The story of a castaway family, its growth and adventures, both physical and sexual. By Rampant Tiger. THE ISLAND (Part 3) Time passed quickly on the island after the visit by the cruise ship. There was a lot to talk about and a lot to do. Alison was exception- ally pleased with her acquisition of the new Olympic-style weight- lifting equipment. Now she could tell, pretty accurately, just what weight she could lift, and with proper bars, and a renewed program, Alison raised her limits by at least a couple of hundred pounds. She felt like it, too. She had never felt better in her life, and Chris, being pushed to the limit by Alison, had increased his best performance by at least a half. He, too, was feeling just great, physically, men- tally, and - best of all - sexually. While he was no match for Alison in any of these fields, now he enjoyed the competition a lot more. He now ran the 'Island circuit' by himself every other day and, even if it took him the whole day, instead of just the three hours it took when he piggy-backed on his wife, he felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment! And sexually - although the vasectomy was not supposed to have affected his love-life, reversing it certainly did! - he could now cope with Ali's erotic surges almost every couple of weeks, and while she left him just as dead, he died with a bigger smile on his face. For about four months! That was when Alison missed her first period. She had gotten pregnant! At last! At twenty-six! And what a celebration!!! The months that followed were like those experienced by every other young mother not encumbered by medical paternalism, and a baby girl was born to two loving parents. She grew strong and healthy, and occupied all their time until a baby boy was born two and a half years later. The boy was followed by two more girls and another boy and then by another girl. This last birth was difficult and some changes occurred in Alison that made it obvious her child-bearing was at an end. She was almost forty and Chris was now almost fifty - time for them to relax and enjoy the children that were now growing up. At the rate those kids were developing, in another ten years Alison and Chris would again be childless and fancy-free, and young enough to enjoy their life to the fullest! But in the meantime! By the time Angie was seven (she was the oldest - the other two were Brendan and Tina, short for Christina, and Donna was just about to be born), she was a big, strong girl. Physically, since both her parents were massively built, this was to be expected, but Angie was developing to be more like her mother. She was tall and agile, and she spent most of her time in the jungle. She could run up the tallest trees, leap from tree to tree, and swing through the jungle canopy like a miniature Tarzan. When she wasn't in the jungle, she was in the sea. She could swim like a fish, on top of the water or underneath, the highest waves were her playground, and she would dive from the tops of the highest trees overhanging the shore. She just didn't know the meaning of fear. On top of that, she was a caring, loving nurse for her younger sister, taking a great load from Alison, now in the final stages of pregnancy. At seven, she was physically developed and mentally mature far beyond her years! Chris depended on her a great deal, and she more than did all he asked and she sat, as a full member, in all of their family discussions. She heard, many times, of their life on the island, of the effect of the 'super-ginseng' root on Alison, and of her mother's super- feats of strength and speed and endurance. Angie knew well that her mother was Queen of the Jungle, that Chris was her devoted subject, and that, someday, she was going to take over that role and rule the island and all of the beasts, two-legged or four-legged, that inhabited her domain. Until that time, Angie was well content to worship at the feet of her hero, her Amazon Queen. After Donna was born, Alison felt the need to get back into her former fant- astic physical shape again. The four pregnancies had taken their toll and, while she had continued exercising and her daily 'island circuit', she felt that she had lost an edge that a couple of months of really hard training would restore. This would take a lot of her time, and the younger children, Brendan, 4, Tina, 2, and Donna, just months old, needed a lot of attention. It was just fortunate that Chris adored the kids and really jumped at the chance to take care of them the whole day long. He was a prize care-giver! Alison planned to look after them when her program ended late in the after- noon, to give Chris a break, but he wouldn't hear of it. He was enjoying them too much. And in the evenings, when Chris and Alison relaxed to talk to each other, then Angie insisted on taking over the care of the kiddies. So Alison was able to devote all her energy to her training program - and what a program it was! Since Chris was not available to act as ballast for Alison on her daily run, Angie pleaded to replace him. Alison agreed - she would be good company and, with three fifty-lb. plates in Angie's lap, the 'ballast' would be just about the same. So, after some necessary adjustments to the harness, the two girls(?) - women(?) - females(!) started out on the first day. It was especially exciting for Angie. In spite of her freedom in the jungle and in the sea, she had never been to the other side of the island, past the plateau. And, although Alison had given her many piggy-back rides, she had never been a witness to the massive, continuous, all-out muscular effort that her mother exerted every day on this 'island circuit'. This first journey was going to be an educational experience for the seven-year- old girl. Along the shore at a dead run, into the sea and around the base of the plateau, then back into the rocky scree at the base of the plateau wall - Alison pounded along with her child and the weights on her back. Angie clung on for dear life, on the beach and in the water, and when Alison sprinted at top speed over the razor-sharp rocks, she screamed in sheer delight at the magnificent physical excitement of the extreme exertion her mother was putting out! The sweat was pouring from every pore in Alison's body, and Angie wiped the perspiration from her forehead onto her own long hair. It helped, but now Angie, too, was covered from head to foot in her own sweat. The excitement, the effort, and the steaming heat rising from her steed's magnificently muscled frame combined in a wave to cloak Angie in a sheet of wet, slippery liquid and Angie erupted in the first spasmodic, erotic, sexual orgasm she had ever experienced. At SEVEN years of age! Alison felt her daughter come, and she stopped and gathered Angie in her strong arms and kissed her softly on the mouth. "Oh! My darling! Are you all right? That's a perfectly normal thing for a growing girl to do, but you're very young for it to happen to you. I intended to tell you all about that, but not for a few years yet. My God, you're barely seven! What happened is that you had a sexual experience that comes along when you're in love with a boy, and means you're able to have a baby. Able to! It doesn't mean you are going to have one, or want to have one, or should have one. It simply means that your body is big enough and developed well enough that you could have one if you wanted." And she hugged the quivering, shaken, but still physically excited girl close to her sweating, muscled chest. "This is called an 'orgasm' and you will have many of them before you will even consider having a baby. For one thing, it's one of the most exciting and wonderful feelings you will ever have, and usually it happens when you're making love with a boy, but not always. It can happen, as it did today, when you're excited and near someone that you love." "Oh! Mummy! That was the most wonderful, thrilling feeling I've ever had! And I need you to hold me in your arms again. You're so wonderful, and I love you so much! And kiss me again, Mummy, like you just did, right on my lips. It makes me want to crawl right inside you so you can hug me all over." Alison kissed Angie again, right on her mouth, but it bothered her just a little bit. Could Angie, at her tender age, be starting to feel the stirrings of a sexual need? God, she hoped not, not for a while yet. For one thing, there were no suitable subjects for her to experiment on! In a short while, both Alison and Angie were composed enough to continue on their way around the island. Angie twisted her neck almost off in an effort to see all the new sights, but Alison was trying to make up lost time and she knew Angie would be with her in the future - every chance she got! -so she really poured on the coals, and finally reached their goal - the house in the trees - almost right on schedule. Angie couldn't wait to tell Chris all about her adventures, so she dropped to the ground and ran to him on the veranda. Alison, at a more sedate pace, reached them just as Angie was saying"... and I had an orgasm and it felt wonderful." and nearly broke down laughing at the look on her husband's face. Later, after a lunch of fruit and milk, Alison started on the second phase of her daily regimen - weight-lifting. And now she had a most interested spectator - Angie. ********************************** The other part of Alison's body-rebuilding program was an intensive, exten- sive, solid program of weight-lifting, designed to push every muscle in her body to complete and utter exhaustion. And it did! In the beginning, the weights were moderate - for Alison! - but it wasn't long before she was again pushing tremendous poundage for unbelievable reps and the time span between complete exhaustion and renewed massive exertion was getting shorter and shorter. The effect it was having on the size of every muscle on her fantastic physique and on the iron hardness of the striated, rippling, sweating ropes of muscle that were again covering every inch of her massive physique, from the bands that crossed her forehead to the thick, powerful tendons that powered her toes, was completely out-of-this-world. In about three months, Alison looked like a living statue that had been skinned to reveal the shapes and sizes of the muscular structure of a perfectly-dev- eloped Hercules. Taking part in all of this program was the seven-year-old girl who was determined to develop exactly like her mom. At first, Angie just loaded the weights onto the bars in preparation for her mom's next exercise, but it was not long before she made up a corresponding set for her own use, then started to follow her mom through the easier routines, then the hardest ones, then she began keeping up with her shining idol through the whole afternoon. Not, of course, with the same weights, but it was remarkable how quickly the weight on the bars Angie used became heavier and heavier. Before the end of her first year, this growing eight-year-old girl could lift as much as the former football jock that was her dad. And she was big. It was not surprising, considering her father and mother, but she certainly had all of her mother's genes. At eight, Angie was about 5'2" in height and weighed about a hundred and twenty pounds - and she wasn't fat! Her biceps were like softballs, her shoulders were wide and her lats sloped inward to a muscular waist and round, hard glutes. Her thighs were as big as her waist and her calves were as big around as her biceps and both were as solid and hard as rock. Her chest and her abdomen muscles were full and round and they, too, were as hard as plates of steel and bulged and strained as she hoisted the great weighted bars above her head. She could bench over two hundred pounds for reps and it was her most gloriously dramatic moment when, in a challenge contest with her dad, supervised by Alison, she benched 280 lbs and the very best that Chris could raise, with a most tremendous effort, was 260. And to pour salt on his wounded pride, Angie then put out a last prodigious lift and raised her limit to 290 lbs. A bench press of 290 LBS, at a body weight of 120 lbs! At *EIGHT* years of age! The kid was another Greek Hercules, just like her mom. Alison and Angie ran the "island circuit' many times together, but as Angie developed her muscles and stamina and confidence, she wanted to make the circuit on her own, and Alison and Chris readily agreed. Since Chris was now fully in charge of the other youngsters and of the domestic chores that were needed - cooking, cleaning, repairing, etc. Alison and Angie were free to make their own plans. Angie's independence would require another re- arrangement of the load on Alison's back, but that was not hard to do. In the shape Alison was now in, a padded deerskin knapsack holding 500 lbs of iron weights rested easily on her shoulders and, on land or in the sea, hardly slowed her down at all. But a twenty-five mile run, a six mile swim, and an unaided tree-climb at the end of it all was an unbelievable effort for a nine-year-old girl to even dream of attempting. Angie needed no handicap, her first circuit on her own was going to be enough of a challenge by itself. And it was! Almost five hours after Alison dropped from their treehouse to the ground, a weary scuffling in the near-by brush alerted everyone to Angie's arrival. Weary, footsore, and hungry, Angie waved off all offers of help and doggedly plunged on to complete the entire circuit by herself. At last, she dropped from the trees to collapse in an exhausted lump on the sand. "I did it! I didn't think I was going to make it when I waded into the sea on the way back, but I just kept going and going and going until finally - here I was! God, I'm beat! Daddy, please will you carry me into my bed?" "Sure, baby. You've done a magnificent job! I know. I've run the circuit myself before you kids came along and, even at the peak of my condition, I've never made better time than you just did - and that was your first go at it. You'll be amazed how quickly your time will drop and how much better you'll feel when you finish. But don't try to compare your times with your mom's. No way! She's the Queen, and I believe she's the strong- est, fittest human being on this earth. And the sexiest! God, she's good in bed. Maybe you'll get to find out some day, my little beauty." And Chris picked his limp young daughter up in his arms and laid her down in her bed and tucked her in under the soft skins. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, but her arm, weary but still very strong indeed, came up to hold his head down close while she kissed him firmly - and lengthily - right on his lips. Then she released him and snuggled down with a smile into the covers and fell fast asleep. Chris was shocked! Was this female child of his - stronger and fitter than he though she was - starting to feel the urgings and needs of a sexual awakening? God, she was only nine! And the only male in her whole world was Chris. This was something that he and Alison would have to discuss very soon - and very seriously. Sure enough, as Chris had predicted, Angie's time for the 'island circuit' fell rapidly. And, as she she ended the run in better and better shape, she began to enjoy the physical mastery of the elements during her daily run as well as the euphoria at home her fantastically developing muscular physique was giving her. Her weightlifting program now paralleled Alison's - in intensity, if nowhere near in mass - and the effect it was having on her developing psyche was devastating. Her sexual awakening was complete! Angie now worked out seriously - very seriously! - with Alison. And the extra effort she was putting out was paying off in spades. At ten, she reached 5'6", and weighed 150 lbs - and not an ounce of it was fat! Her baby fat was long absorbed into the solid rock-hard muscles that covered her body from her head to her toes. She had not yet developed the deeply- cut striations that marked her mentor's physique, but the deep valleys and rippling, bulging muscles stood out like cables when she flexed her back and biceps and thighs and abs, and she loved the feel of them and the look of her now powerful physique and the things that she now was able to do with no effort at all. Like picking up her dad - all 240 lbs. of him - with one hand and pressing him high above her head! And Alison would pick up Chris and set him on her shoulders and then Angie would squat between her mom's thickly-muscled thighs and raise them both - over 500 lbs. of solid muscle - on her shoulders and then do a complete set of squats. It was after one of these efforts that Chris decided to record their measurements and lifts for their future information - including his own. While he knew he couldn't come close to his wife's or his daughter's records, he knew he was in fantastic shape for a man of 45, and he wanted that on record, too. So, the tale the tape told was: Chris Alison Angie Age 46 37 10 Height 6'4" 6'6" 5'6' Weight 240 lbs 280 lbs 150 lbs Neck 18" 20" 16" Biceps 18" 24" 18" Forearms 11" 18" 12" Chest 44" 50" 38" Waist 30" 34" 26" Hips 36" 38" 34" Thighs 26" 32" 26" Calves 16" 20" 18" Chris noted that both Alison's and his own measurements were almost ident- ical to those he had taken twelve years before, except, maybe, Alison's waist and hips were a couple of inches bigger - but after four children, that was pretty good! And, as far as Alison went, the tape measure didn't show the difference in the feel and the appearance of the rock-hard, deeply cut peaks and valleys of her massive physical structure or the striations that outlined every mass of muscle that rippled like coiled serpents when- ever Alison moved her incredible physique - let alone when she deliberately flexed for the delight and amazement of her awestruck audience - Chris and Angie, mostly, but Brendan and Tina, too, a lot of the time. Angie, too, had measurements that were deceptive. About a foot shorter than her father, and about 100 lbs less in weight, the strength of her rock- hard muscles was unbelievable! At ten, she was far stronger than Chris in every way and she loved to flaunt her amazing power in front of him every chance she got - and she made sure she got plenty! The record of lifts that Chris made up showed that pretty clearly, for example: Chris Alison Angie One-arm Curl(10/set) 80 lbs 300 lbs 100 lbs Bench Press 260 700 350 Leg Extensions 150 600 250 Triceps Extensions 60 250 80 Flyes 80 300 100 Toe Raises 300 800 500 Squats 450 1100 600 Dead Lifts 500 1400 700 "Mom," said Angie, after one of their taping sessions, "I guess I'm the second strongest guy on this island. Calling you 'Mom' makes me feel like a kid and I don't think that's good. Now that I'm a lot stronger than he is I call Daddy 'Chris" all the time. So can I call you 'Alison'? Or better still - I know - I'll call you 'Ali'. OK?" "Sure, Angie, that's fine with me. It'll make us feel a bit closer - more like sisters - and I've always wanted a kid sister. All I had was brothers so I ended up a tomboy. Hah! And I thought I was pretty strong for a girl! God, I could lift almost a hundred lbs! Now you can lift seven times that much and you're just ten. Angie, you're an amazing kid - no! - not an amazing kid! An amazing woman! 'Cause that's what you are. Come over here, Angie, and give me a hug. Sisters do that, too." Angie grinned a gamin grin and said,"Sure, Ali." and gave her new 'sister' a warm and loving hug. One night, not many days after one of the powerful sexual orgies that Chris and Alison (now to be known by both Chris and Angie as 'Ali') experienced (with the usual result - Ali lying back almost satified and Chris lying back with a fixed grin on his face, completely exhausted physically and sexually and morally - he had outdone his most erotic fantasies!), Angie felt the need of some company. Since Chris, her frequent confidant, was still not up to having female company anywhere near his bed, Angie crawled in beside Ali to talk. Ali was still sexually eager and welcomed her young daughter with open arms. Angie lay close to the massively-muscular, rock-hard, striated physique of her mother and ran her hands over the peaks and deeply-cut valleys that spread from Ali's head down her back to her glutes and thighs and then up past rock-ribbed abs and steel-hard pecs to great marble softball-sized biceps and massive fore- arms to powerful wrists and fingers. Neither wore any clothes and the soft fondling of her mother's mighty muscles soon aroused Angie to a sexual crescendo and she came! An orgasm! - a violent, pulsing outpouring of her steaming sexual juices that covered Ali's abs and thighs and her whole labial area and left Angie just a quivering torso in her mother's arms - a powerful, muscular torso, to be sure, but still an inexperienced, sexually- demanding young female whose erotic desires were barely understood and completely unsatisfied. Ali held her young daughter - sympathetically, as any mother would - and recognized the needs that drove her. She also became aware that she had the same needs and Angie's arousal had triggered responding sexual demands within her own body - but Angie's release was no release for her. She was now a horny, sexy female in rut - and she needed satisfaction! Where in hell could she get it? Not from her limp, exhausted husband! Masturbation was not going to do it for her. Then where? As she gazed down at the quivering form she held in her arms, she knew what the answer had to be. Her daughter, her powerfully-muscled, tremendously fit, sexually-aware ten-year-old daughter! Ali smiled. Well, she'd told Angie the facts of life - she and Chris had held nothing back - but all that Angie had learned had been about girls and BOYS - NOT about girls and GIRLS! Angie was about to learn about that - the hard way. Ali started slowly - as slowly as the burning inside her would permit - and ran her hands softly over the smooth skin of the girl in her arms. Up over her shoulders, down her smooth, muscled back, around the taut, hard cheeks of her ass, and up over rippling abdominal muscles and rock-hard pecs to slide over the bulging biceps and valleyed forearms. Angie's breasts were small but they were hard, and they protruded from the wall of her thick chest like halves of two oranges. There was nothing backward about her sexual development, and Ali's fingers gently tweaked the nipples that were now getting prominent and hard. Angie groaned and wriggled and pulled her mother's hand to the still-soaking downy lips she had just recently flooded with her creamy cum. Her mother's fingers entered the lubricated cavity and played over a growing clitoris to awaken Angie to another sexual climax, one which drove Ali up the wall in her need. Angie almost screamed with the pleasure and the pain, and clasped her arms around her mom and squeezed, and threw her legs around her mom's legs and squeezed, and twisted until she lay on top and ground her body into the rock-hard muscular physique that was now responding to the slithering flesh that held it in a grip of steel. Ali broke loose at last and slid her abdomen down her lover's until her lips encountered the swollen breasts and turgid nipples and she took them into her mouth and teased them with her teeth until Angie moaned with delight. Then holding the breasts and nipples in the palms of either hand, she slid up the creamy body above her until her lips reached her lover's lips and she slid her hard, muscular tongue into the now-softening mouth and roughly thrust past a yield- ing tongue to drive far into the soft and quivering throat. Angie struggled helplessly to regain control of her oral cavity - and her emotions! - but the internal licking by that hard, rough flexing intruder brought Angie once more to the brink of orgasm. Then Ali eased off - just a little - and flexed her rippling abs tight against her daughter's, and thrust her pubic mound tight against her daughter's, and the steely grip of her daughter's legs weakened and she just lay relaxed on top of Ali's body until, once more, Ali's tongue thrust deep into her daughter's mouth and Angie came again in a glorious, flushing flood of ecstasy, and collapsed completely on her magnificent mother's massively-muscled physique. She was beat! And she was sated! But Ali wasn't! The old story - once again! Ali was hot and horny, and her muscles ached and twitched and her lovers - male and female, young and old - had been screwed to death by the fantastically strong and physically fit amazon that had them both in thrall! There was only one thing to do - exercise! So Ali did. She leapt from her bed, ran down the beach, and dived into the moonlit surf. Then a moonlight swim - around the island! Thirty miles of sea, against the tide and with it, but when Ali landed again on the beach by their bungalow, her mighty body was, at last, weary enough for her to fall into a sound and un-erotic dreamless sleep. ****************************************** It was not long after this erotic, nurturing, `sister-sister' bonding experience that Alison announced, once again, that she was `with child'. This was a situation she could live with, without stress and, in the fan- tastic physical condition she was in, without it interfering in any way with her daily work-out program. Since she shared that program now with Angie and was eager to give her rapidly-developing daughter (or sister? - with their new rapport) every bit of encouragement that she could, she made sure the new life in her muscular loins provided no interruption to their daily activities. It didn't - at all - and, in fact, it wasn't until about the seventh month of her pregnancy that Alison's massively-developed physique showed the slightest outward sign of her normal inward growth. It was only then that Alison cut back on her daily routine, eliminating the morning run, and the heavy lifting in the afternoon, but doing enough aerobic and muscle-building exercise to maintain herself in the peak of condition. It was now up to Angie to set her own program and her own pace, and Angie took that opportunity to increase her efforts to the maximum max, both in the morning and in the afternoon. She loved her muscles, the look of powerful control, and the strength they gave her to do just any damn thing she wanted to do! She knew she'd never match her mom, but second best around here was going to be mighty good! At ten, she was physically and mentally mature - and sexually promiscuous - and she knew what she wanted and she was going to make damn sure she got it! At just about the same time as Alison cut back on her physical activities, she also cut out her sexual activities. She could no longer bear to have Chris touching her and, in fact, had him move out of their room altogether. The rapidly-developing embryo was having its effect - even on Ali's Amazon psyche! Chris understood his eviction, but he sorely missed the nightly sexual ex- perience of having his Herculean lover in bed beside him. Even when his erotic capabilities were completely exhausted, he enjoyed - no! ached for - the touch of her powerful hands across his sensitive flesh, and the feel of her muscles rippling - even at rest, even in sleep, they rippled and flexed - at the touch of his softly enquiring fingers. To overcome this night-time frustration, Chris worked like a dog during the day. There was plenty for him to do - the younger kids, Tina and Donna, had to be fed and supervised, although Brendan took care of most of the supervision - at seven, he was turning into a capable and caring nurse and playmate, and a real help to Chris with the chores around the house. A house had been built to pro- vide space for the new arrival, but it had to be furnished, and there was another bed to be made, and a secure supply of suitable food to be laid in stock. Chris certainly kept busy - during the daytime! His nights were still a period of pain. Chris and Aiison had agreed that, rather than add another room to their main bungalow, another cottage would be built and Angie would move into that. Angie thought that was great! A house of her own! Really, just a lounge and a bedroom, she would still eat and mostly live in the main house, but it was still all her own. Wow! So when there was work to be done on HER house, Angie was first on the job, and the last one to finish. And there was lots to be done. Timber had to be hauled from the jungle, posts had to be erected, walls built, and the roof had to be framed and thatched. And all of this squeezed in between Alison and Angie's workouts. So lunchtime was short, and dinner was often late, but the work was done - and at a sur- prising rate. Hauling the timber from the depths of the forest was women's work. This day, because they had time between workouts, Ali and Angie took off into the jungle, and Chris heard the steady ring of the axe felling the tall trees, then, a little while later, Ali and Angie marched out of the jungle bearing, on their shoulders, a 20-foot log. A TWENTY-FOOT LOG! Almost two feet across at the butt, the log had to weigh over 1200 lbs. They dropped the log at Chris' feet, grinned at him, then went back for another. A lot of good it did to drop the log by Chris - and they well knew it! He couldn't even lift one end of it! Not even the thin end, the end that his ten-year- old daughter had hefted so casually! It would have to wait right there until Ali and Angie were ready to hoist it into its final position. The pile of logs grew steadily, and Chris was used to the sound of the heavy axe biting into the hard wood deep in the forest, and he knew he could expect the next log about a half hour after the chopping ended. Then, suddenly, while the chopping still rang loud, in strode Alison with a ten-foot log on each shoulder. "Hey! Where's Angie? Is that her still chopping in there? It's been going solidly for the last half hour. Boy, is that another skill she's picked up?" "Yep. And she's getting pretty good at it. She can fell a tree and trim a log almost as fast as I can. We agreed she'd fell and trim and I would carry, and that way we'd do the job in half the time. She's pretty eager to move into her own house. She'll be her own mistress there, and I think we'll have to toe the line when we visit her. For a girl of ten, she has a pretty strong will! A pretty strong body, too, as you have reason to know. Anyway, at this rate, we'll have all the logs we need in another couple of weeks, and we'll be able to start building the house. That should go pretty quick, with three of us working on it." It did. The corner posts, slotted on two sides to take the tongues of the twenty-foot logs that would lie horizontally between them, went up, sunk deep into the soft soil. The costruction was `piece-sur-piece', time-consum- ing, but needed to withstand the force of the summer hurricanes. Digging was hard work and took time, but it was important for the house to have a strong base. All of them took turns with the spade, but Angie did most of it. Chris and Ali would watch in amazement, as Angie stood deep in a hole, stripped naked and covered with sweat, just pouring out spadefuls of dirt, and then, when the dirt sticking to her got too thick, leaping out of the hole, running into the sea for a quick swim, then returning, refreshed, to continue her labours - an Herculean task. The walls went up, the roof was framed and thatched, four rooms were parti- tioned off inside, and the house was ready to be moved into, all in less than six months. A great job, considering the heavy work had to be squeezed in between Ali and Angie's workouts! And the timing was perfect. The house was ready and Angie moved into it - with a great house-warming party! - just as Alison felt the need to be alone, with her growing fetus, in her own bed. So Chris was able to move into the room vacated by Angie. Comfortable and convenient, but Chris still hated to be alone through the long nights. And worse, Angie was physically mature, and had been for quite a while, and the scent of her sexual arousals still lingered in the room. Chris, no matter how tired he was, had trouble falling asleep in his daughter's bed. Angie was excited and thrilled to have a house all to herself, but she missed the sounds and movements of the others in the main house and, some nights, she got pretty lonely. When she did, it was the most natural thing in the world to sneak over to her old bedroom and slide into bed beside her dad. She had often done that before, and they had enjoyed long and informative talks about all the things that Chris knew well, and that were new and strange to his young daughter. But, in this new situation, Chris didn't feel much like talking and neither did Angie. Angie's hormones were begin- ning to rage, and feeling the heat of the naked male body (NOBODY ever wore any of their clothing to bed!) beside her own started to make her aware of her increasing sexual urges. She'd had tumultuous orgasms with the power- ful physical co-operation and guidance of her strong sexual mentor - her mother, and she'd masturbated - often - but she'd never `made love' to a man. She and Ali and Chris had often discussed it, and the theory and principles were well understood by both of the older kids and the physical attributes of both male and female organs of sex were really old hat. But lying in bed beside a naked male and being aware of his helplessly rising erection was a horse of another colour! Her hands slid over his muscular body, and entwined in the hair of his chest and then in the hair of his pubic area, and then softly gripped his sweating balls. "No! Angie. No! Not here! Ali will hear and I'll be a dead man, and so will you! Go back to your own bed and try to forget all about this. We just can't take the chance!" Angie understood Chris' concern, and was fully sympathetic, but now she was hot and horny herself, and her sexual appetite was not to be denied! She was deep in rut, and she was going to be screwed! And the man beside her, no matter how reluctant, was going to do it - come hell or high water! But maybe not here. So Angie took her hands off Chris' sweating torso, and slid one hand gently behind his neck. Holding his head steady, she planted a long, sloppy kiss right on his mouth. As he relaxed with the sweet pleasure of their touching lips, Angie raised her head - then POW! Right on the chin! With her free hand closed into a rock-hard fist, she knocked him completely unconscious. He was out like a light! It was then only a moment's work for the powerful, solidly-muscled ten-year-old girl to pick up the dead weight of the insensate man, all 240 lbs of him, lift him off the bed into her rippling, thick-thewed arms, and tip-toe silently out of the house, right into her own bedroom. She dropped him on her bed, pulled a headrest under his totally-relaxed head, then poured a gourd of cold water over his chest and belly. That did the trick. Chris recovered with a tremendous start, and started to leap out of bed. "Hey! No way, Jose!" Angie whispered, "I didn't bring you over here for you to go back home. At least, not until I've been well and truly screwed!" And Angie circled her mighty arms around his arms and chest and forced him onto his back. She slid her rock-hard, rippling torso over his, and her legs encircled his, pinning his naked body in a grip of steel. He struggled, at first violently, then less so as his own body responded to the heat and the wriggling, rubbing motion of the smaller, stronger body on top of him. His struggles finally stopped, and his penis started to grow. As the size and rigidity of his swelling cock increased, the movement of his loins, in tune with that of his powerful young daughter, also increased, and his sexual need overcame, wholly, his moral ethic, and he came, explosively, right in the arms of his lover. His child lover, his incestuous lover, but NOT his innocent lover! No way! Just as soon as his ejaculation had ended its spuming, the lips of its instigator fastened over the steaming end of his relaxing cock and took it smoothly into her mouth. Her teeth scraped the sensitive glans and her tongue licked the pulsing underskin, and that monstrous prick hardened once more, and started to seek even more enticement by reaching for a soft and inexperienced throat. But Angie was having no part of that - at least, not now. She slid the once-again rigid member out of her teasing mouth, and she swung around until her lips pressed against his, and she inserted her tongue past his unresisting teeth to wrestle with his ready and willing tongue. It was no contest! This was not an innocent tongue that forced its way into his mouth, and pushed his weaker and sur- prised tongue easily to one side and thrust its way down his aching throat. Hers was a tongue that had been trained by a master - Ali - and was as muscled and fit as the rest of that young girl's fantastic physique. The invading tongue rasped the sides of his throat and tickled his tonsils until his arms fell back against his sides and he moaned in agony and his loins again began to twitch. And Angie arched above him and reached down with one hand to slide his rigid, turgid penis into the mouth of her waiting slippery vaginal cave. She lowered herself gently onto the long, thick dong and felt it penetrate where nothing had ever been before. She sank still further onto that rigid penis until it pressed hard against her hym- eneal wall - harder! - and harder! until the wall was burst in a flood of blood and fluid and the most exquisite pain! Angie was no longer a virgin! Her arms and her legs tightened like vices around the torso and legs of the man that had `ravished' her, and she squeezed with all her might until his cock erupted from the pressure of her iron grip, and he ejaculated completely into his daughter's overflowing vagina, exhaustingly and wholly and finally. Once more, he was beaten. Again, an inert and helpless hunk of flesh. And this time, it was not at the hands of his powerful, magnificently-muscled Amazon wife - but at the hands of his powerful, magnificently-muscled Amazon daughter. He just lay there and moaned. God knows what she would do to him when she reached her teens! Angie also lay there, in a glow of ecstasy! She had been screwed! She had been fucked! - fucked good and thoroughly! She was no longer a virgin! She was now a WOMAN! WOW! WOW and WOW! She was so happy, she laughed out loud, and she was so completely sexually satisfied that she just wanted to lie there forever! But common sense prevailed. Ali would kill her if she ever found out that her husband had been screwed by her darling, loving daughter. And, even if it had been rape and Chris had been a powerless victim, she figured Ali would kill him, too, or at the very least, rip his balls off. And - Angie grinned - she sure didn't want THAT! So Angie, for the second time that night, picked up the dead weight of her helpless dad, cuddled him in her muscular arms, and stole silently back to the main house and into Chris' bedroom. She laid him on the bed, and watched him in the moonlight that slanted into the room. He had a completely sated look, and a silly grin was beginning to form on his sleeping face. Angie grinned, and crept silently to her own bed. She had no trouble sleeping that night! ********************************************* Chris and Angie went about their usual routines the next day, secure in the knowledge their sexual escapade the night before was still secret. In fact, Angie took erotic pleasure in finding ways to encounter Chris and to rub her body against his in the most seductive way she could - and that was plenty seductive! After all, Angie was only a ten-year-old girl with all of the self-confidence that that age proclaimed. Chris resisted, but only because he in no way wanted to arouse Ali's suspicions - not because he found Angie's overt advances at all unpleasant or undesirable. He was, after all, a normal sex-hungry human male, and last night *HAD* been a pretty fantastic experience - what he was able to recall of it! But it was all to no avail. After supper, when all of them were relaxing in their own way, Ali called Chris and Angie over and told them, in her most commanding voice, to sit. "OK! Just what have you two been up to? As if I didn't know! Well? Are you going to tell me? You are the most guilty-looking conspirators I've ever laid eyes on!" Neither of the two `guilty-looking conspirators' spoke up. Chris blushed and stammered, and Angie just looked complacent, with a big sheepish grin spreading across her face. "OK. You won't tell me, so I'll tell you! Angie, you screwed Chris last night, and I think you screwed him good! At least I know, from the mess in your bed, that you're not a virgin any more. And, from the trouble I had waking Chris this morning, I can guess who it was that broke your cherry - as if there *WAS* anyone else! Good for you! And I think it was a new experience for Chris, too. I wasn't prolific as a girl, but I wasn't a virgin when I married your father, so It was good for him, too." " Angie, I have one thing to say! In my present condition, I can't satisfy Chris' sexual needs - but you can. YOUR sexual demands are now getting too strong to be ignored, and you need a man to satisfy THEM. So, the case is clear! You two will just have to be lovers, and you have my blessing! UNTIL I'M BACK IN CONDITION! After that I'll kill either of you that even looks at the other! Comprendez? Besides, when I DO get back in shape, BOTH of you will need all of your strength to satisfy ME." and Alison grinned. "And that won't be easy! I intend to make up for all of the fucking I'm missing now." Chris and Angie looked at each other, then Angie went over to Chris and lifted him up over her head. "Great, lover, but I don't think there will be much of you left to satisfy Ali when I get through with you. I'll have to take that job on by myself - and I'm looking forward to it!" Angie put down Chris, and put her arms out to Ali, and the three lovers, husband, wife and daughter, or if you like, Amazon Queen, devoted and loving consort, and Herculean super-child, hugged and kissed, and the future looked good! **************************** Angie wasted no time in making good her threat to Chris. Almost every night, she would stride - no more sneaking around, not since she'd been given Ali's blessing - into Chris' room, gather him up in her powerful arms and carry him into her own personal, private house and drop him onto her own bed. What she did then varied from night to night - sometimes she caressed him gently until he ached for release, and then took his great dong inside her oozing, hungry cunt and caressed him there with the strong, muscular walls of her eager vagina until her powerfully muscled, helpless dad exploded in a violent, screaming ejaculation that left him collapsed and exhausted in his daughter's arms; sometimes she clamped his head between her rock-hard thighs as she lay on top of him, and took his massive, growing erection between her teeth, into her mouth, and down her throat where the muscles of her long, tightly-packed neck massaged his cock into a length and hardness he couldn't believe until his balls could no longer cope, and shot their great load of semen into the depths of Angie's stomach, leaving his cock as limp and useless as a wet noodle; and sometimes she seized him violently by the neck and the knees, and bent him into the shape of a crooked pretzel, with his head between his knees and his arms extended helplessly around his calves, and her long strong tongue would push and twist at his pulsing anus until it entered and rasped the inside of his asshole until he screamed with pain and his anal ring collapsed and her whole mouth sealed his rectum and sucked with such vacuuming force that his entire bodily functions gave way and all his body fluids just poured in a great billowing stream over Angie's face and over his torso and over the bed, and the big, strong, mature male collapsed in the arms of his ten-year-old female child who dominated him completely, physically and sexually and morally, and who loved every moment of her domination! And who loved her father with all her great black heart! Whatever the method Angie used, when she picked her father up in her arms and trotted down into the sea to wash the sexual residue off both of them, he was exhausted and completely inert. When she dropped him into his own bed to sleep the deep and dreamless sleep that he needed to regain his strength to withstand his daughter's future use of him - and that would be frequent and ferocious - she stroked his head and tucked him carefully in and let her lips slide gently over his. He would cuddle down into the covers and sigh softly as he closed his eyes in sleep, but some nights - not very often - he would slide his tired arm over his daughter's wide back, and feel the bulging, rippling ropes of muscle that Angie would flex and harden under the pressure of his hands, and he would moan quietly to himself as his arm dropped back to lie beside his inert and flacid penis. Angie would grin an understanding grin - and plan an even more debilitating episode for tomorrow! Chris was strong and powerfully developed and fit as he had ever been in his life, but even so, he was totally unable to keep up with the sexual demands of his young daughter. Angie had taken over Ali's program for muscular development - and a fearsome program it was! A round-the-island run and swim, ending with a tree-climbing finish where Ali was often in the tree- house to cheer her growing daughter on. Then a horrendous weight-training session in the afternoon - under Ali's supervision, usually, then, after that, some hard muscle-blasting work, digging foundations, logging and log collecting, or hunting for meat for the table. Angie now had no trouble at all running down, killing, and carrying home all the deer that they could eat - maybe not the big ones, like her mother, but the smaller ones were tastier anyway. In spite of this strenuous activity, Angie's sexual needs - or, maybe, desires - never seemed to abate. She now, at ten, had the muscles and physique of a Greek god, the endurance of a marathon runner, the sexual needs of a nymphomaniac in a nunnery, and the complete lack of tolerance inherent in the mores of a pre-teen girl. She did, however, recognize the sexual limits of her male parent, and there was no way she wanted to comp- letely drain him - not yet, anyway. That would come when Ali was once again able - and anxious - to start screwing again. Then she would screw him into the ground and leave him utterly incapable of even getting a hard-on. Then she'd have Ali all to herself - and what a performance THAT was going to be! So there were some things that Angie learned that would make Chris eager to remain her dashing lover. One of these was to make sure her dad sat all through her afternoon weight-lifting sessions when Ali was not around. At those sessions, Angie was most concerned with flexing her fantastically- muscled physique to demonstrate every rippling and rock-hard muscle on her arms and legs, and to slide the ropes of muscle on her twisting back and plates of muscle on her cut and valleyed abs, right in front of his eyes. To do this in such a way that sweat poured out of every pore, and her tawny skin shone in the afternoon sun so that she looked like a glowing golden statue. With that vision flexing naked before his eyes, alone on that Paradise island, his thoughts were not so much on sex as on the desperate need to touch that golden nymph - and he couldn't! He had to wait until the night - but, boy!, he'd be ready then! So - grinning at him from the posing platform! - would Angie! Another little trick that Angie used on her father when he was exhausted and just couldn't get it up anymore, and when she felt like having just one more piece of ass before she tucked him into bed - and god knows where she learned it - was to exercise her toes. She had strong toes, flexible toes, connected to her powerful, high-arched feet by muscular tendons that gave each toe almost unbelievable strength. She could stand on the corner of a platform on just the great toe of either foot and it would bear all of her weight while she performed deep knee bends holding a seventy-five lb. weight (over half her body-weight!) in her arms. Her feet, even though they were small, were also tremendously strong, and the soles of them were as tough as tanned leather. Running at full speed over rocky scree was no problem at all. So, when her dad collapsed before Angie was fully satisfied, sexually, she would lay him on the floor beside the bed, sit on the edge of the bed and, gently, stroke his soft lips with the tips of her toes. When his lips began to respond, she would slide her foot inside his mouth and fondle his tongue with her flexing toes until he came awake and seized her invading foot with both his hands and start to suck her toes; her great toe, her little toe, and all the toes between, and between each wriggling digit. When her dad was fully absorbed with her toes in his mouth, she would just as gently, with her other foot, stroke the skin underneath his now not-quite-so-flacid penis, until that organ swelled and got longer and harder and a thick creamy fluid would start to drip from the tip. More gentle touching would bring that mighty dong to utter and rapt attention, but, before it could achieve the shattering relief of ejaculation, Angie would stand upright on one foot on his chest, driving the breath right out of his lungs, and expelling her other foot violently from his mouth. As he gasped for breath, expanding his loins, his female child would drop into a squat over his still grossly engorged penis and would slide it inside her creamy cunt and squeeze it with all the strength of the muscled walls of her vagina, then straighten her powerful legs until her father was raised up from the ground, suspended by his cock entrapped in his ten-year-old daughter's cunt. As he hung, suspended in mid-air, Angie would reach over and pinch his nipples between her thumb and fingers and massage them until they, too, became turgid and swollen and he moaned in agony and in helpless pleasure. The moans became screams of pain and the pleasure turned to erotic ecstasy as the over-muscled, over-sexed, under-aged girl rippled the powerful muscles in the walls of her tunnel of love, and masturbated her dad until he shot his wad deep inside her, against the hymenal dam, and finally collapsed in an inert lump as his milky cum poured out of his cock, out of his gleeful daughter's cunt, and over his belly and balls. The pressure of his ejacula- tion drove Angie's lusting organs of love over the edge, and she would explode in a violent orgasmic explosion that threw her high into the air screaming a victory roar. (Whether this wakened Ali is not at all certain, but she never came to investigate, and when Angie dropped her unconscious dad into his bed, after his cleansing dip in the sea in his daughter's arms, and took a quick peak at her pregnant Amazon mother lying quite still in her bed, Ali seemed to be grinning a knowing grin.) Angie's threat to screw her dad into the ground before Ali was again ready to return to the marital bed was close to being realized. After six months of continual, hard-driving sex at the eager, lusty hands of his ten-year-old, powerfully-muscled daughter, he was ready, whenever she just smiled up at his strong, handsome face, or ran her fingers lightly over his broad, muscular chest, to collapse at her feet in agony and explode in a violent ejaculation. And his sexy child just loved the control she had over her big, strong, hand- some male parent, and was eagerly waiting to see if she could, in any way at all, also control the fantastically-physiqued jungle goddess that had given birth to her almost eleven years before. "God! That would be great!" she thought. Then, suddenly, after Ali had given birth to another bouncing baby boy, had suckled him for four months, and was just handing him over for care and keeping to her husband and oldest son, (they would be his care-givers while she recovered her tremendous strength and fitness once more) Angie's sexual desires just ended! She didn't want to screw her father, she had no desire to screw her mother, and she completely lost interest in the program hat Ali and she had devised to develop her physique - and which had been so tremendously successful! Why? What was the reason for this complete and utter change? Why, as her grinning Amazon mother explained, she had gotten pregnant! Now, of all times, just as she was beginning to fully enjoy her life of sex and leisure. Now it was Ali's turn to educate Angie to the facts of life, and to the joys of motherhood that lay ahead for her favorite and well-loved child. And Ali did that well, fully supported by Chris (who was also relieved at escaping the sexual torments he'd been subjected to by Angie!), so that before long, Angie was eagerly looking forward to this new and most exciting chapter in her very young life. And Ali was again eager to resume her sexual intimacies with her almost - but not quite - worn-out husband. **************************************** Slowly, thngs returned to normal on that paradise island. Ali ran the `circuit' daily, alone now, since Angie was restricting her exercising to the much lesser amount that was necessary to maintain her fitness and strength to bear the baby that was rapidly growing within her. Chris slept a lot to recover from the physical and sexual battering his daughter had given him before she became aware of her pregnant condition. He was making great progress, but he wasn't quite ready to endure the violence of the love-making that his jungle Queen would subject him to when he was again physically fit. Brendan, now nine years old and, while not in the same physical category as his amazon mother and sister, was a big, strong, eager kid. For his age, he was mature, and he loved looking after the younger children that were now three in number (and would be four, when Angie's child arrived). The cooking was Chris's main chore, so all of the youngsters were Brendan's to love and to teach and to take care of. Of course he needed guidance, as much as he could get, and the source of that became, generally, his own mother, whenever she was not roaming the jungle, collecting fruit and nuts, or running down deer on the savannahs, to carry home for meat on their table. Alison's relationship with Brendan, now that Angie had other, more compelling, interests, became closer and, as she guided him through the paths of parenthood, albeit by proxy, they found many occasions to romp and play together, Chris happily taking over the baby-sitting chores. Brendan, a strong, athletic nine-year-old, loved to ride his mother's broad shoulders as she ran through the jungle and, although he didn't ride the island circuit with her regularly, he did from time to time and, sometimes, he stayed on her shoulders as she chased the deer. The feel of her mighty muscles stretching and flexing under his tightly clamping arms and legs was as exciting to him as it had been to his sister years before, and had the same erotic effect. The wind blowing through his hair as Alison sped across the savannah floor in pursuit of a panicking buck, and the thrill of the final surge of speed and leap through the air to enclose the struggling animal in her powerful arms, stirred powerful emotions in his inner being, especially in his maturing loins. As Alison lifted the captured buck onto her chest to grasp its head and twist and wring its neck until it lay painlessly dead, and then to drop it at her feet, Brendan would be completely overcome by the power and physical beauty of the woman who had carried him - and who still did! - and his creamy ejaculation would coat the great cords of muscle rippling over his mother's powerful back. Alison would laugh out loud at this sexual display and would gather him in her arms and hug him to her rock- hard, valleyed abdominal muscles and striated pecs and flex her rippling muscles against his young but rampant and helpless cock until he came again - and again. Then, gathering her killed prey in her arms and shrugging her limp son onto her shoulders, Alison would complete her circuit of the island, taking time, while powering through the rocky surf, to wash the residue of her son's erotic ejaculation off both of their naked bodies. Sometimes, after these hunting expeditions, Chris would wonder why Alison would be so powerfully agressive and driving in her sexual demands of him, and why she would take him again and again, until he was completely drained and inert and limp, and she would still tear down to the sea for a long, exhausting, hour-long swim before returning to their bed to sleep. Alison's bonding with her growing son did not occur only on trips around the island or in the fastness of the jungle. Both of them were fantastic swimmers, and they both loved to play in the warm sea. For hour after hour, they would swim and dive in the surfing waves, and they would play tag, or would duck each other, or pull each other down into the depths of the sea until it appeared they were more animals of the sea than animals of the land. Sometimes near the shore, and sometimes miles out at sea, where no land was visible, and the only way they could tell where the island lay was by the column of smoke that rose from their cooking fire, they would frisk and play for hours. For some reason, be it the support of the salty water, or what- ever, the exercising they did - and it was tremendous - did not seem to ever tire them out. Mother and child, amazon Queen of the Jungle and frisky aquatic playboy, naked as the day they were born, Alison and Brendan played together and enjoyed each other's company - and each other's bodies! It was easy, when Brendan wanted to dive, for Alison to tread water and lift Brendan high in the air on her hands, to give him a stable launching platform for any kind of dive - swan, somersault, back, or whatever. Or, for a change, mother and son would submerge ten feet or so and then, in a powerful burst of speed, Alison would drive to the surface and above and, with a tremendous thrust of her arms and legs, heave the boy twenty feet into the air. He would arch and twist and land in the sea with a splash and a great laugh. And they would do it again and again. When Brendan tired - and he was still a youth, so it was fairly often, con- sidering the effort that went into their play - he could always find a ready resting place. Alison would simply float on her back in the waves, and he would lie on top of her, almost completely out of the water. And the platform was amazingly stable - he had no trouble falling asleep, and he often did so, for an hour or more at a time. Usually, he lay on his back on his floating mattress, but there were times when he lay on his stomach. When he did that, it was not always restful! Alison would grin at him, hold him close with her arms around him (she floated like a balloon tire in the salt water, when her massive chest was pumped full of air, and there was no need for her to use her hands to float), and quietly flex her muscles. She flexed her pecs, and her bulging abs, and her powerful thighs, first one and then the other, and then them both, with Brendan's swollen penis trapped between them. The friction of his mother's muscular thighs on his trapped, turgid cock drove the young- ster up the wall, and he struggled like a fiend to escape the smooth, slick, steel clamp that was encapturing him, encapturing and pumping his throbbing cock until he screamed in agony and shot his wad deep into the sea between his tormentor's thighs. His tormentor? Yes! And his magnificently-muscled mother and his lover, now growing sexually aroused, and his completely- controlling captor. She ignored his puny struggles, laughed at his erotic explosion, and slid his naked body up her own until their lips met and her tongue slid into his mouth and, pushing his own easily to one side, entered his throat and licked and flickered until he whimpered in delight and his penis hardened and grew long and thick and turned solid as a rod of steel. It now rested against his mother's pulsing abs and was held there tightly by its possessor's arms wrapped strongly around the corded waist of his support- ing lover. When her rippling abs surged firmly against his cock, his young body could not withstand the dual friction of tongue and abdominal muscles and he ejaculated violently over his mother's chest, into the cleavage between her breasts, covering her nipples with his creamy cum. Alison laughed and sank beneath the water, separating herself from her exhausted son and cleaned both of their bodies off in the salty sea. Then she floated on her back once more and pulled Brendan over her so that he could rest from his exhausting sexual escapades. Now he slept, with his head between his mother's breasts, and his arms dangling in the water beside her deep chest, while she surfed serenely on top of the waves, her hands behind her head. In this position, Brendan lay almost completely out of the water and, in the hot sun, his brown, slender, fit young body was very soon quite dry. After an hour or so of deep, restoring sleep, Brendan wakened and was eager to resume his erotic play. So was his mother! Child-birth had not reduced her tremendous sexual needs, and Chris alone could not satisfy them, and Angie, who could have and would have (and maybe Chris's as well!), was deep in the throes of pregnancy and not available for the kind of sex that Alison needed to subdue the fires in her loins. Chris tried, till he was limp and exhausted and inert, but it was nowhere near enough. Angie went down on her mentor and hero and almost-rival, and she, after her experience raping her father, gave fantastic head, but it still was not enough. Now Brendan was developing, and with the proper coaching, he would certainly help to fulfil her sexual needs - and provide more sexual pleasures. And he would certainly get the proper coaching - and lots of it! When Brendan wakened, the living raft on which he had been asleep still seemed quiet and unaware of his awakening. Playfully, he stretched his arms to their limit and wrapped them around the great muscular chest that had supported him (his fingers barely touched and he had to squeeze with all his might to grasp his hands together). Alison, lying apparently dead in the water, grinned at his efforts then brought her own powerful arms down to her sides, entrapping his arms, and slowly sank under the water, deeper and deeper, until her son, unable to escape, unable to breathe, had to gulp in great quantities of sea water. Then his mother, his own sadistic, monstrous mother, let him go and watched gleefully as he struggled to the surface where he coughed and sputtered to get rid of the water in his lungs. Alison finally surfaced behind him, circled her arms around his chest and gave a mighty squeeze. The rest of the water in the boy's lungs poured out in a mighty eruption, and he was able, once more, to move under his own power. "Mother! Why did you do that? Were you trying to drown me? You know I can't dive as deeply as you can - and you wouldn't let me go! You scared the life out of me! Why did you do that?" Alison grinned. "Just having a little fun, hon. You were safe as churches in my arms, and I thought I'd exact a little payment, in advance, for the fun you're going to have." "What fun? What do you mean, mother?" "I mean this kind of fun, starting right now." and, with that, she pulled Brendan toward her, floated onto her back, and slid her son's unresisting torso over her own until their lips came into contact with each other's. Alison's tongue pressed into the young boy's mouth, thrust his to one side, and slid forcefully down his throat, then pulled back, then pushed in again. Out and in, out and in, till Brendan's whole being burned with desire for the being that was raping his mouth and throat and heart. His body responded to his erotic enslavement, and his penis grew hard and thick and long. The strength of his sexual arousal was made more powerful by the flexing of the rock-hard mounds of Alison's abdominal muscle structure, now pressing hard against her son's massively turgid dong. Brendan moaned. Brendan screamed, as best he could with his rapist's tongue full down his throat. And Brendan tried with all his might to ejaculate, to come in order to relieve the over- powering pressure on his balls, but he couldn't! His mother, his own sadistic, monstrous mother, had her hand on his testicles and held on with a grip of steel to prevent the slightest bit of seed escaping from that tortured prick. Brendan lay there, miles from land, alone in the trackless sea, helpless on his mother's body, while she pleasured herself with her young son's sexually aroused, physically fit, and maturely endowed physique. Having achieved his arousal - trmendously - and arrested his attempts at relief by ejaculation, Alison slid her tongue out of her son's now limp mouth and gently stroked his torso over her own until his long, thick, iron-hard penis was poised over the opening to her pulsing, cream-covered vaginal cavity, and her strong hands were sliding over the tight muscles of his anus. Then, with a powerful twist of her powerful fingers, she penetrated his virgin sphincter, and forced his ready dong deep inside her eager, grasping cunt. Brendan screamed - and now he could! But to no avail. His wails were lost in the empty sky. And Brendan twisted and struggled to escape the powerful, female, sexually engorging prison that hurt so much he wished he were dead - but which, somehow, he wanted to last forever! His rotten, vicious mother had removed her hand from his balls, and now he could come, he thought, but no! his cock was now captured by an even more powerful grip - the steely-muscled, silken, cream-coated walls of a pulsing cunt. He was still throttled but, somehow, it didn't hurt anymore. The feeling was the most exciting, pleasurable feeling he had ever had in his whole life. And his asshole, stretched and penetrated by strong fingers, no longer hurt like crazy, but was part of the overall feeling of excited, stomach-wrenching pleasure. Brendan lay there, on his mother's body, wondering what more could possibly be done to him. He was helpless, he was sexually, powerfully, eagerly erect, and his bed was the warm, comforting, magnificently-muscled physique of his own mother, alone in a sunlit sea. What more could be done to him? Alison knew! Softly, gently, she flexed the muscles in the silky walls of her cunt and firmly, those walls stroked up and down along her son's engorged penis until, with a powerful eruption, the young boy blew his wad and ejaculated into his mother's womb. He screamed, with pleasure and with pain, and collapsed, even more closely, onto the muscular bed of Alison's torso. Alison laughed out loud. Her son, now nine years old, was sexually mature, a man, and another source of pleasure to satisfy her erotic hungers. Young, yes. Big and hard enough, yes. But did he have the stamina to recover from the tremendous drain on his capacity for sex - for wild, explosive, hungry sex? Alison would just have to find out. To start, she let Brendan rest on her for a short while to recover - to recover from both his physical exhaustion and his mental upheaval, for both had been devastated by his first hetrosexual experience. A strong, athletic kid, with a strong sexual drive, accelerated by his proximity to the great, magnificently-muscled physique of his mother, and the striated, rippling, bulging muscles of his eleven-year old sister who, he well knew, was far more powerful, physically, mentally, and sexually, than the herculean athlete that was his dad, he'd had his share of wet dreams - and the Queen of the Jungle, his amazon mother, had figured strongly in those! But, in reality, he was still a virgin - until now! And now his virginity had been ripped from him by the virile, sensual physique of his own mother, who he loved and admired and worshipped, and who had often been an unknowing participant in his nocturnal sexual adventures. Was he exhausted? Yes! Was he eager to resume his sexual encounter with his mother - and now, his LOVER? YES, YES, and YES! Just as soon as he recovered his strength. Brendan rested, lying face-down on Alison's massively muscular physique, his naked body in close conformance with the naked body of his mother. His young head rested on her striated pectoral muscles, supported by her firm, round breasts; his chest and shoulders tight against the mounds of muscle that covered her rock-hard belly; his hips and thighs snuggled against her warm pubic mound; and his long, muscular legs entwined with hers, his feet pressing so hard on her insteps that he could have done push-ups on her floating torso, except that, in the middle of his slender, fit body, his penis was trapped firmly in the velvet clamp that was his mother's valleyed thighs. Since he couldn't do push-ups, he slept. After a while, Brendan awakened, refreshed and, once again, ready to feel the erotic, physical excitement that close contact with his mother, close, intimate contact, aroused in his nubile, thirsting loins. Alison felt his eager awakening, and grinned to herself. Alone, miles from land, in the soft, comforting grip of the warm sea, the two lovers held each other close together, skin to skin, along the full touching lengths of their torsos, and Alison began to flex her rock-hard, valleyed muscles, rippling them all along the length of her son's eagerly responding body. His penis, released from the captur- ing clamp of the silky muscle of his mother's thighs, rose long and strong and thick and hard, and quested hungrily for the soft lips of the creamy cave that held him so tightly and warmly. His cock, with a little help from strong fingers, found its way into the tunnel of love, and grew greater still with the erotic pulsing of the newer, tighter clamp containing it. His mother's muscular legs entwining his, her powerfully-muscled arms enclosing his gasping chest and holding him securely to her massive chest, he lay in the depths of a fanastic sexual adventure that culminated in a tremendous explosion of an ejaculation that filled his mother's powerfully erupting womb with the creamy fruits of his loins, and Alison came in an explosive orgasm that threw the strong, lithe torso of her young son right out of her vaginal cave, off her powerful physique, into the depths of the surrounding sea. She laughed, excited by the fantastic sensual experience, and reached out to rescue the limp and woefully weakened body of her exhausted son from the depths he was descending into - and found that he was going happily to his doom with a wide grin on his face. Her son saved from his fate, and now clinging tightly to her broad shoulders, Alison struck out for the invisible shore, marked only by a thin column of smoke from their cooking fire. Both of them were grinning widely at the success of their afternoon's romp in the waves. It was not long after Alison and Brendan had their most exciting day at sea that Alison discovered she, too, was pregnant - not at all surprising, con- sidering the sexual orgy she had enjoyed with her nine-year-old son. Maybe he was only nine, but Brendan was a strong, well-developed (In ANY sense!), mature male and, in that island environment, physical and sexual maturity went hand in hand. So it was really no surprise that another infant would soon be added to the crop that Brendan, now much helped by the growing and caring hands of Tina, his younger sister, was happily nurturing. However, in spite of Alison's fantastic muscular physique and unbelievable level of fitness, she was forty years old and this would be her sixth child. It became obvious, early in the pregnancy, that this would be her last. It would not be an easy time for her, and even her powerful sex drive was just not there for her while she was with child. And since Angie had almost reached full term and had no desire for further sexual escapades, Chris found that, for the first time in almost twenty years, he could go to bed at night and wake up in the morning rested and refreshed, instead of being the limp and exhausted sex toy of his loving wife or daughter, depending on who was USING him at the time. He welcomed the change! But he did not so much enjoy the change in their usual diet. With both Alison and Angie temporarily excluded from providing meat for their table, their diet became a vegetarian one, supplemented by the fish Chris, now an able fisherman, caught. So life on the island went on. The family grew in age and numbers, as the sexual development and needs and urges of the younger generations kept apace with their life of ease and pleasure on that tropical island. As a matter of record the chart given here details that happy family's growth: The Family Tree: Brendan Donna Grace Chris Alison Angie Tina Edgar Fran 30 21 36 > 27 0 39 > 30 3 0 41 > 32 5 2 0 43 > 34 7 4 2 0 46 > 37 10 7 5 3 0 47 - - - - - ----> 11 8 6 4 1 0 39 <-- - - - - -- 9 7 5 2 0 1 13 < 0 - 10 8 6 3 1 2 51 - - - - - - 0 > 15 12 10 8 5 3 4 13 - 0 > 11 9 6 4 5 15 - -- - -- - - 0 >11 8 5 6 18 < 0 - 15 13 11 8 5 6 16 - 0 > 13 12 9 6 7 56 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 >15 12 7 8 9 20 < 0 - 18 16 <0 - - - - --11 8 9 19 17 15<0 - 12 9 10 20 - 0 > 18 16 13 10 11 20 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- 0>11 12 22 < 0 - - - --------- - - - - - - - - - --14 11 12 21 --------- - - - - - - - - - - -- --- -0>11 13 60 51 24 21 19 17 15 ---- ---- - - 0 >13 ************************************************* Epilogue: " And thus endeth the lesson ---" One day, a ship came by and all of the family - 6 2nd generation 12 3rd " 3 4th " departed for civilization to live happily ever after - at least, we hope they did - we never saw or heard of them again. But we do know that the two of us - Alison, Queen of the Jungle and I, her devoted and loving subject - DID remain on the island - the blessed, enchanted isle - and DID live happily ever after." Chris. **************************************************