A Festivus Celebration by Sonofjack, sonojackwell@gmail.com Tyler was in for a shock during the 'feats of strength' Here's a story I wrote a while back on commission. If you have an idea that you would like turned in to an actual story, email me at sonofjackwell@gmail.com I'd also love to read your comments on this or any of my other stories, and I'd be interested to hear about any story ideas you might have. "It's a Festivus for the Rest of Us" the invitation stated. Tyler's first reaction was to smile. He knew that his friend Paul was one of the biggest "Sienfeld" fans that ever lived. His second reaction was surprise that Paul's wife Heather would agree to host a Festivus party at their house. She usually didn't go in for such nonsense. Paul and Tyler had been best friends since being thrown together at random as roommates during their freshman year of college. Back in those days, Paul was something of a wild man whose actual college major was partying during his first two years. Tyler, on the other hand, had always been the more stable of the two. Whereas Paul was loud and outgoing, Tyler tended to be quiet and introspective. Whereas Paul was all nervous energy and impulse, Tyler was deliberate and brooding. Physically, they made for an odd pair as well. Tyler had classically handsome features with dark hair and brown eyes. He was an even 6' tall with 230 pounds of lean muscle. He worked on his body the same way he worked on everything else - methodically and with due diligence. Paul was 5'6" with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and 142 pounds. Paul only worked out during his college days when Tyler could manage to drag him to the gym. Even on those occasions his main focus was hitting on the girls rather than the weights. He didn't have Tyler's strong, firm jaw, his straight, Greek nose or his open, boyish gaze. He had one of those faces that seemed to be frozen in a perpetual frat-boy smirk. Despite their difference - and no doubt partially because of them - they made a very good team. Despite his obvious handsome face and form, Tyler was always shy around the ladies. Paul, on the other hand, was usually able to wrangle his way into the hearts of women who by all objective standards should have been out of his league. People that knew the two of them marveled at the fact that it was Paul who always seemed to go home with the prettiest girl at the party while Tyler often ended up with her less attractive friend. When the prettiest girl at the party's boyfriend - and the prettiest girl at the party ALWAYS seemed to have a boyfriend - came looking for Paul the next day, it was always Tyler that kept Paul's ass from getting kicked. Tyler was stronger and faster than he looked, and he looked strong and fast to begin with. It wasn't unusual for the jealous boyfriends to be football players or some other type of college athlete. Even so, Tyler was always able to protect his friend. As his protector, Tyler became like something of a big brother figure to Paul. When Paul was acting too wild and crazy, when he was about to make dangerous choices, when he threatened to fly too close to the sun, it was always Tyler who pulled him back down to Earth. Tyler was Paul's voice of reason and the only one who Paul would listen to just before plunging off the deep end. And so it was that the friendship between Paul and Tyler was sealed. Now, at age 28, they were still best friends even though they didn't get together as often as either one of them would like. True to form, Paul was married to Heather who was usually the prettiest girl in whatever room she happened to be in. At 5'9", Heather is three inches taller than Paul. She has long, shapely legs that reach all the way from the floor to her round, pleasing ass. She has an attractive, lean figure with ample, 32C breasts. Her long, thick brown hair beautifully frames her exotically beautiful face - both the products of her genetic make-up. Her father was a handsome Japanese businessman and her mother was a beautiful Italian model and actress. When Paul first began dating Heather, even as beautiful as she was, no one was that surprised. People were used to seeing Paul with women who should have been too beautiful for him. What surprised everyone was that she dated him more than a few times. What totally shocked people - even Paul a little bit - was that Heather eventually agreed to marry him. Perhaps that's why he was willing to make a few sacrifices to hold on to her. The biggest sacrifice Paul had to make was his extra close bond with Tyler. It wasn't that they could no longer be friends, but Heather made it clear that if she was going to marry Paul, he and Tyler would have to become a little more separable. Heather always seemed to harbor a slight resentment towards Tyler. As near as Tyler could figure, she resented the way Paul looked up to him. Heather didn't know Paul during his college days. She met him after he'd successfully entered the adult world. To her, he was a grown-up man who didn't need someone to look out for him. What she didn't know is that without Tyler, Paul might never have become the responsible adult that she met and fell in love with. When Paul was close to flunking out of college at the end of his second year, it was Tyler who demanded that Paul get his shit together. It was Tyler that forced Paul to study for his final examines so that he could at least attain a high enough GPA to keep the university from kicking him out. Paul barely scraped by, and it was only after this that he buckled down and got serious about his studies. It could be said, without exaggeration, that without Tyler, Paul would not be where he is today. If Heather did understand how important Tyler had been to the man that Paul had become, she didn't want to acknowledge it. Or perhaps now she felt that it was HER job to make sure that Paul acted like an adult. She'd done a good job of it. In just two years - six months of dating and a year and a half as a married couple - there was little left of the wild, reckless Paul that Tyler knew in college. What distressed Tyler was that there also seemed to be little left of the fun-loving side of Paul. The playful light that used to glow so brightly in his eyes had been significantly dimmed. That's why Tyler was taken aback when he received Paul invitation to attend a Festivus party. Paul first learned about Festivus from watching old "Seinfeld" reruns. Festivus was a holiday that, according to the show, had been created by Frank Costanza, George's crazed father, as an alternative to Christmas. A traditional Festivus celebration, which is celebrated on December 23, includes such traditions as displaying an unadorned aluminum pole as decoration, a Festivus dinner, an "airing of grievances" among Festivus dinner guests and "feats of strength" in which the head of the household hosting the celebration challenges party guests to various feats of strength. The invitations sent out by Paul detailed these activities and instructed those attending the party to "bring a change of clothes suitable for wrestling in case you're challenged." So it was with a light heart that Tyler rang Paul's doorbell the night of the party. When Heather opened the door, she was so beautiful that Tyler actually let out a slight gasp when he looked at her. She was wearing a simple, sleeveless green party dress with a skirt that reached to about the middle of her thighs. It had been a while since Tyler had seen Heather, and he couldn't help but notice how healthy she looked. She had always been fit, but he had had never seen her arms looking this toned before. Her calves and what he could see of her thighs were likewise toned and fit. He wanted to say something to her about it, but he wasn't sure they had the kind of relationship where such an observation would be welcome. "Tyler, so glad that you could make it," she said as she opened the door to let him in. She even sounded like she meant it. Tyler thought that perhaps she was finally warming up to him. "Hey, you old hound dog," Paul said as he came charging towards the front door with something resembling his old enthusiasm. He was wearing nice slacks and a shirt and tie, but the shirt had clearly been tailored to fit him like a glove and he looked to be in better shape than Tyler had ever seen him. "Wow, Paul, I can see that you've been working out," Tyler said encouragingly. "Aw shucks," Paul said with false modesty, "I'm nothing compared to the shape Heather is in. SHE'S the one that's really been hitting the gym hard lately. Doesn't she look great?" Tyler looked at her and said, "She sure does. And I've got to hand it to you, Heather, because I know how hard it is to drag this lazy bum to the gym." "It's not so hard when you know how to motivate him," Heather said. Tyler wasn't sure, but he thought he could detect in the way that she said it that what she was really saying was, "See, I can make him into a better man than you ever could." As the three of them made their way from the foyer into the main part of the house, Tyler could see that the party was really just a small gathering of eight or nine other guests surrounding an unadorned aluminum pole standing in Paul's and Heather's living room. One guest in particular caught his eye right away. Tyler had never seen a woman that he was so instantly attracted to before in his life. It was as if the gods had explored his psyche and created the perfect physical form of a woman with just him in mind. She was so his type that before seeing her for the first time, he wouldn't have even dared imagine that she existed. She was wearing a strapless gold dress with irregular black horizontal stripes that was cut a little higher up on her thighs than Heather's dress. The dress was form-fitting, and Tyler liked her form very much. She had broad, muscular shoulders that slowly narrowed to an almost impossibly narrow waist. Her hips then flared out in a most agreeably feminine way. She was standing at just enough of an angle to him that he could see that her ass was tight, round and muscular. In fact, every part of her was muscular. The muscles in her arms were buff and clearly defined even though she was in a relaxed state. Her muscular legs were long and shapely. The dress was just tight enough to give a hint of her six pack abs. Her breasts were slightly smaller than Heather's, but they were firm and perky and perfectly proportioned to her amazing body. She wore her medium-length brown hair in a simple style that hinted that she didn't give it a great deal of thought. Her naturally beautiful face was free of make-up. She didn't need it. Her high cheekbones didn't need blush for definition. Her big, dark eyes didn't require mascara for greater definition. Her full, red lips didn't have to be enhanced with lipstick. "Come here, Tyler, there's someone I want you to meet," Paul said, as he began to lead his friend towards the woman of his dreams. Tyler stopped Paul short. "Wait, Paul, first tell me who she is," he said as inconspicuously as possible. "Her name is Holly," Paul explained, "She's Heather's personal trainer. She's also been giving me some fitness and training tips. Isn't she a knock-out?" "I'll say she is," Tyler agreed. He was surprised that Heather would allow a woman more attractive than herself to attend the party. "Introduce me to her." So they made their way over to where Holly and some other guy were talking. "Holly, Chuck, this is my best friend Tyler. This is the guy I was telling you about, Holly. And, Tyler, this is our neighbor Chuck." Poor Chuck never stood a chance. As soon as Tyler and Holly's eyes met, there was a palpable spark between them. Tyler not only couldn't take his eyes off of Holly, but for once in his life, he found it easy to talk to a beautiful woman he'd just met. Holly and Tyler were like two instant best friends. They got each other's jokes, they seemed to share the same opinions about a variety of subjects and each of them liked the way the other one looked. After a few minutes of easy conversation, Holly look intensely at Tyler and said, "Five foot, four inches. One hundred and thirty pounds with eleven percent body fat. Twenty-six years old. Twenty-eight, twenty-two, thirty-two. C-cup." "What was that?" Tyler asked confused. "My vital statistics and the answer to your questions," Holly replied. "I didn't ask for your vital statistics," protested Tyler. "You did with your eyes," responded Holly with a confident smile. "I think I'm in love," Tyler thought to himself. After a few more minutes of small talk, Festivus dinner was served. "I wanted to serve something classier, but Paul insisted that Festivus dinner HAD to be meatloaf and spaghetti with tomato sauce," Heather explained. "Comfort food," observed Holly, "I'm in." "I really think I'm in love," Tyler thought to himself. During dinner, Tyler noticed that Holly ate two big helpings of everything. "Where does she put it?" he thought to himself. As he watched her take such obvious pleasure is eating her food, he wondered what other pleasures of the flesh she enjoyed with equal gusto. As pie - apple or cherry (of which Holly took a half slice of each) - was being served, the airing of grievances began. This was mostly a light-hearted affair with exchanges such as the following: Paul: "I'm still upset with Tyler because of the time he drank my last beer when we were college roommates." Tyler: "You mean as opposed to the two hundred and three times you did the same thing to me!" Paul: "Wait your turn!" Heather aired a grievance against Paul for stealing the covers on cold nights. Paul aired a counter-grievance against Heather's cold feet. The only two people who seemed to take the exercise seriously was an older married couple named Tom and Henrietta whose grievances against one another became increasingly nasty and personal until they realized that they were making the others at the gathering uncomfortable. In fact the tension they created with their obvious and genuine hostility towards one another almost threatened to derail the festivities. Fortunately Holly lightened the mood and certainly got Tyler's attention when she stated in a sexy, husky voice that she had a grievance against him. "Before dinner Tyler and I talked for almost forty-five minutes, and he still hasn't asked me for my phone number." That grievance drew a reaction of "Ooohs" and "Aaahs" from the others present while Tyler blushed slightly uncomfortably. As Tyler looked across the table at Holly she met his gaze with a steady look and a sexy leer that told him, "Alright, Big Boy, I've clearly expressed MY interest. The ball's in your court; Whatta ya gonna do?" Tyler's stomach fluttered with excitement while his nether regions stirred with lust. He LOVED her aggressive plain-spoken manner. She was EXACTLY the kind of woman a shy guy like him needed to provoke him into making a move. Suddenly Paul announced, "Let's get these dishes cleared so that we can begin the 'feats of strength' portion of the evening." Everyone pitched in and soon all the dishes were out of the way and safely in the kitchen to be washed later. "I thought we'd start off slowly with some arm wrestling challenges. Now, as head of this household-" "Says who?" Heather challenged. "What do you mean 'says who'," Paul asked, "I'm the man; that makes me the head of this household." "Really?" asked Heather, "What century is this?" This comment drew light laughter from the others. Then Heather's voice took on a more serious tone. "I make all of the important decisions around here, I make more money than you AND we both know I can beat you at arm wrestling!" THESE comments drew uncomfortable silence. Paul's face grew ashen. A look came over him that communicated equal parts of shock, anger and disappointment at his wife for talking to him that way in front of their friends. For her part, Heather looked back at him with a smirk that told him that she had no intention of backing up one inch. Paul sat at the end of the table, rolled up his sleeve and placed his right arm on the table in an arm wrestling position. "Fine. Let's see what you got." He didn't say the word "Bitch" out loud, but everyone present implicitly knew that that's what he was thinking. Heather sat across from him at the corner of the table so that they faced each other and took her smaller hand in his. "Someone say 'One, two, three, go'," she instructed. Tyler and Holly said "One, two, three, go," in unison. They looked at each other and smiled at this unplanned intimacy. Paul began to push hoping to end things quickly, but that was not to be. As hard as he pushed, Heather's arm refused to budge. Much to Paul's displeasure his best efforts could not even remove the superior smirk from his wife's face. Even though Tyler felt bad for Paul, he couldn't help but admire the size and peak of Heather's bulging bicep as she sat there warding off Paul's best efforts. It was unusual to see a woman as attractive as Heather with such obvious physical power. After two or three minutes of Paul futile attempts to take his wife's arm down, Heather declared, "I think I've proven my point." It was at this point that she began to apply sufficient counter pressure to put Paul's arm to the table Heather discovered however that actually putting her husband's arm flat was no easy task. Paul put up a valiant effort. It took every ounce of the considerable strength she had to gain final victory over her husband. By the time Heather forced her husband's arm all the way down, both combatants were wet with sweat. When it was finally over, Heather stretched out her right arm and shook it a little and if trying to get the circulation flowing in it once again. "Wow, Honey, you did really great; you've never been that hard to beat before." The way she said it, she sounded sincere, yet Paul looked utterly crestfallen. "C'mon, Honey, don't be like that," Heather coaxed, "I'm really proud of the fight you put up." Most of the other party guest looked completely stunned by this turn of events. The only one who didn't seem surprised was Holly. Tyler felt sorry for his friend. He even felt protective of him. If this had been their college days and Heather had been a man, Tyler would have challenged and defeated the person who humiliated his friend this way. Tyler looked at Holly and said in a low voice, "So you're her personal trainer, huh? You must be doing a good job." "Yes, Heather's a pretty strong woman," Holly concluded. "I mean, that's cool - being a strong woman and everything - still, she didn't have to humiliate Paul like that in public." "What do you mean 'humiliate'?" Holly asked. "They had a friendly little test of strength and she won. What's the big deal?" "What about the stuff she said to him before the match," asked Tyler. "Harmless trash talk," Holly scoffed, "Guys do it all the time." "Still, you have to admit that it's kind of humiliating for a guy to get beat by his own wife like that. In private, maybe, but she shouldn't have done it in public." "Why not?" Holly challenged. "Well . . . I mean, c'mon." "Look, Tyler, I've made it pretty clear that I like you. I like you a lot. But if you can't handle the idea of a woman being stronger than the man in her life, maybe it would be better if we just stopped talking now before things go any further." "Huh? . . . no, Holly, I was hoping that we could see each other again," Tyler said. "I'd like that, but I've been down this road with guys before. If you can't handle a woman who's stronger than you . . . ." "Wait," Tyler said as he slowly caught on, "Are you saying that you think that you're stronger than ME?" "I don't just think it, I can practically guarantee it," Holly said emphatically. "But that's crazy! I outweigh you by a hundred pounds," Tyler pointed out. "There's an easy way to settle this," Holly said, "If you think you can handle the outcome." "You mean arm wrestle?" "Why not?" "Sure, why not?" Before the other party guests knew what was happening, they were witnessing another intergender arm wrestling match. Tyler removed the dress shirt he was wearing to reveal his white tank top undershirt. Everyone present, including Holly was impressed with his upper body development. His big, bulging muscles gave him the appearance of a professional athlete. "Nice build," Holly said appreciatively. "It's not too late to call this thing off," Tyler offered. "Do I seem worried to you?" asked Holly. Tyler shrugged his shoulders in response, and they both assumed the positions that just minutes before Paul and Heather had occupied. Their right arms locked, "Start whenever you're ready," Holly said as she gazed at Tyler steadily. Tyler didn't want to hurt Holly - he still hoped to go out with her after all - so he began by applying light pressure. "I know you've got more than that," Holly coaxed, "Show me everything." "Okay." Tyler slowly but steadily increased the pressure until soon he was pushing with all his might. As he pushed, his impressive muscles tightened and grew. He noticed that as Holly resisted, her muscles did the same. He also couldn't help but notice that her bicep was much more impressive than Heather's. It was much bigger with a more clearly defined peak. What's more, even though his muscles were bigger than hers, Tyler thought that Holly's muscles seemed somehow more solid and dense than his. They looked like they were as hard as diamonds even though her skin looked as soft and smooth as satin. Without her arm moving an inch, Holly asked, "Is that you're best?" "Yes," Tyler grunted. "Are you sure? Because I don't want you saying later that you didn't give me everything you had." "Yes!" Tyler said with a slightly raised voice. "Okay them," Holly said and she quickly and decisively slammed Tyler's arm to the table. Tyler could hardly believe it had ended so quickly. His right arm was numb with effort. Holly got up from where she was sitting and leaned over and kissed Tyler on the cheek. "I hope that wasn't too humiliating for you," she said sweetly. Tyler blushed, but good naturedly said, "No, you beat me fair and square, only . . . ." "Only what?" Holly asked. "Nothing," said Tyler. "Only Tyler's left-handed," Paul stated on behalf of his friend. "Is that right?" Holly asked. "I wasn't going to say anything," Tyler said. Holly resumed her seated position across from Tyler and put up her left arm. "No problem; I ambidextrous. Let's go," she said. "This is silly," Tyler said. "No," protested Holly, "I don't want you to have any excuses later." "No excuses; you beat me fair and square," Tyler repeated. "If you arm wrestle me left-handed, win or lose I'll buy you dinner tomorrow night. And who knows? After dinner you might get lucky," Holly said seductively. Tyler quickly agreed. It took a little more time and effort on her part this time, but Holly still decisively beat Tyler left-handed. "Still want to go out with me?" Holly asked. "Sure," answered Tyler, "I'm a big enough man to admit when I've been beaten." If the truth be known, Tyler was extremely turned on by the beautiful, confident, straightforward and powerful Holly although he still couldn't quite believe she was really stronger than him. Perhaps that's why he said, "Besides, it's not like a couple of arm wrestling matches really prove anything." "What do you mean?" Holly asked. "Well, you have an advantage over me," he said. "Yes, because I'm stronger than you," she said. "That's not what I meant," he said. He went on to elaborate, "Everyone knows that women have a lower center of gravity than men so naturally that gives them better leverage in certain kinds of contests. That's why if a woman is even close to a man in strength, she might be able to beat him in an arm wrestling contest." Tyler said this as if it was common knowledge. By doing so he hoped that the others might not catch on that he didn't know what the hell he was talking about. A few of the other men in the gathering murmured things like, "Yeah, that sound right," and "That explains it." Holly, who had degrees in both kinesiology and sports medicine, said a little bit testily, "I think that you're talking out of your ass because you just don't want to admit that I'm actually stronger than you," which of course was exactly what Tyler was doing. "What do you suggest?" Tyler asked. "How about a full-on wrestling match?" Holly suggested. "Now you're talking," Tom said from out of the crowd. The thought of watching the sexy Holly rolling around and possibly getting all sweaty turned him on. His wife Henrietta punched him hard in the arm because she knew what he was thinking. "Please, Holly, don't be ridiculous. You told me earlier that you only weigh one hundred and thirty pounds. Do you know how easy it is for me to throw a hundred and thirty pounds around?" The thought of the handsome and well built Tyler throwing that much weight around caused more than one woman in the small crowd to sigh inwardly. "You told me that you outweighed me by a hundred pounds. Do you know how easy it is for ME to throw two hundred and thirty pounds around?" Holly countered. The thought of watching the sexy, strong, self-assured Holly throw that much weight around caused ALL of the men - including Tyler - to get a little hard. Her confidence also gave Tyler pause. He remembered back in his college days when he often served as Paul's protector. There were many times when he was called upon to take on larger opponents, but he always came out triumphant. Was it actually possible that Holly could turn the tables on him? The thought both intimidated and aroused him. He had to know the truth. "I brought a change of clothes to wrestle in like the invitation for this little soiree requested. Did you?" Holly asked with a sexy smile. "In my car," responded Tyler, his eyes locked onto Holly's. A strange thing was happening. Suddenly this physical challenge was taking on the characteristics of foreplay. "There are some tumbling mats set up in the basement," Paul informed the Festivus revelers. Within a few minutes everyone was squeezed into the basement around the mats that had been set up. Tyler was wearing a tank top emblazoned with the logo of the university that he and Paul attended and baggy gym shorts that hung almost to his knees. Holly was wearing a tight fitting sports bra and pink bike shorts with a black stripe on the side of each leg. It didn't seem possible, but Holly looked even sexier than before. For one thing, her six pack abs that had only been hinted at in her party dress were now on full display. The sports bra she was wearing accentuated her broad, muscular shoulders. She turned around and flexed her shoulders to loosen them up a few times leaving Tyler - and every other man in the room - practically drooling over her amazing lats. They also found themselves collectively admiring that spot on her lower back just before it blossomed into her round, tight, muscular derriere. And certainly her round, tight, muscular derriere was something to admire in its own right. Her thighs, her calves, her perky breasts, even her sexy bare feet all found admirers in the room. And no one admired Holly's spectacular form more than Tyler. Despite her hard, buff muscles, Holly still looked stunningly feminine. For her part, Holly found much to admire in Tyler's masculine form as well. She found herself hoping that after she beat him - because she never doubted for a second that she would beat him - that this beautiful man really was man enough to love a woman who was stronger than himself. "Ding, ding," Paul said as a way to start the match. He hoped that his friend would defeat Holly. He felt that in some strange way, this would avenge his embarrassing defeat at the hands of his wife earlier in the evening. Paul was destined to be disappointed. True to her word, Holly easily and repeatedly threw Tyler around the mat. To be sure, Tyler was able to toss Holly around a few times as well. However, all this really proved was that Holly could take it as well as dish it out. After all, it wasn't nearly as impressive for a 6', 230 pound man to toss around a 5'4", 130 pound woman as it was for a 5'4", 130 pound woman to toss around a 6', 230 pound man. Even though she demonstrated time and time again that she possessed superior strength, speed and agility, Tyler was still no pushover. The truth was she'd beaten much larger men than Tyler in the past without making half the effort. Much to partygoer Tom's delight, Holly was soon dripping and covered with sweat which only caused her tight, muscular body to glisten and look even more savagely appealing. Her sports bra hugged her breasts in a most satisfying way exposing her alert, raised nipples. Her medium length brown hair was so wet it began to curl slightly and clung to her head and face. Despite her stronger muscles, she still had to slowly wear Tyler down in order to pin his shoulders to the mat. Finally after nearly forty minutes of tossing, crossing and rolling around - no one had thought to break the contest into rounds - Holly managed to slip her arm around Tyler's neck while at the same time slipping her other arm under the knee of his right leg. She began to pull her two arms together. Tyler fought, flailed and frothed valiantly. He was so covered with sweat that at one point he almost managed to slip out of Holly's grip. They were BOTH so covered with sweat that it was hard for either one to get a solid grasp of the other. Between the two of them they sweated out close to five and a half pounds of water. They were soaked; the mat was soaked. Even some of the spectators who leaned in too close to watch the action got splashed with sweat. In the end however, Holly managed to maintain her grip on Tyler. As she pulled his knee towards his head, Tyler could feel his resistance ebbing away. He could also feel Holly's hard muscles pressing into his body. The thought of her immense power in such a sexy package caused his own package to grow hard and stiff. By the time Holly locked her two hands together, Tyler was nearly doubled over. She them rolled his shoulders onto the mat and the small crowd jointly counted "One, two, three." It was over. As both combatants collapsed on the mat breathing hard but steady, the gathering slowly dissipated. Somehow - perhaps by the tent that Tyler's penis was making in his shorts - they collectively got the impression that Tyler and Holly wanted to be alone. After several minutes of catching their breaths, Holly looked at Tyler and said, "I would ask you if you're as turned on as I am, but it's pretty obvious that you are." "My God, Holly! You're the most amazing, desirable, incredible woman I've ever met," Tyler said. "So it doesn't bother you that I'm stronger than you?" "Even if it did, it doesn't come close to being as powerful as the feeling that I want you more that anybody or anything I've ever wanted in my life," Tyler said. "Good answer," Holy said. Then she got up and helped Tyler to his feet. She then threw Tyler over her shoulder and carried him up the stairs. Most of the other guests were gone by this time. "Do you have a guest bedroom?" Holly asked Heather. "At the end of the hall to your left," Heather answered. "Good! We're staying over," Holly explained to their hosts as she carried Tyler down the hall. She threw Tyler into bed and said, "Get naked, please. I'll be right back." "Where are you going?" he asked. "To the kitchen; I'll be right back." By the time she got back, Tyler was indeed naked. Holly had two large bottles of Gatorade with her. She tossed one to Tyler. "We'd better replace some of our lost electrolytes before we get started. You think you're sweaty now? You have no idea what I've got in store for you." That night, despite their earlier exertion, Tyler and Holly made love multiple times. By the time they were finished, the bed was so saturated with sweat that they later chipped in and bought Paul and Heather a whole new mattress and sheets. When Tyler woke up he was surprised to see that Holly was already awake and looking at him with a look of pure adoration. "So, uh, I guess this means that we're dating, huh?" "Dating? I was thinking we should get married," Holly replied. "I'll think about it on one condition," Tyler said. "Name it." "You have to promise me that we'll never become like that awful couple Tom and Henrietta," Tyler joked. "No way!" said Holly. "If we ever do, I'm afraid that I'd have to use my superior strength to beat the crap out of you," Holly joked. At least, Tyler HOPED she was joking. Email me at sonofjackwell@gmail.com with your comments and/or story ideas. Also, if you like my writing style and you'd like to commission a story from me, let me know.