Picnic Punchout
My wife's office always threw a Summer time bash for it's workers and this
year, the weather was perfect. They supplied the food, drinks, games, and an assortment of freebies that was second to none. We had been there for awhile
when my wife, Carol, decided to chat with some of the gals. I mingled with the other guests and a stunning lady approached and struck up a conversation. She
introduced herself as Annette and we chatted like we had known each other for years, right off the bat. Something about her made me feel like I had known her
in years past.
She was a slender lass with dark, brown hair that hung down to her shoulders.
My height and a smile to die for. Annete was wearing black shorts, a white halter top, white canvas sneakers, and white socks that she wore folded over.
As we were about to discuss our favorite sports, my wife plowed between us and
shoved Annette away from me. Carol was wearing a green halter top, green shorts,
white low cut Reeboks, and white aerobics socks pulled almost straight up. They
were slouched just a bit. Annette stumbled a step backwards and regained her footing to face off with Carol, nose to nose. Carol was hot with anger and accused Annette of trying to pick me up. Annette told her that if she didn't get out of her face, there would be trouble. With that...each woman grabbed onto the other and a shoving match began. They insulted every aspect of their opponent and threatened to beat each other to pulps. I jumped in and seperated them before anything serious happened. They glared at each other and Annette
promised my wife that they would finish this encounter sooner or later.
Tempers lowered, I assured my wife that nothing had been going on and she knew it. After all...she was gorgous with her blonde hair and goddess like shape. Cheat on her? Not a chance! My wife later told me that she had been feuding with Annette and had been looking for an excuse to beat her up. My wife??? Beating somebody else up??? I had never seen her act in any other way
except like a proper lady. She had never been in a fight or had even come close. I know...I asked when we were dating.
Volleyball time!!! We went to the court and took up positions with a number of other guys and gals. Annette positioned herself opposite me at the net and my wife gently nudged me to the side and stood in my place. They glared at each other as the game began. As a slow lobbing ball came to the net, Carol and Annette jumped up to spike it at each other and instead ended up spiking each other with their fists. A crisp double "crack" popped out as they swung out and
connected with each others' faces. The ball fell untouched to the ground as they began to fight through the net! Annette and Carol punched at each other but the net cushioned the blows. Infuriated at the obstruction, they grabbed onto each others' arms, which they had managed to squeeze through the netting, and began to kick each other viciously! Sneakers slammed into shins as they fought and
cursed each other like drunken sailors! The other teammates pulled them away from each other and they screamed vengence on each other with pure rage! I tried to calm my wife down but she was hell bent on destroying her rival.
Annette seemed eager to battle as well. Two guys from the office held her back
as she struggled to get to my wife.
With the weather so hot, sweaty arms squiggled loose from their restrainers,
and Carol and Annette lurched into each other again. We made a slight effort
to head off the impending collision of these two warring angels, but stopped short, allowing them to fight it out in the dirt of the volleyball court.
Carol and Annette collided and began to fight with everything they had. Fists
and feet flew at their bodies as they fought violently in a back and forth motion. First Carol fought Annette into a retreating backstep, then Annette
launched an offensive, battling my wife back to the net. At one pont, Annette got Carol against the net and they fought at close range, pummeling each other with body punches and occasional hard kicks.
Carol was blooming a shiner under her left eye and Annette was bruised about her right cheek and chin. The women...in their mid-thirties...fought in a
grunting embrace which had the watching crowd cheering loudly. Neither woman
paid attention to the crowd and fought as if they were alone on the volleyball court. They clinched and held each other tightly...we waited... Both had begun sobbing and blood trickled from their knuckle visited lips. They would punch at each others' faces during their hostle clinch, stop and hold each other, and then punch again. Annette kneed Carol between her legs and my wife fell like a ton of bricks. Annette dropped down to her knees, grabbed Carol by her hair,lifted her head up, and swung out,smashing Carol in the face. Carol screamed out as the fist landed and collasped to the dirt. Annette cursed and
mounted my wife, front to front, triggering a rolling catfight that saw hairpulling and punching in furious form.
They rolled across the dirt and became covered with it. Their hair hung sweaty and matted against them, their clothes dissheveled and filthy. The fighting women rolled over and over, locked onto each other and careened right
into the lake that bordered the picnic area. For a few anxious moments they
rolled out of sight, under the water. Bubbles and shockwaves rose from the scene
of the subterrianian wrestling match that raged below. We held our breath as we
moved to stop this awful contest but stopped when Carol first and then Annette
arose from the depths about four feet apart. They moved the hair from their eyes
and moved to each other to our amazement. Both women raised up their fists and
stood soggy toe to toe. They began to fight with their fists and attacked with
no intention of defense. Each punched away continiously with lefts and rights,
gasping out and sobbing loudly as they fought. Carol grabbed onto the bellowing
Annette and held her head in one arm while she pummeled her opponent's face with her free fist. Annette tried to pummel my wife's body and succeeded for a time but fell victim to her own exhaustion. Carol took advantage of Annette's plight
and rained punch after punch to Annette's face and breasts. Annette screamed out her surrender and a few crowd members moved to pull them apart. My wife held on and kept punching until I dragged her off the stricken woman.
When we got them to shore, the damage was more evident. Both women had taken
a beating to their faces and bodies. Bruises and scratches covered them,blood
flowed from lips and noses, eyes were swollen almost shut, a real beating.
I nursed Carol back to health and she returned to work a week later. Annette
dissapeared from the job and was never seen again. My wife has sworn that she
will avoid any fights from now on. Smiling, she said..." I want to retire
The End