Ling and the Temple Raiders: Part IV - Dragon Fire by T. Prince, A squad of Western mercenaries is tasked with killing Ling. Bad move, West. Somewhere, deep out in the deserts of Inner Mongolia, seven women in military gear were hiding behind a thin, rocky outcrop overlooking a small hole in the ground. Next to the hole lay a small bag wearing a garish logo, under which was printed in large Chinese letters: "Ling's Counter-Raiding Bureau -- Kicking Unwelcome Butts Out of Our Ancestors' Temples Since 2005!" Three of the women were lying on their stomachs, with their machine guns propped up against the reddish rocks, aiming at the hole. The first of the women was a well-tanned young woman with generous curves and black hair, wearing a small camouflage-patterned tanktop that seemed barely able to contain her large, plump boobs, and a pair of matching camo pants. Her dogtags read: ALLISON K. Next to her lay a skinny blonde, equally well-tanned, whose face was partially obscured by a pair of bug-like sunglasses. She was wearing an olive-colored tanktop and camo pants that looked far too big for her slender frame, and had slipped down to reveal a hint of black thong. Her dogtags read: CALLIE S. The third woman was a busty brunette, who had removed most of her clothing to withstand the scorching desert sun. Her melon-sized breasts were held in place by a tight olive-colored bra, and the only other article of clothing on her body were a pair of tight camouflage hotpants. Her dogtags read: BELLA T. "Any movement yet?" asked one of the other women, who was pacing back and forth behind the other three. This girl -- who spoke with a heavy Icelandic accent -- was even bustier than Lana: a porcelain-skinned, curvaceous beauty with long, silver blond hair and icy blue eyes. She had unzipped her green jumpsuit down to her navel, so that her black bra was on full display, and peeled up the pant- legs to reveal most of her legs. Her dogtags read: SIGRID J. "Calm your tits, Sigrid," Allison snapped. "She'll be out soon enough." Further away, a fifth woman was sitting leaned back against a rock, whittling a piece of wood with her army knife. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she kept her brown eyes trained on her knife at all times. She was wearing a tight white tanktop with the words "Israeli Defense Forces" displayed over her perky, medium-sized breasts, and a pair of desert camo pants. Her dogtags read: REBECCA A. Next to her stood a tall redhead, one shoulder against the rock wall, smoking a cigarette. She was nearly as curvaceous as Sigrid, with a cute button nose, seaweed-green eyes, and wearing camouflage pants that hugged her hips so tightly that they looked as if they had been painted onto them. Inbetween exhalations of smoke, she was humming a song in her native German. Her dogtags read: NINA L. "We've been waiting long enough," Rebecca snapped. "Let's go down there and take her out." "Not until the boss says so," Allison replied. "It's not fair to keep us waiting," Nina mumbled. "I've been waiting three years for this moment -- I'll be damned if I'll risk letting it slip!" "Then I'll keep you waiting no longer," a voice replied nearby. It belonged to a woman who had been standing with her back to the others all along. She was wearing a full body jumpsuit, but from the way the fabric clung to her body, delineating every curve of her amply proportioned rear end, it was easy to tell that her body was on the curvier end of the scale. "Is that a green signal, ma'am?" Sigrid asked, fingering the handle of the gun in her holster. The boss turned around. There was no mistaking those icy blue eyes with their vengeful gleam. Her dogtags read: LENA C., and she was the only one of the mercenaries who had ever met the person they were going to kill. It had been an encounter that had humiliated her to the core, and not a day had passed by that she hadn't spent dreaming of revenge. "You bet your sexy ass it is," she said. *** On the opposite side of the tomb entrance, Hao was watching every move of the mercenaries through her binoculars. Five of them -- Lena, Sigrid, Nina, Rebecca and Bella -- had climbed into the tomb entrance at this point, leaving the other two women to keep guard. "I guess this is where I come in," Hao said to no one in particular as she hoisted her sniper rifle onto a nearby rock and surveyed the two guards through her scope. Callie was looking restless, whereas Allison -- who was standing with her back toward Hao -- was just in the middle of stretching her back. Hao put the exact center of the black-haired mercenary's shapely bottom in her crosshairs, and then pulled the trigger. BANG! *THWACK!* "OOOW!!" A moment later, Allison was rocked forward by an explosive pain in her rear end, accompanied by the strange sensation of a liquid splash. When she looked over her shoulder, she discovered that a large, irregular green blot of paint had appeared across her smarting backside. "Paintballs! Look out!" she yelled to her companion. "Wha- OOUCH!!" Before Callie could react, a similar capsule had struck her left boob, coloring it electric blue. "Locate the shooter, qui- AAOOHH!!" A purple blot this time -- right in Allison's navel! For the next minute or so, Hao had a lot of fun at the expense of the two hapless mercenaries, who had nowhere to hide. From the safety of her hiding place, she -- *THWACK!* "OOH!!" -- colored Allison's breasts green -- *THWACK!* "UNGH!" -- put an orange paintball in the pit of Callie's right knee -- *THWACK!* "AAH!!" -- splashed hot pink all over Allison's thigh -- *THWACK!* "OOWWW!" -- goosed Callie's left ass cheek with a purple paintball -- *THWACK!* "AAOOWW!" -- splattered the dark-haired woman's shoulder with yellow -- *THWACK!* "OOOHH!" -- fired a green capsule all the way up the blonde's tight rump -- *THWACK!* "AAIIEE!" -- exploded purple all over Allison's crotch -- *THWACK!* "OOOWW!" -- and showered Callie's modest tits in magenta. Eventually, the two poor Westerners were decorated in so many different colors of paint that they would have been visible a mile away. Hao put down her rifle and took out her sling, placed a medium-sized rock in the pouch, swung it a couple of times, and let the projectile fly. SMACK! The stone hit Callie in the back of her blond head, and sent her plummeting to the ground, unconscious. "Wait! He-!" Allison made a run for the hole, but only managed to run two steps before -- THWACK! -- another stone knocked her out cold in the same fashion. Hao walked over to the knocked-out bodies and dragged them away to her hiding place, dumped them into each other's arms and roped them together. She then walked up to the side of the hole, where she squatted and waited. Even though her role in the whole affair was nearly over, the next part was something that she did not want to miss for her life. *** "Where the hell is she? The tunnel ends here!" Rebecca half-whispered to her companions after they found their passage blocked by an ornate, mural-covered wall. Aside from a couple of minor relics strewn across the floor, the only interesting feature in the room was a massive dragon's head of solid bronze, which had been built into the wall and was glaring, jaws hanging half-open, at the five unwelcome intruders. "Maybe she crawled into the dragon's mouth," Nina suggested, nudging the dragon's lower jaw with her rifle. "Let's bend it open and see." "And how do you propose we do that? It's solid bronze," Lena snapped, clearly annoyed. "The skinniest of us will have to crawl inside!" Sigrid suggested, looking around. "Uhh... that'd be you, Rebecca." There was no point arguing this -- the Israeli girl was the only woman in the room who was not obviously too buxom and wide-hipped to fit between the dragon's jaws. With a little help from the others, she managed to squeeze her upper body into the narrow passage, but when it was time for her hips, they immediately caught stuck. "Nonsense, we'll get you through!" Lena grunted when the Jewish girl protested. "Just give her cute little ass a good shove!" But no matter how many hands were placed on Rebecca's disembodied, desperately wiggling rear end, it couldn't be pushed through. Eventually, she had to be pulled back out by her legs, which took a full minute of work, before the shrieking mer- cenary finally popped out and fell flat on her only slightly-too-big bottom. "What's the matter, white girls? Can't squeeze your way through?" a strange voice echoed through the deserted chamber. "That's what all those greasy hamburgers'll do, I guess -- as though your big asses needed more padding!" "That's her!" Lena shrieked. "Get out your guns! Kill her on sight!" "So we've got a blonde, two brunettes, a black-haired girl and a redhead -- hell, the whole color wheel seems to be represented! I'm gonna leave this place with a lot of souvenirs, I can tell already!" "That shit might have worked on Lindsay Whitehill, bitch, but guess what -- we're the real deal!" Bella cried. "You don't wanna know who you're messing with this time!" "We're not temple raiders, baby, we're SOLDIERS FOR HIRE!" Sigrid filled in. "We're trained to kill cocky little bitches like you!" "On the contrary, I've been dealing with women like you through my whole career. Big-titted, overconfident Western girls who think that their size and skin color give them a license to bully everone else around. Too bad so much of the stuff that should have been in your brains ended up in your tits and asses!" "You won't be so cocky when we're through with you!" Lena yelled back. "Oh yeah? Have you told your subordinates what happened last time we met?" the voice replied tauntingly, at which point Lena's face grew a few shades paler. "No? Maybe it was because you ended up naked over my knee, squealing like a little girl as I spanked your pasty white butt to shreds!" "Is that true?" Nina asked, glancing over at her boss, who had become pale as a ghost. "She actually *spanked* you? Like, literally?" "That doesn't matter!" Lena grunted. "I've trained every day since then, and I'm strong enough to take on every yellow, rice-eating, slant-eyed, tiny-titted tart in this whole shitty third world country! In fact, I could take them all together!" "Careful," the voice answered. "In case you haven't noticed, I've got a dragon on my side, and he doesn't take kindly to people insulting his home country." "Yeah, would've been more useful if he wasn't made of frickin' BRONZE," Bella retorted. "Hey, what's that smell?" Sigrid asked. "That smell, melon-tits, is a little Chinese invention called 'hot oil', which you'll be more closely acquainted with in a minute." "Hot oil? Is that the sauce you get on won ton chickens?" Rebecca sneered. "Because that shit is nasty!" "OOOO, Sun Tzu say: hot oil very dangerous weapon! Cost extra! Be careful: is very hot!" Bella crooned in a fake Chinese accent. "Wait... guys... I think we'd better run!" Nina suggested. "You should have run ages ago," said Ling, who suddenly appeared in the middle of the dragon's mouth, carrying an elaborate tube-like contraption and holding a cigarette lighter right in front of it. "But since you chose to stay, you might as well stay for the main course: BARBIE BARBECUE!" Before the mercenaries could process what they had just seen, and react accordingly, a humonguous flame shot out of the fearsome dragon's mouth -- engulfing the five curvy Westerners in roaring fire. The derisive laughter quickly turned to screaming terror as the roiling inferno quickly reduced clothing to cinders, streaked white skin with black soot, and singed five differently-colored sets of hair. Almost instantly, the five women turned and began running toward the entrance, unwittingly offering up their half-naked rear sides -- like five juicy steaks being turned over -- for another licking. "And now, flamb?ed rump steak -- Peking style!" WHOOOSH!!! Once again, fire engulfed the five bad girls, burning the last stitches of their clothing off their sweaty bodies, and sending long, spindly flames all the way up their jiggling white rumps, licking their moist assholes like intrepid demon tongues. The women ran shrieking into each other as the fire spread, one flame burning Nina's crimson bush off her snatch, and another reducing Rebecca's long black mane to a short, fizzy bob, one flame turning Bella's huge tits into a darker shade of tan, and another eating through Sigrid's g-string as though it were a dynamite fuse threaded through her buttocks and coiled around her private parts. With deafening shrieks, the five burning mercenaries ran toward the tomb entrance, flames all the while coating their bodies in slick sweat, and spurring them on like heated pitchforks repeatedly jabbing their backsides. The last threads of Rebecca's bra glew briefly and then disappeared, leaving only two small pillars of smoke emanating from the Jewish girl's glistening boobs. With a crackling noise, the front patch of Sigrid's g-string exploded -- incinerating all her pubic hair and sending a thin flame up her sweaty twat in the process. What the mercenaries didn't know was that Hao was waiting for them just above ground, carrying a large bamboo stick. Bella came first, and was quickly knocked unconscious by a sharp blow to her head. The brunette fell face first in the sand -- her whole naked body smoking from the thorough roasting. Next came Rebecca, who was given the same treatment, and fell on top of her comrade. Then came Nina, and then Sigrid, and finally Lena, who -- after having been dis- patched in the same manner -- fell on top of the other four to form a perfect pile of disembodied tits and ass, all of it emanating a great trail of ashen smoke. "Damn, I like the smell of deep-fried bad girl!" Hao said, bending forward to smell the luscious pile of white curves. "That indelible mix of scorched buns and well-seasoned comeuppance -- there's nothing like it!" "You're a weird gal, Hao," Ling chuckled. "Anyway, I've brought a little contraption you're going to like -- I'll be right back with it!" She hurried over to a bag that she'd hid behind a nearby rock. The side of it read, in bright red letters: "Tattoo kit for beginners". *** Shortly thereafter, the five mercenaries lay on the ground, arranged in a neat line. There was not a stitch of clothing left on either of the smoking, curvy bodies. Most of their hair was gone -- Bella and Nina, especially, were now sporting ragged mini-bobs with burnt edges -- and all five of their naked snatches were as hairless as the days they were born. Hao went and got the other two mercenaries, stripped them naked, and placed them next to their friends, after which Ling flipped all seven of them over on their stomachs, exposing seven pasty white rumps to the scorching desert sun. An hour later, Ling had painstakingly decorated each body with her tattoo needle: each back now sported a massive, grinning dragon, breathing a stream of flame that struck each mercenary right in the center of their rear ends. Each butt was also covered with additional flames forming a circle, in the center of which was the Chinese letter for "JUSTICE". "Hey Ling!" Hao suddenly called out. "Look what I found back in their camp!" "Hold on, one second!" Ling, who was in the process of putting the finishing touches on Sigrid's curvaceous tush, carefully spread the Icelander's white cheeks, and then added the two final lines of the letter, which were supposed to intersect exactly over the blonde's tiny, winking anus. Instead of completing the X-mark, however, Ling drew a tiny circle around the Icelander's butthole -- drawing quiet yelps from the humiliated bad girl -- and then put down the tattoo needle. "What is it?" "A business card from Deborah Doubleday, the famous museum curator," Hao showed the card -- a classy, white card with the silhouette of a Greek vase in its lower right corner. "She specializes in antiques, and she owns the most prized collections of Egyptian and Mesopotamian art in the world. Think we've found their employer?" Ling's eyes narrowed, and she glanced down at the mercenaries -- in fact, one of them in particular. "I think it's high time we send a message to Mrs. Doubleday, don't you think?" *** A few days later, a large package arrived at the Doubleday Museum of Ancient Art in New York. Deborah, a tight-laced woman in her forties with steely grey eyes and wearing a pinstriped business suit, stood nearby with her hands on her hips, looking skeptical, as her assistant opened it. The package turned out to contain a buxom white woman, who had been gagged and tied up in the position that wrestlers call 'small package' -- legs bent back behind her head and round bottom sticking up in the air. Deborah's face grew ashen as she recognized the woman as the leader of the mercenaries she had just hired. A business card had been inserted into Lena's smooth vagina, and the end of a small tube was sticking out of her pink asshole. When the assistant pulled it out -- making a popping noise as it exited the woman's rectum -- it was revealed to be a hollow glass tube containing a roll of paper. The message read: "Mrs. Doubleday, The Chinese dragon has awakened, and it's coming to America. Beware!" Deborah grew pale as a ghost. The note was signed with the image of a smiling dragon, and the paper was burnt along the edges. THE END