Catherine gets tamed Copyright (c) Rabbit Productions, 1995, 1996 This material is not intended to be read by those under the age of consent in the jurisdiction in which they are accessing the Internet. If you are too young to be reading this, DON'T READ IT! If you are an adult with children and are reading this, please consider where you store it, and whether or not your children can and should be accessing it. This is a work of fiction. Copyright: This story is copyright 1996 by the author, Sam Rabbit, under the U.S. Copyright Convention and the Bourne Conventions. All rights, including: the right to re-transmit beyond the initial access, the right to store on a remote server; and the right to re-print or distribute, are expressly reserved to the copyright holder and may not be exercised without permission of the author. Please send comments to Introduction I would like to thank the Bard of Stratford for the original plot. The title he used was "The Taming of the Shrew"; if you like this story, you might try his version. Please don't try the flying stunt - I haven't actually tested to see if it works. But if you ever get stranded in the East African Veldt, some of the survival techniques will probably work. Most of the science is true, but some is invented. Some of the medical stuff is true, but most of it is invented. If you want to know which is which, consult a good encyclopedia. Shakespeare included lots of violence in his version (people being wrung by the ears, Katharine striking her sister Bianca and striking her future husband Petruchio), sex (Bianca and her lovers, Kate and Petruchio). There are stage directions like "Enter Vincentio, in a travelling dress" (Vincentio is a man, pretending to be Tranio's father). Katharine breaks a lute over Hortensio's head "Re-enter Hortensio, with his head broken". Eventually, Petruchio tames the Shrew by a combination of love and contradiction. Catherine gets tamed Copyright (c) Rabbit Productions, 1995, 1996 Chapter 1 - Flying BANG!!! Oh, hell. I was sitting in an aisle seat (business class) on a 747 heading for East Africa, reading a book, minding my own business, when there was this tremendous BANG, and the airplane started to fall out of the sky. What should I do? I guess most people strap themselves in and assume the head down crash position. But at the rate this plane was descending, I guessed there wouldn't be a single survivor, even if they all covered their heads with their hands. It's at times like this that I wish I was a bartender again, but there was no time to wish. I stood up and put on my coat, then reached across the passenger on my left, and started opening the emergency door. She looked at me, terrified - well, I bet I was even more frightened, because I knew what was happening, and the insane thing that I was about to do. As soon as the door was open, I leapt out, and started flying. You probably didn't know that humans can fly. It's easy, just jump off a tall building. You fly like a brick, of course, and when you land, you'll be just another nasty mess on the ground. But inside the plane I was done for, for sure, and I thought my chances were better on my own. Not a lot better, of course, but a minute fraction. The terminal falling velocity of a human in air is 120 mph. At that speed, the acceleration due to gravity is exactly balanced by wind friction. Unfortunately, 120 mph will kill you when you hit the ground, which is why people use parachutes. The parachute increases the wind resistance, and you fall more slowly. Unfortunately, I didn't have a parachute. Sam Rabbit's my name, and fine beer's my game. Well, that's what it says on my business card, so it must be true. The brewery's doing fine, thank you very much; our best line is Rabbit's Old Peculiar, but Black Rabbit comes a close second - a lot of people like stout. Brown Rabbit is popular, too. I've found that if you don't tell people it's a bitter, then they don't expect it to be bitter, which it isn't, of course. Here's the formula for success in brewing: brew good beer, and sell it widely. At Rabbit Ales we've come a long way since the microbrewery in the cellar of the Rueful Rabbit. We ship fine ales all over the country, and export as well. These days, there are a fair few people working at Rabbit's Ales, so I don't have to worry about every little detail myself. I try to look after the important things, though, which is the quality of the beer, and the development of the market for good beer (as opposed to what a lot of marketroid-type people seem to think can be called beer). We export lots to Europe, even to Germany. Now, I wanted to open up the African market. Or I did up till a few minutes ago, now all I could think of was that I wanted to land on something soft, and preferably at less than 120 mph. I looked down. I was flying over Africa, or rather falling over Africa. The landscape looked like a small-scale map, and apart from the wind, I seemed to be motionless, but I knew that I'd probably reached 120 mph already. Terminal velocity, in more ways than one. I examined the territory carefully, looking for blue or silver on the map beneath me. I could see some silver, but it was a terribly long way away. Silver means water, probably, and I'd rather fall into water than the hard, hard ground. My chances still looked pretty bad, but not quite zero. I pushed my hands into my coat pockets, and spread my arms apart and to the sides, and slightly to my rear. This spread my coat behind me, and it must have looked like I'd sprouted wings if you looked at me from above. It had the two desired effects; first the wind on my face got less, which meant that I'd slowed myself down a bit, and secondly it gave me a small amount of control over the direction I was going. I was still more falling than flying, but in a kind of very steep, semi- controlled glide. I aimed for the silvery patch, and hoped that it really was water, or I was done for. When you're falling from six miles high without a parachute, you have to take your chances where you find them. As I got closer, I still couldn't see whether I was flying into water, but I couldn't think what else could be silvery like that, and anyway, I didn't have a choice. I used my coat to steer myself towards the silver, and as I got closer to the ground, I could estimate that my glide path was about 45 degrees, which is pretty appalling, but a lot better than straight down. Just before I hit the water, I took a deep breath, and I thought to myself "I hope it is water, and I hope it's deep enough, and ..." and I plunged in, head first. As soon as I got my brain together, I took off my coat; it would be an impediment now. I struggled up to the surface as quickly as I could - it would be a shame to drown after such a lucky escape. When I broke surface, I gulped in the fresh air, and thought "I made it!". I wondered what had happened to the other passengers. I started swimming for the shore. I'm a terrible swimmer, and the water was fresh, which makes it harder to float than salt water. I was probably doing more splashing than swimming, and quite a lot of drinking too. This was ridiculous - I'd survived a crashed airplane by flying out of it, and I was about to drown because I wasn't a good enough swimmer. I flailed, and breathed, gasped and splashed. I'd never swum any long distance before, just a few yards up and down the pool or beach. And my condition wasn't too good; my wind has never been very strong, and getting water along with my air supply didn't help. So I was very glad to get a helping hand from a much better swimmer than myself. A strong arm helped me keep my mouth out of the water enough to breath, and I found myself being towed to the shore. I dragged myself up the sand, and lay there panting, grateful for the dry land to stand on, the air to breath, and the hot sun warming my frozen body. It's bitterly cold, six miles high. After several minutes, I felt less ill, and able to take an interest in my surroundings. I looked around me, and saw my rescuer. She was sitting on the sand with her heels tucked under her, and I recognized the girl who had been sitting next to me on the plane, by the window. I coughed. "How are you feeling?", she said. "I think you just saved my life", I said, and I wasn't kidding, I might not have been able to make it on my own. "We're even, then," she said. "You just saved mine." She had seen what I did in the airplane, and copied me. "Just as well", she said. She'd seen the airplane augur in to the ground with such a tremendous explosion that there couldn't possibly be any survivors. I'd been right to go it alone, clearly. "How did you know there'd be a lake there?", she asked. I explained that I didn't know there would be a lake there, I didn't know how well people can "fly" using a coat, I didn't know if the shock of landing would kill me, even if I landed in water, and I had no idea where we were. But I had known that staying in the airplane would be certain death, and once you've realized that, the alternative is obvious. You get out. Chapter 2 - Catherine I introduced myself, and apologized for not having any business cards. She was called Catherine, but she preferred to be called Cat. "I think cats are really neat", she explained. Well, so do I. She explained to me that flying wasn't her usual activity either. "What do you usually do, Cat?", I asked. "I fight." "Me too," I said. I fight the suppliers of inadequate raw materials, I fight the big brewers who make a light brown liquid that they call beer, but which isn't, I fight the bars who think it isn't important what their customers drink, but most of all I fight the people who think that a glass of beer is the work of the devil, and try to stop an honest man from relaxing over a pint in the evening. Cat laughed. "I don't fight quite so many people at once", she said. "Usually one at a time. And I've never been beaten." There's a whole world I've never come into contact with - well, I expect that there are several hidden worlds in parallel with the one I inhabit. The world Cat knew was the world of barehanded fighters. Forget boxing, where they pad up your fists to stop the boxers from hurting each other. Forget wrestling, much of which is choreographed ballet. When Cat got into a ring, it was fight to the finish. Fists, feet, elbows, knees, anything, but mostly fists, because apparently, that's the way to do the most damage. It was totally illegal, of course. But there was a time, not so long ago, when selling beer was illegal. This was really new to me. The last fight I was in, I was about 12 years old, and I was pretty ashamed of myself at that. I've never seen the point of watching two men throwing fists at each other, padded or otherwise, and ballet bores me. "It pays the bills", Cat said, "and I enjoy it." "You enjoy getting hurt?", I asked. "No," she replied, "I enjoy hurting people. And I don't get hurt, ever." "So far, you mean", I said. Cat smiled, and she looked very like a large cat with her teeth bared. She explained that there were a lot of people who liked to watch a big, strong man being smashed, ruined and destroyed, especially if a pretty girl was doing the job. That is why boxing is such a popular spectator sport. I told her that personally, I'd prefer a good argument about politics or a discussion about the Kennedy conspiracy theory, over a pint of beer, and that the sight of blood made me feel queasy, even someone else's. Cat said that she just loved the sight of someone else's blood, it made her feel all warm inside, especially if she'd caused it. Good grief. The girl was an obvious sadist, maybe even a psychopath. I'd been a bartender for a long time, and a psychiatrist is really just a bartender with a certificate. I wished that Candy were sitting next to me; I'd feel a lot better with her around to protect me. Cat continued to explain. She fought maybe once per week, and spent the rest of her time practicing and toughening herself up. Her manner became animated as she described how she didn't just win her matches; she would go on hurting her opponents long after they were completely unable to fight back. I looked at her. She looked quite normal, and she was talking in a very matter-of-fact voice, the same way a butcher talks about dismembering a lamb. She said that she'd been in this field for a couple of years now, and had an unblemished record of wins. Looking at her face, I didn't see any scars, or evidence of a broken nose, so I guessed she must be good, at that. But I had to get her off the subject of fighting people, because we had a much more important fight ahead of us - the fight for survival. Although we had landed safely, and reached dry land, we were by no means home and dry. You forget this, living in a city, but people have to eat, and people have to drink, and people have to stay warm at night, and in the middle of the African veldt, you can't get these things at a supermarket. I explained this to Cat, and I stood up and looked around. I had a kind of plan, or at least a list of priorities. Cat trotted inland from the lake, and I called after her. "Cat, where are you going?" "Hunting", she said. "For food." "Cat, come back here at once," I yelled, exasperated. Cat stopped, turned and looked at me. She walked back towards me, and stood facing me. She took off her sweatshirt and trousers, and said "You don't tell me what to do and what not to do. Ever." She flexed her arm, and it was bigger than I would have expected. She was a few inches shorter than me, and looked like she wasn't twenty yet, but I guessed that her arm was almost twice as big as mine, not that mine are up to much, and I didn't like to even think about the power in those big legs. I think she was threatening me, and I didn't fancy my chances against this strong-looking, experienced fighter. So I sat down. Most people won't hit you if you're sitting down. "Cat, let's talk," I said. Rabbits prefer to talk than fight, especially when it looks like they're liable to get hurt. Cat squatted next to me, and laid it on the line. "I usually fight guys who are a lot heavier than you, and all their extra weight is muscle. I always win. I'm very strong; you can see from the size of my arms, and I love to use them to hurt men. My fists are small but as hard as iron, so when they land, the pain is intense, so intense that it disables their body, destroys their fighting capacity. I drive my small hard fist through their gut; I try to get it deep inside, to cause internal damage to their delicate inner organs, and then through the back, so that their insides are mashed and mangled against their backbones. "When I've got a man down and beaten, I start to damage him, badly. The audience loves it, loves watching a pretty young girl destroy a bigger man. I can punch so hard, it feels like you've been hit with a hammer. After a few punches in the belly, they're so weakened, I can do pretty much what I like to them, and if they resist, I just punch them again, until they stop defending themselves. I don't just want to hurt them, I want to damage them, seriously, so that for the rest of their lives they remember how a girl permanently wrecked their bodies. I don't hit their jaw, because I don't want to bruise my hand, but I can smash their chests and bellies with my small hard fists. I ruin their arms and destroy their shoulders, so that they can't fight back. I dislocate their joints, and tear their tendons and ligaments, so they can't use their arms. After I've finished with a man's arms, it takes a surgeon a week to repair him, and even then they don't get completely mended." "I like to shake my hair in their faces while I destroy their bodies. I keep my hair long and soft, it's the only thing about me that's soft. Trailing my long hair on their faces and bodies reminds them that I'm a woman, that what they thought was a soft, helpless female is inflicting all this damage on them. After I've destroyed their ability to do anything with their arms, I work on their leg joints. I twist their knees, by putting leverage on their lower leg, and I double up their legs with my calf behind their knee. That pops their knee joints and dislocates the knee, and tears the ligaments that hold the knee together. I'm an expert on knees. I can hurt a man more by working on his knees that anywhere else, and all the time, he knows that he's going to be stuck in a wheelchair for a long time, maybe for ever, a permanent cripple. When I've finished with their legs, they can't walk any more. I finish up by disintegrating their bodies; I break their ribs, and damage their internal organs. When I've finished with a man, he never fights again. And if he sees a girl with hair like mine, he runs away." She shook her long, blonde hair in the breeze. Golly, this girl was good at psyching out her opponents. "Yes, Cat," I said. "But no matter how strong you are, no matter how good a fighter you are, if you hadn't done as I did in that plane, you'd be roast cat right now." "I've already thanked you for that," she replied. "Yes, Cat, but it isn't your thanks I'm after." I wanted her to admit that I was older than her, and knew more than she did. I am more experienced, and wiser. And I know how to keep us alive in this god-forsaken country, and I doubted if she did. And if she wanted the greatest chance of getting through this little adventure, then she'd combine her muscles with my brain, and the way that worked, meant that she had to do what I said, even if she could beat me to a pulp. I could see that this wasn't going down very well. The girl was a psychopathic sadist, and wouldn't take orders from someone she considered her inferior. Once again, I longed for Candy, but put her out of my mind; thinking about Candy couldn't help me here. I decided that either she did what I wanted, or else I'd go it alone. "Well?" I said. "No," she said. "Why don't I explain why I didn't want you to go look for food?", I asked. First of all she wouldn't find any. If it was animal, it would run or hide on her approach, and she'd not catch even a rabbit with her bare hands. People just aren't fast enough. Hunting animals for food is a skill that you learn over many years, and humans have to hunt in packs. The whole reason why language developed, was to co-ordinate the hunt. Hunting requires certain skills, and neither of us had those skills, or even knew what skills we lacked. Sure, you could sneak up on a vegetable, but can you tell an edible plant from a poisonous one? Secondly, food wasn't the first priority. The first priority was tools. Man is often defined as the tool-using animal. Tools would get us food and shelter. And an especial priority was fire. Living in a civilized country, you forget how important fire is. You use it for defense against wild animals, to make tools such as fire-sharpened spears, and to cook food that would otherwise be inedible using just our pathetic teeth. I explained all this to Cat, and she looked at me with a bit more respect. I think she realized that her attempt to find food could not have led to anything useful, whereas my more technological approach was likely to get results. I told her that we'd start off with two things, fire for defense against carnivorous animals, and weapons for offense against herbivores. The simplest weapon is a sharp stick, so I told Cat to go and search for some suitable pieces of wood. To be more precise, I didn't tell her, because I guessed she'd do her macho thing on me again, I suggested to her. I explained that we wanted them to be maybe six or eight feet long, as straight as possible, and an inch or two thick. Cat trotted off, and I started thinking about fire. Chapter 3 - Starting a fire Do you know how to make fire? I mean, apart from flicking a switch, or lighting a match? I'd never done it before, but I knew that theoretically, there were three possible ways I could go. One was rubbing wood against wood, until the friction made the dust hot enough to burn. The second way was flint and iron; I didn't have any flint or any iron, but maybe I could find some. The third way is to concentrate the rays of the sun into a small area, which then catches fire. I started off with the easiest way. I took off my glasses, and held them up to the sun. Unfortunately, I'm slightly short sighted, which means that the lenses were concave. You need convex lenses to focus the suns rays; concave just scatters them. So that route was out. That left the hard way - I wasn't sure how hard, but I knew that it was possible, at least. First, I gathered some wood, for the body of the fire. Then, some dry stalks, to catch easily. Then, finally, I searched until I found some dry moss, which would act as my tinder. I used one piece of wood as the base, and I held a stick between my hands, and rubbed it between them, moving my hands to and fro with the stick between my palms, and bearing down on the base. I tried pushing lightly and rotating quickly, and I tried pushing hard and rotating slowly, and as far as I could see, it was having no effect at all. Cat returned carrying some branches that looked as if they'd make reasonable spears, and stood and watched me. "You're a complete wimp", she said, after a while. "You're not rubbing hard enough. Put some muscle into it." I ignored her, and continued, squatting in front of my wooden base, and rubbing it hard with my twirling stick. Nothing happened, except my arms started to feel the strain. "Here, let me have that", she said. She pushed me over backwards, and I let go of the stick to stop my head from banging on the ground. I'm not used to that - where I come from, people don't push each other around, but I thought I'd better not get into a confrontation with Cat. I watched her drilling the wood. She was rubbing it much harder than I could, but still with no effect. If at first you don't succeed, you have two choices. You can try, try, try again, or else you can think about why you're not succeeding, and dream up a better approach. Life is full of triers; I'm a thinker and dreamer. The problem was, if you pushed down hard and rubbed, your hands soon got down to the bottom of the stick, and you had to move your hands back up, and while you were doing that, you lost the heat you'd generated. A better way, would be to have one person making the stick twirl, and one person bearing down on it to push it against the wood base. I thought of suggesting it to Cat, but then I thought that this muscle-brained sadist I was saddled with would find it completely impossible to work in a team. So I thought a bit more. If I could twirl with one hand, and bear down with the other, that would do it. I left Cat to it, and went looking for some materials. I found a very springy stick, and a palm leaf that was very tough to tear across, but fairly easy to tear lengthways. I tore the leaf into thin strips, and plaited them together into thin plaits. Then I plaited three of the plaits, which gave me a thin rope with a bit of strength to it. I bent the springy stick, and tied my rope to the ends, so that the stick was held bent by the rope. I'd made a bow, although I'd hate to try to fire any arrows from it, because my rope was really pretty weak. I walked back to Cat; she was still trying to start a fire twirling the stick, and she still hadn't any success, and she was obviously the sort of person who thought there was no such word as "impossible". Back when I was a lad, we called people like that "jocks", or sometimes "jokes", and spent a lot of time laughing at them. You meet idiots like this all the time, refusing to give up on something. Usually, I'd just walk away from them, as quickly as possible. But I couldn't walk away from Cat. One human on his own has a reasonable chance of making it, but the reason that humans are pack animals, is that you do a whole lot better if you co-operate with other people. Two people together can do things that are simply impossible for one. For example, if you want to hunt by chasing animals, you'll be doing it all day, but if you can arrange for one person to scare the animals into running towards another, then you stand a much better chance of making a kill. We needed a fire. Even more than that, we needed Cat to understand that my brain outnumbered her muscles, otherwise we'd be forever doing dumb things that couldn't possibly work. So, I squatted in front of her, and laid a flattish piece of wood on the ground. I took my bow, and wound the rope round a stick, so that the bow was now gripping the stick. I put one end of the stick that I'd be twirling on the base wood, and added some dried moss. I held the other piece of wood in my left hand at the top of the twirling-stick, to exert some pressure on the wood below. I held the bow in my right hand, and started pushing it to and fro, like you would with a hand saw. The stick rotated pretty fast, and continuously, and I started to see a wisp of smoke coming from the base. I kept rubbing, and the smoke got slightly thicker, until suddenly there was a tiny flame. I fed it some dried grass, some small twigs, and pretty soon, I had a fire. Just as well, the sun was setting, and it was getting a bit chilly. Cat was impressed, although she tried to hide it. I'd just succeeded where she'd completely failed, and she probably couldn't see the reason for it. I've noticed that sometimes, you work out a nifty plan for achieving some object, the plan works, and the jocks say dumb things like "Aren't you lucky." I got the fire going nicely, and then started work on the branches that Cat had brought. I chose the four that looked longest and straightest, and put their ends in my fire. The idea is, the fire burns the ends, leaving a fire-sharpened spear. You've probably seen what a bonfire does to sticks that are only partly in the fire, and that's the effect I was after. "So what are we going to do about supper?", asked Cat. I wasn't sure how to break this to her. There wasn't going to be any. I couldn't see a gentle way to put it, so I put it bluntly. She stood up and started abusing me. "You stupid idiot, you stopped me hunting for food, and now you expect me to starve?", she shouted. I controlled my irritation, not wanting to be beaten up by this powerful and vicious girl, and explained it to her again. And I told her that people can exist for days without food, easily. We're designed for it. She sat down again, and glowered at me. I adjusted the spears, and started planning what we'd do next. I thought about tomorrow. I'd never hunted wild animals for food before, and tried to think what would be the best way to go about it. I made a three-part plan. Find the prey, split up and surround the prey, one of us attacks the prey, killing if possible, but at least driving the prey towards the other one, who would do the main killing. I thought Cat would be best at the killing, so I'd take the other role. Cat huddled closer to the fire. It was getting quite cold, and she was obviously feeling it. Neither of us were wearing very much, just a T- shirt and trousers, but when she'd shown me her body earlier, it was clear that she was all muscle; there didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on her. I, on the other hand, am exactly the opposite. I'm overweight and undermuscled. Where Cat had a thick layer of strong, hard muscle, I had a thick layer of soft fat. Why do you suppose people get like that? I didn't work out, and I ate too much. But it's also partly in the design of the human body. Being fat is good for you, under some circumstances. So in what situation is being fat an advantage? It's a big advantage when your surroundings are cold and you don't have clothes to keep you warm, and it's a big advantage when you don't have anything to eat. Fat is an insulating layer and a food reserve. I felt sorry for Cat; her big muscles and low body fat were not an advantage here. I collected more palm leaves. Cat just watched me, unwilling to help with such mundane chore. I planted some branches as firmly in the ground as I could, making a kind of tent out of them, which I roofed over with the palm leaves. That would maybe reduce the impact of the cold and wind, and deflect at least some of the water if it should rain. Cat continued to watch me, contemptuously. I guessed that macho people don't need shelter from the elements. As darkness fell, it got colder and colder, and I started to shiver. Cat must have felt even worse than I did, colder and hungrier, and our fire was beginning to die down. "Cat", I said gently. She turned to look at me. I made the fairly obvious statement, "If we sleep together, we'll both be warmer." She looked back at the fire, back at me, down at the ground. Then she came over to the shelter, where I was sitting, and knelt close to me. "Sam, I'm sorry. I've been an absolute bitch, and you've been very patient. Thank you." "Cat, it's been a tough day. As soon as I jumped out of the airplane without a parachute, I knew I was not going to have a nice day." Cat laughed. It was the first time I'd seen her laugh, and it was a very nice sight. I held my hand out toward her, and she took it, and sat down next to me. I put my arm round her shoulders. Or rather I didn't. My arm wasn't long enough to span those surprisingly broad shoulders, so I put my arm round her waist instead. She put her head on my shoulder for a moment, then looked up at me. I then did one of the stupidest things of my life - sometimes, all my rabbit-sense leaves my head. I kissed her. As soon as I did it, I realized the idiocy of what I was doing. She was a psychopathic sadist who crippled men for a living and for fun; what the hell was I doing kissing her. I half expected a violent reaction, but she just closed her eyes and kissed me back. She pulled away first, and shook her head vigorously. "We've got a hard day tomorrow," I said. "Best get some sleep." I lay down, and I felt a hard body alongside my soft, flabby one. She put her arms round my waist, I held her shoulders, and we fell asleep. Chapter 4 - The deer hunters The bright sun woke me up, and Cat was nowhere to be seen. My fire was dead, but I knew I could make another one easily enough. "Cat", I called. "Cat." I felt slightly foolish, like a man shouting "Here Puss, Puss". I heard a faint "Sam", and walked towards the sound. She was splashing around in the lake, and I stood on the beach and watched her. She was worth watching. She was stark naked, and her body was remarkable. She was muscled all over; she had bulges where I didn't think I even had flab. She looked like a sea-goddess rising from the foam, and she called for me to join her in the water. Gingerly, I walked into the water up to my thighs. It felt bitterly cold, compared to my sun-warmed skin. I thought about going deeper, but decided that I didn't fancy the freezing water on my genitals. I looked round - Cat had disappeared. I guessed she was swimming underwater, and my guess was confirmed when I found my ankles gripped and lifted into the air. I screamed as my body met the icy water, but not for long, because you can't scream when your head is underwater. I staggered about a bit and got myself sorted out, and Cat grabbed me and pulled me down again. I guess I wasn't thinking straight, because I wrestled with her and threw her down into the water, and she swam to the shore at a speed I couldn't match. I followed her out of the water, and joined her on the beach. She was still laughing, and wringing out her long hair. "Put your clothes on, Cat", I said. "No, I like being naked, I like to feel the sun on my skin." I pulled my T-shirt and trousers on. "Cat, this is Africa. The sun will burn your skin." Why do you have to tell people the obvious? She put her clothes back on; it was a pity, really, to cover up that magnificent body, but sunburn can cripple you. "Now, lets go get supper", I said. "Breakfast?", Cat asked. "Not a chance", I replied. "Supper, and that's only if we're lucky and skilled." We took two spears each, and started walking around the lake. I knew the lake wasn't very big, because I'd seen it from the air, so I knew we couldn't get lost if we circled it. I also guessed that it would be the local source of water, and therefore a good place to find game. I thought about a fat cow, or a sheep; something domesticated, that would let us walk up to it and kill it, and I wished life could be that easy. The best we could hope for was something skinny with flesh like leather that would run like a bat out of hell when it saw us. We walked and walked, and I wondered where all the animal life hung out. I saw them before Cat did, and before they saw me. I motioned Cat down and back, and we crouched down and whispered to each other. It was a herd of something that looked a bit like deer, but with horns. The lake would stop them from running in that direction, and I planned to circle round and get as close as I could. At the last possible moment, I'd stand up, run towards them, and try to get one with my spears. Cat would stay hidden, and hope that they stampeded past her, in which case she'd have a much better chance to kill one. I wanted Cat to make the kill, because she was so much stronger than I was, and so stood a better chance to get one or more. I told her the signals I'd use. I told her to squat down, and be patient. Patience is the greatest virtue in a hunter. It took me four hours to work my way round the back of the herd. Occasionally, I waved a spear in the air to let Cat know where I was. I got down on my belly, and started to crawl towards the herd, slowly and as quietly as I could. Occasionally, I saw an animal cock its head and look straight towards me. Each time I froze; it's a lot harder to see a stationary hunter than a moving one. Eventually, I decided that I was as close as I was ever going to get. I waved my spear in the signal we'd agreed, and got my feet under me. I jumped up, and sprinted towards the herd. They saw me immediately, and scattered. I screamed my most blood curdling yell, trying to panic them, and threw my first spear at an animal that was close enough. I missed by a mile. I ran towards the herd - unfortunately, the top speed of a sprinting human is about 15 miles per hours, unless you're an Olympic sprinter on a cinder track. I was no Olympian, and the grassy veldt was no cinder track. The deer were fast, very fast, and I had no hope of catching one. I couldn't see how Cat was getting on. Then I spotted an animal that wasn't moving very fast. It seemed to be having some trouble running, and I was able to catch up with it, and get close enough that even I could plunge my spear into its body. Pretty unsporting, I agree, but I wasn't killing for sport, I was killing for food. It squealed like a pig, and fell over. I watched its death agony, but didn't fancy getting close enough to those horns to put it out of its misery. Very unsporting. Eventually, it died. "Cat", I yelled, and looked round. She'd gone, heaven knows where. I waited for her to reappear, wondering what had happened to her. Eventually, I decided to return to our camp site, as we'd agreed if we got separated, so I grabbed the back legs of my kill, and started dragging it along the ground. I hadn't gone very far when I realized that carrying it would be better. I didn't fancy getting hold of its filthy, bloody body, but needs must. It wasn't very heavy, maybe ten pounds - I picked it up, and walked back to the camp site. Cat was already there, sitting cross legged on the ground. She looked up as I came in, and grinned when she saw what I had over my shoulders. She wanted to eat it raw, there and then, but I said "No, Cat, it's safer my way." Raw meat is dangerous enough under civilized conditions, but who knows what diseases and parasites a wild animal might have. Cooking would kill these, as well as changing the texture of the flesh from leather to edible. I got Cat to use her powerful arms to tear the animal's horns off at the root, and to use them to open it up. I pulled out the gross things inside that you don't want to eat. I gave the raw liver to Cat, who shuddered. I said "Trust me, eat it", and she did, and then said that she'd never had anything so delicious in all her life. I started a fire, and suspended the beast over it. It was three hours before I decided that it was ready, by which time Cat was threatening to eat the whole thing. While it was cooking, we talked. Chapter 5 - How Cat started fighting Cat told me how she got into the fighting game. When she was fourteen, she got raped. She described it in a very matter-of-fact way, like you'd say you got caught in the rain and got wet. There were five of them, and they took turns holding her down and raping her. Could you imagine the sort of animal that would rape a fourteen year old girl? It made me feel ashamed to be part of the same species. They were boys from the same school she was at, and when she got out of hospital, she had to face them in class, and they made it as difficult for her as they could. She'd spent some time in hospital, yes. Rape isn't just about sex, it's about hurting people. They really hurt Cat, pulling her legs apart until her tendons tore. She said that the humiliation was the worst part, and having to face them afterwards, every day. She started going to self-defense classes, to build up her confidence, plus she had some idea that it might be better to be able to defend herself. To improve her strength, she took up weightlifting, and found that she had a natural predilection for it. "I think my muscles were denser than normal, with more fibers to the square inch", she said. Also, because she was going through the young- teen growth spurt, she started strengthening her muscles at exactly the age when they were most receptive. And the memory of the rape gave her a determination that few people could match. When a normal person would give up, Cat would burn through the pain threshold, and do several extra lifts. She concentrated especially on punching. She told me that most people can punch about four times as hard as they actually do; there's a censor in your lower brain that stops you from using your full force, because if you hit something hard as strongly as you actually could, your hand would shatter into uselessness. But if you practice a lot, and train yourself to overcome your censor, you can hit a lot harder than you thought. "Especially if you use a punchbag that gives you feedback on how hard you hit it", she explained. Then you can get your biofeedback working on your side. Cat's fists were small, so all that power was concentrated into a small area. She told me that when she punched a man in the stomach, she didn't aim for his stomach, she aimed for a point about two inches on the other side of his body. She tried to punch her small, iron-hard fist right through his body. She explained that the main effects of such a punch were threefold. First, the bruising of the stomach muscles, so that they would be unable to put up any resistance to further punches, and secondly the ravaging of the internal organs between the stomach and the backbone, as her punch smashed their insides against their vertebrae. The third effect came from the hydrostatic shock; blood is an incompressible fluid like water, and the sudden compression of the blood vessels transmitted the shockwaves all over the body. Even the brain would be affected by the shock, leaving the man groggy and unable to focus his mind. She also explained why she, a girl, could do so much more damage with her fists than a man. She showed me her fists, and they were very small, and remarkably hard. The damage that a fist does when it lands depends on a number of factors. It depends on the amount of kinetic energy in the moving fist, and on the surface area that is struck. More kinetic energy means more damage, and a smaller fist area means that the energy has to be absorbed by a smaller area of the victim's body, and so more damage per square inch is done. Kinetic energy is measured by the formula 1/2 m v-squared, so the energy is proportional to the mass of the fist, and the square of the velocity it's travelling at when it strikes. Velocity is acceleration times time, and acceleration is force divided by mass. So, the lower mass of Cat's fist meant that the force of her muscles gave it more acceleration, so that when it arrived at the target, it was moving much faster than a man's muscles could move his much heavier fist. That greater speed was squared to arrive at the energy that the fist delivered, and the smaller surface area meant that the damage very much greater. Imagine comparing hitting someone with a big, heavy soft cushion; it won't be moving very fast when it hits, and when it does hit, it won't hurt very much because of the large area of impact. Now try putting the same effort behind a small, light hammer. It'll be moving a lot faster when it hits, and the hammer head will destroy any flesh it strikes. The other important thing to learn, Cat said, was about leverage. If you can lift a hundred pounds, and use a ten-to-one ratio lever, then you can lift a thousand pounds. If you really want to hurt a person, you use the length of their limbs against them, to damage the weakest part of the limb, their joints. For example, the way an elbow works, is a lever in the wrong direction. Your arm muscles contract an inch or so, to move your elbow through ninety degrees, and to move your hand through fifteen inches. If you work the same lever the other way round, by exerting fifty pounds weight on the wrist, you are putting a thousand pounds of force onto the elbow joint, and if something stops that joint from bending, then the joint will break, or else the arm will. By the time she was seventeen, she could lift three hundred pounds over her head, more than any of the boys at her school. She also had completely overcome her inhibitions about punching with her fist, and when hitting something soft, she could hit about as hard as a person swinging a club hammer. She also had a good understanding of human anatomy - how the bones connected together, and how the ligaments and tendons tied the skeleton together. And one day, while she was walking along a river, she met one of the boys who had raped her. Chapter 6 - Cat meets her rapist He was all alone, so I wasn't frightened of him. But he looked nervous." I can imagine why. Cat must have been at least twice as strong as he was, and her power was well known throughout the school. "I walked up to him, and asked him if he remembered me. He did, and started to apologize. Apologize, for raping me! I told him that I was going to hurt him, and hurt him badly, so badly that he'd be permanently damaged. Then I punched him in the stomach." The boy fell to the ground, moaning. "I couldn't believe that one punch was all it took", she said. But she wanted more. The memory of the vicious rape still shone brightly in her mind, and she wanted to hurt him badly. She helped him get up, and steadied him while he got his breath back. "I'm going to break your arms, both of them. I'm going to fix you so that you can never hurt a defenseless fourteen year old girl again. You'll spend the rest of your life wishing that you'd never seen me, never touched me, never raped me." Then she punched him again in the stomach and his weakened stomach muscles were unable to stop her brutal fist from penetrating deep into his vital organs, and bruising and crushing his insides. As he fell, she hit him again, in the lower back where the kidneys are unprotected by the rib cage. He fell like a dead tree. I stood over him, watching him squirm in agony. He couldn't breath, and he was coughing blood out of his mouth. I thought about what he'd done to me, and I wanted to hurt him some more." He obviously wasn't going to get up, so she knelt by his agonized body. The gang had stripped her when they raped her, so she took her sweater and T-shirt off, so that he could see the naked body of the girl who was beating him to a pulp, and she unbraided her hair, so that she could use it to torment him. She ran her hair over his face, and took one of his hands in both of hers. "When I've finished with you, you won't be able to use this ever again." She rubbed his hand against her breasts. "Can you feel this? Try to remember it, because you'll never touch a woman again after I'm done with you." She pushed him over onto his front. Then she took one of his arms, and pulled it straight, and up into the air, twisting it as hard as she could. She held onto his hand, twisting and pulling his arm in all the directions it wasn't meant to go, until suddenly she felt something give, and the arm moved freely any way she wanted. Cat realized that she'd broken something in his shoulder, and dropped the ruined arm. Again, she knelt next to the helpless boy, and turned him over to lie on his back. She slapped his face to get his attention, and his eyes opened. "I've broken your shoulder,", she said. "That's just to start with. Now I'm going to show you what pain really feels like. Now I'm going to show you how a fourteen year old girl felt when you raped her." She sat on his legs, and threw a powerful punch into his belly. It drove all the breath from him, and the pain from his stomach meant that he couldn't breathe in. After a few seconds, he passed out from the pain and lack of oxygen. It was so easy to hurt him, and it made me feel so good. I wanted more. But while he was unconscious, he couldn't feel pain, so Cat had to wait again. She sat next to him patiently, watching him take shallow breaths. After a while, his eyes fluttered open, and he saw Cat. "No, please. No more, I can't take any more. Please don't hurt me any more." Cat told me that his plea for mercy made her even more excited. She'd begged the gang of boys when they raped her, to no avail. Now he was begging her to stop, and she wouldn't either. "I'm going to hurt you, just the way you hurt me that night. I'm going to make your body a mass of pain. It'll hurt a lot now, but it will go on hurting after I stop. What I do to you today will hurt you for as long as you live. You'll feel physical pain and humiliation, emotional pain and psychic pain. You'll never forget the pain, I promise you." She shook out her hair over his body again; while she had her hands up in her hair, he tried to punch her belly with his undamaged arm. Cat had a layer of muscle to take the force of the blow, and the boy was weakened from her ministrations, so it only hurt her a little. But she realized that she hadn't got him completely helpless yet, so she hit him again in the belly, curling him up into a ball of searing agony. While he was helpless from the pain of her punch, she rolled him over again, and took his undamaged arm in her hands. She put his elbow on her thigh, and stretched his arm out on either side of her leg. Then she pressed down on his wrist and shoulder, and pulled her thigh upwards, increasing the pressure. He screamed in agony as his elbow sent messages of pain to his nervous system. She kept up the pressure, increasing the force whenever his screams flagged. She wanted him to remember this for a long time, to remember his helplessness in her hands, and how easily she could break his joints. She slowly increased the pressure, trying not to use too much force, but eventually she pushed too hard. His elbow joint was unable to take the backwards-bending pressure, and snapped. Now both his arms were useless, and she could do whatever she wanted to him. She stripped off his clothes. He gradually became aware of what she was doing, and feebly protested. But he couldn't resist, because neither of his arms worked. When Cat had him naked, she had a problem. What she really wanted to do was rape him, but a woman raping a man doesn't create the same feeling of violation and humiliation that a man can inflict on a woman. She gripped his balls and squeezed, and he tried to kick her. That was a big mistake on his part. Cat realized that he could still use his legs, that he wasn't completely helpless yet. She stood up, and stamped down with her heel on his belly, putting all the force of her leg behind the blow. After all the punishment his gut had taken, there seemed to be no resistance to her foot, and she felt his backbone through his flesh. He was bleeding freely through his mouth now, and she turned him onto his stomach, gripped a foot, and holding him by a heel and his toes, twisted as hard as she could. "I bet you can run. I bet you can run really fast", she said. "I'm going to change that. I'm going to stop you running for a very long time, maybe for ever. I'm going to give you the sort of injury that permanently disables football players. The knee is one of the weakest joints in the human body, and there are lots of things you can do to cripple someone's knees." She twisted so hard that he rolled over, so she rolled him again, and stood on his back while she twisted his foot. The torque she was applying didn't seem to have any effect, so she kicked the side of his knee, again and again, until his foot began to twist, slowly at first, but then his knee joint gave up the struggle, and his foot rotated freely. Cat dropped the foot, and put one of her legs behind his other knee. She then leaned down on his foot with all her weight, doubling his leg back on itself; there was a popping, ripping sound as his knee dislocated and his tendons tore. Cat turned the boy onto his back, and while she waited for him to regain consciousness, she searched along the riverside until she found what she needed to finish him off. She knew that he couldn't get away while she left him; neither his arms nor his legs would take any weight. When she got back he was conscious and moaning - good, she wanted him to watch what happened next. She lay on top of him, brushing her long hair on his face. She rubbed her breasts on his body. He opened his eyes, and looked at her. "No, please, please", he begged. She smiled sweetly, and swirled her hair over his battered body, and spread his legs apart. "Open wide", she said. "This may hurt a little." She took the beer bottle that she'd found, and inserted the neck of the bottle into his anus. She moved down his body, and pressed his legs wider apart, and pushed the beer bottle harder into the tiny hole. He felt a sudden, blindingly intense pain as the skin round his anus tore, and Cat pushed the bottle further in. She lifted his ruined legs and pushed them down over his chest, bending him double and presenting his backside to the world, and used her fist to hammer the beer bottle further in. He offered no resistance at all as she turned him over, and kicked hard on the base of the beer bottle, again and again, driving it into his helpless body, until it had completely disappeared from sight. "Then I just got dressed, walked away and left him. He spent several weeks in hospital, and when he got out, he was terrified of girls, and cried easily. He walked kind of funny, but I wasn't sure whether that was because of the beer bottle, or because of his knees. He always avoided shaking hands with people, or any other kind of bodily contact. I have no idea what became of him in the end. " Chapter 7 - Dinner time I watched her as she told this terrible tale. She didn't gloat, but neither did she show any remorse. She talked about it like you might describe a recipe for curry, or a football game. She didn't seem to think that she'd done anything wrong, and given what that boy had done to her, it was hard to argue. Yes, it is wrong to take the law into your own hands, and yes, its wrong to mutilate a person like that, but I wondered if any court, knowing the full facts, would have convicted her. "Afterwards, I realized that I had really enjoyed shattering both his body and his mind. I really got a charge out of hurting him so much, of having a man so completely in my hands. And I wanted more. I'll tell you how I got more some other time." The meat was cooked, and we started to eat. Cat ate ravenously, tearing at the food and stuffing it into herself like she hadn't eaten for a week. I ate more slowly. Cat looked across at me. "Aren't you hungry?" she asked. "Of course I am," I replied. "I've eaten twice as much as you", she said, "you eat the rest." "You're still hungry, Cat, right?" I asked. "Yes, but ..." "But nothing. Your need is greater than mine, you finish it." I explained to her about fat - the fact that I had lots of it and she had none. "But you killed it", she said. "Irrelevant", I said. "Cat, I can wait until tomorrow. I have reserves. You don't. Eat." She ate. We licked our fingers, and wiped our faces with grass. Cat came and sat down next to me, and I put my hands on her shoulders. "Sam, do you think I'm a monster", she said, quietly. Everyone thought she was a some sort of monster. People were afraid of her, and hated her for what she was and what she did. I pulled her towards me, and kissed her - let the courage of the Rabbit be unquestioned. "Cat, can I ask a very big favor?" "Yes?", she said. "Can I call you Catherine?" She looked up at me and smiled. "Yes," she whispered. Why did I want to call her Catherine, she asked. Three reasons, I said. The first one, is when I call you, I feel such a fool, like someone calling their pussy cat. "That's not much of a reason", she said. "OK, here's the second reason. Catherine is a lot more feminine than Cat, and you're one very female lady." "And a very tough lady", she reminded me. "Yes", I replied, "tough, but feminine. I was watching when you were eating. You eat like a cat, delicately, like a lady. And when you stretch, you stretch like a cat, like a lady. You are very cat-like, very feline, but all woman, all female, all lady." "What's the third reason?" "Ah," I answered a question with a question, a trick used by Rabbits for untold generations, "What did your mother call you?" "Catherine", she answered. "How did you know?" Some questions are not meant to be answered. I kissed her instead. It started out soft and friendly, but got deeper and hotter as it went on. I wrestled her down on her back, aware that there was no way I could do this unless she wanted me to, and started stroking her body. Humans have a hierarchy of needs. This is a theory first expounded my Abram Maslow, but it's a pretty obvious theory. If you start off with hunger, then it dominates your thoughts until you've gotten something in your belly. Once you've satisfied that, and not before, another need appears, sex. If you satisfy that need, then another need pops up, such as beer, and so on. Maslow identified several needs, and named them, and it's a widely held theory used by marketing people all over the world. Catherine and I had eaten, so now we wanted to fuck. I'd thought about this beforehand. I've had some pretty bad experiences with women in the past, what with Candy breaking my bones when she orgasmed, and Jane's iron vagina almost destroying my sexual organs. I didn't much like the sound of what had happened to the boy who raped Catherine, and I intended to proceed very slowly and cautiously. "Catherine, can I tell you about a woman I loved?" I told her all about Candy, how I met the superwoman, how I had fallen in love, and the outcome. It's a long story, and a heartbreaking story, and Catherine's eyes were wet as I concluded. "Tell me about your loves," I asked. Catherine looked at me and blinked. "Do I have to?", she asked. I didn't like the sound of this. "Yes - I told you about Candy." She told me about a guy she'd had, a couple of years ago. Chapter 8 - Cat's first love "It was just after a bare-handed fight. The guy was really big, about three hundred pounds. I had to hit him a few times before he stopped trying to fight back, but then it was business as usual." Catherine meant that she spent the next hour turning a beaten man into a broken ruin, creating plenty of work for the hospital staff. "After the fight, a few fans came up to my dressing room, pretending they wanted autographs, but really wanting to touch my muscles." Apparently this happens a lot; some men are highly turned-on by watching Catherine destroy a man's body, and want to have sex with her afterwards. "I felt fairly horny myself, so I told the wimps that I'd fuck whichever of them walked into my room first. They looked at each other; they didn't seem too keen. Maybe they'd heard some things about me. Then, one of them tentatively walked in, and said "You promise you won't hurt me?". "No", I said. "I promise nothing of the kind. You want to leave now?" He decided to stay. His mistake. I took him home with me; I live out in the country, a long way from any neighbors, because I don't like people hearing the screams. I took him down to the gym, so he could watch me work out. Fighting the big man hadn't been much exercise; he'd been too soft, and too easy to break. I pumped iron for about an hour, lifting about four times as much iron as the wimp could handle, and showing him how easily my big, hard muscles could handle the load. Then I was ready for sex, but I'm a bit fastidious, so I wanted the wimp to have a bath first, and told him so. He objected, saying he'd had a wash only recently, but I wasn't going to argue with him. I punched him in the belly very gently, so as not to break anything, and while he was struggling to breathe, I put him over my shoulder and carried him upstairs. I tore off his clothes, its easier than undoing all those buttons and zips, dumped him in the bath, and turned on the taps. I added a pint of disinfectant to kill off any germs, and make him smell nicer (I quite like the smell of pine), and scrubbed him down with a hard brush. By the time I was finished, he was a bit red, but fairly clean. I told him to stop snivelling as I rubbed him down with the towel, or else I'd have to spank him. I took his hand in mine, and pulled him to the bedroom; for some reason, he didn't want to go. I told him that I was being very gentle with him, but he'd better start co-operating, or I'd maybe lose my temper, and he really didn't want me to lose my temper, did he. He stopped struggling, and I picked him up and threw him on to the bed. His little penis was completely soft, and it was obvious I wasn't going to get any satisfaction from there, so I told him that it was going to be either his nose or his mouth - his choice. He looked baffled, so I spelled it out for him. If I used his nose to give myself a climax, then I could only do it by rubbing really hard, which would probably break his nose and damage the rest of his face. If he used his tongue on me, then he could probably give me an orgasm in half an hour or so, and his face would still be intact. "Tongue", he said enthusiastically, and wriggled down to get to work. I guess he'd never licked a girl before, because I had to keep stopping him to explain some elementary facts of life, like what a clitoris is, and how he had to get his tongue inside my vagina for maximum effect. Each time, I pulled his head towards me by those convenient handles that men have on each side of their head, explained the necessary to him, and rubbed his face hard on my abdomen, which is very hard, to hurt him a little bit. It took him a lot longer than a half hour. I used as much self control as I could, because I really like the feel of a soft tongue between my legs, and I managed to last for an hour. He had trouble staying the course, though - he kept stopping and saying that he couldn't go on any more. Each time, I offered to finish things off with a nose-and-face job, and each time he obediently got back to work. Eventually, I orgasmed. I hadn't warned him about what might happen when I came; I thought he'd be able to work that out for himself. In any decent orgasm, you lose control of your body, and I did then. Fortunately, he was out of reach of my hands and arms, and most of his body was well away from my legs. But his poor head was trapped between my thighs. Catherine showed me her thighs, and I shuddered at the thought of having my head in there when she reached orgasm. "I don't know how much pressure you get down there when I climax, but it must be a lot. His ears suffered the most. You know how boxers have cauliflower ears, from having them punched too often? Well, you can get the same effect when a strong woman clamps her thighs round your head and squeezes as hard as she would in an orgasm, while shaking you up and down." "Then I let him go wash his face, and join me in bed. I cuddled his face to my breasts, and we both fell asleep. By the morning, his ears weren't too bad, but they were about twice as big as they'd been before, very red, and very sore. I asked him if he'd like to stick around for another round, but he made his excuses and left." Chapter 9 - The maker of tools When Catherine finished telling me about how she'd damaged the man who had wanted to be her lover, I took her hands in mine, and kissed each of them. Then I pulled her towards me, and kissed her mouth. "I'm a monster, aren't I?", she said. "I don't think so", I replied. I was rapidly revising my previous opinion of her as a sadistic psychopath. If she were, then the episode she'd just described would have ended with her sexual partner crippled, or worse. She'd made no attempt to brutalize him in the way she'd described her treatment of other men, and if she really were a bad person, she would have hurt him badly. As it was, he was hurt no worse than any man would be at the hands of a woman four times stronger than himself. I should know, I've been there. Yes, she'd mangled a boy beyond repair, but he'd raped her, so you could understand it, even if you couldn't condone it. The men she damaged in the ring - well, that was just doing her job, and they didn't have to get in the ring with her if they didn't want to. Maybe she wasn't a homicidal, psychopathic, sadistic, maniac. Maybe she just needed someone to love her. "We've got a hard day again tomorrow, Catherine. Goodnight." "Goodnight, Sam." I felt that Catherine was improving. She'd started off treating me like an object of derision, but now she was beginning to treat me like a human being. Things were looking up. If she continued to co-operate, maybe we'd survive this ordeal, although I hadn't yet worked out how to get back to civilization, apart from the obvious method of walking south. Oh well, let's get the hang of getting enough to eat, and worry about other things later. I fell asleep, trying to think of ways to build a radio transmitter from deer horn and palm leaves. It can't be done. Next morning, I started working on toolmaking. The art of making tools is the most important and ancient known to man. I wished I had some flints to knapp, but that would have to wait. You can get a really good cutting edge with flint, and really sharp spear heads. But first, you have to find some flint, and I hadn't seen any. However, the deer's horns were wickedly sharp, and I used more palm-leaf fiber to bind a horn to each of two spears. If you can't make a radio transmitter, at least make something useful. I also had a few more ideas I wanted to try out, but I really needed a knife. I usually carry a beautiful Swiss Army knife, but hadn't thought far enough ahead when jumping from the airplane, and it was still in my briefcase. I wanted a knife really badly. You have no idea how much you need a knife, until you haven't got one. Catherine came back from the lake looking wet and gorgeous, and I just sat and started at her. "What are you staring at?" she asked, aggressively. Oh no, I thought. Catherine's gone, Cat is back. "Catherine, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and it's a pleasure just to look at you." She smiled, coyly, and Cat was replaced by Catherine. I stood up, and showed her the two spears I'd just improved. "Here you are", I said, handing them to her. "Shouldn't it be one each?", she offered. During the second world war, the science of Operational Research was invented. The idea was to apply scientific method to the conduct of operations, and after the war, the same idea were used in business. One of the most impressive results of OR, is when you take a fixed resource, and redeploy it to get a lot more effect, in such a way that after you've done it, everyone says that it's obvious, but before hand, no-one had thought of it. One example that has always stuck in my mind, was at an army mess hall. The soldiers had to wash their plates afterwards, and there were three bowls of soapy water for washing, and three of clean water for rinsing. One day, an Operational Researcher saw this and saw the queues of men, and suggested that since washing takes a lot longer than rinsing, the six bowls should be four for washing, and two for rinsing. Same six bowls, shorter queues. I explained to her that since she was stronger than me, she should have the best weapons, because that gave us the best chances at the most kills, which would be good for both of us. She saw the sense in this, and agreed. We went hunting again, and this time, we went the other way around the lake. We were lucky again - we encountered another herd of small deer-like animals, this time with much smaller horns. We repeated the hunting method that we'd used yesterday, except that I told Catherine to stay hidden for longer, so the fleeing animals would come closer to her. It took me several hours to work my way round them, but when I ran at them, I managed to get one, and Catherine waited until they were almost trampling her, jumped up, and got two, one with each spear. She picked them up and ran over to me, as excited as a teenager on her first date. "I got them, I got them", she yelled, and in her enthusiasm, she dropped them and hugged me. I struggled at first in her strong grip, but then relaxed, hoping she'd let me go. She did, but then started jumping up and down exuberantly, while she held my hands. I must admit, her excitement was infectious, and I was pretty pleased about our kill too, and started jumping up and down in time with her. But while I was jumping in the air, I'd noticed something interesting over by the lake, and I told Catherine to grab the three deer, and follow me. I got to the lakeside, and stood on the stony beach. "Yes!", I shouted. "Yes!" "What is it?" said Catherine. I picked up a few of the stones, and showed them to her. "They're stones", she said. "Not just stones, Catherine. Flint! Flint stones." "Oh, ha ha. Flintstones.", she said. "Very funny." I explained to her why flint was so important. I don't think she believed me, but she'd see me pull a few technological Rabbits out of the hat already, so humored me. I gathered up several likely looking stones, and laden down with deer and flint, headed back to our camp. This time, we had three of the little animals to clean, cook and eat; this time we'd both go to sleep on full bellies. I got the fire going, while Cat got the deer ready for cooking, and then we left them to roast. I took my lovely flints, and started working out how on earth you go from round stones to knives and spear heads. I had a rough idea of the theory, but I'd never tried it out before. I asked Catherine to continue what she'd been telling me, about what happened to the guys who had raped her. While she told me, I tried to see what I could do with the flints. Chapter 10 - Cat meets the second rapist After I'd hospitalized the first one, I realized that I didn't have to cower every time the other four teased me. I'd just gotten used to the idea that they could hurt and humiliate me, but that was three years ago, and things were different now. I followed one of them home, and as we passed an alley, I ran at him and pushed him between the buildings. It was dark in there, and no-one could see us. I told him who I was, and what had happened to his friend. I told him that I was going to hurt and humiliate him, just like he'd hurt and humiliated a helpless fourteen your old girl, but that girl was seventeen now, and was going to show him pain worse than anything he'd ever imagined. He told me "Up your ass, bitch". I explained to him what had happened to his friend, how I'd broken his power to fight back, then broken his limbs, then broken his ass. He laughed, and told me I had a wild imagination, that his friend had been beaten up by a biker gang. "No, not a biker gang", I told him. "By me, by a little girl." "Show me your tits", he said, reaching for me. I hit him in the stomach, gently. I didn't want to take him out yet; I just wanted him to know that he was in a fight. He laughed, and swung a fist at me. I moved my head, and he missed. I hit him again in the stomach, a bit harder this time. "Oof", he said, and looked angry. "You're asking for it, bitch", he said, and tried to hit me in the face again. I moved, but I didn't see his other hand punching my belly, and he connected solidly. It hurt, but not very much - I've got a lot of muscle between me and the world. At least he was fighting now, and I hit him again, this time over the heart, and this time with a bit more force. He looked surprised; it must have hurt more than I'd intended. I hit him gently in the belly again, not wanting to hurt him too quickly. He reached up to my neck, and tried to strangle me. It was painful, so I took his wrists in my hands, and pulled them off my neck, squeezing hard as I did it. I could feel his wrist bones rubbing together under the pressure of my grip, and he took a couple of steps backward. "Going somewhere?", I asked. "Don't you want to fight the weak little girlie?" He snarled something obscene and irrelevant, and rushed at me, his head lowered. I moved aside to let him go past, turned, and grabbed his head in my arm as it went by. I curled my forearm under his neck, and grabbed my arm with my other arm, pulling it up, but not as hard as I could. I felt something creak and give. I let go at once - I didn't want to break his neck, that would be too quick. As he fell to the ground, I helped him down with a light punch to the kidneys. He lay on the ground, breathing hard, and I wondered what I'd done that had hurt him so much. Maybe he was shamming? I reached down and gave his nose a good tweak. "Had enough then? Is the weak little girlie to much for the big strong man, then?" That infuriated him nicely, and he struggled to his feet, saying words I didn't know (or rather, shouldn't know), and tried to hit me again. His fists were moving more slowly now, he was getting tired from the fighting and the pain I'd given him so far. When his fist hit my belly, it didn't hurt at all. I decided that he didn't have any more fight in him, so it was time to move to stage two - smash his body apart. I hit him in the stomach again, but this time I hit him properly, with my full force, and I hit his kidneys again as he dropped. This time, he curled up on the ground, holding his belly, and groaning feebly. There was blood coming from his mouth, because I must have broken something inside him. I took off my panties, and stuffed them into his mouth; I didn't want his screams to attract attention. I took one of his hands in both of mine, put a foot in his armpit, and pulled on his hand, getting his shoulder out of its socket. As soon as it came loose, I twisted the arm, to keep the joint dislocated. Then, keeping it straight, I levered it round behind him, so that I could feel the fibers of his tendons and ligaments stretching, and then tearing loose. He fainted. I sat on his limp body, waiting for him to revive, and thinking about my next move. When he woke up, I explained to him what I'd just done, and told him that his arm would be useless for the rest of his life. "You're now a one-armed man. You'll find eating difficult, and you'll never play the violin again. But I haven't finished with you yet. There's a fourteen year old girl here who wants to hurt you like you hurt her, and there isn't anything you can do to stop her, Mr One-arm." I moved his injured arm around, to show him how painful it was, and that he was unable to move it himself. "Even getting undressed is difficult with only one arm. You'll have to get help to get dressed and undressed. Here, let me help you get undressed." I started taking his clothes off. He started to fight me, but I hit him gently in the belly, and told him that unless he obeyed me, I'd hit him properly. "Please, don't hit me again," he said. "It hurts, you've hurt me so much already." I stripped him naked, without any help from him, but without any resistance. Then I broke the news to him. "It won't be a proper rape unless I get undressed as well." He stared at me in fear as I took my clothes off. I took his undamaged hand in mine, and slowly rubbed it over my body, using it to fondle my breasts and vagina. "I hope you're enjoying this", I said, "Because I am. You want it, don't you? Admit you want it." "No, please, leave me alone." I gripped his hand tightly in mine. "Admit you want it. Admit you want me to hurt you." "No, please, please", he begged. "Tell you what," I said. "admit that you want me to hurt you, and I won't break this hand." "Please, no", he said. He didn't seem to be able to scrape up much eloquence. I started compressing his hand in both of mine, and his voice became higher by a couple of tones. "You're hurting me, please." "Say that you want me to hurt you, and I'll leave your hand alone." "Oh god, all right, I want you to hurt me, please, please." I released his hand, and lay down on top of him, pressing my breasts into his chest, and letting my soft hair caress his face. "Say it again." He was crying now. "Hurt me, please hurt me." "That's much better," I said. "Say it again, and beg me to hurt you." "Oh, please, Cat, please hurt me, but not too much." I punched him gently in the stomach that had been terribly bruised and weakened by my earlier treatment, just to remind him about what I could do if I wanted to. "No, leave out the last part. And tell me what part of you to hurt, or I'll hit you hard here again." I punched him a bit less gently in the stomach again, and his breath left his lungs, and he went red, trying to breath against the pain and my weight on his body. " Cat, hurt me, please." "Where?", I asked, punching his belly again. "No, please, I can't take any more, you're killing me." "Where?", I said, punching his belly again. "My leg, hurt my leg." I got off him. "Right, you asked for it, you got it." I turned him over onto his front, and bent one leg up so that his other knee was resting on it, with the leg straight out behind. In this position, his ankle was several inches from the ground. "Where do you want me to hurt you?" He groaned, and then whispered "My leg." I dropped down on his leg with my full weight, bending it in the opposite direction from the way it should have gone. There was a sharp crack as his knee joint disintegrated. I turned him over again, and sat on his belly, and explained what had just happened. "You asked me to hurt your leg, so I did. I've broken your knee joint. After you've recovered, walking will be difficult, and you can forget about ever running again." "No, no", he groaned. "Yes, yes," I said. "OK, what's next?" I punched his agonized belly again, not too hard. "What do you want me to hurt next, this?", I punched his belly again, "Or what?" He was delirious with the pain from his belly, shoulder and knee. I was asking him to choose which part of his body I would destroy next; I was asking him to do the ultimate betrayal, the betrayal of his own body, of himself. "Leg", he whispered. I helped him to stand up, gripping him in a bear-hug around his tortured belly. He brain was too fogged with pain to understand what I was doing. I lowered him until his weight was entirely supported on his one good leg, then I kicked at the inside of his ankle. His ankle twisted sideways, and as I pushed down on his body to add my weight to his, the twisted ankle couldn't take the strain, and snapped with a loud cracking sound. I let go of him, and he fell to the ground like a sack of flour, only softer. "Chin up," I said to him. "Not much more to go now." I gripped his testicles with one hand, and his good arm with the other. "It's decision time again", I said. "What do you want me to break?" This time, he didn't need to think about it. "My arm", he whispered. I punched his gut again; it was red and purple, and lumpy. I guessed that I'd done something terrible on the inside. "I can't hear you", I said. "My arm", he said, in a louder whisper. "No", I said, "Say it properly. Say Please kind Cat, please break my arm, and say it real loud and clear." I tightened my grip on his balls. "Please, kind Cat, please break my arm." "Anything to help a friend," I said. "After all, you helped me to get raped three years ago." I laid his good arm on the ground, put my leg into the crook of his elbow, and bent his forearm over my leg. Then I sat on his wrist, and as my weight came down, his forearm was compressed toward his arm. But my leg inside his elbow stopped that from happening. This could only be resolved in one of three ways. The first possibility was that my leg would break, but I wasn't even feeling any pain, so you can forget that possibility. The two more likely scenarios are that his forearm breaks, or his elbow comes apart. I wasn't sure which would give up first. I gradually increased the weight on his wrist. Suddenly, his elbow almost exploded; it came apart with such force, I thought his arm would come off. He fainted again. Time for the finishing touch, I thought, and hunted in the alley for a beer bottle. I didn't find one, but I found something better, a wine bottle. First I needed him awake, so that he could properly appreciate what was to come. I looked around for some water to bring him round, but there wasn't any in sight. I didn't want to leave him, in case someone found him before I was finished. Then I realised I did have some water with me. I faced him upwards again, squatted down over his head, and urinated on him. The hot liquid and pungent smell brought him to consciousness as effectively as smelling salts. "Now I'm going to rape you", I said. He was in very great pain from his ruined arms and legs, and his smashed belly made breathing painful. But the male sexual reflex is very powerful, and as I gently rubbed my breasts up and down his chest, and tickled his genitals with my hair, he slowly became aroused. I lifted his legs towards his head, and showed him the wine bottle. "No, no", he protested. "Please, anything but that." I gripped his penis in my strong hand and squeezed. "Choices, choices", I said. "Which one?" He groaned, "No, no." I wanted him to choose. I wanted him to remember for the rest of his life how he had betrayed his own body, how he had asked me to ravage him with pain and humiliation. "If you don't choose, I'll rape you and then I'll also castrate you, so choose one. Which one do you want, rape or castrate?" "Rape me," he asked. I pushed the bottle into his anus, neck first It went in easily at first, but then the shoulders of the bottle wouldn't go into his hole. I put my knee on the base of the bottle, gripped him round the waist, and pushed really hard. There was resistance at first, but then the bottle moved more easily. His body spasmed, then lay still. I checked that he was still alive, and continued to insert the wine bottle. The further I pushed it in, the harder it was getting; the last few inches were really difficult. I guessed that the bottle had needed to push a few things inside him out of the way. She got dressed, and left him there. Chapter 11 - Flint tools "I heard he spent a long time in hospital, and when he got out, he was in a wheelchair, but I don't know if that was permanent. I also heard from one of the girls at school that his sexual needs had become more interesting. He liked to be hurt, and enjoyed having blunt objects inserted into his rectum." Catherine looked at me, as if for approval. I could have lied, but I didn't. "Catherine, what you did was wrong. What they did was wrong, but you mustn't take the law into your own hands, even if you think the law has served you badly." Catherine looked down at the ground, and was silent for a very long time. "I know that", she whispered. I sat down next to her and put my arms round her. Knowing right from wrong is the first step on the road to redemption. "You see, rape isn't just about sex, pain and humiliation. I felt used, like they'd used me as a toilet. I felt, deep down, that I must have deserved it. I had no self-respect, no feeling of self-worth." I saw a tear in the corner of her eye, and hugged her close. "Catherine, you're a nice person, and anyone would be lucky to have a friend like you." "You see, I had to do it, I had to beat them up. It was the only way I could feel like a proper person, the only way I could regain my dignity and self-respect. Every time I saw any of them, it reminded me about how I'd been just a convenience to them, and they rubbed it in by laughing at me. I had to change the way they saw me, and the way I saw myself." I sat with my arms round her for a long time, saying nothing, but hugging her. I tried to think what I should say - eventually, I found the words. "I forgive you, Catherine." She sobbed, and clutched at me. Her arms pulled me towards her hard, hugging me as hard as she could. We stayed in that position for a long time, and then I remembered supper. The three deer were cooked at last. Catherine and I had one each, and we shared the last one. I fed Catherine, and she fed me, and we finished up wrestling for the last few scraps of meat. I got her pinned underneath me, except that she reached up, pulled my head down onto hers, and we kissed, and somehow at the end of the kiss, she was on top, but I didn't care. I wanted her quite badly, but I still wasn't sure whether it would be wise even to make a move. Anyway, rolling around with a girl who is several times as strong as you, and can destroy a 300 pound man with her punches, is rather fun. Well, I think it is. We fell asleep in that position. Next day dawned bright and sunny. Again. I examined my handiwork of last night, and it was looking hopeful. If you bang two flints together hard enough, one of them will fracture, leaving a fairly flat stone surface. Then, if you tap round the side of the surface, you can remove flakes of flint, and the edges of those flakes are as sharp as a razor, making great knife blades. I used these knives to cut the deer-skin into strips, and used some of the strips to bind the flints to the thighbones of the small deer, giving my knives a handle. To cure the rest of the leather, I urinated on it. I know it isn't ideal, but it's something I have plenty of, and the ammonia ought to help preserve the leather, and stop it becoming totally hard. I left the mess in the shade to dry, hoping that it would yield some useful straps for tying things. Catherine returned from the lake, carrying several flints. I was extremely pleased. I hadn't asked her to do this, she'd thought of it herself, and it was a sign that she was actively co-operating with me. I showed her the knives I'd made, and she wanted to carry one. Good idea, I thought, and I showed her how to plait a palm leaf to make a belt- holder for it. "I never thought I'd ever be plaiting, sewing and weaving", she joked. "And I didn't think I'd ever develop the skills of flint-knapping", I replied; I was rather proud of how my flint tools were looking, although I guessed a real Stone Age man would have rolled on the ground laughing at my efforts. We got ready for the hunt. This time, we had flint-tipped spears, and usable knives. We walked for some hours, and the sun seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, before we sighted a group of small animals in the distance. Catherine looked at me, and I must have looked exhausted, because she suggested that I should stay on this side of the herd while she worked round behind them. Then she'd signal when she was in place. I'd be rested by then, and could do my usual routine of jumping up and charging at the herd, scaring them towards my partner, who would kill as many as she could. We got five; I got one, and Catherine got four. Three she speared, and the fourth one she just leaped on, and slaughtered with her knife. She was really pleased with herself, and so was I. She hugged me, a bit too hard, but I didn't complain. We carried the little animals back to our base camp, but as we set off, it started raining. "Ugh," said Catherine. "I hate getting wet." "Can't be helped," I said, "We won't melt." Don't ask me what that means, it's something my mother always used to say. After we'd gotten soaked to the skin, Catherine cheered up. "Well, we can't get any wetter", she said. When we came in sight of our camp, she hurrahed, and ran towards it, eager to get under our shelter. Unfortunately, as she was running, she slipped and fell over, and stayed down. "Please no", I thought. The slightest injury, trivial in a world of antiseptics and doctors, could turn fatal here. I was relieved to see that she was fine, she'd just slipped in a patch of wet clay, and was winded. I helped her up, and she stood and got her breath back, then continued to the shelter. I lingered for a moment, looking thoughtfully at the wet ground, then followed her. The rain soon stopped, the sun came out, and the world dried off. I left Catherine to start the fire, while I gutted and cleaned the deer with my knife. In particular, I was thinking about catgut and the use of ligaments for string, and set some aside for later use. While Catherine looked after the fire and roasts, I went back to where she'd slipped over. I wanted a closer look at what she'd fallen in. It looked like clay, and it felt like clay. So, maybe it was clay? I dug a big double-handful out of the ground, and brought it back to the shelter. "What's do you want mud for?" asked Catherine. "It isn't mud, it's clay, and you make pottery out of clay." Catherine laughed. "Here we are in the African Jungle, and you want to make clay pots!" I frowned, and turned to tell her a thing or two, but she looked so lovely as she laughed, I started laughing too. A woman laughing is one of the most attractive sights and sounds in the world, I think. You might prefer paintings of cornflowers. "Catherine, it isn't the Jungle, it's the Veldt, and you won't believe how useful pottery is. Think about not having to go to the lake every time you want a drink." Catherine stopped laughing quite so hard, and squeezed me in her muscular arms, too hard as usual, and I squeezed her back, and one thing led to another, and we fell on the ground wrestling, and this time she didn't let me win, and I ended up with my arms held down on the ground, and the most intense kiss I've ever had. After an eternity she let me up, and I pulled her back down on me. After another eternity, we both got up and sorted ourselves out. While Catherine attended to the roast, turning it, I thought about how you make pots out of clay. I knew how to form the clay into any shape I wanted, but I had no idea how hot you had to make them to fire them. I knew that commercial kilns are far hotter than I could hope to achieve, but I thought that people had been making pottery since very early times, so I guessed you didn't need any more heat than you could get with a wood fire. I kneaded the clay in the way you have to, to get it ready for working. Then I took lumps of it, and rolled it into long, thin sausages, rolling it between my palms. I used the thin clay cylinders to build up my pot, winding it in a spiral to make the base, then building it upwards with more rolls of clay, round and round, and up and up, until I had a sizable urn, made out of my spiralling rolls of clay. I pressed the walls gently between my hands to make sure that there weren't any gaps, and put it by the fire to dry. If it rained again, my work would be ruined, but I could always make another one. As we ate our supper, I asked Catherine about the other boys who had raped her. At first, she didn't want to talk about it, and I told her some more about my romance with Candy. She asked me lots of questions about Candy's feats of strength, and looked at her own arms, obviously wondering if she could match my ex-girlfriend. I didn't want to tell her that there wasn't any chance, any chance whatsoever, because she was rightly proud of her muscles. Then I asked her about the boys again, and she told me about her next encounter. Chapter 12 - Cat meets the next two rapists I guess word of what I'd done got around, and the other three started avoiding me. I sought them out wherever I could, and started taunting them. "Afraid of a little girlie?", I asked. "Nervous that I might do to you what I did to the others? They can't walk properly now, you know. Worried about walking past dark alleys? The other guys weren't worried about what might happen, maybe they should have stayed in brightly-lit streets. Frightened when you see your own shadow, thinking it might be some little girl following you? Scared that I might beat you to a bloody, ruined pulp, like I did your friends?" Yes, they were, and I tried to make them as terrified as I could, to make their lives a misery of anticipation, wondering when Nemesis might strike and convert their healthy bodies into crippled wrecks. I guess I pushed them too far. They decided that their best bet would be to get me before I got them. It hadn't occurred to me that they'd be able to scrape up the courage to attack me, after what I'd done to their friends. But even a cornered rat will attack its tormentor. They armed themselves with baseball bats, and confronted me one night as I was walking home over the grass. Two big boys, armed with baseball bats that looked as big as telegraph poles, and as hard as iron. I was really worried about what I'd gotten myself into, and thought about running for it. Did they want to cripple me like their friends, or were they just aiming to kill me? I certainly didn't want to find out the hard way. I thought I could maybe out run them, but they were taller and their legs were longer, and I wasn't sure. I certainly didn't like the thought of being smashed from behind by a baseball bat as I ran away. So I decided it was safer to stay and fight, in spite of the horrible odds. With their weapons, they didn't need to let me get close enough to use my fists. They could stand off and wear me down, each one hitting me from behind as I faced the other one. They didn't need to hit very hard, either; there's a limit to how much even my hard muscles would be able to take being smashed with those wooden bats, whereas clubbing me wouldn't hurt them at all. We snarled abuse at each other, but my mind was occupied with the tactical problem - how do you deal with two determined attackers, armed with baseball bats, who want to batter you into a bloody broken ruin. Again I thought of fleeing, but again I decided that it would get me into worse trouble than I was already in. It was dark; none of us could see very well, and I thought I'd make use of that. I bent down and scooped up something heavy, and threw it straight at the head of the one on my left. He raised his arms to protect his head and ducked, not realizing that there was nothing to avoid. While he was distracted, I hurled myself at the one on my right - I needed to get him out of action quickly so that I could concentrate on the other one. He swung his bat at me, and it connected with my right arm, sending a lightning bolt of pain up to my shoulder, followed by numbness. I lunged forward in spite of the agony, and my left fist sunk into his soft belly with all the force I could gather, sinking deep into the puffy flesh, driving hard through his stomach muscles, fat, and underlying tissue, until it reached deep within him. The force of my punch sent hydrostatic shock waves through his body; the fluid inside him was unable to escape through its guiding channels fast enough to absorb the shock, and the delicate internal organs that should have been protected from harm by his skeleton and musculature felt the force of my blow, transmitted through his body. Internal organs don't have the ability to feel pain, but they are able to refer the damage to other parts of the body, which feel the pain for them. The damage to his heart, for example, was expressed as an white-hot agonizing sensation in his left elbow. He collapsed. I could safely ignore him. Not so the guy behind me. He'd recovered quickly from my trick with the imaginary stone, and rushed towards my unprotected back as I attacked his friend. He swung his bat, and connected with my left side, and I felt my ribs crack from the force of the blow. These guys weren't kidding. I fell to the ground, and rolled, trying to put a bit of distance between myself and that terrible hard weapon. He stood over his friend, trying to help him to stand, but to no avail. I'd hit him with all my strength, plus all the hatred of the fourteen-year-old inside me that had been raped by this animal, plus all the desperation of the seventeen-year-old who didn't want to be crippled or killed. He was staying down for a while. The other guy stopped tugging at his friend, and stood to face me. "Right, bitch. Get ready to die." My left arm dangled uselessly by my side, and I hugged my left side with my right arm, trying to contain the pain of my broken ribs. "Can't you leave me alone?", I begged. I looked down at my dangling arm. "You've broken my arm, and smashed these ribs. You've taught me a lesson - leave me alone, and I promise I'll leave you alone." He laughed, and waved the bat in my face. "I'll leave you alone all right. I'm going to break your other arm, and a few more of your ribs, and then I'm going to use this bat where it will hurt you the most. I'm going to ram it right up your cunt, until it comes out of your throat." I wept. "Please, can't you see I'm helpless? My left arm's useless, and I can't move because of my broken ribs. Please, please don't hurt me any more", I cried. "I'll do anything you want, anything." He moved towards me, holding his bat ready to swing at my right arm. He was going to break my arm and make me helpless, then he was going to use three feet of hard wood to rape me. He swung, and the thick, heavy baseball bat connected with my right arm, and broke the bone with an audible crack. I moved in towards him, and my left arm shot towards his gut, powered by every fiber of my being. I knew I had just the one chance that my right arm had bought me, and I was going to use it to the limit. My legs, my torso, my shoulder and my arm muscles all drove my fist into his stomach, and I hit him so hard that I thought that I could feel his backbone on my knuckles. He was driven back a few feet by the force of my punch, and dropped like a sack of coal to the ground. I stood over him, breathing heavily, and trying not to faint from the pain of the two breaks in my right arm. It had been agony, using my good left arm to lift my right arm up, so that I could grip my jumper in my right hand, and pretend that my right arm was fine. It had taken all my self control to pretend that it was my left arm that was broken, and allow him to swing his bat at my already excruciatingly painful right arm. The verbals were easy; it didn't take much acting to have him believing what he so much wanted to believe. But he'd fallen for the stratagem, and now lay on the ground, trying to breathe without the white-hot lances of agony that were shooting through his body. I wanted to crawl home and let someone look after me, I wanted to go to a hospital and have my arm set in plaster, but I had more work to do before I could rest. I didn't want a repeat performance of tonight; I had to make sure that these two toughs didn't bother me any more, and the best way to do that, I thought, was to tenderize them. Every movement I made brought pain to my right arm, and every breath I took hurt my ribs. My strength was ebbing; I could see at first hand how pain sapped your muscles, and turned power into weakness. I stood panting over the two boys, and thought about how I could make sure that they were never any threat to me again. I picked up one of the baseball bats, and hefted it. I could see how it would make a fine weapon. I swung it, and gasped as the pain of my broken ribs struck my side. I walked over to one of the boys, curled up in a ball, gasping on the ground. I hit him in the kidneys with the bat, so straighten him out, and he arched his back with the blow. While his stomach was exposed, I rammed the end of the bat into his solar plexus, and he passed out from the pain that struck his body. I turned him over on to his back, and spread his arms out to each side. I could only swing the bat one-handed, and each swing hurt my side, so I abandoned all thought of subtlety. I just broke each of his elbows, and each of his hands. He must have felt the pain even though he was unconscious, because his body spasmed at each blow. Then I turned him onto his back, bent his legs, and smashed his kneecaps, and broke his shins. No subtlety at all. I left him lying there, and walked over to his friend, still lying on the ground. I waited a few minutes until the pain from my own exertions died down, and went back to work. A couple of blows to his backbone uncurled him, and I could bring the end of my bat into his belly button, where a great many nerves converge. I had to repeat it a couple of times before the pain became too much for him, and he passed out. Half a dozen swings of the bat left him with enough broken joints to make me feel he'd have long term pain and trouble, and I rested, leaning on the bat. I really, really wanted to stop now and leave them, but I drove myself on. I had to finish this thing off the right way. I loosened the boy's belt, and dragged his trousers down a little way. I didn't have the strength to pull them right down - half mast would have to suffice. I looked at the bat, and decided that I'd use the handle end on his rectum, and thrusting as hard as I could, I managed to get it about six inches inside him before I gave up, leaving it in place. I picked up the other baseball bat, and staggered to the other boy, the one who had promised to rape me with the hard wooden club. I pulled his trousers right off, and thought about what my next move should be. I wanted something special for him, and couldn't think what. In my weakened state, there wasn't much I would be able to do, but it had to be something good. I looked around for inspiration. Then I saw a litter bin nearby, and I had an idea. I dragged him, inch by inch, over to the bin, and tied one of his ankles to its base using his belt. I then took his other ankle in my good hand, and lifted it as high in the air as I could. I stood on the ankle that was tied to the litter bin, and let myself topple to the ground, keeping his ankle firmly in my grip as I fell. I must have passed out when I hit the ground. My broken ribs were on fire, and I could barely breathe. But as I looked at his ruined body on the ground, I felt that it had been worth it. His legs were splayed far apart, at an impossible angle. I'd destroyed his hip joint, possibly both of them, and broken his pelvic girdle. He'd wouldn't be able to walk, until he had an artificial hip replacement, and he'd never be able to walk quickly, let alone run. But that was only the first part of my intentions. With his legs able to freely move in unnatural directions, I was able to insert the thick end of the baseball bat into his anus, and there was little resistance from his broken bones and ruined hips as I pushed it as deeply as I could into place. Without depth markers on the side, it was impossible to be sure, but I judged that I'd gotten it about eighteen inches in before I couldn't push it any further. I was exhausted, and in very great pain. I urinated on his head, and went home to lick my wounds, and get hospital attention. I wanted to get treatment right away, I figured they'd be very busy tomorrow. Chapter 13 - Fucking Catherine Catherine licked grease of her fingers and arms; she looked very like a cat cleaning herself. She looked up at me, her tale told. "Rollicking Rabbits, Catherine," I exclaimed. She looked so lovely in the flickering firelight, soft and feminine, vulnerable and in need of protection. I crawled over to where she sat, and put my hands on her shoulders. She kissed one of my hands, and I pulled her towards me, and held her. I felt her trembling; telling me about her fight with the two boys had obviously brought it all back to her, the fear and the pain. I held her hands in mine, and told her "I thought your broken-arm ruse was brilliant." She explained "It wasn't my idea. I got it from a bird, the partridge. If a fox prowls too close to a partridge nest, the hen partridge pretends to have a broken wing, so the fox tries for the more tempting mother instead of her babies. Each time the fox lunges at the partridge, she manages to flutter away, but still pretends to have the broken wing, until she's lured it far enough from her nest that she feels that her babies are safe." "It was still brilliant", I said, "and to think of it in the heat of battle, through the pain of an already broken arm, and to see it through, knowing that the same arm would get smashed again." Catherine smiled. "I'm not all brawn, you know." "True, but quite a lot of you is." I showed her some of her brawnier bits, and then some of her more delicate bits, and one thing led to another, and I wound up helpless in some sort of wrestling hold. "This is called a Full Nelson", she explained. I told her it didn't hurt at all. "It does when I'm fighting - this isn't fighting." I immediately decided that I'd rather not try the fighting version, and told her so. She let me go, and came round to face me from the front. "Sam," she asked, "Why don't you fuck me? Is it because I'm so horrible?" "Catherine, Catherine. I don't think you're horrible at all. I think you're quite the nicest girl for miles around." She giggled. "I think you're sweet, and gentle, and good with a spear, and intelligent, and brave." "Then why won't you fuck me?" I explained the problem to her. As many people may have forgotten, fucking makes babies. The reason why people forget, is that in our modern society, fucking doesn't make babies unless people want it to. But before contraceptives were invented, a woman might have over a dozen babies, if she were lucky. If she wasn't lucky, she'd die in childbirth after the first few. Of those dozen babies, maybe a couple would survive to adulthood. Modern medicine has changed that - pretty nearly every baby survives to adulthood, so people use contraceptives to reduce the baby count. But we didn't have access to modern medicine, and I really didn't know when we'd get back to civilization. "If it takes several months, you getting pregnant could kill us, because it pretty much puts you out of action." People are designed to live in tribes, so that the men can hunt as a band, and the women can help each other with the babies. We didn't have a tribe. "Catherine, we only have one form of contraception available to us - abstinence." Catherine thought about this for a moment. "Is that the only reason?", she asked. "Yes", I said. "I'd fuck you bandy-legged otherwise." "Right", she said, and jumped on me. Have you ever been jumped on by a woman about five times as strong as you? I have - a long time ago with Candy, and now again with Catherine. I worked out a way of dealing with it with Candy. What do you do when a strongly muscled woman grips your body between her thighs? You probably guessed it - anything she wants. Catherine's hands and mouth clamped over my genitals, and it was clear to me what I was supposed to do, so I did it. She was surprisingly gentle, considering. It was still a lot more vigorous than I would have preferred, and frankly left a lot to be desired. I was very surprised at the speed with which she climaxed, at which point she stopped, leaving me somewhat frustrated. "Whew", she said. "That was nice. Thanks." And off she ran to the lake, to have a bit of a swim before darkness fell. Nice? Was that all she had to say? Thanks? What happened to "The earth moved"? What happened to "Oh darling, that was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me?" Nice? Is that all I rated? I'm sure she'd done her best, but her amorous prowess was pathetic. I would have expected better from a virgin. And then it occurred to me to wonder; maybe she was a virgin? There are different kinds of virgins. There are the real, virgo intacta, type virgins, but there is also the kind that is technically not a virgin, but has never been aroused, never known true love, and never had a proper, full-throated, mind-blowing, muscle-weakening, toe-curling orgasm. Catherine had been raped, so she was obviously not an intacta, but an experience like that can be psychologically devastating, and can be difficult to recover from. I suspected that Catherine was in that class, and had never made love, just been licked by people who didn't really care what happened, or rubbed things on herself. The more I thought about her, the more I could see that her emotional development had been arrested at the age of fourteen, and it was easy to see what had been the cause. She hadn't had a proper adolescence, the time when people learn how to stop being children and start being adults. Adolescence is a painful experience, but that's because you're learning so many new things, learning ethics and morals, learning how to relate to other people, learning how to be an adult. As the sun set, Catherine returned. I saw her against the crimson and maroon sunset, her golden hair looking deep red in the evening light. She came into the shelter, we snuggled up like spoons, and went to sleep. I declared the next day a holiday, of sorts. There was enough left over from yesterday's hunt, that we didn't need to trek out, which was very nice - this was the first time we'd produced a surplus, and meant that things were going well. But I didn't want us to just laze in the sun. I had plans for a kiln. I scraped a trench in the ground, and built the sides up with clay. I filled it with thick pieces of wood, and used a branch from my fire to light it. Once it was going strongly, I roofed it over with turves of grass, put the pot I'd made at the end, and a turf wall behind it. At the front, I needed an my air-blower, but I had an idea how I could get one. The effect was a forced air draft over the fire, channelled down the trench, blasting over the pot, reflecting off the wall behind it, and escaping upwards. All I needed was something that would create a strong draft of air from the front; bellows or an electric fan. Chapter 14 - Pottery "Catherine", I called. "Come and see this." She didn't look too impressed, and I explained that we needed a high temperature to fire the clay into a pot. I explained the tremendous advantages of having pots to put things in, and to cook in, and to store things in. I convinced her that what she wanted right now more than anything else was pots, and then I explained to her that she was my air-blower. She could use a broad leaf to drive the air, but what I needed mostly was her strength and endurance. She say down and started flapping. The fire became stronger, and I went to get some more clay, because if this experiment worked, we'd want lots of pots. Plus, I could think of another important use for fired clay. Walls and roofs. Catherine fanned while I potted. It was tiring work for her, but she didn't complain. I found her presence restful; she didn't feel that she had to fill every second with chatter, like so many people do. Potting doesn't take much brainpower, so I was able to do a bit of thinking. How could we get away from this lonely veldt back to civilization. I thought of several plans, some silly but some more sensible. Eventually, I had a thought that was so lunatic that I laughed out loud. The more I thought about it, the more insane it seemed, but I couldn't actually think of a good reason why it wouldn't work. I thought I'd wait before telling Catherine about it, in case I could find a reason why my absurd idea might be infeasible. I told Catherine she could stop fanning the fire, and let it burn itself. She came and sat by me and watched me making pots for a while, but them she wandered off. I got several more pots ready for firing, with different sizes and functions, then started making bricks. You know that thing about making bricks without straw? Well, you only need straw to strengthen bricks if you aren't going to fire them, and I didn't think that unfired bricks would stand up to the sort of rain that I could see that we got around here. Eventually, Catherine returned. She'd walked right round the lake, and she'd found a whole bunch of pretty stones - mostly quartz, that looks like diamonds, and pyrites, which looks like gold (and is also known as "Fool's Gold"). I explained to Catherine that, although the stones were pretty, the white crystals were silica quartz, and the sparkling golden rock wasn't gold, it was iron pyrites. I fell silent as I stared at the pyrites. If it had been gold, it wouldn't have been nearly as valuable as what it actually was. It was iron. Iron! I can't begin to describe the excitement I felt as I realized that I had everything I needed to make iron, maybe even some sort of steel. To make iron, you heat up the ore in a reducing furnace, which means that you mix it with charcoal and burn the mixture. You make charcoal out of wood, and we had plenty of wood. I was so excited, I stuttered slightly as I explained this to Catherine, and I think that my excitement must have been infectious, because she got heated up too. I didn't have to explain the importance of iron to her; everyone knows how useful it is. I was so enthusiastic, I almost forgot about my pot, but not quite. The fire had died right down, and I used a couple of branches as tongs, and lifted it out. I rapped on it with my knuckles, and it felt sound. When it had cooled, we took it down to the lake, and filled it up with water. I'd done a good job, it didn't leak. Catherine carried it back to our shelter, and we dined on cold roast deer, left over from the previous day. While we ate, I put my pot on the fire, and put all the bones, fat, and inedible meat in the water. Meanwhile, Catherine told me about the last boy who had raped her. Chapter 15 - The last rapist I'd turned the other four boys into ruined wrecks, permanently maimed and psychologically scarred for life. There was one more left. The urge to destroy in me was less, mostly sated by dealing with the other four, but I didn't want the fifth boy to escape my attentions. He knew what I intended, though, and he made sure that he was always with plenty of other people. I saw him in school, but I couldn't get him alone. I had to change my strategy. I would have to deal with him in public. My first chance came while we were in the hallways at school. He was among a group of friends, but I wasn't going to let that bother me. I walked right up to him, and rubbed my body against his. "Hello", I said brightly. "Remember me?" I could feel him trembling as I leaned against him. He was afraid of me - good. "Have you visited the other four guys? I hear they're making good progress, and might be walking a little any week now." I rubbed it in. "I hope they catch the gang of thugs that beat them up. We wouldn't want any more beatings, would we?" He was past speaking. "Would we?", I repeated, more loudly. He shook his head, no. "I heard that the gang beat two of them up the other week, left them in hospital. Used baseball bats on them. Appalling." He knew who had been carrying the baseball bats, and that the next day, my arm was in a plaster cast, but the two boys were in intensive care, expected to pull through, but maimed for life. He knew what had happened, everybody knew. Nobody had any evidence, they just knew. "I wouldn't like you to get hurt like that." He swallowed. "Look, my arm's better now, it was just a plain fracture." I showed him my arm. I held it up and flexed, so that he could compare it with his own, thinner and smaller, and so much softer and weaker. "I know a way you can make sure you don't get torn up like those guys," I said. "What do you want," he whispered. "What do you want from me?" "What are you offering?", I asked. "Please," he said. "I saw what you did to them. Please don't hurt me." "All right, I won't hurt you today, if you'll just do one little thing for me." "Yes, anything. What do you want from me?" "Wet yourself," I said. "Look, look at my biceps. Hasn't my arm healed well? I heard that they got hit in the belly with a sledgehammer. I bet that isn't true; who would walk around carrying a sledgehammer, just so that he could smash someone in the belly? Aren't my muscles big? I'd like you to wet yourself. Right now." I guess it seemed like a great trade. In exchange for some discomfort, and some embarrassment, he was free from my frightening presence. I watched the warm, wet patch spread on his trousers, smiled at him and his friends, and left. I hadn't laid a finger on him, and his humiliation was off to a great start. Over the next week or two, I bumped into him every time I could. Each time, I snuggled up to him, rubbing my body against his, and letting my hair tickle his face. Each time, I made him wet himself, and walked away. Maybe he hadn't made such a great trade after all. The trouble with paying the Danegeld, is that you never get rid of the Dane. I increased the pressure. I bought a watermelon, and got him to hold it for me. While he held it up, I hit it with my best right hander. The melon exploded, pulp, juice and seeds everywhere. I told him that he wasn't allowed to piss in the toilet, that he was only allowed to piss when I told him he could. I showed him my right fist, told him that it was as hard as iron, and let him touch it, and feel my knuckles. I told him to imagine what a punch like that would feel like. And I told him to wet himself. As the days went by, I found him accompanied by fewer and fewer friends. Is that a surprise? Each time I came up to him, he wouldn't know whether he would be allowed to urinate or not. Often, he was in some discomfort, because of my toilet ban. Sometimes, when I told him to piss in his pants, he was even grateful for the release. I made a regular feature out of his arrival at school. I made him stand at the top of the steps, and wet his trousers. No-one wanted to sit anywhere near him in class, and certainly not next to him. I told him to go visit his friends in hospital, to assure them that I was in good health, that my broken arm was mended properly, and that I hoped they'd regain some use in their limbs, at least. He came back from those visits very submissive and humble, and I would take the opportunity to add some new humiliation to those he was already suffering. He started to cry when I spoke to him. I always spoke softly, gently to him, and always showed him examples of my strength and power. I would explain to him how his elbow worked, gently bending it backwards and forwards, showing him the delicate bones of the joint and exposed nerves inside the elbow. I would stroke his inner elbow, explaining about how terribly vulnerable this part of the body is, and how important it is not to break it. I made sure that he drank plenty of milk at afternoon break, and when it was time to go home, I started a new ritual. He had to stand at the top of the steps, take off his trousers, and wet his underpants. Then, he could put his trousers back on, and go home. After several days of this, I changed the routine - instead of putting his trousers back on, he had to wear an old skirt of mine while walking home. By now, he had no friends at all. His former friends couldn't understand what had happened to him, how he had turned into this disgusting, filthy perverted animal. But I knew, and so did he. He would cry when I spoke to him, great floods of tears for no good reason. By now, he was so accustomed to obeying my will, he would wet himself on my command involuntarily. I told him to shave his head, and he came in to school the next day, totally bald. The teachers were complaining to his parents about his behavior, and he told me that his parents were trying to find out the reason for his strange behavior. He cried often now, for no apparent reason. He would sit in class, ignoring the teacher, just crying softly to himself. I told him that he mustn't tell anyone about my commands. I told him that he had to say that it was an inner voice telling him, and he had to obey. I showed him my fist again, made him count my knuckles, touch my forearm. I showed him the stunt with the watermelon again. I felt that I had him softened up enough, it was time to break his sanity completely. In the middle of the school assembly, I told him to drop his trousers, shit on the floor, and try to smear it on as many people as possible. He took me literally, and I spent ages in the shower afterwards, getting rid of the smell, then getting rid of the memory of the smell. But so did lots and lots of other people. The effect was everything I could have wanted. He was expelled from the school, and sent to a psychiatrist for treatment. He continued to wet himself, as I'd forbidden him the toilet, and explained that he was obeying his inner voices. He was committed to an insane asylum, and probably was genuinely insane by now. Chapter 16 - Catherine has an orgasm As Catherine finished telling this terrible tale, I was both fascinated and appalled. A seventeen-year-old girl had figured out how to drive a boy insane, and had coldbloodedly done so. I wondered if there was any atrocity that she wasn't capable of. I couldn't decide whether she was insane herself or not, and remembered the acid test for sanity. If you can hold down a job, you're sane. Catherine's obsession had been with the five boys who raped her, and her lust for revenge was now sated. What she had done was truly horrible, gruesome, but if you read the plots of Shakespeare's plays, you'll find far worse things. In fact, if Shakespeare wrote today, and someone tried to make a video of some of them, action groups would be trying to ban them. Romeo and Juliet, for example - have you any idea how young Juliet was? Go look it up. If anyone wrote that play today, it would be called child porn, and banned. There's nothing new under the sun. And, I've never been raped (playing at being raped isn't the same thing at all, that's a fun fantasy between two consenting adults, and anything that two grown ups want to pretend as part of their sex play is fine). So I couldn't put myself in the head of a woman who had been brutalized by five big boys, and who then had to continue to go to the same school as them, as if nothing had happened. So I couldn't make judgements about Catherine, except to see that she'd been so terribly hurt, physically and emotionally, that she'd had her adolescence stolen, her innocence prematurely terminated, and sexual development derailed. And it takes time to recover from such a horrible experience. I told her that I forgave her, and that I wanted to try something with her. "Do you trust me?" I asked. She hesitated. Life had taught her not to trust anyone, I was asking her to give me something that she didn't have. She closed her eyes in pain, and started crying. I held her gently, and kissed away her tears. "Catherine, Catherine, what have they done to you. My baby Catherine, come here, come to Sam, let me kiss you better." It's a scientific fact that a kiss is one of the best painkillers, and mothers knew this even before science was invented. Catherine's pain was pain of the mind, and that's the kind of pain that kisses are especially good for. I gave her the standard dose, then a double dose. Then, risking the possibility of overdose, I kissed her face, her mouth, her nose, her chin, and worked my way southwards, kissing as I went. From my position near her crotch, I looked up at her. "Trust me, Catherine. Close your eyes and trust me." I saw her eyes close, and felt her body relax. I'd never felt her body like this before, it had always been hard and tensed. Her body was still a lot harder than mine, but it had lost the illusion of slick satin on hard steel, and now felt like soft silk on firm flesh. I stroked the fur between her legs, and she relaxed more. I was very gentle, and tried not to move her along too fast. I wanted her mind relaxed, and her body floating on a cloud. The human hand is the most devastating sexual weapon that a man or woman has. It is designed primarily to deliver sexual pleasure. It is far more sensitive than is needed to use the kinds of tools that man evolved with, such as sticks and stones. It is far more dextrous than is needed to wield a stick or throw a stone. The pads at the ends of our fingers were designed entirely for pleasing a lover. Likewise, the whole human body is designed to be a sexual organ. Our near-hairlessness is a disadvantage, as we are less protected from the elements. But the sexual pleasure that the naked ape gets from its nakedness, exceeds anything found anywhere else in the animal kingdom. There are good evolutionary reasons for this (see the story about Jane). I used my hands on Catherine's body, slowly, gently, using long, careful strokes over her flanks and belly, and short, rubbing motions on her bush. I could feel her getting aroused under my touch; I could smell her sexual state, and hear her breathing getting harsher. I avoided touching her genitals, I needed them at maximum receptivity for later, and touching them now would be too soon. But as her body began to writhe and stretch, I reached up to touch and rub her nipples, bringing her strongly into heat. When I judged the time was right, I brought one of my hands down to stroke her clitoris and vagina, and she immediately exploded into tumultuous orgasm. Her body shook and spasmed as she tried to get away from the delicious torture, but I gripped her carefully, and pushed her further into her climax. Her screams were as loud as a woman in pain, as I touched places that had never been touched before, and convulsed her nervous system into an orgy of sensation. But a body can only take so much, and with a final, despairing scream, Catherine fainted. I sat and watched her as she lay there, looking like a child asleep. After a few minutes, her eyelids flickered and opened, she sat up, and uttered an immortal cliche that I'd never actually heard before. "Where am I?" I didn't think that needed an answer. She shook herself all over, like a dog emerging from a bath, and I waited. "Golly," she said. "What did you do to me?" "It's called an orgasm, Catherine. I guess you've never had one before." She agreed, never. "But I've had sex with people - why didn't I feel like this before?" "Because you trusted me, Catherine, because you let me take charge of your body, you let me take control of you." "Yes, she said. "I've never let anyone take control, I've always wanted to be in control, because if you're not in control, then someone else is, and I can't stand the thought of someone else doing what they want with my body." I went over to the fire, and picked up the pot. "And now I've got a special treat for you." We shared the soup. There was no salt, no pepper, no garlic. There was no cream, no chopped chives, no parsley garnish. But it was the best bowl of soup I've ever had, bar none, and it was just as good for Catherine. We both slept well that night. Chapter 17 - The iron age The next few days passed in a similar manner. We hunted, and each time we got better at it, until we only needed to trudge out every few days. I made more pots and mugs, bricks and shingles. When we had enough bricks and roofing shingles, I used them to make a more durable and rain-proof shelter for us. I even made a pinch-pot, made out of a ball of clay, and pinched into an exotic shape, purely for decoration, to emphasize the fact that we now lived in a proper brick house, a one- roomed dwelling with water laid on (in jugs), sanitation (via a pot), and central heating (last thing at night, we brought a pot of boiling water into our little house, to warm the chill night air). While I worked to improve our standard of living, Catherine gathered wood, large quantities of wood, and more of the pretty Fool's Gold, iron pyrites. Eventually, I was ready for the Great Experiment, the leap of technology that I hoped would bring us into the Iron Age. I built a charcoal-making fire, drawing on a book by Arthur Ransome called Swallows and Amazons, where the Amazons Nancy and Peggy make charcoal in order to smelt gold. Iron has a lower melting point, so I didn't need so much charcoal, but I remembered how they made it in the book, and I followed their method. You build a pyramid of wood, then cover it with turf (of which the veldt had plenty, and our flint tools could easily handle the soft ground), except for a kind of chimney. You got the fire burning nicely, then smothered the pile of wood entirely with turf, including the chimney. After the inside smoulders for a few days, you have a pile of charcoal. The point of charcoal, is that it is almost pure carbon, so it burns hotter than wood. It's not as convenient as coal, but if I had a horse, I'd ride home. You can't use what you haven't got. Next, I built an iron smelter. The floor was just hard-trodden earth, the walls were circular and made of brick, to keep the heat inside and concentrated. After rising for two feet, they curved inwards, making the circle smaller and smaller, until there was just a small chimney-hole at the top. There was a small square cut in the side of one of the walls, so that I could blow air in to make the fire burn hotter. Inside, I built up later after layer of charcoal and iron pyrites. I didn't really know how this should really be done, or even if pyrites was an adequate ore for iron, but I knew the theory, and let that be my guide. I filled the small smelter nearly to the brim, then set fire to it with a burning branch. Catherine acted as my air blower, but soon the smelter was burning well, the air being drawn through by the chimney, and we could let it work on its own. I inserted the bricks to close the door. The smelter burned for two days, and it was another two days before I decided it was cool enough to examine. I pulled the loose bricks away to open it up, and Catherine peered over my shoulder. "It's empty", she said, disappointed. "No it isn't, look." I pointed. It looked like a puddle on the ground. It was iron, melted into a puddle, then solidified. We'd made iron. You can almost get the same buzz by flying to the moon on a spaceship you've built in your back yard, or by giving a devastating orgasm to a woman who has never had one before. But let me tell you out of personal experience, nothing, absolutely nothing beats the thrill you get out of making iron. That evening, Catherine and I celebrated. There was no beer, unfortunately, or other intoxicants, but we did have each other, and you can get pretty high on sex. Afterwards, we didn't have any cigarettes (no loss, as neither of us smoked), so instead, Catherine told me how she got involved in professional barehand fighting. Chapter 18 - Catherine becomes a professional fighter After I left school, I went to work as a waitress in the city, in a coffee house. I couldn't afford to live in a decent neighborhood, although it wasn't quite a slum. The coffee house was pretty run down and grubby, though, and frequented by rather a lot of undesirables. I thought that wasn't my problem, until one day, an especially ugly one of them grabbed me and pulled me down onto his lap as I was passing. I struggled, as one does, and got away from him. Next time I passed him, he tried to pull me down onto his lap again, so I gave him a slap on his ear, not too hard, but hard enough to sting. I thought that was the end of the matter. That evening, as I left for home, I was jumped by two guys, Ugly and a friend. Before I realized what was going on, they'd forced me down to the ground, and I realized they were planning to rape me. Not again! The rape of the fourteen-year-old Cat was as fresh in my mind as yesterday, and I struggled and tried to scream in my terror. Then I realized that I was being rather silly. Neither of these guys seemed to be armed, but I had my fists. I relaxed under them, and said "Well, I might as well enjoy this. I've always wanted to be raped." "Yeah, baby," Ugly replied, wittily. "Could I give you a blowjob first, get you really ready?" I requested. Golly, talk about gullible. Ugly lay down and let me get positioned above him, and his friend held my ankles to make sure I couldn't get away. I pulled down his trousers, pulled up his shirt, and tried to bury my fist as deep in his belly as I could. It must have felt like the world had fallen on him; he folded up immediately into a tight ball. I turned to his friend, who was still holding my ankles. "What's the matter with him?", I asked, innocently. He let go of my ankles, and knelt over Ugly, trying to see what was wrong. He had his back to me, so I punched his kidneys as hard as I could, trying to punch them through his body. He collapsed on top of his friend. I stood up, and rearranged my clothing. There didn't seem to be anyone around, and I had a bit of a think. They knew how to find me, and I didn't know how to find them. If I just let them walk away, they probably wouldn't leave it at that, and I might not be able to deal with them so easily next time. I didn't fancy another encounter with two men armed with baseball bats, or worse. I had to make sure that they didn't come looking for me at some later date, and I could only think of one way to do that. I wasn't very creative; it was just a chore that had to be done. I laid an arm out flat on the ground, but with the elbow on top of one of their legs, and pressed down with my weight on the wrist and shoulder until the elbow broke. I did this four times. I did the same thing with four knees, except that I had to throw myself down on the leg to get enough force to break each knee. Enough. If that didn't discourage them, nothing would. I was wrong, very wrong. It took a few months, but their joints healed fairly well, and I was again accosted by the two men, this time moving more slowly and painfully, limping, and armed with knives. I had my back to a wall; they were spread out on each side of me, feinting with their knives, acting like they had all the time in the world. I knew that if I went for one, the other would thrust his knife into me, and I wouldn't survive the night. They kept moving around, waving their knives, and taunting me. "Not so brave now, bitch?" "When you're down and bleeding, I'll make your last minutes pleasurable, bitch". I moved, aimed a kick, moved. They kept out of my reach, occasionally slashing with a knife. They were waiting for me to make a mistake, and I knew that eventually, one of the knives would get me. I thought of how I'd dealt with the two boys armed with baseball bats, and couldn't see how to apply this here. Then it got worse; a third man appeared. He moved towards the one on my left, and punched him on the face; he dropped like a stone. The one on my right whirled to face this new threat, and slashed out with his knife - bad move. I stepped forward, and unleashed a piledriver to his body, and that was all it took. Then the other guy staggered to his feet, and started towards my rescuer. I didn't bother to warn my new friend, I just stepped past him and smashed my fist into the assailant's chest. He went down, and this time, he stayed down. "Wow," said my unknown helper. "What do you keep in those, dynamite?" I shook my head. "Have you ever thought of taking up barehanded fighting? With a punch like that, you'd be a winner for sure." I looked up at him and smiled. "Jesus, you're a girl!" he said. "Well spotted," I said. "Long hair, boobs - adds up to girl." "Sorry," he said, "What I mean is, I've never seen a man that can hit that hard, let alone a mere girl. You'd be a cinch as a barehander. Sorry, let me introduce myself, my name's Harry, they call me Harry the Hammer. Would you like to come talk to a guy about a job?" Nothing could be as bad as waitressing in that greasy dive. I nodded, and followed Harry the Hammer. He took me to a nearby gym. Two boxers were dancing with each other in a ring, a few guys were pumping small amounts of iron, and a couple of overweight wrestlers were trying to frown each other into submission. We entered an office, where a small overweight man, glistening with sweat, was pushing some papers around. "Whassup, Harry? Nice chick." "I've got a possible new fighter for you." "Ah, great, we need new blood, fnarr har har. Where is he, what's his name?" "Not a him, a her." And Harry pointed to me. "What's her name?" asked Fatso. "Er, dunno." There was a short silence, which I broke with a suggestion. "Why don't you ask her?", I said. Fatso stuck out his hand. "Sidney, Sidney Mincing". "Cat". "Are you a fighter?" "Sometimes." "Let's see if you're any good." They put me in a ring with one of the dancing boxers, and put these huge padded things on my fists. I felt that with those in place, I could hit a brick wall and not hurt myself. They rang a bell, and I walked towards the other guy. He pranced towards me, bobbing up and down, and lashed out a fist, hitting my nose. It hurt, stung quite badly, so I hit him back, as hard as I could. He had one of his padded gloves in the way, so I hit that instead of the belly I was aiming for, but the effect was the same, because his hand was driven into his stomach, he grunted, and dropped like a deflated rubber toy. I turned back to my corner to get these silly gloves taken off, but Harry said "Hang on, he'll get up and you have to go on fighting." "No," I said. "He won't get up." And I was right. Harry helped me off with the gloves, and we went back to Sidney's office. Harry told him what had happened "One punch, and he was done for." Sidney was impressed. "OK, you're a fighter. Fifty bucks a fight, eighty if you win. Back here this evening." Chapter 19 - How to make a fight last longer And that was how my career as a fighter started. I fought twice that evening. They didn't put the silly padded gloves on my hands, instead Harry wrapped a leather band round my knuckles, to protect them in case I hit something hard. I don't know why; I couldn't see anything hard inside the ring. Everything was padded except my fists, and they were the only hard things in sight. The fights were easy. Once you knock a guy down and he stays down, the fight is over. My two fights took about ten seconds, and about five. Afterwards, Harry took me out for a celebratory meal, and some advice. "You're winning too fast, Cat", he said. The audience isn't there to watch a man get knocked down, they want to see a fight. They want there to be some element of suspense, they want to see one guy gradually draw ahead of the other and win. My one-punch fights weren't entertainment. Harry told me I had to hit them less hard - hard enough to draw the strength out of them, so they couldn't hurt me, but not so hard as to put them right out of the fight. Otherwise, in spite of winning, I'd find myself back as a waitress. Also, he explained, if I just damaged my opponents without them having any chance of winning, I'd soon run out of people willing to face me. I listened to Harry, he seemed to know what he was talking about. But I didn't know how to do as he requested; I didn't know how hard you have to hit to only partially disable a man. I asked him to teach me; I fluttered my eyelashes at him and looked demurely up into his face, and said "Harry, show me how to beat up a man slowly, so that everybody can enjoy watching me do it." Over the next few weeks, Harry showed me how to punch at less than my full power. At first, we used the punch bag in the gym, but after that burst, we went to the basement of his house, and practiced there, using a roll of carpet. Eventually, I could judge the strength of my punch, and could go anywhere from 20% to 100% of full power. Harry also showed me how to judge the strength of the abdominal muscles that I'd be facing, so that I could decide how much power to use. My next fight was much better, from the point of view of the audience. I hit him hard enough to turn his arms to jelly, then spent the next four rounds letting his soggy arms hit me, and pretending to hit him back. On the fifth round, I hit him a bit harder, and he went down and stayed there. The crowd cheered, Sidney told me how pleased he was, and Harry told me that I was a boxer now. Is that what it's all about? Wouldn't it have been simpler to just pre-arrange the whole show? Over the next few months, Sidney matched me against several men. I was always careful not to hit them too hard at first, so that the audience would have something worth seeing. But one day, when I came in to the gym and said hello to Harry, he mumbled something back, and wouldn't look me in the eye. I took no notice, and did my usual workout with the weights. Sidney came by and told me that I had a special match that evening, and I should wear some makeup. Makeup? A boxer, wearing makeup? Oh well, he pays the wages, I wear makeup. I was surprised at the size of the crowd that evening. I asked the reason, but Harry wouldn't answer, and looked embarrassed about something. I shrugged my shoulders, touched up my mascara, and climbed into the ring. The crowd cheered for me, and then my opponent turned up, and they cheered really loudly for him. He ducked through the ropes, got into the ring, and stood up, facing me. It was like looking at a mountain. I guessed he must be six-eight, maybe more, and I'm only five-seven. He must have been more than twice my weight, all of it muscle. His arms had to be six inches longer than mine, and I felt like a piece of meat that has just been pushed into the top of a mincing machine. You think men are macho, and do silly things to feed their ego? Women are too, they just give it a different name. What do you suppose makeup is all about. You think we wear it for men? Women call it feminine pride; the effect's the same. I could have ducked out of that ring, and ran for my life, but how could I face the guys in the gym after that? I had at least to let him knock me down, before giving up. I asked my cornerman what was going on here. Apparently, Sidney had been setting me up ever since I'd arrived. The idea was to get the fans howling in blood lust, hating the woman who had beaten so many men, wanting to see her pounded into the canvas. Tickets had cost fifty dollars apiece, and the hall was sold out. Sidney must have made a bundle out of my impending doom. I resolved to have a little discussion with Sidney at my earliest possible convenience. Which, right now, looked to be as soon as I got out of hospital. We sat in our corners, and I was thinking as hard as I could. Was there some way I could avoid getting splattered all over the ring? Could I somehow lose gracefully? Was there some way I could persuade this gorilla to be a bit gentle with me? Then I saw Sidney, grinning all over his face, and I had an idea to get out of this predicament unscathed. Chapter 20 - Fighting the mountain The bell rang, and the gorilla bounced out of his corner, throwing punches at the air. I walked toward him. He threw a punch at me; if it had connected, that would have been the end of the fight. His hand was as big as a teapot, and as hard as wood. I couldn't get close enough to hit him; not without getting so close that one of his mallets would get within range of my body, and I didn't want to find out if my hardened muscles would protect me from those huge hands. I skipped backwards, backwards, backwards. He followed me, full of the confidence that his superior weight, height and strength gave him. I knew I couldn't retreat for ever - sooner or later I'd run out of ring, get cornered, and then battered to death. But I had a plan. There was one way I could hit him without my body getting within his range. My fists are small, so the force that I throw is concentrated into a tiny area. They're very hard; I can actually bang six inch nails into wood with them. And if I put all my force behind them, you feel like someone has hit you with a claw hammer. I had to time it right; I might not get more than one attempt. He was using standard tactics, jab with the left, and swing with the right, jab with the left, and swing with the right. You could rely on it - jab, swing. Jab, swing. The jab to get my guard out of the way, the swing to exploit the opening. But I wasn't playing his game, I just kept retreating out of the way of both punches. I got the hang of his timing, and just as he started another jab-swing, I made my move. He jabbed with his left. I moved back twelve inches, and punched as hard as I could with my right. But I didn't aim for the body that was out of my reach - I aimed for the fist that was on its way toward me. His fist met mine, with a sound like a hammer hitting wood. I heard something break, and hoped that it wasn't in my hand. I didn't feel a thing, and neither did he, not yet, because pain travels a lot more slowly than sound or sensation. The second part of his combination punch moved into position, and as his right hand came up, I hit it with all my strength with my left. I saw his hand break; I saw my fist crush his knuckles and break his fingers. I knew that I didn't have to worry about his right any more, and I guessed his left was in pretty poor shape too. I stepped back, and started back pedalling some more. I needn't have, he wasn't moving toward me. He was looking at his hands, puzzled. Then the pain struck me; it felt like both my fists were on fire. I saw the pain strike him at the same moment, and then the bell rang. I sat on my stool, and rested my weary legs. Now I understood why boxers look like they're dancing, it's to keep out of the way of your opponent. I drank some water, and flexed my fingers. They hurt like fury, but nothing was broken, and I was ready for more. I looked across the ring at my gorilla. His second was unwrapping the leather from his hands, and the gorilla was wincing from the pain of it. I smiled at him, and borrowed a brush to tidy my hair. I like psyching out my opponents using my hair; it's long, and soft, and feminine, and contrasts nicely with my fists, which are small, and hard, and frightening. The bell rang for round two. The gorilla was still in the game, but he'd changed his punching tactics. Instead of jab-swing, he was using his right hand to protect his face, and holding his left ready to hit me if I got close enough. I moved in on him, and pretended to punch his body. His guard came down, and his left jabbed out. I tried to hit it with my right, but he wasn't going to let that happen again, and pulled it back sharply. We sparred for a few minutes, with me moving towards him, and him retreating. It felt good that this man-mountain was acting so cautious around me, and I told him so. "How'd you like getting hit by a girlie? Come and hit me now, I want you to hit me. You're not scared of the little girlie, are you?" I taunted him, but he didn't rise to the bait. The audience was getting restive; they'd expected to see my blood by now. The round ended without either of us connecting. During the rest, I thought out my tactics for the next round. If he wasn't willing to come to me, I had to go to him, but I still had to stay clear of his undamaged left hand. When the bell rang, I was across the ring at once, and he'd barely stood up when I hit him in the gut with my left hand. I put a lot behind that punch - all the momentum of my rush across the ring, the strength of my thighs driving my body forward, my shoulder muscles driving my arm forward, my elbow straightening to add to the momentum of my fist, my small, hard, iron fist. His body was hard, very hard, harder than anything I'd ever hit before. But my hand was small, and as hard as iron, and it must have felt like he'd been hit with a hammer. He grunted, and leaned back against the corner post. I could see his stomach muscles relax from the punch, as the pain struck him. His back leaned towards the corner post, and by the time he was touching it, my right hand arrived. I hadn't thought that one punch would be enough, and I was planning on two big ones, driven by all my muscles, and then lots of smaller punches, powered mostly by my shoulder and upper arm. With his stomach relaxed, my right hand penetrated his muscles, drove through his stomach, and damaged his internal organs. The hydrostatic shock to his cardiovascular system was transmitted through his body by his blood and other internal fluids; the pain must have been extreme. I think that he was finished at that point, but it was too late to change my tactics, and I hit him again and again in the stomach, destroying his already weakened abdomen, turning his powerful body to mush. After about a dozen punches, I stopped, and let his body slide down to the canvas at my feet. I'm not sure if he was conscious or not, but that was entirely academic, because the shock to his system had cut the communication between his brain and his arms and legs. His eyes were open, but I don't think he was seeing or hearing anything. I think he was just aware of the incredible pain that was roaring though his body. I shook my hair out of my eyes, and smiled. The crowd was roaring. They'd come to see me get beaten to a pulp, but this was just as good. I walked round the ring, shaking my hands over my head, then jumped over the ropes, and walked up the aisle. But I wasn't heading for my dressing room, not yet. I had a job to do. I saw Sidney, and smiled and grinned at him, and beckoned him towards me, my mouth pouting for a kiss. He came towards me with his head cocked forward, and as soon as he got close enough, I hit him three times. Once in the stomach, to shock his body into jelly, then as he began to sag, once in the upper chest to cave in his ribs, puncture his lungs and maybe even damage his heart. As he slumped forward, I hit him a third time, in his face, which was as soft and yielding as the rest of him, caving in at my touch. This bastard had set me up. I turned, looking for the other bastard. I saw Harry, who had known about the set-up and not warned me, trying to get out of the hall as quickly as he could, but his fear made him clumsy, and I caught up with him before he could get out. One punch to his kidneys put him down, and then I stood over him, and dared him to get up. He knew what would happen if he did, so he stayed down. I taunted him with his cowardice, but he'd seen what had happened to the gorilla, and he knew I was angry. I told him "Harry, I could always kneel down and smash your body apart with my fists" "No, please, I couldn't help it, he'd have made me fight instead if you'd not gone into the ring." "Gee, thanks Harry. I guess me getting splattered wouldn't hurt nearly so much. Stand up, you snivelling coward, so I can trash your lily-livered body." "No, please Cat, your fists are so hard, you'd damage me permanently. Anything, I'll do anything, please don't hurt me." I remembered a boy who had said that to me; now Harry the betrayer was begging for mercy. "I won't punch you to pieces if you do one thing for me now." "Anything, anything, what do you want", Harry pleaded. "Harry," I said. And waited. He looked at me expectantly, ready to obey me. "Wet yourself." He thought he hadn't heard me right. I knelt down beside him, and showed him my small, hard fist. "Harry, you helped me learn how to pull my punches. I can punch more gently now, so you don't pass out immediately. I can hit you here, and here, and here" I touched his body in different places with my fingertips, then I took his hand, and made him feel my fist. I moved my fist onto his soft mouth, and rubbed his nose with it. I touched his cheek with it, and then moved it down to his shaking body. "Harry, do what I tell you. Wet yourself." He did, of course, in front of a big crowd that was watching the drama. I got a great thrill out of watching the wet patch spread over his trousers, demonstrating to everyone what a total wimp and pussycat he was. I stood up, turned, and went back to my dressing room. I showered, and changed into a pretty silk dress, with a long skirt and long sleeves. As I brushed my hair, there was a knock on the door. I opened it, and in walked a man who would change my life, who would make me an offer I couldn't refuse, who would become my new boss. Chapter 21 - The balloon idea Catherine looked at me as she finished this part of her life. I told her that it seemed to me that every time she trusted someone, they betrayed her. I guess that makes you hard, vicious and unhappy, and I told her that what she needed was someone to love, who would love her, which would make her soft, gentle and happy, like a woman wants to be. "Yes", she said, "That does sound rather nice." We fell asleep. Over the next few days, I started using the iron I'd made. I gave first priority to weapons, to improve our hunting. And the thing that would improve our hunting most, would be a bow and arrows. But it takes a lot of skill to shoot straight with a traditional bow and arrow, so what I made was a simple crossbow. The iron made that possible, because I used it for the quarrels, and with the crossbow, plus a couple of iron-bladed spears, Catherine was able to go off hunting by herself, and return with some good kills. The advantage of sending Catherine off by herself, was that it freed me up for a couple of research and development projects that I needed to do, before I could start my masterpiece. It was getting increasingly important that we get back to civilization. I didn't think Catherine was pregnant, but we were certainly doing the thing that made it possible. Even without that, there was the possibility of toothache, appendicitis, broken arm, all the things that are entirely trivial to modern medicine, but are killers in the primitive conditions we had. Not to mention the likelihood that the herd of deer that we'd come to depend on, would eventually figure out that they'd be wise to leave the neighborhood. I had a plan for getting us back, but I didn't want to tell Catherine about it until I knew that it really was feasible. It sounded to lunatic, so ridiculous, so absurd, and I needed Catherine's full co-operation to make it happen. After a few days, I had all the outstanding problems solved, and I'd done the necessary calculations. So, one fine evening, I broached the subject with Catherine. "Catherine, you know we can't stay here for ever, we have to find our way back." "Yes," she said, regretfully. "Here's how we're going to travel," I said. "We're going to fly." Catherine thought I was joking, of course. I told her I was completely serious, and that I could make an aircraft, and fly us back. Catherine stopped laughing, and sat facing me. She took my hands in hers, and said "Tell me how I can help." I thought back to the Cat I'd first met, the wild Cat, the animal who had threatened to beat me up for no particular reason. I thought how she'd improved over the weeks, until now she was willing to believe what was, on the face of it, a completely impossible proposition, and ask politely how she could help with it. She was displaying real maturity now, behaving as an adult. Adults care about the future, and co-operate with each other to make life easier, that's one of the differences between adults and children. So I thought it was time to stop playing games, and tell her what I had in mind. "A hot air balloon, Kate. It's just a big bag of cloth, filled with hot air, which is lighter than cold air, so the balloon floats. You steer by getting up to an altitude where the wind is going your way. You go higher by throwing out ballast, or by heating your air some more. You go lower by releasing some hot air from the bag. You have a basket underneath to sit in, and you travel as fast as the wind. The technology is so simple, the Ancient Romans could have made one, if they'd thought of it, and if they'd had a use for it." I explained that the main work would be in making the cloth for the bag, but if we crushed the palm leaves, and extracted the fiber, then we could spin and weave the fiber into cloth. There are a lot more details in making a balloon, but I didn't think now was the time to tell Kate about all the problems I already had solved. However, there was one thing I had to tell her. "It'll take about six months to finish, and we'll both have to work jolly hard." Kate flung her arms round me, and promised to work her socks off, and I pointed out that she didn't have any socks, and she said that as soon as we had some cloth, socks would be a high priority, and she wrestled me down to the ground, but I managed to get on top of her because she was too weak from laughing, and it was about an hour before either of us were in a fit state to do anything. For the next few months, everything was secondary to the balloon project. There was only one big task really, and that was making cloth. Kate gathered palm leaves, and I soaked them, pounded them with stones, and extracted the fibers. I made a simple spinning wheel, treadle operated, and Kate would sit and spin thread for hours and hours. Meanwhile, I was building a power loom, because hand-weaving the cloth would simply take too long. I thought about steam power, but I simply didn't have the time to develop all the components of a steam engine. I thought about water power, but there wasn't any handy river nearby that would be big enough, and eventually I decided that my loom would be woman-powered. A loom is a fairly simple machine. You need a wooden frame, to stretch the warps. Then you need to pick up every other warp, and catapult a shuttle across the weft, between the warps. You then lower those warps, and pick up the alternate warps, and throw the shuttle back. After each to-and-fro of the shuttle, you push the wefts back to keep the weave tight. That's all you need. If you want to weave a pattern, it's a lot more complicated, but I thought a plain ecru cloth would do fine. Cloth like this wouldn't hold air, it would just leak through the weave. So I planned to dope the fabric, and to make the dope, I was boiling up a concoction of hoof and horn, which was giving me an increasing amount of sticky, gooey mess that would close the weave most effectively. Any meat that Kate brought back that was surplus to our immediate needs, I cut into strips and smoked, to give us rations for the journey. Nancy (in Swallows and Amazons) called this "pemmican", which I think is a much better name than "jerky". Before we started making the balloon, we had another use for the fabric we were making - clothes. The clothes we'd arrived in hadn't been terribly suitable in the first place, and were getting rather ragged and used. I showed Kate how to use a small bone with a tiny hole in it as a needle, and she sewed trousers for me, skirts for her, and all the other items that humans find so necessary. Kate told me one night, that she'd never imagined she'd be spending her time as a spinner and weaver, and I told her that I was doing a lot of things I'd never thought I'd need to do. She asked me how big the balloon had to be, and I told her what I was aiming for; thirty feet across. I didn't arrive at that figure by scientific calculation, though. I just remembered hot air balloons that I'd seen. "I bet they used nylon", said Kate, and I realised that she was right, and that our linen was much heavier, and I didn't know if it would be big enough. But I didn't know how much lift I would get from the hot air, because I didn't know how much it expands when heated. So, I decided that I would have to do what NASA did before they sent a rocket to the moon and back. I would have to do smaller scale experiments. I made a balance and a set of weights, using stones. A balance is easy, it's just a length of wood, balanced in the middle, and with the length marked in inches or whatever. Weights are easy too; I picked a stone that I thought was about right for a pound, and used the balance to make larger and smaller weights. I made a test balloon twelve inches across, and weighed the envelope. Then I filled it with hot air, and found out how much my small balloon would lift. The rest was calculation. Have you ever done these kinds of calculations without a computer, without even a calculator? I have - when I was in school, those things hadn't been invented, so I was no stranger to arithmetic. The lifting power of a balloon is proportional to the volume of hot air, which is proportional to the cube of the balloon's size. The weight of the envelope, is proportional to the square of the size. So if you double a balloon's size, you quadruple the weight, but multiply the lifting power by eight. I wanted my balloon to lift Kate and myself, plus the basket and rigging, plus supplies, water, and ballast. Thank heavens for the cube law. I calculated that 45 feet would be big enough, 50% more than my original guess. That evening, Kate and I had a small ceremony. We filled the little balloon with hot air over the fire, and with only a little weight to ballast it, released it. It rose, up and up, higher and higher, until we couldn't see it any more against the blue sky. It gave us both hope, and a feeling that this would work. Chapter 22 - Kate destroys a man's body That night, Kate told me about her new boss. He ran another fighting outfit, and the gorilla she'd just vanquished was one of his boys. He'd watched her performance, and didn't care in the slightest that she'd badly damaged his man; he just wanted her to come fight in his group. He offered her $10,000 for each fight; $15,000 if she won, $25,000 if she totally destroyed her opponent, wrecking his limbs and ruining his body. I couldn't believe what he said. I'd been getting $80. He explained that the sight of a woman ripping a man to shreds would be so erotic, so exciting, that people would pay a fortune for the opportunity to come and see it. He told me that he'd offer my opponents even more money, especially if they won, but that was fair, because this would be their last fight, whereas I would be fighting each week. He told me that he'd expect me to damage my opponents so badly that they'd spend weeks in hospital, but that I should try not to kill anyone, because that was much harder to cover up. He would charge for seats at the live performance, and also video the proceedings, and he'd give me 4% of the proceeds from selling the video. He spoke to me quietly, and with respect, treating me as a person, and not just the bimbo that so many other people seemed to think I was. I accepted his offer. We shook hands, and he didn't try to crush my hand like so many men do, which was sensible of him. I walked out through the gym. They were loading Sidney onto a stretcher, and I watched. He was still in agony, and his face was badly caved in. I thought of what he'd tried to do to me, and I thought of the three punches I'd smashed him with, and I felt better inside. Then I walked over to Harry, who was sitting on the ground, his back still arched from the pain of where I'd hit him, a large wet patch covering his trousers. "Hey, Harry - guess what," I said, cheerfully. I explained to Harry that I was changing bosses, not that Sidney would be much use for quite a long time, and that I wanted to keep Harry as my personal trainer. I wanted to absorb his skills and his experience, but more than that, I wanted to punish him some more for his betrayal. I told Harry he'd be coming with me to California, and that we were leaving tomorrow, and that he should turn up at my place nice and early, with a suitcase of his clothes, and his car all gassed up and ready to go. He opened his mouth to protest or argue, so I crouched down over his body, and made a fist in front of his eyes. I trailed my soft hair over his face, and then rubbed my hard fist on his nose. "You have something to say, Harry?" He shook his head. "Wet yourself, Harry." He obeyed. I prepared carefully for my first fight. I designed a fighting persona for myself, calling myself "The Golden Amazon". I wore a long gold- colored silk skirt, slit up almost to my waist on both sides, so it wouldn't get in the way. I wore gold high heeled pumps, although I didn't plan to actually fight in them. I had my hair done, so that instead of just hanging down or in a pony tail, it would have body and bounce, and I had it darkened a bit, so that instead of ash blonde, it was a deep golden color. I also put some fake tan on my skin to get a golden color (too much sun on a fair skin can give you skin cancer). I added a couple of props; a longbow and a huge six-foot two-handed broadsword. I wore a long, swirling satin cloak, to hide my body, and to increase the dramatic effect when I took it off. I looked like a terrifying female amazon, your worst nightmare and your best dream, both at once. They made it easy for me in my first fight. My opponent was about my own size and weight, and it was completely unfair to put him into the ring with the Golden Amazon. I got into the ring, dumped my bow and sword, and took off my cloak. The effect was very satisfying; the silence was only broken by a few low moans. They announced the fight, and the boy started the boxer's dance. I stood and waited, my arms by my sides. I guess he'd been warned about me, because he didn't seem to want to fight. I put my hands behind my head, and shook my breasts at him. He stopped dancing, and I could see the erection in his shorts. I swayed towards him; he watched my nipples, like a rabbit watches a snake. As soon as I was close enough to him, I slowly brought my arms down to my sides, and smashed my fists into his unprotected stomach. He collapsed like someone had just let out his air. First, he folded in half, bowing from the waist. Then, his knees buckled, and he sank slowly to the canvas. Once again, the power behind my fist was too much for flesh and blood. That was the end of the fight, if you define a fight as something where both sides participate. What followed wasn't a fight, it was a man being hurt and damaged more than he'd ever been before. I thought about the $25,000 that I'd get for complete destruction of this wimp, and I thought about his future as a fighter. It was no contest. I knelt down next to him, my silk skirt getting in the way a bit. The $25,000 that had been promised to me if instead of merely beating my opponent, I ruined his body - it was as good as mine. The pain in his belly drained every ounce of his strength, and he would now be incapable of stopping me from doing whatever I wanted to his helpless joints and bones. I started with his arms. I rolled him over onto his front, and lay his arms by his sides. I stood on his back, and lifted his left hand as high as I could. All the leverage of his arm was now twisting his shoulder further than it could go; I pulled his arm up until it was vertical. Keeping his arm straight, I then used my weight to push it further towards his head. The further I pushed it, the more resistance I got from the ligaments of his shoulder, and he started to make noises as I stood on him. I threw myself at his hand, twice, three times, until suddenly I felt something tear, his shoulder stopped resisting my pressure, and I could move his arm quite easily an any direction. The effort of this had made me perspire (animals sweat, men perspire and ladies glow, but I guess Golden Amazons aren't ladies). I went back to my corner, and asked Harry for a towel, to dab my face, and a drink of water. As he obeyed me, I noticed a definite erection bulging his pants. "Harry", I said casually. "You're erection is showing." He looked down, and as he looked, I moved my hand, and gripped his genitals brutally. He gasped with pain, and his erection disappeared. "Later, Harry, later." I returned to the guy laying broken on the mat. After the effort of destroying a shoulder (men have large shoulders), I wanted something easy, like a hand or an elbow. I raised his other arm, and called for silence in the audience. I explained that I wanted them to choose for me. I guess none of them put themselves in the shoes of the man I was mangling, or they wouldn't have been so enthusiastic about choosing his elbow. You might think that hands are easier than elbows, because they are smaller. Certainly, fingers are easy to break, but it really is quite hard to do much more than that to a hand, because there's no leverage. Elbows, on the other hand, excuse the pun, are different. There's a very convenient lever, more than a foot long, excuse the pun, on each side of the joint. And if you bend an elbow backwards, you don't need to bend it very far before it gives way. I put my leg flat on the canvas, put the knuckle of his elbow on my leg, and pushed down on his shoulder and wrist. I didn't even have to use all my weight before I felt it snap. I remembered the time I'd crushed the boys who had raped me. It seemed a lot harder to break this man's joints than theirs had been. I suppose that there were two main reasons for this - a man is bigger, tougher, thicker and harder than a boy, and I didn't have the hatred of a raped fourteen-year-old driving me. I wondered how I would cope with his legs, because they looked a lot more difficult to deal with. By now, he was moaning quite a lot. His shoulder and elbow must have hurt like a whole-body toothache, and the pleading noises he was making were irritating me. To shut him up, I rolled him over to his back, and knelt down beside him. I used my hair to tickle his chest, rubbing it gently up and down to sensitize his body for what was to come. I then straddled his groin, making sure that my crotch rubbed against him; by now, he was semi-hard. I punched hard down on his solar plexus, where the nerve ganglia cluster. He was tough, I'll give him that. I'd expected instant loss of consciousness, but he made a strangled noise, and tried to fold himself in half. Since I was sitting on his groin, that meant that his head came up, so I punched him lightly on the nose, and he smashed his head on the mat with a satisfying thump. He lay still, and the annoying noises had stopped. Now I could deal with his legs. I stood up, and wondered what would be the easiest way to turn him into a quadriplegic, a wheelchair case incapable of using his arms or legs. He was flat on the floor; only his feet stuck up, and I wondered if I could do anything good with those. If I pressed down with sufficient force on his toes, the lever of his foot would tear his ankle apart, but only if I stopped his leg from moving. No problem. I put his legs together, stood with my foot planted across his knees, and stamped down on his upturned toes with my other foot. Something cracked in his ankle, and his toes were no longer turned up. Now that his ankle joint was weakened and broken, I could grip his toe and heel in my hands, and twist until I could feel there was nothing opposing my torque. That ankle would now need extensive repair, maybe even replacement. By now I was feeling tired, and I was wishing I had some easier way to smash his other leg. I couldn't see any, so I walked back to my corner to consult Harry. Harry looked scared as I walked towards him, and I realized that my frown of concentration must have frightened him. So I smiled instead, kissed him, and asked him what he thought would be the best way to mangle the other leg. Harry's been in this business for a long time, but he'd been in the fight game, and what I was doing couldn't be called fighting. He just looked more and more terrified, until I got fed up with him, told him to wet himself (it's amazing how easy it had been to train his sphincter to open on my command) and went back to the man laying on the mat. Sorry, former man laying on the mat, because he'd never be a whole man again. There's no point in just standing there, girl, I thought. I turned my back to his head, straddled his good leg, and lifted it up. It was big and heavy, and felt like a log of wood. But the knee has to be the weakest point. I braced his knee against my thigh, and pulled it sideways, exerting a side force on the knee joint. I couldn't twist hard enough to do anything, but seeing his leg straight and under lateral tension, gave me an idea. I held his leg up with one hand, keeping his knee under lateral tension, and with the other, punched as hard as I could into the side of his knee. At first, nothing seemed to be happening, but I figured that the hammer of my fist had to be doing something inside his knee. I punched again and again, until the area I was hitting seemed to soften. As I continued my blows, I felt his knee getting softer and softer, until it felt so soft, I stopped punching. When I felt it, there didn't seem to be any bones or cartilage holding it together, and it bent freely in my hands. I dropped his leg, he was finished. The audience was going wild, yelling and chanting "Golden Amazon, Kill, Kill". I stood up, and tidied my hair. Harry handed me my sword and bow, I put my cloak back on, and went back to my dressing room. Simon was waiting for me, with a sheaf of money. Counting it would have been poor style, so I just handed it to Harry, and told him to refresh my feet, which were tired and sweaty from all my efforts. I sat down, and Harry took off my boots and socks, and started licking. I had him well trained. Simon looked startled at first, but soon ignored what was going on, and we spoke about the match. "You did good", he said. "Jim will have to spend a month or two in hospital, but the $50,000 will keep him from being too unhappy." I thought a month or two was optimistic, and I thought that even after they'd finished repairing him, he'd still be somewhat damaged, physically, and very damaged mentally. Being destroyed by a pretty girl seems to do that to people. "The audience loved it, and the video should sell well. Handle the next one similarly." I nodded, enjoying the feel of Harry's tongue on my feet. Harry had taken to foot-licking like a duck to water, after some initial resistance, that lasted as long as it took me to clench my fist and show it to him. Simon continued "Just one criticism, a minor one." I raised one eyebrow, a trick that took me hours in front of a mirror to master. "Could you make your opponent last longer? Partly for the live audience, who will feel more satisfied by a long, drawn-out match, but mostly for the video, because if the video is much less than half an hour, we get complaints." I looked down at my fist, and slowly closed it and opened it. "It's hard work, you know, smashing up a man's body. Quite tiring." Simon understood my meaning. "I'll pay you an extra $10,000 if you make them last 30 minutes, $20,000 if you can keep them going for a full hour." I looked at him. The only movement was Harry lapping round my toes, cleaning the dirt from between them, and making them feel really good. I looked down, and patted his head. He winced as my hand moved toward him, and I laughed at his comical fear. I looked back at Simon. "Call it $50,000 for an hour." He agreed. "Heel, Harry - we're going home." Thus it was that Kate told me how she agreed to accept $50,000 for torturing men to the edge of death, to the point where death must have seemed preferable, to condemning them to a life as a cripple. Now I could see how she had become such an emotional monster. The initial rape had started the process, her revenge on the rapists had damaged her mental equilibrium further, and her betrayal by Harry had pushed her nearer to the edge. When she discovered how much she enjoyed hurting men, how much satisfaction she got from smashing their bodies to ruins, she had taken the final step away from humanity. Now I could understand the Cat that I'd first met, the cruelty and the sadism, and her attitude toward me. But really, all she'd needed was someone to respect, and someone to treat her as a human being. I felt that I had at least started the process of rehabilitating her, of taming a wild Cat, and helping her turn herself into the sweet Kate that she wanted to be. Because deep down, every human being wants to be loved more than anything else, and Kate knew that a man-smasher like Cat wasn't going to be loved. Chapter 23 - The balloon is ready It was September, according to my count, when the balloon was finished. It seemed huge, and represented a major investment of work. But both Kate and I were immensely proud of what we'd done. We had dried food for the journey, and water, and we'd made a load of charcoal (light weight, high heat content) to maintain the hot air. Before we could launch it, just one task remained. A craft like this needs a name; you can't just call it "the balloon". I asked Kate her opinion, and she said "Ships are always female, right?" "Right", I said, although I don't know why this is. Kate continued "It's big and powerful, but very beautiful - let's call it Candy." Tears came to my eyes. I believe that there's no shame in a grown man crying, it's just another way to express emotion, like laughing. I often cry at movies, and "Brief Encounter" (the original version) is my all time favorite weepy. Now I was crying for at least two reasons. Kate had reminded of the lost love of my life, while simultaneously displaying a selflessness that you would not have predicted had you met Cat six months ago. "Candy it is", I said at last. "Now we'd better get some rest, because we'll find it hard to sleep in Candy." That night would be the last night we would spend on the ground for a long time. So we talked about something very important, something we'd not talked about before. We talked about Afterward. What would we do after we got back to civilization? In particular, would we stay together, maybe even get married? Or would we go back to our old lives? Kate said that she wouldn't want to go back to maiming people for a living, and I explained that brewing is an ancient and honorable profession (although it has been illegal in various countries in the past, and still is in some). But the key question was, what about "Us"? I had grown very attached to Kate, she was a fine girl, sweet and gentle, good-natured and kind. She'd obviously come to like me. And the sex was great. But thrown together as we were, it was maybe just the propinquity that generated the affection. Could we still be a couple Afterwards? There was at least one big factor against it - the disparity in our ages. I was slightly more than twice as old as Kate, and although she said it didn't matter, I knew it did. She hadn't lived through the sixties, she didn't like the Beatles, she'd never seen Brief Encounter - we came from different cultures. More importantly, if a man of forty- five can't keep up with a girl of twenty, think how much worse it would be in ten years time. We argued about it - she thought it wasn't so important, I thought it was critical. Eventually, she said "You just don't love me." That brought me up short, and I thought about it. She was right. I liked her, I liked her a lot, and the sex was splendid, but I didn't love her. "You're right, Kate," I said. I pointed out that I'd never said that I was in love with her (things said in the heat of passion don't count, do they?). Kate said "You're still in love with Candy, aren't you?" I thought some more, searching deep within myself. I didn't actually need to look very far. "Yes", I whispered. "I'm sorry, Kate." "Don't be sorry", she said, and put her arms round me. I did the same for her, and we fucked, sweetly and gently. At least we could be friends. "Afterward", Kate said. "Yes?" I asked. "Afterward, we can be friends, right? And see each other sometimes?" "I'd like that too", I said. "And make love?" she asked. "Most certainly", I replied. It really was very good with her. "So what are you going to do, Afterward?" she repeated. "I'll go back to being a masterbrewer." "And?" she persisted. I couldn't think what she was driving at. "What do you mean, Kate?" "Sam, for someone so clever, you really can be amazingly obtuse sometimes." "Spell it out for me Kate. Sometimes men cannot see what is obvious to women." "Sam. Oh, Sam." she held me in her arms, and rocked me slightly. "Sam, you have to go look for Candy." By the Great Rabbit, I can be pretty dense sometimes. She was right. I'd let the love of my life walk away from me, for no better reason than she'd broken my bones. And I'd not gone looking for her, simply because she'd asked me not to. "You're right, Kate. I must go out and search the world. I must embark on a Quest for Candy." Kate smiled at me. "And you must tell me how you get on." "Kate, I've saved your life and you've saved mine. We've lived together for several months in extreme circumstances. We won't lose touch. I'll write to you often, and you must write to me. And Kate, if you're ever in trouble, ever unhappy, ever need me, you must promise to tell me. I owe you." "Sam, I'll promise the same thing. If you ever need me, tell me, and I'll do whatever I can to help you." Thus we plighted our troth, after a fashion. Thus we bound ourselves together, or rather, recognized the unbreakable bond that already existed between us. Next morning was bright and clear, with a southerly wind. Launch day. I put up the rig to support Candy, and lit a fire to inflate her. After four hours, Candy was pulling hard at her anchor. Kate and I got into the basket, I cast off the anchor, and Candy rose into the sky, slowly and majestically. I consulted my compass (to magnetize iron, you hold it North-South, and pound it with a rock; suspend it by a thread at the center, and you have a compass) and we were drifting slowly south, towards the Cape. Excellent. You don't travel very quickly in a balloon, but you do travel steadily, borne by the wind. If the wind isn't going in the right direction, you rise or fall until you find a wind that's right for you. This means that you have to keep an eye on which way you're going, but apart from that, there isn't much to do. Kate told me more about her past life. Chapter 24 - The demolition girl Fighting for a living was good; it paid well, and the crowd loved it when I demolished a man into a living wreck. And demolition was the word for it; just like a brick building that cannot resist the heavy steel ball as it gradually smashes it to small pieces, no man could resist my hard fists, turning their insides into hamburger. And then, without any resistance from the unfortunate man, it was relatively easy to use the leverage of their limbs to destroy the cohesion of their bodies. It's hard to remember a lot of the fights, because they were so similar. I remember that at one point, I was getting tired of Harry, because he wasn't giving me any resistance, and there's a limited amount of satisfaction in humiliating someone who doesn't have any ego left. But I had an idea - I looked up one of my former opponents, and knocked on his door. He answered, and I immediately explained the situation to him by hitting him, medium hard, hard enough to knock him down, hard enough to hurt him badly, but not hard enough to completely disable him. "Remember me?", I said. He was kneeling in front of me as he nodded. "Stay on your knees, jerk." I wandered round his apartment, looking at his awful taste in art. His eyes followed me round the room; he must have been wondering what I was after. "Lie down on your back, I've got a treat for you." I faced him, and curled my fingers into a fist - he knew that either he lay down, or he was knocked down. "Open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will get a nice surprise." Again, he obeyed me - it's marvellous what a clenched fist can accomplish. I squatted over his face, and urinated into his mouth. He coughed and spluttered, and I laughed at his discomfort. "I want you at the front door of my apartment in one hour," I said, and left. When Richard arrived at my door, I let him in, and told him to take off all his clothes. From that point on, he was mine to command as I wished. He had once felt the power of my iron fist, and been subjected to the systematic destruction of his body, and he knew that resistance was futile. I used his presence to rouse Harry into a degree of rebelliousness, which made life more interesting, as it became necessary to devise punishments for him (and, of course, for Richard). Richard was more servile, as Harry had never really felt my power over men, had never had his limbs systematically destroyed, whereas Richard knew from personal experience that I could easily give him several weeks of pain- filled horror. Having two men at my beck and call made it easier for me to embarrass and humiliate each of them, either in public or in private. I got Harry to teach Richard how to lick my feet, and I got Richard to give Harry lessons in fondling my genitals. I passed many a pleasant evening reading a book and relaxing while the two submissive males fondled and caressed parts of my body on demand. And if I felt the need to reward one of them, I could tell him to give himself an orgasm, or I could tell the other one to give him an climax. Very convenient. Harry's personality was by now very different from how he had been when I first met him. He'd been thoughtful, careful and a bit calculating, but now he was a happy, carefree lad, never thinking of tomorrow, always cheerful no matter how much I hurt or humbled him. He had adjusted to his new reality. I fought one man after another; tall, short, fat and thin. It made no difference; the weaker ones needed a gentle poke in the guts, the tough guys needed a hard punch in the belly, sometimes two, if the first one merely relaxed their muscles so that my second punch could penetrate. Eventually they had trouble finding me an opponent. No-one ever fought me a second time - in fact, I don't think any of my opponents ever fought again, because the way I ruined their limbs left them permanently weakened and in some pain. But after a while, even the offer of a quarter million dollars wouldn't persuade anyone to climb into the ring with me, at least, not anyone who would at least look like a worthy opponent. And this was a real problem, because without a steady stream of hopeful challengers, how could I excite audiences with my ability to hack men to pieces. The drought lasted for weeks, and I began to wonder if they would ever find anyone stupid enough to let me torment them. I asked Harry's advice. "Maybe you need two men", he suggested. "Great idea, Harry," I said, told Richard that he was Harry's slave for the day, and went happily down to the gym. I explained Harry's idea to Simon, my fight promoter. He looked dubious at first, but I explained to him that I had once met, and defeated, two men armed with baseball bats. After a while, he accepted my contention that I could handle two opponents, and started thinking about how best to promote the match, how best to ensure a large, big-ticket, audience. He chose my opponents carefully. They were big-name wrestlers from the professional wrestling world. He told them they'd be fighting a girl, but explained that I was no pushover, and that most of my opponents spent time in hospital. I don't think they realized what they were getting into; they seemed to think that the match would be staged, an exhibition of ballet leaps and loud but forceless slaps. When Simon told them that it wouldn't be tag, that they could both fight me at once, they laughed. Piece of cake, they were thinking. Didn't they wonder why I might be letting myself in for such an apparently one-sided contest? Simon advertised the match in some of the sleazier magazines; he told me he spent over a million on adverts. He hired a very large hall, the Yorkover Center. He sold the beer concession, the popcorn concession and the binocular concession, but he organized stalls to sell past videos and stills. Even though tickets were $1000, the hall was packed to overflowing. There must have been about ten thousand people there, yelling and screaming. Some of them wanted to see the pretty girl getting torn apart by the two huge men, but most of them wanted to see the two huge men reduced to mangled wrecks by the pretty girl. The crowd was definitely on my side, and as I walked towards the ring, they were chanting "Golden Amazon, Golden Amazon". The two wrestlers stood quietly, grinning, waiting. I had Richard and Harry as my cornermen, and they helped me remove my weapons. I walked to the center of the ring, and took my cloak off. The wrestlers looked goggle-eyed, like they'd never seem a bare-chested Golden Amazon before. I tied my hair up out of the way using a silk ribbon; lifting my arms brought my breasts into greater prominence, and one of the wrestlers make a vulgar gesture at me. I smiled back at him, walked over to their corner in my high heels, and explained that before the evening was over, every time he would see a golden-haired woman, he would feel unreasoning terror and stomach- churning nausea. I explained to him that he would never be able to walk again without the aid of a stick, and that he would never play the violin again. I had my strategy all planned out, long ago. Beating these two tubs of lard would be easy enough, the problem would be making it look difficult, without running the risk that they might manage to hurt me. I could disable them both, totally, and very quickly, with two massive smashes in the gut, but then there wouldn't be a fight, and the crowd would feel cheated. I had to disable them enough so that they wouldn't hurt me, but not so much that they couldn't at least look like they were fighting. Chapter 25 - The first match of the evening The answer to the problem was fear. I had to get them to understand just how dangerous it was to come near me and my terrible fists, so that they wouldn't be able to co-operate against me. Also, fear stops the mind from working properly. When you brain is paralyzed with fear, your body just wants to flee. The third effect of fear, is to cause the body to tremble and shake, to debilitate the muscles and stop them from working properly. And I had the ideal way to instil a proper sense of fear into them. A preliminary bout, against a single man - large and heavy, but a man alone, and there was no way that a loner could escape his terrible fate at my fists. The bell rang for the start of the first bout. My terrified opponent knew very well the fate that I had in store for him, and he came to the center of the ring, and fell to his knees in front of me, begging for mercy. He licked my thigh in submission, then my high-heeled shoes. He should have known better - even if I'd wanted to spare him, I needed to put his body through my meatgrinder to instil fear into my next opponents. I told the wimp to kneel with his head up and his eyes closed, and while he was in this position, I brushed his shoulder with my long, soft hair, and then I punched his shoulder, hard. He was knocked to the mat, but I told him to get up, and close his eyes again. He begged me not to hurt him, but I brushed his other shoulder with my hair, waited a couple of seconds so that he could anticipate the pain, then hit him on that shoulder. By the end of the first round, his arms were purple and black from the elbows upward, and he didn't seem to be able to use them at all. His cornerman helped him to stand up and get back to his stool. I stalked round the ring, waving to my fans. I stopped opposite the two wrestlers, smiled brightly at them, and told them "You're next". The bell rang for the next round. I beckoned my wimp toward me, and once again, he sank to his knees. This time, his arms hung limply by his sides; the terrible battering I'd given them had robbed them of any function. "Please, Golden Amazon, please don't hurt me." I grabbed a microphone, and stuck it in front of his face, so the whole hall could hear him. "Oh, Mommy, help me, it hurts so much" he wept. "I'm not your mommy, and it's going to hurt much more. Stand up" I told him. He stood up, which made it easier for me to reach his lower arms. I bent over to brush his arm with my hair, then smashed my hard fists into his elbows and forearms. I stood behind him and stroked his shoulder, then drove my fist into it. I came round to stand in front of him, and pistoned my iron hand into his collarbone. I didn't want him to fold up just yet, so I left his stomach alone. But I explained to him, if he didn't stand and take it like a man, I'd have no reason not to start work on his belly. He knew what that would mean - he'd seen me destroy strong men with a single punch to the abdomen. So he stood as long as he could, until the pain in his arms made him too dizzy to stay upright. He toppled over, and lay on the deck, and the bell rang for the end of the round. I sent Harry and Richard to help him up. As they propped him up between them, you could see the mangled remains of his arms, twice as large as before, swollen from the damage to the veins and arteries. The blood was unable to get through to his arms because of the crushed arteries and broken veins. Starved of blood, his arms needed medical attention soon, or he would develop gangrene. But I still had lots to do. I strolled over to my next opponents, took the microphone in my hand, and explained the situation to them. Their faces looked as white as my wimp's blood- starved hands. In the third round, I started on his legs; his thighs and calves. They felt soft and yielding to my fists, and before long they softened even more. It's a bit like the way you pound steak with a hammer to soften the fibers before cooking - I wasn't going to cook him, just soften his body. His arms were turning from black and purple, to white, because of the lack of blood. I knew that unless I worked faster, he might lose the use of his arms permanently, so I slowed down. As the time for the round drew to a close, I finished his legs off by attacking his knees from the side. It only took one punch to destroy the first one, and before his body had time to fall, I quickly smashed the other one. He didn't have a leg to stand on, and fell heavily to the canvas, unable to use his arms to break his fall. Again, I sent Harry and Richard to help him back to his corner. While they were bandaging his knees, I hopped out of the ring to have a word with my wrestler friends. I showed them my fist, and explained the theory of why a small fist was so much more damaging than a large one. A large fist can be swung at a given speed with more momentum, but a small fist will accelerate faster, and can be travelling at twice the speed when it strikes its target. Since energy is proportional to the square of the speed, but is linear with mass, it follows that the speed of the fist is vastly more important than the weight behind it. Or, to put it another way, small hard fists like mine could wreak as much damage as a sledgehammer, while large, soft fists felt more like pillows when they landed. What we were about to see was how well their pillows compared with my sledgehammers. With the fourth round, I was going to prove this theory, to give flesh to my hypothesis, or rather to give wimp-meat to it. Because that's what my sparring partner looked like now - a side of meat. His pale white arms hung uselessly at his sides, and his legs were like rubber, barely able to support him. His knees didn't work at all; Harry and Richard had bandaged then so that they wouldn't bend, so that he could at least stand up. It was time for the main target. It was time for his torso to feel pain. I've heard that in certain third world countries, they use sleep deprivation as the primary torture technique. I guess they haven't heard of hydrostatic shock. If you fill a bag with water, and punch it, you'll see that the force of the blow is transmitted through the water to all parts of the bag, because water is an incompressible fluid. You get the same effect with the human body; if you hit a blood-filled part hard enough, the shock waves travel throughout the body, to the brain, the heart, the liver, and all the other internal organs. One really hard punch through the belly is enough. Some men are able to tense their stomach muscles enough to take the force of the blow, but if you hit hard enough, those muscles are paralyzed by the shock, and your second blow gets through. And I do mean through - you should be able to compress the stomach against the backbone. This compression is transmitted throughout the body, and the effects are immediate and severe. After such a shock wave strikes, it's like the aftermath of a tidal wave. The brain loses most of its function, and only the automatic control systems work. The target is unable to think clearly, or even to think at all. The heart feels the effect too, and the overload on the valves cause arrhythmia (fluttering heart) for some minutes to come, before the steady beat can reassert. The lack of heart-pumped blood causes an immediate lowering of blood pressure, which has a catastrophic effect on many other bodily functions. My wimpette went down, and stayed down. He was in excruciating pain, but the damage to his brain had even disabled the pain-censor, the part of the brain that shuts down consciousness when there is too much pain for the mind to be able to function. If he'd had any muscle control left, he would have writhed in pain; if he'd been able to breathe, he'd have been screaming. But all he could do was lie on the mat, making a gentle gurgling noise. I brought the microphone close to his mouth so that everyone could hear, and the sound was more terrifying than the most agonized, tortured scream. It was the sound of someone hurt too much to be able to do anything, even scream. The Golden Amazon had triumphed yet again. Of course, against a lone man, my victory was a foregone conclusion, but even so, the crowd was whistling and yelling, anticipating the next match with shouts of "Kill, kill, kill..." I went back to my corner and wiped my face with a wet flannel - I was perspiring slightly, as it was quite warm in the hall from all the people. I kicked off my high heels, and Harry helped me on with my wrestling boots, giving my feet a good lick as he did so. Harry knew how to get into my good books. While I was getting ready, my two opponents climbed into the ring. One of them was looking at me; I faced him, smiled at him, and mimed a punch in his direction. He looked sick, and turned back to his partner. Chapter 26 - Kate fights two men Their best bet was to work as a team, coming at me from both sides. If they could each grab one of my hands, I'd be in real trouble - without the use of my fists, I'd be a weak and helpless girl between a sandwich of muscle. With my fists, I was more in the position of a hammer facing soft putty. I could easily disable them both, totally, quickly, with two fast punches, but that wouldn't be much of a show for the audience, and would mean no bonus for the Golden Amazon. My plan was that the previous match would have intimidated them so much, that they would not have the courage to face me as a team, that they would each try to get the other one to take my punches. They'd seen how a man's body crumbled under my small hard fists, how a shoulder turned to mangled meat. The bell rang for the first round, and the two men, each weighing about twice my weight, moved nervously and cautiously towards the center of the ring. Good! The fear was instilled in them, and working in my favor already. Now, I needed to expand it so that it was the primary thought in their heads, so that their main objective was to avoid the pain that flowed from my fists. I raised one of my fists, and put my other hand on my hip, looking sexy and threatening at once. This was partly for the benefit of the two gorillas facing me, but mostly for the audience. In this game, all the time you have to remember the audience. Man- smashing is primarily a spectator sport; it's certainly no fun at all for the man. Sex and violence are the two primeval urges, sex and violence. To the men in the audience, I was an unimaginable fuck, and several weeks in hospital. To the women in the audience, I was everything they wanted to be, able to seduce a man or cripple him, at my preference. If the match is over in a few seconds, the audience gets hardly any pleasure, so they eat less popcorn, drink less beer, and don't buy the video afterwards. But if a match takes half an hour, an hour, even two hours, then they can relax and enjoy the spectacle of a pretty young girl demolishing a healthy adult male, piece by piece. They can fantasize, putting themselves in my shoes. They can even put themselves in the man's shoes, imagining his pain without the agony of feeling it. To increase the fear, I started talking to them. "Who wants to be first?" I asked. "One of you is going to get hurt, which one should it be? My fist is like a hammer, and it wants something to smash. Your flesh won't bruise, it will break apart inside. Each of your muscles will stop functioning after being hit with this little hammer of mine, so I won't hit you too hard at first, just hard enough so that you can feel what's in store for you. Remember the wimpette you just saw? I pounded his body into mincemeat. After a few punches, his meat was so soft, you could almost have pulled it off his bones. Because that's what you are to me, just meat, meat to be pounded into tenderness. You might think you're tough, but after a bit of pounding from my meat hammer, you'll be as tender as a little baby, and you'll be able to control yourself about as well." I turned round to face my corner, contemptuously turning my back to them, telling them that they were no threat at all. "Harry, wet yourself." The dark stain immediately spread over the front of his trousers. "You see what happens when you lose control of yourself? Would you like to be like Harry?" It's amazing the effect that words can have. The demonstration with the wimpette had shown them that it wasn't just idle chatter, that my fists could back up my words. If they had worked as a team, one on either side of me, grabbing one hand in each of theirs, they could have had me helpless in seconds. But the fear paralyzed their brain; each of them could only think about himself, and how to preserve himself from the vicious battering that they'd seen just before. In front of me, instead of two men, there was one man, and one man. Each of them alone in his terror, each of them unable to co-operate with the other. Each of them wanting the horrible experience to be over, for the other to be the punchbag, the side of meat that was about to be hammered. I pointed my finger to one of them. "You!" I cried. The other man was visibly relieved, it was his friend that would be taking the punishment. The man I pointed to shivered and shook noticeably, imagining his body being reduced to the ruined wreck that he'd just seen in my previous opponent. "You stay where you are!" I turned, and pointed to the other man. "You're first." Relief turned to terror. It's an excellent trick; the idea is to turn their minds into rollercoasters of fear, to build the suspense and terror, then let them down, to take the unafraid man and create instant horror in his brain. The effect is to destroy any will they have left, to turn them into puppets, to make them feel that my will is the only one in the room, and that their fate rests on my whim. I hit him twice, once on the left shoulder, and once on the right. The audience heard his shout of pain, but he appeared to be undamaged. It was not at all obvious to the audience that his arms were now paralyzed, temporarily at least. I turned to the other man, and gave him the same treatment. It was not at all obvious to the audience, but the fight was now effectively over. I had first destroyed their will to fight, and now their capacity. In order to move your arm, your brain gives an order to the relevant muscles. This order is transmitted down the nerves, via your shoulder. Nerves aren't very long, though, and the message is passed from fiber to fiber; the end of one fiber releases a chemical that excites the adjacent fiber. When the message gets to the muscle to be flexed, the nerve releases a chemical that tells the muscle to contract. If you overload some of the nerves along the way, the muscle-movement message gets lost among the noise. One good way to overload a nerve, is to send a very loud pain message along it; if the pain message is loud, it interferes with the muscle control. Try picking up an egg while you stick pins into your hand. If the pain message is loud enough, the receptors cut out, and the muscles can no longer obey the commands of the brain, as the messages simply don't get through. So, if you torture a limb hard enough or long enough, the owner loses the use of it, at least temporarily. The two gorillas facing me, could just about use their arms, but every time they tried to move them, the pain from their shoulders would distort the messages flying down the nerves. In other words, it looked to the audience as if they could still fight, but in fact they were pretty much armless and harmless. We spent the rest of the first round doing not much more than dancing. I hit their arms a few more times, to make sure that the pain wouldn't fade for a long time, but apart from that, the round consisted mostly of me chasing them, and them trying to take shelter behind each other. I think the audience enjoyed watching the sight of the two big men trying to stay away from the pretty girl's fists. While we were doing this, I kept up the fear level by explaining what I planned to do to them in the next round. "Your arms don't hurt enough. I've hurt your silly weak muscles with my small hard fists, but in the next round, I'm going to damage the arteries and veins of your arms, so that the blood can't get through to them. I'm going to make you feel pain like the guy I just smashed. I bet you haven't cried real tears for a long time. You're going to cry today, though. Cry like babies." The bell rang, and I walked back to my corner. Chapter 27 - Round two For round two, I came to the middle of the ring, and let my hair down, swirling it round my shoulders. It's important that the Golden Amazon look female and feminine; the audience gets a much bigger kick that way. I'm no dyke; I like men. Harry and Richard would confirm that if you asked them. I adore having Harry lick all over my feet, and Richard's hands on my genitals are magic. The two gorillas edged nervously forward, but I wasn't completely sure of their condition. They'd had a few minutes to recover, and I'd watched as their trainers rubbed their arms; maybe they'd recovered some stuffing? So, just in case, I repeated the treatment of the first round, smashing my fists into their shoulders, disabling their ability to resist. Since this was round two, it was time to get in a bit deeper. I wanted them to look rough, so I started punching their upper body, around the chest and ribs. I punched them lightly, because I only wanted to bruise their bodies, not break them. They still had some use of their arms, so tried to protect their tender bodies from the hammers that were pounding them. But their arms were so badly weakened from my earlier treatment, that they couldn't stop my fists. By the end of the round, I had the effect I was after. Their chests were bright red from my blows, but the damage was skin-deep. It must have been painful, but more a stinging pain than the sort of deep-down pain that I explained to them that I'd be delivering later on in the fight. It looked good to the audience, even though in reality it didn't hurt that much. In a show like this, appearances are so important; the audience must get what they are hoping for. Their bright red skin contrasted nicely with my golden-brown skin, and showed up especially well against my skirt. They staggered out for the third round, and I strolled toward them. This would be the round where I broke them down some more, and started damaging their legs. Imagine my surprise when they did what they should have done in the first place. Each of them got hold of one of my wrists, and they pulled them apart, spreading my arms wide, and making it impossible for me to hurt either of them. I felt a lurch of fear in my stomach - now they had me helpless, and they could inflict terrible damage on my utterly defenseless body. I had some muscle on me, but not enough to protect me from the assault that was about to hit me from both sides. I twisted, wriggled and writhed, trying to pull my arms from their grasp. They should have been able to hold me easily, but my wrists slipped out of their fingers. I had weakened them so much in the first two rounds that they were unable to exert any strength through their arms. I felt thankful that they'd been too frightened to have tried this at the beginning, otherwise I'd have been done for. I made certain that they wouldn't be able to have another attempt at this hold, by taking their hands one at a time in mine, and crashing my fist into the fleshy part of their forearm, on the inside of the arm, aiming for the nerve trunk that runs down the middle. Then I turned each arm over, and crashed my fist into the place about two inches away from the elbow, commonly called the funnybone. You must have hit your funnybone some time - everyone has. You must have felt the instant paralysis of the lower arm that follows, from elbow to fingertips, followed by the blazing agony searing up to your shoulder. What is actually happening here, is that your nerve has been crushed against your ulna. It is usually several minutes before your arm recovers. While their full attention was focused on their funnybone pain, I circled round them, and attacked from the rear. Just above the waist, behind you, there's a lovely soft area, protected only by your back muscles. Underneath those muscles, is the important internal organ called the kidney. Don't ever let anyone hit you in the kidneys; even bruising those organs will leave you pissing blood for a week, and if any major damage is done to them, you could die. I didn't want to kill these guys; I knew that if I killed them, I could spend the next three months filling in forms. But a bit of bruising in that area would slow them down nicely, as it would make movement painful. The other place to be very careful about is your backbone. If you've ever had a bad back, you know that it can be completely incapacitating. The simplest way to get a bad back, is to lift something heavy while your spine is curved, but anything that puts your vertebrae out of line will do the same job. If your vertebrae aren't exactly on top of each other, the spine can't flex the way it is supposed to, and if the alignment is out by more than a few tenths of an inch, the spinal cord can be damaged by the spine, leading to intense pain, and in extreme cases, paralysis of the body from the waist down. If you look at someone's back, you can actually see the vertebrae very easily, And if you hit one hard enough, it pops out of alignment, and needs an experienced osteopath to ease it back in place, followed by great care on the part of the patient not to put it out again. I aimed for one of the vertebrae just above the small of the back, where the adhesion is weakest, and let rip with my fist. I did the same for the other guy. Each of them screamed as the blow landed, and fell to the canvas. Instant bad back, very bad back. It was agony for them to stand up, agony for them to move, agony for them to even breathe. If you've ever put your back out, you'll recognize the feeling, and sympathize. I'd never had a back problem, could only imagine how they felt, and didn't sympathize at all. By the time I'd finished all this, and they were standing again, the bell was ringing for the end of round three. One problem with such a large hall, was that unless I was careful, the audience wouldn't be able to see what I was doing. I wanted them to get their money's worth, to see the spectacle that they'd paid for. It was the same in Roman times, when they threw the Christians to the lions. What the crowd came for, was to see the Christians getting mangled by the lions. Here, my crowd wanted to see the gorillas getting mangled by the Golden Amazon. Chapter 28 - Round four When round four started, I punched one of them in the stomach, medium hard, just to keep him out of the way. He went down, and doubled up, groaning. I hit the other one in the same place, but not nearly so hard, as I wanted him standing. I stood in front of him, and took one of his arms in both my hands, twisted it so that the palm was upward, and lifted it as high as I could reach. I stood close to him, looked up at his face, and tossed my hair into his chest. I nestled my body towards his, rubbing my hair against him, and murmuring sweet nothings to him. I felt his body relax against me - it is surprisingly easy to convince a man's body that the girl caressing him is not a threat, even though his mind must have been wondering what was going on. But the relaxed body was what I was after; I moved about twelve inches away, twisted to face away from him, and brought his upraised arm sharply down, catching his elbow on my shoulder. There was a sickening cracking sound as his elbow broke, and his arm continued to bend in the wrong direction. The crowd went wild. "Kill, kill, kill" seemed to be the predominant shout, and I knew that they wanted me to do the killing. But that was just lack of imagination, because I knew some things to do that they'd appreciate much more. I dropped the hand I was holding, and watched the man sink to the canvas, semi-conscious. By now, the other man had recovered a little, and with some gentle assistance from me, he was able to stand. While he'd been doubled up in agony on the mat, he hadn't seen what I'd been doing to his partner, so I thought that much the same idea would work nicely again. I helped him stand, and stood up against him, my face upturned to his. I rubbed my naked breasts on his chest, and my silky skirt on his thigh, and got him thoroughly aroused, in spite of his pain. Then, I pushed his arms up to rest around my neck, and pulled his face down to kiss me. "Close your eyes", I breathed, and the poor fool did. I took one of his arms, lifted it high with his palm uppermost, whirled, and brought it down hard on my shoulder. Craaack! "Amazon! Golden Amazon!" the crowd chanted. Well, I thought, why root for an obvious loser? Then the bell rang for the end of round four. Harry handed me a hot towel. They are remarkably refreshing, and it was just what I needed. I told him that I had a treat for him this evening, and that he should tell his tongue to get ready to have fun. He looked at me with dog-like devotion, and I stood up for the next round. By now, it must have been obvious to the audience who was going to win this fight; the only question was how much punishment would I be ladling out to my opponents, and how long could I keep them going. In a situation like this, the main thing is to make sure that they can stay on their feet, so I had to leave their legs till last. But each of them had one good arm (good is a relative word), and I could work on that. I told one of them to stand in the corner, facing me, and I bunched my fist to show that it would be a good idea to obey me. I told the other one to hold out his good arm. You know the game whereby two boys knuckle the backs of each others hands, until one of them can't take it any more, and the other one is declared the winner? A typical male thing, seeing who can take the most pain. I had my own version of this game. I knuckled the back of his hand, and he gasped with pain. I told him to hold his hand out again, and again I knuckled the back of his hand. We repeated this again and again; the back of his hand was getting red and puffy, and the veins were beginning to break under the skin. He started to get reluctant to hold out his hand, so I took his other hand in mine, and twisted. The pain from his shattered elbow roared through his brain; I let it subside, and asked him to hold out his hand again, and he did so. Each time I hit the back of his hand, the pain he was feeling grew more intense. I gradually increased the force of my blows, although his agony was such that he wouldn't be able to notice this. All he knew about was the raging torment at the end of his arm. Again and again I smashed my knuckles down on his hand, until the skin began to tear, and blood began to drip. I don't think that his mind was in the driving seat any more - he just automatically brought his hand up each time after I smashed it down, until eventually the force of my punches was breaking the fine bones in the back of his hand. By the time the bell rang for the end of the round, he no longer had a hand, just a lump of meat at the end of his arm. I turned to the other guy who had watched this process, and smiled at him, and said "You're next". He vomited, all over the floor of the ring. There wasn't much in his stomach, so most of his retches were dry, but he was certainly trying to bring up the contents of his stomach. I told Harry and Richard to help them back to their corner, and get them ready for the next round. I sat in my corner and brushed my hair. I think it is so important for a girl to look her best, don't you? Especially in front of a big audience. With my hair a beautiful golden color, and with plenty of body and bounce, I was really quite proud of it, and I spent the whole interval brushing it till it shone. Chapter 28 - Round six Round six began, and I had a problem immediately. The guy who still had one good (well, goodish) arm tried to climb out of the ring. I think the other one would have too, but he was too far gone. I didn't think there was any point in appealing to his manly pride, so I told him that unless he got his puny body back into the ring sharpish, I'd follow him outside the ring, and rip his balls off. It didn't take him long to decide to come back inside. On the whole, that was probably a mistake. One of his arms was useless, and the other one almost as bad. The crowd were yelling "Blood, blood, give us blood" now, and I couldn't disappoint them. The best place to find blood is the nose, so that's what I went for. It's easy enough to break a nose, and just as easy to mash it flat. but that isn't very spectacular. What I wanted was a fountain of the very best claret, the finest reddest gusher you've ever seen. The crowd wanted blood, I'd give them blood. The nose contains a very interesting blood vessel. It's a kind of safety valve. Just as a steam engine has a safety valve, designed to open when the pressure gets too great, so does the human body. It's in the nose, and that's why nose bleeds are so frequent. Of course, sometimes the safety valve triggers when it needn't, which is why people regard a nose bleed as a nuisance. Once you understand this, it becomes obvious how to trigger a river of blood. I punched him two-handed, one fist very hard to his heart, the other more gently to the base of his nose. The blow to his heart generated a temporary over-pressure in his circulation system, the blow to his nose was to help the safety valve blow. The result was very satisfactory. A great gush of gore spurted out from his nose, covering his chest, my body, and my skirt. I helped him stay upright so that the entire audience could enjoy the spectacle; it hardly hurt him at all, but the crowd weren't to know that. It certainly looked like it ought to be very painful. Actually, blood doesn't equate to damage, and even though he lost about a pint in total, the human body can easily tolerate losing that amount, the only effect being a slight feeling of weakness. But I wanted to maintain the illusion of a man damaged beyond repair; the river of blood certainly looked convincing. So I punched him in the temple, where the brain is very close to the skull, and the impact made his brain knock against his skull, and made him lose consciousness. The other guy was laying on the mat, barely moving. The pain in his damaged arm, and the pain in the glob of meat at the end of his other arm had turned him from a reasoning human being into a wounded animal. There wasn't much more that I could do to him, but I still had one trick up my sleeve. Again, this was really for the benefit of the audience, rather than for the ruined hulk whose capacity for pain had been exceeded. I stood over him, straddling him with my legs. I lifted up my skirt, and held it over my head, my hands lifting my hair, and my raised arms lifting and enhancing my breasts, making them stand out towards the appreciative audience. I held this position as they screamed "Golden Amazon" again and again, and the emotions hurled by the frenzied crowd built to a fever pitch. The microphone above my head picked up my voice, amplified it a million times, and hurled it around the great hall "I am the Golden Amazon, and no man can stand against me", and I urinated copiously on the pathetic body beneath me. Chapter 29 - Flying in the balloon As Kate finished the tale of how she'd demolished two professional wrestlers in one match, I felt rather nauseated. It was partly her description of how she'd caused pain, it was partly all the blood, and it was partly the thought of being urinated on. My nausea must have shown in my face, because Kate put her hands over her eyes, scrunched herself down in the basket, and looked like she was crying. I carefully crawled across to her, and put my hands on her shoulders, pulled her to me, and rocked her in my arms. "Kate, Kate, please don't cry." "I've been so wicked, so awful. I can't bear to remember how terrible I've been." I stroked her hair, and held her close to me. "There, there, there", I murmured. "That's all in the past now." Her tears were wet on my face, as I tried to kiss the pain away. "Kiss me, Kate", I said. She did, and I did, and we did. After a while, her sobs became less frequent, and I dried her eyes with my hand. I rummaged in one of the pots, found a strip of pemmican, and gave it to her to chew. In my experience, food is a great comforter. I stood up in the basket to see if the wind was still taking us in the right direction, and checked the fire that kept Candy's air hot enough to lift us. Everything looked fine. I told Kate that she should get some sleep, and I'd waken her later for her watch. She settled down, and I was left alone with my thoughts. I kept getting mental images of a pretty blonde girl facing two men, each twice her size, and pulverizing them to hamburger. In my mind's eye, I kept seeing her continuing the wrecking process long after she'd defeated them, purely for the amusement of the crowd. I contrasted this with the sweet Kate that I now knew, and wondered which one was the real personality, the vicious Cat or the lovely Kate. The human mind is the most complex and wonderful thing in the world, and it's hard to believe that the complexities of the human mind can ever be encompassed by a human mind. After a while, I stopped the recursive process, and thought about a much more pleasant subject - Candy the superwoman. I imagined Candy in a silk blouse and short skirt, Candy in a soft satin night- dress, Candy naked. I thought about all the wonderful things we'd done together, and all the more wonderful things that we could do if we got together again. I knew that in spite of everything, I loved her and she loved me, and all I needed to do was find her and tell her this. The next thing I knew, it was getting light. I stood up, and looked down to the ground; we were too close, and the warmth of the sun would soon heat the surrounding air, causing us to sink further. I woke Kate, and started feeding our fire, to make the air in Candy hotter. Kate asked me where the toilet was, and I gave her a pot, and told her to empty it over the side when she'd finished. She wrinkled her nose, but there isn't a better way. We breakfasted on pemmican and water, and settled down for another day in Candy. I checked my compass from time to time, and if I found that we weren't heading south, I'd feed the fire to rise a bit, until we could find a wind that was going our way. There's not really very much to do in a balloon, so Kate and I amused ourselves in the old, old way, but very carefully, since we were several hundred feet up in the air, in a rather fragile basket. Every now and again I scanned round the visible countryside, until eventually one night, I saw a city in the distance. Human civilization is easiest to spot at night. I dumped hot air, and sank towards the ground. We landed, Kate and I tethered Candy, and we got ready to head toward the city. We dressed in our best homespun clothes, took our knives, our jars of supplies, and using my compass, we set off for the big city. It turned out to be Ladysmith. We made our way to the town hall, and explained our situation. I'm not sure if they believed our story, but they helped us to get in touch with the US Embassy in Capetown, and the rest was easy. I suppose we must have looked a bit unusual when we entered the Ambassador's office, Kate in her off-white dress, and me in my matching off-white trousers and off-white shirt. They wouldn't let us carry our knives, and you have no idea how naked I felt without it. In the veldt, your knife is your best friend. He loaned us some cash, so that we could buy some more conventional clothes, and staked us to a ticket back home. The airplane back to the States was our last chance to talk, and we both knew it. We hugged a lot, and kissed, knowing that we were going to part. We repeated our promises to stay in touch, and that we'd meet once each year, and we both knew what would happen at that meeting. There was an unbreakable bond between us, forged in adversity. But now we were getting back to our lives. We parted at the airport, each going our separate ways. She told me to be good, and wished me luck in my Quest for Candy. And here's what I told her. "Kate, when I first met you, you were a first class bitch. You were mean, shrewish and unattractive, to be feared and avoided. Over the last few months, you've changed completely. You are now a really nice person, and any man would be proud to know you and love you. I believe that love and loving is more enjoyable than hate and hurting, and I can see that you think so too. I believe that you'll find a good man, a man to love, a man to live with and live for, and who will love you and live for you too. I believe you'll be happy in your new style. Here's what another Katharine said, in her final speech." Chapter 30 - Another Kate Petruchio: Katharine, I charge thee, tell these headstrong women What duty they do owe their lords and husbands. Katharina: Fie, fie! unknit that threat'ning unkind brow; And dart not scornful glances from those eyes, To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor: It blots thy beauty, as frosts do bite the meads; Confounds thy fame, as whirlwinds shake fair buds; And in no sense is meet or amiable. A woman mov'd is like a fountain troubled - Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty; And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it. Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee And for thy maintenance; commits his body To painful labour both by sea and land, To watch the night in storms, the day in cold, Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe; And craves no other tribute at thy hands But love, fair looks, and true obedience, - Too little payment for so great a debt! Such duty as the subject owes the prince, Even such a woman oweth to her husband; And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour, And not obedient to his honest will, What is she but a foul contending rebel, And graceless traitor to her loving lord? - I am asham'd that women are so simple To offer war where they should kneel for peace, Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway, When they are bound to serve, love, and obey, Why are our bodies soft andweak, and smooth. Unapt to toil and trouble in the world, But that our soft conditions and our hearts Should well agree with our external parts? Come, come, you froward and unable worms! My mind hath been as big as one of yours, My heart as great; my reason, haply, more, But now I see our lances are but straws; Our strength is weak, our weakness past compare, - That seeming to be most, which we indeed least are. Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot, And place your hands below your husband's foot: In token of which duty, if he please, My hand is ready, may it do him ease. Petruchio: Why there's a wench! - Come on, and kiss me, Kate. Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Rabbit Productions <>