Ladies' Night. By Smac. Two women, having watched their husbands box, decide to have a go themselves. Corrected 26/06/2001 The middle-weight fight had gone the distance. The hitherto almost silent audience roared their approval as the final bell rang. As in most amateur bouts the pace over the short three rounds had been fast and furious. The bruised and blown young men sweated freely as each awaited the verdict apprehensively. "On a split decision, Marks the winner." A good half of the crowd roared. "A hand for the gallant loser?" The noise increased again as the two boxers left the ring. On the way back to the dressing room they chatted in a manner belying the ferocity of their fight. Like most amateurs they loved a good scrap but neither bore the other any malice afterwards. Simon Marks was a swarthy, thickset man of 25 whilst Trevor Weeks was fair, sporting long blond hair. Whilst showering they agreed to go for a drink in the town, the night still being young. "Ah, but I've got my wife here," remembered Simon. "Good mine's here too, they can keep each other company while we get on with some serious drinking." Trevor usually brought his wife if he thought there was a chance of imbibing a few pints after a boxing event. "Sounds great, agreed Simon. The foursome piled into Simon's Volvo estate. "Somewhere out of town?" he suggested. "Yes somewhere quiet after all that noise and crowding," whispered Debbie, his wife. They sat down, the lounge bar to themselves. "This is the life," sighed Trevor as he sipped his first pint through thick, bruised lips. The women were already chatting. "Do you go to many boxing nights?" asked Sue, Trevor's young wife. "If I haven't anything else planned, I always go. Most of the fights are good and I particularly like to watch Simon in action." "Yes I like watching Trev fight, I even like a good scrap myself." At first Debbie didn't catch on to what the other girl had said...... "You mean you box yourself?" she gasped after some time. Sue's eyes lit up, "yes I train with Trevor and over the years we've found a couple of opponents." "After all this time," Debbie said, incredulously. "I've been sparring with Simon ever since I've known him but we've never been able to find another girl for me to box with." Sue thought the men should be brought into the conversation, "Guess what," she said to Trevor, "Debbie's been looking for someone to box with for ages." Immediately the two men were all ears and several things fell into place simultaneously. Despite the empty room, they pulled their chairs in closer to each other. "Have you boxed before?" asked Trevor, fascinated. "Only sparring with Simon," replied Debbie. "But he doesn't usually pull his punches," she thought ruefully, "especially if we've been rowing." "Well I've only had two fights with other girls and both were push-overs, so we're probably quite evenly matched," responded Sue. The men looked at each other then back to the girls. "Are you two serious?" asked Simon. "I am," replied Debbie straight away. "Me to," said Sue. "When?" asked Trev. "Er, how about tomorrow?" said his wife, looking across to Debbie. "Yes fine." "I can go along to the club in the morning and get everything ready," enthused Trev. "Oh no," pleaded Sue, "I don't want to have my first proper boxing match in a cold, smelly hut." "You won't have to," interrupted Debbie, "we have a gym at home, we can easily set up the ring in the morning." "Here's our address and phone number, we'll expect you around midday." The party slowly split up. On the way home Debbie turned to her husband. "Do you think she'll turn up?" she asked, half dreading the answer. "Yes I've got a feeling she will, I can't imagine anyone being more enthusiastic," replied Simon assuringly, "we'll start bright and early so that everything is ready." They were up by seven, after a light breakfast the gym was cleared of equipment and the full-sized ring erected. Simon stood back admiring his handiwork and his wife. She was putting the finishing touches to the ring, draping soft, bright white towels over the ropes near each corner station. She looked radiant. Her face glowed. Working down her tall frame he noted the familiar, almost bulbous breasts ensnared in the substantial black 42" bra she wore. He took in her bronzed, flat tummy, skipped the unbecoming, baggy towelling shorts to linger finally over her smooth, powerful thighs. Statuesque was the only applicable adjective. Her glossy, blonde hair loosely, almost carelessly piled up on her head. His contemplation was brought to an abrupt end. He heard Debbie's part of the phone conversation. She bounced back into the gym. "That was Sue," she pouted, "she was just making sure the fight was still on! They won't be here till around four this afternoon." "Well I'm not going to hang about that long," Simon assured her, "let's drive to the beach." They returned hot and sweaty from their outing to the beach. Debbie bikini-clad, stretched from the car. "I'm for a long, cool shower." Simon padded into the gym, just to make sure all was ready. Debbie, now cool and refreshed, her golden hair neatly stacked up on her erect head, met Simon in the living room. "I'll hold the fort." His leaving the room was the cue for Sue and Trevor to pull into the drive. "Well, she came after all," mused Debbie, butterflies beginning to flutter despite her tensed stomach. She pulled herself together and, straightening her shoulders, strode to let in her opponent and her husband. "Well we finally made it," said Sue apologetically. "It's great to see you," replied the blonde. "Simon's just gone to get cleaned up, he won't be a minute. Let's wait on the patio." She led the couple through the beautiful house, out onto the large area surrounding the swimming pool. "This certainly knocks spots off our squalid little flat," sighed Sue. Trevor turned to enjoy the view across acres of arable and woodland. "I'm glad you like the house," soothed Debbie, "I hope you will feel comfortable here, especially you Sue." "Mind if I cool off before we start?" asked the red-head. "Be my guest," laughed Debbie, "you can change in there." "No need," grinned Sue. Unbuttoning her white blouse and skinning off her tight jeans she flung herself into the pool before Debbie had a chance to look at her physique. She and Trevor laughed. Simon walked out of the house as Sue hauled herself from the water. Debbie's leaving to get a towel for her gave him the opportunity to appraise the red-head. She was very well proportioned. He was particularly impressed by her shoulders and biceps. "She must do a good deal of weight training," he thought to himself. She wore a small white string bikini. His gaze fixed on the proud, firm breasts they got no support from the tiny pieces of cloth just covering them yet they were high and jutted out naturally. Sue felt his stare and turned to join her husband. As she did so he took in her sturdy thighs and well-rounded bottom. She might have been about the same weight as Debbie, but was much more compact. It looked as if she might turn out to be a very hard hitter. Debbie returned with the towel. No sooner had she finished rubbing herself down than she said, "Right let's make a start." Debbie glanced across at her husband. "Great," said Simon, taking the initiative, "let's decide on the rules and such." They sat in the sun. "What size gloves do you think Trev?" asked Simon. "Oh, eight oz. I should think, don't you girls?" "Ok by me," they both said. "How many rounds do you want to go?" Debbie spoke up first, "Eight ounce gloves, eight rounds, how does that sound?" "Yes, I'm game." "That's it then eight three minute rounds?", asked Simon, hopefully. "Right," replied Debbie, jumping up and heading for the gym. "Come on, we'd better catch her up," grinned Trevor. By the time they got there Debbie had found the eight ounce gloves. Sue skipped over to the ring and ducked through the ropes. It was evident that she intended to fight in her little bikini, damp though it was. Seeing this Debbie slipped away. She returned minutes later clad in a string bikini of her own, not the one she had recently worn to the beach. This one looked as if it really would fit into a matchbox, and on her voluptuous, statuesque frame it appeared very tiny indeed. The pristine white of the bra and string briefs contrasted beautifully with her golden tan. Trevor's eyes rivetted on her huge chest. She too got into the ring. As Trevor moved to tie the thick black gloves onto his wife's fists, she whispered, "let me get my bra off before you put the gloves on." He was far from shocked, when they sparred she usually went bare-breasted and in both of her previous matches she had fought bare to the waist. Of course, across the ring, Debbie and Simon saw what was happening. "Well, how about it?" urged Simon. "I'm not sure," pleaded the blonde, "I'm so much bigger than she is." Her husband looked over to where Sue was having her gloves tied on. Her breasts were big by any standards, about 38-39 he guessed but no where near in his wife's league. Also Sue's tits were very held very high and looked firm, he knew that Debbie's breasts dropped quite a good deal even when such a flimsy bra as she now wore was removed. "O.k. love, do what you think's best." Simon got on with the job of tying the hard gloves onto her long, graceful hands. "What about a photo before you start?" he suggested. "Yes that's a good idea," replied the blonde. He brought the two boxers out into the centre of the ring giving Trevor a chance to sum them up. They stood side-by-side, his wife on the left, the blonde at her right. Sue's familiar features were heightened by what was about to happen. He noted her bobbed red hair, her broad-lipped smile, the large breasts arrogantly thrust forward and her gloved hands firmly planted on her flaring hips. The lithe blonde girl's height was augmented by the loosely piled golden hair and her erect posture. She held her gloves folded over the vee of cloth barely covering her vagina. She looked the more nervous of the two. The flash popped and the two blushing girls returned to their corners. "Well this is it, thought Simon. He glanced at his wife, she grinned at him sheepishly. Both men could clearly feel the tension built up in the boxers. "You ref. the first four rounds, I'll do the last?" suggested Simon. "That seems the best compromise, unless you want to do round for round." "No, too much messing around," replied Simon. "Come on Trev, let's get them going before they change their minds. After Trevor had climbed into the ring Simon, acting as time-keeper, called his wife and her strong-looking opponent out for the first round. They approached each other resolutely enough but stopped when a couple of paces apart. This was a totally new experience for Debbie, Sue herself had only been in this position twice, neither of them very serious matches. They eyed each other over the thick, black gloves. "Well we agreed to fight," thought Sue. She flicked out a sharp left jab which caught Debbie on the point of her chin, jolting her head back and causing her crowning glory of straw-coloured hair to bounce around. Neither girl wore a gum shield and her teeth were snapped shut by the force of the punch. "I was right," groaned Simon, "this girl really is a snappy hitter." His wife, plainly hurt by the blow, quickly raised her gloves higher. On cue the red-headed smacked her in the midriff. The blonde clearly didn't know what to do for the best. "Use your footwork love," shouted her husband desperately from their corner. Immediately Debbie began to back-pedal away from the fiery red-head. Sue kept the left leads going like a pro. "This is just like having a live punch-bag," she thought to herself. The round ended with Debbie still on the defensive. Both boxers turned lightly and went to their corners. The blonde's head hung as she lowered herself onto her stool. Simon looked very serious. "If you go on like this, you deserve a thrashing," he snapped. "I'm sorry," she whimpered, "every time I go to hit her, she gets me first." "You're too static. Your guard, even your whole body you're not using the ring, you're not even riding punches." "You can do all this when we practice together, why not now?" "It must be nerves I suppose," she pouted. "It will be more than nerves if you don't get your act together, I can't see Trev stopping the fight too readily. He seems to be really enjoying it. Come on love, with your height and reach you should be able to clobber her. Why don't you pretend it's me out there and we've just had a flaming row." Debbie thought for a moment, it seemed a daft idea but any port in a storm, besides they had had a couple of pretty fierce scraps after rowing. "Right," she grinned to herself as they went out for the second round, "this will be a different story." "She does look more determined," thought Simon as he watched her square up to the stocky red-head. "I'm sure she's not scared of her." As if to confirm this the blonde threw her first really effective punch. The fist thudded into Sue's thrusting left breast. She gagged, Trevor had never punched her there without sparing the shorn lamb somewhat. With Sue now doing the back pedalling Debbie gloated as she saw the colour drain from the other girl's pain-contorted face. The shock had left her now and was replaced by a burning sensation in her throbbing breast. Her other opponents had hit her in the tits of course, but neither of them had been anywhere near as well-trained as Debbie. It was just the fillip the big blonde needed. She glanced across at her husband, he smiled reassuringly and nodded towards the suffering girl as if to urge her on. Sue had, understandably, dropped her guard slightly and Debbie snapped out a crisp left lead which smacked noisily into her mouth. The lips swelled instantly and tears sprang to her eyes. She wasn't enjoying this so much after her walk-over in the first round. She too glanced at her husband but all he could do was give a barely noticeable shrug. She pulled herself upright, settled her guard more sensibly and stopped her retreat. Debbie still came on and they began to exchange good, crisp punches, mostly to each other's heads. "This is more like it," sighed Trevor as he watched the more even-sided exchanges. It didn't spare him from worry though as he watched his wife's head being snapped back by the blows. His only joy was in seeing the blonde's hair becoming progressively more dishevelled as her head was knocked around. Both girls fair faces flared red, in response to the dozens of hard punches they each took. They were both sweat-slicked and their breasts bobbed and swayed as they danced around the ring. When Simon called time and the boxers turned to head for their corners both were bleeding slightly from cut lips. "That was great," panted Debbie, Simon smiled hugely. "I'm glad you've come alive," he said. "Thanks for putting me right," she caught his arm with her gloved hand. "Look! I think I will have my bra off it's getting rather uncomfortable and Sue seems to be doing alright without hers. You'll have to help me with it though." Leaning forward she presented the substantial back clasp to her husband. She sighed as he tugged the strings together and popped the catch. Pushing the loose strands of hair away he undid the knot at the nape of her neck and pulled the bra from her huge breasts. In the opposite corner Sue, and particularly Trevor watched as the tits were bared. "Goodness," whispered Sue, "I can see why she kept those under wraps." Trevor, an inveterate 'tit man' could only agree in wonder. They were by far the biggest breasts he'd ever seen in the flesh. Debbie, glad to be shot of the tight strings and confining cups squeezed the sweaty breasts together with her gloves. "Hmm. the leather feels good on my skin," she thought to herself. But she also wondered how Sue's gloves would feel if she ever got round to repaying the crushing tit punch of the last round. "Oh well it's too late for that now." Simon peeled her bloody lips away from her teeth. There were no serious cuts inside, but the lips were damaged where they had been smashed and torn by the stinging punches of the last three minute session of boxing. Sue's mouth was the same. Both girls grinned as Simon called them out for round three. As Debbie stood up Trevor, his eyes rivetted on her vast breasts, noticed that they had drooped slightly, offering an even greater target and probably temptation, to his eager wife. "This really is what I'd always imagined womens' boxing to be like," he thought as he watched the two sweating women raise their gloved fists and square up to each other, They both flicked out crisp left leads and again each girl took the punch full in the mouth. "That would stop her nagging," smiled Simon as he watched the crimson trickle of blood start down his wife's smooth chin. Sue also now had gore running from her torn lips. "They're certainly not afraid of getting hurt, I wouldn't fancy taking those punches myself." After taking such a blow, Debbie's hair finally gave up the struggle to stay piled on top of her head. "Stop boxing," cried Trevor, officiously. He motioned Simon into the ring and went over to where his wife rested on the ropes. "Alright love, that was some punch, how's the face." "Ok, stop fussing." She looked over at Simon struggling tie his wife's long, blonde tresses into a pony-tail and smiled. After several minutes he nodded to Trevor who called the two women to the centre of the ring. Debbie looked much more aggressive now, with her hair drawn tightly back from her face, maybe a little less feminine. Her hair flicked round her neck as she lunged at the red-head. Her scything fist caught Sue very low down in her belly, on the waist-band of her tiny briefs. The breath left her in a rush and she sagged to her knees, her gloves over her tummy as she struggled to regain control of her breathing. Trevor stood over her, helpless. Then he remembered the count. Neither the blonde nor her husband complained about the late count, in any case Sue was up at six, though somewhat ashen-faced. She got back on her toes and circled the blonde warily. In neither of her previous bouts had she gone to the canvas, even Trev's quite heavy punching had failed to floor her. A warm glow began in Debbie's guts as she savoured the thought of having knocked the other girl down. Keen to press her advantage she flicked out a left lead then came over with a right cross which thudded into Sue's eye. It seemed to swell immediately and she looked very sorry for herself, Trevor looked at her closely, thinking to himself, "if I know my Susan at all well, then those belts in the eye and belly will only serve to get her back up." Sure enough across the ring Sue's face flushed and she flew at the blonde her strong arms windmilling, she caught Debbie beautifully on the point of the jaw with one of these wild punches then, as she saw her opponent's guard drop, she stood off and began to aim her blows more carefully. The blonde pony tail whipped as Debbie took several hard, stinging punches to the face. She, in turn, rushed at the red-head, half punching, half pushing her away. There were tears in her eyes and Simon wondered if they were the result of the punches she'd taken or whether they were tears of frustration, he knew how worked up she could get. She stayed with Sue and they leant on each other two-fistedly attacking each other's bellies. They were both board-hard in this area though and although the punches smacked noisily into smooth female skin, no real muscle damage was caused. When the end of the round was called the two men could see the scarlet weals on the fair skin over their wives' bellies. As the blonde slumped onto her stool Simon noticed a small trickle of blood running from one of her nostrils, to join the stream from her mouth. "Well that was a mixed round love." "Yes, I thought I had her going when I floored her, but it just seemed to make her mad." To her inexperienced, if not naive mind, once a boxer got hurt, then a knockout was the next logical step. Simon sensed her flagging spirits. "From now on just go in there and keep boxing. Don't think too much about what you're doing, or worse still what's in Sue's mind, just do what comes naturally. You're in there to beat her aren't you?" "Yes," she snapped. "Well the answer is to hit her until she drops, believe me, she'll be trying nail you." A shaft of fear lanced through her stinging belly. "So that's it, we're each trying to knock the other senseless," she thought to herself, she had known in her subconscious all along of course, but to hear it put so bluntly by her husband brought the brutal truth sharply in focus. "better get on with it," she grinned at Simon. "You're right I knew what I was taking on yesterday when we agreed to box, I guess I've got a lot to learn, one of them is, obviously, to be more aggressive." "That's the idea, the fight is almost half over now, give it all you've got." He looked down at her bruised and bleeding face and wondered if she would ever make a decent fighter. In the other corner Sue grinned, revealing that her beautiful white teeth were smudged with blood from her damaged mouth. Trevor was very pleased with her performance in the third. She possessed that rare kind of controlled anger, so valuable to a good boxer. He gently patted the her reddened belly with a damp sponge. "Well done Sue," she looked up at him and the sight of her swollen eye reminded him of the problem. "Let's have a good look at your eye, is it troubling you at all?" "No not now, it was watering a bit, but it's no trouble really." He dabbed at it with the sponge. "Over the back of my neck please." He dunked the sponge and wrang it out over her neck and shoulders. In the other corner Simon tried the same with Debbie He glanced at his watch and, patting his wife on the shoulder, called them out for the fourth round. He watched her as she marched out to meet the big blonde, she glowed with perspiration and the water glistened on her back and shoulders, it had run down and the small triangle of material covering her bum was soaked. Debbie's bikini bottom was wet too as she circled her adversary. Miraculously the two girls smiled at each other before beginning the relentless pounding of each others body and face. Both men felt mounting excitement as the girls thumped each other around the ring. During the first minute or so the punching was exclusively to their faces and by the end of the series of vicious exchanges, both girls bleed freely from the nose and the crimson streams joined those from their mouths. They both switched their attack to the body and soon the wet gloves were smacking into belly and breasts. Both girls squealed as their breasts were bashed. There was no question of any defensive work, both boxers left themselves completely open as they attacked each other. Neither husband could remember seeing many male bouts in which so many punches had been thrown. Debbie, of course, came off worst when tits were the target. She was flushed and sweating, her face a mask of pain. Sue was also in great pain, like the blonde the sharp pain of the injuries to her face were now joined by the throbbing ache of her bruised breasts. They both cannoned a right into the other's left breast and the end of the round found them each cradling their left tit in their gloves as they turned for their stools. At first neither man said anything, eager to use the scant resources of the ringside to ease the pain of their wife. The battered breasts were priority and both boxers sighed as cool sponges were lovingly applied. As well as being discoloured by severe bruising, both girl's breasts, indeed their whole upper torsos were spattered and smudged with blood, from their own faces and from their opponent's gloves. Their faces were cleaned up, but as the blood-flow couldn't be stopped, they were soon bloody again. "This is only half-way, groaned Simon to himself, "what will they look like after another four rounds of this?" Debbie could sense his concern as he bent over her, "I'm alright love, honest I'd ask you to throw in the towel if I felt too bad. You were right, we're in this ring to fight and, although that was a hard round, especially for these," she cupped her vast tits and caressed them gently, "I really enjoyed the boxing. This is what I've been training for all this time. I really want it to go the whole distance, if I don't knock Sue out before then of course," she grinned. Simon felt much better and he patted the suffering tits with the sponge, "Anyway I'll be in the ring with you for the last half." "Not that it will make any difference," he thought, he was determined to be scrupulously fair as ref. In the opposite corner Sue too had told how she enjoyed the last round but as Trevor mopped at her still-bleeding nose and mouth, and looked down at her spattered, blue-bruised breasts, he found it difficult to believe, in her other fights he'd seen her hit hard a few times, but this was something else, this was war. Both girls were well trained, fit and strong, he couldn't contemplate how the fight would end. He hoped to goodness that it wouldn't finish with his wife senseless on the canvas. "I'll throw in the towel love, if I think you're taking too much punishment." "You'll do no such thing," she replied, sternly. "I've seen you badly beaten a few times in the ring and I've always left the decision whether to retire or not up to you. Besides no-one forced me into this ring, I'm here because I want to be." This and a few moments consideration revealed to him how high-handed he had been. "Yes sorry Sue, of course you decide, anyway you're going to knock her in the middle of next week." He had to jump out of the ring this time as the round was called, he kissed Sue on the cheek first and took the watch from Simon. The two determined women set their guards in the ring centre and Simon brought them together for the start of round five. They began the systematic destruction of each other's breasts again. As the hard leather gloves crushed and grazed the soft, yielding feminine flesh they grunted and whimpered, but each came back for more as they both kept piling punches in. Simon and Trev winced as they watched their wive's tits being punished. It was, naturally, the big-busted blonde who succumbed first. She sank to the canvas, her face twisted in pain. Incredibly, probably due to the lull in the battle causing her to more acutely feel her pain, the red-head too dropped to her knees. Trev looked to Simon for guidance. He shrugged. Trev went quickly to his corner, "how much longer before the end of the round?" "'Just under a minute," replied Simon worriedly. "Right, let's end this round now, get the girls to their corners then we must decide what to do." The men dragged their wives to their respective corners. Both women hugged their breasts with their gloves and forearms. Debbie had tears in her eyes. Sue, though very flushed was dry-eyed. Trev pulled her arms away from her breasts. He was horrified to see the state they were swollen, bruised black and blue even the nipples looked raw where the cruel gloves had grazed across them. Her areoles were large and soft normally but now they weren't their usual light pink colour, they were like two squashy raspberries. Her face still bled and altogether she looked a real mess. Over in their corner Simon moaned when he saw the terrible damage done to his wife's magnificent bosom. Her skin was even fairer over her breasts than Sue's, although the rest of her was covered by an even tan, she rarely sun-bathed topless. The bruising was deep and the tits seemed bloated to even an even greater size than normal. Her darker nipples didn't seem so badly affected as Sue's, but she was certainly in a bad way. The two husbands conferred in a neutral corner, after doing what they could for their battle-scarred wives. "That's it then, it only went five rounds after all. We'll call it a draw then." breathed Simon, with a sigh of relief. "You damn well won't cried his wife from their corner." Sue too shouted at the men, "I'm not leaving it like this." Turning her swollen face to the blonde she said, "How about one more round to see if we can get a decision?" "The worst that can happen is that I'll be knocked out," she thought not sure if that wouldn't be a kind of relief from the pain she was suffering in her face and breasts. "Yes Ok," she whispered. The men looked at each other, their wives did look a little better now they had been cleaned up somewhat. No amount of wiping could rid their breasts of the terrible blue bruising and both still bled steadily from the nose and mouth. "Sixth and final round," shouted Trevor and the battered boxers eased themselves from their stools. Although each felt sorry for their wife, both men were clearly excited at the prospect of a deciding round at the end of such a brutal first match. The women both knew the score, they were in there to fight 'to the death' for the next three minutes each in a desperate attempt to knock out the other. They had both been briefed by their husbands that the only way to do it after so many rounds and with the heavy eight ounce gloves was to go for the head, preferably the jaw. The breasts had taken so much punishment that more, tired as the punches would be, would make little difference. Again as in the fourth round, there were no defensive moves apart from the occasional block, strength was summoned from somewhere by each boxer, leather flew. They weren't the weary, lack lustre punches that the men had expected either, but remarkably crisp, heavy blows. It was hit, counter, hit, counter as both stood their ground. Blood spurted from each nose and as the punches landed drops flew around the ring. The end of Debbie's long pony-tail was quite red and her massive breasts shone with her face blood. Sue's upper half was covered mostly with her own blood but some on her shoulders had come from Debbie's gushing nose when they had come in close a couple of times. So there were only a couple of minutes left in the bout and the two women were knocking each other all round the ring. Sue was the first to fall. She rolled slowly over on to her side and dazedly dragged herself up at eight, swaying and stumbling, but still hitting out. Debbie flat-footed her way forward again walking straight into an uppercut which ploughed her poor, bleeding face. It was her turn to flop to the canvas, Simon began a slow count but she made it up by nine. Hesitantly he waved the red head over and again she tore into his almost broken wife. They began trading punches again, the men could hardly believe their eyes. Trevor glanced at the watch, ninety seconds to go. "Thank goodness," he murmured, studying his wife closely as she staggered around the ring, hitting and being hit. The girls, once shiny gloves were now dull and heavy with blood-stains. The leant on each other briefly, bruised cheek to bruised cheek, their face-blood mingling, their sweaty backs and thighs straining with effort. But the head punching had to continue so they stood off and started throwing leather once more. Debbie's head was knocked from side to side as Sue caught her with a series of left and right crosses. "God I think she's going," gasped Simon. But no, she somehow stayed on her feet. Her gloves fell to her sides though and the red-head contemptuously belted her in the tits. A left then right, both tormented tits were flattened against her chest, something in her snapped, the pain peaked over so that she felt nothing. Her vision narrowed down so that all she could see was Anne's, now grinning, face. With just half a minute of the fight left she began to lash out wildly with both fists. Sue was taken by surprise by the onslaught and Debbie's gloves smacked into her shocked face, her guard dropped away until her gloves were at her thighs. Still the blonde, her breasts, bruised bags of flesh, painfully flying round her chest, piled punch after punch into Sue's face. Simon, rooted to the spot since the beginning of the attack, now moved quickly towards the stricken boxer. He shook his head when he saw the state she was in. As he stepped in to stop his wife hitting the defenceless girl she slumped to the floor in an untidy heap, her face hidden by a mask of blood. "You've done it," he gasped, and dazed though she was he hugged and kissed Debbie, she was only just able to stay upright herself and he suddenly felt most of her weight come onto his arms. He prudently guided her to her stool and gently sat her down. By now Trev had climbed into the ring and had managed to get his wife sitting up. The blonde laid her battered head hack on the corner post and closed her puffy eyes. "You Ok for a minute love, I should help Trev really." She nodded slowly. He crossed to assist the fallen party. "I've been in the fight game for ten years," cried Simon disbelievingly, "and I've never seen such a hard fight, especially between a couple of beginners." They didn't worry about Sue hearing, she was still out to the world. "That's right," replied Trev excitedly, "they did so much damage to each other in such a short space of time. Even over fifteen rounds you don't often see so many injuries." "But they were mens' fights," grinned Simon, "women seen to box differently." Sue was wide awake and the men decided to get the boxers outside into the fresh air. Each led his wife slowly out onto the patio and sat them on the poolside sunbeds. They looked so incongruous there still gloved up, wearing only their tiny string bikini bottoms and of course covered in blood. Both men struggled for several minutes to untie the heavy gloves. Once out of them the girls eyed the pool uncertainly then Debbie rose and pulled Sue to her feet. "Come on, I'm sure it will do us good." Holding hands they descended the wide steps into the pool. As the water rose to cover their bodies some of the blood washed off. Watching them the two men fell to discussing the remarkable fight. "What a scrap," said Trevor, shaking his head. "What I can't really understand is why they suffered so much damage and how did they keep up that fast and furious pace." Both were silent for a while as they pondered the questions. "I think I know some of the answers, about the injuries," suggested Simon. "You see in a men's bout a KO would have happened early on in a fight like this but the girls can't come up with a big enough punch so the fight goes on instead. Their skin is fairer than most men's and mare sensitive I should think. As for the pace, of course they're lighter than men of the same height, they've a lighter frame and finer bone structure so they need use less effort to move around than men." They went quiet again, watching the girls swimming slowly in the pool. After some minutes Trevor added, "I suppose their inexperience meant that they did little or no riding of punches and occasionally they both walked into it, especially your Debbie," he grinned. "Needless to say, they've got breasts (and boy didn't they take some stick) so that's something that we don't have to suffer, thank goodness and womens' lips are so much fuller and fleshier than mens'. They didn't wear any gum- shields, that's our fault really. As to their speed, I think they were lithe and fit but not overburdened by muscle as a similarly fit man might be. Of course everyone knows women have better endurance to pain and fatigue," he announced." "Well I reckon that between us we've cracked it," laughed Simon, struck by Trevor's po faced expression. "come on you girls, you must be getting cold." They climbed from the pool. The transformation was stunning. The only indication that they had just spent eighteen minutes smashing each other round a boxing ring were the slightly swollen faces, the dark bruising on their breasts, especially Debbie's and the blood-stains around the waist-bands of their bikini bottoms. Sue noticed Trevor looking at this and said, "That's a new bikini for me before the weekend," she grinned. "Same here Simon," Debbie chipped in. All four turned to go back into the house. "I don't want to go through that again for a while," sighed Sue to her husband. Debbie, overhearing replied, "But we will box again won't we?" "Yes ok," smiled Sue, catching Trevor's arm.