The Huntress Part 2: Never try to rob a female muscle gym! by Sepp Sonntag / Valkyrie Chat Room Nick Name: ThE MaTriX More Madness, Morons, Muscle and Mayhem with The Huntress If you havenīt read the previous part before, here is a quick summary: Nicole Lewis, the worldīs best Bounty Huntress, is on the search for the escaped McGee Brothers aka the Geeks. She tore down a bar full of thugs who didnīt want to tell her where to find them. Well, they didnīt actually know the whereabouts of the McGee Brothers, except for one, but that didnīt stop The Huntress from having a little fun with them. And now the continuation ... The Plan John McGee and his brother Frank were quite an item. Every one of their criminal activities seemed to go ridiculously wrong. That got them the nick name the Geeks. "Hey, bro, we need some dough!" said John, as he walked the streets. "I think so." said Frank, as he walked the streets as well, at least that part of their criminal career didnīt get him into trouble. That said, they stopped and stared at each other. And stared. And stared. And stared. "What are you staring at me for, bro?" said John. "I dunno. What are you staring at me for?" "I dunno. Letīs keep on walking." And they walked. "We should rob a bank or a liquor store or something, Frank." "Like we can rob a bank, idiot. We donīt even have a gun, stupid. You think they just give us the money if we ask nicely?" "I dunno. Saw that movie once. It was great with that Latina chic and that guy from Emergency Room." "And?" "Well that guy from ER he plays a bank robber. He kinda ainīt got a gun and he like walks into the bank and sees another guy he doesnīt even know with a bag in there talking to someone." "Go on, fuck-wit!" "Like he kinda goes to a bank clerk then and says to her: Do you see that guy with the bag over there? Heīs my buddy and heīs kinda got a gun in his bag. If you donīt give me your money he will pull out the gun and kinda like shoot every one of you suckas!" "And did it work?" "Kinda." "What? Kinda?" "Uh-huh, the bank clerk gave him the money all right, but then the police caught him, cuz his car didnīt start when he kinda wanted to get away." The Geeks stopped again in the middle of the street and stared at each other. And stared. And stared. And, you know it already, yes, stared. Finally, Frank said "I think that mighta work for us, bro, though." "Why is that, bro?" "We donīt have no car." The Bag The Geeks stopped in front of a supermarket. "You just go right in there and get us a plastic bag, bro." said Frank. "What color?" "What color? What color? Donīt you ask such shit, bro. You think they fucking care about the color when we kinda rob a bank. Like 'Awww, I am so scared heīs got a gun in a r e d bag!' or 'I am so glad you got your gun in a nice green bag. Thatīs so good for my high blood pressure.' " "Uh-huh, donīt get mad, bro. Was just thinking." "Donīt think, stupid! Do what I say and get us a bag." "Okay, okay. No need to shout at me." John buggered off. Frank waited outside the supermarket. And waited. And waited. Geez, canīt this fuck brain even get a simple bag? Where is he? he thought. That was when John reappeared. With a nice colored plastic bag. Full of fruits and vegetables. "What did you do, you brainwashed shit? I said, go get us a bag! I didnīt say go shopping." "Hey, asshole, stop this all right! They had all this for a discount. 50% off, just this week. Couldnīt pass that up." Frank sighed, grabbed an apple from the bag and pulled his brother away. "Come on, bro. Letīs just search for a nice little bank to rob, now." The Bank They walked up to a bank. Closed. They walked up to the next bank. Closed. And the next. Closed. "If you hadnīt gone shopping for so long, my dear vacuum brained-bro, the banks would still be open!" said Frank. "Hey dontcha call me vacuum or whatever that is. I got more vacuum in my brain than you, you stupid fuck." "How did I deserve this? Tell me? What are we going to do now? You spent our last money on fruits and vegetables you pee-brain. You are so stupid you couldnīt even pee a hole into the snow." John dropped his bag and grabbed his brother by his throat. "Now Iīve had it with you. Iīll show you with all my vacuum whoīs smarter." Frank also grabbed him and they wrestled a bit. However they were of equal strength so nothing came of it. They were just exhausted, stopped, breathed hard and stood next to each other. Frank said "You know, when this is all over, Iīll start to work out with heavy weights and then Iīm gonna kick your miserable butt." As he looked up he saw a gym on the other side of the street. "You, know what, bro, I just got an idea." "What is that?" "Letīs just rob that gym over there. They are still open. I bet they got some money there." "Only if you admit I got better vacuum in my brain than you." Frank sighed. "No problem, bro. No prob at all. Real high quality vacuum you got there." The Gym They stood on the doorsteps of the gym. Frank said "We do like in the movie." "Like in a James Bond movie or an Arnold Schwarzenegger one? Go right in, blazing guns and all?" "No, rabbit-brain! The movie you told me about. With the ER guy and the Latina Chic. Donīt you remember, you just told me about?" "Awwww, yes I remember, sheīs got great buttocks." "Don't think about that now, buttock-brain. We both go in there, you just stay in one corner holding up the bag and I go up to a gym clerk and tell him you will shoot everybody with the gun in the bag if he doesnīt give me no money. Understood?" "Yes, of course. Hey, remember Iīm the one in the family whoīs got better vacuum in his brain not you. High Quality. You said it yourself." Frank sighed again "Letīs go now." Frank and John entered the gym. They looked around. There was a counter. Behind it stood a huge female bodybuilder, guarding the entrance to the gym hall. The Geeks looked at her in awe. Frank said "Change of plans, bro. You go ahead, John and I stay here and hold the bag." "Whyīs that?" "Cuz youīre the one with the high quality vacuum brain. You can handle that better. Go ahead." Nothing like a stupid brother if you donīt make use of him, thought Frank. He took the bag out of Johnīs hands and nudged him forward. John stumbled to the counter, glad his brother trusted him with this difficult task. The woman behind the counter smiled at John. "Hi, my name is Trisha, how can I help you? Are you waiting for somebody, this is a gym for women only?" John had never seen such a woman before. He was speechless. "Sir, are you ok?" John looked back at his brother who motioned him to go ahead. "Uh-huh, yes, uh, where was I, uh- " "Donīt be nervous, Sir. You have never seen a female bodybuilder up close, I guess. I know of the effect we can have on average men. Take your time." John was so nervous, he almost forgot what he was here about. "The, the bag." "I donīt get it. Which bag." "I mean like, see my brother over there, he kinda has a bag." "I can see that, Sir. A plastic bag from Mr. Magooīs Supermarket. Are you delivering something to us?" "Uh-huh, awww, like no. My brotherīs got a bag." "Weīve already established that, Sir. I see I still make you nervous. Just calm down. Weīll get through this together." "Uh, heīs got something in his bag. And if you, if you donīt give me, like, uh, heīll just, like pull it out." "Yes, Sir, I can see heīs got a lot of fruit and vegetables in his bag. So you want to sell some of it to us? Did Mary our boss order this from the supermarket? Just tell your brother to come right over." Damn. John was all-dizzy. He had forgot to tell this woman something, that was for sure. What was it? Something with money or a gun? What the heck, Frank should do this. "Just a moment, go to my bro." "Whatever you say, Sir. Take it easy." John walked to Frank who hadnīt been able to overhear the conversation. "Whatīs up John? Why didnīt she give you any money? Didnīt you tell her about the gun?" "Uh-huh, like, you know, kinda, uh." "Donīt lie to me! Did you tell her?" That was the part he had forgotten. The gun part. No way he would admit this. "Yes, I did." "And she didnīt give you the money? Those muscle chics are out of their mind! But Iīll teach her. You stay here!" Annoyed Frank went to the counter and put the bag with the fruits on the desk. Heīd show this muscle babe whoīs boss for sure! "You see this?" he pointed at the bag. "Yes, Sir. I can see it perfectly." "You know whatīs in there?" "Yes, I do." Frank was stunned. That lady either got nerves of steel as well as muscles or she knew he was bluffing. However, neither of it was the case, she just thought he was a delivery boy. "You donīt want me to pull it out of the bag, do you?" "By all means Sir, please do." Now he had about enough. Frank would make this woman sweat he would make her afraid of him and he thought he knew just how. He grabbed an apple and put it slowly on the desk. "If I go on, I might find something in there, that would you make reconsider your position." "Uh, no, just go on." Impossible. These female bodybuilders must have a screw loose. He put an orange on the desk. He put a salad on the desk. He put a cucumber on the desk. It had no effect on the woman. She just smiled. Just you wait, thought Frank. He put three bananas on the desk. He put some peaches on the desk. "The bag is almost empty. There is just one thing left." "Uh, thatīs okay. You can keep it." Now I got her. "You can use it on your way home," she said, "Take it as a tip." "What? Miss I donīt think you understand the situation." "No, Sir, I do understand it perfectly well. Donīt be ashamed. Most people are a little bit nervous when they come here to an all female gym. But donīt worry, next time youīll do better." "Next time?" "Yes, of course. Come back as often as your job brings you here. I like meeting new people." Frank thought to be the star of an episode of The Twilight Zone right now: The fearless female bodybuilder from planet weird one driving the robber crazy. He said "Iīll keep that in mind. Will you do now what we want?" She smiled. "Of course. How much do you want?" Frank was stunned again. "Uh-huh, how much have you got?" "You donīt have a receipt I suppose?" "A receipt?" "Doesnīt matter." She opened the cash register and took out some bills. "Here," she said, " I guess ten dollars will do. And here is another two dollars for your troubles. Next time, just take it easy. Nobody in here is going to bite you." Frank took the money and looked at John who smiled triumphantly since he thought the robbery was a success. The gym clerk put the fruits and vegetables in a basket. "Anything else I can do for you?" Frank didnīt know what to do, he didnīt even know what had happened right now. But what the heck, twelve dollars, better than nothing at all. "No, Miss. Thank you." He walked to his brother. "Good bye. Have a nice evening!" Trisha called. His brother inquired anxiously "How much did you get? How did it go?" Frank just grabbed his brother by his sleeve and yanked him out of the gym. John asked again on the outside "How did it go?" Frank looked at him "Donīt ask." ********************************************************************** Nicole Lewis aka The Huntress who was on the trail of the McGee Brothers had just finished her workout in the gym. She took a shower, put her clothes on and went to have a chat with her friend Trish who worked at the counter there. "Hi, Trish, howīs it going?" "Hi, nice to see you. Just started my shift. How are you?" "Well, you know the usual. Chasing after bad boys." "Who are you chasing after right now?" "The McGee Brothers." "Are they dangerous?" "No, not that I heard of. Just a little bit weird." "Got any clues?" "Yes, this afternoon I went to a place where they are said to hide. However, nobody was there." "How unfortunate. By the way, do you like some fruits and vegetables. Some very shy delivery boys just brought them over from the supermarket." "Awww, yes thank you. Hmmm tastes good." More Muscle and Mayhem with The Huntress coming soon ...