Scene 2 by Seldom Musclegirl Chrissy brutally and lethally plays with Jerry's wife. ***** AUTHOR'S NOTE ****** This is another short scene involving Chrissy and Jerry. The names are the same and the characters similar but the scenario is different. * * * * * "Booooring," Chrissy said, sulking angrily in the corner of the kitchen. She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. Carol shot the girl a look of pure hatred. Her gaze lingered jealously on the huge pulsating boulders of Chrissy's thighs, the veiny bulges throbbing angrily as Chrissy absently flexed the thick ropes of muscle. The huge vascular blonde dwarfed the small older couple. Carol couldn't tell if the tiny muscle-hugging jean-shorts were torn by design or from the effort of containing the big girl's rippling thighs and thick stony ass. The shorts were the type often seen in warm hip urban areas, designed to be worn unbuttoned and unzipped, revealing a strip of white thong underneath. Carol swallowed, intimidated by the girl's huge legs. Chrissy caught her staring and sneered, casually twisting one giant leg and thrusting the huge quadricep forward, tearing a few more threads. Thick jagged veins branched in twisting patterns on her thin pale skin, pulsating angrily in deep bas-relief. Confused thoughts fought in the background in Carol's mind as she tried to focus on the conversation, quick unwanted images of those thighs in action, controlling her husband, wrapped around him. Unwelcome comparisons of her skinny legs with the blonde's jagged pillars sprang from the jealous corners of her mind. How did a girl so young get so muscular? How were those simply titanic legs possible? Carol had never seen such huge rippling vascularity, it frightened and intimidated her, she felt old, weak, inadequate. Chrissy snickered quietly. Overwhelmed by her feelings of inadequacy, helpless, pitiful in comparison to the young slut, Carol's eyes brimmed with tears. She tore her eyes away from Chrissy's legs and planted them back on her husband before the blonde could see them, but it was too late. Chrissy winked at the old woman, fueling her impotent rage and increasing her feelings of total helplessness. "Jerry," Carol whined. "Please don't do this. Please." She hated the pleading whine in her voice, but couldn't control it, her heart pounded, light-headed, nauseous, afraid of the end of her marriage, and on some instinctive level afraid of the sheer power contained in Chrissy's muscular-beyond-athletic build. "Oh for Chrissake." Chrissy rolled her eyes. Jerry met his wife's pleading stare coldly. "It's done, Carol. It's over. I'm sorry." Chrissy laughed nastily and shrugged off her leather jacket, revealing arms every bit as thick, veiny, hard and powerful as her legs. Arms that no one in her early twenties should have. Even unflexed, visibly bulging biceps shifted as she tossed her jacket on the counter, moving over to a counter just behind Carol, standing in a stretched tight muscle-tee three sizes too small, a thick forearm cording and uncording as her wrist twisted. Carol heard a low quiet grunting exhale from behind her and winced, imagining the spectacular powerhouse looking at her husband over her shoulder. Carol sat at the kitchen table, her pleading tearful eyes looking up at Jerry in front of her and slightly to the right, Chrissy about two feet behind her, just close enough to uncomfortably intrude on her personal space, close enough that she could hear the big girl's breathing. "How could this happen? What did I do?" Carol whined. Chrissy rummaged through the kitchen drawers. She found a rolling pin and slapped it against her veiny forearm, smiling to herself. Her eyes caught Jerry's and she sneered. Thick snaking veins throbbed on great writhing rippling cords of forearm muscle as she squeezed the wooden pin. She squeezed and squeezed, bulging those forearms, working them, slowly getting her massive biceps into the game too, forcing Jerry to lose his attention as she danced her huge muscles, the massive, rippling, unreal muscularity of her body forced his pathetic, pleading wife out of his thoughts. She looked down, drawing his attention back to the rolling pin and her sexy bulging forearms, then raised her eyes to look pointedly at Carol. The nasty, shredded musclegirl spread her huge broad shoulders and snickered quietly. Jerry grunted, visibly aroused at Chrissy's wanton display. "It's what you can't do." Chrissy set the pin on the counter and turned back to the squabbling married couple, drumming her fingers on the edge of the counter, waiting impatiently for her turn. Chrissy tightened her grip on the counter, flexing the unbelievable muscles in her fore and upper arms. Peaks the size of Carol's arm rose out of her biceps. Carol followed Jerry's drooling stare behind her to where Chrissy stood. She shuddered at the nasty sneering smile on the musclecunt's face. Panicked hatred flooded back into Carol's face. "I can't ever look like her, you mean," she whined. "Right." "Jerry..." "Fuck this cunt," Chrissy growled impatiently. "I'm gonna do her now." Carol's frightened gaze shrank from the big blonde. She placed her hands on the table and starting to rise. Confusion and anger clouded her face. "Now you listen," she began tremulously, turning to face Chrissy defiantly. Chrissy was on her in an instant. "Sit DOWN, bitch!" she hissed as she closed one massive paw around the scrawny older woman's shoulder and slammed the frail woman back into her seat. Carol cried out as Chrissy's long, thick fingers tore into her bony shoulder. Chrissy closed her right hand slowly and inexorably, allowing the frightening power of her grip to work painfully into Carol's right shoulder, her fingers probing, bruising, destroying. The frightened woman arched her head up and back in pain and looked up at Chrissy's smiling face hovering above her as the musclebitch worked her fingers in, deeper, hurting, painful. Chrissy savored the moment. The moment when the scrawny little bitch's eyes widened in panic and terror, realizing what Chrissy was about to do, but before she started. Chrissy's cold pure blue eyes bore down into the older woman's flecked brown eyes, smiling, not a fierce smile, a casual, pleasant smile, like she was molding clay. The big girl giggled briefly at Carol's expression, watching the woman's mouth open and close slowly, like a fish, no sound coming out, no breath going in. "Yeeeeah Jerry," Chrissy said happily, "I'm gonna do her right fucking now." Chrissy moved over to stand behind Carol's left side, bent her legs, and leaned forward, her head down close to Carol's, watching the older woman, head cocked curiously as her fingers crunched some of the frail bones in Carol's shoulder. The big blonde looked across at Jerry and smiled as she grabbed Carol's jaw in her huge left hand. She winked at Jerry and squeezed, punching her long thick fingers into Carol's fragile jaw with terrible force, digging in, slicing the woman's cheeks on her own teeth until blood frothed out of her mouth. Carol scrabbled frantically at the blonde's brawny forearms, but it was useless. Snaking blue veins bulged across Chrissy's thick ropy forearms as she worked her grip. She felt a couple of teeth give and punched her fingers in harder, squeezing until her fingers and forearms shook with the effort, cracking the weak woman's jaw in her powerful grip. "How's this feel, bitch?" she taunted. "How's this for fuckin leavin ya, huh?" Her tongue flicked out, licking blood off the older woman's cracked lips before going in for a kiss, swirling her tongue around the frothing blood and saliva as her fingers continued to mangle Carol's cheeks and jaw with terrible power. Chrissy felt the old woman's tears against her cheek and pulled her bloody tongue out of Carol's mouth to briefly lap at the salty drops, leaving red streaks across the woman's cheek. The brawny musclegirl seemed completely unconcerned with Carol's gurgled pleas for help or her pathetically weak attempts to break her body free of Chrissy's grasp. The big blonde toyed with Carol in a twisted form of playful amusement, easily controlling the weak woman's head, and by extension, the rest of her frail body, with thick, bulging, muscular arms and broad, powerful hands. Carol's eyes were wide with pain and panic, her body jerking and twisting, her arms flailing. She gained enough control over her mind to reach up and desperately claw at Chrissy's face. Her fingernails caught on the big blonde's lips. Chrissy snapped at the clutching fingers, drawing the bony appendages into her mouth and quickly bit down hard. Chrissy savored the sound of snapping bone and the taste of blood that flooded her mouth as she chewed on Carol's brittle fingers. Chrissy pulled away and stooped behind Carol, looking over at Jerry. "Looks like it hurts when she breathes," Chrissy said with concern. She quickly snaked her brawny left arm around Carol's throat, the hard bicep and forearm digging into the woman's thin rubbery skin, the crook of her elbow just to the left side of Carol's throat. Chrissy flexed her arm, shoving the jagged peaks painfully hard into Carol's throat, the sheer mass of her gigantic forearm forcing Carol's chin up and separating the jaw farther away from her shoulder, her shredded veiny bicep tearing into the left side of Carol's jaw. Chrissy worked the hold, pumped it, clenched and unclenched her bloody fist, open fingers, closed fingers, pulling brutally hard, listening to Carol's gurgling, enjoying the woman's futile struggles, watching her huge arm flex and twist in unabashed narcissistic admiration. "Think she can stop me? I don't think she can stop me," Chrissy taunted. She moved her pretty face to her pumping hand and erotically swished her tongue around the frothy blood. "Oh my God," Jerry said. Chrissy sneered haughtily at Jerry. She looked at his visible crotch and nodded. He pulled down his pants and started stroking his freed rod. Chrissy turned her attention to her bulging arm, licking the veins protruding from her massive shoulder and moaning softly. She slipped her right hand into her shorts and panties and wiggled her fingers quickly, so that Jerry could hear the loud sloshing sounds from her lush wet pussy as he listened to the skin squishing coming from Carol's wrinkly neck. "Jerk it, loverman," Chrissy grunted, "jerk it while I waste your useless slut!" Jerry watched in horrified fascination as Chrissy yanked her brawny arm once, twice, three times, the movements quick, without rhythm, the movements powerful, devastating, each yank drawing a wet tearing sound from Carol's dying throat. Chrissy was orgasming, cumming at the feeling of his fragile wife breaking apart in her violent, brawny grasp, and he came too, thick ropes spurting onto the tiled floor and up onto the kitchen table, his hand reflexively jerking as he watched the huge muscular girl tear Carol apart. Chrissy drew her hand out from her panties and shoved her slimy fingers in Carol's bloody mouth, forcing the teeth apart with her right hand while crushing up against the shattered jaw with her huge left arm, all the while continuing to nuzzle her muscular arm, licking at it playfully, kissing herself, her arm so thick and muscular the big blonde could ignore Carol's full-body spasms of pain and terror. "Look at it Jerry," she moaned throatily. "Isn't it so beautiful?" The frail woman twisted and writhed in her seat, unable to escape, no longer able to think, lost in pain and fear. Chrissy giggled and flexed harder, teasing herself, twisting her wrist, flexing and unflexing her bicep, pumping it to unreal proportions, the wet crackling noises from Carol's jaw inspiring her to greater effort. Chrissy's bulging arms vibrated with the effort of crushing Carol's throat, the big blonde's mouth in set determination, her smile fierce, terrible, low grunting exhalations marking the supreme effort the brawny blonde put into her sick game. Carol's eyes went bloodshot and her legs slowly stopped kicking, her frantic but hopeless struggles dying unheeded in the tall sadistic girl's massive muscles, reduced to occasional weakly flopping tremors. This was a contest without question as to the winner, and the winner was too engrossed with her own beautiful veiny muscles to care much about the dying woman she was wrapped around. Chrissy's inescapable pythonic embrace squeezed Carol into glazed semi-consciousness as she grunted and licked at her beautiful hard round biceps. The old woman struggled for breath through her crushed throat but none came in. Her head shivered and wobbled in Chrissy's grip, thin gasping noises almost too quiet to hear coming from her crushed gurgling jaw. The big girl grunted and yanked her arm back towards her chest, crushing her brawny arm harder into Carol's throat, pulling it, working the throat, her awesome strength tearing connective tissue in the throat. "Fuckin a, Jerry, look at her, she's fucking dying," Chrissy said through clenched teeth. She worked her flex on each word, crushing the woman's throat and jaw, "Ding," yank, "dong," jerk, "the bitch," huge muscles vibrating, shaking with the effort, "is fucking dead!" Chrissy yelled out, yanking Carol out of her seat, the tiny dying body laughably weak and thin pressed up against the brawny blonde goddess' thick heaving chest. Chrissy's eyes refocused and she winked at Jerry. "Well, not quite dead." Chrissy licked her lips and grinned. She reached out behind her with her right arm and grabbed the rolling pin, hefting it briefly, flipping it over and catching it again. Her eyes zeroed in on Jerry's. Jerry was lost and confused, unwilling to interrupt the horrific scene in front of him, aroused again in spite of himself, frightened, in awe of his terrifying muscle mistress. Chrissy had talked about this, but doing was different than he imagined, sicker, bloodier, but she made it look so easy, so right. He was consumed by her laughing, casual attitude as she used her awesome strength to just demolish his wife. Chrissy brought the middle of the rolling pin crashing down on Carol's skull. It glanced off with a hard knocking sound. Carol's dying body flopped in reflex, trapped in Chrissy's iron grip. The big girl frowned. She maneuvered Carol's body back into the kitchen chair, her large hand still grasping the scrawny bruised throat. Jerry thought Chrissy was going to simply crush Carol's neck in her terribly powerful hand and his eyes widened in frightened awe. "Keep jerking lover, I want you nice and hard," Chrissy said pleasantly before again bashing the rolling pin onto Carol's defenseless skull. Her outstretched left arm held Carol in place by the throat, giving Chrissy's right arm enough room to build up a good swing. This time there was a satisfying wet crunch and blood started to soak into the older woman's thinning dyed hair. Chrissy paused and cocked her head, studying the bloodied region of skull. Then she brought her arm back, up, and down for another wet splatter as the wood cracked Carol's cranium. A shorter pause, then again, pause, again. The blood was thick and dark and flowed slowly, gore splattering on Chrissy's tight white shirt as she methodically beat the skull over and over. Blood dripped and splattered everywhere as Chrissy bludgeoned the small woman. The young girl laughed in delighted admiration as she watched her muscles flex and flow, beating, crushing, slaughtering the meat in her grip, crushing the throat in her hand as she split Carol's skull right open with the rolling pin. The wooden dowel cracked and split from the stress of bludeoning a skull, the metal rod inside deformed. With a giggle, Chrissy wiped away the blood dripping into her eyes and tossed the broken roller aside. Chrissy lifted Carol's limp body out of the chair. She shoved the corpse against the refrigerator and hammered her fist repeatedly into Carol's bloody face. Bone cracked, Carol's nose broke and flattened, her broken jaw fragmented further by Chrissy's brutal blows. She ignored the small stabs of pain that were slivers of bone piercing her skin and threw her whole arm and shoulder into pounding the gory face into a mushy mess. Her big fist crashed into Carol's face over and over, the skull knocking back into the freezer door with such power that the door cracked. Crushed deformed eyeballs oozed from broken eye sockets. "Oh fuckin a yeah," Chrissy moaned triumphantly as she turned away from the gore-splattered refrigerator. Rivers of blood pooled and coagulated on the floor. Jerry looked upon the goddess of death in aroused terror. Chrissy dripped blood from her muscular arms, her white top splattered with gore, muscles pumped and bulging, veins throbbing, a brutalized corpse dangling forgotten from one powerful arm. She smiled and beckoned him over, slowly pumping her free gore-covered arm, still showing off her fantastically over-developed body. He shuffled over obediently, afraid to approach her yet too terrified to defy her, and irresistibly aroused by her dominant demeanor and magnificently powerful body. She oozed raw sex, raw power, raw danger, homicidal, psychopathic, nymphomaniacal all at once. She grabbed the back of his head and dominantly shoved her tongue in his mouth, her bloody lips sucking at his, her bloody thigh rubbing at his throbbing dick. She stepped away and tucked the gory corpse between her massive thighs, forcing Carol's head behind her and facing the ground. Chrissy's massive bloodied thighs clamped down on the broken corpse. She pulled off the sensible skirt and panties, revealing the dead woman's wrinkled old pussy. Chrissy winked at Jerry again and ripped off her blood-soaked shirt, revealing her small hard tits and awesomely developed pectorals. Jerry smiled shyly, as always embarrassed by her incredible body, more so now that her pale skin was streaked with blood. He reached out and traced one hand down the overly muscular cleft between her breasts, feeling the stony pecs beneath. "Fuck her Jerry," Chrissy breathed huskily, "fuck your wife one last time." Jerry lost himself in Chrissy's playfully twinkling eyes as he unquestioningly obeyed, sinking his pecker deep into the dead woman's cunt. He dutifully brought his head to Chrissy's hard nipples and worshipped her muscular chest as he slowly fucked his wife. Chrissy wrapped her huge thick arms around him and crushed them into his sides, clamping her hands on his skinny butt and urging him to go faster, harder. He worshipped her boulder-like shoulders and bull neck with his tongue, moaning and losing himself in the sensation of worshipping his goddess as he imagined he was fucking her, while she used his body like a toy to fuck her latest slaughtered playmate, the older couple toys to the sadistic young musclegirl. The blonde amazon threw her head back and laughed as Jerry's tongue tickled her, her huge arms flexing and slamming his hips repeatedly into the crotch of the dead woman being crushed between her oaken thighs. Chrissy's eyes rolled back into her head as she lost herself in the wonderful sensation of destruction and control, her huge thighs destroying the waist and hips of the dead woman while her massive arms thrust Jerry in and out, faster and harder, until finally he came with a loud groan. Chrissy orgasmed at that, her enormous crushing thighs snapping through Carol's ribs like kindling, her big powerful hands kneading Jerry's butt as he yelped in pain. Chrissy sighed and pushed Jerry away, unhinging her huge thighs from the broken mangled body compressed between them. Still smiling erotically at him, she shoved her long, bloody fingers into Carol's pussy and slowly worked them in and out. She withdrew her fingers and they dripped with Jerry's cum and Carol's blood. With one hand Chrissy casually tossed the broken woman aside and beckoned Jerry with her dripping fingers, shoving her tight shorts and thong down with her other hand. Chrissy's eyes closed and she smiled to herself as she pulled Jerry's unresisting head to her dripping snatch. She slowly sucked the salty metallic tasting liquids off her fingers as her strong hand forcefully shoved Jerry's face deep into her crotch, and her thick bloody thighs clamped down on his tiny skull. * * * * * End of Scene 2