The Central Mountains Republic, part 4 by Joe Rathbone CONTACT IS MADE! At last the Goddess spoke, almost startling Py Nae Kot, saying, "Please fasten seat belts and harnesses and secure any object that may be out. We are beginning our final approach to the Central Capital Airport. We are now in contact with the auto-landing control computer at the Airport control center. Please do not attempt disengagement of automatic controls. The weather at Central Capital Airport is basically calm and clear, with a few puffy clouds floating by. The wind is out of the north at 20 miles per hour with a temperature of 39 degrees. Touch down will be in about 10 minutes with disembarkment about 15 minutes. Again, fasten seat belts and harnesses and relax as landing is accomplished automatically." "Yes MA'AM, CAPTAIN MA'AM, SIR!" Py Nae Kot responded saluting, facetiously. "Look at the radio!" Sunn said all of a sudden, "Its changing frequency by itself!" Indeed, the digital read-out of the Nav-Com was changing its frequency, set long ago for Bermuda General Airport's Controller. Py Nae Kot said, "I guess Captain Goddess controls that too!" Mom scolded, "Py Nae Kot! Show more reverence to Goddess!" The radio came to life with a "ksst" sound, followed by the voice of a woman... "Hi, I'm Red Dove, President of the Central Mountains Republic. Am I speaking with, uh.. Miss Py Nae Kot?" "Wow! What th..." started Sunn. Py Nae Kot picked up the mic and pressed the button to speak, "Yeah, this is she." The voice over the radio continued, "I called as soon as the airport's automatic guidance system made contact with your plane. Since they are all identified by an ID signal, my staff knew it was your plane, so I was alerted to call you! I just wanted to check if it was really you and how you were!" Py Nae Kot answered, "We are okay all be it a bit shaken up by a wild ride through... I don't know WHAT exactly, and this trip through wonderland to your village! What the hell's going on anyway!? What's the Central Mountains Republic!?" "Py Nae Kot!" ordered her Mother, "Address Red Dove with more respect!" The radio carrying Red Dove's voice replied, "You are being shown the way HOME, Miss Py Nae Kot! Give us the chance to show it to you. Let us explain how we found you and knew who you were! Then you may stay or go back, it will be up to you!" White Dove commanded, "There really IS something special for you going on! You tell her we will stay, young lady, and be polite! I feel this has something to do with OUR people, the Native Northwest Americans. And YOU, somehow, are the crux, though far be it from me to know what they would want with a rebellious slut like you!" "Well, okay Mom, but it pisses me off the way they practically hijacked us off our heading! It's air piracy! Pulled off in a high- tech manner perhaps, but it boils down to air piracy, period!" replied Py Nae Kot. Her Mother suggested, "Look, if you KNEW for SURE that NATIVE AMERICANS were doing this, would you still be as resentful? It may have something to do with Andy Black Deer! It may be something to do with Native Americans or something like them. After all, that President just introduced herself as Red Dove. Such a descriptive name is an Native American custom." Sunn chimed in, "And SOMEBODY had to program the computer controlling this jet to draw that picture of a Native American Goddess. Somebody familiar with Native American legend!" Then, on top of that, Py Nae Kot's Father Robert Blue Owl added, "And nobody seems to be taking much notice; she who calls herself Red Dove also said she is PRESIDENT of... what ever that name was... of this country! So this country is run by a WOMAN PRESIDENT!" "All right, all right," Py Nae Kot conceded, "Maybe I should leave the chip on my shoulder back in the other time... if that's what it was... and chill out." Py Nae Kot picked up the mic and replied to the Woman President, Red Dove, "I will welcome the chance to see you, and learn of the Central Mountains Republic! Judging from just this wondrous aircraft that we are yet flying in, you must have a fabulous culture indeed!" "Excellent!" replied Red Dove, "I will be out to the airport personally to escort you to the Central Capital and set you up in some comfortable quarters! Surely you are tired and hungry. You will be given meals and a chance to rest before I bombard you with a million questions and show you around!" Py Nae Kot replied, "Fine, but, I need to tell you, there are others with me... My Mother, Father, and favorite guy, er that is, my gentleman friend are all with me!" "All the BETTER! I already KNEW someone as dynamic as you surely would not be traveling alone! I will see to it that all four of you are provided for comfortably! Okay, I got to go now! It will take a little while for me to get to the airport. You'll probably get there first. See you! Bye!" "Roger that, Red Dove! Py Nae Kot out." As Py Nae Kot put back the mic, her Mother commented, "She sounds like such a delightful young Lady, that Red Dove! She seems so sweet, I can't wait to meet her!" The data on the screen now said "Touch down, 5 minutes". The plane banked rather sharply into a turn taking it on a westward heading to align itself with the airport runway, now clearly visible ahead. Air speed decreasing, flaps extending little by little, the ground came up closer and closer. As they peered out the windows, they could see they were flying over forests sometimes, then farms. As they drew very close to the airport, they could see farm fields were all around its north side, with forest lining the air-strip's south side. One of the fields had a few people in there. They strained their eyes mightily to see what they were like and what they were doing. "They have no clothes on!" remarked Sunn. He was on the side of the plane that faced north and therefore had a better view of the farm field with the people in it. "Are you sure?" asked Py Nae Kot, curious. "Either no clothes or ALMOST no clothes. They just seem to be working in the fields." But with air-speed still at 200 miles per hour, it was difficult to get a good look at anything. They continued to sink, lower and lower. The ground whizzing below them turned to grassy-green, then pavement-gray as they zoomed over the thresh-holds of the airport property, then the runway itself. At 160 miles per hour and full flaps, the EX-2000, all under control of the computer, touched down, smoothly and surely. Rear wheels first as they flared and touched runway, then the front wheels. Then up came the spoilers to produce drag and press the aircraft harder down on its wheels, then reverse thrust and hard braking. After several seconds of being pulled forward in their seats against the harnesses, the engines revved down, spoilers and flaps withdrawn. With their velocity down to a nice, safe taxiing speed, Sunn commented, "That was a pretty nice landing, Py Nae Kot!" "Yeah, sure! In this light, perfect weather and no other air traffic!" agreed Py Nae Kot reluctantly then continued, "I wonder what that bunch of transistors would have done in heavier weather, like rains, tricky cross-winds and the like or busy conditions." The CRT displaying the Goddess completely cleared and was replaced by "Central Capital Airport Services and some logo graphics. The computer's sound board then spoke, this time with a man's voice, "Welcome to Central Capital Miss Py Nae Kot and company. Please relax as automatic systems direct your aircraft to Lobby-Bay number Three." The entire instrument panel then went dark. The jet engines revved completely down and off. The wings of the EX-2000 retracted. The electric traction motor was activated and apparently the EX-2000 was controlled by either its own computer, or the airport's computer, or a combination of both in communication with each other to switch over to its Ground Mode. Py Nae Kot and company were becoming anxious to see just what this place is, and what the people or what ever inhabitants are like. The terminal buildings were in sight. All four individuals in the EX-2000 strained to see anybody, but there seemed to be nobody outside at the moment. "Remarkably quiet for an airport!" commented Py Nae Kot. The aircraft drove itself around the taxi ways, then to the terminal building, then on to a covered area in front of an entrance to the terminal. They finally caught sight of someone - they strained to see clearly - as they drew closer and closer, the individual who seemed to be waiting for them became clearer and clearer. The EX-2000 braked to a stop precisely in front of the walk way then shut itself off, all by computer control. Four pairs of eyes and four agape mouths all pointed in unison in the same direction. Waiting to greet them on the curb, with a bright, smiling face, was a big, tall, rugged, NAKED muscle woman... a GIANT of over SEVEN FEET! What an eye-full she was! Never before had three of them seen such a personality! It was the second time for Py Nae Kot, but not this close. A seven foot, two inch, 320 pound LEVIATHAN of a tanned brunette gal with dark reddish-brown hair and blue eyes greeted them with a sweet smile! And on second look, she was not COMPLETELY naked; her "clothing", if you want to call it that, was so teeny, it escaped notice! She had an athletic, well muscled body decorated in only a sheer, tiny silvery colored patch of cloth over her large, prominent genital. The lips of her vagina showed right through that material! Her firm, jumbo breasts, held high by straight posture and well developed pecs, jutted out free in the air! Her big nipples, surrounded by well defined areolas, caused her breasts to appear as huge, unblinking eyes. Bare-footed, an ornate necklace was her only other apparel. Well, she was the first denizen of the Central Mountains Republic they laid their eyes on. Py Nae Kot noted the Central Mountains Republic Lady with interest. Her Mother commented, "How do you like this place NOW? Seems like they have a dress style not to different from yours!" Py Nae Kot nodded her head in agreement and said, "Seems like they perhaps have overcome the hypocrisy of the society we just left!" Not surprisingly, Sunn, AND Blue Owl were mesmerized to a stupor by that gal, their eyes sticking out and their mouths hanging open! "HEY!" exclaimed White Dove to Father with an accompanying punch in the ribs, "A fly is going to go in that cave of yours if you don't close it!" After the EX-2000 stopped, the woman leaned over and opened the door for Py Nae Kot. As Py Nae Kot came out, a chilly breeze greeted her. The giant brunette helped White Dove as she came out of the back seat through the same door. (The EX-2000 is equipped only with left and right doors.) Sunn and Blue Owl came out the other door and joined the Ladies. White Dove commented, "Brrr!, Chilly out! Let me grab my coat!" The Father grabbed his coat too along with Sunn. As Sunn and Py Nae Kot's Parents rammed arms through sleeves and zipped up zippers, the Central Mountains Republic Native looked on curiously. The Central Mountains Republic Native, wearing only a 3 square- inch triangle of cloth over her genital and Py Nae Kot, in her usual sleeveless black t-shirt and split mini-skirt were wide open to the chill. But the near naked Native remained unaffected. Py Nae Kot at first felt refreshed, but soon, just a little TOO MUCH so. White Dove insisted, "This is a bit too chilly, you should wear your coat!" Py Nae Kot replied, "It's packed away in the baggage, I can't get to it with out a bunch of trouble. I'll be all right. I've been doing nothing but sitting the past few hours. I'll be fine once I start walking around." But the 39 degrees, given "teeth" by a gentle but relentless breeze, stung Py Nae Kot's bare arms. Without realizing it, she sometimes rubbed her upper arms with her hands to warm them up a bit. The temperature plus breeze was marginal at best for Py Nae Kot. But if there had been no breeze, she would have been perfectly comfortable. However, all the while, the big brunette showed absolutely NO signs of being cold. The big brunette spoke up and said, "My name is Eunice and I am here to show you around a bit, see that you're comfortable, and maybe answer some questions if I can." Py Nae Kot was the first of course, asking, "Have you been briefed as to who we are, that is, that we are not.. uh.. that is, not from your time?" "Yes, I am aware." replied Eunice. "Okay," continued Py Nae Kot, "I just wanted to be sure you understood the nature of my next question. What time of year is this?" "It is June," Eunice replied, "June 7, 1987" Py Nae Kot, knowing the world they left was 1991, said, "Wait a minute, 1987?" "Oh yeah, that's right, you DID come from some distant time; well the COMPLETE date is 6970-1987. I am not COMPLETELY up on just where you came from. Is it true, you came from the distant past?" Py Nae Kot answered, "Apparently. We went through some kind of... uh.. passage.. a portal I heard it called." "WOW! That's FASCINATING! People from the pre-historic past! Well, I'll not bother you about that anymore, I was told not to." Py Nae Kot probed more about the time, "Well, Okay. But you say it's June 7nth. Is it normally this cold?" Eunice replied, "You think this is cold? Your company sure seems to think it's cold, all bundled up like that. But no, it is not unusually cold for a late-spring cool snap. We have them sometimes. It's refreshing when the temperature has been running upper 70s and humid. In a few days, it will be that way again. So enjoy it while it lasts!" Eunice showed them into a lobby and into an area that looked a little like a restaurant or cafeteria. It was quiet at the moment. Eunice said, "Here, have a seat while I get you some refreshments!" Eunice walked through the swinging doors into the kitchen area. White Dove commented, "I see they don't heat their buildings! It's cold in here too. Boy, that big young lady sure has a thick skin to feel comfortable out there in that chilly breeze while practically naked!" Py Nae Kot observed, "Apparently the weather here has a definite bias towards the cool to cold. The people are probably completely acclimated, both genetically and otherwise." Eunice came out with a tray full of fruit drinks and assorted vegetables. The juice-drinks were a delight consisting of various berry juices mixed together with crumbled raspberries and black berries stirred in. And the tray of vegetables would delight... well, a vegetarian! Excellent for a diet anyway... there were no fried type snacks such as corn chips or anything with a lot of fat, salt or sugar. Eunice sat with them to chat a bit as they had their refreshments. Py Nae Kot did most of the talking, or asking of questions anyway. A sampling of some of the more interesting: Py Nae Kot asked, "Do all citizens of the Central Mountains Republic dress like you?" Eunice replied, "Yes, in the warmer seasons like now. In cooler weather, we may wear t-shirts, like the one YOU got on. Don't you want to take that off now that we are inside?" Sunn remarked, "Here's your chance, Py Nae Kot!" "Later perhaps. It's just a little 'airish' to me yet!" Eunice remarked, "Your skirt is interesting, we have skirts like that too. But what material is that? It looks so thick and rough." Py Nae Kot replied, "It's DENIM, blue denim. I like the way it looks on me, and its more comfortable than you think. Denim is tough, and so doesn't wear out so fast. Say, is this airport always this quiet?" "It is about normal." "But where is all the air traffic, the tourists, the..." "Oh, we do not have THAT kind of traffic. It is an experimenter's airport. Our government does not allow commercial carriers because it makes it too easy for riff-raff to enter and other interferences to our way of life. The only way for non-official people to enter our country is via the 400 mile dirt trail that comes to the Central Mountains Republic's south-west from Amerika." Py Nae Kot asked, "You mean, United States of America?" Eunice replied, "No, it's just called Amerika. President Red Dove will tell you more about that kind of stuff. I'm not really up on that." "How come, though this be separated from our society and time by 69 million years, do you speak English just like us?" Eunice shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. You will have to ask a Scientist. Red Dove will introduce you to some later." Py Nae Kot further asked, "Are all of your people as big as you?" Eunice explained, "Those of us with hair of all colors and lighter skin... those of us known by Genetic Engineers as the T-2K race, are like me. I'm about average. Most people here are the T-2K race. Those that Genetic Engineers call the Beta Race, are much like you, interestingly enough! They are smaller, like your height, maybe eight and a quarter hands tall, dark skinned with a lovely reddish hue, like yours! And their hair is as black as the darkest night! All of them, all have mid-night black hair. Like yours! Many of them also often wear more or bigger clothes than us of the T-K2 race. Maybe they feel cold like you. Also, most of those who rule are Beta Race. President Red Dove is a Beta Race." Py Nae Kot asked, "Most of those who rule, eh? And what do you mean, 'hair of all colors'?" "Well, you see my hair? It's dark reddish brown. But that is not the only color. Some of us have plain brown hair. Others have yellow, a few orange. There are also various light shades, like flaxen blond, golden blond, pink-blond, flesh blond and so on. So T-K2 race people have hair that can turn up to be most any color. But all Beta Race are consistently possessed of absolute black, night-black hair. Beta Race people are very pretty, like you, Py Nae Kot." Many questions Eunice answered just produced MORE questions. But Py Nae Kot knew Eunice probably could not answer. Eunice appeared to be inexperienced, perhaps not that educated and almost innocent, despite her daring attire. Py Nae Kot thought to herself, "Maybe she IS innocent, after all she said they ALL dress like this! So her teeny g-string is probably not that unusual for this society... That's hard to imagine, though... but exciting!". After chatting a while longer, a noise was heard from the hall way leading away from the lobby and cafeteria area. Eunice got up quickly to see then came running back excited, almost like a little girl who had seen someone she adores! "It's the President!" She exclaimed, her face all alight! "Stand up! It's President Red Dove!" Eunice took on a straight posture which exemplified her already impressive physique. Standing like a Soldier at attention, Eunice exhibited much enthusiasm indeed. Py Nae Kot's Mother said, slightly scolding to Py Nae Kot, "Now stand up straight, don't slouch like the slut you aspire to be!" "OKAY, Mom!" retorted Py Nae Kot. Py Nae Kot's Father stood by her Mother and Sunn took up a position behind the three. When the President Red Dove came in, she and two others were more eyefuls to behold! The President, sure enough, looked like a Native American! She appeared to be a bit taller than Py Nae Kot until it was noticed her couple inches over Py Nae Kot were from Red Dove's white high-heel shoes. Indeed, as Eunice had indicated, she wore more clothes, but what clothes! Her ankle-length dress was essentially two parts, the front and rear halves. Copper-tan skin showed through on either side all the way from ankles, along her legs of supple and toned muscles, past the cheek of her hard butt, past her firm, slim waist and on up her sides. This river of tan was crossed first by her belt at waist level. Above her waist were three cloth "bridges" attaching the front half to the rear half. Finally there were the straps running over her broad shoulders. In the front, the cut of her dress exposed most of her big, sturdy bosom. The dress, a pastel pink color, had red and gold trim and borders. If she stood in front of a window or opened door, the material could be seen through, displaying the silhouette of her shapely, moderately muscled build! She wore a belt inlaid with beads, a bead necklace, and a head-band also inlaid with patterns of beads. Her hair, pert and shoulder-length, black as a moonless night, shimmered with a bluish sheen. A flower just over her right ear gleamed bright yellow. And finally, she had that lovely copper- tone tan characteristic of many Native Americans. Just behind Red Dove were two giant muscle women who were apparently Central Mountains Republic style Secret Service or body guards. Both of them were well over seven feet tall and heavily muscled. One had blond hair while the other had brown, both cut to little less than shoulder length. The entirety of their awesome bodies could be seen with only a tiny white triangular patch over their large genitals, some of which "peeked" around the white patches. That is to say the patches could not completely cover their entire genital. Other than the strings that held the patches up, the only other item on their bodies were the quiver full of arrows they both had. Both carried mean and keen looking cross-bows in their hands, ready to be put to use at a second's notice. The crossbows looked heavy. The main bow looked more like a steel truck spring than any thing else. But the arms of those Secret Service Ladies, with their bulging biceps and triceps, handled the crossbows as if they were made of styrofoam! The arrow points consisted of four nasty looking, razor sharp blades over two inches wide. Humongous, firm breasts with big nipples jutted way out and stirred the air every time their owners turned. The breasts sat atop huge pectoral muscles that rippled boldly if certain movements were done. This would cause the giant breasts to look like they were alive themselves with movement. But with these giant breasts, flat, steel plate tummies, bulging rocks of muscles in their legs, the two Secret Service gals had sweet, pretty smiles that belied their fearsome bodies. They were certainly an ogling, if not shocking, eye-full! The eyes of Sunn and Blue Owl stuck out like a cartoon character's! A fly could have entered and exited both of their mouths in perfect safety! White Dove said of Blue Owl while holding her fist next to his mouth, "Look, I can fit my entire fist in there!" Laughing at what Py Nae Kot's Mother just said of her husband, President Red Dove came striding in, the front of her long split dress draping between her legs, with the rear of it flowing gracefully behind her. Although not so large, Red Dove was no less a dazzling sight for Sunn's and Blue Owl's eyes! With the rear of her dress trailing out, all of the rear view of her long, nicely muscled legs could be seen, and they WERE seen, by Sunn and Blue Owl! Their eyes feasted, as well, and while they had the chance, on the sight of Red Dove's hard butt with it's pronounced cheeks, buns rippling with well honed muscles and beautiful smooth brown skin! When Red Dove stopped walking, the rear of her dress fluttered gracefully down, covering most of that lovely work of art! No longer able to gaze upon Red Dove's luscious body, the heads of both Sunn and Blue Owl turned once again to those brutally strong Secret Service Ladies! Red Dove remarked, "I guess there are no women such as these that guard me, in the world you come from, or so I have heard from the Scientists." Py Nae Kot replied, "That IS TRUE. I have certainly not seen women so huge. Please forgive these guys, they have never seen Women like that either. Or like YOU, for that matter! You're quite a sight yourself! Very lovely!" Red Dove replied, "Well, thank you, but I think I'm just typical! Anyway, as to the Ladies here; my protectors! Guys, meet Deborah, the one with the lovely brown hair, and meet Rochelle, the blond." Both the Secret Service Ladies grinned big and oh so sweetly at Sunn mostly, and Blue Owl. "Hi!" said both of them almost in unison, with high, sweet voices belying their fearsome bodies and weapons. "Uh.. ehem!.. uh.. uh.. Hi there!" Sunn finally got out. "How do you do, Ladies!" said Blue Owl graciously and with poise. Red Dove continued, "You see? They are not so mean, though they may look it! They are here to protect me and those around me. For a President never knows when some idiot that does not agree with her policies may attempt physical abuse of some sort. It's rare, but it does sometimes happen. Now, how was your trip? I hope everything is okay!" Py Nae Kot replied, "We made it through that.. uh.. portal just fine. It was a mighty rough ride, but we came through okay. I have a thousand questions to ask you, but the first of which is, it seems you people already know something of us. How long have you been observing our society and... WHY ME? It seems you all went through quite an effort to get me to come. Is there an Andy Black Deer here? Or anybody else you know that gave me that EX-2000?" President Red Dove laughed saying, "Okay, okay, one at a time! Indeed, you DO come packed with questions! Okay, yes, there IS an Andy Black Deer. He is an Earth Scientist specializing in Earth Auras and Acu-Points. He operates under the direction of and is a student of Doctor Lynn Peree, of the University of Central Capital. She is the top research Scientist on any Earth Aura, Acu-Point Phenomenon or other Earth-Spirit manifestations. She and Andy have charted many portals. Most go to far past times that predate even the time YOU came from. But when it was discovered that one portal led to a living, viable society of the distant, prehistoric past, it created much excitement in the Earth Aura scientific community." President Red Dove sat down and invited the rest of them to do so as well. She continued the explanation of Py Nae Kot's discovery... "Soon after its discovery and after manned explorations through that portal began, Astrologers-Scientists went too. To make a long story short, various curious things they detected led them to the conclusion that a possible reincarnation of another Py Nae Kot, one from 3500 years ago, was living again in the civilization we found. Computers programmed for Astrology were employed to sift through reams of complicated charting to ascertain with as much certainty possible, if this reincarnated Py Nae Kot was really there, and if so, where. "After it was determined you were in the area occupied by the city of Seattle of your former era, we set up an intensive search. It looked like we were never going to find you. The Astrologers simply could not give us any more help in pin-pointing you; my word, they did extremely well as it was. "But futile though it appeared, we sent Andy Black Deer with his phsychi-monitor. It's a device that detects, through the unseen aura, the characteristics of the spirit, the part that lives on past physical life. Programmed to search out a match to the first Py Nae Kot's spirit, by the merest chance, a match was found when Black Deer observed you dancing in that night club. And, the rest, you know, and I believe, with your intelligence, can figure out everything now!" "Wow! It all falls into place now! exclaimed Py Nae Kot. "Now, what about this OTHER Py Nae Kot, the one from 3500 years ago?" she continued. "Three thousand five hundred years ago, the ancestor of our people, the race I'm a part of, that which we call Beta, came seemingly out of nowhere. According to her own diary which she kept in her head, she also came through a portal, guided by a Goddess. Many of us refer to this Goddess as The Spirit of Mercy, others call her The Fairy of Mercy, still others call her Mother Spirit, or Fairy, of Our People. "Anyway, to make a long, long story short, this Py Nae Kot of the past helped steer these people, you know, the ones here originally, the big ones, like Rochelle and Deborah, and Eunice over there, away from a path of destruction from mis-use and over-use of their technologies. "Gradually, Py Nae Kot taught and led these people to using their technology sparingly, only where needed, and in an efficient, constructive manner. So today, our society is at peace with itself. Crime is greatly reduced from what it was, and most people are well adjusted and happy for the most part. "The original race here soon realized that whoever the newcomers were, they apparently had a gift of knowing how to rule logically and fairly, with policies that worked. Now, that race, the original Native Race, for the most part, stays out of politics, going about their work and their play peacefully, as is what they wanted in first place. Most government leadership positions are held by members of the Beta Race. "There is no hard and fast rule, however. There are a few non- Betas in government. They are voted there. But votes by far, which come mostly from the original Native race who are in the majority, favor various Beta Race leaders." Red Dove sat back in her seat to relax after the long explanations and looked for their reactions. She added, "I hope that answers SOME or a FEW of your questions! I have arranged for you to meet Doctor Lynn Peree and Andy Black Deer for deeper consultation. We want to see for sure if you are indeed a reincarnation Py Nae Kot. It already appears that you are. Other than that, the meeting is to exchange knowledge of our respective eras and to begin orienting you to our society... that is if you desire to stay." Py Nae Kot and her Mother looked at each other in utter amazement! Could any of this possibly be true!? Then White Dove had a question, "When we were still flying, on the way here, a nice young lady appeared on that TV screen that has all the words. She looked a lot like a Goddess we are familiar with. Was that the Goddess really appearing before us, or just something somebody uh... how do you say..." "The word is PROGRAMMED, Mom." chimed in Py Nae Kot. Her Mother continued, "Yes, that's it, was the picture something somebody programmed the machine to make?" Red Dove answered, "That drawing has an interesting history. We believe the Goddess of Mercy is more or less with us at all times. "Doctor Lynn Peree set up an experiment, SHE will have to give you details, that essentially allowed the Goddess of Mercy HERSELF to burn in a drawing instruction into a PROM chip. Before the experiment, the chip was blank, no stored memory. After the experiment, the PROM had a long, long series of numbers stored in it. "It took some deciphering, but when the standard was figured out, the numbers turned out to be a graphics file! It had position numbers, you know, the position on the screen in how many units down from the top and how many units left, or right, no one has figured out which yet, followed by a color number. This number correlated to certain colors. The colors it correlated to was the trickiest for them to figure out. "But once deciphered, they put a computer to work on it. There were over 1 million positions and colors. When the colors were placed as the numbers indicated for them to be placed, a beautiful, regally great looking woman came out on the screen! I heard the first attempt produced an up-side-down image! Then the Scientists knew to change the algorithm that reads the data to reverse direction of display. Then the image was right-side-up! But no one has figured out, to this day, if the picture of the Goddess is mirror-imaged or not! "Now, the image has been copied millions of times and stored into all kinds of different standard graphics formats. An animated version of that is what you saw on your screen, on the plane! Most of the Scientists at the Earth Spirit Phenomena College at the University of Central Capital agree, the image in that now CAREFULLY GUARDED prom-chip, is the image of The Goddess of Mercy! Isn't that amazing!?" Indeed, to Py Nae Kot's Parents, it was VERY amazing. Even disbelieving Py Nae Kot had to consider, SOME intelligent force led them here. At the very least, she keenly desired to join this society. It promised to be exciting and very different in a way that she liked. For one thing, she could... then Py Nae Kot noticed something in the corner of her eye! Her man, Sunn, was becoming the center of interest for those two giant Secret Service Ladies! While she and her Parents absorbed what President Red Dove had to say, Sunn had been absorbed in this new society himself! Ogling them and unable to take his eyes off, the two Secret Service Ladies noticed his stares. They drifted close to Sunn, noticing his interest, to accommodate his apparent desire to look them over. Their faces beaming with smiles, they thought Sunn was cute and submitted themselves to his closer look. The one with brown hair, Deborah, stood close enough for him to reach out and feel the side of her hard muscled arm! Rochelle, the blond, kept inching closer to Sunn, with her huge body in between Sunn and the rest of them. Her huge body eclipsed his from their sight. The profile of Rochelle's face could be seen, just enough for Py Nae Kot to see she was smacking her lips! Rochelle probably did not realize it, but her hips were slowly swaying a little bit, slowly undulating. Sunn looked tiny compared to that female leviathan! "Man, that monster's hungry!" thought Py Nae Kot. She had to think of some diversion fast that would not be obvious... "Uh, well, so when do we see this Doctor Lynn Peree and the Central Capital and all!? You've got me interested, now!" President Red Dove replied, "Sure, we may go now! I was thinking you might want to rest first. The meeting with Doctor Lynn is tomorrow. But let me show you this airport quickly as we go out, then I'll introduce you to the Central Capital. Let's go!" They all got up and accompanied Red Dove out of there. Red Dove ordered, "Eunice, you clean up here." "Yes ma'am" Eunice replied in a sweet voice, obediently. Finally, Sunn tore his eyes off the two Secret Service Ladies and his roving hand off of Deborah's muscular arm! When he started to join them, Rochelle just stood there like a big oak tree, making it necessary for Sunn to walk around her. All the while, Rochelle eyed him, following his every move. Just as Sunn passed her, she reached out and gently patted his butt. Sunn jumped foward, startled. He looked at Rochelle as if to say "Bad girl!", but did not actually voice it. As Rochelle turned her body while ogling Sunn walking past her, Py Nae Kot could see her face with a wolfish grin and smacking the lips! Py Nae Kot glanced quickly down to that barely-there, sheer, tiny triangle of cloth that did not quiet cover all of Rochelle's huge genital. Sure enough, it was wet and sticking to the lips of her giant vagina, making them glaringly obvious! Py Nae Kot thought, "Gosh darn a-mighty, she's like a wolf eyeing a fat lamb!" As Sunn joined them and his ear was close enough to Py Nae Kot's mouth, she whispered, "Listen, until we know this society better, you better stay away from those two, or any other like them. Their immense strength COULD BE a danger to you. I don't know how under control of themselves they are!" Sunn whispered, "Yeah, I was beginning to notice that too. I'll keep my distance!" President Red Dove led them through the airport facilities. Indeed, despite having a three mile main runway which could easily support commercial jets, it was not arranged or set up for large scale tourist processing. There were no rental cars, no taxi or bus services. There WAS a monorail train, however, that Red Dove said they will use to go back to the Central Capital. There were no ticket counters and no baggage turnstiles. Instead, here and there were various offices and quarters visiting dignitaries or diplomatic missions may occupy while waiting for the monorail train or for some delegation to greet them. It was very quiet. No hustle or bustle as with most airports. Not even constant roar of jet engines. President Red Dove said, "This airport is used mostly for experimental flights, diplomatic flights, and military. Military is the newcomer. When Doctor Lynn Peree reviews the state of the Central Mountains Republic and the rest of the world with you, you will see that in recent years, because the rest of the world has gotten a hold of our hard-earned technology by stealing or buying it, they have been thrust into a modern situation before their societies are ready. Some of them could be a threat to our national security. That is why we are having to build a military force. "I already introduced Deborah and Rochelle as security for me. In the past, a President did not need such constant security. But three times now in the past decade, there have been attempts on high government officials lives, two of them on the President! Furthermore, in the latest attempt five years ago, the assailant was gunnin' for ME! All three attempts were by foreigners!" That inspired Py Nae Kot to ask, "Just out of curiosity, what weapon did the assailant use and how was he stopped?" President Red Dove replied, gesturing to Rochelle as if introducing her, "None other than Rochelle here!" Rochelle grinned, her face beaming, glad to have attention drawn to. Red Dove continued, "The assailant was aiming a scoped rifle at me from a tree when Rochelle, trailing behind a ways, spotted him then dispatched an arrow from her crossbow right through his head! It was a mess! It turned my stomach! I was not well the rest of that day. The arrow passed all the way through his head, leaving a nasty gash on both sides from which enough blood poured through to float a boat! Ugh! I HATE that kind of thing! "We found out he was from one of the technologically emerging countries across the Atlantic, in the Central East. Only a few years before, they were in the stone age, worshiping graven images. Seems like I, personally, and my policies did not meet with the standards for their religion, what ever it was, and so they tried to.. uh.. eliminate me! We immediately threw all but their highest level diplomats out of this country and warned them if they try something like that again, there will be military reprisals. We can not tolerate THAT kind of behavior, from ANYONE!" Py Nae Kot thrust her thumb in the air and nodded her head indicating absolute approval and agreement! Seems like this Red Dove took after Py Nae Kot in manner and attitude as well as preference of dress. Py Nae Kot had an eye on Red Dove's attire perhaps planning to acquire one of her own later. She also admired the Secret Service Ladies' crossbows. Being an archer herself, she liked the concept of the crossbow; a high accuracy weapon, as easy to aim as a rifle, which is also "human-powered"; a most efficient weapon! President Red Dove continued to show them a couple other areas of the airport, then they proceeded outside to walk over to the hangar area, where planes are built or maintained. There were several hangars. Red Dove led them to one that was not the closest or the biggest. There seemed to be no particular reason at the time why she chose to show them this particular one. Anyway, they were not concerning themselves about that anyway, for they were outside in the open again, with a numbing 39 degree breeze blowing on them. Though they, except Py Nae Kot, wore jackets, the jackets were too light. After all, the trip they started on was in late May, with destination Bermuda, where jackets would have been excess baggage! And tough Py Nae Kot felt it too. Dressed in her split denim mini skirt and sleeveless t-shirt, she was NOT about to faint from the heat. She rubbed her bare upper arms with her hands to keep warm. Interesting, however, President Red Dove's attire, with its canyon of flesh between front and rear halves coursing its way from ankle to arm-pit on both sides, was certainly no warmer than Py Nae Kot's, and those two Secret Service Ladies were for all practical purposes, totally nude! Yet, they showed absolutely NO SIGNS of being cold! They even seemed to enjoy it! The hangar would prove to be the first look at how some Central Mountains Republic people lived and worked. The personnel inside the hangar were all specially trained Aircraft Technicians, but they did offer a newcomer some indication of the rest of Central Mountains Republic's society. Inside was noisy, but warm. There were two jet engines being tested at the time. Though on the far side of the hangar, partially outside on special test mounts, they still made considerable noise. Other engines further inside within the main work-floor-space and on idle only for general check out, acted as space heaters, warming the place. But wouldn't you know it, as Py Nae Kot, her Parents and Sunn enjoyed the warmth, Deborah, one of the Secret Service grumbled to Rochelle, "Ohh! It's so HOT in here!" Inside, the people working in and around the planes and engines were all the size of Rochelle, Deborah and Eunice. At last, some MEN could be seen! So far, they had only seen women. And every single one of them dressed the same general way. All the women were in various colors of g-strings or thong bikinis. Not a one of them had any upper body clothes. All women had their firm, big shapely breasts in full view, in the open. But they, women and men both, were going about their duties like nothing was out of place. And for THEM, INDEED, nothing was out of place. It was becoming apparent to Py Nae Kot and company, that this is just how this society normally dresses, period! The men dressed that way too, as Py Nae Kot very much noticed! Now HER eyes were bugging out like a cartoon character's! All the guys were that just-over-7-foot-size, absolutely no bigger or heavier AND NO MORE MUSCULAR than the women. Their shapely, muscular bodies with hard butts and gorgeous chests were decorated in men's style g-strings or thongs. Men's g-strings or thongs had a pouch like structure to make room for the ample penis they all had. Only if their penis is relaxed, would it be fully contained in such attire. Py Nae Kot remembered that all men have spontaneous erections every so often. Her roving eyes scanned the area; indeed she spotted some... One man's penis-"head" was just "peering" over the top of his "g'". Then she caught sight of another man whose penis was partially erected to a full two inches above his g-string's top hem! Py Nae Kot was begining to get that hungry ache in her genital again! She felt her pubic area becoming wet. And two or three men, with a little more material in their THONGS (the more conservative of the two types) and perhaps tighter elastics in the hems, had tantalizing humps thrusting out. One guy especially had a hump that jutted out quite a ways! Py Nae Kot thought to herself, "He better be careful, or he'll end up knocking over somebody's tools or work!" But they were all just going about their duties, oblivious to their penis's biological activities. These folks were going about their duties as usual, except for the fact none other than the President of the Central Mountains Republic was here! A wave of heads looking up from their work began from front where they saw the President first, then traversed to those toward the back of the hangar who noticed something up in the front. President Red Dove introduced a few, a sampling: A blond haired, blue eyed Tech with a big turbo-jet opened in front of her. She had one pony tail on one side of her head with free flowing hair on the other. Another Tech, a brown eyed brunette gal, had her long hair drawn into a simple pony tail in the back. All the long haired women had to tie their hair back somehow to keep it out of their work. Another brunette gal had pert short hair with bangs down to her blue eyes, requiring no such tying back. And a couple guys were introduced. One eyed Py Nae Kot with interest and his penis began to grow! Py Nae Kot, always vigilant to that, noted with great, but suppressed, interest! It grew quickly, popping out of the confined quarters provided for it by his g-string. In seconds, it was hard and must have been 19 inches! He tried to ignore it, trying to continue his work on a fuel pump in front of him. Py Nae Kot's eyes were about to pop out of her head completely now, as she gazed on that big thing waving in the air! She just HAD to say something! She whispered to her Mother, forgetting for that instant her Mother's attitude about such things, "Man, would you take a look at that big-ass stone rod on HIM! THAT'D clean your pussy! Man, I bet that'd feel good!..." White Dove looked at her with an expression of disgust whispering emphatically, "Would you PLEASE TRY to control your slut urges!" Py Nae Kot retorted, whispering so emphatically until she was almost voicing her words out loud, "Aw, come on Mom, I'm tired of you calling me a slut anytime I show any sexual interest in anyone! Are you sure you haven't picked up the pale-face's hypocritical ways!? We are HERE, now. Here, 69 million years in the future! The hypocrite pale-faces and their hypocritical ways have long since turned to dust blowing in the wind! DUST, Mom, blowing in the winds over this Central Mountains Republic!" That statement concerned White Dove just a bit. She wondered if they could go back. With all their whispering, even President Red Dove noticed. She could tell what she was talking about did not have 100 percent attention. She also noticed scowling faces. "Is anything a matter?" Red Dove asked. "No, not really except I'm just a little worried..." started White Dove. "Are we here for good? Is it not possible to go back... to our time and homes?" President Red Dove replied, "I think I already touched on you going back before, but let me make it clear, you may come and go as you wish. But talk with Doctor Lynn Peree first. There are important safety considerations that I am not up on the details of. It is possible, so I understand, to end up in another time unintentionally, and perhaps become lost or perish there! So heed her instructions to the letter. I am hoping however, that at least you, Py Nae Kot, stay, and after a time, after you have become familiar with what is what with the Central Mountains Republic and the rest of this world today, you may become one of my Presidential Advisors! If indeed, as the Astrologers say, you ARE a reincarnation of the Py Nae Kot of 3500 years ago, I would be HONORED to receive guidance from you!" Py Nae Kot declared to her Mother, "You see Mom, we are NOT prisoners! The more I see of this society, the more I like it! They have energy, they have drive! They are fair, reasonable, logical, and even, in a way, innocent! I WILL stay! You're right though, it IS nice to know we CAN go back, if we want. I DO NOT relish going through that passage too many times. But you might consider moving here too Mom, and Dad, it will be a MOST REFRESHING CHANGE!! I have had it, up to HERE with the pale-face's HYPOCRISY!" After a brief pause, Py Nae Kot continued, "What about YOU, Mr. Mute Sunn? I see you giving those gals a good going over with your eyes! Do you want to stay?" Sunn emphatically replied, "Yes, most certainly! I want to learn MORE about THIS place! It seems like the Native American is in control here, and THAT's all right too!" Py Nae Kot added, "Well, they are not called Native Americans here, but they DO seem to be blood brothers and sisters of some sort. It WILL BE interesting to learn more, not only about them but also of these others, the big guys and gals. "I know they sort of, kind of vaguely resemble pale-faces, but they are much better looking and seem to be non-pretentious, honorable and true!" President Red Dove added, "Yes, you are right! That race, known as T-2K types by Genetic Engineers, are a strong, both physically, which is obvious, and spiritually, people. They are honest and peace loving!" Py Nae Kot asked, "Say, by the way, what does T-2K mean, and what does Beta mean?" Red Dove replied, "You will have to ask a Genetic Engineer or perhaps Doctor Lynn Peree for a more competent, detailed answer, but it refers to the predominant chemistry of the genetic types found in the DNA programming of the two races." While they were talking, they had slowly step by step drifted off some ways from the hangar so that the workers in the hangar could not hear what they were saying. They strolled back, and continued the tour. Py Nae Kot glanced at that one guy one more time. He winked at her and looked "hungry"! A glance between his legs and Py Nae Kot's eyes almost jumped out when she saw that delicious looking hunk of meat, still stone hard and 15 inches, and additionally now, with a drop of clear liquid coming forth from the tip of it! "Mmm!" Py Nae Kot groaned quietly to herself so as the others would not hear it. Her own pubic area aching and becoming more and more wet, she wanted to shove that thing up her burning vagina so bad until she could not think of anything else. Unintentionally smacking her lips, the guy saw her staring at his engorged penis. Knowing she was interested and hungry for it made him all the more aroused himself. Without knowing it, his hips were undulating slowly. Unknowned to Py Nae Kot, a short haired, long banged brunette at a bench next to his was observing both him and Py Nae Kot. She spoke up suddenly, "Come on sister, why don't ya let him have a couple o' jabs! He'll come quickly then he can get back to work. We need that pump he's working on. Look's like YOU could use it too!" Wow! What a people! So completely, absolutely, unabashedly open about sex! But within easy sight was her Parents and Sunn, who would not understand. In fact, she saw her Mother looking back as she noticed Py Nae Kot lagging behind. "If you don't, I will! He's making me hungry too, waving that thing around! He needs to fuck so he can get back to work!" demanded the brunette. Py Nae Kot intensely wanted to bury that penis within her, but COULD she? She wondered if it might hurt; such a huge male genital has never been driven into her before. But oohhh! Would it be exciting to try! "Py Nae Kot! What do you think you're doing!? Get over here!" demanded her Mother. The guy was getting out of hand. He could not do his work at all now. While waiting for Py Nae Kot, he stretched his arms behind his head to get out the tension of arousal. Py Nae Kot had never seen such big biceps on a man! His luscious chest, his hard, sinewy muscular butt, and that dripping, throbbing penis, WOW! Py Nae Kot took a couple steps towards him, when she heard her Mother scold, "PY NAE KOT! GET OVER HERE, SLUT! Are you going to do that in front of EVERYBODY TO SEE!? Like APES!?" Py Nae Kot stopped and turned her head toward her Mother a moment then heard, "All right, sister, you stand there, I'M taking him!" from the brunette. The brunette, in only a few steps of her long, big, heavily muscled legs, left her bench and strode over to the guy! As she walked, she pulled those strings hanging from the bow-tie-knot of her g- string. Off it came and into her hand where upon she put it on his work-bench. She faced him, spread her legs, stood on her toes to clear that 15 inch pointer between his legs, and DROVE IT HOME! While still standing, she drove the entire 15 inches into her hard body, deep, all the way! Py Nae Kot was like a starving person watching someone else devour a chocolate icing cake! Immediately, the guy began to moan, groan, and even wail as the intensity of climax over whelmed him. Indeed, he climaxed in only a few seconds! The brunette continued to pump and thrust her muscular butt to pull out another climax out of him as well as one for herself. Realizing she had lost an opportunity, Py Nae Kot turned to go. But then she noticed her pubic area was soaked! Her profuse vaginal secretions were even dribbling down her inner thighs! Her mind foggy and befuddled, she bent over to see what she could do about it. She had no tissue paper or handkerchief or anything. She wiped the dribbles with her hands then wiped her hands on her skirt. "Py Nae Kot! I'm telling you, I'm not too sure about this place! They behave as animals. Look at them going at it where everybody can see! How disgusting!" President Red Dove, seeing this cultural clash, came up besides Py Nae Kot's Mom and said, pointing, "But you see! Even though the two of them may be going at it, as you say, notice the others give them hardly any mind!" Indeed, as the guy and the brunette were quenching each other's hungers, the other workers, a couple of them even passing right by the guy's work bench, only looked at them casually and smiled, not saying anything and not disturbing them. Py Nae Kot, her mind finally cleared, insisted, explaining, "You see Mom, what these people have finally come to realize, is that sex, and the need for sex, is perfectly natural! The other people that see them pay them no more mind than they would to someone eating his or her lunch! That woman invited me to do it with him, but when she saw I was not, she helped him satisfy his needs herself. He is working on a fuel pump for an aircraft, a VERY IMPORTANT PART! She just wants to make sure he does his job right, with a clear mind, so there is no mistake! A pilot's life and perhaps his passengers' lives might depend on that pump!" Red Dove chimed in, "What your Daughter says is perfectly correct! The hall-mark of a TRULY advanced society, among other things, is complete ease with sex! No hang-ups, none what so ever! From what I gather from the data brought back by our Scientists, the society you left is advanced technically, but THAT is ALL! Their thinking is still essentially primitive, with all the taboos and hang-ups that go with a primitive culture." White Dove thought about what she heard from both her Daughter and President Red Dove. Could that be true? They themselves had no reason to be ashamed, after all, it was the White man's society Red Dove was talking about, not the Native Americans'. Hearing that sexual hang-ups is a sign of a backwards culture was thought provoking! But what about... White Dove asked Py Nae Kot out loud, "But what about Sunn here, your steady boy friend? If you just started humping on that stranger over there, what should HE think or feel?" President Red Dove spoke up, "Uh.. If I may, let me volunteer an answer based on the prevalent thinking pattern and philosophy of our society... Once having established that sex and the need for sex is normal, the next step is realizing that variety keeps interest high. Think of your favorite meal. How often do you have that meal? Once a month? Once a week? Suppose you had that meal EVERY DAY! For breakfast, lunch, supper, and bed-time snack! EVERY DAY! Day in, day out! Don't you think you would get tired of it after a while, despite the fact it is, or by that time, was, your favorite meal?" Py Nae Kot, her Parents and Sunn all nodded their heads in agreement. Red Dove continued her "sermon", "In like manner, sex with the same person, ALL OF THE TIME, ALWAYS, might, in time, become monotonous. Sex with other people other than your special True Love puts the kind of variety that keeps your favorite sex partner FAVORITE! The feeling that one must be SEXUALLY faithful to one person is ANOTHER sign of primitive thinking. But of course such thinking naturally follows all of the restrictions, taboos and hang-ups a primitive culture has about sex. Our society now knows, as they have for thousands of years now, that sex with other people other than your True Love, is NOT ONLY NOT UNFAITHFUL, but a SERVICE to that person you truly love! I PERSONALLY would hate to become BORED with! I WANT my special guy to have sex with anybody he wants, for he keeps coming back to me, as enthusiastic about my body as the day he first met me. Do you understand?" WOW! Such words coming from the President of a country! What a philosophy! But undeniably logical, in fact, flawlessly logical! Such logic would have made "Mr. Spock" (of the Starship Enterprise) proud! President Red Dove's words left Py Nae Kot's parents groping for a response, but they could not think of anything wise enough to be a worthy response to what they just heard. Py Nae Kot finally said after thinking a while, "Well, Sunn, you heard her. If you want, you can sample some of these "dishes" you have been eyeing. Do NOT feel imprisoned by me. Sample them, then come back to me for TRUE LOVE!" Sunn nervously said, "W.. Well, uh, okay! Maybe! After a while." A few seconds of silence was broken by "And you can start by sampling ME!" said by the giant blond Secret Service Lady, Rochelle. She had been drooling over Sunn for quite a while now! "L.. L.. Later, m.. maybe..." replied a nervous Sunn to Rochelle smiling sweetly at him. After some thought, White Dove had just one more question. She asked, "Okay now, what do you say about what God thinks of this, you know, the Supreme God, the creator of this Universe and of Human life?" President Red Dove replied, "The Supreme God, as you can tell from His art, nature and all the naturally beautiful things within it, is, as the Bible says, a Loving God. God designed the Human body and everything in it and of it. Interpolating the fun and good things in nature to the Human Body, it becomes obvious to any thinker that sex was put in place for two reasons. One, to enjoy sex, of itself, and two, to promote reproduction. God placed the capability of Sex within us to enjoy, BUT NOT OVER INDULGE IN, as we should not over indulge in anything, such as eating. And nothing, not sex or anything else should become more important to you than God. God had it written in the Bible, and I paraphrase, 'Put NO OTHER gods before Me!' And this brings me to point out a couple more characteristics of primitive cultures. IT IS A SIGN OF A PRIMITIVE CULTURE TO INVENT A GOD THAT FROWNS ON SEX, DANCING, and other ENJOYABLE things! In VERY primitive cultures, the 'god' may be something the people themselves make, generally referred to as an idol. More sophisticated but still primitive cultures do not believe their god needs some man-made contrivance to operate in their lives, but they feel that god disapproves of sex, nudity and dancing, usually in that order. But I tell you they are fooled! Our present-day Theologians and Psychiatrists now believe that the tendency to believe that sex and nudity is sinful and is against God is in actuality, AN INVENTION OF SATAN! It's a dirty, underhanded trick to turn the masses against the worship of God! Of course, we are speaking of satan, the supreme source of ALL dirty underhanded tricks as well as other evil! It is another hall- mark of a truly advanced culture, to finally put to rest, once and for all, any and all thinking that God, who created us the way we are, disapproves of sex or nudity. ESPECIALLY NUDITY! Nudity really doesn't matter to God one iota! God wants us to be kind, loving, merciful, avoid fighting and wars and hatred, and spread the news, as much as possible, of Jesus the Savior BUT NOT RAM HIM DOWN OTHER PEOPLES' THROATS, as some primitive cultures tend to do with their religions! Just make the news available to people then leave it at that. Now, do you feel okay about this? I know, from what I have heard of the culture you came from, that our culture may come as a shock to you." Neither Py Nae Kot's Parents or her own liberal self have ever heard words about Jesus, God and the enjoyment of sex come out of the same lips, especially in such harmony. God and Jesus came forth graciously holding sex as a gift to human-kind to enjoy along with sunny days, pleasant cool breezes and scenic mountain trails. White Dove was finally comfortable with the explanation, at least. The ideas presented to her today were indeed avant-guard to say the least, but unquestionably logical. And the theory about SATAN being responsible for putting thoughts into peoples' heads that nudity and sex are sinful as a trick to turn people against the worship of what they then perceive as a "grouchy, oppressive, no-fun-allowed type of god and religion" really commanded consideration from any thinker. However, Mom was still not comfortable, personally, with it. Perhaps it was just because of how she was raised all her life and what she was told and taught over and over again. Anyway it was truly difficult for her to "get the feel" of this truly, highly advanced society she now found herself in. President Red Dove motioned for them to follow, saying, "Now, before we take the commute train back to the Central Capital, there are two people, well, one especially, I want you to meet, Py Nae Kot. We pride ourselves in being honest, but I have to admit, we had to pull some trickery over you to get you to discover our world and the existence of it and us." Red Dove led them to an office to the side of the hangar's work- space. A knock on the door and who should answer, but none other than the fellow who was the Sales Manager at Piper, back in Seattle of the epoch they left! Py Nae Kot's look of surprise mystified her Parents who of course never saw him. After Red Dove introduced the fellow whose gorgeous physique was decorated in a close fitting, jet black thong as Mike Soaring Eagle, Py Nae Kot finally saw one of the many pieces of that puzzle she had been grappling with before, fall neatly in place! And that was not all. Out from a room adjoining Mike's came a big 7-foot and 2-inch-tall, long haired blond gal, dressed only in a pastel lavender widely split tini-skirt. Her way of walking, slow and graceful, with the muscles of her powerful legs flexing sensuously, was an eye-full for Blue Owl and Sunn! She was an eye- full for Py Nae Kot too, not because of her looks, but who she was! She was the one who passed herself off to Py Nae Kot as none other than the big, dumpy Mr. Hingust! Red Star ordered her, jokingly, "Jill, do your stuff!" The big blond Amazon beauty, with her face beaming and about to laugh, said, using Mr. Hingust's effeminate voice, "Hi! I'm Mr. Hingust, your Flight Instructor for the EX-2000!" Of course Py Nae Kot could not let on that she spied on her and Mike Soaring Eagle that evening, but she did not have to pretend surprise; just seeing her and that Mike here was TRUE surprise enough! The big blond Amazon continued in a soothing, soft voice of lower register, "Actually, I am Jill Fast Hawk. I am one of the Senior Design Engineers of the EX-2000 Land Air Vehicle. I, more than anybody else, am capable of teaching the flying of the EX-2000. By the way, EX-2000 IS its real name here too. But the PIPER-part, of course, was false! Since the society of your time had no such thing as women over 7 feet tall, I had no choice but to pass myself off as a man. My co-operative, Mike, had no problem, since your society DOES have a FEW seven foot men, Hulk Huligan for one. Although Mike stood out quite a bit, he was at least credible. But a WOMAN of over 7 feet would not have been. STRANGE, how there is such a LARGE SIZE DISPARITY between the sexes of your society! One has to wonder how this could be, and how sex can be accomplished between individuals of such differing sizes. However, YOU and the two gentlemen WITH you seem quite normal. Oh well, in any case, welcome to the Central Mountains Republic, Py Nae Kot!" Py Nae Kot, smiling, pleased to have all these mysteries being unraveled one by one, had one question however. She asked, "It's all as clear as spring-water now... except for one thing. Why did you suggest so many times for me to fly the EX-2000 on a vacation to Bermuda? Why Bermuda? YOU obviously don't know much about Bermuda yourself, why did you insist on that?" Jill replied, "Ah! The final trick to cause you to discover our time and world! We couldn't have just come out and said, 'and now that you can fly the EX-2000, why don't you come through a time portal located over the Caribbean and travel through time to our world...' you would have thought us mad! I don't know how acquainted you are, living as far away from the Caribbean as Seattle, with the legends of the 'Bermuda Triangle', but that is what happened to you! As far as the airport controllers and people of your time know, YOU are another victim of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle! But we couldn't have told you THAT EITHER, lest you think us out of our skulls! Even if you DID believe in stories about the Bermuda Triangle, then you wouldn't have DARED to do such a thing! So what happened is this: Once having talked you into vacationing in Bermuda, we knew you would set up a flight route that would take you across that area. I purposely did NOT teach you EVERYTHING about the EX-2000's computer control capabilities. When you were flying in that area, the computer, monitoring where you are from the Earth's magnetic field and that your fuel was sufficient, was instructed by its programming to begin the passage through the portal. There are a number of portals invisible to anything except special instrumentation we have developed, over that part of the Earth of your time, and our time too. Some portals lead to the past. Some lead to the future. One must hit it exactly, within a few hundred feet. Once entered, the portal will conduct you through folded over dimensions to another time. When the computer detected the distance from the portal was close enough, it took completely over, descended and slowed to as slow as possible and flew to the exact location of the portal leading to our time and our world. After passing through the portal, the EX-2000's computer, through instrumentation it's interfaced to, simply navigated using radio navigation signals that are emitted from our country. In this way, the computer flew the EX-2000 to this airport... end of trip, end of story!" Py Nae Kot, understanding now, agreed, "Ah, I see, I see! You are right, if someone had told me to fly out over the Bermuda Triangle and travel through a portal to another time, I would have branded them a nut! Literally brand, with my fist! I have not heard or at least not paid much attention to Bermuda Triangle stories except for one show I saw about it on TV back in the 70's. You say your instruments can detect these things; these portals? Just what ARE these portals, who put them there? You people?" Jill answered explaining, "Our instruments can only detect portals that lead to the past. We don't know why we can not detect portals leading to the future. We are researching such instrumentation, but the way it looks now, if such an instrument is developed, it will also be the first instrument that can detect free roaming spirits! You may be thinking, how did the EX-2000's computer know where the portal was to pass through it to our time? The answer is, as portals leading to the past are discovered, unmanned planes are sent through first to test the portal's stability, turbulence of passage, and exactly where it is the plane comes out. The planes also carry instrumentation to detect whether or not the time found has conditions that will support human life. Some unmanned planes never come back. Then such a portal is marked off in all navigational computer systems as a place to avoid, always. But those where the unmanned plane DOES come back, the information carried back is carefully studied. More unmanned test flights are conducted, several times to test the reliability of the ability to come back safely. Then and only then do humans dare fly a plane through the portal into that time. When your EX-2000 passed through the portal to the future, to our time, it was operating totally blind! Only by zeroing in exactly on the detected locus of the portal is it able to find it and pass through. When going into the past, the portal is located AND CONFIRMED BY INSTRUMENTS. But no such confirmation is possible when going back to the future." Py Nae Kot asked, "Then you only know portals leading to the past?" Jill replied, "Nine SAFE ones have been detected. There are some 23 others that unmanned planes do not come back from." Py Nae Kot, wide-eyed with wonder asked, "What do you suppose happens to them? Does a monster eat them?" Jill laughed heartily and said, "You've been watching to many cheap sci-fi movies on time travel. This is reality. You noticed how rough it was going through the portal, didn't you?" "Yeah!", Py Nae Kot said, "How could we NOT notice!?" Jill continued, "Well, the passage through those portals are probably too rough, and the planes, though built tough and rugged like the EX-2000, are torn apart and destroyed. There are eleven portals the unmanned planes SOMETIMES come back. With these, we theorize, the portal is weak, and requires way to precise an entry locus to use. Safe portals have a sphere of about 200 feet that will cause entry. But some portals are so tight that you have to be within 20 feet! And since we do not have radio navigation set up in those past times that the portal leads to, the instrumentation must rely upon the Earth's magnetic field to detect position. Magnetic field navigation is not nearly accurate enough to hit right on a totally invisible 20 foot sphere! You may have noticed your plane flying in circles and back and forth a few times before you began your passage. That was caused by the simple fact that even with a 200 foot sphere, it is totally invisible and therefore still hard to accurately pin point. The Earth's magnetic field fluctuates sometimes, confusing the computer's sensors. Therefore the navigational computer has to hit and miss a while before it finally gets it! As to WHY the portals are there, THAT is MYSTERY NUMBER ONE! WE did not put them there. They are just... there! Period! So far as we can tell, it is a natural phenomenon... strange, weird, uncanny, but natural!" This was all so fantastic! Py Nae Kot wondered if she was dreaming! Indeed, truth CAN BE A LOT stranger, and more interesting, than fiction! It also explained much about the whole Bermuda Triangle mystery. Those hapless planes and ships that have disappeared into it were simply unfortunate enough to accidentally run across a portal. Being invisible to the eye and any instrumentation of our time, they were unable to avoid entering the portal. So they wind up in another time, totally by random chance, and, if they survive the passage, have no way of knowing how to get back. We all can only hope those people that inadvertently passed through a portal, found a way to survive in the world they found themselves in! Py Nae Kot felt Jill would make a swell pal because they were both interested in airplanes and flying. President Red Dove, Py Nae Kot and the rest bid good bye to Jill and Mike after Py Nae Kot made it clear she wants to see Jill again. They proceeded out the hangar back into that chilly breeze. They proceeded to the terminal buildings, through them then to the other side of them, when Py Nae Kot saw something of interest. As they began walking up an incline to the monorail waiting area, they had a somewhat aerial view of the parking lots. Py Nae Kot asked, "What are those? Are they cars?" President Red Dove replied, "Yes, you CAN come here by car, but you do not have any yet, so I planed just to use the train." Py Nae Kot clarified, "No, I meant to ask, are they cars? They are so small, and shaped like torpedoes, what kind of car are they?" Red Dove replied, "Just the cars the people that work here come to work in. Cars will be provided for you and company. You need only select. We will visit a store soon." Py Nae Kot said, "Well, that sounds great, but I just wonder why they are so small." By now, Red Dove seemed baffled at Py Nae Kot's questions about the many cars in the parking lots. "I don't think they're small, they look about average to me. Most of them are one-person cars designed to be pedaled comfortably by one person." "Pedaled?", asked Py Nae Kot, surprised, "You mean they are pedal powered, like bicycles?" Red Dove, baffled, said, "Well.. uh.. sure! What else?" Py Nae Kot started to reply, "Well, I just noticed that..." then Red Dove interrupted all of a sudden, "Oh, Oh, Oh yeah! That's right, of course, I forgot all about the reports by the Scientists studying your world! Hah hah! I CAN BE absent minded at times. I just take it for granted that... well.. ehem!.. to make a brief statement about that... Reports given me by the Scientists studying your world have related to me the stupendous use of high powered engines in your transportation units, that I take it you call cars just like we call what WE use cars! Yes, we can see from the prodigious consumption of fossil fuels that must have been required for those things why there is precious little fossil fuel in OUR time, 69 million years later. It mystifies me why the people of your epoch use such humongous sized and over-powered vehicles for every-day transportation. In our culture, only the very old or the sick or injured use powered cars. Such electric cars are no bigger than those you see down there. And they can not go much faster than a typical person can pedal a typical car. But by far, the VAST MAJORITY of people use pedal-powered cars for their every day life. It would seem like to me, those huge behemoths I have heard about in your world would be a head-ache to maintain and find a place to park. Gosh, six of our kind of cars can park in the same place that would be occupied by just ONE of those things from your world!" At this point, Py Nae Kot felt she HAD to interrupt Red Dove's "oration" to clarify her particular position in that world, "Well, don't blame me, I used bicycles!" President Red Dove replied, "Indeed, reports to me about you did relate your unusual transportation habit. I remember it all now. It is as if you were a pioneer in your time. And a good thing too. Judging from pictures of most people of that epoch given to me, they appear out of shape and weak, probably from too great a reliance on those big, engine-powered monstrosities. But I can see from your body, you are in fine shape. For you, it will merely be a matter of getting used to pedaling in a semi-reclining position versus the near vertical required by... what was it you said... bye... sickles?" "Bicycles" Py Nae Kot reinforced. "Ah yes! We have a VERY few of something like that here, used mostly by farmers to get around quickly on their land. A few people in the city use them also for faster-paced trail-touring... you know, where most people usually hike and where you just could not use a car. They're called 'trail- hops'!" Py Nae Kot thought, "of course! Their term for a mountain bicycle. They have no such thing as road bikes here, that position having been taken by the pedal car." In true form and fashion of a president, wouldn't you know, Red Dove HAD to complete her thoughts. She continued her impromptu oration, precisely where she left off from Py Nae Kot's interruption, "Any way, as I was saying, in our society, to most people, using a powered car has the same association with being sick or old as using a wheel chair. Most of our people pride themselves in the ability to use one, and pedal a car fast and far, as a test of strength and might! They wouldn't be caught dead in a powered car! In the Central Capital, the only other vehicle that is commonly electric powered are the bigger trucks, and a few buses. But that is it. I take it this will not be a problem to you or your company?" Py Nae Kot proudly answered, "Not to Sunn and I! As I already said, we always used bicycles to get around. But we were definitely in the minority! My parents may not be as up on it as I am, but they're strong! Give 'em a week or two and they'll slip right in to it!" Py Nae Kot's parents nodded in agreement. Her Mother added, "And it will help take this pouch off your Father! And firm ME up as well!" President Red Dove responded, "Very good! Ah! Here we go! This is where we will wait. And there's Eunice with your baggage!" They had climbed up an incline to an elevated area where they would wait for an electric monorail train. They turned their heads to see the muscular Eunice literally "hitched" like a horse, to a large cart carrying all of Py Nae Kot's, her Parents' and Sunn's baggage. There were quite a few tightly stuffed and therefore heavy suitcases on the cart which Eunice apparently, under the power of her own 7 plus feet of muscles, pulled here single handedly all that ways and up the incline. Eunice had hitched herself to the cart through a harness that fit and held on to her wide, muscular hips. This freed her hands and relieved her back of stooping and straining. Py Nae Kot thought the arrangement interesting and efficient. Eunice was NOT under any strain. Her muscles handled it with no problem. And the harness seemed comfortable. When Eunice saw President Red Dove, her face lit up with a big smile, "Here's their luggage Ma'am!" she declared cheerfully. The monorail train arrived. Py Nae Kot noticed no one driving! Red Dove explained, "The train merely goes back and forth on the same 17-mile-track all the time, several times a day. This train plus two others on two other separate parallel tracks, are timed perfectly to be '120 degrees out of phase' with each other, so as to provide fairly constant service to the Central Capital. A single computer controls all three trains with additional controls provided by on-board computers on each train. So, a bunch of transistors do the driving!" President Red Dove, her Secret Service Ladies, Py Nae Kot and company seated themselves on a very comfortable, modern and clean electric train. (Not unlike the monorails at our era's Disney World in Florida, for those of you who have been there.) Before boarding, Py Nae Kot noticed other passengers down a piece loading their cars, their PEDAL cars that is, into cubby holes located on either end of each train car. With two rows of three cubby holes each on either end, a total of 12 pedal-cars could be accommodated. People just put them in themselves. When Py Nae Kot inquired of Red Dove, she explained, "Some people commute by train and bring their cars along. You can commute from the Central Capital by car road. It is a beautiful little winding, moderately hilly, smoothly paved trail cutting through the forest that lies between the airport and the Central Capital. It is very pleasant just to use one's own car. But some may prefer the train. But the train DOES make you wait, especially if you just miss the last one. They are separated by about 20 or 30 minutes." Before boarding themselves, Py Nae Kot had also noticed the busy Eunice pulling the cart with luggage to an extreme end of the train. She pulled the entire cart into a train car via a loading ramp. Eunice's big muscles easily horsed the cart full of baggage up the sharp incline of the ramp. Cart, baggage and Eunice disappeared into the train car, so that is where she was going to ride. After waiting a bit, the train finally smoothly took off across the forest between the airport and the Central Capital. It was a most pleasant ride. Py Nae Kot waited anxiously to see what the Central Capital would be like. As they approached the city, Py Nae Kot saw huge panel like things held in the air by structures. They were here, there, some over the forest, some over the city itself. Py Nae Kot's "What are those?" question received the explanation from President Red Dove that they are the Central Capital's Solar Collectors. Acres and acres of them circle the city and stand in the midst of it as well. Producing thousands of megawatts of electricity, they are the Central Capital's main source of electricity. Another major contributing source is hydro-electric. In addition, scattered pockets of apartments that get their electricity from alcohol burning engine- generators still exist, but are slowly giving way to solar. Red Dove also pointed out a farm-field full of amber colored grain, with waves coursing through them from the wind like an ocean. As they passed over the grain field, Red dove said this and other fields like it, some located in the City itself, provide the alcohol used by the engines. The grain was bred thousands of years ago for high alcohol yield for use by such engine-generators when they were much more prevalent. Later, Py Nae Kot noticed the inner city solar panels. Huge they were, and many of them. Rows and rows, were tilted to face the sun. Bluish in the distance, it was obvious they were enormous. They somewhat looked like ventilation louvers for the entire city! A spin off benefit of the solar panels is that they provided acres and acres of shade for the city that otherwise would get insufferably hot in summer like most cities do. The Central Capital appeared huge and was, according to President Red Dove's account of the population which stand at nearly 9 million. This would put the Central Capital in the same league as Los Angeles, New York, Paris-France or GwangZou-China and such. So it certainly was not a little hick-town. The elevated monorail arrived to the Central Capital and continued high above for a while, on its elevated track. Later, the track suddenly descended, passed ground level and on underground effectively making it into a subway. Red Dove explained the train will stop in a station where one can connect to other regular subways. After proceeding underground in total darkness for a while with only very dim lights in the train-car, their train arrived and stopped, sure enough, in an underground station. They stepped off and were joined by Eunice pulling the cart. Other people were milling about, boarding, disembarking and waiting for subways and the monorail. SURE ENOUGH, to Py Nae Kot's interest and Sunn's, and her Parent's surprised notice, all of the people were indeed dressed similar to Eunice, Rochelle, Deborah and the people at the hangar. Men, Women, all with nice to great physiques, wore only the scarcest of clothes. Some were totally nude. Sunn counted nine nude women, while Py Nae Kot counted and ogled, only, two nude men. All were going about their business as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Well almost. The attire of Py Nae Kot's parents and Sunn, with their long pants and long sleeved jackets drew some notice by the closer members of the masses. Of course the President Red Dove and her two Secret Service Ladies drew attention too, after all, there was their PRESIDENT! By far, the VAST MAJORITY were the bigger race, the T-2K race as designated by Genetic Engineers. The attention drawn by the President seemed unusually small though. Usually there would be hordes of press awaiting the President's disembarkment of the train. But not ONE reporter was to be seen. Perhaps the system they use of keeping the President's every activity away from the press was more efficient. The two Secret Service Ladies and Eunice kept themselves tightly around President Red Dove. "Hey! There's the PRESIDENT!" was heard a number of times and was beginning to become more frequent. Flanked by the two big Secret Service Ladies, President Red Dove hustled over to the side of the under-ground area and into a dark chamber. A heavy steel door was in the far wall of the chamber. They strode over to it where Red Dove produced a tiny little disk from a hidden pocket on the inner side of her clothes. She inserted it in a slot causing the door to electrically open with a grinding and heavy rumble. A big, over seven foot tall female guard sporting short orange hair with bangs almost to her green eyes stood behind the door with a mean looking automatic weapon. Her muscular body was nicely decorated in a fluorescent-green thong bikini that contrasted nicely with her almost perfectly orange hair. Topless, her only other clothes were shiny black, light-weight boots of ankle length. They entered and closed the door behind them. Now in a tunnel by themselves, they escaped the pressing crowds. President Red Dove laughed and said, "Sorry about all this dark tunnel stuff, but a President has to live this way!" They entered and walked and walked, with Eunice faithfully taking up the rear with the cart full of their baggage. They climbed sometimes, descended sometimes. The tunnels were damp and chilly. An occasional rat or rats would be seen. They passed a point that had a service way to a bunch of pipes and valves. Sunn and Py Nae Kot both spied turtles, lizard like things and several rats in there by the edge of a small pool of dirty water. "Golly!" Remarked Sunn, "I expect to see the Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtles and Splinter any time now!" That produced a hearty laugh from Py Nae Kot and some laughter from her Parents. Of course President Red Dove and Secret Service and Eunice did not know what that meant. Py Nae Kot explained briefly of the reptilian TV heroes of their time. Red Dove remarked, "You never know what you'll run across down here in this dark world!" At last they climbed up a considerable ways and finally emerged in a beautiful park-like setting. Bullet shaped pedal-cars were parked around. The cars were ordinary looking except for the fact that they were built for two or three and had heavily tinted windows. Eunice moved the baggage into a large pedal-car with a cargo bay for carrying things. When she closed the doors over it, she entered the single seat for the driver who pedals the thing. When all doors were closed, it had a sleek, streamlined form. President Red Dove seated herself into a one-person pedal-car, and the two Secret Service Ladies each seated themselves into a large pedal-car that had two additional seats without pedals for passengers. Sunn and Py Nae Kot entered one such pedal-car with Rochelle who, by the way, was still eyeing Sunn with hungry interest! Rochelle saw to it she pedaled the car that Sunn would sit in. Deborah took Py Nae Kot's parents in the other passenger pedal-car. These pedal-cars had all three seats in a row, one behind the other. The seats were semi-reclining and low to the ground. This conformed to the vehicle's sleek, missile-like lines. As mentioned, the rear two seats had no pedals, making these particular pedal-cars apparently designed for escorting dignitaries. All the pedal-cars had doors that closed or slid shut, some what like the design of a fighter-jet cockpit door. With everybody seated, Rochelle with Py Nae Kot and Sunn took off first. The President in her single-person car followed, with the other passenger pedal-car behind the President's. Finally, Eunice, in her "freight" pedal-car took up the rear. The park turned out to be fully enclosed and fenced. The fence was covered with a heavy growth of vines. One could not see through. They passed through a vine-covered gate which was unlocked and opened by a male guard with a gorgeous physique decorated only by a white thong bikini. Py Nae Kot's eyes were opened double wide as she scanned that hunk up and down! But a big automatic weapon, some kind of machine gun that he was holding made her nervous. Indeed, President Red Dove is surrounded at all times by considerable security and secrecy. They followed a winding road with big trees and bushes and occasional armed guards on either side. Most of the guards were women, along with a few men. They were all decorated in brief, white thong bikinis. After a bit, they arrived to a public street. In their ordinary looking pedal-cars, they were able to emerge into and use public streets without notice. They waited for traffic to clear - they moved, turning left... Py Nae Kot, Sunn and her Parents ENTERED ANOTHER WORLD! It was ALREADY another world, but so far consisted of Aircraft Technicians, Presidents, Body Guards, and other special or appointed people. But NOW, they were into the Central Mountains Republic ITSELF! Among the REAL people; the masses. Py Nae Kot, Sunn and her Parents experienced sights worthy of being registered into the most forgetful of memories! Their own pedal-cars joined a line of traffic made of all pedal- cars. But it was the sights on the side-walk that captured the eyes of Py Nae Kot and company! There they were, the typical citizens of Central Capital, Central Mountains Republic, in their skimpy attire! Mostly T-2K race, the huge, muscle-women and their equal-sized male counterparts wore g- strings and thongs, leaving acres and acres of gorgeous bodies, male and female, exposed to cool breezes and, mostly from Py Nae Kot and company, staring, roving eyes! Maybe half the big T-2K ladies were fully nude while maybe 20 percent of the men exposed all to elements and eyes. Again, Py Nae Kot was treated to that wonderful phenomenon of spontaneous erection on the guys! Py Nae Kot intensely wished to stop the pedal-car she was "trapped" in to see what one fellow was going to do... about 14 inches of not-quite-hard but well erected penis! Those half-way erections were the most interesting to Py Nae Kot! Not hard enough to stand straight up with penis head right at belly-button-level with that luscious comma-like curve so excellently designed for penetration... "Whew, man!" breathed Py Nae Kot as she remembered hungrily gazing at one a little earlier... Such a partially erected male-part extends far from his body, waving around and up-down as if made of heavy rubber. A semi-hard penis seems to be pointing out this gal or that gal to its owner saying "push me into that one!". Py Nae Kot stared, lusting after that guy with that thing sticking out from his body so far... and with that big head on it... "OOHHH, that would feel good goin' in me!" Py Nae Kot dreamed! As their pedal-car passed, Py Nae Kot tried to see what would happen. Two nude ladies were walking casually toward the guy on the sidewalk, facing right at him! He was walking, or trying to, in the opposite direction. The two women were gabbing away. Py Nae Kot almost twisted her neck off as she strained to see... The guy's penis perked up a little more - he said something to one of the women as they passed - she smiled... Py Nae Kot could not hear of course. One of the ladies thrust out her hand and grabbed his penis, rubbed it up and down once then released it. The two ladies continued walking casually, both looking back at the guy giving him inviting smiles and saying something. By this time, Py Nae Kot was losing sight of the action as her pedal-car forged ahead. Another guy approached and passed the guy with the now fully erected, hard penis. After that, a lone woman wearing only a g-string was next to approach the guy... The pedal car turned a corner and so denied Py Nae Kot of anymore "live-action"! But then her head whirled around as her neck, like a twisted spring, straightened itself - then she saw another guy with a completely hard penis! Sunn had been looking too, curious what these guys with spontaneous erections would do. Sunn thought how embarrassing it would be! Py Nae Kot finally had to ask, "Say, Rochelle, why did those two women just ignore that guy with that big cock sticking out all over the place!? Man, I would've..." "You have to remember, we see that all the time!" Rochelle answered before Py Nae Kot finished her question. "If we gals jumped on every hard cock we saw, we'd go crazy! Those two ladies probably already had enough earlier, or didn't have time, or, maybe they told him to stay there and they'll be back... who knows. That guy just needs to stand there or walk along with that thing sticking out and some other gal, a hungry one, will eventually come! Don't worry about it! Sometimes a guy just gets horny for no reason, even with no women around. Happens to women too, it's just not as obvious, that's all." "I saw her grab his cock with her hand! What was THAT for?" asked Py Nae Kot. "Nah! She's just teasing him! You do it too, don't you? We women often tease guys, you know, make 'em beg! Then when we give it to 'em, they think it's wonderful!" Py Nae Kot added, "I saw another woman walking his way, but we turned a corner and..." "Well, there you go! Maybe SHE will let him in, then again, maybe not! Depends on if she's hungry. If she is, she'll grab him, they'll step off the side-walk and go at it!" "In public!?" Py Nae Kot asked incredulously, even though she saw such action at the airport's hangar earlier. Even Py Nae Kot found it difficult to embrace what she is seeing as real... "Well, not right on the side-walk I suppose. They'll step to the side to be out of peoples' way but I assume they'll do it right on that grassy lawn or something." "Wow, where everybody can see!?" Py Nae Kot asked additionally. Py Nae Kot saw it at the airport's hangar, almost did it herself, and heard Red Dove's "speech". But still, seeing it here, in the openness of a public setting, it was difficult even for Py Nae Kot to absorb... "Why not!?" Replied Rochelle, then continued, "Say, what's the big deal!? It's just what people do! If it comes over you, it comes over you! Then you deal with it so you can clear your head and get on with your day's activities!" "WOW! SUCH FREEDOM!" Py Nae Kot breathed excitedly, knowing that she too, would soon join this fun society! Py Nae Kot's Mother, White Dove, seeing all this too, wondered if it all could be... practical! She asked Rochelle, "But these people, all of them naked for the most part, are they... professionals? You know, like ANY city, its side-walks, whatever... are we looking at... well, like Bankers, Dentists, Doctors, Lawyers, Computer Programmers, Technicians... you know, people like that?" Rochelle replied, "I have not been told everything about what kind of place it is that you all come from, but all I can tell you, is yes, those... that you mentioned and more... are what we see on these side-walks! It's just past noon-time now, so I think a lot must be on their noon-time breaks. So no telling who you might see..." "What about Policemen?" Sunn butted in. "What about them? What aspect of Police do you want to know, Sweetie?" Rochelle responded with a dulcet voice just for Sunn. "How do they dress?" "Well, like everybody else... with the addition of special equipment. They wear arm-bands that have insignia of their precinct... they wear special shoes good for running, they wear hats with a badge that also indicates their precinct... uh... let's see... well, they wear some kind of weapon, usually a high-powered chemical-burn-spray... and sometimes guns. Oh!, and as to their personal clothes, while on the job, they're all supposed to wear white..." "You mean, like, their thongs? Their g-strings?" Sunn interrupted. "Yes! Well, most are told to wear thongs... it looks more professional, but whatever, they're supposed to be white. And oh, 90 percent of Police are Women, they work out with bone-crushing weights, practice sprint running and pedaling their cars fast. You know, those are required to catch the bad people! Oh, and their cars are always white with 'POLICE' on the side and markings indicating their precinct. There goes one now!..." Rochelle pointed out a Police (pedal) Car as it made a turn ahead. A handsome sight, it gleamed snow-white with black lettering along with red insignia markings. Sunn wished he could see the Police Lady inside... but perhaps he will get a chance later! So they continued to absorb, with keen fascination, the sights of this new world as they continued their way. Py Nae Kot and company were taken to President Red Dove's quarters, that is to say, her Presidential home and offices or the nearest thing these people have to the White House. As they approached the Presidential Headquarters Building or P.H.B. as it is sometimes called, Py Nae Kot and company noticed a handsome structure. Smaller than Washington's White House (smaller (less) government!?), Py Nae Kot thought it was much nicer looking than the White House, or at least than what she has seen in books or on TV of the White House. The Presidential Headquarters Building was made of shiny gray marble. It was trimmed in bluish-gray lines and polished, silvery trim. The structure was carefully designed for a "formal balance" type of composition. It sat in a lawn, (again, a much smaller lawn than the White House's lawn) of soft, green grass appointed with flower gardens. But the most eye-catching thing of all to them, Native North West Americans that they are, were two, lofty, sky-reaching TOTEM POLES! That's right, real, presumably authentic, totem poles! They stood, stately sentinel on either side of the Presidential Headquarters Building's lawn. The sculptured features of the spirits depicted were highly detailed. Although the two totems stood on the lawn in formal balance, each totem, however, had different spirits depicted. Not made of wood, but a very lustrous yellow gold. Py Nae Kot wondered if it was REAL gold! She asked, "Say, Rochelle! Do you know if those totem poles are real gold?" "Quarter-inch gold plating! Such a large structure couldn't stand if it was all gold, since gold's a little soft, you know. The totems were cast in type-C duralmite then electro-plated with gold. They continued the electro-plating process until the gold accumulated to a quarter inch." And it was a pretty lane leading up to the Presidential Headquarters Building's entrance. Flowers lined the drive-way and trees similar to elms and maples arched over head. After arriving, they were given meals and given a chance to relax. With in these quarters, sure enough, those high government officials were almost all "Beta" Race. They had to keep remembering they were NOT among American Indians, but in the Central Mountains Republic of an epoch in time 69 million years removed from their own! Their attire had more to it than the simple attire of the masses. The women were dressed similar to President Red Dove although in "quieter" colors, such as white, grayish blues, and black. The men had what appeared to be a one-piece tank-top -plus-thong combination which Py Nae Kot thought was interesting and sexy. Almost all the men who wore this wore black. They, women and men both, averaged 6 and 1/2 feet tall at around 220 to 250 pounds, just about Py Nae Kot's size. They all had excellent physiques. Although their muscles were not so massive as the average T-2K race, their muscles were well proportioned. They all had nice, well muscled legs. After seeing the prevalent use of the pedal-car, Py Nae Kot could see why their legs were in such good condition. Anyway, due to her very similar appearance, Py Nae Kot would have no trouble passing herself off as a Central Mountains Republic Native and a government official at that! Py Nae Kot also saw a few T-2K types in there too that were introduced to her as this and that type of officer. Unlike their Beta counterparts, these two women were dressed in thongs, only, of solid colors and non-mesh material. The cut of the thongs were ever so slightly more conservative than the typical "street" kind. They were topless, and had nice hair-styles. So after meals and a period of time to relax, President Red Dove came for them again and invited them to her office. In her office were a number of other Officers, all looking very Native American in their faces, but wearing the clothes just described. Py Nae Kot was liking this place more and more as she saw more and more of it. After some introductory conversation, they became serious. President Red Dove led the way with the statements and the question: "Miss Py Nae Kot, let's drill down to it, we believe that you are the same as us. As I told you, our people, beginning with another Py Nae Kot of that time, mysteriously appeared on the scene 3500 years ago. When our people first came, their methods of writing and keeping records were most insecure to say the least. They didn't have a WRITTEN language at all. Although there IS that movie the Py Nae Kot of history supposedly produced or helped produced. Doctor Lynn Peree will show you where you can borrow or buy it tomorrow. I watched it 43 years ago in school. It is required viewing for all Beta Race. But I was a girl then and didn't pay that much attention. So I don't remember much. "Anyway, the movie puts forth the generally accepted theory that, as I mentioned before, Py Nae Kot of history and the rest of us arrived, apparently guided by a Goddess, through a time-portal to this world. From there, we took over the leadership, but not the land, and guided the people with greater skill, apparently, than they were doing themselves. But we didn't take over their land. Even to this day, the vast majority of Beta Race lives here, in Central Capital. Our Scientists relate to me, that the race you are a part of, had their land taken away from them and that you are severely oppressed by those invaders. Could you clarify or expand on that?" "I most certainly could!" Py Nae Kot began emphatically. "It's a horrendous mess! Never before in the history of the Earth, up to our time anyway, has there been a more glaring case of blatant disregard to another nation's right to exist in peace, undisturbed and their sovereignty in tact! A race of beings, pale as off-white paper and whose men sometimes have hair over their bodies like apes... well, not that thick, but anyway... just came stomping, storming in, pushing the original occupants aside with no more regard than somebody pushing boxes aside as they walk or make a clearing in a near-full ware-house! Then after that, the invaders take all our good land away, herded us into worthless tracts of land called reservations where we are supposed to be autonomous but not really, and then regard us as little more than animals! It's the most belligerent, callused, dastardly shit-headed thing that one race has EVER done to another! Why I never heard of such..." "ALL RIGHT PY NAE KOT, ENOUGH!" demanded her Mother, White Dove. In calmer words, White Dove expanded on what Py Nae Kot said so emotionally about the Native American - White American situation. After listening but saying nothing, Sunn, yes, meek, quiet, thoughtful even submissive, unusual for a Native American man, Sunn, began a line of questioning that led to a startling question that surprised even the hot-tempered Py Nae Kot. Gentle though he may be, he still perhaps possesses that Native American Warrior- Brave blood... "President Red Dove Ma'am, you have spoken of technology put under your control. But indeed, since I've been here, I have seen signs of an advanced technology. Do you all have a big military and advanced weapons? What are your weapons like?" "We have a military that is just in the process of forming and growing. It is due to the world around us, primitive before, suddenly acquiring the technology from us BEFORE they are sociologically ready for it. Therefore they pose a danger to our national security. As to weapons, Commander Linda White Hawk can fill you in..." "A partial list of weapons we possess... partial due to the fact some weapons are classified secret... that is until we know for sure who you people are... would include, and I list only the more advanced ones. Ordinary weapons we possess I think are obvious..." Commander Linda White Hawk rattled off some pretty space-age sounding stuff!: "For the Infantry, the combination of machine-gun and infra-red ray gun forms a formidable advance! Our War-Hawk-6 machine-guns need only be pointed in the general direction of the enemy and fired... the advancing enemy falls, one upon the other, in rapid succession. Our Burn-Snake-8 infra-red ray guns can burn through and sometime blow up tanks. We would go in with ALL Burn-Snake-8's if it weren't for the fact they need to build up a charge about 8 to 20 seconds after being fired, depending on the beam-flash intensity setting. "Our Air Force, which now consists only of two to three planes of each kind, currently under test by Test Pilot Debra Fighting Eagle, who by the way is T-2K Race, include the hopeful Eagle-18. It has a fuselage made of Duralmite A-5, making it so tough as to be resistant to any kind of bomb. They have to be taken out by large, land based infra-red ray-guns... or a head-on collision with another... or with a mountain! They are capable of mach 9, have a no-lox ceiling of about 50,000 feet, and can fly to over 60,000 if fueled, optionally, with lox in their secondary tanks and so configured before take off. They carry a much more powerful version of the infra-red ray-gun that the infantry carries plus forward and rear-firing missile launchers. "We have a self-piloting missile-jet that can take off and cruise to where ever needed and deliver anything from conventional, to nuclear, to quark-type bombs. "Then you all have nuclear weapons?" "Affirmative." "What was that other one? A quartz-bomb?" "Hah-hah! No, it's pronounced QUARK, a quark bomb. They are the next stage up from a nuclear fusion, that is, hydrogen fusion bomb. They are on the order of 100 times more destructive than a Hydrogen fusion bomb. They are to be used sparingly therefore in any war. If used, a 20 mile crater will exist where a city of 10 million once was, plus there will be hurricanes and tornadoes produced up to 200 miles of the blast. They have the distinct advantage, however, of leaving almost NO residual radiation, making them a weapon that effects only the enemy, not the whole world and its ecology like the atomic fission or hydrogen fusion bombs do. By the way, such bombs CAN be delivered by the afore-mentioned Eagle- 18 fighter-jet, if necessary." Then Sunn popped his question, "Such weapons sound like they are superior to anything the United States or the Soviet Union of our era has. Do you think you people could invade the North American Continent and take it back from the Whites?" "SUNN! HOW COULD YOU THINK SUCH A THING!?" scolded Py Nae Kot. "How could you NOT think of it!? As you said yourself, the Whites invaded our lands without mercy. They used their might of weaponry to defeat us. Now we find this era where the American Indian has come into his own! We could, and would have the justification, to take our lands back." "HMMM!" Py Nae Kot pondered. Large scale war and nuclear bombs had always turned her off. But applied to the retaking of American Indian lands... "Py Nae Kot! Sunn! You should remember what Jesus said, FORGIVE!" White Dove said. "But Jesus also indicates we should be strong!" said Blue Owl." Finally Commander Linda White Hawk said, "From the intelligence supplied me, I surmise we, once we manufacture sufficient quantity of the weaponry mentioned, could launch a successful invasion force. But, if I'm not mistaken, President Red Dove, that is far from being contemplated." "True," President Red Dove began. "We are dealing with time travel. If a people of a planet's future effects that planet's past, it could so disrupt the currents and eddies of time as to cause the forces that manufactured the future people to change, possibly causing the future people's very existence to be canceled. Until we have more data, and have a cause to, an invasion of your time epoch is out of the question." After that meeting concluded, Py Nae Kot and company were taken by Officers to see the town. President Red Dove did not accompany them due to other matters she had to tend to. Later, Py Nae Kot and company were escorted by government officials to a dealership of pedal-cars where they would select pedal-cars the government would pay for. The dealership was frequented by many of the Beta Race and so had pedal-cars of their size. The shopping experience was very interesting to Py Nae Kot, an avid cyclist- commuter. When she test drove some, she found the pedal-cars a VERY effective transportation tool. They were comfortable, the enclosed body would keep off chilly winds and rain, and they were FAST!! Although heavy feeling at the pedals, continuously applied effort just seemed to produce higher and higher speeds. Although acceleration was slow, before one knew it, the speed indicator would be showing (after converting from their units of distance to our mile) 40 and 45 miles per hour! ALL pedal-cars had a two way "public-band" radio. Only some had stereo systems. Py Nae Kot and Sunn, both experienced cyclists, took to the pedal- cars as if second nature. But Py Nae Kot's Parents had to become accustomed to them and to learn. And their speed performance was not so good and Py Nae Kot's and Sunn's. But in this society where the pedal-car is almost the ONLY way to get around, surely after easing in to it a few weeks, the health benefits for her Parents would be ENORMOUS! After purchasing the pedal-cars, Py Nae Kot and company were shown to their hotel rooms and given bank accounts accessible at any store by a tiny disc they were given. The disk, inserted into the store's computer terminal/cash register combination, gave bank account numbers and other data necessary for the store's computer system to move funds electronically from their accounts to the stores account. The little disks were called "credisks". Not like a credit card where money is borrowed, the credisks cause the movement of funds from savings in one's own bank account. So finally, there they were. Relaxing in a nice hotel room, 11 stories up, overlooking a Central Capital that had an orange pall imparted by a sky a-glow with orange... and red, and yellow. From horizon to zenith, the colors began with bright, pure red graduating to orange then to yellow, pale yellow and then blue which graduated to dark blue and star-spangled black above. Py Nae Kot and Sunn contemplated the day's exciting events. Py Nae Kot's parents were set up in another, adjoining hotel room. A quick look at the television revealed "relaxed" broadcasts, not nearly so tightly timed to the split second as United States broadcasts. News broadcasts were dry, devoid of the sensationalism they were used to with U.S. news shows. They reported what was pertinent and really news-worthy. And most interestingly, the main newscaster, the "Anchor", was not completely human. It was apparently an excellently animated computer graphic along with voice synthesizer! The graphic showed a man with an excellent physique featuring big pecs. His face and hair were impeccably styled and neat. Py Nae Kot watched with saucer-big eyes, but alas, he was not real. Oh well, she DID see plenty of REAL ones that day. The Weather Person was a real human female, of the T-2K race, dressed in, you guessed it, something skimpy. Sunn ogled the well built, well muscled woman appointed by only a gaudy, bright red thong. Her hair, bright orange and short with bangs, was pert and full-bodied. Topless, her firm breasts held high by big chest- muscles and proud, erect posture, sported large nipples that could have done the job of the pointer she was using, pointing out facts on the weather-map! All this along with a sweet sounding pretty voice; she was a delight to listen to and watch! Later that night, after laying down in a bed, 69 million years removed into the future from their former beds, Py Nae Kot pondered is this really happening... it was so fantastic! Here they were lying here, surrounded by a city of another time; a completely removed epoch in Earth history! Right now, as a city simmered down to night time calm, vapors in the air were all that was left of a society they once lived in. The society they left behind was so far back in history from these people as to be PRE-historic! Py Nae Kot stared out the window to a million twinkling eyes still up there, still twinkling away after 69 million years passage. The stars were clearly visible in this pollution-free big city. Her thoughts drifted to all the problems, all the concerns, the struggles, the triumphs and just generally the times which were all, along with their things, AND THEIR physical bodies, ALL... DUST IN THE WINDS! Dust, drifting in the breezes blowing gently now, over the Central Capital, Central Mountains Republic, June 7, year 6970-1987!