The Central Mountains Republic, part 21 by Joe Rathbone SUNN REALLY GETS INTO C.M.R. LIFE STYLE SUNN FINDS BEVERLY BEVERLY PROVIDES ALT SEX FOR SUNN SUNN SHOWS BEVERLY ALT SEXUAL INSTRUMENT Some days or a couple of weeks later, Sunn visited and climbed the CMR Tower, an activity he likes very much. It takes a fit physique to climb the CMR Tower. First, one must ascend Central Capital's highest hill, then there is the grueling climb up the endless stairs inside the Tower itself. The elevator is used only for emergencies and supplies deliveries. Atop the tower are fine restaurants and look-out balconies. Actually the balconies and restaurants ring the outer peripheries of the Tower's "Disk". Within the inner areas of the Disk, are countless radio transmitters and repeaters of one type or another. Local VHF-AM and VHF-FM radio stations, TV stations, and two way repeater and radio- telephone services vie for sites for their transmitters and antenna on this "highest spot in the plateau country". Indeed, the top of the CMR tower looks like an "antenna-farm"! As mentioned once before, Sunn visits the Tower only on weekdays not just for reduced crowds, but to get away from the droves of big, brawny T-2K race women that love to tease and harass Sunn sexually. A government worker advised Sunn, to control the harassment, he should wear his tank-top-thong one-piece combo. So dressed and if it is new-looking, those women will think he is a government official, and leave him alone. Sunn always went dressed in a thong bikini. "Many non-government Beta Race wear thongs or g's, so those gals will think you're just a regular guy" the fellow also advised. Sunn felt funny in the one- piece, he felt it looked too much like a woman's one-piece- bathing-suit. Py Nae Kot thought he is adorable in the one-piece, but Sunn continues to avoid wearing it unless attending some government meeting or function. So off he goes to the CMR Tower dressed in a white thong bikini considered brief even by thong bikini standards. It came close to really being a simple g-string. Sunn indeed seems to be getting bolder and bolder. Actually, it may simply be a case of getting accustomed to something. Since EVERY BODY else dresses that way, Sunn would be well advised to do so as well. Continuing to wear the long pants and full coverage sports shirts, even short-sleeved ones in THIS society will actually pull much more curiosity type attention than the bikinis will! And it is bad attention at that. The kind of attention that would make any woman avoid an individual so peculiarly dressed. But dressed in the brief thongs, Sunn receives GOOD attention, that from gals attracted to his well muscled body, beautiful copper- toned tanned skin, hair as black as mid-night and dreamy brown eyes! When he completed the climb up the big hill and exited his pedal- car, Sunn saw there was a small line waiting to climb the stairs up the CMR Tower; sometimes there is, even on week-days. Although the big, hulking women there eyed him closely, grinning, always with an impish or leering manner, they left him alone. He took his place in the line which was moving along pretty well actually. As he waited, he was surprised suddenly by a tan-skinned arm and hand unexpectedly appearing in front of him. It came from behind around his waist, reached for and, with considerable force, pinched his penis which was relaxed within the restricted confines provided for it by the thong bikini. Although totally contained by the cloth at the moment, his penis showed through the sheer, white material of the thong. As Sunn turned, he saw a laughing, jumping up and down, savagely sexy Beta Race gal backing away from him, as if daring him to give chase! As she jumped up and down, her long, lustrous jet-black hair with a bluish sheen danced cheerfully about her face and shoulders. Her big brown eyes were alight with cheerful, playful mischief! Six and a half feet tall at maybe 240 pounds, she had a nice set of muscles that did not bulge as much as the typical T-2K race woman's. She had lovely, extra dark copper-tone brown skin with nothing, absolutely nothing over it except for a micro-sized g- string! That miniscule patch of cloth almost required a magnifying glass to see! She was jumping up and down so much it was hard to see if she wore anything at all! Made of a shiny, royal blue material, the tiny triangle of cloth snugly sat, precisely centered over her large genital that sported prominent lips. Since the tiny triangle was wet along the entrance of her vagina, the lips of it showed through plainly. She may as well had been nude! The strings that held the triangle of cloth in place were colored like her own dark brown skin, making it look like there was nothing holding the cloth in place! Needless to say, as she jumped and twirled, perhaps by her design of thought, allowing Sunn to see her back, there was nothing, not a thing, on her back side or over her well-formed, hard "muscle"- butt! With each jump she took, the muscles of her butt flexed and rippled powerfully, and one might say, sensuously! One gaze on her butt and most men would like to follow up with a good feel or maybe a slap! On her back, as well as the front, long, jet black hair seemed to "dance" about her broad shoulders as she leaped and twirled. Sunn, generally not accustomed to such behavior from a woman, smiled and shook his finger at her saying, "Naughty naughty!" Not quite knowing what to do with her, he continued in line. The woman playfully cautiously approached Sunn from behind, aware that Sunn now knew she was there. She said, giggling, "I'll behave!" Sunn asked, "What's your name?" Still giggling, the playful woman replied, "Beverly! Now let me try to guess YOUR name!" Sunn, curious, asked, "How can you even BEGIN to do that?" With frivolity in her voice, Beverly replied, "Well, I should say, I can only guess NICK-NAMES! But I have to TOUCH YOU! I can divine it from your skin! May I?" "Well, uh, sure, go ahead." replied Sunn, hesitant, but definitely interested. Standing behind him, Sunn felt the heat coming off Beverly's hot body as she drew up close behind. Her hands caressed Sunn's waist ever so gently, fondling, feeling, also fondling the straps of his thong bikini. As she felt him over, she said softly, as if concentrating, "I believe your nick name now is....." Then suddenly, just ahead of Sunn's conscious realization, her hands grabbed the latches in the straps of his thong and in one lightning fast, deft move, released them and PULLED HIS THONG COMPLETELY OFF, drawing it under him and between his legs leaving him BUCK NAKED in public for the first time in his life! "NUDY!!! YOUR NICKNAME NOW IS NUDY!! HAH HAH HAH!!!" Laughing and jumping up and down with a frenzy of excitement and impish fun, she shouted, "Come and GET IT!" Waving his white thong in the air like a victory flag, she took off alternately running, leaping and looking back waiting for him to give chase! The big T-2K race women waiting in line ahead clapped their hands and cheered, "THAT A GIRL!" and "WAY TO GO!!" Beverly, with Sunn's thong in hand, ran like hyper-light down the hill the Tower sits on, and towards the thick forests that surround the premises! Sunn had never been so embarrassed before in his life! He was petrified, not knowing if he should or should not take off after her, running with bare penis dangling! The big women in line ahead were yelling variations of "GO GET HER BOY!" Another T-2K Race gal striped off her g-string leaving her completely nude and approached Sunn, then spread her legs way apart displaying a huge, thick- lipped vagina that surely has seen many a penis in and out of it. With her hands on her hips in a proud posture, she bellowed loudly, referring to his bare cock, "IF YOU'RE EMBARRASSED, STICK THAT THING IN MY CUNT! THAT'LL HIDE IT! HAH HAH HAH!" The men those gals were with remained silent and in the background, literally taking a few steps back, while their women yelled and jeered. In a flash, Sunn thought to himself, "Come on, man, chill! Other men go nude in this society!" But he also remembered, in a flash, only a very few, and all observed so far were T-2K race guys. Going nude is the domain mostly of T-2K race women. Come to think of it, he had never seen a completely nude woman or man of the Beta Race. Well, no matter, he HAD to get out of there! With those big, brawny, hulking gals mercilessly taunting Sunn, yelling, "GO GET HER!" and that one still saying, "If you stick that up my cunt, aint nobody will be able to see it!", Sunn broke into a desperate run. Bolting off, indeed, with penis waving in the air, amongst other people, mostly of the T-2K race approaching the Tower, he took off after the impish Beverly! Much less attention was given to this frivolity in this Mountain Race society then it would have been given in United States of its era. If a distance away, by-standers paid no attention at all. Given the high levels of energy that all Mountain Race people possess, be they T-2K or Beta, adults are often seen running, as playfully and carefree as any child! Both Sunn and Py Nae Kot considered that a refreshing change FOR THE BETTER! Only close up by-standers gave the play of Beverly and Sunn any attention at all, mostly in the form of an agreeable smile. So perhaps Sunn did not have all THAT much to be embarrassed about. But alas, he came from the hypocritical society of United States, resulting in, despite his being Native American, an almost perverted contortion in his thought patterns concerning nudity and sex. The CMR Tower sits squarely on top of a huge hill. As one leaves the level area just around the Tower, the slope of the ground quickly assumes a steep down-hill. Immediately surrounding the tower are grassy areas and a limited parking lot for pedal-cars (what else?). Surrounding the grassy lawns is a thick forest. The entire hill the CMR Tower sits on has been set aside by the City as a natural habitat. As this was done thousands of years ago, the thick forests surrounding the Tower are mature, with many tall trees brushing the sky. But despite the height of the trees, even their TOPS were lower than the ground immediately surrounding the base of the Tower, testimony to how steep the hill was once leaving the ground right around the tower. Beverly ran across the parking lots, then straight across and down the grassy areas sloping down toward the forest. Sunn, running as hard as he could, was amazed at how fast this woman could move. She disappeared into the thick bushes of the forest. As Sunn approached the bushes, he slowed, and entered. He moved slowly into the forest. After passing an initial thicket of bushes and immature trees, the "inside" of the forest was not so thick with underbrush permitting easier movement. But each step taken produced a crunch-crunch and rattling, sweeping sound as Sunn waded through a "carpet" of last year's dry leaves. There was almost no sunlight coming through, as it was almost completely blocked by the canopy of leaves above. Beverly was nowhere in sight. At least it was nice to get away from those people. All the people were way behind (and up) on top of the hill, milling around the Tower awaiting their turn in climbing it. So, in this forest, he, and somewhere, Beverly, had it all to themselves. Birds called cheerfully, among the buzzing of crickets. The leaves of the trees were a rich, fresh green, typical of deciduous trees that shed their leaves every winter. Splashes of cobalt-blue sky could be seen here and there through the thick, leafy, ever-moving golden-green canopy. It was really a quite pretty sight! Suddenly, WHAM!! Like a big foot-ball tackle, somebody plowed into Sunn from the rear and a little toward the side taking him down hard! Whoever it was then rolled him onto his back before he could come to his senses! Sure enough, laughing and with a fire of impish fun in her eyes, it was Beverly who made the tackle, rolled him onto his back and now was assuming a position over him! Her legs spread, she straddled Sunn, over his crotch, of course! Her hands held Sunn's wrists pinned to the ground! The muscles in her arms, especially her triceps, hung taut, bulging out quite a ways. From the look of things, Sunn would not be getting up any time soon, unless SHE allows it! "At last I got you!" she declared! Sunn was six-foot-one at 210 pounds. With a six and a half foot, 240 pound female tackle/wrestler atop him, there was no escape! But maybe he did not want to! Here, private within the forest, with this wild, sexy and obviously horny savage woman over him, he began to like his situation! As he lay there in a bed of dry leaves on the forest floor with an animal on top of him, he had some fun in his own voice as he pretended to demand, "Give me back my bikini!" Beverly, thrusting her face threatenly close into Sunn's, replied, "And what if I don't!?" Sunn pretended to crack his voice as if beginning to cry and replied, "Then I'll tell my Mommy!" Beverly sat down in the manner of an animal, on top of Sunn, causing her vagina to press squarely on Sunn's penis. Sunn felt her genital and the little patch of cloth over it was sopping wet! With his penis beginning to grow and harden out, Beverly undulated her hips slightly side to side, pressing and working the shank of his growing penis between the lips of her vagina. One of her hands still held Sunn's thong. Releasing one of his wrists to hold the thong up in front of his face, she declared, softly and sensuously, "The only way you gonna get this back, is to drill my pussy, past my little patch that covers it, and drill deeper than you've ever drilled a pussy before!" Sunn asked, "What do you mean, drill past your patch?" Beverly replied, slowly, deliberately, and with sensuous effect, "Just that! Drill or poke a hole in it, then continue on through it to my pussy! Got it!? I'm WAITING!" Sunn was not going to belabor that detail now! His penis fully hardened out, he wanted "in"! He began to pump, ramming the tip of his penis squarely against that patch! Beverly hugged him, and rolling over to HER back now, pulled Sunn with her, with bits of dry leaves and twigs falling off his back. Now he was on top of her. "That's to give your little tush more room to thrust! Now START DRILLING! And MAKE IT GOOD!" she demanded. Indeed, being on top DID give Sunn more room to position for ramming his penis hard into her little patch. But he thought, "That material is not all that easy to rip through, even for a hard cock. Maybe she'll take it off..." Too aroused to think, not even noticing the bits of leaves and twigs stuck on his back and buns of his butt, he rammed the tip of his penis as hard as he could against her g-string patch. It felt tantalizing to "knock on the door" of her genital like that. But he craved complete entrance so he could bury his now burning, aching penis up to the hilt in her hot genital! As he forcefully pushed and pushed, lo and behold, he felt the patch begin to rip open from the continued and repeated ramming force of his penis upon it. As his engorged, stony organ of sex continued to ram, the tear became larger and larger, finally becoming large enough to allow penetration! At last, Sunn rammed, slowly thrusting the entirety of his stony-hard, aching penis, past the ripped open g-string patch, past her vagina's large lips, and on deep, into the soft, loving, caressing warmth found far in the inner sanctum of Beverly's giving body! With Sunn's arms around Beverly's broad shoulders in a tight embrace, as if seeking sanctity from the outside world, he pulled heavily, cramming his rocky penis ever deeper into her loving body! His face burning, his eyes a-blur, Sunn felt he was going to faint from the intensity of the pleasure. "OOOHHHH! MMMMM!" and such were the only sounds Sunn was capable of now! "It's like fucking two cunts at once!" thought Sunn in the midst of his ecstasy! As Sunn pulled and pushed, pull and pushed his long, hard, burning rod of flesh in and out, in and out of Beverly's penis-devouring vagina, the split in her g-string-patch and the lips of her vagina provided double the stimulus on his penis! Soon out of control, Sunn was thrusting furiously into what he thought was too quick of an orgasm, but not before Beverly herself began wailing loudly with orgasm gushing wildly through her body! Helplessly drawn into shouting and wailing in the overwhelming ecstasy of his own orgasm, Sunn just pumped and thrust madly through it, and continued pumping afterward. His penis did not even have the chance to become softened. Pumping furiously, he felt he was possessed, it was almost scary. A thought flashed through Sunn's mind, "How is she doing this!?" But the thought was blown away by his second thundering, screaming orgasm. Furious sex continued for over an hour, and after a final set of orgasms, Beverly and Sunn gave out. They were finally spent, panting, huffing and puffing, worn out victims of slavery to their demanding genitals! The bigger, heavier Beverly allowed Sunn to be on top of her the whole time. Sunn's penis was demanding more, still fairly hard, still deep in the warm interior of Beverly's body. But he was totally spent, he just could not give any more. "There there now boy, you did good!" Beverly said sweetly, caressing Sunn's back with her hands. Beverly said further, "I could still use more, but you just take it easy, I'll wait!" Her provider of pleasure, obviously spent, managed to say, "That felt good..." then fell asleep. Beverly held him snug, all the while caressing him, on top of her. He slept with his penis still inside her hot body. The next thing Sunn knew was being disturbed from his sleep as Beverly lifted him by the hips apparently to pull his penis out of her vagina. But it was still long, and the very act of pulling his penis out aroused it again. Still groggy but driven by that hungry ache, he groaned saying, "OHHH! Let's do it some more, you said yourself..." Beverly interrupted him saying, "You only gotta say the word!" She let him down, allowing his long, hardening penis to re-enter her receptive body! And indeed, they went at it again! Again, the intensity of good feeling caused Sunn to pass out. A gentle kiss on his lips was the first thing Sunn was aware of as he began to awake. Her pretty face so close to his was a delightful sight to wake up to! Beverly's long, lustrous jet black hair draped all over Sunn's shoulders as she leaned over him. "Hurry and wake up, boy! I wanna take you home with me!" Beverly pulled Sunn up by the arms to a sitting position to promote quicker wakefulness. Sunn started to say, "Go home with you? I'm sorry, I can't because..." but Beverly interrupted sternly saying, "NO EXCUSES! I'm taking you home with me and fuck some more, after I give you something to eat. Now DON'T ARGUE!" Sunn's only concern was worrying with the feeling that he was being unfaithful to Py Nae Kot. However, Py Nae Kot herself several times told him to experience others, just as SHE was ALREADY doing herself. Very well, he thought, I will follow Beverly home. He said, softly and submissively, "Okay". "Alright then! That's better!" Beverly handed Sunn his white thong bikini. She still had hers on, but it had a hole in it, plus it was thoroughly wet. Beverly carefully repostioned her g-string patch so the rip would not be too noticeable. "Why don't you just take it off? Go nude like I see others do." asked Sunn, now accustomed to this society. Beverly replied, "Other who? You know our race doesn't do that, although I'd sure like to! My Mama would get upset with me. No, I better keep it on." Sunn thought THAT is a curious thing; a Mountain Race person actually concerned about going completely nude? It indeed seemed to Sunn, there were two standards in this society, the T-2K race and Beta Race standards. One has to remember, once, very long ago, the Beta Race were Native North-west Americans. A vestige of their dress code appears to linger on. Beverly helped Sunn to his feet. "Come on boy! Up you go! Say, what's your name?... Hah hah... other than 'NUDY', of course!" "Sunn." he replied simply. "Sunn, eh? Hmm, that's very appropriate! Your cock in my cunt is like the Sun lighting up a dark area with loving, gratifying warmth! Okay, lets go home!" Finally emerging from the forest, Sunn followed Beverly up the hill, across the grassy lawn to the parking area. She found her pedal-car, a sleek rocket-red one, and waited for Sunn to get into his and assume a position behind her. And of course, from there, they descended the CMR Tower hill, back to the Central Capital, wound around a bit through the neighborhoods and arrived to Beverly's apartment complex. It turned out her apartment complex faced, from across the street, the same huge grassy sports field that HIS apartment complex faced, also from across a street, way off on the other side. In fact, Sunn's and Py Nae Kot's apartment balcony looked over the huge field. The field was used as a general sports field. Running, dirt- bicycle riding, and various ball-games were held in the field. And in recent years, so Sunn and Py Nae Kot were told although they have not seen it yet, the field is used by the Central Mountains Republic Army, now being reinstated and growing rapidly, for general training and exercising of troops. On any weekend, the field is generally pretty busy with Mountain Race People and their all kinds of activities, ranging from simple running, to ball-games, to pulling out and setting up weight- training "trailers" and working out in the open and fresh air... and... even SEX! That's right, sex! Out and out butt pumping, huffing and puffing, wailing and hollering from intense pleasure, all-out sex! Apparently some couples just do it, often beginning while yet standing, when the urge comes over them, right there for everyone to see. Sunn and Py Nae Kot noticed however, mostly only T-2K race people do the open-air sex. It would seem that in Mountain Race society, the T-2K race seems to be the bolder and wilder of the two main races. They do it where everyone can see, but receive surprisingly little attention. Others generally leave them to it, giving only an agreeing, acknowledging nod or smile, if even that. Sunn pointed out to Beverly that his apartment is just across the field, 6000 feet away. Beverly nodded her head and said, "Uh-huh! I know! I've been watching you a lot here lately. I just thought you were SO CUTE! I SIMPLY HAD to have you. So today, I followed you to the CMR Tower and caught you! And now I've brought you HOME!" "Watching me?" "Yes, waiting for a chance when you were unprotected and without your Fed-Mama, so I could move in for the attack! And now I gotcha!" She gave Sunn a tight squeeze as they walked to her apartment complex. So she knows I'm already with a woman... thought Sunn to himself. Then he asked, "What's a 'Fed-Mama'?" "Say, where you come from anyway!? First you tell me to go nude, and now you don't know what I mean by Fed-Mama... That's a guy's woman who happens to be in the FED-eral Government, get it?" "Okay," Sunn said, "I moved here from way out in the country. So I'm not up on a lot of things." As usual with a white-lie, it grows some before one can shrug it off. She asked in the country where, why, and so on, all of which Sunn had to make up answers for on the spot. But really, could he tell her he is from another time epoch? When Beverly brought him into her apartment, he could see it was not that fancy a place but cozy and home-like. She invited him to sit while she brought refreshments. He sat in one side of a worn but cozy sofa. Soon she came out with something like colas in hand along with a big bowl of succulent berries. She set them down on a thing like a "TV"-tray saying, "Look's like we're the only ones here now. Mom and Dad are not home yet, nor that big palooka sister of mine. You want to see me nude? Okay, here you go..." She untied the strings holding the tiny blue triangle up, and let it flutter aside. Naked now, she sat beside him, close with both feet off the floor in a kneeling like manner and turned toward him. With one arm around his shoulder, and the other arm's hand caressing and tickling his chest, she also placed one of her big, strong, brown legs partially over his lap. She partook sparingly of the refreshments she brought out, partaking mostly instead, of Sunn's body. With this big, burning, sexy woman beside him, it did not take long before he felt an aching tug on his little thong. "Whooeee! Look at the mound! Scope it out!" Beverly exclaimed as her roving hand's fingers daintily lifted the edge of his thong up and away allowing the expanding penis inside to spring forth! Caressing his penis between her finger and thumb, and stroking up and down, it grew rock hard in no time. "Mmm, mmm, MMMM! You got a strong one here, all ready to go AGAIN!" Sunn's face a-fire, he was unconsciously moaning just a bit. "Well," Beverly said, "We gotta take care of this! Come on!" Beverly got up, and standing in front of Sunn with legs slightly spread, bowed and offered Sunn her hands, to coax him up. Sunn could see the whitish secretions visibly welling up between the lips of her big, dark vagina. She pulled Sunn up by the arms and led him down the hall into what was apparently her bed room. The window was open to let in fresh air and she did not bother to close it. It was a small room, and had only a single-wide bed. Beverly laid down first, on her back and led Sunn gently down too, allowing him to take up a position on top. "OOOHHHHH!!" he moaned as he eased the entirety of his aching, hard, throbbing penis into her already steaming, slicked up, lovingly warm vagina. Needless to say, wailing and yelling soon came forth, filling the air as both of them came to orgasm after orgasm for the next hour or so... Spent, they both fell asleep in each other's arms... Beverly and Sunn were startled awake later by the click of her bed- room door being opened. Beverly looked behind her to see, while Sunn only had to lift his head a bit to see over Beverly's big body. There in the doorway stood a good looking, well built, brown skinned woman dressed only in a white tiny triangle of cloth that shone brightly from where it perched in the middle of her dark crotch, precisely atop her large genital. Her deep black hair shined a halo of bluish sheen, like Beverly's. And just like Beverly, she was six and one half feet tall. The gal in the doorway said, "OH! My girl's got herself another boy! Good! See if you can burn him out!" "Mind your own business, Mom!" Beverly said in a good natured way. Beverly turned to a surprised Sunn and said, "Come on, lets clean up and see my Mom. Say, what's a matter with you?" Sunn said incredulously, "THAT is you MOTHER!? WOW! She's a knock out too!" Beverly replied proudly, "Oh we're all knock-outs! You want to fuck with her later? She'll let you. We share guys all the time... except my Dad of course." Sometimes the Mountain Race Society is just a little too much for Sunn to swallow at once. He could only reply, "Well, maybe, later. You yourself have pretty much quenched my hunger." Beverly replied, "For now perhaps. But give it an hour or so, and that sturdy dick of yours will be out of that little bitty thong, in the air a-throbbing, sniffing and looking for cunts to bury itself in! Then you can try my Mom if you want!" A little later found Beverly and Sunn together on the sofa watching a Central Capital TV comedy show that Beverly liked. Beverly now wore ANOTHER shiny blue g-string patch over her genital. Seemed like she prefers blue. Then in walks a big, huge, brawny hulking blond mega-woman! Actually the first time Sunn ever saw one inside the confines of a private home, rather than spacious public buildings or maybe the out-doors, he was surprised just how huge a seven-foot-four, 340 pound woman can be when seen up close, indoors! Each step she took caused the floor to shudder! The giant was at once pretty and awesome. With lovely pink-blond locks about her big brawny shoulders, topless of course with only a g-string, her muscles bulged with immense, stony strength. She looked like she could pick up the entire apartment complex and carry it on her shoulders. She was rough looking too, with scars on her shoulders and some kind of white dust all over her as well. When she saw Beverly and Sunn together, she bellowed, "Well, Bev's got another squeeze to cut up and feed her cunt! You better look out guy! Boys come in here and never come out, for she cuts them up to pieces and feeds them to her man-eating cunt! HAH HAH HAH!" Beverly angrily retorted, "Aww SHIT-UP! Just SHIT - UP!! Not shutup, but SHIT-UP! Why's SHIT always comin' outa your mouth!? Don't you know that's what your butt-hole is for!? DAM!!" "CHILL OUT YOU TWO!" commanded Mom from the kitchen. "Don't sweat it Mom, I'm goin' out anyway for a while but I'll be back for supper!" replied the Mega-Blond. She walked quickly, the floor quaking, to her bedroom, then came right back out, now buck-naked. Then she headed for the door and out to some waiting T-2K guy out there. Sunn wondered why a Beta Race woman, AND a T-2K Race woman both called the same Beta Race Mother "Mom". Sunn asked Beverly, "Is the big gal... adopted? I just wondered why..." Beverly's Mom, who was introduced earlier as Constance, offered an answer from the kitchen where she was preparing a supper. She came out carrying a bowl of chopped carrots and potatoes along with un-cut carrots and potatoes she was still working on, and sat at the supper-table so she could speak without shouting. Constance explained, "My Main Man, her Father and also Angela's Father... Angela is the big blondie that was just here, is of the non-Beta folks, you know, lighter skin, brown hair, BIG as a MOUNTAIN and with a giant cock that'll clean out a gal's pussy spick and span!... WHOOEEE!" Constance hesitated, apparently thinking about it and becoming aroused at just the mere thought. After a couple happy sighs that brought a big smile to her face, she continued, "Well, ehem!.. Anyway, he's not Beta. So when I birthed these two rascals, they were of course, half Beta and half non-Beta. Because a half and half has a hard time deciding which society to follow, when they were a little older, I had genetic engineering performed on them to bring out only one of the races' traits. A Psychiatrist told me to do so. So when Beverly there was five, and so Angela was four, Angela's the younger, I had the genetic work done. I had one engineered for pure non-Beta, Angela, and Beverly was to be the pure Beta. The choice for which is which was totally arbitrary. Brad and I chose by flipping a coin! Then there would be no arguing, no apparent favoritism. We have also told them many times the choice was done arbitrarily, so both Beverly and Angela know, there was no favoritism. This is important, so the Psychiatrist said." "WOW!" exclaimed Sunn softly, trying not to be heard. Constance emphatically concluded, "The important thing to remember, sugar, is your woman next to you is all Beta!" "Okay, okay Mom, he gets the point! Gosh! She goes through that spiel with every guy that comes in here. Aint none of them NOT aware that I am half what Mom is, and half some generalized Beta genetics stored on a computer disk somewhere!" WOW! MONDO HEAVY! Sunn thought, the extent of genetic engineering capabilities this society possesses must be enormous! Constance returned to the kitchen, continuing her preparation of supper. Beverly, using the remote controller, turned back up the sound of the TV, as the news was coming on. Sunn also thought, that answers a question he was wondering about, and that is indeed, with the rampant free sex that goes on in this society, and with apparently two major races, why are there not more half and half Beta/T-2K Races? Well, just now, Sunn received his answer! Later, the Father of those two gals came home. Filling the doorway entirely with his huge form as he entered through it, he greeted Sunn politely with a soft, almost timid sounding voice. If one could ONLY HEAR, one would think he was a small fellow in a neat suit! But he was, quite contrarily, a full sized T-2K Race man! Indeed, he, named Brad, was a room filling, floor shuddering giant, with rich-brown hair, blue eyes, seven-feet-two inches tall at 320 pounds. With big, brawny shoulders, and big bulging muscles everywhere else, he also had a penis that was big even when relaxed. It was barely contained in a worn, blue g-string bikini. When he came home, he was also covered lightly with some kind of whitish dust, which he promptly showered off. After showering and drying, Brad came up the hall into the living room nude with his penis partially erected and so already huge. With his penis partially hardened, it stuck straight out frontward from Brad's bushy crotch, rather than up. It appeared to be leading Brad right to the kitchen where Constance was, preparing supper. Into the kitchen he went, and there she was, with long, silky, mid- night-black hair draped down Constance's broad, tan back. Bent at the waist, Constance was leaning on the kitchen counter peeling potatoes and carrots. Her big, hard, tan butt beckoned. "Ohh man!" Brad moaned. Hearing that, Constance looked up and back at the big guy and his huge sex- organ aching to bury itself in her. Constance grinned big and said, "You need something, Brad-honey?" Brad then asked Constance quite straight-forwardly, "Can I fuck you?" Constance breathed and gasped, thrilled at the very suggestion. Unconsciously spreading her legs slightly, she replied breathlessly, "OOO! Wow! ANYTIME! But my hands are messy and I'm preparing supper. Take my g' off and fuck me from behind!" Constance continued peeling potatoes while leaning on that kitchen counter. Bent cleanly at the waist, she also spread her legs to accommodate insertion of his penis. Constance's big, brown butt waited eagerly, with soaked crotch and white genital-patch. Delighted, Brad untied those two bow-ties in the strings of the g- string Constance was wearing. All it took was a single tug by both his hands, one on each side of Constance's tight, shapely hips. Brad flicked the g-string away then inserted his steely penis into her crotch. With clear drops of secretion forming at the tip of his penis, he found her hot, slicked up vagina. Slowly he pushed his giant penis all the way into Constance. Brad moaned, his voice quivering, from the intensity of the pleasure. Constance gasped and moaned. Her genital was ready to go for him, hot and slick. Brad groaned and shuddered from a sensation of pleasure so great that even his powerful legs became wobbly. Self-control was exceedingly difficult for him, but he had to be careful with the smaller Constance, lest his huge penis injure her. Constance groaned loudly, dropping the knife and the potatoes that she had been peeling. She totally succumbed to the waves and waves of excruciating pleasure coming from her genital as it feasted on brad's huge penis. Exerting much self-control so as not to be too rough on the much smaller Constance, the giant Brad came to a wrenching orgasm right there. He did so while standing, driving his rocky penis in and out of Constance from behind. He came to orgasm quickly, as did she. It sounded like somebody spilling water on the kitchen floor as Brad's semen came gushing out of her vagina, already filled to capacity by his gigantic penis! Moaning loudly from the pleasure, Constance could hardly stand, such was the intensity of her orgasm. Brad gently held her from behind until her orgasm calmed. Brad pulled out his penis soaked wet with Constance's vaginal "honey". Constance moaned as if in pain when he pulled it out of her, "OOHHH! (GASP!) GOLLY! Mmmm! I wish you could leave it in! It feels good in me and feels awful when you pull it out. Why don't you wait 'til it softens?" "If I left it in there, it won't soften, it would just fuck you again! That's good enough until tonight, then we'll take our copulation to consummation!" "It's not good enough for me! That's like yanking somebody from the supper table after she's only taken a few bites!" "Good! Then by tonight, you'll really be primed and ready to go! If you're mad at me, then you may thrash the hell outa me tonight!" "Believe me, big boy, I will! I most certainly will!" Brad mercilessly left his Lady to simmer with an aching genital as he cleaned the floor under her crotch of the dangerously slippery semen. All the while, he had an impish grin on his face while he yet admired, from below, Constance's butt, crotch, and the way her big, strong legs came together at her crotch. When her legs spread, the space between her legs was just the right width to allow a hard penis to pass while yet stimulating it by contact with her inner thighs. The sounds of the quick sex could be heard clearly over the sound of the TV. Beverly paid little attention except to comment, "I don't know how Mom can take such a big cock going in her cunt. Looks like to me it would hurt. I don't fuck with my Dad of course, but when I told you earlier that I sometimes share guys with her, I mean only BETA guys, that's for SURE! I think after having babies, the cunt is a little stretched, and so can accommodate those big cocks, as is in my Mom's case." After clean up, Brad, still naked, joined Beverly and Sunn watching the news on TV. His penis was still "rubbery". Partially erected, it dangled large between his legs. He flopped into HIS big recliner-chair, reclined, and before long was fast asleep. Later, the giant Angela came thundering in, and raised her big arms with huge biceps bulging as in a victory cheer, then bellowed after entering the door, "WHOOOOEEEEEE!!! GOLLY DARN! FUCKING THAT GUY FELT GOOD!! WHEW!!!" Such a raucous entrance woke her Father up. He commented with the sound of approval in his voice, "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your guy so much. Now wash up for supper!" Angela, with remains of semen and vaginal secretions that were still moist all over her pubic area, was still covered with whitish powder. She bathed and came out, naked, for supper. Sunn, keeping his thoughts to himself, could only take all that he has seen so far with awe and near disbelief. He thought, "Man, such rampant, unbridled sexual activities I have NEVER heard about anywhere, and yet these people take it all in stride like it is hardly anything at all! And such unabashed nudity is unheard of even in primitive cultures. Surely, these people have set records in complete sexual freedom and enlightenment!" Just before sitting down for supper, Beverly pulled on a nice looking knit sweater, as did Constance. The windows were all open, an accommodation for Brad and Angela who craved the chilly fresh air of evenings. It was the first such garments Sunn saw on any Mountain Race People since Sunn and Py Nae Kot arrived. With Beverly wearing the long sleeved sweater over a teeny triangle of blue cloth just over her vagina, Sunn thought it a sexy combo, different, at least. Beverly's Mother too, with the sweater over her teeny triangle of WHITE cloth, provided a second such example. Apparently Beverly and Constance felt a little chilly. Sunn, dressed only in his thong, did too, but he bore it for the moment, not wanting to be too bothersome. But he did not have to bear it for long. At the supper table, Sunn quickly warmed as he sat right next to Beverly on his left and the big Angela on his right. Especially Angela gave off heat from her bare body like a furnace. She really did emit sufficient heat to significantly raise the temperature of that corner. And he snuggled next to Beverly. Beverly, of course, welcomed that. Sunn could not help but gaze upon Angela. He had never seen such a huge, physically powerful woman before, at least, not this close. And absolutely buck-naked, with humongous breasts jutting way out; each one, if hollow, could easily contain a regulation-basket ball. He tried to think of something to talk to her about... her job, yes, that's good, her job! "Say, Angela, what is your line of work?" Angela, busy stuffing her face, could not answer for a moment although she wanted to. Brad volunteered, "Both she and I work in a concrete factory, particularly, the prefabricated concrete parts section. I am the Manager of that section." Finally, after a big gulp, Angela could answer. Eagerly, with bright, blue eyes, she said, "I make the actual concrete parts that Dad is talking about. I also deliver them." "Tell him what you deliver with!" Brad suggested, appearing proud. "I deliver small orders, you know, to private people, their homes or what ever, or small deliveries to construction sites. What Dad is driving at is that I pedal a big freight-car to deliver the parts." Brad butted in saying, "A loaded freight car can sometimes weigh over a ton! Her powerful legs must pedal that over hills, accelerate, and maintain some reasonable speed in traffic! That takes MUSCLE! And she has them! And she can load and unload a freight-car or handle the parts in the factory with out lifts. It's incredible what her muscles can do! Show Sunn your muscles!" "Aww Dad..." "Go ahead, show him!" Angela raised her magnificent, huge arms, carefully so as not to bump her Father to her right or ornaments on the book-case just behind her. She assumed, while remaining seated at the supper table, the classic "biceps-pose", balling up her giant biceps. WOW! GOL-DANG A MIGHTY! Sunn thought, as he saw female biceps big as large grape-fruit with a total arm circumference bigger than his legs! "Feel them Sunn! Feel how hard they are!" Insisted Brad. Obediently but with some bashfulness Sunn reached and felt Angela's biceps that she was proudly displaying. It felt like a big stone covered with a little bit of soft leather. Angela's skin was surprisingly soft. "Okay Dad, that's enough. I wanna eat." Brad leaned back with hearty laughter, "HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH! YEP! She's gotta eat, that's for sure! It takes a lot to keep this big gal fueled!" Sunn figured Angela could easily lift weights that would crush bones and tear muscles in his own body. Every day it seems Sunn has to update, again and again, his knowledge of just how powerful these T-2K Race women are! But he still wondered about something... "I've seen and heard about electric trucks. Don't you use those?" Brad spoke first, as Angela's cheeks once again puffed outward with TWO mouthfuls of food. "We use electric trucks, kept charged by solar photo-voltaics, for BIG deliveries to major construction sites. But they are driven by smaller people, you know, that are not so strong." "Yeah!" continued Angela, hastily clearing her mouth for speech with a big gulp, "They keep me for all the dirty, heavy work!" Later the conversation turned to Constance's and Beverly's jobs. As to Constance and Beverly, they were identified by occupations of a much lighter, nicer, and brainy nature, rather than the brawny nature of Brad's and especially Angela's work. Constance was an Electronics Engineer who designed new products or found ways to improve existing ones. Her work-day was filled with formulas, mind-boggling algebra and other math, and reams and reams of figures, making the computer absolutely essential in her work. Beverly was a bottle or container designer. With almost an entire factory filled only by computer controlled bottle-making machinery of various types at her disposal, Beverly took orders from customers who needed packaging for their liquid products, and turned out the appropriate container, with their company name and design preference and other characteristics they wanted. She used Computer-Aided-Drafting software to design the containers, and other software to actually effect control on a bottle making machine. When asked about HIS profession, Sunn had to lie saying he was a private investigative reporter for a branch of government. Under the pretense of his work being of a somewhat secretive type, he avoided other questions about it so that he would not have to tell too many complex, involved lies! After supper, Sunn resumed sitting on the sofa, watching a show on TV. He felt quite chilly again, having left the loving warmth of Beverly's side, and Angela, the furnace, who left the table already anyway. He was dressed only in a brief thong with a cold draft wafting across the room. He resisted chattering his teeth, but an occasional convulse of his jaws would clack his teeth together once or twice from time to time. He was border-line of down right shivering. Angela was there too, in an easy chair watching TV. At the moment, Beverly and Constance were gabbing away about something that had them pre-occupied, with Brad listening but inputting little. Sunn tried to push himself into the sofa and next to some sofa-pillows for warmth. He even found himself sitting on the right end of the sofa next to the easy chair Angela was in, unconsciously seeking her warmth, but he still involuntarily shivered from time to time. Suddenly, Angela spoke loudly, her powerful voice easily heard over the TV and Beverly's and Constance's yammering, "YO! BEV! Your squeeze is shivering here! Do somethin' 'bout it or I will! Don't let him suffer so! He'd feel cute in my lap! Or in my cunt!" Beverly immediately broke off her yakking and clamored past chairs and a book-case used as a divider between dining and living areas over to Sunn. "I'm sorry Sunn, I didn't know you were cold!" Beverly apologized. Angela scolded Beverly, "What's wrong wit' you? You grab a sweater but don't offer one to the cutie? You should've known, he's your type!" "Well we wouldn't need sweaters anyhow if it wasn't for you opening all the windows turning this place into a refrigerator!" Beverly retorted. "Everybody opens their windows on these mild evenings, my gosh, it's summer!" Angela insisted. "Only to you ice-people! Feel that..." Beverly held her hand just in front of a window close to the sofa, feeling the chilly air sinking in. "It feels like somebody left the ice-box door open! It's LATE summer, almost autumn and we had a cold front come through a few days ago anyway. Only a SNOW-MAN would say THAT'S warm!" Beverly soundly closed the window without asking. "At least close this one, so near him!" Angela demanded, "Hey! Open it back up and get him a sweater, dummy!" "AWW SHIT-UP!" Beverly demanded, using that "new" word she coined. Constance came marching in, demanding, "ALL RIGHT YOU TWO! CAN IT! The fact that non-Betas need a colder environment is a non- arguable fact! It is easier to stay warm than it is to stay cool! So leave the windows open for Angela and your Father to stay cool, while we can wear sweaters! You're wearing yours just for looks anyway, so let Sunn wear yours, as we don't have any others in his size... except heavy winter coats of course." Constance, gesturing toward the window that was being argued over, continued, "Now Angela, sometimes with guests, you have to accommodate a bit. We'll leave all the OTHER windows open, but lets keep this one closed, since it IS so near the living room." "Yes Mom." agreed Angela reluctantly. Beverly saw the opportunity for a "show" for Sunn. She walked up in front of him, saying, "Mom's right, I don't need it! You wear it! My hot bod has already preheated it for you!" Beverly slowly, with sensuous deliberation, began stripping the sweater off. All her movements were "choreographed" for balance, poise, and opportunities for sexy poses! Indeed, Sunn ogled with enthusiasm as Beverly grasped the lower edge of the sweater and began to peel, up and out. First exposed was a hard tummy of ridged muscles, followed by a well built breast line of large pecs underneath ample mammaries that were topped with good sized nipples. In fact, the edge of the sweater snagged on one nipple! She completed the strip, pulling the sweater over and past her head, purposely using the sweater to fling her lustrous black hair out freely, letting it fall back with some of it stringing across her face partially concealing one eye. With her hair streaming across her face so, it imparted a look to Beverly similar to if she had just been captured and brought in from the wild. Then, bending cleanly at the waist as if bowing, all the while maintaining exemplary posture and, by the way, giving Sunn a good look at her ample bust-line as would be seen from above, Beverly brought the sweater down over Sunn's head, and thereby helped him work it on. Indeed, the sweater DID feel good! Just as Beverly said, it was already warm. In addition, it was sexy in a way, knowing it had just come off that awesome body being shown off in front of him! "It feels good, Beverly, thanks! But aren't you cold?" Beverly, striking a sexy, confident pose, legs spread, raised her arms up and behind her head in a sort of stretching action, and draped her long, silky black hair over her arms and then let it fly! Then twirling, with her long hair swirling luxuriantly around with her, she let Sunn take in the sexy beauty of her body from all angles! Sunn's eyes were locked on! Beverly said in a most sensuous tone, "Not cold at all... I feel WONDERFULLY WARM!" With a final couple of poses, she sat down beside Sunn, squeezed him pressing her prominent, hard nipples into his side, and placing one of her big, muscular brown-skinned legs across his lap! She asked, "Are you warm now?" Sunn replied, almost gasping, "Not only warm, hot! Whew! Maybe you can open that window now!" Angela slowly clapped her hands in a facetious manner. "Bra-Vo! Good show!" Angela said in sarcasm. Beverly continued caressing and fondling Sunn after a quick facial sneer directed toward Angela from behind Sunn's head so as he did not see it. With a big, practically naked, horny woman beside him, Sunn could hardly concentrate on the TV show they were supposedly watching! Beverly's fingers walked all over Sunn's body, under his sweater, feeling this, feeling that. Pulling the sweater off of his pubic area, she caressed and fondled his penis which was already pushing up a mound in the thong. Beverly changed position on the sofa so she was directly facing him then continued to fondle. In that position she was on her knees with her big legs spread, part straddling his lap, and part sitting on his lap, while facing him. She knew she could not fully sit on his lap for her weight would be uncomfortable to him. (Alas, there are SOME disadvantages in being a BIG Amazon Woman!) Sunn's penis having hardened out and, with Beverly's fingers' assistance, long since escaped the thong that once held it way behind and below, ached for the inside of Beverly's body. Observing Beverly's soaked g-string patch, and her heavy breathing, Sunn didn't know why she did not lead him to her bed-room where they could REALLY thrash it out! Then Sunn noticed Beverly reaching to the strings of her g-string which were merely tied in a bow-tie on either side of her shapely hips. That is all that held it up! Using both hands, Beverly pulled at the dangling ends of both bow-ties, releasing them! The strings fell to either side of her body, but the triangle patch stuck on her vagina due to the wetness. Another jerk on the strings and the patch came off. Now, a hot, steaming, slicked up genital was just an inch away from Sunn's fully extended, hard aching penis! Sunn thought, is she going to do it in here!? With that big Angela just a few feet away in the adjacent chair, and Constance just over there, still at the dining table looking at a newspaper while Brad was in the kitchen washing dishes!? YES!!! Beverly, with her arms around Sunn's waist, just pulled a bit, ramming her knees into the cushion of the sofa and pulling Sunn's body that last inch for insertion. She had to lift herself up quite a bit to clear that throbbing penis! She let herself back down with her precious warm, loving, penis hugging vagina squarely over Sunn's aching, hard genital! In his penis went, burrowing deep into the warmth of Beverly's loving body, driven by the very weight of her body itself, up to and seemingly past the hilt! It was POTENTIALLY embarrassing in front of the other family members, but it felt SO GOOD! Sunn was too overwhelmed by pleasure to be embarrassed! "OOOOHHHHH!!!" Sunn groaned loudly, helpless to prevent it! The pleasure was so intense, Sunn felt he was going to explode! Beverly rocked her hips side to side just made it worse! There in front of Beverly's entire immediate family, Sunn was helpless as he moaned and groaned, desperately fighting to prevent from out and out wailing! But Beverly led the way, however, wailing loudly as orgasm rocked and socked its way through her body! She began screaming at the top of her lungs, huffing and puffing and thrusting madly, shaking the entire sofa to the point of the sofa's support pods slapping the floor! Angela had put up with the distraction of sexual fore-play going on right beside her while watching a show on TV. But now with Beverly wailing and screaming at the top of her voice, bouncing wildly up and down over Sunn and causing the sofa to bounce with her, Angela had enough. "TAKE IT TO YOUR BED-ROOM, YOU SELFISH LITTLE TWERP!" Constance, at the dining table, put down her newspaper and said loudly, to be heard over Beverly, "ANGELA! CHILL! Beverly can't help herself now! I've seen YOU fuck with guys in here as well!" Beverly's orgasm pulled Sunn screaming into orgasm too. After the two of them finally simmered down some, Beverly still continued to vigorously thrust her vagina, up, down, up, down, her vagina-lips tightly massaging the entire, still hard shank of Sunn's penis. Like any other hot-blooded Mountain Race maiden, one orgasm was not even NEAR enough for her. Knowing that, Constance ordered, "Okay Beverly, take him to your bed-room and have it out there! Angela's watching a show!" Beverly, panting heavily, replied breathlessly, "Okay Mom!". Her face grimmicing with what appeared to be pain, Beverly lifted herself off Sunn, pulling all that flesh out of her still aching genital. She rose slowly, apparently unable to withstand the torment of evacuating her body of Sunn's engorged penis. Inch after inch after inch of it came slurping out of her starved, soaked vagina, seemingly taking an eternity to clear. It was most uncomfortable to Sunn as well, to expose his entire, fully engorged penis to the chilly air. It pained him as well to have that wonderfully loving, warm body suddenly draw away. "Come on Sunn, quickly! I can't stand it!" Beverly pleaded as she grabbed Sunn's hands pulling him to his feet. Hurriedly, the two of them hustled down the hallway, both their pubic areas dripping, then slipped into Beverly's bed-room and slammed the door behind. Beverly's soaked g-string patch fell to the living-room floor just in front of the sofa, unknown to her. Her bed-room was not completely dark. Through a STILL-OPENED window with no curtains, it was warmly and softly lit by the amber glow of a street lamp, a feature rising from the fact that her bed-room DID face the street. Sunn thought the low, warm light was nice, but Beverly CLICKED ON THE LIGHT! That was NOT so nice, for Sunn noted, if on the bed, which was right beside the window, anybody outside could easily see the sexual action going on inside. Well, no time to belabor that. Beverly pulled Sunn to the bed with her. She tore off his sweater. She laid down first, then supine, pulled Sunn over her. "OOOOHHHH! MAN! I CAN'T STAND IT!!" she wailed, "OOOHHHH! FUCK ME HARD! DRILL MY PUSSY OUT LIKE YOU NEVER DRILLED BEFORE! I CAN TAKE ANYTHING YOU GIVE!" With his penis more than fully hardened out, engorged and aching terribly like it was going to blow up, Sunn did just what Beverly asked. Ignoring that opened, curtainless window, he rammed his penis into her vagina, and thrashed it around in there with force enough to shake Beverly's body and her bed both! Rocking his hips from side to side, pulling on Beverly's wide shoulders with his arms as if doing pull-ups and even digging his toes in the bed and pushing with his feet, it appeared as if he intended to rip Beverly's inside to pieces. But just as she said, she took it all with exceeding pleasure! Wailing, screaming and hollering from orgasm after orgasm, it sounded like from the living room and from outside Beverly's bed- room window, like a man and a woman were being tortured in there! It took an hour of such action, until, after one last blasting orgasm, Sunn fell limp, passed out. Beverly finished out an orgasm she was in the middle of, then finally had enough herself. Huffing and puffing, the two simmered down and soon afterward, fell asleep, the bed-room light still on. Later, Constance, noticing the silence was at last permanent, rose from her chair, grabbed a light sheet from the hall-closet, entered Beverly's room and draped the sheet over Beverly and Sunn as they slept. She also partially closed the window from which a chilly draft was sinking in right over the sleeping couple. Constance left the window ajar about an inch. On the way out of Beverly's bed- room, Constance turned off the light, and gently closed the door. Later, no telling how much later, Sunn woke up, warm and cozy in Beverly's arms with one of her legs over him as well. Additionally, under the sheet, it was just too comfortable a condition to disturb! So he simply lay there, soaking it in! It was dark, and the gentle murmur of a pedaled vehicle using, solar energy driven city wafted gently through the inch-ajar window, along with the soft, warm, amber-colored glow of the sodium vapor street-lamp outside. Sunn was so warm and cozy, he nearly forgot his situation and fell back asleep. But then it hit him squarely in his coziness- receptor... Py Nae Kot! He had to call Py Nae Kot! Sunn scrambled over Beverly and out of bed. The rest of the house was dark. Everybody in bed already. What the heck time is it!? Sunn wondered. He fumbled for a light. Finding one, he switched it on and searched out a clock. "Oh my gosh! 1 A.M! Where's a telephone!?" "Whatcha doin'?" came sleepily from behind him. It was Beverly. "I need to call Py Nae Kot! Where's a telephone?" "Pie what? Who?" asked Beverly. "My Lady... uh... ulp!" blurted Sunn. "OH! I SEE! Your MAIN WOMAN! Well, you stay HERE tonight! You be sure to tell her that! Also, do you have to check in with her all the time!? Where's your FREEDOM!?" "She, like me, moved here from afar off. This is a strange city to us. We check on each other all the time out of consideration for each other's concerns of each other's safety and so on. She does not mind me with you some nights, she just wants to know I'm alright." "Well, okay. Hurry up then and get back to bed with me. Maybe we fuck some more, or maybe just sleep. But I want you HERE tonight!" After Beverly showed him where the telephone was, he entered the number into it, selected "A" for Audio out of three buttons marked A=Audio call, D=Data (Computer) call, and V=Video plus audio subcarrier call then pressed "SEND". Nothing happens with the Central Capital's all-digital telephone system until the SEND button (or its equivalent code is sent, like, from a computer's serial port) is pressed. (For you techno-files, because the phone system IS all digital, computers do not need modems! Their serial port merely connects directly into the telephone socket. Over 300,000 bps is standard!) Py Nae Kot answered surprisingly quick. With a transmission quality so high that it sounded like Py Nae Kot was talking right into Sunn's ear, Sunn told her he was in the home of a woman named Beverly. He told her briefly that he met her today and was going to spend the night there and so on... "Is that okay? I'll come home if you want..." "WHAT!? YOU CHECK WITH HER!? YOU STAY WITH ME TONIGHT, NO CHOICE!" Beverly demanded, interrupting Sunn's talk. Py Nae Kot replied, "I heard her ordering you to stay! She sounds very dominant. But of course it's okay! I have already told you many times! In fact, I want you to spend the next two or three days and nights with her. THEN come back to me. If it'll make you feel better, I just got back home after a good hot fuck with Black Deer. His cock received yet another sampling of my hot cunt! So don't worry about CHEATING on me. That out-moded concept is nothing but an in-audible whisper in the air, from 69 million years ago! Now go back to Beverly, she sounds like to me she'll take GOOD care of you!" Sunn concluded the call and hung up. Sunn thought to himself, "Boy, she's taking to this life-style like a duck to water. It seems like indeed, Py Nae Kot belonged here all along!" "Well, did your Mistress give you permission?" asked Beverly somewhat sarcastically. Sunn insisted, "Look, chill! I told you it's just formality and politeness. I can stay here as long as I want!" Sunn stretched the truth a bit there, but he just wanted Beverly to calm down. Only now beginning to feel comfortable with this new approach to relationships, he just wanted to go back to bed with Beverly, and get cozy again. "Okay then! I'm taking you back to bed. I gotta get up and go to work a little early to complete an order from a major customer." Sunn did not expect it, but Beverly bodily picked him up, all 210 pounds of him, and carried him to bed. "Hey, for goodness sake, you don't have to do this!" "Yes I do! I just wanna make sure you don't go anywhere. You're coming back to bed with me!" But Sunn secretly felt excited by such possessive treatment. She joined him under that sheet, and just as Sunn hoped, put that big, muscular leg across his body and her big, loving arms around his waist and back, and drew him close to her warm, firm bosom! Ahh! He immensely enjoyed!... It turned out Beverly was just like Py Nae Kot in the way she would wake up incredibly libidinous in the morning. Just like so many times with Py Nae Kot, Sunn was awakened by Beverly over him, pumping and thrusting a sopping wet, hot pubic- zone over his legs and over a limp penis. But it was not limp for long, as Beverly's hot, wet genital kept driving over it. And just like Py Nae Kot's, Beverly's cunt seemed able to suck his partially erected penis right into itself! Furious pumping and thrusting soon led Beverly to screaming loudly as orgasm seized her body. It took her three such orgasms before she could calm down. After a short supplemental snooze, she was finally able to get up and get ready for work. Although Beverly has no pre-set time she must get to work, she generally, out of habit, gets up in time to have breakfast with her Father and Angela who DO have a pre-set time they must get to work. Constance is the late sleeper. While Brad, Angela, Beverly and Sunn get ready for the day, Constance snores away! SUNN DISCOVERS A STARTLING FACT ABOUT HIS BREAKFAST This Central Mountains Republic is so full of surprises! Sometimes they spring forth from unexpected places. We are going to take a quick look at a item in Sunn's breakfast that USUALLY would be boring and has no place in an account of adventure and discovery. But this is the Central Mountains Republic, a civilization existing in a epoch of time 69 million years future to our own. Also the society was reborn in the image of the Native North American 3500 years ago, those handsome folks we now know as "Beta". In such a far removed society and time, sometimes the common place can be startling... Sunn likes dry cereal with milk. It is one healthy eating habit he did not have to learn from the Mountain Race people because he already had it in Seattle, U.S.A. of the former era. There's nothing worse to a cereal lover than filling his bowel with his favorite cereal, heading for the refrigerator and, OOPS! No milk! Or maybe just a few meager drops left. Well that happen to Sunn that morning. "Say, Beverly, is there any more milk?" "In that container... oh, it's empty? I didn't know. We'll get some on the way home this afternoon." THAT'S no help to the milkless cereal lover! Sunn wanted milk YESTERDAY! Beverly suggested, "Here, you want some of my beans and lettuce?" "Well, okay," Sunn said. Disappointed, he began to carefully pour his bowel of cereal back into its box when the strong voice of Angela boomed through the hall from her room. "Give him some of... " she seemed to stop to giggle, then, "give him some of the other milk, you know, in the other refrigerator." Beverly replied, "But that's - oh!... uh... sure!" Sunn, hopeful, said, "There IS some more milk?" "There sure... (giggle) there sure is!" Sunn noticed Beverly giggling a bit and putting forth an effort to stifle it. He wondered why. "What's up? Why is that milk kept in there?" He saw Beverly go into a pantry that adjoins the kitchen only. There was another refrigerator, a small one, in there. She brought out a quart container of milk. "This is more expensive milk my Mom and Dad drink for better health. I just drink the cheap stuff. But here, you're worth it, Sweety!" Happy to be able to eat his cereal now, Sunn eagerly refilled his bowel and poured the expensive milk on it... along with the few drops left in the container of disappointment earlier. Beverly sat down beside him to eat. So did Angela; the same seating arrangement as last night. Sunn, in a long sleeve sweater over a thong bikini snuggled next to Beverly for warmth. Beverly only had on a g-string. Heat radiated from Angela's naked "furnace-body" for added warmth. As Sunn ate his cereal, he noticed the milk had a different taste. It was just fine though. He figured it was the special formula or what ever that made it a "health-milk" for Beverly's parents. Then he also noticed Angela glancing at him sometimes and stifling laughs. Once he noticed Angela and Beverly glance at each other followed by Beverly's shoulders quaking as she too tried to choke the wind out of a laugh. "What's with you two?" he asked. "Oh nothing. Just something Angela and I saw a few days ago that we though was silly." "And what was that?" "Uh... um... uh... It was um... some moron was trying to take sunlight into his house with a wheel barrow. He..." "HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!" roared Angela. Beverly tried to continue, "He... uh... said he wanted the sunlight for his potted plants!" "HAH-HAH-HAH!", Angela roared anew. "Heh, that IS funny!" agreed Sunn, then returned to his great tasting bowel of cereal and milk. But in the back of his mind, he did not quite believe that's what was making them laugh. That was an unlikely story. He continued to notice Angela and Beverly sharing giggles. In the kitchen, Beverly's Father also prepared cereal. He called from the kitchen, "We're out of regular milk, but I see you gave Sunn there some of Angela's milk. May I have some too?" Angela blasted into laughter so uncontrollably that she sprayed some of what was in her mouth out. Beverly broke into quakes of laughter as well. Sunn had enough. "Alright you two! What's going on!? You better come clean!" Beverly's Father came in with a bowel of cereal and milk. "What are you all laughing for? You haven't told him what milk this is?" Sunn insisted, "He just said, 'Angela's milk'. You said it's a health-milk for your parents. Is it for Angela or who?" Beverly still shaking with laughter got out, "It's not FOR Angela, it's OF Angela - HAH-HAH-HAH - FROM her that is!" With both Angela and Beverly laughing loudly, Beverly's Father cracked a smile too, and began to laugh softly. "Come on! Come clean! What is this milk? Where does it come from!?" Sunn insisted. Angela put her hands to her huge bosom and held her big mammaries, "It don't come from NO WHERE ELSE but RIGHT HERE FROM THESE TWO THINGS! HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!" Angela rocked back and bellowed with laughter as she saw the look on Sunn's face! "How does it taste?" asked Beverly's Father. "Well, FINE! It tastes different, but fine! I like it! But golly, I would have never guessed in a thousand years..." More laughter filled the room! Finally, as they laughed themselves out, Beverly's Father explained. "The most expensive milk in the grocery store is human milk. Usually it is the milk of the ladies of the race that Angela and I are part of. With Angela's big breasts, I thought she could make extra money by expressing it and selling it to grocery stores." Angela continued herself, "When I first started expressing, nothing came out. But they say lots of fucking and using the expressor even if nothing comes out will start the breasts producing. Well, they did! And after that, it's just a matter of continued expressing until the milk is plentiful and full bodied." Beverly's Father completed, "We have a pasteurizer in the pantry plus an ultra-violet... one of those thingies that makes the milk produce vitamin D. Then we bottle it in quart containers and refrigerate it. We regularly take batches of it to grocery stores. They pay good money!" Well! Sunn will never look at his bowel of cereal the same way again! BEVERLY'S PLEASANT WORK IN A PLEASANT DOWNTOWN After breakfast, Beverly bathed, blow-dried her long hair, and strung on another teeny blue g-string... that's it for the clothes! Go to work without Sunn? Maybe, in the U.S.A. of our time-epoch. But not here in the Central Mountains Republic. Beverly dragged Sunn with her to the container factory. "Are we walking there?" asked Sunn as Beverly, carrying a small brief-case, simply went out the door and to the side-walk and began walking. Sunn felt she had an attractive walk. Strong, big strides with plenty of rippling muscle in her dark-brown legs carried her quickly. Sunn had to walk hard to keep up. Her lean hips swayed; her breasts bounced just a little and her long black hair streamed behind her, swept by the breeze of her fast walk. "Yes, we are walking there. Are you up to it? It'll take about 20 minutes." "Sure, I'm up to it, but I just wondered why don't you use the pedal, er, use the car?" Sunn forgets to just say "car" when referring to pedal-cars. Being the staple transportation device, natives have no need to say "pedal" all the time, just as we, of the U.S.A. or Canada of our time, do not say "MOTOR-car". "Nah! I like it better this way. More freedom to do as I please. I can stop anywhere, look at things, talk to folks, and I just love the fresh morning air on my body, and the way it feels to breath it! Don't you?" "Yeah! You're right. It IS nice just to walk." "Besides, when walking, I can take all kinds of short-cuts. Some short-cuts even go through pretty areas." Sunn felt just a tad chilly in his white thong in 45 degree morning air. Walking briskly to keep up with Beverly, however, helped him warm up. The Container Factory occupied the second and third story of a building of 15 stories in Central Capital's down-town. The first or ground floor was a department store. All the other floors had no windows. Except for the store, the entire building was occupied by various manufacturers whose factories were entirely computer controlled. That was the case for the Container Factory. They climbed the stairs to the second story, Beverly entered a number-code into a key-pad and entered. After they went inside, Sunn saw the steady gaze of red, green, blue and white orbs staring at them out of the total darkness. After Beverly switched on the lights, he saw the "eyes" were various pilot and indicator lights on the machines and computers; the sole occupants of the factory until Beverly and himself arrived. Once inside, they climbed another stairway to the third story where Beverly promptly found a computer terminal, seated herself before it and began work on designing a container for an order. She told Sunn to wander about and look but do not touch anything. Sunn soon found out why he was dragged along. As she worked, severe sexual urges would sometimes interfere with her concentration. She would find Sunn, have quick, hot sex, then with clear mind, get back to work. They were at the factory for three hours, during which Beverly had sex with Sunn four different times. Sunn asked after that fourth time, "What did you do before I was here?" "CLIMB THE WALLS! If David is here I can fuck with him. But otherwise, I can not concentrate with my cunt aching and throbbing away! Sometimes I have no choice but to find something I can stick in my cunt and masturbate!" Lunch break was a two hour period of walking around Central Capital's down-town which, by the way, is very picturesque! It is a very pleasing down-town to say the least. Sound levels are much lower, thanks to pedal-driven traffic. Country-fresh, clean air is a courtesy of pedal-driven traffic along with the few trucks and busses being electric, and solar energy. Elm trees and cherry trees line the streets, their leaves fluttering with greens, green-yellows and yellows against a severe- clear blue sky. Each tree has a black, wrought-iron fence around the trunk for protection. The trees provide cool shade and soothing whispers of fluttering leaves. Small stores selling this and that all have ornate entrances, usually of wood. Many have cases of blooming flowers in front of their display glass. Most restaurants have open fronts with either an awning covering all the tables, or sun-umbrellas over each table. Sunn enjoyed the over-all atmosphere which was soothing and healthful. They had lunch in a restaurant with an open front, sitting on ornate wrought iron chairs and round table with awning over head... One may have seen these things and felt this atmosphere in a pre-motor-vehicle Paris France in April... except, of course, the people of France had a lot more clothes on! Sunn had no choice, however, but to eat that all-vegetarian fare of the Mountain Race People. Various lettuce-like items, vegetables similar to carrots, celery and such along with some dishes containing various nuts made up his and Beverly's lunch. A delightful mix of various cut fruits stirred together, washed down by a fruit juice with crushed bits berries in it, completed a refreshing, vegetable and fruit-based lunch. Then a stroll through a park, and it was back to the factory for another two and a half hours. Beverly had sex with Sunn two more separate times during that period. So that he could be ready for her, Sunn had to keep from climaxing himself every time... he simply could not EVERY time... Not that many times a day! Beverly had a libido that never rested it seemed. She said, "Every time I have something I must concentrate on, it gets like this. Whenever I sit in front of that computer with design work to do, my cunt starts up, almost right away! It IS a bother, it slows me down! Whenever I do design work, I almost have to have a room full of guys with hard cocks to fuck every 15 minutes! Once I tried getting a guy to sit in the chair with cock hardened out, and I sat on him, facing him with his cock deep inside me, while I faced the computer. Then I'd have a cock in that bothersome cunt the whole time, but, THAT didn't work out at all." "MAN! What a problem! I know what you mean though, I've experienced it before, especially doing school home-work. I get a hard one while I'm trying to figure out an algebra exercise and can't concentrate. I can only think about sticking it into a woman! But it doesn't happen to me as often as you say about yourself." "Yeah! It happens ALL THE TIME to me! Once I even saw a Doctor about it, to see if there was a drug that would quiet that thing down. You know what she found?" "What?" "My clitoris, you know, that little thing inside a woman's cunt that has most of the sexual feeling, is so big it keeps getting caught between my vagina lips!" "OH MAN! Golly! The clitoris! Yeah, you know, Py Nae Kot taught me to suck... uh... ehem, well, your clitoris is THAT big? I've never noticed..." "Py Nae Kot, eh? Is that your big Fed-Mama? She taught you to suck it? I've heard of gals that do that. Usually they're country women that haven't been genetically engineered in a while. They have small clitorises so they can't always orgasm from just a guy's cock goin' in. They need their man to suck on it some to get them going first. Something like that, I've heard... and the Doctor told me." "Huh! Genetic engineering again! What does THAT have to do with clitoris size and so on?" "A lot! The Doctor explained it to me. Indeed, it is what ails me, myself! A few thousand years ago, the population was dwindling from unknown causes. It does every few thousand years for reasons no scientist has explained. Well, the government of that time ordered genetic engineers to effect genetic changes that would cause the clitoris in women to be made larger and placed in a slightly different position so that the clitoris would be adequately stimulated by the penis coming in. You see, what was happening, women were masturbating, teaching men to suck on their clitoris, using mechanical devices and all sorts of other stuff to help them orgasm since sticking a cock in didn't always do it. Using all these other things, the government thought, was discouraging true fucking which is what causes babies to be conceived. They thought, if all women could orgasm from just the penis, they would drop all this other stuff and just go for that. And so the population would increase from the increased birth rate." "GOOD GRIEF! Well, I can see their reasoning... a little bit, but all that 'other stuff' is sometimes a break from standard fucking, you know, for variety. Well continue, what does that have to do with you?" "Well, in those days, they were doing everything with genetic engineering anyway. And it was before the days of an almost all Beta-Race government like we have now. So genetic engineering was rampant, unchecked. So anyway, the Genetic Engineers did it, the clitoris was made a little bigger and repositioned slightly. And, it WORKED! Women could easily orgasm from simple, cock into cunt type of sex! The engineering made women hotter, generally, as well! By the time the Beta Race government arrived, it was too late. ALL computer disks, and ALL the population had the genetics for the different clitorises in them. Later, it got into us Betas as well! You remember Mom telling you she had me genetically engineered to be all Beta-Race? Well, when they engineer the genetics of a half- blood person, they usually use one of several disks of genetic code which is more or less standard. Mixed with one's own, the individuality is preserved, but one becomes partially 'standardized'. Anyway, with it came the genetic code for a big and repositioned clitoris. And that's what I got!" "GOOD GOSH A MIGHTY! WHAT YOU..." Sunn ALMOST said, "you people", which would have indicated his out-of-worldness. He stammered and continued, "uh... WHAT YOU CAN'T DO with genetic engineering!" "That's for sure! Well anyway, the Doctor said I have a clitoris that gets in the way, or pressed against or even slightly pinched by the inner lips of my vagina. It is like, as you say, there is some guy ever-so-gently sucking on it, all day long! So I'm constantly aroused. I love to fuck, but I gotta make a living too!" "Is there nothing that can be done?" "The Doctor mentioned the possibility of surgically bobbing my clitoris, but she herself recommended against it. She said, when I sit, that thing gets stuck between my vagina's lips particularly bad. She suggested that I use my fingers to push it inside after I sit down. I do, but GOLLY! MAN! When I touch it, I just... just... can't stand it! And then, after I change positions a few times in my chair, it just ends up there again!" "Golly! What a hell of a problem. So there's nothing that you can do?" "Drugs! The Doctor said drugs might calm it down, but only temporarily. She said to use such drugs only when I have work to do that requires concentration. So I tried a few... Well, one drug made me so sleepy I couldn't do any work. Another drug suppressed the horniness for an hour and a half. Then when it wore off, my cunt went absolutely crazy! I had to fuck every 10 minutes, either with Dave or some other man, or masturbate! I had to quit for the day for I just couldn't concentrate! I went on a fucking binge for the next two days that seem like it was going to do me in! Whatever it was finally wore off. So I never took THAT drug again! So I don't know what to do... except keep a guy handy!" "Boy! What a problem! And too big a clitoris. Funny, I've never noticed!" "That's cause you haven't looked! You just plowed your big cock up in there without really looking what you plowin' it in TO! You can see it now! I'll show ya'!" Beverly, while still sitting, untied the strings of her g-string then pulled it away, pulling the strings out from under her. The strings slipped easily under her since they slipped through a "corridor" provided by the cleavage of her buttocks buns. She rolled her chair back from the computer terminal to where the light shown on her crotch. She spread her big, muscular legs... "Here Sunn, kneel down here and you can see..." Of course, Sunn eagerly kneeled and looked her wet vagina over. Indeed, among all that wetness, he observed a pinkish looking thing stuck between the lips of her vagina. It actually was quite obvious. "It must really be big to be in there like that! Can I?..." Sunn gazed at Beverly's face for an answer while Sunn approached her soaked genital with his fingers. Beverly only moaned, smiling, closing her eyes expecting the inevitable pleasurable feeling she knew was coming if she just let him go... And go he did. With his fingers, Sunn gently pulled the lips of her vagina apart. "OOHHH! OOO! THAT FEELS - ("!GASP!") - OHH! THAT FEELS EXCITING!" Her clitoris lolled in there, big, thick and long. It must have been a full three times bigger than what he observed on Py Nae Kot! Tempted, and then on impulse, Sunn approaches her vagina with his face, his penis growing hard, his lips ready... but the chair edge gets in the way of his chin. Seeing this, Beverly slouches a bit, bringing her vagina up to the edge of the chair, and rotating it upward as well, accommodating Sunn. She KNEW what he was going to do! His lips hardly touched that big, pink hunk of vaginal projection when Beverly began to groan loudly. When Sunn pulled it into his lips with a suck, Beverly screamed, and began thrusting her crotch uncontrollably. Her thrusting crotch hampered Sunn, but he sucked and held on Beverly's piece of flesh. Water poured profusely from her vagina and she roared into orgasm, violently! She rose from that chair, grabbed Sunn and threw him to the ground. She jumped on top, rammed his penis in and proceeded to rant and wail away for the next several minutes. She was so violent, she roughed Sunn up, sexually molesting him in her out-of-control condition. Later, exhausted and at last gratified, she rolled off him and laid on her back on the floor next to a bruised up Sunn. She advised him, panting, "Maybe you best not suck me anymore! It's just TOO MUCH!" "WOW!" Sunn laughed, "Apparently so! Okay, I won't!" ... Silence ... Beverly, still laying on her back, on the floor said, "Will you suck me again?" "Only if you don't beat me up again!" "When you suck me, I'm not responsible for what I do!" "Oh well, I love gettin' beat up!" Beverly raised her knees by drawing her feet toward her body, and spread her legs. Sunn positioned himself and stuck his face in there, in between those powerful legs. They could crush his skull. But somehow, Beverly does not as she is treated to another example of what is a lost art to the Mountain Race People, the art of entertaining a woman sexually with oral sex! Beverly awoke cradled in Sunn's arms. Her big brown eyes gazed into his, expressing 10,000 thank-yous. She finally got up, saying, "I gotta finish my work!" Beverly completed the design and downloaded the new container design to one of the computers that controlled the container making machinery. After checking the machine was okay and had sufficient raw materials for the run, that was it. Beverly and Sunn went home. Beverly said, "Tomorrow morning the containers will be ready for shipping!" So that was it with Beverly's fun filled, easy going work day. Constance had similar hours. They would work any where from zero to 14 hours a day depending on orders. However, they WOULD WORK whether or not it was Saturday or Sunday, if required, to get an order filled. However, Brad and Angela had to follow a stricter regimen. For them it was Monday through Friday, seven to ten hours a day of, especially for Angela, grueling, HEAVY lifting. Some sibling rivalry and jealousy between Angela and Beverly was to be expected. But despite the snits that Beverly and Angela get into, there seemed to be love there never the less. That evening, Beverly offered to give Angela a day's pay so she could take the day off and join Constance, Beverly herself, and Sunn on an outing; a picnic and a climb and dinner in the CMR Tower. They would also visit other parks. Beverly was showing Sunn the Central Capital since he said he was a newcomer. Brad had a paid day off, so he would join them too. Sunn indeed spent a second evening and night with Beverly, dumping his sex-love as hard as he could into her ravenous vagina and treating her to more of that oral sex. Then of course came the day of the outing to CMR Tower. Remember, the day Beverly and Sunn first met, because of the way they carried on, they ended up never going up the tower. Well this time they did. The weather was great, cool and crisp, as August gave way to the first day of September. A third evening with Beverly, and Sunn was becoming familiar with this family's routines, as if he were a member. The next day, Beverly had duties at the factory, and since David, a co-worker and Manager of the Container Factory was going to be there, she finally, reluctantly, gave Sunn "permission" to go home, back to Py Nae Kot. But only for a while! "Come back soon!" Beverly commanded, "or I'll come after you. David doesn't know about that sucking my clitoris like you, I'm gonna miss that! If you don't come back, I'll kidnap you from your Fed- Mama and make a slave of you, never to see your Fed-Mom again! Understand!?" Sunn submissively said softly, "Yes ma'am". Sunn started toward the door to go out when suddenly... \ | / -WHAP!- / | \ A resounding slap on Sunn's bare butt stung severely. Dressed only in a brief thong bikini, his buns were bare. They took the full force of the painful slap that jiggled both his buns violently. Delivered by Beverly, the smack on his rear nearly knocked him over! "What'cha do THAT for!? That REALLY hurt!" wailed Sunn as he rubbed both his buns with his hands. "That's so that when you get home to your Fed Mama, she'll see the red imprint of MY hand on your ass, and she'll know you're part mine! Now hurry and go before I change my mind and keep you here!" Still smarting, Sunn went out Beverly's home's door into the street. All during the walk home, he was embarrassed wondering if really, there was a red mark on his butt.