LITTLE BABY DADDY II - THE "SUPERFEM" FORMULA My name is Darrell. In "Little Baby Daddy" my father-in-law related how he met and married my mother-in-law, the 6'7" Mona who owned an operated a gymnasium for women, and raised their daughter, Amanda, who eventually became my wife. He also described briefly how Mona was able to obtain the exclusive marketing rights to a formula for women, which we subsequently called "SuperFem", and which, when taken orally and combined with vigorous physical workouts, significantly increased over time the size, density and strength of the bones, muscles and organs of their bodies without detracting from their beauty or femininity. Within a few years after they began selling SuperFem through their gymnasiums, as more and more women saw the advantages of obtaining physical equality to or superiority over men, not only were we all prospering beyond our wildest dreams, but the formula itself was beginning to have a profound effect on the social structures of the world. I have therefore decided, with the consent of my wife and mother-in-law, to attempt to chronicle as accurately as I can the events I witnessed and those which were related to me by others. At the outset, of course, there was resistance, not just from men, but also from certain women's groups who realized that SuperFem was slowly altering traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity and fought to preserve the status quo. Legal challenges were mounted based on every conceivable theory to suppress its manufacture and sale, and even the FDA made a run at us. All were turned back, for SuperFem was not a drug the sale of which could be regulated or suppressed, and there were no demonstrable, adverse side effects which could be used to label it as an inherently dangerous substance. Quite the contrary, all the women who used SuperFem enjoyed outstanding health. However, the publicity surrounding these efforts had been largely unfavorable to us. Articles appeared in newspapers and magazines all over the country accusing us of trying to turn women into caricatures of men, often accompanied by drawings or photographs of women with their muscularity enhanced to a ridicu- lous degree and other, totally fallacious misinformation about SuperFem and its effects on the body. At that point, Mona and Amanda decided they had no choice but to counterattack with a publicity campaign of their own and hired an all-female ad agency, most of the executives of which were avid proponents of SuperFem, to prepare a proposal. Full page ads were run in major newspapers and magazines all over the world, under the banner headline, "WHY ARE MEN AFRAID?", and featuring full length, color photographs of Mona and Amanda in bikinis to demonstrate that extraordinarily tall, powerfully muscled women could be beautiful, shapely and feminine as well. The ads were short and to the point, touting the benefits of SuperFem and ending with an offer to appear personally before any woman's group in any city in which one or more of Mona's gyms were located, explain how the formula worked and answer any questions. The results exceeded our wildest expectations. We were literally flooded with requests for appearances from all over the world, to the point that my father-in-law and I were forced to develop a form letter advising that the number of requests we were receiving required that we establish a core group of over a hundred women to make these appearances, and that we would be in touch with the sender to set up a date as soon as this was done. We were kept busy at the word processors for days printing these form letters and mailing them out. In the meantime, Mona and Amanda forwarded to each of their gyms those requests received from its general area, hand picked representatives from each gym to make the appearances, and gave each representative a carefully prepared brochure from which to speak. Mona and Amanda handled separately the requests from our city and decided to have my father-in-law and I accompany them in the hope that our presence would reassure any men who might attend that being married to a much taller, stronger woman would not be the end of the world for them. And it was decided that Amanda and I should handle the first of these meetings. In the meantime, during the preceding several years, work on SuperFem had continued, for we had been seeing a fairly large number of women who wanted to use it, but who were either already as tall as they wanted to be or, at most, wanted to gain only a few inches of additional height and wanted to add a proportionately greater degree of muscle than would result from reduced dosages. We were fortunate that, several months before our first meetings were scheduled, a variation of the formula was perfected and tested which achieved exactly that effect. Although Amanda, who was naturally nearly seven and a half feet tall and possessed almost superhuman physical strength, had not found it necessary to try SuperFem, she decided that it would now be advisable to take at least a few reduced dosages of the new variant so that she could attest to its use from personal experience in the meetings she would hold. The effect was spectacular; although she gained only another 1/2" in height, even those few, reduced dosages added another thirty pounds of solid, shapely, gorgeous muscle to her already gargantuan frame, and, by the time of her first meeting, her physical strength had increased by more than a third! That first meeting with a women's group was a memorable one indeed. It was held in the auditorium of a local corporation, of which the chairman's wife was one of Mona's customers and had "convinced" her husband to make it available to us. We were seated at a table on a huge stage with the chairwoman of one of the several local women's clubs sponsoring the meeting. There were about four hundred women present, many of them with male companions, but it appeared that only a handful were taking SuperFem. After being introduced, Amanda rose to her full height, an even 8' in her 6" heels, and immediately introduced me as her husband. As I stood up a murmur went through the audience, for Amanda towered almost three feet above me; the top of my head barely reached to the wide belt of her tight, form fitting and thoroughly revealing, print dress! "Ladies and Gentlemen," she began, "first of all, I want to thank Mrs. Carstairs and her women's club for inviting me here to talk to you about SuperFem. As she told you, my name is Amanda Fuller--you've already met my husband, Darrell. My mother, Mona Fuller, and I run the "Physical Woman" chain of gymnasiums through which SuperFem is marketed. I want to emphasize up front that I am NOT here to sell either SuperFem or our gymnasium services, but solely to try to correct some of the misinformation that has been circulated about our product and its effects on women. The decision by any woman to get into body and muscle building, either with or without SuperFem, is strictly a personal one, and one that requires a great deal of effort, sacrifice and discipline. With SuperFem, that decision will also have a profound effect on her life and her relationships with others, particularly men. Whether that change would be for the better or worse only she can know, for that would depend on what she wants from life--and her relationships with men. "Now, to keep this presentation orderly and conserve time, I'd like to tell you all I can about our product, what it will and won't do. Then I'll throw the meeting open to questions. So I would ask that you kindly hold your questions until the end of my presentation. "Okay, with that as a preface, what is SuperFem? First, it is NOT a drug; my mother and I have spent a ton of money in legal fees proving that! Nor is it merely a supervitamin. It is a combination of compounds, all found in nature, which, when taken orally in liquid form, interact with the estrogens in a woman's body to produce three new hormones: first, a growth hormone, not unlike the growth hormones produced by the pituitary gland during and after puberty, which acts on the skeletal, muscular and organic structures of the body to stimulate growth and increases the size, thickness and strength of every bone, muscle and organ in the body; second, a female version of testosterone, which also increases the size, but also--and most importantly--the density, and therefore the strength, of muscle fibers in both the upper and lower body, but without the typical male side effects such as body hair, deep voice, etc.; and, finally, a hormone which, in some way we haven't determined yet, further strengthens and hardens the skeletal structures of the body so they can handle its vastly increased muscular power without fracturing or breaking-- according to our tests, a SuperFem woman's bones are almost as strong as steel! The result can be a woman who is substantially taller and, if she follows the workout and diet regimens we provide, extraordinarily muscular, many times stronger and faster and with far greater endurance, yet as shapely and feminine as any woman could ever want to be. "How tall? How muscular? How strong? That depends almost entirely on her, how long she continues to take the formula and how vigorously she pursues the exercise routine during the period she's taking it. The majority of the women who have followed our program have attained heights of between 6'6" and 7' and have 4-5 times the physical strength of the strongest men and more than 10 times that of the average man!" A murmur of surprise ran through the audience. Amanda smiled. "That's correct," she went on. "I'm not exaggerating. For those of you who have some familiarity with weight lifting records, it's not unusual for women who have completed the Super- Fem program to regularly bench 2,000 lbs. for several reps, press 1,400 and clean and jerk 1,600! And these are women who, before they started the program, were well below average for non-Super- Fem women in size and strength! "Now, obviously, there have to be limits beyond which the principle of diminishing returns applies, but, frankly, we're not sure what they are yet. What we do know, however, is that, by careful regulation of the size and duration of the dosages, we can control within fairly narrow ranges the level of any woman's physical development, so you can be assured that we won't be creating any Queen Kongs running around attacking skyscrapers! I personally think that the practical limit is probably around 9 feet in height and, perhaps, 600 lbs. in weight--remember, the muscles created by SuperFem are much denser and heavier than normal muscle tissue. At that level, a woman would probably be as strong as 20 or 30 men." Another murmur reverberated through the hall, but Amanda ignored it and continued, "Anyway, so far we haven't found any women who want to get that big, so we haven't been able to test my theory. And, to be honest, we're not anxious to; if we ever do find such a woman, we would certainly do our best to try to talk her into a lesser range of development where we have the experience to be sure that she could live with and enjoy the result. "Before I go on, let me make one important point. As I said, SuperFem works only on estrogens, which means it won't work on men. Nor will it work on women before puberty or after menopause. Since the people who developed SuperFem were mostly men, naturally they were concerned. They have been working very hard to find a compound that will have similar effects on men. They haven't found it yet, and we're beginning to doubt that it exists. But, if they do, please be assured that we will make it available in the same way we have SuperFem. "Now, let's talk about adverse side effects. In short, there aren't any that we've been able to discern IF--and this is a big 'if'--the workout and diet regimens we provide are followed. If they are not, well, SuperFem muscles are still muscles. It takes continuous exercise to build them up and keep them. If you go off the routine, they degenerate into fat--a lot of fat! Then you'd have to go through the agony of dieting off the fat, and in the end you'd wind up a much taller, but far less muscular, person with no more than a quarter to a third of the physical strength you had before, but still probably twice that of the average man, since the muscles you'd have left would still be SuperFem muscles, somewhat larger and with heavier, denser fibers than ordinary muscle. "What about effects on the reproductive system? Well, most female bodybuilders in training don't menstruate regularly anyway, so SuperFem doesn't appear to affect that one way or the other. We have had a number of women on SuperFem who have relaxed their exercise routines just long enough to become pregnant, and they did. Of course, their pregnancies made resuming and keeping up their exercise routines somewhat more difficult, but the increased strength of the uterine tissues apparently compensated, and, with a couple of exceptions which the doctors were not able to attribute to SuperFem--not that they didn't try!--they all had normal deliveries. We don't see any problem there. "By the way, one thing we have discovered is that SuperFem does result in a significantly increased and somewhat more aggressive sex drive in almost all the women who have taken it. In addition, a number of women who were acknowledged lesbians suddenly became hetero or, in a couple of cases, bi. We're not sure why. For obvious reasons, we don't consider those side effects adverse!" Titters ran through the audience, which Amanda ignored. "In any event, we're certainly not touting SuperFem as a cure for lesbianism, and any woman who's into that lifestyle and is happy with it should obviously think twice before using it. "Finally, I'd like to address myself to those of you who might be considering SuperFem, but who are already as tall as, or maybe even taller than, you want to be. We've very recently introduced a variation of the formula that solves that problem by producing a variant of the growth hormone which, while it strengthens the skeletal, muscular and organic structures of the body just like the regular one, does not make them bigger or longer. Hence, there's no, or at the most a minimal, increase in height, yet the other benefits remain; the other two hormones produced from the interaction with estrogens work in exactly the same way. We've tested this new variation sufficiently to know that it works, but we're concerned about one potential problem: that putting SuperFem muscles on a relatively shorter frame could result in a huge, squat looking body that would be completely unfeminine, just like many of the articles you've probably read have accused us of doing. For that reason, we won't make the new formula available to any woman under 5'10" in height, and, depending on the results we see, we may have to increase that in the future. However, we also believe that using the two formulas in combination with each other will enable us to regulate growth in relation to muscle size and strength and thus enable a woman to attain exactly the kind of body she wants, to a much greater degree than is possible with the original formula, since, with only the original, the stronger you want to be, the taller you're going to get. "One last comment, and then I'll take questions. Obviously, SuperFem is going to have a profound effect on society if enough women decide to use it and use it properly, and, from the demand we're seeing, more and more women are. And as more and more use it, other women who have resisted using it will, I think, be almost forced to go along. It's not inconceivable that within a few years the average woman will be taller and far, far stronger than even the strongest men. We will be able to run much faster, leap far higher and further, and lift many times more weight than any man alive. Men will not only be the weaker sex, compared to us they will be like small children physically, totally unable to even begin to compete with us on any physical level. The question then will be, what will we do with our new found power? Will we be like some of the radical feminists today who want to reduce men to nothing more than slaves? I hope not, and that is certainly not our intention in putting SuperFem on the market. SuperFem will make us bigger and stronger, but it won't make us smarter than men, and if women try to use their physical superiority to achieve positions of complete dominance over men, the consequences could be tragic--for many women as well as men. There could well be violence, even a war between the sexes, and, ladies, SuperFem may make you bigger and stronger, but it won't make you bullet proof! Each of our gyms has a psychologist on call to work with the women who start the program, to try to instill in them a recognition of these concerns, but there's obviously only so much we can do. The women's groups of the world can help immeasurably by working with their members and with the high schools and colleges to try to ensure that the transition is as peaceful as possible. And, ladies, we can only do that by making sure that we do not repeat the mistakes of history, that we do not do to men what men have done to us in the past. "Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes my presentation. I'll take any questions you have, now." A small, elderly woman in the front row stood up and was recognized. "Mrs. Fuller," she began, "that was an excellent speech, very informative and very objective. However, I can't help but feel that what you're doing is against nature, destroy- ing our femininity. I, for one, think, and I think the vast majority of women agree, that huge muscles on a woman are ugly and unfeminine. We want our men to be taller and stronger, able to protect and cherish us, not the other way around." Amanda smiled. "I hope you don't think I'm unfeminine," she replied, "but let's stay away from personalities. If what you say is true, SuperFem will be a failure in the marketplace. It will create a minority of women who will be regarded as freaks, and that will be the end of it. That's not happening. The demand is incredible and increasing every day. As far as being against nature, I would remind you that SuperFem is a completely natural product, utilizes the body's natural hormones for its effects. Making women taller and stronger than men may constitute a reversal of tradition and history, but I don't think you can say it's against nature. And finally, I would suggest you visit some of the rape clinics and battered women centers and ask those women if they really prefer men to be the stronger sex. I think the answers might surprise you." Another woman stood up. "Have you taken this stuff?" she asked. "Not initially. I'm naturally extremely tall--was 7'5-1/2" when I reached my full height--with, perhaps, 3-4 times the physical strength of the average man. I didn't feel I needed it. However, in preparation for these meetings, I did take a few, reduced dosages of the new variation, just to test the effects. I gained only another one half inch in height, but another 30 lbs. of solid muscle and my physical strength increased by about a third. I now have well over 5 times, perhaps as much as 6-7 times, the physical strength of most men. However, with more and more women using it, I may have to use it again just to keep up!" "How long does it take to work?" a third woman asked. "That depends on how big and strong you want to get," Amanda answered, "and how quickly you want to develop. When the formula was first developed we kept the dosages small and administered them over a longer period, and it usually required around two years for a woman to gain a foot or so in height and approximately quadruple her strength to about 2-3 times that of the average man. We learned early on, however, that we can achieve far better results with larger dosages in a little less than half that time with no adverse side effects other than a significant increase in appetite, which is understandable given the rapid rate of growth involved. Because of the increased appetite, we've not permitted any of our customers to develop themselves any faster than that. However, more modest results can be obtained in only a few months." The same woman raised her hand again. "How long do you have to continue taking it? Indefinitely?" "No, not at all. You only take it during the period you are developing, then you stop. Physical development will continue for a few days, in some cases a week or two, after that at a reduced rate, until all the formula is either used up or excreted from the body. At that point, the effects will be permanent--as long as you continue your exercise routines. Of course, if you decide later that you want to further increase your level of development, you can go back into the program at any time." The woman persisted, "But how much time must you spend in the gym exercising?" Amanda smiled. "We have brochures on the table which outline in detail the exercise routines required and which will be made available to all you who want them after the meeting. But, to answer your question, again that depends on the level of physical development you desire and the time in which you want to reach your goal. Three sessions a week of at least two hours each should be enough for most women. And, by the way, we do provide female trainers, most of whom are SuperFem women, to help you." A fourth woman stood up. "Mrs. Fuller, the statistics you quoted earlier about the level of physical strength attainable with your program are astonishing! How can anyone possibly learn to control such strength? My God, if I were that strong, I couldn't even hug my husband for fear of accidentally crushing him!" It was obviously a question a number of women had in mind, for there was a murmur of approval as many looked at each other and nodded. Amanda smiled again. "We are very much aware of that problem," she replied. "That's another reason we try to make the improvement gradual, to give the women a chance to adjust to their new, physical powers. We also watch each parti- cipant very carefully. If we see that a woman is having problems controlling her strength, we slow down--sometimes even stop--her dosages of the formula until we're satisfied that she can handle herself properly." Amanda hesitated a moment, then went on. "That raises a point I'd only touched on earlier, but which I should expand. We recognize that SuperFem is not for every woman. Some women--very few, so far, thankfully--are simply not psychologically capable of handling the kind of physical powers our program can provide. For that reason, before admitting any woman into the program, we do a complete psychological profile to try to discover any latent tendencies, such as a tendency toward violence, which could make the candidate a danger to others, particularly men, who would be completely defenseless against her vastly superior physical capabilities. If we feel any woman is an unsuitable candidate, she is denied admission into the program. Our decisions are final, and we have taken appropriate steps to ensure that none of our gyms will accept a woman rejected by any other." A young girl of about fourteen stood up and was recognized. "How old do you have to be to start using it?" she asked. "I've been hearing that you're not letting teenagers take it. Is that true? If it is, why?" "That is true," Amanda admitted. "Although SuperFem will work on any girl once she goes into puberty and is producing estrogens, we're concerned that high school or college age young women may not be emotionally mature enough to make an informed decision about whether to use it or to handle the enhanced physical powers they'll have if they do. As I said earlier, the decision to go into the SuperFem program will invariably have a profound effect on a woman's life and her relationships with others, and we want to be as sure as we can be that the powers she gains will not be misused. For these reasons, we've adopted a firm policy of not permitting any woman under the age of twenty-two into the program." "Any chance that might change?" the girl asked. Amanda shrugged. "Not in the foreseeable future, but, long term, anything is possible. I can tell you that we're starting to see some pressure to relax that policy, but we think we're right. As--perhaps I should say, if--SuperFem women become the norm, we may have to take another look at it, but I can tell you this much: under no circumstances would we permit a minor into the program unless her mother had already completed it, and we would limit her development to make sure that her physical capabilities were significantly less than her mother's." Another woman raised her hand. "Why are you only providing this product through your gyms? Why not make it generally available, through drug and health food stores? Are you trying to force women to use your gyms as well? If so, I should tell you that I'm an attorney, and that might well be a tying arrange- ment in violation of federal antitrust laws." "In the beginning, we were concerned about that," Amanda replied, "because the company which developed SuperFem has a patent on it, and, since we have exclusive distribution rights, we didn't want to do anything which might invalidate the patent, so we had our attorneys check it out. The problem is, as I stated earlier, that the dosage must be carefully regulated and combined with a strict regimen of exercise to achieve the desired results. If we were to make this product generally available without these controls, or even permit it to be taken outside our gyms, even with all the warning labels you could imagine, there would be women who would abuse it and wind up looking like freaks. Not only could both we and the company which manufac- tures it be held liable for damages, but the product could then be labeled as inherently dangerous and removed from the market. We therefore felt that we had to market it ourselves, administer it only in our gyms, keep the supplies of the product safe and secure--in locked vaults, actually--and maintain an internal audit staff to strictly control how the gyms operate their programs. We have caught a few abuses by some of our gyms, fortunately before any irreversible damage was done to anyone, and immediately replaced the managements involved. For that reason, we won't even franchise our gyms--we own and control them all. Our attorneys have advised us that we have a reasonable business basis for our policies and that they are therefore not illegal." At that point a man stood up in the back of the auditorium. "Yes, sir, you have a question?" Amanda asked. "No question, lady!" the man snapped. "If you think we're going to take what you're doing laying down, you're dead wrong! You and your kind are trying to turn the world upside down, and, one way or another, we're going to stop you!" "I hope you're not suggesting that you'd resort to violence," Amanda replied coldly, "because, short of that, you're really not going to have any choice." "Just watch us!" he snarled. "Now, guys!" There was a terrified gasp from the audience, and my stomach did a flip flop, as five huge, burly men emerged from the cur- tains on either side of the stage. Each of them was close to or over six and a half feet tall, and the smallest of them must have weighed over two hundred fifty pounds, from the look of them most of it muscle. They obviously weren't bodybuilders, but men who were either professional wrestlers or had developed themselves physically through heavy manual labor. As screams of protest came from the auditorium, Amanda grimaced, took several steps back from the table and stood facing the audience, her legs spread and her hands on her hips. In her high heels, she dwarfed the five men, and her face showed no concern. Still, there were five of them, and they were huge. I knew I could be of no help to her, and I was worried. Still facing the audience, Amanda said quietly, "Gentlemen, this is not a good idea. I really don't want to hurt any of you, but you may not give me any choice." "I got news for you, bitch!" one of the men grated. "You're the one that's gonna get hurt!" Then they attacked, two men from either side, two grabbing her wrists, the other two by her massive biceps, and tried to force her arms behind her back, while the fifth wrapped his arms around her calves and tried to pull her legs out from under her. I saw her biceps flex, but otherwise she remained motionless as a statue, her hands on her hips, while her five assailants strained and grunted in their futile efforts to topple her. There was a sudden hush in the auditorium as men and women alike gaped in openmouthed amazement at this unbelievable demonstration of her physical power. "Would some of you in the audience make sure that gentleman in the back doesn't leave?" she asked in a voice that was loud, but betrayed no strain. "I want him to see this." "Jeezus, Pete!" choked one of the men hanging on her arm. "Do sumthin', will ya? We can't budge the bitch!" The one on her legs let go, rushed around in front of her and, rearing back, lunged forward to slam his big fist into her midsection with all the power and momentum he could muster. His fist literally bounced off her steel hard abdomen, and he yelped in pain and grabbed his injured hand as she smiled placidly down at him. "That the best you can do?" she asked sweetly. Then she moved. Twisting her wrists free of the two men holding them, she grabbed them by their throats and lifted them bodily off the floor. As the other two continued to cling to her biceps, with an almost casual, backward flick of her arms, she sent the two she was holding aloft flying back into the curtain at the rear of the stage, tearing it from its anchors and bringing it down on top of them. Looking down at the two remaining men with a smile, she asked, "You boys want to be next?" They didn't. They let go of her arms and ran for their lives. The man who had hit her was still groaning and holding his injured hand, his eyes wide with awe and fear. She reached around behind him, gripped his belt with one hand and lifted him bodily off the floor to hold him at arm's length in front of her with no more effort than if he had been a sack of laundry. He yelped again and thrashed about helplessly in her grip. "Now," she told him firmly, in a voice loud enough to carry throughout the auditorium, "you've got a choice to make. You can agree to walk out of here under your own power, in which case I'll put you down gently. Or I can see how far I can throw you with one arm. I'm betting that, if I really put some muscle into it, I can hit your friend in the back of the auditorium with you. Want me to try?" The terrified man shook his head vigorously and squeaked, "N--no! No! I'll leave quiet!" Amanda nodded her approval. "Good decision," she said, and lowered him to his feet. He lost no time running after his companions. By this time the remaining two had burrowed out from under the fallen curtain. Amanda turned to face them, hunched up her shoulders, flexed her entire body into a mass of enormous, rippling muscle, and, with a scowl on her lovely face, roared, "BOO!" They ran. As she turned to face the audience, everyone rose to their feet, and the auditorium suddenly resounded with cheers and applause. Amanda held up a hand to quiet them and searched through the audience with her eyes for the man who had started it all. He was standing in an aisle, surrounded by six of the larger women. "Are you satisfied, now, sir?" she asked him. "We're not finished with you!" he yelled back. "This is not the end of it!" Amanda sighed. "I'm sure of that," she retorted. "May I suggest that you ladies escort this gentleman to the nearest exit and make sure he doesn't return?" She turned back to the table, where the chairwoman who had introduced her was waiting for her, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Mrs. Fuller!" she almost sobbed. "I can't tell you how sorry I am! We had no idea--" "I know," Amanda replied. "I probably should have expected it. I'm just thankful none of those men were armed. The next time, however, I'm afraid they will be, and they won't be so open. We'll just have to be prepared for it." She turned to face the audience again. "Are there any other questions? No? Then I have something else I'd like to say in closing. What you saw up here was an action by a few, radical men, and it might well influence some of you to want to start using SuperFem. I don't want to try to tell any of you what to do, but I do think that would be the wrong reason for your decision. The main purpose of SuperFem is not to make women physically superior to men, although it certainly does that, or to enable us to dominate or enslave men, but rather to help us to achieve our maximum potential as women, not just physically, but emotionally, pro- fessionally and socially as well. Each of you, before deciding whether or not to try SuperFem, should clearly understand how it would change your lives, how it would affect your relationships with men, and particularly your husbands and boy friends. In other words, the real question you have to ask yourself is, do you really want to be stronger than men? Could you love a man who had only a small fraction of your physical strength? And, if so, could the man you love love you in return? "If SuperFem women, as I believe they will, become more and more common, these questions may become easier for you to answer. But until then, you should understand that, as a SuperFem woman, you would stand out, perhaps be regarded by some people as a freak, as many of the more muscular female bodybuilders have been. And, for the time being, at least, you would have to be prepared to accept that. "Thank you for your time. As I told the lady earlier, we have several hundred brochures describing the diet and exercise requirements for using SuperFem here on the table, together with an international listing of our gyms and price lists for each. Feel free to take them for yourselves or any of your friends." Back at our mansion, Amanda related to her mother and father what had happened at the meeting. Mona shook her head sadly. "I was afraid of this," she muttered. "I think we should schedule all future meetings at our gymnasiums," Amanda said. "These men realize now that they're no match for us physically. Next time they'll bring guns. We can install metal detectors at the entrances to make sure they can't get them in and have our employees watching the audiences for any troublemakers." Mona agreed. "We'll also have to hire security for the gyms themselves," she added. "I'm concerned that some of these crazies will try to bomb them out. Thank God I had the foresight to locate most of our gyms in outlying areas, where they can be properly guarded, but there are still a half dozen or so in downtown business districts. They'll have to be moved as soon as possible." My father-in-law shook his head wearily. "But, Mona," he objected, "doing all that's going to cost a fortune! We've made a lot of money with this stuff so far, but practically all of it's been reinvested in all the new gyms. I don't know that we have the cash flow to finance that kind of additional expense, particularly when we can't be 100% sure that SuperFem is going to be the kind of success we think it will." Mona laughed, leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. "That's my little accountant talking! We're sitting on a gold mine, here, and he's worried about expense!" He flushed. "Please, Mona, I'm not just talking about expense! I'm also concerned about risk! Look, you and Amanda have always been so much bigger and stronger than most men that you naturally look at us as the weaker sex, and, compared to both of you, we are! But we're not just talking about you two, or even the women who've already started using it. Sure, the demand for SuperFem has gone way beyond what I personally thought it would, but we can't be certain how long that trend is going to continue, particularly with the kind of violent resistance we're starting to see. I'm just not sure that the two of you appreciate how completely this stuff could turn the world upside down! I mean, you're talking about creating a world of superwomen, most of them bigger and taller and all of them five, six, seven, ten times more powerful than any man alive! God only knows what kind of repercussions and upheavals we'll see while that's happening, or what kind of world we'll have when it's done! And are you really sure there are enough women in the world who are willing to make the commitments in time, money and sacrifice to turn themselves into superwomen that we can risk incurring the kind of investment and expenses you're talking about?" I hesitated, but then decided I had to interject. "With all respect, Dad, I disagree with you," I said. "I listened to Amanda's presentation today, and I think she and Mona fully understand what SuperFem is going to do to the world. And I think she's right when she says that, as more and more women decide to use it, the rest will have to go along, as a matter of self protection, if for no other reason. I don't think there's any question that, in the next 10-15 years, we're going to see a world in which women will not only be the stronger sex, but that men will literally be puny weaklings by comparison. While I don't pretend to know what kind of a world that will be like, I think we're committed to go forward with this product and that we have to do so in a way that will protect our gyms and our employees, no matter what the cost. The only alternative that I see would be to cave in to the resistance and pull SuperFem off the market, and can you imagine the repercussions if we did that?" "That's not an option," Mona said shortly. "We'd be bankrupt overnight." "Of course we would," I agreed. "I wasn't suggesting that for a second." My father-in-law sighed. "All right, but I don't mind telling you I'm concerned about where this is going. Let me at least get some cost estimates, run some projections and see what the financial picture looks like." Mona laughed. "Naturally, baby," she told him. "I assumed you'd want to do that. Amanda will have our gyms get proposals from local security firms and estimates on the costs of moving the downtown locations and send them to you. Run your income and expense projections out five years based our historical data since we started marketing SuperFem--I think we can assume that the current trends will continue for at least that long. That should give us a pretty good picture." The projections showed that we could more than handle the additional expense, and, in fact, proved to be overly conservative. Over the next two years, as more and more meetings were held in our gyms, business began to literally explode, to the point that Mona was forced to expand existing gyms and build more new ones. Of course, resistance continued. We got a lot of hate mail from men's organizations, and the gyms were picketed by angry men and even some women, but they were protected by armed guards (as time went on more and more of them SuperFem women). The pickets were never permitted close enough to do any harm to either the gyms or the women who frequented them, and our customers were simply advised to, and did, ignore their jeers and catcalls. During the first few months there were a number of attempts to disrupt our meetings, but we had made sure that no weapons could be smuggled into the gyms and that the meetings were patrolled by our SuperFem employees and recorded on video- tape. As more and more pictures of struggling, screaming men being carried bodily out of a gym, tucked securely under the powerfully muscled arms of a tall, beautiful Amazon, were released to the media, attempts at disruption gradually died out. Indeed, the publicity actually increased business even more. Then we began getting requests from rape centers and battered women shelters, on behalf of women who wanted to parti- cipate in the SuperFem program for their own protection but couldn't afford the cost, to make it available on a charitable basis. Initially, my father-in-law and I resisted these overtures, but both Mona and Amanda were understandably sympathetic. It was finally decided to provide SuperFem, along with weight lifting and exercise equipment and SuperFem employees on a part time basis to ensure that the necessary exercise programs were strictly followed, to those centers and shelters which had space for the equipment, free of charge. It was insisted, however, that these facilities be made available to any woman, not just rape or battery victims, once it was determined with certainty that she could not in fact afford the normal cost of the program. And, little by little, the world began to change. By the end of the next two years, in the United States alone, over three million women were on or had either completed the SuperFem program, and it showed. Extraordinarily tall, shapely, powerfully muscled women were becoming a relatively common sight on the streets, striding purposefully along in their high heels, ignoring the admiring looks of some men and the angry ones of others. In restaurants we were seeing more and more women all but dwarfing their smaller, male companions and even acting protectively toward them, much to the discomfort of most of them! Yet even this was changing. Often Mona or Amanda would gleefully point out to us a tall, handsome, well built man all but clinging to a beautiful, powerfully muscled Amazon who towered over him as she guided him to their table. Yet the vast majority of these women remained gloriously feminine in both appearance and demeanor, disdaining masculine affectations or attire as qualities properly reserved for a gender that was fast becoming the "weaker sex". Surprisingly, the majority of men seemed to be grudgingly accepting their evolving new position in society, or, at least, recognizing that there was nothing they could do to stop it. Nevertheless, resistance persisted from certain radical groups, albeit on a gradually reducing level. We continued to get hate mail, much of it now directed at my father-in-law and me. We even got a few telephone threats by men who had somehow gotten our unlisted numbers, but, since all incoming calls were automatically ID'd and recorded, the callers were quickly apprehended and prosecuted, and the calls eventually stopped. And, of course, our gyms continued to see the ever present, male pickets who, although fewer and fewer in number, were becoming more boisterous and threatening. For a while literally hundreds of rock and brick throwing incidents were being reported to us from around the world, the perpetrators of which were immediately collared by our SuperFem security forces and customers, held for the police and prosecuted, and gradually the picketing became more peaceful. Still, because of the continued resistance by these male radicals and the potential threat of armed violence against us, certain precautions were necessary when we went out in public, even to dinners at restaurants. We were driven in bullet proof limousines and always accompanied by a contingent of armed, SuperFem bodyguards. Because Mona and Amanda were so much taller and bigger than we, dancing had been one form of entertainment we had decided to forego, although we occasionally had dinner at clubs featuring floor shows and dancing. As time went on, however, we were seeing a growing number of groups on the dance floor where tall, powerful, SuperFem women was actually leading their smaller male companions! There were stares and grimaces at first, of course, but these groups kept to themselves, and, as their numbers increased, they seemed to be gaining greater acceptance. On one of these occasions, the women in a group of four such couples recognized Mona and Amanda, and we were invited to join them. Each of the women was well over six feet in height, sever- al inches taller and much bigger than her male companion. Two of the couples were married. As we were introduced, I noted with amusement that the women, and only the women, stood up and remained standing until we were seated. As the others were chatting, the husband of one of the women, who was sitting next to me, leaned over and asked quietly, "Your wife was the one who started this SuperFem thing?" "Actually, it was my mother-in-law," I replied, "although my wife has been active in promoting it." He shook his head. "I--I don't mean to insult you or any- thing, but don't you feel kind of funny about it? Almost like a traitor to your sex?" I admitted that I was a little uncomfortable with the whole idea, but added, "There really isn't anything I can do about it. In case you haven't guessed, neither my father-on-law nor I have much control over what they do." He smiled faintly. "Yeah, I guess not. Both of them are SuperFem women, I take it?" "Actually, Amanda took a few, small doses of the new stuff a couple of years ago just to test it, but she really didn't need to. Both she and her mother have been bodybuilding for years. They're naturally extraordinarily tall and much stronger than any man I've ever seen." I looked at him curiously. "I gather you're not altogether happy about what SuperFem's doing for women?" He shook his head. "I don't know," he admitted. "I love Carrie, and I want her to be happy, but this...I just don't know. When we were married five years ago, she was five four--I'm five eight--and it was great! Later some of her friends got on the stuff, and she was sort of curious--she's always been pretty athletic--but I was able to talk her out of it. Then, one afternoon when we were at a friend's garden party this great, big, six foot drunk came on to her, wouldn't take no for an answer. I tried to intervene, but he just batted me away like I was nothing. Next thing I know, I'm getting up, and this huge woman--must have been over six and half feet tall--comes out of nowhere, picks up the drunk with one hand, tosses him over her shoulder, carries him to a car and dumps him into it, then comes back, apologizes to Carrie and me and to our hostess, and goes back to the car and drives off with him. Turns out she's the guy's wife, been on SuperFem for about a year. Well, that does it. Carrie says if I can't protect her, she's gonna protect herself and signs up for the program. A year later she's a foot taller than she was, and a foot taller than me in heels, got muscles all over her and can toss me around like I was a little kid! Hell, it takes two hands for me just to bend her little finger!" I frowned. "She doesn't beat you up or anything, does she?" "Good God, no! She could kill me if she did. No, she said they checked her out pretty thoroughly at the gym, did a psycho- logical profile on her, counseling, everything, just to make sure she wouldn't misuse her new power. Guess they don't want any superhuman females running around breaking laws--or guys in little pieces! Not sure the jails would be strong enough to hold 'em, I guess. No, it just that--well, it's awfully hard to take, suddenly having a wife so much bigger and stronger than me. You know, I'm standing there struggling to open a jar, and she comes up and says, 'Here, honey, don't strain yourself, let me do that for you,' and pops it open like it's nothing at all. But I guess you wouldn't know what that feels like, would you? I mean, being that it's always been that way with you." I had to admit he had a point. I was about to say so when I felt a huge hand on my shoulder looked up to see Amanda looming over me. "Come on, baby," she grinned. "I'm going to dance with you!" I did a double take. "Now, just how the heck are you going to do that?" I asked. "Just like Mom. Take a look." I did. Mona was holding my father-in-law almost three feet off the floor with one arm down his back and her hand supporting his buttocks and was gliding around the dance floor with him to the slow, easy rhythm of the music. He didn't look particularly happy, but his arm was around her neck and his face buried in her shoulder, and he didn't seem to be trying to resist her. Then I noticed that over half the dancers on the floor were SuperFem women leading their men, and that in many cases the men's feet were barely touching the floor. I sighed and said to the man I'd been talking to, "Like I told you before, I don't have much control over what they do," and was swept up into Amanda's powerful arms. We were seeing changes in other ways as well. While men continued to control, at least on the surface, the governmental and corporate worlds, policies were changing. The "glass ceilings", if they ever really existed, were beginning to disappear, and women were invading in greater numbers traditionally male pursuits into which they had made only limited inroads previously. Police departments, in particular, started actively seeking to add SuperFem women to their rosters, out of concern that men would no longer be able to apprehend and control female lawbreakers without the use of deadly force, and even the military was considering recruiting large numbers of the women for combat. The entertainment and professional sports fields were also beginning to feel the effects of SuperFem. We began to see a few television programs, and even some full length theater movies, all of them independently sponsored and produced by SuperFem women breaking into the business, starring very tall, beautiful, powerfully muscled heroines playing in various types of roles, both action and romantic, opposite smaller, obviously subservient, male actors. In sports, the initial overtures by women came in the NBA. Before SuperFem, female college basketball players with abilities, but not size and strength, equal to their male counterparts, had seen their athletic careers end with graduation, although a few had attempted to play for a while with European professional teams. These women became some of our earliest and most dedicated customers, attaining physiques that rivaled Mona's and Amanda's in height, muscularity and sheer physical power, and immediately sought tryouts with the professional teams. Despite the fact that these women could easily outmuscle, outjump, out- run, outdribble and outshoot even the best of the male athletes, they were uniformly rejected "for the good of the sport", and it required over two years of litigation and a U.S. Supreme Court decision holding their rejections as violations of federal sex discrimination laws to force the teams to accept them. The impact of that decision on the sport was instantaneous and dramatic. Overnight, teams, now realizing that an all male team had no chance against a team with even a single, SuperFem woman in the lineup, pulled out all the stops in recruiting the biggest and best of the female athletes. By then there were more than enough to go around, and basketball suddenly became an all female sport with former male stars either warming the bench or released outright as the women ran up scores in the 200-250 point range. Eventually the league had to increase the height of the baskets by several feet to provide at least a modicum of challenge for the taller, stronger, female players, making the game well beyond the capability of the few remaining men, who were therefore released. And, surprisingly, the popularity of the sport actually increased, for the strength and agility of these towering, new female stars was wondrous to behold. Like any social revolution, these events were not without tragedy. In Chicago, the star female center of the Chicago Bulls was shot and killed by a distraught, male former player she had replaced, and, in other cities, other armed attacks on SuperFem women, some with fatal consequences, began to occur when it became apparent to the radicals that they could not stop us and that this new breed of woman was slowly gaining a degree of acceptance in society. Nevertheless, the revolution continued and even intensified as more and more women entered the program and sought to become even bigger and stronger than their predecessors, and our gyms made sure that all those who entered the program were provided with appropriate means to protect themselves. Baseball was next, but the transition was slower, since there were no minor leagues for women, and most of the college women's teams played softball, with the result that time was re- quired for women to adjust to the somewhat different skills the smaller balls required. In addition, either equipment had to be modified or stadiums quadrupled in size to accommodate the incredible strength of the female athletes, and for obvious reasons the leagues chose the former course. New balls and bats were developed that were five times normal weight and far too heavy for the men to use effectively, along with thicker pads and gloves, and, after an abortive attempt to establish a separate league for the women was struck down, baseball, like basketball, became an all female sport. Other professional team sports like football, hockey and soccer were even slower to be taken over, but the die had been cast, and eventually these, too, followed suit. Single player sports such as boxing, wrestling and karate, to which the federal discrimination laws did not apply, were able to bar women from participating and remained all male. It became increasingly obvious to everyone, however, that the so-called "world champion- ships" touted by these sports were little more than jokes, and that any woman who had completed even the most modest SuperFem program could easily have defeated the biggest and best of these male "champions". Even the Olympics were affected. Except for those sports, like swimming and gymnastics, in which the competitors were limited to high school and college age women, records were set in the women's events which eclipsed the men's, and efforts were initiated to expand the women's sports to make them the same as the men's, including wrestling and boxing. Nowhere, however, were the changes more startling than in the field of men's and women's bodybuilding. Although contests for both sexes continued to be held, as greater numbers of women took up the sport and developed their physiques to their maximum potentials, they totally eclipsed the men in size, muscularity, definition, proportion, in literally all aspects of the sport. Moreover, it was becoming increasingly obvious to everyone that even the biggest and most muscular of the male bodybuilding champions were virtual weaklings compared to any SuperFem woman, so that the men's contests were reduced almost to objects of ridicule and were receiving less and less national coverage. We were all surprised, therefore, when ESPN, less than a month after its live coverage of the Ms. Olympia extravaganza, announced that it would also cover the Mr. Universe contest. We decided to watch it out of curiosity. Only a few minutes into the show, the network's purpose in running it quickly became apparent. After opening with five second clips of each of the ten male finalists posing and flexing, Sally McHenry, ESPN's leading sports announcer, came on screen wearing only shorts and a halter and sporting a physique on her 6'3", 245 lb. frame that put every one of the male finalists to shame. Then, after a brief introduction, she brought on her guest commentator, Marisa Pawleck, fresh from her victory in the Ms. Olympia, a towering, 7'2", 325 lb. vision of gorgeous, massive, rippling, shapely muscularity, still in rock hard, contest condition and wearing nothing but her Ms. Olympia posing suit as she flexed huge, peaked, 28" biceps! "What do you think of this year's contestants. Marisa?" McHenry asked after Pawleck had finished posing. Pawleck favored her with a condescending smile. "Well, Sally," she replied in that low, sultry voice for which she had become famous, "I have to admire their hard work and dedication in the gym. After all, it IS much harder for a man to develop himself to the point they have than it is for you and me. But I do think bulging muscles on a man are becoming passe, and, to be honest with you, not very pretty. In my opinion--and I think most women today would agree--a tight, in shape, slender body is a far more attractive look for a man, and MUCH, MUCH more seductive!" "Would you say these guys are trying to look like women?" McHenry persisted, in what was clearly a scripted exchange. "Oh, definitely!" Pawleck laughed. "Of course, some of them may be trying to preserve some of the typically masculine stereotypes they had before SuperFem, but today it's silly. I mean, is there anyone left in the world who really believes that a man's muscles can even begin to compare with a woman's in size or strength?" "Do you think bodybuilding contests for men ought to be abolished?" "Not abolished, necessarily, but changed. Something more like fitness contests, I think, would be more appropriate for men today. You know, contests that would emphasize that tight, in shape, slender look I described a moment ago." It was all downhill from there. Even Mona and Amanda felt sorry for the contestants. And it was the last male bodybuilding contest that was ever featured on television. In the fifth year of the program, the U.S. government con- ducted its regular census and included statistics on height, weight and recreational preferences, as well as a statement, in the case of women, whether the woman had begun or completed or intended to begin a SuperFem program. Clearly some of the bureaucrats were concerned. The results, published a year and a half later, astounded everyone. The average height and weight of men was 5'9-3/4 and 168-1/2 lbs., barely up from earlier surveys, whereas the average height and weight of women was now 6'1-1/4" and 217-1/4 lbs. Forty-two percent of the adult women who answered stated that they had completed a SuperFem program, and am additional forty-seven percent indicated they had either begun or intended to begin the program. During this same period, partly as a result of the changes in professional sports, we were being put under increasing pres- sure to make the program available to high school and college age girls, both in the U.S. and abroad. I could understand why. High school and collegiate sports continued to be dominated by boys, but interest among the better athletes was waning, since there were no longer professional careers available to them. Moreover, teachers and counselors nationwide were detecting an increasing resentment by more and more boys toward girls who, they knew, would eventually become members of the "stronger sex", resentment which was manifesting itself to an increasing degree in verbal and, sometimes, physical abuse from which, of course, most of the girls were physically unable to protect themselves. It was becoming a serious and wide spread disciplinary problem which no amount of counseling or meetings with parents and students seemed to alleviate, and there was a legitimate, prevailing concern that we were raising generations of male woman haters. All of us were troubled by these developments, for the only apparent solution was to make the SuperFem program available to young girls who might not be ready to assume the responsibilities that came with SuperFem powers, and the world could ultimately be faced with problems worse than the ones it already had. Of course we received more advice than we needed--or wanted--from all sides of the issue, both governmental and non-governmental, but we knew the decision had to be ours and ours alone. We argued over it for weeks, but in the end, after we'd heard that increasing numbers of young girls were being viciously raped, Mona and Amanda were convinced that the girls simply needed to be able to protect themselves. Both my father-in-law and I objected strenuously. "Mona," he asserted. "I think we need more research into the effects this stuff might have on teenage girls before making it available to them. We just don't know enough about how it might affect girls that age. You're forgetting all the problems we had raising Amanda. You make this stuff available to these kids and I'm scared to death that we're going to be seeing marauding mobs of teenage Amazons all over the world! You may be saving a few girls from being molested or raped, but God knows what you'll be letting the men of the world in for! At that age, we just don't know whether these girls will be able to handle the kind of capabilities you want to give them!" Mona sighed. "I understand the risk, baby, but I think we can minimize it. Look, we all recognized from the beginning that it might come to this, and I thought we'd agreed on how we were going to handle it: only let daughters of SuperFem women into the program and limit their dosages and workouts so they don't get too big or strong." "And rely on their mothers to control them? Mona, look at what's happening. Things have changed. These women are invading the work force right and left, even making their husbands stay home and take care of their kids like you did me. Were you able to completely control Amanda while you were at the gym all day and sometimes into the night? Or were away for days at a time? And how big and strong are you going to permit these girls get to be sure that no boy, no matter how big or strong he is, can molest them? Six, six and a half feet tall, two hundred fifty, three hundred pounds? My God, even at that level they'll still be 2-3 times stronger than most men, some of them maybe even stronger! And they'll still be kids!" He shook his head vigorously. "I don't like it, Mona. I don't like it one damned bit!" Mona spread her hands in what was, for her, an oddly helpless gesture. "If you or Darrell have a better idea, baby," she said quietly, "I'm listening." "That's just it, I don't," he replied. "I think the only safe course is to stay the course we're on. Have the company do more research into the effects of this stuff on the body. In the meantime, the mothers are still working out at our gyms in their spare time, and we can have our people talk to them, have them try to condition their boys into accepting the way things are going to be for them and make sure they get punished when they break the law. Maybe we ought to hold more meetings with the mothers and their sons to try to get more cooperation from them. Hell, I don't know. All I know is that, if these mothers can't control their sons now, they're sure as hell not going to be able to control their daughters once they get a taste of SuperFem! And I don't care how much psychological conditioning you put 'em through, we're not going to be able to, either!" Mona was silent for several minutes. She looked over at Amanda, raised her eyebrows in a silent question. Amanda hesitated, then said, "Daddy makes a good case, and I agree with him up to a point. There's clearly a risk we can't control, and we can't be certain the mothers will, either. But we know that too many teenage girls today are having serious problems with the boys, are even in danger from them, and we have to balance that against what Daddy thinks they might do in the future. We don't know that additional research is going to give us any more information than we already have. How much longer are we going to delay while we're waiting for results? No, I don't think we have any choice but to open the program to these girls once they've hit puberty." "What about college girls?" Mona asked. "Should we limit them the same way as we would high school girls, keep 22 as the age at which the benefits of the full program are made available?" Amanda thought a minute. "Twenty-two may be a bit conserva- tive," she replied at last. "I'd consider reducing it to twenty, maybe even eighteen or nineteen. I think most girls that age are mature enough to handle the full program. I know I was." Mona looked at me. I shrugged. She knew I agreed with my father-in-law, and there was nothing I could add to what he'd said. Besides, I could see that the decision had already been made. And I knew it was one we were all going to regret. * * * During the following year demand for the SuperFem program skyrocketed. I had to wonder if there was a mother anywhere in the world who hadn't put her daughters into the program. We were even seeing girls enrolling in the reduced program at eighteen or nineteen and then almost immediately re-enrolling in the full program when they reached twenty. Our gyms were strained to and, in some cases, beyond capacity, but my father-in-law and I argued that this was only a temporary surge that would level out in time, and, for one of the few times we could remember, Mona and Amanda listened to us and didn't expand further. Surprisingly, most of the young girls enrolling in the program disdained the newer variant of SuperFem; they wanted to be taller as well as stronger, and it wasn't long before high schools and colleges all over the world were filled with towering, steel muscled, young Amazons who quickly took over and dominated varsity athletic programs. And, as expected, the boys left them pretty much alone. But they didn't leave the boys alone. In the beginning we heard reports of vicious beatings, presumably in retribution for past abuses by the boys involved, but these died out after a few months, and, fortunately none of the victims were fatally or permanently injured. Even my father-in-law and I figured most of them had probably gotten what they deserved. What bothered us most were some of the other things we were hearing, particularly at the high school ages: six foot plus girls striding along the halls, streets and shopping malls, flexing big, powerful biceps and bullying, pinching, tickling and otherwise publicly molesting smaller, helpless boys, holding impromptu, class-wide, athletic competitions with unwilling boys as "prizes" for the winners, and even disrupting classes and daring their male teachers to stop them! Over the next few years, school district after school district was forced to replace its male high school administrators and teachers with SuperFem women who could enforce some measure of control and discipline. About the only places in which male teachers could find work were in the elementary and junior high schools, in which the girls had not yet reached puberty and were unable to enroll in our program. Unfortunately, I even became an unwilling witness to one of these incidents. It was mid-December, three years after we'd opened up the program to the high school and college crowd, and, flanked by my two, ever present, SuperFem bodyguards, Tanya and Belinda, I was doing some Christmas shopping at one of the local malls. We were on the second floor balcony, three floors above the basement level, headed for Nordstrom's when we saw three teenage girls, each of them well over six feet tall, who had six terrified high school boys pinned in a corner next to the entrance to the store. The girls were laughing and giggling as they poked, prodded, fondled and rubbed their powerful bodies against the smaller boys. The area was fairly crowded, mostly with women who glanced at the scene, some with disgust, others with amusement, but did not interfere. The few men around averted their eyes and hurried by. "Serves you little wimps right for goin' out in public with- out protection!" one of the girls, a big brunette, was saying loudly. "But we'll protect ya, won't we, gals?" "Sure, Steph!" another answered. "Which two do you want?" Steph took a step back and put a hand to her chin as she glanced from one cowering boy to another. "Jeez," she said finally, "I dunno. Which of you wimps has the biggest dicks?" "Let's take their pants down and find out!" the third girl chimed in gleefully. I looked up at my two massive bodyguards, towering nearly seven feet on either side of me. "We have to put a stop to this," I said. Tanya shook her head. "Sorry, Mr. Fuller, we can't. Our orders are to protect you. We have strict orders not to get involved in things like this." "Who told you that? I sure didn't!" "Both your wife and your mother-in-law, Mr. Fuller. I'm really sorry." I felt sudden anger boil up inside me. "Then, goddam it, I'm going to try to stop it!" I exploded. "Then you two are damn well going to have to protect me!" Either one of them could have tucked me under one arm and carried me off without even feeling my weight, and, as Belinda laid a big hand on my shoulder, I thought for a minute that's what she was going to do. Instead, she said, "Wait, Mr. Fuller. Take a look." I did. Two burly, six foot male security guards had come out of the store and were standing behind the three girls. Neither were armed, but both had their hands on cans of mace in holsters on their belts. "Come on, girls," one of the men said, "let the boys go. We don't want any trouble here." I admired their courage, but not their intelligence. Steph turned slowly to face the two men, and her face broke into a broad grin. "Can you believe it?" she chortled. "Two guys--GUYS, mind you--tryin' to tell us what to do!" Like striking snakes both her hands shot out, and her powerful fingers curled around each man's hand and mace can and squeezed. Both men yelped in pain, and she lifted the cans out of their holsters and let them drop harmlessly to the floor. Then she spun them around, grabbed the back of their belts, lifted both of them effortlessly off the floor, carried them at arm's length, face down and kicking and struggling furiously, to the edge of the balcony and held them out over the railing. "Three stories down, assholes," she laughed as they stopped struggling and gaped back at her, speechless with fright. "Bet- ter ask me real nice to bring ya back in before my arms get tired and I hafta drop ya!" I looked up at Tanya and Belinda again. "NOW will you do something?" I snapped. They glanced at each other, nodded, pulled their automatic pistols from under their jackets and handed them to me. "Hold these," Tanya told me. "We won't need 'em, and you might." I quickly slid them inside my waistband, out of sight under my own jacket, hoping there were no police watching, since I wasn't licensed to carry firearms. "I'll take the one at the rail, you watch the other two," she told Belinda. Tanya moved silently up behind Steph, looming almost a foot taller than the teenage girl, and, before the girl realized what was happening, had reached around her, put her hands next to hers under the belts of the security guards and yanked her and both men back over and away from the railing to the safety of the balcony, pulling Steph's arms backward as she did so. Then she took Steph's wrists in a bone crushing grip, bringing a cry of pain from her lips and forcing her to drop the men to the floor. I looked over at Belinda. She had the other two girls on the floor, writhing in pain, their arms twisted and bent slightly back against the bodyguard's knees. I hadn't seen how she'd done it, but she obviously had both girls under control. The six boys were still huddled in the corner, gaping in amazement at what they were seeing. Steph was cursing at Tanya and struggling helplessly in the bigger woman's grip. "Relax, little girl," Tanya said quietly. "You haven't the muscle for it. Behave yourself, and I'll let you go. Otherwise I break your SuperFem wrists, and, believe me, I'm more than strong enough to do it!" The two men had scrambled to their feet and were retrieving their mace cans. One started toward Tanya and Steph, but Tanya stopped him with a backward look. "Don't," she said shortly. "We'll take it from here." He looked uncertain for a moment, then muttered, "Yeah, I guess so." He motioned to his companion, and the two men left. By now Steph had seen that her two friends would be of no help. She stopped struggling and looked up at her captor tower- ing above and behind her, her bravado melting. "Whatcha gonna do with us?" she asked, and there was a slight quiver in her voice. "I told you. Behave yourself, and we'll let you go." "Okay." Her voice was sullen, but she was thoroughly cowed. Tanya released her and stepped back, nodding to Belinda to do the same. The three girls stood quietly, massaging their arms, their heads bowed. "Let's see some ID," Tanya said. "Now." Wallets were produced and handed over, and, after a quick look at the gym cards inside, handed back. "I'm going to report your names to the gym. Our people will want to have a little talk with you and your mothers about this." "You--you work for the gym?" "The owner, Mrs. Fuller. Now, get out of here. Go home." The three girls exchanged worried glances, then fled. I gladly returned the pistols, and the three of us saw the boys to their car to make sure they'd have no further trouble. They were still shaken and thanked us again and again. As they finally drove off, I shook my head sadly. "I don't feel much like shop- ping any more. Take me home, please." "You all right?" Belinda asked. "I guess I know now how Dr. Frankenstein must have felt after he created the monster. Only difference is, I'm afraid we've created a world full of monsters, and it's too late to do anything about it." When I got home, Mona and Amanda were in the family room talking. I told them what had happened. "Were the boys hurt?" Mona asked. "No, just humiliated," I said. "But I think they would have been if we hadn't intervened. The thing I don't understand is, there were dozens of women in the area who could have stopped it. None of them so much as bothered to try." Mona shrugged. "I guess they didn't want to get involved," she said. "Or maybe they believed the boys started it and deserved what they were getting. In general, I think it's fair to say they did, or we wouldn't have had to open the program up to teenagers." "My God, Mona!" I exploded. "They were going to expose those boys in public! We spent a ton of money trying to educate these kids not to misuse their powers and their mothers to try to control them! From everything we've been hearing and from what I saw today, it looks like all that money went down the drain!" "What you saw was a single, isolated incident, Darrell," Amanda interjected quietly, but I could tell from her face she wasn't convinced. "You know better than that," I replied tartly. "We all do. We opened up this program to teenage girls for two reasons. We were concerned about the welfare of the girls, and we were afraid that we were creating a world of male woman haters. Well, it looks to me like we've made both those problems a lot worse! The girls have gone from being abused to being the abusers, and the boys have got to be hating them even more!" "You still see a lot of girls and boys going out together," Mona said defensively. "Because the boys are being forced to, that's why! You know that as well as I do. My God, Mona, these girls are getting together and dividing up the boys like they were the spoils of war! The boys aren't given any choice about who they're forced to go out with, and the mothers aren't doing a damned thing about it! They're too goddam busy taking over the world!" Mona regarded me for a long moment. I could see that both she and Amanda were troubled. Finally she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Darrell. Maybe you were right, and we shouldn't have opened up the program, but we did, and it can't be undone. We've done everything we can to try to protect the boys. There's nothing more we can do." "No, Mona, you're wrong. We have to. We have to do some- thing." It was my father-in-law. He was standing in the doorway with a large, flat package in his hands, and there were tears in his eyes. "Baby! What's wrong? I thought you were at the club!" Mona was on her feet, striding over to him. But he put his hand up, and she stopped. "I was," he said. His voice was trembling. "A man stopped the car on the way home and handed me this and begged me to read it. It's--it's a sort of a manuscript, handwritten. I had Bridget pull into a lot and wait while I read it. I think you all should, too." He laid the package on a table and turned away. "I--I don't feel very well," he whispered. "I think I... need to go upstairs and lay down for a while." The three of us looked at the package for several minutes after he had gone. Finally Mona, a worried look on her face, said, "I'd better go to him." "I'll go with you," Amanda said. They left. I stared at the package for several more minutes. Then I opened it, sat down and began to read. * * * MICHAEL'S STORY My name is Michael Curtis. There are twelve of us here together, all of us in high school between our sophomore and junior years and all of us close buddies since grade school. I'd been asked to write this before we got together because, although we've all had our problems with the girls in our school, we all pretty much agree that, at least at first, mine were the most difficult and lasted the longest. Besides, most of the guys think I can write the best--I guess I'm not all that sure about that! This is mostly my story, but to some extent it's also a story about all of us. And maybe even a story that could be about all the high school kids in the world. What a change three years can make in a guy's life! When we all started Harrison High down in Orange County, California, life was pretty normal--at least for back then. All our moms, of course, were on the SuperFem thing, and we all knew that, when we got out of college, our sisters and girl friends would probably get on the stuff, too, and that our lives would change. None of us much liked the idea of some day becoming the weaker sex, but, like our Dads, there wasn't much we could do about it, and besides, life at home wasn't all that bad, even though we all remembered what our families were like before SuperFem hit the market. My own family was pretty typical, I guess. Dad was a big, burly guy, about 5'10" and 195 lbs., an ex-wrestler in college, and about as great a dad as a guy could want. Mom was great, too, despite being kinda shy, about 5'4" and real slender--she never would tell us her weight--despite having two kids, me and my kid sister, Susie, about a year and a half later. Then a lot of her girl friends got into the SuperFem thing and started putting the pressure on Mom. I think she always kinda wanted to, but Dad made such a fuss about it, she backed off. Then, one night when they were out some SuperFem chick started to come on to Dad, and neither she nor Dad could do anything about it; two of Mom's friends had to come to Dad's rescue. That convinced her; Mom decided she had to be able to protect Dad, went into the program, and a little over year later she was 6'5" tall and weighed 280 lbs. of solid, SuperFem muscle. Dad would never talk about it, except once, to me, when I finally got up the courage to ask him how a man like him could put up with having a wife so much bigger and stronger than him. I'll never forget his answer. "Mike," he told me, "I won't kid you by telling I like it; I don't. But when I married your mother, I swore it would be for better or for worse, and I meant just that. I loved her then, and I love her now. Remember, she may be a lot bigger and stronger, now, and sure as heck not shy any more, but she's every bit as loving, kind and gentle as she ever was, and that's what's important." Then he put his hands on my shoulders, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Mike, the world is changing. By the time you're through college, most of the women in the world are probably going to be like your mother and her friends, and we men are just going to have to accept that, because there's no way we can stop it short of bloodshed, and no decent human being wants that. Until that time, though, until they can get SuperFem, young girls will be like women used to be; they'll look up to you, admire your strength, and depend on you, and I hope you'll respect them and protect them when you can, because some day you're going to have to rely on them to protect you." So, like I said, becoming the weaker sex wasn't something to look forward to, but it didn't look like it was going to be all that bad, either, just something to get used to. Besides, most of the girls at school were pretty normal and nice, and some of them were really fun to date. And I remembered and passed on to my buddies what my dad had told me, so we always tried to treat them nice and with respect. But a lot of the guys in school didn't feel that way. They were really mad at the girls for what they knew they were going to become, and I guess they were trying to take it out on them while they still could. We all thought that was kind of dumb, even crazy. After all, who wants to make enemies of a girl when you know that in 10 years she'll be able to make mincemeat out of any guy in the world? I even had to take on a couple of guys who were out of line with the girls, but, since I was almost as big then as I am now--5'9" and 165 lbs.--and was a cinch to make the varsity wrestling team in my weight class that year, it only took a couple of fights to make most of the guys back off when I was around. I thought most of the girls in school really appreciated that, as well as the way all of us felt and acted toward them. I think a lot of them really liked us. That all changed when Marcie Wentworth transferred in a couple of months into the school year. She was just under 15, a freshman like me and real good looking, but already 6'3" tall and looked like she went around 190, all muscle. Biggest muscles I'd ever seen on a girl that age, and looked solid as a rock. One look at her, and you had to figure she'd gotten into SuperFem on the sly, particularly after she trashed several of the toughest guys in school who had beaten up--and, in one case, raped--some of the smaller girls. She literally put them in the hospital! We didn't mind. We figured they deserved it. And we were glad when she let it be known that any other guy that so much as raised a finger against a girl would get the same treatment from her. After that, the assaults on the girls stopped. Then, when wrestling season started, she showed up after school to try out for the team--in the heavyweight division, no less!--wearing gym tights that showed off every muscle of her tall, shapely, powerful body. The coach didn't like the idea, but the school already had a Title VII court order against it, and he didn't have any choice. When she weighed in at an even 245 lbs., we all knew there had to be some SuperFem in her, we just weren't sure how much. The coach decided to match her up with big Paul Gilliam, a senior and our state heavyweight champ. At 6'5" and an even 300 lbs., a lot of it muscle, he was strong as an ox and figured to have the best chance of taking her. How wrong we were! It was a mismatch from the beginning. They squared off, and she literally became a blur. Before Paul or anyone else knew what had happened, she'd slid under him, pulled his feet out from under him and toppled him on his back, and then was on top of him pinning both his shoulders to the mat and holding them there with just her two forefingers! I couldn't believe what I'd seen! Neither could Paul. He sweated and strained and cursed, but couldn't budge his shoulders off the mat. To make matters worse, she held him there for a good ten seconds, then gave him a little pat on the cheek and jumped up. Nevertheless, the coach decided to try another fall starting from the Referee's Position, with Marcie on her hands and knees and Paul on top of her with one hand on her arm and his other arm around her waist. At the whistle, he tried to pull her arm up and roll her over, but he couldn't move her so much as an inch. She was like a rock, and it didn't look like her muscles were even flexed! She let him huff and puff for several minutes, then suddenly rolled in the opposite direction, lifting him completely off the mat with her right arm and leg and dumping him on his back again for another ten second pin, this time holding him down with just her two pinkies! Paul was livid, and it was clear to everyone that he was losing it. His face was red as a beet and he was sweating like a bull. It was pretty obvious that this was the first time in his life he'd ever been so completely outclassed on the wrestling mat--or anywhere, for that matter--and by a girl to boot! No matter that she was a 6'3", 245 lb. Amazon on SuperFem, he'd been thoroughly humiliated. As she reached down to take his hand and help him to his feet, he suddenly lunged at her and slammed a huge, hamlike fist right into her midsection with all the strength and momentum his 300 lb. bulk could muster. There had to be at least 800 foot pounds of energy in that punch, but it didn't move her an inch, and she didn't act like she even felt it. His fist literally bounced off her rock hard abs, and he roared in pain and grabbed his injured hand with the other. Marcie regarded him solemnly for a moment, pursing her lips. Finally she said, "That wasn't real smart, guy. I guess I need to teach you a lesson." With that, she grabbed both his wrists, pinned them together and took them in a single hand, pulled his arms back over his head and, as he was forced backward, bent down to slide her other hand under the small of his back. Then she straightened up and effortlessly lifted his 300 lbs. of bulk bodily off the mat, holding him high over her head with her single arm fully extended and both his wrists imprisoned in her other hand for balance. He was too stunned and frightened to even try to struggle, and, as the rest of us gaped in openmouthed amazement, she casually pumped him up and down a few times to show the ease with which she could control his weight. "Guess what, guy?" she asked, with no strain at all in her voice. "Bet I can throw you at least thirty or forty feet from here. Want me to try?" "Put him down, Wentworth!" the coach barked. "Right now!" "I will, coach," Marcie replied with a grin, "as soon as he apologizes for hitting me. After all, at my age I'm still supposed to be a member of the weaker sex, aren't I?" "All right! All right! I apologize! Put me down, please!" Paul squeaked, now completely terrified that she might carry out her threat. Marcie smiled, thanked him, gently lowered him to his feet and casually sauntered off the mat to where the coach was standing. We couldn't help but notice that she hadn't even worked up a sweat. "How 'bout it, coach?" she asked sweetly. "Am I on the team?" He was shaken. He said she probably was, but that he had to check, and cancelled the rest of the tryouts for the day. As I was turning to back to the locker room, I felt a big, shapely hand on my shoulder, and turned to look up at Marcie towering over me. "I haven't seen you before," she murmured. "What's your name?" "Ah--Mike, Mike Curtis," I stammered. She tilted my head back with a forefinger under my chin and looked down at me for a moment. Then, without warning and in front of everyone on the team, she reached down, put both hands firmly around my waist, lifted me up off my feet and, holding me at arm's length out in front of her and above her head, tilted me forward slightly so that most of my weight was on the heels of her hands. Nevertheless, I could barely breathe, and I kicked and struggled and tugged at her steely fingers in a futile effort to loosen her grip as she casually looked me up and down. "You're cute, Mikey," she told me. "You taken?" I was too stunned and embarrassed to be sure what she meant, but I managed to choke, "N--no!" "Well, you are now," she laughed, tilted me further down to plant a light kiss on my nose, and then lowered me gently to the floor. "If you get changed before I do, wait for me," she told me as she strolled off. "You and I are going to get a lot better acquainted." "Jeez," somebody--I didn't know and didn't care who--mut- tered in my ear, "I wouldn't wanta be in your shoes!" I couldn't answer. I was totally humiliated. After what she'd done to Paul I probably shouldn't have been, but I couldn't help myself. My face was hot, and I knew it had to be beet red. All I wanted was to get the hell out of there. They had a special bus for us, but I knew she'd be on it. I almost ran into the locker room, threw on my clothes, sneaked out the back door and ran almost the entire, ten mile distance to my home. But even there I couldn't get away from it. Everyone had just started dinner. As I sat down, still breathing hard, and Dad asked me why I was so late, my sister, Susie, tittered and said, "I know why! Hear you got a new girl friend, MIKEY!" I could feel my face getting red again, but I tried to be nonchalant. "Oh? Where'd you hear that?" "It's all over school," she giggled again. "Heather Mulrooney called me and told me all about it." The giggle became a snicker. "Poor Heather! She was crushed! Almost as bad as you were, MIKEY!" Heather Mulrooney was a girl in my class who, although she lived several miles away, had struck up a friendship with Susie back in grade school. She was a tiny, skinny girl, and Susie, who wasn't much bigger at 5'2" and 110 lbs., had been kidding me about a major crush she was supposed to have on me, but I'd never believed it. Besides, I wasn't interested. I was biting my lip, trying to think of a smart alecky reply, when Dad intervened. "Don't call your brother that, Susie. Mike, who's the girl? Do we know her?" Susie tried to look offended. "Why can't I call him 'Mikey', Dad?" she asked mischievously. "Big Marcie does!" Mom was suddenly interested. She leaned forward, resting her massively muscled forearms on the table. "Big Marcie? You don't mean that new girl, Marcia Wentworth." "Sure do!" Susie giggled again. "Mike?" Mom was looking intently at me. "Ask Susie," I mumbled. "She seems to know it all." "Susie?" Susie was grinning broadly, completely unaware of Mom's obvious concern. "She showed up at the wrestling team tryouts tonight," she chirped. "Pinned that great, big Paul Gilliam hunk twice without half trying, then picked him up over her head with just one hand when he got mad and tried to hit her. After that, she went after big brother, here. Guess that's why you didn't take the bus home, right, big brother?" "Jesus!" Dad, who almost never swore, pushed his chair away from the table. "Paul Gilliam must weigh 300 lbs.! And you say she went after Mike?" "Aw, she didn't hurt him, 'cept maybe for his masculine pride." Susie was repressing another titter. "Word is, she's real sweet on you, Mike. I heard she told some friends of hers she can't wait to get you alone! Says she'll fix it so you won't want to run out on her again!" "Susie, it's not funny, not funny at all! Evelyn, do you know anything about this?" Dad was looking straight across the table at Mom, and his face was grim. Mom nodded slowly. She did not look happy. "Not about today. But it's been fairly common knowledge around town that Marcia's beaten several high school boys pretty badly, ones that had been giving some of the girls a hard time, so about two weeks ago several of us went to see her mother. We were curious, be- cause her mother's not at any of the area 'Physical Woman' gyms. It turns out that she completed the program in Long Beach long before they moved here, and they have a complete gym set up in their basement, with everything they need. She told us that two years ago Marcia was gang raped by five football players in Long Beach. She's apparently always been a big, strong girl, looks a lot older than she is, but she was no match for the five of them. As a result, her mother forged a birth certificate for her and got her into the SuperFem program at her Long Beach gym, even got her past the psychological testing. Since she was already so tall, she used the newer formula, the one that limits growth. By the time the gym found out her real age, it was too late; she'd completed the program. Of course, they were both banned from the gyms, but that's about all they could do. They both have all the literature on the program, and they're apparently able to keep in shape on their own." "My God!" Dad shook his head in disbelief. "An oversexed, SuperFem teenager! That's all we need! What are we going to do? Is there anything we CAN do?" "I'll talk to her mother again," Mom said. Dad leaned over the table and looked intently at Mom. "Eve- lyn," he said, "I can't say this strongly enough. That girl has got to be kept away from Mike. If I have to, I'll go to the police! About the only thing you women haven't taken away from us is the right to be normal, teenage boys. I want that for Mike." His voice was quiet, but deadly serious, and we all knew he meant every word. Even Susie stopped grinning. Mom started to say something, then abruptly changed her mind. She looked troubled. We finished our dinner in silence. The next day was Friday. As Susie had said, everyone was talking about what had happened at the tryouts last night, and a lot of the girls giggled and looked at me, and then the other way, as I went by. Several of my buddies stopped me in the hall to ask me if what they'd been hearing was true, and when I told them it was, to offer me what little consolation and support they could, but it didn't help much. Fortunately, I didn't have Marcie in any of my classes, and I was able to keep pretty much to myself. After my last class I checked the bulletin board and saw that the wrestling tryouts had been postponed until next week, probably to give the coach time to figure out what to do, and went to my locker to stow my books and head home. To my dismay, Marcie was waiting for me. "You," she said pointedly, pushing a long forefinger into my chest, "didn't wait last night." I thought fast, wondering whether I should try to lie to her, tell her I had a ride home, and rejected that. Better, I figured, to be up front with her, tell her exactly how I felt. She wouldn't be expecting that, and it might stop her. "No," I said coldly. "I didn't," and slid past her to open my locker. "You weren't on the bus. How'd you get home?" "I walked," I said. "Or, rather, I ran." "Jeez," she laughed, "I must have really scared you last night. Didn't mean to, honest!" I turned and looked up at her with as steady a gaze as I could manage and replied evenly, "No, you didn't scare me. You embarrassed me, humiliated me in front of the whole team, just like you did Paul, but you didn't scare me. As big and strong as you are, you probably could have if you'd wanted to, like you did Paul, but you didn't. I just wanted to get away from you as fast as I could. I still do." I tried to step around her to leave, but she blocked me with her big, powerful body. Still, her face had an almost defensive look, which told me my words had hit home. I looked up at her again and said as coldly as I knew how, "Are you going to stop me from leaving? I have a bus to catch." That did it. Her face went blank, and she stood aside. I hurried away, trying hard not to show my relief. I should have known it was too good to last. But I was feeling cocky. I'd set big Marcie Wentworth back on her heels and made it stick. So I made the big mistake; with several of my buddies, I went to the Friday night mixer, the monthly dance which was being held that night at the high school gym. As usual, there were more girls than boys there, and I danced with several. The music was loud and fast, making conversation impossible, so the subject of Marcie and me never came up until, when I was dancing a slow dance with Becky Malone, Becky asked me about it. "Naw, that was over before it started," I asserted. "I put an end to it this afternoon." "You did, huh?" Becky murmured. "Then I wonder why she's headed this way..." Before she could finish or I could react, I felt that familiar, big hand clamp down on my shoulder. "Sorry, Becky," Marcie's voice came from above and behind me, "I'm cutting in." I looked back to see her towering over me, dressed in a tight sweater, skirt and flat heeled shoes. As I started to protest, I was spun around, away from Becky and into Marcie's muscular right arm which encircled my waist, lifted me to my toes and pulled me tight against her big, hard, shapely body. Her left hand took my right as she swept me across the dance floor, my feet barely touching the floor, in time to the music and in the general direction of the rear exit. "Dammit, Marcie!" I choked. "Let go of me! I thought we settled that this afternoon!" I pushed against her shoulder as hard as I could with my free hand, but I might as well have been trying to move the building. She grinned down at me. "I KNOW what YOU thought. And I have to admit, you took me back for a minute. Never had a guy speak up to me like you did, at least not since I finished the SuperFem program. Made me even hotter for that cute, little bod of yours. In case you haven't guessed, cutie, what Marcie wants, Marcie takes, and right now Marcie wants you!" "But I don't want you, dammit!" "Even better!" she murmured. "Be more fun for me changing your mind!" We had reached the rear exit, and suddenly Marcie backed into the bar, pushing open the door, and swept me outside onto the stairs leading down to the deserted parking lot. "C'mon, sweetie," she cooed, "let's take a little walk in the moonlight." "I'm not going anywhere with you!" "That's what you think!" she laughed. "Okay, we'll do it the fun way!" She bent down, slid her right arm completely around my waist and straightened, lifting me off the landing and tucking me securely, face down, under her armpit. I started to yell for help, but her big, left hand clamped over my mouth, stifling my outcry, and, as I kicked and struggled and tore helplessly at the massively muscled arms holding me prisoner, calmly carried me down the stairs and across the parking lot to one of the cars, a convertible with the top down, parked there. "Now, cutie, you've got a choice," she told me matter of factly. "If you behave yourself and don't do anything silly like trying to call for help, you can ride with me in the front seat. Otherwise, I'll have to knock you out and stuff you in the trunk for the ride. Which is it gonna be? Tap my left hand once if you want to be good." I didn't have any choice. I tapped the hand covering my mouth once, and she removed it, lifted me over the side of the car and deposited me in the passenger seat. "W--where are you taking me?" I quavered. "Home," she replied brightly. "Mom's out of town at a convention this weekend, but Daddy's home, and you can meet him. Then, like I told you last night, you and I are going to get a lot better acquainted!" "But--you're not old enough to drive!" I protested. She laughed at that. "May not be old enough, but I sure am big enough and I look old enough to boot! Don't worry, I know how to drive, and I won't break any laws." "You won't break any laws?" I sputtered. "What the hell do you think kidnapping is?" She reached down and patted my cheek. "Now, now," she soothed, "remember, you promised to be good. Don't make me have to change my mind and stick you in the trunk!" With that, she vaulted over me and slid down behind the wheel, pulled a key from a pocket in her skirt, started the engine and drove off. I was praying we'd see a policeman, so, of course, we didn't. Fifteen minutes later we pulled into the carport of the Wentworth home, a small ranch house in a fairly affluent neigh- borhood. "Sit tight," Marcie ordered, got out of the car and came around to the passenger side, reached down to slide her big hands under my armpits and lifted me bodily out of my seat. Holding me against her, she moved me to one side, slid a single arm under my buttocks and around my thighs and started to carry me into the house. "You know, I CAN walk," I snapped. "I go to the bathroom alone and everything!" "You're cute," she giggled. "I can see I'm gonna have lots of fun taming you!" I lapsed into silence, and she opened the door with her free hand and carried me through the kitchen and dining room into the living room in the front of the house, where a small, thin man was sitting reading a book. "Hi, Daddy!" Marcia chirped. "Look what I've got! Want you to meet my new boy friend, Mike Curtis!" Mr. Wentworth looked up, did a double take, winced and slowly rose to his feet. I was surprised at how small he was, barely 5'5" and probably weighed no more than 130 lbs. I had to wonder what his wife had been like, before SuperFem. He looked up at me, still held off the floor and feeling more than a little foolish in the curve of Marcie's single, powerfully muscled arm, but obviously did not offer to shake hands. "Hello, Mike," he said in an oddly resigned tone of voice. "Marcie tells me you're on the school wrestling team." "Well, ah--yeah, I hope to be," I stammered, feeling even more foolish at the thought--a high school wrestler being carried helplessly around in one arm by a towering, Amazonian teenager! Then Marcie did something that stunned me. She reached down with her free arm, wrapped it around her father's thighs and lifted him off the floor to hold each of us facing each other in the curve of each arm with no more effort than if we were babies! Her father's face reddened, and he squirmed briefly in a futile attempt to extricate himself from his daughter's grasp, then his body went slack, and he looked at the floor, avoiding my eyes. "Now I've got my two favorite guys in the world!" Marcie gushed. "My adorable, little Daddy and my brand new boy friend!" I wondered what could possibly come next. I didn't have to wait long. Marcie lowered me to the floor, put her hands around her father's slender waist and, holding him effortlessly at arm's length, lifted him up until his head was brushing the ceiling. "But now," she continued, "it's time for Daddy to go beddie-bye so I can be alone with my little Mikey!" "Marcie, please!" He was so embarrassed it was hard for me to look at him. "Don't do this to me, please!" She laughed. "Don't do what? This? Or send you to bed?" She grinned and shook him a little. "But, for God's sake, it's only nine thirty!" She tilted him forward until he was almost horizontal over her head. "Now, Daddy," she replied reproachfully, "remember what happened to you the last time I had to put you to bed?" He winced again, closed his eyes and nodded, and Marcie set him down and turned him around. "Now, run along like a good, little Daddy," she told him, and, with a little pat on his backside, sent him on his way. I was beginning to feel a little sick at all of this, but I couldn't resist asking. "So, what happened to him when you had to put him to bed?" She laughed. "Put him over my knee and spanked him," she replied. "Not hard enough to hurt him, just hard enough to let him know who's boss in this house!" I shook my head in disbelief. I hated to think of my father being subjected to something like this. Despite the fact that Mom was a lot bigger and maybe ten times stronger than Dad, I had never seen her use her strength to humiliate or dominate him and doubted she ever had or ever would. But I wasn't so sure about my sister, Susie, and, if Marcie was any example, I shuddered to think of what the world would be like if many more teenage girls got their hands on SuperFem. I guess I shouldn't have been worrying so much about our fathers, for my own ordeal was just beginning. No sooner had her father left the room when Marcie slipped her arms around my chest and thighs, swept me up in her arms, carried me over to a sofa, sat down on it and plopped me down on her lap. "Now, little fella," she murmured, "let's you and me start getting better acquainted!" It was instinct, I guess. I knew I was no match for her muscle, but I gasped, "No!" and struggled anyway, writhing and kicking and fighting every way I could to get away. She even left my arms free, I guess because she knew I wasn't strong enough to hurt her. I pushed against her broad shoulders with all my strength, but my right arm collapsed as she pulled me against her and tucked my right shoulder under her armpit, wrapping her long, powerfully muscled arm around my neck and shoulders to press my head hard against her shoulder. At that point all I could do was beat on her back and shoulder as hard as I could with my fists, but all she did was laugh. "Keep it up, baby," she whispered huskily into my ear. "I love it when a guy tries to fight me. Your little love taps are really turning me on!" Then she forced my head back with her forefinger and lowered her open mouth to capture mine in a crushingly brutal french kiss that literally took my breath away. I heard myself whimper in protest as her tongue ravaged the inside of my mouth, and I redoubled my efforts to escape. But it was hopeless. I had managed to slide my hips partway off her lap when, to my horror, I felt her free hand force its way between my thighs, firmly encompass my crotch, and begin to gently and intimately massage me as she pulled me back against her. It was then that I knew she was capable of raping me, and that there was not a damned thing I could do to stop her! Be- cause, little by little, no matter how I struggled to prevent it, she was making me hard! How long she continued to ravage my mouth I can't remember, but it seemed like an eternity. When she finally lifted her mouth from mine, her face was flushed and her voice a little hoarse. "This is going too fast," she rasped. "If I keep this up I'm gonna wear you out before the night's half over." She took a deep breath and thought a minute. "I know," she said suddenly. "I'm gonna take you downstairs and show you what you're up against. Maybe showing you the things I can do will scare the pants off you and keep me turned on besides!" She shifted her left arm from around my neck and shoulders to around my waist, stood up, let me swing down so that I was again tucked securely, face down, under her armpit and carried me out of the living room to a door leading down to the basement. At that point, looking up at her still flushed, grinning face, I knew there was no point in struggling further, so I let myself go limp. A flicker of disappointment crossed her lovely features, and she said, "Aw, not gonna fight me any more, cutie? Jeez, maybe I should tickle you to make you struggle harder. You ticklish at all, baby?" I am. I couldn't help myself. My body stiffened in anticipation of those irresistibly powerful fingers probing my sensitive areas, but instead she laughed delightedly. "Great! Now I can make you fight me whether you want to or not!" Mom had told us they had a complete gym set up in their basement, but the extent of the equipment they had was amazing. They had everything! Benches, curling setups, a complete set of oversize nautilus machines, free weights on racks and on the floor, the works, all on a thick mat covering almost the entire basement! And the weights, even the ones on the nautilus machines, were huge, bigger and heavier than I'd ever seen before. Everything here had to have been made specially for SuperFem women. Marcie set me on my feet against a wall and held me there, towering over me, with a forefinger against my chest. "Now, buttercup," she told me, grinning, "just stand there and watch Marcie do her thing, and don't do anything silly like trying to run away. I'd catch you before you got halfway up the stairs and bring you back down here, and then I'd have to hang you up on one of those hooks over your head to make sure you didn't try it again. You wouldn't be very comfortable, and I'd be kinda mad at you for interrupting my little demonstration. And the one thing you don't want to do, sweetcakes, is get me mad at you. Okay?" She had a point. I could only nod dumbly. "You ever been to a Physical Woman gym and watched the women work out?" she asked. "N--no," I replied, and that was true. Although I'd heard a lot about it, even living with Mom and watching other SuperFem women on the streets and in the malls, the only real demonstration of SuperFem strength I'd ever seen had been watching Marcie destroy Paul Gilliam at the wrestling tryouts the previous night. "Good! You're in for a treat! Watch this!" She stepped back, pulled her sweater up over her head, dropped her skirt and kicked off her shoes and socks, revealing her titanically muscular, shapely frame concealed only by a tiny brassiere and panties. I had seen her the day before in gym tights and had marveled at the size and hardness of her muscular- ity even then, but now she was all but naked, and the effect was even more amazing. Her entire body was a mass of huge, rippling muscles, not a soft spot anywhere that I could see. Even her breasts, barely concealed by the brassiere, looked like muscles, small, erect and incredibly firm. Moreover, I knew those huge muscles of hers had been greatly enhanced with SuperFem and were far denser, tougher and stronger than any man could ever hope to have. She moved fluidly to the curling bench, where a short, very thick bar with two large weights and a smaller one attached to each end was resting on a narrow rack with a padded arm support attached. I could barely make out the numbers: the larger weights were 100 lbs. each and the smaller one 25, 450 lbs. in all. She straddled the bench with her massive thighs, laid her right arm across the rest, gripped the bar with her right hand and, as huge muscles literally exploded under the smooth skin of her mighty arm, heaved the 450 lb. barbell off the rack and curled it for three reps before laying it gently back in its rack! Then she did the same with her left arm. Even after seeing what she'd done to Paul the night before, I was stunned. There were very few men in the world, I knew, who could curl half that weight with both hands! Yet her face had showed not the slightest strain! As she rose off the bench, she grinned at me and said, "I could have done heavier, but I didn't want to take the time to add more weights. Get the picture, sweetie?" Then, seeing my open mouth, she added, "I see you do. But that was nothing. Take a look at this." She walked over to a huge barbell lying on the mat, with three weights on each end, each about twice the size of the larger ones on the curling bar. The barbell was facing me, and I couldn't see the numbers, but the bar itself was substantially thicker than the one on the curling bench, and I knew that barbell had to be in the neighborhood of 1,200 lbs. She confirmed my guess. "Twelve hundred pounds even, cutie-pie," she chuckled, then bent down, gripped the bar with both hands, and, with a single, smooth motion, heaved it off the mat and up to hold it, with her arms fully extended, high over her head. "This is clean," she told me, only a hint of strain showing in her voice. "Want to see me jerk?" At the end of a rope! I thought, as I stared at her trans- fixed, again in open mouthed amazement. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! For the first time I realized fully what SuperFem was capable of doing, not just making women far stronger than men, but turning them into veritable superwomen! And Marcie was only 15 years old! The thought of what she might be able to do when she was fully matured was mind boggling! And terrifying! She dropped the barbell to the mat with a crash that shook the building and grinned at me. "I can do 1,450 clean and jerk and bench 1,750," she informed me casually, as if reading my thoughts, "and I'm getting stronger every day. But I think you get the idea. Need any more demonstrations?" "N--n--no!" I blurted. My whole body was trembling uncon- trollably. I was scared! "Good! 'Cause tossing those weights around and watching you shaking in your boots has just made me hotter than ever for that little bod of yours!" Before I could move, she strode across the room and reached around me to wrap a powerful arm around my waist just above my belt, sweep me up off the floor and tuck me face down under her one arm again, but this time facing to her rear. Then, gripping first one of my ankles and then the other, she proceeded to remove my shoes and socks. I was so surprised and shocked I didn't even try to struggle. But when I felt her reach under me with her free hand and unbuckle my belt, I croaked, "What--what the hell are you doing?" "What do you think I'm doing?" she retorted. "Stripping you down to your buff to have a little fun with you, that's what! And why aren't you trying to fight me? Are you too scared of me? Am I gonna have to tickle you to make you try to get away?" She didn't wait for an answer. I felt her shift her grip around my waist, and then the tips of her iron fingers probing, finding, then digging into the ticklish areas of my sides. I remember screaming and convulsing with laughter as my world exploded in a gamut of unbearable, yet wildly erotic, sensations, and then kicking and thrashing about in a futile attempt to stop the delicious torture she was inflicting on my helpless body. Only when she stopped and set me on my feet did I realize that, in spite of my struggles, she had removed my pants and shorts and dropped them on the floor, leaving me naked from the waist down and all but exhausted from my efforts. "That was fun, sweetie!" she chortled. "You put up a delicious, little fight! If you'd only do that on your own, I wouldn't have to tickle you to make you do it!" It was all I could do to stand, but I tried to cover myself with both hands and back away from her. She laughed, reached down and wrapped a long forefinger around each of my wrists, halting my retreat. I tried to free myself, but her fingers were like steel bands around my wrists. I couldn't move them. Then, without any display of effort at all, and using only her two fingers, she gently forced my hands away from my body and pulled me to her. "See?" she murmured. grinning down at me. "I've got more strength in these two fingers than you have in your whole, weak, little body, and, except for that fat slob, Paul Gilliam, you're one of the strongest guys I ever played with!" She hesitated, appearing momentarily uncertain. "At least, I think you are. All you guys are so weak compared to me it's hard to tell for sure. Anyhow, let's get rid of that shirt..." "Marcie, please!" I begged. "Don't do this to me, please!" She clucked her tongue sympathetically. "Why, cutie-pie," she laughed, "do what? I haven't done anything to you, yet, 'cept maybe play with you and tickle you a little and show you how much stronger I am than you. Now, don't worry that pretty, little head of yours, 'cause I'm not going to hurt you. They taught us how to control our strength at the gym. See? I've got you completely under my control, but I'm not hurting you now, am I?" I had to admit she wasn't as long as I didn't struggle too hard against the pressure of her two fingers. As she continued to grin down at me, she slowly forced my hands up above my head and together, where she secured both my wrists in the grip of a single hand, then casually unbuttoned both my sleeves and the front of my shirt and slid it and my undershirt up over my head and arms, transferring her grip on my wrists to her other hand so she could pull them off and drop them to the floor. Now I was completely naked before her! "Mmmmmmm!" she breathed, and raised my arms higher until my toes were barely touching the floor while she examined my naked body and ran her free hand up and down my chest, stomach, sides, back and buttocks, stroking and prodding, then fondling me intimately as I hung there, red faced, humiliated and helpless, in the grip of her single hand. Then, before I realized what was happening, she had forced her free hand between my thighs to again cup my entire, now com- pletely bare crotch in her palm and lift me bodily off the floor, at the same time releasing my wrists and moving her other hand quickly to the back of my neck. I was turned until I was almost sideways to her and tilted backward at an angle across her massive, V-shaped body as her open mouth descended to again capture mine in another, crushing french kiss and her thumb and fingers intimately caressed my penis, testicles and buttocks. I can't begin to describe the feeling of utter impotence as I hung there, helpless, in mid-air while she simultaneously ravaged my mouth and massaged me to full arousal with her hand. Within moments she had me stiff and throbbing, my body consumed with desire, but there was no pleasure in it, for I knew that I was being taken against my will, and every fibre of my being rebelled against the thought. And so, even though I knew resis- tance was hopeless and that she actually enjoyed my struggles, I couldn't help myself; I fought against her every way I could. I squealed and kicked and thrashed about and pounded on her rock hard chest, shoulders and neck with all my strength, but it was like hitting hard rubber, and I'm not sure she even felt my blows. I even tried beating on and squeezing her breasts; they had a little give to them, but not much, and I think I only succeeded in arousing her more. Nevertheless, I continued my futile struggles as, still holding me by my crotch and neck and without releasing my mouth, she carried me up effortlessly up the two flights of stairs to her bedroom and laid me on my back on her bed. I scuttled back against the headboard and covered my throbbing privates, staring up at her in terror, too scared to protest. Her face was flushed and she was breathing hard, but I knew it wasn't from exertion. She was literally devouring me with her eyes as she reached back over her shoulders to undo her brassiere, let it fall to the floor, then slipped out of her panties and crawled onto the bed facing me. I finally found my voice. "Marcie!" I croaked. "Don't do this! Please!" Her laugh was harsh. "What's the matter, baby? Still afraid I'm gonna hurt you? Or aren't you turned on my naked musclegirls? No, I can see you are, and that's all I need!" "But, dammit, I don't want to have sex with you!" I almost screeched. "All the better!" she rasped. "I love turning a guy on and banging him against his will!" She reached out, forced her hands between my arms and body, lifted me bodily off the bed and drew me down to lay me under her. The next thing I knew my hands had been pulled away from my crotch, and I was buried under 245 lbs. of feminine muscle as, with her hands firmly around my waist, she settled over me and began to kiss and fondle me all over. The rest of that night is a blur in my mind. I remember that my arms were free and that my erect penis was pressed against her rock hard abs, and that I was struggling and beating on her back as hard as I could. I can remember her whispering fiercely into my ear several time, "That's it, baby! Keep fighting me!" And I remember feeling strong sensations, but no pleasure, as she took me inside her and brought me to climax even as I continued my futile attempts at resistance. And then lying exhausted against her in the curve of her powerful arm, tears in my eyes, feeling used and humiliated, while she stroked me and told me that I was hers, that I belonged to her alone, that she could arouse me at will and do anything she wanted with me, and that if she ever caught me so much as looking at another girl she'd put me over her lap and spank me until I cried. I have no idea how many times she took my body that night. All I know is that, at the end, all the fight had been drained out of me, and I could only lay there while she used me for her own pleasure. But there was no pleasure in it for me, only a feeling of helplessness and humiliation as she made me hard and brought herself and me to climax again and again. And when it was finally over, and I lay, barely conscious, cuddled against her in her mighty arms, and she was whispering softly in my ear how good I had been for her, it only heightened the sense of degradation I felt. But then she said something that chilled me, although it didn't completely register at the time. "I know it wasn't real good for you, baby," she told me, "but it'll get better for you, I promise. And it won't be too long before you'll be glad to have me, 'cause you'll need me to protect you." I vaguely remember her carrying me in her arms back down to the weight room to dress me, then out to the car and driving me home. I had no idea what time it was, but the house was dark; everyone was in bed. At my door, she picked me up and kissed me again, long and hard, and then set me down, and I stumbled inside and up to my room. And then I did something I hadn't done in years. I cried myself to sleep. I slept until almost noon and woke up ravenous. When I came downstairs, Dad was at the breakfast room table installing a new drive belt on the vacuum cleaner. "Must have been some night last night, Mike," he remarked with a grin. "Yeah. Some night," I mumbled and poured myself a huge bowl of cereal. I could hear Susie in the other room babbling on the telephone, but, other than an occasional exclamation, "You're kidding!", I couldn't hear what she was saying. I guessed that Mom was at the gym, where she spent every Saturday morning, but I knew she'd be home soon, and I wanted to talk to her and Dad alone. Every time I thought about what Marcie had said to me, about needing her to protect me, I got a hollow feeling in my stomach. I wasn't anxious for them to know I'd spent the night with Marcie, but I figured enough people had seen Marcie spirit me out of the dance that they'd find out soon enough anyway. Soon enough turned out to be right away. Susie came bouncing into the breakfast room, saw me and giggled, "Well, sleepyhead, what time did you get home last night?" "None of your business," I snapped. "You and Marcie have a good time together?" I closed my eyes in dismay. That damned school grapevine of hers! When I looked up, Dad was staring across the table at me, motionless. "You were with Marcia Wentworth last night?" I nodded, looking hard at my half finished cereal. "Yeah," I said. "Not by choice, though." "Want to tell me what happened?" "I can tell you, Dad!" Susie bubbled. "Marcie took him away from Becky Malone on the dance floor last night and right out the back door! That's the last anybody saw of 'em!" I winced and closed my eyes again. "Susie," Dad said, "go somewhere." "Huh?" "Go somewhere," Dad said again. "I want to talk to Mike alone." "Oh." Susie made a face at me and left in a huff. "Okay," Dad said quietly after we were alone, "now tell me about it." This time it wasn't a question. I kept my eyes on my cereal. "Nothin' to tell," I mumbled. "We just went somewhere and talked, that's all." "Did she molest you at all?" "Dad! Come on!" I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth, but I didn't want to lie, either. "Well, the way you're wolfing down your breakfast..." Desperate to change the subject, I remarked, "She did say one thing that kinda bothered me, though." "What was that." "Something to the effect that in a little while I'd be darn glad to have her as a girl friend. That I'd need her to protect me." I looked across the table at him. "Geez, Dad, d'you think they're gonna start giving that SuperFem stuff to high school girls?" Dad's face turned grim, and he was silent for several moments. Then he said, "I don't know, son, but I'm damn sure going to try to find out!" We sat in silence until Mom came in several minutes later, bubbling, "Great workout this morning! I feel like a million!" Then she saw us, and her expression changed. "Hey, why so glum, guys?" "Marcia Wentworth corralled Mike again at the dance last night," Dad replied. "God knows what she did to him or what time he got home. Tell your mother what she said to you, Mike." I gritted my teeth. "She told me that pretty soon I'd need her as a girl friend to--protect me. I dunno, I guess she had to mean from other girls." Mom sobered immediately and sat down next to Dad. We could tell she was troubled. Dad looked over at her, and his face was hard. "Evelyn, do you know anything about this? Are the gyms going to start making SuperFem available to high school girls?" Mom bit her lip and didn't answer right away. Finally she said quietly, "Yes. In about a month." "Jesus Christ!" Dad exploded. "Are they out of their goddam minds? Can you imagine what life will be like with hundreds of Marcia Wentworths running around loose in every town? How long have you known about this?" "About a week," Mom said. "I--I didn't want to say anything about it to you until I had to." She put a big hand on Dad's arm. "Dan, I agree with you, it's a terrible idea. Even my gym manager agrees, and a lot of us have objected strongly to the owners. But you have to understand why they're doing this. You saw what was happening to the girls here before Marcia Wentworth put a stop to it. The same thing's happening all over the world, and there are no other Marcia's to stop it. They felt they had to do something." "Can anything be done to stop them, to change their minds?" "No, I'm told the decision's final. They've already distri- buted a revised psychological review manual for the teenagers. Every girl who's started puberty will be eligible to enroll if her mother's completed the program." "Jesus! Susie, too?" "I don't think we'll have any choice, Dan." Mom smiled wanly. "For whatever it's worth, they're limiting the amount of formula the girls will be permitted to take, so they won't get too big or strong. That's probably what Marcia meant, Mike. She almost completed the full, adult program, so she'll still be much stronger than any of the other girls." Dad shook his head wearily. "So just how strong are they going to let these kids get?" he asked. Mom shrugged, and she did not look happy. "It's going to be hard to pinpoint exactly, Dan, but I understand the target is about half that for most adult women." "My God, Evelyn! That's still 4-5 times stronger than the average man! They're crazy!" Dad seemed to wilt in his chair. "I suppose they're all going to want to be six footers, too," he muttered weakly. "I'm afraid that's the feeling, that most of the girls will want the old formula, to increase their height as well." Mom turned to me. "I hate to say this, Mike, but I think Marcia may have been right. By the time school begins again in the fall, most of the girls will be big and strong enough that the better looking, more popular boys like you will be fair game. I'm sure most of the parents will do what they can--we certainly will--but you know as well as I that we can't always control what kids do away from home. If Marcia likes you, and from what I'm hearing she does very much, and she doesn't get too far out of line with you, you may very well need her protection." Dad put his head in his hands for several minutes. Somehow, he seemed smaller than he had. Then he looked across at me, and I could see the agony in his face. "I'm--I'm sorry, Mike," was all he said, and then he got up, and we heard him climbing the stairs to his bedroom. He wasn't half as sorry as I was. His world had already changed. Mine was about to. And I wasn't sure it was going to be the kind of a world I wanted to live in. As Mom got up to follow Dad upstairs, she stopped long enough to swear me to secrecy until the news became public. She didn't have to. The last thing I wanted was for any of the girls--particularly Susie--to find out about this any sooner than necessary. The following Monday I half expected to see Marcie waiting for me at my locker, but Heather Mulrooney was there instead, looking tiny as ever. She wasn't a bad looking girl, but she was too close to Susie, and I had no interest in her anyway. "Hi, Mike," she greeted me. "Are you okay? "Sure, Heather, why wouldn't I be?" I grunted. "I--I was worried about you. I wasn't at the dance Friday night, but I heard what happened. That awful Marcie Wentworth! She--she didn't hurt you, did she?" There was genuine concern in her voice, and I had to relent a little. "No, Heather, she didn't hurt me," I replied gently. "But thanks, anyway. It's nice of you to ask." "She's terrible, the way she acts!" Heather burst out. "So big and strong, and all those ugly muscles! I wouldn't ever want to look like that!" I smiled. "I hope you feel that way when your time comes," I said, "when you can get that SuperFem stuff, I mean." "I wouldn't take it if you didn't want me to, Mike," she said, and I could tell she really meant it. I thanked her again and went to class, hoping and praying Marcie hadn't seen us together. The wrestling team tryouts were the following day. Marcie, of course, got the super heavyweight division--Paul Gilliam didn't even show up--and I won my class fairly easily, thanks to Dad's training, the only freshman boy to do so. Our first match was only two weeks away, so we trained hard to get ready, all except Marcie, that is. None of the bigger boys would get on the mat with her, and the coach didn't push it. Marcie didn't seem to mind, even made jokes about taking on the whole team all at once just for practice, but there were no takers. During that period at school, Marcie was my constant compan- ion, and she made no secret of the fact that I was her private property. Since we had no classes together, she insisted on meeting me between classes and in the lunchroom during lunch hour and was pretty blatant about the way she hugged and cuddled me in public, to the point that even my closest buddies, guys I'd know since early grade school, were avoiding me. It was embarrassing and humiliating, but there was nothing I could do, so I endured it as best I could. By that time our mothers had talked, and it was agreed that Marcie would be welcome at our house and could even pick me up and take me out in the Wentworth family car, even though she was still under age, as long as she didn't molest me sexually. Marcie didn't always abide by that limitation, of course, but at least the times she took me, usually when we were parked in a secluded spot somewhere, became less frequent and a little more bearable. There was never any pleasure in it for me, however. When our first match came, word about her and what she'd done to Paul had gotten out, so the coach of the opposing team simply forfeited her weight class. I barely won mine, but the rest of the team wasn't so lucky; we were outpointed by a wide margin. After the match, Marcie met me outside, put her arm around my shoulders and walked me to the bus. Bending down, she whispered into my ear, "You looked so cute out there, rolling around on the mat with that wimp, I just wanted to go out there, throw him into the next block and bang you right there!" Our next several matches also resulted in forfeits to Marcie's weight class, since none of the coaches in our conference wanted to see their wrestlers humiliated by her on the mat in public, and the boys weren't anxious to be, either. Then, about a month later, the news about the new SuperFem program for teenage girls hit like a bombshell. All over the school the girls were buzzing, most of them complaining they couldn't wait to start, others leery about becoming too much like Marcie but recognizing they didn't have much choice if they were to compete in this new environment. Predictably, the boys were horrified, particularly those who had been responsible for abusing some of the girls before Marcie had stopped them; I guess they figured they were going to be in for it all over again, this time at the hands of their former victims! The atmosphere at school suddenly became almost eerie. Almost all the boys began keeping to themselves and avoiding the girls, and even a number of steady couples broke up. And a lot of the girls, even before they started the program, hazed and taunted the boys, laughing at them and letting them know how things were going to change once they became the stronger sex! The school administrators was worried, too, about whether the men teachers and administrators were going to be able to maintain discipline in a school of teenage Amazons who were bigger and stronger than almost any man alive! Several meetings with the mothers were held, during which a plan was developed under which a rotating roster of mothers would be set up to monitor those classes not being taught by SuperFem women and assist the school administrators in enforcing discipline. Since the initial effects of the program could begin to become evident within a few weeks, well before the end of the school year, the plan was put into effect as quickly as possible. At home, Susie was jubilant. "Just think, Mike!" she would gush at me. "When I start high school next year, we'll have taken over the football team, the basketball team, the wrestling team, everything! Well, maybe we'll let you guys wrestle in the smaller weight divisions, like yours, but you guys won't be able to compete with us at all! Isn't that great? Maybe we'll dress you guys in skirts and make cheerleaders outa ya!" And I would say, "Yeah, I'm sure that'll be great for you." But, knowing Susie, I was really more worried about what life would be like at home. Luckily for me, Susie had been very late in going into puberty, and Mom had told me that she probably wouldn't let her start the program until the end of the current school year. At least I was going to have that much of a reprieve... There was only one positive aspect that came out of this entire situation from my standpoint. My close friends, with whom I'd been almost inseparable before Marcie--we'd called ourselves the "Dirty Dozen" since grade school--started coming back and talking to me again. Like the rest of us, they were scared of the future, and I guess they figured that my experiences with Marcie might give them some insight about what might be in store for them. When Marcie was around, however, they kept their distance. As time passed we began seeing noticeable changes in most of the girls. They were becoming taller, broader, more muscular and more aggressive, both sexually and in their mannerisms generally. Even worse, many of them were already significantly bigger and stronger than the smaller boys. It was becoming an increasingly common sight to see a big girl with a smaller guy trapped in a corner trying to come on to him, but I didn't hear of any incidents of boys actually being molested by them--except that, of course, Marcie continued to use my body whenever she had the opportunity. A couple of the girls who had always been taller than most, and were now well over six feet, made passes at me, but Marcie quickly found out and disabused them of any further ideas along that line. After that I was left pretty much alone. By the time summer came, I don't think there was a girl in our school who wasn't at least physically equal to any boy in her class. Except for Heather Mulrooney. For some reason, I never saw her after the SuperFem announcement. She was around somewhere, for she and Susie talked regularly on the phone, but I never ran into her, and I had to wonder if she was still so opposed to going on SuperFem as she had led me to believe that day at my locker. When school let out, since I was an excellent swimmer, I thought briefly about getting my first job, as a lifeguard at the beach, but a sign at the employment office made it clear that only the biggest, strongest SuperFem females available would be considered, and, from the look of the line in front of the office, there were plenty of female applicants who more than met that requirement. I guess it made sense; when I thought about it, I really couldn't imagine that very many men were capable of lugging a 7', 320 lb. tower of feminine muscle out of the surf! Besides, I discovered that a major part of the lifeguard's job was protecting male bathers and beach employees from the women, and it was pretty clear that no mere man would be up to that. But, along with the other male applicants, I was able to get a job on the cleanup detail. We walked the beaches daily picking up trash left by the sunbathers and swimmers, always trying to make sure we were within sight of the lady lifeguards in case some SuperFem Amazon took a fancy to us. And, from what we were seeing and hearing, it seemed that at least several times a week some overgrown musclegirl would find her way blocked by a couple of female lifeguards as she tried to leave the beach with a struggling male tucked under each arm! What was really got to me, though, was the so-called "Muscle Beach" area, a section of the beach frequented by male bodybuilders, what few of them there were left. There was no equipment there, just an area where the guys would do pushups, handstands and other exercises, flex their rippling muscles and pose for each other while the women, all of whom were much bigger and more muscular, made fun of them. Two guys, in particular, caught my eye one day. Each of them was at least six and a half feet tall and looked like they weighed 275 lbs. or more, all huge, rippling muscles. A young musclegirl, one of the smaller ones I'd seen, barely six feet tall, was standing behind them laughing and calling them "overgrown, musclebound wimps trying to look like women". The two guys made the mistake of getting mad. They went at her from both sides, and one of them snarled, "Get the fuck outa here, bitch!" as they each put both hands on one of her shoulders and tried to push her back, but she didn't budge, just stood there laughing at them. Frustration must have made them even madder. They looked at each other, and then both drove their fists into her midsection as hard as they could. Their fists just bounced off her iron hard abs. Still laughing, she reached up behind their heads, pulled both guys forward and down, then took a step forward, wrapped one arm around each guy's waist and picked them both up off the cement and started banging their rear ends together. All the males watching, including me, just stood around and gawked. Each of these guys must have outweighed the girl by close to 70 lbs. even with her SuperFem enhanced bone and muscle structure, and their huge, ripped muscles were at least a third bigger than hers, yet here she was handling them like they were children with no visible effort at all! They were kicking and struggling and beating on her back with their big fists, and she didn't even seem to feel it! Then she said, "I think I'm going to teach you guys a lesson, not to mess around with the stronger sex!" She dropped one guy and at the same time brought her knee up into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him, and, as he dropped face down on the pavement, pivoted, sat down on his back and slammed the other guy face down across the rear end of the guy on the cement. Then she pulled down the trunks of the guy on top and proceeded to spank his bare buttocks, hard! With her SuperFem enhanced muscle behind every blow, it must have hurt like hell! The cracking sounds of her open hand on his bare flesh reverberated across the beach like pistol shots, and he howled and thrashed about, trying everything to escape the brutal punishment she was giving him, but she calmly held him down with her other hand in the center of his back and continued spanking him until he was sobbing like a baby and begging her to stop. She finally did and told him, "Now, your buddy get's the same lesson!" She grabbed him by the back of his neck and his trunks, which were down around his thighs, lifted him up off the other guy and slammed him face down on the cement next to him, where he lay, still sobbing while she moved over to sit on his back instead. Before the other guy could move, she reached over, picked him up the same way she had the first and draped him none too gently over the rear end of the one she was sitting on, pulled down his trunks and spanked him as hard as she had the first until both of them were crying uncontrollably. Finally, she stopped, got up, gripped both guys by the backs of their necks and lifted them up off the pavement to hold them out on either side of her, their toes barely touching the cement. It was an incredible sight! Each guy towered at least half a foot taller than the girl, was more massively built, and yet here she was, holding the two sobbing giants helpless at arm's length, now fully exposed with their trunks down to their ankles and their tears continuing to flow, and her arms were barely flexed! "Now," she asked firmly, "are you overgrown babies gonna behave yourselves, or do I have to give both of you a repeat performance?" Between sobs, they both agreed vigorously. She let them go and, with a sharp slap on their bare behinds, sent them stumbling across the sand, still crying and frantically pulling up their trunks to cover themselves. That was the last time we saw any musclemen at Muscle Beach. Marcie didn't work that summer, but spent a lot of time at the beach, and, of course, continued to take me out the evenings before days I didn't have to work. She was changing, too. Both she and her mother had been readmitted to the local Physical Woman gym, and she finally admitted to me that she'd resumed the SuperFem program to get even bigger and stronger. By the end of summer she'd gained another 4" in height, towering nearly a foot taller than I in her bare feet, and 50 lbs. of massive, solid, shapely, SuperFem muscle. I must have seemed almost like a toy to her by then. I never asked her how much weight she was lifting, and she never gave me another demonstration. In fact, her whole attitude toward me was beginning to change as well. She was taking me less frequently and with considerably less passion, and I had to wonder how much longer our relationship would last. That possibility was giving me reason for both relief and worry. Summer ended, and school began again, but what a difference those three months had made! Football practices had started about a month before school opened. Football wasn't my sport, so I wasn't there, but the word spread like wildfire. Seventy five girls showed up, all well over six feet tall and ranging from 200-250 lbs. The coaches had expected it, and were ready with equipment for them-- practice suits, shoulder, hip and thigh pads--but couldn't fit them with rib pads, since their breasts kept getting pinched between the edges of the shoulder and rib pads, but, as it turned out, they didn't need them. The girls scrimmaged against each other first, and the coaches selected the best of them to scrim- mage against the first string boys' team. It was no contest. The girls demolished them, scoring on a single down every time they got the ball; even when the boys gang tackled them, they simply could not be brought down, and it was common to see a girl crossing the goal line carrying or dragging several boys with her. The boys, on the other hand, couldn't get so much as a first down, or even close to one, and were being hit so hard the coaches had to order the girls to take it easy on them to avoid serious injuries. When we learned that all the schools in our conference were experiencing the same thing, all the boys were simply dropped from the roster, and football became an all-girl sport. My first day at school was positively eerie. Towering, shapely, powerfully muscled Amazons were everywhere, laughing and joking at how small and puny we now were compared to them. It wasn't funny to us, however. Despite the experiences of the summer, our world had suddenly been turned upside down! We were not just the weaker sex; even the smallest of the freshman girls who had completed the program--and none of them were under six feet and 200 lbs.--was capable of subduing four or five of the biggest, strongest, senior boys with ease and used every oppor- tunity they could find to demonstrate their new found power over us! We never knew when we were going to be roughly jostled, have our backsides pinched or squeezed, or picked up bodily under a massive arm by some musclebound female Goliath. As a result, we kept to ourselves as much as they would let us. Although there were a few of the freshman girls who, like Susie, had only recently gotten into the program, they were developing so fast we avoided them as well. At home, Susie had started the program in early August, and by the end of September was already beginning to show signs of what she was to become. She had gained 3" in height and 40 lbs. of solid muscle, was almost as strong as I and was challenging me almost daily to tests of strength. Even Dad couldn't make her stop, and it took several stern lectures from Mom, including a veiled threat to pull her out of the program (which none of us believed), to finally get her to stop. I didn't see much of Marcie that first week of school, since she'd gone out for the football team and had won a starting position as a running back--she'd wanted the quarterback spot, but she was so much bigger and stronger than any of the other girls the coaches felt her talents would be wasted at that position. I was able to complain to her about the treatment I and the other boys were getting from most of the girls in school, so she passed the word that I was still her property, and after that the other girls left me pretty much alone. I was surprised, therefore, when, at my locker one morning, I suddenly felt a looming presence behind me, and a voice that was familiar, yet somewhat deeper and more aggressive than I remembered, said, "Hi, Mike! How've you been?" I turned and looked squarely into a pair of incredibly broad shoulders over a typically wide, "V" shaped chest with small, firm breasts jutting out against a tight sweater. I backed up a step and craned my neck to gape up into the lovely face of a towering, 6'2" Amazon grinning down at me. I had to look twice before I realized it was really Heather Mulrooney! "H--Heather?" I gasped. "Uh huh!" She did a graceful pirouette in front of me and then moved against me, pressing me back against my locker with her big, powerful body. Like all the others, it felt rock hard, and my eyes barely reached to her shoulders. "How d'you like the new me?" she asked brightly. I was stunned. "Ah, well, Heather, I...ah, thought you said you didn't want know, get bigger and have huge muscles like...ah, Marcie..." She laughed. "I didn't at first," she replied, "but with all the other girls doing it, I really didn't have any choice. Now I think it's just great! I've never felt so big and healthy and powerful in my life! See? Look at what I can do!" And before I could react, she slid her hands, now much bigger than my own, under my armpits and lifted me effortlessly off the floor to hold me high in the air above her head. The hall was crowded, and a large group of tall, powerful looking girls stopped to watch, pointing to me and giggling, which only added to my embarrassment, particularly when I saw two of my friends slinking away, trying hard not to be noticed. One of the girls, a massive, red haired Amazon, called, "Atta girl, Heather! Show the little wimp who's boss!" "Heather, please!" I choked. "Put me down, please!" "Oh, all right!" With a grimace, she lowered me slowly and sensuously to the floor, stopping my descent just long enough to plant a light kiss on my lips. "Anyway," she added mischievously, "with my new body, now maybe I'll have a chance of winning you!" "Ah, well, I think Marcie might have....ah, something to say about that..." I stammered, still redfaced. She laughed again. "But, from what I hear, maybe not for long," she chirped and, with a pat on my cheek, strode away. I turned to my locker and got my books for class, doing my best to ignore the Amazons who were still standing around laughing at me. Even our classes were different. Several of the best male teachers had left the school and were teaching at grade schools, where they didn't have to rely on women to enforce discipline. Even some of the girls said they were going to miss them, parti- cularly when we discovered that their replacements were young, SuperFem women right out of college and nowhere near as good teachers as their predecessors. Then, after a few weeks we began hearing rumors that the school board was considering replacing the principal and assistant principal with women as well. All in all, it looked to a lot of us like the school was going to hell in a hand basket real fast, and all because of that damned Super- Fem! Our first regular season football game was against Valley High, the smallest school in our conference. The night before the game the school held a pep rally at the football field, and Marcie, instead of picking me up at home as she usually did, told me to take the school bus to the rally and meet her there. I didn't particularly want to go, but I knew what would happen to me if I disobeyed her, so I went. There was a fairly large crowd there, mostly girls, some with boys in tow, and, of course, the entire football team dressed in their game jerseys, but I didn't see Marcie right away. The girl who played quarterback was on a temporary stage set up for the rally, yelling through a megaphone, as I got there, and I managed to catch her last few words. "...and guess what, gang! Valley didn't have enough girls come out to fill up the team! I hear that three of their first string and their whole second and third string teams are--can you believe it?--guys! Is that a laugh or is that a laugh! Guys playing against us? We're gonna kill 'em tomorrow, just abso- lutely kill 'em!" I was moving around the fringe of the crowd looking for Marcie when I saw Freddie Sorenson, one of my "Dirty Dozen", scuttling toward one of the outdoor johns, stopped him and asked him if he'd seen Marcie. He gave me a funny, rather hurried look and told me she was on the other side of the stage with Heather Mulrooney and Dave Carlin, a junior who'd been a first string wide receiver last year, before the girls had taken over. "She's been looking for you," he said quickly. "Now, I gotta go. Sandy's gonna wonder where I am if I don't get back right away." "Sandy Petronis? What are you doing with her? Are you going with her or something?" Sandy was a girl in our class who'd never been very attractive or outgoing, and SuperFem, except for making her about a foot taller and 150 lbs. heavier, hadn't helped her looks much. Freddie stared at me for a second. "You mean you haven't heard?" "Heard what?" "Three days ago almost all the girls in our class got together and drew names out of a bowl to determine which guy they'd get. Sandy got me. All twelve of us except Tommy McLean have been taken, and none of us have a damn thing to say about it! You were left out because Marcie already has you--for the moment, anyway. But she looked pretty thick with that Carlin guy a few minutes ago. And he didn't look all that happy about it, either." I closed my eyes. "Jeezus!" I breathed. "What next?" "I don't even wanna think about it! Look, I gotta run or Sandy will have my hide. See ya around." And he disappeared into the john. I found Marcie and Heather where Freddie had said they were. I got a kind of sinking feeling in my stomach when I saw them. Marcie had her arm around Dave Carlin's shoulders, like she was protecting him or something, and he looked pretty damned uncom- fortable. Carlin was a shade over six feet tall and weighed a solid one eighty. He'd been a terrific wide receiver last year, could jump like he had wings, but was no match for any of the girls this year and had been dropped from the team. Next to Marcie's towering, 6'7", 295 lb. frame, he looked small and downright puny. Heather was looking around, not really paying much attention to what was going on up on the stage. She looked exited. She finally spotted me and waved me over with her arm. "There you are!" she called. "We've been looking for you!" I walked over somewhat hesitantly. Marcie greeted me warmly, introduced me to Carlin, whom I already knew, and then Heather bubbled, "Guess what, Mike? Marcie's giving you to me!" My eyebrows went up a mile. I didn't say anything, just looked up at Marcie and waited. "That's right, Mike," Marcie asserted, almost apologetically. "I've grown so much since I went back into the program, you just weren't doing much for me any more, and I know Heather's been sweet on you for a long time. Davey, here, is big enough to keep me happy, aren't you, sweetie?" She hugged him briefly, hard enough to make him grunt and turn red, but he didn't answer her. "Anyway, pumpkin, I guess I owe you something for everything we've had together," she went on, "so, even though Heather's probably big and strong enough to protect you from most of the other girls, I'll pass the word that you belong to her, and that any girl who tries to take you away from her will have to deal with me. Okay?" It wasn't okay at all! But, like my buddies and most of the rest of the guys at school, I knew there wasn't anything I could do about it except shrug and try to endure it. Only I wasn't sure how much longer I could... We stayed together until the rally ended, then split up. I started back toward the bus, but Heather took my arm and pulled me back. "I've got the car, Mike," she told me. "I'll take you home." I looked up at her in surprise. "You old enough to drive?" "Uh huh. Turned sixteen last month, and got my license a week ago." She grinned. "Didn't know I was older than you, did you?" "No, I didn't." "Got real sick when I was seven, had to repeat the second grade." She walked me to a dark blue sedan, opened the door for me, and I got in. When she slid in behind the wheel, I said quietly, "We ARE going home, right?" She gave me a quick look, then bit her lip. "Mike," she said earnestly, "I'm not like Marcie. I'm crazy about you, and I want you so bad I get wet just thinking about you, but I'm not going to rape you or anything like that, I promise. All I want is for you to give me half a chance, meet me halfway, you know? If you do, I know I can make you love me as much as I love you." I looked over at her. In the moonlight, I could see her eyes were shining, and I knew she meant what she'd said. For a moment I was tempted to play along, keep her on the string, with the protection she and Marcie could give me, while trying to use her feeling for me to hold her at arm's length. But as soon as the idea came to me, I knew I couldn't do it. It wouldn't have been right. Whatever else she might have been, she was being honest with me, and I had to be honest with her. "I almost wish I could, Heather," I said. "Why not, Mike?" Her voice was almost plaintive, now. "Was Marcie that--that hard on you? Am I so--bad?" I sighed and shook my head. "Heather, Marcie's only part of the problem. Look at what's happening this year. I hear you girls got together and parceled us out like we were your personal property. I ran into Freddie Sorenson tonight, and he's been 'given' to Sandy Petronis, just like Marcie 'gave' me to you, and he's scared shitless that he might make her mad at him! Freddie, one of the sweetest guys in the world, wouldn't hurt a fly let alone touch a girl against her will, and now he's like a goddam slave! Ever since you all got into this SuperFem stuff, you've been walking around flexing your muscles and lording it over us, treating us like we were your personal toys! And you expect us to like it? What the hell did we ever do to deserve this kind of treatment from you?" She winced. "I wasn't at that meeting, Mike," she said. "I told you, I'm not like that." "Oh, really?" I was literally making myself mad, and suddenly, even though I knew it was wrong, I wanted to lash out and hurt her with sarcasm. "Of course, the fact that you'd made your little deal with Marcie had nothing to do with that, did it? And who was it that met me at my locker the other day and picked me up like I was a goddam toy in front of the whole school?" That hit home. She wasn't crying, but her eyes were wet. "You're right, Mike," she said in a subdued voice. "I shouldn't have done that. I--I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." She started the engine, and we drove home in silence. By the time we pulled into my driveway, I'd cooled off, and I knew I owed her an apology. She turned off the engine, and as she was walking me to the front door I said, "Look, Heather, I shouldn't have blown off steam at you the way I did. I know you're trying to be nice, and I appreciate it, but, well, you just have to understand how I feel, how all of us feel about the way things are now." "I know," she replied quietly. "It must be hard for you guys, and a lot of us aren't making it any easier for you. I just wanted you--I want you to know that I won't make you do anything you don't want to, that's all." We had reached my door, and I turned and looked up at her earnestly. "But, don't you see, Heather? That's exactly what you are doing! You and Marcie are forcing me to go steady with you whether I want to or not!" She hesitated, then reached down and took me by my shoul- ders. "I'm not going to let you go, Mike," she told me firmly. "I love you too much for that. If I did. you'd be fair game for every girl in school who wanted to throw you in bed! I couldn't stand seeing that! It was bad enough when I knew what Marcie was doing to you, and I couldn't do anything about it! You need my protection, and I want to protect you, and, with Marcie behind me, now I can. I hope someday you'll understand that." I understood it only too well. And I knew I probably should have been grateful for the way she felt about me and the protec- tion she was willing to provide, even after the way I'd spouted off to her, but I was beyond that. All I could think of was that I was a human being, that we boys were all human beings, and that these damned SuperFem Amazons were passing us around as though we were chattels, to be used for their own pleasure and then dis- carded when they tired of us. "I don't suppose you'd let me kiss you goodnight," Heather said softly. "Let you? As big and strong as you are, how could I stop you?" "You could say, 'No,'" she replied. I looked up at her and saw that she meant it, and my resent- ment melted away. Perhaps for the first time, I realized fully how different she was from the other girls, at least with respect to her feelings toward me. She would dominate me, of course; she was so far beyond me physically, so much my physical superior, that she wouldn't be able to help herself. But maybe, just maybe, it would be a loving, caring kind of domination that might, must might, be bearable... "I won't say 'No', Heather," I said. She took me in her arms, then, bending me backward and mold- ing my body to hers in a firm, but gentle, embrace, and her lips descended to cover mine in a long, tender, loving kiss. My toes were barely touching the ground, but I knew it was because of her embrace, that she had consciously avoided lifting me or succumbing to the temptation to ravage my mouth the way Marcie had. And I could not help but respond to her tenderness. Almost uncon- sciously, my arms rose to wind themselves around her massive neck and up her broad, powerfully muscled back... When, at last, she released me, she pressed my head against her shoulder, tilted my face up to hers, and lightly kissed my eyes, nose and, again, my lips. "I love you, Mike," she whispered. And then I was standing alone, watching her car drive off. The quarterback's boasts that night proved right. Valley High had five huge boys on offense and three on defense. The girls did their best against us, but the boys were too much of a liability; they were simply no match for our girls, particularly Marcie, who not even the girls could bring down. We slaughtered them, running up a 56-0 score by halftime and then playing the second and third string girls the rest of the game. With Marcie as our star running back, we knew our school was a cinch to take both the conference and state titles. In fact, we did. While my relationship with Heather was proving to be a lot more pleasant than the one I'd had with Marcie, at home things were rapidly getting worse. By the time football season ended Susie was as tall as I was and easily twice as strong and, despite everything Mom and Dad did to prevent it, loved lording it over her "big brother" every chance she got. She was constantly challenging me to tests of strength, and I never knew when she was going to sneak up behind me, wrap her now powerfully muscled arms around me, pin my arms to my sides, and lift me bodily off the floor, laughing at how easily she could overpower the school's champion male wrestler! A couple of times she even grabbed me by the back of my neck and by buttocks and lifted me all the way over her head, but didn't get the balance quite right and had to drop me on my bed, breaking the wooden slats both times. Finally Mom told her that if she ever got wind of her using her strength on me again, Mom would take her outside and give her the thrashing of her life--something I'd never, in all the time she'd been involved with SuperFem, her say to anyone before. Nevertheless, Susie continued to remind me every chance she got how small and puny I was going to be compared to her once she'd completed the program. She was right. By the time spring came, she'd topped out at 6'4" and 255 lbs. of solid, shapely SuperFem muscle. And she wasn't even 15 yet! Of course, she was thrilled when she learned that I was now "Heather's property" and for a long time insisted on picking out my clothes for me whenever Heather came over to the house to pick me up for a date. When I complained about her to Heather, even Heather admitted that she was becoming a bit of a pain and agreed to have a talk with her. She did, and after that Susie at least let me decide what clothes I could wear when Heather and I went out. When football season finally ended and basketball practices began, it was a foregone conclusion that the girls would take that over as well. Naturally, Marcie made the team at center, and there were several other girls who were almost as tall as she, although nowhere near as strong. But all the girls who came out were so much taller and stronger, could outjump by such a wide margin, and with a little practice quickly learned to outdribble and outshoot all the returning first string boys that it was literally no contest. As they had in football, all the boys simply dropped out. There was some talk among the school administrators about setting up a separate, intermural league for the boys, but that merely added additional insult to our injuries, and the idea eventually died out. Although Marcie's size and strength was less of a factor on the basketball court than it had been on the football field, the all-girl team did well, making it to the state quarter-finals before being narrowly beaten. Since that first football rally I hadn't seen much of the "Dirty Dozen". My free time was being pretty well monopolized by Heather, and, except for little Tommy McLean, who, at 5'2" and barely 110 lbs., was considered too small and delicate for a SuperFem Amazon, every one of the guys was now the "property" of one of the girls in our class. Tommy didn't complain, but all the other guys looked like they'd been beaten into the ground, and, on the rare occasions when I would run into one of the guys he'd seem nervous, would look around constantly to see who might be watching and scuttle away as soon as he could. I couldn't help but feel for them; unlike my relationship with Heather, they obviously couldn't call their souls their own! And, honestly I was beginning to wonder how long they could continue to put up it... Finally it was time for the wrestling tryouts, the one sport in the school's curriculum where boys like me might have a chance to participate in the lighter weight classes, since there wasn't a girl in school--or, for that matter, in the conference--who didn't weigh over 200 lbs. The real question in our minds was whether the girls would try to humiliate us in some way that would force us to drop out of that sport as well. They didn't, at least at first, although so many girls came out for the heavy- weight division that the conference had to establish separate weight classes for them all the way up to 280 lbs. The officials also laid down a rule that no boy would be permitted to wrestle a girl, which was probably unnecessary, since no boy wanted to get within a country mile of a weight class in which any girl might be likely to wrestle. We were outnumbered in the tryouts by roughly five to one, but we kept pretty much to ourselves, and there were no incidents. Marcie won her weight class, of course, and I won mine. Then, at the first meet, which was at home, we got an idea of what we were going to be facing the rest of the season. The gym was filled with girls from both schools, only some of whom had brought their boy friends with them. Every one of the girl wrestlers was cheered lustily as they came on the mat, whereas I and the rest of the boys on the team were greeted with laughter and catcalls of "Be careful, wimps!", "Don't hurt yaselves!", and "Ooooo! Sexy! Wiggle your little butts for us, willya?" All of us boys, including our opponents, were humiliated, and I know it affected our performances on the mat. The best I could manage was a tie with my opponent, and we lost the meet by a narrow margin, even though Marcie had won her match easily, and the rest of the girls, all of whom wrestled first, had given us a small lead to work with. The following Monday, the school principal came on the intercom to deliver a stern lecture to the girls, pointing out that their raucous behavior at the meet had probably affected its outcome. It didn't help much. The next issue of the school paper, which the girls controlled, featured an informal opinion poll among the girls on whether boys should be permitted to wrestle at all. The conclusion: "It's silly to watch two boys up there wiggling around on a wrestling mat when everyone knows that any freshman girl could go up there and pin both of them at once without half trying, and with one hand tied behind her back to boot! We ought to eliminate the smaller, boys' weight classes and make wrestling an all-girl sport just like all the others." Even Susie, who by now had completed the program and had reached her full stature, agreed with them and never missed an opportunity to ridicule me at home by referring to me as her "little, wimpy, wrestling brother" and, when we were alone in the house, proving her point by picking me up, tossing me on my back on the floor and pinning me there with just one hand while stifling a yawn with the other. Nevertheless, we stuck it out, endured the jeers and cat- calls from the crowds, and over the remainder of the season felt that we'd given a good account of ourselves. Still, we were relieved when school ended and the summer vacation began. I'd gotten my old job back at the beach and had been working for about a week when I got a surprise call from Tommy McLean, telling me that the "Dirty Dozen" were going to get together that Sunday afternoon at Freddie Sorenson's house. Freddy's parents were going to be out of town that weekend, and since, unlike many of the rest of us, he was an only child, we'd have the place to ourselves. "This whole situation is getting unbearable, Mike," he told me. "We gotta talk about it, try to figure out what to do." I told him I didn't think there was anything we could do about it, but that, since I wasn't scheduled to work that day, I'd be there, if for no other reason, to try to renew acquain- tances with the gang. He told me to bring my swimming trunks. I got there about two in the afternoon after a long ride on my bike. Freddie's home was a large, secluded home, complete with a huge yard and swimming pool, in the country. Everyone was there, and we all congregated in the back yard next to the pool with six packs of beer, commiserating about how we were being mistreated by our feminine "owners". All except me, of course, for I had few complaints about Heather, and she and Marcie had made sure that the other girls didn't give me any major problems. "You don't know how lucky you are to have Heather, Mike!" Benny Majors exploded. "That damn Janice Riley I'm stuck with is at me constantly! Always showing me how much stronger she is than me! The way she treats me, every night I have to go out with her, it's all I can do to crawl upstairs to bed!" "At least you don't have to live with her," I remarked. "Remember, I've got Susie to contend with at home." "She beat you up a lot, Mike?" Tommy asked. "No, but what she does is almost as bad." I went on to explain how she treated me when we were in the house alone. "Mom's tried to stop her, but there's only so much she can do, and Dad can't do anything any more, doesn't even try. He's like a beaten man. I really feel sorry for him, almost as much as I do for me." "Dammit, what are we going to do?" Carl Ferone muttered. "I can't take much more of this! Linda McCallister is almost as bad with me as that Riley bitch is with Benny, maybe worse in some ways. I'm like her goddam slave! I just can't live like this much longer!" I got a sudden, hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach. "What are you saying, Carl?" I asked, but I wasn't sure I wanted to hear the answer. I saw the others were looking at him intently, too. Carl didn't answer, just shook his head sullenly. "Look," I said, "we've all seen our mothers on this stuff. Is there anyone here who can say that his father is abused the way we are?" They all shook their heads. "Okay, then," I went on, "it's just a matter of the girls growing up a little and learning how to handle their strength. Maybe in a couple or three years, things will get better for us. We'll look at things differently then." "Bullshit!" Carl snapped. "My older brother's in college, and he tells me the college girls are just as bad--even worse, since the juniors and seniors can get the whole program. Christ, they're two, three, four times bigger and stronger than the ones we know--like that goddam Marcie Wentworth! We're not looking at 2-3 years, more like 6 or 8! I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I can't handle that!" "So what are you gonna do, Carl?" Tommy asked quietly. Carl looked him squarely in the eye. "Tommy," he said, and his voice was trembling, "I just don't want to live like this any more." I looked around in amazement. Everyone was looking somber, but no one was disagreeing. Several were nodding. "Do--do you guys realize what you're saying?" I gasped. If anyone was going to answer, they never had a chance. A booming, female voice from behind us stopped all of us in our tracks. "Well, well! What have we here? A bunch of little, itty bitty guys having a party, and they didn't even invite us!" There were four of them, two blondes, a brunette and a dark redhead, all wearing tight shorts and halters and standing at the side of the house grinning wolfishly at us. They were big, as big as I had ever seen, the two blondes easily six and a half feet tall, the redhead nearly seven feet, and the brunette a good seven and a half feet tall, and they must have weighed anywhere from two eighty to well over three hundred pounds, all rippling, shapely muscles. Full blown SuperFem females, all of them. They weren't high school girls, that's for sure, but they looked young enough to be college juniors or seniors. It didn't matter. We didn't know them, and we didn't want to. Freddie got up from his chair and faced them, trying to affect a measure of bravado. "Girls, this is my home, and you've no right to be here. Please leave now!" The four of them roared with laughter at that. "What are you gonna do, pumpkin," one of the blondes asked him, "throw us out? Or maybe you think we're gonna let you call the police, eh?" The mammoth, 7-1/2 foot brunette had spotted Tommy, who was edging toward a cordless telephone lying on a table. "Hey, guys," she hooted, "I want that one!" Before any of us realized what was happening, she had covered the distance between them in a dozen, huge strides and had snatched Tommy up off his feet in a single hand, her long, massive fingers spanning almost his entire waist so tightly he could barely breathe. "Jeez," she marveled, looking him up and down as he writhed and thrashed about helplessly in her steel grip mouthing wordless protests, "did'ja ever see anyone so tiny? If he was any smaller I could almost use him for a dildo!" The rest of us were galvanized into action. We all rushed her. From the front Carl and I tackled one of her legs, and Steve Craft and Johnny Bullock the other, two of us above the knees and two below. Simultaneously Benny, Jimmy Greer and Scott Fairless grabbed the huge arm that held Tommy, while Bobby Cain, Sammy Doyle and Billy Sommerville grabbed her other arm and struggled vainly to pull her backward, and Freddie jumped up on her back to wrap both his arms around her neck, apparently hoping his weight would help the process. Hitting her legs was like hitting a brick wall! She didn't move an inch, and we just bounced off. As we were scrambling to our feet we got a glimpse of her laughing as she reached up with her free hand, effortlessly lifting Bobby, Sammy and Billy, who were still clinging to her arm, to pluck Freddie off her back and toss him to the waiting arms of one of the blonde Amazons. Then I felt a massive arm encircle my own waist and arms, slam me against Carl, and then both of us were plucked off our feet and squashed together, both our arms pinned to our sides, under a single, long, powerfully muscled arm of the 7' redhead. And, twisting my head, I saw that Steve and Johnny were being held similarly helpless under her other arm! "Relax, wimps," the redhead told the four of us with a chuckle. "You aren't going anywhere." Both Carl and I were struggling to breathe, and Carl was gasping curses under his breath, but I couldn't help but be concerned about what was happening to the other guys. The brunette had shaken off Bobby, Sammy and Billy, and the blonde that had caught Freddie had Sammy and Billy face down on the ground, straddling their backs with her thighs as they struggled helplessly under her weight, and holding Freddie face down across their shoulders with one hand. Bobby was being dangled in midair by his belt by the other blonde with one hand while she casually removed Benny from the dark haired giantess' other arm, which she had also raised, with the three boys clinging desperately to it, to hold Tommy high in the air. Shoving Benny between her legs, the blonde then plucked Scott off the brunette's arm by his belt, and the brunette completed the process by doing the same with Jimmy, holding him and Tommy out at arm's length with no more effort than if they were sacks of laundry. "Come on, Steph," the brunette complained, "take this one, too, will ya? I wanta play with little itsy bitsy here!" Steph shook her head with a grimace. "Margo, you're too much!" she retorted. "You expect the three of us to keep the rest of these wimps in tow while you have all the fun with just one of 'em? When do we get our turn?" The giantess called Margo laughed, shaking her heavy mane of dark hair. "Aw, take it easy," she replied. "There's three of 'em for each of us, and I just wanta see if little itsy bitsy has anything between his legs." The other blonde holding Sammy, Billy and Freddie on the ground snorted derisively. "Hell, Margo, he'd need a third leg to satisfy you!" "Or any of us, probably!" Margo laughed again. "Here, Steph, catch!" A flick of her wrist sent Jimmy sailing through the air to be caught expertly by Steph, who had dropped Benny and Bobby to the ground and Scott on top of them. She immediately slammed Jimmy down with the other three and settled over all four of them, straddling them and holding them down with her massive thighs. It looked like they were so stunned by what was happen- ing to them they didn't even try to struggle. In the meantime, the redhead was grinning down at me. "I dunno about the rest of you," she told her companions, "but I think I'm gonna keep the cute one with the pretty, little muscles! The one next to him isn't bad, either. And," she added with a chuckle, "it looks like they're getting to know each other real well!" She was right. She had Carl and me jammed so tightly together we were unable to move anything but our heads and legs and could hardly breathe, but I was still able to see what was happening to poor Tommy. He was barely conscious, hanging limply in the grasp of Margo's single hand, and she was casually shred- ding his clothes from his helpless body like they were tissue paper. When he was completely naked she roared with laughter again as she explored his tiny privates with her long, thick, powerful fingers. Thankfully, it didn't look like he was even aware of what was happening to him. "Jeez!" Margo exclaimed. "Will ya look at this little thing of his? He'd have trouble satisfying a Pekinese!" "So what're ya gonna do with him?" the redhead rumbled. "Come on, Margo! The rest of us would like a little fun, too, and we're not gonna stand around holding these other wimps all day! Let's divide 'em up and get on with it! I'm horny as hell already!" "Hold on to your shorts, Sheila," Margo retorted. "I think I'll keep little itsy bitsy, here, anyway, just for fun. Why don't you all line up the rest of 'em so we can decide who gets who?" "Not these two," Sheila chuckled, inclining her head toward Carl and me. "These two are mine! Okay, girls, let's line the rest of 'em up!" She carried the four of us over to where the two blondes were holding the rest of the guys captive and deposited Steve and Johnny on their feet as Steph and her companion rose off their victims and herded them together in a line with their backs to the swimming pool. I could see a couple of the guys glancing around for avenues of escape, probably figuring that if all nine broke at once in different directions, several of them might have a chance of getting away for help, but any hope of that died as the four giant females formed a semi-circle around them, hemming them in against the edge of the pool. Tommy's limp body still hung from Margo's single hand wrapped around his waist, now hanging loosely at her side, yet his hands and feet were a good foot and a half above the ground. "Okay, wimps!" Margo growled. "Strip! Now! Right down to the buff!" "But--" Freddie quavered, "what--what are you going to do to us?" Margo glowered at him. "I'm not gonna answer any of your dumb questions, that's for sure!" she snapped. "Now, hop to it! I wanta see nine bare asses RIGHT NOW!" Redfaced, but now thoroughly cowed, the guys hurried to comply. As Margo surveyed them, it was obvious that, as the biggest and strongest of the four girls, she was going to have first pick. "I'll take these two," she said, and swung the arm holding Tommy around both Steve and Benny, crunching them together and swinging them up off the ground to tuck them under her arm above Tommy's sagging body still hanging, now face up, from her hand. Even after seeing what Marcie could do--and that was before she re-entered the SuperFem program--and seeing how easily Margo had withstood the combined assaults of eleven of us all at once, I could barely believe my eyes. Those three guys together probably weighed well over 400 lbs., yet this 7-1/2 foot giantess carried them over to a grassy area next to the house, held their combined weight in her one arm as easily as if they weighed nothing at all! Sheila was next, and she plucked up Freddie under her other arm as she lowered Carl and I to our feet with our backs to the pool. "Okay, guys," she told us sternly, "your turn. Strip!" We did. As the two blondes divided up our remaining six buddies, Sheila marched Carl and I, now completely naked like the rest of the guys, with Freddie still tucked under one arm, away from the pool toward where Margo was laying her victims on their backs on the grass. The blondes followed close behind, each carrying their prey, two under one arm, one under the other. None of us were saying anything--we were too scared, and worried if we were going to survive the afternoon! Then Sheila snapped, "All right, on your backs next to each other!" As we obeyed, she deposited Freddie face up on top of us, and then, after quickly ridding herself of her halter and shorts, settled down over all three of us, straddling us with her massive thighs and leaning down over the terrified Freddie, her ponderous weight all but crushing the three of us. "Now," she growled, "let's see if the three of you together can give me any satisfaction!" The rest was pure nightmare! I couldn't see what was happening with the other girls, and, to be honest, at the moment I didn't care. All I could feel was my own sense of shame and humiliation, that I knew was shared by Carl and Freddie, at the realization that all three of us were probably going to be raped by a single, giant female and the horror at what might happen to us if we couldn't satisfy her lust! Under the circumstances, I wasn't even sure that any of us could even achieve an erection! Thank God Freddie did; it took a while, but in the end I think he was too scared not to! I couldn't see it, of course, but I knew from all the grunts coming from Sheila and the way she was pounding down on the three of us that she had somehow gotten him inside her. I tried to distance myself from what was happen- ing by trying to conjure up erotic thoughts for when I knew my turn would come, but it didn't help. The combined weight of Freddie and Sheila bearing down on us was just too much. Besides, I wanted to cry! Then I felt Freddie stiffen and heard Sheila, a cross between a scream and a moan, and I knew Freddie, at least, had achieved a measure of success. The next thing I knew Sheila was lifting herself just enough to squeeze Freddie down between Carl and I and then pull Carl on top of us. I had a brief glimpse of her grinning wolfishly down at me as she said, "I'm saving you for last, cupcake!" Freddie was sobbing like a baby, tears streaming down his cheeks, and, in the background, I could hear the other guys crying, some in obvious pain, others just from the humiliation of having their bodies so brutally assaulted and used by these dreadful Amazons. Then Carl started to cry as well, as Sheila, from her muffled curses, was obviously having trouble bringing him to erection. I tried to whisper encouragement in his ear, but with the weight on my chest and stomach it was all I could do to breathe, let alone speak. Finally I heard Sheila mutter, "It's about time!", and the pounding started all over again. And I found myself wondering how much satisfaction a girl could get by raping a sobbing boy... By the time she'd finished with Carl and I felt myself being lifted and placed on top, I was barely conscious. Maybe it was for the best, for I only vaguely remember my own ordeal, other than that it seemed short. Perhaps a year of cumming on command to Marcie's lovemaking had programmed me to respond more quickly, I don't know. My eyes were closed, and all I really remember is the overpowering weight of her on me, being pounded mercilessly down onto Carl and Freddie, and finally ejaculating without any sensation of pleasure at all. When, thankfully, it was finally over, she must have been satisfied, for she rose off us, leaving us sprawled in a heap together, naked, on the ground. All this time I had been vaguely aware of the noise around me, my buddies sobbing and the girls urging them on, but now I was hearing only obscure moans and whimperings and the girls, suddenly all in one area, laughing uproariously. I managed to push myself away from Carl and Freddie, who were barely stirring, and look in the direction of the laughter, and I recoiled in horror. Margo was on her back with poor Tommy trapped between her legs, his tiny body looking almost toylike between her mas- sive thighs, his face buried in her cleft, and was working him furiously while she held Steve and Benny prisoner in either arm, pressing them against her chest and forcing them to suckle her bare breasts! She was writhing in ecstasy while the other three girls stood around her watching and urging her on. "Atta girl, Margo!" I heard Sheila roar. "If the little bastard can't satisfy you with his dick, make 'im do it with his nose!" I couldn't watch. I could barely move, but I managed to roll over, away from that terrible scene, and cover my eyes and ears with my arm. It was too much. Like the others, I began to cry. At last, after God knows how long, they were finished with us. I heard them walking around us, still laughing while they put their clothes back on and prodding us with their toes. And as they strolled back to their car, Margo called back to us, "Now remember, next time you guys have a party, don't forget to invite us!" Then they were gone. I don't know how much longer we laid there, sobbing with pain and humiliation. When we were finally able to move enough to get dressed, we couldn't look at each other. Tommy's clothes were in shreds, and Freddie eventually went into the house to find him a T-shirt and shorts to wear home. For a long time after that we sat around in silence, staring at the ground. Then Carl said, his voice trembling almost to the breaking point, "I don't want to live with this any more..." None of us answered him. None of us could. But I think we all knew in that minute what we were going to do. It's been a month and a half since that awful day. It's taken us that long to work up the courage, I guess, to do this thing. And, as I said at the beginning, everyone wanted me to make a record of why we believed we have to do it. It's taken me a couple of weeks to write this, and each of the guys have written sealed notes to their parents that will go in the envelope with what I've written. Dad, Mom, this part is for you. I'm sorry. I really am. But, like the rest of the guys, I just can't take any more of this. Maybe if I could, maybe if we all could, in a few years life would get better for us, I don't know. We just can't wait to find out. We can't live with the shame of what we've become. Susie, remember me and try to understand why I'm doing this--maybe it'll help you deal with what you've become. Heather, don't feel guilty, please. If all the girls were like you, none of us would be doing this. All the guys will sign this, and Steve will take it down to the mailbox to mail it to my home. When he gets back, we'll all go into Freddie's garage and close all the doors. His parents are out for the afternoon, but one of their cars is here, and Freddie has a key. He'll turn on the engine, and we'll all sit around and wait for the end. By the time his parents get home, it will all be over, thank God... * * * There were twelve signatures at the end of the document. It was dated a month ago. I sat for several minutes staring at the signatures. None of the names were familiar to me; there had not been a word in any of the media about a mass, teenage suicide, but from my father-in-law's description of the demeanor of the man who had given him the package, I knew it had to have happened. And I also knew that we--all of us, Mona, Amanda, my father-in-law and I--were as responsible for those tragic deaths as if we had been there and started the engine ourselves. Mona and Amanda came downstairs from my father-in-law's room. Both looked worried. "How is he?" I asked. "Asleep, finally. I've never seen him like this before," Mona muttered. "What was in that package?" I handed her the manuscript. "Read it," I said. "I think you'll understand." I started to leave the room. "Where are you going?" Amanda asked. "I've got things to do. When you read that, you'll know what." I went into the study and got the Orange County telephone book. There were seventeen Daniel Curtis's in the book. I started calling, asking each if they were the parents of the late Michael Curtis. Finally a woman answered with a dull, "Who is this?" I told her who I was and asked her if she were Evelyn Curtis. She said she was. "Mrs. Curtis," I said, "your husband gave my father-in-law the manuscript your son wrote before he died. I just finished reading it. I--I can't tell you how sorry I am. But I promise you this, and I'd ask that you tell those other boys' parents as well, that I'm as responsible as anyone for their deaths, and I'm going to do something about it. I'm not going to let their deaths be in vain." "What can you possibly do now? It's too late. You never should have opened up the program to begin with!" "I know that. It was a terrible mistake, an honest one, but still a mistake. I know I can't repair the damage that's already been done, but maybe I can help stop any more tragedies like this from happening." A germ of an idea had begun to form in my mind. I went on, "But first I need you to answer a question. Why was this never reported in the newspapers or on television? Did you or any of the other parents ask that it not be released to the media?" "Of course not! The school board and school administration, the police and the press and TV made that decision jointly. We didn't have anything to say about it. It's generally known around the county, of course, but it was never formally reported." That figured. I knew that SuperFem women controlled almost everything in Orange County. They wouldn't want this sort of story to get out. "Would you or any of the other parents to your knowledge have any objection to any publicity at this point?" I asked. There was a moment's silence on the line. Then, "No, I don't think our family would. I can't speak for the other families. Why? What do you want to do?" I took a deep breath. "I think," I said slowly, "that if a motion picture were made based on Michael's story, using real names, showing everything, holding nothing back, and it were distributed free to every high school, college, every organization that we could think of, maybe even shown free in theaters, some--maybe even most or all--of these girls might stop and think about what they're doing. It just might do some good." "Could--could you do that? It would cost a fortune!" I bit my lip. "I think we owe you at least that much, Mrs. Curtis, you and the other families, and a lot more besides. Will you check with the others and get back to me on this? I can't do anything unless all of you agree." "I will, of course." There was another moment of silence. "Mr Fuller, I understand that Mrs. Fuller and her daughter control the management of the gyms. Have they agreed to this?" I smiled thinly. "To be honest with you," I said, "I haven't discussed it with them yet, but I guarantee you, if you all do, they will." I gave her our telephone number, hung up, called our Beverly Hills gym and asked to speak to the manager. When she came on the line, I told her who I was and asked her for a list of the top Hollywood producers who, or whose wives, were members of her gym. It took her several minutes, but she got back to me with a dozen names and office and home telephone numbers. Three of them I recognized immediately as men who had been openly critical of our decision to make SuperFem available to teenagers. It was getting late in the afternoon, but I the office of one of them anyway and got his secretary. After identifying myself, I asked for an appointment to discuss financing a movie and got one for the following day. I went back into the family room. Mona and Amanda were just finishing the manuscript. They both had looks of horror on their faces, and there were tears in their eyes. "My God!" Amanda whispered. "No wonder Daddy was so upset! I never thought it would come to anything like this. Did they really do it? I didn't see anything in the news about it." "I just talked to Michael's mother," I replied shortly. "They did. Your precious SuperFems at the school, on the police force and in the media kept it out of the news. Afraid it might give other boys ideas, I guess." Mona shook her head. "It's so sad! Those poor boys! You were right, Darrell. We never should have expanded the program the way we did." "There's nothing we can do about that, now," I said. "We did it, and I'm as responsible as any of us for what's happened as a result. I didn't fight your decision as hard as I could have, should have, and in the end I went along with it. Reluc- tantly, but I still went along. We can't change the past, but I think there is something we can do to try to help the future." "What's that?" I told them about my idea and what I'd done to begin imple- menting it. "I think we need the best we can get in Hollywood to make sure this thing gets done right," I said. "I want a movie that will have such a tremendous emotional impact on these girls that they'll never want to do anything like this again! To get that kind of impact is going to cost a bundle, and we're not going to make a dime from it. But we've made a fortune off this program, and the money's still rolling in faster than we can count it. I think we owe it to the world to do whatever we can to stop this steamroller we've created from going any further!" Amanda frowned. "Do you really think that will do any good?" she asked. "I think it might. But, more important, I know we have to try. For our own peace of mind, if for no other reason." I thought a minute. "There is something else, too, that's been bothering me for several months, something we should have looked at before we expanded the program. I didn't think of it back then, I don't think any of us did, and we should have." They looked at me curiously, but said nothing, and I continued. "Look, we've known all along that a side effect that SuperFem has on mature females is a heightened, more aggressive sex drive, even though we could never find a purely scientific explanation for it. I think we all just assumed it was a natural outgrowth of such a fantastic increase in size and strength. But suppose there's something else, that SuperFem creates some kind of chemi- cal reaction in the body that produces this effect. Isn't it conceivable, even probable, that this effect would be magnified many times in a young girl only recently out of puberty, when her sex drive is probably the strongest? That would explain a lot of what's been happening with these girls! And if that's true, isn't it possible that the people who developed this stuff might be able to find some kind of antidote, something that would counteract it, bring their sex drives back to where they would be normally at that age?" "My God!" Mona gasped. "Do you honestly believe...?" "Hell, I don't know. I'm no scientist. But I think we owe it to the world--and to ourselves--to do everything we can to try to find out." The two women looked at each other blankly, but I could see what was going through their minds. If my hypothesis was right, we had been guilty of unleashing the equivalent of hundreds of millions of Frankenstein monsters on the world! "I'll get in touch with the company right away," Mona said. "What about the movie?" I asked. "I have an appointment to discuss it with a producer tomorrow. If Evelyn Curtis gives me the green light, I'll want to go forward with it as quickly as possible." "Do you have any idea of the cost involved?" "Only a very general one, but we should be able to handle it. We might have to tighten our belts here and there for a while, but it seems to me that's a pretty small price to pay. In any event, I should have a better idea after tomorrow." Mona and Amanda looked at each other again and nodded. "Do it!" Mona said. * * * We got the approvals of the boys' families for the movie in less than a week and started work immediately. Finishing it went much faster than I'd expected, primarily because everyone in- volved was enthusiastic about the project. We had Hollywood's top talent, and the result was a two hour long gem that told the boys' stories strictly from their perspective, held nothing back and was ready to go in six months. As I'd expected, funding it put a major dent in our assets, but it was worth it, and we survived. We printed hundreds of thousands of copies in dozens of languages for distribution all over the world. As the producer told me after the initial viewing, "When this thing hits, we'd better have the arks ready, because I think we're going to have another Great Flood--this one of SuperFem tears!" On the other front, although we hadn't known it, the scientists at the company which had developed the formula were way ahead of us; they had seen what was happening, had reached the same conclusion I had and had been working on the problem for almost a year when Mona called. They had already isolated an obscure hormone they hadn't seen before which was being generated in almost microscopic quantities by the interaction between the formula and one of the estrogens and which they suspected was the culprit. Within a few months they had developed and tested a pill that suppressed the formation of the hormone without in any way detracting from the other effects of the formula. We immedi- ately put it into all of our gyms with instructions to ensure that it was taken regularly by all SuperFem females under the age of twenty-two who were into or had finished the program. By the time the movie was released, we were already seeing evidence that the pill was working exactly the way it was intended. The combination of the movie and the pill had a devastating impact on high school and college age girls all over the world. Almost without exception, they left the movie in tears, and overnight we began seeing attitudes toward males, now clearly and uniformly the weaker sex, change from condescension, disdain and sexual emasculation to an affection and protectivism that came close to being parental in nature. Many girls were horrified at some of the things they had done, and we made sure our gyms were equipped to provide whatever psychological counseling was required to convince them that their actions were not entirely their fault, but rather a natural outgrowth of what had happened to their bodies. And, of course, there were the inevitable lawsuits against us by families of victimized boys, all of which we settled quietly out of court. But the families of Michael Curtis and his friends, the "Dirty Dozen", refused to sue, even though we felt they probably had the best grounds of anyone. Instead, we all actually became good friends. Over the next year Mona was offered countless awards by private and governmental organizations for her actions in rectifying the problems the expanded SuperFem program had created. At first she refused to accept them on the basis that she had created those problems in the first place, but finally relented on the condition that the award be made to the Physical Woman Corporation, not to her personally. I'll never forget her simple acceptance of the first award. "I'm accepting this award only in my capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation," she said quietly, "on behalf of all our employees who worked so hard to solve the problems which we ourselves created by our decision to make SuperFem available to high school and college age girls. And most of all, on behalf of my husband and son-in-law, who opposed that decision so strongly until more research was done and who in the end were proved right. But I must tell you that, if any single person or group of persons should receive this award, it should be my son-in-law, Darrell and the scientists who developed the formula in the first place. While Amanda and I were wringing our hands and wondering what to do, it was Darrell who came up with and implemented the idea to make the movie, and it was the scientists who developed the formula, all men, as well as Darrell, who first conceived the notion that SuperFem might be creating a hormonal problem which caused these teenage girls to act the way they did, and it was the scientists who found the solution. It is to these men, not me, that all of you--and I-- owe our thanks." And, of course, these same scientists continued their ef- forts to find a formula which would have the same effect on men as SuperFem had on women. But they never did. -30-