The Deadly Wood Nymph By SoltanBey A dire warning Update: 18/10/1997 to soltan Territory: Prefers deep lush woodlands, though has been known to prowl open meadows around sundown. Adult Wood Nymphs range between 6'1 to 6'6 in height. There have been reports of Nymphs in the 7' range. All reports of those who have seen the Wood Nymph indicate they are of extreme beauty and are typically large breasted. They also have a highly muscular build to one degree or another. Some are extremely muscular. All exhibit extreme strength to match and are more powerful than they appear so do not be fooled if you spot one that appears to be of the less muscular variety. Hair color varies. Eating habits: Reports indicate they eat the same foods humans do. They hunt woodland game and seem to harvest nuts, berries, mushrooms, and perhaps tubers. Note! Do not attempt to gain the goodwill of the Deadly Wood Nymph by feeding her! They seem to have superior olfactory systems than canines and will find it far easier to track the foolish giftmaker to his source. Warning! Extremly dangerous! Wood Nymphs have an ability to feed off of human male seminal fluids and seem to seek it out like a bear does honey. If you are unfourtunate enough to be captured by one your expected lifetime is less than twenty four hours. Wood Nymphs breasts produce a substance which somehow stimulates the male prostate to produce vast amounts of seminal fluid. The central nervous system is affected seems to result in a euphoric like state. The victim also undergoes rapid heartbeat and respiration rates. In some cases heart failure causes death to occur within hours of capture, especially in men over the age of fifty. Those who are physically able to survive the extreme circulatory stress will usually be found deceased due to extreme dehydration and mineral depletion, after the Wood Nymph has fed to her satisfaction. If seen: Run for your life, though by the time visual conact is made it is often to late. Only one audio and partial video record of a Wood Nymph attack is known to exist. The victim had apparently left his camcorder on a nearby log when the attack occured. Thankfully the gear was recording. The video showed that the Wood Nymph subdues her victim with great ease and mounts him shortly afterward. During the course of the video a odd sucking sound could be heard. Scientific analysis of this video has yet to reveal the source of this sound. All that is known is the Wood Nymph did not engage in oral contact of any sort with the victim. The victim was still alive by the time the recording ended some six hours after initial contact. His corpse was found two day's later by a mounted armed patrol.