Fighting With Denise By Soxs She was new to the office,a husky gal in her early thirties. What God had given her in brains,was missed when it came to looks. She was a homely lass but beauty is in the eye of the beholder I'm told. Her job required answering the phone lines at the front desk. As a driver for the company, whenever I called in with a question or problem, she was first to answer and then would transfer me to dispatch or customer service. As time went by, she got used to my wild antics of calling in. Whenever the past operators would answer the phone,"Good morning, American Trucking,how may I help you?", I'd say stuff like,"I'd like to order two large pizzas or "How would you like a punch in the nose?!",speaking like a drunk....stuff like that. She'd laugh,we'd talk for a few minutes,and then it was back to business. On this one day, I answered with, "Ya wanna wrestle?" She replied,"Sure,but you'll probably get back here too late,I'm outta here at five!" Once more we laughed and carried on. The next time I said,"Hey, you wanna fight?" To my amusement she answered, "Okay, tell you what...when you get back to the office,let me know and I'll take you on!" I practically fell outta my seat with that. I answered,"Okay,I'll do that!" She laughed again and we went back to work. When I hit the terminal that day,I logged out and got changed outta my uniform,forgetting the day's banter between me and Denise. She didn't. As I was about to head out of the door to the parking lot,she slid up behind me and brushed against me in a gentle nudge. I smelled her perfume and turned to find her arm softly around me. She asked if I still wanted to fight her and I paused for an instant,bemused by this and not sure of what to say. I smiled at her and put my arm around her waist, answering with,"What fight?" She smiled back warmly and replied,"You know,you and me are supposed to fight after work today, remember?" I asked her if she really wanted to to this with me and she seemed to almost beg me to fight her. "What the hell",I said,"why not". She beamed as soon as the words left my mouth. Her shoulder length light brown hair fluttered in the breeze as she instructed me to meet her around the side of the building, which was hidden from sight of all,in ten minutes,her quitting time. I agreed and left to think this out. Since I was already changed into a tee shirt,shorts,sneakers and white socks,I was dressed for the fight,but what was she going to wear,I thought. She had been in a floral print dress,flat soled black slip on shoes and pantyhose in the office,not too well suited for fighting in. Maybe she had a change of clothes in her car? I took up a position in the hidden area and waited. Checking to make sure that it was in deed hidded from the rest of the world,it was. Ten minutes passed... I began to feel fooled by all this. She wasn't going to fight. It was all part of our banter between us. My face went red from embarassment as I played the fool in this little game. Just as I was about to start the long walk back to civilisation,she came bounding around the corner in the distance, still in her office clothes. She apoligized for being "late" and assured me that she was eager to fight me. I looked at her attire and said,"In those?" She answered,"Sure,give me a minute!" With that,she began removing her rings,bracelets,earrings,and watch. I stood frozen in time as I watched this female ritual unfold before me. A buldge began to form in my shorts as I watched her pudgey fingers perform the task of removing all that was glitter from her body,revealing a honed down woman wearing only that which was necessary for her to fight. I must admit that I too have pudgey fingers. We both had a slight weight problem but were equal in size and height. Her hair was now pulled back loosely but not in a ponytail,just a scrunchy thing holding the back part together and hanging down. After she had placed her glitters out of the way,she turned and faced me. "Ready",she asked? "Yes",I answered. To my surprise,she balled up those pudgey fingers into fists and moved out to meet me. I instinctivly responded in kind and now we moved to each other,fists up and ready to fight. We met in the grass and began to jab at each other straight on and without circling. Our shoes touched together at the toes as we jabbed at each other's bodies and faces. Our pudgey knuckles barely struck with any force as we lightly fought the opening seconds in slow motion. I sensed excitement in her eyes and body language as she stood right in front of me and didn't move one way or the other. We just stood front to front and lightly jabbed with one fist while covering up with the other. Occasionaly she stepped back a step and took a deep breath before resuming the fight. Then she'd step into me again and continue the jabbing moves. We fought like this for ten minutes, neither doing any damage to the other, and it almost seemed like a play fight. Ya go through the motions but ya don't really connect hard at all. More like touching your fists to your opponent's body. A change in the action took place when Denise pushed herself against me and grabbed on into a tight clinch. I followed suit and we clinched together in a mesh of perfume and sweat. Her hair laid against my cheek as we lightly struggled in a slow schuffeling motion,moving slowly along the grass. I felt her pantyhosed leg wrap itself around my bare leg and hiss at it slid up and down against it. At this point, she moaned and began to punch me in the mid section. Hardly feeling the blows, I responded with the same tactic and now we fought a body punching duel, still locked together with our free arms and our legs. I heard myself moan and then heard her moaning again. Sweat flowed freely from us as we struggled in a wide circle now, punching into each others' bodies. I felt the sock on my entrapped leg sliding downward as her attacking leg kept up it's assault. I felt her punches gaining power as moaned more and gasped for breath. I increased my punches slightly and she held me even tighter with that move. As we fought on along the side of the building I sensed her breathing wasn't from the fighting itself but the body to body contact caused by the fighting. My buldge grew even larger as we pressed together in this ballet of fist against fist. Her punches increased in numbers and force as her breathing increased along with them. She brought her other arm into action and leaned against me,punching with both hands now. I did the same and we fought with lefts and rights against each other. Sides,chests and stomachs were attacked but still not anywhere near full force. She backed me into the wall and we locked into a double clinch again,with her pressing against me tightly. Her moans turned to shreiks and her face was buried in my shoulder as we stood pressed together against the wall. With one gasp and loud moan,she shuddered and exploded with a deep thunder against me. I erupted at the same time and we held each other for a minute before we stopped the fight. Good thing I wore that condem. The End.