry were truly locked together, tit to tit and pussy to pussy, and a slow moan began escaping from both fighters as they rubbed against each other. Ohhhhh ' Kat LOVED the feel of Terry's sweat- and oil-slippery body against her own. She could feel the ripple of her muscles beneath her skin as Terry struggled to free herself ' could feel the firmness of her naked breasts as each woman's hard nipples bored into her opponent's skin ' could feel the ridged hardness of Terry's steely abs. But more than anything, Kat thrilled at the touch of Terry's damp crotch against her own, grinding against her. It took only seconds before Kathy's body shuddered in orgasm, a long "uuuuuuuhhhhhh" escaping from her lips as she felt her labia let loose again and her mound soaking itself all over again. She couldn't afford to relax. Even though she was pretty sure that her foe was in the throes of orgasm also, Terry was twisting like a slick eel under Kathy's weight, trying to buck Kat off her. But Kat kept the grapevine locked in for a long time, clinging to Terry like she was riding a bucking horse and trying to tire her out and at the same time wear down those massive legs. Terry wasn't giving up so easily, and one of her violent thrashes made Kat lose one leg's hold. But before Terry could catch her breath from her efforts, Kat wrapped her loose leg and her powerful thighs around Terry's waist, locking in a hard scissors ' the ultimate female domination hold. As she went to work grinding her legs together, with Terry the unfortunate middle part of her muscle sandwich, Kat grinned at her adversary who was now on her back and trying to get her arms in between Kat's anacondas. She had her ' no one gets out of this, Kat thought, and she was almost saddened that it had ended so quickly even though she'd emerged victorious and would hopefully soon be sexually satisfied. Terry, however, had other plans. She bridged herself upward, using her strength to heave her body aloft between Kat's legs, and suddenly twisted in mid-air, letting herself drop down and smash Kat's back hard into the canvas, knocking some of the wind out of her as she was now locked in between Terry's strong arms and legs. The tables had been turned with stunning swiftness. Kat still had her scissors around Terry's waist, but she was on the bottom and Terry had a forearm pressing down on Kat's neck ' and when she could work her other arm free from Kat's grasp, she slammed her fist into Kat's open belly. Even though she wasn't in total control any more, Kat was still aroused as the two grappled on the canvas, almost frozen in place except for the ripple of their muscles that made their skin almost appear alive. Both were breathing heavily as Kat reached deep within herself and poured even more strength into her scissors hold, clamping her thighs even tighter around Terry's hard and thick waist while she began throwing her own punches at Terry's face in the entanglement of arms. Right after one of Kat's right hands slammed into Terry's still-swollen eye, she let loose a big groan of effort, reached high and slid her beefy arm around Terry's neck and pulled her down to her, almost face to face. Kat had the full package clamped in now ' all Terry could do was punch into Kat's sides ' and Terry's head turned to the side, her hot breath panting against Kat's cheek. Without warning, Terry jerked her head to the side and clamped her mouth down hard on Kat's in a savage kiss. Her hard tongue had its own wrestling match with Kat's, sucking hard, their mouths glued to each other by suction. Kat still had the scissors in place and held the back of Terry's neck with one arm, as her other reached around her own big thigh and grabbed Terry's hard-curved buttock, gripping tightly and amazed at the resilient musculature that flexed against her hand. Damn, even her ass is muscular, Kat thought as she pulled against her with her hand while keeping her clamping scissors. Their kiss was broken by the gasp that escaped from Terry's lips. Neither of the strong females was ready to give up their position as their sweaty bodies slid across each other, straining against each other's hard-flexed muscles as their bodies almost shone under the ring lights. But slowly, Kat's unrelenting scissors began to take a toll. She could feel Terry's resistance ' the combination of Kat's incredible leg strength and her head and neck being squeezed by that beefy arm ' slowly fading. And as it did, Kat's hips began pumping up and down like a piston against the body trapped between her legs. Her pumping accomplished two things ' it ramped up the squeezing of Terry's air from her body much like a python's movements let it wrap around its prey even harder, and it also made Terry's pelvis a hard but yielding surface for Kat's labia to rhythmically pound against. Kat's thrusts pushed her already-moist pussy up and down against Terry. And with every squeeze, with every hard thrust, Kat could feel her clit growing larger and stiffer, and she almost squealed in pleasure as her hips moved faster, feeling the rapid approach of another clap of thunder between her legs. It was at that point that her many years of fighting experience trumped her wet desires, and Kat realized she needed to win the fight first ' and then her pleasures would be unabated. And she knew Terry, even with her body sore from the beating it took from Kat's legs, wasn't the type to give up this easily. But Kat had one more trick in her arsenal, one that would end their titanic battle, and right at the end of a series of hard and fast hip thrusts ' Terry's body was shaking in pain and exhaustion, she could feel ' she quickly rolled to one side, slamming her legs and Terry in between onto the canvas. She let go of the scissors ' feeling her legs trembling with the effort she'd been pouring into squeezing her foe ' and quickly pushed Terry's shoulders to the mat, face down, before mounting and straddling her. Before Terry could counter, Kat wrapped her arms around Terry's head and neck, her bulging biceps setting a tight sleeper hold as Kat put all of her weight into pinning Terry to the canvas as she thrashed and shook hard ' knowing that if she didn't get out of the sleeper soon, she'd be out and the match would be over. Kat held her there for a few seconds, fighting off the thrashing, before twisting her shoulders hard and rolling onto her own back, pulling Terry with her, Kat's wet crotch pressed against Terry's lower back. She kept her locked in until her opponent's breasts and belly pointed toward the overhead ring lights. She couldn't see it, but Terry's face was already turning red and her expression was one of desperation as she clawed at Kat's arms to try to escape the sleeper. Before she could, though, Kat quickly brought her strong legs around Terry again ' the same weapons she'd used to wear down her strong rival now setting around Terry's waist from the rear in a tight waist scissors just above her hips. As Kat locked her ankles in front, without thinking, she let out a loud, "YEEEAAAHHHH!!!!!!," knowing that she had Terry in a helpless position and she'd once again proven ' mostly to herself ' that she had few peers in the fighting world. After all, nobody had yet escaped the "Dragon Sleeper" once Kat had it locked in. Kat began to pull down on Terry's hips with the scissors, using the remaining reservoir of strength in her muscular thighs and knowing she probably wouldn't have to pull for long. At the same time, she pulled up and back on Terry's head, stretching her neck and her abs in opposite directions at the same time. The pain was excruciating for Terry ' she felt like she was being ripped in half, but her pride refused to let her concede until she began feeling the full effects of the sleeper and felt herself beginning to black out. Her body began to go even more limp, allowing Kat to clamp her legs even harder for one final squeeze that forced an "AAAUUGGGHHH" out of Terry's mouth, and before she passed out from a combination of pain and lack of blood to the head, she mumbled, her mouth against Kat's forearm, "I ' give ' I give '" Kat released her arms, just then realizing how tired they were ' and discovered her legs were even more worn out when they began shaking only moments after she unlocked her ankles and Terry rolled out onto the canvas, face down and her head buried in her arms. Kat instantly fell backwards, her back on the mat and her chest rising and falling rapidly and heavily as she drank air into her on-fire lungs. ++++++ Kat wasn't sure how long she was on her back, but the combination of looking up at the lights over the ring and feeling light-headed with all the fresh oxygen in her body made her almost groggy. She still didn't have her breathing under control when she felt a pair of hands beginning to massage her abs. Almost as if someone had flicked on a light switch, Kat's body responded ' her stomach muscles rippling under the touch. She shut her eyes for half a minute, enjoying the feel of well-oiled hands gliding across her skin, before she sat up, expecting to see Terry kneeling at her side. Instead, she was surprised to see Duke on his knees, with his hands lightly stroking her abs ' now down to her lower abs. "Lie back down and relax," Duke said. "She told me to keep you warmed up for a few minutes, so just lie back and enjoy." As he spoke, he nodded over to Terry's corner, and Kat finally saw Terry there, lying on her back with ice packs on both her face and stomach. "You pummeled her pretty good ' more than anybody else ever has, as far as I know," he said as Kat kept looking into the corner. "Give her a few minutes and then I'm sure she'll be ready for you again. Until then, lie back and I'll help you forget the soreness." As he finished talking, Duke had a small grin on his face, and as Kat leaned back and again rested her back on the canvas, Duke's hands moved lower ' . Kat instinctively slid her feet apart on the canvas, and quickly felt one of Duke's strong hands beginning to stroke her labia ' hitting just the right mixture of speed and pressure that had Kat shuddering in a matter of seconds. Damn, he's got good hands, Kat thought as she enjoyed the sensation ' just enough for her labia to flower open once again and get her to the brink of sexual explosion, but backing off to allow her to save her orgasms for when Terry was recovered. But Duke hadn't counted on Kat's hunger for sexual satisfaction, and it only took a couple of minutes before Kat's body trembled and her hips began matching Duke's hands, bouncing lightly against the canvas before an "Ohhhhhhhh," escaped her lips and she felt the shudders from deep inside her. Her back arched and she grabbed Duke's hand, holding it tight against her mound as it erupted again, and she could feel the rush of warmth coming from between her legs. As Duke's hand finally slowed, the thought raced through Kathy's mind that, should Terry not recover sufficiently from her beating to satisfy her, she'd just fuck this guy's brains out and she'd be pretty happy with her evening. But she was hoping that Terry and her luscious body would be available, and as her head rolled to the side, enjoying the effects of Duke's hand job, she saw that Terry was starting to recover. She had raised one knee off the canvas and had one burly arm draped across her forehead. The sight of Terry recovering was enough to turn Kat's thoughts back to the conversation they'd had in the locker room. "Duke, we have a problem. Earlier, Terry was asking me if I like to strap-on ' I think she's expecting that when we recover. But the fucking airline lost my bag of post-fight toys. I'm sure Terry has some though, yes?" Duke grinned and said "No problem, hon...'Tough Terry's Gym and Happy Bottom Riding Academy comes fully equipped! I'll go find something appropriate..." and he slipped out of the ring and headed for the dressing rooms. After his departure, the sight of Terry's continuing and rapid recovery was enough to get Kat off her back and to crawl on all fours toward Terry's corner. She was barely halfway there when she noticed that her nipples were aroused and hard as she got close enough to lock her lips on top of Terry's and nail her with a passionate kiss. Their lip-lock seemed to go on and on ' almost as if Kat were trying to use her tongue to help revive her beaten foe. And it was working ' Kat heard Terry begin to lightly moan and saw her nipples harden like wine corks, and Kat couldn't resist rubbing her hands over those tits and tweaking the hard nips between her fingers. It didn't take long for Kat to swing one leg over Terry, straddling her with her knees on both sides of Terry's head. "Time for the winner to start claiming her prize," Kat said as she lowered her head down to within inches of Terry's face ' and also slowly began to inch her hips up slowly, inch by inch, almost savoring the slow advance of her white-hot pussy toward Terry's willing mouth. Kat saw Terry's eyes widen as her head began to disappear below Kat's strong and still-bulging thighs, but Terry wouldn't need her eyes in another few moments. All she would need was her tongue ' and Kat's wanting crotch suddenly planted itself over Terry's nose and mouth, impatient for Terry to begin putting that tongue to work. Kat wasted no time in beginning to thrust herself hard into Terry's face ' in a way expressing her domination from her win in the fight, but mostly trying to force Terry's tongue as deep as possible into her warm and wet pussy. Terry soon responded, digging into her own sexual reserve as her tongue went to work and soon had Kat moaning in pleasure. It felt to Kat that Terry's tongue was hardening ' giving her the feeling that she had a wet dildo or some guy's dick probing into her. But this was so much better ' as Terry warmed up, she began flicking her tongue over all parts of Kat's sex, tasting and probing and sending shivers through Kat's body every time she would make contact with another highly-sensitized spot. Kat was cumming over and over, screaming as her body spasmed and she bent over, her head near the canvas and trying to press her pussy even more onto Terry. Soon she was almost bouncing off the canvas ' slamming her crotch onto Terry's face and trying to force her tongue even deeper. Terry was taking a beating from Kat's thrusts, her athletic body unable to control itself any more, before an "AAAAAHHHHH!" escaped from her lips and she settled her pussy down onto Terry's face one more time ' one more orgasm before even Kat's normally-unquenchable desire had to take a break. As she caught her breath, she saw Duke walk up to the ring apron, and saw he'd been successful on his errand. He was holding a very long and very thick double-headed dildo in his right hand. "Meet "Steely Dan III," he said with a grin, and as she dragged herself off Terry's still laid-out body she reached through the ropes and took "Steely Dan III" from Duke's hands, wondering as she did so if every lesbian in the world had read that book. "Steely Dan III? What happened to Steely Dan I and II?" she asked Duke with a grin. With a grin to match hers, Duke replied, "Trust me, hon...you DON'T want to know. Enjoy!" and retired to his ringside seat. The double-sided dildo had very similar proportions to her OWN missing "Steely Dan", which had given Kat more than her share of pleasure in many of her post-fight hookups, and she knew this one was about to fill that role ' and fill two warm and wet gaps ' once again as she roughly pushed Terry's legs apart and knelt between them. She saw her fight foe was more than ready herself for Kat's plaything, but for a few seconds she used it only to tease and tickle her pussy lips, almost instantly making Terry's body shiver with delight and an "OOOOOHHHHHHH" to shoot through her rounded mouth. Terry had barely finished her moan when Kat slid her own body close, sliding her half of "Steely Dan III" into her well-lubricated pussy ' letting loose a small squeal of pleasure as it popped in ' and maneuvering the other half into Terry's wet labia. She used her own weight to slowly slide the dildo into Terry, arching her back as she pushed simultaneously into Terry and into herself. Kat's pussy muscles were just as strong as the ones that rippled through her arms, shoulders, legs, chest and abs, and they used the opportunity to grasp hold of their half of Kat's borrowed toy ' holding it tight as her hips began thrusting, slowly at first. But as she picked up the pace, Kat began to press harder and faster ' slamming the pseudo-dick into Terry, pounding her, fucking her. But Terry wasn't just lying there and taking Kat's fuck ' her hips started gyrating as her own pussy muscles clamped down hard on "Steely Dan," and it didn't take long before the two incredibly strong women were squaring off in a type of tug-of-war, both of their pussies holding onto their half and trying to pound the other half into their "opponent." The two were locked into their crotch embrace for a long time, both of them savoring the feeling building inside them. But as strong as they were, eventually that feeling couldn't be pent up any longer, and the throes of a final orgasm made both of them scream simultaneously and almost instantly made Kat pull herself off Terry and both of them collapse onto the canvas, totally exhausted. ++++++ Despite the severe demands they had made on each other's physical stamina up to now, it did not take long for the two women to recover, superbly trained athletes that they were. Being the younger of the two, it took Terry a bit less time to do so than it did Kat. Thus it was that, what seemed an eternity after that last cataclysmic orgasm, while Kat was still on her back with her eyes closed, savoring the sensations her body was experiencing as the roiling waves of passion Terry had aroused in her slowly began to subside, she heard Terry's voice purr close to her ear. "Wakey wakey, baby...you ready for Round Two?" Kat opened her eyes to find Terry kneeling next to her, grinning. "You want some more?" Kat asked her as Terry began rubbing Kat's pussy, causing her nipples to stiffen once more and her clit to unhood in anticipation. Instead of answering directly, Terry straddled Kat's hips, grinding her sex into Kat's as she leaned forward, tangled her left hand in Kat's brunette mane and pulled her head up roughly into a fierce kiss. As the kiss deepened, Terry began pounding her hips into Kat's, their throbbing clits sending jolts of arousal through both women whenever they touched. The kiss seemed to go on forever. Just when Kat was thinking that her lungs would collapse if it went on any longer, Terry broke the kiss, and, with her left hand still tangled in Kat's hair and her right hand massaging Kat's bruised tit, purred "HIT me, bitch!" and accompanied the command with a hard grind of her hips into Kat's. "What?" Kat asked in surprise. "I'm a rough lover, baby," Terry replied, "and the bitches I fuck need to be rough, too. For me, the sex isn't good if I don't have bruises from it the next day. Now, HIT me, bitch!" And she accompanied the renewed command with a savage grind of her sex into Kat's. "You want me to fight you WHILE we're fucking?" Kat asked, feeling her arousal grow as she asked the question. "You got it, babe," Terry answered. "You up for it?" Kat's bloody lips spread in a grin as her answer. "Face shots too?" she asked. "Everything," Terry replied. "Now, bring it!" "Kinky..." Kat said, then slammed her right forearm into Terry's ribs while twisting her powerful shoulders at the same time, knocking Terry off of her and rolling on top herself, pounding her hips into Terry's once she had the upper position. "That's it, bitch, fuck me up!" Terry ordered with a grin as she thrust her hips back hard against Kat's and, her left hand still tangled in Kat's hair, pounded her taped right fist into Kat's left boob. Kat responded by savagely grinding her unhooded clit into Terry's and slamming both taped fists into Terry's wide open face. Terry's body shuddered in orgasm, and then she drove her left forearm into Kat's ribs and twisted her shoulders hard, and in a flash the two powerfully built women were rolling back and forth across the blood-stained canvas, grunting, snarling and swearing, pumped muscles gleaming under the ring lights as they hammered each other into incredibly intense transports of ecstasy with their fists and hips, kissing savagely when they weren't punching each other in the face. Eventually, even such superbly conditioned athletes as Kat and Terry reach the limit of their endurance, and so, several mind-shattering orgasms later, they found themselves lying on the canvas in mid-ring, much the worse for wear and completely fucked out. Kat was lying on her back, looking up at the ring lights with the one eye she could still open, her meaty right arm draped across Terry, who was resting her puffy left cheek on Kat's chest, idly trailing her fingers over the thick slabs of muscle in Kat's six-pack as they basked in the afterglow of their intense coupling. Duke had long since given up on getting into the action and had gone off to bed. "Where are you in Kansas?" Terry asked, leaving a bloody lip-print on Kat's blood-smeared pecs after asking her question. "Kansas City," Kat replied, stroking Terry's tangled, sweat-matted hair. "Wish I had known," Terry said. "I was there two weeks ago..." "MMMMmmmmm..." Kat said as she shifted position a bit, sliding her beefy right thigh in between Terry's and pressing it against her shaven sex. "In town for a fight?" she asked. "Work...my day job..." Terry replied. "You don't fight often...not like we did tonight...do you?" "No," Kay said. "Not as much as I'd like. Girls who can really make me stretch myself are hard to find..." Terry smiled and kissed Kat's pecs again. "If I come visit you in K.C., some fights will come with me...if I arrange it, do you want to fight me again?" "I'd LOVE to fight you again, baby," Kat replied with a grin. "Mags will want to meet you too...she's kinda territorial about me. I can practically guarantee that if you come to visit, you'll be duking it out with her less than a minute after you show up on my doorstep, if she's in town..." "She an underground fighter, too?" Terry asked. Kat nodded and answered, "Yes...ring name is Mags McGuiness..." "Holy SHIT!" Terry exclaimed. sitting up with a start. "She's one of the top three Super Middleweights in the country! SHE'S your partner!!??" "Yeah," Kat said with a grin at Terry's reaction. "WOW," Terry said with a matching grin as she draped herself back over the reclining Kat again. "Two Legends for the price of one! I've been wanting to tangle with HER ever since I started on the Underground circuit..." "If she finds out you fucked my legs off, I PROMISE you'll be meeting her!" Kat said with a laugh. "And that reminds me...what's YOUR ring handle, hon? You're WAY too good for me not to have heard of you..." Terry grinned and kissed Kat's gleaming, blood-spattered pecs again before replying," You won two out of three, and I promised I'd tell you if you did...my ring handle is 'Tough Terry Turnbull'..." and it was Kat's turn to experience the shock of recognition. "I've heard of you!" she exclaimed. "You're the hottest prospect in the Super Middleweights on the East Coast! Mags' fists have been itching for you for over a year! I'm honored to meet you..." "I'll DEFINITELY have to come visit then," Terry said with a grin. "Let me know when she's gonna be in town, and I'll arrange to come see you, and bring some fights with me..." "Done!" Kat said with a matching grin. "And THAT'S a fight I'd come a LONG way to see..." "It'll be a barn-burner, I promise!" Terry said, kissing Kat's pecs again and flicking her left nipple with her tongue tip. "Babe, this canvas is great, but it's not as comfortable as my bed upstairs...I think I'm for a shower and silk sheets...care to join me?" "I'll be up in a minute, Terry," Kat said. "I just need to check in with my manager...Mags was fighting tonight in Mobile, Alabama, and I want to see if she's ok..." "That's cool," Terry replied. "Bedrooms are on the second floor...Duke's is the first door on the left after you get upstairs. Just knock on his door and he'll show you where to go to find me...and don't be too long about it!" and with a last gentle kiss on Kat's torn and swollen lips, Terry got to her feet, slipped out of the ring, and headed upstairs. ++++++ After Terry's departure, Kat got up herself, slipped out of the ring, and headed for the dressing room where she and Terry had oiled each other up what seemed a lifetime ago. She fished her cell phone out of her equipment bag, and speed dailed Winnie. After four rings, a surly voice answered. "Winnie, it's me," Kat said. "Do you have any idea what fucking TIME it is, bitch?" Winnie asked. "The price of fame, slut," Kat answered with a chuckle. "Besides, why am I paying your outrageously overpriced Manager's fees if I can't get hold of you whenever I need to, no matter WHAT time that might be? And you're lucky...you JUST missed getting on my 'Fat Lip List' by the skin of your teeth tonight, so you might want to back off the attitude, JUST a little." Winnie's answering chuckle sounded in Kat's ear, and she said "Now that you've fixed it so I won't be able to get back to sleep for at least an hour, what ridiculously trivial thing can I do for you?" "Two things," Kat replied. "First, I need you to get me the full book on Tough Terry Turnbull...Super Middleweight Underground fighter out of New Jersey...if it wasn't for HER, they'd be calling you 'Bandit' for a few weeks after I get home...Second, and more important, have you heard anything from Mags?" "Yeah, got a call from her earlier...at a SANE hour..." Winnie answered. "How did she do in Mobile...is she ok?" Kat asked. "The news is both good and bad, hon," Winnie replied. "Mags had three bouts scheduled in the quarterfinal...won all of them, and clinched herself a spot in the semifinal round of the Tournament...then she got an impromptu challenge from one of the other winners...since it was unscheduled, it wouldn't affect her standing in the Tournament, and you know how Mags is...never turned down a challenge in her life...so she took the bitch on...black girl, Cruiserweight...don't have the full details, but I will by the time you get home. Scheduled for six rounds...Mags went the distance, but took a helluva beating...bitch "accidentally" stepped on her right hand in the 3rd and broke it, so Mags did the second half of the fight with just one good hand, and lost the decision...bitch couldn't put her down for keeps, though...but because of the hand, Mags dropped out of the rest of the Tournament." "Shit, and I wasn't there to help her..." Kat said. "So she's coming home early...I need to get there as quick as I can. Is she heading to K.C., or straight home to Little Rock?" Kat asked. "LIttle Rock," Winnie answered. "And just so you won't walk in blind, I think that last fight changed her somehow, Kat...she didn't sound like her usual self when I talked to her." "Thanks for the heads-up, Winnie,' Kat said. "Give her a call and let her know I'm on my way...I'll grab the first plane I can get to Little Rock, and be there as soon as I can." "Right," Winnie said. "Anything else I can do for you?" "That's all I can think of right now, hon. Let me get off here and head for the airport." "You got it, sweetie...give Mags my best when you see her...I'll have the stuff you wanted on Turnbull and the details on Mags' last fight when you get back to K.C." "Thanks, Win...gotta go now!" Kat said, and cut the connection. Then she called the airport, found out there was a flight to Little Rock in 20 minutes, and grabbed a quick shower in the locker room showers, cleaning herself up as best she could. Couldn't do much about the bruising, but with her mass, she doubted if anyone would say anything about her look...not where SHE could hear it, anyway. ++++++ Showered, dried and back in her streets, Kat headed upstairs, her equipment bag slung over her right shoulder, and knocked on the door of Duke's room. Duke's eyebrows went up when he saw Kat dressed and ready to leave. "Something come up?" he asked. "She was expecting you to join her in the shower, and then her bed..." "Yeah, trouble at home, I have to leave sooner than I planned. I hate to go without telling her myself, but I've got 10 minutes to get the rest of my stuff from the hotel and get to the airport, or I'll miss my connection to Little Rock." "She'll be disappointed...says you're the best she's tangled with so far...but I'll explain for you...you got wheels?" "Cab's coming, should be here in a second. Tell her I'm sorry I didn't have time to explain in person, and give her these..." Kat handed Duke her business card..."It's got my manager's number and my HOME number both...tell her I'd love to see her again," Kat said, and then gave Duke the thong she had worn for the fight, still sodden with her juices..."and tell her she DEFINITELY has the muscle to get them OFF me!" Kat continued with a grin. Duke grinned back, and said "I'll give her the message. Safe trip, and it was a pleasure watching you work!" Kat grinned back, and then her expression sobered and she said "Take care of her for me, Duke...I'll be looking forward to seeing her again..." Duke gave Kat a hug and replied, "I always do, Kathy...and there's your cab!" as the sound of the cab's horn out front came to them. "Go do what you need to do...I'll take care of things here." "Thanks, Duke. It was a pleasure meeting BOTH of you ... hope to see you both again soon!" Then she turned and bolted down the stairs and out the front door, her mind filled with concern for Mags...but coming back to Terry at odd moments as well.