Building up the Strength-Queen by Ric Paul tells how he trained young Miren to become the Strength-Queen Update: 21/09/97 to ric My name is Paul Levesque. Along my career as a strength athlete I came across fantastic females endowed with unbelievable raw physical power and the strongest and more abusing personalities, used not just to defeat males but to psychological destroy them also. I was always particularly motivated when wrestling women and most of my records were conquered battling against these strength queens. Some time or another, I managed to beat all the strongest women on earth. Corinne, for instance, had broken the hand of a powerlifter from Quebec and never lost with a man when I first challenged her to armwrestle. She prevailed with right hands but I pinned her twice with my left to gain a place in her heart and by the way in armwrestling history. I have trained many strongwomen. They are more determined and psychically solid than men. And above all they are extremely competitive against both sexes. But I had never knew a case similar to the young Basque stonelifter you all currently know as the Strength-Queen. I had trouble like hell to tame her wild arm on a wrestling table the very first time we locked up, late in the night, at the gym of the hotel where we brought her when we first knew about her feats. As the countryside teenager she was, she lacked even the more elemental knowledge on grips, moves or techniques, yet she was so naturally powerful I had to recall every trick in the book to conceal her exertion and then, I confess somewhat ashamed, I applied the hardest foul play I know, which is quite filthy, to undermine her endurance. Still she could probably have outlast me, should she hold her nerve rather than breaking down like a little girl, as she did, struck by the impotence of finding out by very first time somebody she could not simply pin down. She wanted me to train her. I didn't even think about it till she gave me a little present, a big stainless steel soap spoon she had beautifully turned into a giant screw putting not less than ten turns on the metal with her bare hands. That night I hurt myself struggling to unscrew Miren's spoon, unable to accept that something a 16 years old girl had bent I couldn't. Honestly, I couldn't let go such a talented young lady. Aware of her potential, I decided to play hard and put her on a strength training schedule which had left disabled a grown man. The part of her body I targeted the most was her strong point, her pretty hands. I talked to a friend in a building company and bought a whole truck of bricks. I put my people in the gym on work to unload the piles. The truck driver saved the day commanding and organizing a whole army of strongmen and women who handled the piles as straw. When little Miren arrived for training, wearing the gorgeous silver outfit which is nowadays well known all around the world, I introduced her the brick pile. Bricks, this is Miren, young lady, this is your enemy, bricks; you got all day to see who the tougher is and who can destroy the other. At first she could hardly break the brick in two pieces after a long struggle using her knees or thighs. As soon as I taught her firmer grips she could break the bricks as chocolate tablets, half again each piece and even pulverize the quarters among her pretty fingers wearing golden rings. My other people in the gym left their routines and circled around the brick breaking young lady. Somebody took one of the bricks and uselessly tried to crack it, passing it to the next guy who also tested its solidity by himself. She didn't pay attention to the amazed public, fully concentrated in her rough task. Provided single bricks were not match for her anymore, I put my pupil on an infernal routine making her to break 20, 40 and eventually 60 bricks in one hour. At the end of each training session Miren's hands were so hot she could have melt a lead pipe clenching her fingers on it. In a few days proud Miren was able to pulverize the bricks faster than my assistants could take then from the piles and put them among her rippling hands. We switched to a new class of bricks. I contacted the builders and the truck driver delivered a new load. He recalled me as the boss of the strongmen division who had unloaded his truck faster than any machine. The new bricks were more dense and solid but thinner, so Miren could try with two at once. She grabbed the bricks and cracked them like a huge sandwich made of stone. I had come across with a method that maximized her speed of progress. Taking advantage of her pride and determination, I forgot counting broken bricks and made each series last till she gave up. She never quitted before her hands completely lost grip ability, sore and shivering. I then brought a warm salt bath and massaged Miren's palms and fingers till she recovered her muscular tone. She looked at me grateful and defiant at once, and commented some technicalities just to make me see how seriously she was taking her strength training. She stared at me anxiously, expecting me to get more personal, but then I challenged the brave young girl to a new impossible series. Her first day at the gym was one in a kind. That evening I had phone calls and even people coming down home to ask who was the girl in the pro wrestling micro outfit. To begin with she had queued in a pecs machine after Brad, a 180 pound hunk from the streets of Chicago, and once he had completed his brutal reps, she had shyly asked him to load 20 pounds more to warm up. Brad snorted halfway between laugh and anger. They had had spectacular golden diggers who looked for some fast fun with the guys, but that quiet teenager wasn't definitely that type. Young Miren sat in the machine, spread her little arms and made the machine cry with twenty solid reps that covered her upper body with shining moisture. When Brad could thaw his jaw managed to stagger onto the sit, grip the handles and squeeze out his 20 reps. Every fiber in his chest was burning. Miren rushed him to give way, touching his shoulder with hers. Forty pounds more please. Forty? Yes please. She constricted the handles and stroke twenty fast pulls thumping every time the load against the upper tops. The guys nearby turned faces to watch the event. Your turn, she said standing up. Her arms had grown thicker and heavier. Big Brad hesitated. I'll rather work my quads now, he said after mentally checking the incredible addition. Some guys who had stopped their own training came around and circled the pec machine with faces of curiosity. They encouraged his mate. C'mon, big man, don't chick on a child. Tell her how it goes. Brad took his place on the machine and struggled. He painfully completed 18 reps. His face was boiling and his lungs burnt. With a supreme effort his trembling guns completed the two last reps. He bent over, panting. H... how much now? 40 more please, replied the girl as she wiped her armpits and belly. She passed her hand on his shoulder, pressing him out of the bench. The boy loaded the extra weight, he had his lips peeled out in exhaustion. Miren made herself comfortable, grabbed the handles and after a deep inhalation brutally crashed them one against the other twenty times at an infernal pace. Somebody whistled. Rolling her now immense arms she showed Brad the way to the machine with her head. OK babe, it's hard but it's true, you win, I can't pump that much weight. A bulky figure surged among the spectators it was Mad Pearson, a grown man about 250 pounds all muscle completely bald with an earring and two tattooed dragons rampaging up his huge arms. He wore black long trunks, kickboxing style and bare chest amply tanned. He was a former marine banned out for organizing illegal fights. He didn't train with the guys but rather sort of led them and gave advice and support. Paul accepted him in the gym provided he quit his street fighting. He stepped out to the machine and without a word loaded the full weight. Then he grabbed a 100 pound dumbbell from the calf machine and loaded it on top. Having done that he strolled his massive body around in deep concentration or a sort of pray, aerated his lungs, clapped his thighs and face between his huge hands and started pulling. The machine cables creaked as the immense load jolted, levered by his colossal exertion. Controlling an incipient shaking, he battered the handles against each other and then yielded very slowly, as though landing the immense load on a delicate glass. For the guys delight he repeated the operation six more times, grunting as a bear in between. He tried an eighth rep, but his pecs shook as an earthquake and he aborted the attempt. Smiling he stood up and bowed, giving way to Miren. The 16 year old 140 pound girl smothered the sit with her solid buttocks that completely engulfed the rear thong of her silver v-shaped pant, and carefully gripped the handle stretching every finger. Her hairy armpits shadowed by the wide insertions of her swollen upper limbs into her feminine chest. Biting her fine lips she performed the first rep. The loads floated like feather pillows. By rep 3 her pretty nose nastily shrugged. She had lost pace. Her pecs spasmodically contracted, making her breasts tremble. The smile grew back on Mad Pearson's face. What a little powerhouse, anyway. Miren looked at her chest furiously commanding it to go on. She released a guttural noise, not completely human, that could have scared any of the hunks in a dark street, and completed the third rep. The metal handles clasped. Only very slowly she let them spread apart. When her arms reached full extension she felt two needles piercing below the collar bones. She had undergone an impressive upper body development which filled most of the guys with sheer envy. As a reflex, she pulled the handles together like a body builder playing cymbals in an orchestra. It took her two agony minutes to complete her fifth rep. But later a relief caressed her overcharged shoulders. Her overhuman physiology was compensating the fatigue by releasing nervous stimulants into the blood, flooding her evergrowing monster limbs with new power. She made the machine weights crush the extra dumbbell twice more. The guys chanted the reps, 6... 7 ... 8 a cheerful shout celebrated her feat. Exhausted, she released the handles. The big dumbbell dropped hitting heavily the floor and rounding through the escaping feet of the guys, to eventually land on Mad Pearson's toes. Brad took little Miren big gun by its thick wrist and lifted it loudly shouting. Dear gym-rat mates, please warmly welcome our little beauty beast. She has just pitted her strength against our champion and the winner is... what's your name? He asked, keeping her arm up. The guys laughed and came to touch, squeeze and kiss the new queen of the gym. Miren stoically bore the physical displays of affection, waited for the guys to cool down and walked to face Mad Pearson. The two unevenly sized strength freaks watched each other in silence for a long while, the smaller looking bigger than the larger. Then Miren offered her hand. Big Mad hesitated but eventually made the little hand disappear inside his. They shook and she turned back to test a new machine, followed by dozens of worshipping eyes. By week two in her working out schedule I surprised her with the thumb training. I wrapped her thumb tips in a coarse tape and brought her to a long pine wood pole I had set on two benches, and gave her a one inch nail, asking her to stick it into the wood. Where's the hammer- she asked finding it silly. No hammer, I said grinning, took a nail with my left and dug it into the wood pressing with my right thumb. Miren took a nail and carefully observed it with childish amazement as though it came from outer space. Then she placed it on the wood pole, put her thumb on and squeezed with her usual devotion. The nail tip stuck into the wood. I'm strong enough, but it aches, she said grimacing. Not as much as Pat's grip, I said crossing my arms on my bulky chest, the target of her warm stares, and inviting her to try harder. Miren half shut her eyes and with a single thrust inserted the nail into the wood until its head. Later she unwrapped the tape and examined her finger, finding out a nasty purple scare. She shrugged her mini-nose and blew on her thumb. Well done, honey, I said opening my fist where 50 more nails awaited. By the end of the evening Miren's powerful thumbs were nail sticking machines. Her forearms burnt but she was completely happy, seeing me to acknowledge her awesome physical faculties. After a couple of weeks of intensive training, Miren had trouble to use her hands for delicate tasks. Still not perfectly aware of her increasing strength, she broke the wineglasses when dinning out with Isa, who by the way had abandoned her affection for armwrestling the stonelifter because she couldn't stand her grip anymore. She learnt to restrict her power when shaking hands with people, though with a certain kind of macho men she recovered her teenager spirit amusing herself by slowly squeezing up to just one tenth of her gripping power and watching their faces move from the diplomatic smile through a embarrassed simulation to the raw pain scream and beg for release. Miren's fingers had grown thicker and the rings her boyfriend had given her only fitted in her little fingers. She couldn't use anymore the little scissors she had carried in her bathroom suitcase and one night, making herself ready to go out with Isa to a party, she tore the leather gloves her mum had gave her last Christmas trying to fit her grown hands inside. One morning, once she had destroyed the whole pile of double bricks I had personally set for her, breaking by two minutes her personal best from the day before, she turned back and threw me an intense look. Very rarely she interrupted her work out. I was curling a fully loaded two hands bar with a single hand while clandestinely watched her impressive display. We trained close together and observed each other competing to outbest the strikes. I had caution not to use the same weight machines she was programmed to use. Though she was quickly shortening the gap, I kept some advantage in total weight lifted, but her progression was so fast I could hardly match her reps or follow her pace. I made the huge dumbbell cry as the girl approached, her swollen arms covering the full sides of her sleeveless top, and stepped firmly with her wrestling boots, standing just in front of me. With the quiet authority she had got in the gym the hard way (by that time she had overpowered each of my pupils in all tests of strength she always let them chose) she commanded two of the bigger guys to lift a giant dumbbell and hold it behind her. Leaning her left on the hip, she folded her right arm over her shoulder letting me see her hairy cave, and grabbed the dumbbell behind her back, among her shoulder blades. I couldn't help a shivering when she asked the guys to release. Her arm wrecked twisted by the monster weight. At once she hardened her body. Her skin flattened as diving at abyssal depths. Muscle packets rippled everywhere, and then she just tensed her triceps and the monster dumbbells, moaning, took off. When she had completely extended up her arm she relaxed a bit her face, enough to half smile to me. She kept the weight still on her head for never-ending minutes. My biceps trembled exhausted struggling for one more rep. I dropped the weights. Only then she let the dumbbell fall, controlling every step of the awkward move, on her shoulder first, then on her hip, then delicately on the ground, as though it were made of glass. Her arms and chest were immensely pumped, and her burning brick-breaking hands had semi-flexed stiff fingers. She had a mischievous grin. She walked to me. Tonight I bet with Isa she couldn't hurt my middle finger. She struggled for half an hour twisting and wrecking it, but I resisted. I was wondering whether I can resist you as well. I believe you have made my hands so tough you can't yourself hurt me either. She clenched her fists, rippling thick muscle cords in her forearms and then she opened hands again. That wasn't very smart of you. I wouldn't like you to get injured so close to the Boston gala. Miren's grin faded and she twisted her lips visible offended. She turned her back on me, took the first pair of bricks in the second pile and destroyed them with a hard squeeze. I toweled myself and approached the stronggirl, sat on the wood-pole and called her attention. Come, sit here. Miren broke a new pair of bricks and came to sat on my thigh. I took her fingers and smoothly folded them, admiring the shape and muscularity they had reached, all the way keeping the beauty Miren's hands had always possessed, ending in perfectly sculptured nails. I stretched her thick middle finger and wrapped it with my right hand, carefully clenching my fingers from little to fore and finally fastening the grip crossing my thumb on the other four. As Miren's finger had about the same length than my palm width only the nail tip left uncovered. Then I grabbed Miren's wrist tight with my left hand and said, now tell my how long you think you can stand. Miren watched straight in my wet pumped chest stretching the suspenders of my weightlifting bottom. You know I'm getting stronger than you. Just fight to delay the time of your defeat. I swallowed, not as self-confident as would like. I've close handled girls far more exuberant than Miren, but never with that explosive cocktail of power, innocence, pride and natural beauty. You know you're giving me real trouble with Corinne, I said. You're the first and only girl I know that make her jealous. Miren wiped the sweat on her lips with the back of her free hand. As long as you could make me surrender nothing will happen between us. But sooner or later I'll beat you, and then I'll take my price. I don't mind Corinne. I'll challenge her to fight for you if necessary. Armwrestling, wrestling, boxing, weightlifting, whatever she wanted. I'll beat her and take you. The girl's honest ingenuity touched me. I felt my cock's head advancing under her hard buttocks. I pretended I found it ridiculous and forced a nervous laugh but I think she realized. C'mon big man, said the girl looking straight into my eyes, give me your best shot and see if you're tough enough to make me cry. For me it would be a test for our training progression, and also a prove to keep the current pecking order. I was struck by her awesome physical power, but I felt I could still give her the lesson she deserved. I constricted her finger and twisted it upwards, while keeping her wrist pinned with my other hand. As she didn't react I increased progressively the pressure, with no visible result on Miren's face. Stroke by her toughness I forgot the Boston gala and applied my full strength till I discovered my pecs trembling, exerting full power. The girl didn't blinked. I thought there was something wrong in my grip, released it and clenched firmer, squeezing the blood out of her finger. Then I tensed my arm and chest muscles as an arch and suddenly triggered the contraction, pulling up my ebony prey in a sudden violent jerk. Miren's finger bones creaked as the articulation reached the limit of its flexibility. I instantly looked at her, scared by the noise, expecting a pain distorted facial expression. Rather Miren kept her straight stare, deeply concentrated in coping with the pain. Drops of cold sweat run down my forehead as I realized how tough the young girl was. I probably couldn't myself take that much pain, yet she kept her inhuman expression, exuding defiance by each pore of her velvet skin and saying give me more with her almond-shaped eyes. I repeated the jerks more and more violently, increasing their pace till my shoulders burnt. Her eyes continued spitting defy on my face. Hurt in my dearest pride by a teenager girl, I squeezed as hard as I could and started wringing my wrist aiming to screw her finger out of its socket and let her know the meaning of the word pain. Miren's tiny nose shuddered as if bit by an electric shock. Encouraged by her first sign of weakness, I redoubled the punishment, combining the twists with demolishing thrusts that slowly but continuously erased both blood and determination out of Miren's face. Still she kept her defiant eyes straight into mine. That was far too much. I had never met anybody that tough. I recalled my wrestling bout against a Japanese grown woman when I was 16. She was in her thirties but looked much more experienced to the scared youngster I was. I was stronger than her but she was a pain mistress, able to knock out the toughest wrestler by sticking her steel nails into secret vital points of the body. Her gorgeous elegance and legendary cruelty psyched me. I had tried to compensate by running over her, but her wrestling skills and savoir faire soon reduced my raw power to a king size living toy in her mighty hands. She really made her day. She had tried every thing in the book with my body and I had resisted, but in round sixteen she applied me the more painful hold I had ever suffered and made me lost my first strength wrestling bout by submission. She had encircled my chest with her thighs in perfect scissors, took my left arm and stretched it pulling by my fore and little fingers with her two hands. She applied the stretching in rhythmic jerks, as though my fingers were the rows and my chest the boat bench. She was far stronger than a well trained rower, but the worse was she combined the finger pulling with a demoniac screwing that she applied as though her fists would be accelerating a motorcycle. I would have probably black out but she wanted a submission, and when I was fading she inverted the wise of her twisting, sending new pain waves through my nervous system. I had a rematch with her two years later and broke her fingers in the first rounds, even though she gave me hard work sticking her chin in my ribs before fading trapped in my bear huge. So I tried the pulling- screw combination learnt from the Japanese lady wrestler with Miren's ultra finger. She started gasping and her eyes shut at last, but still didn't submit. My cock spitted under her iron thighs. I think I was coming for two minutes or so. Then I made ready to release her invulnerable finger. Just then she muttered: I quit. I bowed to kiss her hand. She grabbed my chin and kissed my lips, panting, and then run away to the changing room. Next day I replaced the bricks by road stones. When she entered the gym, just showered wearing her V-shaped pants, her tank top and her wrestling boots, she avoided looking at me. She saw the pile of stones, took one of them and struggled unfruitfully. I walked behind her took her hands and placed them grabbing the stone fingers up with her left and fingers down with her right. She got it, flexed her bulky forearms. After a couple of assaults the stone couldn't resist Miren's grip longer, trembled and cracked, throwing some sparks. She broke twenty more before falling on the floor completely exhausted. Paul, I'm ready for Boston, she said taking off the weightlifting fingerless gloves she wore to avoid cuts with the stone angles. I can't find anybody in the gym who can cope with my grip for practicing and you refuse to armwrestle me. I want to go there and then go for Pat and then go for the world championship. She came to me and sat on my legs as the day before. Her little hard body seemed much more dense than it should if made from human flesh and calcium bones, and pressed on my thighs as a lead-stuffed doll. Her breath though was deep and powerful, and warm perspiration glowed on her body. She took my hands and watched the snake- shaped silver ring I wear in my left middle finger. I'm also ready for our private challenge, she said taking my hand and closing it on her middle finger. When I clasped around her finger she apparently stopped breathing. Having she proved me I couldn't injure her for Boston, I wasn't delicate. The pulling- twisting combination was the more pleasant caress I made her. I attacked her finger articulations with my thumb, redoubled the jerks in every direction and even tried to separate her nail from the flesh. She struggled not to surrender, eyes closed, panting like a bear and blowing hard through the tiny nostrils of her pretty delicate nose. Pain is more unbearable if discontinuous. By surprise I quitted twisting not letting her know when I'd start again the torture. After half an hour her heart beat menaced to pierce her chest and her rib-box panted pumping air frenetically. Her body was so hot I could sea the curls of steam flying away her breasts. She was weeping when she called surrender. She went back to the stones, grabbed one forgetting the gloves and squeezed, grunting like a beast. The stone shattered in a thousand pieces. I called her back, took her on my arms and she relieved her anger. You're ready for Boston. You're ready for anything you wanted. I couldn't stand half the pain you've just taken. And do you wanna know something? I can't break more than two or three of the stones you destroy by dozens in one hour. I want to give you a present which hopefully bring you good luck in your promising armwrestling career. This is the snake ring you like so much. I wear it since, 8 years ago, I conquered it in Africa. As a member of the French strength national team we toured there to face an African selection. We beat them in a close contest but a member of their team, a black giantess, finished all events undefeated. She was a princess of a hunting people living deep in the jungle. She was 7 ft and 300 pounds, all muscle. When the tournament ended we met in the dining party. She dominated the meeting, dressing in white satin a back-less number which stuck to her body as a second skin. After drinking two bottles of vodka each, I joined the courage to tell her that I would be forever grateful if she allowed me to test her strength face to face. We dated each other in the swimming pool early in the morning. Every body was sleeping drunk when we appeared on time for the date. Taking off a dressing gown she exposed her ebony body to the rising sun. I imitated her. We jumped to the pull in the shallow part and wrestled trying to draw each other. She bear hugged me and we laid under water. Her arms squeezed my ribs pouring big air bubbles out of my lungs. I realized her chest was too tough for me so I attacked her eyes with my thumbs trying to goggle them off. She released me. I had water burning in my lungs but still wrestled her hard. She was bigger but I was faster. I applied arm locks, full Nelsons and head scissors drawing her. I finished her off with a vicious underwater head lock. I kept my hold till she stopped moving and tapped my thighs for submission. I carried her half vanquished out of the pool dropped her giant body on the ground and pressed her chest to take out all the water. Then I plugged her nose and blew into her mouth. When she recovered she released a furtive tear, quickly wiping it with her huge fingers half black, half pale. I have never met anybody stronger than me, she said. I still believe you are not stronger but just a better wrestler. Now it is me who begs you to accept one more test of strength. Pure strength. Following her instructions I delayed my return to France and two days after took a little plane to a distant airdrome in the mountains. A jeep awaited me there. A black man drove me through impossible tracks to a hunting camp. All the tribe received me formed in front of their cabins wearing lion furs and staff. As I approached they silently led me to a big cut trunk were she awaited, wearing a breathtaking outfit consisting of a big collar made of lion teeth that clapped on her bare breasts, a leopard bottom and leather laces digging in her thighs. She looked like under the effect of some drug, her round big eyes wide open, her pupils filling nearly all the ocular sphere. We locked up hands. A fat man gave the sign. Every body was quiet and only the creak of our arms in full exertion could be heard. I let her dominate me. To be honest, I did my best but she was ultra-strong and had leverage advantage. My spaced panting sounded like bells counting the time passing by. Determined to sell my fur expensive I rallied. I noticed her eyes grew even wider as my arm slowly overpowered hers, leveling off and then bending her colossal night-black biceps. She stopped me, seeking deep in her massive body for extra strength to pit against me. I forced her down again. I'm a master faking. I had burst most of my power but made it look like I was just beginning. I made her doubt. She started trembling. Her people muttered incredulous, seeing their giant princess having a tough time against a white male. I passed the tip of my tongue on my lips. I can do that no matter how hard I'm flexing. I learnt it from body building shows. She threw a desperate attack, wasting vital energies. I waited for her to exhaust, jerking with my whole body, and turned the tide, pinning her just one inch from defeat. She thrust desperately, burning her last fuel stock. With a solid jerk I pinned her down. People whispered as though a sacrilege had just been committed before their eyes. Sky got dark and cloudy. I thought I'd serve them as dinner. But she knelt before me, even that way she was almost as high as me standing, took out her snake ring and put it on my finger, bowing. I took her hand and pulled her into her hut. I screwed her. Her sex was even harder than her biceps. It took me more that twenty minutes pumping at full power to soften it, then I made her come till she started shouting. Corinne probably heard it in Paris. Then I dug into her bottom. She had the more massive ass I've ever seen. I couldn't circle one of her buttocks with my two hands. When she felt the head of my dick inside her guts she flexed her meat mounds. I can't describe that. I was about to black out. Still I managed to pin her clit, which was larger than a child willy and made her come again. I slept on her back. It was broader than my present bed. The day before traveling to Boston I arrived late at the gym. Corinne had invited an old mate, a Japanese armwrestler she had teamed up with for the world couple tournament a few years ago. It was a tantalizing Asian beauty who showed great intimacy with Corinne. By the end of the dinner I was ready to fade away when to my surprise she invited me to join them two. She wanted to train some new grips and put me in front to test the Asian wrestler. Despite vivid encouragement from the lioness, I couldn't take the grabbing technique from the Asian girl, who used her vanadium hard nails as dissecting pincers against my hand tendons. Once she had finished me off Corinne took my place. I saw the Jap was destroying her hand as well, but she managed to hold enough time to pin her down. We got rid off our dressing and went on pulling for a couple of hours. The Asian hard body praised the size of my manhood, and Corinne, extremely pleased, allowed her to take a handful. The girl stuck and pinned with her nails till my cock's head got purple and ready to spit, but then she released me and switched to the thick lips of watching big Lioness. As soon as I had cooled down they repeated the show, putting me on the edge and leaving me alone in the very last moment. I got angry and charged against the yellow hard body to get my way to my girlfriend. She received me with her legs spread and applied scissors to my chest, squeezing my ribs with her monster hard thighs. Corinne caressed her thighs as they dug into my sides bending my rib-box as plastic. Not happy with that, the exotic beauty grabbed my teeth and pulled my mandibles apart. She was so strong she had easily tore off my chin hadn't I clenched my hands to her wrists, partially counteracting her exertion. Riding on me, she changed tactics, held my skull as a football and started bumping my head against the hard floor. Corinne crossed her arms before her chest and prompted her lethal friend not to be afraid to hurt me, as though the Jap wrestler were showing some containment. I grabbed her nipples between my thumbs and my fists and twisted. She grunted and released my cranium, miraculously intact. She yelled like a rat as I reduced her firm pretty breasts to pulp. I got rid of her scissors and handled her with arm locks and full Nelsons punishing her upper limbs with my more inspired holds. Had I mentioned my boyfriend, almost as a child, primed her strength career as a pro wrestler and faced some Japanese tough ladies? mocked Lioness to her now suffering mate. I hope you won't have trouble to tame him anyway. He's damn strong, whistled the Asian beauty among her grit teeth, as I clamped my legs to her wrist and rolled her left arm out of its socket, to add a final back twist to her fingers that send a pain current straight to her spine. She was tireless and her hard breathtaking body looked invulnerable. Legs wide spread, Corinne watched us rubbing a pillow against her crotch. After nearly one hour the yellow skin was soaked in sweat and slipped out of my holds. I smothered her, pressing her throat with my left forearm getting mortal leverage by grabbing her head-back with my right and fastening the strangler left on the right forearm. That way I could apply the full strength of my both huge arms on her throat. She shook spasmodically like a trapped fish, and slowly cooled down. I noticed her muscles yielding and getting loose. She drove up a trembling claw, as a sort of weak salutation. I tightened my sleeper, feeling her windpipe smashed by my arm bone. Her arm felt loose. Corinne clapped her hands. I had defeated her. I released her now soft body which strangely rebounded on the floor. Sat on her heels, Corinne's brown tanned legs constricted the soaked white pillow. Almost 40 min. You're getting old, mate. Dealing with my huge erection, I slapped Lioness' open arms away, grabbed the Jap little white feet and wrapped with them my cock's head.