Kareena, the Avenging Angel by Sonofjack, sonofjackell@gmail.com A sequel to India Story ____________________ This is a sequel an earlier story I wrote called "India Story". It's the second story I've written about an amazing Indian demigoddess name Kareena. Both of these stories are custom stories that I wrote on commission. I'd love to know what you think of this story or any of my other stories. Email your comments to sonofjackwell@gmail.com ____________________ Chris Jacobs sat in bed and looked down at the beautiful woman sleeping next to him. He marveled at her flawless olive skin. He cherished the fragile beauty of her face as he ached to kiss her full lips that were parted just the tiniest bit. He lusted after every sumptuous curve of her warm feminine body as he slowly became hypnotized by the rising and the falling of her shallow breathing. Even though he'd been waking up beside this divine creature for over two years now, he knew that he would never tire of it. Chris could not believe how great his life had been going since he met Kareena in India. First and foremost, Kareena and he fell deeply in love, and she agreed to come back to America with him. Right after that, after Kareena had a little talk with his boss Margaret Archer, the owner and CEO of Archer Games, Chris had been made a junior partner in the company. This came with stock options and profit sharing incentives. Those profits shares took on new meaning after Chris developed a new computer action game centered on a female character called "Tarina". Chris based Tarina very closely on Kareena. Tarina looked very much like Kareena, and Tarina's personality was very much like Kareena's. One important thing was different about Tarina however. She was not nearly as strong as her real-life counterpart. She was stronger than any of the men in her cyber-world to be sure. However while Tarina might be able to lift a 700 pound motorcycle for example, she couldn't lift a four ton elephant the way Kareena could. As difficult as it may be to comprehend, the beautiful, delicate flower sleeping next to Chris could easily lift a four ton elephant. The truth was Chris didn't know exactly how strong his girlfriend was. Even after over two years of watching her casually perform superhuman feats of strength he still found it hard to understand how such a feminine looking woman who was only 5'4" and weighed 127 pounds could be so powerful. When he originally began to develop Tarina as a computer gaming character, he gave her something approaching Kareena's true strength. However, this tested poorly with gamer focus groups who commented time and time again that Tarina's strength was "too unrealistic". So, she was toned down. Even toned down, Tarina quickly took the gaming world by storm. She quickly became the most popular female gaming character since Lara Croft. Her game debuted at number one in the world and has held that spot for the nearly six months it's been out. Even before the game came out, the pre-launch publicity took hold and the merchandizing blitz began. Tarina appeared on t-shirts, posters, and DC, Marvel and Dark Horse comics all vied for the comic book rights. There was even already talk of a movie version of Tarina. As the primary designer and part owner of Tarina and junior partner in the company, Chris got a double-dip of the profits from the game and the merchandizing. The merchandizing is where the really big money is. This made him a multi-millionaire almost overnight. Now he could afford to lavish the kind of attention on Kareena and maintain the kind of lifestyle he felt she deserved. They moved into the penthouse of a twenty story luxury apartment building. The penthouse came with a large outdoor garden and a rooftop swimming pool as well as a large personal gym. As he sat thinking about how great his life was, he thought about how he owed it all to Kareena. How could he forget with her around to constantly remind him? Just the night before she'd used her vastly superior strength to force him to his knees. While he was down there she instructed him to kiss her feet. "Do you know why I am making you kiss my feet?" she asked "Because you know I love it?" he answered her question with a question. "Well, yes, I DO know that, but do you know why else?" "Why, Mistress Kareena?" "Because I want to remind you that you should be grateful to me. Without me you wouldn't be a partner in Archer Games. Also, you would not have been inspired to create Tarina if it wasn't for me," she pointed out. "That's all true," Chris confirmed. "By rights I should demand that you turn over half of everything you have to me," she insisted. "I would gladly hand it over," he agreed. "You say that as if you had a choice. I could easily take whatever I wanted from you and there's nothing you could do about it. Do you know why?" "Because of your awesome and terrible super strength, Mistress Kareena," Chris said. "But in the end, what's the point. Since I own you, I already own everything you possess. You do agree that I own you, don't you?" she asked as if daring him to say no. "Yes, of course, Mistress Kareena," Chris concluded. "Perhaps I should make you kiss my ass instead of my feet," Kareena suggested. "May I, Mistress Kareena, please, may I?" Chris was smiling blissfully remembering what happened next when he suddenly noticed the time. If he was going to shower, cook breakfast and eat before he left for work, he'd better get a move on. He knew better than to wake Kareena up without a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. He rushed into the kitchen to cut an orange to squeeze for his lover and mistress. He could easily afford to hire help to perform such tasks, but Kareena preferred personal service, and Chris liked to make sure that things were just right for her. With a glass of fresh oh-jay on a tray, Chris returned to the bedroom a few minutes later. He placed the tray on his nightstand and climbed into bed behind Kareena. He started kissing her on the back between her shoulder blades. When he heard her sigh contentedly he moved up and began to nibble her left ear. "Your orange juice is waiting, Mistress," he whispered She reached behind her head with her left arm and patted him gently on his cheek. "As it should be, my obedient servant," she said adoringly. She sat up in bed and waited for Chris to fluff her pillows behind her. Once he did she sat back on the headboard of their huge king sized bed. Chris handed Kareena her orange juice and settled in so close beside her that their shoulders were touching. "You're not having any orange juice?" she asked. "There was only enough for one full glass," he responded. "Oh," she said. She did not offer to share, nor did Chris expect her to. They sat for a few minutes discussing their plans for the day. Chris told Kareena about some important meetings he would be having at work. He also talked about the dinner he planned to prepare for her later. Kareena told Chris about the shopping she had planned for that day. She also told him how she planned to call her sisters later. Despite the fact that her oldest sister Aadhya was married to a famous action movie star - sort of Bollywood's answer to Dwayne Johnson - and her middle sister Baljeet was married to two men - a professional soccer player AND a professional cricket player - none of them were making as much money as Chris was right now. Plus, neither of her sisters had a world famous fictional character based on them. Kareena loved the fact that hundreds of thousands of gamers around the world went to bed fantasying about having sex with Tarina who looked exactly like her but was less than half as strong. She loved reminding Chris of this, and it turned him on knowing that while those others only fantasized, he got to have sex with the real thing. After talking about their days, Kareena said, "I'm ready to get up now, Chris." For a few seconds, Chris was lost in the thought of all those poor gaming and comic book geeks lusting at the woman HE was privileged enough to serve and sleep next to. "Chris! I said I'm ready to get up now!" Kareena said impatiently. Chris snapped out of the daze he was in and jumped out of bed. "I'm sorry, Mistress. Please, don't get angry." He ran over to her side of the bed and kneeled down before her. It was so ordained by Kareena that Chris should kneel down before her every morning and kiss both of her feet before they hit the floor. Kareena stuck out her feet for Chris to kiss which he dutifully did. "Bottoms too," she said. He got down low enough to turn his head so that he could kiss the bottoms of her feet as well. This was her way of punishing him for not responding quickly enough before. "I'm sorry, Mistress, it won't happen again," he promised and stood up and held out Kareena's silk robe for her to slip into. "See that it doesn't," she said as she stepped into the robe. Chris ran ahead of her to start the shower and make sure that the water temperature was just right. When it was, Chris removed Kareena's robe and held back the shower curtain for her. She stepped into the water. Chris then slipped out of his own robe and got in behind her. As Chris rubbed soap all over Kareena's back, he marveled for the thousandth time at the curve of the small of her back. He lost himself as he used both hands to rub soap into Kareena's divine ass cheeks. He ran his finger along the crack of her ass when Kareena abruptly turned and pinned Chris against the opposite wall of the shower. "You know it drives me crazy when you finger my ass crack," Kareena whispered lustfully. Chris was counting on that. He was powerless to move between her powerful arms, but that's just the way Chris liked it. The beautiful Indian goddess casually shifted Chris's full weight into position before she climbed up his larger 6' body and positioned herself so that she could slide her pussy onto his hard man meat. Kareena wrapped her muscular legs around Chris and reached over his head to grab the two strong handles they'd had installed in the shower wall for just such occasions. Chris felt his feet leave the ground as Kareena lifted them both up using those handles. She fucked her lucky boyfriend as his feet dangled while he was pinned against the shower wall with Kareena's sexy legs wrapped around him. Chris had seen Kareena perform many, many amazing feats of super strength, but the thing he personally liked the most is when she effortlessly moved his own body around as if he was weightless. After working him mercilessly for several minutes between her legs and pelvis, Kareena let out an orgasmic howl that would have woken their downstairs neighbors if they hadn't bothered to soundproof their apartment. When she was finished and she dropped back down to the shower floor she said, "Come here you beautiful man," and grabbed Chris's ass with her hands, lifted him up and finished him off with a midair titty fuck. She didn't have to do this. Chris would have gladly remained her loyal love-slave even if she did not take the extra time to please him. This is how Chris knew that Kareena really loved him. After Chris dried himself and his mistress off, they went back to their bedroom. While Chris rubbed Kareena's feet she flipped channels on the giant screen TV. Chris recently had a satellite dish installed so that Kareena could watch her favorite soap operas from India. Finally, Kareena gave her boyfriend permission to stop rubbing her feet so that he could dress for work. As he was leaving Chris said, "Mistress, I might be a little late getting home. I need to stop at the store to get some oranges and some other things for the meal I'm going to cook for you tonight." "Don't be too late," Kareena said. "I won't. You know I can't wait to see you later. I'm not even gone, and I miss you already." Kareena smiled. "I know." She loved Chris, and she really adored the way he worshipped her. Later that afternoon while she was shopping, Kareena bought a sexy, skimpy teddy at Victoria's Secret. While she was trying it on in the store dressing room she took a selfie with her flexed muscle and texted the picture to Chris with the caption, "See anything you like?" When he didn't respond within ten minutes she got angry. "He knows better than to ignore my texts," she said to herself. "When he gets home tonight he better be prepared to kiss some ass." This made her smile though because she knew that Chris was ALWAYS in the mood to kiss, lick and otherwise drool on her spectacular ass. When she texted him again a few hours later and he failed to respond again, she grew even angrier. She decided to call his office. When his secretary Mrs. Poundstone answered, Kareena said, "Mrs. Poundstone, this is Kareena; please, tell Chris I need to talk to him right away." "I'm sorry, but Mr. Jacobs has not been in today." "Oh. Okay, thank you, Mrs. Poundstone." When Kareena got off the phone, she was furious. "What's he up to?" she asked herself. She knew that he wasn't foolish enough to actually cheat on her. After all, he didn't have a death wish. Even so, she didn't like the idea that he thought he could get away with something like playing hooky from work without telling her. The more she thought about it, the more certain questions came to mind. For example, even if he wasn't at work, why wouldn't he respond to her texts? Surely he was smart enough to figure out that not answering her texts would arouse her suspicion and make it more likely she would find out. After an hour or so of speculation, she truly began to get worried. What if he was in a car accident? But if that was so, she would have gotten a call from someone by now since she was listed as his contact person in case of emergencies. The longer she waited, the more concerned she became. Finally around 4PM the phone in their apartment rang. When Kareena picked it up an icy voice on the other end said, "Just stay cool. We've got you boyfriend. Right now he's safe, but if you don't do exactly what we tell you to do, he won't remain that way for long." Kareena kept a cool head. She knew that if was foolish to ask who she was talking to so she didn't bother. "Go on," she said. "We'd like to get this thing settled as fast as possible. How soon can you get a million dollars in cash together?" Kareena calculated quickly in her head. She figured that if she had any intention of gathering the money - which she did not - she would probably withdraw two hundred thousand dollars each from five different accounts in five different banks. That way she might not arouse too much suspicion. After a few seconds she answered, "I could have it together by around 1PM tomorrow." "Good," the voice responded, "We'll call you at this number tomorrow at 3PM. That should give you plenty of time. Make sure that the money is in non-sequential, unmarked hundred dollar bills and pick up a large briefcase with a secure lock on it while you're out." "Okay," Kareena agreed. "And one other thing," the voice said, "Do not call the police. If we smell even a hint of bacon at any time during this operation, your boyfriend is dead." "Don't hurt him," she warned. "As long as you do as you're told, he'll be returned to you unharmed." This was followed by a sharp click. As Kareena hung up her phone she said to herself, "When I get through with you, Dalit, you're going to wish that I HAD called the police." That night was the longest night of Kareena's life. She didn't sleep a wink worrying about Chris. If anything happened to the man she loved she didn't know what she'd do. She realized what she'd known in her heart all along: all the wealth in the world meant nothing if without the man she loved by her side. Another thing that made this night so long for Kareena was that it was not her nature to wait. Kareena was the kind of person who made things happen. She was used to being in control. Having to wait for someone else to tell her what to do was torture to her. The only thing that gave her solace was adding up all the things that she would ultimately do to make the filth that had done these things to her and her beloved pay. The next day, Kareena decided that she'd better actually withdraw the money just in case they were watching her. She followed the instructions she was given to the letter. She was finished shortly after noon. Then she had more waiting to do. As the seconds ticked by, once again she thought about how she was going to make these men pay. And pay. And pay. When the kidnapper called Kareena at 3PM he left simple instructions for Kareena to follow. She was to put all the money in the brief case, lock it and bring the money and the key to a large well-known park located near downtown. In the southwest corner of the park there was a functioning pay phone - one of the few still in operation in the city. She was to be at that phone at midnight awaiting their call. Kareena knew that she was dealing with a group rather than an individual because the voice that spoke to her on the phone kept referring to "us" and "we". It didn't matter to Kareena one bit. Whether she faced one man or one hundred, she had no doubt in her ability to rescue her beloved Chris. She had one hundred percent confidence in her own tremendous strength. Kareena spent the next few hours trying to burn off some of her pent up energy in the gym. It didn't work. Around eight she decided that she'd better eat something. She ate two large bowls of brown rice and three bananas thinking that it might be a good idea to "carb up". She expected to expend a lot of energy before the night was over. Shortly before leaving her apartment at 10PM she changed into a traditional blue and red sari. Normally she would not dress this way when faced with the type of physical activity she figured she'd be having this night. However, this was the outfit that her video game counterpart Tarina typically wore so she felt that it would be oddly appropriate. This particular sari featured a bare midriff and hugged every curve of her delicious body. This was on purpose because Kareena hoped that her sexy body would prove distracting to the criminals. Besides, when it was all over, she wanted the criminals to know that it was a woman that put them all in the hospital. She tied her long black hair back into a ponytail and left. She got to the park over an hour early. She wanted to scout out the area in advance. Because the park was located in the middle of the city's main business district, the streets around there were mostly deserted this time of night. "Good," Kareena thought to herself, "Fewer witnesses." She spotted the pay phone from which she was to receive further instructions. She also took note of every bush, tree, park bench, trash can and anything else that could be used as a potential hiding place. An access road and trails going in and out were also quickly assessed and cataloged. At midnight she was standing by the pay phone. She picked up the receiver before the first ring ended. "Hello." The voice on the other end said, "Are you alone?" "You know I am, otherwise you wouldn't have called and Chris would be dead by now." "You're smart," the voice said, "That's good. Stay smart and we'll all get through this in one piece." It made Kareena smile to think that the man on the other end of the line thought he would escape in one piece. "Do you have the briefcase and the key?" "You know I do, let's stop playing these cat and mouse games and get to the point." It wasn't that Kareena didn't enjoy playing cat and mouse games. It's just that she preferred being the cat. "Okay," the voice agreed. "First, check under the phone; what did you find under there?" "A pair of unlocked handcuffs," Kareena replied. "Great! Now take out the key to the brief case and leave it under the phone where you found the handcuffs." Kareena complied. "Okay." "Now, do you know where the Rough Rider statue is?" The statue he was referring to was a life-sized statue of a cavalry soldier on his horse that was dedicated in 1899 to honor those Americans who died in the Spanish-American War the year before. "Yes," Kareena replied. "Take the briefcase and go over to the statue and handcuff yourself to the horse's left rear leg. Then wait for someone to pick up the briefcase. Is that understood?" "Perfectly," she responded. Kareena smiled to herself. She couldn't see what advantage the crooks saw in separating the briefcase from the key. "Crooks are stupid," she thought to herself. Whatever their reasoning, these fools could not have played into her hands more if they tried. First, the man or men picking up the briefcase would not have the key. That way they would not be able to check inside the case to see that it was filled with blank paper. Second, they would apparently be picking up the briefcase in person. "They must be afraid to leave the 'money' unattended," she thought to herself. "And because I'm a woman, and handcuffed to a statue they think that I'm no threat to them. Fools!" Kareena left the key as she was instructed and made her way over to the Rough Rider statue. The statue was along the one access road that stretched across the park. She handcuffed herself to the horse's left rear leg and waited approximately ten minutes until a large, midnight blue sedan pulled up. A man got out of the back seat of the sedan. He was dressed in black jeans and a black leather jacket. He was also wearing leather gloves and a ski mask over his head. "Is that the briefcase with the money?" the man asked. "No, I'm someone else who just happens to be holding a locked briefcase while chained to a statue of a soldier riding a horse," she replied sarcastically. "Heh, heh," the man laughed, "That's pretty good." He took a long look at Kareena, "Say, you know who you look like?" "Who?" asked Kareena. "You look just like that computer babe, what's 'er name?" "Tarina?" Kareena suggested. "Yeah! The one your old man created. Heh, too bad you ain't as strong as her, huh?" "I'll let you in on a little secret, Dalit," she said as she snapped the handcuffs, "I'm stronger than her - much, much stronger." The man's eyes grew wide beneath his mask as he pulled a gun out of his jacket. Before he could pull the trigger, Kareena was upon him. She grabbed his gun hand and squeezed. The steel of the gun easily gave way under her powerful grip. The criminal screamed in agony as Kareena turned his gun and his hand into a single lopsided ball of twisted metal, flesh, blood and bone. "Where are you holding my man?" she asked. It was too late; he'd already passed out from pain and shock. When the driver who was watching regained his senses, he stomped on the gas pedal only to find that his high-performance, fully charged automobile wasn't moving. When he looked back in the rearview mirror he saw the problem. In the time it took him to apply his pedal to the metal, Kareena ran behind the car and lifted the rear drive wheels off the ground. "Damn! I knew I should have gotten four-wheel drive," he cursed. The back end of his car began to rise higher as Kareena slowly lifted the entire car over her head. She slammed the front end down hard on the grass beside the road thinking that metal on grass would make less noise than metal on pavement. She then pushed the car over on its top. Kareena slowly walked over and reached through the broken windshield and pulled the driver out of the twisted metal and glass by collar. Both of his legs were broken with compound fractures. He also fainted from fear and pain. She quickly searched both men and found their cell phones. She crushed them in her hand to prevent them from calling their partners in crime. She also broke the first thug's legs to make sure that he wouldn't be able to get to a phone. That's when she remembered the pay phone at the other side of the park. Maybe someone else had been assigned to retrieve the key, and maybe that person had not arrived yet. Again, Kareena could not fathom why the kidnappers would arrange things this way, but it was worth a try. Sticking to the shadows as much as she could, Kareena cut across the park to the phone where she had left the key. She arrived just in time to see someone retrieving it. The culprit whose back was to Kareena was wearing a red and white leather jacket and leather pants to match and driving a Kawasaki Ninja ZX 14R, one of the fastest motorcycles on the planet. The bike and rider grabbed the key and took off down the deserted streets of the downtown area. Kareena was about twenty yards behind when the cycle took off. She began pursuing on foot. As far as Kareena knew, the motorcycle rider did not know she was close behind in pursuit. Even so, the motorcycle was traveling at least seventy mph. Kareena was not sure exactly how fast she could run since running had never really been her thing. However she was not surprised to discover that she was gaining on the motorcycle. The cyclist ignored traffic lights as it sped along. Kareena wanted to catch the rider quickly because she knew that soon they would be hitting a part of town filled with restaurants and clubs where there would be crowds of people on the street. She wanted to handle this business as inconspicuously as possible. Kareena put on an extra burst of speed and found herself running alongside the speeding machine. She reached over and grabbed the leather jacket of the rider and lifted. The motorcycle, now riderless, continued for another ten yards or so before going out of control and smashing into one of the downtown office buildings. When Kareena came to a stop, she set the rider down next to her in the middle of the street. The rider stood 6'4" which was a full foot taller than Kareena and looked to weigh a good 200 pounds. As the rider removed their helmet, long blonde hair came cascading out from underneath. Kareena was shocked to find that she was looking into the face of a beautiful woman. Only now that Kareena got a good look at her from the front did she notice that the rider had very large breasts and a queen-sized but very shapely figure. This was without a doubt the largest, most powerful looking women that Kareena had ever seen. "What the fuck did you do to my bike?" the blonde sasquatch asked. Kareena was clearly thrown off by this development, and it took her a second to find her voice. "Never mind that; where are you holding my boyfriend?" Without another word, the woman hit Kareena with her right fist squarely in the jaw. Kareena was impressed with the power behind that punch and reckoned that this woman was strong enough to knock out most men. Fortunately she was not nearly strong enough to even faze Kareena. Kareena picked up the woman with both hands and hoisted her completely over her head as if she was going to body slam her. Instead she carried the giantess over to an alley between two large buildings. She figured that even as quiet as it was, if she wanted to keep this affair private, conducting it in the middle of the street was not her smartest choice. When she got her opponent in the deep shadows between the two buildings she threw her down hard. "I will ask you this question just one more time. Where is my man?" The towering blonde looked up from where she was and said, "Fuck off!" Kareena grabbed the woman's right arm and with a flick of her wrist snapped it. Within 90 seconds, Kareena had all the information she needed. Chris had been kidnapped by a notorious local motorcycle gang called the Red Devils. They were suspected drug dealers, gun runners and car boosters. Now it seems they'd branched out into kidnapping. The woman, Big Martha, gave Kareena a quick but detailed description of the Devils' warehouse headquarters/compound. She told Kareena that Chris was being held in the warehouse office on the second floor at the northeast corner of the building. She also informed Kareena that the warehouse was surrounded by a twelve foot wall and that the area between the wall and the warehouse itself was heavily guarded by armed men. Before crushing Big Martha's cell phone, Kareena had her call in to say that she was on her way. To make sure that somehow Big Martha didn't get to another phone to warn her fellow gangsters, Kareena broke her leg in two places. However, since Martha had been so cooperative, Kareena did it in such a way that with a great deal of therapy, she'd probably be able to walk without a limp someday. Kareena figured that even with Big Martha calling in, she'd only have ten minutes or so to get Chris out of that hellhole before the Red Devils became suspicious. For one thing, she was sure that the two guys in the sedan never called in. The warehouse was located approximately five miles away from her present location. She began running in that direction. Four minutes later she was standing at the northeast corner of the outer wall of the Red Devil compound. Luckily this was another part of town that was, if anything, even more deserted than downtown. Also there were not nearly as many streetlights, so the area was close to pitch black. She jumped up to the top of the twelve foot wall and scanned the building. She noticed five guards on her side outside of the building. The Devils probably figured that this side of the building didn't require much guarding since it had no doors. It did have one small lighted window on the second story near the northeast corner. "If the information Big Martha gave me is correct, Chris is on the other side of that window," she thought. She was sure that Big Martha had not lied to her. She saw the look of terror in Martha's eyes. Kareena knew that look. She'd used her superhuman strength to instill that look in others before. She knew that she'd have to take out the five guards for her plan to work, and she knew she'd have to do it quietly. She was not the least bit afraid of the guards or their guns when it came to her own safety. Her greatest fear was that something bad would happen to Chris before she got to him. That should have been the Devils' greatest fear as well because if it happened Kareena would see to it that each and every one of them would pay for it with their lives. Two of the five guards on her side of the building were standing and talking. "That's as good a place as any to start," she told herself. She jumped down on top of them and before they knew what hit them, she'd punched both of them into unconsciousness. The guard closest to them thought that he'd heard something and came running towards Kareena. Kareena met his charge with a perfectly executed roundhouse kick that slammed the guard hard into the concrete building rendering him unconscious as well. So far, she'd managed to take out three of the five guards without any of them firing a shot and drawing attention to her invasion of their compound. She quickly spun around in time to see the other two guards running towards her. "Good!" she thought. It was like she hoped. When the guards saw that she was a woman they foolishly thought they could handle her and failed to raise the alarm for reinforcements. "How ironic," she thought, "You'd think that having a woman like Big Martha around would have been a lesson to these idiots." Kareena was certain that Martha could have easily dispatched any of these fools. Kareena stood her ground as the guards charged her. When they were within arm's length she reached out, grabbed them each by the collar and lifted them into the air slamming their skulls together. She dropped the unconscious forms on the ground. Noting that they both had fractured skulls she thought, "They won't wake up for hours, and when they do they'll be in intensive care." The superhuman woman from India then scanned left and right and saw that no other guards were coming. She looked up to the window in the corner. The walls of the warehouse fortress were smooth and straight up. "No worries" she said. If there weren't any handholds up the side of the building, she'd simply have to make her own. Kareena's strength was such that she simply dug her fingers into the solid concrete as if it was soft mud. Using the strength of just her dainty hands she quickly scaled the wall up to the lighted window. She looked in the window and saw Chris tied to a chair. There were three others in the room with him. They were all armed, but none of them were between Chris and her. Deciding that now was no time for subtlety, Kareena smashed her fist through the glass of the window, reached in and pulled a section of the wall away so that she could then jump into the office where Chris was being held. The three criminals in the room immediately opened fire on her with their handguns. Kareena stood her ground, hands on hips and smiling, just like George reeves in the old Superman TV series. Only she cut a much more attractive figure than George ever did. Also, the sari she was wearing was badly damaged leaving her beautiful breasts partly exposed. Suddenly Kareena moved across the room and was on the three gunmen. She knew that now that shots had been fired it wouldn't be long before others were there. She quickly knocked the three men unconscious with her fists. Next, she went over to the single door into the office and looked out. About fifteen gang members were running up the narrow stairs that led up to the office from the ground floor. The first goon had just reached the top of the stairs. Kareena kicked him with such force that he flew across the warehouse and landed on the hard concrete floor below. The next attacker stopped at the top of the stairs just long enough for those following to stack behind him. Kareena seized this opportunity to punch him in the face so hard that he fell backwards into the goon behind him who fell into the one behind him and so on. Kareena's blow had enough force behind it so that more than fifteen hoodlums were knocked down to the bottom of the stairs. Kareena quickly turned and ran over to Chris. She easily snapped the heavy ropes that were holding him. Next she threw him over her shoulder, went over to the hole in the wall, leaped over to the outside perimeter wall, jumped to the street below and took off running with Chris still over her shoulder. She didn't stop running until she and Chris were outside of a small all night diner ten blocks away. "All you all right, my darling," she asked Chris. "Yeah, I think so," Chris replied. "Did those miscreants hurt you?" she asked. "T-they hurt my left arm pretty bad when they first abducted me," he explained. "Oh, my poor darling; what you must have gone through," she said. "It wasn't as bad as you might think. You know why?" "Why, my darling boy?" "Because the whole time I knew it was just a matter of time before you, my beautiful Indian Supergirl, would come to rescue me," Chris said proudly. Careful not to injure his left arm further, Kareena grabbed Chris and kissed him passionately. "I love you so much, Chris," she said. "And I love you, my sweet, strong mistress," he said. "Are you sure you're okay?" Kareena asked. "I'm okay for now," Chris assured her. "Then go inside the diner and wait for me," she instructed. "Where are you going?" Chris asked. Kareena looked at him as if she was puzzled by the question. "I'm going back to the warehouse," she said. "But why? Chris asked. "Do you think that for one nanosecond I'm going to let those lowlife untouchables off? They dared to threaten and hurt my sweet little man. They must pay." "No, Kareena, don't. You might get hurt," Chris pleaded. Kareena smiled, "Silly Chris, how could those vermin hurt me?" Chris began to cry, "No, Mistress Kareena, please, no. Don't go back." He grabbed hold of her arm and said, "I won't let you." "Release me, Chris," Kareena demanded. "Please do as I say and wait for me here. I'll be back within the hour." Chris knew from the tone of her voice that it was no use to argue further. With his head down, he did what he was told and went inside to await his mistress. Without the burden of Chris's safety to consider, Kareena was through showing restraint. As she ran back to the warehouse, her breasts almost fully exposed to the night air, she resolved that she would not leave a single person in that compound left able to stand under their own power. She went to the front of the urban fortress where thick concrete gates were closed against her. She could have easily jumped the wall, but she decided that before beating the Red Devils, she wanted to strike fear in their hearts. "Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot," she said under her breath before punching one of the gates off its tracks and slowly stepping inside the compound. She was immediately met with a hail of gunfire. Hundred of bullets struck her from all directions. She felt the bullets strike her skin. It was the same slightly stinging annoying feeling that an average person might get from hailstones the sized of small marbles falling from the sky. When the smoke cleared, Kareena was left standing with her beautiful form almost fully exposed. The few clothes that remained were torn rags that barely covered her most private areas. When Kareena began to move, the few guards who still had ammunition could no longer get a clear shot at her. She was suddenly everywhere at once taking out guards as she zigged and zagged her was across the compound. There were several attempts to shoot her blur, but the bullets always ended up landing where she had been instead of where she was. Several of the outside guards ended up dead, shot by their own comrades trying to stop the unstoppable Indian avenger. When Kareena was satisfied that no guard remained outside, she turned her attention to the warehouse itself. She calmly opened the main entrance doorway. The interior of the warehouse was mostly a very large open area. She noticed large crates all along the walls of the warehouse. She also noticed about a dozen cars in various stages of chopage. Mostly what she noticed was the two dozen or so men awaiting her arrival. The men had been ordered not to fire any guns inside the building. It was agreed that this was too dangerous within such close, closed quarters. However, most of the soldiers waiting for her were armed with non-projectile weapons such as knives, chains, clubs and crowbars. A few even had drills and other power tools they found lying around the chop shop. Kareena smiled at her assembled enemies and said, "Say goodnight, boys." She waded into her would-be attackers, and they briefly closed in on her hoping to overpower her with the sheer weight of their vastly superior numbers. However, when Kareena's fists and feet began to fly, her foes didn't stand a chance. Men went flying across the open space in all directions. Kareena was a punching, kicking, tossing whirlwind. Knives bent against her muscle packed skin, bats shattered against it. She ripped chains in two and bent steel crowbars like they were made of paper. The sounds of breaking bones, limbs being pulled out of sockets, teeth being punched and kicked out of mouths and the screams of men in agony could be heard throughout the warehouse. Kareena didn't simply want to defeat these men; she wanted to inflict pain and righteous punishment. She intentionally cracked skulls, broke ribs, shattered jaws, and snapped arms and legs. In slightly less than twelve minutes she was the only one left standing. As she walked around the warehouse she searched for any gang member who was able to move under his own power after her beat-down. Anyone she saw stirring and/or awake she punched, kicked or squeezed into slumber. She checked the office and all the other rooms under the warehouse roof. Finally in one of the bathrooms, she found a boy of about fourteen hunkered down inside one of the stalls trying his best to hide beside the toilet. She grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and asked, "What are you doing here, boy" "Please, don't kill me," the sobbing, terrified boy begged. "Tell me what you are doing here?" Kareena repeated. "H-h-hiding," the boy replied. "I mean why are you here in the first place. Are you a member of the Red Devils?" she asked. "N-no . . . W-w-wanted to j-join . . . b-b-ut they told me I was t-too young," the boy confessed. "Then why are you here?" Kareena asked, clearly running out of patience. "S-s-somethimes they let me h-hang out, run errands for them." The terrified boy explained. "So, you want to join these evil bastards, huh?" "No ma'am, not anymore." Kareena put the boy down and said, "Run away, scared little rabbit. Run before I change my mind." The boys ran away. He was so grateful to Kareena for letting him go that he started going back to school. He graduated four years later at the top of his class. He eventually graduated college with a degree in social work. He gave back to his community, and for the rest of his life he never so much as jaywalked again. Kareena was ready to do one last sweep of the warehouse inside and out to make sure that everyone had been punished when she heard the sounds of sirens in the distance. "It's about time they responded to all those gunshot," she said. As promised, Kareena was back at the diner in less than an hour. The few other customers and staff inside got quite a treat when the mostly naked Kareena walked through the door. When they saw the nervous guy who'd been watching the door for the last forty-five minutes run and jump into her arms they knew what he'd been waiting for. When he burst out sobbing for joy they all felt a little better although they didn't exactly know why. "Shhhhhh, it's okay, Baby. I'm fine. It's all over, and I'm fine," she consoled him as she carried him out the door. Kareena took her man home and fed him some soup and put him to bed. The next day she took him to the doctor. It turned out his left arm was badly sprained. For the next two days Kareena pampered and spoiled her man, and while Chris didn't hate that, it did make him feel a little uncomfortable. "I should be serving you, Mistress" he protested, "My arm still hurts a little bit, but I'm fine." Kareena looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Oh, my precious love," she said, "If anything had happen to you . . . ." She couldn't finish. It was a thought too terrible to finish. Chris hugged her tight around the neck, "I know. I know, Mistress, I feel the same way about you. Just keep your strong arms around me, and I know that everything will be alright." Like the rest of the city, Chris and Kareena closely followed the news story about the mysterious attack of the Red Devils' headquarters. In fact, they followed the story more closely than anyone. It seems that the police were completely baffled. They speculated that a rival gang of "at least one hundred" must have stormed the Red Bulls warehouse stronghold. The best part as far as the authorities were concerned was that there was enough drugs, illegal weapons and chopped up stolen cars found at the warehouse to send all of the Red Devils away for quite some time. The strangest things was, while every single known member of the Red Devil gang was either shot dead or hospitalized with very serious injuries, not one single member of the rival gang was found alive or dead despite hundreds of shots being fired. Some speculated that a mysterious group of vigilantes were responsible. Others argued that it was divine intervention. When Chris heard this theory he said, "Yes, it WAS an angel that took care of them. It was MY angel." Kareena picked up Chris and placed him on her lap. She hugged him and said "And your angel intends to wrap you in her wings and never let you go." "Amen," Chris concurred. _____________________________ Please, email your comments to sonofjackwell@gmail.com. I'd love to read what you have to say.