The Beach by T. Prince, These girls picked the wrong beach to sunbathe on. Tihani was a reverent girl. Every day for the last ten years, the beautiful 19-year-old had walked five miles from her village to the sacred beach of Fa'auluga to place fresh flowers at the altar of the Thunder God. Among the villagers she was known as "the flower", partly because of her youthful blossom, but also because of the floral wreaths that she always wore around her neck in devout tribute. She was a healthy, vivacious girl with gentle curves, thick black hair and gleaming dark bronze skin. Because of its geographical isolation, Tihani's island had rarely been visited by outsiders, but this had changed in the last year or two. Foreigners had recently began flocking to the island to gawk at its "untouched" beauty and pristine white beaches. Some of the villagers had enjoyed the attention, but others -- including Tihani -- had been suspicious from the outlet. The foreigners had brought money, but also litter, alchohol, deranged music and licentiousness. It did not seem like a good trade-off, she thought. One morning, as Tihani walked up the sacred beach on the way to the altar, she froze right in her tracks. In the middle of the beach, just below the altar, three young white girls lay stretched out on towels next to a stereo blasting out harsh, metallic music. All three had different hair colors -- yellow, red and brown -- but all three had stripped down to that minimal garment that female Westerners so often wore on the island: two stiff cups of cloth around their creamy breasts and an almost thread-like piece running along their crotches and disappearing up into the crevice between their snow white buttocks. "It sucks that it took four hours to get here, and there's like nothing to do," the red-haired girl said as she sat up and adjusted her bikini top to allow more sunlight onto the top of her sizable breasts. "Compared to Hawaii, this is like not special at all. Who cares if they have traditions and nature and stuff? The beaches are hardly different." It had always baffled Tihani how Western girls, being from the coldest countries in the world, still had a tradition of dressing like prostitutes in a desert. "Yeah, I don't get why they don't explain to, like, the village chief what tourists really want. I like to get drunk in the evenings, but there's not a single bar on the island," the blonde replied from behind her giant bug-like sunglasses. "By the way, Cameron, you probably shouldn't tan your butt anymore, or it's going to be like tomato red tomorrow." Cameron, the brunette, was lying face down in the middle. "No, it's fine, I put maybe three layers of sunscreen on it this morning." "I mean it! Hey, Jessica, look," the blonde reached over and tugged down Cameron's bikini bottom to expose the top of her crack, where a sliver of her original skin color still remained, "Isn't there a difference of like ten shades?" Jessica, the redhead, turned her head slightly to look. "Annie's just jealous because she tans much slower than you." "Oh, shut up," Annie said, playfully nudging the redhead. "Annie is jealous, Annie is jealous," Cameron sang, wiggling her bottom in rhythm. Furious, Tihani walked up to the trio and blocked them from the sun that they seemingly worshipped. The three immediately turned around and began staring daggers at her. "What's the matter? Sunbathing not legal in your village?" Jessica asked with a tone of absolute contempt. Tihani, who didn't speak or understand a word of English, walked up to the altar of Fa'auluga the Thunder God and pointed at it, and then pointed toward the sky -- pantomiming "holiness". But now she discovered that something new was dangling from the altar. It turned out that the arrogant tarts had used the altar as a rack for their sweaty t-shirts and panties. Incensed, Tihani gathered up all the clothes and threw them on top of the three girls. "What the hell?" Cameron cried out when a crumpled thong fell on top of her face. "What's your problem, bitch?" "Now she's really starting to piss me off," Annie said and got up on her feet. Tihani continued gesturing toward the altar, hoping to get her meaning across, but to no avail. "I think it has something to do with this stone thing," Annie said, knocking on the altar. As she did so, Tihani began shouting and gesticulating wildly with her arms. "We no understand-ee what you say-ee!" Cameron said, prompting laughter from Jessica. "You mean I can't touch this?" Annie asked, poking at the altar. "This stone -- holy place?" "Pee on it, Annie, just to see what she does," Jessica said, laughing. "Oh, holy stone, me so horny! Oh yes, oh yes!" Annie shouted in a mock-Polynesian accent, and began humping the altar -- grinding her bikini-clad groin against the sides of the altar. "Oh yes, I'm coming, ohhhh yesss!!" Exploding with anger, Tihani ran forth and tackled the disrespectful blonde to the ground. They rolled around for half a minute, kicking and pulling each other's hair, until Annie finally managed to tear herself away from the frenzied islander. "Watch out, she's a mental case!" Annie shouted, smoothing down her ruffled hair. "Let's kick her brown ass," Cameron said. The three Western girls were all significantly taller than Tihani, and were an intimidating sight with their bulky round breasts, strong legs and curvaceous figures. But if there was one thing Tihani had learned in her brief experience with fighting, it was that brute strength was easily trumped by speed and smarts, and Tihani -- a lifelong dancer and student of ancient religious wisdom -- had both of those qualities in spades. Cameron, the brunette, came at her first. She threw two poorly-aimed punches through the air, but Tihani dove under them and tackled the white girl's shins, causing the brunette to tumble over her back and fall gracelessly on her belly. As the Westerner got up on all fours, Tihani followed up with a sharp kick to her shapely derriere, burying her big toe inside the narrow crevice in its center. "Yeow! Oow! Aay!" Cameron yelped, as Tihani continued to abuse her rear end with kicks until the brunette had been driven out elbow-deep into the sea. Annie and Jessica came at her next, at the same time. Tihani nimbly dodged their feeble slaps and punches, and eventually landed a perfect punch to the blonde's face, twisting her contorted face sideways in a geyser of spittle. She followed up by ramming her knee into the blonde's unprotected crotch -- CRUNCH! -- causing her to drop to her knees with a flushed, nauseated look on her face. "OOH! She kneed me in the t-twat...!" Annie groaned, a moment before Tihani landed a second clean punch to her face, knocking her face-first to the ground with her polka dot-patterned ass in the air. After her friends had been so easily dispatched, Jessica hesitated to attack again. Tihani, however, decided to make the first move rather than wait. A well- placed scissor kick to the redhead's chest -- THWACK! THWACK! -- sent her flying backwards and landing on her ample rump in the sand. The kick had caused Jessica's milky white boobs to spill out of her bikini top, but she seemed too dazed to notice. Tihani promptly grabbed the redhead by her hair and began dragging her over to her blond friend, who was still lying face down in the wet sand. The Polynesian shoved the redhead's face straight into her nubile friend's butt, grinding her nose deep into the whimpering blonde's tight crack. "Mmmmpphhghh!!" Jessica protested, but Tihani just shrugged and continued to introduce the redhead to parts of her friend that she'd presumably never seen up close before. At one point the Polynesian grabbed the blonde by her bikini bottom and lifted her a few inches above ground so that she could force the redhead's mouth and nose into her friend's half-exposed snatch. This instantly produced a gasp from the half-conscious blonde, who seemed to stiffen up at the sensation. As she continued to pound the redhead's face into the exposed crotch, Tihani noticed some pearly moisture forming along the edges of the blonde's bikini bottom. Cameron, the brunette, was watching this turn of events from afar, and all her courage seemed to evaporate at the sight. But just as she turned to run, Tihani caught the brunette in the corner of her field of sight, dropped Annie's lower body slit-first onto her friend's face -- "MMPPHHH!!!" -- and took up chase. "Get away from me, you psycho!!" Cameron wailed when she noticed that the islander was catching up with no effort. But Tihani kept running, until finally she felled her prey with a shoulder tackle. "OOF!" The brunette fell chest-first into the sand. Whistling jovially, Tihani grabbed the frightened white girl and slung her over her shoulder like a shot deer, then walked back to where the other two girls lay in an intimate pile. Here, she squatted next to the others and tipped the brunette over her bent knee so that her shapely derriere mooned the sky. "Wh-what, are you gonna spank me? I'm eighteen years old, you can't do that!" Not listening (and not understanding anyway), Tihani gently slid down the Westerner's red bikini bottom to expose her ivory-colored target, and then proceeded to rain down slaps across the brunette's smooth, round buns to a soundtrack of yelps and squeals. SMACK! "OWW!" SMACK! "YYEOOWW! I'm sorry-" SMACK! "Eeek! P-Please don't do-" SMACK! "OOHH!!" SMACK! Each smack changed the color of the jiggling teenage kaboose until it had gone from white to pink to light red and finally a glowing beet red. Finally, Tihani added a final spank to the blushing Western backside, and then dumped the girl on top of her groaning friends in a neat little pile of squirming limbs, heaving boobs and bruised butts. "That ought to teach you some humility!" Tihani said in her native language, brushed some sand off her body, and then turned to walk away. When the islander had walked about halfway down the beach, the three soundly defeated girls began talking to each other in hushed voices. "Is she gone?" "No, I can still see her... Oww, my butt is killing me!" "Hey Jessica, didn't you bring a gun in your backpack?" "Shhhh, she can hear us! Yeah, what about it?" "You know, if she has her back turned to us, we could... you know..." "Good idea. No one would ever find out. After all, we're like in the middle of nowhere..." But as soon as the girls were back on their feet, albeit rumple-haired and with bruises on various parts on their bodies, and ready to spring into action, a booming male voice appeared out of nowhere. "SO YOU STILL HAVEN'T LEARNED YOUR LESSON??" The voice spoke in English, although with a slight Polynesian accent. The three girls instinctively jumped back into a huddle and began hugging each other in fear. "W-w-who are you??" Annie stammered. "I AM FA'AULUGA THE THUNDER GOD. YOU DESECRATED MY ALTAR. WORSE YET, YOU WERE PLANNING TO MURDER ONE OF MY FAITHFUL SERVANTS." "W-what? N-no..." "LYING IS FUTILE. I WAS GOING TO OVERLOOK YOUR EARLIER TRESPASSES, BUT YOU HAVE SQUANDERED YOUR LAST CHANCE. I WILL NOW PUNISH YOU IN A MANNER THAT BEFITS A THUNDER GOD. NO POINTS FOR GUESSING HOW." The sound of a massive explosion caused Tihani to turn around in alarm. A large black patch had been created in the middle of the beach where the three Western girls had been only moments ago. "What in the name of...?" Tihani mumbled as she rushed back to investigate. The impact of the massive thunderbolt had caused one of the girls -- Jessica -- to go flying through the air, and Tihani now spotted her hanging suspended from the branch of a nearby tree. Annie had been flung further down the beach, and Cameron lay entangled in a nearby shrub. All three had been knocked unconscious. The huge burst of electricity had burned up every thread of their bikinis, as well as covered every inch of their nubile white bodies with a layer of blackest soot. Upon closer inspection, Tihani noticed that the bolt had also removed every hair on their head -- and even burned the perky little bushes off their pussies -- leaving their gleaming heads and snatches as bare as the day they were born. A plume of smoke rose from each of the barbecued little sinners. "Gee, that'll be a rude awakening," Tihani whispered to herself. She offered up a prayer of thanks to her fearsome deity before walking home. And yet, in bed that night, she couldn't help hoping that there would be another group of bad girls sunbathing on the beach tomorrow. THE END