Finders Keepers Part 2 By Soltan Bey Alexandra plopped down in her sofa. Back home. Finally. The walls of her small ground floor apartment in stark contrast to the wide open spaces she had left behind in Peru. But the comforts of home were so welcome she spent little time fretting about the loss. She sat in the sofa, catching up on some of the local TV news and fretting about her diet. It had gone to hell in a handbasket! She had spent the entire bus trip and flight back to L.A. eating like a pig! All high fat and protein stuff, which for some reason she craved. Anything that tasted good in other words. Food she normally avoided like the plague. She dreaded going to the bathroom to weigh herself, much less daring to look in the mirror. Surely she had put on 10 lbs or more. The fat had to be somewhere. Sure enough, when she did get around to weighing herself she was about 10 lbs heavier than normal. However, the odd thing was she couldn't see were it had all gone. The Alexandra in the mirror was the same stick girl as she was before the trip. She sighed. Almost flat as board she was. No hips. Legs too scrawny. Her butt looked downright anemic. "So now I can eat like a pig and still look like twiggy. Great. That's just great. Wait till I tell all my friends." She said sarcastically. After moping around for a while she decided she better head out for the gym tomorrow. Before the trip to Peru she had been slipping in time at the gym when she could, in an effort to put on at least a teensy amount of muscle. So far, to date, that was all she had managed. A teensy weany bit of muscle. Some of her girlfriends had convinced her to keep trying when she complained that all she was doing was generating sweat and little more. She sighed in some despair. She had to try though. If she was going to get any curves at all on this body , it would have to be with muscle. At least the FBB magazines someone had given her gave her direction, a goal. Maybe five years or more of hard work would begin to show results. By the time five years would pass she would be 27. Maybe find a man. So far she wasn't having much luck with that. Oh , she was fairly pretty, and she had boyfriends from time to time, but she didn't pull them in by yard like some of the other women. She wanted more choices. More men to pick from. She snickered, more men. Shit. She was lucky to get a dog to sniff in her direction. Oh, ya. Sure, she had a mind but that isn't what most men are interested in. Andra knew that, unlike some of the dopes she met at one of those idiot feminist meetings. They kicked her out when she told one of the speakers that men don't have sex with brains. She laughed at the memory. Hell, it made sense to her. Men think with their dicks when it comes to women. Dicks don't have a clue as to do with a brain. Women from her family new that mens eyes were firmly attached to their dicks. If their eyes liked what they saw that made their little dicks happy. If their dicks were happy, the man was happy. Otherwise all you had was a bitter useless fuck. Alexandra guffawed at the irony and found something to keep her busy. Fuck men, she thought. Andra unpacked her dirty clothes and tossed them into the hamper then almost leaped into the shower to get the first decent cleaning she had in days. Pleased she saw no flab in the wrong places she filled the tub and spent the next hour soaking the warm scented water. She drifted off to sleep and had another one of the strange dreams that had been haunting her for the past few days. The dreams were becoming more vivid and she could remember them with a bit more clarity now. It seemed she was talking, or trying to talk with someone in the dream. But they were having problems with language it seemed. Very odd. She dried off and felt the now familiar pangs of hunger so she threw some clothes on and headed out the door to grab some groceries at the local store. She ended up buying a whole damn cart full of food. 'Never shop when your hungry', she thought as she drove back home munching on some bananas. Back at the apartment she fried up, yes fried, a couple rib eye steaks, cooked up a cup of rice which she served mixed with fresh tomatoes and lots of green leaf lettuce. Shoveling the food in, enough for three of her, she finally felt satisfied. After catching up on the bills and washing her filthy camp clothes Alexandra pulled her personal lab microscope out of the closet and set it up on her combination sample and dining room table. In other words on her coffee table. Alexandra lived a simple student paupers life and had a minimum of furniture. She was eager to examine the medallion that had caused her so much trouble. Perhaps something would show up under slight magnification. Using the lowest power her lab quality scope could muster. 10x yielded some interesting observations. The disk was incredibly smooth, however it showed no signs of machine work. Which of course was to be expected, after all, since she had found this disk on an ancient, so she supposed. It would be weeks until they would get a fairly firm date on the remains though. Still marveling at the smoothness of the metallic surface she upped the magnification to 60x and could barely make out some sort of pattern in the surface. After adjusting various light polarizations and angles she was sure there was some sort of pattern visible. She upped the magnification to 120x and was stunned to see a pattern that resembled a honeycomb. So exact and perfect in alignment the patterns appeared to be etched into the surface. Impossible! Without moving the sample she upped the magnification to 250x and lets out a gasp. Definite ridges defined each honeycomb structure. In the center of each honeycomb appeared to be a dot, or a pit. This thing was not made by ancient man. Nor for that matter by modern man! It had to be manufactured. Or grown. Alexandra knew of no process that could produce the structures she was seeing. She had made the discovery of a lifetime and she LIFTED it from a grave. A grave robber. She spent the rest of the night wondering how she could explain where she found this so that others more qualified could examine it. How she could stave off public ridicule for being a thief. If the Peruvian government got wind of her actions it would probably create a international incident! She found no immediate answers and sighed. She decided to wait before springing this item on anyone else and hid the medallion in a clean sample jar that she stashed wrapped in some old socks and placed the bundle in her closet. Alexandra spent the next few weeks practically living in the gym. She mentioned to her weight trainer that she was hungry all the time but was afraid to eat so much, that she didn't want to get fat. He said she shouldn't worry as much as she was working out. Besides she was making great progress on the weight sets. In fact in the past three weeks her lifts had increased 50%. Not to mention she was doing more reps than she could manage before. He told her to eat up as apparently her body had decided to start putting on muscle and that she could do more damage by starving herself. "After all, where do you think the body's going to get energy if you don't supply it? Fat gets burned up first, then muscle does. Since your so lean what do you think is going to get burned? Hmm?" He chided her. "You know that Alexandra. So eat up, after all you did tell me you wanted to thicken your frame out!" So Alexandra started eating, then working out. Eating, then working out then eating and, you guessed it, working out again. Day after day. With each workout she began pushing herself harder and harder as she was finding her strength increasing vastly. By the end of the next month she had put on 30lbs of mean feline muscle and was feeling great. Her trainer was freaking out because it was: "Impossible for anyone to put muscle on this fucking fast", and he seemed almost jealous of her gains. Nonetheless he kept pushing her harder and harder and by the end of the next month she was up another 30lbs. In fact she had started drawing so much attention at the gym she quit going to that one and started using a gym across town. By the end of summer her weight had shot up from 120 to 180lbs. In fact she began to feel somewhat freakish. At 5'7" 180lbs of muscle made her feel kind of blocky, at least in comparison to what her body used to feel like. However when she took time to appreciate herself in the mirror at home she felt she was beautiful now. Her thighs were no longer skinny anemic looking twigs. Now they sported huge sweeping mounds of muscle, and not just show muscle. It was real! She was amazed at how strong she was now. She passed her hands over her now awesome ass. Large round globules of pure muscle. Just rubbing her glutes got her worked up. Her once smallish pert breasts had vanished into slabs of very thick pectoral muscle. Once skinny rail like arms now sported wonderful curves full of exploding muscle. She had her trainer measure her the other day just for grins and when she flexed her biceps she measured a rock hard and solid 18". Her abdominals were so taunt and massive! Her trainer had told her to consider slacking off on working her abs so much. But she loved the way her midsection looked now. She didn't care if it was getting a little 'gutsy', or power gutted as some called it. She had some seriously sexy curves now! She thought her strong looking midsection looked sexy. Just looking at herself made her feel aroused as she ran her hands across her sweeping thighs. She didn't know what had happend, why her body decided to come out and finally play pool, but she wasn't complaining. She was ecstatic. She reveled in the sensation that resulted as she ran her fingers across the newly forming body she now sported. Overall she was very happy with her new look. Except for her breasts. She wondered if they fill back out a bit if she let down on the exercise. The muscle was nice, but she missed having breasts, though what she had to start with hadn't been much anyways. But the sensation of having thick high rising powerful pectorals offset that loss somewhat. One thing she wasn't missing was her dreams. There wasn't a single night that went by without at least one of the strange dreams, they seemed to go on for hours. During the past few weeks she could remember them through the day. In each dream she was seated and conversing with a cloud or a bank of fog. Often she would relate past experiences to the fog or perhaps some practical discussion about geology and other things. Other times she would just seem to be chatting with the fog. However when the fog, or cloud , whatever it was, would speak to her it was indistinct. She would sit and listen to the fog and ponder what it was saying. Occasionally she would see images flash in the fog. In fact, last nights dream had been full of images. She remembered in her dream exclaiming "Oh, image-word association!" She then would rattle off a word or phrase to each image. It seemed thousands had flashed by. She decided to lay off the gym for a while. At the rate she was putting on muscle things could quickly get out of hand. Though she would miss wrestling with the weights. Her new strength was something she could live with. Yesterday she had benched 375 lbs and caused a small riot in the gym as a result. Something she enjoyed was the attention. Perhaps she could just concentrate on smaller weights and shaping exercises. Maybe stop stuffing her face. Perhaps then she wouldn't put on so much mass. She resolved to make a drastic change in her exercise routine during the school months ahead as she prepared for bed and fell asleep. ........................... The Nodes would make deeper contact with the Host tonight, as the Host entered the near trance like state it referred to as REM sleep. The master Nodes had made conceptual breakthrough in the past few sleep periods with the host mind. The Nodes had to learn how to communicate from scratch with this new alien intelligence. The last human host had never learned to communicate with them at all. However this one appeared to be far more intelligent and it had a far more advanced language to work with. The being had been under a great deal of physical stress lately and the nodes directed the subunits to compensate the beings physical nature to deal with the stress in a much more efficient manner. Their programming allowed for enhancement of existing physical structures and process'. It was observed the body was attempting to build larger muscle fibers and increase bone density and girth so these processes were enhanced and supplemented by specialized subunits. Damage the body had incurred during the high stress episodes was repaired far faster than would occur naturally. Repeated damage at joint sites was noted and these locations were buffered. The Node AI was capable of learning quickly and could make design changes when it found a suitable answer. If a design appeared to be in error the AI would use this data to construct a new solution. Some solutions that would have been optimal had to be discarded as they required source materials not present in the host. Many materials could be fabricated from base atomic structures by specialized subunits for use by other assembler subunits, however toxins dangerous to the host would be created during the creation of these materials. That and the high cost in energy consumption precluded many material design advantages. So the Nodes were limited by what was available and used less than optimal corrections. The central AI nodes hoped to establish rapport with the being as it entered rest mode. It would be good to commune with a sentient again. ................... Alexandra woke in a cold sweat. The clock read 4am as she sat up in the bed to consider the dream. Or was it a nightmare? In the dreams the cloud had again flashed images to which she would reply. The images stopped and she remembered conjuring up her own images that would display on the cloud. Some of the images she conjured were indistinct, others were sharp and clear as photos, complete with odors and sensation. As she began projecting more and more images on the cloud with greater rapidity the cloud began to speak. It was a reverse of the association game she had played earlier. What woke her was when the cloud asked her to stop. It had said, "That is enough. We have contact. You are the host. We are the *." Clear as a bell the words had formed. Not just words but a -presence-. Shaken by this she arose to get a drink of water. Not wanting to lay back down she sat on her sofa and tried to watch some old movie playing on Encore. Thirty minutes later she had fallen asleep and at some point began to dream again. "You are the Host, we are the *." "The * what?" "The *. We exist within you." "Explain *, this makes no sense." The * complied with its host, as it was communing in the way of a intelligent being, and its programming required it to comply. So it explained what it was to the host so that the host could understand. "What your describing is NanoTechnolgy!," said the host. "Your NanoBots." The * had to ask the Host to describe this NanoTechnology as the AI was still learning to commune with the being, its database of its hosts language and meanings only partial at this stage. "The * agree that is a fair rudimentary description of our being." "What are you doing inside of me? Where did you come from?" "The * arrived in your being 76 of your sleep cycles ago. We were dormant for a period of time that would be difficult to calculate. We can not specify were we came from with precision. We initially were designed to supplement a host that arrived on this planet for data collection. However the host was destroyed and we were stranded. Subsequent human hosts have allowed us to survive. As to what we are doing inside you. We are supplementing your needs as required. Purpose: to insure our survival. Lately you have been undergoing a great deal of physical stress. We have increased your natural processes and supplemented to correct for this stress." "Your the reason I have been putting on so much muscle mass lately? You?" "If we understand. Yes. Your system responses to such stress have been increased." Alexandra lost contact as the phone rang and caused her to wake. It was 7am and she let the stupid phone ring letting the answering machine do its thing. The voice on the phone was Nancy who went on to scold Andra for not calling and reminding her it was admissions day at the college. "Shit. How the hell can I keep it together, talking to myself, now in my dreams. Wonderful." Alexandra took a quick shower and threw some clothes on that showed a bit to much thigh, but what the heck. She had ended up shopping at a exclusive shop and could only afford a couple nice outfits. Both were tube type skirts. Pullover affairs that were form hugging. She looked dejectedly at her flat top and decided to wear a sheer bra and stuffed it with some falsies. "That's better," she commented. At the admissions she saw some old friends but none seemed to recognize her as she stood in line. Though she did get some obvious stares coming her way. The swath of thigh she was showing off too hard to pass up. Alexandra was content to not seek out past acquaintances as she wasn't sure how they would react to her new look. Trying to explain would be impossible, after all, no one put on 60 pounds of muscle in just 3 months!. While she dawdled in line she had time to contemplate her last dream. It seemed so real, but of course it was just a dream. But the more she thought about it the more it made sense. Impossible as it was. Nothing else could explain how she shot from a 120lb weakling to a 180lb powerful muscle goddess in such a short time. She wanted to run back home and 'commune' with * again but she was the next one in line. Just a few forms and she could get out of here and run home. She was walking quickly from admissions when a voice she recognized rang out. "Alexandra! my god is that you?" She turned and smiled at Steven Horns amazed gape. He didn't seem to know where to look. Finally his eyes locked with hers. "One in the same Steven, how was your vacation?" Steven looked at her wide eyed. "My vacation? Forget mine, what happened during yours? My god your so much ...much..bigger!" He waved his hands. "Your looking great Alexandra. Some sort of Miracle Gro?" She could see he was quite impressed as he couldn't hide his attraction as his eyes roved up and down her frame. "Now Steve," she chided. "You know I've been spending time in the gym. I just spent a lot , a whole lot, of time in the gym while I was away. That's all!" "Well cheesus! I hope you tell me the name of that gym. And don't stop going. Keep it up. Wow! Well I got to go get signed up. Er, Mind if I give you a call sometime?" "Course not Steve. You got my number. I was wondering why you didn't call after I got back from Peru." Probably cause he to busy for skinny formless sticks, she thought to herself, smugly. Now that she was hot stuff he wanted to call, so typical. "Oh, I was offshore until last week. Was doing offshore biology. The boat was out for 2 months!" She felt a bit guilty now. He -was- a good looker and she hadn't bedded anyone since before the trip to Peru,... "Well then if you don't call me I'll call you. Go get signed up and I'll see you around. Bye." "Sure thing." As she walked away she heard appreciative "Wow. Wow. Wow" Each "Wow" timed with each of her steps. Ya, here glutes were pretty awesome and the dress did leave little to the imagination. Of all the men at the college Steven had been one of the few that bothered with her. At least he talked to her like she was a person and she appreciated that, though he had never indicated interest in her in a sexual way. As she walked to her car she noticed a lot more open stares coming her way than in the past. "Pigs. Shit men are such pigs," she thought. She was feeling a bit vengeful all the sudden. 22 years of being practically ignored and now she was drawing looks like a magnet draws metal dust. She wasn't sure if she should be happy or angry and spiteful. Back at the apartment she slipped out of her clothes and tried to go back to sleep but had no luck. Well, if she couldn't sleep she would try meditation. It had been over a year since she had left that meditation group she had hanged out with for a while. Perhaps the techniques she had learned back then would work. She settled down into a Yoga state of mind. Clearing her thoughts and began to drift. Pulling deep into her subconscious she entered the state that was close to mimicking REM sleep. Bingo. Contact. "We are the *, you are the host". "No, you are the Nan. We will call you Nan from now on." "We are the Nan. How may we serve?" "You told me you caused my body to respond to stress in a improved manner. This is so. Can you cause my body to respond to my desire or instruction?" "Desire? Please clarify.?" "Changes in form based on visualized need, not based on stress's to the form. Structural change. Perhaps Functional change." She waited. "Yes. However the visualization must be detailed, complete. Your current mental process's do not allow for sufficient visualization of form." "Can you see what I see when I am in non REM?" she asked. "Yes, we now have full contact." "I see, then you can hear my thoughts and words when I am in non REM?" "Words yes. Thoughts no. In REM we hear thoughts, we commune." Alexandra left her trance and stood up. She had heard enough, for the time being. She decided to conduct an experiment. She threw on some jogging sweats and grabbed her credit card. Jogging down to the local 7/Eleven she looked for the magazines she was hoping to find. Gleefully she found a fresh shipment had arrived and walked out of the store some $35 billed to her card. The clerk seemed to smirk as she headed out the door with a copy of this months and last months Score, Jugs, and Hooters magazines. Back at her apartment she paged through the magazines looking for the model she wanted. She always had hated women with big breasts and these rags were full of them. She paused when she found the perfect model. The woman was beautiful and had the most wondrous breasts. Pandora Peaks. But she was afraid to try for such a quantum leap. She continued to look and found a woman that was much smaller than Pandora but had wonderfully full pert D cup size breasts. "Nan, I want breasts as big as hers. Shaped like hers. High and Firm. Make my breasts grow. There, that out to be good enough visualization for you Nan. Do it." Shit, she thought. Why not go for broke. "Nan, notice this womans form. See the wide hips. Notice the comparatively small waist." She used a pencil point to point at the various anatomical details. She found other models that fit the seductive profile and pointed them out to Nan as well. She then stood before the mirror and looked at her form. "Nan, notice my hips" She pointed. "Notice my Waist." She pointed. "Cause my hips to broaden as was visualized in the photos I pointed to. Correct any angle problems that arise in the knee and ankle joints due to this broadening. She looked at her shoulder length hair. "Nan, increase rate of growth of hair on my scalp", She pointed. Increase rate of growth by %500 and color the new hair blonde, like the model I showed you in the magazine." She looked at her legs. "Nan, cause the hair on my legs, from hip to ankle to fall out and not grow back, unless I ask otherwise. Do the same for the hair follicles in my armpits." There, that should do it! Plenty of experimental material to work with there! She decided she better commune with Nan to see if her commands made sense. She entered the yoga like trance, commune mode, she would call it from now on. "We are the Nan, you are the Host." "Nan, was that form of visualization sufficient in detail?" "It is acceptable, however it is still imprecise. Nan will require feedback as changes occur. The Nan recommend you enter commune with us often." "Any other recommendations? Need I increase food intake?" "The changes in the breast tissues will require increased amounts of energy intake. Some energy will be needed for the other changes as well. If sufficient energy can not be located the Nan can cease the changes or consume needed resources from current body mass." "Do not consume any of current body mass for current stated changes. I will consume sufficient foods. If possible, cause me to hunger for needed foods to complete changes in minimal time." "Host, you are already hungry." She left the trance and felt her hunger. Boy was she hungry! Stepping to the fridge she started sampling foods and found anything of high fat and sugar content quite satisfying. She cleaned out the fridge and felt a gnawing hunger for meat. Beef in particular. Not wanting to cook she hopped into her car and buzzed down to the local Bases Burger joint. They made great hamburgers there. 1/4 lb of burger meat on a full sized bun. Real honest to God green leaf lettuce, tomato and onion. Pickles to boot!. In other words, a burger totally unlike the crap served at McDonalds, those idiots didn't know a hamburger from a hole in the ground! To boot Bases served these wonder burgers for a dollar each. In cheeseburger form they ran a mere 1.25$ each. Alexandra ordered 10 cheeseburgers and drove down to the local park. She sat there in the car slowly munching on the burgers whenever she felt a twinge of hunger. Bored and still 5 burgers to go she drove down to the city library and quickly checked out all the books the library would let her take on the subjects of Anatomy, biotechnology, biochemistry and a wide variety of related subject material. She found so many books she needed two sacks to carry them away. While crusing back to the apartment she stopped at the Kroger and loaded up a grocery cart with high fat, high protein foods, in other words all the stuff that tasted good, real good! No more rice cakes for this gal. On impulse she bought extra multivitamin and mineral supplements, heavy on the calcium. In case she needed roughage she loaded up on greens and a hefty bag of oranges for something sweet and juicy. Loaded for bear she carried all the groceries and books into the apartment. Having not eaten in an hour or so she was beginning to feel somewhat hungry so she finished off another of the burgers and popped several multivitamins and calcium in with the mix. Then she began to study the human anatomy and physiology texts. As she read and studied the pictures she felt warmth in her breasts. She rubbed them with her hands and it seemed almost like there was a bit of new breast flesh there! Hard to tell though as what she had was stretched across all that spectacular pectoral muscle. For grins she flexed her chest and admired how her pecs jumped out, fully flexed they seemed to rise a good solid 2 inches or more above her ribcage! She forced herself to stop this self admiration, as it made her horny and she didn't want to end up feeling rutty for the rest of the day. She munched on some French bread that she had dunked in corn oil laced with garlic and found it most tasty and satisfying. She trances quickly to commune with Nan. "How are we doing?" she asked. "Do you refer to the changes?" "Yes, of course. Is everything OK? Is the food sufficient? Should I take more of the vitamins and minerals?" "Most of the nutriments supplied by the vitamins we generate, however it is helpful, as well the minerals. Take as many as you wish. Excess can be stored. Carbon would be useful." "Carbon, just plain old carbon? Like coal or something?" "Carbon is a building block of many materials, we convert it quickly to the forms needed." She untranced and rummaged around in her closet. Sure enough she still had some of her old aquarium supplies. Opening the box of aquarium filter carbon she wondered how to eat something like this. Hmm. She would have to powder it in a blender as best she could and mix it with oil and lots of sugar. Wonderful! When she was finished she had a thick ugly black mass of oily goo in the blender. Yuck. 'What the hell', she thought. She braced herself and began to gulp the mixture down. It wasn't as bad as she feared, though she decided next time to figure out a better recipe. Maybe she could bake a rich chocolate cake with a tad of finely powdered carbon. She was up till midnight reading and eating frequent snacks. The heat in her breasts had increased somewhat during the night. By the time she fell asleep she had developed breasts almost large enough to justify wearing a bra! She was ecstatic. .......................................... During the next week she stopped by the college bookstore to buy the books she would have to have for her courses and she combed the University library for more books on anatomy and biology sciences. She had spent the time virtually nonstop studying the books she had checked out. She also tried some other experiments. When she looked in the mirror several times a day she didn't recognize the women looking back at her. The DD breasts she was sporting improved her figure immensely. Her hips had broadened nicely, so nicely she considered asking Nan to broaden them further. She felt so incredibly sexy! But she decided to stop as school could become difficult if she changed too much. And she would have to report to classes within a couple weeks. By then her new glorious blonde mane would be long enough to cut back on its rate of growth and she could trim off the rest of her old hair, which she had tried to dye so it would match the new blonde root hair. During her anatomy studies she saw certain tissues that could be improved and modified further to be used for internal breast straps. Her breasts would never sag. Ever. The fat she had converted to a very dense form of 'brown' fat. She squeezed her breasts and reveled at how firm they were. During her study of nervous systems she hit upon an idea that the Nan said could be done with some safety. Soon her nervous system would be many times more efficient than human norm, it would fire pulses far more rapidly and with much greater stamina. Weeks passed as she attended college as she concentrated on further changes and improvements. Gleaning more and more knowledge from the books she picked up everywhere. Her breasts she had enlarged further and modified to serve as handy Nan storage areas. Billions upon Billions of the tiny Nans could be stored for usage. She increased the number of capillary tissues so if her body needed access to fat reserves the fats could be distributed as needed. Any excess fat she put on she stored in her wonderful new breasts! Though to avoid to much trouble at school she decided to take it easy on the really fatty and sweet foods. No need to get too busty. One night she instructed Nan to increase synaptic speed within her brain stem and the result caused her world perception to light up as if a nova had burst upon once darkened space. As this change began to take effect, her learning rate increased by a prodigious amount. Her memory was now eidetic. If she read it or heard it, she could remember it. Her college work was becoming somewhat tedious as she had read all the texts and coursework. She had already written her thesis work, not a great work but good enough to get her degree. Which at this point seemed not to interest her much. She spent far more time studying and reading all she could about the human bio sciences. She wanted to make further changes now that her confidence was growing. More drastic than the ones to date. Practically living in the college libraries now, she absorbed all that could be found on human physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, and any other science material she could find. Of particular interest was the new field of micro machines, tiny machines that could be etched out of pure silicon. The next semester she signed up for courses in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Basically for purposes of accessing laboratories. The course work she was advancing on far more rapidly working at her own rate. Which was now prodigious. If the library had the materials on a subject she read and scanned each volume. Rarely attending class, except for tests and exams, she spent most of her time in the labs. As she learned. So did the Nan. In their communes with one another they could now communicate with great precision now that their technical language was of a common nature. Alexandra was even beginning to understand the basics of how the Nan worked as she learned more of its native language. Though she didn't realize it yet she was becoming one with the Nan. Steven was becoming a problem for her. She and he had been seeing one another for night time liaisons for months now. He called her constantly, attention she much enjoyed, not to mention the great sex. Her increased libido had made her ravenous during encounters with him. To her delight she found him a excellent sex partner, he didn't mind her taking the lead during sex as she used her superior strength and stamina, using his whole body as a sex toy when he began to weaken after hours of intense body contact. Monogamous by nature, she fended off attentions of other men. She had many suiters now. To many in fact. Her phone was ringing so often she found it distracting as she studied in her spare time. Steven was hooked on her he found it impossible to stay away. Like a moth circling a flame. The problem for her however, was she wanted to make some drastic changes to her external appearance in the near future. She would have to fall from his radar screen, not only his but many of her other friends and aquaintences, the campus was almost buzzing with talk of her 'minor' body changes to date. Girl freinds all wanted to know what the secret was, it was beginning to wear on her. There was no way she could explain what had happened. As much as she liked Steven it was really only a relationship based on sex, for the most part. She knew at heart the reason he was so attentive now was because of the thrills her new body could provide. Dropping him wouldn't be that hard she supposed, though she would miss him. She snickered at that last thought, truely she would miss him for she was using him as much as vice versa. Sex had never much entered her mind before but nowadays it was on her mind more often. She supposed it had to do with the increased feedback that her modified nervous system was providing. That and perhaps the tinkering she was doing with her hormonal system. All experimental of course. Small changes that she observed with the help of the Nan. Perhaps the increased testosterone levels were also behind the increased desire for sex. With the help of the Nan she had managed to offset the unwanted side effects of higher male hormones in her system. She decided perhaps she could decrease the levels, but she enjoyed the effects on her mental state, increased aggression and libedo had their benifits. She felt a confidence that she had never had before, one that matched her bodys new strength. No, in the end, she decided not to get carried away and rob herself of this effect. She considered moving and transfer to another university. Her grades were plenty high enough to get access to Berkeley. Besides, they had better labs, and she needed to concentrate on all the ideas she had floating around in her head. She decided to make her move. ........................................................................ She moved across town to an expensive district near Berkeley. The new phone number was unlisted and she had her mail forwarded not to her new apartment but to a commercial mail drop box that she rented. Alexandra soon found herself running low on funds. Her inheritance from her deceased parents nearly exhausted she would have to find work. She wanted high income and few hours and after some thought she knew just the ticket. She decided to enter the world of erotic entertainment at a well heeled strip club. But first she needed to do some prep work. Communing with Nan she began a process that would take several months to complete. By the end of that period she was a killer 6'2" bombshell blonde. Not as vascular as before as she had smoothed her massive muscles in some areas with just a perfect layer of fat. Reduced mass slightly in other areas, but not so much that it impacted her strength much. On her last trip to a gym, late at night, she had benched 500 pounds with surprising ease and did 1000lb squats. She only did a few when no one was looking and hurriedly left. Not wanting to attract undue attention at this stage. She made somewhat drastic modifications to her facial structure and stopped when she was satisfied with the result. Her face was so beautiful now it was enough to make men and women alike to gaze in wonder. However most women would silently weep inside with thoughts of jealousy. She took private dancing lessons from a woman that taught erotic dancing, among other things and decided to adopt a stage name, from now on Alexandra would be known as Andra. The woman that gave her the lessons laughed in agreement as the name fit. Andra was a potent mix of extreme feminine sexuality and obvious masculine like male power. Not too much muscle but just enough to set her far far apart from 99.99 percent of any other woman on Earth, past or present. Her new job as striper at a select club was raking in income at more than satisfactory levels. She learned from observation of the other high priced women what kind of moves to make while on stage. A 6,2" tit queen with the kind of extra hard and tastefully massive bod she had caused clientele to soar at the club. Weeks passed and her confidence grew as she reveled in the attention she was garnering. Sure, there were some hecklers that found her body a bit too much for their limited imaginations, but she ignored them as most of the men were obviously stunned by her physical appearance. It was not long before she was receiving offers from exclusive call girl organizations. When she found out how much money rich men were willing to pay for the privilege of having sex with a woman such as she, she was tempted to try. 5,000 and $10,000 a night! It was too hard to resist the temptation. That, along with the $2,000 per week she was racking in at the clubs she worked, would mean she could generate the sums of money she wanted rather quickly. After some thought, she considered the risks of engaging in this activity and decided she could well afford any possible health risks as Nan informed her it was capable of dealing with virtually any of the pathogens she might encounter. As for possible physical danger from a male client that got to rough or had queer ideas, surely she could correct that situation in a heartbeat. At 6 feet 2 inches she weighed 240 pounds and was stronger than most men by far, so she reckoned. Course 25 pounds of that was fab breast meat! She became famous for her bedroom skills and soon would only service the very rich, willing to pay absurd amounts of money for something she had done for 'free' in the past! Besides she enjoyed fucking men blind, leaving them gasping for air while she pummeled them with her tits and slam fucked them until their groins and little cocks were practically black and blue. She perhaps got somewhat carried away at times, as she had yet to taper the testosterone levels that had caused her momentary consideration months ago. Her libedo was more than a match for any male she ran across. As time went by she continued to experiment on herself with the aid of the Nan, she even began to tinker somewhat with entirely new structures. Her crowning achievement to date garnered her yet more fame within the community she was feeding on. Her heavily modified cunt was becoming legendary. "The Amazon with the Grasping Cunt' some of the clients called her. Andra was enjoying her new life so much she almost forgot to sign up for the next season at Berkeley. Catching the sign up just in time, she signed up for all the courses she could that would get her into as many laboratories as she qualified for. Course work was of little problem as she absorbed written material like a machine. She did have a problem though with the lectures as she often missed them and her grades began to slip a bit as a result. The solution was to hire some students to tape the lectures so that could listen to them later, at increased playback speed, of course. To normal ears the playback sounded like so much squeaking, but to her ears and enhanced mind the squeaking was processed as normal speech. A one hour tape played back at such a rate she finished it in 15 minutes. To date she had accumulated 250,000$, 6 months worth of work strip dancing and working select rich clientel via a discreet 'escort' agency. During that time Nan had been kept busy finding new diseases to squash in her body as many of the sports stars that were among her clientele had some nasty diseases. Of course the risk of pregnancy was no problem and it was dealt with in an efficient manner. Her egg production was simply ceased. The eggs in her ova would be viable for as long as she breathed. No need to waste them spitting out one each month. She considered investing her nest egg in the market, but the return would be to slow, and Andra, as she now referred to herself, was impatient. During her lab work she succeeded in a means that would allow her symbiosis with Nan to embark on a project that she had been thinking about for many months. One that would garner her the power and wealth she craved. It also began to dawn on her the had the power to do miraculous things for other people, given the time, there was no telling what she could do ultimately. She quit attending classes having garnered what she wanted in her lab experiments. $500,000 in liquid funds from a years worth of high class hooking and dancing was sufficient to get her started in a the new venture. She leased a recently vacated doctors office. It was a perfect site for her targeted clientele. A modern one story brick building situated on a well kept lot with greenery and shrubbery. It was not a large building. Not much larger than an old style ranch house. With minor redecorating it was perfect. Andra could run her business from this building and live here as well, something she would have to do for security reasons anyway. Before she could begin she had a construction crew come in and wall over one of the hallway doors to one of the rooms that had been used for seeing patients by the previous tenant. She had them install a steel door in her office that would be the new entrance to this room. This room would eventually house the miniature vats, nothing more than big pyrex beakers, supplying nutriment containers, connecting tubes, and associated pumps. She then had installed filtration equipment that would insure clean air for the room and her adjacent office. The other few rooms she had converted to living space for herself and one patient-client, operations room. A shower and complete bath had to be installed as well. The kitchen would be minimal and consisted of nothing more than a microwave/convection oven a range and a large refrigerator. She was almost ready. All she needed now was to get the vats ready and try to lure some clients in. The former was easy. The latter could be difficult as she had no reputation nor official credentials, not for the type of venture she was about to embark on anyway. She had tranced with Nan a few days ago and was ready to give 'birth' to the clumps of Nodes that would be placed in the beaker vats. She placed a sterile glass pan on the floor and squatted above the pan. Gently she eased 4 tennis ball sized masses through her muscular vagina and into the pan. Each grayish/pink mass she gently placed in a beaker. Each beaker simply labeled 1 through 4 contained a nutriment bath that was being fed by the nutrient tanks. Checking to see the temperature control was functioning properly she watched as the clumps settled in their baths and saw the tendrils sprout from each ball like clump. Satisfied she inserted a finger into each beaker and communed with each clump. All was in order, she could now try to solicit her first few clients. During her work as a stripper she had made many new admiring and some quite jealous female friends. It had been a couple of months since she had seen most of them and she had done so on purpose. During her time away she had allowed her F size cups to swell to HHH proportions. Proud and immense, the tiresome yet accurate expression, 'big as basketballs' came to mind, they rode high on her wide chest and underlying massive musculature. On her now 6 foot 5 inch frame they were just right. Wearing one of her best custom made tube skirts she called several of the girls up and told them she would like to meet them at her new office, that she had a proposal she would like to make to them. A proposal that would increase their personal happiness, wealth and fame. All said they were interested and one by one dropped by to visit. Each of the women were specially selected by Andra, as they all were of above average bust size and not enhanced by surgical means but not as abundant as they would like as Andra knew that from previous conversations. As she expected they all were shocked at Andra's yet more impressive top heavy physique. She had been a shocking sight before and was even more so now. They wanted to know what surgeon had done such a beautiful job on her, and how she had healed so damn quickly. No signs of unsightly scar tissue nor even a hint of what had to be huge implants. They were also shocked at her sudden gain of 3" in height. None believed her when she told them no surgery was done. That she had grown them by a process she controlled. They wanted to believe but found it too difficult to swallow. That's when Andra made her proposal. "You don't believe me, but here's the deal. I can induce a process that will increase your bust size to the limit you want. I can shape your bust in the manner you want. High or low. Tear or melon shaped." She grabbed her breasts. "As you can see no need to wear a bra, at least not for lift reasons. Normally I would charge $20,000 for the treatment course. And I would offer double money back guarantee. If not satisfied for any reason. The only catch to the guarantee is that your breasts would be returned to their original state. "Now since I have no bona fides, other than my own personal example, I propose to offer you first few women the treatment for free. All I ask is that once complete to your satisfaction, you spread the word. If your really really satisfied I would appreciate payment, however I will never ask you ladies for such." "If you agree to the treatment you must visit the office daily so I can monitor its progress. During each visit you will be given a capsule that you must dissolve in your mouth. When you feel hungry, eat. If you do not eat during the treatment change will be slower and may not occur at all. As a bonus to the treatment fat from problem areas can be, shall we say, consumed and used to better purposes....," She would smile and continue. "Once the treatment is complete your breasts will retain their size and shape indefinitely. If any shrinkage should occur merely contact me for a visit as I would want to be aware of unexpected reductions." "What do you say? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!" Two of the women refused saying it sounded like a sham, however one woman, Brenda, agreed saying she trusted Alexandra and wanted to start right away. "Brenda, come into my office and lets take a few pictures of you. Then we will talk and see what it is you want." The pictures taken Andra sat the women down and asked her to describe what she wanted while she presented reams and reams of chest shots of a huge variety of breast types. "Point out what you feel would look attractive on you Brenda. Each photo is numbered, call out the photo number as well." Brenda tended toward the DD melon type with large nipples but seemed unsure. Andra helped her out, "Look, we can always change you later on, lets see how you look in a week. Yes a week, that's if you eat like you should during the treatment. I'll provide the recommended dietary balance. If you follow it you'll have no problems." With that she excused herself and told Brenda to wait while she collected the preparation. The Vat one had several of the 'pills' floating along side of it and Andra collected one. They resembled very large vitamin Gel caps. However the skins were designed to melt in the human mouth and release the tiny miracle workers that would permeate the host body. But before the client took the pill Andra would have to pass instructions to the nodes within the pill via Nan. A special receptor/transmitter at the end of Andra's index finger matched with a similar receptor/transmitter on each of the capsules. She communed with Nan who then codified the requirements and passed them to the simpler Node in the capsules. Once they had their instruction set they were ready. The process only took seconds as Andra had visualized the clients current state and the expected end state. Each capsule held one master generation that would multiply rapidly in the client host and begin work. However unlike Andra's Nan, the Nodes used in the client would self destruct after 36 hours and its prior generations would follow. If the client returned within 24 to 33 hours for a second treatment and new pill the subsequent generation would continue work, as amended by the next pill. Amended instructions if needed. In this manner each dose would increase the total Bot count in the client host, thereby increasing the rate of change. "Here's your pill, no don't swallow. Allow it to dissolve." She gave Brenda a recommended list of food types and instructions to call at anytime, day or night. "Be sure to be back here within 33 hours Brenda." She watched her first client drive away. Already the bots would be coating themselves with proteins that would fool the client hosts natural defenses into not responding in a nasty fashion. At least that was the theory. It should work on humans, according to her tests on lab rats and other animals. She wanted to leave the office and perhaps find a man to entertain her for the night but decided to hang around the small lab in her office and conduct further experiments on some rats she kept there for that purpose. Besides she needed to stick around in case Brenda had some sort of problem. Sure enough about 8 hours later Brenda called saying she felt weak and tired, and that she had to work tonight. "Have you been eating as instructed?" Andra asked. "As I thought. You MUST eat Brenda. As much as you want. More than you want then. Look, just eat and call me back after you've eaten a hearty meal OK?" Brenda called back to report she was feeling tons better and would stick with the program, "See you tomorrow Alexandra.' Brenda's shift was 6pm to 11pm and she was happy to get home that night as she was beginning to cause the manager to freak out as she would dance then head for the kitchen and pig out. Now safely at home she could feel that her breasts were warm to the touch. She was frightened that it might be a infection or something and called Alexandra. "Nothing to be worried about. It's normal and should not be uncomfortable or cause pain. The warmth will go away after your treatment course." Brenda hadn't seen any growth just yet. She snickered. "I'm being silly. Breasts don't just start growing!" Nonetheless she ate a big meal and crashed for the night. The next day Brenda was ravenous, eating almost nonstop. She stopped by Alexandra's office and took her next pill. Andra took a few photos of her and said things were proceeding well. She cautioned Brenda not to slack off on food intake. "Now the process will increase rapidly. You may find it difficult to work tonight. You'll probably be needing to eat every hour. I suggest very high fat content foods. I know it sounds bad but it will work." Brenda did go to work that night, she needed the money. At best she pulled in 600 a week, not much in this town. True to Andra's word she was going nuts looking for food. She noticed her tits were too big to fit comfortably in her bikini top now. The top she would normally wear while serving drinks to the customers as the other girls would dance. She was practically overflowing her bra top! As the hours progressed they swelled further. She went from a pert BB cup to a healthy C in a day. The club manager took notice of her that day as it dawned on him that Brenda was sticking a hell of a lot more creamy tit out the top of her bikini top. Not only that but her belly had firmed up dramatically. "What's going on with you Brenda? Your looking a lot more healthy than usual." "I'm on Alexandra's treatment. If things go as planned I bet you give me a raise next week." He laughed at that. "Sure Brenda. Sure. How much you want to bet?" He joked. But Brenda answered seriously. "Em, I'll get back to you on that tomorrow." She walked off to do her next dance. As she danced the manager swore quietly to himself. She -was- bigger upstairs than the other day. No doubt. "Shit she's looking firm." He commented as she gyrated with the dance pole. Brenda's shift finished and she drove home as fast as she could after stopping off at the grocery store. Admiring herself in the mirror there was no doubt what so ever her breasts were rapidly swelling. They seemed bigger hour by hour. She set her alarm clock to wake her up every couple hours so she could eat then rested again. When Brenda came in that afternoon Andra new she was looking at one happy woman. "Andra, your a miracle worker! I'm growing like a weed! Look at these!" Andra was impressed. "Believe it or not your almost to completion." In fact Brenda had grown faster than Andra had anticipated. She noted that future clients treatments would have to be modified so as not to induce such rapid growth. "Really? I can't wear my bras anymore. I think I'm a D cup now. God these feel great" She squeezed herself. "I want them bigger Andra. Please?" Andra chuckled. "OK, lets look at some more photos and tell me what you want." Brenda picked out EE, which would look awesome on her small frame. "I've lost a good bit of fat in my thighs and hips and arms. You don't suppose you could fix that do you? I look kinda skinny now.. I mean ...When I look at you I see muscle. I want more muscle too." Andra had not been ready for that. She meant to just open a tit job shop for starters. She considered the options. "Well since you were the only one of the ladies to trust me...OK. But the program for that will be different. You must do -exactly- as I say." Brenda was elated. "How long will it take?" "Well that will depend on how much muscle mass you want to put on. Look, it will mean daily trips to a gym. You'll be tired at the end of each session. However as time progress's it will be easier. To do this properly will require precise discipline. If you do too many of the wrong exercises you'll end up looking like a brick of muscle and not the sexy strong look you want. I better direct your exercises personally." She frowned. "Unfortunately I don't have gym equipment here. " "Lets get started on your next dose for your breasts. I'll set up an appointment at a gym at your convenience and we can meet there for your first session." "Lets get started tonight! I'll call in for emergency vacation time." Brenda was in a said in a rush. That night she showed Brenda what exercises to use at the gym and tried to keep her pushing the strain level up during each set. Stopping every 30 minutes so Brenda could drink a special nutritious cocktail Andra had cooked up. After a few hours they broke off and headed home. The next afternoon Brenda came by for her next treatment and was surprised to see a large moving van and some men coming out of the office. She panicked and ran in thinking Andra was leaving the area. But to her relief she saw the men were moving in -lots- of expensive looking exercise equipment and tons of freeweights! "My God Andra, where are you going to put all this stuff? This place will be packed with gear!" "I've had to move all my stuff to my office. I'm converting all the other rooms for gym use. Only my office and lab will be unused. I figured other women will want similar treatment. So I went ahead and spent a few bucks on gear. I'll make the money back soon enough. Assuming I get some paying clients coming in!" "Come on , lets get your next treatment going. Come back this evening and help me get the rest of this equipment set up and we can start testing it!" "Andra, soon as I leave I'm looking up those other two. Shelly and Tira. Soon as they see me I bet they come running!" Andra realized she would need some help soon. Perhaps she would train Brenda as an assistant. "Brenda, I'll be needing some help, perhaps you'd like a part time day job to supplement your club act? I can't promise good pay for starters. This investment in equipment has taken a rather large bite from my finances. But eventually I expect to be quite profitable." Brenda laughed. "Oh, I have NO doubt of that. Let's get started now!. I'm hired!" She gave Brenda her next treatment noting with satisfaction Brendas breast growth had slowed to a level Andra felt was safe for her purposes. She waved as Brenda sped off to locate the two non-believers. The three grunts were still moving equipment in and seemed to be taking forever as they struggled. As they disappeared into the hallway with another machine she decided to pitch in. Jumping into the back of the truck she saw rows of banded iron freeweights. She ignored the smaller ones and headed for the 100lb plates. "Hmm, i can carry two at a time, but that would be awful slow." Looking about she located a bar that was designed for plates like these and she began sliding plates on the bar until satisfied with the load. Locking the lock plates in she grunted the bar up and placed it gently near the lip of the truck gate. Hopping down to the ground below she hoisted the bar on her shoulders and began walking toward the office. At the door she realized it would be difficult to get past the door. She stood looking at the door with the bar draped across her massive shoulders wondering what to do when one of the moving men came through the door. He looked in wide eyed disbelief at the drop dead beautiful woman standing before him. She grinned and stared back. "Guess it won't fit. I'll just set it down here." She lifted the weight from her shoulder and gently eased it to the soft ground below. The man exclaimed, "Chinga! 1000lbs! Wait till I tell the guys!" Andra scolded him for using a nasty Spanish word around a lady. He found it most wise to apologize for the expletive. ..............................