The Central Mountains Republic, part 7 by Joe Rathbone PREPARATIONS FOR PY NAE KOT'S JOURNEY BEGINS Forces unknowned to Py Nae Kot were about to redirect the big Amazon in a new direction. Let's join her now and tag along, and see just what adventure awaits this rough and ready gal as she right now bicycles to the airport... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The day was clear and crisp. The temperature that morning, 49 to 50 degrees, felt refreshing to Py Nae Kot. She rode her bicycle to the Seattle Executive Airport, then followed Andy's directions to find the place she was to report for lessons and picking up her airplane. It was at an out-of-the way office building. It looked a bit run- down. The only vehicles parked in front was a locked up bicycle, and a very swanky looking... car... or was it a jet? A strange, futuristic looking vehicle sat in the parking space. Dark, mid- night blue it was with black trim. Chrome and other metallic colors were around the metal parts, especially what appeared to be two turbine jet engines mounted on back. Py Nae Kot could not quite figure out if it was airplane or car. She concluded car, for it had no visible wings except for a real-looking tail section with rudder and elevators in a T-form. And of course there were the jet turbines. But it was parked where cars are parked. Py Nae Kot found herself looking at it for a while. While she is generally not too interested in cars, she WOULD BE fascinated at any airplane. A closer look at that tail section revealed it was real and functional. The rudder and elevator wings could be moved. Still unable to decide if it was plane or car, she went on to the door of the office and knocked. Py Nae Kot took a couple steps back when the door was answered. A big, huge giant man answered and said, "Are you Py Nae Kot?" "Yes sir, I am!" she replied, looking up. It is rare Py Nae Kot has to look up to another face. But the man was not very good looking. He towered over seven feet! But he was seven feet of nothing special. Kind of dumpy and large in the middle, with a neat enough suit but ill- fitting and out of style, he had an effeminate face. His voice was high registered and effeminate but sounded gentle. "My name is Mr. Hingust, your Special Flight Instructor for the Piper EX-2000 Land and Air Vehicle. What I'm going to do today, Miss Py Nae Kot, is, well, first of all officially present you with your gift. Then, I'm going to teach you how to drive it in its ground mode. It's not much more than driving any other car. Then I have a demonstration flight to give you in just about, oh, one hour. The flight plan I registered is for us to take off one hour from now. Then tomorrow, you will start your ground school for your Private Pilot portion of the training. At that time, the EX-2000 will be yours and you will be driving it only in its ground mode, that is, like a car..." Py Nae Kot, becoming more and more curious until, loosing patience, could not wait any more, interrupted the Mr. Hingust, asking, "Wait a minute, WAIT A MINUTE! Slow down here. WHAT do you mean GROUND MODE? And DRIVING it like a CAR?" "Well, that's just it, it's a land and air vehicle. It can be driven on the ground, on roads like a car. And it is a mini-jet, with two turbine engines... well, see for yourself, that's it parked outside!" NO WONDER Py Nae Kot was not able to figure out if it was an airplane or a car! Apparently, it was BOTH! But strange, Py Nae Kot never HEARD of such a vehicle, not from Piper, not from Cessna, LearJet, McDonnell Douglas, or Seattle's own Boeing... NOBODY! "WAIT A MINUTE," Py Nae Kot insisted, "I keep up with airplanes via various flying magazines and books, and I have never heard of a 'Land and Air Vehicle' from Piper or ANYBODY ELSE for that matter!" Mr. Hingust replied, "That is to be expected, for Piper kept this revolutionary vehicle a top secret until its unveiling just a few weeks ago. The lead time for most magazines is about three months, so I would imagine, one of the major flying magazines you read should have an article about it after three months! Now come, let's get some paper-work done and then let me give you the '50 cent tour'!" Mr. Hingust brought out a packet of very official looking papers. Essentially, it was for transferring the owner's title to Py Nae Kot's name. This made the futuristic vehicle fully and legally the possession of Py Nae Kot! Py Nae Kot wondered if Mr. Hingust would know anything about the one who gave her such a grand gift! "Mr. Hingust, WHO is giving me all this?" she asked. "You mean you don't know?" he asked. "Well, I THINK I know, but I don't know him that well as a person, in fact he is somewhat of a mystery man!" she said. "Well, would he be a Mr. Andy Black Deer?" he asked. Py Nae Kot replied, "Yes, that's him! Do you know anything about him?" Mr. Hingust replied, "Nothing except that this is a gift to you from him. He paid for it and signed all the official papers for the special case of a gift presentation to someone. It's rare, but it happens. Oh, I forgot to give you my card." He drew out a card from amongst its fellows and gave it to her. He continued, "As you can see, I'm am a Special Instructor for teaching flying the EX-2000 and Factory Rep from Piper. We are only now moving into this office. It's kinda run down but we will be remodeling shortly. Anyway, as to this Andy Black Deer, I only know him as a customer, one of my first, for the EX- 2000. Other than that, I know he's an Indian, out of a Canadian reservation. His name, Andy BLACK DEER, that sounds like an Indian name. I asked him about it. Say, YOU'RE an Indian TOO, aren't you? And a gorgeous one at that, if you don't mind me saying so!" Py Nae Kot replied, smiling, "You can say I'm gorgeous all you want, but I just want to inform you, the people you pale... er you White People generally refer to as Indians prefer to be called Native Americans, or, I guess, in his case, Native Canadians. The Explorer, Columbus, thought he had found INDIA, so he called the dark skinned people there INDIANS! Since people of India, the Hindus that is, ALSO have dark skin, it's a quite understandable mistake!" Notice Py Nae Kot is several notches more considerate now! But now she was also several notches more confused. Last night, Andy Black Deer stammered and Stuttered as if he was making up that bit about being a Native Canadian from a Canadian reservation. But even this Mr. Hingust knew it from what Andy himself must have told him at least several days ago! "Oh well, I guess it was just from being so horny, after all," Py Nae Kot thought to herself. "Or was it? Man, that guy is a big walking talking QUESTION MARK!" she concluded in her thoughts. "Okay!", Mr. Hingust said, "Let's go out there and get you familiar with your new land-air-vehicle!" Py Nae Kot followed Mr. Hingust out to the parked racy looking car she saw earlier. He brought out the keys to it. "Here, you take the driver's side. I'm assuming you can drive and have a driver's license and all." She replied, "I do indeed have a driver's license. From time to time I may use my Mama's car. I don't have one of my own. That mountain bicycle there is my usual day to day transportation. Does this have automatic transmission? If it's stick shift, I may be in trouble, you'll have to teach me that." Mr. Hingust explained, "Well, that's quite all right, because, although there is a thing in here that looks like a stick shift, including clutch, it is not used while driving. Now lets get seated... I'll get over on the passenger side." So Py Nae Kot sat in a brand new car.. er airplane.. or something all her own. Everything was blemish-free. Shiny was shiny, dull was dull, crinkle was crinkle and all colors rich and true. Aromas of freshly processed plastics, rubbers, seat foam and new carpet informed her nose, "new, new, new"! The seat fit her big stature well which was a surprise itself. It squeaked and grunted as she settled in for comfort. All the controls felt tight and ready to go, with a clean feel to her hands, particularly the steering wheel. And that steering wheel was fashioned after that of an airplane... well, it IS an airplane! But it DID impart a sporty look to it. She was impressed with the array of CRTs, digital-read-out windows and various control knobs and levers that were arranged in an aesthetic manner. The bright silver-plated knobs, the panels of white and beige and the flat-finished gray trim around the CRTs and read-out windows were handsome indeed, although, intimidating. It was really quite a thrill for Py Nae Kot who, up to now, had never been given anything in her life. But as to that intimidating instrument panel, she said, "Wow," she said, "How am I ever going to figure all that out?" Mr. Hingust, who had seated his 7 foot plus frame in the passenger side, said, "Don't worry about that today, that is only for the flight mode. You will learn that soon enough. There are a series of lessons, both ground school and air spanning over the 9 months, assuming you attend full time. I was told you can attend full time since you have a night job. By the time you get to the EX-2000 portion of your training, those instruments will be familiar to you." "Yeah, I have a night job so I'll be able to attend full time classes. However, not too EARLY now, I come home late and so have to sleep late." Mr. Hingust assured, "No problem, all your classes begin at 1 P.M. everyday, Monday through Friday. Okay, let's take her for a drive." Mr. Hingust began "lesson one"... "The first thing I have to tell you is that the ground-traction motor in this vehicle, for the ground mode, is electric. So put the key in the key slot there, and simply turn it to the on position. And note this switch here that says 'Ground Mode / Flight Mode'? Well, do not worry, if you start out with it in the wrong position, nothing will blow up. It merely refers to what portion of the instrument panel will be lit. Obviously, you do not need all this flight instrumentation when driving on the road. In the 'Ground Mode' setting, only road driving instruments will be lit up at night, or otherwise activated. And this is the Nav-Com radio. You may turn it on at anytime. On the road, you may leave it off, but I'm told you are interested in airplanes, flying and everything. If you are like me and most other people interested in planes, you may just like to listen in on ground to airplane communications sometimes just for the heck of it. And finally, to answer your question about the transmission. This is the four speed gear box selector. When driving on the highway, like I-5 for example, you just leave it in fourth. Even when starting up. And you never need to push the clutch in for standing still. But if you are in town in stop and go driving, you may want to put it in third. If the stop and go is severe, and/or you're going up-hill, like in downtown Seattle, then put it in second. Third and second gear just gives the electric motor more leverage, that's all. And then, for the toughest conditions only, like driving through sand or snow, or going up a VERY steep hill or embankment, use the first gear. But usually, you will be in third or fourth. You may shift when standing still or while moving by......." And so Py Nae Kot was given her driving lesson for the vehicle in ground mode. Mr. Hingust promised more land driving, but after going around the periphery of the airport once, he announced it was time for the demonstration flight. Returning to the parking spot, they changed seats. When the seven foot Mr. Hingust took his seat, he adjusted the seat for his gigantic size. Py Nae Kot noticed the interior of this vehicle was very roomy. In fact, it seemed a bit OVER designed for room, as if it was designed for a world of people Mr. Hingust's size. On went the Nav-Com radio, but he kept the volume low so that the constant rattling away of tower to plane communications would not bother them yet. He flipped the switch to Flight Mode, and all those complicated looking instruments lit up. They drove along a service road just outside the fence surrounding the airport. Soon they came upon an entrance gate with a guard posted. Mr. Hingust showed him ID then entered the airport. Py Nae Kot was beginning to get excited from this, it looked thrilling. After driving some distance on the bumpy service road just inside the fence, they came to an area with many airplanes either parked or taking on passengers or freight. This was mostly a general aviation airport, devoid of the gigantic airline jets that fly in and out of the Sea-Tac International to the south. Cessnas, Pipers, Mooneys and other kinds of smaller prop planes could be seen in abundance. There were also Lear Jets around. Upon seeing a Lear Jet just pulling away to the taxi-way, Mr. Hingust said, "This EX-2000 can take on that Lear any day as far as air-speed is concerned. Remember, this IS a JET. We'll leave all those prop planes way behind!" Sounded thrilling enough to Py Nae Kot! Mr. Hingust found an out of the way place to park and prepare for flight. "Before you prepare to fly, you do the preflight. The instrumentation which includes an extensive computer, will tell you how, if necessary." Py Nae Kot noted the instruments included a couple of CRTs, like a computer and there was even a key-board to the side. He pressed one button and a display came on one of the monitors, blinking in red, large letters along with a beeping noise. The display said, "REMOVE PITOT TUBE COVER!! Press key when ready for preflight list." "Okay," said Mr. Hingust, "we do just that!" He and Py Nae Kot went out. Mr. Hingust showed her where a so called 'Pitot tube' was located. "The cover keeps out dust and grime when on the ground. The tube lets air in, but without the wind, so that instruments can determine various things based on the air around the plane, mostly altitude." They went back in momentarily. "I have this already- printed-out-preflight list here..." he pulled one from its fellows located in a pocket near the pilot's seat. "But if you are out of them, you can get the computer to print one out, thus..." Mr. Hingust pressed a button to cause the pitot tube message to be replaced by a preflight list on the screen. At the bottom, it said, "Press F1 on key board for print-out of pre-flight" He did so, and out from the passenger's side, came a high quality piece of paper stock with the preflight list on it. Mr. Hingust then said, "And all you do, is check each item, them put a mark in the box next to it indicating you have checked it." They did so then returned to their seats. Mr. Hingust explained, "Now EVERY TIME you activate the instruments with that Mode switch, and you press any key to start the displays, it's going to make you go through all this. It's very very super important! Now, to clear the preflight list, you press RETURN only, thus, NOW observe!..." Mr. Hingust pressed the RETURN key on that key board. Again beeping and flashing red letters on the CRT. "EXTEND WINGS? YES / NO" and the YES was blinking in "reverse video". Another line said, "CAUTION, EXAMINE AREA FIRST!" "Now," Mr. Hingust explained and warned, "VERY SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT! Before you press the Return key, you take a look around you. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO OTHER AIRCRAFT OR PEOPLE WITHIN 25 FEET ON EITHER SIDE!!" They looked to see that their area was more than clear. Mr. Hingust pressed return. Then the screen displayed, "ARE YOU SURE? YES / NO" again with YES blinking in reverse video. He said, "So, you have ANOTHER LOOK, just to be sure!" Then her pressed return again. Py Nae Kot jumped a bit, startled by a sudden noise that issued forth from below. A grinding, whirring and series of clunking noises came forth. She then noted out side the big wings of the Land-Air-Vehicle were spreading outward, like a great peacock's tail. After the wings were fully extended, the CRT blinked red letters with audible alarm, "PRE-FLIGHT WINGS". "All we do now is check that the wings are fully and properly extended and locked. The last few items of the pre-flight list, both the prepared one and Py Nae Kot's printed-out one that she held, had these final checks under a line of type that said, "Post Wing Extension Checks". Back inside and seated, Mr. Hingust said, "As you can see, it is a quite methodical sequence you must follow, but it is for your safety, and is unique to this vehicle, being designed for both air and ground travel. After all, you have a car that can instantaneously become an airplane!" Py Nae Kot could only say "Wow!". "From here," Mr. Hingust said, "Is quite like any other airplane. You start the engines and contact the tower to begin controller directions. First, you put the four speed transmission in neutral. Put the brakes on and start the turbines." He activated start controls and immediately, Py Nae Kot heard that particularly jet-sounding noise that only turbines can make. A series of high pitched wines accompanied with low pitched drones came forth along with the rushing-air noise. He first activated one, then the other. He turned up the Nav-Com volume and contacted the tower, reporting his flight plan number and so forth. From there, Py Nae Kot was a passenger, staying quiet while Mr. Hingust took instructions from the tower and carried them out. Soon they began to move out and onto a taxi way. Taxiing for a while, Py Nae Kot observed other planes taking off from the runway they were beside. She saw one Lear Jet take off, and it REALLY MOVED! They then came upon a line of various general aviation planes waiting in line for their turn in take off. Mr. Hingust remarked, "This is always a busy airport!" The line had single engine props, two engine props, and in various sizes. A few Lear Jets or similar were sprinkled in the line. The controller always had to make sure a Lear had plenty of space before take off because of their great speed. As their spot in the line drew closer to their turn to take off, Py Nae Kot's heart began to pound noticeably as she became more anxious. She has been on an airline jet twice before. Both times were to go to Native American conventions held in other parts of the United States, requiring air travel. She is not necessarily scared of the take- offs, but finds them exciting. Finally, it WAS their turn! The tower gave Mr. Hingust the word, "Clear for take off", and then revved the turbines in earnest. As the engines "spooled", Mr. Hingust steered and aligned to the runway. It extended ahead of them like an eternity. The engines spooled up to maximum thrust roaring like dragons spewing forth hot breath and fire - the low-pitched roar accompanied by a chorus of various other whines, hums and whistles quickly built up to a thrilling crescendo - Py Nae Kot felt herself pressed hard into her seat - an exhilarating rush of acceleration and dizzying speed - the speeding mini-jet wolfed up runway - before she could fully absorb that, the ground, zipping streaks of grays, off-whites and darker streaks pulled away - a small portion of noise from the wheels ceased - a change in the over-all tone of the roar - a wafting sensation - they were airborne, the earth rushing away and downward below them! Py Nae Kot could see tops of trees, neighborhood roads snaking over the humpy Seattle landscape, and even the details of a automobile dealership almost directly below them all pulling away at great speed. The Sales-People are having to shout now!, Py Nae Kot thought. She turned her head to look as a command barked over the radio that she didn't understand when Mr. Hingust responded by rolling the eager aircraft into a banking turn. Another glance at the ground and it was already way down there, details blending into patterns and turning bluish with distance. A glance ahead - a bank of clouds were fast approaching. They zipped through them with an accompanying buffeting. Just as quickly as the ground did before, the clouds silently zoomed away and down only to become just another pattern of the world below. "Golly dang, things happen fast on a jet!" she exclaimed. "Do not worry, Py Nae Kot, it will come to you as you go through your training." Being in a small vehicle, and close to the ground, the feeling of going at break-neck speed was much more pronounced than in the big jets. What a thrill! Py Nae Kot's spine tingled even! Things were slowing down now as they ascended, following invisible paths of air. For now it was Good bye Earth! See you later! The sky was their element now as they quickly ascended over even the highest stratus clouds. Mr. Hingust was still taking orders from the tower while ascending. With many other airplanes in the air, along with Sea-Tac heavies over head in their landing slopes, they depended on the controllers to guide them safely out of the busy air space. When they said turn a certain way, Mr. Hingust did so. When they said ascend and maintain a certain altitude, Mr. Hingust followed it to the letter. Finally, as they were drawing over the Cascades already, the man over the radio said something to the effect of "Radar service terminated, contact Spokane Exec on 125.5, have a good flight!" Mr. Hingust joked, "That's airplane talk for 'get out of my life, pe-lease!'" then confirmed the order. He then punched in 125.5 on the Nav-Com. "We are not going to land in Spokane, just sort of fly towards it, then turn around and go back to Seattle Exec. This is just a demonstration flight. But I need to contact their controller so they can keep track of me along with the other traffic." Py Nae Kot could already see that flying an airplane entailed a great deal of procedure and caution. It was safe to say, there is a lot to it! But how exciting! They WERE OVER the Cascade Mountains now, headed east. Several snow caped peaks could be seen. The tremendous peak of Mount Rainier could be seen far away in the distance to the right side and slightly behind. As they progressed east, the land became lower and flatter. It looked dry. Several round patches on the ground could be seen, tell-tale signs of semi-arid country where farmers used "central pivot irrigation" to water their crops. At a certain point in accordance with the flight plan Mr. Hingust apparently filed, the Spokane controller gave him instructions on when and where to make the turn-around back to Seattle. It seemed like the flight had not gone on that long, but already they were near Spokane. They performed the turn-around, and headed back west. As before, the Controller told Mr. Hingust to switch the radio to Seattle's frequency. Heading west now, they returned back over the Cascades where then it became busy again. The controller directed them around this way and that. Then the final approach. The runway looked far away down there, but it drew closer quickly. Lower and lower, their speed became more and more obvious. Over houses, businesses along with the many hills of Seattle, and finally over airport ground. Lower and lower, they crossed the "thresh-hold" of the pavement, then Mr. Hingust gently wafted them on down. Into the landing flare, and then the rear wheels met the ground with a solid "whomp" sound and squealing. Then the fronts contacted. The ground was zooming by underneath at a dizzying speed! Mr. Hingust activated the spoilers creating a louder rushing noise, then reverse- thrust accompanied by a deafening roar, and finally hard braking. Py Nae Kot was forced forward hard against the seat belt. With plenty of runway left over, they were at a safe speed now, the roar silenced, and the various hums and whistles of the turbines coming down in pitch as the engines settled down to idle. They left the runway at the closest taxi-way entrance. Back in the parking area, they found an out of the way place, then proceeded to turn back into a road-car. It was necessary to completely turn the instruments to Ground Mode and shut off the turbine engines before the vehicle's electronic brain would even THINK of letting them retract the wings. The last step was to remove a cover from the panel in a hard-to-reach spot, then turn no less than three switches to "retract wings" position, then using both hands, simultaneously turn another two large spring loaded switches to "retract" at the same time. Finally, the grinding and ke-chunking and whirring noises came forth as the wings began to be pulled in! After the wings were completely retracted, a buzzer sounded that would not stop until those three other switches were ALL turned back to "normal" positions. Mr. Hingust then replaced the cover saying, "You see, tremendous care had to be taken by the Engineers of this particular airplane against the possibility of inadvertently retracting the wings WHILE FLYING!!" Py Nae Kot nodded her head emphatically in total agreement! The flight over, Mr. Hingust drove the car now in ground mode back over the bumpy, pot-hole-filled road to the gate with the guard. The guard simply opened the gate to let them through, no need for ID this time. Then they returned to the office. So, Py Nae Kot was taken on a most thrilling introductory ride in her new land-air-vehicle. Mr. Hingust accompanied her on more driving practice before letting her have it. Later, back in the office, he reviewed the rest of her training. "As I said before, you will start your Private Pilot's license training tomorrow." He gave her directions of where to report. "Report there 1 P.M. tomorrow. You will not take instruction from me again until you have passed the training and hours required for multi-prop-engine and IFR flight. That will be in some eight months. In the mean time, you may drive your EX- 2000 as a car anywhere you want. I will show you in a minute how to recharge its energy cells. You may commute to your classes either in the EX-2000 or your bicycle, it doesn't matter. You will not begin flight training in this until you are back with me in about eight months. In the meantime, call any one of the numbers on the business card I gave you for any questions or problems regarding the EX-2000." Mr. Hingust took Py Nae Kot out to the EX-2000 to review recharging its energy cells. It was as simple as plugging a plug of a cord into a socket behind a removable panel on the car and the plug on the other end of the cord into a wall socket and pressing one button. "Plug it in every day and you should have no problem." Mr. Hingust advised. He then took four dish looking things from the luggage area inside. He instructed, "These are the turbine engine covers. Keep them in place when not using the EX-2000 as an air vehicle, for they keep dirt and crud out of the engines while driving." He then placed the four of them, two for each engine, the front and back of it, in place. "Your assignment from me, is to study the Owner's Manual when ever you have the chance. You're going to have considerable book study from your other schools; for now give them priority. Just sort of look over the Owner's Manual when ever you have spare time. it's informative, and well written with lots of pretty pictures, some of which are highly advanced holograms! Anyway, for the next several months, prepare to study! It's almost like going to college or, at least, a highly developed vocational school anyway. There's a lot to becoming a jet pilot. You must learn meteorology, aerodynamics, legal matters, airport procedures and other odds and ends as well as the skill of piloting a plane." Mr. Hingust finally concluded, "And with that, she's all yours!" With final greetings, that was it. Py Nae Kot placed her bicycle in the EX-2000 that she would be driving that night. Py Nae Kot had barely enough time to have supper at a restaurant and call her Mother again before going to the night club. She hurriedly told her Mother she had been through her first "lessons" and she could see the vehicle tomorrow. Tonight, everywhere she went was by driving the EX-2000 ground mode. To say the least, it drew a lot of attention! It was nice but Py Nae Kot saw the difference of getting around in downtown Seattle by car versus by bicycle. Py Nae Kot infinitely preferred the bicycle. A car just gets in the way when you have to park it, and feels cumbersome in down-town Seattle's streets, many of which are narrow with many curves, and always very hilly. She planned to drive the EX-2000 home of course, but use the bicycle as usual tomorrow to go to flight classes and the night club. A long time cyclist, she is accustomed to bicycle commuting, not to mention possesses big, powerful legs that make it almost effortless, even when grinding up one of Seattle's "killer" hills! Py Nae Kot danced extra wild that night, exhilarated with the days events. She scanned the audience of mostly men looking for Andy Black Deer, but he was nowhere to be seen. To bad for him, he was going to miss quite a show! She stripped down to a g-string with a patch of thin, white cloth that clung to her wet vagina with precision, BARELY covering it with a grand total of two square inches of material! The only other thing on that giant 240 pounds of female was a strap around her huge, muscular thigh. It held something that appeared to be a knife in a leather holster. At a point in her lusty dance, she took it out and stripped the band from her thigh. Turning out to be a pair of scissors, she stopped her dance, walked with big, hip swaying steps toward the guys then stood at the edge of the stage while she snipped the three strings holding the teeny patch of cloth in place! The anticipation level in that club suddenly heaved skyward! She first snipped off the string that leaves the patch of cloth rear-ward, through her crotch. To do so, she had to spread her muscle-legs WAY out. She then had to bend at the waist almost double, carefully guiding the scissors between her giant legs. The men ogled closely as she lifted the rear of the patch slightly to make the string accessible for snipping. Once snipped, she patted the patch back in place, allowing the wetness of her vagina to make it cling! The men whooped and hollered and popped out eye-balls! Then she snipped the two strings leading from either side of the patch of cloth. The men went crazy! They thought she was going to bare it all, despite the zoning and club rules. But she did not; after clipping of the strings and flinging them away, she resumed dancing at full power of her shaking hips and thrusting pelvis. The patch stayed on ONLY BY THE FACT IT WAS THOROUGHLY SOAKED WITH SECRETIONS FROM HER AROUSED VAGINA! The guys were climbing all over each other for a closer look! To make things more exciting, Py Nae Kot shook her hips extra hard, thrust her pelvis extra far as if pumping the brains out of a helpless sex partner, daring that patch to fly off! But some how, it didn't! That was 40 minutes before 2 AM so those guys went through over 40 anxious minutes wondering if that patch would fail! But thanks to her sex-hungry genital, it stayed wet and clung tightly! WHEW! After nearly starting a riot with her daring, rule-stretching dancing, she was done little after 2 AM. Off stage, she saw Pete was trimming his finger-nails with his teeth. He TOO had gone through 40 minutes of sheer torture, frightened that after months of following the rules, she was going to strip it ALL! "Oh poor Pete! I'm sorry!" Py Nae Kot said, teasing Pete, chucking him under his chin. "This is for YOU!" Py Nae Kot said impishly. She peeled the soaked patch of cloth from her steaming genital with one hand, grabbed Pete's wrist with her other hand, forced him to turn his hand palm upward, and slapped the soaked little triangle into his hand with a wet clap. Pete first looked up at the 6-foot-6 super woman in front of him with the blank expression of someone under another's total control, then scanned her tan body down. His eyes were just about level with the nipples of her breasts. His eyes combed her body on down to that bare, wet pubic area and lingered until she said, "That's to help you forget the scare I gave you just then!" She grabbed some tissues from a nearby box of them and wiped the excess moisture from her genital right in front of the spell-bound Pete. "Seems like it's always wet, doesn't it? Sure is a bother!" she said, enjoying the thrill of controlling a man and torturing him horribly. She put on her familiar sleeveless t' and split mini and went home, leaving Pete smoldering away! When Py Nae Kot returned home, she found her Mother waiting up for her. Mouth agape in awe, she beheld the EX-2000 as she approached Py Nae Kot, coming out. "Wow! You were NOT lying after all!" she exclaimed. "Oh, come on Mom, I wouldn't lie about something THIS BIG!" Py Nae Kot replied. "Perhaps not, but you have, after all, been away for an entire two days. And every where you went it was dressed like that! And with no under- wear! Well, I suppose that's ONE way to get ahead, but not the most honorable. This is White Man doings! You're always fussing about the White Man..." Py Nae Kot interrupted her Mother, saying, "Look, Mama, he didn't want sex! There's a lot more to this than just some guy giving his favorite dancer some gifts. This guy first of all is Native American, well actually, Native Canadian. And second of all, he knew all about me, my interests, my real name. And third, the gift he gave me is so involved as to greatly surpass the level of most for-sex-gifts....." And so Py Nae Kot spent almost the rest of the night with her Mother discussing this Man, his gift, and her becoming a pilot, and on and on! The next morning, the space-age looking vehicle drew a lot of attention from her Native American neighbors. Even Sunn, Py Nae Kot's steady boy friend, appeared fascinated. He did not seem to consider that this essentially was a gift from an admiring man, apparently RICH, who found Py Nae Kot's dancing alluring. To make sure, Py Nae Kot drew Sunn to the side and spoke to him softly, her lips pursed and close to his... "Now, don't worry about this. I'm not about to let you off for this big spender that gave me this. You must remember though, there's more to this than simply a guy giving a dancer a gift. There's something funny going on here. It's up to ME to find out what. Is that clear?" Py Nae Kot unconsciously drew Sunn into her arms. He snuggled up there. Her lips were so close anyway, and he was so cute, she just gave him a little peck! "Mmmm! I... that's clear, don't worry. I know you want leave me on account that I'm so lovable!" Sunn said lightly. Py Nae Kot's genital felt hot and it tingled; she yearned to draw Sunn into her crotch in a hug that involved her hands grabbing his tight little tush and lifting him up right into it! But she knew she should not right now, because the neighbors were all around. She said, in a voice so dulcet, "That's right! Because you ARE so lovable!" And with that, gave him another peck on the lips and finally "released" him. Later, Py Nae Kot and Sunn built a garage for the EX-2000. None of the houses in that Native American neighborhood had garages, not as original equipment anyway. The expensive and sophisticated EX-2000 needed a garage to protect it. Temporarily, they parked it in their back yard so as not to attract TOO much attention, particularly from White race tourists who come driving through sometimes. They hear mostly Native Americans live here, so they think it is some kind of "Injun"-place to see tee-pees, wig-wams, war dances, and buy beads and rugs. Py Nae Kot, along with others, feared one of the Whites will see the EX-2000 and later try to steal it. So Py Nae Kot began her flight lessons the next day. As planned, she rode her mountain bicycle as usual. That black sleeveless t-shirt, denim teeny skirt split down the sides plus her 6 and 1/2 feet, athletic 240 pounds, copper-tan skin and long, jet-black hair was an attention getter. Py Nae Kot has had experience with this situation before. Py Nae Kot, unlike other people, must NEVER be late for class. Anybody late who comes walking in a class-room gets "scanned" by the other students. Imagine that big Amazon, tantalizingly dressed like that, walking in late! The other students would think it's "show time"! So Py Nae Kot arrives EARLY, even, sits toward the back, and is not noticed... much. The ground school class had some 18 students. The instructor was not such a big "dump" like the Mr. Hingust yesterday, in fact, he was somewhat good looking. Apparently a Middle Easterner, Py Nae Kot was impressed by what she perceived as a "cute" fellow with expressive eyes. And she loved his accent. After the class, he called Py Nae Kot aside. Then she saw he was quite little, especially compared to her. He called her aside for no particular reason except curiosity. Py Nae Kot gets this a lot from Instructors or Teachers. He merely wanted to know her just a little more. He remarked about her skimpy clothes, "Good attire for a pilot... saves weight!" And so Py Nae Kot's flight school was under way. There was a lot to learn over the next eight months about meteorology, aerodynamics, and many other things in addition to flying. Indeed, she was taken up through Private Pilot, then IFR flying, and multi-prop-engine. The schooling began in April. By mid January of the next year she would complete the hours necessary for a Commercial Pilot's License enabling her to fly fairly big, two-engine-planes under IFR conditions if necessary. Bad weather with poor visibility necessitates IFR flying. And Seattle certainly has its share of that. Over the next several months, the various Instructors she encountered were mostly young, fairly nice looking people. A good thing too, they drew at least SOME attention away from Py Nae Kot. The Private Pilot part of the course had the already mentioned "cute" Middle Easterner. Teaching her IFR ground school was a big, 6-foot tall blond gal that certainly kept the male students from dozing off in class. Either her or a good looking Black Man was in the left seat of the plane for the flying part of the lessons. Three instructors were involved in the various facets of multi-engine and IFR flying as it pertained to multi-engine use. A cute Hispanic guy, a good looking, (even though a "pale-face") blue-eyed, blond haired guy, and a shapely brunette gal rounded out the personalities involved in bringing Py Nae Kot to multi-prop- engine IFR level. They all were impressed with Py Nae Kot's cool, calm demeanor when learning new flying techniques, her steady hand, smooth landings, and quickness to learn anything. And needless to say, the male instructors were FASCINATED with that body Py Nae Kot possessed, as well as her attire. They also wondered why she ALWAYS dressed that way. Although unquestionably sexy, her clothes style never changed! During those eight months, Py Nae Kot asked other people around the school, especially the instructors, about the Piper EX-2000. Nothing. She kept her eyed peeled on the pages of her flying magazines... nothing. No articles about an unveiling of an EX-2000. She noticed, around the school area, were various other flying-related business. Among them, new airplane dealer-ships. She went to the Piper dealership. She asked about the EX-2000. The young Sales Person did not know about it, but went to get the boss. Out came a towering giant of a man, seven feet tall. With blown-dry, thick blond hair, blue eyes and a stylish blue suit, he was a lot of good looking guy to look at. But Py Nae Kot began to wonder where Piper was getting all these giants! This guy, and the giant but effeminate Special Factory Rep in the other place certainly seemed to say that Piper was a BIG company! This fellow said, "For the EX-2000, which is an experimental jet-plane, you will have to see a Mr. Hingust. He has his own office. I will give you directions to get there....." Of course, Py Nae Kot already knew how to get there, but she listened to him output the directions anyway just to appear "normal". This was all about six months into her classes, with about two, two and a half months before getting back with Mr. Hingust for EX-2000 training. The garage for the EX-2000 had long since been completed in August of the last year. The EX-2000 had been lounging away, protected from Seattle's harsh Autumn and Winter weather, IN the garage. Mid January and it was time to contact Mr. Hingust again for the EX-2000 portion of the training. Py Nae Kot wondered if he would still be there. He was. So now she had to drive the EX- 2000 to class as well as to the night- club. Though a seasoned cyclist, it WAS a break from Seattle's Winter-time meteorological mischief. So, Py Nae Kot was once again with Mr. Hingust. It was one Instructor, one student. Mr. Hingust used a computer and a video projector for teaching aids. The computer was used a lot where a black- board would be used. It was also used for "written" (but with out paper) tests. The video player's images were super clear and life like. It generally taught flying the EX-2000. But the back grounds were curious. Big mountains could always be seen, and a few shots with people that happened to be in the back ground appeared dressed only in thongs and g-strings, both guys and gals. And one demonstration pilot, a woman, was dressed only in a light pink thong bikini and TOPLESS! WOW, what an instruction tape! Upon asking about that, Mr. Hingust's only answer to Py Nae Kot was "Students falling asleep or day-dreaming in class is always a problem. These rivet their attention!" Well, perhaps, Py Nae Kot thought. The feature person, yes. But what about those incidentally occurring figures way in the back ground who were not part of the instructional video, but merely just happened to appear back there? Again, Mr. Hingust's reply, "to hold attention". However it seemed un-natural that Piper would go to so much trouble in the production of an instructional video to make sure EVERYBODY appearing in it was so dressed. Not to mention, United States has so many hypocritical prudes out there who will make a fuss over such attire appearing in an instructional video... "AHH!, there's an under-current of this whole thing that JUST DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT!" thought Py Nae Kot to herself during a break. All the time to the present, Py Nae Kot had not heard a word from Andy Black Deer. What kind of a man would give a woman what must be a $200,000 or more jet, and some $20,000 worth of flying instruction, and ASK NOTHING IN RETURN!? Not so much as a KISS or a GOOD HUG!? "Something about this just doesn't quite ring true... something's up, don't know what, but something! I feel it in my deepest soul!" Py Nae Kot pondered. As Py Nae Kot trained on the EX-2000, she became aware of its many abilities. Some abilities she did not know could be done yet in any aircraft. In fact, it was so uncanny as to worry her a bit. After Mr. Hingust installed some extra programming, and some initialization, the EX-2000's on board computer could greet Py Nae Kot in her name, display her detailed image on the CRT even though she does not ever remember supplying a picture to anybody to scan and put into the computer's memory, and practically fly the EX-2000 itself. In fact it could accomplish complete take- offs and landings as long as there was not much other air traffic to look out for. The EX-2000 could find its way by itself using the Earth's magnetic field. It could at any time display maps on the CRT telling where it is. Although there was a manual over-ride, the computer system of the EX-2000 which seem to possess a rudimentary intelligence, made Py Nae Kot nervous. The thought that there is something else going on, that under-current of mystery, just preyed on Py Nae Kot's mind until she could not stand it. Curiosity was DEMANDING an answer!