The Central Mountains Republic, part 23 by Joe Rathbone DOES THE CENTRAL MOUNTAINS REPUBLIC HAVE ENEMIES ... WAY OUT ... THERE? ANOTHER OMINOUS SIGN It was middle July, Py Nae Kot and Sunn's second summer in the Central Mountains Republic. Jet load after jet load of Native Americans were still coming in. Sunn and Py Nae Kot still lived at their apartment in down-town Central Capital. They both had sex with others, especially Andy Black Deer for Py Nae Kot, and Beverly for Sunn. But Py Nae Kot and Sunn were solidly, un-changeably in Love with each other. Indeed, once Sunn eliminated the last vestiges of negative feelings about sex with others, the variety indeed seemed to keep sexual interest in each other high. Whatever the reason, Py Nae Kot and Sunn Loved each other, and relished doing things together. Py Nae Kot conjured the idea of going out into the country in their pedal-cars, and just sleeping on the ground all night. "Doesn't that sound delightful!? Let's do it Sunn, as soon as that approaching front comes through. It'll clear the skies and dry out the air so it'll be comfortable. Just think, fucking sometimes, then just laying there, staring at the stars. LET'S DO IT!" Py Nae Kot was almost jumping up and down like a giddy little girl! "Okay, okay, Precious! You don't have to sell me. Just... you think there's any bears out there?" "We'll be right next to our pedal-cars. Besides, the farmer whose field we'll be on says there haven't been bears in a long time. It's just a little too close to the city." "You know the farmer?" "Yes. A tour done for Government-related reasons I took with some others introduced me to her. She's one half Beta Race and half T- 2K. We took a liking to each other. I went to see her once on my own. She wants to fuck with you! I may take you to her later, but not that night. It's gonna be OUR night." Py Nae Kot approached Sunn and slipped her arms around him. "Just you and I, Sunn... and countless stars!" "Mmmm, I can't wait....." The weather front stormed through sure enough, pulling in behind it moderated temperatures, cobalt-blue day-skies and star-strewn nights. Both their jobs were flexible. Being late or taking a day off would not be a problem. So now that the weather was right, Py Nae Kot and Sunn did it. Sunn was deciding what clothes to wear, or to take. "You want me to wear this old rag-tag thong? Or maybe just a g'? Or you want me to wear this one with the mesh back?" Py Nae Kot, buck naked, twirled happily with a well executed spin and said, "Don't take NOTHIN'! We go nude, we spend the night nude, and we come back, NUDE!" She completed another cheerful spin and ended with grabbing Sunn up in her arms, and squeezing the breath out of him with an extended embrace. "Well," Sunn said as soon as he could breath again, "can't knock that for lack of simplicity!" With each one in their own single-seat pedal-car, both nude, they made their way through the down-town, weaving from lane to lane choked with pedal-cars. They slowly made their way to the out- skirts of the city. Headed north, they proceeded some 50 miles into the country. It was fun pedaling through the rolling plateau land. The hills responded readily to the "power ascent", the practice of not shifting down to a lower gear to grind up the hill slowly, but applying greater leg strength to the pedals to maintain level- ground speed. Then the down-hill sides would produce exhilarating speeds that needed no braking since the road was either straight or gently curving. The 50 miles went by quickly, and afterward, they felt they had hardly pedaled at all. Both Py Nae Kot's and Sunn's bodies were hard, strong, and possessed of robust health. Maybe it was using the pedal-car all the time which gave plentiful aerobic exercise, or maybe an all vegetable and dairy diet, or both, but Py Nae Kot and Sunn both experienced greater health and freedom from illness than ever before. At a certain point, Py Nae Kot slowed down and told Sunn to do so as well over the radio. They pulled aside to the grassy shoulder. She lifted her pedal-car over a barbed wire fence, as did Sunn. Using low gears, they churned away at the pedals climbing the steep hill covered with short brownish and yellow-greenish grass. They did not stop until they crested and descended that first hill, then climbed yet another, even higher hill. From that hill-top, they could see the Central Capital way off in the hazy distance to the south, and high mountains to the east, north and west, all part of "The Wall". Between their pedal cars they laid out a blanket on the ground and readied other blankets for pulling over them if it became a bit too chilly. With night time temperatures supposedly going down to low fifties, it may indeed get a little chilly between episodes of sexual fun, especially since they were both totally nude! Munching on their picnic dinner they brought in the pedal-car trunks, they absorbed the pleasure of the setting. The sun was just disappearing behind the mountains to the west. Graduating from horizon up, from just over dark, dusky-purple mountain outlines, the colors included an intense red, orange, yellow, pale green, then pale blue. The blues took it from there as the eye progressed from horizon to zenith, becoming darker and deeper toward the zenith. Above, stars could already be seen. As evening progressed, the couple put forth voluminous amounts of body heat from their bare bodies straight into space and the stars above with their sex making. Time and time again they were pumping, and thrashing, moaning and screaming as their genitalia made slaves of their hard bodies. They ended up with little time to do any star gazing. But maybe, perhaps sometime after mid-night, their genitals still hot, wet and steaming, vagina and penis finally agreed to let their slaves rest and do some star-gazing. They did not need any blankets over them, as Py Nae Kot and Sunn lay, bare, on the ground, in loose embrace staring at the sky. With no moon, high elevation, no pollution and the clear weather, the stars were intensely bright. One could read large lettering by the star-light. The stars' colors could be seen. Unusual things like nebulae and a couple galaxies could be seen. And the "milky way" clearly displayed the reason for its name. Py Nae Kot and Sunn pointed out this and that feature to each other. They did not know any of the new constellations, changed and moved around by 69 million years. But they identified star types and so on. Py Nae Kot pointed out a star with a tail. "Say, that's apparently a comet. I wonder if their Astronomers are aware of it. It's a pretty one too. Kind of orange-pink with a translucent pink tail." Py Nae Kot's fingers fondled and "walked" Sunn's hard chest. "It's a girl-comet," she mused, "she needs a guy, like you, Sunn..." She turned to Sunn and pressed her nipples into his chest, and her lips into his lips in an extended, moist kiss. Her vagina ached again, demanding Sunn's penis. It needed not to worry, Sunn's penis hastily grew to full size, hard and throbbing. With lust, its owner burrowed it deep into the soothing love of Py Nae Kot's interior... The sex session took out their remaining energies, leaving the couple asleep. As the wee morning hours progressed, more and more shooting stars could be seen. This is understandable as soon as one learns that at 6 A.M., one is standing on the "front bumper or wind-shield" of the Earth relative to its movement in its orbit about the sun. Like bugs hitting the front of a car (motor or pedal) most meteors smash into the "front" of the Earth. After all, the Earth moves along its orbit at 17 miles A SECOND! Py Nae Kot could see the shooting stars from time to time through half-opened, sleepy eyes. Sometimes she laid awake, scanning space. She returned several times to her "girl comet", the pretty orange- pink one with the frilly pink tail. Maybe it was 4 A.M., or maybe closer to 5 A.M... Py Nae Kot woke up as before and stared at the sky. Naked, she was still uncovered by any blanket but still did not feel too cold. A few more shooting stars, then another look at the pink "girl". She looked with delight at the pretty comet... then suddenly, the tail began to shrink, and over several seconds, withdrew into the comet's head and disappeared! Then the head itself went out! "Strange, a comet doesn't just go out suddenly like that!" she muttered to herself. She continued to stare at the space in the sky that had been occupied by her "girl comet". Then... it reappeared! But this time the tail expanded out, taking several seconds to reach full length, in a different direction! "That's impossible! A comet can't change the direction of its tail inside of a few seconds!" she said plenty loud, sitting up. It woke up Sunn. "What was that?" he said sleepily. Hastily Py Nae Kot told Sunn of her favorite comet disappearing and coming back with tail re-oriented. Sunn sat up too, pulling a blanket around him as he felt chilled the first time that night. He suggested, "Maybe it's a rocket blast - " "HUSH!" Py Nae Kot commanded fast and hard. She continued, "Don't say that! Don't even think it!" "But why?" "It might be them!" "Who?" "You know who, dammit!" A pause took place while they both stared at the pretty orange- pink comet with its pink tail now extending another direction. It crashed into Sunn's mind like a dropped barbell. "OH! The NAZIS!" "I told you to SHUDDUP! Don't even THINK that!" "Oh come on Py Nae Kot, that's not the nazis out there! That's ridiculous. It's just the night, the early morning! You're half sleeping, half dreaming. Come the plain, matter of fact light of day and you'll laugh at yourself!" "Oh Sunn! I hope you're right! It'd be perfectly horrible if those monsters came to our beautiful world! It's so perfect here, well, as close to perfection this Earth will ever see from humans! The big, innocent T-2K Race, the wonderful Beta Race who are ultimately our blood brothers and sisters, you and I... I... it'd be so terrible... I don't know....." her voice cracked and Py Nae Kot, strong, tough, resilient Py Nae Kot cried, out loud. She fell against Sunn's shoulder sobbing. "COME OFF THIS! MAN! THOSE ARE NOT NAZIS! Good grief!" Sunn embraced his precious Jewel-Lady trying to get her to forget that silly nazi idea. He suggested, "If indeed what we are observing is a rocket, maybe it's simply one of ours! You say these people have a big space program..." "No, no," Py Nae Kot sobbed, sniffling, "I know all the schedules. Everything is either already in Earth orbit or Moon orbit or way out in space. That thing shouldn't be out there! It's also huge!" "How do you know that!? How can you tell how big a rocket is from here, when it's way out there?" "I can tell..." another sniffle, "the way the tail, er, the rocket blast comes out... it took several seconds! It's huge! What if they have immense weapons by now!? Oh Sunn! They'll destroy our beautiful World and infest the Earth with their accursed Aryan White empire! OH! SUNN!" and she cried heavily anew, wetting Sunn's shoulder with her tears. Sunn couldn't believe this was happening. A pretty star she was calling the "pink girl comet" was now frightening her to complete despair. He wished he could figure something out to comfort her. He began to feel tears well in his eyes too. He simply felt sorry for her feeling so distressed, out of place though he thought her fear may be. "Uh... Maybe it's a secret mission! You've been here only a year and few months. They couldn't have told you ALL their secrets!" Between sobs and sniffing, Py Nae Kot explained, "They think I was led here by a Goddess. They trust me entirely. From the information I've been supplied, I could design my own atomic bomb, or build an infra-red ray gun, or look up any spec or part-number of any space or air craft. The tantalus satellites are top secret, only a few know of them! No, that up there is definitely NOT OURS!" With that, she continued crying. But Sunn heard something he never had before. Tantalus satellite? What's that? Suddenly, Py Nae Kot gathered herself and forced herself from further crying. "The radio! THE RADIO! IN THE CARS! We can warn! WE MUST WARN! WE GOTTA STOP THOSE BASTARD SHITS! I'LL PERSONALLY KILL THEM ALL IF I HAVE TO!" Sunn backed away as Py Nae Kot raged with anger! "Take it easy! Are you sure you want to call now? CAN you call, from out here?" "YES! WE MUST CALL AND WARN! It is possible to patch to the Central Capital's telephone system via any of the many patching stations located in the out-skirts of the city. Let's see..." Py Nae Kot turned and walked on her knees to her pedal-car. She turned on the pedal-car's two-way radio and switched bands. Its buttons were tiny, a super compact, digitally controlled transceiver of about five watts that comes standard on most pedal- cars. There is no telephone service in most places in the country, requiring the use of two-way radios. "Let's see, band M, a VHF band, appropriate for 50 miles. I think a patch station north of town should be only about 40 miles... from this hill it should be possible... 152.785 mega-cycles, tone-set 2C... there we go!" She pushed the tone-send button. In a few seconds, a melodic female voice answered, booming across clearly, requiring turning down of the volume... "Patch station N-6 responding! May I help you?" crackled the radio. Py Nae Kot pushed the push-to-talk button on the tiny mic, "Yes! Patch me to 58-269-585. Charge to 75-445-991. And hurry, it's an emergency!" "Standby..." They waited while the gal at the station probably jumped on her terminal and entered 75-445-991, Py Nae Kot and Sunn's telephone number, for confirmation. At this time of night it should confirm very quick... Sure enough came, "Standby ma'am, the number is ringing..." None other than Doctor Lynn Peree answered. She sounded sleepy as her voice boomed through in clear high fidelity. Excitedly, Py Nae Kot rattled out all the information on the comet that she was sure was a rocket. It took some doing to get sleepy Doctor Lynn to comprehend what Py Nae Kot was talking about. She was too excited to speak all that coherently. And apparently the radio was not helping matters. Although the Doctor's voice came booming in super clear, that was courtesy of the patch station's transmitter of probably 500 watts. But even though the patch station has a sensitive receiver with a tall antenna, a five watt transmitter going out a small whip-antenna mounted on a pedal-car 40 miles out in the hinterlands, is a pretty dim light to see. Doctor Lynn said Py Nae Kot sounded like she was calling from the other side of the world. But at length, Doctor Lynn understood what Py Nae Kot was warning about. "Okay, okay! Now listen to me girl! Calm down, come back home as soon as there's enough light to see at all. If your head-lights are good enough, come back now. Go to bed and rest if necessary, I don't know what you've been doing, but anyway, I will call you with updates. Or you can report to your usual office at the Government Operations Building. Let me know where you are. I'm going to marshal the appropriate authorities about this thing." "What are you gonna do?" asked worried Py Nae Kot. "Well, the first thing, before daylight comes, is get the observatory on it. When they have their initial co-ordinates, they will then zero the big scope in synchronous orbit out there on it. If there IS a space craft, it will be able to see it. So I need for you to look at the sky, and tell me as best you can, what stars it is next to..." Py Nae Kot described the best she could. "Okay, I got it I think. You just described the Rabbit constellation along with the Guitar-Maiden constellation. I know where to tell 'em to look. Okay, I'm gonna get off here now and call them. We have hardly more than an hour before dawn will interfere with the observatory." With that, they ended the call, and the patch station signed clear. It began to sink into Sunn that maybe this was serious business. Doctor Lynn Peree seemed to take it seriously. But maybe, it was just a check. You know, any unidentified space vehicle out there must be looked into. "But it COULDN'T be nazis!" Sunn thought. It was a pity that such a beautiful night ended so quick. Py Nae Kot DID insist on going back home right away; their head-lights were okay, to Sunn's disappointment. But Sunn DID enjoy the early-morning, just-before-light pedal-car ride back home. As they neared town, the sky to the east came alive with vibrant reds and oranges along with deep royal blues. Sunn did not have to go to New America until 11 in the morning for a class on a subject having to do with re-settlement that he taught. So that those newly arriving Native Americans would receive an alert Instructor, Sunn went to bed to sleep a while. It was a fun night, but alas, not much sleep was obtained. Py Nae Kot grabbed a bite to eat, bathed, fixed her bouffant, and took off for her office in the Government Operations Building. WHAT IS IT OUT THERE? THE ANALYSIS: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TO BE CONTINUED + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NOTICE You have heard of SHARE-WARE. And now this is a "SHARE-NOVEL"! 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