FOR YOUR FURTHER INFORMATION: CENTRAL MOUNTAINS REPUBLIC STAPLE DRESS STYLES By this time, it is obvious there are two commonly occurring types of attire for both men and women, the g-string and the thong. G-strings are always just a bare minimum patch of thin cloth just barely big enough, sometimes NOT quite big enough to cover the genital. Only strings hold it up. Except for the strings, the butt is completely bare. Most g-strings' strings are non-continuous from front to back. The strings have to be tied in a bow-shaped knot on both sides. This makes it possible, with one pull, simultaneous on each side, to drop the patch off the genital at a second's notice! The thong is characterized by somewhat more material on the front, though many of them have mesh, which show more through the mesh than the g-strings do! The thongs have straps, all be they narrow, rather than strings connecting front to back. The straps may be very ornate. And in almost all thongs, there is some kind of latch, snap or something of the like in the straps on both sides that permit quick removal! And most thongs have at least a little token coverage in the back. This varies from thong to thong. The straps and rear part are always very high cut, allowing a continuous run of exposed flesh from foot, through all of the leg, through the "cheek" of the butt and finally to the "hump" of the butt in the back and the hump or rise of the hip, especially prominent on women, where the straps of the thongs rest. Py Nae Kot observes some of the women wear skirt-like attire which, like hers, is split to the belt. But theirs have more than a split, more like a gap. Their skirts are really just two panels of cloth, a front panel and back panel, held up by a slender belt or ornate small-gauged rope. Py Nae Kot saw one that had only the FRONT panel! And it was narrow as well as short, making it resemble a flag positioned just in front of her genitals! And NONE of these folks have anything even resembling underwear. It would behoove anyone contemplating opening an underwear store or factory to FORGET THIS place! All this skimpy attire sparked Py Nae Kot's imagination! This Central Mountains Republic style of clothing is enticing, exciting AND, judging from the strategically placed knots, latches, snaps and such, imminently functional for a... ehem!... specific purpose!