Battle of the Blue Bloods

This one's for DanL.

They were both of eliquent breeding and stature. Each, a beauty to behold. Although in their forties,each was firm and robust,wholesome and healthy looking while maintaining a feminine grace that attracted wanting stares from most men. Light brown hair crowned their picturesque faces,both lengths were to just above their shoulders and were in a wavy,permanent style. For some unknown reason,they had decided to do battle with each other and the endeavor had to be mapped out. When,where,what to wear...etc. All was agreed to except footwear. They had many different choices but neither could agree. It was finally decided that any type of shoe was out. They'd fight shoeless. Barefooted? Out of the question. Not these two! Pantyhose? No...just didn't seem sporting enough. The two women opted for socks. Since they would have to be attired exactly the same,to make it a fair fight,they agreed to meet at the clothing shop in town and acquire their outfits together. Everything was purchased,the white sports bras,the white bike pants,and all that was left...the socks. Since they were to fight shoeless,it was decided that they should don not one pair,but two pairs each for padding and protection during the fray. The eager women brouzed the sock section,a huge assortment hung in front of them. Since they'd be bare legged,the first pair had to be knee high in length. They chose all white,thick basketball socks that had a cushioned foot and a stay up top,small ribs ran down them their entire length. Layered over these,the women picked out two pairs of heavy roller blading socks,white,that came to just over the tops of their calves and had thick ribbed material from the tops to just above the ankles. Outfits completed,they rushed off and prepared for the fight. A day later,they drove off into the country in seperate cars to Bittsy's country estate. Dottie arrived and was led to a room where she changed into her fighting gear. Unacustomed to the thick material of these bulky socks,she wiggled her toes and peered down at her feet. Soft,she thought. Bittsy was waiting for her in the prepared room for the fight,bouncing in her corner on the thick material of her layered footware. Dottie got to her corner and rules were gone over one last time. No eye gouging or biting. Ding! They came out of their corners and circled each other with a lust for this fight. Neither had been in a fight and each wanted to experience the feel of it. They continued to circle,their socks shuffeling along the padded floor. Bittsy could hold back no longer and pounced at Dottie! They embraced in a wild struggle of punching and hair pulling like two wildcats! As they fought,their feet became locked at the ankles of Bittsy's right leg and Dottie's left. The thick ribs pulsated against each other and the women battled on. They pummeled at close range with small fists to soft bodies and pulled hair with vicious abandon! Dottie raised her leg away from the ankle lock and straddled Bittsy's leg around her thigh,holding on and continued to punch her body. Bittsy battled back and got her leg raised in the same fashion,battering her opponent and holding her by her free leg as well. There they stood on one foot each,punching away at each other while locked at the thighs. A sudden shove by Bittsy brought them tumbling to the cushioned floor. They sprang onto each other and became embroiled in a tangle of arms and legs,their legs entwined and straining. The outter layerd roller blade socks began to slouch as their legs strained and rubbed together in this violent entanglement. Bearhugs squeezed tightly,their cheeks resting on each others' shoulders as they struggle across the floor. The women rolled slowly,straining for a top position but they were too even at this point. Bittsy got nasty and thrashed Dottie in the face with a well aimed fist. Dottie broke off the engagement and tried to roll to saftey. Bittsy would have none of that and leaped onto her,ending up with Dottie face down on the floor and Bittsy on top of her,face down as well. Bittsy applied a full nelson and wrenched her opponent's arms straight out in front. Her feet sought out their enemy and attacked by locking up with them in a grapevined hold that strained and pulled against them. Dottie shreiked out her surrender but Bittsy wasn't ready to stop! She kept the pressure on and held firm. Dottie cried as she begged for release but Bittsy had tasted battle and she liked it! Dottie managed to get to her knees and in a swift motion,bucked her inflictor off! The enraged Bittsy stormed after her,sending them on a mad race all through the estate. The persuing woman caught her pray in the dining hall,tackeling Dottie and sending them both over a devan in the process! They crashed to the hard wooden floor and grappled there in a violent rage. Scratching and hairpulling erupted between them in a torrent of females! They battled back to their sock covered feet,both layers now pushed down to bulky masses,and squared off,fists at the ready. The exhausted pair launched into each other with ferocious aim! Slow but hitting their marks,the womens' fists thwacked into each other and delt them much pain. Barely able to stand now,they clinched together,toe to toe,and slugged away in close combat. The punches came in five second intervals as they stood there and fought out the last of this first fight! Dottie took a deep breath and plowed her foe with a hard bolo punch that knocked Bittsy silly! She crashed to the floor and began mutering something about...yes Mummy,I'm going to school today! Dottie leaned over and gently took her face in her left hand....then pounded her with her right fist! Lights out!
The end