The story of a castaway family, its growth and adventures, both physical and sexual. By Rampant Tiger. THE ISLAND (Part 2) While both Chris and Alison were well fed with the nutritious fruit and nuts to be found on the island, they both felt there was something missing in their diet. Meat. Not for nutrition - their present dietary intake was well balanced, completely nutritious, and tasted great. But still - they both missed the taste and texture of a thick steak or a good slice of roast beef. Talking about this one evening, Chris insisted he'd seen large animals grazing on the lush grass in the savannas on the other side of the rock plateau. "Grazing animals should make good eating, Alison. It's a pity we have no weapons of any sort, or the know-how to make effective traps. If we did, we might be able to kill one of them _ I'm sure they're there - and find out just how good they would be to sink our teeth into." Alison shrugged her massive shoulders. "Maybe we don't need traps or weapons. The wild cats and other animals get along without them, and I'm sure they eat very well. Maybe we could, too. Let's try it tomorrow, after my afternoon workout. Instead of going for a long swim, I'll drop over there and scout around. It might be worth a look." "OK, Ali, but take me with you. I want to see whatever is there, too" And so it was agreed. Next day, on their morning run, Chris kept his eyes wide open for signs of grazing animals, and twice he caught a glimpse of what looked like elk or deer standing in a meadow. One particular sighting looked very hopeful, so they decided to return to that spot later that day. Excited about the prospect, they breezed through their morning program and Alison's afternoon program (Chris slept. He wanted to be fresh for the hunt!) and by mid-afternoon, Chris was back in the stirrups on the slippery, muscular back of his sweating steed. Alison was still steaming with pers- piration after her unbelievable workout, and was going to use the run to cool off. (Cool off! For Christ sake! Running ten miles and swimming three, all through deep sand and rocky scree with a two-hundred lb man on her back, to cool off? Give us a BREAK!) So off they went at Alison's usual breakneck speed, along the beach, through the swelling sea, over the rocky scree, and along another mile of beach until they came to the spot Chris had identified as where he was sure he had seen the animals grazing. There, Alison cut inland through a break in the forest that covered this part of the island. The terrain here was not at all like the jungle that surrounded their familiar home; there was almost no underbrush in the forest, and it was broken up by wide savannas dotted with widely scattered clumps of trees. And there, not far off, was a herd of grazing animals. In the distance could be seen another herd and small groups of the same animals were scattered about the open landscape. The looked like elk or large deer, and the adults seemed to average about five or six hundred pounds. "Wow!" shrieked Alison, "We're in like Flynn! Now all we have to do is catch one of these beasts and we'll have us roast for supper! They look pretty fast but I think I can do it. But not with you on my back, so I'll leave you here." 'Here' being a tree they were standing underneath, in the cool shade of its spreading branches, the lowest of which was about twce their height above the ground. "But not on the ground. Besides, you'll see better from high in the tree. Hang on tight!" And, with Chris clinging to her massive, muscular back, with his legs clamped tight about her slim, steel- plate waist, Allison leaped for a sturdy branch twelve feet high. She caught it easily and swung astride it in a single motion. "Here you are Chris. Go up as high as you like, and maybe you'll see me catch a deer. I hope so, anyway." Laughing, Alison dropped from the tree and started running toward the nearest herd of deer. Grazing peacefully, the deer were still fully alert to danger and, as soon as Alison moved toward them, they were off running at top speed. Legs flashing in the blazing sun, Alison was after them, at a speed Chris just couldn't believe! In less than a mile, she'd caught up to the trailing members of the herd, the calves and the smaller females, and passed them by in pursuit of larger game. She selected a healthy-looking buck and gradually cut it out from the herd. In spite of its desperate speed, as it fled for its very life Alison soon overtook it and seized it by its long legs. Screaming in victory, she raised it high above her head and waved to Chris. Then she dropped her prey to the ground and struck one blow with her clenched fist to the top of the animals forehead, and it dropped to the ground dead. Killed quickly and painlessly and effortlessly - and the two castaways now had meat for supper. Chris had seen it all from his perch in the tree, and as he became aware of Alison's tremendous speed as she chased the herd, the unbelievable beauty of her fantastic form in motion, he began to get excited - sexually excited! When she caught up to the herd and separated the buck, his rock-hard erec- tion was throbbing painfully and, when he saw her raise the deer above her head, then strike the blow that killed it, he shot his wad into the leaves of the tree. He saw, in his mind, the rippling, striated mounds of muscle that cvered her body from head to toe, and felt, in his imagination, the rock-hard physique, the steel-strong flexing, and the lightning-fast reflexes that had made his wife his protector and provider, and the beauty that he craved to look at and to touch that made her his fantastic, untiring lover and seducer and, whenever she felt like it, a rapist that drove him insane with so completely sated lust. These thoughts, as he watched his favorite amazon running across the plain toward him, carrying her prey on her shoul- der, drove him into another sexual frenzy, and he came again. The deer, as close as they could tell, was a fully mature buck weighing about six hundred pounds. Alison could carry it home easily enough, even with Chris on her back, but how would they pack it? It was finally decided to wrap the animal around Alison's waist, tying its legs in front of her with her strong, vine belt, and for Chris to sit on top of the beast with his legs over Alison's shoulders with her loin-cloth, running around her back, tied to both of his feet, securing both of her 'passengers' tight against her body. Top-heavy, maybe, but that wasn't going to bother Alison. She took off in a run for home, and neither the sand beach, the rock scree, nor the wavy ocean was obstacle enough to slow her down. That night, their pot was put into use for something besides soup, and full and happy with belly- fuls of venison boiled dinner, they celebrated silently beside the summer sea. ******************* Chris, after about six months on the island, had regained his former strength - and more. He was fit as a fiddle, and now could contribute fully to all of the activities he and Alison could dream up to keep them- selves busy and to make life on the island more pleasant. One of Alison's worries was that she would become pregnant from their wild, tempestuous love-making, but Chris removed that concern when he told her he'd had a vasectomy years ago in college. He'd been afraid he'd knock up one of his college conquests and would have to marry her or forever pay child support, so he'd taken that way out. He'd been assured it would be reversible when he wanted it to be, but he hadn't had it reversed before they had left on their honeymoon. So now sex was just (just?) sex and they could indulge in it to their heart's content - or until Chris collapsed, whichever came first. One project that Chris went ahead with was the completion of their house in the treetops. Allison had hauled enough logs to the treetops, and they had built a strong floor. It would be bigger than their hut below, but they already had plans to enlarge that when they had the time. Chris was now erecting the walls and would soon start on the roof. They had made it par- ticularly strong because there had been some heavy storms and they'd noticed the tall trees had withstood the winds very well, whereas their hut had been swamped by heavy seas. So it would be their refuge in a storm - and a look- out for boats at sea. There hadn't been a sign of any of those, so far, nor had they even heard the sound of an aircraft. They were apparently castaway far off any travel routes. Of course, Chris was still dependent on Alison carrying him up to the treetops. He wasn't able to climb up the trunks, and his one attempt to shinny up the vine had been a complete failure. At about the forty-foot mark, just halfway up, he'd come to a standstill. Even using his arms and legs, holding onto the slippery vine was a tremendous test of strength, and climbing up it was almost impossible. By sheer muscle power and a tremendous effort of will, Chris did make it halfway up. Then he was stuck! He couldn't go up and he was afraid to go down, so he hollered for help. Alison, who had been in the middle of her weightlifting sets, trotted over and burst out laughing. "Ho, boy! What're you doing up there? You trying to escape, or something?" "Cut out the comedy! I'm getting tired holding on here. Get your ass up here and bring me down." "Yessah, Master. Right away! Just as soon as I can, but first I have to find that venison rib you were hiding from me. Let's see. Where could you have hidden it?" " Alison! For Christ' sake, have a heart! I'll fall and break my neck and then you'll be sorry. Hurry up!" "Now, I wonder. Where could that rib be hidden? I guess I'll just have to look everywhere. I think I'll start in the hut." "OK! OK! You muscle-bound bastard! You win! It's under the top log in the second pile. I was going to split it with you, anyway. So come and get me." "I will, sweetheart, as soon as I get that rib." And Alison streaked over to the pile, lifted the log, extracted the rib, and was back and up the vine to her quivering husband before Chris could shout any further insults. She lifted him onto her shoulders and carried him up the vine to the platform above, and then lay back and chomped happily on the rib. Chris glowered, then started to laugh, and put his arms around the massive muscular shoulders of his bride. "Thanks, lover. I owe you my life. I guess that's worth a lot more than any wormy rib I was going to split with you anyway. Can I have a piece of it?" "Sure, my wonderful, sexy husband, you can have the rest if you promise to show me that slow, foxy dance again tonight." "Boy! The sacrifices I make just to keep you happy. OK." And he squeezed Alison and then he kissed her and then she kissed him and they never did get any work done that afternoon. ***************** While Chris continued to work on the tree house, Alison decided to do some more exploring. In particular, she wanted to see what was on the top of the rock plateau. Getting up there was going to be a real challenge. She had, by now, travelled all around the base of it, both on the jungle side and on the forest side and nowhere had she found the semblance of a path to the top. (She had, however, in discussion with Chris, decided that the rock plateau was the reason for the difference in the environment on the two ends of the island. They had come to the conclusion that the moist prevailing winds, going up to get over the high plateau, became saturated, and dropped their moisture in the form of warm tropical rain on the jungle. The winds descending over the savannahs were drier and cooler. So, two very different eco-systems!) Since there were no paths to the top, Alison would have to devise some other method of getting there. Climbing the rock face was out of the question, even for Alison's Herculean physique. In some areas, the rock cliff was smooth at the bottom, and in others, smooth at the top, but nowhere was it rough from bottom to top. There were no cracks or chimneys in the soft rock, and piles of scree at the bottom of likely-looking places indicated rockfalls that boded poorly for a climber. Over a thousand feet high, no rope could be carried to the top by any means Alison could imagine. A scaffold could not even be contemplated, because of the scree in some places and the overhang in others, as well as the problems arising in trying to erect a structure more than a thousand feet high. Getting to the top seemed to be an impossible dream! Alison abandonned the idea - for the moment. Progress with the tree house was quite fast, with both working on it, and, when the next storm warnings came, Chris and Alison decided to ride it out in their house in the treetops. The storm built up slowly, then struck with all the fury of a typical South Sea hurricane. Their trees bent in the wind, almost to the point where the wall of the house was more like a floor. But they didn't break. The rain poured down in buckets and the two castaways were soaked to the skin as they clung to any protrusion they could find in the walls of the hut. 'Soaked to the skin' - just an expression! Alison wore a loincloth and Chris still had the remnants of his jeans, cut off at his thighs. But as the height of the storm passed by, they could see, far below, the waves smashing through their sturdy hut. It would be a hollow shell when they returned to it after the storm. At last, the rain eased off and the wind died down and, like a miracle, the sun blazed through the scattering clouds, glinting like sparklers from every watery surface. The contrast was miraculous and the peace was so very welcome. Surprisingly, the damage was light, mainly because there was so little to damage. Both huts still stood, and they found their cooking pot, so they really had not lost a thing. But they had learned of the power of a tropical storm, and that stayed with them, even as they clung to each other in the peaceful aftermath. So they had lost little, but they had gained a lot - even if they didn't find out about it until later! Cleaning up didn't take long, but their stocks of food had to be replenished. They were starting from scratch again, but this time they knew the area, they were both in top physical shape, and they had two good huts for shelter. And, importantly, they had not lost Chris' cigarette lighter. That simple item would be all-important as soon as they needed a fire. What they HAD lost, however, was the last potful of Alison's super-ginseng soup. The roots Alison had collected were gone in the wind and rain and, try as she might, she could no longer find the plant in the jungle. The storm had changed the whole area beyond recognition, and no roots were anywhere to be seen. Alison wondered what effect the absence of continued doses of the root soup would have on her magnificent physique, and on her super-human strength, and on her lightning reflexes. Well, she'd just have to wait and see. It didn't take very long to find out. At least, if there was going to be an effect, it was not going to be soon. A few days after the storm, she and Chris were foraging in the jungle clearings for fruit and nuts and berries to replace their lost stocks when Alison heard again the vicious growling roar that had scared her once before. At that time, she had fled for her life, and when she saw the beast that had roared, she had been very glad she did. It was that occurence that had started Alison on the program that, along with the super-ginseng soup, resulted in her tremendous strength. Now she had that strength, and she knew how to use it, and the roaring of the great boar no longer frightened her. It just presented her with a challenge, and a chance to erase a now-embarrassing memory. And she leapt at the chance! As the great beast got closer, intent on clearing intruders from his jungle territory, the growling became louder and more vicious, and the pounding of his hoofs could be heard approaching through the dense underbrush. Alison grunted in anticipation and prepared to stand her ground but, first she grabbed Chris by his ass with both hands and tossed him, like a basket- ball, into a nearby tree. "Let's get you out of the way, Chris, just in case things don't work out." Alison grinned, and turned to face the oncoming menace. Chris scrambled onto a overhanging branch, and surveyed the scene below. Accustomed as he was to the amazing physique of his Herculean wife, he just marvelled at the sight of her standing on the jungle floor, awaiting the onslaught of the great boar. Clad only in a loin-cloth, she stood in her bare, hardened feet astride the path of danger. Her plate-steel slabs of muscle gleamed in the sunlight filtering through the jungle screen, her massive, bulging, glistening biceps, big as beach balls and crowned with baseballs of rippling muscle, led to thick forearms of stressed steel, and her back and shoulders rippled like mounds of pythons rising from her striated glutes and massive, rock-hard thighs. The wall of her abdomen, as she twisted to face the oncoming roar, looked like a gleaming wall of mounds of armour plate. Chris gasped in awe. He'd never seen anything so strong, so beautiful, so graceful as this vision of his powerful champion as she faced the snarling, charging beast. At last, the boar emerged, with a deep-throated roar, from the underbrush and it charged straight at his waiting target. Head down, vicious tusks protruding, jaws open and slobbering, great shoulders hunched behind pound- ing hooves, the killing machine leaped straight at the unarmed obstacle in its path. Alison waited, standing still and poised. Then, as the impact of charger and charged seemed unavoidable, Alison leaped aside and, bracing her powerful legs, with a mighty twist of her massive shoulders she drove her clenched fist into the forehead of the enraged beast. The massive boar dropped, like a pole-axed steer, in a legless slide! Stunned, by a blow that would have killed an ox, it lay, squirming, in the dirt. Alison stepped over to the great, hulking beast and closed her powerful hands around its throat and squeezed. It kicked, it thrashed about, it screamed in agony as the life was squezzed from its terrible body by the muscled hands and arms of its joyful victor. At last, it lay still, dead as an old rock, and the menace had ended! Alison grabbed the massive beast by its hairy hide and, with a quick jerk and a powerful flexing of her rippling muscles, swung it up above her head, and then she gave a thundering victory roar! "THE KING OF THE JUNGLE IS DEAD! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" Chris stared, in amazement and pride, at the mighty monarch of the jungle his wife had become. He dropped from the tree and went to her side, and then he dropped on his knees beside her. "Majesty, my leige lord and master, I will be your wlling, humble slave forever, if you grant me your protection and your favour. Will you have me and love me and hold me, from this day forward, as long as we both shall live?" And Alison said, " I will. And will you have me and love me and cleave unto me, from this day forward, as long as we both shall live?" Chris said, "I will" and Alison picked him up from his knees, and they kissed long and tenderly. And so they reaffirmed their marriage vows there in the jungle with a dead boar at their feet and the jungle canopy over them. And somehow, those vows seemed to mean a lot more to both of them than they had before. ******************* Back at the hut, in the absence of cutlery, Alison tore the skin from the boar and ripped the flesh into meal-size chunks. Chris cooked these on a spit over the fire, and that night they dined like royal lovers on roast pig. They decided that eating boar was much better than being eaten by it. And then they talked a while and slept(?) until morning. Next morning, after their morning run (Alison's morning run?), Chris was in the treetops where Alison had dropped him off while she continued her body- building. Chris worked for a while on the almost-completed hut, then sat back to gaze out to sea while he relaxed. He always found that restful even if - or maybe it was because - there was never a thing to see except for the ever-changing wavy ocean. But, suddenly, his eyes passed over some- thing new, something, he was sure, that hadn't been there before. What was it? He focused on it, then looked away, and then looked back again, to be sure it was not just a figment of his imagination. But it wasn't! There was something there, all right. But what? A raft? A boat? A rock un- covered by the recent storm? Whatever, it was certainly there and he holl- ered excitedly down to Alison. "Quick, Ali, come here! There's something I want you to see." Alison dropped the weights she was using, struck by the urgency in Chris' voice, and ran over and up one of the tall, slim trees holding the hut - yes, literally RAN up the tree. Her hands went behind the narrow bole and sup- ported her upper body and her feet, pressing against the smooth bark, just carried her in a run right up the tree to where Chris was still staring at the object in the ocean. "What can it be?" they both wondered out loud. "Well, there's only one way to find out." said Alison, "I'll swim over and see." "Ali, that's over six miles away, and we're looking at it from eighty feet above the sea. If you swam out there, with your head at sea level, you'd never be able to find it. We'll need some device to tell you which way to swim. And it'll have to be big enough for you to see from six or seven miles away." After a few minutes thought, they had their signalling scheme figured out, and they put it into practice. A large circle of branches, secured by vines was formed and filled with the large palm leaves; then a smaller circle was made in the same way. The larger one was secured at the top of a tall up- right post and the smaller one to the end of a long pole. Both could be seen from a long way out at sea, and the position of the smaller circle, re- lative to the larger one, would indicate the direction, as determined by Chris, that Alison should swim to reach the unknown object. Satisfied with their plan, Alison started out from the shore. As they had realized,the object couldn't be seen by a swimmer, and Alison had to rely entirely on their signalling device - and it worked perfectly. As Alison neared the object, six or sevem miles out at sea, the signalling arm at last pointed directly to her right and Alison, turning in that direction, finally viewed her target - and what a target it was! There ahead of her, gleaming in the sun, was the broken tail-plane of the airliner in which they had crashed, nine months before. The last storm had obviously torn it from its resting place and tipped it up into view above the shallow sea. Alison climbed aboard the tailplane and waved happily back to Chris. It was a treasure trove of so many of the things they needed to make their lives so much easier, if they could only salvage it. How could that be done? They needed a plan, and Alison would head for the shore to discuss their good fortune with Chris. But first, Alison took an enormous breath and dived down, down, down, to the first open door. It was the rear passenger door, waving listlessly in the lazy current. The diver ducked inside and took a quick look around through the crystal-clear water. Mounted on the wall beside the exit was a toolbox holding an axe, a saw, and other emergency supplies, and Alison grabbed the axe. An AXE! She almost danced in glee, there, forty feet below the surface of the sea! With her trophy safely tucked in her belt, she struck out at last for shore. That night, in their excitement, they didn't sleep a wink. They just planned and re-planned, and tried to figure out a way to get both of them out there on some kind of salvage platform. They certainly agreed Alison's retrieval of the axe was a stroke of genius. The plan that finally seemed best was simple, but it would take a massive amount of strength on the part of one of them - Alison. First a small raft would be loaded with firewood and towed out to the site of the crash and tied to it. A small, smoky fire would be lit and Alison would come back to shore and pick up another, larger raft and Chris. The fire-raft would serve as a beacon to guide them to the aircraft, Alison would dive for the treasures, they'd load up the raft, and then head for home. It was a fine plan and it worked - once! Alison towed the fire- raft out, lit the fire, came back six miles for Chris and the bigger raft, towed it to the plane, and they loaded it. Boy, did they load it! Down, down, down, time after time, at a pace that would have killed ten men, the objects Alison retrieved were priceless, and foretold a whole new way of life on the island. Cutlery, cups and plates and bowls, pots and pans from the galley: tools fom the emergency locker - hammers, saws, chisels and tapes; binoculars, compasses, sextant, charts and maps and rulers, dividers and pencils - water-soaked but useable once they'd dried out. Cushions and blan- kets and many cigarette lighters and the fuel for them - a godsend. And, from a locker behind the pilot's chair, a locked, metal box that looked expensive and worth-while rescuing. They would find out someday what it held. Suitcases, clothing, and food they left behind this first, explor- atory trip. All of those things could come later but, for now, they just wanted to get back to land and evaluate the things they had rescued. So, finally, before it got too dark to see the distant island, the logs on the fire-raft were set afire again, and Alison set out for shore towing the heavily-laden raft and, of course, Chris. That night, before even taking an inventory, the two exhausted treasure-hunters dropped into bed and slept like logs until the slashing downpour and blasting winds of another tropical storm awakened them in the middle of the morning. It was violent, it was a raging hurricane, but it was mercifully short. By midday, it had passed, and the skies began to clear and the sun blazed down again, and the cast- aways started to delve through their newly-acquired treasure. How much more would there be? Lord! The excitement! Alison grabbed Chris, slung him onto her back, and went roaring up the tree to their hut, just to make sure their treasure trove was still there - and IT WASN'T! The tailplane was gone! Their raft was nowhere to be seen! The whole flat, wide horizon was completely empty! Somehow, the sea that had coughed up the plane, in a moment of gay abandon, had swallowed it again with a hearty laugh. The sea gives and the sea takes away! Chris and Alison were desolated - for a minute! Then the truth of the situation struck them both and they dissolved in laughter. They now had a raft piled high with all manner of things that a week before they'd have given their eye-teeth for. They were rich - and they knew it - even before they sorted out their new possessions. One thing they did check out was the locked, metal box. Lacking a key, they pried it open and there lay a fortune in unset gems - diamond, emeralds, rubies, and pearls - of all sizes, shapes, and colours. They were even richer than they thought! ****************************** The years rolled by. Alison and Chris completed work on their house in the tree- tops, and on their house on the edge of the jungle. That house, by dint of hard work and maximum use of their new modern tools - axes, saws, chisels, hammers - had grown into an almost palatial mansion, braced and proven against the fiercest tropical storms. Chris was once more the fit, powerful, superbly-muscled athlete he had been as a pro footballer, now ready to meet any challenge that could arise in the jungle or on the plains beyond the plateau. Meet it or, at least, evade it by judicious flight until Alison, Queen of the Jungle and Lord of the Island and Master of All She Surveyed, could respond to his screams for help and come to his aid. For Alison, in spite of the lack of additional super-ginseng soup, had re- tained her magnificent muscular physique and, by continuing, religiously, her fantastic program of muscle development and aerobic stressing, was in fact becoming stronger, faster, harder and, to Chris' delight and dismay, sexier! Both of them now wore only loincloths, and their hands and feet were like leather, inured to the rocks of the beach and thorns of the jungle. Exposed to the blazing tropical sun and the driving torrential rain alike, and ignoring both equally, they were tanned and weathered magnificent creatures of nature, at home on land or in the sea or under the jungle canopy. Food was plentiful and life was easy and sex was exciting and the world was their oyster! Queen and subject were content. Just as a matter of record, now they had tape measures, Chris insisted they record the Tale of the Tape for both of them. Chris knew what his measure- ments had been before the crash, so that would provide a standard to compare to. Chris' comparative measurements were: Before Now Height 6'4" 6'4" Weight 220 lbs. 240 lbs. Neck 17" 18" Biceps 17" 18" Forearms 10" 11" Chest 40" 44" Waist 28" 30" Hips 36" 36" Thighs 26" 26" Calves 14" 16" On the same basis, the weights that Chris lifted, in his training, were pretty hefty as well: One-arm curl(10/set) 40 lbs. 60 lbs. Bench Press 200 250 Leg Extensions 80 120 Triceps Extensions 30 50 Flyes 40 60 Toe Raises 200 250 Squats 300 400 Dead Lifts 350 450 What Alison had measured and what she had been able to lift, BG (Before Ginseng) was pretty academic. She'd been 5'4" in height and had weighed a sexy, curvy 110 lbs, but if she'd had to lift a box of books, she would need some of the always-available help. She was beautiful and sexy and smart - but she was NOT strong! But that was then. This is now - a world apart - and Alison's measurements, taken by Chris with a most critical eye, were!!!: Height 6'6" Weight 275 lbs Neck 20" Biceps 24" Forearms 18" Chest 50" Waist 32" Hips 34" Thighs 32" Calves 18" The weights Alison lifted in her training sessions, even though these were estimates, were even more unbelievable. These were!!!: One-arm Curls(10/set) 250 lbs Bench Press 650 Leg Extensions 500 Triceps Extensions 225 Flyes 250 Toe Raises 300 Squats 1000 Dead Lift 1200 And this amazing Amazonic performance didn't begin to define her level of fitness and aerobic capabilities. Alison could run 25 miles, at top speed, and swim 6 miles through the open sea, with her big, powerful husband on her shoulders, she could outrun a deer and kill it with a single blow of her mighty fist, and she had strangled the life out of a savage, vicious, 800-pound boar with her bare hands. And, at twenty-three years of age, she was at the height of her sexual powers - As Chris could attest. He needed every iota of his strength and fitness just to end up a worn- out rag in the mornings after Alison felt even a little bit horny in the tropical night. Chris loved being a sex object for his Herculean queen, but he hated having to spend all the next day in his bed to regain enough strength just to walk by himself again! ************************* The days on the island passed in idyllic luxury. No incident occurred to disrupt their leisurely life-style for a long time, and they were both content and happy. It was simply too good to last forever! Then one lazy day, after Alison's exercise program and Chris' chores were done, and the two lovers were relaxing in the shade in their tree-house, a blot appeared on the horizon. Literally! A wisp of smoke curled over the horizon into the cloudless sky. A ship! Rescue? They had discussed this possibility often, and they knew that wherever it may lead, they must respond, and they were prepared to. A signal pyre had been built on a high point of land, and now they set it afire. A column of smoke streamed skyward and, in a very short while, it became obvious it had been seen aboard the ship. The wisp of smoke they had seen stopped moving forward and began to grow. Soon, through the binoculars from their high perch, Chris could make out the shape of the ship now steaming straight toward the island. It was a small passenger ship, freshly painted and luxuriously equipped. Obviously a cruise ship on its way through the South Pacific seas. About half a mile off-shore, it dropped anchor and lowered a small boat that headed right toward the signal fire. As soon as it grounded on the shelving beach, half a dozen crew members waded ashore, to be met by Alison and Chris in all their formal finery - loincloths! The visitors stood agape. Chris was imp- ressive, and he knew it, but it was Alison that caused their jaws to drop and leave them standing goggle-eyed at the sight of the magnificent great physique of the massive Amazon that stood, stripped, in front of them. Alison had expected that reception and, to make it more dramatic, had lifted weights like crazy while the boat was approaching, and now had a glistening film of sweat over fully-pumped and rock-hard muscles. She looked every bit the part of the Jungle Queen that she was! The men from the ship stood thunderstruck! "Hey! Welcome ashore! Anyone here speak English?" The words awakened the crewmen as from a trance. "Oh! Sure, we all do. Who are you people and what are you doing here on this uncharted, unknown island? How did you get here? What are you living on? And where? The questions came thick and fast from their lips, but their eyes never for a moment left Alison! Chris laughed at their mesmerized condition and ans- wered for them both. "C'mon and join us for a drink and we'll tell you all about us. who we are, how we got here, and what we've done since." He started to lead the way to their bungalow, but it immediately became evident that it was Alison who was going to lead - followed by six pairs of popping eyeballs. As Alison related the story of their stormy arrival and subsequent ad- ventures, Chris served up a delicious repast of fruit, accompanied by large shells of coconut milk. The crewmen were amazed, especial- ly about the effect of the "super-ginseng" root. There was no doubt in their minds - none at all! - that it worked. They just had to look at Alison! "But what are you going to do now?", asked the officer in charge of the landing party. "Are you tired of living in this tropical paradise? Do you want to return to civilization with us? It's very unlikely that another vessel will come by here for a long time. We were well off our usual track." Chris looked at Alison, grinned, and then asked, "Do you have a surgeon on board?" "Why, yes." said one of the men, "I'm a surgeon. I came along in case anyone on shore needed medical help" and he grinned, "but I see there is no need at all for my services." "Maybe there is, Doc" said Chris, "Can we go for a walk along the shore?" They did, and Chris outlined the medical problem he did have. "Doc, can you reverse a vasectomy? Both Alison and I would like to have a family, and I don't think Alison wants to carry off a crewman and ravage him - she could do it with no problem, but he'd be useless for days - so we'd sure appreciate it if you could look after me." The doctor laughed. "No problem. Come aboard with us, and I'll do it to-night. You'll be right as rain and back here tomorrow. It's a very simple procedure." "Good. In fact, GREAT! In that case, I'll just tell the lieutenant that 'Thanks very much, but we'll both stay here.' We'll stay and we'll raise our family here in paradise." The doctor radioed his needs to his attendants on the ship and the party prepared to leave, along with Chris. "Hang on!" said the officer i/c, there's one further thing. Allison, would you be willing to come aboard with us? We've told the rest of the crew and the passengers about you, but there is no way on God's Green Earth that they will believe us, and even if they do believe us, it just won't have the impact of being able to see you with their own eyes. Will you?" Alison readily agreed. She was a beautiful young woman with a pretty good ego, and the idea of demon- strating her tremendous strength and displaying her fantastic, rock-hard, massive, muscular physique in front of the only big audience she would ever be likely to encounter aroused the beast in her, and she immediately began to plan a show that would knock their eyes out. "But there's just one pro- blem. There's just room in the boat for six, and taking Chris back with us will overload it already. Will you wait until we send another boat for you?" "Hell, no! Just call ahead and tell them to throw a rope over the side, and I'll meet you there." laughed Alison, as she pushed the boat off the sloping sand into the deep water. She waved as the boat turned, then dived into the water and began to swim out to the distant liner whose lights were now blazing in the rapidly deepening dusk. The boat was a small runabout, powered by an outboard engine, and it was heavily loaded as it headed toward the liner. "Don't forget to call ahead and have them throw that rope over." said Chris. He knew Alison and her sense of humour, and suspected what she had in mind as an introduction. Misdirection is a wonderful thing! It was pitch dark as the boat pulled alongside the ship, and they all clamb- ered up the waiting ladder. From a nearby stanchion, a rope dangled over the side and all of the recent arrivals clustered by the rail near it, star- ing at the empty water near the trailing rope. "That's quite a swim. That woman should be along in a little while. Just keep your eyes peeled." the officer murmured, when a raucous laugh from high above split the darkness. All eyes turned skywards and there, standing on the yard atop the highest signal mast, was a vision of muscular perfection, wet, almost naked body gleaming in the reflected light! As the roar of amazement went up, Alison slid down the mast to stand on the roof of the bridge, flexing and twisting and tensing every massive, bulging, ripped muscle on her rock-hard and striated torso. Her biceps flexed and rippled, her forearms moved like cords of steel, her abs gleamed like solid iron plates that descended from striated, granite-like pecs. As Alison twisted to reveal the rippling ropes of muscle on her broad and flaring back, a groan went up from the spell- bound crowd. They just couldn't believe what their eyes beheld! From her glutes, past bulging, swelling rippling thighs to the massive diamond-hard, diamond-shaped calves, she slithered and pulsed and flexed and stretched until the watchers below fell absolutely silent in amazement and disbelief. Her demonstration done, Alison leaped lightly to the deck almost twenty feet below, raised her mighty arms in a victory salute, and roared. "I am The Queen!" There was no reply! "God help us!" bellowed the captain, "Give that woman a cloak, before all of our eyes pop right out of our heads." and someone did. Chris joined Alison, and someone gave him a cloak too, as the eyes of every nubile woman on board were beginning to devour his naked muscular torso with open and lascivious intent. Maybe not The Queen - but a great substitute! Cloaked, the group went into the captain's cabin to repeat again, the story of Chris and Alison's life on the island. It was now the turn of the senior officers to gape and stare and, unabashedly, to run their hands over the massive, rock-like muscles that Alison was only too pleased to flex and ripple for this amazed and unbelieving assembly. "But tell me." said the lieutenant, in amazement, when things had quietened down, "How in God's Name did you get out to the ship ahead of us, and how did you get aboard?" "Hah," laughed Alison, "That was no problem at all. I can swim a lot faster than that boat can go, loaded as it was, so I just swam out and climbed up the anchor chain, then up the stays to the top of the mast. Simple - and easy!" 'Enough! We have work to do!" the surgeon finally stated, and he bundled Chris off to the surgery. The rest of them settled down to listen to the amazing tales that Alison had to tell, and to grieve aloud at the loss of the 'super-ginseng' root. Finally, the doctor returned to report Chris was now sleeping off the effects of the surgery, and Alison went down to join him in his temporary cabin. The others sat up and marvelled late into the night! Early next morning, to avoid the crowd that would be sure to gather around Chris and Alison - especially Alison! - the captain bundled the two heroes off to shore. He had a tight schedule to keep and the ship was already a day behind. Before they left, the captain insisted they take some gift from the ship - something they couldn't get on the island - that would remind them of this visit. With no hesitation, Alison leaped at the chance to get real Olympic-type weights for her body-building program. At last, they would be able to put an accurate measurement to the massive weights that Alison could handle. The captain readily agreed - he could replace all of them at his next port-of-call - and the small boat was loaded to the gunwales with the measured metal - leaving just enough space for Chris. The boat, less motor, would be theirs. But the gift-giving was not all one-sided. Just before the islanders set out for shore, Alison pressed onto the captain, to be shared among their friends, a handful of the baubles Alison had retrieved from the sunken aircraft. A handsome reward, indeed! Alison, during the night, had swum ashore to get them in anticipation of the captain's gift. The boat loaded, their goodbyes said, a last-minute donation from the doctor of pamphlets and books concerning pregnancy and child-care, and the two were off - to a wild ovation from the early risers among the passengers. Chris climbed down the ladder and onto the iron plates and bars that were loading down the boat, and waved to his Amazon bride fifty feet above him. Alison jumped onto the deck rail, stripped off her loin-cloth and tossed it high into the gathering passengers like a bouquet from a bride - except it was the men in the crowd who wrestled for it so fiercely - flexed her muscles one last time, to the amazement and delight of the crowd of passengers and crew, and then she dived cleanly from the rail into the sea below, her brown, naked body flashing in the early morning sun. She tied the painter from the boat about her waist and struck out for shore, dragging the boat behind her. Heavy though the boat was, her powerful stroke made short work of the journey home, and they climbed ashore in plenty of time to wave goodbye to the watchers on the ship as it gathered speed on its way out of their lives. For some reason, known only to the officers on board the ship, the location of that island was never recorded in the ship's log! Continued in ALISONC ***********************