In days of old When knights were bold And women stood from sight The day would come When they would run And meet to join and fight.
The Evil Queen had ruled with an iron hand for the longest time,crushing her rivals and enimies without mercy. She had an army of female warriors that were second to none. Together in battle, they were assured easy victory over all oncomers. As time went by,and peace had enveloped the land,her attentions focused on her subjects. The Queen decided that the people of her reign should pay her realm for the luxury of saftey in the form of higher taxes. This started a wave of dissent amongst it's inhabitants as well as deviding the army of women. Half were in favor of the increases,half against. A new figure arrose amidst the unfavored army in the form of a young maiden,named Rebbeca. She had held her ranks' admiration not only for her fighting skills but for her beauty as well. As the fury of the masses grew over these higher taxes, she was approached by a group of merchants and rebel statesladies. All urged her to rise up and take control of their beloved realm before it turned to dust. She felt the growing rage amongst her fellow warriors,the half that were ready for a new leader,and decided to approach the Queen peacefully at first. The Queen balked at her suggestion to lower the taxes back to where they had been set and ordered the upstart to leave the throne room. With a determined look, Rebecca glided off to her companions at the barracks and issued the news. They groaned at the bad words and promised their alleigence to her if this matter came to rebellion. Smiling gracefully at the amassed troops,she worked out a plan. During the night, they would steal off into the night,taking all the supplies and weapons needed to overthrough the Evil Queen. By daybreak,all was done. The warriors stood ready as Rebecca strolled out to them and spoke. "Today,we shall take back our beloved land and restore it to that tranquil haven we once knew...before the Evil Queen assumed control and ruined it!" Large cheers rose up from her commards who held their swords high in the morning sunlight. "Prepare to march and fight!", she said.
In a matter of one hour,they were moving to the castle of the Evil Queen. Word had reached her by messenger during the night and her troops were armed and waiting at the front of the fortress when the rebels arrived. Facing off in the cool Spring morning sun,they paused breifly. "We demand the Queen to lay down her rights to the throne and leave the realm!",ordered Rebecca. The Queen's aid replied that nothing of the such would be allowed and that they should surrender for treason or be cut down! Rebecca looked to her army and said, " Then we shall fight until we are freed from this witch!" With that,she chirped out the attack order and the two armies of women moved into the battlefield to meet. Rebecca was mounted on a horse,of course,and led them into the battle. The women warriors were all on foot and marched to each other, colliding with vicious exchanges of swords and spears. Screams cut through the air as the women fought with deadly force. Swords could be heard slashing through bodies and spears zinged in all directions. Steel hammered against steel,wood thudded against wood,blood began to flow freely and the green meadow turned red with both sides suffering great losses. Rebecca made her way to the castle entrance,once the guards had been drawn into the raging battle,and cautiously made her way to the Evil Queen's throne room. It was empty. She glided down the dark hallways and listened...hearing her foe in a hidden section of the castle,safe from the attacking army...until now. Rebecca slid into the room,her sword at the ready. The Evil Queen sat for a moment,and then slowly rose to her feet. "Allow me to prepare for this fight which we are about to engage in". With that, the Evil Queen removed her royal gown and crown,placing them aside and moved to a sword that she had nearby. Rebecca and the Evil Queen faced off across the room and glared at each other...promising that only one of them would leave this place alive! Now,with all that royal clothing on the side, the Evil Queen was now dressed in what could best be described as an all white,cotton like outfit of a dainty under shirt that tied at the breasts,bloomers that came to just above her knees,white cotton like tights,and soft,ankle high shoes...a small heel on them. Rebecca,seeing this,decided to make it a fair fight and disrobed from her armor,revealing a similar attire with the exception that her shoes were heels. With the pre-fight matters finished,the two women engaged in combat. The Queen and Rebecca clashed with hard,overhand attacks that slammed againsttheir swords with a stinging..."clang!!!" They fought across the room and swung with both hands on the grips of their swords,clanging away at each other. Rebecca swung low and brought her sword up to the Queen's mid-section,being caught and blocked by her. The Queen swung widely to her right,and launched a dangerous cross strike that almost hit it's mark! Rebecca blocked it just in time from slicing her in half! They battled on in furious fashion,swinging away and countering at all turns. Rebecca swung her sword at the Queen's,and knocked it into the air. The royal weapon spun out into the darkness that surrended them and was lost. The Queen grinned and pulled her dagger,motioning her foe to continue. Rebecca threw her sword aside as well and pulled her dagger to finish the fight. They circled each other,slashing out at random. The Queen launched a kick at Rebecca's legs that struck and caused her to cry out. She back off a step and returned to the fray. They came in close,grasping daggered hands with their free ones and wrestled together in this death match. Both women were cut in a few places during this close combat,as a sweaty hand would slip off,her rival would strike out and land. Regrasping again,the motion would continue on in painful srtife. Rebecca launched her knee into the Queen's groin,felling her and causing her to loose her dagger to the floor. Rebecca paused for a moment until the Queen lashed out her leg and tripped Rebecca down to her. They hurled themselves at each other on the floor,becoming entangled into a mass of writhing fury. The women fought to gain control of the sole dagger that was left between them. They wrestled across the room,each having a hold on the dagger,thrusting it into each other as they fought and rolled for position. At this point,they both had each hand on it,and in the twisting,lost it to both. It slid across the room and the two were content to maul each other barehanded. Hands ripped at eyes,knees slammed into all parts,fists battered bodies and faces, and both women were getting destroyed! In a cruel twist of fate,they wrestled and clawed their way right to the waiting dagger. Rebecca found it first,snatching it up and without pause,thrust it deep into her opponent's chest. The Evil Queen gasped and screamed in horror! Rebecca fell off her striken foe and rolled to the side. The Evil Queen layed onto her back,gurgled a few onscenties and ceased to be. Rebecca struggled to the battlefield where her forces had the battle in hand. On issuing her news of the deceased Evil Queen,the armies stopped fighting and Rebecca's realm began.