If you are not 21 years old don't read any further.
This text contains extreme violence, gore, rape and insanity; therefore
it isn't appropriated to anyone.
Any comments or feedback are appreciated: Belial
Kill'em All- except for
By Belial Seraphan
There was the almighty girl. She is
a 7 feet tall blond blue eyed goddess. Goddess indeed by her beauty and power,
no other adjective is fit. Her freckle filled young face, so beautiful that
almost hurt to look, set atop of such a body, much more defined and voluptuous
then any swimsuit model could ever hope to have; the utterly definition of
beauty and sex appeal- she is Sil.
Sil was
outside the old building. It was once an agitated place but now it is a shadow
of its former self. It's all wrecked. The once shiny clean walls were now
covered with slime, the windows all broken. Any unwarned peasant would assume
it's abandoned but its looks hides what's happening inside.
Her mission was very simple enter
find the hostages kill'em all except for Sebastian,
capture him alive and bring him back and as always slaughter any witness, the
main problem would be find out who is Sebastian for she didn't know his face.
She stood inconspicuous watching her
target for a long time. The criminals were sure professionals; the traffic was
impressively discrete for an operation of such a size. Despite their care she
was sure it would be an easy task, the streets were almost empty during the
night and the rotten building had many spots for a stealth invasion.
Carefully she floated trough the
bleak winter night towards a window in the third floor where she detected human
activity, as she approached what was once a window she could hear what was
going inside; there were four mildly drunk thugs gambling- How could these
jackasses make her job any easier?
Delaying the action no longer she
stormed trough the opening before any of the bullies could even tell what was
happening the fight was already over. Sil swung her
right arm, which went trough two of her' adversaries bodies like a hot knife
trough butter. The first she hit his head utterly exploding it, the second she
hit the middle of his body separating him in two with a spray of blood'n gore. In a fluid motion she lightly kicked one of
the two live ones sending him to the ground while grabbing the other one by his
With one hand she carelessly lifted
the sized men while heading to the one she knocked to the ground. Caring the
helpless men Sil stepped on the fallen one chest
applying pressure enough to stop him from breathing but still not crush his
thorax. The one sized by his throat struggle flailing his arms and legs, but Sil simply ignored his feeble efforts.
For Juan it all happened way too
fast. In one instant he was relaxed playing with his friends, then in the next
moment he was being held painfully by his neck. He tried with all his mighty to
open the hand of his captor but it was utterly impossible to slack its grip the
slightest bit. In order to discover what had happened Juan looked with the
corner of his eye looking for who was holding him. His amazement grew up a
notch when he saw a teenager girl holding him by his neck, an awesomely
beautiful one in fact. She was wearing a tight lycra spandex black jumpsuit like uniform hiding none
of her hot features. The scandalous girl was keeping him suspended from the
floor with just one hand! Hand whose fingers had proven to be far stronger than
his both arms pulling them together.
assured that the fallen man was under her control pined by her foot to the
ground, turned her attention to the man sized in her hand. Bringing him in
front of her so his pain distorted face would be less then an inch from hers
she gave him a dreadful smile.
Juan couldn't stand it anymore; he
was being chocked to death. When he was about to fade she swayed him bringing
him in front of her face, loosing her hold a bit. They were almost touching
noses, he could fell her breath. Oh god- she is really gorgeous. He managed to
see with the corner of his eyes the deformed pieces of meat that once were his
friends, his spine chilled instantly in response. He new he was doomed, not because of the
crippled bodies, but because of her smile, it was the evilest smile he ever
Amused by his fear and her complete
dominance over him Sil watched him silently for a few
seconds. She was so confident that no one heard that she allowed herself to
take her time.
Bringing her toy closer she pressed
her lips against his. The pleasure associated with the kiss of such a beautiful
and sexual creature was rapidly replaced pain yet another unbearable pain. The
soft feel of her lips soon turned into a harsh vise pressing his lips against
his own front teeth. First his lips went numb for the lack of blood then as she
kept increasing the pressure his front teeth gave, turning inward his mouth.
The taste of the blood of her prey
made her even hornier, trusting her long tong inside his mouth she explored his
whole mouth. Her swift tong plucked out the remaining teeth in his mouth as it
roamed inside his mouth.
Juan was trying to scream but he
couldn't her grip on his neck prevented him to breath, leave shouting alone.
Breaking her dominant kiss she
stopped to resume her work.
-"You saw what I can do to you. Now
I'm going to give you one chance. Where are the Hostages?" Sil
inquired her toothless captive.
-"I don't know." He managed to
babble as she loosened her grip a bit.
-"You had your chance; next time
don't come complain I'm not reasonable." Sil flicked
her minimum finger hitting him under his chin tearing his head from his head of
his body, sending it to explode on the wall.
Tossing the headless body she turned
her attention to the one under her foot-
For Ryan the situation was hopeless.
In an instant he was playing with his friends the next one he was pined under
an awesomely gorgeous girl. While fighting to breathe struggling against the
absurd pressure applied by her foot he could see the sticky pieces of meat on
the walls that once were his friends. He saw her tearing one of his friends
head of with one finger, and she not only killed him with the easy she would an
insect, but her features accused that she enjoyed doing so. Ryan saw then her
disposing the headless corpse and turn her attention to him, he feared for his
life- feared like never before.
The sight of the helpless, puny man
under her foot made her really horny, she loves her job!
Quickly Sil
mounted him, despite his feeble attempt to crawl away she pinned both his arms
holding them there with her right hand. Sil also
pressed both her heals against his legs painfully pinning them together. With
her right hand pulling his arms up and her heals pulling him down she made a
human rack, he feared her casual double holding would tear him apart. She
descended making her breast increasingly press against his chest. When her face
was near his her breast had already compressed his tortured lungs so he couldn't
breathe once again, his ribs stressed to its maximum. Bringing her face even
closer to his, but this time using only her neck so her breasts would squash
his thorax, she said:
"You know what I can do to you; now
tell me where the hostages are?" To emphasize what she said Sil
closed her right hand a bit, breaking a few bones of Ryan hands witch were
sized inside.
"They are- in- the 6thfloor-
on the south..." Ryan barely managed to whisper.
"Well- thanks, now I'm gona crush you like a bug just with my boobs." Sil answered as she increased the pressure. First she was
rewarded by the feeling of his ribs breaking, then by his blood coming out of
his mouth and last by the feel of smeared concrete as her boobs that already
plowed their way to the mans chest and were already destroying the ground.
The cruel girl got up, wiped the
gore of her body and prepared to the attack. She had to be careful, not because
these insects can do anything to harm her, but they could harm Sebastian if
they realized they were under attack.
Hiding in the shadows Sil went to the jammed elevator door. After she assured
herself there was no one around, she slowly and silently forced the door open.
Flying trough the elevator duct the cold blooded girl quickly got to the sixth
floor where she was pretty sure her prey was.
Sil didn't
open the door right away; she waited, listening to what was happening inside.
She could hear 2 hart beats near the door and could tell that was many people
moving about 10 meters away from there. After considering a bit Sil decided to strike with full force, with her speed,
strength and the surprise factor they wouldn't have time to react.
With an awesome acceleration the
dark goddess flew trough the elevator metal door, her body so much harder then
mere steel plowed it's way easily trough the metal leaving a huge hole in the
It was an L shaped corridor, in the
curve there where the elevator, in the smaller part of the corridor, to the
right of the elevator door was the stairs access.
Sil was in
rage, as she moved incredibly fast she killed even faster; all the 12 units
guarding the entrance to the prisoners were slaughtered in a matter of seconds.
Now she had to find the hostages quickly, not knowing were exactly they were
and having no time to let her enhanced senses discover for her she sprinted
towards the wall of the apartment of the end of the corridor, the concrete wall
had no chance. Noticing that her target wasn't there the beautiful juggernaut
not even stopping rammed into the wall between this and the next apartment. Sil overran wall after wall, after making about 5 new doors
connecting the apartments she got to her destination.
As Sil saw
the improvised prison she came to a sudden halt, she had a very unpleasant
surprise. There were three adversaries inside the room. One of the hijackers
had locked himself inside the steel bars along with the hostages and was
pointing to the head of one while the other two thugs were outside the cage
pointing to the hostages in a less specific way. Sil
couldn't risk get Sebastian dead and not knowing his face would make her job
"Back up monster!
One step closer and I'll blow his head." The terrified hijacker boss screamed.
"Calm down man." Calmly answered Sil rising her hands. The two
outside the fence were aiming their weapons at her now so they wouldn't be any
problem, she would have to find out if the hostage with the gun at his head was
"You under the gun barrel, stay calm
we are going to solve this thing out."
"Shut up whore! You two shoot her
down." The hijacker boss commanded; command that was complied right away. The
both machine guns start their pretence deadly spray of bullets. Sil on her side just stood still letting the bullets bounce
on her invulnerable body; she waited a few seconds so they would notice how
futile their attack was.
"Enough, enough, don't you see your
stupid toys don't even tickle me?"
The both goons indeed stopped
mesmerized by her display of power.
"Ok, ok now that everyone knows that
I can being down walls, am bullet proof and therefore can kill anyone in this
room like an ant let's us talk. What's your name Mr. under the gun?"
"Le- Leroy."
"So Leroy I think all my troubles
are over; now is time for fun." Sil said with a
wicked smile as she approached the two machinegun tugs.
As they were about to shoot her
again she became, what appeared to all bystanders, a blur, reappearing with
each of the hijackers machineguns in her right hand. So was the speed and
violence with witch she took their guns that the both lost both of their hands
in the process. While the both shouted as their blood flowed by their ripped
wrist Sil slowly smashed both the weapons letting
their metal flow as honey between her fingers. With a superior smile she
dropped the mangled weapons and grabbed one of the handless men with the same
hand she squashed the weapons, the frying sound was instantly heard by all as
her hot hand touched him; and in a fluid motion she just threw him against the
wall to explode as a water balloon.
Although this awesome girl was their
only hope of getting away from the hijacker alive many of the hostages screamed
in fear by Sil absurd display of power and cold
When Sil
redirected her attention to the crippled man left the boss hijacker boss
managed to regain his control and shouted hysterically:
"Stop you fucking monster! I will
blow this asshole head off!"
Sil answer
was to spit. Her super fast spit hit Leroy in the mid of his forehead going
trough his skull and after trough the wall behind his back like a bullet trough
tin air. Leroy limp body fell limp to the ground, the only thing that the hostageless gunman could do was to watch our dark goddess
mesmerized. This was also a strike on the hope of the hostages for the pretence
rescuer had just killed one of them with such disdain that they now feared Sil more then they ever feared all the hijackers together.
Sil now
feeling very proud of herself and with her felling of complete superiority more
the feed started to sensually walk in the direction of the cage. In her way
she, not even looking, flicked her pinky hitting the handless man in his
forehead exploding his head. As she got to the steel bars Sil
bended them so her body would pass trough them, indeed she bended the only with
the tip of her fingers and she also pretended not to notice that her boob was
also curving the a bar against witch it was being pressed, just to show how
super she was and how helpless humans were against her.
After she slipped into the cell she carefully bended the bars back so no one could escape.
As she was finishing putting the bars back she heard the sound of the
hijacker's gun shooting and felt the faint impact of the bullets in her back.
She turned to him and waited, with her hands on her waist, for him to empty his
gun. She watched amused as he made his most savage attack on her, her only
concern was to adjust herself so none of the ricochets would hit any of the
hostages, hostages that were all in the opposite corner of the cell. Only to
put on a show to her future victims she snatched one of the bullets between her
thumb and forefinger; flicking her finger she sent it back a thousand times
faster then any gun could ever send, hitting the shooter' chest killing him as
his lungs exploded.
"Ok people now that we have this hijacker
problem solved I need to know who among you people is
Juan." Sil spoke in a menacing way.
"I- it's it's
me- m mam." Said one of the
frightened persons on the cage.
"Can you prove it?"
"Our belongs
are all in that bag on the corner of the room, my id must be there."
Sil went
to the mentioned bag, again she easily deformed the tick bars of the cell in
order to get out but this time she didn't put them back. As she was looking for
Juan's wallet one of the hostages decided that he wasn't going to wait to see what this psycho super
woman would do to him. He slipped between the twisted bars and decided to make
a run for it.
He used all hi mighty in this
sprint, but as he was passing near Sil she, not even
stopping her search extended her arm grabbing him by his hair, and still not
taking her attention from the seeking she threw him to the ground and steping with her bare right foot in his face she pinned him
there. As the man vainly tried to escape Sil kept her
search until she found the wallet of the one who claimed to be Sebastian,
wallet that confirmed the id of the man.
"Ok you are indeed Sebastian, you
are the one I have to rescue unharmed- the others I will now kill just for
fun." When she finished sentencing the people Sil
pressed her foot harder against the man skull slowly cracking it against the
floor and finally squashing his head as a watermelon. After this little show of
she calmly walked to the opening she previously made in the cell and removed
her blood soaked jumpsuit; fully reveling now the full splendor of her body.
Her thumb sized erect nipples and the fully apparent wetness of her pussy
reveling how horny she was as she prepared to slaughter them all.
The hostages were all afraid to death, the only thing that prevented the males from pissing
themselves was the fact that their dicks were all erected. Despite the fact
that Sil was going to kill them her incredible beauty
made their lust surpass the fear. Seeing them all sexually ready for her added
to her sense already inflated ego making her feel, if possible, more superior
to humans then before.
"So even though I'm gona squash your puny bodies with my far superior one you
all still want to fuck me. Well- I shall grant you this wish." Sil taunted them as she closed the bars again so she could
enjoy herself without worries.
Sil took a
look at the frightened victims ahead, licked her upper lip and charged. Sil jumped over one of the hostages skillfully sizing him
against the corner of the room, with no hands she pinned him against the wall
using just her breasts. She felt her mighty nipples piercing trough his skin
glad that she already dominated him Sil ripped his
pants apart reveling his stone hard prick, she immediately sized it and engulfed
it with her hungry crouch, lightly swinging her hips she started to rape him,
he couldn't do anything for her breast kept him from moving, in fact with every
move she made he felt like her boobs were going to smash his thorax, he new
that even with the slightest increase in the pressure and his ribs wouldn't
hold anymore. Her pussy firmly held his cock as she massaged it, despite the
violence he came almost instantly, well attempted to because her grip on his
shaft utterly prevented him from releasing his cum. Flattered by her control
over his release she kept humping the helpless man for a few minutes, sometimes
she proudly looked back staring at her horrified crowd as she kept raping him.
Deciding that this one had enough of her attention she just rapidly pulled her
whole body forward pulverizing his against the wall. His gut sprayed by her
sides like a tomato hit by a sledgehammer. As she turned her blood soaked body
to her next prays they all reacted differently, some pissed themselves other
just started to cry a few just stood still like hypnotized by her sadistic
display, some started to hide behind her sheltered Sebastian, who was also very
afraid despite her saying she wasn't going to kill him.
With a fast movement, that to the
bystanders appeared to be an instant teleportation, she went behind the ones
covering themselves with Sebastian and; before any of them could even realize
she one of them had already being thorn apart, she held both his shoulders and
simply ripped his arms from his body. The remaining ones tried to run away but
she was way to fast for them she swung her arm cutting trough other four victim
bodies; her arm moved like there was nothing but thin air in its path. Sizing
the last one that was behind Sebastian by his neck, she forced the struggling
man to the ground she sat on his face assuming a 69 position. Sil immobilized him using her shins to pin his both his
arms and one of her hands to secure his legs. She pressed her wet cunt against his face engulfing a part of it; Sil roughly rubbed her womanhood against her victim while
she ripped his pants revealing his erect member, while she massaged her pussy
with his face she also sucked his cock. He would come almost immediately if
weren't her hand folding the base of his penis that prevented him from doing
so. She kept abusing him for a few minutes her swollen clitoris and vulva
harshly bruising his face, for one moment she got lost in the eros and pressed her pussy too hard on him and squashed his
head in the floor.
The bystanders all knew their fate
was sealed but the urge to live is too strong so a few
started to try absurd things. One was trying to bend the bars the same way Sil did a few moments ago while, other one, when saw her
casually pulverize the mans head with her crouch decided not to wait for his
turn and charged against Sil.
Noticing the berserker intention
Sill just waited amused. He threw the hardest punch of his life he used all his
strength and added all the momentum of his run in his strike; the blow hit Sil in her left cheek. The sound of the bones of his hand
breaking was audible to all the terrorized persons. While the men screamed and
cradled his hand Sil calmly grabbed his neck with one
hand and his groin with the other, lifting him she slowly took her hands
together, his agonizing screams became even higher as his body started to
crumble. Sil continued crashing him as his spine
snapped and his whole body became a mass of blood and gore, she stooped only
when her hands meet each other and there was a pool of meat and bones by her
Leaving the squashed body behind Sil turned her attention to the one trying to bend the
bars. She calmly walked towards him. He was so focused in the impossible task
ahead that he didn't see the the treat coming.
"Ohhh, how cute. You want to trespass the bars? Let
me land you a hand." Sil said as she sized his hands
and pressed her boobs against his back sizing his shoulders against the bars.
As he was pined against the bars he could feel her huge nipples piercing trough
his skin and bone. Sil kept increasing the pressure,
his body having nowhere to go trapped between the steel bars and her far harder
body started to give away. His body was sliced by the steel bars like meat in a
grinder. Turning to the frightened people still alive Sil
choused a woman and commanded:
"You stupid girl come here." Sil didn't need to repeat the order; the frightened girl
came to her. The comparison between Sil's 7 feet tall
voluptuous fit body and the girls 5 feet skinny body was ridiculous.
"Suck my nipple whore." The girl
immediately started to suck and bite Sil's monstrous
nipple and with her hand she massaged the beach ball sized hooter. She worked
with all her mighty in the boob as Sil told her to do
it harder but that was the maximum she could do. Tired of the girl feeble
attention Sil swung her hipper dense breast. The
sobbed nipple cut trough the girl skull tearing it in half. Burning hot from
her onslaught foreplay Sil went in a rage killing
everyone except for Sebastian and one last man. She moved super fatly, killed
them all with an amusing easy as her body cut theirs like thin air; so fast
were Sil's movement that she was utterly invisible to
them all for their body appeared to fall apart for no reason.
With a sudden halt Sil appeared in front of her last victim. Before he could
run away from her she grabbed his hair threw him on the ground immediately
mounting him. Her hungry sex immediately engulfed his hard cock as she started
to hump him. Sil violently raped him with every
movement she broke some bone of him as he was roughly dragged under her, to add
a bit she also lightly slapped him again and again, every light his resulting
in a spray of blood; by the third hit his face was beyond recognition. After a
few minutes of this sadistic fuck, when the man was almost lifeless, Sil came; as she moaned with pleasure forgetting the man
under her Sil completely squashed the doomed man
between the stone ground and her far harder boddy.
Lifting her head and looking to
frightened Sebastian with a proud smile Sil said:
"Ok the fun here is over let us go back to my boss."
This tale
may have a continuation.