Sisterly Love by Paul Schlling ( Younger sister reaps the benefit of some Spinach Based on a script by madisonmarbury ( It starts with the parents, about to leave for the night, talking to their kids: sixteen year old Billy, fifteen year old Spike, and twelve year old Kit. Dad ends the argument before it even gets started. "Enough! Billy has to learn SOME KIND of responsibility. So, Bill, you're in charge 'til we get back. When Kit heard this, she rolled her eyes! "Moooom!" "Kitten," said Mom, "do what your brother says... And boys, be nice to your sister!" Billy and Spike look at Kit spitefully. "'Kay." As soon as the door closes, and Mom and Dad are out of sight, Spike slugs Kit. She cries. "Baby!" Spike laughs. "We're gonna take GOOD care of you for what you did, you snitch!" "Yeah," Billy screams. "Stop crying, ya baby!" He then grabs his little sister by the front of her blouse and pulls her in real close to his arm. "You see this?" Kit's eyes bug out as her brother slowly flexes his arm as a ball of muscle ripples, slowly rising on his upper arm. He flexes several times, real slow, to get maximum size, then holds it. As his upper arm bulges, he looks angrily at his sister. "Now, guess what's next..." Billy straightens out his arm and redirects the stored power to his hand. In the wink of an eye, Billy has Kit over his knee, flips her skirt over to reveal her butt, and spanks her. SLAP! SLAP! Kit bawls in pain and humiliation. "What a bad baby!" "Yeah, whatcha gonna do, baby?!" Spike twists her nose for good measure. "I got an idea..." Billy says, as he gets a devilish grin on his face and puts his sister down hard. "Spike, come and..." "Riot, Bill, sheer genius!" And Spike leaves the room. "Whatcha got planned?" Kit whimpers. " Since you've been bad," Billy gloats, "you're gonna do time." "Let's put baby in her high chair!" Billy puts his bawling sister in a high chair. She's much too big for it. Her arms are pinned to her side, helpless. "Hey... (snicker)... Hey, Bill, look, li'l baby's got cleavage." SMACK! "Knock it off, an' go get the bonnet for Sweetpea here." "Yeah, let's dress baby in her bonnet!" Spike says, crying with laughter. He slapped the bonnet on his sisters head. "I wish I was bigger and stronger," she cries, as she struggles to get free. "Bigger and stronger, huh?" Billy gets an evil grin on his face and turns to brother Spike and whispers in his ear. "...Got it?" "What a brain!" Spike giggles, turns, then enters and promptly returns from the kitchen and reports back to Bill. "Here's the plate... And here's the cans." Billy is presented with three 27-ounce cans of "Popeye" brand spinach. "Open 'em up, stupid, and put it on the plate." Spike grimaces as he empties the cans on the plate. "Psst... Hey, Bill, how'd we eat this crap when we were young," he whispers at his brother. "The same way she's gonna!" he boldly answers back. "If she don't cooperate, we'll force her!" Kit's eyes open wide. "LIKE HELL I WILL!" she screams. "Let me out of here and I'll show you!" "YEAH, LIKE HELL YOU WILL!" Spike screams back. "Now look," Spike says, as he grabs a small piece and swallows it quickly. Spike then flexes his own arm and a slightly smaller bulge rises on his arm than his brother's."See?" "You ain't foolin' no one, Spiker, I've seen you downstairs, workin' out with Billy's weights," Kit says angrily. "ENOUGH," Billy screams. "It's time to make baby eat her spinach." After wrestling with his sister, Billy holds Kit's mouth open while Spike scrapes the contents of a plate into it. Bill forces her mouth closed so Kit doesn't spit it out. Rubbing her throat, Billy relaxes the muscles to make her swallow the massive clump easier. "GULP!" Kit grits her teeth as her brothers turn away laughing and singing, "She's strong to the Finnich (chortle and snickers) 'cause she ate her spinach..." "I am one pissed off teen..." comes a voice from behind. "HEY, BRAT!" Spike yells, as he begins to turn around, "DIDN'T WE TELL... you..." Spike stops mid-sentence. "Uh, Bill, turn around," he nervously says as he taps on his brothers shoulder. "I, uh, think we're in trouble." "Now what?" Bill asks, as he turns to see the problem. His eyes go buggy. "Oh my God!"Both boys are in awe as they see their pinned sister begin to show the effects of the spinach. Soft underdeveloped muscles turn large and rock hard. Bulges travel through her entire body, but mainly into her chest and forearms. Kit begins to grunt as she watches her chest and arms grow. "Uhhhh... now... Kit..." Spike says with a dry voice, as he and his older brother watch in horror as Kit's t-shirt stretches out with pumping pectorals. The muscle stretches and grows, finally stopping just even with the bridge of her nose where two angry eyes peer over the striated muscle. "Yeah, kid, we were just... ummmm, kidding... Heh, heh," says Billy as he watches a small biceps slowly begin to bulge on each arm, both covered by a pronounced thick vein. As she raises her etched muscled forearms, the highchair begins to creek. "Spike, are you thinkin'...?" a worried Bill says, looking at Spike. "Way ahead of you, Bro..." Spike replies, with the same worried look on his face. "RUN!" they say in unison, as Kit raises her arms to her sides, exploding the high chair apart and knocking her brothers to the side. Kit looks at her new muscles, then slowly closes her fist. As if straight out of a Popeye cartoon, little bulges start moving systematically up her arm until they stop at her biceps. More and more appear as she raises her muscle-thickened forearm. After a couple of quick poses, Kit plants her right fist on her hip and straightens out her muscular left arm. She flexes in slower-than-slow motion so both boys can see and hear the rumbling biceps grow until sculpted peaks rise. Her bulging biceps is now bigger than her head and, with one more "Umph!" a tattoo of a spanking paddle with a label reading "The Punisher!" appears. Furiously, her breath now comes in short pants as she flexes her upper body. Her back and shoulders wide, her chest becomes as thick and large as granite blocks, and on top of her head is a pink bonnet. "Now we see WHO'S the baby!" Billy and Spike are all over themselves as they try to make their escape. "Ulp!" Kit reaches out and grabs Spike, throws him up into the air, and delivers a stunning uppercut. It launches the bully like a rocket. "WHAM!" Billy, now hiding, looks on, petrified. "Upsy daisy!" Kit giggles as she and her other cowering brother watch Spike's wincing head hit the ceiling, cracking it. Kit catches the falling Spike in his stomach with enough force to double him over. "BLLLAAAAUUGH! Spike vomits in agony. "Oo, baby all urpy!" Kit teasingly says in baby talk. "Better put baby down!" As she put him down, Spike's eyes roll back in his head and he drops into his own muck with a splash. Now, Kit slowly turns and begins advancing on Billy, scowling, rolling back her sleeves from her bulging frame. Bill, backpedaling in terror, spies the heavy cross bar from his weight set. He grabs it and flings it at his advancing sister, knocking her down. "Whew!" Billy sighs in relief. Kit stands up and tries to bend it. "Ummmmphh!... Phwhew!" To her dismay, and Billy's delight, she can not bend the bar. Billy stands up. "HAH! Sissy muscles can't even tie a knot." He manages to pop a couple of buttons as he flexes his own muscles. "Oh yeah?" Kit says, flexing a somewhat smaller biceps then before. "Yeah..." Billy says, as he flexes an almost sixteen-inch biceps under his sister's nose "...Spinach Breath!" "Sis... spin, breat... I'll be right back," and she storms into the kitchen. Billy stands there and laughs. "Yeah, I'm taking you downstairs with me to the basement every day and making you watch me build these into massive muscles of destruction, and when I'm buff enough, I'll..." "You'll what?" Kit steps out of the kitchen with a ten ounce bag of fresh spinach, rips it open, and, handful by handful, eats the whole bag. "Ta dada da dat ta da," she sings, as she picks up the iron bar and slowly begins to tie it in a knot. Billy watches in horror as his sister's biceps rises cartoonishly above her head and finishes tying the bar into a bow and throws it at his feet.Billy feels his muscles turn to mush. "You-you-you keep away from me!" "Spinach Breath, big brother?" She flexes her left arm, and a large generator shows itself in her over-sized biceps. "Sissy!" Kit blares she flexes her enormous right arm. "We'll show you SISSY!" Kit raises both arms above her head and flexes her forearms until her biceps pop out and almost touch each other, then morph into two hands shaking. "Let's show him, boys, what sissy muscles can REALLY do." "Kit, don't you dare! You have to do what I say! Mom said!" Billy shouts, whimpering. Her muscles slide down into her upper torso, causing her to go into a most muscular crab flex, tearing her shirt in places. Gritting her teeth, she yells, "ARRRRGGGGHHHH!" Kit jumps onto Billy's head. Her fists pound his face like a piston. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Teeth are flying everywhere. Billy flails, but he's helpless. "Oh yeah?!" "Aaugh! Stop! Get off! MOMMYYY!" Billy sputtered Later, Mom and Dad come home. "Hi, kids! Hope you had a good-" The parents are shocked at what they see. "HUH?!" Billy is bawling, jammed into the high chair, naked except for a baby bonnet and diaper. His mouth is wide open so we see all his teeth are broken off except one. He has black eyes. Kit is spoonfeeding him from a big bowl labeled "Creamed Liver." She's still buff. "Sorry, Mom. The BABY needed CHANGING!" END