The Initiation By Smac A young girl is tested before her acceptance into a boxing club Corrected 14/06/2001 Emma remembered the two occasions that her friend had brought her to the club. The first time she had been somewhat overwhelmed but when Chris had suggested that they went together to the next meeting, she had jumped at the chance and had seen two cracking fights into the bargain. As Chris had hoped, on the way home she had worked the conversation round to whether she might join. Chris had struck like a cobra. "I'll see Ruth during the week." Emma had thanked her and decided to try to elicit some more information about her friend's boxing activities. "Do you fight very often?" she had asked. Well we usually only have two or three scraps per month at the club and, as there's so many of us now, it normally works out at about twice a year. Which is quite handy really as you can work holidays in and such to give time for the cuts and bruises to heal." Her stomach had churned at this but she was still eager to hear more. "When was the last time?" "Oh, about four months ago now. I tell you what, I have a video of that fight at home, it's the only way our husbands and boyfriends get a chance to see us in action, they're not allowed at the club you see. Don't want them fussing about do we, just like to get on with the scrapping. Anyway, if you like you can come round on Thursday, he'll be out for the evening and we can watch it together." The taped fight was fast, furious and bloody. Both Chris and her opponent were in a mess by the end of the allotted fifteen rounds, neither could really be considered an outright winner. Chris in particular sported a completely closed right eye which she said had gone coal black by the morning and had taker than a week to heal. In addition both girls had bled copiously since early on in the fight, their battered bodies, especially breasts, were streaked and spattered with gore. Chris told her that the other girl's nose had been diagnosed as broken by the club doctor after the decision, a points victory for Chris, had been announced and the fighters had returned to the dressing room. The video, together with Chris's enthusiastic, animated running commentary made up her mind about joining the boxing club. "Did you ask about my joining?" she had ventured. "Yes sure, but I must tell you about the little test we put in the way of potential members. It doesn't involve any boxing skill so don't worry about that." She had gone on to describe, in fair detail the initiation procedure. "It's not as bad as it sounds really," she'd grinned, "it's just to make sure that we don't pick up any hangers-on or malingerers. Well, are you still game?" "You went through it?" she'd asked. "Yes, of course. I was a bit sore for a couple of days. But the actual duffing up only lasted for a few minutes. I've got a photo somewhere hang on minute." She'd returned with a hard-backed book. It fell open to reveal a perfectly kept copy of her club photo. She handed it across. It showed Chris standing in front of some wall-bars. She wasn't sure but she thought that she was using them to support herself. At first she'd thought she was naked, then noticed a thin patch of material over her vagina. It hadn't shown up very well because, like the rest of her torso, it was covered in blood. There were splashes and streaks on her white thighs but, worst of all, her face was a mask of blood. All her own. "What a state," she'd exclaimed. "Oh, I looked fine after a quick shower," Chris had grinned. "Are you sure?" "Yes, honestly, just a few bruises that's all." "Ok, tell Ruth I'll be there, when is it to be by the way, did she say?" "Saturday night." Emma had gone white, but had nodded. So it was that twenty five year old Emma found herself beside her friend Chris on the way to town that Saturday night. "Alright?" asked Chris reassuringly, "Yes, a bit nervous that's all." "You'll be ok when you've seen Ruth, she's really nice. She's a bastard in the ring but outside she's peaches and cream. She'll see you right." They were silent for the rest of the journey. Once at the club, a large house at the end of a quiet cul de sac, Ruth immediately took her under her wing. "You must be Emma, I'm glad you enjoyed your couple of visits. Chris tells me you're determined to join." "Yes," stammered Emma. "Come on, loosen up, let's go in here and have a chat." They were soon alone together in the roomy, well equipped changing room. Emma sat on one of the hospital type beds, swinging her heels whilst Ruth pottered around aimlessly tidying. Ruth's figure was hidden under a track suit bottom and a sleeveless tank top, her crowning glory of deep red hair was piled loosely atop her proud head. She focussed on the young blonde for a few seconds while she studied her own reflection in the mirrored wall. She might not be a natural blonde, but the effect of her hair was still most pleasing. Like her own it was long, thick and very glossy. She already knew that she was touching twenty five years old. The swinging legs caught her eye. She wore longish black leather boots into which were tucked her very tight jeans. They were topped off by a thin, white blouse with a heavy, fashionable black leather jacket. She wished she could see more of her outline. "Here, let me take your jacket. It deserves to be put away carefully." Emma slipped, briefly and elegantly from the bed for long enough to toss the jacket off and offer it to Ruth. "Thanks," she said regaining her perch. "Now, tell me a little about yourself." Afterwards Ruth summed up the more interesting aspects of Emma's persona as she ticked them off on her fingers. "So you're twenty four, you've never boxed before, but you've had several scraps in your time." By now she could better judge Emma's physique but, just to confirm her judgement she asked her to stand down and give a twirl round. "Are you fit?" "Yes I should think so, I'm very physical plenty of jogging, squash and so on." "Is there anyone, husband, boyfriend or other relative who could ask awkward questions if you leave here with a bruise or two?" 'No, " she answered immediately , "I'm on my own at the moment. I've my own flat too." "Well, I'll explain the form so you can finally decide whether you want to join us. You're to strip off completely, but don't worry you'll be given a pair of panties, not much to them true, but you'll be decent. There'll be a mattress thing hung on the wall and a mat to stand on. There are two rope handles on the mattress level with your thighs, you just hang onto those and me and the girls will do the rest." "You mean hit me?" "Yes, well that's the general idea. If you show signs of distress I'll stop them and ask if you want to go on." "I'll be alright." "Well would you like me to show you some photographs of past initiations just so you can see what might happen. You've been here a couple of times now, so you know that we don't pull our punches." She fanned out some large, colour prints on the stretcher bed. Emma's eyes were drawn to them. She'd already seen some blood and guts at the Club but three of the matches she had seen had been fair fights. This was something different. No heat of battle, just the one girl shown in each picture, every one of them looking battered and dazed but, above all, bloody. The favoured dress seemed to be what looked very much like a g-string. Neither of them spoke, she picked up each photograph in turn and studied them closely. "Now I know where Chris got that photo of hers," she thought. Finally she said, "you haven't picked out the goriest ones have you?" "No, I just grabbed a handful from the drawer. There are details on the back, you can tell by the dates." Turning over most of them, she noticed that they were in date order from six months previously to a couple of years earlier. "Quite a few," she grinned. "Yes we've gone from strength to strength, so to speak, in the past few years. There were only three of us when we began five years ago, now it's not unusual for there to be more than twenty on club nights. Well you've seen for yourself haven't you?" "And the initiation is to be tonight?" asked Emma resignedly. "Yes, I think that would be best, there are a few of the girls here, about ten, we don't like it to be too much of a jamboree. The fewer the better sometimes, it's better for you too, if there are lots of us here and everyone wants a slice of the action." Her voice trailed off. "Who will actually be doing the hitting?" asked Emma abruptly. "0h only the most experienced girls, don't worry it's really carefully controlled. Unfortunately as a founder member, it will be me who'll start the ball rolling." Emma's gaze settled on her broad shoulders and strong hands. As she was wearing the track suit, the rest of her musculature had to be conjecture. "I bet she can hit," she thought, her guts churning. "Well?" asked Ruth directly. "Alright, what do you want me to do?" "Get stripped off completely and I'll come back in a couple of minutes." She came back into the room with another girl. "This is Maggie our very own doctor. She'll give you the once over before we go any farther alright?" "Yes," nodded the nervous girl. Maggie fired the usual questions at her. Blackouts, headaches taking any medication etc. whilst Ruth rummaged around behind them. "She'll do," announced Maggie, patting the trembling girl on her bare arm. "Well now's the time to pull out if you're not absolutely sure." True Emma had been worried by the medical examination, informal though it had been, but she nodded gamely. "Here you are then," she handed her a tiny handful of silk. The blonde wriggled the strings up her thighs and over her broad hips. "Quite a good specimen," thought Maggie as she watched the girl wiggling her bum. Natural blonde hair, pretty face, carrying a little too much weight. But it meant that her hips, thighs and particularly her breasts were pleasingly well rounded. "Have you ever boxed before?' asked Maggie as much to break the ice as for own edification. "No, have you?" The girl's blunt response threw her for a moment, "Yes, I fight here quite often as a matter of fact." Emma had trouble imagining the self assured, aloof professional woman slugging it out in the ring. She was rather intrigued. "Do you enjoy it?" "Um, I think enjoy is maybe the wrong ward," she replied thoughtfully. Emma felt her fair face beginning to flush red. "Let's just say that it gives me the opportunity to vent emotions and feelings that my working and social life generate, whilst affording me no means of ridding myself of them." The cold, clear outline of one woman's a need to fight explained, for Emma, why there were so many women at this club, all more than willing to get into the ring and mix it. Ruth's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Do you want to cover up a bit or are you happy like that?" Emma glanced down over the front of her body. "I've nothing to be ashamed of," she thought. "I'm ok like this," she smiled. "Alright, come on Maggie, let's do it." Closely encircling Emma's warm, bare waist with one arm, she gently steered her to the door. When Maggie turned the handle and pushed it open her nostrils were assailed by the overpowering smell of leather and stale sweat. She had noticed it on her two previous visits, but tonight it seemed stronger than ever. As Ruth had intimated, there were about ten other women loitering in various states of dress and undress. They all seemed to be older than her and most of them looked rough and tough, despite the smiles and laughter. It seemed as though all eyes were on her as she stood framed in the doorway. Ruth was pleased to see the reaction reflected on their faces, words weren't needed to convey their general approval of the latest prospective member. Emma stood proud, but trembled slightly despite herself. She had folded her arms across her breasts as she had entered the hall but now, with so many eves on her she felt obliged to drop her hands to her sides. The other women, many of whom she noticed had begun slowly to undress, studied her carefully. The long, bouncy blonde hair would have to be tied back in the time honoured fashion, but was beautiful for all that. The face was expressive and very pretty. One or two of the less aggressive women thought they might not find it in them to hit such an attractive face when it came to the crunch. Although Ruth had made sure that Emma had carefully washed off all her make up, her natural beauty shone and proved that the cosmetics were wasted on her. Her shoulders were quite wide, but by no means hefty, the arms were bronzed and well-muscled. Her breasts were large but still managed that pertness associated with her page three sisters. In fact her chest measurement was a very creditable thirty eight C cup. The firmness of her breasts meant that they held up beautifully. She looked a big girl. Her youthful tummy was tanned and flat. The long brown legs sheared away from flaring thirty eight inch hips. All that stood between her and complete nakedness was the tiny, white g string barely concealing her pubic bulge. Ruth too stood back to look at her. "It's just as well we don't allow fellas in," she grinned to herself, if they got to know that she was on the bill one night, we wouldn't be able to move in here." She glanced at the other women, there were a couple of fairly attractive ones, and she knew of a few more young, pretty members were not here tonight, but mostly they were a fairly plain bunch. "Even me," she mused ruefully. One fairly butch bull of a woman with huge, bulging breasts and biceps sidled over to Ruth, her buttocks juddering beneath her tiny silk shorts. "I'll get some gloves shall I?" Ruth gave Emma a final, enquiring glance. There was no response. The pretty blonde merely looked round at the rest of the women. She too thought them a fairly motley crew. She too felt the background of latent aggression in the large room. The floor clicked loudly as the large woman returned with her arms full of boxing gloves. Ruth sighed. "Thanks Vi" As usual she'd gone over the top, bringing enough for dozens of people. She let them drop to the wooden floor and they scattered in an untidy heap. Even Emma couldn't help but grin. Ruth caught her eye again and took her by the arm. "Come on let's get it over with." She steered her over to the mat on the floor. Emma turned to see Maggie come in. She watched, fascinated as she slowly undressed. She was very well built under her frumpy, tweedy outfit. It looked to the blonde like she must do some weight training to have developed her arms, legs and stomach muscles. Soon she was in her panties she came over to help Ruth. Emma noticed that some of the others were choosing gloves for themselves from the pile on the floor. Her guts began to churn. Ruth followed her gaze and quickly turned her so that her back was against the grubby mattress. She felt for the ropes. "What am I letting myself in for?" she groaned inwardly. Her fingers grasped the rope as if it were a life line. Ruth knew she should act quickly. She grabbed one pair of reasonable gloves, they were all six ounce, and tossed them to Maggie. Finding another pair for herself, she pulled them on and offered her hands to one of the women who had tied everyone else's. "Thanks," she whispered when the tatty gloves were at last firmly laced onto her fists. She turned to face Emma. The girl stared at her. Up till now she had struck her as being kind and considerate but when she took in the hard look in her eyes, the glistening muscles and above all the cruel looking gloves, she remembered what Chris had said. "She's a bastard in the ring." "Maggie's gloves were quickly laced and suddenly all the women crowded in on her except the one who'd done the lacing. She stood back, her eyes wide, her hands fiddling with a rather grey-looking towel. Before she knew what hit her Ruth thumped her in the guts with a cruel right cross. She hadn't been prepared. She gagged and folded. Ruth gave her plenty of time to recover her composure. Then hit her again with the same punch, this time to the ribs. Her side flared red where the glove had landed. Ruth smiled thinly and turned away. Emma's eyes lowered when she watched the huge Vi lumbering over. Thud. The glove buried itself in her pale right breast. It had been a straight right and straight from the shoulder. She whimpered and bit her lower lip. Obviously pleased with the effect of her punch she gave them the benefit of an action replay, then turned and walked a few paces back to the rest of the women. Having only been hit in the breasts a few times before her pain was the worse for that. She couldn't remember being hurt so badly before. It looked as though it was two punches each as another, younger girl came up to her, left and right crossing her to the side of the face. It took her mind of her tits for a few seconds. The leather stung like hell, let alone the force of the heavy blows. Six punches she'd taken so far, all of them full force. Another young woman came forward and used a straight left and right on Emma's pretty face the back of her head thudded into the thin mattress. The right particularly got to her nose and mouth. After the initial, stinging pain she became aware that her lips felt swollen and awkward. One of the larger, older women attacked as soon as her head came erect again. Her two, cruel blows were right crosses to Emma's ribs. She felt as if she'd been kicked by a mule. There may not have been any visible damage from these punches, but the pain was bad. She took her left hand off the handle to try to ease her side but Ruth's deep frown made her return it to the rope. Emma's guts churned when she noticed Vi coming towards her again, with a wicked grin on her big, ugly face. She dished out two crosses this time one left, one right. The left conveniently spun Emma's head round to her left ready for the murderous right to crash into the front of her already damaged face. "She's beginning to droop," whispered Maggie. Ruth was well aware of this and already held her arm up to stop any more punches going in. "That's messed up her pretty face,' sneered the cruel Vi to the women gathered near her. Maggie went over for a closer look. "Have you had enough?" She cupped Emma's lolling head in both hands and lifted it till her blonde hair touched the filthy mattress. Dark red blood trickled steadily from her hard, swollen nose, off the end of her pretty chin, some of it spattering her proud breasts, some her feet and a few drops fell to the sticky rubber mat on which she stood. Many of the other women began to move over to have their gloves untied. Vi protested. "Don't be too hasty." They demurred and slunk back. Just about then Emma sank to the floor, seeming to contradict the vast Vi. However she quickly scrambled up and squatted on her haunches, her blood splashing onto her plump, white thighs. "Had enough?" repeated Maggie. She shook her sorry head. By grabbing hold of handfuls of the mattress she managed to regain her feet. Ruth looked at Maggie. She shrugged. "I'm going to put an end to this, she's far too pretty to risk any serious injury to her face this early on. Ruth bunched her fists and half ran at the blonde. Her two right crosses to the head sent gouts of blood flying to further stain the horrible mattress. Emma hung on for a second but then crumpled, her poor face thudded into her knees when her bare bum hit the soggy mat. She didn't move for over a minute. Maggie administered first aid as she asked Emma how she felt. "That's it Emma, it's all over isn't it?" There was no response. Ruth took the initiative. "Ok girls, she'll do." "Try to get her up as soon as you think fit Maggie." Turning to the spare woman she said, "get the Polaroid will you?" When she looked back Emma's puffy eyes were open and she was muttering to Maggie. "Can she get up?" "Yes, but give her a couple more minutes Ruth," sighed Maggie. "Yes sure, the camera's not here yet anyway." Maggie shuddered, she didn't really agree with the photo sessions after these hard, but necessary tests. By now all the women had their gloves off and, though most of them had been bare-breasted for the punching, they'd nearly all covered up again. Vi was one notable exception. Her great tits swung mightily when she came back into the room after putting the gloves away. Ruth didn't like her very much, or the way she held sway over the rest of the other women. After all she was supposed to be the elected leader. Her attention was caught by Maggie. "She's ready now." Ruth looked her up and down as she hung there, hands still through the rope loops. No doubt when she was cleaned up she wouldn't look too bad but now, all that blood. It still ran freely from her nose and burst lips. Ruth offered the camera to Maggie. "No, you do it." "Look at me Emma." The blonde sagged after the first snap. It seemed an eternity before the camera was ready for the second. At last Ruth had two good photos. One for the club and one for Emma to keep. "About bloody time," sighed Maggie to herself as she gingerly eased the blonde from the mattress. She put an arm round her, supporting Emma as she half dragged her to the changing room where she could try to make good some of the damage. The blonde was only too pleased to lie on her back on the table while she carefully checked her over. After a while she turned to the sink and began to run some hot water. "You'll be as pretty as ever in three or four days," she reassured her. Turning, but still at the sink, she added, "but I think those last two from Ruth will mean that you'll have a black eye and that can take a while to disappear. Still makeup can overcome that, we have to do it all the time after fights," she grinned. "Who do YOU think did the most damage?" "That big gorilla Vi," replied the blonde with no hesitation. "Yes, she's a bit of a handful, admitted Maggie. Emma closed her eyes and remembered the big woman tugging off the gloves, wet with her blood, and flinging them contemptuously onto the floor at the feet of the other women. She came round and felt Maggie's cool, expert hands cleaning round her red swollen nose and mouth. "Do you want to keep the g string?" she heard as if from a great distance. "What usually happens?" "Most of us do keep them, we never video these sessions you see, so the only mementoes you have are the photo and the panties." "Alright then." "Lift your bum up and I'll take it off for you." Emma was surprised how stiff she'd become. It most have been those sledge hammer blows to the ribs. Maggie draped a large towel over her middle and told her to rest a little longer. She held the completely blood-sodden g-string up and shook her head. "I'm sure no man could go through that, especially in such good heart" But then, she knew from her profession that men couldn't bear pain, or the thought of it, as well as women. She popped her head round the door, g-string in hand, to see what was going on in the gym. They'd just finished putting the stained mattress away, till the next victim came along. "Ruth,' she shouted. 'What's next on the agenda?" she enquired. We usually put on a scrap for the new girl don't we. Do you think she's up to it?" "I'll ask her." She was rather reluctant to disturb the resting Emma. "Emma?" She came up onto her elbows. "She looks much better," thought Maggie. "Ruth's sent me in to ask you something. Don't worry it's only that we usually put on a fight for a new girl. She was wondering if you'd like that?" Emma remembered the bouts she'd seen there already. "Yes, smashing." "Anyone you'd especially like to see in the ring?" "That Vi. Is there anyone who can beat her?" Maggie grinned. "Yes, Ruth's beaten her every time they've fought so far." "That's it then." "Ok I'll see if they're game.' She left Emma to rest again. Ruth darkened when she put Emma's choice to her. She could beat Vi true, but it was never a walk over. She'd been badly hurt last time they'd fought. But she was no coward, she was a boxer and ready to accept a challenge to her prowess in the ring and her womanhood. "Yes. Vi, come over here." She strode over, still just in her shorts. "What's up?" "Do you fancy a fight?" "Against you?" "That's right. Well?" snapped Ruth. "Yes, any time." Ruth's back was up already. "In fours to a finish?" "Now?" "Let's get changed. I'll be wearing panties," she added, casting a contemptuous glance at Vi's huge, baggy shorts. Vi sensed her dislike. "Let's do it out of the ring like we used to in the old days." Ruth nodded gamely. But she didn't much care for the idea. It meant fighting on the hard wooden floor of the gym with the other women forming a ring. The upshot of this was that clean knock-downs were rare because the girls tended to hold the boxers up and push them back into the fight. Still, she wasn't going to back down but wished there were a few more there. Luckily before long, as if in answer to her wish, half a dozen more members did turn up at the club. In less than ten minutes they were ready. The women, all bare-breasted again, stood round eagerly awaiting the boxers. Four people came out of the changing room at once. Maggie, carrying the gloves. Emma, slightly bent wearing a hideous dressing gown. The two boxers, heads held high, great tits lolling around their chests as they strode towards the centre of the room. Both wore simple white cotton panties, very brief and made to look even briefer by the women's sheer bulk. The circle of women parted to let them in. Maggie gave one pair of gloves to one of the women then turned to Ruth to begin gloving her up. Emma marvelled at the boxing gloves going on to the two women. Both pairs were black and well worn, but they looked so small. In an instant Maggie and the other woman merged in with the others and the two fighters were left alone in the small human circle. Emma's injuries didn't seem as bad as she watched Ruth and Vi beat each other up. Soon, like the rubber mat, the gym floor was spattered with blood. The four ounce gloves were wet with blood and worse than useless. There obviously were no rounds. Maggie confirmed her suspicions. "Yes, they'll keep this up now till the end." Emma thought they must be superbly fit. They were certainly badly injured already. Everyone around her was trembling with excitement. Soon, Vi in particular, was in as bad a state as she'd been earlier, against the wall in the corner. Worse if anything. Emma felt good as she watched more of Ruth's hammer blows getting to Vi's face. A terrific right uppercut to her hanging head split her nose badly. Her spattered chest quickly became a curtain of flowing blood. She obviously couldn't see. Ruth didn't let up. She kept the leather f1ying. There was a pleasing thud as a particularly vicious right cross sent Vi to the floor. Ruth stood bowed and panting, her eyes on the fallen woman. She was badly hurt and much of the blood down over her was her own. It was from her nose and mouth mostly, but Emma could see that she had a nasty gash on her forehead. "Those blows must have been powerful to cause that," she thought. Vi never even twitched. Maggie gave Emma the towels to hold. At last she got Vi sitting up. She was a terrible sight. Another woman joined her and they hauled her to her shaky feet. "Towels?" prompted Maggie. Ruth walked over slowly and she draped one of the large towels over her and one over Vi. "Hang on," she grinned and went to get the Polaroid.