Skip and Michelle By pk4hz600 ( Strong, muscular woman enchants and sexually, powerfully dominates smaller man. (This is my first attempt at a muscle story. Any feedback would be appreciated.) As he knelt before the front door of his apartment, fully naked, awaiting the return of his girlfriend Michelle from work, Skip reflected on the series of events that brought him to his current situation. A part of him was ashamed and remorseful that he had so fully given himself up – his dreams and desires – to serve her and be dependent on her for everything – food, shelter, comfort, safety and sexual gratification. Skip always thought his partner would fit into his life, not the other way around. But the other part of him, a much stronger urge, was perpetually excited by the thought that when she was home, he would be allowed to touch her powerful, perfect body, to kiss her breasts, to pleasure her while she tussled his hair, and in doing so that he would also receive pleasure. He no longer felt deviant, as he had in the beginning. He felt happy. And then the door opened. The Early Years Throughout his childhood, Skip was the runt of the class. When his 7th and 8th grade classmates were shooting up to 5'7", 5'9", even 6', Skip stayed put at barely five feet tall and was thin as a rail. Sure, he was a decent athlete. He played all the sports, and was even an all-star baseball player, but his height and physique were always gnawing points for him. One time in 7th grade, his science teacher brought out this strange contraption which looked like one of those blood pressure pumps. His teacher announced that they would be studying muscles, and wanted to test everyone's strength. All the students had to squeeze the pump with one hand, and a dial would register the power of the squeeze. It was a measure of arm strength. Out of twenty-five boys and girls in the class, Skip came in 24th, just barely ahead of one girl. He was humiliated – the whole class knew that all but one girl was stronger than him. The boys in the class were ruthless. But Skip recalled from that event one feeling – when Angela, a medium-sized girl who noone thought of as athletic squeezed the pump and had the highest score. He had a strange feeling that day, like none other he'd ever had, and Skip didn't understand it until years later. In the 9th grade, he had his first real experience with a strong woman. Her name was Holly, and she was a senior at his high school. She played volleyball and basketball and ran track and had two things no other girl he'd ever seen had. First, she had noticeable biceps. When she wore tank tops to school and carried her books, he could see the veined bulges protruding from her otherwise smooth, tanned skin. Second, her legs had a rounded shape to them, both in the thighs and calves, and bunched up as she walked. Especially when she climbed stairs. Her calves would tighten and lift and become this bubble of strength. He found himself following her around the school often, up the stairs to watch her legs and around corners to sneak peaks at her arms. But he never once spoke to her. After all, she was a senior, and she was tall – 5'9" at least, while he was still around five feet. One evening he was in a nearby ice cream shop when Holly walked in with her friends. She was wearing a cut-off tank top with umbros, and Skip couldn't keep his eyes off her. As she turned to leave, she noticed his gawking and smiled impishly. After her friends had exited, she remained for a moment and looked straight at Skip, raised her arm and made a muscle. The bicep jumped from her arm. He stared with his mouth wide open, his hand descended to his crotch and brushed his erect penis, the most erect he had ever felt it. She flexed her arm a couple of times, and the pumping seemed to transfer to his loins, as he ejaculated all over his shorts. His eyes rolled back and he gagged slightly. Holly smiled and left without a word. Even when he finally hit his growth spurt, hitting 5'10" in 11th grade, he remained scrawny, "wiry" as his mother would put it. He had no shape to him. No pecs, like the other boys were developing. His legs were thin as fingers, although they were incredibly swift. He always wanted to develop his body, sick of being pushed around in the locker room and the schoolyard, but instead spent most of his time studying, developing his mind. He went to college, to an ivy league school, where he continued to focus on education instead of physique and graduated with distinction. But he had two distinctions – one was being extremely smart, and the other being extremely thin and weak. Skip moved to New York, where he had a high paying job on Wall Street. He was a promising young star, given all the most difficult and most rewarding work. He worked hard, often 100 hour weeks, which still gave him little time to exercise. If he was scrawny when he arrived, after two years he was downright anemic. He was sick often, the sniffles usually, and his cousin, a doctor, told him that he had to join a gym and get in shape. He certainly had the money, so he joined a trendy gym in midtown, hired a personal trainer named George and dove into his exercise with the same alacrity he did his career. They Meet Skip usually worked out at night, around 7pm. He'd leave work, get a quick workout and perhaps return to the office for a few more hours to finish up his tasks. However, while he was surfing the internet he came across a medical paper which said that the effects of night workouts were dull compared to morning workouts. He didn't fully understand the medical reasoning behind the assessment, but he decided to change his schedule. The next morning, Skip woke up early, around 6:30, packed his suit and went to the gym. The morning crowd was completely different from the evening crowd. He'd become friendly with some of the evening crowd, getting spots when he needed them, and giving them when he could handle the weight. He felt almost lost, but concentrated on his regimen and slowly made his way through. When he had to hit his back, he wandered over to the lat pulldown machine. As he approached from behind, he saw a figure with long, curly light brown hair pulling down a large chunk of weight behind the head. He couldn't tell how much at first, but it was much more than he used. The figure was wearing a tank top, and when the back was fully flexed at the bottom of each rep, the muscles jumped out. So much thickness in the back. The arms bulged at the bicep at the bottom as well. He'd been a bit intimidated by some of the men when he first started going to the gym, but this body was well developed beyond anyone he'd seen there. He timidly approached from the side, hoping to ask the man to work in with him. But as he neared the machine from the side, he noticed that the man had breasts, large round ones. He didn't even see a face. He only noticed the breasts, the bulging arms and the pin, which set the stack to 140 pounds. 90 pounds more than he lifted! A woman?! His mind immediately pictured Holly's face on that body, and he felt a surging like the one he felt in the ice cream parlor. He ran to the locker room, into a stall, and let loose an orgasm that was more intense than any he'd felt with any of his girlfriends from real sexual contact. As he sat on the stall waiting for his excitement to wane so he could return to the exercise area, he considered what had just happened. Feelings that had remained dormant for so many years, that he had hidden because he considered them strange and unnatural, flowed into his mind. He had ignored the feelings with Holly. Who knows what might have happened had he talked to Holly back then. Maybe she would have liked him, and would have cradled him in her powerful arms as they fell asleep together. But he would never know. Right then and there, he vowed not to let that happen again. He would talk to this muscular woman. He would try to get to know her. He only hoped that she had a face as angelic as Holly's. He re-entered the exercise area, and found her still on the lat pulldown machine, only now she was performing the exercise to the front and using 150 pounds. As he approached from the side, he noticed her face, and it exceeded his wildest desires. Large, blue eyes with long eyelashes, high red cheekbones covered by flawless tanned skin, button nose, perfectly kissable lips. His heart skipped a beat. He almost had to run back to the bathroom, but he paused, took a deep breath, and walked slowly towards her. She was finishing her last rep as he reached the machine, and as she released the bar the weight stack fell to the earth with a loud crash. She rose, giving a light grunt, and stretched her back muscles while holding the machine and pulling. Her back leaped to life, the muscles rising to the skin surface. She sat back down and Skip spoke up. "Excuse me," he mumbled. She looked up at him, with those wide, blue eyes. His mouth went dry. "Mind if I work in with you?" She stood up, still eyeing him warily, as if she were assessing his manhood. At full height, she was nearly as tall as Skip, maybe a half- inch shorter, but she was much wider. In that instance, Skip imagined being hugged by her, totally enveloped in her large, strong arms, nuzzling her neck as she rocked him slowly, and he became excited again. He slowly looked down her front, hungrily taking in the view. Her large, perky breasts rose proudly and dominantly from her obviously powerful chest. The chasm down the center of her chest seemed deep enough to get his hand lost, and he felt an urge to squeeze her pec right at the armpit. Her abdominals were covered by the tank top, but he noticed that her waist was tiny compared to the hulking breadth of her shoulders and chest. He moved back up to her shoulders, which were huge balls of striation sticking out from her clavicle. He doubted he could get his hand around them. His eyes traveled down her arms, which, even relaxed, displayed sizeable biceps and horseshoe-shaped triceps, and her forearms, which underneath appeared to be stuffed like Popeye's. She eyed him, as well, travelling down his flat, shapeless front until she noticed his full-fledged erection pushing his shorts out. She looked back into his eyes and said, sweetly, "Everything okay there, sport?" and motioned with her eyes to his crotch. He looked down and shifted his shorts a bit, and said nothing. He only lowered his eyes in embarrassment. She patted the tip of his penis with her index finger, and said "Don't be embarrassed. I'll take it as a compliment. Come on in and work with me. Something tells me you want to sit down." "I'd like that very much." He sat down faster than he ever did before, and leaned forward to cover up the bulge. He set the stack down to 80 pounds, 30 more than he usually did, because he wanted to lift at lease half what she did, and started to pull down to the front, but was having severe trouble handling that much weight. As he struggled to make the bar touch his chest a second time, he felt a lessening of the weight, and felt hands over his own on the bar. He looked to the side and felt her breath in his ear. "Hurting yourself doesn't impress me, sport. Knowing yourself does." She led the bar back to its resting position, and leaned into Skip's back as she reached around him to move the pin down to 50. As she did so, her breasts pushed against Skip's upper back. He gasped a bit. She said again into his ear, closely, "This is more your level. Concentrate on the form and you'll get better results than by lifting extra pounds." He finished his set and stood up to let her sit down. "Thanks for the tip," Skip said, stepping off the machine. "I guess I was being a bit macho. That's not like me." "I didn't think so." She reached down and moved the pin to 170 pounds, and then reached her muscular arms up to grasp the bar. As she sat down, she exhaled strongly. "You seem nice enough." She performed her first rep. Skip saw his chance. "I'm Skip." "Skip," she said, concentrating on the stack of weights before her, "don't ever speak to me when I'm in the middle of a set." She pulled down her sixth rep. "Sorry." Skip spoke quickly and stepped back a bit. She finished her last rep, moved the pin back to 50 and said "You don't have to step away. I just like to concentrate on each muscle I work, I feel it makes them build stronger and faster. And if you speak, it distracts me." "I understand. Thanks for the explanation." "My name is Michelle. Would you like me to show you how to do some of these exercises? Your body could use some improvement." Skip nearly lost it, but played it cool. "Sure, I just hope I don't show you up." They both laughed. "Which bodypart do you think needs the most work," she asked him. "I think the better question is which one doesn't." He chuckled, and she lightly touched his shoulder. He moved a bit from the force. "You're funny. How about we work your chest, your pecs. Do you work them often?" "Not often enough." "Then follow me." She reached her hand out to his, and he took it eagerly. She led him to the free weight room, which was filled with dumbbells and barbells and benches. She walked over to the dumbbell rack and lifted a pair of 25 pound dumbbells. "Sit down on that bench, and lay back." He complied. "Now take these." She knelt behind his head and handed the dumbbells to him. "Nice and easy." Skip had difficulty concentrating, because at the angle she was leaning he could see her stiff nipples clearly through the thin fabric of her tank top. But he pushed the dumbbells up with great effort. He performed 6 repetitions, and on the seventh, he was failing on the upward motion, so Michelle leaned forward, rubbing her nipple on his forehead, and put one finger under each elbow and helped him complete the rep. She took the dumbbells from him and said "Nice job. But you're going to have to do better than that to keep up with me." "Give me two weeks," he joked. Michelle took his hand and helped him to his feet. When he rose, he was directly in front of her, their faces so close he could smell her lipstick. He had the urge to kiss her, but she put her finger on his lips and said, "My turn." She walked over to the other end of the dumbbell rack and picked up two 110 pound dumbbells, and walked back to the bench. She placed one dumbbell on each knee, kicked them up and laid back, and she pounded out 10 reps with them. Skip was entranced. He watched the muscles in her immense arms bulge at the exertion. Her chest bunched up into slabs of steel, and the striations were totally, erotically evident. He wished that she weren't wearing sweat pants so that he could see her legs. He had no doubt they were powerful as well, and the curiosity was unbearable. Michelle finished the last rep and dropped the weights to the ground with a loud thud, and rose to a sitting position, stretching her arms behind her to stretch her chest muscles. Her breasts heaved, and nearly tore through her top. He looked straight at them, and she noticed. She reached out her arm and cupped his crotch, and his eyes immediately focused on her face. "I see you like my breasts. But why don't I get the same reaction as before?" She juggled his package in her hand, smiled and released him. He began to sweat, and his penis noticeably grew. "That's better." "I've never seen anyone lift so much weight, man or woman. You're amazing." "That's not even my maximum. I can press 140 pound dumbbells 5 times." She decided to show him just how strong she was, but not by touching him. She was going to play with his mind for a bit. "Do you think you could return the dumbbells to the rack for me?" Skip looked nervous as he looked at the huge weight at his feet. He had never lifted anything so big, but if she could press the dumbbells with one arm, he was sure he could lift one with both. He stooped down and grasped one and tried to move it, but even with his greatest effort he couldn't lift in off the ground. He just rolled it over to the rack – he was tired from just rolling the massive weights - and regarded his situation. As he scratched his hair trying to figure out some way to lift the weight to its racked position, he felt Michelle come up behind him, put her hand on his rear end and lift him slightly to move him aside. His feet actually left the ground for a second, and his hands reflexively reached behind him to grasp her forearm. "I'll finish it off" she told him. "Thanks for bringing them over here. It was a big help." She lifted one weight with each hand and easily replaced them to their rightful place. She took him around the gym for another hour, showing him the proper way to do many of the exercises that would help him bulk up. And on every exercise she outlifted him by at least two times, often much more. On biceps curls he struggled with twenty pound dumbbells while she easily finished a quick set of 10 with 55 pounders. On tricep pushdowns he was able to use a 40 pound stack, while she lifted the entire stack of weights – 150 pounds! On lateral delt raises, he almost injured his shoulder trying to impress her with 15 pound dumbbells, but was wasting his time, because she used 35 pound weights on that exercises. But the most humiliating moment came when they used the leg press machine. His legs were so thin and spindly that he could only presss the weight holder with no plates on it. When she tried to put a 10 pound plate on each side he felt like his knees would break. When it was her turn, she went to a stack and started picking up one 45 pound plate with each hand, and she kept on going back to add more to the machine. When she finally sat down, Skip counted 10 plates on each side – 900 pounds, plus the weight of the holder. She sat down and easily performed 12 repetitions, then rose up and took Skip's hand, and rubbed on the inside of her thight. "Does that feel hard to you?" Skip sighed, and his knees buckled. She barely had time to put her other hand under his butt and hold him up. "You are so strong. So sexy. So perfect." "That's sweet. I hope the tips I've given you help out." Then Skip blurted out the fateful words. "I think I love you." It was as if he was in a trance. Michelle looked into his eyes. "I know it may seem that way, but later on tonight you'll realize that you're only attracted to my muscles, and not to me as a person, and that's not enough for me. But thank you." She turned to walk away. Skip jumped after her and held her shoulder. Like he figured before, he couldn't hold her entire powerful bulbous shoulder in his hand. It was just too big. "Wait." "Yes." "Will you, um, let me buy you dinner tonight, um, as thanks for helping me out so much. I'd really like to get to know you better." "I was hoping you'd ask me. I think you're awfully sweet and cute. How about we meet at Jim's Jazz Cafι at 8:00. I might even buy YOU a drink." With that, she walked off to the women's locker room. The First Date Needless to say, Skip couldn't concentrate particularly well that day. His mind kept imagining being cradled in her arms, as whe walked around the house singing to him. His mind alternated between jubilance at the prospect of seeing her again and shame at feeling so deviant. Why was he attracted to this amazon? The roles of relationships would almost certainly be reversed with them. How could he keep the upper hand. He finally realized, he didn't care. He only wanted to touch her, and feel her power, and would give almost anything for that chance. He got to the cafι at 7:45, and picked out a table in the corner A secluded table, where they could talk privately without anyone staring at the mismatched couple. She entered shortly after, wearing a long black coat, and she instantly found him. He stood up to greet her, and in her heels she was an inch or two taller than him. "It's nice to see you" he greeted. She took his hand in hers an rubbed the top. "You too." As he sat back down, she removed her coat, and revealed a power business suit – impeccable, probably costing over a thousand dollars based on what the women at his office told him they spent. He also noticed for the first time her legs, bulging out from her mid-thigh skirt. There were lines in her thighs like those he saw in the muscle magazines. But she sat down before he could see any more. He started the conversation. "I'm glad you picked this place. I love jazz." "Me too." They talked for hours, sitting there listening to the lyric saxophonist joust with the pianist and drummer for crowd favor. The sound was angelic, but she was even better. He found out that she was a bond trader at a competing firm, and doing some quick calculations in his mind figured that she must be making as much as if not more than he was. She was obviously bright, as she was ivy- league educated, and she had so much charisma and presence they nearly knocked him off his seat. By the end of the night, he truly felt connected with this woman, who was less womanly than any girlfriend he'd ever had but sexier than all of them combined. He reached across the table and took her hand. "Michelle, I am so attracted to you. You're everything I've ever wanted in a woman, an a partner. Even though your muscles intimidate me, I want to see you again, and again and again." She didn't say a word, she only squeezed his hand a bit, and his faced showed that she had squeezed a little too much. She'd have to be careful with this one. She stood up, pulling Skip to his feet, and led him outside. She hailed a cab and they got in, with out a word, and immediately she put her arm around his neck and pulled his face to hers, and took him in a passionate kiss that took his breath away. He put one hand on her breast and kneaded it, and she placed her hand on his crotch and returned the favor. When the cab arrived at her apartment on the upper east side, she paid the cabbie and got out first. As Skip stepped out, she grabbed him and lifted him into her arms, into a cradle hold. She walked up the stairs to her brownstone apartment and, shifting him into one arm, with her hand around his crotch, took out her keys and opened the door. Skip was amazed at her strength, despite her displays that morning. She was holding him in one arm, and didn't even seem to be struggling. She returned him to her two arms again and kissed him again as she walked up the three flights to her apartment. Skip wrapped his arms around her neck, feeling her thick traps. When Michelle reached the door to her apartment, she once again transferred Skip to her left arm, only this time she rested him on her hip, with her left arm wrapped around his waist and her hand supporting his butt. Supremely comfortable in this position, Skip reached his head up and kissed her lightly on the neck and blew in her ear. A bit surprised, she fumbled a bit with her keys, but after a second opened the door to a massive apartment furnished with antique furniture and ornately- framed paintings adorning the walls. Not that Skip saw any of it then. He was concentrating on Michelle's ear, sucking on the earlobe, biting it, and then shifting his head a bit so he could lick the inside of her ear. He licked and sucked and bit greedily, and Michelle groaned in appreciation. "You're so good with your pretty little tongue and lips. I'll have to make use of them elsewhere on my body later." She released his body from her loving grip, and he slid to the floor. Immediately Skip jumped at her front and wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, saying "Don't let me go. Don't ever let me go." They kissed passionately while she carried him into her bedroom. Her bed was huge, larger than a normal king-sized bed, and was lined with pillows on two sides. She lowered him gingerly onto his back and reached down to unbutton his pants, then undid his zipper slowly, seductively, finally reaching inside his boxers to firmly grasp his penis and testicles. Lowering her head, she planted a loving kiss to the tip of his penis and licked the head several times while lightly squeezing his balls. Skip's legs were squirming and he petted her hair, and stuck one finger in her ear and moved it around. As soon as he began to move his finger in her ear, she sighed and took his entire penis in her mouth, pumping softly up and down, up and down. Skip's breathing was coming in short, quick gasps, and his body was writhing in desire, but as Skip was about to climax into her mouth, Michelle suddenly stopped. She looked him straight in the eyes, and said "I see you've found my one weakness." "You have no weakness, my sweet." "Do you want me?" "More than anything." Michelle ripped his shirt open, sending buttons flying everywhere. Then she grabbed his pants at the zipper and ripped them right down the seam, pulling them off. His boxers came next, exploding from his body as she tugged mightily, and suddenly Skip was naked on the bed lying before his dream woman. She once again took his balls in her loving grip as her other hand massaged her right breast. "Would you like to undress me." Skip couldn't verbally reply, he could only nod his head up and down. Michelle took his right hand and pulled him up and placed his hand on her breast. "Be gentle." Skip traced the underside of her breasts with his hands, then slowly began to unbutton her blouse, one at a time, revealing her black lacy bra and her six-pack abdominals, jumping out in relief from her supple stomach skin. His hands traveled back up her torso so that they were at her shoulders, just under the fabric. He slowly pushed back, tracing the roundness of her deltoids, and her jacket and blouse fell off her wide shoulders, getting caught on her elbows. So he slowly moved his hands down her arms, tracing her bulging biceps, and pushed the garments off her and onto the floor. Then he reached around her to unhook her bra, but her back was so wide that he couldn't quite make it, so he pushed himself closer, closer to her. As he blindly fumbled with the clasp, his face was pressed in between her breasts, and he felt the steely hardness of her underlying pectorals. She took a breast in each hand and squeezed them into his head. The force pushed his head straightforward, with his nose pressing into her sternum, and for a moment he was unable to breathe. In his brief panic, his hands moved and somehow he was able to unhook the bra. Michelle released his head from the erotic vise and he took the straps in his hands and slowly moved them over her shoulders, down her big arms, finally allowing the bra to flutter to the floor. Her breasts were so large he expected them to spill out of the bra, but instead they remained where they were, jutting out proudly from her pecs. Staring at them for a second, he finally reached out to them, taking one in each hand, squeezing and kneading them, feeling their weight and their suppleness, massaging the nipples until they became even more erect. Michelle decided to really blow his mind away. She flexed her pecs alternately, first the right, then the left, then the right again, and as the muscle contracted, her breasts heaved, only slight movement, but because of their size the movement was very noticeable. The effect on Skip was hypnotic. He watched them bounce against each other, and his head started to move forward, to get closer to them. He had to get closer to them. They were just so perfect. Without him consciously realizing it, he touched the left nipple with his mouth, then he softly kissed it a couple of times, then he licked the small areola, and finally took the whole area in his mouth and began to suck. He sucked and bit the nipple for what seemed like hours, reveling in the passion he was feeling and in the groans of pleasure both of them were emitting. His left hand instinctively moved to pet her right breast, tracing swirls and lines, squeezing the breast and pinching her nipples ever so lightly. He could feel her heart beating so quickly, or was it his own? He wasn't sure. With his right hand, he reached down to her skirt and deftly unhooked the button, allowing the skirt to drift down her legs, but it was caught on her flaring powerful thighs. He released her breasts and used both hands to remove the skirt, tracing his hands over her muscular thighs, down and over her balled-up calves and finally he lifted each foot to get rid of it. He slowly worked his way back up her legs, kissing the muscles, licking the skin, until Michelle impatiently grabbed his chin and lifted his head back to her breasts. He gladly returned to his sucking. He turned his attention to removing her panties, thin black ones that barely covered her womanhood. Using both hands, he rolled them down her round, hard butt, stretching them over her heavily muscled thighs and once again lifted her legs in final removal. He need no guidance this time – he immediately assumed his position nursing at her ample breasts. With his right hand, he traced a line down the center of her stomach, feeling every bump and undulation of her unyielding abdominals, until he felt the soft hair of her crotch. He rubbed her womanhood softly at first, and then slowly inserted his index finger into her hole, rubbing up and down, up and down, as his palm massaged the entrance. Michelle let out a great scream of ecstasy, which made Skip jump a bit in fear, and then she put one arm between his legs around to his butt, steadied his chest with the other, and picked him up, holding him above her head. Skip grabbed for her forearm, afraid that she might drop him, which deep down he knew would never happen, but the fear took him anyway. Michelle was breathing heavily, and Skip looked down her cleavage and saw her breasts heaving as her lungs steadied themselves. She looked up at him, held up in the air by the might of her powerful 17-inch arms. "I'm going to fuck you right now Skip. I know you want it to happen, but I want to make it clear to you that it's my decision, not yours, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. If you struggle, I will hurt you. You know I can do it. You know I can manhandle you like no one ever has, because every muscle in my body, from my feet to my biceps to my tongue, is stronger than yours." Her muscle talk was making him sweat, and his penis hardened even more. "You have no chance to stop me and you never will. But if you comply with my instructions and orders, if you subjugate yourself to me and make me your sexual master tonight, I will show you pleasures you've never dreamed." He looked down at her and rubbed her forearm with his finger. "Your wishes are my desires, my love." With that admission, she heaved him upward, so that he was flying through the air, with no idea of when or how he would land. He eventually landed on his back on the bed, and before the shock could wear off, she had crawled on top of him and taken his mouth in a deep, wet kiss. Her tongue was playing with his, throwing it around his mouth like she had just thrown his body across the room. She lowered herself onto his throbbing, aching penis, and enveloped him into her warm love canal. They both let out sighs of pleasure, as she began to slowly, slowly, slowly move around in circles and then up and down, taking his entire shaft into her, and nearly his balls as well. She put her arms under his back, and lifted him up into her pressing his chest into hers, his face touching hers, and then she stood up holding him in her arms with his penis still inside of her. He wrapped his legs around her waist, and his arms around her neck, feeling the hardness of her delts and traps, and began to thrust into her. A stinging swat across his ass stopped that motion, and the pain brought a slight tear to his eye. Grabbing his hair to turn his eyes towards hers, she said "Leave it to me." He kissed and nuzzled her neck. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hurt me again." "Then remember your place." She wrapped her mighty arms tighter around his body, and then placed one hand under his butt. She moved him up and down, up and down so many times her arms inflated to monstrous size from the exertion. He placed one of his hands on her bicep but couldn't even begin to get around the front of it. Skip began to blabber in euphoria. "Take me! Use me! I need you!" She silenced him with a kiss, then they both climaxed together, as he let out a high squeak while she emitted a deep gutteral sigh. She held him tight, then dropped him to the bed, his come dripping out of her hole. "Kiss me" she ordered. He stood up to reach her lips, but she placed a hand on his head and easily pushed him to his knees. "Not there" she admonished. Looking at her pussy lathered in his own come, he realized he had no choice but to ingest his own emissions. He leaned forward and began to kiss her womanhood, poking at her love hole with his tongue. He reached around back and grabbed her muscular buttocks with his hands, squeezing them, kneading them as if they were dough and he were baking them into a muscle cake. He was losing himself in her, hearing her sighs of pleasure, feeling her powerful arm push his head deeper, deeper into her. Suddenly she stepped forward and pushed him back, but did not let him fall to the floor. Instead, he caught his head between her muscular thighs and pulled his hair to bring him back up to her pussy. His arms were caught between her thighs as well, and he could no longer touch her with anything other than his mouth. "I knew your mouth would feel good here too." After a couple of minutes, she shook and screamed brutally loud and let loose with a wave of come onto his face. She opened her legs up and Skip fell to the floor. He tried to arise, but she pushed him back. "Stay there." She lay down on top of him, and once again took him inside of her. "Hang on to me. Don't let go or I will punish you again." Skip held her with his arms and legs tighter than anything he'd ever held in his life. She put her arms out in front of her and pushed herself up. His body shook a bit from the sudden stop. Then she lowered herself back down until his back hit the floor and pushed up again. He found himself thrusting into her at the top and bottom of the reps. He could hardly believe that a woman could be this strong, performing push ups with the added bodyweight of an adult male, clinging to her like a child. The push-up fuck was so erotic, that he didn't last very long. He came into her again, just as powerfully as the first time. As he was spurting his juices, she also reached a peak and expelled him from her, causing shooting sprays of come to spray on her abdomen. She dropped him and he just lay there, half from sheer exhaustion and half because she hadn't ordered him to move. Michelle got up and went over to her night table, took a tissue and wiped off the come as she walked back to him. "Naughty little boy, getting me dirty. I won't punish you for this – at least not this time." She stooped down and placed one arm under his neck and the other under his knees and stood up, lifting him, cradling him into her breasts. She laid down on her back and adjusted him so that he was straddling her torso, sitting on her hard abdominals. She took his penis and placed it between her breasts. "You've been a very good boy. As a reward, I have some dessert for you." She squeezed her breasts into him. "I know you liked this before." She began to flex her pecs again, and her breasts bobbed, massaging his member. He was in absolute heaven. The surging was making him delirious. "Don't get any on me!" she warned. In his ecstasy, he didn't hear her warning. Within moments, he ejaculated shooting streams of semen all over her, letting out another high-pitched squeal. She threw him off of her, and, realizing what he had done, he ran to the night table and took a whole bunch of tissues and began to clean her, kissing her breasts and licking her ear to try to calm her anger. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Please don't hurt me. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry." He was utterly frightened. "I'm glad you understand your mistake. But I'm afraid that I can't let it go unpunished." He began to well up with tears, and he hugged her tight. She easily broke his bond, and dragged him off the bed. She picked up the panties that he had taken off of her, regarded them for a second, and then said, "Because you cleaned me so quickly, I will give you light punishment. Put these on." Skip was horrified. "What?" he reflexively responded. He realized his mistake right away. Immediately she was upon him, grabbing his head in a devastating headlock and placing his waist between her thighs, facing down. He began to kick his legs, but she grabbed one quickly and then game him a slap across his bare ass again to get him to stop. The movement stopped immediately, as he began to weep and whimper. She steadied his legs, then slipped the black panties over his legs. She stood him up and it was obvious that they were much too big for him. The leg holes, stretched wide by her bulging thighs, draped off his pencil-thin legs, and the band, used to her powerful hips and muscular buttocks, was far too stretched to remain on his slender frame. They began to slide down, so she grabbed them from the rear and hoisted Skip into the air, giving him a killer wedgie. His crying became louder. The pain was horrible, but Michelle just held him there, his feet three feet off the ground. He heard a ripping sound, and suddenly he was falling to the ground, until he felt a hand grasp his crotch and hold him in the air. Michelle carried his whimpering body to the bed and laid him down on his back, and kissed his penis. "I'm sorry I had to do that to you. Eventually you will learn to obey me and these punishments will no longer be necessary." Her soothing voice made him feel better, and he stopped crying. She massaged his balls in her hand and then she rubbed a finger under his eyes and removed his tears. Then she laid down beside him and, still holding his balls firmly, pulled his head and body onto her chest, pushing his face into her breast. "You're my good little boy, aren't you." "Yes, my love." "Say it." "I'm your good little boy." "Good. Now go to sleep, my sweet, and dream about me." She kissed the top of his head and lay back, releasing his captured testicles. He nuzzled into her breast, kissed and briefly sucked her nipple and held her tight as they both fell asleep. Dating an Amazon Over the next several months, Michelle and Skip saw a lot of each other. Skip altered his regimen so that he could see her at the gym every morning, where she would always dazzle him with ever- increasing displays of strength. From time to time, when the gym wasn't busy and they had a room to themselves, she would use him as extra weight. One time, she was doing barbell bench presses, and she put on a 45 and 25 on each side. Skip realized that this was less than she usually lifted. She normally had at least two 45s and a 25 on each side. "185 pounds. That's it?" he asked. "Is everything ok?" "Better than you realize. Come lean over the bar, sweet." He complied, angling his body so that his chest was over the bar. She grabbed his hair and pulled, causing him to jackknife over the barbell, his face plummeting into her crotch. "With your 140 pounds, that makes 325. That should be a nice workout. She put her arms on either side of him and pushed the bar off the rack. To steady himself, Skip put his hands on her chest, and he could feel the contraction of the muscles under her skin. It was erotic as hell, and he got hard. His penis started sticking out of his short workout shorts, and when Michelle lowered the weight for the sixth time she noticed its single eye staring right at her. "Can't you keep that thing down for once?" On the next lowering, she stuck out her tongue and licked its head, and Skipped moaned in delight. After that, Skip would kiss her womanhood through her shorts every time she lowered, and Michelle would lick his penis. The sexual energy propelled Michelle to complete 15 reps, a record for her at that much weight, even more impressive considering that the bar must have been wobbling from his shaking. Another time, she instructed Skip to get on her back, piggy- back style, and she reached up to the wide-grip pull-up bar and started pounding out rep after rep after rep, as if she had nothing on her back at all. Skip couldn't help himself. He started kissing her neck and ears and reached around front to rub her breasts. Any time she showed her immense strength, he felt the urge to touch her, to worship her musculature, to be hers and hers alone. The overwhelming desire for her caused Skip's work to slip a bit. He just couldn't keep his mind off of her. When she called to tell him that she was leaving work, he would quickly pack up his things and leave to meet her at her apartment, every night. He barely went to his own apartment anymore, only to pick up fresh clothing, but over time all of his clothes wound up at Michelle's palatial apartment. At night, Michelle would devise creative ways to muscle- fuck him, realizing that they both enjoyed sex combined with her overpowering him better than sex by itself. One of Skip's favorites was when Michelle would lift him by the waist, her arms expanding impressively as veins protruded from the skin, then turn him over and hold him upside down, hanging in the air reliant only on the strength of her mighty arms, as she took her penis and balls in her mouth and he sucked on her clit and plunged his tongue deep into her hole. She called it her "standing bicep 69." Sometimes she would add a lifting motion to it, curling his 140 pounds as if he were a tiny weight. Another favorite was when she made him squat on the ground and place his penis in between her calves. Then she would rise to her tippy-toes to squeeze his member between the bulging muscles. Up and down, up and down she would move, milking his penis while he rubbed and felt the utter power of her thighs. He loved the feeling of being squeezed in her arms, unable to extricate himself until she allowed it. He loved the feeling of not being able to encircle her massive torso with his arms. He loved the feeling of reaching up to grasp her shoulders and feeling an outward "V" shape in his arms as he did so, because her shoulders were so much wider than his own. He loved the feeling of being suspended in the air over her head, rubbing her strong arms as she held him there. And he adored the feeling of cuddling up to her while they slept, his arm draped over her stomach and his head resting on her breasts, periodically sucking on her breast for comfort. After a few months of increasing closeness, Michelle told Skip one night in bed that he should move in with her. Skip was hesitant. "I do love you, my sweet. But it seems early to make such a large step." Michelle took his balls in her palm, like she always did when she wanted Skip's undivided attention. Usually a small, quick squeeze was her method, but this time she game a firm squeeze and held it, which made Skip squirm in discomfort. "I don't think you quite heard me, Skip. I said you'll be moving in with me. I want you here all the time. You only need to bring the rest of your clothes. We'll sell your furniture and other belongings. You won't be needing them anymore. Tomorrow morning you move in. Understand?" Another squeeze of his balls indicated that he had no choice. "Yes." "Yes what?" "Yes, my love." "Very good, my good little boy. Now you may suckle for 15 minutes, but then you must go to sleep. You'll have a busy day tomorrow." "Yes, my love." Skip eagerly took her nipple in his mouth and rubbed her stomach. He noticed a small change in her attitude, but couldn't quite put his finger on it She had never given permission to suckle at her breasts; she had never squeezed his balls so tight. She had never asked him to address her in such a formal manner. And why was tomorrow going to be so busy, if he was only moving his clothes? But the joy of gnawing at her perfect chest eradicated any concerns he had, and he drifted into dreamland smiling wide. The Change Skip arrived before work the next day, dragging a few bags of clothes. He buzzed he apartment, and Michelle came down wearing her bathrobe and easily carried his heavy bags up the stairs for him, not saying a word. It seemed odd to Skip – no kiss hello, no warm greeting. He had hoped that everything would start off perfectly. Michelle opened the door to the apartment and they both entered. Skip asked, "Is everything alright, my—" "Silence! Take off your clothes." Skip began to think that this was all some big entrιe to a muscle-fucking session, so he quickly complied, wondering what creative method Michelle had developed for this wonderful moment. He stood naked before her. "On your knees." He sank to his knees and looked at her beautiful face, which was more serious than he'd seen it in a long time. And then she began the speech which would forever change Skip's life. "Your life changes today. You are no longer Skip. You are my lover. Everything about you ties to me, and only me. You are my property, and like any property I will do with you whatever I wish, with no questions from you. Any disagreement will result in severe punishment. You no longer exist to please yourself – your entire existence is intended now to please me, to serve me, to obey me. Any displeasure you cause, service you fail or disobedience you perpetrate will result in severe punishment. Your life outside these walls no longer exists – your friends, your job, your family. All have ended now that you belong to me." Skip looked quizzically at her. He no longer thought that this was a preamble to sex. He was worried she might be serious. Michelle picked up the cordless phone from a nearby table, and held it out to Skip. "Take this." He did so, cautiously. "You will now call your boss, and inform him that you will no longer be working, so that you can serve your mistress." "What are you talking about, Michelle?" She took a step forward and slapped Skip hard in the face. The force of the slap sent him to the floor, and he covered up his face with his hands. "You will learn to obey without question." She then grabbed him and lifted him up by the shoulder and knees and literally threw him across the room into the wall. He slumped on the ground, in pain, sobbing hysterically. "Michelle, don't hurt me." "On your knees before me. Now." He rose slowly and obediently sat on his knees. He was unable to look at her eyes, so she grabbed his chin and pushed his face up. "You WILL call, right now, or I will punish you worse than that. And not only with physical harm. Unless you call, " she let her robe fall to the floor, exposing her massively muscled physique, "I will never allow you to touch this body again." She struck a double biceps pose which made him understand that he wanted neither punishment. Her muscled arms grew larger and larger as she pumped her arms, her lats flared outward like an eagle's wings. He reached his hand out and she gave him the phone and he dialed his boss's number. "Hello, Jim. This is Skip. I just wanted to tell you" – Michelle started to rub Skip's hair to comfort him – "that I'm not coming back to work anymore. I've decided that – " Michelle pulled his hair and gave him a look of anger "- er, my girlfriend has – " another tug of the hair "- er, my mistress has ordered me to serve her at all times, and I eagerly wish to pleasure her, so this means that I can no longer leave her apartment to go to work. Please send my belongings to my apartment, Jim. Take care." Michelle took the phone from him and hung it up. Skip openly cried at the end of his career, at the humiliation of admitting to his boss that he could not stand up to this powerful woman. Michelle stroked his cheek softly. "Don't cry, my good little boy. I make plenty to support us both. And you will receive for more pleasure from serving me without distraction than you ever did from your job, provided you are an obedient slave." "Michelle, I-" "Silence! There are more rules you must learn and follow. First, you must never speak to me unless you are spoken to first. If we have guests, I will nod to tell you when it is allowable to speak to them. If you disobey this rule, you will receive severe punishment." "But-" "Don't you learn? Why do you make me do this?" She grabbed his head and pulled him over to the bed. She sat down on the end of the bed, and manhandled him to a position where he was bent over her knees. He tried to use his arms to break away, but she grabbed them both with one arm and completely immobilized them, then placed them between her thighs and clamped them into submission. His bare ass was fully exposed to her. "I hate doing this. Nothing would give me more pleasure than fucking you all day and all night, with nothing but love and understanding between us. But I will punish you, I will hurt you badly, until you accept my rules as your law, your personal constitution. I will train you to understand that I am much, much stronger than you – that I can dominate you into submission with half of my strength and save the other half for taking you to my bed. In time, you will learn to serve me without question. I am your muscle mistress." SMACK. She slapped his ass, and he let out a loud cry. "After each slap I want you to say the following: ‘I will obey you always my mistress.'" SMACK. "Say it!" "I will obey you always my mistress." SMACK "I will obey you always my mistress." SMACK. She rained 20 blows on his ass until it was red and swollen, and Skip was a crying sack of uselessness. After she finished, Skip continued to proclaim his obedience, which brought a smile to Michelle's face. She lifted him from his prone position and sat him in the space between her legs, his legs draped over one of her mighty thighs. He was sobbing, and tears were again streaming down his face. She lifted his face with her finger, and kissed him passionately. He placed his arms around her neck and held tightly, and she placed her palm on her crotch and massaged him intimately, which quickly aroused him. "I have another rule to tell you, my slave. You are to never wear clothes in this house, ever. I will be locking all of your clothes in a closet which you are forbidden to enter. If you ever try to enter, I will punish you. If I ever catch you wearing clothes, I will punish you. When I return home from work each day, you will be kneeling at the door, naked, awaiting my arrival. You will greet me by kissing me intimately. You will delicately remove my clothes so that we can be naked together. And then you will dedicate your time with me to satisfying my desires. Do you understand?" Once again, she squeezed his balls to convey her point. Skip was becoming used to this, and had begun to somewhat enjoy it. "Yes, my mistress." "Very good. You may pleasure me now with your tongue before I go to work." With that, he plunged deep inside of her, while his hands explored all of her muscles. He was hers, and he knew his life would never be the same. He loved her muscles, and the way she could use them to subdue and control him. He loved her dearly. Another Humiliation Skip had come to accept his new position. He no longer felt like an individual. The Skip who had worked so hard to be successful in his career, to be as smart as he could be, no longer existed. In his place, a personality of servitude had come to roost. All day, while his mistress was away, he would lie in front of the television, obediently naked, and think about how wonderful it would be when she came home, and he would be carried away in her strong arms. How he could feel her muscular legs, and rub her washboard stomach, and nurse several times daily at her beautiful breasts. He never knew for sure when Michelle would arrive home from work. Usually she strolled in around 7:00, but she might sometimes be there an hour early or an hour late. He learned this the hard way. The first and only time he wasn't in his commanded position when she arrived early, Michelle was extremely upset. He was in her room, smelling and touching her underwear, which he did often while she was away at work. On this day he had put on a pair of her pink panties and a white lace bra, reveling in the erotic feeling he had from being in her clothes, and he became so aroused that he needed to release his pressure and was beating off in front of the mirror, imagining that he was flying in the air on the strength of her arms, and she had swallowed his member in her mouth and was gently sucking an orgasm from him. Up and down she pressed him, keeping her lips in contact with his penis all the time. The thought was energizing him. As he climaxed, shooting come into her panties, he heard the door open and panicked – he sprinted to meet her, finding her standing there, a large frown on her face and her massive arms folded across her mighty chest. Skip stood for a moment, realizing that he was still wearing his erotic outfit, and realizing that come was seeping down his leg, a large wet spot evident in the pink fabric. He kneeled before her and wrapped his arms around her left leg, kissing and licking it to show his remorse, but he dared not speak to apologize, as she would punish him for speaking without permission. Michelle was not appeased. "I work all day to support you. I come home and all I want is for you to obey me, to make me feel loved and desired. Instead, you insult me by wearing and soiling my clothes, and not being here to greet me as I ordered. This kind of disrespect cannot go unpunished." "Oh, no" Skip shrieked, and he turned around to run away, but like a panther, Michelle grabbed the back of his panties and pulled him back to her. She pushed him to the ground and put her foot on the back of his neck while she considered what to do. Then she grabbed the panties with one hand and the back of the bra with the other, and lifted him from the ground, his face still staring at the floor. Petrified, he no longer struggled. She jerked him clean into the air, well above her head, and then lowered him face up onto her muscular shoulders. Holding his chin with one hand and his balls with the other, she spun around so fast that he became totally disoriented. She let go of him and leaned back to let him fall off of her, and he crashed to the floor in a heap. Not wasting a moment, she picked him back up high into the air and ran towards her bedroom, taking long, graceful strides in the process, and threw him 15 feet through the air onto the bed. He bounced into the headboard hard. She laid on top of him, and said "You want to be a woman? Well now you're going to be my bitch." She grabbed his arms and bent them behind his back, locking them in the strong grasp of one powerful hand. Then she twisted her legs around his, and stretched them out so painfully in a grapevine. He yelled in pain. "You WILL obey me." She slapped him hard across the face. With no limbs free, he couldn't defend himself. "Or you will feel pain." She slapped him again, and he began to cry. She grabbed his hair, and shoved his head hard into her steely chest. His head hit her pecs with a thud, and the pain was unbelievable. She slammed his head a couple more times for good measure. She barely felt anything, while he felt like he was being hit with a hammer. She released his arms and legs and slid up his body, finally sitting on his face with his nose shoved into her snatch. "Lick me, and this better feel good" she commanded. Immediately he set his mouth to work, and she reached back and grasped his testicles, her favorite move, to ensure his compliance. She squeezed them painfully, and the raging erection which had developed as she manhandled him went down. She continued her hold on both of his balls and his flaccid penis. Thirty minutes later, as he continued to poke and suck at her despite his lack of oxygen, she finally bucked and let loose an orgasm that soaked his face in her sweet-smelling juices. As she panted and moaned, she contracted her leg muscles too hard and knocked Skip out. When she arose, he was passed out on the bed. When he came to, he was naked again, the soiled underpants and ruined bra stuffed in his mouth. He laid perfectly still, unsure whether she was watching him from the corner for any signs of disobedience. She reentered the room a few minutes later carrying a bag from a local pharmacy. She put the bag down and rummaged around in it for a moment, and eventually spoke firmly to Skip. "You ruined a pair of my favorite underpants with your emissions, and by forcing me to discipline you, you caused me to ruin a bra. I will not have this happen again. From now on you will wear this while I am away at work, and whenever I command you to." She pulled out a diaper. "Lay back while I put this on you." Skip was welling up with tears of shame, but what could he do? He laid back on the bed, and she reached her hand under his but and lifted him above the sheets, laying the diaper underneath. Lowering him onto the fabric, she fastened the side tabs, but left the front unfastened, his naked crotch exposed to her. "I wish I didn't have to do this. But you leave me no choice, my slave. Perhaps this will make you feel better." She lowered her head and kissed the tip of his penis, so gingerly, and then took the whole shaft into her mouth. She placed one hand under his ass and started to lift him into her, while with the other hand she began to twist and pull his nipples, until they began to sting painfully. The whole feeling – of his body being jostled by her single hand, of his chest being fondled, of the sucking and lapping of his penis – was heavenly to him, and he came quickly into her mouth. She swallowed the wad and then went into the bathroom and emerged with a damp cloth, which she used to dab at his package to clean it off. He liked the feeling of being cleaned by her, and he began to giggle. "You like that?" "Yes, my mistress. I always love it when you touch me there." "Don't move." She went into the bathroom, and he heard the bathtub faucet pouring water into the bath. A few minutes later, he heard the water stop, and Michelle emerged from the bathroom fully naked. He watched her closely as she approached him. The muscles in her legs danced with each step. Her breasts heaved with each step. Her abs tensed as she drew each breath. Despite the humiliation he had received, he wanted to be held safe by her. She undid the diaper and lifted him into her arms, then walked into the bathroom and placed him in the hot bathwater. "You need to be cleaned properly. Sit on your knees." She lathered up her hands with soapy water, and immediately dunked her hands under the water and stroked his penis. It grew hard in her hand. She cleaned it lovingly, massaging his balls, and he squirmed in her grasp. "My little boy likes this, doesn't he. He likes it when I stroke his pee-pee." She kissed him hungrily, and he nearly fell over. Then she stuck her tongue in his ear and whispered in a low, hungry voice, "You like it when I treat you like my baby, don't you. You like it when you feel safe in my arms. I want you to come for me, right now, in the water. I want to see you shoot your wad under the water. You know I can make you do anything I want. You know I can wrestle you into submission easily, no matter how hard you try to fight back. I'm more of a man than you could ever hope to be, and you're my little slave girl. Come for me slave girl." The muscle talk was making him hot, and the pace of her stroking increased. "I can overpower you using only one arm, even one hand. You are weak and I am strong. Come for me, little girl. You must obey me, you have no choice, because you know that I can manhandle you, and you like it. I can press you above my head using one arm and throw you across the room. I can walk around all day holding you in the palm of my hand. I can take your head and smother you with my breasts, and afterwards your only desire will be to nurse at my breasts, hoping that just once you'll taste my milk. Come for me. Show me your milk. I am your master. My power is supreme over you. I am your muscle mistress." And with that, Skip let out a high-pitched squeal, like a little girl, and as she ordered him he shot his load into the water. He jumped out of the water and wrapped himself around her, kissing her neck. "That's my good little boy," she said to him as she stroked his back, sticking her hand down the crack of his ass. She took a towel and dried his back, then adjusted him so he was sitting on her hip and held him up by wrapping her strong hand around his side and over his crotch. With her other hand, she dried his front, everywhere except the crotch, which was covered by her hand. She took him to the bed and laid him down on the diaper, dabbed at his penis and balls to dry them, and fastened the diaper. She sat down and put him on her lap, and he nursed at her breasts for 15 minutes, sucking and sucking like they were the last breasts on earth, and then she put him to bed. "I hope you learned your lesson tonight. I never want you to disobey me again." "I love you, my mistress." She did not punish him for that statement. She kissed his forehead and turned out the light. The Birthday Party Over time, he felt less and less humiliated when Michelle handled him at home. They never went out like normal couples, but he yearned to leave the confines of his muscle prison. He missed contact with other people. Michelle sensed this desire, and decided to cure him of it. The day before Skip's birthday, Michelle decided to give a reprieve from his solitary servitude. As she sat on the couch watching television with Skip sitting obediently on the floor in front of her between her legs, she rubbed his hair and turned his face towards her. "I have a surprise for you. I know it's your birthday tomorrow. I'm going to take you out." His face brightened. Michelle reached across the couch and grabbed the phone, and handed it to Skip. "Call a few friends and have them meet us at the Row Bar at 85th and 3rd at 9pm sharp tomorrow. I'll buy them drinks." She smiled sweetly, but beneath the saccharin exterior was a deviousness that Skip couldn't put his finger on. He called his friends Jake, Jeff and Charlie and they agreed to meet him. The next night, Skip was extremely excited. After Michelle returned from work and he paid her his normal tribute, she carried him on her shoulders up to the locked closet, and opened it with a key she had hidden about the frame – all along, Skip could have gotten into the closet easily, but he dared not risk raising her wrath. She selected several items of clothing, a nice sweater, a pair of black slacks and a pair of black shoes and socks, and dressed him as he lay down on the bed. She did not allow him to wear underwear. Then Michelle changed out of her work attire, putting on a very short mini-skirt which left her spectacularly muscular legs fully bared, and a tight mini tank-top which came down just under her breasts, and hugged her torso. Her biceps, delts, pecs and abs all were clearly visible, and Skip became hard immediately. She raised her right arm and flexed it for him, and her muscle grew to an incredible proportion. "I measured it this morning for you – it's up to 19 inches." His hand reached for his penis, and she reached out and took his hand away, replacing it with her own. "No, that belongs to me. Don't you touch it." She fondled him briefly and picked him up in her arms. She carried him down the stairs, outside, and as they walked she put him back on firm footing. He did not object, as he was a bit embarrassed at the public display of role reversal. She stopped him and held his chin firmly. "This is going to be a difficult night for you. I will be suspending all rules save one – you are still my property. If you embarrass me, I will make this night a nightmare for you. Understand?" He nodded. "Yes, my mistress. I love you." She released his head and the walked to the bar. When they arrived, she took a seat at the bar stool. Before Skip could sit next to her, she reached down and, placing her hand under his rear, lifted him to sit next to her. All the men in the area fell silent, and stared at her, but she ignored them all. A few seconds later, a large, muscular man in a muscle-shirt came up and stood between Skip and Michelle, leaning on the bar facing Michelle. "Hey, gorgeous, I'm Greg and you were meant to meet me tonight." She pushed him aside easily with her powerful arm, so that he was no longer between them. "Sorry, Greg. I already have a man here." She petted Skip's cheek. Greg looked at Skip and said "This wimp?" He grabbed his shoulder and pushed him off the stool. "Why he's not enough-" In an instant, Michelle's hand was at this throat, and she stood up and with amazing strength lifted the much larger man up into the air, his feet dangling several inches off the ground. Greg reached at her forearm and tried to pry her hand loose, but couldn't make a dent. "Don't you touch him, you pussy." She threw him across the bar and he landed with a crash. "Get out of here." He got up quickly and, red as a beet, ran out the door. Michelle leaned down and lovingly picked Skip up and replaced him on the stool. She kissed him lightly on the lips, and he tried to kiss back but she pulled back quickly. "Are you okay?" "Yes, thank you, my love." "I will always protect you." Skip's three friends entered a few moments later and stopped in their tracks when the saw Michelle caressing Skip's ear at the bar. She was the largest woman they had ever seen, and it seemed odd that she was with Skip, who was possibly the weakest, most out-of-shape man they knew. They approached them and grabbed Skip from behind and yelled "Happy Birthday, man!" Skip introduced Michelle, and they exchanged pleasantries, but made no mention of her physique or relative size to Skip. They all chatted for a while, as Skip explained to them that he had disappeared so that he could spend more time with Michelle, that they were madly in love and he was doing other things more important than working. He was very vague and not entirely truthful. They accepted his excuse, and went on to talk about common acquaintances, sports, and other topics they used to jaw about. Michelle took a back seat in this conversation. That is, until Skip made a joke about Michelle. He said, "She might not have the body of a woman, but she's the most feminine woman I've ever known." It was meant to be a compliment, but Michelle did not take it so. She grabbed him by the arm. "What did you say." "I just meant, honey, that, er, you're beautiful." "That's not what I heard." She was speaking forcefully and staring at him dominantly. Skip's friends became uncomfortable. She turned to them. "The truth is, boys, that Skip is now my slave, my lapdog. He serves me, and I dominate him, and he has no choice. You can see how much stronger than him I am, and I use it. And now I'm going to use my power to take him home, and he will be stripped naked and punished severely." The friends were speechless. "But, but…" Skip stammered. "Shut up." She slapped him, and he fell into the bar. "Stand before me." Skip looked at his friends, with the saddest of eyes, as if to say goodbye forever, and then looked at the floor and complied. She reached towards his zipper and lowered it, then pulled his penis out and held it for his friends to see. They stared in awe. "This belongs to me. I own him, and I own his body. Goodbye." She led him out of the bar, tugging him behind her by his penis, and walked all the way home in this manner. At home, she spanked him until he cried for his mother then fell asleep on top of him. The Guests One evening, after she had retracted the diaper rule, Michelle returned home with two women friends from the gym. As usual, Skip was kneeling at the front door naked awaiting her, but when he saw the guests, he was unsure of what to do. He waited a moment before greeting Michelle with his daily pussy-kisses, and she grabbed his head forcefully and pushed his face to her crotch. He kissed her as he normally did, and noticed that the guests were giggling. He paused before continuing by removing her clothes, looking over at the two women who were obviously fascinated by this display of dominance, but she grabbed his hands roughly and placed them on her skirt button. "Go ahead, they've seen it before." He slowly removed her skirt, then her blouse and blazer and finally her underwear to leave her spectacular form bare. One of the women commented "My god, Michelle, your body is so perfect, so powerful. No wonder he can't help himself." Once he finished, Michelle said to him, "Aren't you going to greet my guests?" He looked at her quizzically, and she gave a look of such fierceness that he gasped. "Do it now," she ordered, "all of it." He waddled over to the first woman, still on his knees. She was a beautiful blonde, easily a half-foot taller than Michelle. Michelle said her name was Debbie. Her legs were so long that he had to reach up a bit to kiss her pussy. Her legs, barely covered by a short blue skirt, were much leaner than Michelle's but the muscle definition was still quite visible. It was obvious that this was a very strong-legged woman. He rose to his feet to remove her shirt, and at his full height his eyes were about level with her medium-sized breasts. He reached up to unbutton her top button, then travelled down her shirt, eventually allowing the blouse to flutter to the floor with a push at her shoulders. What a body this woman had. Her shoulders, while not as massive as Michelle's, were still large and round, jutting out far wider than his; her arms were large and defined; her chest was thick, with a deep cleavage down the center; her abs were flat and hard; and her breasts were perfectly sized, enough to fully grasp in his hands. Looking at this specimen of beauty, he thought about the fact that Michelle was trying to humiliate him in front of her friends, and he decided to exact some measure of pleasure from it. He would dive deep into these women, enjoy their bodies as he enjoyed Michelle's. He unclasped her bra and exposed large nipples, jutting straight out from her firm breasts. He removed the bra from her, smelled one of the cups and dropped it to the floor. Then he reached in front of him and rolled down her panties to expose a perfectly-shaven bush. He took the panties all the way down, feeling her leg as he moved, and took them off from under her feet. He then stood back up and wrapped his arms around Debbie, clasping his hands at the small of her back, and began to suck her breasts. He was standing straight up as he suckled, and Debbie took her hands and held his head in place, rubbing his hair and breathing heavy. "You were right" she said to Michelle. "His lips are so soft and pretty." As he knelt again so he could suck at her pussy, Michelle grabbed him around the waist and lifted him from her. "That's enough. Move on to Gabby." She seemed annoyed. His plan was working. She was jealous! Gabby was much smaller than both of the other women, probably about five feet tall if not shorter. Skip lowered himself so he could reach up her skirt with his head and he kissed her mound. She gasped at the poking of his tongue. After this greeting, he gingerly removed her clothes, as he did for Debbie and Michelle before her. Only her body was much different from the other women. Gabby's figure was petite and lean. Her arms showed signs of fitness, with small muscles straining to be seen, but none of the mass that he was used to. Her legs were thin like his, but her calves jutted out, indicating some level of power. After being around a woman who could easily overpower him for so long, it was redeeming to be pleasuring a woman he believed he could take in a fight. Exposing her breasts, he found small but extremely perky orbs with huge nipples, which he hungrily sucked and licked. He was able to take almost the entire breast in his mouth, and she responded by rubbing his head and shoulders roughly, kneading his flesh. He went back to her snatch and began to poke around and she shrieked and orgasmed quickly, and while doing so she pushed Skip to the ground. He was surprised at the force with which she pushed him back. Gabby turned to Michelle and said "Can I borrow him once in a while? He serviced me so well. I like how obedient he is." Seeing Gabby push Skip so roughly, Michelle had another idea of how to humiliate him. She only hoped it would work out as she wanted. "I have an idea," Michelle started. "Gabby, if you can beat him in a wrestling match, I'll let you come over once in a while and he'll be your slave, as well. You'll get to make him pleasure you all you want. But only if you can make him submit, before he makes you submit." "Hey, what about me?" interrupted Debbie. "That wouldn't be fair" responded Michelle. "You're obviously so much stronger than him – just look at you. Your body is beautiful and powerful. He'd be no match." "You think my body is beautiful?" "Very." "I think yours is, too, Michelle." Michelle puckered her lips. "Well come over here and show me." Debbie approached her and kissed Michelle on the lips, a long lingering kiss which made Skip angry. He was about to protest when they released the kiss, and Michelle said to Skip, "You'd better try hard. I'd hate for you to lose more of your manhood by losing to a woman half your size." Debbie started to rub Michelle's pussy and was kissing her shoulders. Her head descended and she began to eat at her twat. Michelle grabbed at her head and began to pant. She began to rub her own breasts and excited her nipples. Skip and Gabby just stared at them. Michelle looked up and said, "Well, you two, stop standing there like a couple of voyeurs. Get started. And may the best woman win." She giggled, as did Debbie in a muffled way. Gabby leapt at Skip's legs and tackled him. Skip was shocked at how easily she took him down. She put one arm under his armpit and around his neck and locked him in a half nelson. He found that his arm was immobilized. She leaned and powered him over onto his back. He was unable to fight back. He started to worry that she might in fact be stronger than him, that he might lose. Once he was on his back, she locked her arm around his leg and pulled hard, lifting his leg until she was able to clasp her hands – one behind the knee and one behind his neck – in a cradle hold. He pushed as hard as he could with his legs, but couldn't break her grip. It was too strong. She had pinned him in less than 30 seconds, and he was in awe. Michelle had watched the action as she leaned back accepting Debbie's tonguing, and was shocked at the severity of the outcome. However, she reiterated the rules. "Do you submit, Skip." "No." "He has to submit. A pin is not enough. You'll – oh, oh, ooooooh." She orgasmed from Debbie's tongue. Debbie kissed Michelle's breast, then her lips. Michelle pushed Debbie onto her back on the bed and mounted her, and started grinding her hips into Debbie's, as they both touched and caressed each other's muscles. Meanwhile, Gabby was tightening her vicelike grip on Skip, compressing his body into an ever-shrinking ball of weakness held captive by her thin yet powerful arms. "Just submit and this pain will go away" she whispered into his ear. "No. You can't make me." "We'll see about that." She struggled to her feet, still holding him locked in her cradle grip, and then she dropped him to the ground. He got up, rubbing his rear which hit the floor hard, and eyed her warily. She stood before him, her hands at her sides, in a totally defenseless posture. "Come at me. I'll give you a chance." He jumped at her, and she deftly stepped aside, grabbed his arm and flipped him to the ground. He got up, a bit dazed. "Try again, big boy." He came at her high this time, but she ducked and punched him in the stomach as he went by. He doubled over in pain, and she grabbed him by the hair and lifted her knee hard into his chest. He fell backwards to the ground. "You'll have to do better than that. I'll give you a bigger head start. Come put me in a headlock." She leaned her torso over and faced the floor. This girl was getting too cocky, he thought. He got up and wrapped his right arm around her head and squeezed as hard as he could. She giggled and said "Tell me when you start squeezing." He squeezed even harder, expending as much energy as he could to try to crush her head. Gabby reached between his legs and grabbed his balls in her hand, squeezing them lightly, just like Michelle liked to do. This made Skip strangely nervous. "Ready to submit?" she teased. Amazingly, Skip felt his feet leaving the ground. She lifted him up, higher and higher, until his curled body was almost parallel with the ground. He let go of the headlock, afraid of what she might do to him, and she threw him down to the ground. Then she grabbed his head in a head lock and, even though her arms were so slender, as slender as his own, he felt like his head would explode. She reached under his crotch again, and using his neck to steady him heaved him up into the air over her head. "Do you submit, or should I throw you out the window, you little sissy. Submit and make yourself my slave and I'll make it worth your while." Michelle and Debbie heard Skip's yips and whimpers and looked up from their lesbian session, and both were amazed at what they saw. This small, thin girl holding a much larger man above her head, a look of total fear in his eyes. Then they heard something even more amazing come out of Skip's mouth. "Yes. I submit. You are my mistress too. Please put me down. I'll do anything you ask." And he started to sob. She placed him back on the ground, and he kissed her feet, her calves, her legs, and soon found himself sucking on her pussy. He pleasured her for a few minutes, while Debbie and Michelle finished off their fucking on the bed, the two large muscular bodies making solid noises as they slammed into each other. When Michelle finished, she ordered Skip to redress the guests and then they were shuffled out the door, leaving Michelle and Skip alone again. Michelle took Skip by the ear. "Did you enjoy pleasuring our guests?" "Yes, my mistress." She twisted his ear hard. "More than pleasuring me?" "No, my mistress. I will never enjoy anything as much as I do servicing your strong, powerful, dominant body. I'd do anything for you." She let go of his ear and kissed him hard. "Thank you my love." "I love you my mistress." "Show me." He took his favorite position, nursing at her breast, twirling one finger in her ear and the other at her pussy, while she held his balls in her firm grip. He loved this woman, this dominant, powerful mistress. He was hers forever.