Anthropology Master's Thesis By Soxs It seemed easy enough...the twenty eight year old would write her thesis on the human conflict known as the catfight. She'd never been in a fight, but she had seen a few. The words flowed freely as she fevorishly wrote all night. On it's completion, she felt that something was missing. Across town, another woman of twenty seven was busy with the same topic. She too had viewed a few catfights but had never been in any form of fight as her unknowing counterpart. The writing part completed, she too felt a void with the paper. Fate steared them both to the town square where a small park layed. They'd ponder their work and maybe with the early morning air, come up with the missing link. Each greeted the other and sat on neighboring benches, sipping cappachinos. After a bit, they chatted and eventually got to the topic of their dispair. On further chatting, they discovered their mutual endeavors and thought together to fill the missing points of their papers. Megan and Jill looked at each other and finally realized their flaw. They each stated their lack of experience in actually taking part in this topic and toyed with the idea of fighting each other for real for purely academic reasoning. Each was reluctant to do this most violent task,but for a master's degree, they would have no other choice. The two women set a time and place, picked out identical clothing to make it as even as possible, and prepared for the day. Jill and Meg kept this encounter secret from their husbands and children. They planned the meeting with utmost cunning. On the day of their encounter, Meg and Jill sent their husbands and kids off to work and school, and donned their fighting clothes. Each would wear pullover knit tops,bluejeans,two padded bras,thick white sweatsocks and sneakers. Meg arrived as Jill was unlocking the door to the garage that her cousin had set up for excersising. Since her cousin was out of town for the week and she had a key, this would suit them to a tee. The garage was spacious enough to hold two cars, but instead had equipment stored in a small area and a large mat on the floor. They strolled inside, locking the door behind them. Meg eyed Jill's sneakers and they decided that the differences in them would render the contest uneven. Jill's were hightoped, Meg's were low cut. They unlaced them and took the sneakers off, opting to fight in just their socks. Jill and Meg stood silent and waited to see how they should start. After some thought, they simply moved to each other and grasped on with loose embraces. The hesitant fighters began to grapple around the mat in a friendly manner at first. Closing together in a tighter fashion now, they began squeezing in an upper body double bearhug. The women grunted lightly as they swayed from side to side in this lockup. Meg and Jill moved their arms higher and grasped each other in headlocks, bending together and stumbling in a wide arch. Jill got her leg around Meg's and thrust her to the floor. Before they resumed she said, We're not catfighting we're wrestling. Meg reluctantly acknowledged and the two women prepared to carry the fight to the next plain. They sighed in unisin and moved to meet again. This time, Meg and Jill reached for each others' hair and began pulling lightly at first. They chirped in discomfort as their hands explored the blonde targets that they were attacking. Meg and Jill moved about the room and pulled harder with each circle they made. Meg's eyes teared as she grasped her opponent's lockes and twisted them, causing Jill to cry out in pain. Now Jill's eyes filled with liquid as she fought back with twisting movements of her own. The women were now fighting for real, each trying to beat the other. Meg balled her fist and hurled it into Jill's breasts. The struck woman gasped and thrust her own right fist back into the padded bra of her foe. They stayed locked in each others' hair with one hand while they battered away with the other into their padded bras. Anger filled each woman now and they battled with hate and rage. Meg broke off the conflict and shoved Jill to the floor. She tried to catch her breath but Jill lurched into her and tackled her down into a torrent of violent female fury. They fought with everything they could think of. Hair pulling ripped at scalps,punches battered soft skin,feet kicked out at anything they could strike. The women sobbed as they fought on the floor. Jill kneed Meg in her stomach and that broke them apart for a rest. They glared at each other as they sat exhausted and battered on the floor. Meg spoke in a sobbing,breathless plea. One more go at each other and we can call it quits. Jill answered with a labored,Okay. Meg and Jill struggled to their feet and fell onto each other. They grasped together and fell in short order. Both rolled in slow motion, locked together in a tangled mess of bodies. They entwined their legs tightly and went for breast mauling now. Jill and Meg held onto each other as they twisted and pulled at each other's mammeries. The fight had lasted thirty minutes,the women layed locked together almost motionless except for the slight hand movements. They groaned painfully in each others' ears as they layed together on the mat. Enough, came from Jill's lips as she pushed her opponent away from her. Meg released her grasp and they cried there on the floor as the women laced on their sneakers and left the garage. The End