Rhonda Chapter XV, Four Lessons in Wrestling Domination By Massive Muscle Rhonda powers through the prelims of the L.A. national tournament Rhonda relaxed on the couch in her dressing room. She was preparing for her first round match in the National Underground Wrestling Association (NUWA) national level tournament. Over the next two days she would wrestle four times against each member of her group. First and second place winners from each of the four groups advanced to the single elimination quarter-finals. Ranked #4 in the world after going undefeated in her first national tournament in Miami, Rhonda was the top seed in Group D. Joining her in Group D were: Seed ---- #2 Veronica (28-14) ranked #5 in the world (9th national tournament) #3 Lisa (3-5) in her third national level tournament #4 Tonya (1-3) in her second national level tournament #5 Karla (0-0) in her first national tournament Rhonda was to face Karla in the first match of the group round. Ken, Rhonda's manager had informed Rhonda that Karla won a regional competition in the southeast last month to qualify. Karla was a construction worker who stood 5'4" while weighing in a 155 pounds. Karla was very strong and battled in more of a street fighting style versus a technical wrestling style. Rhonda would enjoy a 5 inch height and over 30 pound weight advantage. Rhonda's main competition in her group would come from Veronica who was in her group in Miami. Though she recovered to make it to the quarter-finals, Veronica was defeated by Rhonda in the opening match. Veronica was not going to be surprised by Rhonda or take her for granted in this tournament. Rhonda's managers, Donna and Steve, entered the room and told her it was time to go. A full house was waiting in the arena to get a glance at the NUWA's hottest new star! Rhonda decided to wear a solid red one-piece suit for the match. Even though it was a one-piece, it still did little to cover the magnificant body that lie underneath it. A deep v-cut in the front enhanced the deep, dark cleavage between her DDs. A thong back left little to the imagination as the fabric was engulfed by her round tight glutes. As Rhonda entered the arena, the crowd erupted. In the ring, Karla paced around nervously, quickly realizing that what she had heard about Rhonda's size and strength had now come into full view. Donna and Steve took their seat at ringside. "Don't get too comfortable. I don't expect this to take very long," explained Rhonda as she stepped through the ropes. Donna and Steve nodded and smiled. They were certain Rhonda's prediction would be right. The referee, a young man, called the two combatents to the center of the ring. Karla was wearing a yellow and white striped bikini. She had a nicely tanned body with some decent muscular definition. Her lack of size became more obvious as the two both stood in the ring together. Rhonda removed her white mini-dress and adjusted her hair as she approached Karla. Karla eyes never left Rhonda's gaze. Karla was trying not to let Rhonda psyche her out. The instructions completed, Rhonda returned to the corner, stretched her leg muscles and readied herself for the bell. As the bell rang, Rhonda shot from the corner and raced to the opposite side of the ring. Karla was stunned and simply froze in the corner. That was a fatal mistake! Rhonda lowered her shoulder and drove it into Karla's lower midsection. Karla rotated her body just before contact and absorbed the blow directly in her side. Her body was crushed into the padded corner post. The force of the blow made it feel like Karla had been driven into raw steel! Rhonda grabbed the middle rope on each side of Karla and repeated the blow with alternating shoulders. In a state of panic, Karla tried to climb the ropes to escape the onslaught. Unfortunetely, she got her feet to the bottom rope just in time for another smash from Rhonda. This time however, the blow landed squarely in her pubic region. Karla doubled over from the new source of pain! Rhonda simply wrapped her massive arms around Karla's waist and hoisted her off the mat. She adjusted her grip and locked in a face-to-face bear hug. Rhonda massive mammories provided extra pressure as she slowly squeezed the remaining life from Karla. Karla had little to fight back with. Her arms were trapped within Rhonda's unescapable pythons. The onslaught from the opening bell had left her dazed and beaten. Within seconds, the pain in Karla's lower ribs became simply unbearable. She screamed her submission to Rhonda. "Welcome to the nationals. I think you've got a ways to go before you are ready for the big time!" Rhonda told her as she released the bearhug dropping Karla to the canvas. Karla gasped for air as Rhonda acknowledged the crowd. It had taken only 1 minute and 8 seconds to complete her first "assignment". She exitted the arena in a very business-like fashion. Rhonda realized that Karla was not ready for the national level yet, and decided not to inflict unnecessary pain, just finsh the job as quickly as possible to save up for her second match later tonight. At a little past midnight, Rhonda was again heading down to the arena. This time she wore her red bikini top with matching sling bottom. This had become her favorite attire, due to the stimulation it gave her during a match. The sling came together in her mid back and disappeared between her glutes. A small patch of fabric tightly hugged her pubic area in front before splitting apart and resting on the outside of her breasts. This pressed her breasts tightly together forming an even larger cleavage. Her tiny top covered only the tops of her DDs cups. The sides were left uncovered, pressed in by the straps of the sling. Tonya was her next opponent. Tonya was in her second national tournament. A national level bodybuilder, she had taken up the sport of wrestling to earn money through videos sold on the internet. Her strength was her technical wrestling skill. That skill was able to get her to the national level. She was 5'6" and weighed in at 160. Tonya was in excellent shape. Her upper body was slightly more defined that her lower body which made her appear "top heavy." She waited for Rhonda's arrival in the ring wearing a dark purple bodybuilder posing suit. She had light blonde hair that was tied into a long ponytail. She had smallish breasts but well-rounded glutes. Earlier in the evening, Veronica had defeated Tonya in a match that ended with a gravevine pin after 11 minutes. Tonya was slowly worn down by the #5 wrestler in the world and stood at 0-1 for the tournament. Tonya paced around the ring as Rhonda made her way into the ring. Without hesitation, Rhonda untied the straps of her short white robe and slid it off her wide shoulders. As it fell to the ground, Rhonda approached the center of the ring for the referee instructions. The crowd reacted to Rhonda's attire by raising the energy in the arena. They could sense the sexual energy being displayed by Rhonda as she looked down on her opponent. Tonya tried to look unimpressed as she continued to stretch her muscles. Tonya avoided eye contact as the referee finished his instructions. "You'll have to look at me soon," Rhonda said quietly as she turned to return to her corner. Rhonda paid little attention to the bell as she waited in her corner seductively adjusting her ponytail, and the straps of her sling. Tonya moved carefully to the center of the ring and nervously paced. The crowd did not care at this point because there was some sexual heat being generated in the corner of the ring. Rhonda closed her eyes and she pulled and released the sling causing it to massage her love box. Within seconds, with the help of the crowd reaction, the bottom of the sling became damp. Tonya grew impatient and called Rhonda out to fight. Rhonda snarled at Tonya and asked her why she was in such a hurry to lose. The crowd at ringside roared and began to urge Rhonda on. Rhonda stepped out to face Tonya in the center of the ring. They locked arms as both grapplers battled for control. Rhonda flexed her massive arms and forced Tonya's arms above her head. Rhonda closed the gap between her and her opponent, shot her leg in between Tonya's legs wrapped it around behind. Before Tonya could react, Rhonda forced Tonya backwards, tripping over Rhonda's long, powerful quad. Tonya released her grip on Rhonda to help break her fall. Rhonda quickly wrapped her arms around Tonya's upper legs, and with what seemed to be little effort, lifted her completely off the mat. Tonya suddenly found herself hanging upside down. She flexed her abdominals and held her head up to see what Rhonda was planning for her. What Tonya saw was incredible. A mountain of female muscle flexed as if carved from rock. The face showing absolutely no strain as Tonya's 160 pounds was being suspended in mid-air. Rhonda rotated slowly around in a circle so that the entire crowd could see the physique of a champion. Rhonda held Tonya suspended for over two minutes as the crowd roared its approval. Then Rhonda slowly lowered her back to the canvas. Rhonda turned Tonya onto her chest, stepped over her and ever so slowly began to apply a Boston Crab. Tonya quickly realized her fate, but try as she might, she could not break her legs free. Tonya rolled to her side as she tried to escape the inpending pain. Like a fisherman who slowly reels in the big catch, Rhonda continued to slowly and seductively lower her body toward the ground. The squat position displayed the power in Rhonda's legs. Tonya in a desparate move, inflicted pain upon herself and reached out to try and trip Rhonda off balance. Tonya realized very quickly that she might as well be trying to move a stump with a single finger. Rhonda looked down and simply shook her head at Tonya. Rhonda increased the pressure as she increased the bend in Tonya's back as she lowered herself to toward the mat. Tonya quickly rotated onto her chest as she did all she could to relieve the pain. Suddenly, Tonya's back neared the breaking point as the pain nearly caused her to black out. Rhonda adjusted her grip to increase the pain. Flashbulbs popped throughout the arena as Rhonda flexed her magnificent body. The referee reacted to Tonya's screams of pain by sliding over and asking for her submission. Tonya's mind wanted to scream "no", but her body overruled and she dejectedly tapped out. The referee called for the bell and Rhonda released the hold. Tonya's legs shook uncontrolably as they tried to return to their normal position. Tonya's glutes along with her back burned with a pain she had never felt before. Rhonda needed a sexual release in the worst way. This match had only taken 3 minutes and 21 seconds to complete and her efficiency had hampered her ability to work into a sexual frenzy. Rhonda very gently layed her body down on top of Tonya, who was still lying on her stomach. She began to grind her love box across the mounds of Tonya's glutes. Rhonda leaned down and whispered in her ear, "just need a little assistance from your nice little ass, dear!" Tonya did not protest. About 30 seconds later, Rhonda tensed her lower body and exploded in a powerful orgasm. Rhonda grabbed her breasts and freed them from the bikini top. Sitting on top of Tonya, she grabbed each breast and suckled the enlarging nipple in her mouth. After another orgasm flooded her body, Rhonda got up, replaced her bikini over the top of her massive mammories, and helped Tonya to her feet. Tonya gave Rhonda a light embrace before painfully exitting the ring. Rhonda soaked in the crowd response before returning to her dressing room. Rhonda was 2-0 after the first day. In less than 5 minutes she had totally dominated two opponents. Lisa, her next opponent, passed Rhonda in the hallway on her way to battle Victoria in the night's final match. She knew good and well what had happened to Rhonda's first two opponents. List shuddered in fear. Rhonda rested late into the day of her final two matches of group round-robin competition. She had the second match tonight against Lisa. Going into tonight's action, Group D looked like this: Rhonda 2-0 Veronica 2-0 Lisa 1-1 Tonya 0-2 Karla 0-2 Karla and Tonya held a epic struggle lasting for nearly 25 minutes to open the evening. The grapplers were so even that neither could gain enough control for a submission or pin. Finally the effects of Rhonda's Boston Crab the previous evening took its toll on Tonya as Karla was able to gain a submission with a Camel Clutch. Tonya tried to hold on too long and injured her back. She had to be carried from the ring and was done for the tournament. Since she would not be able to compete in her final match Tonya would finish with an 0-4 record, thus losing her national level privledges. She would have to gain it through the regional tournaments. It took awhile to get the ring cleared so that Rhonda could battle Lisa. Rhonda adorned a tiny red bikini for her match. Her white mini-robe was tied losely around her waist as she made her way to the ring. Lisa stood in her corner dressed in a one-piece lime-green suit that was high cut at the top and low cut at the bottom. Lisa was definetely not a fashion statement in the NUWA. She was a very strong woman whose background was powerlifting. She had short light brown hair that hung straight down from her head. She was only 5'4" tall but she weighed a solid 157 pounds. She was capable of lifting a large amount of weight and used that with her somewhat limited wrestling skills to barely stay afloat at the national level of the NUWA. Rhonda loosened her robe and strolled to the center of the ring. Her chiseled six-pack abs and tiny waist were is clear view. Rhonda adjusted her bikini top allowing her right nipple to slide free before replacing it back under the thin fabric. This action caused her nipples to awaken and put a strain of the very thin fabric. Lisa looked up at her adversary and slightly shuddered in uncontrollable fear. Try as she might, Lisa could not hide her fear of this amazon. The full 5 inch height and 30 pound weight discrepency seemed to be amplified by the muscular definition of the champion. Rhonda completed the intimidation by shedding her robe while the referee finished the instructions. Rhonda began to flex her major muscle group as she played to the crowd and further disturbed her opponent. At the sound of the bell, Rhonda easily strolled across the ring. Lisa began moving nervously and quickly around the ring trying to avoid the confrontation. Rhonda quietly laughed at her. "You're going to have to stop running sometime!" Rhonda called out. "Might as well face the music and get it over with!" Rhonda stood in the middle of the ring and hit muscular poses to the delight of the audience. Lisa kept moving, trying to buy time, trying to think of a way to attck. Rhonda just waited. She knew she could attack at any time but the humiliation of watching her opponent was turning her on. Rhonda decided to add to the atmosphere of the ring. She seductively reached up and loosened her bikini top. As the straps fell loose from behind her neck, her nipples, at full erection of 3/4 of an inch, held the fabric in place. Lisa seemed to join the crowd in watching the show, mezmerized by the combination of beauty and power on display in the center of the ring. Rhonda untied the thin straps of the back of the bra. The top still stayed in place over her globes. Rhonda glanced at the referee and noticed a large bulge in his pants. She was warming up now, and her thong was quickly becoming soaked. Lisa did not know what to do. Rhonda leaned over as the top lost contact with her body and fell to the canvas. She picked it up and draped it over the referee's rod that stuck out against the fabric of his shorts. He nearly shot his wad in front of 500 sexually crazed fans. Many fans did lose it as this muscular beauty toyed with everyone in the arena. The referee did not know what to do for a moment. He played to the crowd by turning around and letting everyone see what had just taken place. He then took the bra and deposited it at the ringside table. "Let's wrestle," he demanded, as he returned to the center of the ring. Rhonda offered a test of strength to her opponent, but Lisa quickly declined. Rhonda played with her breasts, as she waited for Lisa to attack. Finally Rhonda's patience ran out. She moved toward Lisa and after some chasing, cornered Lisa. Lisa decided to try and run again, but Rhonda's hand shot out and captured Lisa's hair in its grip. Lisa screamed as she was stopped in her tracks. Rhonda reeled her opponent in locked her one arm around her neck and locked in her other arm in a perfectly executed sleeper hold. One move, one attack, and it appeared to be already over. Lisa panicked and quickly began to feel light-headed as the blood supply was cut off from her brain. Rhonda slowly moved her body up and down letting Lisa's back massage her breasts while alternating the pressure of the hold enough to just keep Lisa alert. The pain and pressure were more than Lisa had ever experienced. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she fought to hold on. After just over 1 minute, the referee watched Lisa tap Rhonda's leg to submit. He waved his arms while calling for the bell. It was over. Rhonda released the hold and supported Lisa as she fell to the mat. Completely defeated and humiliated, Lisa continued to cry. Rhonda's arm was raised in victory. As it was lowered, Rhonda reached down and freed the referee's rod from his shorts. His surprise was echoed throughout the arena. Rhonda grabbed her thong and pulled it to the side of her love canal. She then knelt down over Lisa's face while grabbing a hold of the referee's raging member. Lisa knew what her job was and she feared for her life if she failed. She began to use her tongue to stimulate Rhonda as Rhonda ground her pussy deep into Lisa face. The referee was doing all he could to keeping from exploding as Rhonda's skilled hands made their way around and on and under his huge member. Rhonda orgasmed in a way she had never experienced as Lisa tried to keep going, but Lisa passed out as Rhonda's love juices covered her face. Rhonda then took the referee's 7 inches into her mouth and sucked with all she had. Rhonda felt the referee's release and quickly took it from her mouth. She got up from the top of Lisa and moved behind the referee. She stroked the rod and as it released its payload, guided it to land all over Lisa as she laid motionless on the floor. The referee exploded cum all over Lisa's face and chest. Rhonda kissed the referee, thanked him for his services and exitted the arena. The crowd was going crazy. Rhonda had been in complete control of not only her opponent, but the referee, and the crowd. The chanted her name as she left the arena. She stopped to let a man experience the feel of her breasts in his face. He exploded in his pants as she chuckled and returned to her dressing room. Later that evening she returned in the final preliminary match against Veronica. Both girls had made the quarter-finals already. Veronica was #5 in the world, but she proved no match for Rhonda. Rhonda defeated her opponent in 1 minutes and 23 seconds by a pin. Using a scientific approach, Rhonda had gained control with a single leg take down, a half-nelson, near leg hold exposed Veronica's back to the mat and then 188 pounds of unparalled strength, powered Veronica's shoulder blades to contact with the mat. Veronica was not able to mount any sort of counter-attack. The referee counted the seconds. Veronica got one shoulder off the mat two times before Rhonda adjusted her position and brought Veronica's legs over farther in a tight cradle. Rhonda surged with sexual energy as she rotated her hips on the mat. As the count reached 10, Rhonda's body shook in another fabulous orgasm. The total domination of an opponent was all Rhonda needed to bring herself to sweet release. Rhonda helped her opponent from the mat as her arm was raised in victory. In two days, Rhonda had deafeated, no completely and undeniably dominated, four opponents using strength, humiliation, and scientific wrestling technique. She had taken less than 10 minutes (less than 6 actually wrestling) to make the quarter-finals. The other 7 women who had advanced not only noticed but were looking for any way to dent this amazon's armour. Not only was Rhonda seemingly unstoppable, she was fresh and rested from her minimum time spent in the ring. The quarter-finals started tomorrow and it appeared the massacre might continue. Next: Rhonda Chapter XVI: In a class by herself!