She - part 7 By Soltan Bey Alisha and Manuel Update: 21/09/1997 to soltan Manuel was standing in the middle of the room, between the sofa and the big screen TV. Alisha approached. Despite her frightful size she was a beautiful woman in his view. The form fitting dress, one of many she now had, was a tube type pullover number. The kind that only covered half way down the thigh. She came to stand before him a few feet away. So close he had to crane his neck up to look her in the eyes. "You want me to move something Mistress?" he asked. He had a feeling she wanted him for something other than moving furniture around though. The thought frightened him. She's so fucking huge! "Yes, I want to see if you can move mountains. Now remove your clothes," she commanded. He did so without much hesitation, one did not deny Mistress. As he pulled the last of his clothes off Alisha had slipped out of her pullover. She ran her hand across his shoulder and down his spine then pulled him to press against her flesh. Recalling what she had done to the men in the detention room earlier he began to shake. "I'm not going to hurt you." She pulled him down to the floor as she laid herself down. "Make love to me like a man makes love to a woman," she said as she patted him. "Do it right and you may have a new job, free of the Don's reach." He didn't know for sure what she meant by that last remark, nor how she knew he wasn't happy working for the Don, but he knew he better do his best to satisfy her. He wasn't big enough to get past her huge tits as he crawled atop her. His groin was pressing into pubis, just above her giant slit. His head could just reach her nipples with some room to spare. He soon forgot his fear as he caressed her breasts, each as big as a basketball. She didn't seem to mind his full weight as he lay on her marbled muscular abdomen, she even pulled him tighter to her in a bear hug, as he kissed her breasts and played with her nipples. He felt her breathing rate increase as he slowly worked his kisses down her massively muscled abdomen. He spent a good deal of time working over her belly button and found it a real kick that his tongue plunging into that button would evoke enough of a response to cause her to gasp and twitch as he tickled it. On several occasions his tongue became stuck within the confines of her belly button as she contracted her taut muscles. He looked up and saw her working her breast nipples into knots as he worshiped her abdominals, slowly working toward her bush. By the time he made it to her now damp cunt she was grinding her hips. He wasn't sure but it seemed like he was doing well. At least she seemed to be responding so. He didn't plunge right into her pussy but instead began to lick on either side. Working along her thighs. He kept his eyes on her clit, which was just budding up from that giant clit hood. With one free hand he massaged her swollen cunt lips, which seemed large enough to cover his entire face. In fact her pussy was so big he felt he had a fair chance of forcing his entire head inside, but only a fool would do that. His teasing around her clit was driving her nuts and he heard her growling in frustration each time he ran his hand over the hairs, just barely tingling the nerves beneath, but never actually touching the swollen tissues below. If she was like most women, the slow anticipation would drive itself into a frenzy once he made contact. He checked his mere average dick and felt he was rock hard. He chuckled as he realized this cunt would think his dick a toothpick. He'd just use his corkscrew motion to best effect. Concentrating on labial and clitoral stimulation once he pounced. He continued to tease her clit by brushing the hairs surrounding it. When he sensed she was ready to explode he slid his fingers along either side of her clit and began to massage slowly then he ran his dick into her warmth. He was shocked when he felt his grab him like a tight soft glove. With a woman this size he felt rapid slam fucking with a good corkscrew action would be best so he proceeded with that approach. With one hand bracing on the floor the other worked her clit. "Do you like it fast and hard Mistress?" he asked. . . "Harder" She said. Hell he was working her as hard as he could, at least with using the one hand on the monster clit technique. In fact he was starting to slow down as her pussy was clamping down so tightly it was becoming difficult to plunge her. He lost control and came inside of her, he cursed his sloppiness, she hadn't come yet. But as he spurted she seemed to derive great pleasure as her gut began to churn and broil. Arching her hips she pulled him up into the air. She let out a great low moan, the vibrations from her moaning so profound that he swore he could feel them rippling through her cunt as it spasmed on his now dwindling dick. He was spent from exertion. His groin pressed to her cunt which was moving on its own accord. Her amazing pussy lips working against his inner thighs. "One fucking incredible woman ", he muttered. "I'm glad you think so Manuel," she replied from beyond that mound of tit meat. "Mistress Alisha, I'm afraid I lost control a little early. I apologize for cumming within you, but you were so tight and I was too weak." "You did fine Manuel. Don't ever pull out of me to cum. Or I'll have to punish you. " "Does that mean I'm hired? As your gigolo? I passed?" "Your still alive aren't you?" she asked nastily. "With some training you'll do very well, I think. If you want the job that is. It's up to you." Only one way to find out, "What job is that Mistress Alisha?" "Security advisor to my operation. At present we don't really need security, not here on premises. But if Consuela and the other girls leave the property I want someone along with them that I can trust with. Secondary role: Personal assistant to myself and Consuela. Which basically means you'll be a butler with security background and responsibilities. But if your to be of much use to use in -very- -personal- matters you'll need a bit of enhancement." He asked what she meant by that last comment. Twenty minutes later he was out the door with orders to inform the Don that he was now working directly for Alisha and was no longer in the Don's employ. He was spotted in the kitchen a numbers of times through the night, making a pest of himself. The Don had been very unhappy at this news as Manuel Chunas was one of his best security men. A valued expert. There was nothing he could do of course. What irked him the most though was that it seemed Manuel was delighted to give the Don the news. For a few moments he considered remedial action concerning the Mistress Alisha. He brushed them away when he considered the probable outcome. ................................. Consuela felt wonderful after her rest. The other two women still slumbered. Gloria's robe had slipped open to expose her tawny midriff and thighs. She was tempted to investigate Gloria's bush, which sported dense crop of black hair. But she didn't want to wake the sleeping beauties so she left them alone. In the kitchen she found a new crate of eggs. She decided to make up a few healthy sandwiches and to top the meal off with an egg. She found Alisha in the PC room devouring a pile of technical books. During the week Consuela had placed phone orders for a huge number of books covering a wide range of topics at Alisha's request. It seemed Alisha was maniacal for knowledge. Consuela wondered to herself how someone so capable had not come across this information before. She wondered at Alisha's ignorance of many things the average person took for common knowledge. In many ways it was as if she was only born yesterday. Alisha looked up. "Glad to see your awake," she eyed the large plastic drinking cup. "If that's egg I suggest you not consume as much through the night. Tomorrow your systems should be able to handle the nutrients without putting you to sleep." She then explained in detail the reasons Consuela and the others had all fallen drowsy. Alisha told Consuela about her plans for the next week and the tentative plans she had for the next month. Consuela was excited by the news and had a few suggestions to offer, which Alisha found helpful. "Oh, and one other item. While you were resting I employed someone else." The way she said that caused Consuela to pause her eating. "Is it who I think it is?" She asked hopefully. "Yes, he'll be staying one of the guest rooms across the hall." Consuela let out a satisfied sound. Alisha continued. "As we discussed this possibility a few days ago, you already know the conditions he will be working under. Take it easy on him for a week or so, dear." Consuela chortled. "He'll be the highest motivated security consultant ever. I'm glad you made the decision. He should be much happier with us than the Don." Consuela had long known about Manuel's feelings. She liked him as he had always been considerate of her and had never used her as the other men had. Not roughly that is. His love making had always been tender. Eventually they had gained a sort of rapport and he let slip his feelings about the Don. Alisha looked up. "I made it clear to him that in addition to his security chores, which will be minimal for the time being, that he will be sort of a staff butler and is to be personal assistant to you and I." She smiled, "As you said, he was quite good. With a bit of training I'm sure he will improve." Consuela giggled. "I suppose you already started training him, Mistress?" "Oh yes, while you were asleep. I found him quite skilled." She paused. "However I found him lacking in several regards. That will soon be remedied though." She waited for Consuela to grasp the hint. "Mistress, what did you do to him?" Consuela asked with more than a bit of interest. Alisha chose to be coy. "Let us say, when he is called upon, he will be more, fulfilling, to women of exceptional needs." She continued. "He will not be eating the eggs, they will not be needed for such a small improvement." Consuela pulled back and looked toward the doorway then looked back at Alisha. "Mistress if you have no need of me at the moment, perhaps I should go see how he is doing." Alisha chuckled. "Yes, by all means. Go give him a proper indoctrination." Consuela blushed slightly, then excused herself and left the room. ............................... Two months had passed. Alisha was packed and ready to be taken to the airport to board a private jetliner that would take her, Consuela, and Manuel to St. Martins Island. The day before she ran a final check on the bugging system she had literally grown through the mansion complex. Tiny tendrils of her grown network extended into every room and passage and were tied into a computer bank located in the Dons server room. There were redundant backups in case of tampering. Sufficient to allow her to respond immediately from afar. From almost anywhere on the globe she could listen to any conversion held within the Mansion proper and at selected locations on the grounds outside the Mansion. All via the Internet. In several select rooms she could also gather video data, that would be compressed. It could be still frame or motion video, as the case demanded. All she had to do was to log in and select a channel to monitor. If the situation warranted she could have the tendril collect video. If someone painted the wall and covered the tendril she merely could command via the network that it bore through the paint. The tendrils were alive, too thin to be noticeable to casual human inspection. Of course none of the Don's people knew of this. She left strict instructions that if any modifications were to be done on the mansion PC network , she was to be informed. Only after her approval was granted could the work be done. To insure compliance she had secretly co-opted many of the female staff. Well perhaps not so secretly. A good number of the ladies had asked to be of Amazonic proportions. Alisha complied with their desires and others. In addition she cured many of their ills. Others were elated by merely having their metabolism adjusted. So that they would never have to worry about being overweight as long as they lived. Olga no longer looked like a potato sack, she looked and felt 25 years younger and was as strong as an ox. Though she didn't look like one. Alisha had merely increased her muscle fiber efficiency and makeup. Last month was a rough time for the Don, she reflected. Early in the month Alisha had been testing the bug network when she heard some loud panting and what sounded like the Don whimpering in pain. The channel was gathering audio only data from Don's bedroom. She engaged video collection and saw what was the cause of the Don's whimpering. Consuela , all 6'6" of her was slamming her self rather forcefully into the Don's face. She had strapped a giant sized dildo to his head, the base of it was resting on his mouth. It was one of those latex dildo's Consuela had been fond of since she had grown so large. It looked like she was using the biggest one she had as a form of demonstration to the Don. Later on Alisha asked to 'inspect' Consuela's collection and she found the dildo was 14" by 3". All through that month Consuela would visit the Don and force him to wear all sorts of sex toys. Which she would use to slam into her cunt. Not once did she take interest in his dick. "It's not worth bothering with, lets use this." Consuela would say to the Don. Then would whip out a dildo. Often she would tie him up in some awkward position then body slam her groin into selected parts of his anatomy. Rather painful for a average man to be body slammed by a woman as large and powerful as Consuela had turned out to become. After she had reached full height she lived in the gym. Experimenting with different routines. Some for pure strength purposes. Others for body shaping and bulking of select muscle groups. She weighed over 300lbs, solid muscle, and could bench press 550 lbs for reps. Her thighs were deadly instruments and could have crushed the life out of the Don in an instant if she chose to. All in all, a women one could learn to fear. Alisha interrogated Consuela about her behavior after a week of this seeming abuse went on. "We had a bet," Consuela replied and she told Alisha of the handshake deal. The Don had lost fair and square and she was merely collecting on the debt. Sex Toy Boy Don was hers. Alisha agreed and after a bit of discussion they decided to do a good cop- bad cop routine on the Don. Consuela would be the bad cop. Alisha would play the good cop at the right moment. Toward the end of that month Alisha pretended to notice the Dons bruises and overall glum attitude. She drew him aside and coaxed his version of the situation out of him. "I see, well Don. I wouldn't want to make Consuela angry if I were you. I can understand why you have said nothing to me about this. I'll talk to her and see if she will consider restraining herself in the future. Don't worry. I'll take care of it." That night she and Consuela worked out a routine Consuela would use on the Don. Something to scare the wits out of him with. First she would go to the gym and pump herself into a frenzy of exploding muscles. Burning all her fat smoothing fat to leave nothing to hide the power beneath. Then she would visit the Don for some last words. Leaving the gym wearing nothing more than a thong suit that hid little of her midsection and just barely covered her breasts she strode down the hall. It was midnight and the Don had just climbed into bed. Looking forward to the first good nights sleep in weeks.