Vanessa. By Smac. Vanessa gets an ill deserved beating. Corrected 3/07/2001 Vanessa could feel the coarse gravel beneath her teetering high heels as she walked tentatively up the drive. She could already see Toni's wrecked Volvo parked outside the impressive entrance. David would be getting himself ready somewhere in the massive house. Without knocking, she pushed open the reluctant door and squeezed herself inside. She mounted the sweeping staircase and, with her big brown eyes fixed on the peeling paint of one of the upstairs rooms, began to climb the stairs, her big hips swinging provocatively with each measured tread. She pushed open the door. Her bright eyes flashed from David, a towel casually draped around his bull neck, to Toni, standing nearby, the hem of her thick leather coat almost reaching to the rough floorboards. "You're late," snapped Dave. Vanessa opened her mouth to protest, but stopped herself just in time. "I'm sorry, she stammered. Toni's lips curled up in a cruel smile. Dave reached over and threw two tatty pairs of black leather boxing gloves down onto the dusty floor. "Strip off." The colour drained from Vanessa's face. She felt Toni's fingers on the zip at the back of her floral print mini dress. With the back of her dress open to her bottom she able to pull it from her shoulders and step out of it easily. It formed the base for a pile of clothing which included her huge bra and white silk panties. She was left in her gossamer thin stay up stockings and nothing else. "Here," growled David, "put these on, I don't want to fuck you today, except with those," he indicated the boxing gloves on the dirty floor. He tossed something white and silky into her face. It was a tiny silk g string. Quite beautiful in normal circumstances but, as she patted the cool little patch of silk over her clean shaven pussy, her eyes were drawn to the scuffed leather boxing gloves and she swallowed hard. David nodded to Toni and she threw her heavy leather coat onto the floor and stood, truly magnificent in a thick, black leather Basque and black leather boots that came up almost to the tops of her massive thighs. Her forty eight inch tits dominated the scene, the larger right one hanging almost to her deep belly button. After several seconds ogling by Dave he slung the towel from around his neck and, with a knowing smile said, "we'll have to Christen those boots." Toni looked at him. She smiled too. Dave stood in front of Vanessa and stripped himself naked. He posed, showing off his biceps and stuff, whilst Toni calmly shot the whole scene with her expensive camcorder nestling between her huge breasts. She marvelled that the camera even picked out the sheen of sweat on Vanessa's upper lip. "Stop pissing about," hissed Dave. Toni put the camera down carefully and at the same time picked up the boxing gloves. "You put mine on," he ordered Vanessa. Toni gave the scruffiest pair of gloves to Vanessa. She put one glove between her trembling knees and shoved the other on to Dave's massive fist. When done he packed his meaty hands deep into the tatty gloves whilst Toni tied on Vanessa's. Toni snatched up her precious camera just in time to catch him smash Vanessa in her untensed abdomen, Just above her belly button. She went to her knees, her face grey. Dave moved in and kneed her in the left tit about six times. Vanessa dropped forwards onto all fours, her boxing gloves palm down on the bare floorboards, looking up at him. He uppercut her twice in the face and took a pace back. The rough leather gloves had opened up a cut beneath her left eye and blood began to trickle down her soft cheek. She crawled towards him and grabbed his firm buttocks with her boxing gloved hands. With her eyes still glued to his, she slipped his erecting penis into her eager mouth. Dave took the opportunity to knee her in her left tit a couple more times. With a groan she let him slip from her wet lips and turned her face so that he could smack her in the nose and mouth with his right fist. Toni zoomed in on the blood starting from the big woman's nostrils and ragged lips. "Here, make yourself useful," growled Dave. He ordered the huge breasted Toni to kneel behind the bleeding Vanessa. "Right you, get your head back between Toni's tits." As soon as Vanessa had Toni's massive breasts around her ears, Dave's right boxing glove thudded into her face again. "Don't you dare miss," whined Toni, as the fist smacked into her face once more. "Huh," he snorted, "you can't afford me." He slugged Vanessa in the nose a couple more times, noticed that the stream of blood from her pulped face had reached the waist band of her little g string and stood back with his soggy boxing gloves on his bare hips. "I think it's time she Christened your boots Toni." Toni eased the half conscious woman more upright and sat down in front of her, leather clad legs outstretched. Vanessa bent her head over Toni's thighs, blood streaming, mostly from her busted nose, all over the soft, new leather of the boots. One boot was soon dull with blood from Toni's toe to her barrel thigh. As she moved over to do the other leg, the blood flow changed from a steady stream to a series of thick drops. "You'll be all day like that," Dave snapped. Vanessa turned her head slowly towards him and he uppercut her cruelly, several times. She had no trouble covering the other boot and most of Toni's right thigh and belly with her blood. "Had enough?" asked Dave, matter of factly. By way of an answer Vanessa dragged herself up Toni's luscious body until she could get her bloody head back between the pillow like tits. Toni held her boxing gloved hands whilst Dave smacked her so hard in the face that her nose popped again and fresh blood spurted everywhere, down over her own front, her thighs and even all over Toni's heaving breasts. Toni looked down, wide eyed at all of Vanessa' s blood over her tits, she looked up at Dave accusingly. He crashed his right fist into Toni's left breast with all the strength he could muster. Toni passed out, along with the broken woman lying on top of her.