The Central Mountains Republic, part 4 by Joe Rathbone PY NAE KOT'S PEOPLES' REACT TO HER DANCING JOB So Py Nae Kot made her living for the next few months as a sizzling-hot stripper and topless dancer. She did indeed make a lot of money. She very generously gave large sums of it to the Tribal Fund, an act which her Parents, Father especially, approved. "At least SOME good is coming out of your seamy new job!" her Mother said. She gave other amounts to her Parents to hurry and pay off the mortgage of their house. Very little was used to buy new things. No new furniture, no sporty red car for herself, nothing like that. "I do not wish to turn my house into a furniture show- room where everybody is afraid to even sit down on." Py Nae Kot said once. As for the car... well... Py Nae Kot is a dyed-in-the-wool CYCLIST! Over 900 dollars went out for a brand new mountain bicycle, a Raleigh Peak! As time went by, more and more Native Americans frequented the club. They had to see THIS Native American Lady for sure! Some Native Americans were from Py Nae Kot's own home neighborhood. Most generally approved, especially when Py Nae Kot would point out, "It's a way of sucking a lot of the pale-faces' money for our use!" They were well aware of Py Nae Kot giving large amounts of her earnings to the Tribal Fund. A few Native Americans of her own neighborhood did NOT approve, however, calling her contributions "dirty" or "sinful" money. Prudes have a way of popping up in almost any society. A couple of them, both Native Americans and from Py Nae Kot's very Tribe, one man, one woman, approached her while she was in the neighborhood gym, working out with weights. As Py Nae Kot was concentrating on "preacher's curls", a one-arm-at-a-time exercise that works the biceps, her biceps and shoulder muscles WERE TAUT and BULGING under a 90 pound dumbbell! Then these two prudes came up with the man saying, "So, getting ready for another night of carnal lust? If ill-gotten money had odors, our Tribal Fund would reek with the foul stench of sin and perversion!" And the woman said, "How dare you contribute something so full of the devil to our Tribe!" First of all, NEVER BUT NEVER disturb a person concentrating on weight lifting exercises! It is DISTRACTING to the EXTREME, and CAN BE DANGEROUS! Second, do not DARE suggest to Py Nae Kot, that SEX is SINFUL! Py Nae Kot's response? She set that weight down and got up from the bench, standing WAY OVER their heads, a leviathan of tanned, female power which was now, ANGRY! "LOOK you two Christian Fundamentalist-poisoned, Bible twisting, spitting in the face of GOD, pale-face-driven SHITS! YOU are the REASON SO MANY PEOPLE ARE SO HARD TO TALK TO ABOUT RELIGION! Don't you know you are doing more harm than good!? I can't talk to ANYBODY anymore about coming to Church because ASS-HOLES LIKE YOU have painted an oppressive, hypocritical face on religion! YOU'RE DOING THE WORK OF SATAN! But you don't realize it! AND THAT IS SATAN'S VERY PLAN! I have to hand to satan, its plan is WORKING THANKS TO TWERPS LIKE YOU! Now take that left over, warmed over, stale, worn out pale-face bull-krap and chunk it down the toilet, and GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!" Well! Without another word, those two scurried off like a couple of roaches right after turning on the light! Thanks to Py Nae Kot's powerful voice, other Native Americans in the gym heard. Cheers for Py Nae Kot were heard as the two prudes made a hasty retreat out of the gym with jeers nipping at their heels! Later, once again, Py Nae Kot was to be interrupted from her exercise routine, but politely this time. As Py Nae Kot's triceps and shoulder muscles bulged mighty with 250 pounds over her during a bench press, she noted in the corner of her eye a fellow quietly waiting for her to complete the set. She wound up the exercise and rose from the supine position on the bench to end up sitting, legs spread and large, sweaty arms wiping sweat off her brow, facing him. "Hi, ya Tom!" she said breathlessly but cheerfully to an ever-so- slightly plump fellow she thought was cute standing there. She admired his surprisingly smooth complexion of rich reddish tan skin, absolutely jet black hair, and an open, almost innocent face. He was always filled with amazement over Amazon Py Nae Kot. Tom said, "I just wanted to see if it was okay if I went to Church with you this Sunday. After what you said to those two, I see why I may have been anti-religion here lately. I hadn't thought of that. I keep seeing on the news what people like them do. I'm sorry if I misunderstood you when you invited me to Church that day!" "That's quite all right! And I CAN NOT PROMISE that you will NOT encounter hypocrites in the Church itself. But just remember, hypocrisy is a sin, forgivable through Jesus, and YOU must forgive them too, as Jesus teaches!" Another doubter chimed in, "It sure seemed YOU didn't forgive THOSE two who were in a while ago!" Py Nae Kot replied, "I am but human, they MADE ME MAD! But that does NOT mean I can not give them a good tongue lashing over their deeds!" He, Tom and some others who had gathered around listening nodded heads in agreement. Tom lingered a while chatting with Py Nae Kot between sets. He admired her powrerful body, especially now, in action. Later, Py Nae Kot completed her excercises and prepared for another night of dancing. MOTHER DISAGREES WITH PY NAE KOT'S MANNERS Sex itself may not be sinful, but Py Nae Kot did make quite a spectacle of herself during that FIRST performance at the Night Club. Word of it spread, and eventually reached her Parents' ears. Py Nae Kot's Father, always understanding, let it go when Py Nae Kot promised never to do that again, and that was just the first time and so on. Her Father knew he had a hot-blooded daughter! Py Nae Kot's Mother reluctantly accepted the dancing until she heard of the masturbations. That generated some words to have out with her daughter, soon as she got a chance... Recently, Py Nae Kot's breakfasts had been getting later and later since she quit the docks and began dancing for the Night Club. One morning after a typically late breakfast, she flopped lazily on the old thread-bare sofa as usual, switched on the TV with the controller and set it to the channel with The Price Is Right currently airing. Py Nae Kot got comfortable with her two big arms spread way out on either side resting on the sofa-back and a foot on the coffee-table. Her Mother saw this every day now, and found her habit of placing her foot on the coffee-table disgusting, not only because she felt it was a slovenly manner, but it also propped one of Py Nae Kot's big, muscular legs up so that one could easily see all the way to her vagina! Remember that split denim mini with no undies and black, sleeveless t-shirt... This particular day her Mother stood in the doorway leading from kitchen to living room shaking her head at the casual, admitedly sloppy sight. "I wonder how many people passing in front out there see your... between your legs!" she said, referring to the large window of the living room that faces the street. Their TV is in front of the window, and the sofa faces the TV... and the window. One COULD see in, maybe, if he looked hard. During daylight, when actually outside a house, the windows are practically opaque with reflections of the outside. But, you know Mothers... "AND you are letting Bob Barker have a look in there too!?" her Mother added. "Aw, come on Mom! Sure, sure! HEY BOB! Wanna lick some PUSSY!? HAH- HAH-HAH!" Py Nae Kot directly called to Price Is Right's host, Bob Barker, on the television. "Tch, tch, tch!" said Mom shaking her head in deep disapproval. Mom continued, "I heard you... um... masturbated during your first... uh... performance. And don't lie, I have good authority..." "I shimmied, pretended to have sex, masturbated on a pole, ALMOST masturbated on a guy, accepted a guy into bondage... it was new to me, Mom! It won't happen again!" "I just CAN NOT IMAGINE masturbating in front of ANYBODY in full view!" Py Nae Kot, thinking of Sunn and herself, gleefully began to say without thinking, "Well I masturbate in front of Sunn all the time which he really... oops!..." "I know, you masturbate and Heaven only knows what else in front of Sunn! But to masturbate in front of all those strange men... and to let them feel you like that... it just totally, absolutely boggles my mind! Tch, tch, tch! I can not even BEGIN to imagine what must have been going through your perverted mind! I SO wish you would find a job! Or go back to the docks!" "What do you mean find a job? What do you think my Night Club position is? Playing? It is a true job where I come home with a LOT of money! Pale-faces' money!" "Sure, where you let strangers look and feel all over your private areas! What IS the MATTER with you!? This dancing of yours, you masturbating in public, your sluty clothes!... You're living in a filthy sinful cesspool of sex and perversion!" "Mom, the masturbation and letting the guys feel me over was just the first time! Now it's look, don't touch! And no masturbating!" "But that place is a breeding ground of sin and perversion! Okay, so the dock worker job WAS a bit too rough and didn't pay well. What about your Computer Applications Degree... from the Vocational School? You received good grades, why can't you find a good computer job?" "No one even gave me the time of day much less hire me! Bunch of lousy pale-faces!" "But you gave up job hunting after only a few tries!" "NAH! All I was getting is condescending attitudes from pale-face personnel people. 'Look at the Injun girl, amazing isn't it, how IT can master rudimentary computer usage! Interesting but NOT FOR US!' Psssth!, and out I go!" "But you're living in SIN..." Py Nae Kot had enough. She laid it out, saying, "Look Mom, you know what your problem is? You are merely reflecting and refocusing that 'sex is sinful' bull-krap of the pale-faces! Before they came busting in OUR NATION, there was not such a feeling against sex. Besides, it is obvious to any one who studies anatomy that God apparently designed the human body to enjoy sex! Sex is for enjoyment and generating warm feelings between people. Just don't abuse it or over indulge in it or let it become 'your god'! And there is no sex where I dance. I go there, I dance, I display my body which is a work of art that GOD created - no person, and THAT IS ALL! Now take that pale-face gunk and chunk it in the garbage, PE-LEASE! It STINKS!" "'God designed the human body to enjoy sex'... now that's a new one..." Mom muttered. She continued more loudly, "Well, I can see there's no changing your mind... but JUST DON'T DO THAT MASTURBATING STUFF AGAIN! But what ARE we going to do about your attitude, especially your prejudice against the White Man!" "Send me to a world where the Native Americans rule! That'll do it! For ME anyway! Anyway, you have my assurances, no more masturbating in public!" Py Nae Kot answered. "Well, okay. Don't forget now, you need to mow the lawn and straighten out that mess you call your room!" "Okay Mom, in a few minutes." Finally her Mother left. Py Nae Kot was glad to have peace from her nagging. As she watched Price Is Right, Py Nae Kot became sleepy as she often does. Soon, she fell completely asleep.