She - part 2 By Soltan Bey Introducing Alisha and Maria Update: 21/09/1997 to soltan Maria was startled from her slumber by a loud noise, possibly an explosion. She peeked out the window of her jungle hovel wondering what the noise could have been. The late night moon was full and high in the sky so Maria could see fairly well into the jungle gloom. It seemed a minute or two had passed when she saw a bright flash that seemed to fill the sky with its light. Seconds passed and then the ground jumped up mightily, her hovel groaned and clanked in protest. As best Maria could tell whatever had exploded had been many kilometers away. Maria wondered if one of the local drug lords processing labs had blown up. She hoped not, as part of her survival depended on the labs. Maria serviced the men and they paid her well enough so that she could eat and feed her three young children. Maria sighed and went back to her cot. Whoring was not proper in the eyes of her God but it was all she had. Her husband died two years ago and left Maria penniless after the burial. She had been asleep for a few hours when another noise woke her. This time someone or something was near her door. "Who is there at this hour?", she asked fearfully. There was no answer but someone moaned. Gathering her courage she grabbed a flashlight. As she reached the door she grabbed the machete nearby, just in case. Maria swung to door open and splayed the flashlight beam into the early predawn darkness. What she saw caused her to gasp in alarm. Lying on the ground before her was a mostly nude woman who was horribly burned along her back and the back side of her legs. The flesh was blistered and raw, some of it partially charred. "Mother of God, what happened to you?" Maria asked. Not expecting an answer she helped the woman up and led her into her meager hovel and began tending the woman's wounds as best she could. Maria used all the water she had in the hovel, cleaning the poor woman, who had seemed to have passed out. Maria knew the pain might kill the woman but the burns had to be cleaned. At dawn the woman was still unconscious and Maria decided to send her oldest son into town to fetch the local doctor. She turned and looked at the woman and muttered to herself, "Doctor, we have no doctor, the man is a drunk, and not much more." She sighed. "But it is all we have for you in this part of Columbia, whoever you are, poor woman." In the meantime Maria decided to cover the woman's back with a damp cotton bed sheet. The burns were blistered badly and the once white skin charred a deep angry red almost from the top of her neck all the way down to her calves. Hours passed as Maria cooked breakfast and did the needed chores about her hovel. She began to worry why her boy was taking so long. The town was only a few kilometers away, he should be back by now. It was well past noon when her young Miguel came running in. "Mama, Mama, I tried to find the doctor, I looked everywhere and finally found him. He was so drunk mama!", he said and looked sadly at the burnt woman. "I'm afraid for her mama, I don't think the doctor will be here until this evening." "It is just as well Miguel. The man is useless anyway. Did you pick up the supplies I told you to get, Miguel?" Just then the woman moaned and Maria saw that she was trying to push herself up. "No!," Maria shouted. "You must lay on your belly. Do not move , you've been burned badly". Maria hoped the woman spoke Spanish. "Let me get you some water." She returned with a cup. "Here, drink slowly." The woman nodded and seemed to understand, "Gracias Senora.", she said with a strange accent. "Can you tell me what happened to you? Was there an accident?", Maria asked. The woman responded weakly, "Yes, an explosion, but I can't remember why or where." "Do you have a name? Friends or relatives I can try to contact Senora?" The poor woman responded with her oddly accented Spanish, "No", and seemed to pass out. Maria shrugged her shoulders 'I suppose she was to confused to tell me her name. To bad, it would be of help for when she dies'. she commented to herself. She dampened the sheet covering the woman's back and noted how small the woman was. She was no taller than Maria, who was of average height for a woman of her heritage. (5ft) being the norm. The woman appeared to be young, perhaps 18, though it was hard to tell for sure. Her bush was developed so she had to be at least 16 Maria surmised. And so white with lovely blond hair. Obviously not a native of her Columbia. No, her Spanish sounded too odd for that. She hoped the dainty woman would survive long enough for her to tell Maria her name. Perhaps she could collect a reward for helping her or something, she thought. Toward sundown one of the local boys stopped by for a quicky blow job which Maria performed oh so well. She recognized the man as one of the local drug lord boys and decided to ask him if he knew about the explosion last night. The young man told her that no one knew what had happened and not to worry as the coca processing labs in the hills were all OK. "That is interesting," Maria commented perplexed. "Let me tell you about my patient in the next room". Maria explained what had happened and told him about the horrid burns on the woman's back, that she needed a real doctor or would probably die. "Let me see this woman," the young man said. With that Maria led him quietly into the next room, "She's still sleeping." she said as she gently pulled the dampened sheet from the woman's back so that the young man could see her burns. "Maria, that just looks like a bad sunburn to me.", he laughed. "You made her wounds sound so gruesome!" Maria could say nothing as she was in shock. What had been badly blistered and charred this morning was now just red inflamed skin. He continued, "No Maria, I think you perhaps drank to much last night , chicita. This woman, just needs a good tan! Dios, she is so white!" Maria was perplexed. "I don't understand, I tell you she was horribly burned. This is impossible!" She turned to him " Something blew up last night, you saw it no?", she continued as he nodded his head in agreement. "She was hurt at that explosion I think, it is the only explanation." He nodded, "Si, as you say. However I think you exaggerate her wounds. I will be in town tonight, perhaps I will learn of news of this event. Don Dinero sent several scout parties into the mountains to find out what happened." After he left the woman stirred and asked for food and water which Maria provided. She drank so much water Maria thought the woman would burst. "How are you feeling Senora?" she asked. The woman replied "Very tired, I need to sleep for a while, can you leave some food with me for when I awake?" "Of course Senora." By the time Maria returned with a bowl of fruit the woman was asleep. The damp sheet was on the floor so Maria covered the naked woman with a fresh dry sheet. The next morning Maria found the woman awake and she was shocked to see that her back showed no signs of burns at all, in fact she was completely healed. "Senora, I know not what majic caused you to heal so well and so quickly from what should have been surely mortal wounds." she said as she handed a white blouse and some old pants to the woman. The petite woman smiled graciously, "Perhaps it was the kind care you gave me. The dampened cloth helped." "No, no Senora, no one heals the way you did. It is not natural." Maria was frightened, perhaps this woman was a witch. She wanted the woman to leave but did not want to be rude and perhaps the witch would return her kindness. "Senora, what happened to you, out in the jungle? There was a horrific explosion. Can you tell me what happened?" The woman looked down as if gathering her thoughts, "All I recall is a blast and pain. Then I stumbled through the woods and came across your house. Other than that I recall nothing." Maria felt the woman was hiding something, then again perhaps she was telling the truth. The terrible blast may have affected her mind. "Well no matter, tell me your name Senora, I am Maria Sanchez and will do what I can to aid you. Surely you want to contact your friends, or family. Perhaps the American embassy?" "My name is ", she paused, "Alisha Smith and I have no desire to contact any embassy. As for family, well, that can wait.", The last she added with a flash of mystery. Maria could tell when people were being less than truthful, and this 'Alisha' was defiantly being evasive. But before Maria could question her further several of the Don Dinero's men came and took Alisha with them. Maria wanted to protest but fear held her in check. One did not live well or long by standing in the way of the Don's men. ....................... Chapter 2 Alisha did not resist when the men told her to come with them and she bade Maria a thankful goodbye as they drove away down a rutted road. As they approached a small town the driver turned up a paved side road and headed toward what Alisha knew was called a mansion or estate house. "Who are you taking me to see?" Alisha asked one of the men sitting beside her. "To the Don, he wants to talk to you." he replied gruffly and added. "If you are wise, you will answer his questions truthfully." "I see. Am I accused of something?" she asked. "Save your questions for the Don, Senora." Further dialog with these men seemed pointless so she complied. Besides she was to weak from the accelerated healing process she had used. Her energy reserves were low and she hoped she could feed soon and get on with her mission. Mission? Alisha felt a wave of panic when she tried to recall what her mission was and came up mostly blank. Whatever had happened during the incept was affecting her mind in a non nominal fashion. She closed her eyes and tranced in a effort to recall her mission parameters. To establish herself among the Terrans and contact Mother, to return to Mother what she had learned and to get further instructions as she progressed. Then she remembered . The blast. The ship . Something had happened to the propulsion system and she had escaped with her life. Mother had been in trouble. Alisha felt her purely human half cry out in emotional concern over Mother's welfare. Alisha was alone. Captured by apparent hostiles. No identification. No money. Conclusion: Mission in great jeopardy. On this world that meant she was in, deep shit, using Terran vernacular she had learned during the prep phase. All that was to have been provided, mission wise, had been lost during the incept pod blast. All she had was her onboard systems and implanted learning of Terran languages and customs. Most of what she knew was centered around North America. Her purely human half felt great despair at her situation. As they were approaching the mansion she began to think quickly. In order to survive she must do so on her own wits and online capabilities. Which were formidable. However having no ID or seed wealth on this world would be a problem. In the meantime she would have to come up with a survival plan. Her instructions required her to survive. For the mission. The men escorted Alisha into the mansion and directed her to a ground floor office. "Senora, sit and wait for the Don, he will be here soon enough.", one of the men said and closed the door. Alisha looked about the well furnished room and was glad to see several food sources nearby, which she promptly helped herself to. Her systems were famished and she needed to build up a reserve. She consumed all she could find quickly as she had a feeling these people were of 'nefarious' character, as the Terran's put it, and that she was in for more trouble than she was ready to deal with in her current condition. An hour passed. Alisha became impatient and tried the door but found it locked. Knocking on the door yielded no response. Still hungry for solid food she looked about the room, but found nothing. However she did find a well stocked bar of Terran entertainment beverages. She sampled many and found them pleasing and satisfying. Excellent fuel source, she concluded. Another hour passed during which she fed her systems the nourishing brew's she found and was gratified she had the systems up to full strength, well buffered and sated after the near mortal blow the night prior. Just as she was contemplating possible modifications to her system the door opened and well dressed man and two of the guards came in to the room. "Greetings, Senora," he paused. "Alisha Smith? I am Don Dinero, your host. I understand you were in a bit of a accident and are in need of assistance?" Before she could answer he said . "Please, be seated," he pointed at a stuffed chair opposite of the large desk and proceeded to sit down behind the desk. As she sat down the other two men took up standing stations somewhere behind her. He waited with a warm smile and raised brow for her answer. Alisha was still a bit confused from the effects of the blast, not to mention her lack of mission, of purpose. She answered stupidly. "Yes, there was a explosion of some sort and I seem to be a bit lost." "Ah, I see. What was it that blew up Senora Smith?" he asked pointedly. She realized too late she should have avoided mentioning the blast. "I really don't recall. As I told Maria, the woman who helped me, all I recall is a blast and being knocked unconscious. Then I found her house." He laughed. "House? Shack you mean, I believe.", he continued, "So there was this 'blast' and you just happened to be around, eh Senora? Can you tell me how you got to be there, 40 kilometers in the middle of nowhere? Did you drive there?" He persisted. Alisha fell for the bait he laid out, "Yes, I was on a field trip to collect some samples. I managed to get lost and was camping overnight when something, I don't know what , exploded. I ran for my life after that." He seem satisfied by that and smiled even more broadly, "I see, and can you show me your papers Senora?" "Papers?", she asked gamely. Senora! Si, papers! Identification, and permits. One needs permits to 'explore' around here. Especially foreigners. "I lost my papers in the blast. Perhaps I can return to the area and find them." "Perhaps Senora. However, perhaps it would be easier to contact your embassy, no?" She felt a trap forming, what embassy,,..the Altarian Embassy? "No , no need too fool with the embassy, If you would be kind enough to have me escorted to the area of the blast I would be most grateful. I'm sure I can find the papers I lost.", she tried pleadingly. She hoped she was using proper human emotional reactions. Besides, she did feel desperate and alone. Don Dinero put an ominous look on his face and lowered his voice.. "No Senora, I think not. You see my men have returned from that site. Something very odd occurred there, and you know what it was. You will tell me what you were doing and what it was that blew up. Acres and acres of land are destroyed!" He was quite angry. "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about the blast, other than it happened. I had nothing to do with it, other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time". "No Senora. Your lying. First there is your name. We have no record of anyone with your name , a foreigner, that is scheduled to be in our area. You see, no one gets into Don Dineros domain without me knowing about it." He paused dramatically, "Unless , of course, they are a spy or with forces allied against my peaceful organization." "Manuel, take our 'guest' to the special chamber below and see that she gets the treatment plan we reserve for such guests." Manuel grabbed Alisha arm forcefully and jerked her to her feet. "With pleasure Senor Dinero, it has been some time since we have had free evening entertainment!" As she was being roughly hauled away she cried out, "I demand to speak to the local law officer, you have no right to do this, I've done nothing wrong!" The guard paused and then they all laughed mightily at her expense. "We are the law around here Senorita Alisha, and until you can tell me what you were doing you will stay here and serve our happy families needs as '-I- see fit.".Don Dinero said forcefully. "I'm not a spy nor have I ever heard of you! I am innocent of whatever it is you think I am guilty of. Let me go!" "Well, Senora, if that is so, then all you need to do is tell me your real name and let me contact your family, or friends, anyone with money that can afford the ransom. You see , I'm a business man. Either way, you will profit me. Since no one knows your here, ..well...then .. your mine!" "Take her away, and Senora, If you decide to tell me the truth, things will go much easier on you. It is up to you." With that the guard hauled her away to the cellar below and threw her in a barred cell that had the basic necessities. A mat for sleeping, a toilet and a sink. Before the guard left he told her she would be fed, when someone remembered to do so. He thought that was so funny. Then he told her to clean her skinny ass up for the entertainment committee that would be by every night. Starting tonight. .................. Chapter 3 Alisha wondered what the man had meant by 'entertainment committee ', but for only a little while for within a hour her first entertainment came along in the form a horny and brutal servant of the Don's. It was her first sexual experience and left her bruised and ashamed. The man had commented on her boy like figure, so slight of breast and hip. But was seemingly satisfied she had such a tight 'pussy' but then laughed when he told her that it probably wouldn't be so tight by the end of the month. Several more men came by during her first night and raped her at will. There was nothing she could do about it as they were far bigger than she. She pleaded for food during the night and one of the guards threw her some bread and handed her a bowl of greasy stew, which she ate greedily. With all the injuries she was sustaining it was going to take a fair amount of repair her damaged tissues. Alisha was nominally human, but she had one major advantage, Nanotech and buffered AI systems. However to operate at peak efficiency they required goodly sums of food. Especially if her nanobot systems needed to repair or build tissues. Her mission profile had called for these technologies to be available for her to use as she needed. Given her current situation she had a wider latitude to use these as she saw fit, in self defense. She cursed the form Mother had provided her. She was very small, only 5'1. Mother had intended she be very non threatening and not particularly appealing sexual wise, to avoid complications. It appeared these men were not detered by her boyish small build, so the latter was of no use. Being so small meant she wasn't strong enough to defend herself to any great degree. Though the sex had been unwanted, though she did find the stimulation pleasurable at times. As she was like a babe in the woods, this and all the other things she was discovering were all new. Mother would want to have data on this and all the other things as well. When she was healed sufficently after the rapings she practiced stimulating herself and found the sensations that resulted a great joy and served as a distraction from her current predicament. Her human mind needed that. The next morning she had a bit of needed rest and a small breakfast. She had a plan in mind and was considering how best to implement it when another one of Don's henchmen came in for a bit of free entertainment. He was a very large man. 'My what a skinny little thing you are," he commented. "Think you can handle this?" With that he dropped his pants and waggled a monster of a cock about her face. Flaccid and wrinkled it was bigger than the men that had used her the night before, even when they were erect.. He threw her down on the cot and forced her to suck on his cock until he was ridged with desire. "Bet you've never had one this big, bitch." he said as he started rubbing his giant plum size dick head against her cunt lips. "You better make yourself wet or I'll rip you a new one" he chuckled. His cock had swelled to immense size, she estimated it was almost 10" long and at least 2.5 inches across. Alisha had learned how to lubricate herself at will the night prior and did so rapidly, she was terrified by the size of this man. The men last night were of average size, yet she was still injured inside by their rough treatment. This thing could tear her apart. At first he entered her gently and was satisfied with only half penetration, and she found herself enjoying the feeling , despite the terror and situation she was in. However he soon became more energetic in his thrusts and began to plunge deeper and began slamming into her cervix. Alisha cried out in pain as he did so and to her horror saw he had inches and inches of dick meat to go yet. He seemed determined to 'bottom out' in her and in a final series of ramming thrusts he did just that. Alisha screamed out in pain and felt tissues being injured. Her vagina was being rendered by this inconsiderate monster! Finally he came with a great heave and left her crying and huddled on the mat. "Well Senora, I'll be back for more later, the Don told me to use you often, and I intend to. So you better learn to like it." Before he left he turned and looked down at her, still huddled on the mat. "Too bad your such a skinny woman. No hips. No tits. Just a nice tight pussy and a pretty face. Course the pussy won't be tight for long eh missy? Muhahahaha" He cackled like a madman. "Then maybe we use your ass eh? Muhahahah!" When he left and had closed the door above she shrieked out in rage. "Fuck you bastards! I'm putting plan A into effect as of RIGHT FUCKING NOW," she bellowed. Mothers cultural teachings had imprinted her with the method of expressing anger common among people in North America. Of course most of her knowlege of this sort derived from broadcasts of video material. She continued to rage inside as she cooked up a plan of her own. With her abilities she could cope with this intolerable situation. She would survive! Given time. She calmed her enraged mind and began the healing and modifications to her body that would allow her to implement her revenge on these bastard humans she had fallen in with. The modifications were significant and hidden within in her cunt and slight breast tissue. Her plan would require great strength to succeed and source for her body's nanobots to work with in order to further her more obvious modifications. In the meantime the modifications were mainly of internal structure changes and changes in function of certain internal organs. Within 24 hours she could begin phase 1 of her plan. She would survive. Mother would be displeased by what she was doing, as she was no longer going to be 'nominally' human. If she was caught and examined closely by the authorities she would fail the human nominal test. But Mothers instructions at the last had been clear. Survive! She would assert herself and Survive!, so that she could contact Mother and get instructions on how to proceed.. Later, one of the other guards came by and she told him of her great pain, and showed him how she was bleeding. That a giant dick man had ripped her pussy up and that she needed to rest. He grunted disappointment and let her get by with a blow job, to his surprise she sucked his cum down with gusto and seemed eager for more. So eager she began chewing on the end of his dick when he told her he was all tapped out. "Shit, that was the damn best blow job I've ever had woman! You keep that up and maybe I'll treat ya good." Alisha was learning quickly and pressed her body against him passionately,"If you get me some food, with lots of meat and some beer I'll do far more for you than any woman before, feed me please?" "Si Senora, I think you've earned it. I'll bring you some fine foods and drink to eat. You tell no one, okay?" With that he left and returned shortly with a small feast wrapped in aluminum foil and several cans of chilled beer. Alisha thanked him and told him to come by anytime for sex as she 'really enjoyed the taste of his cum'. He chuckled and promised to keep her to that bargain. She ate the food he brought and drank all the beer. What she did next would have caused major dismay to any observer. Slowly and deliberately she ripped the aluminum foil into shreds and started swallowing them , the aluminum beer cans were soon to follow. Alisha had enabled her system to be very aggressive on the types of energy sources and structural materials it could deal with. Metals would be useful for some structural details from microscopic cellular atoma , nanobots, to macroscopic organs. All through the night her body changed internally, she would no longer be nominal human. Tomorrow she would be ready to begin. .............................. The next day one of the guards, Manuel, apparently one of Dons inner circle, came by and asked if she was ready to tell them the truth about the blast site. She replied as she had before, to which he shrugged and replied as he turned to walk away, "Very well, have it your way, Senorita." "How come you haven't raped me yet Manuel?" she asked curious as to why this human male had not used her as the others. He paused and turned, then laughed and looked at her in disgust, "You look to much like a little boy. No tits, No ass. No Hips. I like my women with some curves!" he added with a flourish as he closed the door above. That night three men came in for their entertainment and all were surprised at the passion she returned for their 'favors' upon her. She seemed to enjoy the sex and kissed them all passionately and encouraged them to suck her titties. To their enjoyment she was producing 'milk', that tasted very sweet while it lasted. She asked where the man with the huge dick was and told them to tell him she wanted him very badly. On the way out they all laughed at what a slut the crazy gringo bitch was and promised to have Enrico come by soon. Alisha was sleeping when Enrico came in for his session with her. "So , you want more of my snake, eh little senorita?" "Oh yes, after you stretched me the other night I yearn for it again, come to me Enrico." She opened her arms and put a pleading look on her face. He laughed and entered her cage. She soon sucked him to full erection and he tossed her to the mat and entered her tiny cunt with rude force. He grunted in surprise as he slid his full length into her easily. Her pussy seemed to gobble his dick like a child gobbling a candy down! "Chinga!, this is not the same pussy I had the other night!" he said as he pumped into her with his full 10 inch stroke. "Don't talk Enrico. Just fuck me, Fuck me hard" she cried with abandon and started slamming her slim pelvis hard into his pubic bone. While he stroked her she gyrated below with abandon and started to use her newly developed pussy muscles on his shaft, squeezing him as he withdrew and urging him on to greater abandon, totally unlike her painful performance the first time he raped her. Enrico was freaking out. In all his life he never had a woman like this skinny thing. Her pussy was doing things to his dick that had never been done before. That and her passion. He sucked her titties as she seemed so insistent that he do so and was surprized when he got a mouthful of sweet warm milk. Milk so tasty he had to have more! He finally came in her tight clamping pussy and collapsed beside her in a state of bliss. "Shit Senorita! You are the best fuck I ever had. How the fuck you get those tiny titties to make milk like that?" "I just do when fucked a lot I guess. Will you come by again soon? I love to fuck you Enrico, I can do more for you later, each time you'll fuck me you'll find greater bliss, I promise!" "Shit Senora, you've gone insane. Perhaps you think you can fuck your way out of this cell, eh? Well you can forget that woman. The Don told you what he wants. Until you comply, you stay here. However, I'll be glad to come by again. Your the best fucking pussy I've ever had. To bad its attached to such a scrawny body though." "Enrico could you bring me some food next time you come? If you do I'll be even better for you. Each time better." "Sure Senora. Shit, after fucking you I'm tired, I'll tell one of the others to bring you some goodies." he said and baid goodby with a hard painful pinch on her skinny ass cheek. Four. Now she had four to feed on. All had been implanted with unique bots that would modify their prostates and, if all went well, unique glandular structures would form. Glands that would tap into their arterial blood supply and feed the modified prostate with their emission. Hopefully in the manner she had planned. Soon she would have a food source to work with. In a matter of days..... Several days went by much in the same fashion. They were feeding her more foodstuffs but not enough to satisfy her needs in regard to her plan. But tonight she would begin to hopefully see some payback on her bot investment in the four men she had chosen. She especially wanted to work Enrico , as she would never forget his treatment of her that first night with him. Tonight all four saw her , all were rather urgent and sought the welcoming relief of her now famous pussy. The pussy that seemed to suck a man's dick dry. The men were to producing 10 times as much cum as they normally would. Within hours they were back at her again, so horny for her they could not wait and she gladly obliged their needs and increased the pressure on their prostate with silent signals of sucking need, urging the glands feeding their modified prostates to greater growth and production. Their prostates no longer ejaculated mere cum, but a living nutriment, a kind of honey, distilled from their tissues. Honey which she put to great use. There was more than one way to feed! Each day that went by saw a 2 fold increase of their production levels. Within a week they had maximized and were seeking her service 24 hours a day. Within hours of her sucking a man dry he would need to be back for her service again, begging her to make him cum as the pressure was to much to bear. As she drew nutriment from these milk-men she put on mass and increased her body density greatly. The bone mass in Alisha's body developed first, that she could easily hide, and would serve as good base for the massive strength she would develop. The men seemed not to notice that she had grown in height, a good 6 inches. She was always lying down, or curled up, each time they came to see her. All were too enamored with her pussy, which seemed to grow more muscular each day, to notice how she was changing in other ways. She had developed muscles inside that were so effective they could pull a man off without her or he moving a inch. A pussy like a gloved vice with a hundred clenching fingers, a vibrator and a powerful vacuum cleaner all thrown together. Finally the final day of her plan came together. Enrico and Portic would be by for relief. Their final relief. The other two men had been taken to hospital as they fell ill from rapid weight loss and great weakness. She had concentrated on those two early on and wanted to save Enrico for last. Portic was to come by early in the evening as Enrico was away on business until late this night. Alisha still appeared somewhat slender at 5'6" but was sporting some serious muscle density and power under all that slim appearance. She had avoided riding the men lest they sense her unusual weight, given her outward appearance. So as Portic entered her cell she laid on the cot and beckoned him to join her embrace. "Portic, this evening will be special! Lock the door above so no one can enter to disturb your pleasure, and turn off the light outside the cell!", she commanded with her special smile. Portic was glad to comply as he urgently wanted her embrace. Before he returned to her she bade him to dim the light inside the cell so that it was very dim inside the room and cell, "So as to increase your pleasure Portic," she whispered. "Si Senora, gladly. I hurt badly for you. Here I come ready or not!", he said as he slipped in under beside her on the cot. Alisha embraced him forcefully and urged him atop her, guiding his already turgid cock into her yearning hungry cunt. He began to pump into her and grunted in amazement as her pussy sucked his dick into her so hard he could not withdraw. "Chinga, that almost hurts Senora. Let me loose!" She said nothing and embraced him with her legs and arms with a grip that was so solid he could not move. Her pussy started a rhythmic pulsing that soon caused him to explode his 'seed' inside her. A expulsion of cum that went on for minutes, soon he was dry and normally he would have rolled over to rest but she forced him to suck her titties for yet more milk. This time the milk tasted bitter sweet as her nipples seemed to gush a cupful at a time into his mouth. He gagged as he swallowed the odd milk. "Senora, your milk does not taste the same, I think I've had enough of that." "Yes, that will do just fine," , she said warmly. "Senora, let me up , I am finished. " He tried to break her embrace but her impossibly strong arms were locked about his as if they were trapped in a iron vice. His legs pinioned between her thighs were equally useless. "Stop struggling , Let me pleasure you, as you will never know again," she said. He began to feel lightheaded and woozy and it felt like his still rock hard dick was being stretched and twisted inside her..the rhythmic pulsing continued unabated. Like one of those cow milking machines he thought. This woman's cunt was impossible! Within minutes he felt his cum rising to meet the incredible vacuum her cunt was generating. Soon he felt wave after wave of pleasure as he came and came again into her questing insistent cunt. If he didn't know better he would have said he cummed gallons of cum into her during the two hours. He wanted to get up but felt so weak and her embrace seemed even more vise like. He realized he must be delirious because it seemed like he was looking up into her eyes as he lay atop her now. But that could not be so as he new she was just a short little woman. Alisha was awash in pleasure as she sucked this man dry of his vital fluids. With each spurt of his cock she absorbed his fluids into her modified cunt and converted his nutrients to her purposes. Her system, primed for rapid modification, converted the emissions almost immediatly. She was steadily growing in size and strength. The excess that she could not immediately put to use, she stored in her rapidly swelling breasts. Four hours later and Portic was no more. All that existed was a shell of something once human. A mere skin. Alisha was elated at the success of her work. She flushed his flimsy remains down the toilet and used his key to open the cell door. Then she crept up the stairwell and unlocked the door above so that Enrico could enter later. In the meantime she took a shower and continued to modify her body. She was a impressive site. Portic's entire 150lb frame had been absorbed into her once 5'6" frame. She now stood at 6'2 and weighed 300'lbs. All of it rapidly solidifying muscle and highly modified. Braced skeletal structure to handle the muscle mass, which was immense. Not to mention her basketball sized breasts. She grasped them and squeezed mightily. The super dense tissues inside resisted as like a flexed bicep. She decided it would be best to leave the lights down low and hide this now powerful body under the covers. Enrico would need to be inside her cell before she grabbed him. As soon as he saw or felt her body he would struggle, that she knew. Alisha felt her pussy grinding in anticipation of its next feeding as she locked her cell door and lay down to rest and concentrate on further enhancements to this human like body form. One that was already strong enough to defend her and insure survival, but she wanted to be sure, as this seemed like a dangerous world. Besides, she wanted to make Enrico pay dearly, and he would. According to the wristwatch she had lifted from Portic's remains it was 12 AM when Enrico came down the stairway. "Enrico!"She cried. This will be a special night for you! Come to me quickly, but before you do lock the door above so we will not be disturbed!" "Shit, I already did that, " he said as he opened the cell door." Why the hell is it so dark in here?" "Portico wanted the lights down, I fucked him dry! Are you ready to be fucked dry Enrico?" she asked coyly from under the covers. "I'm so damn horny I could fuck a tree, Ever since I started fucking you Alisha, my dick can't get enough. I hope your feeling well tonight as I think I want to fuck forever!" "Come to me Enrico, and I will suck you dry", she said as he approached her after ridding himself of his clothes. Enrico wondered why she was huddled beneath a blanket and crouching in the corner of the cell when she sprung up and faced him head on. Enrico sprang back in surprise as the shape before him towered over him by several inches. He gasped in shock as his eyes told him it was a immense woman with breasts the size of basketballs that seemed to defy gravity. She had very wide welcoming hips that narrowed to a seductive relatively wasp like waist. Relative on a woman of such size. But this like no woman he had ever seen. This beast before him was sporting some seriously scary muscle mass. After his eyes had soaked in those immense breasts his sight was drawn to the most massive set of abdominal muscles to ever stalk the earth. They were literally pulsing with power! He looked lower and saw a pair of thighs that could crush him like a twig. "Who are you? Where is Alisha?", he said as he began to back away from this imposing form. "I'm right here Enrico. I'm ready to return your favor." "Come to me and let me relieve the pressure building within you." Enrico peered closely into the face of this...woman..and he gasped in shock. She -looked- like Alisha, but this could NOT be her! He began to turn toward the locked cell door but realized he would never have enough time to retrieve his pants and dig the key out to unlock the door. He began to tremble and backed away further from her. "Enrico, your shy", she said as she stalked toward him. "Are you afraid Enrico?" "What do you want? " "I want you Enrico. All of you inside of me. Let my pussy nurse you as it has done since you first had your way with me" , she said as she continued to approach. "Go away demon!", he cried. She smiled and reached out with her hands and seized him by his upper arms, the force of her grip caused him to yelp out in pain. Slowly she lifted him off the floor by several feet and walked back to the cot carrying him straight armed. "I'm not going anywhere, and the only demon in this cell is you, Enrico." She placed him on his feet and began forcing him to his knees. He tried to resist but her strength was irresistible. "Don't resist Enrico, lay down prone with your legs out, If you resist I'll start breaking things." To emphasize the point she squeezed his biceps so hard he began to cry from the pain. He complied in silent terror as she lay down beside him, her massive breasts pressing with incredible force into his shoulder. "I see your mighty dick is a bit soft Enrico", she said as she stroked it and his balls with the same hand that had just caused one of his arms severe bruising and pain. "Stroke my nipples Enrico, run your hands across my body," she cooed gently. Shifting himself to gather one massive nipple in his hand, a nipple as thick as his thumb. As he rubbed it he felt the nipple rapidly become erect and it must have stood one inch high. "Suck my nipple Enrico, drink my milk until I tell you to stop," she commanded. As she forced him to suckle her milk she guided his hands toward her abdomen. Enrico shivered as he ran his hands across rib after rib of rock hard muscle. He reached lower to rub her clit. When he reached her bush he yanked his mouth from her nipple in shock. This woman's clit was immense. and felt rock hard with pulsing blood. "On your back again Enrico, this time I'm going to ride you." she said as she slid atop him. Her weight crushing his hips... "Your not finished suckling Enrico. Suck my other breast." Enrico complied as one would be foolish in the extreme to piss off a woman of such size and strength. Her mass of feline muscle was so heavy he almost felt crushed by it. After he consumed what seemed like a gallon of her bitter sweet milk she lowered herself on his now swollen dick and lay her full weight on his torso. "I can't breath," he cried as her massive weight settled atop him. Her breasts barely deformed as she lay atop him. "You can breath well enough Enrico. Just pant." she said as she began to pulse his cock with her muscular cunt. The pulses gathered in intensity and rhythm as she slowly ground her massive pelvis into his. Alisha took her time enjoying herself while the enzymes in the massive dose of milk worked their majic on Enrico's prepped system. She satisfied herself immensely as she ground her steadily growing clitoris into Enrico's yielding pubis. She felt Enrico squirming below her as her clit continued to swell. Already it was several inches long and was pressing quite deeply into his pubis. She knew it was pressing painfully so, and that is what she wanted as she ground her modified and growing clitoris into his pubis bone. She felt the skin and fat begin to yield to her clitoris' hardened tip. He screamed out in pain as his skin separated and she penetrated the skin above his pubis bone and began to drill remorsely through the pubis bone itself. He was yelling so loud she had to clamp her hand on his mouth and muffle his cries. "Enrico, I hope your enjoying my new toy!" she murmured. "It is still growing and this -feels- so fucking -GOOD-!" She cried out delirious in pleasure as her clitoritis continued to expand and bore its way into his yielding pubis bone. As she bore into him she began to release blood clotting agents along the length of her clitoris so that his bleeding would stop, she did not want to waste any of his precious fluids! Enrico's pain was intense as she ground herself into him. He could feel the bitch shivering with orgasmic delight every few seconds during the whole ordeal. Finally it was over and some of the pain eased. He began to feel her massive abdominals expanding and contracting along the length of his soft belly. Slowly she built up a massive suction on his ravaged dick, which she had been twisting cruelly inside her cunt from hell. Alisha had wrapped her 14 inch long clit around Enrico's hyper enlarged prostate so that she could gather pleasure from each convulsion his prostate would make once she began to pull the fluids from his body. With each massive expansion of her abdomen huge quantities of his living essence were sucked into her slavering cunt. Mere minutes would pass as his mutated prostate would swell yet again with his precious life energy as the special milk brew she had forced him to drink accelerated the process of the glands that fed the prostate. Alisha was in a state of total nonstop bliss as she lay atop the man wasting away beneath her. Her massive clit flittered with delight at the slightest throb of his internal organs. She moaned breathlessly as she sensed his engorged prostate reach full distension. Her massively muscled abdominal wall thrust cruelly into his soft belly as her deep cunt expanded. Since her lower cunt had a vacuum tight seal on his dick the upper cunt expansion would create a vast vacuum into which his body cum would rush into. With each liter of cum flooding her inner cunt chamber her body would quake with pleasure. Intense pleasure as she had grown some special nerve bundles that closely mimicked the nerve clusters ,taste buds, that in normal humans, were only found on the tongue. It was becoming clumsy holding her full weight from bearing down on him so she rolled over and cradled his head between her distended breasts. He was far to weak now to struggle so her hands were free to massage her ever growing breasts. Even on her massive frame these breasts looked obscene. Her body's nanobots could not convert the vast amounts of nutriments as quickly as she was ripping the fluids from his body, so she was having to store these fluids in her breasts. Breasts that were now bigger than beach balls and overlapping her massive chest. The sides of her breasts were touching the mat she was laying on as they continued to swell. Alisha lost track of time as she reveled in the pleasure her body was experiencing as she felt the last of Enrico's juices pass into her. As with the man prior, all that was left when she was done was a mere sheath of skin which, rather than waste by flushing it down the toilet, she sucked into her cunt and consumed it. By dawn she had converted much of her stored breast tissue into the mass she desired. Skeletal growth and enhancement modifications more than sufficient to handle the massive strength her musculature could exert. Muscle tissue she had made far denser than the near human norm she had been just days before. In addition the number of muscle fibers were of much greater number than human norm. Her rib cage was drastically modified and consisted of overlapping ribs thereby offering far greater protection of vital internal organs. She decided to begin construction of secondary heart pumps for backup and supplement purposes to her original heart which was already massively modified for performance. She wanted to do further drastic alterations for defensive and survival purposes but lacked sufficient elements to fully implement these so that would have to wait. In the meantime she used what she had for maximum effect and wove a dense a layer of interlacing fibers just between the fat layer and muscle layer. The fibers themselves were not unlike spider silk, yet much stronger. This web, for the time being, would have to be limited to her upper torso. She hoped it was sufficient to drastically limit the damage low energy projectile weapons could inflict on her vital areas. Ready as she could be, she arose from her trance and stood up a bit too quickly. The pain she felt as her head slammed into the bars above caused her to curse. Quickly recovering from her pain she chuckled loudly as it was a bit disorientating to be so high from the ground below. Ground that was now almost two feet further away than it was hours before. It was time to rock and get her situation under HER control. She would Survive!