IRS-Runs-Amok By Soltan Bey Part 2 - Diana's Discovery. Angela arrived at the shop at her regular time and saw that it wasn't open. She wondered where Diana was, as she rarely, never, was late to open the store. Angela worried about Diana as she unlocked the front door and got the shop ready for business. She called Diana's house but there was no answer. That caused her to worry more as Diana -never- missed a store opening. Unless of course she was away on business or something. And in that case she always gave Angela forewarning that she would be away. Angela saw to it the seamstress workers were busy while she held the fort down in the display area. Three hours later at 12 noon she was relieved to see Diana drive up in her sports car. Diana was still angry about what Susan had done to her last night and she had a dark cloud over her head as she parked her car. She was also a bit frightened as there was no telling what that mad woman had done to her while she was knocked out cold. It must have been some kind of truth serum because she remembered talking about -something- with Susan but for the life of her she couldn't remember much other than generalities. She vaguely remembered the gist had seemed to do with her body and her desires. She snorted in anger and burst through the door. Angela noticed Diana's agitated state and asked what had happened. Diana didn't say much other than something unexpected had come up late last night and apologized to Angela for not calling her. Then she thanked Angela for being such a trustworthy employee and for covering her ass. Angela blushed. Diana paid well, of course she was good! After a few hours Diana told Angela to take care of the shop until and to close it up at closing time. She said she needed to go home and check something. Angela could see the 'something' was bothering Diana by the time she left. When Diana go home she got something to fill her growling stomach, which bothered her. She had trained that beast years ago. Besides, on the way from the madwoman beach house to the shop Diana had stopped at a deli and grabbed a lean chicken sandwich and some fruit to munch on, she shouldn't feel this hungry by mid afternoon. Other things were bothering her as she stripped off her clothes. She couldn't put a finger on it though. She took a shower and decided to examine herself to see if that madwoman had done anything rude while she was out. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary and she decided to do a thorough douche. Once that was out of the way she put on some work sweats and headed into her basement gym as she was feeling the need to workout and burn off the anger she still felt about the thing that had happened with Susan. Besides she wanted to burn out whatever residual crap dope the fucking bitch put in her. After drinking a glass of water she hit the mat and began her stretch routine. As she stretched her leg tendons she noticed her right knee didn't bark back in pain like it always did when she extended this much. Years ago she had damaged the joint and it had given her trouble ever since. She examined the knee and probed it. She couldn't feel the damaged spot at all. After she finished her stretch she did some aerobics to get her system worked up. She felt better than she had in years and she pushed herself harder than she would normally. She noted that her fifty year old joints weren't being as mean to her as they should and it took longer than usual for her to build up a good aerobic heart and respiration rate. She rested for a while and sipped some water and she quietly complemented herself on her conditioning. Perhaps all that sleep had done her more good than was justified. Or maybe, she thought angrily, whatever dope that girl had given her had dulled her nervous system to numbness. She let you a yelp when she tested that theory when she pinched her thigh with her fingernails. Diana decided to take it easy on the weights as she was afraid to push herself as hard as she felt she could have. Whatever dope that girl had dosed her with was preventing her nervous system from sending the feedback it normally would. After working on some leg extensions she confirmed what she feared. Her knee wasn't feeling the strain at all. So she limited her routine to lower weights and knocked off early to go put some more food in her stomach which was growling in hunger again. On Friday she had Angela call Miles up to inform him Susan's clothing was ready and that they could come by and pick them up on Saturday. Angela could fit them to Susan as Diana didn't plan to be in the store Saturday as she had a convention to attend to over the weekend. Sunday night she called Angela and told her she wouldn't be in on Monday and asked her to hold the fort until Tuesday when she would return. It was Monday evening when Diana was eyeing her face in the bathroom mirror at her home that she decided she would give Susan a call sometime soon. She looked down at her naked body and back at the face reflecting in the mirror. She looked at the picture from her album taken back when she was in her late twenties. It was the same face that was in the mirror. She looked down at her body again. For four days she had been doubting her sanity as it slowly became more youthful and vigorous with each passing day. But there was no doubt now as she came to terms with what she saw. Her skin was taunt and nary a wrinkle of age anywhere she looked. Even the skin blemishes she had before were nowhere in sight. Though she wasn't sure, it seemed her vision had sharpened considerably. She stepped on the scale and weighed herself. Ten pounds heavier than she was early last week but as the mirror showed none of it was fat. Her thighs had filled out somewhat and were reminiscent of some of the muscle power she had before her knee went south. Diana put a pair of workout shorts and a sleeveless halter top on and bounded to the basement gym. Whatever was happening to her she intended to make the best of it and she hit the weights with a passion she hadn't felt in years. She worked out all night pushing herself to her limit and then some. She wanted to do the same with the free weights but it wasn't safe without someone to spot so she stuck with the mechanicals. She ate a hefty late supper, one she wouldn't have dreampt of before today. It was when she hit the sack exhausted. Angela walked through the storefront door after she arrived for work. Diana had called Sunday night and told her to hold the fort until Tuesday when she would be back. She saw Diana in her office as she walked by and said "Good morning Diana." Then she did a double take. "Diana, is that you?" Diana laughed, "Of course it's me. Who else would I be?" She blushed a bit as she felt a bit self conscious. She didn't know how she would explain her sudden youthful appearance to everyone. "You look very good this morning Diana! Did you find some fountain of youth at that convention?" Angela was gawking at Diana. Diana looked radiant as she blushed. Diana tried to shrug. She didn't know what to say as she didn't believe it herself. Nor would anyone else. "I had one of those high dollar skin jobs done over the weekend." "Well it was worth whatever it cost, Diana. You look like your twenty years younger." Angela didn't ask what she wanted to ask. Besides she couldn't afford it anyway. Not that she needed it. She was still a youthful thirty six year old. "It's amazing what they can do these days." Angela departed to find busy work when she realized her gaff. Diana spent part of the day calling up some old close friends and arranged lunchtime meetings with them later next week. At closing time she told Angela she would probably be gone most of the week and that she would pay Angela a bonus for the hardship. ++++++++++++++++++ Late Tuesday Susan was contemplating her pretty vagina on the video screen as it winked at the cam corder mounted on the tripod a few feet from her spread legs. While she winked it open and closed she didn't think it was a fearsome beast. Not at all. It was beautiful. But Miles had called it a fearsome beast when he left earlier than she would have expected him to; at Sunday noon. When he had arrived Friday night she hugged him and spent almost the entire night loving and pleasuring with him well past midnight. She had missed him so much she wanted to make up for all the lost pleasuring time. She had found him more reluctant to share her pleasure by Saturday midmorning. When he got particularly resistant she just picked him up and took him to the bedroom and mounted him. She was getting much better at the suction method of extracting what she wanted from his swollen prostate and she enjoyed his squirming beneath her when she got aggressive with him. He got a break from her desires early Saturday afternoon when he took her back to Diana's clothing store to pick up her new clothes. Susan was disappointed when she found out Diana wasn't in. However the clothes made her feel better and they fit wonderfully. After they left Miles seemed to want to show her around town but she convinced him to drive back to the beach house when she started masturbating him as he drove. When she got him home that evening she wasted little time making up for the lost time that afternoon and doubled her pleasure with him almost the entire night up till midnight. Of course she woke him around four a.m. Sunday to have a most pleasurable session. Her modifications to him had worked very well as he was producing 4 ounces of enhanced protein cum every three hours, when it was stimulated to do so by her secretions. It was very tasty and provided her with an extended orgasmic release of incredible intensity. For him orgasms were also of extended duration as it took a while to rip the semen from his gland. Something she was getting better at and the sen station of her uterine expansion to create the vacuum effect was quite delightful to her. She supposed maybe she was being to hard on him when she forced him to have sex with her. She had at two occasions sought to try that behavior modification thing she had learned something about on some television program. So she decided to show him that when she was forced to carry or drag him into the bedroom she would be much more physically aggressive, using her strength to show him the futility of resistance. She explained to him she would be more gentle if he would just come and provide her pleasure when she told him it was time. But for some reason that backfired on her and he threatened to kick her out of the house. She recalled just looking at him and wondering how he would accomplish such a task. When she took him again he seemed to surrender and was silent up until the time he announced he would be leaving early. He was out of the door before Susan could catch him for one last pleasuring. Susan sighed. He hadn't left much food this time. She was down to her last steak and a few vegetables. Her hunger had accelerated whenever he was around. All the power she expelled during the intense cum driven orgasms required a solid restocking of her reserves. After a bit of reflection she realized he could starve her out. He wouldn't have to use physical persuasion at all! Susan had learned how to glower and she glowered with gusto as she got up from the couch to go get her last steak. She looked out at the ocean while the steak was cooking. Perhaps she could learn how to catch fish, she had seen how it was done the way regular people did it on the television and she occasional saw people doing the same thing on the beach outside. After she ate she would look for one of those fishing poles, though she knew Miles did not have one as she had observed everything in and outside the house and knew each and every belonging he had. Maybe she could convince one of the men on the beach to let her have one. She sighed as she finished her tiny meal and cleaned up the mess. She thought she was doing an excellent job of taking care of Miles. She would force him to purchase enough food the next weekend, though she wasn't sure at the moment how she would do that. A quick scan out thought the glass deck door showed the beach was devoid of people. Something she had learned wasn't unusual for a week day at this time of year along this private beach area. She recalled meeting that middle aged woman yesterday. Susan walked over to ask her why she was nude on the beach and tell her she might get in trouble. The woman scowled at her. "Nobody around here cares as long as your in front of your own property. Unless the police are around it's not that big a deal." The woman pointed at the homes near Miles' place. "None of us in this area mind nudity. Just don't go wandering down the beach. If ya see the police they usually just tell you to cover up and write a ticket. It's no big deal." Susan thought about the ocean as she finished putting up the dishes. She decided to go take a plunge in the water as she hadn't been in it since the first time when she hid from those policemen the night of her escape. She slipped out of her new shorts and wonderful blouse and bounded out the door after locking the house up. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and debated what to do with the keys. After some thought she found a place to hide them when she was sure no one was looking. She had watched some sports program and had seen the various swimming techniques used and practiced them after she got out past the breakers. Her powerful strokes were sufficient to counter the current and even make significant headway against it when she refined her backstroke technique. While she swam she kept a sharp lookout for the large beasts, sharks, that could be of danger to her. Though she felt quite safe even if one approached, she could deal with it. However she didn't go to far out in case one of those Great White sharks was around. A large one could cause her more trouble than it was worth. She saw smaller fish darting through the waves and tried to catch them with her hands when she dived under the water and swam for some time submerged. However she proved to slow to keep up with their streamlined bodies. She felt hunger gnawing away when she swam back toward the shallower beach line and back into the breakers. Eventually she learned if she just stood still and waited in the water at about waist level the fish would dart by and sometimes linger around her legs, as if looking for something. Before long she had several good sized fish laying on the sand. While she was gathering yet more fish the phone rang several times in the house. Of course she didn't hear it as she was almost a hundred yards away. She had so many fish she had to go get the plastic washtub Miles' kept in the shed. She piled them in and returned to the base of the house and learned how to clean them. She was so involved with what she was doing the past two hours she didn't notice the two woman at that house to the north were taking turns watching her through the telescope. A couple hours later she was enjoying her fourth fishy meal when she heard a vehicle pull up on the drive outside. She went to the door when she heard familiar sounding footsteps on the stairway. Her eyes lit up when she saw it was Diana and that Diana smiled when she looked at her. "No, I'm not mad at you anymore, Susan." Diana was seated on the sofa next to Susan. "However you did what you did to me, has turned my life around." Susan smiled. "I'm glad Diana. I was dissatisfied with the way you felt, the way you left. I'm sorry I caused you distress." Diana got up. "I've never felt this good my entire life. I can use this leg again." She pointed to her shapely knee below her thigh length tube skirt. "I've been working out with leg weights I haven't been able to do since my injury. I feel as young as I look, even younger." She felt excited and was speaking rapidly. "How the hell did you do this to me Susan?" Susan looked into Diana's eyes, "I can't tell you. I have techniques. That is all I will say." Diana sat back down on the sofa next to Susan. Her thigh pressed up against Susan's. "I don't care then. But what I'd like to know is what you meant by not being finished...that bit about more treatments. Did you mean this will all go away if I don't have more of these 'treatments'?" Susan shook her head. "Oh no. Well, not entirely. Without another examination I can't tell you for sure if all the cellular regeneration is complete. Some more adjustments may have to be made. I see you've put on some additional muscle and are more toned now." Susan placed her hand on Diana's thigh. "I adjusted your system fairly well I see." Diana placed her hand on Susan's, "Tell me what else you were going to do, besides making me young again." "I was going to fix your breasts for one thing. You said you like the appearance of the implants and what they do for your figure. But you also said you missed the sensitivity of your breasts before the operation. I can fix you so can have any kind of breast you want. Even like mine." Susan thrust out her giant glands. "Well almost anyway. These are unique in certain ways. I mean I can fix you so they are as high and firm as you would like, and no implants. I can make those go away." Diana's eyes goggled, "I bet you can do a lot of other things to, what else could you do?" Susan demurred. "Well, I was thinking of some improvements to your joint tissues and your skeletal structure. You may not recall but you mentioned wanting to have similar genital capabilities as I have. That will take some work, but I think I can do it. "Shit, this is to good to be true." Diana exclaimed. Susan began to object. "No, that's not what I mean Susan." Diana looked around the pad. "I'd like to take you to my place for the week, would you like that?" Susan nodded. "I'd love to go visit someplace new. I'd like that very much." "Well lets pack your clothes and we'll go now." Diana helped Susan gather up most of her clothes and they carried them down to her car. After a bit of discussion and Susan's insistence they borrowed Miles' cooler and packed the fish Susan had caught in it. "I love fish Diana. I'll make some for you if you like." Diana nodded, "I'd like that a lot Susan." Susan was such a wonderful simpleton. "I better call Miles' and tell him where I'm going. I don't want him to worry. He calls every day or so." Diana nodded. "Good idea. How's he treating you Susan?" Susan was dialing the phone, "He's been difficult. He left early I think because I was pleasuring with him to often. Then when he left he didn't leave enough food. That's why I went out and caught fish this afternoon." The phone was ringing on the other end of the line. "And he threatened to throw me out if I didn't stop having sex with him so often." Susan left a message on the answering machine and hung up. "I don't know how he thinks he can throw me anywhere." Diana laughed. "Yes, that would be a challenge. I don't think you have much to worry about Susan. You can stay at my place and eat and pleasure all you want. I think we can come to an arrangement that will be satisfactory to both of us." Susan smiled. "Oh, I like satisfaction. Thank you Diana, your being good to me." Susan made sure the place was locked up properly and got into Diana's car. She didn't see the woman down the beach with the telescope watching them. ........................................ After the car had passed by Sareena turned to Pandora. "She beat me to the punch it looks like." Pandora shrugged. Sareena cursed silently. That Diana Dennis had moved in on -her- territory and taken a young prize away. "I think it's time we bought some clothes from Diana again. Been a while since we've been to her place anyway." Sareena mused. ........................ Susan noted Diana drove much faster than Miles did. She would see things and point them out to Diana and ask her questions about them. Diana was a better explainer than Miles was, she was very patient. Since it was late afternoon the traffic was heavy and they didn't arrive at Diana's home until an hour later. Susan noted with satisfaction Diana's house much larger than the one Miles had on the beach. There was a wide green lawn in front of the two story building. When Diana showed her around Susan was delighted to see a 30' pool in the back yard which was surrounded by a 8' cedar fence. There was a wide covered patio with stone walking surfaces inset in concrete and a jaccuzi was off to one side. Inside, the walls were all dark paneled wood and the carpeted areas were a lush deep pile maroon. The main living room was central to the house with hallways on either end that led off to smaller rooms which, Susan noted, not all were in use or even had furniture in them. Both upstairs and downstairs had large bathrooms and both had bidets! Susan like that. Susan followed Diana up a winding staircase to the second floor and down a short hallway that had four rooms off of it. One of the rooms was Diana's main den and home workshop. "We can go swimming later if you like Susan." Diana said while she put Susan's clothing up in her new room, the empty bedroom next to Diana's master bedroom suite. "I've never had a room of my own before Diana." She eyed the bed. It was smaller than the one Miles had, but it would do. Diana smiled warmly at Susan. "Well, other than using this for a changing room I don't think you'll be spending much time in here." She placed her hand at the nape of Susans powerful back. "Why don't we go visit my bedroom and maybe we could get started on that next treatment we were talking about?" Susan found this satisfactory and after a lengthy discussion while they were fondling each other in Diana's king sized bed Susan eased Diana to sleep and slipped into Diana's circulatory system with her probe. By the time Diana woke twenty four hours later the small circular hole the probe left in her flesh was healed. Diana woke sharply, just like the first time, and felt fully rested and alert. She didn't see Susan in the room as she got up but soon forgot that as she noticed immediately something was missing on her chest. She looked down to see her lovely CC cup breasts had become smallish B cups. She grasped them and her hands verified what her eyes told her, the implants were gone. She was in a bit of a fluster but calmed when she saw how high and firm her now smaller breasts rode on her chest. And that they were much more sensitive to the touch than before. She stroked her nipple and was gladdened to see it rise as it sent pleasant tinglings at each stroke of her finger. She wondered where Susan was as she stretched and slipped on a simple pullover. After calling out for Susan after she checked Susan's bedroom and headed down the staircase to look for her. She found Susan in the downstairs bathroom and saw she was busy doing private work on the throne so she excused herself and told Susan she would make them something to eat. Diana didn't notice the large tumbler glass of water sitting beside the bathroom sink, neither did she see Susan drinking glass after glass of water. Thirty minutes later Susan left the bathroom to go find out what Diana had ready in the kitchen. Diana was just about ready to go check on Susan as she was taking so long when Susan's big frame came through the main kitchen doorway. "You have a big house Diana," Susan said wonderingly. She looked at Diana, "How are you feeling Diana?" Diana rubbed her breasts. "I feel great, they are sensitive again. How did you get rid of the silicon implants?" Diana was still trying to figure out how Susan did these things. Susan misunderstood the question, "I disposed of the wastes in the toilet. Did I do something wrong?" Diana muttered, "Sure, that's OK." She pointed at a platter of sandwiches on the kitchen table. "I made them special for you Susan, lots of meat like you told me you like." Susan looked at the food and told Diana she'd be back to eat after she put on some of her new clothes. When she returned was wearing the new pair of jogging shorts Miles had bought for her at Diana's shop and the matching custom blouse that went with them. Susan saw her sandwiches were much more caloric in value than the one Diana was nibbling on. "Diana, you should consume more than that or your breasts won't fill out." Diana paused her chewing. "I was going to ask you about that. But if I eat to much the fat's just going to end up where it usually goes and not where I'd want it. Can't you just make them bigger?" Susan nodded, "Yes, but it was unnecessary. The new tissues in your breasts will grow with excess caloric intake. I adjusted your system in a manner that will limit the amount of fat tissue that is deposited elsewhere. You never need worry again about looking overweight due to fat accumulation. If there are additional adjustments that need to be done I can do so." Diana decided to put this assertion to the test immediately. After she packed her belly full of stuff she never would eat in such a carefree manner before she told Susan to put her best outfit on and they went shopping at one of the local food marts. The both of them drew quite a few stares as they went though the store and left with a basket piled high with goodies. Back at the hacienda Diana called up the shop and informed her staff to start putting together a more complete wardrobe for Susan. Diana listed off the numbers from her catalog at the house and specified the colors she wanted. Susan tried to stop her, "Miles can't afford all that Diana. He told me his credit was to tight." Diana waved her off and rattled off some more combo items. When she was finished with the phone she explained, "That's my treat Susan. It's the least I can do for you and there will be plenty more to come, so don't you fret." Susan was munching on some egg rolls. "Your being better to me than Miles has been. You have more food and a bigger house." She stopped to take another bite and finish off one of the egg rolls. "Do you have access to the internet Diana?" "Of course, doesn't everybody? I can show you my terminal, well one of them anyway. I have another upstairs in the bedroom besides this one." She directed Susan toward the terminal in the downstairs den just a ways down the hall from the kitchen area. Susan sat down at the terminal and saw it operated in a similar fashion to Miles' portable but this terminal had a much larger screen and the keyboard was more suited to her large hands. "This is more suitable than what Miles had Diana. I would like to use this as often as you will let me." Diana bent over Susan's back and blew in Susans ear. "Susan, you can have anything you want, as long as I can provide it, it's yours. All you need to is ask." Susan enjoyed the sensation of Diana's hand rubbing her shoulders and neck. She felt very comfortable here. Susan brought up one of the sites she wanted access to and selected via the menu the options she wanted on the site. "I would like access to this site and several others that require funds I was unable to elicit from Miles. Can you help me gain access to this one?" While it was a nifty sum it wasn't anything Diana couldn't handle, "Sure, I can do that Susan. Let me sit down and I'll validate the charge to one of my accounts." Susan stood behind Diana and watched as Diana brought up one of her charge codes on the screen and pasted it to the appropriate form. Then she picked up a tiny box that had a eyepiece and a wire that ran from it to the terminal. She placed the eyepiece to her right eye for a few moments then set the eyepiece in a holder next to the screen. Susan later learned this device doubled as a video camera and that Diana was using it at the moment as a retinal scanner. "It's the only secure way to do business on the net." Diana remarked. "There, that will give you a full months access to the whole site," Diana remarked. "What were the other sites Susan?" Susan showed her what she wanted and after a bit of hesitation Diana signed Susan up for a full course load at two major universities that offered over the net self study programs. "I'll have to enter my own name and SS on these Susan. Since you say you don't have any records of schooling and such." "All I really need is access to ther online libraries. I appreciate you Diana. Your being very good to me. I will pay you back when I find a way to make money." Diana looked up at Susan. The big darling didn't have a clue! "Susan, you know I've been thinking about your situation. I could give you a job. Since your just starting out it wouldn't pay much, at least at first anyway. But on the bright side all your room and board will be paid for. If you want you could come live with me all the time." She paused. "I won't be like stingy Miles and leave you without plenty of tasty things to eat either." Susan considered this. She decided she liked the idea. "This sounds very satisfactory to me. However I will want to use Miles again. I will want him on weekends, when he isn't at work. Would that be OK?" Diana thought that was a weird way of putting it. "Of course." Susan considered. "I do not know how to make clothing yet. You will have to teach me." Diana shook her head. "Well we can do that, but that's not exactly what I had in mind." No, indeed, Diana had far bigger plans in store. "What will I do for you that will earn money?" Diana smiled. "Well you'll learn as we go along." She thought a second. "One of your job duties can be to help me work out in the gym in the basement." She got up. "I'll slip on some workout clothing then I'll show you what to do." The basement gym was well stocked for a private gym, with a good assortment of machine based gear. Gear for leg curls and extensions, thigh crunch, shoulder pulls, lat pull downs, triceps. Just about everything. In the free weight area there were a couple of benches configured for bench press and inclined work. All high quality and heavy duty gear. Diana saw pretty quick Susan didn't know squat about exercising, nor what weight lifting was all about. Rather than roll her eyes and scold Susan for playing dumb she showed her the basics of stretching tendons and whatnot before working with heavy weights or doing aerobics. Diana was shocked to see Susans flexibility was better that she would have expected for such a heavily muscled person. Once they were both well stretched, Diana warmed up with a pair of fifteen pound dumbbells. After her first few sets she handed them off to Susan and taught her the basic techniques for bicep and triceps work. After they worked for a while Diana began to believe Susan's claimed ignorance of weight lifting technique as she was doing the exercises all wrong. Since Susan was so darn big Diana put all the weight's she had on hand for dumbbell work and let Susan work with that. Diana kept her eyes on Susan's giant biceps as she curled 90 lbs with the same ease Diana curled fifteen pounds. She made Susan stop on the fourth set of 15 reps. The girl wasn't even sweating, though she did have a slight pump going by that time. Susan plowed through the bench press exercises like Diana showed her. When she got bored with the exercise she racked the weight and looked up at Diana. "What's wrong Diana?" Susan asked. Diana was staring at Susan with wide eyed fascination. "Nothing, just that you benched 400 lbs for twenty five reps, that's all. I guess I'll just have to have more weights delivered. Chripes, you hardly looked like you were straining at last few reps!" Susan sat up and shrugged. "What's next?" Diana shrugged back. "I guess I'll show you squats. Might as well use the same set we have here cause that's the max amount of weight's I have here." Diana sighed as Susan just picked up the bar from the bench press and curled it up. "Where do I take it?" Susan asked while she was holding the 400 lb weight set. Diana pointed, 'Over there, is where I have the thigh rack. Put the bar on the pins." Diana sighed again when Susan just walked over to the thigh rack, raised her arms a bit and plopped the 400lb set on the rack pins, with incredible ease. "Chripes." Was all Diana could say. She let Susan practice good technique with the squats starting at 400lbs and stopped her only after Susan's shorts ripped open on the thirtieth squat. Since Susan wasn't challenged much by the equipment, Diana spent the next few hours working herself through her standard routines and had Susan just watch and spot her on the rough stuff. That seemed more fun for Susan anyway as she seemed a natural at encouraging Diana to work harder. They only broke off the work when Susan said it was time for Diana to eat a good meal so her system would have enough energy to put on muscle and hopefully have enough left over to build Diana's breast tissue up the way she wanted. On the way upstairs Susan said to Diana, "Would you like to pleasure with me after we eat Diana? After that we can work out again or something." Diana slipped her hand beneath Susan's ripped shorts and tried to get a handful of muscular Susan glute meat. "Sounds like a plan to me Susan! +++++++++++++++++++ Miles' Vacation 5-28-2025 Wednesday Morning Doctor Riles Office. Miles Davies felt like a fool when he tried to describe Susan to his doctor and when he told the doctor that she had done 'something' to him. "It had to be her doc. She did something to me that night because ever since I haven't grown a single facial hair. I haven't had to shave for over two weeks now!" "Well it could just be a hormone thing Miles. Things like this do occur, I wouldn't get to shook up about it. Unless you feel it's a problem for you. If so I'll see what we can find treatment possibilities." Miles shrugged. "I don't mind not having to shave at all. I guess I'm more worried about what's going on with my sex life ever since Susan showed up. You sure I don't have a problem? Cancer or something maybe?" Doctor Riles hid a laugh. "Miles there's no sign of anything like that going on. Other than some vitamin deficiencies your in excellent condition. I'll write out a supplement prescription for you. I want you to follow that to the letter, and you'll want to schedule an appointment in two weeks for a blood work follow up." "I'll do that. But what could have caused my penis to start growing all the sudden? I'm kind of worried about that and the fact that I have so much ejaculate. I mean hell, I never could have sex every three hours and ejaculate like I do when Susan's around. It's got so bad now it feels like my balls are on fire unless she helps me out. Course, like I said. I don't have much choice in that. She's a freaking nympho doc. A giant! There's no stopping her!" "Yes, that is odd. You said the condition goes away when your away from her during the week." Riles chuckled. "You know I don't know many fellows who would complain about this 'problem', Miles." He paused "I can't explain sudden penis growth, but I'll research it and let you know what I find. As for your ejaculate problem.....Well I can schedule you for a NMR scan and we can have a look." Riles paused again. "Miles, are you sure it's not your imagination? I mean based on the seminal sample," He pointed at the small cup on the table," your emission is not much greater than typical for a man your age." Miles shook his head. "I guess I'll have to take a lab bottle or something home with me. Every Sunday, when I leave and get back to my apartment, I have to masturbate when I get home or the pressure drives me insane. I swear I could fill up a 6 oz measuring cup doc." Miles shrugged. "After that I'm okay until the following Friday night. I don't know what it is she does but....." Riles sighed. "OK. Well if you feel you need to, and it's a problem for you bring in the sample, put it in the fridge then keep it on ice until you bring it in the day following. We'll have a look at it and see if there's a problem." He wrote out the vitamin course for the poor sot and smiled as he excused himself to go see the next patient. One that he hoped had a real problem. Funny patient that Miles. Dr. Riles wondered what it would be like to have such a terrible 'problem'. He made a case file note that patient Miles may need psychiatric counseling. ........................ That Friday evening, like a shark drawn to bloody shark bait, Miles drove down to the beach house. When he walked in the door the fisher woman Susan played him on her leader line for a few hours then set her hook. However unlike the fierce denizens of the sea Miles didn't put up much of a fight as he had learned being a hardhead just got him hammered. No, it was better to just be a mild mannered mullet for the ravenous gullet from hell. During the next day, Saturday, Miles got to see Susan's new outfits. Not one's he had bought for her but the newer ones Susan's new friend, Diana, had made for her. "Killer Susan. That thong suit looks great on you." He remarked at her form as they took a stroll down the beach toward the north. "Diana's letting me work for her too Miles. I help her with her workouts in the gym in the evenings." Susan picked up a hermit crab and tossed it into the surf. "I'm sorry I can't be here to keep the place clean during the week for you Miles, I know we had a deal but I figured since I wasn't here to dirty things up it would be okay. Is it?" Susan didn't really care if it was or not. She had learned to make small talk. It was her idea to go for a stroll to the north too. She got her pleasure from Miles and as long as she got that, that was all that mattered. "Of course it is Susan. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your progress. Glad to hear you got a paying job. That all your doing though? Helping her with gym work?" "Well I help with buying food and things too when we go out shopping. During the day I do minor housework and spend most of the day jacked in on the net." Susan glanced at the large house just to the north as they approached closer. "That's good. Sure was nice of her to pay for all those net feeds you wanted. I guess your spending all your paychecks on clothing." Miles chuckled. She had quite a wardrobe by now. "Oh, I haven't gotten a paycheck yet. I never bothered to ask what she would pay me each week. Though she did give me a credit card to use in case I needed it for an emergency or something." Miles raised his eyebrows. "Oh really? She must really like you a lot. That's good Susan. Your lucky you got such a good friend." He felt a bit jealous as he couldn't afford to do the same. "I'm glad you still come around Susan. I'd take you out shopping but....well bills are coming you know." Susan kept her eyes on the sun deck of that house. "Oh, I thought you understood Miles. I don't need you for that sort of thing anymore, as long as you show up here on weekends it makes me happy. You like it when you make me happy don't you Miles?" "Uh, ya. I don't like to see a unhappy Susan." He recalled the jarring, bruising, slam fuck sessions that always resulted whenever he had been foolish enough to make her unhappy. One made Susan unhappy by whining about to much sex and trying to refuse. He wondered how Diana was coping. Miles wondered if he could survive an entire week alone with Susan. He was sure he couldn't. Susan was the proverbial 600 pound gorilla of sexual Olympics. "I know. Your good to me Miles. I like that." She stopped walking and indicated with her eyes. "Who lives in that house Miles?" He looked where she was peering. "I think that's the home of Sareena Sanders. Nice place." From the beach it was easy to see the wealth displayed at the residence, a L shaped two story home with a lot of expensive stone work. Part of the home was hidden by a raised beach viewing sun deck in the back yard. He couldn't see what was between the deck and the house other than the tops of some shrubbery and a few big trees. "Do you know anything about the people that live there?" Susan asked. She adjusted her tiny patches of triangle shaped cloth that just barely covered her areola. "Not much. I know Sareena used to be in the porno business. She made x-rated videos, and if I recall correctly she only worked with women. I heard from one of the neighbors there used to be some really wild parties almost every week but I don't think they do that anymore for some reason. But then again I don't hang with the jet set around here, so I can't say why that is." He looked at Susan. "What caught your eye Susan?" "I saw a couple women looking at me with a telescope that was mounted on that wooden tripod there." She didn't point but Miles could see what she was talking about. "That woman Sareena called once and wanted to meet me. I told her I wasn't interested that day." Susan didn't seem inclined to walk further and they just stood there. "Well I've seen her at that scope before when I've been jogging down the beach. She's some kind of voyeur I think." He recalled privately she had never bothered looking at him much or even so much as a wave whenever he jogged by. "Just an old rich lesbo Susan. I think she was married to some guy that died and left her this place in his will. Think she has a live in girlfriend or something. Quite a looker too." Susan didn't care. "I was going to call her but I haven't got around to it. I wonder where they are. Do you think they would mind if we had a look around?" Miles didn't much feel like going exploring on strangers properties. "Well dropping in unannounced isn't a real good idea Susan, it would be best to drop her a line via phone." Susan had made up her mind. "Let's go walk up to that deck and see if anyone is home." Miles sighed and followed her heavenly rocking hips as she stepped through the loose sand. She didn't hesitate a bit as she mounted the wooden staircase that led from the sand up the rocky hillside to the deck. Miles counted twenty steps. On the deck they could see the inner court that was bracketed by the main L shaped home and a separate large garage. The inner court stone inlaid floor was about five feet below the wooden deck they were standing on. In the approximate center of the court was a peanut shell shaped pool that was perhaps some thirty-five feet long and there was several glass topped umbrella tables along one side. The house itself had a wide covered wooden deck along the length of the building, at least the part visible on the beach facing side did. There was no sign of activity. "Well , looks like nobody's home. Let's go Susan." Susan turned to Miles. "You think it's okay if I go knock on that door?" She pointed at what appeared to be the main entrance, leading to the house patio deck. Miles relented. He really didn't want to fool with these old lesbos. But he wanted to make Susan happy. "Ya, lets find out if they got Doberman's or something." Susan put her hand on Miles shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. "You stay here Miles and I'll check things out first. I don't want you to get hurt by guard animals. I'm glad you reminded me." "Hey, I was just joking about the guard dog bit Susan. I don't see a fence so they can't have any." He tried to follow. Susan turned. "You stay here until I make sure that it's okay." She had that look in here eye that meant, Miles, behave or else. "Sure Susan. Whatever floats your cookie. I'll just stand here and make sure the sea gulls don't attack your rear." He smarted back at her. He did a good job of watching her rear too while he thought about how much she had changed since he first met her three weekends ago. Miles still thought she was a ditz, but not near as ditzy as she was. While he was musing someone opened the back door. He couldn't see who it was because Susan's immense form was in the way, her entire back almost spanned the half of the double door that had been opened from inside. She conversed with whomever it was for a brief few moments and eventually turned around. He caught a brief glimpse of a small large busted blonde peeking out from behind Susan's back as Susan cupped her hands and raised her voice. "Miles, I'm going to visit here for a while. I'll come get you when I feel the urge. I'm sure you won't mind will you Miles?" Despite the verbal sting he felt he realized he didn't mind at all! In fact that meant he might get a chance to take care of some minor chores that needed tending to. Chores that he hadn't had time to tend to because of Susan's....."Not at all. Have fun with your visit. I'll be around the beach house!" He waved and jogged off down the beach feeling free, hoping he could have an entire sex free afternoon. He mollified somewhat when he realized he'd be forced to jack himself off within three or four hours if Susan didn't return. Arrrgggg. Pandora's heart leapt a beat or two when she saw how truly awesome Susan was in person. Looking through a telescope was one thing, but when she opened the door and stood eye to eye with the tiny triangles of lime green cloth covering a pair of the biggest breasts she had ever seen, it was something else indeed. Being a woman of taste she didn't stare and swept her eyes up immediately after her initial scare. She smiled warmly. Susan was as lovely as she was immense. "You must be the woman Sareena has been wanting to meet. Susan is it?" "Yes, I thought I would stop by and visit. I would have called but I've been very busy." "Well your welcome to visit with me Susan. Sareena is away for a couple weeks on some business thing. Why don't you come on in and we'll have a seat." "I'd like that." Susan turned around and yelled at someone. Pandora peaked around to see who it was. "You don't have to send him off like that! He's welcome too." Pandora had some interest in what kind of man of such limited means could hook a heart throb like Susan. Besides, he looked cute. Susan turned around after Miles head disappeared from view as he sped down the staircase leading to the beach. "I don't want him around distracting me. I'd rather have him rested up for when I want him later." Susan patted her massively muscled abdomen and flexed them like she did when she was sucking the juice out of Miles, to emphasize the point. Pandora didn't get the point Susan meant but managed to guide Susan into the plush household and show her to the main entertainment room which featured a well stocked bar. Pandora mixed the Screwdriver Susan asked for and they chatted small talk about the beach life. She served them both the same drink and steered Susan toward the tinted glass sun room where the jacuzzis were. It was a nice warm room and Pandora loved the effect the glass tinting had on the sunlight as it shafted in. She sat down on one of the loungers. "Have a seat Susan." Susan eyed the flimsy chair. "I better not. I broke one similar to that design at Miles house." Pandora realized her mistake. She glanced at the lounger and at Susans wonderfully broad hips. The lounge chair arms would have lost the battle. "Oops. I'll go find an ottoman that will do the trick. Be right back!" Susan noted how polite Pandora was being and wanted to return the favor. She saw the tiny woman trying to move a cube shaped vinyl ottoman for Susan. She must be very weak Susan noted, as she was dragging it across the floor. Susan stepped back into the main room. "I will carry that." She picked up the ottoman. She estimated it's weight at 25.34 pounds as she carried it into the sun room. Pandora thanked her and sat they both sat down. "I work out to keep trim but gave up on putting on any shapely muscle years ago." Pandora said by way of excuse. She sipped her drink and coyly eyed Susan's awesome combination of extreme muscularity and wild feminine curves. Topped off with breasts to make tit queen like herself blush in envy. Susan pretended not to notice as she looked around the sun room, she admired the exotic green plants she saw. Some had wonderful aromatic and visually pleasing flowers. "Must be nice to have genetics like your's." Pandora commented. Susan nodded. "It is very pleasing, yes." She rotated her eyes toward Pandora. "This is a beautiful home Pandora. Do you mind if I use your jacuzzi? Diana has one too but it is not as large as yours." "Of course not. I'll go grab a suit and join you." Pandora put her drink down. Susan stood up. "I would rather not get this suit wet. Do you mind nudity?" Pandora trilled in laughter, "Your practically nude now! I can't see what difference a few tiny pieces of cloth make!" She eyed the daring two piece thong suit Susan was wearing. "Not at all." Pandora slipped out of her clothing to make the point. She felt like a midget standing next to this giant, Susan towered over her by more than a foot, at least. Susan slipped out of her minimal suit and sauntered over to the jacuzzi to slip into the water. Pandora increased the circulation and upped the heat a bit before slipping in herself to sit opposite of Susan, who had her long legs stretched out. "This is very nice Pandora. You are a excellent host." Susan quipped and took a sip of her screwdriver. She had acquired a taste for the drink, though she didn't do it for purposes of inebriation, her system consumed the alcohol before it had a chance to do that. Pandora ignored the compliment. "So this Diana you mentioned, is that the same one that runs that custom clothes shop in town?" Susan pretended to let the current cause her leg to brush up against Pandora's. She noted Pandora made no attempt to retract. "Yes, I am staying with her during the week and she brings me down here so I can have Miles on the weekends. It is a pleasing arrangement." Pandora nodded. "I'm familiar with Diana." She paused. "I know she prefers women built like you. She's very particular." Both women were pretty sure where the other's shingle hung by this time. Susan rubbed her foot along one of Pandora's small, soft, but shapely thigh. "Are you particular too?" Pandora normally didn't move this fast with someone she didn't know. "Well, I am. But not in the same way. Sareena and I have been keeping each other happy for quite a few years now. I play, but not very often. Disease you know. Sareena, on the other hand, well she tends to stray and rob the cradle from time to time. Sometimes I join in with her cradle picks." Pandora smiled and kept her eyes on Susan's. "Sareena, she had called and seemed most interested that we meet. Do you think it was for reasons of, how you say, cradle robbing?" Susan asked with seeming perplexity. Pandora laughed gayly. "Of that there is no doubt my dear. If she knew you were here she would catch the next plane home and be here by dinnertime!" Pandora laughed again. "I think she's trying to recapture her youth for the both of us. She's an old letch." Pandora thumped her tiny thigh against Susans foot. "So am I though, so I shouldn't talk dirty behind her back like that." Susan considered. "You do not look old, at least in the way I have learned to use the term." "Oh, your the charmer. Compared to you were a couple of old wrinkled up prunes." Pandora lied. Actually both had done quite well with the miracles of hormone therapy and skilled plastic surgeons. "I'll take the complement though, thank you." Susan flushed some of the warm waters through her cunt and expelled a jet of water. Pandora would have seen the amazing feat except the bubbling pulse of the jacuzzi vent prevented that. Instead she was eyeing Susan's immense biceps, at the way the skin moved whenever Susan moved her arm. Pandora had never seen so much physical power in a woman before. She, by comparison was downright sickly thin. Susan noticed the attention. "Would you care to share pleasure with me or would you rather wait until Sareena returns?" Susan asked frankly. Pandora sat her drink down on the tile surface. She gazed directly at Susan. "You don't believe in beating around the bush much do you?" Susan considered. "I think I do because that is what Diana and I do when we are together." Pandora howled in hilarity. She calmed and eyed Susans large form. "I don't know , your awfully big." Susan's wrist was bigger than Pandora's muscle less upper arm. Susan nodded. "I understand. Not everyone finds this body type sexually attractive. I made myself this way for someone, who is now dead, and he had exotic tastes I have since relearned. I am lucky I have found Miles and Diana. Diana in particular because she has allowed me to shape her body so that it is very pleasing to me." Pandora tried to follow all this. "Oh, it's not that I find you unattractive." She eyed those massive incredible tits and the rest of Susan's upper body. "I think you've managed to blend two extremes quite well. I don't think I've ever seen a woman as powerful as you must be. What I meant was I'm not sure I'd be a good match against all that muscle. You'd probably break something!" Susan eyed the tiny woman. She knew at a glance in the doorway Pandora was only 5'4" tall and probably only weighed 115 pounds. Almost 3 times less than herself. "I have learned how to be gentle. If you wish to share pleasure with me I will lay down and you can climb on top of me. That way you won't worry about being crushed." Pandora liked the idea of clambering on top of Mount Susan. "Let's retire to the upper floor master bedroom and continue this discussion." She stepped up on the wooden drain deck and grabbed a towel. "Do you like toys Susan?" Susan knew what she meant by toys. "I've used a cucumber before, it was very pleasurable." Pandora giggled at that and insisted on toweling Susan dry. While she dried the big beast down she found herself mesmerized by the feel of Susan's abundant power. "I never much thought about how sensuous a woman can be with muscles Susan. I think I understand why women like Diana won't look twice at a gal like me. I'm just a soft twig with tits." She sighed as she ran the towel across Susan's powerful ass muscles. "I wish I could put on some muscle. I bet you know all the tricks, what's the secret Susan?" Susan considered. "I can help you with that if you wish. I did the same for Diana, she's much improved now and is improving with each week that passes. I help all my intimate friends to be better suited." "Well let's go upstairs and get intimate and you can tell me later what I need to do." Pandora patted one of the big womans massive butt cheeks and they headed to their rendezvous. /////////////////////// Miles had to beat his meat twice before the phone rang around dark thirty that night. It was Susan. She said she'd catch up with him next weekend as she was going to be busy 'making Pandora suitable' for as long as it took to make Pandora and herself happy. Miles told her to have a good time and told her to keep in touch and not become a stranger. Susan replied she had no intention of letting him become a stranger and she hung up. Miles relaxed, roasted a few bowls of his favorite tobacco blends, had a few beers, even got to watch a basketball game. To make things even better he was totally free of sexual tension for the entire evening and following day. Ahh, twas a great rest of the weekend indeed! Of course Dr. Riles wasn't surprised that the patient with the 'problem' never showed up the next week with his 8oz seminal fluid sample as he knew it was kind of hard to cough up a delusional mental image in a jar. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Diana's Fluster 6-1-2025 Sunday Evening. Diana spent the entire day Sunday working out and eating like a pig. Her body was putting on muscle at a rate that was nothing shy of incredible, she studied her form in the wall length gym mirror. She was looking killer bad. The friends she had contacted a week ago were of course all hopping eager to get in on the ground floor of what she told them was going to be a get rich scheme for them all. They all wanted to know the details but of course she didn't really know herself. She told them when she sure everything was okay with the treatment she'd call them again. She eyed her new fingernails. They were so hard she had to be careful not to cut herself with their sharpened edges. So hard she had worn out a toss away paper nail file to sharpen and shape just one nail. It was something she dreamt up to test Susan's talents and Susan didn't seem to mind complying with these odd requests at all. As long as Susan got her fill of sexual pleasure she'd do almost anything. And that was Diana's business problem. It seemed Susan wasn't much interested in 'fixing' others up unless it had a direct impact on her own interests. Namely sex. During these discussions Diana tried various ideas on Susan to get her to go along with Diana's budding idea for a womans body design studio but to date Diana had failed in this attempt to stimulate interest. Especially when Diana explained to Susan she couldn't have sex with every woman that walked through the door. It just didn't work that way! Maybe she would limit the clientele to women who were not unwelcome to the idea of bedding another woman. Especially one of Susan's dimensions. That would severely put a cramp on possible cash flow in Diana's judgement, there just weren't -that- many lesbians around that had a burning desire to become super attractive sexually to men. And that's what Susan's treatments would do. Susan made it clear she didn't find masculine shapeless women attractive and would have nothing to do with 'fixing' them so they would stay that way. No, it was either whole hog or nothing. Diana twisted her hips and studied herself some more in the mirror. She had always been shapely, though perhaps a bit slim hipped. Right now she was hotter than she had ever been. She placed her hands on her hipbones and pressed. Her pelvic girdle was just a bit wider now this past week, and not just because of the extra muscle mass she was putting on. She thought back on her problem with Susan. Finding bisexual women would be easier and Diana knew quite a few through the years. Once Susan had 'fixed' just a few, word of mouth advertising should find the right people. People with -big- money. But the same problem would crop up. Susan wouldn't be interested unless they were people she had sex with. 'Selfish', Diana thought to herself just before the phone rang. "Susan! I've been wondering when you would call. Staying late with Miles?" "Oh, I see. OK. I'll stop by and pick you up there. See you in a little over an hour from now. Sure, I'll visit with Pandora for a while. Bye!" The big sex craved vixen was over at the Sareena household! She rushed through a shower and tossed on one of her new dresses, the old ones wouldn't fit anymore, and headed out the door in a bit of a rush. She didn't want to lose Susan to those two sex maniacs! Hard core professional lovers that knew every trick in the book. Diana felt at risk because she believed she wasn't as skilled as they. She calmed a bit by the time she pulled into Sareena's driveway. After all, she reasoned, she was now young again. Those two would be old hags by comparison. Both well into their 50's. Besides she knew neither had ever been body builders. Just a couple of fluffy tit queens with stick like arms and legs. Once of great popularity back in the late 80's and 90's. Far as she could remember their heyday faded by the end of the first decade of this century. She didn't have a thing to worry about. Susan was into muscle, Diane had that before Susan worked her magic. Diane adjusted her dress to she showed plenty of her now extra meaty cleavage and rang the doorbell. The door opened and Pandora welcomed her in after Diana got over her initial shock. "I see somebody has been a busy little bee Pandora. Your looking wonderful." Diana said as Pandora did a 360 display just past the foyer. She wasn't wearing anything but a pair of panties under her nightgown and when she spun she pulled it open so she could show off her new look. "It's great isn't it? Look at what she's done for me!" Pandora was on a high and Diana didn't want to spoil it for her. She smiled and felt a wash of jealousy. "You look stunning Pandora." Pandora's face and skin looked as firm and toned as Diana's new look. Her breasts didn't sag so much and Diana suspected Susan had done more than do a lift job as they looked pretty firm fleshed as Pandora jiggled around. She wanted to comment it had taken her a week for Susan to make -her- that young looking but bit the comment off. "I can't wait to see what she did for Sareena." "Sareena's not here. I'm going to surprise her when she gets back sometime next week! I'll knock her breathless when I start putting on even more muscle!" Diana nodded and eyed Pandora's figure. "I didn't know you worked out Pandora. Last time you were in the shop I didn't see any muscle on you at all." "Oh, I didn't. Not till I woke up late this afternoon! Look, I got small abs even! And some biceps! Even some thigh muscle! Don't I look great! Susan said if I find someone to train me correctly I can shape myself like I want in presto time! Maybe in a few months I'll have almost as much muscle as you!" She was gushing. Diana stepped back. "Your telling me she did all -that- in one night?" She felt floored. "Where is she?" "Oh, she's in the kitchen eating. She lost a few pounds fixing me up, however that was. How she do it anyway?" Pandora asked as she directed Diana toward the doorway leading to the kitchen area. Pandora didn't miss the displeasure Diana was trying to hide as they talked further on the way to the kitchen but she was to thrilled to care at the moment. Perhaps she would steal Susan away from Diana. It would be a fun challenge Pandora thought. While they passed through the kitchen door Pandora admired Diana's cute hard ass slinking beneath the thin fabric of her skin tight skirt. Diana wasn't to surprised to see Susan in her usual attire. Butt naked except for a pair of gym shorts. Something Diana had taught her to wear so she wouldn't stain all the furniture. She saw at a glance Susan's breasts were considerably smaller than when she had last seen her on Friday evening. Further exam showed she had lost some muscle mass as well. Though not much of that loss would be visible to the untrained eye. Susan looked up from her bounty of fried chicken. She had a passion for the Colonels Kentucky fried. It disgusted Diana that the girl ate so much fatty crap but Susan insisted she could handle it. "Hi Diana. Want some chicken?" Susan pointed. "Or if you want to wait a few minutes the pizza man should be here soon. Pandora ordered all my favorites!" She dug into a thigh and didn't wait for Diana's reply. Hungry Girl. "No thanks. I have had enough to eat for the evening, I'll just have a seat and wait till your ready to go." Diana tucked dress around her hard buns and sat down opposite Susan. "I didn't know you could work those miracles of your's overnight Susan. Pandora looks wonderful." Pandora walked over to stand behind Susan and rubbed the big womans shoulders affectionately. She cast a glance at Diana who was obviously upset. Jealous perhaps. Susan tossed away the thigh bone and grabbed another. "Pandora was willing to let me experiment a little, so I used a accelerated method." She tore into the next thigh. Diana could see Susan was far more interested in food at the moment. "We'll have to have a talk when your finished with your meal Susan." She looked up at Pandora who was still rubbing Susan's shoulders and was looking at Diana. "The three of us need to talk." Pandora stopped rubbing Susan and she pulled her nightie around her waist. "What about, Diana? I can see your upset about something. Are you worried that Susan may leave you and come stay with Sareena and me?" She ventured. "No, it's not that. It's just that I had ideas of starting a new business. One that would require Susan's help, if she would only agree." She looked up at Pandora. Pandora caught on right away. "Yah, a specialty body shop! Susan's Body Magic or something! We could be rich beyond our wildest dreams!" Pandora sat down next to Susan. Susan ignored the conversation and contented herself with another chicken leg. She loved the batter. Both Pandora and Diana wondered how she could eat such crap and stay healthy, despite her magical abilities. "Well that's what I want to talk to you about Pandora, since your the only other person, besides me, that knows about Susan's ability." Pandora took Susan's advice and nibbled at one of the greasy chicken wings. "Oh? Well you know as soon as Sareena sees me I'm sure she'll want the same kind of treatment. So it will be three of us real soon now. And all our friends too! I can think of dozens right away, once they see me and I tell them." She sat the wing down and looked over at Susan. "So why won't you help Diana, Susan? It's a sure fire way to get rich!" Diana nodded at that. Susan paused her munching. "I told Diana last week, and I'll tell you the same. I'll only do the special things for people that give me pleasure." She wiped her greasy paw on a napkin. "Like you two, and Miles." Diana hadn't known thought about Miles before. "What did you do to, for, him?" Susan told them and both women had a good laugh at poor Miles' expense. Pandora looked back at Diana, "Well, tell me what kind of idea you had for this business. I'm sure I can find quite a few willing bed partners for Susan!" "So can I." Diana paused. The doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza delivery." Pandora said as she stood up. Diana got up too. "I'll go help you." Since Diana was dressed suitably for strangers she met the young man at the door and paid him for the four large pizzas. "Keep the change sugar!" Sugar nodded thanks. He hoped he had a chance to deliver pizza to the same house again someday. Before the two women returned to the kitchen Diana asked Pandora if she could have a private talk with her out on the back deck, about Susan. "Sure, I'll tell Susan I'm showing you around and we can chat." Pandora said before they entered the kitchen. After they placed Susan's pizza's on the table the two excused themselves and met out by the pool. "So what's this all about Diana?" Diana sat down at one of the glass topped tables. "I want you to keep mum about Susan to all your friends." Pandora laughed, "Why? She's a miracle worker!" Diana shook her head. "Because if word gets out and Susan has lot's of new lover friends I'll never get her to agree to go along with the business idea I had. She's motivated by sex and that's it, believe me I know!" Pandora sat down beside Diana, "Well I haven't had time to much think about anything. What was your idea?" "Well, I was going to contact a few close friends. A kind of inner circle, if you will. Women who I could count on to keep their mouths shut. Of course they would have to be willing and regular bed partners with Susan." She glanced back at the deck. "You see Susan has been living with me for four weeks now. It's almost impossible for me to keep up with her sexual appetite, she's some kind of super nympho. Since I needed help keeping her happy I was going to have this select group help me with the task." She paused. "And then I was going to call a sex strike until Susan agreed to go along with the business plan!" "Well, you know her better than I do. It might work. But then she could just go find somebody new again, and then were would you be?" "Where I am now. Young and beautiful and in the best shape I've ever been. Getting better as time goes by to! I figure I don't have much to lose at all if the plan fails. Other than a excellent business opportunity that is. Pandora, she's a gold mine. We just need to figure out how to control her!" Pandora thought for a few moments. "So, now that I know, that makes me a member of this group. One you didn't plan on and that's why you looked so upset." "Do you think we can be partners in this? You, Sareena and I?" "Hmmm, I suppose so. We'll talk to Sareena and see what she says, she's very money motivated you know. I'm sure she'll see the wisdom in your basic idea once she realizes what can be done by Susan. I'll keep my trap shut about Susan and your idea to everyone, but Sareena. But since were talking business now. You'll have to get permission from me and Sareena to bring in any other ground floor partners on this scheme of yours." "Agreed. The fewer close friends she has the better. She's only got us you know." Diana told Pandora all the history she knew about Susan. "So you see, if we can keep things real tight up front, we might find a way to get her to go along." "Well what's the rest of it? Just call up all our lesbian and bi friends to come by and hit the hay with Susan? If that's the plan there goes the close circle control idea you had right out the door!" Diana nodded. "I'm not sure what's going to happen if she agrees to go along with the basic idea. I told her I wanted to open a select body studio. A gym. We charge a small fortune to the clients and lead them along for six months to a year. They get fixed up first class and we make a good living. If I can get her to agree to the principle of helping others that aren't going to hop in the bed with her...then we will take it from there and develop the idea with her help. After all, she's the one with the magic keys." "OK, sounds like a game plan. In the meantime us three are going to get the works! Sareena will be in for a big surprise!" They chatted for a few more minutes about Susan's sexual hunger. Diana commented again on how difficult it was for her to keep up with Susan's desire to rut. Pandora giggled. "She's very good in bed." She looked concerned then. "She's so big. Is she forcing you?" "No, I just want to please her and she's always asking and is very persistent. I'm trying to pay her back for what she did I guess, however she did it. I still don't know how she does this." "You'd understand if you spent a few weeks alone with her Pandora. At least I get some rest when I go into the shop during the day. Once I get home she want's to have sex all night. I hardly have time to get a good workout in and do the other things I usually would do. Like a shower even!" She paused. Pandora thought about that for a while, "Last night she showed me her special toy! We were playing with some of my dildos and she asked me if she could show me her special 'woman pleaser' she called it! God it's huge! I could see getting tired of that if she wanted to use it on me all the time." Diana didn't grasp what Pandora was talking about. "Hmm? Oh, you mean that wonderful tongue of hers! I freaked when she stuck it out all the way that first night. Longer than most mens dicks! And she knows how to use it too." Pandora nodded. "Yes, but that's not what I was talking about. You know, that giant clit she has. Better than any strap on! After she let me climb on top and ride it I told her I wished I had one to do her with in return!" Pandora's eyes lit up. "When I got up this afternoon she showed me how to operate it!" "Operate it?" Diana laughed. "My clit has grown almost as large as hers, least when I'm all horny anyway. Almost as long as my thumb. No batteries needed!" Pandora shook her head. "No, I mean she set me up with the rest of it." She saw Diana was perplexed. "She never showed you her toy?" "I guess not. I don't know what your talking about." "This." Pandora stood up and dropped her clothes. She started kneading her left earlobe. "Drop your eyes a little lower Diana, or you'll miss the show!" Diana eyed Pandora's lush cunt and noted she had as large a clit as herself, it was quite a pretty one too. She shrieked when it slowly began to extend until it was almost 8" long. "You don't have one of these Diana? It's great! Susan said it would get bigger around as time went by. I can make it longer too. Watch!" Diana gasped in shock as the narrow 1/2 inch or so ribbon of flesh dangled further out toward Pandora's knees as she stood there rubbing her left earlobe. It finally stopped emerging when she ceased rubbing her earlobe. "Good lord, that thing must be twelve inches long at least!" Diana gasped. Pandora played with the fleshy ribbon. "Susan said it wouldn't be ready to use for a sex toy for a week or so. Eventually I'll be able to make it hard like hers is." Diana shrieked again. "She never showed me. I didn't know about it. How big is hers?" She asked fearfully. Pandora saw Diana was upset. "Look, I'll show you how easy it is to control. I just knead my right earlobe and it will retract!" Sure enough the 12" clit like flesh ribbon retracted until just the tip of a normal giant sized clit knub was exposed. "Guess I'm a little worked up." Pandora commented. She giggled. "Pretty wild huh?" "So you just rub your earlobes to make that thing go in and out?" Pandora sat down. "Yah, Susan promised me it wouldn't go pushing out unless I used the earlobes to control it. I got to rub pretty hard too, almost till it hurts, before it grows." "Well she never showed me. I don't think I'd still be around her if I knew about it. Didn't it scare you? I bet hers is huge, just like the rest of her." Pandora nodded. "Well, I wasn't to scared. Hell! I've seen lots of wild things in my day. She's just wilder than most that's all. No, I don't know why she didn't show you. Maybe it was all the dildo's. I wanted to dill her with a strap on. Maybe that was it. She knew I was into that sort of thing right away! Oh, ya. Well as to how big it gets. Let's say it's enough to fill almost any woman you can think of up to the limit. I made her stretch me out last night to the max. It was great!" "Oh my god. I don't think I could have survived every night for the past few weeks if she used that thing on me. Maybe I'll just leave her here with you for the week rather than taking her home." Pandora was about to agree wholeheartedly when Susan chimed in from the deck. "But I was going to ask Pandora to come stay with us, at least for a week or so until Sareena comes back. I want her to work out your basement gym Diana." Susan sat down on one of the larger sturdy padded plastiform chairs. Diana glanced at Susans crotch. "I'm sure Pandora has a gym here, don't you Pandora?" "Well, ya. We have a room with some weights we keep around here, and some mechanical things, Stuff like you see at Sears." Diana was about to say that sounded great and that Susan might want to stay here for the week but Susan interrupted her. "It is insufficient. I looked at the equipment, Pandora will need to work with more suitable equipment, like you have Diana." She rubbed her stuffed belly. Diana balked, "Susan, Pandora may not want to come over. I'm sure she needs to stick around here and watch the place." Pandora shook her head. "Nah, We have security around here and a top of the line burglar system. I think Susan's going to get her way Diana." She giggled. "Besides, we can help each other with that time sharing problem you mentioned." "Guess that's right, I'm just a bit frightened about whatever it is you got between your legs Susan." Susan stroked her belly, she was savoring the overstuffed feeling. "I know Diana, I heard what you were saying. I never showed you because I didn't think you would like it. Pandora, I determined, was of the mindset that would enjoy this talent of mine. So I shared it with her." Diana hoped Susan hadn't been listening to long and had eavesdropped on the plans she had been discussing. She felt a wave of horniness that matched her curiosity. "Well now that I know about it I've got to see it Susan." "OK, I'll need to digest some of this food first before I feel like pleasuring though." She turned her head up at the stars peeking out above. "I left some leftovers in the kitchen that someone could eat." She cast her eyes at Pandora and smiled at her. "You'll be able to eat high caloric foods now Pandora. Diana can tell you about that, I did the same thing for her, only she doesn't really believe me and limits herself to the same sorts of foods she used to eat." "I believe you Susan. I just don't stuff greasy crap in my mouth that's all. It's not good for you. Besides, I have a lifetime habit of eating proper food and I'm not going to break it." Diana looked over at Pandora. "She's right about one thing though. I eat like a horse when I want to and haven't put on a single ounce of fat. With the exception of these that is!" She braced her still filling out breasts and gave them a squeeze. Pandora coughed. "Why don't we all go inside now. It's so chilly out here my nipples are going to freeze." She got up and waited for the others. "I think we should spend the night here together." Susan nodded. "This would be good. We could relax here and go to Diana's home tomorrow. I can show you her gym and get you started on a basic workout routine, or we could go to one of those public gyms. That might be better as I could meet more people." Pandora shared a glance with Diana. "Em, public gyms are a pain in the neck Susan. It's much better to use a private facility like Diana's. Hey! You know what we need to do Diana? Pandora asked as they made their way into the living room. "We could move your stuff over here! There's plenty of room! That way we could all keep tabs on each other without having to fool with driving across town to your place all the time. You know, share the workload?" Diana understood what Pandora was thinking. She looked around, it was a big place, she estimated at least twice the square footage of her home. "Perhaps. Let's spend the night together then. I'll phone Angela and tell her I won't be in tomorrow. Then we can go over to my place sometime in the morning and we'll show you the gym I have in the basement. We can decide what we can do then." "Great!" Pandora chimed. "The bar's over there Diana, make yourself comfortable. I think I'll go have a bite to eat, I'm feeling hungry." She giggled on the way to the kitchen. "Think I'll try a slice or two of that pizza! It's something I love but ...." She said as she slipped away. Diana looked over at Susan. "What do you think Susan? Would it be better to live here for a while?" Susan yawned, "It would be easier for me to visit Miles on weekends. I would find this more satisfactory, yes. Though I would want a gym set up here like you have, perhaps with a greater number of heavy free weights. I have become quite attached to the stimulation your gym equipment has provided me, Diana." Diana chuckled. "Yes, I noticed you get a sexual thrill out of heavy workouts. Well, we'll see what happens. If there's a big enough room or two down here on the ground floor of this place to set up the equipment there shouldn't be a problem." Susan nodded. "I looked around, I believe with some minor alterations a suitable area can be cleared." She yawned again. "I am tired after all that work with Pandora, my body and mind need rest." "Well I would imagine so. You did far more for her in a single day than you did with me. You look like you burned up a lot of calories, judging from how much breast tissue you've lost." Susan cupped her dwindled breasts. "I will rebuild these somewhat, I pushed myself further than I did with you as an experiment." She paused. "I don't think I'll do the same again. It is to tiring." "Well you better go get some rest Susan. I don't think I've ever seen you this tired before. Come to think of it the only time I've seen you sleep is after a good round of sex. I'm sure Pandora won't mind if you go crash on her bed. I'll keep her company while your sleeping." "I'm not -that- tired Diana. I would like to pleasure first before resting. We could all keep company together. Pandora has a very large bed upstairs." Susan yawned again and rubbed her swollen belly. "I could show you my talent like you said you wanted to see." Diana was curious about that. Pandora returned with a half eaten slice of pizza. She sat down with a plop in one of the stuffed chairs. "I see everybody is staring at me." She giggled. "Was I supposed to bring a pizza? I put the rest in the fridge if you want some." Diana smiled, "None for me thanks. No, were just waiting for you. Susan feeling tired and needs to rest, but she would like us to all get together for some mutual pleasure first." Pandora giggled. Susan nodded. "It has been almost twenty four hours for me. I am very aroused and tense. I would appreciate it if you two could help me ease the tension." Pandora flicked a crumb into a nearby container. She cast a knowing look at Diana, "Well don't wait on me. Bedrooms upstairs. I'll be up in a jiffy and join you two as soon as I take care of a few things down here. Relax Diana! Make yourself at home." She giggled again and bounded off to another part of the house. Susan got up and walked over to Diana and slipped her hand down along Diana's arm and wrapped her hand around Diana's wrist. "I would rather be with you Diana, as you are much stronger than she. Shall we go?" Diana let herself be led up the staircase to a gigantic bedroom with a bed to match. She didn't have time to see much of the finery of the room as she and Susan were soon entangled together on the fine satin sheets. Susan returned Diana's full strength hugs and caress's with equal but restrained responses. By the time Pandora arrived some fifteen minutes later Diana had discovered Susan's talent and was riding Susan's monstrous clit like a jackhammer gnawing at rubble. Pandora slid in to nibble at Susan's breasts and at the direction of Susan ended up riding pony on Susan's face and thrusting tongue. Once Diana had become familiar with Susan's ram like clit she began slamming her hips into Susan's, which Susan enjoyed very much and encouraged Diana to push herself harder. Diana collapsed in exhaustion and with a slight pussy burn and hour later. She wanted to just lay on top of Susan and savor the feeling of Susan's clit stuffed in her twat. Before drifting off to sleep Diana took a look at the pulsing swollen clit stuffed into her cleft. It was as thick as her wrist and it felt like it was stuffed inside her so deeply that it was rubbing the backside of her belly button. Pandora watched the two go to sleep, Susan laying on the bed with Diana on top. She took a few candid photos of the two after she was sure they were out. She chuckled as she headed for the networked computer in her room, and uploaded the pictures to usenet. Of course she was careful none of the pictures showed Diana's or Susan's face. The net jerk offs would get some great snatch shots of Diana's cunt spread to the max by the biggest hunk of she meat in the world. Pandora chuckled again as she thought about all those teased to death and tormented horny bastards. "Let em eat cake." She said to the terminal before leaving to return to the bedroom. ////////////////////////////