Art contest by Joe Rathbun ART CONTEST! YOUR ARTISTIC TALENT MAY EARN MONEY! Amazon BBS is supposed to be a center for anyone interested in, or is an, Amazon (Muscle-Woman). It is a center where such folks can swap true or made up stories, pictures, photos and comics. WE have placed a number of stories, pictures and comics on Amazon BBS already as a sort of "start-up-core". But we want YOUR participation. We will even PAY for it, in a way. The Farmers and The Aqua Lady featured a big, Amazon Woman who is adapted for life under water. Our "core" of pictures does not yet have a rendering of her in our files. YOU render her picture! Use pencil, ink and pencil, colored pencils, water or oil paints... anything, to render what you think the Aqua Lady should look like, based on the story. WE at Amazon BBS will pay $75 for the best one received by March 31, 1997 Your art will be displayed and downloadable both on the bbs and the web-site. And do not think you pencil- and colored-pencil-users will not have a chance against an oil painter! While a well done oil painting looks so real that one feels they could step right into the scene on the canvas, sometimes they are all technique and no interest. Remember, we'll be scanning these, so a colored-pencil rendering will look little different from an oil one. SUGGESTION: Only mail a photographic copy of your art to us, not your actual rendering. ! OR ! If you have YOUR OWN scanner, scan it yourself and upload to us, either directly into AMAZON BBS or into our CompuServe email box (as a binary file). Our CompuServe email number is: 71533,714 We will also pay $8 each for the next five runner-ups. CONDITIONS: > All art-work received will be scanned and possibly placed in our files. The SCANNED COPIES become our property. Originals will be sent back. > The Winner of the $75.00 or the five runner-ups of $8.00 each will be selected by us and ONLY us (Amazon BBS). WE will be the sole arbitrators of the issuing of awards.