She - part 8 By Soltan Bey Consuela and Alisha Update: 25/09/1997 to soltan It was mid afternoon, Consuela decided to take a break, sunning herself on the villas back deck next to the swimming pool. She had spent the morning working with Gloria in the villas three car garage, setting up some of the new gym equipment which had arrived yesterday. More gym equipment would arrive in the coming weeks. She felt tempted to go join Gloria,Nencia, and Manuel who were all down on the beach below the villa, most likely swimming. The sea water was fantastic here, so clear and blue, you could see for 50 feet or better. It was almost like a swimming pool water, better actually. Everyone was enjoying themselves, except for Alisha. She had become even more remote in the past few weeks since they had arrived here. The first few days she had been quite upbeat but when she started scanning the night sky with that telescope she reverted back to the moody Mistress. Alisha seemed not interested in exploring this wonderful island and meeting all the new colorful people. The food! The food was of the sort Consuela had never had before and eating out was a treat no one should miss. But no, Alisha didn't seem interested and pretty much just stayed around the villa. Consuela worried about the Mistress. Something was very wrong. She didn't even much care about sex anymore! A sure sign of depression, thought Consuela. Pity she wasn't enjoying this place. It was wonderful! Four giant master bedrooms on the second floor and that was surrounded by a wide sunning and observation walkway. The bottom floor consisted of a small bedroom and the kitchen and all the other living spaces one usually found in a home. The living room was wide and spacious and much of the house was done in a rich deep carpet. Off to one side was a small guest house complete with its own kitchen. The rear deck swimming pool was perhaps 30 feet by 20 feet, however it was sort of a squared off pear shape. It had a nice diving platform on the deep end to boot. Consuela was in hog heaven when Alisha informed her she would see to it that the Don put the place in Consuela's hands. Free and clear! Consuela wanted to know why Alisha did this but Alisha didn't say. She just told Consuela to see to it that the Don bought all the things the house would need, like the gym equipment and what not. So far Alisha had seen to it that none of them spent a cent of their 'traveling' money. All of their expenses she was paying for or was seeing to it that Consuela sent the bill to the Don. Nencia, Gloria and Manuel had been given 100,000$ accounts which they could access using Visa Cash cards if they needed. Alisha saw to it that Consuela had a $500,000 account in her own name. Consuela didn't ask what Alisha had for herself, of course in practical terms Alisha had access to all of the Don's worth. All Alisha seemed halfway interested in was with her stupid telescopes. Now she had three of the things. As long as weather permitted she was out almost all night fiddling with them. She even had built two more of those lasers. Bigger than the first one she had built. Consuela had figured out what they were, though Alisha never confirmed that. She got nasty and told Consuela to mind her own business and not concern herself with what Alisha was doing with the equipment, and no, Consuela couldn't use the telescopes to star gaze as Mistress Alisha more important things to do with them and didn't have the time. Consuela avoided asking about what she was doing after that episode, though she still watched sometimes. Alisha didn't seem to care if she watched, as long as she didn't talk about the telescopes or the equipment. Especially the strange black cylinder that must be the power supply for the lasers. Consuela noted the lasers were not plugged into the wall socket. Whatever power they used they got from the cylinder. She sighed and flipped over, the sun felt so good on her naked butt and back. The nice thing about this hilltop villa was she didn't have to worry about snoopers. She and the twins had taken to going about totally nude most of the time now. She became drowsy and fell asleep. ....................... Manuel followed the twins up the staircase, the staircase that led from slender strip of beach and up the rocky hill side slope to the villa. It was a good climb as the villa was about sixty five feet above the beach, a beach they had to themselves as it was bounded on either side by cliff rocks. The beach itself was only perhaps 150 feet or so wide, and it had a good gentle slope. To the north of their 'private' beach was a much wider public beach area. Called Lorient Beach Resort, where there were lots of people, vacationers. Lorient Beach, one of the clothing optional public areas of the island, was a popular place for those that could afford it. Sixty cabins of varying sizes and a restaurant, bar, and tennis court. It was one of the properties the Don had his fingers in, through an intermediary. Yes, the view was good from up here, however since he was following the twins his eyes were busy on their firm naked backsides. Even after being around these four women for these past few months he still wasn't used to seeing so much muscular fem-meat being displayed. They were almost at the top of the stairs. Gloria reached the platform first. She waited for Nencia and they played one of their taunts on him. By this time he was almost getting used to it. "Oops, I dropped my towel." Exclaimed Gloria. Nencia dropped hers as well. "Oh, my! We both seem clumsy all the sudden." She put one hand on her cheek and pretended to be all aflutter over the incident. Manuel couldn't get past them as both of them had the stair case entrance blocked. No, he had to put up with their antics as both made a great display of bending over to pick up their dropped towels. Of course it took a long time for them to fumble with the towels and they made sure he got a excellent shot of their divine parts. He knew better than to reach out and grab a handful, the last time he did that they had roughed him up pretty badly. He sighed and waited until they were finished torturing him. Satisfied they had made a male of the species feel anguish they went their way into the villa, being sure not to disturb the sleeping beauty Consuela. Waking her would most likely mean she would find something for them to do. Manuel had other ideas. Consuela was close enough to the pool... Yes! If he grabbed her real quick he could toss her in! It was a game he had been trying lately. He worked out in the gym as much as he could now. One of these day's maybe he could pick her up. Manuel reached for her and slid his hands around her beefy midsection. He yanked and grunted. He didn't get very far. Consuela yawned. "That's a new record Manuel. I think you almost lifted me up an entire foot." Manuel eased her back to the lounger, so it wouldn't break. He gave her firm wide backside a smart pat. "If you weren't such a buffalo I'd have you in the pool by now." "Buffalo!?" Consuela turned her head. "Who you calling a buffalo?" Manuel tossed up his hands. "I don't see any one else around here do you?" "Why you." Consuela got up and grabbed him, hoisted him over her head like he was nothing more than a twenty pound sack of rice and hurled him into the pool. She waited for his head to surface. "Now, who's the buffalo?" She demanded with her legs askance and her hands on her hips. Manuel smiled. "I guess I am, a water buffalo!" He cupped his hands and shoved a jet of water at her and got her hair wet. That would get the desired reaction, or so he thought. Consuela shrieked in dismay. "My hair!" She glared at him. "You'll pay for that, I -was- going to take you out this afternoon for a shopping trip, but now you've ruined my hair!" She fussed with her dark long tress. She was proud of her mid back length wavy mane. Manuel put his hand to his mouth and pretended to be sorry. "Oops, I didn't know. It's not that wet, I can dry it for you." She fooled with her hair. "Well, I suppose so." Before she moved out of range he shucked another jet of water at her. "Oops. It's wetter now!" Consuela jumped in the pool with a war cry. Manuel was going to suffer for this! ................. It was quickly approaching dark thirty by the time she got off of him. She closed the door to their bedroom so he could sleep and recover from the sexual ravaging she had extracted from him. He wouldn't be of any use to anyone until tomorrow, sex wise anyways. She'd make sure he took his vitamins later tonight. She saw Alisha must have gotten up, she was sleeping a lot during the day these days. Probably was down on the deck setting up her stupid telescopes for the night. Consuela padded for the shower and cleaned herself up. A quick scan of the house yielded no Nencia or Gloria to order around, those two gadflies were most likely out on the town. Something they were not supposed to do unless Manuel tagged along. However they were big girls and should be able to handle themselves. Since they weren't around she would have to fix dinner up for Alisha. She walked out toward the rear deck to find her and ask what she would like, but to her surprize Alisha wasn't around. "Hmm, that's odd." Consuela commented. She looked at the darkening sky. It was a crystal clear night. Alisha hadn't passed up a viewing night like this a single time in the past month or so. She looked all over the villa, and couldn't locate her anywhere. Perhaps the three had all gone out. Consuela hoped so, Alisha needed the diversion. On a whim she decided to walk out to the beach observation deck. In the dwindling light she saw Alisha's form sitting on the sand some 60 feet below, her golden hair made her easy to spot. She went down the staircase and walked over to where Alisha was sitting, just staring out at the sea. Alisha was apparently in a contemplative mood. She didn't look up when Consuela paused to stand beside her. "It's beautiful isn't it Alisha?" Consuela said as she joined in the view. The setting western sun was putting on a show for them. "Yes, it is." Alisha said without much enthusiasm. She continued to stare to the west. Consuela sighed, "I thought maybe I'd ask you what you would like for dinner, it looks like the twins went somewhere. I didn't see a note though." Alisha nodded. "Yes, they said something about wanting to eat out and go to one of the casinos on the south end." She looked up. "Don't worry about supper for me. I'm not hungry." Consuela nodded. "Do you mind if I sit and join you, or do you want to be alone for a while?" "No, I don't mind. Have a seat." Alisha patted the sand. Consuela sat down in the sand beside Alisha. She snorted. "I hope those two don't go blowing all their money at some stupid casino." Alisha shook her head. "I have them a few thousand dollars so they won't have to use their own." She kept her gaze on the horizon. Consuela shook her head. "You shouldn't do that. They'll just waste it. Casino's are places to just lose money, especially the ones on these islands." She reached over to use her hand to brush the sand from Alisha's hip length hair, the end of which was sweeping in the sand. "We should cut your hair some, its a bit long for beach bumming." Alisha shrugged, "It doesn't matter." Consuela smiled, "No, I suppose not. Not when you have so many willing hands to brush it clean each time you get it dirty." She paused. "Would you like to go out and explore the island tonight?" Alisha shook her head. "No, it's of no use. There would be no point, not now." Consuela rolled her eyes. "What kind of talk is that? What's wrong with you all the sudden? I remember when you were all excited about getting out of the Don's mansion and planned the move to this place." She snorted. "Hell, all you do is stare in those telescopes these days." She brushed a sand crab away. "I'm surprized your not up there right now doing just that." Alisha shook her head. "That I have determined is of no use as well. There is no point now." Consuela frowned. "Your starting to worry me, nothing seems to matter to you anymore. Maybe you should go see a doctor, I think your depressed for some reason." That didn't get a reaction. They fell silent for a while. Alisha turned her head to look at Consuela, "I transferred my account balance to yours. You better see that it is in good order. I won't be needing it." Consuela didn't like the sounds of that at all. "What does that mean, Mistress? Where will you be going?" Alisha shrugged, "It doesn't matter now. I was thinking I'll just go out there." She pointed west. "I'll stop when I've gone far enough." Consuela looked out at the sea. She shook her head. "What, your just going to hop in and go for a long swim?" Alisha ducked her head. "I might as well, there is no point now." She stood up. "I'll be going now. I've to much damage already. Goodbye Consuela." She headed for the water. Consuela screamed when she realized Alisha meant to kill herself. "No! You can't do that!" She ran up to the waters edge and placed herself in front of Alisha. "It's for the best, I order you not to interfere." Alisha side stepped her and proceeded into the water. Consuela grappled with her and attempted to haul Alisha back toward the sand. The two titans struggled and they both fell into the knee deep water. Consuela was no weakling, but not as strong as Alisha. She soon lost the battle and Alisha was heading back out into deeper water. She followed and clamped herself on Alisha's back, locking her arms together beneath Alisha's rib cage. She wrapped her thighs around Alisha's hips and squeezed as hard as she could. Even Alisha couldn't break her free. Consuela yelled. "If you do this I'll kill myself as well. Take me with you now, if that's what you want. Or pull one of your dirty tricks and I'll follow you later. Either way, Alisha." Alisha debated just putting Consuela to sleep, and proceeding. But she didn't want Consuela to hurt herself for no good reason, she may actually mean to follow up on her words. She returned to the beach and managed to convince Consuela to remove herself. Consuela pulled her away from the water. "What is it Alisha? Tell me what is wrong so I can try to help." Alisha sighed. "Okay. If I tell you a story, and you think about it. Then perhaps you will understand." She paused. "What I am about to tell you shouldn't be heard, but it doesn't matter. Not to me. No one would believe you if you repeated it anyway." They sat and Alisha explained how she came to be. She explained what she was supposed to do. She explained about Mother and that she was gone. She explained she no longer served the original purpose and why she should destroy herself, that it would be pointless to continue collecting data, as Mother was no longer there to receive it. "So you see, I have no point. Now will you let me go and promise not to kill yourself over me?" Alisha asked. There was a long silence while Consuela sat and thought about what Alisha had told her. She didn't doubt a word of it, as fantastic as it sounded. But by now she was used to the impossible. Alisha's twisted thinking about destroying herself made a kind of sense, given her origins. In a way quite logical, coldly logical. But Consuela couldn't let this fantastic being just go and wipe itself, herself, out, just because it couldn't find a reason to live. She loved Alisha on one level, but she wanted to stop this thing from happening for other reasons as well, selfish reasons. Consuela saw a glimmer of hope, she caught the straw. "Your wrong. You do have a point, else you wouldn't care what happens to me." Alisha sighed, "I do care for you. I care for the others I have met as well. But that does not change my situation, nor my conclusion." Consuela groaned. "Look, you said your Mother's last words to you were to 'survive'. Don't you see? She wanted you to carry on, even if she was lost! A part of her is in you. You tell me your mind is mostly human with an artificial intelligence core. Don't you see? She created part of herself in you. How dare you go against her wishes." Alisha didn't say anything for a few moments. The words made sense but still .. " What I did at the mansion, to you and the others, was wrong. I exceeded the simple instruction to observe and I interfered. I don't know why I went that far. I should have left as soon as I broke free." "It means your mostly human that's what. You lost it. Happens all the time among our kind. That cold logical analytical shell of yours is wrapped up with us. To bad. Learn to live with it." Alisha just sat there, looking out at the ocean again. Consuela stood up. She slapped Alisha. "Then go. I'll be right behind you." She waited for a response. Alisha didn't move. "Let me tell you something Alisha. We simple humans have the same sort of problems. Finding a reason for it all. Finding a reason to carry on. Some of us get lost along the way and we take our precious lives and toss them away. Some of us become pigs like those men that raped and brutalized you." She slapped Alisha again. "I suggest you take time to study us for your own damn reasons, not just for some, some, space probe that happened to wander by. Just because your Mama is gone doesn't mean your reason to exist is gone." For good measure she slapped Alisha again. Alisha rubbed her cheek. "I suppose this mean's I'm no longer a Goddess to you, eh Consuela?" Consuela slapped her again. "No, your just some stupid airhead space alien, one who needs her ass kicked to hell and back again." She slapped Alisha again. She reared her hand back for another good smack, but Alisha caught her wrist with snake like speed and held it solid. "Stop that this instant Consuela." Consuela swung her other hand and Alisha caught that one as well. "I will not, what will you do? Kill me? You tried to kill me that night your raped me. In fact you did kill me, but each time you did you brought me back, didn't you?" Consuela thrust her leg out and her heel connected with Alisha's jaw. It was a solid hit, one that would have broken a normal persons jaw and shattered teeth. Alisha shot up in a rage. "I said stop this!" She shouted. She gripped Consuela's wrists tighter and swept her leg to bring Consuela crashing to the ground. "Cease this activity." Consuela rubbed her wrists after Alisha had let go. She remained on the ground at Alisha's feet. "So, I guess the space alien bitch does care about something. Why you so angry? You get a sense of pride all the sudden? I thought you didn't care." Alisha tossed her head back and let out a maniacal sounding laugh. She shouted. "Damn you Consuela, you made your point minutes ago. I was thinking about it. All your doing now is pissing me off." Consuela smiled. "I hope I am earning my pay as counselor. May I get up now Mistress?" Alisha laughed. It was music to Consuela's ears. "Of course." She helped Consuela up. "I'm glad were back to Mistress, and not Space Bitch." Consuela grinned. "That's Airhead Space Alien Bitch, and I won't call you that unless I think you deserve it. You better behave Mistress Alisha." She waddled her finger at Alisha. Alisha embraced Consuela. "I will. I owe you my life. I am one of you now, your words and actions carry weight." Consuela kissed Alisha, "I won't tell anyone, you have my word," she paused, "as both friend and counselor to her Mistress." Alisha shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know if it really matters at this point. Word of what I did at the mansion, what I did with you and the others, is bound to spread. People will ask questions. I will be tracked. It is in your nature." Consuela shook her head. "Our nature," she thumped Alisha's broad bosom. "I would not worry about that for now, there is time for that later. If we need to, we can change identities, hide if that time comes." Alisha nodded. She did not mention the alternate American identity she could assume. Only she and the Don knew of that. If she was a ruthless being she would eliminate that threat entirely. That thought reminded her, she hadn't been keeping a very close tab on the Don in the past two weeks. Her funk over losing Mother had distracted her. She pulled Consuela toward the stair case. "I'll take you up on that dinner." ..................... Manuel noted the time after he showered and slipped on some decent clothes. Nine p.m. He swore. Fucking these days was hard on a man. He still felt like hammered shit. He planned to go to the kitchen and find something to eat and maybe try to catch a ball game on ESPN. As he passed Alisha's bedroom he saw his woman, correction, Consuela, sitting with Alisha in front of her PC. He thought he had managed to get by unnoticed but Alisha's voice caught him just as he was about to start down the stairs. Sighing, he went to see what they wanted. He hoped it wasn't sex. "Yes Mistress?" He asked politely. Alisha waved him over. "Come over here, we want to show you something." He obliged. When she showed him what she could do with the PC his mouth hung open. He watched as she demonstrated the capabilities of the bugging network she had installed at the Don's mansion. "Amazing! How did you do all that?" "Not for you to know, Manuel." Consuela piped up. "Show him the Don's bedroom!" Alisha clicked a menu item and a he saw the Don was having a good time. "That's Ursula! Damn, she's putting on some serious muscle, almost like you Consuela! She's looking like she's working the Don double time too!" He laughed. Consuela and Alisha shared a smile, Alisha had informed Consuela about Ursula in the hour prior. She had asked Ursla if she would key in on the Don, to use her charms on him. To keep him from feeling sexually frustrated and wandering for fresh pastures. The Don couldn't help but respond to her, Alisha had done the same thing to him as she had done with Manuel. Ursla it appeared, had found having sex with the Don had great benefits for her. After all, none of the other men at the mansion had the same, ehm, capacity. Alisha waved Manuel toward one of the chairs, "Pull that over here, your going to have a new job." She showed him how to operate the menus and how to log in to access the network. "Right now all we have is a 128k ISDN link, which for our purposes, at present, is good enough. But the technical details of all that need not concern you Manuel. What your going to be doing is help me keep tabs on what is going on at the Mansion." Manuel nodded and she continued. "This system has the capability to monitor both audio and video and record it at the mansion in a storage unit I installed. What we can do with this program," she brought up another window, "is have it look for certain audio keywords. For example, someone mentions my name, we can reference that part of the record from here." She showed him a semi convoluted routine he would have to follow in order to get this to work as desired. "So you see, if I want to ignore everything but the things that I'm interested in, it's quite easy. I can even have the program set off an audible alarm here if certain phrases are mentioned, all in real time. Of course you can see how useful that may be, given the proper circumstances. Say time critical information?" Manuel understood that very well. "This is amazing technology Mistress. I am familiar with commercial voice recognition systems, but this, this is fantastic!" He wondered how it worked. How the system could be advanced enough to do this thing. He didn't get any specific answers, besides it would be over his head anyway. He was going to have a field day with this system, so he didn't really care. Spying on the Don and his crew would be fun! After he had a bite to eat and took his vitamin supplements Alisha spent another two hours teaching him how to use the system. He wasn't a dullard, but was a slow learner compared to Consuela. Alisha grew tired of the chore, so she created a login account on her PC that would grant him rights to only access the monitor network. That way she could let him tinker unsupervised. "Tomorrow we can install the software you will need on the PC in your bedroom." She paused. "No one but you or Consuela can be allowed access to this system, nor do I want anyone but you two to be aware of its existence. The twins need not know of this, so be careful of using the system unless you are sure they are not nearby. I don't want to see the local monitor system active on any PC unless your actively using it. Do not leave the programs running if you have to leave the room, even for a short while, to tend to something else. He nodded. "Understood Mistress. Sounds like a plan! This is so fantastic!" Alisha patted him on the back and left the two to explore the systems capabilities on their own. ............. Rick Evans was always looking for fresh new talent. From his vantage point from the bar, the two incredibly exotic beauties playing at the the black jack table looked like the kind of women he would love to have in his portfolio. They could almost be twins, they looked so alike. The dress's they were wearing had frilled, somewhat baggy, sleeves and the top covering their bosoms was a ruffled material. Below the chest the rest of their outfits were skin tight and showed off their incredible condition, leaving little to the imagination, at least from what he could see from here. He saw an opportunity to join them when one of the chairs beside them was vacated. He grabbed his drink and sidled over to sit in that chair, maybe he could get to know the two. He sat down and smiled at the two when they looked over, they seemed to like what they saw and smiled in return. Seemed friendly enough, he thought. A good sign, women that worked for him needed more than killer looks. He slipped out his jacket wallet to order his chips and he swept his eyes across the two while they were not looking his way. He noted immediately both were going around sans bra. They sure didn't need them either, nice round CC cup plus he reckoned. Though the dress's they were wearing were not particularly low cut it was apparent both worked out quite a bit, it looked like they were packing some serious chest muscle. His eyes managed to dart across the nearest one's thighs. Yep, these gals were in top shape. No fat down there at all. After he had his pile of chips, a kilo bucks worth, he placed his bet for the next hand. As an experienced blackjack player he started out small, with a twenty dollar bet. He wasn't tempted to hit the tables betting limit of 100 dollars. After a five or so hands he noted the two ladies were not exactly competent blackjack players,they were missing obvious bets and playing the cards poorly. They bet like fish eager to be netted. The house was making a killing off of them, but they didn't seem to mind. Perhaps they had a sugar daddy or were wealthy. Not good, if that turned out to be the case. He needed to find out if these two were good prospects before he blew any more money at this table, he was already down a hundred smackers. "You two ladies here on vacation?" He asked with his best charm. The one closest to him shook her head. "No, we live here on the island. Up by Lorient Bay." "Ah, nice neighborhood. You come here often? I don't think I've seen you two ladies before." There was a slight pause as the knockout he was talking too placed her bet. "No, this is the first time we've been to one of the Casino's. We've been kind of busy setting up the house and haven't had much chance to get out and explore night life here much, not as much as we'd like." Her friend giggled. "We escaped for the night." The dealer flipped his cards and Rick raked in his winnings. The doll next to him had made yet another poor choice and lost her hand, her exotic twin chortled with glee as she managed to luck out and won her $100 bet. He introduced himself, "Names Rick Evans, been here on the island for ten years. I'd be glad to show you two around some of the nicer spots. I'm well qualified." He smiled and raised his eyebrow. The two exchanged glances and didn't say anything. They were playing it coy all the sudden. He leaned a little closer to speak in the ear of the gal next to him. "You two could use some blackjack hints. The house loves players like you, your giving your shirts away!" That got a laugh from the beaut next to him. She leaned over and whispered in her friends ear. They both burst out laughing. Rick grinned at them. "So what do you say? Maybe we could take a break from this and I'll give you some playing tips." The far one wrinkled her cute nose and the two whispered among themselves for a few moments, they seemed to be debating the idea. The lady closest spoke to him. "Well, we'll think about it. Gloria here is a little shy, she doesn't think we should go because were not supposed to go out with strangers, not without our escort." Rick managed to see the heel kick Gloria gave her friend. "My name is Nencia, by the way." She held out her hand. He took it and kissed her hand. She giggled and turned to her friend. "See Gloria, there's nothing to be afraid of, I think he's a gentleman." She glanced back at him. "At least so far." "I can assure you two I am nothing but a gentleman when it comes to ladies." He waved his hand at the dealer, who was patiently putting up with the chit chat. "For what it's worth Fentrik here can put a good word in for me." Fentrik nodded. "You two ladies would be in very safe hands, he's as harmless as a kitten!" He paused as he started the next deal. "Rick is a regular around here, I've known him for years and I've never heard a bad word said about him." He winked at the two. "He's well known by the high rollers that come by too. If you want to get to know the right people here on the island, Rick here, he's a good man to know." As they left the table Rick tossed his buddy Fentrik a couple hundred dollar chips, when he was sure the two ladies wouldn't see the move. The sales job Fentrik had laid on turned the balance. On the way out of the casino he realized the two weren't wearing heels. God they were tall. 6'1 or so he reckoned. A good 2" taller than he was at any rate. He managed to get a few peeks at their tight hard buns too. These two were built solid. After a bit of discussion they ended up in a quiet restaurant, one of the better ones he knew of, a short walk away from the Casino. He told them on the way La Belle was one of the better, small restaurants, a place were one usually didn't need to have a reservation, at least at this time of year. Winter, he explained, was another thing, at that time of year a reservation was a must, unless one was satisfied eating at home or at one of the unsavory shacks. When he found out they liked spicy food he made some suggestions of island Créole cuisine. They ended up selecting Feroce, a fiery spiced avocado stuffed with chiquetaille. He explained chiquetaille, if properly done, was made from shredded and very spicy codfish. This restaurant, La Belle, was honest, unlike some of the other's he warned them against. He suggested they select the Maracudja, a sweet passion fruit, to offset the heat of the Feroce. That done he ordered some Guavaberry liqueur, an island specialty, for them all to sip on while the dinner was prepared. While they waited he found out they were from Columbia and was shocked to find out they had been working as cooks and maids at some estate. He noted they didn't seem to want to talk about specifics and avoided being to nosey at this early stage. "But you two are so beautiful!" He exclaimed. "So, do you still work for the same people, or have you come into better luck?" Nencia seemed to be the more talkative of the two. "Oh, yes, much better luck! We work for someone else now, though we pretty much do the same things." She sipped her liqueur. Gloria decided to chime in. "I think we work harder now. Least I do." She stuck her tongue out at Nencia. Nencia looked back at Gloria with a put out look on her face. "What is that supposed to mean?" Gloria waved her hand. "While you were playing with a dust mop I was helping Consuela set up all that heavy gym equipment. I didn't see you come by to offer any help. Funny that, since your the one that's been whining about missing the gym work." Rick listened to this byplay with amusement. While they were distracted talking local shop talk with each other he had plenty of time to study them. It dawned on him those ruffled tops and the elbow length ruffled sleeves they were wearing might be hiding something as equally amazing as the sweeping muscular thighs he had caught a few glimpses of. He eye balled their forearms, these two were definitely not slender waifs. He noted the conversation had paused and they had caught him staring at Nencia's forearm. He cleared his throat. "I suppose you must spend a lot of time keeping in shape, you both look incredibly fit." Nencia smiled at him. "A little, a few times a week." She paused and eyeballed him. "Looks like you keep yourself in shape too." Rick grinned. "I try at least. I jog and use one of the gyms not to far from here." Conversation paused as their plates arrived. While they ate he found out to his surprise that they were not sisters. He expressed his fascination at this, they looked so similar. He also noted they both seemed not in the slightest worried about their weight as they called the waiter over and asked for some spiced pollo and a sweet desert to go with their plate. He finished his meal and wanted to ask them how the hell they could eat like that and stay in such trim shape, but that would be a game thing to do. He contented himself telling them about things to look out for here on the island, which places were safe and what not. They seemed most interested in restaurants, as it appeared they loved to eat. So he listed the ones to avoid. "Some of them are well known for having problems, making people ill. It depends on the head cook. Even a place like this could end up on the list to avoid, but the chef here is a man of quality." He went on as they continued their meal. "It's not uncommon for the better cooks to be lured away by another establishment for higher pay or benefits." Gloria smiled at that and nudged Nencia. "I suppose that's what happened to us. We got lured away by higher benefits." She giggled. Nencia raised her eyebrow. "Si, much higher benefit indeed." Rick stuck his nose in further, he had to know more about these two. "Well, I'm sure your two are worth it. What kind of salary does your current employer pay you? I apologize if that is a rude question, I'm just curious how well two stunning ladies like yourselves are getting along." Nencia shared a look with Gloria. They both shrugged, almost in synchrony. Nencia spoke. "Well, we don't really have a salary. No one has discussed that yet." Rick raised his brow. "Surely you do. I hope your not thinking to make money at the tables! I bet you two lost over a thousand dollars while I was playing with you!" Gloria giggled. "We lost a lot more than that. I think we just about lost all Alisha lent us." She looked in her purse. "I only see a few hundred left Nencia." Nencia sighed. "Well, I guess we did get carried away." She glanced at Rick. "You were going to tell us how to play blackjack better. Maybe if we learn we won't lose so much next time." Rick grinned. "Gladly! The first thing you need to learn is that the best way to avoid that problem is to just stay away from the tables!" Gloria pouted, "But it's so much fun! Surely there's a better way? Else why do people play?" Rick nodded. "Yes, if your skilled you can come close to beating the house, at least in blackjack. The other games are too stacked in the house's favor to bother with, so you two picked the right game. You just need to learn how to bet. Blackjack, is a game of card counting. Playing the odds. There are times when you bet low, say only five dollars or so, when the odds are against you. When the odds are in your favor, that is when you bet a higher amount. The trick is, to have a feel for when the odds are in your favor. The only way to do that is to keep track of how many cards are in the deck to start with, and what cards have been played." Gloria's eyes widened at this news. "The table we were playing at must have had two hundred or more cards. How can anyone keep track of that?" Rick nodded, "In some houses, deck shoes will have more cards than that. Some less. Casino's do that to keep card counters at bay. Unless one has excellent memory it is impossible. In the old days it was a lot easier as they only played with a standard deck, or perhaps two." He continued, "But there is a way to stay closer to even than the way you two were betting, one that does not involve card counting." He explained the simple rules of when to hit and to stay. About insurance and how that was usually a bad choice, unless you were a skilled card counter. When to double and the other basics anyone would need to know if they spent any time at all playing blackjack. Gloria seemed to be the gambler as she became the talkative one. "It sounds challenging." She looked at Nencia and back at Rick. "We were playing stupidly. I am glad we met you." She paused, "Tell us more about how this card counting is done and how one bets using that method." "Ah, well that can become quite complex. I myself am not an expert on the subject, I just use the more enjoyable simple bet pattern as I play only on occasion." He paused. "I do have a couple excellent books I'd be glad to lend you on that subject." Gloria clapped her hands together. "Wonderful! I think Nencia and I could learn this quickly once we had the details!" She seemed to glow at the thought. Apparently she was already a hooked casino hound. "Well, since the night is still young, we could stop by my place and grab the books." He paused. "Then if you wish to grant me the pleasure of your company for the rest of evening, we could return to the casino, or perhaps you would enjoy doing something else. There is a wonderful outdoors nightclub I could show you. They have a true islander band, lots of colorful lights and it is on the water. The place is fantastic!" The two said that sounded fine. When he found out they had taken a cab he escorted them to his car. "It's not far, just north of here, on the French side, perhaps five minutes or so." The two shared a laugh at that. Nothing was very far away on this small island, St. Martin. The section they were leaving, on the South end of the island, was Dutch. The larger northern portion was under French dominion. However years ago the island halves pretty much melded together as they gained independence. There were no borders as such, other than political ones. The two ladies were in the back seat, Nencia spoke. "So do you live alone here on the island, Rick?" Rick nodded. "I live a bachelors life. My line of work makes it difficult to keep a wife, so I gave up on that." He glanced in the rear view mirror, he had to keep his eyes on the winding road so his eye's didn't linger there long. The terrain was hilly on this side of the island. "What kind of work is that?" "Well it involves a bit of travel sometimes, to nearby islands. Most of my employee's, associates actually, are here on this island, however." He paused. "I run a escort service for select clientele." He heard the two whispering for a few moments. Nencia finally spoke. "That sounds interesting, but why does that keep you from having a wife?" Rick glanced in the mirror to make momentary eye contact with Nencia. "Well, perhaps you've never heard of such. The kind of escort service I provide is company, female company, for gentlemen that can afford to pay the fee. Gentlemen, for whatever reason, that can't find a warm friendly companion on their own." Nencia laughed. "So you are a pimp? For whores?" Rick furrowed his brow, the word insulted him. So did her tone. "Not at all, the ladies that contract to work with me don't always do that sort of thing at all. If they do, that is up to them. Many of them are simply, escorts, company keepers for the evening. That may just mean, you know, like a nice date. Nothing out of the ordinary or unsavory." The two giggled. "You mean men will pay just to take women out for the evening?" Rick nodded. "For very beautiful women, yes. Women such as yourselves." Gloria piped up as he pulled into his driveway. "So that's why you took so much interest in us!" She nudged Nencia. "And we thought you just were charmed by our good nature." He parked the car and turned around. Nencia looked a bit disappointed and Gloria had a triumphant look on her. "I was struck by you both the instant I saw you." He laughed. "Only a rock could be indifferent your charms." He paused. "Yes, it is true I have a professional interest, but let's not let that spoil the rest of our evening, please I beg of you." Gloria nudged Nencia again. "See, I told you. Their all pigs." She smiled gleefully. Nencia eyed Rick and seemed to disagree. "I think he's charming. Rick is no pig. He's just a business man." She punched Gloria back. Rick sighed. "Well, perhaps I better take you two home. I can't stand to see you two hitting each other like that." Nencia shook her head. "We do this all the time. No, we will go in and get those books and have a good time tonight." She opened the car door and stepped out. Gloria sighed, cast a brief glare at Rick, and got out as well. The interesting byplay between the two kept him silent as they entered his house. He determined Nencia must be the Alpha leader of the two. Gloria it appeared, only followed because Nencia led the way. He invited them to sit down in his modest, yet comfortably appointed living room while he went to go locate the books. Even though the prospects were looking a bit dim at that point, he had to try. Maybe they would get to know him better and not be so judgmental. His attitude had cooled a trifle toward Gloria, the pig remark had hurt. Nonetheless when he returned with the two books he handed them to her with a smile. "These should keep you busy. I think you'll find more than you ever wanted to know about blackjack!" Gloria graciously smiled. "Thank you Rick." She glanced at Nencia who seemed to be ignoring her. "I'm sorry for calling you a pig, it was uncalled for. It's a bad habit of mine." The two hadn't got up from the sofa yet, so Rick plopped down in the nearby rattan chair. "I understand. Some of us are pigs. I myself, don't think I fall into that category, but I'm biased! Apology accepted, and I hope I don't give you cause to think of me that way again. If I do, let me know!" Gloria ducked her head, "Nice place you have here, It looks like your doing well living off your," She waved her hand in a suggestively dismissive manner, "your associates." Nencia reached over and popped Gloria's thigh, rather hard too. "Stop that! Each time you open your mouth your implying something nasty." She looked back at Rick. "I'd like to hear how much these women make doing this escort thing." Rick brightened at that. "Well, first off let me set it straight on how I conduct business. The women that are in my portfolio are all doing it because they want to. Most of them do this as part time work and -they- let me know when they are available. More than a few are married women." Gloria snorted, but said nothing. "What I do is hook them up with the kind of clientele they want to meet. I'm really just an expediter. I find out what the client is expecting and I see who is available in my portfolio. If there is a match, we have business. If I don't, then we can't do business." Nencia asked. "Is that because you don't have enough women in the portfolio you keep?" Rick shook his head. "Yes and no. I have about forty five women associates. However sometimes the client wants, you know, sexual activity. Not all the ladies will do that sort of thing." He paused. "Of those that do, some will only minor services, things of that sort, you know, no full intercourse or anal sex. Others will, given the right client, will go all the way." Gloria pretended to be reading one of the blackjack books while Nencia and Rick continued to talk. "So after you make a match, how do you determine the fee?" "Well, that depends on the client, what he expects, and how long the date lasts." He ignored Gloria's snort. "It also depends on what the escort expects to be paid on a hourly or, in some cases, daily rate. Depending on the match up and services rendered, a escort can make anywhere from $100 to $400 dollars an hour. Depending on factors." Gloria put her book down. "Just for hanging off a mans arm for the night? They pay that much?" Rick nodded, "Yes, however to get much more than a couple hundred an hour, the client's expect 'very' good treatment." "You mean sex of course." "Yes, depending on the lady and how skilled she is, she can command the upper price range, $400 an hour while she is doing those sorts of activities. However what we often do is set a flat rate in some cases. Say a client wants an escort for an entire evening, from oh, 6pm to midnight. If I manage to match him up with a woman that is willing to have sexual relations the fee is usually $2000 to the client. The escort get's 60 percent of that plus whatever she or he can get out of the client on their own, though I don't encourage that, but it is done." Nencia giggled, "You mean you have men escorts too? What do they do?" Rick coughed. "Well, I've only got into that recently. Some of my men clients have asked for that sort of thing so I worked up a small portfolio for them." He paused. "You may be surprized to know a growing number of wealthy women are asking for female consorts, exotic women like yourselves." That seemed to get Gloria's interest level back. He noted that as he continued. "I only pick the best to be in my portfolio, I'm well known with the connected around the island. So I keep a low profile, as do the ladies. Technically what we do is illegal, however the authorities don't mind as it brings in the higher class tourist to the island. That means more money for everyone." He continued. "I also do my best to only select the clients I know are not troublemakers. If I hear of a client that has been abusive or has been a problem I blacklist that individual and no longer do business with them." He paused. "In fact a number of us in this profession have gotten together and share our blacklist information with each other. If that individual is in the blacklist pool I do not make arrangements with him." Gloria nodded her head. "The pigs. There are so many of them." Her beautiful face had a scowl on it. "I hate pigs." She looked up. "Have any of your escorts ever been hurt badly?" Rick didn't lie, it wasn't worth it. "In the ten years I've been doing this sort of thing a number of women have been hurt, yes." He paused. "Of those that have been it is usually minor, a slap or maybe verbal insults. In a few cases the client, the man, got too rough during sexual activity. In two cases I can recall it was more like rape, as the women didn't want to have sex with the client. However as bad as that sounds, no one has been hurt so badly they needed immediate medical attention." "What happens if a woman, or escort, doesn't want to do this sort of thing anymore?" Nencia asked. Rick shrugged. "Like I said, it's up to them. Since I have become so well known, I have had women contact me, wanting to be in my portfolio. If they no longer wish to do this sort of thing I simply remove them from the portfolio. I do not pressure them to continue, though I have been known to plead on occasion. " He joked. Gloria put her book down. "Let's go back to the Casino, I want to practice playing blackjack better." She looked at Nencia. Nencia waved her hand. "Settle down, I want to find out what Rick thinks we could make. We could make spare change!" Gloria rolled her eyes. "Go ahead, I'll read this book. Leave me out of it." Nencia frowned at her friend, "We could do this, easy. Besides, all we have is the tiny account Alisha set up for us, and she hasn't said a word about future salary." She cocked her head at Rick. "How much could we make doing this?" "You mean as individuals? Well that depends on what you are willing to do. You set the rules, in that regard, not me. But assuming you want to just do basic escorting, I'd say you could command $150 to $250 an hour each, easy. Maybe more, depending on the client. I can promise you, given your exotic beauty, once I show them your pictures many would be willing to pay that kind of fee for basic escort. Of course the fee you get is 60 percent of that figure." "If you treat them nice and have a good personality to go with the beauty you'll have repeat customers, I can assure you of that." He grinned. The two exchanged looks. Nencia spoke to Gloria, "What do you think? I think we should try it. Sounds like easy money." Gloria sighed. "Yes, but I don't want to go out alone with someone I don't even know. Some of them are so ugly, and they stink." Nencia nodded, "Yes, but we could work as a team. We'd be safer that way anyway." Gloria nodded, "I'll go along with it if we do it that way, assuming Alisha doesn't mind. We have to ask her first." Nencia smiled. "That's the spirit, only lets don't bother Alisha over this until were sure we want to do it. I think we should go for a test drive or two first." Gloria glanced over at Rick, who was just sitting and waiting to see what they decided. "Let's talk about that later." She addressed Rick. "We'll only work as a team." Rick nodded, "Well, I can see if I can find someone willing to pay, but with the two of you together, as pleasing as that is, It may be kind of hard finding someone willing to cough up $500 or more an hour just for escort." He paused, "However there are gentlemen that are wealthy enough, that are sometimes willing to pay that much, but it doesn't happen all that often. To be honest with you, since your inexperienced I'd hesitate billing that much. I have a reputation I need to maintain." Nencia smiled. "Well, what if we went all the way. You know, do all the things the client wants?" That got her a good solid punch from Gloria. Right in the kidney too. Rick wondered what they were built of, that punch sounded like a fist hitting a slab of solid beef , like in one of those silly movies. Nencia barely flinched. "Well, I know this sounds rude, but your obviously not a couple of pros. I don't know enough about you to make that kind of judgement." He noted that Nencia had a most odd look on her face, he misread it. "I mean you have no track record I know of." He coughed. "See, in this line of work, to get repeat business and keep the groups reputation up I can only offer clients the very best. If a client feels jilted he'll not come back for more, and I get a lot of repeats." Nencia smiled. "Well there's only one way we can find out, that is, if you don't mind." She stood up and walked over to stand in front of Rick. "I hope your in reasonably good health, we wouldn't want to hurt you. Would we Gloria?" Gloria laughed. "If he's like most men he won't last long." She remained seated. "Are you sure we should do this Nencia?" "I want to make some real money, I don't know about you Gloria. This is the only way we can find out. That is if Rick here doesn't mind. Is it okay with you Rick?" Rick remained professional as he could. "I sure don't mind, however perhaps I should take a quick shower. I don't want to be all stinky." He grinned at Gloria. Gloria nodded her head. "You just went up a couple notches, in my...portfolio." She cackled. "Maybe I'll start keeping one of those too." He came out of the shower some minutes later and slipped on one of his robes. He saw the two had found his bar and had helped themselves to a bottle of his best wine. He plopped down in the sofa, to sit between them. Just to find out how they would react. He was pleased to see Gloria didn't pull away and was quite friendly again. He didn't touch either one yet, as he wanted to see if they took the lead, what kind of personalities they had. Gloria got up. "I'll go take a shower too, you two keep my place in line." She smiled at Nencia and walked away. Before Rick knew it, Nencia had her tongue in his ear. She pressed against him and he let out a gasp when he realized how solidly built she was. "Something wrong Rick?" Nencia asked. "No, I was just a bit surprized." He reached over to stroke her upper arm, which was still hidden by the fluffy ruffled sleeves. "Holy cats!" His eyes widened. " I think your packing more muscle than I am!" He had a sudden scary thought. But he kept that thought to himself. He hoped he wouldn't have any rude surprizes. Nencia pressed against him again and nibbled his ear. "Does that bother you?" She asked. She darted her tongue in for another pass at his ear canal. His mental score card tallied her performance, so far she was scoring a solid 100. "I don't really know. I've never been with a woman packed like you." His eyes widened when he passed his hand across her midsection. Solid as could be! If she had any fat at all it was just a smidgen, a mere pittance. God, she even had abdominal ridges! That dress was hiding a very strong woman. Nencia smiled, "Well, there's always a first time." She told him to stand up and she inspected his dick. Then she made him turn around and check the back side. "You pass, don't see any sores on you." She commented with business like efficiency. "Now you may help me disrobe." She got up. Rick grinned. If she was cautious like this with him, she would be the same with any clients. Smart girl. Maybe she would last a while. He helped her as best he could, funny how his fingers all became thumbs though. As her dress came off, he got a good look at her crotch, and he thanked his stars that the heavy crease in her panties left no doubt that this was a woman. One with a rather large vulva too. Having never been around a muscle woman before he was fascinated by the rest of her, and ignored the juicy bits for now. There was too much else to learn about. "My God, I had no idea that dress you were wearing hid this kind of body. Your built so solid!" He ran his hands along the back of her upper arms, triceps he recalled. She let him explore, while they stood near the sofa. "Would you like to massage me first?" She asked. "Yes! , but first would you mind flexing that bicep?" He gawked as she did so. Running his hand along the peaked muscle, it felt like solid rock almost. "Hold that pose for a sec!" He slipped of his robe and flexed his arm. "No doubt about it! You win!" His arms were almost as big as hers, when relaxed, but her peaked bicep looked like a small mountain. However, he had good deal more fat. Not that he -was- fat. Just a good healthy layer of it. Well, maybe more than a tad healthy. Okay? Nencia smiled at him and moved in close, to stand mere inches away, her eyes a good 2 inches above his. She put her hands on her hips. "So, do you like, or do you think I'm ugly?" Being pressed against her small, yet generous, breasts brought his attention to her chest. Her pectorals put his comparatively weak chest to bitter shame. Course he never had been a muscle guy, so he didn't fret. Those high rising slabs of muscle looked better on her than on any man. She brought her chest to life and he gasped as she flexed a bit. He reached out to stroke her there. "No, no way your ugly. Your the most sensuous woman I think I've ever seen." No doubt of it. She was loaded with curves, not blocky at all. She had more curves than the typical woman by far. "Cheeze, how much can you lift?" He asked gamely as he pawed her chest. Nencia grinned and before he realized what was happening she ducked in front of him, grabbing him by his crotch and neck, then tossed him onto her shoulders. He gagged a bit as she pressed him up and down several times. Since his face was to the floor he got a good view of her musculature in action. The last stroke she held him aloft, pressed close to the ceiling. "Want some more? I like to warm up before sex." She asked from below. God she didn't even sound strained! Despite the pain his balls were in, as she had gripped him a tad roughly, he wanted to let her 'warm up'. "Uh, ya. Knock yourself out, just ease up on my balls a little will ya?" He heard her chuckle, but she didn't apologize. Twenty reps later, he counted them, she put him down. She was barely winded. "Your a little light for a full workout." Rick rubbed his somewhat bruised balls, "Light! Shit I weigh 200 pounds!" He winced a bit when one of his nuts decided it was hurt more than he thought. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Nencia cooed concern. "Did I hurt you badly?" She moved in to help him rub his nuts. "Is that better? I could have kept going but I figured I better stop. I guess I didn't stop in time." She prattled on as she gently massaged his nuts. He waved her hand away, "I'll be okay, just need a few minutes to let them rest." Her rubbing was making it worse. Balls, once zapped, didn't want to be touched. Lot's of women didn't understand how fucking sensitive the things are. "Maybe you should go lay down. Where's your bedroom?" She asked. Rick pointed. Before he could protest she had picked him up and carried him toward the room, like he was a baby or something! She placed him on his bed and sat down beside him. "I'll make it all better when you tell me it's okay." She paused. "How about that massage?" He found that agreeable, besides it would distract him from his bruised nuts. She slid out of her panties and spread herself face down on the bed. Rick didn't know where to start at first. That high round solid packed butt looked like the first thing he wanted to massage. God it was perfect! He managed to get his act together and started on her neck and shoulders after he gathered up her long mane of blonde hair and laid it aside. By the time he worked his way down to her glutes he began to feel a tad faint. Perhaps his raging hard on had something do do with that. He couldn't blame it, the novelty of touching so much female power was overwhelming. The thick strata of muscle that ridged her spine reminded him of those thick giant salamis at the deli, except a lot firmer, and warm to boot!. She almost purred when he started massaging her glutes. There was no way to describe the sensation he reckoned. Suffice to say they were solid muscle. He tried pinching some skin there. It was hopeless, as his fingers found no purchase! He worked his way down her thighs and dawdled there a while and it dawned on him how big they actually were. Full wide sweeping muscle from hip to knee. He found it very erotic indeed. Not only the sight, but the power, in female form it was a heady thing indeed. She flipped over when Gloria entered the room, and interrupted his visual appraisal of her cunt, which he had just begun. "Oops, am I interrupting something?" Gloria asked in mock embarrassment. "That looks good. I'll have the same while you go and shower Nencia." She plopped into the bed. "Has he been behaving himself?" Gloria asked as she eased in to lay prone, face down, alongside of her friend and lover. Nencia stood up and nodded. "Oh yes, Ricks been a perfect gentleman so far. He won't bite you." She smiled. She shook her finger at Gloria,"Now don't you play with your earlobes while I'm away." Rick didn't have a clue as to what that remark was about, nor did he know where to put his eyes, on Nencia's retreating form or on Gloria's backside, which was facing him, waiting for attention. He almost groaned in pain because Gloria was just as fit and tightly muscled as Nencia, but to a slightly lesser degree. Not quite as much mass as Nencia was packing, nonetheless she was obviously quite strong. "Well, I'm waiting Rick, or don't you like me?" Rick began kneading Gloria's neck. "You got a chip on your shoulder, don't you Gloria?" Gloria maintained her position, she was enjoying his hands. He knew how to use them. Just the right amount of pressure. "What do you mean?" "Well, I'm not sure, but I get the impression you don't much care for men at all." "Maybe I don't. I have reasons not to. So does Nencia." Rick worked his way down Gloria's heavenly built back. "Were you abused Gloria?" Gloria sniffed and studied her nails. "More than once. I've had a hard life. The men I've all known were pigs, all of them, well except for a few, but they weren't interested in me." Rick sighed, he decided to bypass Gloria's glorious posterior and shifted to work her feet and calves. "I'm sorry to hear that Gloria. I hope you can get over it, because if your going to do this escort thing you can't be obvious about your distaste." He worked up her calve's a ways. "Besides, if it's something you don't enjoy, well, it's best not to do it." "I can try. I don't mind doing it if I'm going to get paid. I'll be good at it, I'm sure." She looked back over her shoulder. "You bypassed my behind. It needs attention." Gloria was a bossy thing, "I'll get there, I wasn't sure if you wanted to be touched there." Rick was still massaging her calves and taking in the grand view before him. His eyes wandered back to her cunt. He must have been seeing things, perhaps his brain was rattled from being used for a barbell earlier. He swore he just saw her pussy twitch. Twitch? "I like being touched everywhere if the person doing the touching has good hands." Gloria wiggled her ass. "It needs attention now. Do you mind leaving my calves alone for a while?" She knew how to tease a man. Rick managed to place himself so he could massage her butt while getting a good eyeful of her generous cunt. Much like Nencia her vulva was on the grand scale. Heavy lipped and pouting folded flesh that showed nary a blemish. He noted Gloria was as equally hairless as Nencia. His hand slipped a little low during his visual distraction. Gloria raised her ass up a ways. "Ohh, yaa, that feels good Sugar. Rub me lower and harder. Harder." Rick grinned and almost laughed. "You know how to turn that charm on Gloria, where you get that?" "OHH, Lower." She ground her hips into the bed. "Don't stop, rub my pussy. Oh, YES. Faster." Hell, he hadn't touched her there yet and she was as wound up like a she cat yowling in the heat of rut. He slipped his hand between her gyrating thighs and brushed along her lips. It felt unusually firm to him. Cheeze. What kind of women were these? Gloria flipped over. "I watch tapes and video." She said matter of factly. She sat up and pushed him down on the bed. "That's enough massaging for now." He noticed, she, like Nencia, was a take control woman. Not passive fluff balls, these. She plopped herself to sit astride his chest. Her weight was more than impressive and he left out a huff as the air was pressed from his lungs. "Do you mind giving a woman oral satisfaction?" Gloria asked as she massaged her breast with one hand and used the other to massage her swelling vulva. "Uh, not at all." Rick managed with a smile but didn't get another word out as she planted her self on his face. "Lick me baby. Emm. Yaa.... That feels sooo good!" She cried as he clumsily brought his tongue to bear. She moaned with pleasure and ground her hips into his face. Her weight was one thing, but her cunt was another. He'd never had his faced mashed by anything like it before. Her aroma was in the divine category he surmised. He freaked as her cunt began to unfold and fill with blood, as her lips were fucking huge! She reared up and plopped back down on his face, he swore the outer lips were draping almost to his cheek bones. He heard Nencia's voice ring out, he couldn't see her as his entire world was encompassed by Gloria's thighs and cunt at the moment. "Oh, I see you got started without me Gloria. Shame on you!" Nencia said with a scolding tone. Gloria moaned. "I couldn't wait. I had to have him. Oh, yes, do that with your tongue again. Faster. Faster!" She cried out passionately and started to stroke her hips into his face. Luckily she knew he had to breathe once in a while, and she let up to let him catch his breath. She got up and turned around so all he had was a view of her ass as she continued to rub her cunt into his face. The firmest cunt in the world too, this woman was a freaking medical anomaly. Her mons felt like it was made of muscle! Rick felt Nencia ease her weight down on his thighs. "Oh my, it looks like something needs attention here Gloria." Nencia cooed. "Should I do it or do you want to?" Gloria ground herself into Ricks face with a circular motion. "Umm, You go first, I'll take the leftovers." Rick gulped air as fast as he could, once Gloria pulled herself far enough away that he could breathe. God her cunt tasted like.. like.. it was too good to describe. Even the aroma from her bung hole was heavenly. He noted during the intermission that the insides of her cheeks, her crack, was the same light tan color as the rest of her. Hmm, pure heaven. "If there's anything left you mean." He heard Nencia say. He felt her ease her weight up and his dick being engulfed in her mouth, he felt her clamp her lips and crush her tongue into his flesh. How she managed to keep her teeth away, he didn't' know. But it felt divine. No, wait. It can't be. He felt her heavy weight riding him. God! Her cunt! The next two hours seemed like a dream. Each one taking turns riding him. He managed to pop off twice but after that he was a dry hole. How he managed to keep his forty year old cock rock hard all that time was beyond him. He knocked it up to being laid by two superwomen. They kept riding him until they became bored. He heard Gloria make a comment that he didn't quite grasp. But he was to tuckered out to work it out, as he lay on the bed gasping. "You got all the juice, by the time I got him all that was left was a smidgen." He swore she looked like she was ready to pounce him again, damn these women were fuck bunnies! The two nestled alongside of him, resting their weight on their elbows, thighs stretched across his. He felt like he was in heaven. Nencia waited for his respiration to settle. "So Rick, what do you think we're worth as a team?" He jumped involuntarily when he felt Gloria grind her cunt into his thigh, it slurped his skin, with enough force to pull a bit of his flesh into her. Her still rock hard clit, big as his thumb almost, she ground against him. Rick looked up at them both. "Fucking Priceless." Since it was late and they wanted to get back to their villa, they decided they would work out the details later and would stop by for some photo work, perhaps tomorrow. After he dropped them off at their place he realized he was ruined. Spoiled! He'd never be able to bed another woman again, not without thinking of those two! ..........................