Shana's Jungle Adventure


I lay on my back barely conscious, unable to run any farther, surely this was going to be the last breath I would draw. My thoughts drifted to Gwen my wife and how I would never see her again and then my attention was snapped back by a savage roar from the beasts that stood before me. They were huge, snarling there fangs glistened with the pale glow of a moonlit sky. They slowly circled me, there eyes reflecting back the gentle glow of the moonlight in raw primal fury. Eyes that were consumed in the madness of hatred, glowing with a savage indomitable power. Against such beasts as these men alone had little chance of survival. I knew I was in the last seconds of my life. Amazingly enough these savage beasts once lived in harmony with man avoiding all sentient life forms content to live among there own in there own lands. As is usually the case though man in his infinite wisdom interfered upsetting the balance disregarding life that was not convenient. That did not fit into plans, life that stood in the way of the all mighty dollar. These beasts had a right to hate man, for it was man that was destroying them. Ironic that they would kill the one man on earth that could save them. The one man that had the evidence of the toxin that was being purposely dumped into their water supply poisoning them. It was this toxin that had caused their sudden mysterious illness that was making them go mad attacking everything with a blood lust that they could not control Pat was the one man that had the antidote, well who had the antidote. He had dropped the case containing the vials and syringe back in the jungle while running for his life. If he died eventually they would die too but this fact gave him no pleasure. His hatred was for the men who planned this, the men who found out what he planned to do with his evidence, not for the beasts that had been decimated. They were a bunch ruthless businessmen who had formed the Zaitech corporation. Zaitech had discovered billions of dollars worth of mineral deposits under the land that was allocated to the cats. Yes allocated for these weren’t ordinary beasts !They resembled the earth lion strongly, to be exact the extinct cape lion of Africa noted for there incredible mane. Like the extinct cape lion had, the male of this species has an incredible mane that extends back across his underbelly. In fact when a ship containing these beasts crashed on earth (in Azor the largest Republic in the continent in New Africa) the cats mated with the earth lions forming a new species. These enhanced lions are three times the size of an earth lion and ten times stronger. They exist in a very ordered social structure and are highly intelligent. They have always kept to their own land and in all the years they have coexisted with humans there has not been one violent encounter instigated by the cats, an amazing statistic given the savageness of their appearance. They have always tended to remain deep in their territory.. until now until this diseased madness was forced upon them.


Pat and his wife Gwen had always had a fascination with the Azorian Lions. Since they first heard the story of how Lesai the beautiful young Azorian Princess Ruler of half of New Africa came to allocate over two million acres to the beasts . She not only gave them land she also made it a law punishable by death to harm one ! It seems one day while crossing a small foot bridge deep in the jungle she was confronted by several of the huge cats. Terrified, turning to run she stumbled and accidentally flung her small child into the swift waters of the river below. One of the huge females actually saved her young son from drowning carrying him to shore and waiting by his side until she arrived proving that they were more than just unthinking beasts. In thanks she allocated the two million acres of uninhabited jungle around where the big cats chose live as there home and declared them protected. It was with a tearful speech and a heavy heart that she announced she would accept Zaitechs offer to exterminate the animals in exchange for the land. It was the only thing she could have done all efforts at finding the cause of the cats sudden behavior change had failed. Her people were being killed and as a leader she could not let that continue.


Pat and Gwen did some investigating of there own. Into Zaitech whose president was Sahhad Jabbar a ruthless man suspected of several terrorist affilations. Why would he be interested in two million acres of worth less jungle? One unanswered question led to another and Pat his curiosity over coming his common sense decided to break into Zaitecs headquarters. He discovered their plan that was intent on making the people demand the government destroy the cats who suddenly were attacking villages and farmers without cause. Zaitech would then agree to eliminate the troublesome beasts, not an easy task for sure, out of the goodness of their hearts only to ask for the land on which the cats once lived thus coming in control of billions worth of untapped minerals of course the jungle would have to be striped away but by then the government would have no say in what happened. Pat though was a thorn in their side to say the least. He had broken into their headquarters, stole the antidote ,and the files that could send the heads of Zaitech away for the rest of their lives. They had however discovered him and before he had a chance to expose what he had found. He found himself waking up hundreds of miles in the jungle, in the very heart of the cats territory. Apparently he had been drugged and left out in the jungle to be killed by the very animals he sought to protect. The Zaitech goon's had even left him the antidote case as a joke. They knew that for the antidote to work it had to be injected in a tiny gland under the cats tongue impossible to do and still come out in one piece!! His only hope was to get the serum back to civilization where it could be duplicated and administered by tranquilizing the beasts. It looked like however his plan and his life were about ready to end. His regrets were few besides not seeing the face of his lovely wife again and not ever getting to meet the enhanced superfeme named Shana who he had become so much a part of his life in the past year, was thinking that these men would actually get away with wiping out a complete race of beings not to mention his murder.


Pat 2


Through the fog I thought I could make out the form of something, someone moving closer. I thought I must have been delirious because as the form grew closer I recognized that it was Shana ! The mist flowed around her moonlit body caressing it as she strode confidently past the snarling beasts to stand before me. She smiled down at me, " Here I found this" she said as she tossed the antidote case on my chest. "Oh and no since in ruining my new costume. It cost a fortune ! and it doesn’t look like were getting out of here without a fight." With that she peeled her blue blouse emblazoned with the big red SF off over her head and then wiggled out of her sexy red skirt and then casually tossed them on my chest with a sexy wink. I was stunned speechless. She now stood before me not nude but in the tiniest sexiest little leopard print bikini , the top of which was just barley able to restrain her amazing breasts. Her nipples looked as if they were actually about to burst through the fabric ! The skimpy bottoms were little more than a G string. God it was just how I had fantasized about her countless times. Despite the situation I felt my cock immediately become hard, throbbing painfully beneath my shorts.

The cats were beginning to froth at the mouth a sign that in a few minutes the disease would become irreversible.

"What's wrong with these things" Shana asked referring to the cats. " They look sick"

"They are Shana but there is no time to explain . The antidote is in this case" I said showing her. "We only have 10 minutes tops though before there disease becomes fatal and the injection has to be given under the tongue if there was just a way to tranquilize them for just a few minutes we could save em.

"Tranquilize them huh.. I think that can be arranged" she said smiling "You better shut your eyes though babe this might be a bit to much for you to handle" and with that she walked past me drawing the full attention of the snarling cats who overcome with their diseased madness attacked!

"Come on guy’s whose first I have had a very bad week" Shana said as she stepped into the center of the beasts.

The first huge snarling beast leaped for her it’s razor sharp claws extended expecting to find the soft yielding flesh that would satisfy his uncontrollable burning blood lust. He was in for quite a surprise though, because even though he was a massive 1500 pounds of solid savage muscle he was no match for the sexy muscle of the 120 pound beauty that stood before him. His body was sent flying by a single blow from the amazing super blonde, to land unconscious mere feet away from me. I tried to struggle to my feet but my head was still clouded by the drugs .I found I could not move Shit I thought to myself I have to give them the injections. It was no use my legs were like rubber I collapsed back to the ground. Crawling over to the unconscious cat I started to at least give him his injection that would bring his mind back from the madness it was lost in.


" Show me how" said a familiar voice from over my shoulder surprised I turned to see Gwen my wife. She wrapped her arms around me " God Pat I thought you were dead. I didn’t know what to do you were gone so long. I e-mailed Shana thank god she responded another ten seconds and we would have been too late. " Now show me how I’ll do it !"

I looked at her, concerned for her to attempt something so dangerous

" I said show me !" she demanded

Still I hesitated

" Listen Pat I can do this." She said grabbing my arm her voice was suddenly soft..their going to die without it We can’t let those bastard’s win"


" Watch" I said " Take a vial insert into the syringe like this just pops right in" I said showing her. " Now open the cats mouth be very careful there teeth are like razors . The injection has to be given in this exact place right here under the tongue" I said. See here where it’s discolored that’s where to do it give each one a whole vial."


" Got it" she said moving off to the next cat. Shana had already ‘tranquilized’ a number of the beasts.

" Be careful" I yelled I watched as she moved to the limp body of the next cat. She was an amazing woman that’s for sure. She quickly gave the cat his injection and moved on. I collapsed back on the grass my head spinning from being drugged all I could do was watch as the two most important women in my life attempted to save an entire species from a agonizing death


Shana having already rendered over half the beasts unconscious without so much as breaking a sweat actually began to have a little fun. She hated having to hurt these animals but it was there only chance at survival and it felt SO good to release some pent up frustrations ! She just couldn't help but strut her stuff. She had admitted to being a show off and took this opportunity to totally drive me insane. She knew just watching her handle such savage beasts so easily would drive me insane but she decided to spice up the show and really make me ache by doing it in a very sexy way. Her movements and her expressions as she defeated beast after beast, the way she teasingly looked me right in the eyes , she knew she was driving me crazy with need and she took great delight in it.


Laying one more unconscious lion on a small pile of 5 or so.

Shana strode up to the two remaining beasts who were left barely able to stand having already encountered the sexy blondes awesome strength once. Walking in-between the giant beasts who were now sitting trying to shake the cobwebs from their head she turned to face me, the giant beast’s right behind her. She stretched sexily wrapping an arm around each of the mighty beasts necks. Looking me right in the eyes she slowly began to flex her massive biceps I could see her muscles rippling beneath her bronzed skin she was incredible. Her biceps bulged to amazing proportions as her tiny bikini top exploded into shreds as her amazing breast’s flexed just an iota of their true power. She held that pose for a few seconds staring at me with the smoldering eyes that I have fantasized so many times about. She looked so tiny up against such giant beasts. As huge and powerful as these beasts were though, the strength of their sinewy muscles was no match for the power of a goddess. Their struggles quickly grew weak and soon their bodies went limp from lack of oxygen at which time Shana quickly relaxed her grip placing her hands on her hips, letting the huge beasts slump to the ground at her feet.


God my cock was throbbing as it never has it was almost more than I could take!

" God that felt good " Shana said brushing her hands together. " After the week I just had knocking things out was just the medicine I needed."

" I think they are all pretty tranquil now" Shana said looking around. " I’m going to go help Gwen"


"No need these are the last two" Gwen said clearly out of breath brushing her blonde hair back from her eyes. She was wearing a pair of skimpy cutoffs and half top that just covered her small firm breasts the sweat of her body was glistening in the pale moonlight.


" How many I asked"


"Thirty nine" Gwen replied " " Twelve females one looked to be extremely pregnant"


" I know" Shana said concerned "I tried to be as gentle as I could with her."


" Thirty nine" I said shaking my head " Their used to be over a hundred. I guess these thirty nine are the last of their kind."


"Make that forty" replied Shana as another beast leapt from the brush. He was massive easily twice the size of the others. He was obviously the dominant male. He roared in fury covering the 70 foot distance between him and us in a single leap. His powerful muscles rippled beneath his shiny coat of auburn fur. His thick mane was jet black and his eyes glowed with the madness of the toxin that infected his body.

Shana stepped in between him and us, bare breasted, her hands coolly on her hips, a vision of awesome beauty and power. She stood there defiantly, her blonde mane blowing in the wind. She looked so small and frail compared to the savage beast that stood before her. She regarded the huge cat casually. He roared baring his fangs and pawing at the earth with his massive paws, his claws leaving gashes in the earth over a foot deep !! His tail was lashing back and forth exclaiming his fury. His roar was deafening as he crouched preparing to pounce. Then in a movement so fast it was almost a blur Shana threw a devastating blow that caught the huge cat squarely on his jaw. The cats head snapped to one side and then he just stood their motionless. Even after all I had seen I thought Shana’s blow had no effect on the giant cat. Then placing her hands back on her hips she looked up at the huge motionless beast, took a deep breath and nonchalantly blew in the big cats face. The cat fell to the ground at her feet as she casually brushed the dirt from her hands.

She placed her foot on the fallen beast, struck a very sexy pose and slowly flexed her biceps until they were big as softballs !! Her flexed body bathed in moonlight, every contour of her muscular body illuminated by its soft yellow glow. WHAT A WOMAN! So incredibly sexy but yet still so powerful. It was way more than I could take. My orgasm exploded through my body. My cock sticking out the top of my shorts erupted shooting my hot cum over my bare chest. I fell back into the soft grass my powerful orgasm leaving me trembling and barley conscious


" Well as long as were fulfilling fantasies here" Gwen said smiling as she walked up to Shana. Looking at Shana and then down at limp body of the huge cat " Your quite a woman Shana" Gwen said " He didn’t stand a chance"

" The cat or your husband" Shana grinned

" By the looks of them I would say both" Gwen laughed " You do pretty good at fulfilling male fantasies how are you with female ones.

" Please tell me they don’t involve fighting giant Lions cause I have to tell you I am getting a bit tired. These things are awfully strong." Shana said looking down at the twitching beast laying at her feet.


Gwen smiled " Oh no no" she laughed "While a bit unusual, that's just another typical male visual fantasy. One of my husbands strongest I might add


" I know" Shana said. "I hope you don’t mind me giving him a little thrill but it just seemed the perfect opportunity and I am a bit of a show off. Look at him" she giggled. They both glanced at Pat who was on his back barley conscious cum still oozing out the tip of his throbbing cock. " Poor guy I knew he wouldn’t be able to take that last pose. Men are so easy a certain look, a pose and they're erupting all over themselves" she giggled . Then seeing Gwen’s serious face she added suddenly concerned. " Oh Gwen, I hope you didn’t mind. I never thought I’m sorry"


" No I didn’t mind..but I must admit after watching you knock forty of these giant cats on there collective ass he might not get the same kick out of my jungle girl routine that he used to" she said with a concerned smirk


" Gwen I'm sorry Really, damn it sometimes I think I’m a little too blonde for my……" Gwen cut Shana off


" No Shana, Shana it’s ok really. I must admit watching you display such awesome power gave me quite a tingle also…and my fantasies are of a much more… ‘Tactile’ nature she said looking Shana in the eyes and tracing a finger up her muscular stomach. Gwen could feel the muscles rippling beneath her touch, " You know Shana there is a way you can make it up to me" Gwen cooed in a sexy voice that sent a little tingle through Shana’s body.


They were standing very close Gwen could feel Shana's breast’s pressing into hers. She felt the juice of her sex began to ooze down her leg. It had been years since Gwen had had a female lover but right now she wanted Shana as much as she had ever wanted anyone.


" Hold that thought" Shana said as she bent down and gave the huge unconscious cat his injection. " Now where were we"


" I believe we were here" Gwen said as she kissed Shana passionately on the lips, her hands traveling up to caress her massive breasts. Gwen sighed in pleasure as she felt Shana's tongue enter her mouth. Her body melted into Shana’s arms. She felt Shana's hands move down between her thighs. Slowly stepping back away from Shana Gwen stepped out of her cutoffs and peeled her top off over her head. Then once again they embraced kissing passionately, flesh on flesh as their hands explored the soft sexy curves of one another's body.

Gwen felt Shana's finger’s enter her wet sex. She moaned in pleasure as she felt Shana's finger slide up her warm moist slit. Gwen could feel the hardness of Shana’s nipples pressing against her soft breasts, her body began to quiver. Shana fingers found Gwen’s engorged clit, stroking it teasing it in ways that only a woman could know until Gwen could no longer withstand the waves of pleasure that were sweeping her body. Her body tensed as she screamed in ecstasy surrendering to her orgasm her body caught in a Rapture that only a goddess could induce


Gwen her orgasm finally subsiding looked deep into Shana’s blue eyes. She brushed her lips lightly against hers " Let me return the favor" she cooed sexily as her kisses moved down Shana's body. Shana lay back in the soft grass losing herself in the wild sensations that Gwen's soft kisses sent rippling through her body. Gwen’ s kisses moved down across Shana’s incredible breast’s. Her tongue circled Shana's huge hard nipple, she took it between her lips gently sucking while her other hand fondled and teased her other breast. Shana moaned in ecstasy feeling the caress of Gwen’s tongue and lips on her swollen nipples. Gwen took Shana's luscious nipple between her lips it was so huge the feeling of it between her lips sent a ripple of pleasure shooting through her. She ran her tongue around it teasing it until a small drop of liquid oozed from it running down the curve of her breast. Gwen quickly licked up the liquid, it’s taste was so sweet and intoxicating. Following the path of the luscious liquid back to the swollen nipple she sucked hard and was rewarded with a gush of Shana's sweet nectar. Shana screamed in ecstasy as she felt her milk gush from her nipple. Gwen’s body shuddered in another orgasm as she drank in the sweet nectar of a goddess. Gwen moved her kisses still lower across Shana's muscular stomach. Shana’s body was quivering in the anticipation of feeling Gwen’s tongue on her steaming sex. Gwen her lips finally moving down between Shana's quivering thighs pressed her lips against Shana's dripping pussy sending a spasm of pleasure shooting through Shana's body. The sweet intoxicating taste of Shana's sex was almost more than Gwen could handle her body shuddered in intense spasms of pleasure like a hundred mini orgasms. Gwen’s tongue found Shana’s clit..God it’s so large it’s almost like a tiny cock Gwen thought and that’s exactly how she worked it running her lips up and down it’s length sucking it teasing it. Gwen knew exactly how to please another woman and she was pulling out all the stops . Shana's cries of pleasure grew louder. Her body begin to tremble shimmering in a soft blue glow that bathed the jungle clearing in a soft incandescence, that seemed to even effect the great beasts who still sleeping began purring loudly filling the clearing with an amazing sound that was somehow very comforting


Gwen suddenly felt Pat behind her covering her rear with kisses. She moaned thrusting her ass up farther in a silent invitation as she continued to expertly work Shana’s quivering clit. She moaned as she felt Pat's tongue run slowly up between her luscious cheeks. She thrust her ass back pressing her sweet cheeks against his face. Gwen knew that Pat loved her tight little ass and she also knew how to drive him absolutely crazy with it ! She began undulating her hips swaying her ass slowly in movements she knew Pat couldn’t resist. She heard Pat moan in ecstasy as he ran his hard cock up and down her crack until finally he inserted just the tip into Gwen’s Hot pussy. She thrust back against him engulfing his manhood completely and began milking his cock expertly. Pat moaned as he felt Gwen take control of his body he did not so much as even thrust. She milked him expertly undulating her ass, moving it slowly around his cock while gripping him with the inner muscles of her sex. Gwen was an excellent lover and she knew exactly what it took to please her man!


Shana’s orgasm was nearly upon her. Her body was trembling violently with each touch of Gwen’s tongue. Gwen had her fingers buried deep in Shana's pussy pressing upwards against the secrete spot that all women had. Gwen knew this spot well and she knew just how to stimulate it to make her partner explode in ecstasy and that was just what Shana was doing!


Shana's body arched upwards as she screamed with passion. Her hands raised over her head she locked her fingers into the thick fur of the huge unconscious beast seeking to find some outlet for the amazing power that was sweeping through her. Her orgasms were always more intense when she was exerting force. She screamed as her orgasm began to rush over her. She flexed her amazing muscles lifting the 2500 hundred pound beast over her head as if weighed mere ounces. The ground shook with the power of her orgasm.


The power of Shana's orgasm was too much for Gwen to take her body began to quiver in her own approaching orgasm. Pat thrust his cock deep into her, reaching around to stimulate her quivering clit. Gwen exploded in ecstasy screaming thrusting her ass back against Pat's throbbing cock. It was too much he exploded She felt his cum erupting deep inside her filling her so completely she cried out in ecstasy. The air around them was charged shimmering with energy. Three people locked in an ecstasy caught in exquisite Rapture ! Suddenly a lighting bolt arced from the sky striking Shana in the chest she tensed lifting the beast even higher over her head. Electricity arced between her nipples as the current rippled through her body sending her Pat and Gwen screaming into an ecstasy that was meant only for the gods!!.


A few hours latter (Pat)


I struggled to open my eyes, I had never felt so exhausted in my life. WOW what a night was it all a dream I thought then I heard the sound. It was a loud noise it sounded almost like a tractor a low rumbling.. a plane maybe. Sitting up I looked at Gwen who was sitting beside me. She had already dressed and was hugging her knees to her chest. It was a little chilly and her nipples were very hard and visible under the flimsy fabric of her top. Amazingly I found myself becoming aroused again. " What the hell is that noise" I asked groggily trying to shake of the fog of sleep


Gwen pointed ahead I followed her pointing finger and as my vision cleared I realized it was the huge male cat who was purring loudly. He was the only one left in the clearing all the others had vanished although I don’t expect they went to far he was clearly the leader and they were very loyal. He was sound asleep on his back with his massive paws sticking straight up to the sky. As my vision cleared farther I realized that Shana was curled up on the thick fur of his stomach. She had her arms wrapped about his great neck and her head was nuzzled down in the soft thick fur of his mane her golden blonde hair was quite a contrast to the jet black of the big cats mane she too was also sound asleep also.


" She is indeed quite a woman" Gwen said wistfully


I knew how Gwen loved animals, she would have loved to be able to cuddle the big cat like that." Come on" I said " Lets take a walk down to the lake. It looks like it’s going to rain soon I know there are caves by the lake maybe we can find some shelter. "


"Ok" Gwen said getting up her eyes still fixed on Shana and the cat snoozing in the hazy morning sun.


We had gotten half way to the lake when looking back I noticed several jeeps barreling down the path towards where we had been. Shana I thought to myself. I don’t know why I was worried after all she was superfeme but I had a very bad feeling. The sky was beginning to darken with an approaching storm and as we ran back to the clearing I could see flashes of lightning and feel a smattering of rain on my face.


Reaching the clearing I was horrified to see Shana caught in some kind of energy beam. She was clearly in agony. The beam was coming from a huge machine towed by one of the jeeps it looked like some sort of rocket launcher only it was emitting this yellowish beam that had completely engulfed Shana. She was hovering inches above the ground her face was a mask of pain. I ran to her side and immediately recognized the man who was responsible. It was Shhad Jabbar president of Zaitech.


" Let her go Jabbar" I screamed


" So Pat, I see you are indeed hard to kill but I can see how it would help to have friends like Superfeme here. Tell me how do you like my new weapon. Given the nature of my companies business dealings I only thought it was a matter of time before we had to deal with Superfeme here. This was actually quite a pleasant surprise. Would you like to know how it works" he asked with a grin. A grin that I would have loved to be able to knock off his face.


" Fuck you Jabbar"


He ignored my comment and like a kid with a new toy started to explain. As I listened I counted the men there were well over twenty. It looked to be a hopeless situation. I glanced at the sky it was ominous it grew darker by the second.


……….It then envelopes the body in a mass of negative electrons in any of the elemental forms that I choose in this case gold of course. So you see I can actually kill her" he laughed


" What do you want" I said


" Want, yes want, I do want something it seems some of my employees made a little error in leaving you that antidote case. I hate incompetence" and with that he gestured to a man next to him. The man uncovered a two bodies in the back of the jeep their throats had been cut. I recognized them as the men who left me in the jungle with the case.

"It actually has a few floppies hidden in the bottom that could be very damaging to our cause so HAND IT OVER" he yelled " and I’ll see that you die quick..but first I think I will finish your super friend here." The man behind him turned a dial on the machine the beam around Shana suddenly intensified it filled the clearing with an eerie yellow glow. Shana screamed in agony as the beam began to sear her flesh. Looking around for the first time I noticed Gwen was not by me. Suddenly all hell broke loose. A jeep out of nowhere crashed into the side of the trailer emitting the beam knocking everybody in it to the ground. It was Gwen she had snuck into one of the jeeps. The beam around Shana immediately collapsed and she fell seemingly lifeless to the ground her breast’s look to be at least 3 cup sizes smaller. In a flash of lightening the storm suddenly unleashed it’s fury in blinding downpour of rain adding to the mass confusion. I picked Shana up and started heading for Gwen and the jeep. The rain was blinding I staggered in the direction of the jeep. Suddenly out of nowhere it was coming right at us. Gwen slammed on the breaks pitching the jeep into a skid that stopped mere inches in front of us.

" Quick let’s get the hell out of here" Gwen screamed above the sound of the crashing thunder.

I threw Shana in back and hopped in just as the ground it front of the jeep exploded in a shower of sparks! The bastards shooting at us . Gwen slammed the jeep in gear and floored it just as another burst exploded near the right side of the jeep, sending a shower of mud raining down on us. The jeep spun sideways in the mud fishtailing wildly before straightening out.

" Goddam it I cant see" Gwen screamed just as another burst, this time on target flipped the jeep end over end.


Thrown clear of the jeep and barely conscious I looked around for the women. The rain was so intense I could only see a few yards in front of me. Damn I screamed to myself as I saw Shana she was right in front of Jabbar who was aiming the plasma weapon directly at her.

" Now you will die bitch !…FULL POWER!! He screamed at the man behind him who was powering up the weapon..Then he fired.


I saw something shoot past me it was just a blur in the blinding rain. In a brilliant flash of lightening I realized it was the huge male lion. He leaped in front of Shana breaking the beam just as it struck her. There was a tremendous flash and in an explosion of sparks I saw Shana's limp body, charged with negative electrons, thrown a hundred feet in the air. She literally became a lightening magnet as every positive charged ion arced to her body in a brilliant blue flash of lightening. Unable to rise off the ground and Looking up I saw Shana suspended in the air. Her body was enveloped in a massive ball of lighting.


Shana (3)


Shana saw the big cat leap in front of the beam just as it struck her body. She felt the tremendous explosion that sent her body soaring through the air. Overcome with an incredible weakness she tumbled out of control. Suddenly in another brilliant flash of light she felt herself caught in an incredible warmth. The air around her crackled with energy. Her body was absorbing tremendous amounts of energy. She was engulfed in lightening draining the huge electrical storm of its awesome energy. She felt her breasts swell to amazing proportions as her body was infused with massive amounts of energy. She spread her legs accepting the warmth deep into her body. She screamed in ecstasy as she felt a massive bolt of lightening, as if guide by her will part her sweet nether lips. Her body exploded in energy as the lightening infused her body with more power than she had ever known . Her body convulsed in orgasm after orgasm until they became one continuous unbearable wave of ecstasy! She screamed in pleasure as the lightening caressed her body filling her like no lover could. Her body was drawing in massive amounts of energy so much so that the storm began to dissipate its energy being drained by this amazing blonde. Until finally in a brilliant blue flash the storm was no more, it’s awesome energies totally absorbed by the beautiful blonde titan. All that remained was Shana, her body hovering in the crystal clear night sky, shimmering with the power of a billion stars.


Shana floated above the earth her body glowing with new found power, electricity arced between her nipples. Her face was grim as she stared at the men below. She was not happy. She slowly descended to earth floating inches above the ground. Her face the grim masque, of a harbinger of death. The earth searing beneath her as she grinned at the men who were foolishly attacking her. Thousands of rounds of high caliber ammo disintegrated within inches of her super heated body. She had never felt so alive with power in her whole life. She knew at this moment she was the most powerful being in the Universe.


Shana cupped her hands under her amazing breast’s and thrust out her chest. Lightening shot from her nipples totally disintegrating all it came in contact with, men, jeeps, everything. Men ran screaming for the jungle. Where unbeknownst to them the shadow of death that awaited them their was not as quick and painless.


Shana surveyed the incredible destruction with grim satisfaction, cupping her hands under each breast she lifted them to her lips and blew sexily across each of her super heated nipples, as one would across the barrel of a smoking gun. She smiled as her focus came on one man standing in the middle of the chaos confused motionless still barking orders at his fleeing men. It was Jabbar and Shana had something special in mind for him.


Shana floated toward Jabbar inches above the ground leaving a trail of scorched earth beneath her. Her long tousled mane of blond blew behind her as she slowly grew closer. Floating within feet of him she released the full power of her pheromones. She floated before him a specter of irresistible beauty.


" SSSStay away from m m me." Jabbar stuttered

Shana regarded him coolly then in a measured blast of her heat vision she disintegrated his clothes leaving him totally nude before her.


" Is that what you really want Jabbar" Shana said cupping her hands beneath her breasts. She arched her back thrusting out her amazing chest. Her eyes were smoldering with a passion no man could resist. She slowly lifted her nipples to her lips. Squeezing her breasts so that a drop of glowing nectar sizzled from her nipples. She slowly licked it away, electricity danced off her tongue. " Would you like to bury your face in my breasts Jabbar, to taste the sweet milk of a supergirl ?" She posed sexily before him " Or perhaps it is this nectar you wish to Patple" she said running her fingers down to the moistness between her thighs. She then slowly raised her fingers, dripping with the sweet juice of her sex, to her lips slowly licking each one clean.


It was much more than Jabbar could resist he moaned as he watched Shana stretch sexily before him. She was so incredibly sexy . Her eyes were filled with such passion and those amazing breasts ! He moved closer drawn by an irresistible force his cock was throbbing as it never has before. Smiling seductively she lifted her breasts to meet his lips. As his mouth came in contact with her nipple his cock exploded in the most powerful orgasm of his life, the most powerful and the last because as his lips touched her breast she unleashed the full power of the awesome energy that had been stored their. Shana's mind exploded in ecstasy once more as the tremendous energy flowed from her body . The air around her sizzled with energy and then in a blinding flash of light it was over.


Shana regarded the pearly white pile of bones at her feet. She placed her bare foot on top of the grinning skull and crushed what was left of Shhad Jabbar into dust leaving his remains to drift off on the winds. Foolish is the man who thinks he can withstand the charms of a Goddess.


Pat (4)


I felt Shana helping me to my feet. I had observed most of what happened but had lost conciseness at the end.

" Gwen where’s Gwen" I asked

" We’ll find her don’t worry…are you Ok" Shana asked concerned

" I think so how about you ?"

" Never better" she said smiling

Suddenly I hugged her to me fiercely

" Hey what are you trying to do crush my ribs..what would Gwen think" Shana laughed

" Sorry didn’t mean to hurt ya" I joked

Shana scanned the jungle on the ifra red spectrum with her supervision. " This way" she said " but stay close" as we walked farther into the thick jungle I could start to make out the savage roar of several huge cats.

" Is that you guys" it was Gwen's voice. She's alive my heart leapt. "I need some help quick hurry" she screamed

Suddenly overcome with concern I ran past Shana directly toward the roaring.

" Damn it Pat" Shana screamed but it was too late I burst threw the clearing not knowing what to expect and stunned by what I saw. Gwen was in tears kneeling beside the big male lion. She was cradling his massive head in her arms. He was lying motionless on the ground the pregnant female lay beside him resting her head on his side.

" What happened when I couldn't find you well I thought…"

" I was knocked unconscious, he must have dragged me away from the flames. I woke up beside him to find him like this. He's hurt real bad. I think he's dying" she said running her hands through his thick mane, trying to fight back her tears. Looking around for the first time I noticed all the other cats sitting around us in a circle they were like phantoms in the night, silent silhouettes in the darkness.

" Shana there must be something you can do" Gwen said rising to her feet.

Shana could hear the erratic heart beat of the huge beast and knew that he had only minutes to live. She looked at pregnant female, obviously his mate, resting her head quietly on his side. Her heart went out to her. This 'beast' before her had quite possibly saved both her life and Gwen's. She knelt down beside the huge beast cradling his huge head against the softness of her bare breasts. The big cat’s tongue lolled out of his mouth as Shana adjusted her position it was so big it covered her entire breast. She was suddenly struck with an idea. She had no idea if it would work but it was worth a try. She squeezed her breast until a stream of her sweet nectar flowed from her nipple across the tongue of the dying beast. The effect was immediate the cat slowly groggily begin to lap at Shana’s breast as she squeezed her breasts together forcing more of the energizing nectar to spew from her nipples. Gwen and Pat watched in awe as the beast lapped at her breast his actions becoming more and more energetic as he ingested the powerful milk of a goddess. Finally he stood knocking Shana on her back he continued to lap at her breasts. Shana giggled as if the big rough tongue tickled but she continued squeeze the milk from her breasts allowing the cat to lap up still more of her sweet nectar until she figured he had drank more than enough. Then she reached up hugged his massive neck; planted a big kiss on the end of his snout and pushed him off her with such force he shot up into the air over ten feet. The huge lion let out a deafening roar as he landed perfectly on his feet a few yards away. The pregnant female loped over to Shana and nuzzled her neck. Their eyes met. Shana knew in that instance that there were more to these beasts than just what met the eye and she smiled.

" He's all yours mom" Shana whispered to her as she rubbed her on the snout. Then turning quickly the two cats vanished like ghosts into the thick of the jungle.


4 days later


I opened my eyes to the loud roaring of the giant cats, trying to shake the fog of sleep from my mind I sat up. What a racket Shana must be wrestling with the lions again I thought to myself.

They had decided to remain a few days in the jungle just to relax it was so beautiful. The lake was crystal clear and they had spent the last four days enjoying the sun, the water and of course each other. The three of them had become voracious lovers enjoying each other without jealously or inhibition. It was beautiful, natural, and pure as the jungle itself.


I stretched, rising slowly to my feet. I wondered how long the cats had been out there. We had seen hide nor hair of them for the last four nights. Gwen and Shana were afraid they had disappeared moving up farther in the high country of their territory. Who could blame them after what happened down here. Suddenly I heard a loud giggling from just outside tent. It must be Gwen watching Shana play. Walking out into the bright sunlight I was blinded for a second. Slowly as my eyes came back into focus I saw to my shock that it was Shana who was giggling surrounded by fuzzy little kittens the size of small dogs.

" Look Pat ! Aren't they precious." Shana said scooping one up in her arms, arms powerful enough to crush steel but now so gentle as she held the kitten against her.

I sat down next to her scooping up one of the playful kittens

" Where's Gwen I can't believe she's missing this" I said laughing at the antics of the playful cats.

" She's got her hands full right now" Shana smiled gesturing toward the lake. " You might want to go see for yourself."


Curious I couldn't resist. Getting up I started toward the lake. As I grew closer I heard splashing and the savage roars of the cats. Gwen must be watching them play in the lake.

" Hey Gwen Where are ya"

" Over here Pat" she giggled

Coming into the clearing I was stunned it was Gwen she was wrestling with two of the huge cats. Looking me right in the eyes she picked up one of the huge cats and casually tossed him into the water. I couldn't believe my eyes ! My cock immediately stiffened pitching a huge tent in my shorts. Gwen grinned " Give me just a second here babe" she said turning to face the other cat catching him in mid air she sent him sailing to splash down several yards off shore. God it was almost more than I could take seeing her display such power. My cock was absolutely ready to explode. Then brushing the dirt from her hands she turned to face me. Flexing her biceps to huge proportions she smiled striking an extremely sexy and powerful pose. A pose I had seen her strike in my fantasies a thousand times. She held that pose her eyes smoldering with the heat of a hundred suns. " What's the matter Pat" she said teasingly looking down at my throbbing cock that was now poking out the top of my shorts, " Can't take it". Then pressing her breasts against my bare chest she sexily blew in my face. She knew every button I had and right then she was pressing every one of them ! It was way more than I could handle my cock exploded, shooting my hot cum across my chest, erupting in one of the most powerful orgasms of my life ! My knees buckled and if not for Gwen catching me I would have fallen.

" That" she said holding me in her arms as if I weighed no more than a feather " Is just the beginning". Laying me down in the soft grass she lowered herself down on top of me, engulfing my still spewing cock in the warmth of her amazing sex. I gasp as I felt her muscles contract around my spurting shaft milking it of every last drop of cum my body had to offer. My body trembled convulsing in pleasure shooting my cum deep with in her until finally I collapsed back on the grass.


" You can't be done already Pat, now can you" Said a voice coming from above me. Opening my eyes I saw it was Shana standing totally nude above me, her sweet pussy directly over my face. I could see the juice of her sex running down the hard contours of her muscular thighs.

" Maybe some of this will perk you up" She said as she spread her luscious nether lips allowing a few drops of her bodies sweet nectar to drip down on my lips. My bodies reaction to the powerful juice of her sweet sex was immediate. My throbbing cock felt suddenly larger, more powerful. Gwen screamed in surprised ecstasy as renewed with energy I thrust myself deeper within her. She writhed with pleasure grinding herself into my sudden ten inch shaft of steel. I wrapped my hands around Shana's sexy legs trying to pull her down on top of me. I wanted to feel her sex smothering me pressing against my lips. I wanted to fill my mouth with her intoxicating nectar to lose myself in the sweet taste of her luscious pussy. Sensing my overwhelming need she slowly knelt. I trembled in ecstasy as she pressed her moist sex against my eager lips. Her taste was overwhelming my body stiffened as waves of pleasure washed over me. I ran my tongue up her moist slit quickly finding her incredible clit, so large and firm. I raked my teeth down it's entire length and was rewarded with a gush of her bodies delicious nectar that filled my mouth and sent my body screaming into ecstasy.




Gwen moaned in ecstasy as she felt Shana's tongued gently part her lips. She could feel Shana's bullet like nipples pressing against the softness of her breasts. Shana moaned in pleasure as Pat continued to work expertly on her most sensitive organ she could feel his tongue inside her as she ground her sex down against his lips. Gwen could feel her orgasm building as Pat's huge cock began to erupt deep within her. Shana too suddenly felt her orgasm begin to rush over her. She pressed her lips to Gwen's as the waves of pleasure took control of her body. She began to tremble glowing with the fiery passion that was her birthright. Caught in the incredible Rapture of the blonde goddess our bodies exploded in such an ecstasy as our souls melted into one. Our passion forming an unbreakable bond that would surely leave us forever connected.

 The End