One More Time by Paul Schilling Oh Sosanna, won't you wrestle me AGAIN! Sosanna grew up in the borough of Brooklyn, very Irish, very street wise, and very street tough. She learned from a very early age to curb her temper, thanks to her mother and the Nuns at school, and that's why she is a very gentle person by nature. But when necessary, her strength is used for self protection and to protect her friends as well. It was around the age of twelve when she discovered how strong she really was, because her body was larger and more muscular than most of the kids she hung around with, both boys and girls. But it wasn't until the day fifteen-year-old Tommie Guglielmo, the local bully, came around with his attitude, his pubescence, and strength that Sosanna found out how strong she really was. It was one of those hot and steamy New York kind of days. Tommy was on the playground showing off his muscles by picking on one of the smallest boys there: Sosanna's little brother, ten-year-old Alec. "C'mon, girls, let me show you what some real muscles can do," he said as he grabbed Alec by his hair, spun him around into a headlock, and began to apply pressure. He applied just enough to make little Alec feel weak and fall to the pavement, then he jumped on top of him. As Alec lay there, all he could do was spew Gaelic perversities at his fifteen-year-old tormentor, who just sat on top of him commenting back in Italian while flexing his big muscular arms for several of the preteen girls who fed his ego by just Ooohing and Aaahing. But while this was going on, someone ran off to get Sosanna, who was playing Four-Square with some friends. When she heard about this, she excused herself and ran off. "TOMMIE GUGLI... GUGLIE..." 'Why the hell couldn't he have a pronounceable name like Smith?' Sosanna thought to herself as she yelled across the playground. "...GET OFF HIM!!!" He didn't move. Gulping for air, Sosanna yelled again. "I mean it, Tommie, get off my little brother!" "Girls... please..." he said to his fans, as he brought his pumped arms down and put his hands on his thighs. Then he said in his most articulate Flatbush dialect, "Well, Sosa, whatcha goin' to do abou' it?" Sosanna was in a predicament. She had been little scrapes before (mostly yelling matches), but never in an actual fight, especially with a boy. What to do? And now, kids were beginning to gather around. "Well, Sosa... whatcha gonna do?" Tommie smirked and began to slowly flex his arms again. "Well, Tommie," she said, crouching down, slowly flexing some serious leg muscle. "Sis!" Alec said in a dry-throated voice. "Not now, Alec," Sosanna scolded. "Sis!" Alec said with a painfully slightly higher pitch. "WHAT, ALEC!!!" She yelled back. "Get him off!" he screamed in agony. Sosanna bent over and kissed her brother's sweaty forehead and said, "I'm working on it... trust me." Sosanna looked Tommie over and became very surprised when she saw the bulge in Tommie's crotch. 'YUCHHH! Tommie's been watchin' me, now I gotta get him off Alec,' she thought. She stood up and put on a show for Tommie. "Well, Tommie, whatcha think?" With that, she began to flex her large twelve-year-old arms, causing two large biceps to appear. "Well, Tomaso?" Both boys looked at the glistening mounds of muscles and simultaneously gasped a 'WOW!" "Ouch!" There was a slight tap to Alec's head. "Some help you are!" "Quiet, pipsqueak, these muscles are for Tommie..." Sosanna begun. "...Yeah, so shuddup," Tommie said rudely. "Ya know, Tommie," Sosanna said, teasing Tommie, tracing his broad shoulders with her fingers and slowly bringing her muscular forearm under his neck, "I like a man who can take charge, but can you do a couple things for me?" as she leaned across his shoulder Tommie was in heaven. "Oh yeah, just name it. "First of all," her voice began to get sterner, "get off my little brother." Sosanna put him in a combination head and arm lock. With balance and power, she slowly lifted Tommie, who gurgled an "Ahhh!" as the Amazon musclelifted him off her little brother, and threw him into a dirt pile. She helped Alec up and told him to get Tommie's older sister Elisa to come and get him..."'Cause he's gonna be hobblin' home." She then turned her attention towards her opponent who was just now trying to stand up, but to no avail. "Dis ain't fair, girls ain't supposed to have muscles," he said as she lunged herself forward, wrestling and rolling in the dirt. Tommie managed to get his hands free and began to feel the bulges growing and hardening in her arms. "OH YEAH!!!" she hissed. "Well, this one does, and I know how to use them." She used Tommie's loss of attention to do a forward backflip and land him face forward in the dirt. "How do like that, Tommie? Tommie's getting beat up by a girl!" and she picked him up. "Now, you're gonna leave Alec and all the little kids alone, ain'tcha?" she said sweetly. "Oh and by the way..." she added, driving one of her hands right into his crotch and beginning to unmercifully squeeze and knead his balls. "...Never EVER call me 'Sosa' again. He's a rookie with Chicago! Do make myself clear about that!" She squeezed hard for one more final time and dropped him to the ground. Just then, like the cavalry, Alec and Tommie's sister Elisa showed up. Elisa, a fairly large girl herself, picked Tommie up by the ear. "Tomaso," she screamed. Before she could utter any more words, Tom pulled away and said, "Lay off, Sis, I was just havin' some fun... fun, YOU know," he said with a nervous grin. "FUN?!?" Elisa asked. "Yeah," Tommie snapped back, "showin' the girls my arms and, well, you know... Fun." "Okay, Mister Muscles," she retorted. "If pickin' on smaller, weaker kids like Alec is your idea of fun, I'll start workin' more at goin' to church than workin' out at the gym." With that, Elisa grabbed Tommie by the nape of the neck and led him home, yelling at the top of her lungs in Italian at him. Sosanna, dirty and sweaty from the fight, realized that the fight was over just as fast as it began and how strong she really was. It felt good to her to win a physical fight. It felt so good that she slowly began to flex her arms in victory. Her blood-gorged arms for the first time showed some shape and definition, making the boys look. She let her arms down and hugged her little brother. "Let's go home," she said. Alec and she walked arm over shoulder home. That was about ten or so years ago. Sosanna left home at the age of seventeen to attend a girls' college in the near north suburbs of Chicago, where she majored in sports medicine and graduated cum laude in her class. The day she found out that she was stronger than a normal girl her age, she started strength training. Now, in her mid twenties, she's a personal physical trainer with a 165 lb. muscle packed body that refuses to quit and is more than a match for anyone who would cross her. It was while she was on vacation, leaving the motel sports center at closing, that she heard a familiar voice. "Well, if it ain't that musclebound red-haired rookie who reminded me I had been beat up by a girl. How's it hangin', Red?" Sosanna sensed hostility and tension in her mystery man's tone and quickly spun around and faced... "Tommie? Is it really you?" "Yep, but it's Tom now," Tommie replied. Sosanna was taken by the thirty-something with muscles as big or bigger than hers. "I heard you moved after our little spat... I mean, you look really great." "Yeah," he said in his guttural accent, "Pop got a job in the upper state, and the rest is history. So... what brings you here?" "Vacation," she replied. "Hey, same here," Tom said, "but I brought a little bit of 'baggage' wit' me. "I'd like to meet her," Sosanna said politely and they began to walk and he gave her a strange smile. "You know, you caught me off guard that day on the playground." "Oh, come on, Tommie! That was ten years or so back. Besides, I was just using my feminine wiles at the time," Sosanna smiled. "Yeah, you're right," Tommie smirked. "It could never happen again, in a million years." "And don't forget, I was just a bit stronger and a lot angrier than you were," she reminded him. "But you're not any stronger now, are you, Red?" Tommie said with a more serious tone. "You know somethin', Flatbush? You ain't changed a bi--" Sosanna was interrupted by Tom, who motioned a fairly well endowed and built ash blonde over to them. "Ummm, Sosanna," Tom started. "This is my fianc‚, Sheila." "So," Sosanna said, politely smiling. "This is the piece of 'baggage,' you were referring to, eh, Tomaso?" Sheila, who had the chiseled hard body of a fitness model, raised an eyebrow. "Tomaso... baggage?" "That's not what I meant, She--" Tommie stammered. "Oh, never mind," Sheila interrupted. "Who's Musclina over here?" Sheila said, eyeing Sosanna like a rattlesnake poised to strike. "Sosanna," Sosanna said politely. "Nice to meet you," she said, putting her hand out. "Same here," Sheila said, trying to put a grip on Sosanna's hand. "Hey, look, you two," Sosanna said, wiping her brow. "Why don't we meet later in the lounge for a couple of drinks and we can talk some more." "Fine," Tom spoke up. "C'mon, Sheila." Up in their room after a bit, Tom steps out of the shower and was toweling off his fine sculptured body when Sheila spoke up. "So that was her, huh? She seems like the kind of woman you'd hang with." "Yeah, I guess," Tom answered, sitting on the edge of the bed playing with the TV remote. "Tough, too." "OH, COME ON, TOM!" Sheila grabbed the remote and through it on the night stand. "She don't look that big!" She stood in front of the TV and then sat down on Tom's lap, massaging his growing member. "Let me remind you, lover boy, that my muscles are probably as large as hers... See?" With that, Sheila rolled her tights down just above her pubic hair line and, taking her tight fitting blouse up just under her boobs, flexed her abs. "See, Tom, a cobblestone six-pack, and arms that a sailor could only love." Sheila began to slowly raise her arms and flex. As she did, two fairly good size humps began to appear; the more she strained, holding them there, the larger they appeared to be until her the seams of her sleeves gave way. "Oh my," Sheila said, totally startled by what she just saw happen. Tom sat up, laughing, and grabbed and pulled his woman on top of him, making her straddle him. "That's okay, babe, I like your swelling muscles just fine." She bent over and kissed Tom. "C'mon, babe, we've still got two hours for you to admire my muscle growth and for me to take you to the gym for a 'workout.'" Sheila sat up and ripped her blouse open and threw it off to the side. She began crab flexing her upper body as she reached over and kissed Tom. Later on, down at the bar, Tom and Sosanna began reminiscing about home, school, and jobs, leaving Sheila completely bored until the conversation turned to wrestling. "...Oh, c'mon, Tom, that was almost fifteen years ago; hang it up!" "Oh, no, Flatbush, it ain't," Tom scolded. "I'm in damn good shape, Sosa, and..." "...Getting smashed as well," Sosanna observed. "Sheila, he never could handle his whiskey or his altar wine." "Don't change the subject, Flatbush!" Sheila sounded off. "I work out just as much or more than you do, Miss Physical Therapist." "Look, I could beat Tommie again, and you, too, and not even break a sweat," Sosanna calmly said. She didn't bother telling them that during college she would wrestle men from the navy base and nearby towns to keep herself in spending money. "Prove it," Sheila said, rolling up her sleeve mid-biceps and slamming her elbow on the table. Even relaxed, her upper arm looked somewhat chiseled. "I'm not making a scene here," Sosanna answered back. "Let's go to the gym in the morning before anyone shows up, and we'll have a handicap match." "Wha... a handica... sister, you're on!" Sheila said angrily. "Good. About sevenish," Sosanna said, smiling as she stood up to leave. "Oh, and Tomaso?" Tom looked at Sosanna as she gets ready to leave. "Don't forget your handicap," she said, laughingly pointing at Sheila. 6:15 the next morning, Sosanna arrived at the gym and, with the help of a bribe to the night watchman, was let in. Tom and Sheila showed up about a half hour later. Sosanna had just finished warming up when they strolled in. "Well, it's about time!" "And just what does THAT mean, Miss Physical Freak... Look at the way you're dressed..." 'Oh boy, I better do something fast,' thought Tom, and with that, he stepped into the middle of the two hellcats... "Ladies," he said nervously, "PLEASE! We have a time constraint. Besides, this is between Sosanna and myself." "Do you need to limber up Tomaso?" Sosanna asked. But before Tom could answer..."NO!" It was Sheila. "My Tomaso is ALWAYS limber." With that, Sheila ripped Tom's t-shirt in two, showing his almost 225 lbs. of muscle. "Hey, not bad, Tommie," Sosanna said. "I probably could have fallen for you too, if you weren't such a JERK with my little brother." Pushing Tom aside, Sosanna walked over to Sheila. "I ain't got no qualms with you, but keep the mouth motion up and I'll hang those cheerleader muscles of yours from the top of the Empire State Building, CAPISCE?" and shoved her out of the way. She quickly knelt down and stretched her legs out behind her in prone position, planting her left arm on the floor and flexing her large and ominous biceps, assuming an arm wrestling position. Tom did the same thing. "Go ahead, Tommie," Sosanna said with a smile. "Anytime you're ready." A quick "1, 2, 3... Go!" slurred out of Sheila. Tom began to push down on Sosanna's arm. "You see, Sosa, all my workouts have made me the strongest of us two," he said with a large sarcastic grin. "I'm not even straining. Just... a... few... more... inches." That's when Sosanna looked into Tomaso's eyes and said, "Don't even go there, bud!" She tightened her grip and began to force her arm back up, her biceps pushing, growing larger with each movement. "What do ya think, Tommie?" Tom looked at Sosanna's peaking muscle as a network of veins began to push the tightening skin. For a moment, Tom was caught off guard as he watched the monster muscle grow, but then... "NO!" he yelled out, "not a second time!" And Tom began to fight back, flexing his own well endowed arm. But if Tom's mouth revealed the tooth-gnashing anguish of his efforts, Sosanna's showed only a casual smile as she triumphantly pushed his arm to the mat. "We're even, Tom... give it a rest, willya?" she said, still smiling. "I won." "Tomaso," Sheila shrieked, "you let that sideshow freak beat you!" "That's right, little Miss Muscles, I dun whooped him again," Sosanna proudly said sitting up. The whole thing would have ended there, if it hadn't been for Tom's hurt pride. He let loose with an angry howl and threw himself at her, trying to land on her. Sosanna was much quicker and rolled out of the way, letting Tom land with a loud thud. She took that opportunity to throw herself on him and land on his back, locking his arms in a full nelson. "You gonna give it up now, Tommie?" she screamed. "Tom, get up!" Sheila screamed, but Tom's adrenaline rush was beginning to subside. Sheila took the opportunity to lunge for an unsuspecting Sosanna. "Get off my boyfriend, you oversized heifer!" she screamed, grabbing Sosanna by the hair and pulling her off of him. "Now it's my turn, Bitch!" Sheila sat on Sosanna's elbows and ripped her own shirt off. "They say dynamite comes in small packages," Sheila said as she began to flex and fill her undersize sports bra with muscle. "Not bad, for an amateur. But watch this," Sosanna grinned determinately. She began to grunt and lift Sheila up and off. Sheila fell backwards as Sosanna stood up and did a crab flex, flexing her own large muscular body. Sheila stood there in awe; Sosanna looked more menacing than when this all began. Muscles swelled and audible creaking could be heard as the top she was wearing struggled to stay together. Sheila didn't say a thing but got up and ran for help. Sosanna took the advantage of her pumped up muscle to turn around and slam Tom to the mat, applying a crushing cradle. "Say 'UNCLE,' Tomaso, and I'll let you go," she said angrily. Tom muttered the words just as Sheila came back with Security. Tomaso, beaten, got up and said, "Sheila, I give up." He then turned to security and said, "It's all right... I just got my ass beat by my better." There was nothing done to Sosanna or Tomaso. Both teams were escorted to their appropriate rooms. After that, they never saw each other again, but should they ever, Sosanna owes Tomaso one more 'tiny' beating.