Rhonda -- Mini-Tournament -- Day 2, Match 1 by dalekelso@hotmail.com Rhonda had slept late after her destruction of Gabe. The four orgasms that had coursed through her body after destroying him had left her fulfilled. Over breakfast, she prepared herself mentally for her upcoming fight with Bill. She played through her mind Bill and Stephanie's epic fight that culminated in Steph eeking out a win after an incredible 30 minutes into the match. Bill had proven a tough foe but one lacking the strength to finish off an amazon such as Stephanie. And he clearly had liked Steph's orbs -- wait til he saw hers!!! Rhonda made her way to the gym for a light workout. Entering, she saw Steph on a mat, stretching. And boy did she see Steph -- she was dressed in white booty shorts and a white sports bra, each soaked with perspiration and essentially transparent. After a quick hello, Steph smiled broadly, "Like what you see?" Rhonda countered saying she was here for a light pre-fight not a peep show. "But your nipples say you like what you see," Steph said making little guns that pointed straight at Rhonda's chest. Before their exchange went any further, the door entered and Candi entered. "I thought I might find you 2 here. Girls, you put on a good show last night. I told you those 2 guys could fight. Haven't heard each of you scream and moan so much in a while." Candi then looked over at Steph and winked, "Other than when Rhonda took you apart for the SECOND time, my dear." Steph was about to respond, when Candi continued, "And you two sure got the place going with your post-fight antics. EVERYONE loved that." Candi went on, "I literally had to bar the door to keep Kurt out he was so excited." Looking over at Steph again, Candi continued, "Bet you continued the fun with Bill for a while longer." Steph's blushing told both Candi and Rhonda all they needed to know. Candi turned to Rhonda, "And you take things into your own hands like no one else I know." Now it was Rhonda's turn to blush. "I bet Gabe will have the smell of you for quite a while," again winking widely. Candi continued, "So here's the deal ... Steve, the guy who owns this place, liked that action so much he offered a little extra bounty. $2500 for the best submission, $2500 for the most dominating performance, and $5000 for the best humiliating move during the fight or, as I expect with you two, post fight." Both Steph and Rhonda smiled broadly. "Thought you would like it. He also offered $20,000 if either guy could beat either of you. But I doubt that will happen. Oh, by the way, I get to be the judge" As Candi exited, Steph stood again revealing her barely clad physique. She came over to Rhonda and kissed her hard. When Rhonda responded, Steph reached under Rhonda mid-riff revealing t-shirt and cupped her large tit. Rhonda's nipples both shot out like bullets, expanding to their full 1-inch length, obviously excited by the touch. Steph broke the kiss, "I like this little challenge but I'm more looking forward to OUR FIGHT tonight. I've been waiting to kick your ass for all these months. How about we wear Bikinis for our fights with the boys and then go topless for tonight??" Rhonda nodded assent. Steph continued fondling Rhonda's tit and she whispered, "But please wear a bra INTO the ring. I want to take it off of you. And I'm sure the boys will LOVE that pre-fight show." Steph left the gym, leaving Rhonda once again very excited. Rhonda was also royally pissed that Steph had gotten the better of her in their exchanges that morning. Rhonda was glad to be the first to fight in Round 2. Bill was already in the ring when Rhonda entered wearing a blue bikini. A full bikini bottom but her top barely covered her nipples and aerola -- perfect she thought for her breast-fascinated opponent. And true to form, Bill stared mightily as Candi called them together. Candi gave them a final instruction, "You can win by a pin, but the audience would prefer a submission. And I'll allow a little fun afterwards for the winner." A look of fear crossed Bill's face as Rhonda glared at her opponent. Rhonda charged out of her corner at the bell. She quickly secured a headlock, pressing Bill's head mightily against her side. Bill tried to free his trapped head, but Rhonda walked him around the ring, increasing the pressure. Finally, Bill was able to pull away, in the process shifting Rhonda's top off her left boob. Rhonda adjusted her top with her left hand, jauntily wagging her right index finger at Bill, "all in good time ... all in good time ... but first we have to fight." With that she quickly closed the gap. A bit of hand fighting ensued. Bill went for a headlock of his own, but Rhonda ducked down and secured a double leg takedown. As Bill rolled to his stomach, Rhonda secured a hammerlock. Up his back she pushed the limb, knowing the pain it would casue. Bill shifted and shifted finally pulling his arm free. But his escape was short lived as Rhonda worked his neck to secure a full nelson. She powered this hold, creating more pain for his neck and shoulders. Bill was finally able to break the hold and roll to his back but Rhonda rolled right with him securing a painful key hold. For the next five minutes, Rhonda maintained top position, working one arm after the other into one excruciating hold after another. Sensing both that both her opponent's arms were weakened and that the crowd was growing edgy by her dominating but not showy performance, Rhonda released the hold and stood up. Bill quikcly jumped to his feet, glad to have escaped his tormentress. Rhonda smiled and raised her arms, offering a test of strength. Bill kept away, rolling his hsoulders to ease the pain. Rhonda lowered her right arm and with her index finger waved an invitation for Bill to come forward. Still he resisted. Rhonda was enjoying herself and starting to feel the sexual energy that overcame her when she dominated an opponent. Baring her right breast, she mocked, "do I need to use these to invite you closer?" The audience roard with laughter. Readjusting, Rhonda mocked Bill again, "we've been fighting less than 10 minutes, aare you already that scared?" Laughter again erupted. Bill finally moved forward and engaged. Showing surprising stregth, he at first seemed to get an advantage, bending Rhonda's wrists back. With great efforts and several grunts, Rhonda was able to get back to even. As they continued to struggle, sweat poured off of both their chiseled bodies. Rhonda's bulging muscles in particular stood out in high definition. Another burst of energy by Rhonda had Bill's knees buckling. Rhonda pulled him close as he started to move downwards. His head slid across her boobs, removing her bikini covering. Rhonda kept him there momentarily before pushing forward. Bill fell backwards with Rhonda right on top of him. Rhonoda kept control of his trapped arms, moving them out to the side while applying a loose breast smother. Rhonda quickly wrapped her legs around his, securing a grapevine. A quick thrust of her legs moved Bill's out wide and elicited a grunt of pain. Rhonda then arched her back moving her breasts up and away from Bill's face. She released his left arm and with her free right arm reached up and untied her top. As her breasts were exposed, her always sensitive niples sprang out noticably. Bill stared in awe at these beautiful mounds. "Like what you see?" Rhonda cooed, lowering them onto his face. While Bill was mesmerized by her orbs, Rhonda quickly resecured Bill's left arm. She then moved her boobs back and forth over Bill's face. Nipples moved slowly over his eyes, nose, closed mouth. Rhonda arched up again, moving her mounds up and away. Bill tried to buck her off, but she instead powered the grapevine, bringing another grunt to his lips and flattening him to the mat. "Dont you like my girls on your face?" she cooed. Then she thrust her chest down hard and brought her arms around Bill's head, a headlock smother combo. Bill bucked and bucked, trying to bring any air into his lungs. Rhonda released him and quckly trapped his arms. Now she used her orbs to slap Bill in the face, again powering the grapevine. "These girls are much nicer than Stephanie's, right?" she asked smoothly. Bill, after his night of sharing Steph's bed and sucking on her mounds, did not answer. Rhonda was loving dominating her opponent. She was simply toying with this talented wrestler. Nothing excited her more than this feeling of power. Then she felt Bill's snake become awake. Her wetness and excitemenet mushroomed. Bill to his credit continued to fight and try and dislodge his amazon opponent. Rhonda kept him well trapped and kept powering the grapevine, spreading his legs further apart than they were meant to go. After another failed bridge attempt, Rhonda noticed Bill panting in exertion. She quickly lowered her right boob right into his open mouth. Bill at first nearly gagged at the massive DD entering his mouth, but then his male instincts took over and he started sucking on that magnificent orb. Rhonda was in heaven. A triple play Rhonda thought: her opponent in pain and completely trapped, her opponent's cck at full mast pressing aginst her barely clad groin, and this hunk sucking away at her tit. She simultaneously powered her grapevine and her arm lock. Rhonda knew that normally this would elicit a shriek of pain from her opponent but Bill's cry of agony was completely muffled by the big boob solidly in his mouth. Rhonda, however, felt the change from sucking to shrieking throughout her chest. This put her over the edge into a wonderful orgasm. Rhonda loosened the grapevine and arm lock but kept her boob firmly pressed into Bill's mouth. The sensation kept the sexual energy coursing through her body. So powerful was the sensation that she lost sense of the fight she was in. Next thing Rhonda sensed was Candi's hand slapping the mat and hearing her say "Six." Much to her surprise, it was HER shoulders that were being firmly pushed against the mat! And her tit was still being sucked, still causing her great pleasure. "Seven." Rhonda tried bridging but Bill's weight was firmly on her chest. "Eight ... Nine." Rhonda swiveled her hips and was able to lift her shoulder inches above the mat, just enough to stop the count. Bill shifted his weight, slamming her shoulders back down to the mat. He shifted quickly, trapping her in a cross body pin, her right arm held down by both of his and her left arm trapped between his legs. Candi started her count again. Rhonda tried bridging. Bill's weight on her neck kept her shoulders pinned even as she executed a superb high bridge. As Bill started to shift off, he took his right arm and fired a hammerfist into Rhonda's bridging abs. The pain was excruciating and Rhonda collapsed back to the mat. Again, she bridged, and again Bill fired a hammerfist squarely into her abs, crushing Rhonda back to the mat. The count reached "Six." Bill fired another hammerfist into Rhonda's quickly weakening gut, sending waves of pain through her body. "Seven." Rhonda knew that she could not bridge out and that she was well pinned. But she anticipated another hammerfist; she realized that her options were to try and block the blow by bringing her knees up and get pinned or absorb the punishment and try to roll out of the pin. For her it was no option -- this is what she had spent literally hundreds of hours training for. She faked going for a bridge and let Bill's hammerfist fly in. This time it landed lower in her abs, inches above her thong. Although the pain was excruciating, she timed Bill's raising up his fist and rolled her shoulder up. Barely inches off the mat, but enough to stop Candi's count a second time. Frustrated by his inability to gain the pin, Bill concentrated his efforts on pulverizing Rhonda's abs. Two more hammerfists landed solidly. Rhonda brought her knees up and fought to free her trapped arms. Bill shifted his attack and landed a series of blows to Rhonda's ribs. The pain was almost unbearable and Rhonda thought of tapping. For the first time in countless fights, she actually screamed in pain. Finally Rhonda was able to free her left arm from Bill's right. She immediately arched up and was able to secure a one-armed headlock. As Bill's head came down toward her left boob, Bill was forced to shift slightly, allowing Rhonda to free her right arm from between his legs. She immediately tighted the headlock now using both arms. Although still on top, now Bill was the one in pain. As Bill fought the hold, Rhonda was able to force his head firmly into her large boob, cutting of his ability to breathe either through his mouth or nose. Bill fought frantically. Unable to move his head, Bill continued to squirm, all to no avail. Almost out of options, Bill started sucking on Rhonda's magnificent nipple. The shock of the pleasant sensation caused Rhonda to release just enough pressure that Bill was able to escape. Rhonda was furious -- that was a dirty tactic and she did not think anyone -- even Ref Candi -- saw it. She vowed to pay Bill back. Bill quickly stood as Rhonda rose slowly, recovering from the effects of the beating she had just received. Bill gave her no quarter and fired a hard kick that caught her on the shoulder. She crumbled back to mat. As she rose to her knees, another kick caught her squarely in the stomach and sent her flying into the turnbuckle. Rhonda sat in the corner, dazed and in agony. But as another kick came flying at her, her instincts took over and she was able to deflect the attack. As his leg went of course, this left Bill slightly off-balance. Rhonda immediately capitalized, lunging at Bill's legs. She was able to grab hold of the legs and trip Bill to the ground. Rhonda was now the one quickly on her feet. She knew she needed time to recover. To gain time, she circled Bill and fired a few kicks at him, making him block and keep turning, always in a defensive posture. Nothing really landed but that was not her purpse. As the audience started growing restless, Rhonda stepped back and let Bill rise to his feet. They quickly locked up and Bill used the opportunity to push Rhonda toward the ropes. At the last second, Rhonda twisted sharply and now it was Bill with his back against the ropes. Rhonda wasted no time in getting her knees moving. Bill's stomach was their target. He blocked the first two but the third landed squarely. As he started to sag, Rhonda went into overdrive. Three more knees rocked the male fighter. As he sagged against her, Rhonda pushed him into the ropes and took a step back. As bill riccocheted off the ropes, Rhonda fired her forearm, exploding against his chest. He literally stopped in his trackes. She repeated the move, pushing him into the ropes and connecting solidly with a forearm. Again she pushed him into the ropes; this time Bill moved his arms up to protect his chest; Rhonda adjsuted and sent her right leg into his unprotected belly. Leg vs. abs was no contenst -- he collapsed as if shot. Rhonda bent down and picked Bill up. She knew the reaction the crowd would have when she hoisted him up and all her muscles strained, seeming to burst through her skin. And that is exactly what happened: Bill went up, her muscles exploded as she hosited 200+ up, and the oohs and aahs filled the room. But the crowd response was not her objective, the utter and complete demolition of Bill was her goal. She literrally threw Bill down, sending him crashing onto his both his shoulders. Rhonda followed with a knee drop onto his stomach. The topless amazon rose up, helping Bill to his feet as she did. Again she hoisted him up, her muscles standing out in sharp display given her sweaty physique. This time she threw so he landed on his right shoulder. A knee drop to his shoulder eliciting a scream of agony. A third time the nearly naked amazon hoisted him up. She looked around to see many in the audience fingering themselves or their neighbors. A third time she sent Bill crashing to the mat, this time on his left shoulder. Rhonda faked another knee drop but stepped back glaring down at her opponent. She knew he was hurt and she quickly formulated her game plan. Further back she moved, letting him struggle to his feet. When he finally did, she slowly walked toward him, raising her arms in a proffered test of strength. Bill stood his ground but did not respond. "Come on, big boy, show me what you got," she said seductively. "You need to prove you are worthy of these," she winked as she cupped her boobs. Again she raised her arms in test of strength. Not lost on her -- or the audience or her opponent -- was the magnificent upward thrust of her breasts as she raised her arms. Her nipples again shot out to their full length. Bill finally engaged in the contest. But it was no contest. Within seconds she was starting to bend his arms down -- her strength and her destruction of his shoulders clearly visible. The pain was etched on Bill's face as his arms were forced down. When Bill's face was even with her chest, Rhonda stopped powering the hold and barked, "Kiss my tits." Bill closed his eyes and refused. "Kiss my tits or I will hurt you," she ordered. When Bill did not obey, Rhonda fired a knee into his already devasted gut. Bill would have collapsed but for Rhonda's arms holding his up. As he moved his lips forward to meekly comply, Rhonda powered his arms down. Bill's face was now merely inches from Rhonda's barely covered crotch. "Like the view?" she asked. Before Bill could respond, Rhonda stepped over each shoulder and locked in standing head scissors, his head facing upwards with a clear view of her soaking thong. Bill yelled in agony as her massive thighs started to crush his skull. Rhonda leaned down and brushed Bill's sweaty hair away from his eyes. "Don't want anything to distract your view." she intoned. She then cupped her massive tits, continuing to pressure Bill's head. Though many audience members rose and clapped in appreciation, Bill's beet red face showed the agony he was filling. Rhonda then started playing with her nipples, raising the din of approval. The combination of dominating her foe and the crowds reaction and her own fingers playing with her nips, took Rhonda over the edge. Unable to control her standing scissors as her orgasm course through her, Rhonda toppled over taking Bill down to the mat. Knowing she had to finish off her foe, she quickly scrabbled and assumed a north - south position, trapping Bill in a tight headlock against her chest. Knowing a tap was seconds away, Rhonda looked down the magnificent body of her beaten foe. To her amazement, the tip Bill's fully enlarged cck was extended beyond his fight shorts. She loosened her hold so her right boob was just grazing Bill's face and she mocked, "I can see how much you like my girls in your face, big boy." Rhonda shifted back and forth a few times to see Bill's pnis extend out EVEN further. As she started tightening her smother-headlock, Bill shuttered explosive force, sending cm flying in her direction. The full stream landed barely and inch from her head. This event lead to her orgasm increasing in intensity, her tightening the headlock in response, and a rapid tap from Bill. Rhonda continued to stimulate her orbs on Bill's face, continuing her powerful orgasm. Seeing Bill's manhood fully extended, she reached down and into his shrorts. His hardeness increased and in less than a minute another stream came flying, partly landing on Rhonda's muscular right arm. Rhonda slowly rose to her feet and smiled broadly as Candi raised her left arm in victory as Bill continued to lie on the mat. Remembering the prize for best humiliating move, Rhonda went down on her knees and placed her cm covered arm right in front of Bill's face. She started licking her arm and instructed Bill to do the same. Fearing the consequences that were sure to accompany non-compliace, he meekly obeyed. As he lapped up the residue, their tongues touched. Another idea entered Rhonda's head, and for the next minute, she concentrated on a tongue war as Bill tried to to complete his assigned job. Rhonda smiled when she saw Bill get hard yet again. "Top that one, Stephanie," she thought as she exited the ring to a thunderous ovation. Please send comments or suggestions to dalekelso@hotmail.com