Karen, part 2 By Rampant Tiger The story of how an ambitious young woman becomes boss of a trucking firm and years later introduces her great-grandson to the joys of the open road. KAREN (Continued) ----------------- CHAPTER 5 Karen, The Driver __________ Ron phoned the office on Monday, telling the girls that he would be out until Friday, completing his final field inspections before the training course started, and that Karen should be transferred from the office staff to the driver's section. That bit of info caused a big uproar in the office as soon as Ron got off the line. "Ho-ho!" said one of the girls, "So Karen got what she wanted. I wonder how she did that." and the girls all roared. "Hey!" said another of them. "Ron is very fussy about his drivers, and there is no way Karen got that job just by going to bed with him. She had to convince him she could handle the job, and that she has the strength to manoeuver those big rigs." "Well, we saw yesterday what kind of strength she has. I wonder what she did to convince Ron. Probably beat the shit out of him. And she could do it, too!" "Yeah, that's probably why he phoned in, instead of coming in to tell us all about it. He probably has two black eyes and a broken arm." The girls all roared again. "Hey!" shouted one, over the uproar, "Why don't we just ask Karen. Here she comes now." When Karen walked into the office, she was surrounded immediately by eager, laughing questioners, all wanting to know the secret of her fantastic success. "Tell us how you did it, Karen. "Did you have to beat him up?" "Did you buy the company?" Karen laughed at all the excitement she was creating. "No, it was just a simple test of strength. We arm-wrestled, and I won." "Wow! You mean you beat Ron arm-wrestling? My God! Ron's got powerful arms from all the driving he's done. Are you sure it wasn't just a fluke?" "A fluke? Three out of five! And actually I took him three times in a row, so it sure was no fluke." Karen grinned, "Really, it was four times in a row, but the last one didn't concern the job. It was about something else, entirely." The girls roared again. "Did you get him into bed?", "How is he between the sheets?", "Is he any good at making love?" They all wanted to know! "Well," grinned Karen, "Good girls don't kiss and tell - and I'm good! But I can say this. He's fantastic! Not much stamina, but great technique! Why? Did he sound tired when he called in?" The girls all laughed again, and drifted back to their work. Karen sat down and asked Anne, the girl who had been replacing her, to stay behind and talk about Karen's plans. "I guess you can move into my office officially now, Anne. I was going to spend this week hunting for a place to stay here in town, but in my new job I'll be away so much that I might as well stay where I am. It's less than an hour's drive, and Donna has friends there, and she won't have to change schools. The school she's at now takes boarders, so she'll be all right there. "I think what I'll do for the rest of the week, if it's OK with you, is to just sit with each of the girls for a time, to refresh my feeling for the business. Even when I'm driving, it'll be useful to know that." Anne agreed, and Karen was set for her last week in the office. She gave not a thought in the world to the chance she might not make it as a driver. Finally, on Monday, Karen reported to the garage to start her training. At twenty-two, Karen was the youngest of the driver trainees, and the only girl, and she was met with looks of amazement when she walked into the classroom. Ron, however, straightened things out with a few sharp remarks. "Now listen up! I select the drivers and I fire those I don't see eye to eye with, for any reason! I've selected all of you, including Karen, and all of you will undergo the same training and all of you will take the same tests, including Karen. And some of you may fail. If you do, you're out, including Karen. The tests are National Driver's Tests, administered by the state, and I have no influence at all on the results. If you fail you're OUT! If you pass, you have a job with me I believe you'll be happy with for a long, long time. Understood?" It WAS understood, and that was the last time there was any reference made to Karen's sex or age. The course was tough, and all five of them had to struggle to keep up with the theory and the practical work. There was no room for favoritism and none was given. While Karen could eat up the theoretical stuff, she had a harder time with the practical end of it, and many times, as she sank exhausted in her bed at night, she thanked her lucky stars for the muscles she had developed and the strength that came with them. Ron was right! Without those muscles, she just could not have coped. And the men were just as exhausted as she was. In fact, she thought, maybe more, and that affected their reaction times in some of the tougher tests. The course ended. Ron's prediction was proven right when two of the trainees just didn't make the grade and were washed out. The remaining three met with Ron, and he gave them their new assignments. They were on the job. Karen's initial assignment was a day run that took about ten hours, but she was able to take the rig home at night and on weekends, so she could spend as much time as possible with Donna. She also managed to spend a good deal of time with Ron, both in the rig and in the big bed that Karen had made such good use of on her first night in that house. With the additional drivers, and some others Ron had been able to hire, and with the new bigger rigs, Ron was now able to spend most of his time in the office. It soon became obvious that Ron and Karen were an "item", and no one was surprised when their engagement was announced. They were married before the end of Karen's first year as a driver. Right after the wedding, the office staff at the company were amazed when Ron announced things were going to carry on just as before, with Ron in the office and Karen driving, except now Donna would be living with them. Ron and Donna had become very close, and Ron now took over most of the parenting that had previously been done by Karen. Including the weight training sessions. Karen often wondered what she loved most - Ron or Donna or driving! But she had worked too hard to get it so no way was she going to give up the driving job. And she was good at it! By the time she and Ron were married, Karen had become a "top-loader" and qualified for the extra pay-rate. She was also a fantastic worker, and seemed to be able to exist on almost no sleep. The legal limit seemed to be the only thing that could get Karen out of her cab, and she was now making so much money that, wherever she was, she could afford to fly home and spend a couple of days almost every fortnight with her family. In fact, Karen was making quite a bit more money than Ron, between one and two hundred grand a year. The girls in the office often ragged Ron about that, asking him when he was going to retire and live off his wife's earnings. Ron would just laugh, saying if Karen ever came home more than once a week, he would HAVE to retire, he just wouldn't have enough strength to do any work. The girls would laugh too, knowing just what Ron meant. Every once in a while, Karen would drop into the office for a short visit, and every time the girls would be shocked anew at her appearance. Karen had earned her qualification as a top-loader by dint of hard work and study and being ready to do the job. And a tough job it was! After putting in a full stint of driving, Karen would have to buckle down and load or unload the rig. There was usually help to do that, but it was never driven as Karen was, and her knowledge of loading methods and systems made her invaluable. But mostly it was just straight heavy bull-work, and Karen lapped that up! Her muscles got a work-out that they never got just driving, and Karen developed muscles on top of muscles. The office staff would stare at her in amazement and ask her to flex her biceps just to compare them with the last time she had been there. In just a couple of years, the magnificent muscles she had floored them with after her leave was a forgotten memory, replaced by her new massive herculean physique. Karen was pleased at the attention she was getting and she would laugh and say, "Wait until next time!" - and meant it! Karen's visits with her family were always a panic. No one would plan to go out those days so that they could stay together and discuss all the things that had taken place since Karen's last trip home. Ron's work and Donna's school and Karen's travels would all be thoroughly talked about. But somehow, the talk always seemed to gravitate to muscular development, and the continuing change in Karen's physique. It was not just the girls in the office that found the change in her astounding, it was also her own family! After the wedding, Ron had duplicated Karen's home gym, on a much grander scale, in an unused area of his house right next to the swimming pool. In Karen's absence, Ron had encouraged Donna to continue with the athletic program she had started into at school and to continue with her weight training program at home. Donna was smart and eager and knew how much help the home weight training had been to her in her school activities and was an enthusiastic participant in all phases of it. She was following along in her mother's footsteps - a real jock - but with the added advantages of having a terrific role model, and having fantastic home facilities with an encouraging always-available parent. Donna was making such tremendous progress physically, that Ron was getting just a bit worried in case her physical development should outstrip her mental state, and leave her sexually confused. Not that her mental abilities were a problem. She was an extremely intelligent girl, maintaining high grades in class, and a very mature girl, probably as a result of Karen's early coaching. She was also very popular with her classmates, as Karen had been. At her stage in life, Donna was into hero-worship. And Karen was her hero! Now Karen was coming home almost every couple of weeks. Donna was ecstatic! When the conversation during Karen's visits invariably shifted to muscles, Who had them, What they looked like, and How they were best developed, Donna was in seventh heaven. This was a subject in which she had a real interest, and it fitted into a place she knew well. Karen had overseen the layout of the new gym, but had only rarely been able to make use of it. But when the discussion turned to physical development, the three of them, husband, wife, and daughter, always trooped into the place where muscles were most at home - the gym. The routine was always the same. As soon as they reached the gym, Ron and Donna would stand back and look at Karen, and Karen would grin, and start to take off her clothes! Karen had not forgotten how to pose! And in her years on the road, eating and sleeping in grubby roadhouses with bars aimed at sex-starved and rowdy truck-drivers, she had picked up the sexy hormone-rousing tricks of the topless waitresses and table dancers. She aimed her performance at Ron, but Donna was equally aroused by her sensuous movements, and drank in every twist and turn, as well as every bit of the flexing and tensing that rippled and striated and defined every muscle of her magnificent physique. And her physique was now more than magnificent! The steady grind of heavy bull-work, the heaviest and most exhausting and most muscle-straining work that Karen could locate, and the steady and continuous pace of it, had altered the kind of musculature that Karen had to display. The tremendously strong and shapely muscles that had so aroused the girls in the office, and had defeated Ron so easily in their first arm- wrestling bout, were now gone, replaced by slabs of solid rock-like, sinuous muscle that stood out against a frame that Karen drove so effortlessly through the most eye-popping moves that it almost appeared she was floating on air! Ron and Donna sprawled, exhausted, over pieces of apparatus that held them up from complete collapse on the floor. Karen's routine ended, and she walked over to the ones she loved and picked one of them up on each arm. They put their arms around her neck, and just rested there, panting, while they recovered their composure. Karen had stripped down to scanty bikini panties while she posed, and her muscles, gleaming with sweat, were hardly even tensed as she supported the two of them against her naked chest. For a reason that was not quite clear to Karen, both Ron and Donna snuggled up to Karen and hugged her tightly. Karen carried them into the pool-room and dumped them, in all their clothing, into the cooling water. That did the trick. Awake, recovered from their over-heated emotional trauma, Karen's two companions leaped out of the pool, and stripped off their clothing. All now completely naked, the three played and cavorted and dove and chased each other around and in and over the pool, until all of them were, this time, physically exhausted. Ron and Karen were both excellent swimmers but ten-year old Donna could outstrip them both, a veritable eel in the water. She could outswim them on top of the water and underneath the water, catching even Karen from below, and ducking her unmercifully, and she would bound to the top of the diving tower, do a complete somersault and stay under water until her parents started to panic, then appear at the other end of the pool, shrieking with laughter. At last, the play in the pool came to an end. They all went into the shower-room to wash the chlorine off their bodies, and then dried out in the cozy "locker-room". It was while they were there that Ron and Donna, both, sidled up to Karen and began to feel her muscles. Karen was not at all reluctant to show off, so she again flexed and strained and her muscles peaked and ripped and bulged, and they were so rock-hard that Ron and Donna could squeeze as hard as they were able to and they couldn't make a dimple anywhere. Donna tried to encircle Karen's biceps with both her hands, and almost could - until Karen just gave a little extra flex, and Donna's fingers spread apart by almost two inches. Donna knew she could encircle Ron's, so she flipped when she felt Karen's expand to the max. Ron and Don- na ran their trembling hands over the defined and steely hillocks that Karen exposed, and wanted to do that for the rest of the day! Finally, Karen laughed and said, "Enough. I'm getting hungry, so let's eat." And they did. Ron, who was by now an accomplished cook, whipped up a satisfying repast of a small grilled steak with sauteed onions, and a small bowl of fruit salad for dessert. The three of them relaxed, chatting contentedly, until 8:00 When they returned once more to the gym. This time it was for work! The girls wearing leotards, and Ron in shorts, all three went through their heavy routines. Curls, barbell curls, overhead presses and pull-downs, leg extensions, tricep extensions, toe raises, squats, bench presses and many other gut-wrenching, back-breaking exercises that strained them to the limit and left them completely exhausted. Of course, it should be noted, they were not all using the same amount of weight for their sets. Donna, for instance, bench-pressed, to exhaustion, sixty pounds ten times - damn good for a ten-year old. Ron, in the same set, pressed his body-weight, 170 lbs., twenty times - and looked pretty pleased with himself. Karen, at a body-weight of 160 lbs., actually pressed 280 lbs 20 times, and still did not appear as completely beat as either Ron or Donna. 280 lbs.! The woman was an ape! The other sets followed much the same pattern, and by 10:00 they were ready to go to bed. "Bed, Donna?" said Karen. "Sure, Karen. I'm really beat" "OK, sweetheart. Let's go." On Karen's visits home, she liked to be the one to put her daughter to bed, to keep as close to her as she could, but tonight was a little different. "Please, Mummy, I'm really, really tired. Will you carry me up to bed? Please? With one hand, Mummy?" Karen laughed. "Sure, sweetheart. That'll be easy." And Karen picked Donna up with one hand under her bottom and raised her to arm's length above her head. Donna, her tiredness forgotten, hung on to her mother's hand for dear life, and squealed all the way up the stairs. "Mummy, Will you please tuck me in and kiss me goodnight? But give me a big hug first." "Sure, Sweetheart. I love you! Goodnight." and Karen planted a big kiss on Donna's cheek and gave her a big hug that Donna returned enthusiastically, then tucked the little tyke into bed. Karen was still wearing only her sweat-soaked leotards, and when she held Donna in her last hug, she was a little surprised - and pleased - when she felt Donna's hands slide over the massive rock-hard muscles on her back and shoulders. She flexed, making her muscles even bigger and harder, and heard Donna sigh as she slipped under the covers. Then Karen went down- stairs to Ron. Donna was hero-worshipping! And that night she had her first wet dream. CHAPTER 6 Donna's Schooldays __________ As the years rolled by, things changed slowly in Karen, Ron, and Donna's household. Karen continued to drive the big rigs when she wanted to - she was now, by far, the company's top driver and her take-home pay reflected that - but mow she elected more and more to take the jobs that used smaller trucks but demanded more back-breaking effort to load and unload. Her goal now was to become stronger and stronger, and her physical structure just seemed to lap up all the additional work and to develop far beyond Karen's most ambitious dreams. While she did not get any heavier - maintaining a bodyweight of about 170 lbs - there was not an ounce of fat anywhere on her body, from the tips of her strong-looking toes to the ends of her muscular fingers - fingers that could squeeze a unripened apple into apple sauce with no effort at all - and her torso and legs and arms were just slabs of muscle covering a beautifully-proportioned 5'8" frame. Karen had visited her old gym from time to time and, during her last visit, had broached the subject of body-building contests with Fran. Fran just laughed. "No way, Karen, You're long past that possibility. With your present muscular structure, you'd just blow away the opposition - ANY opposition - but the judges would never buy it and you'd never reach the stage. You'd be disqualified for some reason or another before you left the dressing room. Believe me! I know what goes on backstage at those contests. Karen, in my years, I've seen many women posing, and you have the sexiest body and most beautiful face and the most graceful carriage I've ever seen on a body-builder, amateur or professional. So forget the stage and carry on with what you're doing. "But, before you go, Karen, flex for me, will you. God, how you've changed since we first met. Now I just want to run my hands over those magnificent muscles." So Karen did, and went back to work, satisfied. But before she did, she had Fran tape her again, just for the record. There were some significant changes! Karen's stats now were: MEASUREMENTS LIFTS Height - 5'8" Curls (b/w) 25 Weight - 170 Lbs. *Chins 15 Chest - 46" *Dips 15 Waist - 24" Bench Press (dbl b/w) 10 Hips - 28" Squats (+ 500 lbs.) 10 Thighs - 32" Jerks (b/w) 20 Calves - 18" Toe Raises (+ dbl b/w) 10 Biceps - 18" Leg Exts (b/w) 20 Forearms- 12" *Push-ups 20 Neck - 15" Wrists - 9" Ankles - 9" * Plus added full b/w Ron, in the same years, continued to develop the company. To do this, he was spending more and more time in the office, and was working late or going out to business dinners almost every night. As a result, he no longer got to the gym, and while he encouraged her as much as he could, he pretty well had to leave Donna to her own devices. And since Karen could only occasionally make it home now, Donna led a pretty independent life throughout her early and middle teens. By the time Donna entered high school, at twelve, she had already been state champion in gymnastics, the star of the school soccer team and of the school basketball team, She was also the holder of more swimming records than any other student of either sex. And she was a scholarship student. High school was not going to be a challenge! But after Donna's first year, she realized it was certainly going to be different. For one thing, there were boys! After Donna's first year, she completely re-arranged her sports and schol- astic activities program. She dropped most team sports, except water polo, and joined the diving, karate, and handball programs. In classwork, she took maths - always one of her poor subjects - and Spanish, another tough one. These changes made her work more difficult, but Donna had never ob- jected to hard work. Her sports activities now made full use of her physical capabilities, and she was able to continue to develop her muscles effectively at home. She had other reasons for the scholastic changes. Donna, in spite of her young age - she was much below the average for her grade - was a very mature and self- confident individual, and she took part in all the social functions that were offered by the school or by the community. Especially, she never missed a dance and was a popular partner, even with the senior students and the young men who had dropped out of school and were working for a living. Towards the end of her second year, Donna needed help with her maths and it was arranged for a senior, a sixteen-year-old boy at the top of his class, to tutor Donna at home in the evenings. With Karen away and Ron not home most nights, this was a recipe for disaster - but not for Donna! The first evening Hiram came to Donna's house, she explained why they were alone, then buckled down to study. After a few minutes, Donna offered to get her tutor a drink, and did so - A coke liberally laced with rum! Minutes later, Donna pointed out how hot it was getting and suggested they take off their shirts. They did so, and Donna immediately started to exclaim over Hiram's physique. She ran her fingers gently over his chest, and he did the same, and in seconds they were engaged in a hot embrace. Hiram didn't have a chance! When Donna told him she was a virgin, he struggled to get away, but Donna held him and kissed him and stroked his cock and ran her fingers around his asshole until he almost came. Donna stripped him and laid him on his back and, oh so gently, mounted him until his long rigid prick was imbedded into her to the hilt. She rode him until she could feel her cherry give, then she put her arms around him and squeezed till he was breathless and helpless and then she wriggled her butt until he came. They both collapsed on the floor. After recovering, they dressed and Hiram said, "Hey. Look at the time. I've got to go." And Donna said, "Sure, Hiram, but first hold out your hands." Hiram wondered, but figured 'OK. What the hell." and he gave Donna his hands. Donna seized them both in her much smaller - but much stronger - hands, and twisted them in a karate hold. Hiram fell to his knees, screaming _ Donna was not gentle - until Donna released the pressure just a bit. "Listen, Hiram. You may want to talk about what happened here tonight, but if you do, whether it's to your mother, your father, your priest, or your friends, I'll hear about it, and I'll come and find you and break both your arms. In case you think I won't, I'll show you." and she twisted her hand and broke one of his fingers. Hiram screamed again and started to cry, until Donna released him and put her arms about him and kissed him and said, "OK, Honey. That's all. Just run along home and have your finger fixed. I'll see you here next week. Promise?" Hiram shuddered in shock, and said, "Yes, yes." and went home. Donna, at thirteen, was no longer a virgin! For the rest of Donna's stay in high school, she continued to do well - very well - in her grades, helped by much tutoring by a string of the ablest minds - and bodies - in her school. These included, after she exhausted Hiram's two-month tenure in that function, mostly graduating students and, in her final year, some of the more attractive-looking teachers. Donna had no trouble recruiting tutors, or in persuading them not to talk about their experiences with her. She simply reminded them of the publicity and the penalties for having sex with a minor and their lips were sealed forever. Not that those penalties prevented them from continuing their 'tutorial' duties! Only Donna would do that, eagerly screwing her favorite 'tutors' and then discarding them like old rags when she wanted a change. The first teacher she recruited was about ten or fifteen years older than she, and Donna especially enjoyed that night - the sadistic bitch! After the initial seduction was easily accomplished, Donna discovered that Martin was a fountain of experience. He was married, with a sexy, lusty wife, and they had discovered many tricks and maneuvers that enhanced their steamy love-making - and Donna extracted every morsel of that know-how and practice out of him by seduction, cohersion, and just plain physical force. When Martin did something that excited her, Donna had no hesitation in squeezing his balls or twisting his arm or restraining him in a painful karate hold until he repeated the act over and over. Donna retained him as her 'tutor' for quite a while, until it became obvious to her that Martin's double duty in the sack was wearing him out, and he was losing his ability to perform. She said goodbye to him in a frenzied night of love that exhausted her strong nubile body, and sent him to a hospital bed "for a rest to overcome a virus". His wife wondered, but she, too, was eager for him be more fully rested than he had seemed to be of late, so she was happy to wait for him to recover. After Martin, Donna had several other teachers, all in about the same age bracket or a little older, but these were mostly one-night stands or relationships of fairly short duration. However, all this "tutoring" would help to ensure that Donna graduated from high school with top honors. There was one other episode concerning a teacher that should be noted. One of Donna's gym teachers, her diving coach, was particularly impressed with Donna's flexibility and strength, and wanted to encourage her to attempt dives with an even higher 'degree of difficulty' than she had done before. This would require additional training on a trampoline, and when the coach, Kathy, learned Donna had a professional-type trampoline in her home gym, she offered to come over in the evenings and give Donna more dedicated instruc- tion. Donna, now fifteen and in her final year, eagerly accepted the offer, partly because she wanted to improve her diving skills and partly because that particular teacher was a gorgeous, curvy, sexpot that every young teacher on the staff (and quite a few of the older, more experienced students) had come onto by every means they could devise - all without success. Kathy lived at home with her divorced mother and her brothers and knew every trick in the book that could be used to entice a girl into a hotel-room bed, or even into a hot embrace, and she rejected them all. She still drove the men wild when she turned up at swimming meets in barely-legal swimsuits, and was, no doubt, the major reason these were so well attended. Donna, of course, was well aware of this, and she was not immune to Kathy's sensual appeal, so the idea of get- ting one-on-one instruction in her own home from the 'Lady of Ice' presented a challenge she could not refuse. The first night Kathy turned up to instruct, Kathy made sure Ron was home to provide a male balance in the picture and to make sure Kathy saw a normal, happy household. After escorting Donna and Kathy to the gym and making sure everything was in good order, Ron watched for awhile as the two girls (women?) gyrated on the trampoline, then went off to the den to work on a new promo- tional idea he was developing. After Ron left, the gyrations became pretty strenuous and wild, and when the instruction ended, both girls were bathed in sweat and really needed a shower. Since it was the easier thing to do, each washed the other's back, and both of them were excited by what their hands experienced - Kathy, by Donna's mature muscularity, and Donna, by Kathy's smooth and fulsome curves. But neither revealed that excitement that night as they popped into the den to say goodnight to Ron. The next time Kathy came over it was on a Thursday, before a long week-end. Donna apologized for Ron's absence (he was away on business until Monday) but said it need not interfere with the instruction that she was already beginning to benefit from. Kathy agreed, and the two went to the gym to work out on the trampoline. Again, the workout was vigourous and exhausting, and before long both of them were bathed in sweat. They were both so sweaty that it was hard for Kathy to catch Donna after a particularly difficult manoeuvre, and those were the ones Donna wanted most to practice. "Kathy, these leotards are wet and constricting. Maybe it would be better if we took them off altogether. We'd have more freedom and it might be a little cooler. And there's no-one around to care what we wear." Kathy thought for a moment, "Sure! Why not." So they put the words into action and stripped off their leotards. Since neither had anything on under- neath, it was the max in cool, and they started back to work. In moments, they were again drenched in sweat but, somehow, catching each other after a triple flip seemed less irritating, and they seemed to be inspired to even more daring and outlandish stunts. At last, after a especially tiring set of somersaults, they both lay exhausted and laughing, covered in sweat, in a tight bundle on the thick carpet near the rack holding the loaded barbells. "Wow! That was terrific, Donna. You've really got that dive down pat. And there isn't another diver in the meet that can come anywhere close. Donna, You're a winner! Roll over and let me give you a great big hug." Donna rolled over onto her back, and Kathy rolled over onto Donna and the two women embraced with all of their bodies encoiled. Somehow, their lips came together as well, and the two naked bodies slithered in the sweat and made contact from head to toe as their hungry mouths sucked each other into ecstasy. They lay and writhed and burned and kissed, until Kathy whimpered and rolled aside, and closed her eyes and groaned. "God, Donna, what have you done to me? I've tried to control my terrible sex drive and I've always succeeded until now. But the feel of your young, muscular, nubile body pressing against mine and the feel of your flickering tongue touching my teeth and my tongue and my throat has destroyed all of the willpower I possess, and now I want you! I want you desperately and I want every fucking bit of you and I want you now! Donna, take me to bed and take me in your arms and take me now!" Donna was thunderstruck! While sex with Kathy had been her plan all along, the intensity of Kathy's response amazed her, and she wondered if she could control Kathy as she had the other teachers she'd seduced. No matter, she was just as hot as her sexy, curvy, eager friend and she, too, wanted to get into a bed. She picked Kathy up off the floor, and was amazed at how light her burden seemed as she carried her up the stairs into Ron's bed- room. Kathy's arms slid around Donna's neck and she moaned and wriggled as she lay in the strong, muscular arms of the young girl she had come to teach, and who she now wanted to screw - or be screwed by! She didn't care! Donna dropped Kathy gently on the large, firm bed and slowly let her hands drift lightly over the soft and yielding curves and hollows and swellings of the panting body on the bed. As Kathy groaned in ecstasy, Donna slowly let her tongue replace her hands and, as she nuzzled and licked the rising nipples, now hard as stones, and the smooth and hairless cunt, and, ever so gently, her earlobes and eyelids and the pulsing veins in the base of her neck, her own sexual arousal became complete and, kneeling there beside her helpless sex-subject, Donna came. Her first orgasm with a female partner! But not her last! By the end of that week-end, two burned-out women (Donna, no matter what her age, was by then an experienced, skillful, domineering, sexually exciting woman) got out of bed and put on some clothes for the first time in three days. Kathy staggered to the front door and turned around, "Donna, I've been screwed to death and back to life again. And I've screwed the most exciting hunk of sex that I will ever encounter, and I think I've given as good as I got. I think my sex life is going to be more complete in future because I'll no longer be looking for a perfect partner - I've had her! And I'll never need her again! - I'll just enjoy whatever comes along that I happen to like. Thank you, lover!" "Kathy, you've opened a whole new world for me. I was a girl when you came here and now I'm a woman. And I am my OWN woman! Thank YOU, lover!" And they kissed each other on the lips one last time, and Kathy left. While Donna's mental requirements and sexual needs were being looked after, she was by no means neglecting her physical development. She recognized that powerful muscles and the willingness to use them were frequently all that stood between her and a savage beating. Not all her "tutors" readily accepted the iron control she exerted over them, and a moment of weakness would be enough for them to escape from her grip, and some of them - most especially the stronger and rougher ones - would be just delighted to beat the living daylights out of her - and Donna knew it! After their initial seduction, what Donna put those men through was, literally, rape, and while they loved every minute of it, the fact of being torn apart sexually by a small teen-aged girl was galling to their egos and while they were physically unable to stop, they churned mentally. And if they did try to object, to avoid the sexual contortions she forced them into, Donna would squeeze their balls, throw them to the ground with a karate move, or slam an open fist into their throats, leaving them gasping and helpless until her smooth, gentle hands stroking softly over their bodies, or her hot flickering tongue teasing their mouths and eyes and earholes aroused their eager manhood once again - and that didn't take any time at all. Once Donna had them in thrall, not one ever escaped until they palled on her and she released them. So Donna knew the value of muscles. Her mother had coached her well, and Donna carried on in the same way. Up at 5:30 for two and a half hours in the gym, a very quick breakfast, a fast ten-mile cycle to school, a quick shower, then to classes until 3;00. After that, two hours of school sports, a fast cycle home. a quick snack, then into the evening's activities. These were four and a half hours in the gym, or two hours in the gym followed by three hours of dance at a school or a community affair or at a sleazy, wild dancehall where Donna stripped and twisted and table-danced until midnight, extracting a small fortune from the goggle-eyed drinkers who wanted to just put their hands near her nubile, flexible, muscular young body. And that was as close as they ever got - well, most of them, anyway. CHAPTER 7 Karen vs Donna ---------- By the time Donna was ready to enter university, she was a well-rounded individual. At sixteen, she was scholastically brilliant, sexually satisfied, and physically fantastic. She was going to follow on in her mother's footsteps and take, as her major, Business Admin, but her minor was going to be Phys Ed. She was happily content with her life as she started to pack, at the start of her last week at home before leaving for the students' residence. To celebrate her last week at home, Ron took a week's vacation and planned to spend as much time as possible with Donna. Karen would be home near the end of the week, so it had all the makings of a real family reunion. Donna was delighted! On Monday, Ron's first day of vacation, Donna carried on with her usual practice of spending several hours in the gym before coming up to eat. When Ron arose, just before breakfast, he threw his robe on over his pajamas and went into the gym to see how Donna was coming along. He stopped, thunderstruck, when his eyes fell on the girl, straining to bench press a weight that Ron would have trouble lifting from the rack. Donna now, at sixteen and 5'4", weighed about 130 lbs. and was muscular and defined and strong almost beyond belief. As Ron watched in amazement, she succeeded in pressing, for the sixth time, a barbell weighing 200 lbs. On completion of her successful attempt, Donna looked up and saw Ron standing there, his eyes bulging and his jaw hanging open. She dropped the barbell on the press rack and leaped to her feet. "Ron, I didn't know you'd be coming in here. I would have been dressed." The remark was appropriate, because Donna was standing there in ragged short shorts - and nothing else! After her heavy workout, sweat was pouring down her face and her chest and her back. Her heaving chest was gleaming and her shorts were soaking and her muscles were pumped to the max. She looked at Ron standing there gaping, and suddenly grinned and raised her arms and expanded her chest. She flexed her biceps, and tensed her abs and twisted the rippling mounds of her quadriceps, and her biceps peaked and split, and her pecs and triceps were striated and hard as rocks. Her abs were awesome! Ron just stood there staring, and a sudden gleam came into Donna's eye. She walked over to Ron, and slid her hands underneath his robe, and around his narrow waist, pulling him tight against her sweaty body. She felt his penis rising, and as it hardened and stood straight up against his belly, Donna reached down with one hand and loosened the string of his pajama pants and they dropped to the ground. Donna lowered her hands to around Ron's quivering buttocks, and squeezed his cock tight against her flat, muscular, hard-as-a-rock abdominal muscles, and she grinned as she felt his penis respond. "Stop it!" gasped Ron, "You don't know what you're doing. You're driving me crazy, pressing your body against mine, and a kid your age shouldn't be exposed to those kinds of feelings. Please let me go, and put on some clothes." Donna laughed, "Letting you go, Ron, isn't exactly what I had in mind, and about clothes, I thought we'd just slip a few more off before we put more on." Suiting action to words, she ran her hands around Ron's shoulders and dropped his gown to the floor. His pajama jacket followed, and Ron stood naked in the muscular arms of his young wife's daughter. "No. No. Donna, please don't do this." Ron begged, but his voice was begin- ning to lack conviction, and Donna was now getting pretty heated up herself. What had started as a joke was becoming a torrid sexual encounter. Her hands stroked gently over Ron's naked body and his reluctant but total response aroused Donna's fearsome sexual appetite. She now wanted to screw, hard and urgently, and she wanted to feel that long, thick, hard prick, no matter whose it was, inside her now dripping pussy! Gleefully, harking back to her mother's oft-told story, Donna snatched Ron off the ground, threw him over her shoulder and leapt for the stairs. "OK, you big lug. You've been asking for it and now you're going to get it. Where's your bedroom?" Ron again gasped, "The second door on the left." and surrendered to the fate he knew was in store for him. Donna bounded up the stairs two at a time, just as her mother had done, with the same burden on her back. She burst into the bedroom, slammed the door, and threw Ron onto his back on the bed, and here the scenarios parted. Donna was no reluctant maiden. She ripped off her shorts, jumped on top of Ron, pushed him down onto the mattress, pushed a pillow under his ass, and started to screw! Socks or not, He was getting the screwing of his life from a young, beautiful girl with rock-hard muscles and a technique for grinding sex that dried Ron up and blew him out the window. She screwed him from on top, she rolled him over, wrapped her long strong legs around his waist, and screwed him from below. she switched around and took his big, thick penis into her mouth, her throat, and damn near down into her stomach. He screamed with pain and pleasure and came in great bursts of cream that flowed out of Donna's mouth like a river, and Donna flipped him onto his knees, shoved his head between his legs, and reamed his asshole with her long, flexible, sticky tongue. When she finished, Ron just lay there, whimpering. Donna leaped off the bed, grabbed a fast shower, then came back to the bed and held him in her arms, kissing him gently with a mother's touch, until he sighed softly and fell asleep. She kissed him gently on the lips, tucked him in, then pulled on her shorts and went downstairs for breakfast. For the next five days, Donna took over Karen's place in the big bed in Ron's bedroom. Ron knew it wasn't a good idea, especially with a school- girl who was like a daughter to him, but he really didn't have much choice, and Donna knew that and laughed when he protested, and she screwed him, day and night. "God, Donna, where in heaven's name did you learn all the tricks you're using. You tear me apart, then you drive me up to the sky, then you explode my guts all over the bed. You're sixteen, for God's sake, and you've got a body like a champion body-builder and you make love like Madonna. How can you do this? I'm over forty and I feel like I'm just putty in your strong, beautiful hands. And the hell of it is, that's exactly what I want to be!" So they carried on, and Donna slept in her own bed only when Ron was too exhausted to even move a muscle. She was in her own bed the night Karen came home. Donna was sleeping the deep dreamless sleep of the totally sexually exhausted when, suddenly, her door was slammed open, and an irate, vicious-looking Karen stormed into the room. Karen strode over to the bed, snatched off the covers, and seized the wakening Donna by her shoulders, lifting her up in the air like a squirming, scared child - which she was! "What have you done to my husband!" Karen demanded, "He always greets me with a leaping embrace and a rigid cock, and tonight he's just lying there with a silly look on his face and a cock about as big and hard as a wet noodle." Donna, even in her perilous position, couldn't suppress a grin, "Why, Mummy Dearest! Why do you think I might be the reason for that?" "Because I know Ron, and he hasn't got the guts to screw another woman, unless she gave him no option, and I also know how he reacts to muscles and you've sure got muscles! What did you do? Seduce him or rape him, and did you have to wear him out so bloody completely? When I come home, I'm horny as hell, and I want a piece of ass and I'm going to get a piece of ass! One way or another." She lowered Donna to the floor, and sat down on the bed. "God, I hate the idea of going to a bar, and the gyms are all closed, but what can I do? I'm just burning up inside!" Donna sat down beside her mother and put her arms around her. "Mummy," she said, " Try to relax, and the ache may go away. It sometimes does with me." "What do you mean - it sometimes does with you! You're only sixteen - you can't get these feelings yet! Have you been sleeping with other men beside my husband?" Karen was truly shocked, and held Donna at arm's length to get a good look at her. Since Donna had been sleeping in the raw, what Karen saw was a pretty fantastic sight. Donna's body was beautifully proportioned and her muscles were ripped and bulging, even in her relaxed state, and when she moved, her physique just rippled from head to toe. And she knew it and subtly flexed her lats and abs and biceps so as to give Karen the most rousing show she could. "Mummy! I haven't been a virgin since I was thirteen! Of course I've been screwing other men. In fact, Monday was the first time I slept with Ron." Donna grinned. "Of course, it's been pretty steady ever since, and I must agree with you - he has great technique but not much stamina. But what can you expect from an older man. He just can't keep up with us younger people, can he? At least, he can't keep up with me. Can he keep up with you?" Karen was now over her anger, and smiled back at her beautiful, naked daughter. "Donna, don't think, just because you can screw your father to within an inch of his life, that you're fitter than I am. You're not! And I can prove it anytime. "Yeah? How are you going to do that, mummy? Beat me up? That wouldn't prove a thing. Just because you're stronger than me doesn't mean you're more fit. And I know you're stronger than me. My God, look at your muscles! I think you're the strongest woman on earth!", And Donna slid her hands under her mother's t-shirt and over the ridges and valleys of muscle that covered Karen's back and flowed over her striated shoulders and pecs down past her bulging rock-hard biceps to her powerful wrists. Since Karen never had to wear a bra, (her breasts were two half-grapefruit clones as hard as the rest of her physique.) Donna's hands were not impeded as she rubbed them against her mother's ripped and muscular torso. "Wait! I know! We'll have a triathlon race. That should prove who's most fit!." Karen laughed and said, "OK. That seems fair." and agreed to the race if it could be held right away. The dark roads were deserted at that hour, the lake was black and empty, and the heavy, warm rain pouring down would keep any random strollers well indoors. So a route was agreed to, a fifteen-mile cycle, a three-mile swim, then a ten-mile run, all on the deserted neighborhood roads. Donna said, "OK, let's go!" and they got suited up to cycle. Dressed, ready, they were off! In the pouring rain, the long bike ride, up hill and down and along winding back roads in the pitch black night, was strenuous and exhaust- ing, both physically and mentally, and only inches separated them at the finish by the lake. The two women, as with a single thought, stripped off their clothes and leapt into the cold black water, heading for a single lighted buoy at the other end of the lake, over a mile and a half away. Donna, an eel in the water, expected to make her big gain in this part of the race, but Karen was no slouch in the water, either, so Donna was no more than five minutes ahead when they once more reached the shore. They both ignored the sneakers they had worn to cycle, and wearing nothing at all, started through the dark, rain-soaked streets on the last gruelling leg of their three-hour endurance contest. There were only three miles left to go when Donna heard Karen pounding along behind her. She had thought her young, fit body had left her mother's older, more heavily muscled body far behind. But no, she had not! Foot by foot, Karen started to overtake her daughter in a race for the prize that lay sound asleep in his bed, totally unaware his body was being fiercely fought over by two mighty, muscular amazon women, either of whom would take the prize for their own without a thought for his needs or desires. Because that was what the race was all about - and they both knew it! Finally, with their house that marked the end almost in sight, Karen drew even and passed her struggling, panting daughter. She laughed, slapped Donna on the rump, and drove ahead into the house where she collapsed on the floor. Moments later, Donna staggered into the house and she, too, dropped to the floor, utterly exhausted. "Whew, Karen, " she gasped, "for an older lady, you're sure in great physical shape. You must be almost thirty-three years old. And you can still take a kid like me. You're stronger, you're fitter, and you're sexier. Wow! What a hunk you are! Please, Karen, carry me up to bed? Please? With one hand, Karen? Am I too big now?" Karen laughed. "No, Donna, you sure are not too big for me to carry you up to bed and tuck you in. You're still my baby daughter, and, if you want me to carry you up to bed with one hand, I'll do that for you, too." And she did. She put one hand under Donna's glutes and the other around her neck and picked 130 lbs of rock- hard muscular daughter from the floor and swung her right up into the air at the end of her powerful right arm - and held her there while she walked up the stairs to Donna's room. Walked? She had just finished a gruelling, exhausting triathalon and she was now carrying her teen-aged daughter up to her room with one hand. Yes - walked! Karen walked into the room holding Donna above her head, then she laid Donna gently on the bed. They were both still naked, and in spite of the pouring rain, they were both covered in sweat. Karen pulled back the covers and was about to cover Donna when she suddenly decided that they both needed a goodnight kiss. So she lay down beside Donna, pulled the covers over them, put her arms around Donna and gave her a big hug and a big kiss. The hug and the kiss lasted well into the late morning hours! CHAPTER 8 Donna Goes To College ---------- At last, the week that ended Donna's childhood passed. Ron finished the week in a state of complete exhaustion, amazed that Karen was so forgiving about his sexual encounters with Donna, but noting that Donna was the soul of dis- cretion whenever he was around, always properly dressed and never flaunting her cut and bulging muscles as she had done before, But Karen's tolerance did not extend to letting Ron rest to recuperate from the beating up Donna had subjected him to. God, no! Karen was wild in bed. She took Ron in her cunt, squeezing his thick, hard penis with the powerful muscles in her vaginal wall, muscles Ron didn't know she had until she held him captive in a grip of steel then ejected him lke a cork from a bottle with a fierce twist of her rock-like glutes. It didn't matter if his cock wasn't hard. He still stayed or he went, but it hurt a lot more. She took Ron in her mouth, caress ing the sensitive glans till he was hard as a rod of iron, then kneeling over his head so his lips and tongue were sucked into the cavern of pulsing muscles between her legs, then she engulfed his now-massive prick into the back of her mouth, then into her tightening throat, then - Ron would swear - right into the depths of her stomach. Karen would lie quite still for a minute, Ron's face in her twat and his cock in her stomach, then she would twitch in an orgasmic spasm and Ron would explode. He would literally explode, his cock and balls erupting in a volcano of flesh that spewed a river of cream right past her engulfing mouth onto his own stomach and legs, and his mouth overflowing like a burst dam with the sticky mass of Karen's come. Ron lay spent, not able to move a muscle, praying for the ordeal to end. But it wasn't over yet! Karen lifted Ron by the ankles, tied his feet to an overhead fixture, and spread his knees wide apart, keeping them that way by jamming a couple of pillows between them. With Ron's shoulders on the bed, Karen knelt behind him on his arms, lowered her lips to his asshole and began to suck. Ron tried to scream, but in his position, the best he could do was moan - and he did that! Her lips teased his asshole, her tongue forced its way past his quivering sphincter, and she thoroughly reamed the inside of his twitching rectum. His exhausted body collapsed, it just couldn't take any more, and out of his mouth, out of his prick, out of his asshole poured a stream of bodily fluids. He was done! So was Karen. Her sexual urges satisfied, at least for now, she went down- stairs for a swim before supper. She stuck her head into the gym where Donna was working out, and called her over. "Donna, I've had all the sex I want right now, so Ron's all yours. Go up to the bedroom now and put him to bed. You've done that before!" and Karen laughed and walked into the pool. Donna wondered at Karen's generosity, then shrugged and decided she needed a little nookey as well. So she trotted upstairs, threw open the bedroom door - and was shocked rigid by the scene in front of her! Ron, bare naked, hung up by his ankles and covered in sticky, gooey cream, moaned a pitiful cry for help. "Holy Hell, Ron. What happened to you?" Donna grinned. She knew now why Karen had been so free with Ron's body - it was not going to be of use to anyone for a while, at least not for anything that had to do with sex. She took one look at Ron, then stripped off her clothes and jumped onto the bed - she wasn't going to get her clothes messed up by that sticky mess. Lifting Ron onto her knees to get some slack in the bindings, Donna quickly untied the knots and released Ron from his turmoil. She picked his limp body up in her arms and went into the shower, and turned the cold water on full. It made no difference! It was not just his cock, it was his whole body that was as limp as a wet noodle. He was a sodden dishrag! Donna held him in her arms as she soaped his chest and his legs and his cock and his balls and then turned him over on her shoulder and thoroughly soaped his asshhole. She thought that might need just a little bit more attention, so she soaped her long forefinger and cleaned out the inside of his asshole as well. All Ron did was groan. Still holding him in her arms, she towelled him off, then sat him on the bed. There was still another chore she had to do for him. Going into the bathroom, she filled her mouth with Scope, came over to Ron, put her mouth over his, and rinsed out his mouth and hers at the same time. (She let Ron swallow the Scope.) Then Donna tucked her daddy into bed, kissed him good-night, and went downstairs to the pool. She wondered just what was in store for Ron in the days - and nights - to come. She found out! ........................................... When the time came for Donna to leave, Karen arranged to drive her to the university, which was in a town quite a distance away, in one of their biggest and most powerful rigs. This was partly to give Donna her first drive in one of the monstrous beasts, and partly because she wanted to show off her driving skills to her adoring and loving and hero-worshipping (and beautiful and muscular and sexy) daughter. Karen planned on a stop- over during the night they would be on the road, and that would give Donna a chance to try out the sleeping compartment as well. The rig was packed on the morning of departure, the women were dressed to go, and all that remained was to say good-bye to Ron. Ron, as was usual for the last four days, had not come down to breakfast. He just lay in the big bed in his room trying to overcome his total exhaustion, and waiting to again provide a helpless receptacle for his muscular, beautiful, tireless wife's latest sexual fantasy. God, she was good in bed, driving Ron to the heights of sensual glory, and all he could do was weakly respond till he just could no longer move a weary, striving muscle. He was in that condition when Karen and Donna came upstairs to say good-bye. Karen might not be back for a month and she had wanted to make the most of her last night with her husband - and she had! Ron looked at the two women as they entered the room, and weakly smiled. "Give me a kiss, Donna, and have a great time at college. I know you'll be a tremendous student. But don't let that big bitch anywhere near me. I just won't survive another of her kisses." Donna laughed, "OK, Daddy, have a good rest." and she gave him a big kiss and a hearty hug. Karen laughed too, and bent over Ron's recumbent form. "Look, Ma, no hands" and she planted a long moist kiss on his soft lips. "See you, lover, in about a month. Get strong!" And the women left on their long trip. As Karen wheeled the huge rig effortlessly through the city traffic, cutting corners with less than inches to spare, and climbing through a seemingly endless series of gears so smoothly that, as far as the cars behind them were concerned, it might have been a frisky sports car they were following, Donna was amazed at the way the muscles on Karen's arms and thighs flexed as she handled the massive array of levers and pedals that controlled the monster of the highway. When they at last reached the highway, Karen slid the powerful motor into top gear and barrelled down the open road at a speed not very much above the speed limit. She knew what the cops would accept from a harried commercial vehicle, and just where the usual speed trap areas were located, so she could now relax in conversation with her daughter. Donna was ecstatic. She displayed the same feeling of awe her mother had had on her first ride, but she had no great desire to follow in her mother's foot- steps and drive one of these great rigs. She was much more impressed with the sensuous display of muscles that a good driver delivered, and thought, "That's what I want to sleep with. That's what I want to screw when I can find a man with strength like that and a face I can live with." and she looked over at Karen relaxing now in the driver's seat, "And a body like a Greek god just like Mom's." Strange thoughts for a sixteen-year-old girl on her way to an institute of higher learning. As darkness fell, Karen started to look for a place to stop for the night. The regular truck stops were out, as she wanted to be near Donna, and the highway sidings were too public and noisy for a good rest. Finally, she spotted a trailer camp that was nearly deserted at this time of year, and seemed to have lots of secluded parking spots big enough for their rig. Karen pulled in, parked in a suitable spot, and paid for the night in advance. She inquired about local eating places, and was given a choice of several, all of which served excellent food. Most were sedate and fairly expensive, but the closest, just four miles down the road, was a wild and noisy biker's hang-out. Since the women had no wheels, at least suitable for a short hop, and they didn't want to depend on a taxi, they decided on the closest spot, and on the only mode of transport left to them - their legs. Four miles was not a big deal so, to make it interesting, they agreed to race. "Last one in pays for supper, including the beer." (Karen gave not a thought to Donna being three years below the legal age - she knew Donna could drink like a fish, and that kind of place would not be likely to demand credentials.) So they started down the shoulder of the road, facing the widely-spaced oncoming traffic, at a fast run. They both knew the pace they would need to maintain to win, and they kept that pace up for the whole four miles. At last, dripping with sweat, they reached the roadhouse with Donna just feet in the lead. (Those sexual encounters with Ron had taken plenty out of Karen, too.) They almost collapsed on the nearest table, and signalled the waitress for a beer. The waitress, clad in tight, very short pants, a skimpy fringed top, and cowboy boots, brought over a couple of frosted beers but no glasses. It was obviously a quiet night in the bar, and the waitress seemed inclined to talk. "You ladies from around here?", she asked. "We don't get many local unattached females here. This place has a reputation for being rough - completely undeserved, of course - but it does discourage the carriage trade." "How do you make out, then? This place looks pretty empty. There were only five or six bikes out in front when we came in." There were only two other tables occupied. Three couples, obviously bikers, were at one, and three hairy-looking males at the other. "Yeah. Tuesday is always a pretty dead night. Guys and dolls getting over the weekend. But you should see this place on the weekends. The place is packed and the joint just jumps. It's pretty wild here then. Can I get you anything to eat?" "Sure." said Donna, "A rare steak and a small salad for each of us, and give the check to her. Give her the check for the beers as well, and you can bring us another while we're waiting for the food." The waitress brought the beers and departed. Before she had gone long, one of the group of unattached males swaggered over to the table the girls were at, yanked out a chair, swung it around, and plunked himself down with his arms hanging over the back. This was plainly for effect, since his shirt had the sleeves ripped off, exposing bulging biceps and knotty forearms covered with gory tattoos. His unshaven face and long, dirty hair completed the common picture of a rough, tough biker - which he was. He looked in his mid-thirties, about six feet and two hundred and twenty-five pounds, and a survivor of many rough-and-tumble battles. "Hey. You women want someone to look after you. You alone here, someone's gonna try to pick you up, and you know where that'll end up. Buy me a beer and I'll take the worry out of your po'r li'l ol' lives." He waved to the waitress, held up three fingers, and turned back to the table. "Three beers?," said Donna, "We just got one and we don't want another one yet." "Well, little ladies, you wouldn't want my friends over there to go thirsty while we drank everything up, would you?" The waitress brought over the beers, and at the biker's gesture started to take two over to the other table. Karen stopped her. "Don't put those on my bill. He ordered them and he can pay for them." The waitress stood and waited. The biker's face got red and angry, and he snarled at Karen, "Listen, smartass, why did you let me order them if you weren't going to pay for them! Just give me your purse and I'll pay for them myself - and for a few more as well!" And he leaned across the table, grabbed Karen by the shirt with one hand and reached for her pocket with his other. His friends at the other table, leering over at them, got to their feet and started towards them. Karen waited just a moment till they were closer, then reached for the fingers on the hand holding her shirt, snapped two of them, and then grabbed the hand reaching for her pocket. Twisting his wrist, she levered the hulk out of his chair onto his toes, swung him around, grabbed the seat of his pants with one hand and the scruff of his collar with the other. Then, with a tremendous heave, she lifted him at arm's length up above her head and walked to the door with him wailing above her. She walked out onto the verandah and threw him, as far as she could, onto the parking lot. When the two other louts saw Karen grab their leader, they rushed at Donna, expecting to even up the score. A lost hope! Donna had not spent her time in karate class for nothing. She kicked the closer tough in the balls and as he dropped screaming to the ground she grabbed her remaining attacker by the wrist, twisted it over her head and flipped him onto his back on the floor. He struggled to his feet in time for Donna to grab the back of his shirt and the seat of his pants and drive him, head first, into the nearest column. He collapsed on the floor, out cold. Karen came back into the bar in time to witness Donna's final fling, and as the two girls walked back to their table, they were surprised by the roar of applause that came from the remaining table, joined in enthusiastically by the waitress and bartender. One of the bikers at the table said something to one of the girls, and she got up and approached Karen and Donna. "We'd be delighted and honored if you two would join us at our table." said the girl, grinning, "None of the boys are willing to come over in case they end up like those characters." As she spoke, one of 'those characters', bending over and holding his groin, was almost carrying the other one outside to join their leader. "Sure. We'd be delighted." and the two girls joined the admiring and applaud- ing group at the other table. "I'm Donna and this is Karen. We were just about to eat when we were so rudely interrupted. Maybe we could have our dinners brought over here." Donna said, waving at the waitress. The waitress waved back and brought their steaks to their new table. "These, and all the beer you want to drink, is on the house tonight. It was worth it, and a lot more, to see the way you handled those bums." "Yeah." said one of the guys, "they're real trouble-makers here, but they stay away from our crowd, and we don't want to interfere when they scrag others, because we'd all end up in a donnybrook that wouldn't help, and someone would get badly hurt." "Besides," his girl said, "none of you guys could take that big groper, and you know it. How in hell did you do it, Karen?" Karen just laughed and shook her head. "We're here alone. You girls mind if we dance with your guys?" "No, not at all." chorused the girls, " These guys are just aching to dance with you two. Just take it easy with them on the dance floor. We're gonna need them later." Donna and Karen laughed and selected their first two partners. From then until the bar closed in the wee hours of the morning, they never sat down at the table. They danced with the boys and they danced with the girls, and they chug-a-lugged their beers standing up. It was a great night! "Wow!" said one of the men as the prepared to leave, "That was a great night! How did you girls plan to get home?" "The same way we got here." said Karen, "We'll run." "No way!" everyone shouted, "God, you must be dead! All of us are. We'll take you home." Karen thought a minute. "Wait! I have a better idea. I'll take Jimmy's bike with Donna in front of me, and Jimmy can ride pillion and bring the bike back." Jimmy's bike was a monstrous Harley that would take three people with ease. "That's the only way we can do it. I won't trust Donna to anyone else." Jimmy hated to let someone else drive his pride and joy, but he reluctantly agreed, "OK, I guess. She's your kid sister." and they wheeled off. With Karen at the controls, they were home by the rig in the trailer park in just exactly two minutes, Jimmy and Donna clinging for dear life. As Karen turned the bike back to Jimmy, she said, "That was good of you to let me do that. Jimmy. You've earned a big good-night kiss." and she put her arms around him, put her lips over his, and held him in a steamy embrace until he just went limp. Then she picked him up and put him on the seat of the Harley, and climbed into the rig after Donna. It took Jimmy longer than two minutes to get back to the bar. In fact, it took him longer than that just to find the starter on his bike. And always after that, Suzie, his girl-friend, won- dered why he sighed when they made love. Back in the rig, Donna had already prepared the comfortable, cozy, surpris- ingly large sleeping compartment. As they were both totally exhausted from the evening's activities - the four-mile run, the scrap at the bar, and four solid hours of dancing - they immediately headed for bed. Donna stripped off her shoes and socks, her jean jacket and bra, her jeans, and clad in her panties, crawled into bed. Karen watched her and shook her head. She stripped off her shoes - no socks, her jean jacket - no bra, her jeans - no panties, and crawled into bed beside Donna. "Donna, you'll have to learn to rough it a little in this business." and she inserted her thumbs in Donna's panties and slid them down off Donna's feet. Their two bodies fitted together much closer after that. Their bodies fitted closer, Karen's hard, round breasts, bulging pecs, and deeply-cut abs pressing tightly against Donna's muscular back and her strong arms around Donna's narrow waist, holding solid round glutes closely to her own hairless pubic mound - and arousing erotic sensations in her vaginal cavity that had been exhausted (or maybe only nearly exhausted!) moments before. Those sensations intensified, and in moments, Karen's insatiable sexual appetite grew and directed its momentum at her sleeping(?) daughter beside her. She slid her massively, muscular physique over her limp bedmate's torso and pressed even more closely to it. Head to head, rippling chest to firm-but-yielding breast, hard-cut abs against hard-cut abs, and valleyed thighs and calves around strong, muscular legs. Feet pressing against feet but, more erotically, vaginal orifice, now flowing with a smooth creamy lubricant, pressing against Donna's cunt. Donna responded - or at least, her powerful young physique responded - to the knowledge she was being she was being raped - NO! ravished! - by the magnificent Amazon that had borne her sixteen years before. And, awakening from her half-sleep, she loved it! The flexing muscles on the herculean torso on top of her, rippling and writhing against her own hard, muscular body, drove her up to new sexual heights, and when her mother's mouth enclosed her own in an erotic embrace, lip-lip, tooth-to-tooth, and tongue-to-tongue, she collapsed in a violent,sexual orgasm. Her vagina overflowed with hot, pulsing, relieving cream, and she could only moan - and moan,she did! "OOHH! oohh! oh, Mother!! Stop! Stop! Please stop!! ooohh! OOOHH!!! O God! O MOTHER!! OOOooohh, Mother, you shouldn't do that to me! OOOooohh...." And Donna slept. Karen held her daughter in her arms, - and legs - and lips! - and gave her a last erotic squeeze with every muscle of her fantastic physique as she came in a tremendous orgasmic explosion. Now,at last, with every muscle, inside and out, and every emotion, loving and erotic, now completely exhausted, Karen ,too, fell asleep. CHAPTER 9 The Years in Between (Years 32-50 in Karen's life) ---------- The years that followed Donna's departure for college were busy years for Karen, and among the most productive and interesting. Space does not permit the telling of the events of those years in detail, but a brief summary of the most significant happenings is given here below: Donna discovers she's pregnant with Robbie - and Ron has to be the father! Donna graduates, becomes a pro B/B, marries Ralph, and buys a gym Ron can't take it any more and up and dies - smiling! Robbie becomes 16 - and Karen becomes a mother again Karen retires from the company and sells her stock. Some day, the story of those years will be told in full, as another exiting and colorful episode in the 'Life of Karen' - but not now. CHAPTER 10 Sex over sixty ----------- Karen had been so busy driving, developing her massive physique, and running their transport company that she had completely missed her daughter's growing- up years. That had been left to Ron - who had done a great job of it! - but now that she had another child, she wasn't going to blow the chance again. She had just retired from the active management of the company, so her time was her own. Robbie was still a full-time student, and would be for the next ten or fifteen years - he planned to become a doctor and to specialize later in some branch of surgery. That's where his interest lay, and that's where the money was, too - so Ronnie was Karen's baby in more ways than one. She doted on the boy, breast-feeding him till he was almost one, changing his diapers, tucking him in to his cot, staying up all night with him when he was not well, and generally bonding so close with him that he was just a bundle of love. Then, when he got older, she initiated him into all types of sports, including the joys of the gym. He was a good athlete in all sports, and an excellent student in all his classes. He grew up stable, friendly, athletic and strong - especially strong. When Ronnie approached his teens, Karen began to take stock of her own physical condition, and she found it lacking to a much greater degree than she liked. Karen's last years with the company and her years of nursing and child care had mellowed her magnificent physique. She had not put on much fat, but the deep cuts, the hard, carved muscle structure, and the rippling striations were no longer there. "Well," she thought, " I guess that's no role model for a growing youngster. I just can't let him see me looking like this - like a big sack of potatoes." That, of course, was very far from the truth, but Karen's standards had been stretched by her years of massive rock-hard muscular development, and now that she was over- seeing her son's development, she was willing to settle for no less than the very best. "But I was in this position once before, and that ended OK, so maybe, just maybe, I can do it again." Karen was thinking back to her early days in the transport company when Ron accused her of not having enough muscle to drive one of the huge rigs the company used. He was right, but in a fantastic program of exercise and a tremendous effort of will, she not only developed the muscles to drive but, as well, to defeat Ron humiliatingly in a classic test of strength. She had done it once - could she do it again? She was no longer a youthful twenty-one - she was sixty years old! However, she now had a solid base of muscle to start to build on, and with the facilities available to her, Karen felt she could regain most of the muscular development, the flexibility, and the strength she needed to give her teen-aged son the example and the guidance he needed. She knew that talking to him would not help, and showing him, if other role models out- side were more attractive, would not help much, either. The only way she would be able to fully influence him would be to be the most exciting, most appealing role model herself. In short, she must become a hero to him in the same way she had been a hero to Donna thirty years before! Could she do it? It would take a tremendous effort! To start, Karen visited a gym, like the gym where it all began so long ago. In place of Fran, her daughter Donna now provided the instruction, the drive, and the programs she would need to achieve her ambitious goal. Donna and her husband, Ralph, had bought the gym when they both retired from pro body- building, and it was now very popular with the area pro's. Again, Karen began with modest aerobic workouts to become more flexible and physically fit. She soon graduated to a free weight program that really began to stretch and harden her muscles. She worked like a fiend at the gym under Donna's tutelage then, unbeknownst to Donna, did it all again at home - but harder and longer and more intensely. Then fast and back-breaking work on the trampoline to increase her flexibility, and hard, exhausting laps in the pool to improve her wind. A hot shower afterwards, an hour with Ronnie over his homework or future plans, then a good-night snack and off to bed went her young son. At twelve, Ronnie was a big strong boy, weighing well over a hundred pounds and standing five-four in his bare feet, but he still enjoyed his nightly routine at bedtime. Karen would pick him up in her arms, carry him upstairs to his bed, and tuck him in with a big hug and a kiss. She noted, as Ronnie was growing older, that he returned her goodnight kiss with increasing enthusiasm, but she didn't think any more of it. He didn't seem to mind much that his daddy was seldom home, and that Karen did all the things that his friends' daddies did. He thought she did them pretty good, too. Quite startlingly, after Karen had been exercising for about eight months, she realized, one bedtime, that Ronnie had suddenly become much lighter to carry upstairs. His weight had never been a problem - she had always been a powerful woman - but this realization stopped her cold. She stripped off his clothes to examine him more closely for signs of sickness or to see if he was wasting away from hunger or something. But he wasn't. In fact, Karen was a bit startled by the amount of muscle he was developing on all parts of his body, and he seemed to be pretty proud of his 'physique'. Without being asked and without any sign of embarrassment, he stood naked on the bed and flexed his biceps and his quadriceps and his abs. (He had obviously been looking at 'muscle' magazines). Karen suppressed a grin, and looked straight at Ronnie and said, "Hey, I see the time has come for you to join me in the gym so we can develop our muscles together." "Sure." squealed Ronnie, excitedly, "Can we lift weights, and do step-ups and things." "We sure can, and I think we can start tomorrow, right after supper." And they did. From seven to eleven every night, Karen and Ronnie worked their butts off on every piece of apparatus in the gym, and then used the free weights to the limit. A fast race in the pool completed their workout and, sometimes, Ronnie and his mother had a friendly competition on the div- ing board and 5-metre platform. This extended and increased their flexibil- ity, and put an element of fun into their strenous program. Then, a quick shower and Ronnie's usual snack and trip up to bed. After well over a year, to celebrate the start of Ronnie's summer vacations, mother and son took time out to examine the results of all their physical efforts. Ronnie had gotten big, five-seven in his bare feet and about one hundred and sixty pounds. In the year and a half since he had begun to work on his intensive muscular development program, Ron had developed fabulously - and he was well aware of it. Although he was the youngest wrestler on his high school team, he was the 160-lb. class champion. He was fast, flexible, and extremely strong. The girls, even the ones in the senior classes, were always clustered around him when he left the arena, and the fact that he was very good-looking, with a strong chin, dark eyes, and long wavy hair, did nothing to discourage his female admirers. At fourteen, he was a real jock, and a hunk in the eyes of his fellow students. He was a great dancer and every school dance turned into a Sadie Hawkins event. He just couldn't sit a number out, and he never left a dance with anyone but the one of the sexier senior girls that had the sharpest car, and that knew the choic- est parking spots. He was screwed well and often on these occasions and, in spite of his being barely into his teens, he always left his lovers asking for more. He loved his schooldays! And school nights! But he was looking for- ward to these summer holidays. His mom had promised to take him on a real, wild trip if he did well in his classwork, and he had. He had finished in the top three in his grade, as well as being voted the school's most popular boy, so he felt he had earned his promised reward. On the first day of Ronnie's vacations, on the morning after he and his mom had proudly attended the school's annual athletic awards presentations, he and Karen went into the gym to see just how well their year or so of hard work had paid off, not just on Ronnie's accomplishments at school, but on them both, personally. They knew that they were both in great shape, but Ronnie was feeling really macho, and wanted to show off his well-developed muscles and championship wrestling prowess to really impress his admiring mom. His mom knew that, and was quite willing to be impressed, but she, too, felt that there was a lot of credit coming to her for the shape she was in, and wanted to make sure Ronnie found out he was not the only top cat on the block. In fact, Karen had progressed faster than Ronnie had, and she had had lots of muscle to start with. Not only had she worked with Ronnie every night, but she had also spent four or five hours each weekday at Donna's gym. She had not just lifted the heavy weights, but she had worked with the pro boxers who also trained at the gym, and Donna had worked especially hard with her at karate, developing both their skills. Donna had become quite accustomed to being badly beaten by her mom, but that was nothing new for her, (it had been happening all her life.) However, Donna was still pretty proud of her skill in karate, and often worked out with the high school wrestling coach, who trained at the gym as well, and she could beat him quite easily. He knew Donna well, so he got a big kick out of that. "It isn't often," he would say, "that you have the best wrestler in school with a grandmother who could take him in free-for-all wrestling three falls out of three." And they would laugh, though Donna was quite pleased at the compliment, both to her grandson and herself. In the gym with Karen, Ronnie loaded up the barbells to the heaviest weights he could handle, and proceeded to demonstrate just how strong he had now become. He curled, he pressed, he squatted, he dead-lifted, he chinned himself, and he benched- pressed till he just sat back exhausted, and said, "Well, Karen, what do you think? Am I pretty powerful, or what? I'll bet you can't duplicate that!" He had worked with Karen every night, and they always used the same weights, so he knew Karen was strong, but he had exerted himself to the max on every exercise, and he didn't think she could match that. He was quite sure she couldn't, so he was pretty cocky. Karen walked over to him, patted him on the head, and grinned, "Son, I could outlift and out-wrestle your great grandfather, your grand- father, and your father, and I can outlift and out-wrestle you. Just watch!" Karen checked out the weights Ronnie had used and loaded them up with an extra fifty percent of the weight Ronnie had lifted. Ronnie looked surprised, then he shrugged - anyone could load weights, lifting them was something else again. Then Karen, seemingly effortlessly, went through the same rout- ine that had so completely exhausted her son. She grinned at Ronnie, who just sat there with his mouth hanging open. "Mom, how in hell were you able to do that? You don't even look beat. You look as though you could do it again!" "Do it again? No problem." And she peeled off her dripping shirt and really and truly did it again! Ronnie was shocked and amazed. "Mom!" he stuttered again, "What___ How___ God___. Mom!!!" he said again, and he walked over to his mother. "Mom, I didn't know you were strong like that! You never showed that when we were working out together. Were you just taking it easy on me? What kind of muscles have you got? Can I feel them?" Ron was babbling, but he put his hands around Karen's biceps and almost fell over when she flexed them to the max. She flexed her biceps and her triceps and her striated lats, and her cut and separated abs. She twisted and flexed her massive quads, and turned and rippled the cords of muscle twisting over her flaring back. Her ham- strings split and valleyed, and the rock-hard diamonds of her calves stood out like knots of oak. She raised her arms above her bulging traps, and her biceps swelled and separated till it looked like each of them had another bicep on top. Karen was finally back in her "top-loader' condition. Ronnie was thunderstruck. He didn't know how old his mother was, and he didn't care! He just wanted to run his hands over the rock-hard, rippling, flexing mass of muscle that Karen had become. He had never seen a body like that on anyone, male or female, and all he could compare it with were the much-handled pictures of the gods of Greece he had long admired, and kept in his drawer. He hugged his mother, and his penis swelled, and coughed up a creamy load, and swelled again. He was completely under her spell and comp- letely out of control. "M-o-m!!!" he cried, and laid his head against her massive naked chest. Karen looked down at her son (maybe "looked down' was not quite right - he was nearly as tall as she was, and he weighed just about the same!) and grinned. "C'mon, baby, If you can't stand on your own two feet, I'd better take you up to bed." and she picked her son up, cradled him in her muscled arms, and carried him up the stairs to her bedroom. She dropped him gently on the bed and ran her hands through his wavy hair. Since he had gone to the gym wearing only shorts, his sweaty tanned chest and muscular legs were ex- posed to the morning air - and Karen's now quite unmotherly gaze. She just shrugged her massive shoulders, lifted Ronnie's legs, and pulled his shorts off. No underwear. Karen softly ran her hands over the smooth hairless skin of the young boy lying so still and felt him quiver as her hands slid across his breasts and down around his rock-hard balls and rigid penis. She let her hands just barely touch his still-soaking thighs, and then she bent over him and let her breath flow ever so gently over his belly and his breasts and over the soft sides of his now spread thighs. He groaned and reached for her with strong arms, but Karen slid from his grasp and bent over him again and took the silken end of his cock between her soft lips and let her tongue lick the swelling underside as she slowly engulfed his now-pulsing penis into her moist mouth, and then she kneeled over his tremb- ling torso and slid his rock-hard cock down into her tightening throat and on into the heat of her stomach. Karen lay absolutely still for a very long minute, then an orgasmic wave went from the depths of her stomach to the top of her skull. Ronnie felt his whole body explode, his arms and legs and neck went absolutely rigid, his back arched, and a piercing hysterical scream escaped from his lips. He stretched like a rod of iron for a moment, then collapsed like a sack of wet cement and lay motionless on the bed, somewhere between consciousness and death. As Ronnie lay there, slowly recovering, Karen too was badly in need of some physical help. That had been her first orgasm in almost fifteen years, and it had drained her in a way she found hard to believe. The fantastic devel- opment of her reborn muscular structure during the last two years had also strengthened and re-energized her internal organs and organisms, including those related to pro-creation - in short, to sex. Her initial orgasm, which had almost destroyed Ronnie, had drained her, but, unexpectedly, had not sat- isfied her, physically or emotionally. She recovered, physically, unusual- ly fast, and that recovery left her feeling empty, and eager for more erotic adventurings, a feeling she had not experienced for a long, long time. It was Ronnie's bad luck - or good fortune! - that he was the only available medium for Karen to use to achieve the satisfaction she now craved. And Karen made use of that medium! Long before Ronnie was fully conscious, she stroked him back to sexual eagerness. He was young and he was strong and fit, and he was ready for sex, and Karen's touchings aroused him to erotic heights he had never experienced in his life. She gently played her hands over his entire body, and when his penis swelled and hardened to a sur- prisingly big rod of steel, she slid over him, and took her son's cock into the warm cavern between her rock-like thighs. She ran her hands over his ass and pulled his smooth muscular body close against her hard rippling torso, and flexed the hard muscles in the walls of her cunt, and Ronnie came. She lifted Ronnie onto his knees, spread apart the cheeks of his ass, and in- serted her long, flexing tongue past his unresisting sphincter into the quivering tunnel of his rectum, and he came again. She laid him on his back and kneeled above his head, and slowly lowered the soft lips of her eagerly-reaching labia onto the soft lips of his mouth and sensually sucked his throbbing tongue into her warm and creamy cunt, and she took the long, hard length of his swollen cock into her mouth, into her throat, into her stomach, lubricated by the slithery come streaming from the head of his now throbbing prick. She raised and lowered her face, once, twice, three times, and Ronnie came for the last time. He was absolutely done for, a beautiful, muscled, smiling hunk of completely inert flesh, and he just lay there, holding his mother's hand, totally exhausted. At fourteen, Ronnie had been completely seduced, screwed, and raped by his good-looking, sensual, sexy, magnificently muscled mother - or, if you wanted to look at it differently, but accurately, by his good-looking, sensual, sexy, magnificently muscled GREAT-GRANDMOTHER!!! Karen was sixty-two. WOW!!! WHAT A FEMALE!!! WHAT A HUNK!!! (Continued) Karen's geneological chart: Year 1 Karen born 14 Karen seduces her dad 16 1 Donna born to Karen 21 5 Karen graduates 23 7 Karen marries Ron 33 17 1 Robbie born to Donna 37 21 5 Donna graduates 41 25 9 Donna marries Ralph 41 25 9 Tim born to Donna 42 26 10 Kim born to Donna 46 30 14 Donna & Ralph buy gym 47 31 15 Ron drops dead at 56 48 32 16 1 Ronnie born to Karen & Robbie 50 34 18 2 Karen retires 50 34 18 2 Jenny born to Donna 62 46 30 14 Karen & Ronnie ???