Tina By Rampant Tiger. A story of how a little skinny girl developed into a muscular marvel, with the sex drive to match. TINA (Part 5) Tina spent the rest of that day and most of the next day in her favorite room in the house - the weightroom - exercising and defining and pumping up her contest-ready physique, interspersed with time in the kitchen preparing for Barbara's visit. She knew Barbara was a few years older than Mike, but she didn't know anything about her culinary skills and she didn't want to disgrace Mike - or herself. She knew she was a great chef - she didn't know why, but it was one of the skills she'd developed early and she'd always enjoyed cooking - and eating. Maybe it was a throwback to her child- hood when she had been so weak and puny and her parents had worked so hard encouraging her to eat and grow strong. Boy! Had that ever been successful! Friday night arrived and Mike and Barbara did, too, in Barbara's red Porsche convertible. "Wow!" thought Tina, "This brother of mine has really latched on to something. No wonder he didn't want me to wear him out." They met at the front door, and Mike introduced them, then he headed into the kitchen to mix a pitcher of VERY dry martinis, leaving the women in the living room to get acquainted. This they did very quickly, finding each other very compat- able, and began to learn more about each other. It turned out Barbara owned one of the most popular fitness and bodybuilding gyms in the city, and at the ripe old age of twenty-five, was a wealthy and successful business woman. "How about you, Tina?" Barbara asked, "Mike tells me that you're very strong, and you wouldn't need to make much use of my gym. Is that right? Do you have weightlifting equipment here at home?" " Yes, Barbara, we do, downstairs in our basement. I'll show it to you after we eat. I think it's a pretty good set-up. It's certainly worked for me. Mike doesn't use it much, but I spend most of my free time there and I HAVE developed some pretty good muscles." Mike came in to the room with a tray of martinis and canapes, and the talk got pretty general until Tina got up to fix supper. It was simple but good; a beef roast with yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, asparagus, and butt- ered carrots. Dessert was a hot deep-dish apple pie with ice cream, then coffee was poured and carried into the living room to be savoured in a full and sated silence. It was a wonderful meal! After the coffee had been thoroughly enjoyed, the three youngsters again began to talk. Barbara congratulated Tina on being such a wonderful cook, and then turned to Mike, "Boy, you're lucky to have an older sister to look after you like this. No wonder you've developed the muscles to wrestle the way you do. Tina, I'm pretty strong and fit from running my gym, but Mike can do pretty much what he likes with me, physically. Mike has great muscles and a fantastic physique. We sometimes wrestle, just for fun, and he always wipes the floor with me. He's pretty gentle otherwise, though." she said, grinning, "Have you ever wrestled with him, Tina?" "Yes, I've wrestled with him from time to time, but he's always a real gentleman and lets me win. Don't you, Mike? Do you like a muscular physique on a man, Barb? Most people do. How about on a woman? I guess there are some pretty imposing muscles on the female bodybuilders you train, aren't there?" "Boy, there sure are! In fact, I leave the training of the men to the male trainers I employ - they're pretty good! - and the fitness and toning classes to my female trainers, and I concentrate on the female bodybuilders. Some of them could be National contenders, if they really worked at it, and they have great bodies. I spot for most of them when they're working on the heavy weights and the sight of their pumped-up muscles gleaming with sweat really turns me on. I like to rub them down afterwards, and let my hands glide over their muscles. Wow, when I've come from the gym after a session like that, poor Mike really gets screwed. Whoa! Did I say something wrong? You did know your kid brother and I have sex together, don't you? And for what it's worth, he's a great lover for such a young kid!" Mike started to say something, but Tina stopped him short. "For such a young kid? Hey, Barb, you can't be a whole lot older - in spite of your great bus- iness. You look about the same age as me. Just how old are you?" "Thanks, Tina, Nice of you to say so, but I'm twenty-five, six years older than that over-sexed brother of yours." "Man, right in the prime of life. No wonder Mike crawls into bed when he gets home! But hey! Did you want to see our weightroom? I'll show it to you now, if you like." Barbara did like, so they tripped down the stairs. Two of them did, anyway. Mike said he'd stay up and clear the table and stack the dishes. "Boy, you do have a well-trained brother." laughed Barb, as they walked into the weightroom. Barb looked around, with a professional eye, at all the equip- ment and benches and the weights loaded on the bars and on the machines. "This place looks great. There's certainly everything needed to train just about every muscle in your body. But who's been using the machines and the weights? I know Mike can't handle this kind of weight. Damn few of the men in our gym, if any of them at all, could use these weights. Who is it that works out down here? He must be a real Hercules. Gad, I'd like to meet him. Can I?" "Well, Barb, you've got the right idea, but you've got the genders a little mixed up. You're right about one thing. Mike can't handle these weights. He doesn't even try! And the person who does use them isn't even a man. Nope. A woman! Me!" "You! What do you mean - You! How could a short-assed girl like you lift any of these weights? You couldn't even lift one end of some of these bars. Or did you just load them up to impress me? Boy, Tina, you sure overdid it if it were that. Hell! Look at this barbell. 200 pounds on each end! I couldn't lift one end of it - and I'm strong for a woman. Who are you trying to kid?" Tina grinned. "I'm not trying to kid anyone, Barb. If you don't believe it's possible, just ask me to demonstrate. I'll be glad to. And what do you mean - short-assed girl. Maybe I'm six inches shorter than you but I'll bet I weigh just as much. 150 pounds - and not an ounce of it is fat! Do you want me to prove it?" "Yes! When you make a claim as far-fetched as that one, you should expect it to be challenged. Now, you say you can lift these weights. Prove it!" "Right on, Barb. Just watch me!" And Tina started to go through her regular morning routine, skipping the aerobic warm-up and the 8-mile run, of course. Using light weights to start - SOME form of warm-up was essential! - she went through a whole series of one-arm curls, flyes, triceps extensions, lat pull-downs and crossovers, leg extensions and toe raises In short, a comp- lete, thorough warm-up using fairly light weights to start with, and working up during the sets to pretty respectable lifts, but nothing Barb hadn't seen handled by the more muscular female and most of the male bodybuilders in her gym. By this time, Tina had worked out for well over an hour and had really started to sweat. Just then, Mike walked into the room. "Hi. All done up- stairs. So. I see you've started to workout, Tina. I think you'll find this pretty impressive, Barb. Does anyone want a drink, or anything?" "No, thank you, Mike. I'm starting to show Barb some of the weights I lift. And we're just getting to know each other. Tell you what. Why don't you take off and go to a show or something. Barb and I will be busy here until quite late. We'll see you later. OK?" "Uhh.... Sure, Tina. OK with you, Barb?" Barb wasn't at all sure, but she was beginning to get interested in what Tina was going to do, so she readily agreed. "Sure, Mike. See you later." Mike just waved goodbye and took off. He had an idea of what his over-sexed over- muscled kid sister was up to, and there was no way he was going to interfere with that. The consequences would be too painful to contemplate! That interlude had allowed Tina's pores to open wider and the sweat had really started to run. Now, warmed up thoroughly, she started on the heavy weights and Barb's eyes began to pop. In sets of ten, two-hand curls - 100, 150, 200 pounds; military presses - 100, 150, 200 lbs. Now the sweat was pouring off every part of her body and the long-sleeved blouse she was wearing was completely soaked. "Barb, this is uncomfortable. Would you mind if I took it off?" Barb was sitting back on a bench stunned by the performance that was taking place in front of her. Not only were her eyes popping but her jaw had fallen open, and she didn't say a word - she just shook her head! Tina took that as an unequivocal YES, and stripped off the dripping shirt. Since she was wearing nothing under it, her whole upper body, bulging with massive hills of ripped muscle, striated pecs and traps and triceps, rock- hard, pumped biceps and corded forearms, as well as the deep-cut abdominal muscles that flexed and rippled with every twist of her flexible waist, was exposed to Barb's bulging eyeballs. As she returned to the barbells to complete her routine, her skin, from hair-line to waist, glistened with the glow of perspiration, and Barbara moaned helplessly with sexual arousal . Then Tina continued to lift. Squats - 300, 400, 500 lbs; toe raises - 200, 250, 300 lbs; bench presses - 150, 200, 250, and finally, 300 lbs - once, twice, three, four, five, right up to ten times. And then she stopped and walked over to Barbara. Barbara, doubting Barbara!, was slouched on the bench with her dress pulled up to her waist and her panties pulled down to her knees and she was sliding her fingers in and out of her dripping cunt. Her eyes were glazed and her mouth sagged open and she groaned the most woeful groans. Tina laughed out loud and bent over and took both of Barbara's hands in one of her own. "No, Barb, that's not the way to do it. Let me do that for you. But first, have a close look at this." and Tina stood up and spread her lats and reached down and released the belt holding up her slacks and they fell to the ground. Tina stood there, naked, right in front of Barbara and flexed every muscle of her gleaming, sweat-covered herculean physique, and Barbara screamed and leaped onto the bench and ripped off her panties and threw them down. Then, with a prodigious leap at Tina's rippling abdomen, she wrapped her arms and legs around Tina's body and dug her nails into Tina's flesh and threw back her head and howled at the sky. And then she came in a powerful, wrenching orgasm that spasmed her arms and her legs and drove the breath from Tina's lungs until that fantastically developed young amazon collapsed onto the floor. The two entwined grapplers rolled there in erotic sexual agony until Tina, too, exploded in a powerful orgasm and they both lay spent and weary on the cum-covered floor. Tina was the first to recover. She rolled onto her knees and looked down at the dazed woman lying underneath her. Gloating over her performance, and the effect it had on Mike's girl-friend, Tina planned an even more startling manoeuver. To start, she slipped the dress Barbara was wearing up over her shoulders and tossed it aside. Then she undid the lacy bra that covered - and supported! - Barbara's firm and erect breasts. It was easy to undo, since it clipped in the front. That, too, was discarded. No stockings, so the shoes went next, and now Barbara was just as naked as the muscular amazon beside her. A muscular amazon who picked the bigger girl up in her arms and carried her, still dazed, up the stairs and into the room with the king-size bed - her parents' bedroom. As Tina trotted up the stairs, Barb started to rcover her senses, and found herself bouncing, in hard, muscular arms, against a massive chest whose rock- hard, striated pecs supported round, firm breasts that pressed hard against her own full, soft breasts. The motion, and the feel of the hard, silky skin against her own, aroused again the sexual appetite in Barb's already creamy loins, and she moaned in erotic excitement. Her stomach clenched and she drove her long fingernails into the cords of muscle weaving across her bearer's broad back. The surprise of that attack caused Tina to flex every muscle in her upper body, and that, in turn, excited Barbara still more. By the time she was dropped onto the bed, Barb was as sexually excited as she'd ever been in her life and she clung to Tina with her arms and her legs and her lush lips clamped over Tina's and she wailed like a banshee. Tina slid her sweat-slickened torso over Barbara's and, her hands clamping Barb's forearms tight to the mattress, she supported her body, by the thick, gleaming muscles of her powerful, pumped arms and her strong, muscular toes, just a hair-breadth away, from shins to chin, from Barb's now fully-perspiring body, no matter how Barb threshed and wailed. The sexual heat pouring from Tina's physique penetrated her victim's squirming breasts and belly and her dripping pubic mound, and Barbara pleaded and moaned and cried in ecstasy, and then gushed her thick, creamy cum all over her whole belly and her thighs as her vagina literally exploded from the most complete and exhausting orgasm she had ever, in her whole life, exper- ienced! And without a single sexual contact with the torso of her seducer! Barb collapsed. She wailed and she collapsed and her whole body broke out in a complete outpouring of perspiration. Her firm, flat belly and her warm, soft breasts and her thick, solid legs were covered with gleaming sweat and slithery cream, and Tina's rock-hard muscular abs and striated pecs and cut and valleyed thighs pressed tightly against them and wriggled and throbbed and Barbara's arms, now released from the steely clamps that had bound them, went around Tina's shoulders and felt the ropes of muscle, wriggling like steel boa constrictors, that crossed Tina's back, and she sank her long sharp nails into that mass of muscle. Tina yelped, more in surprise than pain, then laughed out loud. "Ho-ho, Barb," she grinned,"So you want to play rough. Well, let's just squeeze you a little and see how those firm, fit muscles of yours hold out." And Tina pressed her muscular herculean torso against every part of Barb's, and she began to flex. She flexed her toes and she flexed her thighs and her calves. She flexed her pecs and she rippled the marble mounds of her abdomen against Barb's pressing belly, and she rolled the pumped mounds of muscle on her arms and forearms into solid slabs of steel, and Barbara came in another explosive orgasm! "Oh God," Barbara wept, "Please stop. I can't take that any more. I'm utterly exhausted, and I can't move a muscle. It's so wonderfully fantastic and I want you to take me again and again, but I'll die if you do! Please stop, Tina, and let me rest forever." "No way, Jose! If you think Mike's great in bed, just wait until you've had his sister. Where do you think he learned all he knows? But enough talk. Let me show you how strong you really are!" And Tina grinned at Barb and started to run her fingers, oh-so-gently, over the erogeneous zones that Barb had thought were completely dead. They weren't! Tina's fingers, warm and soft, ran over her reluctant lover's nipples, then when those extended and became engorged, her hands slid over a soft downy belly till that rippled and pulsed and Barb began to moan in pleasure. The soft fingers slid over the soft hair of the pubic mound and slid along the lips of the now-twitching vagina. But only for a moment! The gentle hands separated Barb's tense thighs and soothed them with soft strokings. Barb was now panting and groaning and her hands tried to get into the erotic action that her seducer was performing on her helpless psyche, but Tina was having no part of that. With her free hand, she seized both of Barbara's wrists and held them together on the pillow above their heads. In that position, Barb was helpless and her chest was expanded and she could moan more loudly with sexual pleasure - and she did! Tina's fingers moved upward again to the labial lips and entered the warm vaginal cave until they encountered an erect and pulsing clit. Softly stroking that engorged member brought screams of agony from Barb's drooling mouth and a gush of sticky cream from the vaginal cavity. Soaking up some of that cream on her fingers, Tina explored the cavity further - now softly, now firmly, until her fingers were deep inside that hot, pulsing tunnel and, suddenly, the gushing became a flood as Barbara howled in ecstasy and came in another mighty orgasm. Tina grinned in complete satisfaction - that girl in her arms was proving to be pretty goddamn strong. Sexually, that is, and Tina was just getting warmed up! Retreating from Barbara's gushing cunt, Tina let her lie still for a few minutes until the physical quivering and the vocal moaning came to complete stop. Barb lay on the bed as inert as a bowl of jelly. But Tina was sure there was life in that female shell yet - and she wanted to extract every bit of it. Besides, she had not yet had another orgasm of her own - and she sure wanted that! She wanted an orgasm, and she wanted Barb to be part of it, but Barb was out of it for a while. It would take at least three hours sleep to bring Barb back to any semblance of life and it was now after ten o'clock. MIke would be home in another couple of hours and there was no way she wanted him to inter- fere with her plans for Barbara this night. So what's a girl to do? Well, exercise was always good, so that's what she would do until Mike got home, and then she would let nature take its course. So the fifteen-year-old schoolgirl with the muscles of a Greek god, the strength of Hercules, and the sex drive of Pan, went downstairs to her weight- room to (a) drown out some of her sexual enthusiasm, and (b) gain enough added strength to satisfy her growing sexual needs. Two hours of working out, hard and heavy, using the heaviest weights, pushing the most reps in chins and dips and flyes, and pushing herself to the max in an aerobic set that had sweat pouring like water from every pore of her magnificent, naked body, she did both of those things. The set ended as she heard the front door slam, and she knew Mike had returned, announcing his entry to alert his sister - whatever she might be up to. He was sure she'd be up to something and, knowing his little sister, he was pretty sure his chances of sex to-night were nil. Too damn bad, he was horny as hell, but he could live with it, and he sure had no intention of complaining. He was about to go upstairs when he heard her hail him from the basement. "Hi, Mike, slip down here a minute, will you?" So he trotted downstairs, instead, and stepped from the light into an unlit weight-room. "What the ...?" he started to say, when he was suddenly seized from behind in a grip of steel, lifted high in the air, and dropped onto Tina's bed on his back. His wrists were seized in one strong hand, his shirt was ripped from his back, his shoes and socks went flying, his belt was pulled off, and he found himself hanging upside down by the cuffs of his pants. A quick shake and he was dropped onto the bed, naked as the day he was born, before he could even say "...hell!" "I'm glad I've broken you of the rotten habit of wearing underwear." said his invisible attacker, "This makes rape so much easier." He didn't have a chance to reply before his mouth was covered by a soft, hairy mound, and his penis, still shocked into complete limpness by the sudden attack, was sucked into a warm, wet squirming cavity. Hands spread his firm glutes wide apart and hard fingers pulsed his anal ring in and out. The hairy mound covering his mouth came to excruciatingly tender life, and turned out to have a soft hollow behind it, a hollow that exerted a powerful suction that captured his tongue, engulfed it in a cream-filled tunnel, then threatened to suck his whole throat after it. With fingers in his asshole, his tongue in a cunt, Mike almost shot his wad before his eyes were open. Almost! But not quite! His cock had achieved a remarkable rigidity and maximumum extension before he was even aware of it, and that thick, turgid member was sliding down a long slick tunnel that pulsed and squeezed until he almost exploded in a fantastic burst of orgasmic energy. Almost! But not quite! A hand clamped around his balls like a vice and his orgasm was shut off like a tap. The fingers probing his anal cavity slipped into his mouth and scooped up quantities of the creamy goo and then returned to his ass. But now they were slick and smooth, and had no trouble at all pushing past his anus, first one, then two, then his anal ring collapsed and then three, four, and then the whole small, strong hand was in his asshole up to its wrist. Mike screamed, in pain at his ass being ripped apart, in agony because the fingers in his ass were now caressing the soft and sensitive base of his penis, and in ecstasy because the clamp was taken off his balls and he could explode in an orgasm that shook every bone and muscle in his body. His cum filled his rapist's belly and overflowed past her lips to cover his abs and thighs as he collapsed in heaven. But he had not yet fulfilled his function in his sadistic, over- sexed sister's purpose. Not quite! His tongue was still stopping up the hot, pulsing tunnel of love that her twitching twat had become. Mike tried to withdraw from his warm, sexy passage, but it was not to be. His sister's hands closed behind his head and held him locked in captivity while her cunt rippled and sucked as his mouth opened wider and his tongue was pulled in further as he licked those hot, creamy walls until his cock rose again and his legs and arms spasmed and his cock flung out its weak wad of cum and Tina exploded in her own fantastic orgasm that threw her from the bed, on top of her older brother, to a helpless heap on the floor where she groaned in full and complete erotic satiety - for the time being. Mike just passed out. He and his girl-friend, grinned Tina, make a great pair. Tina recovered in a little while, but Mike and Barb were out like lights, and looked as though they would stay that way for a long time. So Tina picked up her big brother in her strong arms and carried him up to bed - to her parents' bed - where she laid him gently beside his sleeping girl- friend. What they would think in the morning when they awoke, Tina didn't really care - she herself had been completely satisfied! Next morning, Tina awakened early, completely refreshed, invigorated, and eager to go. Three hours for her morning exercise routine, then up for breakfast, with a quick peak into her parents' bedroom to see how her last night's lovers were making out. They were just beginning to stir from their sound sleep of exhaustion. Both of them, lying naked in bed, opened their eyes and looked at Tina, standing at their bedroom door, wearing only her shorts and a loose sweatshirt. "Hi, you kids, ready for breakfast?" she grinned. They grinned back. "Boy, I'm starved. I could eat a horse." Barb smiled, "I never have this kind of appetite in the morning. It must have been something I did last night - or something that was done to me. Whatever it was, I'm all for it." Mike rolled over toward his girl. "I'm starved, too, but I know why I am. Some Greek over-muscled god grabbed me and drained every ounce of stuffing out of me. I never did see the Greek god, but I think I know who it was. She was terrific!" "Great! I'm hungry, too, so give me half an hour to get ready, then bring your butts - and your appetites - down for breakfast. It'll be a big one." Tina headed for the kitchen, and the two young lovers rolled into each other's arms. They put their arms about each other and kissed, and then just lay together, relaxing. "God, Mike, that sister of yours is fantastic. I've never seen anyone - male or female - with a physique like hers. Or strength! Most of the top body builders are big-muscled and cut and ripped, but they can't lift worth a shit. Most of the top weightlifters are big, but they look like Suumo wrestlers. And neither of them are any good in bed at all. But, my god! your sister could take either of them hands down, as they are, at their best - never mind pound for pound! - and she could screw the life out of both of them - together! Wow!" Mike grinned. "Yeah, she's pretty good in bed alright - at least, so I hear! And she's a pretty good cook, too, so let's get down to eat. I love you dearly, Barb, and I think you're a great lover but, for some reason, I just can't get it up this morning." "Me too, Mike. So let's get downstairs. Boy, you're lucky to have an older sister like Tina, who can cook for you, teach you such wonderful things about making love - you're a great lover, you know, but I've told you that before - and can protect you anywhere. How old is she anyway? As she said yesterday, we look about the same age." "You'll have to ask Tina that. For some reason she's sensitive about her age. All set? Let's go." The only clothes Barb could lay her hands on was the dress Tina had ripped off her last night, so she slipped that over her naked body. Mike went into his own room for shorts and a sweatshirt, and they went downstairs, hand in hand, to the delicious smell of breakfast cooking. Tina had prepared a sumptuous repast for them - juice, cereal, eggs and bacon and sausages with home fries, buttered toast and marmalade, and coffee. When all three of them had finished eating, they sat back, with a long sigh, and relaxed. "That was great, Tina. I'm so completely satisfied - both physically and, if Mike can stand the admission, sexually as well. I came for supper last evening and I didn't expect to stay the night, but it was the best night out that I've ever had. You are a most fantastic woman, Tina. You've got looks, you've got muscles, you give fantastic sex - much better than even you, Mike - you cook like a French chef, and on top of all that, you've taught your kid brother to be a magnificent lover. You've taught him by demonstration, I'm sure, but if you can stand incest, well, he hasn't suffered from it, I know. How did you develop all of those tremendous skills at your age? What is your age, by the way? Mike won't tell me, but I'm sure you won't mind. You said yesterday I looked about your age, and maybe I do, but now I know you better, I can't believe you're not a lot older. Are you under thirty? Really?" "Barb, thanks for those very kind words. I guess my culinary skill came from my early need to eat well -I was a pretty sickly child - and my great physique came from the exercises I did to build me up. I've been doing them for years because I like doing them and I love being strong. Boy, am I ever strong! Ask Mike. I guess my sex drive is just genetic, or maybe I just like to screw. I love to screw! And I love to dominate the men I make love to - and the women, too, as I've just discovered. You were my first lady lover, but you won't be my last! You were so soft and cuddly, I'm getting hot just thinking about you." "Stop it, please, Tina, or I'll come right here at the table - and you're not helping, either, Mike, with your hand on my leg. You know I have nothing on under this dress! Just be gentle! But you still haven't said how old you are, Tina. How old are you?" "Well, Barb, You're right about most things, but you sure missed on one. Sure, I taught my brother everything he knows about sex - and, if I do say so myself, he's pretty damn good! - but he isn't really my kid brother. No, siree! He's my OLDER brother! In fact, he's four years older than I am. But I still love him, and he loves me - sex and muscles completely aside." Barb was stunned! "Your OLDER brother! But that would make you only fifteen! How in God's Name can you be only fifteen? FIFTEEN years old! I don't believe it! I can't believe it. Mike. Tell me she's only kidding. Mike? My God, Tina. Superman isn't that good! Are you from Krypton? Tina! Tina! Tina! Wow! Wow! and Wow!" Mike and Tina looked at Barbara, with wide grins on their faces. "Nope, Barb, you've got it right. That's my kid sister alright. And don't kid yourself - she did teach me all I know about sex. God, she's a great teacher. Don't ask me where she learned - I think it just came naturally to her - but I can tell you - it was my favorite subject. The muscles I know about. She really worked on them. Day and night, hours and hours every day. I thought the weights would wear out before she did. But look at what that work has done for her." "Yeah, Mike, I looked yesterday. And I want to look again today. Tina, I've just got to get to work today, and I've got to get some clothes to go under this dress, but could you please flex for me again like you did last night? Please?" "Please, for me too, sis. You drive me up the wall when we're alone, and I can't do a thing but come and come and come till I'm just dead. With Barb here, I'll be able to control myself and hang on to her. Maybe, if you're real good, we can both come together. Wouldn't that be something!" "OK, go ahead downstairs and make yourselves comfortable. I'll be down in a minute." So Mike and Barb went downstairs to the weightroom and made themselves comfortable on Tina's bed, facing the matt-covered space near the heavy weight rack. Since there was no sign of Tina coming down, the two young lovers did what lovers do - they started to make love. Mike slid his hands over Barbara's firm, round thighs, around her narrow waist, then up over her smooth back and shoulders. Since Barb was wearing nothing underneath her dress,there was no obstacle to the passage of Mike's soft and gentle caress. Barb moaned in pleasure and, in turn, slid her hands under Mike's loose sweatshirt and fondled his erect and protruding nipples. As they hardened and grew more erect under Barb's quiet touchings, his penis hardened and grew more erect as well. One of Barb's hands slid down his smooth, hairless chest into his shorts and around his turgid and hurting balls. Barb's other hand followed and gently stroked the underside of his thick and rigid cock that was now in full and massive erection. In erotic response, Mike's hands sid forward from her back to cup the tender mounds pushing forward from her chest and terminating now in hard, protruding nipples that shuddered from the touch of Mike's soft fingers. One of his hands slid down to her quivering pubic mound and his fingers, slick with the creamy goo now pouring from her cunt, slipped inside her vaginal cavity to caress her upstanding clit. Both of them moaned in pleasure, and both of them erupted in orgasmic ecstasy as they came in unison as Tina walked into the room. "HA! I guess you older couples just can't be trusted alone. You've just got to make out, haven't you? Well, I'm shocked!" Tina said, grinningly, at the two upturned unabashed faces grinning back at her. "Well, I thought, if you wanted a show, I'd dress for it, so I did." As indeed she had. It was a vision from the 'Arabian Nights' that stood posing in front of the massive weights. Talk about a study in contrasts! On her head, Tina wore a white silken turban, with long ends trailing to her waist. A sheer silken blouse with a high neckline and long, full sleeves covered her shoulders and her round breasts, exposing her bare cobble-stone stomach. Full satin trousers with a *very* low cut reached from just above her pubic mound to her ankles, and her feet were bare. A satin brocade vest, with a long series of golden ties in the front, reached from her neck to her knees. Tina stood and swayed, and in the bright light of the weightroom, she looked every inch an Arabian Princess alone in her harem, awaiting her Sultan. Barb and Mike, slowly recovering from their self-induced orgasms, and still feeling reelingly erotic in the warm room, could only stare in amazement at the vision in front of them. They held onto each other tightly, not sure of what was to come, but anticipating another erotic thrill. And they got it! Tina swayed seductively from side to side, her arms waving above her head, her hips sliding up and down and in and out above her long, smoothly-curving thighs and her twisting calves. Her bare feet beat a tattoo on the mat below her and the soundless rhythm reached out to the pair on the bed as they watched, entranced by the weaving figure before them. The swaying slowed and the hands that had waved up high dropped down to finger and loosen the ties on the brocade vest. The ties undone, the vest swirled wide, revealing, from blouse to trousers, the rock-hard mounds of abdminal muscle that rippled over a golden torso. The vest fell aside and the slit arms of the sheer silken blouse came open to show, in tantalyzing glimpses, flexing and rippling mountains and valleys of muscle that curved from forearms to biceps to triceps along gleaming limbs of bronze. As Tina whirled, the blouse came apart behind, revealing the massive ropes of twisting iron muscle that spread across her wide back and thick lats and curved down to the nar- rowing sheets of muscle around her waist. The watchers on the bed held on in awe to their partners, their arms clamped around each others shoulders, their legs entwined. Mike's cock was big and thick and rigid and, despite its recent orgasmic explosion, was pulsing madly and dripping cream. Barb's cunt was in no better shape. It was flowing with a thick creamy fluid that was already covering her thighs and Mike's. Both were moaning in erotic ecstasy as they watched the young Amazon queen in front of them display the fantastic hard-muscled physique of a Greek god, of a young and athletic Hercules, in the guise of an Arabian princess. God! They were turned on completely! And Tina was not yet done! Now the blouse was discarded, leaving Tina naked above her hips. Her rock-hard abs rippled and her thick, striated pecs gleamed and her lats spread as wide as a wall as her upper torso shone with sweat. Her hips twisted and wriggled, and the satin trousers that was her last remaining garment slithered to the floor and was kicked aside. Now completely naked, Tina flexed the massive muscles of her thighs and calves. She turned and flexed the hard, striated mounds of her glutes, and rose on the toes of her powerfully-muscled feet to display the bulging double-diamonds of her calves, and turned again to flex the stone- hard mountains and valleys of her thighs. And she raised her arms above her shoulders and produced a magnificent double-bicep pose that was totally wasted on her audience. Her audience - the two eager lovers - had come, and come again, and were lying exhausted in each other's arms on the bed. There was no way they were going to rise to show their appreciation of Tina's muscular exhibition - and Tina, grinning broadly, understood! "Well, so much for that. But they'd still be better off in their beds." So Tina lifted them up, a hundred and eighty pound man on one arm and a hundred and forty pound woman on the other, and trotted upstairs to their bedrooms. This time she dropped Barbara in her parents' room and Mike in his own room, and then stripped off their remaining garments - Barb's dress, now pretty well shot, and Mike's shorts and sweatshirt, and tossed them in the laundry. "At least," she thought, "this way they'll get SOME rest." And then she trotted downstairs for a lunch that she really needed. In the middle of the afternoon, as Tina was working out with some heavy weights, Barb walked into the weightroom. She stopped at the door and gaped. Tina was naked, and the perspiration was pouring from every part of her pumped-up physique. She was again a golden Amazon glowing in the light, and Barbara screamed. "NO! Please, Tina, not again! If I come again, I'll be in bed for a week! Please stop flexing that magnificent body of yours. God! Your muscles are like oiled rock. Please, relax them for a minute so I can relax, too. I just can't take another orgasm, especially one induced by a school kid - but what a school kid! But before you relax completely, just let me run my hands over that fantastic physique. I promise I'll be gentle." she grinned, "and I'll make sure I stop while I can still control my erotic urges." Tina grinned,too. "Sure, come ahead. I'll just run through a posing routine I use. I know how it looks. Tell me how it feels." And she began to flex every muscle in her herculean torso, and Barb ran her hands over every muscle in that herculean torso, and pressed her fully clothed body against Tina's naked flesh, and Tina put her powerful arms around Barb's shoulders and drew her close and kissed her softly on the lips, and Barb erupted in another fiery orgasm, and collapsed in the arms of the young naked goddess. "NO! NO! NO! Tina! No, not again! Oh, Tina, I love you. I worship you. But please put me down. You've completely destroyed my body and my will - and I love it. But please, please, please, let me go!" And Tina did. "Tina, I've just got to go. I found these clothes in the closet in the bed- room. I guess they're your mother's. She must be in great shape - they fit me perfectly, except the shirts and bras. They're too big around my chest. but the cup size is right. And I like her taste. But now I'll have to whip upstairs and change my panties - YOUR fault! I'll say goodbye now - I'm not coming down here again - in any sense! Goodbye, Tina, and thanks for a wonderful time." So Barb left for upstairs, and Tina continued on with her exercises. Mike was still sound asleep. **************************** At suppertime Mike surfaced, and joined Tina in another great dinner - caesar salad, baked ham and pineapple rings, boiled potatoes, carrots, beans and hot buttered rolls, topped off with deep-dish apple pie (just out of the oven) and ice cream. All washed down with a cool bottle of Beaujolais! "Hey, sis," burped Mike, as he leaned back on the sofa to relax,"what's the occasion for that great meal. Did I ever tell you you're a tremendous chef? I did? Well, I'll tell you again, and you really outdid yourself tonight. Any special reason?" "Yeah, Mike. Our parents will be home the day after tomorrow, and we've got a mountain of work to do before they arrive. I thought we'd relax tonight and get at it bright and early tomorrow. Sound good?" "Sure does. I don't want to go out tonight, so how about if we watched TV for awhile and then I gave you a backrub and we could get to bed early? "Good idea." and so they watched a movie for a couple of hours. Then Mike stretched and said,"OK, where do you want that backrub?" and Tina grinned and said,"All over! Seriously, we can spread a sheet on the carpet in the big bedroom and do it there." An so they did. Tina stripped off her sweatshirt and lay down on her stomach as Mike reached out a bottle of baby oil. In moments, Mike was working the oil, with his strong fingers, into every crevice of his young sister's back. "Oooh! That feels so goo-o-o-d! Do my arms, too." And Mike did. " Sis, I'll work lower down your back if you slip your shorts off." "OK, slip them off." And Mike did. Now he was able to work a thin coating of the oil over the hard striated muscles of Tina's glutes, and between them to coat and soften the firm anal ring, stopping only when the gluteal muscles tightened on Mike's fingers, holding them immobile until she relaxed and released them. Down Tina's valleyed quads, over her double-diamond calves, to the soles of her muscular feet. Mike loved Tina's feet - the leather-tough soles, the tendons and muscles spreading her strong toes, the soft instep over the high arches - and he worked the oil into every bone and muscle with both his hands, then, with a quick glance upward to make sure she was completely relaxed, Mike bent over and licked every drop of that oil from her gently squirming feet - from the tendons on her ankles, from the insteps and arches, from the hard leathery soles, and from between her wriggling toes. He licked and he sucked and Tina lay there relaxed, whimpering softly. Finished at last with his kid sister's back, Mike gently rolled her over to expose the front of that fantastic torso. Before laying a finger on the smooth golden flesh that rippled and flexed and pulsed with power as Tina softly breathed and settled herself into a more comfortable position as she awaited the soothing touch of her brother's fingers, Mike groaned and the perspiration rolled off his forehead. He just could not stand what he was about to do, at least, not in his present condition - that is, clothed! It just wasn't possible! So he did the only thing that he could do - he took off his shorts and sweatshirt, and now he, too, was completely naked. As he bent over to start a soothing rubdown, he didn't notice that Tina's eyelids raised just enough to see what Mike had done, and that a small, mischievous smile flittered across her lips. Erotic ideas were not confined to Mike. As Mike tipped the oil over Tina's chest, he straddled her narrow waist, and then with both hands, he massaged the oil over the firm breasts, the hard and striated pecs, up over the solid muscular lats that curved from her short, thick neck across her wide shoulders. Then along the relaxed but hard and bulging biceps, over valleyed triceps to cut, corded forearms. As he came back into her chest, swelling with each quickening breath, and smoothed his fingers once again around her breasts, his own sexual urgings couldn't be denied and his penis grew and thickened to an erection that pressed like a stone rod against the rippling mounds of steel-plate muscle that covered Tina's torso. His sister felt the erotic pressures and grinned to herself and started to flex those oil-covered abs against that rampant cock and Mike lost all control and curled his arms around his sister and pressed the length of his muscular torso against all of hers and let those rippling abs masturbate him to a gushing, explosive orgasm that covered those same abdominal plates - not with oil - but with thick, slippery cum. Tina laughed out loud when her brother exploded, and Mike, realizing her ploy, swore violently. "God damn it! Tina, you little bitch, you did that on purpose. You just wanted to have some fun! Well, that does it! There's no way now I'm going to satisfy your horny appetites. I'm limp now and I'm going to stay that way, no matter what you do! See how you like that!" Tina just grinned. "Mike, you should know by now that I own you, body and soul. Whatever I want to do with you, I just do, and you don't have any say at all. And it's not just my muscles - although they sure make it a lot easier - it's my mind. I'll prove it. You don't want to screw me? Well, I'll make you screw me. I'll make your cock rise up, and I'll make you drive it into me and I'll make you come - even if you've just blasted your wad all over me, and then maybe I'll make you come again. And I'll do all of that right here on my back, without laying a finger on you. Want to see?" "Tina, you're crazy. There's no way you can do that! Without holding me? Without forcing me, physically, to do any thing at all? I know you're an over-sexed amazon, and I know I love you dearly, but there's just no way you can control me like that. No way at all!' "Oh? We'll see! I'll just stay here like this." And Tina lay relaxed on her back with her arms by her sides, and closed her eyes. Mike, suspecting a trap, slid his naked body off his sister's naked body, and rose to his feet. No problem there. So what did Tina have in mind? Some sort of thought control? He knew she wasn't into that. So what else could it be? It had to be just plain sex, and he had just blown his wad and was not at all eager for more of that - even if he could get it up again, which he doubted he could, anyway. So what was it? Mike sat down on the bed to think about it, watching his sister's still form. Not quite still, he noticed. Her hands were curled into fists, and her forearms were flexing slowly. Boy, she did have great forearms! Then he became aware that her toes were spreading and curling, having an inter- esting effect on the rest of her feet, displaying muscles he hadn't really noticed before. Not only that, but that subtle movement of her toes was also making her calves flex and twist, and they looked quite different from the front - curvier, somehow, and the shape of her legs looked different. Her knees, now, seemed to connect the new muscles on her legs with the hills and valleys of her thighs in a much more sexy way. Although they remained quite still, they just didn't look the same any more. Mike tried to figure it out, but he kept getting distracted by the way her thighs smoothly curved into the long, rippling muscles that ran alongside the dark hair covering the still pubic mound. 'Rippling muscles'? Yeah, those muscles were rising and falling, rising and falling, in a most interesting fashion. They seemed to be associated somehow with those round, striated gluteal muscles just below them, although Mike couldn't see how. This would bear some further examination. To make this exam- ination, Mike left the bed and leaned closer to the muscular wall of Tina's lower belly. Close up, it was different. The glutes seemed quite still, but the hard plates of muscle covering the whole abdomen now appeared to quiver. Just a gentle quivering, not at all like the brutal attack on Mike's rampant penis that had stirred him to erotic ecstasy a short while ago. 'Erotic ecstasy'? Mike guessed so, it hadn't really been that bad, in fact, it had been quite good. Wonderful, in fact. So Mike thought as he realized his 'limp' penis was no longer limp. It was thickening and getting longer and harder all on its own. He'd have to do something about that, as soon as he figured out why those abdominal muscles were rippling the way they were. And what that sweet, cloying odour was that seemed stronger as he came near soft labial lips, and now seemed to be part of the fluid oozing from that vagina that was now pulling so attractively at his nose and his mouth and his face. He withstood that challenge by sliding one of his legs over the now motionless supine body, and placing himself so he could more closely examine the action of those rippling abs. But they weren't rippling now. It was now the striated muscles of Tina's pecs, supporting her small hard breasts, that were quivering. As Mike slid upward on Tina's torso - still slippery from the tremendous wad of cum that had exploded from his previous ejaculation - to examine this new phenomenon, he realized his cock had now achieved its maximum dimension and was beginning to ache for some relief of the pain that was gripping his balls. As he stared at those pulsing pecs, he saw, too, that the quivering now extended to the rock-hard biceps and cut triceps, and the quivering had now become erotic flexing that moved from thighs to abs to the ropes of muscle that covered a back that had been still, but was now rippling in unison with a great, muscular torso. His penis, somehow, was poised at the lips of the softest vagina it had ever encountered, and there was no way on earth Mike could stop it from driving forward and into that hot and grasping tunnel. Mike screamed when he realized what was happening, but it was too late, much too late for it to help. His big, thick, rock-hard cock was firmly entrapped in a silken, slippery cave that had a grip of steel and walls that pulsed and tightened and released and hugged and sucked until his balls slapped against Tina's crotch, and then, with a smooth, rhythmic motion, masturbated him into a wild, erotic ejaculation that filled the whole vaginal cavity and ran out and over a still- soaken belly. And all that time, Mike's kid sister just lay on her back with her arms by her sides and her eyes closed, but now she was wearing a great, big grin. It was a long night for Mike. His little sister had won hands down, and she wasn't going to let him forget it. And Mike knew it, too, and before the sun rose next morning, he would realize fully just what Tina had meant when she said she owned him, body and soul. Disdaining even the slightest physical motion, she lay absolutely still, and using the iron grip of her muscular cunt, alone, she drained Mike dry. Mike begged, he pleaded, he wept real tears, and he made threats that, even as he made them, he knew were toothless. As soon as Mike ejaculated, in mental agony, for the first time, Tina cheerfully flexed every muscle in her body and, in no time at all, he was ready to blow again. But Tina held off, clamping his prick in muscles of iron till his balls ached in search of relief denied them. Then, when the erotic action brought Tina to the brink, she relaxed the muscles in her vaginal walls, and Mike and Tina exploded together in a wild and violent orgasm. She rested, but not for long. Her drive for sex was phenomenal, and she wanted more. Again she brought Mike to the brink of explosion, but this time she was ready and again their explosion was simultaneous. But Mike was done. As his cock gave forth its load and collapsed, Mike collapsed with it. He wasn't just asleep - he was unconscious, and he stayed that way until the next night. At least, he got out of the house- work that had to be done! As Mike collapsed, Tina sighed. "Well, it was good while it lasted. I wish Mike were stronger, but that's the way it is. I guess a quick shower and then to bed for a couple of hours. I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow - and I know Mike will be in no shape to help. Oh well!" So off to bed. Tina was up out of bed bright and early the next morning and worked like a Whirling Dervish the whole day long. She changed the sheets and made the beds (they sure needed it!), did the laundry, vacuumed the carpets, dusted the whole house, and washed the dishes - and pots and pans! - left over from yesterday, and she was still finished by early afternoon. Mike was still dead to the world so Tina decided on another tremendous dinner to welcome her parents back home. Roast beef and yorkshire puddings, french fried potatoes, green beans and creamed corn, with an ice cream mousse for desert. Once the ingredients were assembled, she estimated the preparation time and decided, "I still have time for a short workout. Fifteen minutes to warm up, then an hour with my heavy weights should do it. But I'd better get cracking." So she did. Plunging right into her warm-up routine, Tina was dripping with sweat well inside her allotted warm-up time, but she continued to the end. Then she loaded the big bars with the heavy weights and started her workout. As she lay down on the pressing bench, she realized her clothes were soaking wet and very uncomfortable, so off they came, and the rest of her heavy lifting was done in the nude. So less to lift. Bench presses, in sets of ten, 100, 200, 250, 300 pounds, then, because she was feeling good, 350 pounds for five, six, seven. eight, n.i.n.e t.i.m.e.s, and then, with a muscle-maxing effort, a prodigious TEN times! At a bodyweight, in contest-ready shape, of 150 pounds! What a feat! And there was still more to come. Loaded on the squat rack was a heavy bar with 6-50 lb. weights on each end - a total of 630 lbs.! And Tina draped a thick towel over her thick shoulders, braced her massive, cut thighs under her, and lifted. LIFTED! The thick steel bar bent under the tremendous weight, and the rack groaned as the weight on it eased and then, as Tina groaned with the pressure on her wide back, her legs straightened and the bar rose up, supported solely by the mighty muscles of a schoolgirl! The schoolgirl relaxed and the bar returned to the rack. Again, another mighty effort and the bar rose, still higher this time. Down, and up again. Now Tina was confident, and the adrenalin was flowing, and that bar was lifted up ten times! And then Tina relaxed, and her muscles, pumped with tremendous effort, bulged large with the blood flowing through her vascular veins, and shone with sweat. One last exercise - curls. Another bar, on a waist-high rack, was loaded with 4 25's on each end - 215 lbs. - and this was not going to be a challenge for already-pumped muscles. But the reps would be. Lifting the bar easily and resting it against her thighs, Tina curled that weight, 150 percent of her bodyweight, ten times, then rested. Ten more times, then ten more, and then a final ten and it was time to go. Her biceps, bulging before, stood out like softballs, and Tina loved that look. Just for fun, she raised her arms above her shoulders and struck a double-biceps pose - and, in her weightroom mirror, she looked exactly like the world-class bodybuilders - male! - in her muscle magazines. Well, she'd wanted to and now she did. Tina was well pleased. Continued in TINA6 *******************************