The Central Mountains Republic, part 3 by Joe Rathbone PY NAE KOT BECOMES A TOPLESS DANCER With Py Nae Kot's magnificent body, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Sure enough, the Manager of the Dock Workers, Py Nae Kot's boss, had a friend who came by often for one reason or another. He could not help noticing the sexy Py Nae Kot. He was the Manager of a night club that, among other things, featured scantily dressed and topless dancers for entertaining men. "Man oh MAN! If I could have her dance in my club, she could TAKE IT OVER!" he declared. From the window of the Manager's office he observed Py Nae Kot working in the blustering weather, dressed only in a faded black sleeveless t-shirt and split-up-the-sides faded blue denim mini-skirt! He continued, "Tuck a tiny, little, white g-string patch between her awesome, tan legs, and I swear to goodness, SHE would be the boss, not me OR the owner! She could command any price, OR MAN for that matter. You think there is any chance at all she may want to dance at my club?" The Dock Workers' Manager, James, replied, "I don't know, those Injuns can be mighty particular. If she danced in your club, she would make boucu money! She wouldn't want to work here anymore. I'd hate to loose her." His friend, Pete, the night club Manager responded, "My commission depends on the size of the clientele that comes to the club and on membership. THAT BOMB SHELL out there will have that place so jam packed, my commission will sky-rocket. I'll cut you in on half of the INCREASE of my commission, over what it is now, when she starts pulling them in. Won't that be worth giving up one worker?" "Well, okay, I'll give her up because we're friends, and I would appreciate that one-half your increased commission, but remember, when I give HER up, I'm not loosing ONE worker. What with her ruggedness, never out sick, and her seeming boundless energy, and yes, she helps the moral of the other workers! If she leaves, there's going to be a lot of sad and long faces around here. The bottom line is, if she leaves, it will be as if three, maybe FOUR workers have left! And I still don't know if she'll dance for you. Only one way to find out! Let's wait 'till after everybody's lunch break, then let me call her up here." A couple hours later, Py Nae Kot's muscles were bulging tense with a heavy crate, one of many that she was unloading. A dock worker came running up to her and said, "The boss wants to see ya." "Whew! Okay!" said Py Nae Kot breathlessly as she completed the transfer of the crate, setting it down with a "whomp!" then wiped the sweat off her brow with her fore-arm... despite 48 drizzling degrees and wind. Thinking, "what does he want now? Any time now, that pale-face is gonna start wanting sexual favors!", Py Nae Kot arrived at the Manager's office. When she walked in, it felt uncomfortably warm. She noticed the other fellow sitting there and suspected, He wants me to do sexual favors for THAT guy! "Yes, Mr. Rayburn, did you want me?" she said. James, a typical sized man of maybe 5 feet and 9 inches, was accustomed to looking up when talking to this big woman! But Pete NEVER saw such a grand sized lady. He knew she was big, but up close and in the same room, she was huge! Her body filled the door-way. She had to duck her head to keep from striking a lamp fixture. Pete's eyes were helplessly seized and taken on a trip up Py Nae Kot's long, big, well muscled, tanned legs! Whew! Now HE felt hot! Her legs seemed to go on for ever. Big bulging thighs with hard muscle took up a large portion of Pete's field of vision. Pete's eyes' journey up her legs did not end until after the part where her legs join the cheek of her shapely, hard butt. And her butt was visible due to the rip in the skirt being parted courtesy of her slight spread legged stance, of which she was perhaps unaware, because she felt the office so stuffy and hot. James said, "Have a seat, Py Nae Kot." She replied, "Are you sure? I'm wet with sweat and rain, I'll soil it pretty bad... whew! It's so hot in here!" Pete got up right away and opened a window saying, "That's because you're such a big, healthy gal! Just a minute and I'll open some windows." Py Nae Kot, assuming the worst, thought to herself, "Big, healthy gal eh? Yeah, sure! And a big healthy cunt to match, right!?" Pete flit across the room and opened another window. With two windows open, the cool damp, and to Py Nae Kot, refreshing outside air began to drift into the room. James said, "Well, lets not beat around the bush. I have generally been honest with you, Py Nae Kot, and I'm not about to start being sneaky now. My buddy here, Peter Simpson, runs a night club." Yep, here it comes, thought Py Nae Kot! "I'll just be direct with you. Pete would dearly love for you to dance for his club. Now before you get going with your criticisms, let me say I know you don't like the White Man much, and you may not agree with some of his decadent ways. But Pete's particular club is a classier place than most. You will NOT be expected to have sex with anyone. Just dance!" Yeah, sure!, she wanted to say out loud. Py Nae Kot started to reply, "Well I usually don't..." when Pete, who had finally gathered himself after being decimated by Py Nae Kot's looks, said, "This club has a very high cover fee to get in, and a high annual membership fee. With all the sleazy, cheap clubs around, the riff-raff have plenty of places to go else where. Our clientele is up-scale and generally well cultured. You'll be dancing for executives, Bankers, Engineers, rich tourists, Airline Pilots and an occasional celebrity. Now, I CAN NOT guarantee, that after your performances, there will NEVER be some guy that might find his way to you dancers' dressing area, or the weight room, and... well... uh.. propose to you, and maybe offer a great deal of cash... uh.. for... um.. it! But you only have to say 'NO'! And, AS BIG AS YOU ARE!... You can give 'em 'any answer you wanna'!" Now, Py Nae Kot began to wax interested, but still with a little skepticism. Something else as well grabbed her attention... "Did you say something about a weight room?" "Yes!" replied Pete in a chipper manner, hoping that maybe he was about to dig through her anti-whiteism. "You see, men these days, more and more like a hard, sort of muscular woman. They may not want to DATE one, and maybe certainly not MARRY one, but they sure love to see them dance! So a lot of the girls... er... women dancing for us are very fit. All our dancers have free access to the weight room, any time of the day that we are open. Some women blast their muscles just before coming on stage, so they'll look ripped... I believe that's the term... and it psychs them up, makes them feel wilder so that they dance more uh... convincingly! What do you say?" But before Py Nae Kot could answer, James chimed in and said, "The PAY, numb-skull! The PAY! She'll earn more money than she's ever seen before..." Pete jumped in taking over what James was going to say, "On your very first night, you'll walk out of there with more cash than many people make in a week. And that's just tips! WE will offer a generous base pay of, to you ONLY now, so don't tell others, of 20 dollars per hour! So NOW what do you say?" Py Nae Kot was interested, but thought, I've never danced... that way! She started to say, "There's just one problem, I don't know how to dance. At least, not THAT kind of dance..." Pete interrupted, insisting, "ALL you HAVE to DO is SHAKE YOUR BOOTY, as they say! Just wiggle and gyrate, and generally act like an animal in heat! And that's just initially. After the clientele becomes familiar with you, we have a Choreographer that will train you for more sophisticated dances, and will come up with programs for you to dance through. You will be the STAR dancer, with 'lesser' dancers flanking you on either side as part of a whole dance production! That's what a Choreographer does, in case you don't know." Py Nae Kot then asked what to her was an important question. "Are they all pale- faces in there? I don't like the idea of lowering myself to that level for the sake of pale-faces..." James looked at Pete as if to say, see, I told you so, when Pete interrupted, "But the clientele loves you Indian girl... uh women! In recent years, ethnic models and dancers have become VERY popular. We have had Blacks, Mexicans, and other Indian women dance for us before AND NOW, and they are ALWAYS POPULAR!" Py Nae Kot, ever critical of the White Race, said, "That's because pale-face men like having women of color prostrate themselves before them. Somehow, they feel more comfortable with that, rather than a 'nice White Woman' doing that sort of thing." Pete replied, "Chill out, that's not quite so! For years before now, the more popular dancers WERE white! But in recent years, ethnic dancers AND MODELS have been accepted as equals. My club's clientele respects and loves you Indian Women... I guarantee it!" Py Nae Kot said, "I don't know about that. I'll have to think about it... And please stop calling us Indians. We are NOT from India. Your Columbus called us Indians because he thought he found India! We are Native Americans, the original and rightful tenants of this land, who apparently, were the only ones that knew how to take care of it. You pale-faces have turned it into this cacophonous mayhem that you laughingly call civilization. HAH! A civilization that you get shot at, robbed, and if you're a woman, get maniacal, cruddy excuses for men coming at you for forced sex... like what happened to me some months ago. Some stupid pale-face shit tried to rape me! BOY THAT MADE ME MAD!! I busted him up good, but the point is, a REAL civilization, like we Native Americans had before you pale-faces showed up, would NEVER have that kind of thing happen! And if it did, the man would have been executed!" Pete explained, "I know we whites have brought some real riff-raff, but you've got to remember, we are not ALL like that, in fact, the typical white person just works everyday with no thought that he or she may be an invader into another nation. Don't call ALL of us pale-faces, and I'll remember to say that you are Native American! Only call cruds like the one you say attacked you pale- face... say, what did you do after that? Did you prosecute?" "NO!" said Py Nae Kot proudly, "I punished him MYSELF! I find the pale- face's laws and courts useless to me." James added, "The incident made the news. The guy called the TV station news and police. I knew it was Py Nae Kot because he said a giant Injun girl attacked him. He pointed out the black t-shirt and ripped skirt. And he mentioned the bicycle. That guy actually wanted to prosecute HER! He claimed she attacked him as part of a robbery. He had cuts, bad bruises and a few cracked ribs and broken collar bone. But of course, he had no way of tracing her except by saying she was an Indian... I mean a Native American! No one took him seriously though, with neighbors pretty much saying he was a low-life. We never heard anymore about it since. So it DOES look like Py Nae Kot here took care of it herself. I bet that fool didn't know what hit him, hah-hah!" Even serious Py Nae Kot cracked a smile. Pete asked what could be considered a stupid question, "Wow! That's something! Did you do all that to him, Miss Py Nae Kot?" Py Nae Kot simply looked at Pete and smiled a silly grin, "No! That was ANOTHER giant Injun girl in a black t- shirt and split mini-skirt on a bicycle!" Pete nervously laughed off his silly question. Pete concluded, "Well, I have made my case as much as I can. I sure would love to have you dance for us. You WILL be treated with respect!" Py Nae Kot seemed to be thinking about it when James said, "Too bad the owner of the night club isn't an India... I mean a Native American. Perhaps if Py Nae Kot knew the owner was..." but he was interrupted by Pete who was reminded of something by what James just said. "The OWNER... who is not me, I am only a Manager... The owner is Black... a Black Man! Will THAT help you make your decision, Miss Py Nae Kot? He owns the building as well as the business. I am merely his employee! It's my duty to find talent that will pull the crowds in. Oh sure, I get a commission that depends on the health of the business. But ultimately, if you dance there, you will be benefiting a Black Man and his Wife and Kids. That club is his way of making a living. His name is Robert Manning. He is away on a business trip now, but in a few days he will be back and you can meet him!" Py Nae Kot looked at Pete wryly. Pete continued, "You don't have anything against Blacks, do you? They got even a worse deal than you Native Americans! The Whites took over your Nation, but the Whites took the Black people completely OUT of their nation and worse than that, made SLAVES out of them for a while. And after that, held them back!" "All right ALL RIGHT!" Py Nae Kot finally said. "I will dance for your night club. But everything BETTER BE AS YOU SAID or I'm OUT OF THERE! And I DO want to see this Mr. Robert Manning." Pete, ecstatic to the point of it showing through, said, "Oh BOY! You will NOT regret it! You'll TAKE OVER THE PLACE! Wow! Wait 'till they see you!" Py Nae Kot was excited as well but concealed it for the moment. Well, so James's friend Pete finally had his Amazon dancer. James said, "Okay buddy, but can I keep her just to the end of today? She was doing a wham bang job getting that big load out there stowed, single handedly too so I could get the other workers on something else!... My gosh we've been busy! I keep hearing about a recession but you wouldn't know it around here! Could you do that for me, Py Nae Kot? Just finish that big crate today. I know you are excited about the dancing... or are you?" James noticed Py Nae Kot showed absolutely NO visible excitement OR anxiety over being hired as a Night Club Dancer. Most young women would fly apart with excitement, he thought. James continued, "Well, what ever, but could you finish that today... please?" "Okay," said Py Nae Kot, as she stood up. Following a program of "choreography" generated in a flash in her head, she stretched, her arms behind her head stretching, also draping her long, jet- black hair behind her. Pete's eyes were enslaved again as they ogled that sight! He noted with a hot tingle, her shapely, big, firm arms that had sizable biceps... big enough to make any weight- trainer proud! "I will finish that job." she said as she calmly turned to go, not AT ALL showing any excitement about possibly being a star dancer. But she was dreaming, how exciting it will be, to enslave those guys with my body... and a great way to nab some of pale-face's money! As Py Nae Kot opened the door and walked through it, she ducked her head a little to keep from bumping the top of door- way. Pete's eyes resembled someone on drugs! "Holy Toledo by DANG she huge! Wait 'till she hits that dance floor! A true AMAZON if ever I saw one!" Py Nae Kot worked almost an hour late to finish the crate. She left a deserted dock area on her bicycle to go home. Being November, it was dark, chilly and raining somewhat hard now. So nobody stuck around if they did not have to. She wore her special cyclist's rain- coat to fend off the chilly rain and gusty winds. After arriving home Py Nae Kot received a telephone call from Pete who asked her to come to the Night Club for orientation at 10 A.M., before it opened. Py Nae Kot's Mother, White Dove, wondered what all the excitement was about. "I'm going to dance in a Night Club" manufactures fear in many a Mom when they hear that statement from a daughter. "I'm gonna check it out tomorrow. If it isn't what he claimed, I will not do it. Mostly, I just wanted to inform you I will not be getting up for work at the usual time tomorrow..." she went on to explain that the Night Club's Manager was a friend of her boss at the docks. Her Mother did not exactly over flow with confidence, but she accepted it for the moment. But she reminded Py Nae Kot saying, "Just remember that the goal of many of us Indians is to get out of the White man's system. But by dancing there, you are entering that system to make money in a White man's world." "But Mom, know this: When I dance there, I will be taking a lot of pale-face money! And I plan to hand over most of it to the Tribal Fund." "But you'll be prostrating yourself to those White men." "I prostrate myself at the docks. I work like a slave and get paid little. At the night club, I will be paid more for less work. So nothing has changed except jobs, that's all." The next day, she rode her bicycle, later than usual, to arrive at the Night Club at 10 A.M. Sure enough, it was in a swanky part of Seattle. Other Night Clubs and bars were around. Quiet now, the action would start as always, around the supper-hour and beyond. With the temperature barely 40, damp misting rain and wind, Py Nae Kot was in her usual out fit of, you guessed it, faded black sleeveless t-shirt and blue de... whoops, forgot to say 'faded'!... blue denim mini-skirt ripped up the sides. The rain, only a fine mist, was insufficient to cause Py Nae Kot to don the rain-coat. Sweating underneath the rain-coat would make her as wet anyway. She knocked on the back entrance door as Pete had told her. After a short wait, sure enough, Pete answered. "Wow!" Pete said, "I keep forgetting how BIG you are!" Py Nae Kot had no response except to wipe her forehead of sweat with her forearm and say, "Well, let's take a look at what you have." SO TALL, Pete thought, looking up at her filling the doorway with her magnificent form. With her forearm up to wipe her brow, Pete was impressed with the muscles he saw. His eyes were drawn to scan all along her raised arm, including her clean-shaven under-arm which filled those arm cut-outs of her t-shirt so well. The way the muscles of her arm came together under her prominent shoulder muscle and gave way to her pecs and firm breasts tempted him to feel it over. But he knew he better not, at least not without this Amazon Lady's permission! Pete gave Py Nae Kot a tour of the Night Club. He and her were the only ones there in the big place. Their foot steps echoed in the halls of the office area. Py Nae Kot, walking along beside the chattering Pete, began to think his pert manner and nervous way were cute, in a way. He appeared honest, and a tad innocent. She noticed herself desiring to molest him, maybe feel him over, or some other equally perverted thing. Especially because he was a pale-face and so not worthy of respectable behavior she was so tempted. But she knew she better not, so remained silent. Pete was thrilled, and maybe just a wee bit fearful, of being alone with this big, strangely un-excited Native American Woman. Anyway, he showed her where she would be dancing. She was shown the dressing room. She was shown the weight room. "Nordic Trak units, eh?" asked Py Nae Kot about the sophisticated weight benches. "Yes," replied Pete, "Only the best!" "Hmm... I'd like to try out the curl attachment on this. I've heard it causes the biceps to flex the hardest toward the top of the lift, causing more effective muscle development... well, later. Anything else you want to cover?" Pete, curious and maybe a bit disappointed at Py Nae Kot's total lack of excitement, except for the weight bench, said, "Oh, if you want to work out with the weights now, you may! We are just about done with the pertinent things I wanted to show you. Just one more thing, I wanted to show you the dancers' costume selections." Pete led Py Nae Kot back to the dressing room where he had forgotten to go over with her what she would be wearing. He opened the door of a closet that had several bars with all manner of scant, skimpy clothing for near-nude dancing. Pete said, "We generally let the dancers choose their costumes. These are all new. We provide them for you, free." Py Nae Kot thought, he wants a naked Injun girl, give him naked Injun girl! She lazily reached for a basic, black g- string. All it consisted of was a sheer triangular patch to barely cover the genitals and a series of strings to hold it in place. "This one, I guess." she said, keeping all excitement out of her tone. But Pete had another idea. "How.. How about THIS one?" He held up a white, lacy g-string or thong of just a little more coverage in the front and sported lacy frills. It also had a teeny bit of coverage in the back, a so-called t- back. "You sure you want me to wear that? If my cunt gets wet, it'll show through." Even though she purposely said that in such a matter of fact manner, with no emotion at all, she knew it would have an effect! Pete felt himself tingle when she said those words. Knowing a sexually aroused woman can become moist around her vagina, he knew her saying that meant she might be aroused. But he sure couldn't tell it now! Pete, voice showing tenseness, replied, "Well, um.. if um.. if your.. um.. uh.. cunt gets wet during a dance, um... actually, uh.. um.. because of what it.. um.. means, I think the guys would think that extra exciting to see that. So go ahead!" "All right, you want me to try it on now?" Py Nae Kot asked, looking Pete right in the eye with no emotional involvement at all. "Uh.. um.. Yeah! Sure!" Py Nae Kot was feeling down and dirty- naughty! She felt like playing a bit! Pete was not expecting at all what was to happen next. Holding back all emotion, her face neutral, Py Nae Kot peeled her t-shirt right there in front of Pete! Pete's eyes bugged out like those of a crab! She casually threw her t-shirt to the side. Her robust 6 and 1/2, 240 pound bronze-tan body now only had a brief denim mini-skirt. And she went after that next. "Wait, don't you want to.. uh... use a dressing room?" Pete stuttered out. "That's where we are, isn't it?" Py Nae Kot calmly asked. Pete looked around then said, "Huh.. yeah, I guess so... but I just thought..." Py Nae Kot interrupted, "What's the matter with you? I thought you were used to women undressing, what being the Manager of a Night Club and all." Py Nae Kot dropped her teeny skirt leaving her buck naked nude! Then she slipped on the lacy white thong g- string. "All right, like this? Is this okay?" Py Nae Kot simply asked while backing away for him to survey her over. A stately bronze-tan body of six and a half feet, big, sturdy breasts held up high that seemed to stare out with "eyes" of their own, wide muscular hips and big, muscle-legs... OH! She took Pete's breath away. Centered right in the middle of her crotch, framed by black pubic hair sat the gleaming white patch of cloth that was the g-string. Py Nae Kot watched a hump grow in Pete's pants with delight! Pete, fighting hot tingles and an erection could only stutter out, "Well.. um,.. I.. I.. er, yes! uh, that's it! That's the look we want! WOW! You'll enslave them tonight!" Pete NEVER experienced anything like this before. Alone with a big and truly strong Amazon of such intimidating height, in this big, empty, echoing lonely building! It actually made Pete nervous! She could easily break Pete in two, or do anything with him she wanted! But it was exciting! And she kept looking him straight in the eye! That didn't help! Pete never saw a woman with such a steady, un-blinking, penetrating gaze. He's cute, even though he is a pale- face, Py Nae Kot thought. "What's the matter with you Pete?" she asked, as if she didn't know. "How long have you been doing this kind of work?" "I have been doing something like this for 11 years, but I have NEVER encountered a Woman like you!" "Well, why do I make you nervous? I'M not doing anything! It's just business... a job! Now tell me, just what kind of dancing do you want me to do? I've never done this before. Can you play some music now? Let's go to the dance floor and let me get accustomed." said Py Nae Kot, her outer manner pragmatic, but inside, having a little fun. "Uh.. Y.. Yes, Miss Py Nae Kot, let's go!" They proceeded back to the dance stage area. Then up some stairs to the D.J.'s console. Pete could feel the heat coming off Py Nae Kot's near-bare body from behind him as she followed. "Let's see," said Pete, "We won't bother with the lights THIS time... well, why not, see what you look like in the lights... and give you a feeling of being spot- lighted... as you said, let you get accustomed!" Py Nae Kot nodded her head in agreement. "Let's try this one!" Pete said as he drew a CD from among its fellows and placed it in the player. The heavy rhythm of typical disco music came forth, the entire place vibrating under maybe 400 watts of audio. "All right Miss Py Nae Kot, do your stuff!" Py Nae Kot turned to approach the stage but not without giving Pete another look, a quick glance, cracking a slight wry smile, even! Pete followed her out, gazing at her broad, tan, muscular back, then off the stage to take a seat, and watched Py Nae Kot move! Just like Pete said the day before, she wiggled, gyrated and generally acted like an animal in heat! So big, so tall, her movements were fluid, sensuous! Six and 1/2 feet at 240 pounds of bronze-skinned woman brought that stage to life! She knew what men wanted! And she WAS getting into it. Then Pete noticed it... her tiny white thong... indeed became wet in the front. As she gyrated and moved around the stage, she would face him close sometimes. Each time Pete got a close look, Py Nae Kot's pubic area was wetter and wetter. His eyes popped out like a cartoon character! The music concluded itself, then Py Nae Kot walked up to the edge of the stage where Pete was and, panting just a little, asked, "Was that okay? Is that what you want me to do tonight?" Smoke seemed to be coming out of Pete's ears. "If you do like you did here," Pete declared, "You will OWN the crowd!" "All right then, that's what I'll do. Now if you don't mind, I AM going to use those weights a while. That bench has some attachments and exercises the one at the gym in my town doesn't have. And I'm going to wear this!", she said of her brief white thong. "This thing's comfortable! Too bad the pale-face culture is so hypocritical about things like this, or I'd wear this in the warmer weather out-side all the time!". Pete replied, "If you wore that outside, you'd cause the biggest traffic jam in the world! And goodness knows Seattle DOESN'T NEED ANOTHER traffic jam! Boy, you're sensational!" Pete followed her to the weight room. That big, tan female stud had big hips that swayed oh so graceful as she walked. The buns of her curvy, hard butt had a cleavage between them so deep, that the strap of the t-back was lost between them! Only the upper part with the little bit of mesh could be seen. Py Nae Kot noticed Pete still hanging around, smiled that impish grin and asked, "Is there anything else?" Pete replied, "Well, uh.. no. I j.. just wanted to.. uh... Is that sweat, or what, you look wet, there, in the front..." Pete was groping for a way to ask about her moist pubic area! "Oh, this!" Py Nae Kot said, examining her thong's "genital patch". To examine, she had to spread those big legs, and bend at the waist in a manner most sexy to Pete. It was so wet, the "lips" of her big vagina could easily be observed through the thin material. "Well, I told you this would happen. I sort of got going out there. I find it... interesting and exciting. Say, do those guys yell and carry on a lot? That might get me going even worse. It's going to get wet, I'm sure." Pete replied in a quivering voice, "Sometimes they are noisy, other times, quieter... it depends. If your thong gets wet in that.. uh.. spot, I think they will get pretty noisy. If you are that aroused... do you... do you have, um... do you have a way to... um... to gratify, uh, that? Do you have a boy friend?" Py Nae Kot laughed at Pete's stuttering, "Yes, I get gratification regularly. I'd climb the walls if I didn't. There's a number of guys at my home town that I get it on with often. And one's steady." By this time, Pete had an erection pressing out his pants and bothering him bad. Stuttering, he asked, "C.. C.. Could I be added... uh.. to that number?" "What number, what do you mean?" asked Py Nae Kot, smiling, stifling a laugh... she KNEW what he wanted. She just enjoyed torturing him by forcing him to ask more explicitly. Pete had to clarify that difficult question! "To.. to th.. that number of guys that you said... uh... that you said you get gratification with..." "Oh! THAT number!" declared Py Nae Kot, playing dumb, teasing Pete. "Well," she continued, "They are all Native American. I have never done that with a pale-face before. I swore to myself I NEVER would! But maybe, for you, I'll make an exception! You're not bad as far as a pale-face goes. In fact, I'll stop calling you 'pale-face'! I'll call you... 'Green Eagle'! Yes! For the money that perhaps your hiring me here may bring!" Py Nae Kot circled him, making him nervous. She looked him over carefully. Finally she said, "Pete Green Eagle, maybe! Later! After I know what you're about better. Okay!? Now let me do some exercises. You may watch if you want!" Smiling, almost laughing, she turned away from Pete and walked toward the weight bench. She took up a position on the exercise bench and began doing exercises. She performed curls with the attachment that she commented about, earlier. Pete, knowing he was NOT going to have her today, was hopeful for the future. He admired her magnificent body one more time before turning to go. With biceps muscles in her arms bulging mightily as she began her work-out, she gave him one more wry smile. She went through a complete set of muscle-building exercises on the Night Club's equipment. When she did the knee extensions for exercising her mighty quads, she could not find enough weights! She had to make do with doing many repetitions. Done, her devious mind planned more torture for Pete. She thought to herself, "I'm going to make it so that he won't get ANY thing done today, HAH- HAH-HAH!" After that, she saw Pete one more time in his office to check what time to arrive that evening. She still wore the thong. "Just be here 10 P.M. or a little before. Shortly after 10 is when the solo and first-time dancers perform. Uh, are you really going out like that?" "Mmmm! I'd like to, but, better not. I just wanted to cool off from my exercises. And since you like my body, I thought I might give you another private look." Right there in front of a surprised and mesmerized Pete, she pulled the velcro tabs in the straps on either side of her tight waist. The velcro "quick-release" tabs were all that held the thong on. Off it fluttered. "Wow! Oh man! Why are you doing this?" pleaded Pete. A naked, bronze female giant sat on a counter across from Pete's desk. Her big, muscular legs spread, Pete had the best view of a big vagina, sensuously framed with black pubic hair that he had ever seen! "Upstairs" on her body, her lustrous, long black hair draped around her big breasts, framing them for a sexy effect as well! She just sat there and penetrated him with her unblinking brown eyes. She "released" Pete from her gaze and slipped off the counter. She slipped on her black t-shirt first, for a "bottomless" effect. She paused. She looked at Pete straight in the eye. She smiled. "Say, have you ever thought of featuring 'BOTTOMLESS' dancers?" Pete, stoned from the effect of all this, looked at the sexy sight of a t- shirt-clad, tanned Amazon with out anything on below. "Uh... the zoning laws wouldn't allow it..." "Oh DRAT! Darn, stupid laws! Oh well, interesting idea anyway!" "...yeah..." smoldered Pete. Then she slipped on her teeny split skirt, and the Py Nae Kot trade-mark was complete! "...yeah..." smoldered Pete. She picked up the thong bikini off the floor and merely held it in her hand. Pete groaned out, "You don't believe in underwear? I thought you may as well wear that as underwear on the way home." "Nah, it bothers my cunt too much." She turned to go but not without hesitating at the door and giving him a smile from pursed lips. Then she left, closing the door quietly leaving him, almost comatose, to simmer! After spending the afternoon home, Py Nae Kot bicycled back to the Night Club. At 10 P.M., it was a different place. Full parking lot, and loud, heavy-bassed music shaking the rafters inside. People filled the inside with merry making party atmosphere. There were many couples, but mostly men sat close to the stage were Women were already performing. Other Women occupied the dressing area. When they saw that giant Py Nae Kot come strolling casually in, many eyes opened and heads turned. Pete, lucky Pete, surrounded by all those lovely hard bodies, came darting out. "Oh I'm glad you made it! You're on in thirty minutes!" Pete nervously said. "Yeah, sure." Py Nae Kot said casually. She continued with a question, "Say, do you have a hair drier somewhere? It was misting rain out and I'd just like to dry my hair, you know..." "Of course!" replied Pete. "Here..." Pete became nervous when he saw Py Nae Kot's only preparation was to blow-dry her long, black hair. Her clothes, that out-fit consisting of black sleeveless t-shirt and blue denim mini-skirt, were damp as was her bronze skin. She made no bother to dress. Pete was busy with a troupe of dancers that were keeping him busy meeting certain conditions they wanted. Pete took care of those while he assumed Py Nae Kot would dress in her costume. Pete was too harassed to notice, that this time Py Nae Kot's denim mini-skirt was NOT ripped ALL THE WAY up the sides. There was a rip of only two inches from the bottom edge in both sides. And even THAT was not planned. She planned to wear an un-ripped mini-skirt, but the flexing of her mighty quads while bicycling caused the un-planned rips! Even now, she had to be careful how she walked, or her powerful muscles would rip the skirt further. Looks like Py Nae Kot is doomed to wear split skirts all her life! Py Nae Kot lazily took a seat and began flipping through a scanty-clothing catalog. Other women fretted nervously, primped and combed, did this and that, while still others were blasting their muscles on the weight bench. A couple of the other Ladies noticed Py Nae Kot just taking it easy. "Are you going to dance?" one asked. "Yeah, in, uh, maybe 15 minutes, according to Pete." Py Nae Kot replied. "Is that your costume?" ask the other. "Well, sort of... yes and no. Men like seeing me in this, so I wear it here, but I pretty much wear it all the time anyway." The two other ladies marveled at Py Nae Kot's calm, completely unrattled tone of voice. She seemed in NO WAY nervous or anxious. Py Nae Kot was completely confident in herself. But she was excited about it. She held it in for effect. Pete came in and was aghast to see Py Nae Kot still sitting there, relaxed, nonchalant. "Aren't you going to dress?" he asked anxiously. "I am." Py Nae Kot said as she casually got up. "Men like me in these clothes, so I'm going to dance in these then strip down to this..." with that she lifted her tiny skirt to let Pete see the white thong underneath. Pete, still nervous, said, "B.. but I didn't kn.. know, I.. we didn't plan..." "Look, will you calm down!" Py Nae Kot insisted in her soothing, low voice. "I am going to go to that dance floor, and give those guys what they want to see, and THEN some. Okay? It'll be fine! Trust me!" The other dancers were amazed at how completely cool Py Nae Kot was. "W.. w.. well, okay..." was Pete's inconfident reply. He continued, "Ar.. Aren't y.. you going to excer.. that is blast your muscles so that they're nice and ripped?" Py Nae Kot said, "Nah, no need. Look, aren't they ripped enough?" She struck a typical "muscle-pose" with arms up, bicep muscles flexed and bulging. Her massive triceps were also tight and well ripped. Her sides had a well formed flank of lats muscles giving her back a nice v-shape. Huge leg muscles bulging with writhing sinews balanced out the upper part, with her mini-skirt on the verge of ripping from the flexing of her big, hard, muscle- butt! "OOO! WOW... uh, um, ehem! Okay, okay," said Pete. "You're on after this group here finishes." "Okay." Py Nae Kot chimed. She gave Pete a wink and a wry smile. "Relax! It'll be fine!" Py Nae Kot concluded in a soft, low voice. The other group completed their performance. The music changed. Nervous- Nelly-Pete came up to Py Nae Kot who was standing just off stage like someone sleepily waiting for a bus. "N.. n.. now y.. your cue is c.. c.. coming up..." Pete stuttered out. Py Nae Kot's patience was beginning to wear thin as she said, "Look, you jittering banty rooster, if you don't calm down, I'm gonna stuff you in that closet over there and lock it! It'll be fine, trust me!" Py Nae Kot started for the stage but Pete grabbed her big arm to stop her saying, "N.. n.. not y.. yet! W.. w.. wait for y.. your cue!" "Oh yeah, right." responded Py Nae Kot. The D.J. said something like "And now, for a change of pace, after a long search in the Amazon, we have captured for you, the biggest, wildest, most ferocious human(?) female in the world who will now perform for us if her taming has been adequate! We want to warn you to be quiet, for any sudden noise might cause her to run amuck and possibly attack!..." Py Nae Kot lowered her head into her hand, shaking her head saying, "OH BROTHER! GIVE ME A BREAK!" "N.. n.. now, th.. th.. that's h.. how w.. we have to d.. do things around here, we h.. ha.. have to introduce like.. like..." Pete's stammering was interrupted by Py Nae Kot saying almost angrily, "All right, you! You want wild, I'll give you wild! Then I'm going to 'attack' YOU!" As she completed that, she just heard the D.J. say "and here she is!" As soon as those gawking men on the edge of the stage saw her come out, they knew it would be different. All evening they have been watching something like 5 foot 6 to 10 inch White, fair skinned blonds come out dressed in skimpy but luxuriantly lacy out-fits performing well choreographed dances. But it was after 10:30 now, time for the topless solo dancers, of which Py Nae Kot was apparently to be the first. Many men like this best anyway. And they could see this "Wild Woman of the Amazon" was VERY different. Big, strong, really wild looking, compared to the others, she was huge and rough and dark. The guys knew they were going to get a "rough" performance! There she came, with her black, sleeveless t-shirt, blue denim mini- skirt, dark, copper-tan skin and jet black hair, with hips a-swaying, in a slow, deliberate walk. Slowly, she "blended" her entrance walk into moving with the music, (which by the way, was a "jungle"-sounding selection, with "jungle-drums") and began to provide what those guys wanted! The way Py Nae Kot looked those guys in the eye... was indescribable! Some of them even coward behind another to escape her steady gaze. She stayed close to the edge of the stage, right where the men were crowding up to. And to see that huge, 6 and 1/2 feet of 240 pound Amazon Woman gyrate and wiggle, was like nothing they had seen before! Already the men were whooping and hollering like dervishes with "take it off!" being heard. During her performance, Py Nae Kot sprinkled in a number of "muscle- poses", each one of which produced roars from the crowd along with hands clapping over heads. Strange, Py Nae Kot felt all alone on that stage. But it was exciting! She OWNED those guys! Power! She would dictate what they dream about tonight, and what distracts them from their jobs tomorrow! I'm gonna take 'em through Wonder Land!, she planned, then REALLY began to apply her sexy body to her dance! True to the topless part of the evening, Py Nae Kot gave them topless! The way she peeled off her t-shirt... Her hands grabbed its lower edge which had been caressing her hard, flat tummy - she slowly pulled the t-shirt up, bit by bit revealing her tremendous chest and breast development. She pulled it out and up, following through by dragging it over her head and finally off, accompanied with a strong, domineering spread-legged stance! As she completed pulling off her t-shirt, it and her arms spread out and flung her lustrous black hair. Now free of the confining cloth, her BIG firm breasts with large, hard nipples churned the air... AND the men. Pete, just off stage, had given his own finger-nails a manicure with his teeth, but was beginning to breath sighs of relief. He, flanked by other dancers, saw how this "newcomer" already had those men in her hands. One dancer said, "You say she doesn't have any training or experience? Sure seems like she knows what she's doing!" Pete replied, "I knew she had talent, but not like this." Py Nae Kot released her t-shirt in a fling. As she did so, she DID show her lack of training and experience in one small detail. Most strippers fling their clothes toward the men. But Py Nae Kot simply flung her t-shirt to the side. However, it landed near the edge of the stage away from Py Nae Kot a ways where a horde of arms sprang forth from the edge of the stage scrambling over each other and drew it away! Py Nae Kot saw to it that it became even "warmer" in there. Now, only in a teeny, denim skirt, she continued to gyrate and squirm and twirl with a lot more of spreading her legs, thrusting her pelvis like having sex and grabbing at her crotch. The men were beginning to go crazy! Even further enhancing her performance, she did things like crawl on the floor and pump her butt up and down as if having sex with a guy below her. When doing that, she looked at the men in a penetrating gaze that they have never seen coming from a dancer before. With her long, black hair stringing across her face, she really WAS beginning to look wild! Some of those men were actually seen cowering behind others to "escape" her notice! During all this, she was subconsciously watching out for the rips in that skirt. But then she thought, it is time! She stood up, stood close to that audience of men - side turned - spread-legged - and all it took was one sudden, simultaneous flex of all her butt and thigh muscles at once - one huge ripple of steel-cable-sinews... it had been all she could do up to that point to keep it from happening inadvertently... RIIIIP! APART came the two "halves" of that skirt as a mighty tide of muscle surged up her thighs and through her butt - it literally blew that skirt in half! The men gasped from the unexpected display of such raw power coming from any female frame. A couple more gyrations of her hips - a new position - facing them now! She unbuckled that mini-skirt latch, and just SHOOK it off using only the force of her wild side to side shaking of her hips! Again, she flung it haphazardly away. It landed way toward the end of the stage, inward about 10 feet. Some guys actually scrambled on stage to grab it. With the men whooping and hollering like never before, Pete was beginning to get nervous again. "I've NEVER seen anything like it! She's really got them going! They're gettin' awfully noisy, that's for sure..." a dancer along side Pete exclaimed, "(GASP!) LOOK WHAT SHE'S DOING!" Pete turned and saw Py Nae Kot straddling one of the posts, you know, those chrome-plated "posts", like they have in those places. Pete said, "A lot of late-night dancers do that... wait a minute, she's not REALLY doing it, is she!?" Six and one-half feet of 240 pound bronze-skin wild woman now only wore a snow-white tiny patch over her large, well formed genitals. Leg muscles and butt muscles flexed and bulged as she writhed AND MOANED in (what seemed to be real) intense sexual hunger! She straddled one of those posts as mentioned above, and rubbed her crotch on it, pumping her butt vigorously! Breathing heavily and moaning, it looked like, to Pete's horror, or was she just acting, like she possibly was masturbating right there in front of all those men! "Is it an act, or real!!?" was Pete's thought as, with fingernails in mouth again, he watched as a once demure and collected Py Nae Kot transformed before his, and the crowd's very eyes! Thrusting vigorously on that pole, the muscles in her butt flexing mightily with each thrust, she let out a scream that could be heard above the music and the hollering, yelling men together! As if she REALLY HAD gratified herself, she slowed the thrusting, and released the pole. But she wasn't done! She twirled her head around, black hair flying outward and across her face, and gazed at those men as if choosing one! They were taking the place down! You never heard such screaming, yelling, whooping and hollering before in your life! Hips swaying and gyrating, she faced that audience without the least amount of shame or shyness. She continued twirling, squirming as if still intensely aroused. She kept reaching for her crotch and pulling at the straps of that teeny-thong. Pete squinted his eyes trying to see - from what he could tell of the men's actions - but she made her way toward Pete's end of the stage enabling him to see what he was looking for. Indeed, the front of Py Nae Kot's thin, sheer costume, that minimal little patch over her big genital, was SOPPING WET! The material stuck so well that all details of her vagina could be readily seen! Pete was REALLY beginning to get scared now as Py Nae Kot truly acted like a wild beast! She was pacing back and forth across that stage, gyrating and squirming and grabbing at and rubbing her crotch with her hands. Then, before Pete or the men out there knew what struck, with the wild Amazon panting and moaning, just grabbed that delicate set of strings and thin lace that was her thong, and RIPPED IT OFF! Really ripped it off, so that it could not be worn again! Now a big, bronze-skin wild muscle-woman squirmed and gyrated BUCK NAKED! Those guys REALLY lost all their sanity - they just were not expecting this! She crawled on the floor like a beast, hair streaming across her face and thoroughly disheveled, gazing at those men with her butt thrusting up and down! Then she stood up, grabbed a post again and thrust away, coating that post with generous amounts of secretions from the lips of her bare vagina. The men were tearing their hair, jumping up and down, AND A FEW EVEN FAINTED as they saw Py Nae Kot's vagina was so large and deep, that she could thrust and bury the entire 1 and 1/2 inch thick pole WITHIN IT! With the muscles in her butt flexing and rippling with each powerful thrust which was visibly shaking the post as if she might rip it away, she panted and moaned, rising to another climax! Pete watched helplessly aghast! Some guy just couldn't stand it any more. Not a bad looking fellow, full, blown-dry sand-brown hair, and a body- shirt revealing a medium, fit but not overly muscled physique and a smooth face devoid of wrinkles, he may have been a teen-ager. He ran up on the stage, startling even Py Nae Kot, yelling "Take me, TAKE ME, I'm your SLAVE!" As he ran up to her, she released the pole to turn her attention to this guy. He fell to his knees then prostrated himself at her feet! Py Nae Kot just stood there in a dominant, spread-legged pose, secretions dropping from the lips of her aroused genital! She looked down at him, with a sassy smile! It really looked like this Amazon was accepting his entrance into bondage! Some other men guffawed heartily at this guy at Py Nae Kot's feet. Perhaps he was a bit "wine-fueled", but he spurred others to follow, despite the other men's laughter! Pete covered his face while the other dancers looked on, absolutely spell- bound with amazement. This was getting out of hand! Bouncers, big men who generally show out-of-control individuals the exit, came on stage to control this. The bouncers, the biggest of which was only the same size as Py Nae Kot herself, were halted by Py Nae Kot as she held up her hand in a "hold it there" signal. By this time, the D.J. had already cut off the music. But the noise of those crazed men was so great, 'till the music was not being heard anyway. Py Nae Kot stooped and gently took the prostrated man by the hands and gently coaxed him to stand up. He then just fell into her limp, totally submissive. The other men who had started across the stage began to approach again but were signaled to stop by the bouncers. Py Nae Kot was in another reality. She was in... TOTAL CONTROL!... at least over the crowd. But not of herself. She felt tenderness for this vulnerable boy in her arms. "OH! SO EXCITING it would be to MOLEST him RIGHT ON THIS STAGE!..." Py Nae Kot thought in a moment of perversion. His very vulnerability tempted her to do so. Her genital was throbbing and aching, hot and tingly, she could feel more secretions exuding from it. She was aroused to the point of near insanity! For what seemed an agonizing eternity to herself, and those guys in the crowd, AND TO PETE... "OH, NO, PY NAE KOT, PLEASE DON'T DO WHAT I THINK YOU'RE GOING TO! OHH!" Pete simply could not look!... Py Nae Kot, already unconsciously feeling over the guy in her arms, fought gallantly against the urge to thrust the guy into her crotch and bring herself to climax right there! Her hips slowly undulated forward and back, unknowned to her, in a motion suggestive of the sex act. "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" roared from the crazed men! I gotta control myself, I gotta put an end to this! thought Py Nae Kot hard to herself. At last, Py Nae Kot took the man up in her arms, cradling him almost like a Mother would a child. You NEVER heard such a raucous in your life! Some men were hooting and hollering, jumping up and down, while some others were laughing loud to the point of breathlessness at this mesmerized individual in her arms. The man Py Nae Kot cradled was not small, a quite normal 5-foot-10, but her strength was sufficient to handle him easily. The bouncers looked at each other amazed. No need to assist THIS woman, she could take care of the situation HER SELF! Cradling the man in her arms, naked Py Nae Kot carried him down some stairs off stage right into the midst of the crowd. Men were touching and feeling over her body, but Py Nae Kot paid no attention. One crazed fellow reached in between her big legs near her pubic area and wiped a quantity of that vaginal secretion into his fingers which he then spread on his face! She set the man gently into a chair at a table and then said, in her usual soothing voice, "Now look, you, I'm just an actor! YOU stay HERE, okay?" The totally subjugated fellow nodded his head in submissive agreement to his "Master". Py Nae Kot stood up straight, smiled sweetly at him, then turned to go back on the stage. All the while men were stroking and feeling over her magnificent body! One dared reached from behind her, stuck his hand between her legs and up to her big vagina, pushing his fingers well into her vagina's lips before she could stop him. Her strong hand grabbed his wrist and pulled it away, his fingers dripping with vaginal secretions. She smiled and shook the finger of her free hand at him as to say, "naughty-naughty!" And right during that, another guy reached around from behind her to her front and grabbed her big firm breast. His finger and thumb held her enlarged, hardened nipple. She grabbed HIS wrist and turned to face him. Holding him by the wrist she smiled that impish grin she does so well and said in a low voice, "Doin' that arouses a gal, you should know! You better cool it or you're gonna be in the news tomorrow along with me for something you would rather your friends never see! Got it!?" "Yes ma'am" he said submissively, stepping back. And all that while, the guy who had his fingers up her vagina was trying to do it again, but was block by two other guys trying to get at her breasts. As she walked calmly to the stage, head and shoulder taller than most of the men, she smiled sweetly at them acknowledging their adoration! Py Nae Kot climbed back on stage, bowed, "threw" kisses at the men, then turned to walk deliberately slowly off, in big, hip swaying steps. The roar from the crowd was deafening as "MORE! MORE!" could be heard. One fellow bellowed through a make-shift bull-horn of rolled menu, "RAPE A GUY! LET'S SEE YA RAPE A GUY!" Ignoring him, Py Nae Kot arrived off stage to a totally destroyed Pete. "How was THAT? Was that WILD ENOUGH?" She continued walking confidently past Pete and other dancers looking in amazement at her. She went to the showers to wash up. Pete just stood there like a dummy unable to say a thing! Py Nae Kot had washed and dried herself, and was just wandering around back there, still buck naked. Pete found her looking over more costumes. She saw him there and asked, "You want me to perform again tonight, or get lost?" "No, no, not get lost! Those guys out there would string me up if I sent you home. Man, Py Nae Kot, what came over you out there?" Pete said. "I don't know, I just sorta got into it. That was fun!" she replied. Pete looked around to make sure nobody else could here his next question. "Did you really masturbate out there?" Py Nae Kot grinned from ear to ear at Pete and whispered, "YES!" She continued, "I had been feeling kind of raunchy today anyway and I haven't had sex in a few days, so, it just sorta happened. Until that nut came running on the stage, I was about to let go with another one! I wanted to let go on HIM! And now, that one's still in me!" Pete said urgently, "Well, KEEP it in you! That kind of lewd behavior is not allowed in this part of town. And complete nude dancing is ALSO not allowed. If police had been in here, we and you would have been arrested. You must at least retain a g-string over your genitals. Now select another costume, maybe this one, and prepare to dance again, but NO NUDITY and NO MASTURBATING!" Py Nae Kot replied as she took a lacy, light pink thong bikini from Pete, "Okay, okay boss, I'll try not to. But I know my cunt's gonna be sopping wet again, so just plan on it!" "Hoo boy!" Pete muttered as he turned away. "YO! PETE! I almost forgot," Py Nae Kot called to Pete as he began to walk away. "Those chuckle heads took my clothes, how am I supposed to get home? Can I wear this one plus this top here home?" Pete replied, "You should know, when you strip like that, and I didn't know you were going to strip, the clothes should be flung amongst the men. Who ever grabs them may keep it, as a souvenir. I'm afraid you just gave your clothes away, young lady. We could not ask for them back from who ever has them and remain a popular night club. As to wearing THAT home, as I told you before, the costumes are yours for free. It's chilly outside, although that doesn't seem to bother you." Pete walked over to the costumes and pulled out a more conservative outfit that included a top. "Here, you might try wearing this home, the panties have better coverage for your butt, however I still don't recommend it. Take a taxi. You are so big, the panties may just slide into your butt cleavage, making it resemble a thong anyway." Py Nae Kot responded with, "Thanks. That's a nice one!" The rest of that night, no other dancer dared dance in the shadow of Py Nae Kot's explosive performance. Most of them went home leaving Py Nae Kot as the sole dancer until their 2 AM closing time. After letting the crowd calm down some, they brought Py Nae Kot back out, with the D.J. saying "We have tamed her down a bit, but prepare for another rousing performance!" She kept those guys riveted for the rest of that night until 2 AM closing time! Py Nae Kot really DID wear that other outfit on the way home. Without so much wind now, and no rain, the 43 degree air was comfortable to her tough body as she bicycled home. Being a week-day night, not that many cars or people were out to notice Py Nae Kot's attire. She did draw some attention on the ferry, though. Still sexually aroused, she enjoyed the attention, and acknowledged their attention with a seductive smile!