Kate's mate By Smac Kate's friend, Karen, 'suffers' a beating Corrected 14/06/2001 "Karen's coming round tonight." "So?" replied Jimmy. She turned her battered face towards him. "I saw her last night and I think she wants you to do something for her." "What?" he responded coolly. "Well it's obvious that I've had a hiding..... ...... Her face still bore the scars of the business about the van, even after a fortnight, despite the best efforts of her employers at the clinic, her nose was still slightly swollen and her eyes darkened. "And what with her Terry pissing off at Christmas..................... He nodded slowly. He'd known she liked the occasional thumping since he'd gone out with her for a couple of years when they'd both been a good deal younger. There was no love lost between them now. Indeed she would have been asking for trouble even coming round to the house in the normal course of events. "Yeah, Ok. She knows the score?" Kath nodded. "You get everything ready, I'm seeing somebody." He grabbed his donkey jacket and left. He noticed the Capri parked in front of the van wreckage. "Bitch." He was ready for her. He clumped into the front room and they both spun round. He nodded to Karen. She swallowed. Kate had been showing her the four ounce boxing gloves he noticed. "Ready?" he snapped. They nodded and stood up. Kate was in her little black leather mini skirt and Karen, as always, in jeans and tee shirt. She was slimmer than Kate, most women were, her bust measurement was forty inches, which on her frame looked enormous. Her bum and hips had blossomed a bit since her baby but she could still get away with very tight jeans. The two women climbed the stairs stoically, he followed carrying the cruel, black leather boxing gloves. He assumed that Kate knew what she was doing, using the small gloves. One thing was that, with her there proper lace up gloves could be used. The six ounce gloves were the only ones they had with elastic cuffs. Indeed these only been used a couple of times so were fairly decent looking. "Nice to be able to use the small gloves," he said, tongue in cheek. Karen smiled uneasily, "gloves are new to me, I'm used to bare knuckles." Kate's stomach knotted. She started the ball rolling though. Slowly she began unbuttoning her bulging blouse. She snapped the back catch of her bell tent bra and massaged her massive tits, her scarred teats impaled by two large, thick gold rings. Karen took the hint. While Kate kicked off her high heels, she tugged off her thin, white tee shirt, and dragged her jeans down. She looked Jimmy in the eye as she eased herself out of her capacious bra baring her enormous breasts. He was familiar with them, but childbirth seemed to have altered them a little. They were even bigger if anything also the teats darker and much larger than when he'd last played with them. She shook her short peroxide blonde hair settled again and she stood still, just in little white cotton panties, bare foot and looking very vulnerable. Kate strode over to get a pair of the little boxing gloves for her. She looked enquiringly at her friend. Karen nodded and held out her trembling hands. Jimmy lounged against the wall whilst she was gloved up. Then it was his turn. Kate tied the gloves carefully and firmly then she pulled his singlet off pulled his jeans down whilst he stood before her. "Go on Karen, smack him in the mouth," she goaded. The frightened girl moved across the room, her great tits swaying. She uppercut him smartly in the groin. He gasped and held his own gloves over the front of his pants. Then he flew at her. Before she knew it she was back against the wall. Kate was screaming as Jimmy whacked her in the face and tits. A right to the jaw decked her. Kate crouched beside her. "All right?" "Yeah,' she gasped, "I'm ok." She struggled up and Jimmy came forward again. Her lips burst first, smearing her chin and neck with bright red blood. A few more punches in the face and she went down again, bleeding badly from the nose too. She waved Kate away and got to her knees. Blood ran down her deep cleavage. She tried to wipe her nose on her gloves but only made a worse mess. She got up again. "Come on you bastard, I'm still here." The brutal beating lasted about ten more minutes before she went to her knees and he dropped his gloves. She, and the wall behind her were covered in her blood, whilst a puddle formed between her quivering thighs. She fell forwards onto her breasts and her nose hit the floorboards, breaking it grotesquely. Jimmy held his hands out to Kate. "That's it." She began to untie the soggy gloves. Karen's blood was all over then. The two of them ignored the girl. When his gloves were off they turned to see her sitting up against the wall. She looked awful. Kate moved to take off her gloves. But she shook her head slowly. Kate looked to Jimmy. He looked away. They whispered for a while then Kate came over with the blood wet four ounce boxing gloves. "Tie them on me and I'll put her away." She grimaced as the sticky gloves went on. There was a dull splat as she fisted her palms, tightening the thin leather over her fists. They had to help Karen to her feet before Kate could start hitting her. Jimmy watched blood squirt all down his wife's front as she went for her friend's busted nose. Then she slammed her right fist into the core of Karen's left breast about half a dozen times before a straight right to the face put her down for keeps. It spread her poor nose across her face and bounced the back of her head off the wall. Kate stepped back, her eyes full of fear, wiping her sodden gloves on the swell of her belly where her friend's blood trickled down, trying to avoid getting any of it on her leather skirt. "Get these gloves off," she pleaded. As soon as the leathers were off she unzipped her skirt and tugged it off before any of her friend's blood reached it. As it was several dribbles messed up her panties. She shuddered at the sight. But she handed the gloves back to Jimmy with a look that he couldn't mistake. Karen came to, the couple swam into focus. Jimmy was on his back, naked but for the four ounce black leather boxing gloves that had Just busted her face. Kate sat astride him, riding his shaft, with her thumbs through her nipple rings, twisting them cruelly. Blood from her ripped nipples dripped onto her fat, white thighs. Every so often she'd let the rings go and offer her hurting tits to Jimmy. She screamed as the hard boxing gloves thudded into her breasts but as soon as he'd finished his round of hitting her, she'd go for her teat rings again. They were both red in the face. As Kate's ring twisting reached a crescendo so her face contorted with the pain. She screamed and fell forwards, her great, bleeding breasts smothering Jimmy's exhausted face. Karen noticed a large, gold ring on her friend's right thumb. He could stand the suffocation no longer, pleasant though it was. Gently he rolled her off him, sighing when he saw her right tit. He lay quietly for a minute or so, then felt a warm sensation around his groin. Blood ran from Karen's broken nose onto his penis. Before he could move a muscle her split lips closed over it and he felt himself rising to the occasion. He slowly raised his head to watch her pummel and caress the bulging wee of her ruined panties with her right boxing glove whilst feeling her massage his balls with her left. She bled quietly over his heaving belly as she paid him for his services the way she knew best.