THE FABULOUS FEMMES OF FAIRDELLS Part 5 By Marlon G. Silversteel Brats-Worst and a Frozen Half-Twist April 6, 1988 was a landmark date for me, as it is for any teenager. I turned 16! It was Spring semester of my Sophomore year at Fairdells High. I was in the midst of completing my first season as a varsity swimmer. I had taken Drivers Ed the previous Fall, had gotten my permit around Christmas, about four months ago, and was anxiously awaiting the moment of truth - getting my license! It was a Wednesday. My Dad, wanting to be there for the occasion, took me down to the DMV after school. I skipped swim practice - Coach Keller understood! He let me drive the family Chrysler for the test, with the promise that if I passed, I could have his now almost completely restored Mustang for the following weekend. I definitely had some motive for acing the exam! Wednesday evening found me driving my Dad home in the Chrysler, with a drivers license in my pocket. Friday night couldn't come quick enough. I was prepping myself to ask Dani for a date that evening (she had just set a couple of new team swim records during the past week), when Julie approached me at school Friday at school during lunch. "Congratulations, boy!" she exclaimed, smiling as she approached, imitating driving a steering wheel with her hands. "Yeah, pretty cool, huh?" I replied, jingling my Dad's Chrysler keys. "He says I can have the Mustang this weekend!" "Awesome!" Jules said. I hadn't seen Dani today yet. Maybe Julie was free for a joyride this evening ... "You wanna go for a spin after dinner?" I asked. "Oh, I wish I could!" she responded, sounding disappointed. "Lorraine Harris asked me to babysit Monica, Charlotte, and little Kenny tonight." The Harris kids! The babysitting nightmare of Fairdells! Their parents, Ken and Lorraine, had more trouble keeping a regular sitter than a six-year old has keeping baby teeth! Julie was obviously going to be the next victim. "Oh God, Jules!" I laughed. "How did you get roped into that shit?" "They offered good money," she replied. "Yeah, no doubt!" I smirked. "They'd have to!" "Oh, it's not gonna be that bad," Jules stated. "I can handle the Harris brats just fine." She gave me a subtle wink. "Hmm," I mused. "I'm not sure who I should really feel sorry for now!" "Hey, you wanna come over and keep me company?" she asked. "I might need the reinforcement." "You?" I gasped. "Get real! The kids are gonna need it more than you!" "Oh come on!" she teased, with feign scorn. "No seriously, besides we can study for Hunter's test on Monday." Mr. Hunter was the Biology teacher. Both Julie and I had his 4th period class. "Will the Harris's mind?" I asked. "I mean, you having a 'guy' over while you're babysitting their kids?" "Nah, they're cool about that sort of thing," Jules replied. "Vanessa used to have her boyfriend over all the time. Besides, they know you're a friend." Vanessa was the oldest Harris daughter, Ken's girl from his first marriage. She was off at college this year, living with her mother back east. That suited me just fine. So, after dinner that evening, I got the keys to the Mustang from my Dad and drove over to the Harris's place. Julie answered the door. I could already hear the kids carrying on from the driveway! "Thank God you're here!" Jules exclaimed, pulling me inside hastily. "These rugrats are driving me insane!" "Handling them just fine, huh?" I smiled sarcastically. "Oh, shut up!" she snorted, jokingly. We walked into the living room. The three kids were tearing the place up like a mosh pit. Monica and Charlotte were ages 9 and 6, both in grade school at Fairdells Elementary. Little Kenny was younger, age 4, but a handful. At the moment, the three of them were jumping from couch to couch, chair to chair, coffee table and all, throwing pillows and stuffed animals around and at each other. I ducked as I entered, allowing a plush tiger to fly over my head. "We want dinner!" Monica shouted, obviously voicing the fact in a loud, obnoxious way that the kids hadn't been fed yet. "Yeah, we want food ... NOW!" Charlotte echoed, just as impertinent. "FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!" Little Kenny chanted maniacally. "Just a second!" Julie yelled frantically! "Your Mom forgot to leave meat out to thaw! I need a minute to think!" Little Kenny replied by throwing a pillow at her face. Julie batted it away, her lips curled in irritation. I could see that she was getting frustrated. I wondered how she did it, use such restraint and control? "Hey, wait a second," I suggested, trying to get some of the heat off her. "Let's go look in the freezer, okay? I'm sure we can quick thaw something and fix it up in no time, right?" "The freezer's down in the basement," Julie stated. "It's a walk in. I wouldn't know where to start looking through all that frozen sh ... " I could tell she was biting her tongue. "YOU ALMOST SAID THE 'S' WORD!!!" Charlotte laughed, pointing at Julie, and sticking out her tongue. The other two started in with the annoying chant as Julie took my hand. "Come on," she insisted. "Let's go down and look, just don't leave me alone with these little toads!" I followed her down to the basement. The freezer was a large, boron-reinforced steel door with an outside bar-lock. Ken Harris liked to go hunting, and stored frozen venison and other game-meat in here during the year, which Lorraine would thaw and cook from time to time. Julie opened the door and we felt a blast of cold air come out. It must have been well below freezing in there! I could see my breath! "Come on, let's hurry up and find ... something!" she said, and we walked in, forgetting the fur-lined coats hanging up on the peg nearby. There were all sorts of packaged and wrapped meat in here, not marked well at all. I was trying to find something as simple as some ground beef! "Where's the smaller stuff?" I asked. Everything seemed to be wrapped in large, bulk increments. "Beats me," Jules replied, checking some of the top shelves. I was starting to shiver. I turned to walk outside to take a break, when I heard Little Kenny laugh gleefully, and the door slam shut, with us inside! "What the ... ?" Jules spun around, but it was too late. I put my hands up against the inside of the door, but it was closed shut. I pulled my hands away from the icy surface and peeked through the small transparent opening at eye level. The three kids were outside the door, pointing and laughing. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "The little brats locked us in! LET US OUT, YOU FUCKIN' LITTLE CREEPS!" I knew it was no use. The door was sound-proof. I gave another push. Nothing. They had bolted us in! Dammit! "Jules, what the hell are we gonna do?" My teeth were chattering. It was fucking cold as hell in here! "Are they still out there?" she asked, coming closer to me, trying to warm up. I peeked outside again. Sure enough, they were still out there, giggling. Monica had grabbed a box and was using it to stand on so she could peek inside using the same small port. Our eyes met. I gave her a dirty look. "Goddammit!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the door. She just grinned and stuck her tongue out. I was gonna kill that little shit ... if we ever got out before freezing to death! Julie put her arms around me, trying to share body heat. We were both wearing short sleeved shirts and jeans. It was getting VERY cold. I was starting to feel numb in places. I could see and feel Julie's nipples poking through her white T-shirt and bra. Had the circumstances been different, I would have probably been quite turned on! As it was, however ... "Are they still out there?" she asked again, cuddling closer, shivering. "Yes, why?" I asked, trying to get a little annoyed. I knew it wasn't her fault. "Because I'm not gonna get bust us out of here with those little tattle-tales standing outside watching!" Jules replied, a little bite in her tone. "Oh," I replied, feeling a little sheepish, then realizing what she was talking about. I was a bit embarrassed. "Sorry," I said, my tone more mellow, apologetic. "That's okay," Jules exclaimed, pulling me closer, hugging me for warmth. "It's just the cold." I put my arms around her and held her. Had I been thinking in different terms, I might have realized just how nice of a "date" this was turning out to be, having a beautiful girl in my embrace! Julie was smiling, perhaps understanding the irony and what I was thinking. "Thanks for coming over, John," she said, trying to keep her teeth from chattering too much. "I guess I did need some help after all, huh?" "Aw, Jules, it's not your fault that the kids are little punks," I replied. "Besides, it beats studying for Hunter's class!" She laughed, sniffing due to the cold. "Yeah, I suppose so!" I took another look outside. The kids were losing interest it seemed, and had gotten distracted with something else in the basement. They were heading back upstairs to play with whatever device of destruction they had found, totally forgetting us trapped in the freezer! "Okay, they're heading upstairs," I commented. "Good," Julie exclaimed. "About fucking time! Just wait a couple of minutes. I want to make sure they're totally upstairs and can't hear down here." "What are you gonna do?" I asked, curious. It was boron-plated steel after all, with a bar-lock. How far could it bend? Enough for us to squeeze out? "I'm not sure," Jules said, smiling. "They don't prepare us for every situation in Supergirl Training School!" "Haha!" I laughed, mocking a bit, but finding her wit quite humorous. I watched as she pulled herself away and checked out the door a little. "Better stand back," she suggested. I withdrew a few feet to the rear of the freezer. Julie placed her cold, frost-bitten hands on the steel plate near the side of the door which would swing open. She got her footing, then began to push. I could see the metal starting to give. She stopped and adjusted her position, making sure that the door was uniformly moving, and that her hands weren't making precise dents in the surface from the incredible force that she was exerting. She gave another push. The door moved outward a bit more. I could see through the forming gap between door and arch the steel bar. It was starting to bend, contorting and twisting under Julie's awesome strength. She pushed some more, the bar bending with even more elasticity. There wasn't much slack. In order for the gap to increase, the bar's thickness would have to be compromised in order to give room ... and that is exactly what was happening! Julie pressed more, harder, with even more evenly distributed power. It was amazing! She paused one more time, trying to keep the sound of bending, stripped metal at a minimum. Then, checking through the gap once more, she put her shoulder against the door and gave a final, powerful shove. The door ripped open, the bar on the outside snapping like a twig, the metal having been stretched so thin like taffy. The end piece fell to the floor with a clang. We were free! Jules pushed the door open and we hurried outside, grabbing a pair of coats, huddling in them for warmth. I looked at the busted bar on the ground. Half was still attached to the hinge on the wall, although bent near the center where Jules had forced it open. But the other half was completely severed, contorted, thin at one end where it had been pushed beyond its endurance by Julie's incredible muscles. "Thanks," I said, still shivering. I picked up the broken piece of bar and handed it to Julie. "So, what now?" "Well," she replied, trying not to laugh at the humor of the situation. "You wouldn't happen to know how to use a welder, would you?" I chuckled, shaking my head. "How are we going to explain this when the Harris's come home?" I asked. "I have no idea," Jules sighed. She took the bar, palming it, twisting the thinned end with her fingers, thinking. Then, she smiled, as if she had an idea. "Unless ... " She held it up to the door, adjacent to the piece still hinged. "Unless what?" I asked, intrigued. "Jules, how the hell are we going to get that thing back on and straightened?" Julie held it close, the tethered ends touching. She took both her hands, one on each portion and began to push them together. At first, they just seemed to bend and twist into one another. She continued pushing, her teeth clenched, her hands trembling. I could see that she was straining, something I had never seen before. I watched in amazement, as she threw off her coat, trying to allow more freedom for her muscles to work. I could see her arms flex, the strength in her biceps and wrists as she continued to work, forcing the pieces together. I could see as her fingers began to fold bit upon bit of the steel, wrapping it around, intertwining it, so that the bar was somehow re-shaped and its solidarity restored. She paused and stepped back. I could see now how she had somehow soldered the two pieces together, just by using her awesome strength! She took the bar again, and with her hands running over the surface, smoothed the metal out in perfect form, so that once again, it was a straight, single rod! "Wow!" I gasped, wondering how someone with ever her muscles could literally restore a broken piece of steel and heal its structural integrity. "How ... how did you do that?" I asked. "I have no idea," Jules replied, matter of fact, admiring her work, smiling. "I've never tried anything like that before. Never been in a situation where it was necessary though either!" She brought her arm up and flexed for me, her dynamic, powerful muscles in plain view. "I guess I'm still getting stronger as I get older, huh?" "I guess so," I whispered, not knowing how to respond exactly. "Now," Jules said, closing the freezer door and securing it properly. "Let's go see about those little demons, shall we?" "Uh, what are you gonna do, Jules?" I asked, a little fearful. I had no idea just how far Julie might go in getting even! "Oh, John, don't worry!" she assured me. "What kind of monster do you think I am? I'm just gonna fuck with them a bit, that's all!" I smiled as I followed her upstairs. This I had to see! Julie stopped at the top of the stairs and listened. We could hear all three of them playing upstairs in Monica and Charlotte's bedroom. The door was closed. We tiptoed up to the second floor. Julie quietly explained to me that the bedroom windows upstairs had screens that were locked in place from the outside. Even if they opened the sliding window from the inside, they couldn't crawl out! "But what about the door?" I asked. "Isn't it locked from the inside?" "Yep," Jules answered, grinning. "But I have no intention of breaking in. Just gonna prevent them from breaking out!" I followed her into Ken and Lorraine's bedroom and watched as she took one of his golf irons from the closet. She then walked to the Monica's door and twisted one end of the iron around her doorknob, tying it into an impossible to remove knot. The door opened inwards. She then stretched the iron around to the doorknob of the closet door, just two feet or so away. She tied the other end around it in a similar manner. The kids were now trapped inside. It would be impossible for them to open the bedroom door, no matter how hard they tried! "There now," Jules exclaimed with satisfaction. She backed away and cleared her throat. "Okay, John!" she said loudly so that the kids would hear. "I've got dinner ready!" The noise inside the bedroom ceased. I could hear Monica scrambling. "How did they get out of the freezer?" she asked frantically. The kids tried the door. Of course, it wouldn't budge! "Hey, let us out!" the kids started crying. I could see the biggest most satisfied smile on Julie's face. "Do you hear anything, John?" she asked me sarcastically. "Not a thing, Jules," I grinned. "Come on, let's have something to eat." With the kids pounding, crying and protesting, we went downstairs laughing. Jules got on the phone and ordered a pizza. "So, what are you gonna do when their folks get home?" I asked, enjoying pizza and a movie on TV on the couch with Julie. "Oh, they won't be home until 11 or so," she replied. "The iron will be off and fixed like new and those little shits will be in bed well before then, trust me!" "Oh, I believe it!" I laughed, sliding down the couch a bit, my feet up on the side and my head in Julie's lap. She smiled and played with my hair. "This has been way too much fun," she stated. "I hope the Harris's ask me to babysit more often. Would you come over again if I did?" "And miss out on this?" I said. "You gotta be kidding!" Julie laughed and pulled me up, facing her on the couch, her arms around me. She leaned in and kissed me. "So," she said, playfully and a bit seductive. "Did you like how I solved our little problem tonight?" "Oh, yeah!" I responded. "You know I totally love your muscles ... and your strength, Jules." "Yeah?" she said. She pushed me away just a couple inches as she pulled off her T-shirt, revealing her bra, and her beautiful, muscular upper body. I watched in ecstacy as she flexed her biceps again for me. I put my arms around her, and pulled my mouth in closer to her arms, kissing her muscles. "Mmmm," she moaned gently, as she proceeded to remove my shirt. I could feel her soft warm skin against mine. She pulled me down on top of her, lying on the couch, and gazed deeply into my eyes. "Make me your muscle goddess tonight, John," she whispered, in a loving, sensual tone, and kissed me passionately. I nodded, bright-eyed and in heaven. Julie relaxed in my arms as I slowly undid her bra, kissing her lovely pink nipples. I continued kissing further down, my tongue caressing her strong, sexy abs, teasing the soft, light brown happy trail that ran up to her navel. She closed her eyes and smiled as I began to undo her pants. I felt her fingers remove my belt buckle, then unzip my jeans, allowing my massive hard on to poke through. She began to stroke it gently. "Wow, John," she whispered, pleased. "I had no idea ... " I didn't answer but continued to take off her pants. I ran my hands along her luscious creamy thighs, adoring her powerful leg muscles. I could see the brown pubic hair sticking out through her panties, and I could smell the sweet aroma coming from her now wet pussy. I buried my face between her thighs, my fingers beginning to pull down the thin white fabric separating my tongue and lips from her sweet delicious nectar. Julie began to moan softly, as her breath quickened. I began to lick and to taste her creamy juices. Her thighs arched and heaved in pleasure. Her grasp tightened slightly down below and she began to pump my cock with more precision. "No, wait!" she suddenly said, bolting upright. With sexy feminine strength, she grabbed me and pushed me down on the couch, with her getting on top of me. Her goddess-like figure covered me, and she went down on me, taking my rock hard shaft in her mouth and giving me my first, and most incredible, BJ ever! I began to shudder in excitement, clenching my teeth, trying to hold it. It was so difficult, her mouth and tongue felt so fucking good! Jules must have known that I was being delightfully tormented, for she stopped suddenly and straddled me. My cock went inside her, deep. She gasped, her mouth opening wide in sheer surprise and delight, as she began to ride me, taking my hands in hers and pinning my arms above my head on the couch. I was at her mercy! It didn't last long. I couldn't hold it. I moaned out loud, and thrust my hips upwards as I came, hard and fast inside her. Jules came at the same time, crying out, and then relaxing. She smiled, and pulled herself close, her breasts touching my chest, kissing me gently. I ran my hands along her back and shoulders, feeling her lovely muscles all over. I looked up at her, and just smiled at her. It was the most awesome experience I had ever had, and would have for some time after that! I was gone by the time the Harris's came home. Jules told me all about it, however. The kids told their parents that they wanted her to come back again and babysit! I was all for that ... and another opportunity for a late night rendezvous! (to be continued)