After Class by T. Prince, An Indian literature professor has a meeting with an obstinate student, and ends up teaching her a thing or two. DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this story should be read as a political statement of any kind. As with all my other stories, everything is meant to be viewed through the twisted prism of BDSM-logic. "Excuse me, professor Sandhu, can I have a word with you?" Madhuri Sandhu, who was in the process of grading a batch of (not particularly good) essays, looked up from her desk. In the process of doing so, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror: who was that sleek, middle-aged Indian belle with stylish dark-rimmed glasses, erect bearing and the elegant turtleneck sweater that clung snugly to her lovely arms and shapely, small-ish breasts? Was it really her? Then, what the hell was she doing HERE? At the (relatively) dignified age of 39, Madhuri was the teacher of World Literature at a sleepy little college in the town of Westbottom, Virginia, a job which came with a few perks, but mostly drawbacks. Sure, the pay was good and the scenery was lovely, but the students... oh brother, what had she possibly done to deserve them? Surely the main culprit must have been the name "World Literature", which to freshman ears must have sounded like a nice little smorgasbord of easy reading, logorrhea about modern "interconnectedness" and easy As to collect at the exit, because man, were these students lazy! And not just lazy, but entitled, obnoxious and rude -- spoiled little daddy's princesses squandering their parents' money on an education that they clearly didn't even want! Before Madhuri looked up, she had made the easiest guess in the world as to whom she would find standing in her doorway, and she was -- of course -- right. There she was -- little 18-year-old Chloe Meringue, wearing a striped red and white tank-top that ended just above her navel, and a bright yellow skirt that showed off most of her thighs -- standing with her arms crossed over her chest and a displeased look on her face. Chloe was that ubiquitous species of American freshman that Madhuri had often been warned about: the WASP princess. With her big, shiny water- fall of gold hair, her impudent blue eyes, her strategically showcased curves, her slow, lazy walk and her constant look of vague annoyment, she was the real deal. A dog with pedigree. A luxury product -- Madhuri was certain that if she were to walk behind her and flip up her skirt, she would find some sort of guarantee stamped right on that little plump butt of hers: "100% CERTIFIED WASP AND RICH". And here she was, glaring at Madhuri with the full force of her blonde disapproval. Madhuri looked at her and smiled, and she hoped that her smile would convey at least some of what she was currently thinking: Listen up, Khaleesi, I'm not some brown minion who's here to do your bidding. You have youth and privilege, but I have LEARNING, and that's what counts in my classroom. So if you try to tell me how to do my job, you'll be picking a fight that you can't win. Try to discuss books with me, blondie, and I'll give you such a verbal dressing down that you'll be leaving this room covering your bare ass. "Ah, Chloe," Madhuri said coolly. "What's on your mind today?" "Professor Sandhu," Chloe began in a voice that could only be described as quintessentially blonde, "I represent a large majority of the class when I say that we have some major complaints regarding the course literature." Of course. "Go on," Madhuri said, trying her best to keep the smile from contorting into a hideous grimace. "Last class you had us reading an excerpt from 'The Conquests of Princess Nandini', and we found much of that content to be... problematic. It doesn't agree with the version of world history that most of us are familiar with." "Well, Chloe, this is a literature class and we deal with the telling of stories, not history. And I thought I did a thorough job of explaining the cultural significance of this story within the Indian tradition." "Yes, but professor Sandhu, this isn't India. This is America." The blonde smiled condescendingly. "I'm afraid I don't understand the relevance of that comment." "OK, so in the excerpt we read, an Indian princess is fighting against a Greek goddess, and the language is TOTALLY not cool... erm... I mean, clearly unacceptable. "Ghostly white skin"... "big, flabby curves"... "pale-skinned harlot"... it's terribly offensive. Do you think this is an appropriate text for us to read?" "Ah, I see where the issue lies," Madhuri replied with a smile. "Yes, that is language that presents the white woman in disparaging, "exoticizing" terms, but it has to placed in a historical context. Remember, Indians in those days had had no exposure to Westerners. To them, white skin, blond hair and blue eyes would certainly seem bizarre." "But still...!" "Also," Madhuri continued, pre-empting her student's complaint, "I also have you read colonial literature, in which Indians are described in far more disparaging terms. I just wanted to include this as a counterweight." "Counterweight?" "I thought it would be interested to flip it around and test how you feel when you're exposed to someone else's gaze." Chloe Meringue's big, blue eyes seemed to triple in size. "You can't be serious." "I am serious, Chloe. Also, if you think that excerpt is bad, you should read how the story ends! I assure you, you'd be shocked, but then you would also appreciate just how much I left out." "All right." The little blonde retreated, and Madhuri could see the wheels turning in her head as she regrouped for a new attack. "That's not all, though. We also have the gender aspect." "Gender aspect?" "This story is FULL of objectifying imagery. "Towering breasts"... "Ripe, plump buttocks"... I mean, this is SUPER-offensive to me as, like, a woman." "Well, Chloe, maybe you should look at the story in a new light. To me, this represents something so progressive as an early lesbian love story." "Oh, give me a break! It's SO sexist and patriarchal!" Madhuri locked eyes with the indignant little blonde, whose perky adolescent breasts were heaving in synch with her elevated breathing. So she was one of THOSE. The attractive, self-righteous blonde feminist who rails against the evils of the male gaze whilst openly flaunting her 'assets' in the skimpiest clothing imaginable. "Third-wave feminism hasn't always been the ideological currency of the world, Chloe, and in some parts of the world, it'll probably never take root. This story is part of a long Indian tradition of healthy eroticism. Is there something about that that troubles you?" Chloe's lips formed an adorably clueless little 'o' and a faint blush spread across her cheeks. "What are you talking about?" "You see, when Nandini subjugates Athena, she is in effect realizing her own sexual identity as a woman. By turning the tables on her oppressor, she is experimenting with the role of sexual power. At the same time, by transforming Athena -- the goddess, or ultimate ideal, of the enemy she's battling -- into a sexual object, she is doing two things. One, she is asserting her cultural independence by binding the cultural influence of the invader to a fetish -- in this case, Athena's body -- and by punishing that fetish, exorcising the over- powering culture from her own system. Two, she is exploring the possibility of sexual vulnerability in someone who is otherwise thought of as dominant: the goddess of her oppressor. And because everyone needs to experience both power and vulnerability in order to be a complete person, this is actually a power dynamic that ends up becoming cathartic to Athena herself. THAT is why it is a lesbian love story." Chloe winked, trying to maintain her bearing in the face of that aggressive move into territory with which she was clearly unfamiliar. Madhuri smiled. Your turn, Khaleesi. "Well, I don't see any of that," Chloe said, smiling icily. "And neither will my dad, when I tell him all about it." "Fine, you're perfectly welcome to do that." "In fact, professor Sandhu, my dad -- who is the head of Racoon News -- will be very pleased to hear about this. He will probably turn it into a big, juicy narrative about anti-American elements in liberal arts education, which is one of his pet peeves already. Imagine the firestorm this will create on social media - I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up costing you your job." She smiled as she plunged in the dagger. "And perhaps more than that." So there it was, Madhuri thought to herself. All the cards were on the table. "Chloe, let me get this straight: did you just threaten me?" The blonde switched on an icy, impersonal smile. "Professor Sandhu, I couldn't possibly be threatening you. You're the teacher, I'm the student. You're the one that has ALL the power in this room." "I asked you a question. Did I just hear you threaten me?" Chloe's grin was now the size of the Grand Canyon. "To be honest, Professor Sandhu, I don't think you have the right attitude to be a teacher here. And it's not just the attitude. There is something about you, I'm not sure what, that gives me the feeling that you don't really belong here in Westbottom, Virginia." That's it, Madhuri thought. She could deal with passive-aggressiveness and thin skin. She could even handle a little threat or two. But there was no way she was putting up with that kind of barely-disguised racism. Standing up from her desk, she strode up to Chloe and grabbed her by her little white wrist. "Chloe, I've tried to reason with you, but it just doesn't seem to be sinking in," she said calmly. "So it's clear that I need to try a different tactic." "Get your filthy hand off me, you Ind... er... you creep!" the blonde cried, appalled. "This is assault!" "No, it isn't," Madhuri sighed as she dragged her problem student into an adjacent classroom, gestured for her to stand in the middle of the room, and then proceeded to lock the door and pull down all the blinds. "What are you doing? Have you gone mad?" Chloe hissed, fear flashing briefly across her eyes. "Sit down at that desk," the teacher said, pointing toward one that stood by itself up front, close to the whiteboard. "Now!" The unexpected anger in Madhuri's voice caused the student to shrink in her shoes, and she reluctantly did as she was told. With the air of a displeased cat, she slid down in her chair and began to nonchalantly check her fingernails. Meanwhile, Madhuri turned off all the lights and switched on the projector. She then searched a nearby book case until she found what she was looking for: a file labeled "ART HISTORY: EAST-WEST STUDIES" -- which had been stuffed full of photographs. She smiled to herself. This was going to be a presentation that little Chloe Meringue would never forget. When she placed the first picture on the overhead projector ("Damn Westbottom, Virginia and its primitive technology", Madhuri thought to herself), Chloe was jolted out of her studied indifference. The picture -- blurry and unfocused at first -- showed a marble sculpture of two women engaged in some sort of physical activity. One of the women had been fashioned out of brown marble, the other out of white. After Madhuri had adjusted the focus, it suddenly became clear what it was depicting. The brown marble figure, who was clad in elegant silk and jewelry from head to toe, had draped the white marble figure, who was completely naked, over her knee. With one hand, she held up the white woman's head by her hair, whereas the other hand was raised high in preparation for what could only be a spanking. It was a magnificent sculpture, as realistic and sensual a depiction of human bodies as any work of classical art, and yet undefinably foreign enough to quell any suspicion of Greek or Roman origin. The brown marble figure wore an expression of calm authority, her mouth curved slightly to indicate that she was taking pleasure in her current activity. The white figure's face was discernably flustered and embarrassed, her mouth forming an 'o' in an almost parodic expression of bimbo-like helplessness. Although much of the brown figure's body was obscured by her clothing, it was clear that the white woman had been designed with a much curvier figure -- her big breasts seemed to be bouncing off her dominator's thigh, and her curvaceous derriere made the brown woman's look sleek and diminutive by comparison. "This is, as you've probably guessed, a depiction of princess Nandini taming the goddess Athena, by an unknown Indian artist, circa 200 AD," Madhuri said as she walked over to the whiteboard. "A masterpiece of Indian sculpture, recently unearthed from the ruins of a palace in present day Kashmir. Look at the masterful way in which the values of these two cultures are juxtaposed. The calm modesty of the Indian princess, as compared to the vulgar sensuality of the Greek goddess. The rich clothing of the former, as contrasted with the primitive nudity of the latter. The temperance of Nandini, expressed through her slender body, as compared to the excesses of Athena, expressed through her curvy figure. The expression of power and control on the Indian woman's face, as compared to the expression of submission and helplessness on the Westerner's. It is, in short, a masterwork of heroic, erotic and satirical art." Chloe was staring at the whiteboard, her mouth agape. This picture was an assault on every single bit of power and pride that she held, and she struggled to compose herself. There was Athena, the same Western ideal that she had spent so long trying to live up to, positioned in such a way that her big, naked bottom was foregrounded and her face half-obscured (Athena - transformed into a mere piece of ass!). And there was Nandini, calmly staring down at her prey, one eye seemingly turned toward the camera so that it fell on Chloe. 'I see you, little white girl,' the statue seemed to be saying, 'and if you don't behave, I'm going to spank you next'. "This is unacceptable!" the blonde cried and stood up, but Madhuri gently placed one hand on her shoulder, and another hand on her wrist. "I'm not going to stand for this." "Pay attention," the teacher whispered into her ear. "You might learn something." She felt Chloe squirm against her grip, but she didn't care - in fact, she tightened her hold. Eventually, she felt the blonde relent. Good, Madhuri thought, I'm getting through to her. "If sitting on your butt isn't working for you, let's try this position," the teacher said as she placed her hand between the blonde's shoulder-blades and slowly pushed her down against the desk. A tremor passed through Chloe's body, but she allowed herself to be guided into the desired position. When Madhuri was done, the white girl was fully bent over the desk with her hands extending horizontally along the sides of the table and her head obediently facing the whiteboard. "Not quite right yet." With those words, Madhuri slid her hand under Chloe's midriff and gripped her by the belly. She then gave the blonde's body a slight upwards push, arching her spine and pushing up her bottom so that it was jutting upwards, nicely showcased to anyone who wanted to look at it. "Good girl. Stay in that position." As Madhuri walked back to the projector, Chloe felt her heart beat faster. She felt utterly exposed in this position - and given the way her spine was arched, she was almost certain that Madhuri could see her underwear. How long would she be expected to stay in this position? What was going to happen to her? And, most worryingly, what was she going to see next? The next picture came on. It was a massive panoramic painting that seemed to depict some sort of battle, although all the combatants were women. On one side, the women were brown-skinned, fully armored and wearing beautiful, ornate helmets and turbans. On the other side, the women were fair-skinned and mostly blonde, dressed more primitively in dun-colored tunics and barbaric-looking helmets with horns. More care seemed to have gone into the painting of the Indians, whose clothing and faces were rendered in exquisite detail, whereas the white women had been drawn more carelessly and less flatteringly -- their skin an odd color of light pink and their facial expressions more villainous and cartoonish. It took a while for Chloe to orient herself in the picture, and in the meantime, Madhuri began to explain what was going on in it: "Have you ever heard of the Viking expedition under Inga the Far-Travelled into the heart of Asia? The one which ended with a misjudged invasion of India? No? That's understandable, because it was wiped out with almost no effort. Here you can see a 12th century rendition of the battle itself. Delicious, isn't it?" Chloe gasped. Everywhere she looked, the blondes were getting their pink bottoms handed to them by the Indian defenders. Many of the vikingesses had been reduced to minimal clothing, and almost half of them were completely naked. In one place, an armored Indian elephant was rampaging through the field, with several nude vikingesses draped over its mighty tusks, their breasts and blonde hair bouncing in the wind. Another Indian warrior could be seen incapacitating three vikingesses in one blow, having surprised them by sliding her spear between their legs and giving it a good upwards yank -- lifting them up into the air like rodeo riders as they clenched their faces from the pain in their groins. Finally, the leader of the vikingesses -- Inga herself -- lay bawling over the lap of the Indian commander, who was treating her to a well-deserved spanking with her sword (Inga's buttocks were already high red, and so was her face). "Rumor has it that the vikingesses were all taken to the court of the Chola queen, who took them all as her concubines. An amusing fate for a group of coarse, proud warrior women, isn't it, to end up as exotic foreign booty -- no pun intended -- in the court of a capricious queen with a penchant for spanking? No doubt those pale tails changed color many times over the years..." Chloe was sweating and her heart was beating ferociously. With all the talk of spanking, she had started to become extremely conscious of the way her own precious bottom was positioned. So exposed, so defenseless, and yet she dared not move. She could feel Madhuri's gaze on her backside, and it made her involuntarily clench her buttocks from nervousness. Click-clack, click-clack. Madhuri was standing next to her now, staring at the painting along with her. "How do you feel when you look at it, Chloe?" the teacher's silky voice purred from up above. "I think it's stupid," Chloe said, laughing nervously. "Poorly done. It doesn't do anything for me." "Are you sure? I would have thought you would recognize yourself in it." "Wh-what are you talking about?" "I'm talking about those vikings in the picture, Chloe. Don't you get it?" Madhuri placed the tip of her finger between Chloe's shoulder-blades, delighting in the slight tremors that she felt pass through the young blonde's body as she did so. "Inga and her vikingesses were the 'blonde bimbos' of their generation. They were young and pretty and had big boobs, but their ignorance and naivete got the better of them. They had won every battle they'd picked so far, and so they foolishly thought that the same would be true for every place they could go to, but alas-," here, she let her finger slide along Chloe's spine, gently tracing the curve of her smooth white back, "-that wasn't the case." Madhuri noticed that Chloe's body lay completely still, and she sighed with satisfaction. 'She's like clay in my hands,' she thought to herself with a smile, 'and I know exactly what to make her into.' "You see, Chloe, history is full of examples of pretty little blondes who thought that they could get away with being bad just because they had golden hair and big breasts." At this point, Madhuri's finger had reached the small of Chloe's back, and began the slow ascent toward her upturned rear end. "But they all got more than they bargained for." Madhuri's finger hooked on to the hem of Chloe's skirt and began to sloooooooowly pull it down over her butt. She felt Chloe gasp, but there was no effort to resist. Slowly and gently, the skirt eased itself down, revealing a pair of semi-translucent pink panties which clung to her generously-shaped teenage derriere with maddening tightness. Pink panties. Of course she was going to wear pink panties. Just like Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation. Madhuri licked her lips as she found herself approaching the treasure chamber of this temple of moneyed WASP privilege: that thin pink strip which flossed her plump white buns and only just covered her bulging adolescent pubic mound. This was a rare pleasure indeed, and one that should be savored. "Wh-what are you going to do to me?" Chloe asked in a soft, trembling voice. "Silly girl, you're way behind, I can tell," Madhuri said as she slowly removed Chloe's top, leaving her in a matching pink bra that enveloped her nubile white breasts like two greedy hands. "Don't you understand what is happening here?" "You're undressing me..." "Correct." "Are you a l-lesbian?" "I don't know, Chloe. Are you?" "Umm... NO." "Not a problem. I can work with that." "W-work with that?" "Can I call you Inga?" "Wh-what?" "I think I will. You're my own private Inga. You keep your tight little butt in that position, Inga, and I'll be right back." That was it. With those words, she had cemented her ownership of the flustered blonde, and the latter was powerless to do anything about it. To seal the deal, Madhuri gave Chloe a proprietary little slap on the ass -- drawing a violated gasp from the blonde -- and then walked over to the projector. Chloe's face was high red, but she didn't move. It was too late -- Madhuri's authority over her had been established already, and she knew that -- despite her best efforts -- she was going to go along with anything that happened from now on. "But this is all ancient history," Madhuri said. "Why don't we take a look at something more recent?" The next slide showed a full color page from an Indian comic book. In the first panel, a woman with proud, erect bearing stood on a hill overlooking a lush, green valley. She was brown-skinned and dark-haired, and wore a skintight blue leather jumpsuit with the letter 'K' emblazoned across her chest. Her intricately drawn black hair hung in thick curls down her shoulders. In her right hand she carried a whip, and in her left hand what looked like a thin, pulsating bolt of lightning. "Do you like her?" Madhuri said, admiring the woman. "Her name is Lady Karma. She is India's most popular export on the comic book market -- in case you haven't heard, her sales are skyrocketing right now. She's an immortal being tasked with protecting the Indian people from its various enemies, foreign and domestic. Of course, the most popular issues are the ones where she takes on foreign enemies, as you can see in this beautiful issue-" Chloe's eyes wandered over to the next panel, which introduced Lady Karma's current antagonist: a haughty- looking white woman with fiery red hair and malevolent blue eyes, wearing a Union Jack-patterned minidress which pushed up her sizeable bosom. The villainous redhead was carrying a long, curved sabre and looked like she was cackling over some nefarious scheme. "That's Britannia, a minor villainess who is seen here in her last appearance in the whole comic. She always has supreme confidence in her evil plans, but Lady Karma is more competent and ends up outfoxing at every turn. In this issue, Britannia has traveled back to 1947 to stop India from becoming independent, but Lady Karma is hot on her tail, intending to stop her once and for all." "Why does she have a bolt of lightning in her hand?" "That's the Vajra -- a sacred weapon bestowed upon her by the Indian gods. It is powered by karma, and so it is most effective against foes who have transgressed against India without paying the proper penance for it. So, as you can figure out, poor Britannia is already done for. But let's see what happens!" Swallowing nervously, Chloe watched as Madhuri skipped ahead a few pages and went on to examine the huge, bustling color spread that showed the battle and its aftermath. Using a combination of speed, taunts and wit, Lady Karma quickly gains the upper hand and disarms her foe. Fear flashes through Britannia's baby blue eyes, and her mouth seems to be on the verge of mouthing "oh shit" when Lady Karma's whip comes flying through the air, ripping her clothes to shreds. In the next panel, Lady Karma smiles in triumph as Britannia has been stripped to her underwear (a skimpy white bra with St. George's crosses over her nipples and a pair of ass-hugging white panties with the red letter 'B' spread out over her round buttocks). A speech-bubble above Lady Karma's head reads: 'Your clothing has crumbled and revealed nothing underneath -- just like your so-called Empire' ("I like that line, although it sounds better in Hindi," interjected Madhuri). It doesn't get any better for Britannia. In the next page, she tries to make a run for it, but Lady Karma, in a spectacular black-and-white panel, throws the Vajra -- 'in the name of my father Krishna, I sentence you to... PAIN!" -- which is laser-guided by her righteous fury and ends up striking Britannia in her defenseless posterior. A massive electrical blast occupies the entire next panel, and then we see a full body shot of the incapacitated villainess floating in the air with her limbs spread out in an X-shape. The righteous force of the Vajra has singed her hair so that it's turned into a frizzy, dissheveled blob, and burned every thread of clothing off her body, leaving her big white boobs standing up in salute with sparks trailing from their erect nipples and her hairless snatch exposed for the reader's viewing pleasure. In the last panel, we see Britannia from behind as Lady Karma giggles in the corner -- on the villainess' pert derriere, the lightning bolt has left a permanent inscription: Lady Karma's initials written in comically large, unmissable letters (one letter on each cheek). 'Britannia tried to change events that were behind her,' the narrator informs us below the panel, 'but the past ended up changing her behind... forever!' "I can't believe this," Chloe said, "she branded her on her butt?" "It's metaphorical, Chloe. It means that Lady Karma defeated her so completely that this loss is going to be a permanent part of Britannia's legacy." "But still! On her butt?" "Yes, Chloe," Madhuri walked up and placed her finger on Chloe's back (delicious frissons passed through the blonde's skin and continued on into Madhuri's), "right on her naughty...", her finger began to slide down between the marble hills of her student's ripe backside, "...privileged...", continuing down along the string of her panties past the point where her anus would be, "...white...", down along her perineum and up along the lower curve of her left ass cheek, "...butt!", finally punctuating the last word by landing a perfectly-aimed slap across the submissive blonde's nicely showcased rump. *SMACK!* "Ooohh!!" The slap caused little Chloe Meringue's perky ass cheeks to jiggle up and down like mad, and when they settled down, a deep pink handprint had appeared across her tight white buns like the mark of some ghostly sexual offender. "B-But you can't spank ME! I'm eighteen years old! I'm not a ch-child!!" Chloe wailed, gingerly rubbing her blushing bottom. "Oh, but you are, Chloe," Madhuri said, gently removing the blonde's hand and exposing her precious rear once again. "You think the world revolves around you. You think that the world should be tripping over itself to protect your sensitive feelings. But guess what: I'm here to teach you that sometimes you need to be exposed to harsh truths, just like an overtly sensitive bottom occasionally needs to be handled more... roughly." *SMACK!* "Aaahh!!!" The second slap came from below this time, bouncing the schoolgirl's buttocks upwards before they jiggled back down again, a bit redder than before. "Look, p-professor, I'm sorry I said I was going to get you fired," Chloe stammered. "I'm going to be a good student from now on." "Yes, but Chloe, anyone can apologize when they're being cornered," Madhuri replied. "That's not what I'm looking for. What I want to do is to give you a proper education -- one that'll turn you into a nicer, wiser and more modest young woman. When I'm through with you, you won't even recognize yourself." "But I'm nice and modest! I'm a good girl, I'm a goo-!" *SMACK!* "Eeep!!" the blonde mewled as Madhuri shut her up with a well-aimed smack on her ass. "Oh, Chloe, you're none of those things," the teacher sighed. "You're rude, lazy, spoiled, irresponsible and immature. In short, you're a child. And in India, when children misbehave, they always get spanked." "B-But this is America! We don't spank children here!" "Perhaps not, but you're in my World Literature class, and in the course curriculum, it says clearly that the students 'should gain a proper understanding of foreign cultures and their traditions'. Which means that when you misbehave -- even if you're a spoiled little white girl -- I'm going to..." *SMACK!* "AAOOWW!!" "...spank you..." *SMACK!* "AAIIEE!!" "...until..." *SMACK!* "EEEKK!!" "...your..." *SMACK!* "OOHHH!!" "...butt..." *SMACK!* "AAHH!!" "" *SMACK!* "OOUUAHH!!" "...nice..." *SMACK!* "EEKK!!" "...and..." *SMACK!* "AAIIEE!!" "" *SMACK!* "AAHHH!!" " a..." *SMACK!* "OOOWW!!" "...pair of..." *SMACK!* "EEEPP!!" "...big..." *SMACK!* "UUNNGHH!!" "...fat..." *SMACK!* "OOHHH!!" "...American..." *SMACK!* "EEEKK!!" "...tomatoes!" *SMACK!* "OUCH!!" After the last spank, Chloe's bottom was so red that the redness even shone through her panties. She wasn't crying, but she was "oohh"-ing softly and submissively to herself in a way that Madhuri found highly arousing. 'She knows that she deserved that,' Madhuri thought, 'this is going better than I could possibly have hoped!' She walked over to the projector and prepared to change slides. She shivered when she looked at the last picture. This was the big bombshell. This was the thing that was going to transform the strutting tigress into a submissive kitten. Could she go there? Yes, she decided, she could. Chloe looked up lazily as the next picture appeared. It depicted a statistical diagram with colored dots spread out in clusters around a thick red curve. On top of the slide were the words: "Gluteal Learning Capacity across Populations, as observed by Dr. Deepa Patel". "Wh-what is this?" Chloe asked, still dazed from her spanking. "I'll tell you. Twenty years ago, the brilliant biologist Dr. Patel observed a curious phenomenon when studying the nerve systems of girls and young women. It seemed that the female gender could be divided into two types: type A and type B. Type A agreed largely with the common model of the female body, with a few exceptions that we will get to later. Type B, however, was an anomaly. Women in this group seemed to have an exceptionally large number of nerve endings centered around their buttock area, which meant that the area of their brain related to buttock sensation was unusually large. In fact, it was so large that -- through millions of years of evolution -- it had expanded into adjacent parts of their brain. This, Dr. Patel noticed, meant that the area for processing buttock sensations OVERLAPPED with other centras, especially the ones related to moral functioning, learning capacity and holistic understanding." "O-overlapped...?" "It meant that, for women of type B, powerful sensory stimuli in the buttock area would cause increased activity in the surrounding centras, and even effect major personality changes. In short, it seemed that for women of type B, the ideal education involved frequent sensations in the buttocks -- the stronger the better." "You mean th-they learned better... when they were being spanked?" "Much, much better! The results absolutely floored Dr. Patel. Now, as for type A, there were no anomalies except for a peculiar tendency to experience sexual arousal when striking objects with their hands. Also, it turns out, an enlarged dominance centrum and reduced nerve endings in the palms of their hands (meaning that their palms were less sensitive to pain). So, Dr. Patel ingeniously theorized that these two populations must have evolved millions of years ago to live in a symbiotic relationship, but that the populations diverged once the human species spread out over the world. Today, type A and type B women can be found in all areas of the world, but Dr. Patel was quick to spot some basic correlations with regards to genetic clusters." Madhuri walked up to the picture and circled a group of dots with her finger. "Here is type A. Can you read the traits that occur most frequently in this population?" "N-no, the text is too small..." "I'll read them out for you. "Slender body shape/less body fat". Makes sense, doesn't it? Smaller bottoms, less buttock-related brain activity. "Higher orderliness and discipline". Also makes sense, since they're the natural instructors. "Dark hair". "Brown or black eyes". Huh. "Occurs across all ethnic populations but seem to be especially prevalent in subjects with East or South Asian physionomy." Interesting..." "I don't like type A," Chloe said, shuddering. "I know, Chloe, that's why you're here," Madhuri said with a mischievous smile. "Now for type B -- well, well, what have we here? Most commonly occuring traits: "Curvier body shape." "Bigger breasts." "Larger, rounder buttocks." Again, makes sense, doesn't it? The bigger the butt, the more buttock-related brain activity. "Lower in orderliness and discipline." Fair enough. "Lighter hair colors - especially blond". I say, turns out blondes don't have more fun at all! "Blue or green eyes". "Most often occurs with Caucasian features". Another interesting fact. Which brings me to the next slide..." Next up was a map of the world which had been color-coded to show the frequency of type A and type B women in various countries. Next to it was a list showing the countries with the highest frequency of type A (Taiwan, Nepal, China, Japan and India, each with more than 85%), and the countries with the highest frequency of type B (the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Russia, each at 90-95%). "My, oh my, looks like those cold countries up in Northern Europe have evolved some pretty tight neural connections with their bottoms. Maybe a good way to heat up during the long winters? As for my parts of the world, we tend to fall more into the type A category, it seems. And now, Dr. Patel's closing words..." The next slide contained only text. It read as follows: 'It is always best to be cautious when confronted with new and surprising evidence, but I would like to offer a few words of speculation about where this trail may lead. It is clear to me that the discovery of type A and type B models of gluteal learning, if confirmed, will prove to have positive consequences that vastly outnumber the negative ones. Without proper buttock stimulation, type B women may be prone to develop all kinds of maladjustments, which could go a long way toward explaining the current state of the world. With this knowledge, we can create a society in which type A women and type B women may both realize their full potential, and perhaps we can even clear out some pernicious societal evils in the process - Dr. Deepa Patel (1997)' "B-But what has any of that got to do with me?" Chloe stammered. "Don't you get it, Chloe?" Madhuri said as she walked up to her and placed her hand on her chin, forcing her baby blue gaze into hers. "You're a prime example of type B. I'm a prime example of type A. Which means that *this* hand-," she raised her arm high over her head, "-has evolved to spank, and *this* ass-" she brought her hand down with full force on Chloe's hot red rear, scattering beads of sweat through the air as she did so, "-has evolved to be spanked. It's a natural arrangement. In fact, Dr. Patel even hypothesized that B-type women may have evolved light skin specifically so that it would be easier to tell whether they were receiving the appropriate amount of spanking at any given time. A white ass is a sign that something's wrong, a red ass shows that everything is in order. So it's for your own good!" "OOOWWW!" the blonde wailed. "You've got to be kidding me! My brain is my brain and my butt is my butt -- there's no connection between the two!" "Yes, there is, Chloe, and it's nothing to be ashamed of! After all, most girls with blonde hair and big boobs are wired this way -- it's all been ingeniously mapped out by evolution. Your early ancestors were designed this way to make sure you would be spanked, and spanked often. Underneath those plump white curves is a genetic script that allows other creatures to access your brain via your ass. And in my genes is a script telling me that I am the intended person to harness this power. Your ass is a portal, and I am the key." "That's crazy! Y-You leave my butt alone!" "Oh Chloe, don't be uncooperative. In fact, you should be happy I told you about Dr. Patel's findings. You could have gone your whole life being as lost as you are now. Now you know better: now that you know that the path to learning goes through your butt, you'll be the best person you can be! You're already wiser from the spanking I just gave you." "I don't feel wiser," Chloe mumbled. "It just feels like my butt is on fire." "Knowledge is painful, Chloe. Especially for type B's," Madhuri added with a snicker. "And now you can see the red thread running through all of history. Princess Nandini spanking Athena, the Indian defenders spanking Inga and her vikingesses, Lady Karma electroshocking Britannia -- all examples of A's doing their natural duty and spanking some prime examples of type B. Just think about it! All those poor busty white girls must have gone nuts from never having been properly spanked, what with all those nerve centres languishing without the proper stimulus. Imagine the repression, the mood swings, the potential for going astray! That's why they all went out into the world pillaging and colonizing and never being satisfied -- what are the poor girls to do without a type A to spank some sense into their brains through their genetically enlarged asses? It explains everything. But we can change things, Chloe. Now that we know the truth we can go out and change the world - one lonely, unspanked type B butt at a time!" "You're mad!" *SMACK!* "OOWW!!" Chloe cried, but was silenced by another spank on her already beet-red ass. "That's not how our butts work! You're just some perv who gets off on spanking white girls!" "Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. You disappoint me. Thankfully, Dr. Patel was not as short-sighted as you are -- in fact, she imagined all kinds of practical applications for this knowledge. Take a look!" The next slide showed an illustration from a textbook with the heading: "Fully automated education of type B women - the future?" The drawing showed an exceptionally curvy blonde strapped to some kind of machine in a peculiar position: she was kneeling down, but with her chest pressed flat against the machine so that her back was dramatically arched and her exaggeratedly round bottom sticking straight up into the air. She was completely naked. Above her, a wheel outfitted with paddles could be made to rotate, spanking her defenseless tush at every turn (in fact, the cartoonish red spots on the blonde's buns indicated that the wheel had been spinning rather a lot). While this was happening, a series of educational slides passed by before the blonde's obediently upturned face. Next to the machine, an attractive, fully clothed brown-skinned woman observed the proceedings with one hand on the lever operating the machine and another hand on the keyboard of her computer. It was interesting to note the different facial expressions that the artist had drawn onto both women's faces: on the Indian woman's face was an alert, interested smile, whereas the busty blonde's eyes were wide open and her lips formed an 'o' in bimbo-like surprise. It was eminently clear who was in charge of the experiment. Beneath the picture was a text: "Studies on 1,073 type B subjects show this model to be a resounding success (see appendix 4 for a closer description of this study, including the invaluable contributions made by the actress Priyanka Chopra)". "I d-don't believe it!" Chloe whimpered. "They spanked 1,073 women?" "Yes, Chloe. For science." "You're insane! Y-You're completely nuts! I'm gonna... tell everyone about this and then... the police are gonna t-take you all away... you and Dr. Patel and that actress, and-" *SMACK!* "AAAIIEEEE!!!" Another well-placed spank quieted the mouthy blonde, and Madhuri allowed her hand to remain cupped around Chloe's ass cheek to indicate that she was to keep quiet. "I can tell you're not learning, Chloe, which is surprising given how much I've spanked you today. Perhaps you're just not very bright. Oh well, I may just have to try a different tactic. Fortunately, there is one way of teaching type B women that has proven to be more effective even than spanking. Excuse me for a moment..." Madhuri pulled out a key and unlocked a small cabinet underneath her desk. In it, she found what she was looking for: a rubber strap-on with a penis of such size and girth that merely looking at it caused Madhuri to involuntarily clench her buttocks. Her heart racing -- she was really, really looking forward to this -- she hastily unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it (catching a glimpse of her taut panty-clad behind in the process via a mirror - damn, she liked her own body) and began to equip the strap-on. "Wh-When my dad hears about this, he'll SUE you all!" Chloe was wailing, still too scared to budge from her position. "He'll SUE the whole country of India and you'll all go bankrupt! Except that won't make a difference because you're already a Third World shithole! That's right - I said it! I'm not scared of you, you Indian psycho, because I'm BETTER than you! I just happen to be better than all of y- oohhh," Chloe's rant ended abruptly when she felt Madhuri place her hand securely on the hem of her pink underwear, just over the upper cleft of her blushing bottom. "We'll get to those words later, Chloe," the teacher said, unconcerned, as she dumped a thick, dusty volume on the table in front of her blonde student. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is a very old edition of the complete written works of Princess Nandini. I'd like you to flip over to page 532 and read aloud for me - from where it says "Diary fragment #132" and on, please." Chloe held up the book in front of her face with shivering hands and turned over to the page in question. After some hesitation, she began to read aloud: "Um... 'Athena makes for a satisfactory slave-girl, despite her deficiencies. Like all Western women, she is haughty, ignorant and immature - and the fact that she is supposedly a goddess clearly does not account for much. I have dressed her up in a particularly small outfit, partially to temper her pride, partially for my own amusement, but mostly so that I will be allowed to study her curious body-' Er... shall I go on?" While Chloe was reading, Madhuri had slowly and gradually pulled down the white girl's panties, step-by-step revealing the last of her hidden treasures, until the flimsy pink garment had finally come down to her ankles. The Indian now squatted behind the schoolgirl and placed her hands on her sweaty, hot, red ass cheeks, parting them gently to reveal her most intimate of openings: a tiny, pink little needle-prick that had most definitely never been violated. Madhuri smiled: 'I've found the treasure,' she thought as she licked her lips with anticipation. "Um, professor-?" "Did I tell you to stop?" Chloe twitched and continued hastily to read: "-mostly so that I will be allowed to study her curious body, which is markedly different from that of Indian women's. She is extremely light-skinned, which means that her skin easily becomes brown when exposed to sunlight, and red when slapped or pinched. We all find this highly amusing -- and inexplicable. She is tall and has a mature, fertile body, and yet there is something about her that reminds one of a child. She has exceedingly large and jiggly... b-breasts with bright pink areolas, and a similarly large posterior -- these features means that her body wiggles and jiggles a lot when she moves around. Furthermore, she pouts when she doesn't get what she want, is prone to mood swings, and swings her hips in an exaggerated manner when she walks. Like most children, she won't listen to reason, and therefore the most effective way of persuading her to do something is to bend her over and give her a few slaps on her round buttocks (which nearly always achieves the desired result)'. Er... professor?" Madhuri was running her hand up along the inside of Chloe's leg, until she reached the winking opening of her ripe teenage slit. At that point, the blonde gasped, and Madhuri slowly allowed her hand to slide back along her leg again, amused at the effect. "Now skip ahead to page 537," she said, feeling herself grow more aroused by the second. "Quickly, or you'll get another spanking." Chloe hurriedly flipped forward five pages, at which point her mouth fell to the floor. There, occupying a whole page, was a color drawing of princess Nandini kneeling behind her slave-girl Athena, who was standing on all fours in front of her with her mouth open in bewilderment and pleasure. Between Nandini's slender crotch and the goddess's plump rump was a thick black rectangle coated in transparent fluids. The princess was fucking her... in the ass. "Y-You can't be serious!" the blonde whimpered, her eyes wide as saucers. "Is that what you're p-planning to do with me?" "Read the text, Chloe. Also, keep your head down and your butt up - that's the position that shows you to your best advantage anyway." "Er... Today I have found the best way to control my yellow-haired slave-girl's disobedient mind. I have found that there is an intricate connection between her thoughts and her buttocks, and that the connection is strongest in her... p-p-pink lotus?' Wh-what?" "Old Indian euphemism for anus. Proceed." " ' her pink lotus, wh-which is surprisingly small and tight given the size of her buttocks. That in itself serves as a fitting metaphor for the white woman herself: a big shell with very little underneath. I penetrate her pink lotus every night, and it causes me to enter the garden of her mind and sow my own seeds of dominance. Every time I do it, I notice her body growing softer and more obedient, her moans deeper with pleasure and her gaze more hazy with submissive affection for me -- her one and only mistress. I hereby pass on the cardinal rule for dealing with disobedient Western women: control her bottom, and you control her mind'." While Chloe was reading, Madhuri had opened a bottle of lubricant and coated the dildo in its supple fluid, and now she was steering her massive cock toward the appetizingly presented white backside of her student. By the time the blonde reached the end of the passage, Madhuri's dildo was already resting against the softly vibrating opening of her anus, ready to make the plunge. The young blonde was breathing quickly, and Madhuri could see that her cheeks were hot and red from blushing. She knew what was coming. As for Madhuri, she was now standing on the threshold of something that she had wanted to do ever since she first laid eyes on little miss Chloe Meringue, princess of WASPs and self-appointed sole heiress of Westbottom, Virginia: conquering her ass. There she lay -- the modern Athena -- light gleaming in her all too yellow hair, beads of sweat pouring down her arched back and her reddened ass hoisted high in the air. And there she stood -- Nandini reincarnated -- preparing to claim some fresh, fertile new territory. "Chloe, the course is almost over. Any concluding remarks before we move on to the exam?" "We were here first!" Chloe whined, still defiant. Madhuri sighed, rolling her eyes. "Oh, Chloe. You're of, what, French extraction? My people have lived in cities for five thousand years, while yours have only really done anything worthwhile in the last thousand. At the same time as the Madhuris of the ancient era were driving chariots and building towers, the little Chloes of the day were traipsing around naked in the woods, getting their asses poked by aurochs and mammoths. Don't even bring up the question of seniority." "B-But we were here first... in America!" "Oh really? I had the distinct feeling that there was such a thing as Native Americans, who originally entered North America via... that other adjacent continent. The one I'm from." "Is th-that true?" the blonde stammered, defeated. "That means they were..." "Yes, the Native Americans were absolutely type A. That's probably why conflict with them was inevitable. All along, you knew that if you left things the way they were, they would come into your houses and perform their natural duty: to spank you straight and put an end to all your empire-building, and you didn't want that. You wanted to go on being the masters of the world. So, not just content to eradicate the original inhabitants, you also decided to pretend that they never existed! Those are the kind of wacky pretensions that could only come from a lonely, unspanked type B butt. But they did, Chloe, and so do I. And I, Dr. Patel and all our friends are en route to changing the world, one Caucasian booty at a time. And yours, my dear, is first in line." With those words, she slowly guided her rigid phallus inbetween Chloe's plump white cheeks and into her unsuspecting butthole, stretching the tiny opening to two, three, four, then five times its size as the tight tunnel expanded to accommodate the size of the intruder. "Holy moly, what a tight one!" Nandini couldn't help saying. The blonde let out a gasp so deep that it seemed to emanate from the very bottom of her being, and Madhuri could feel her young, virginal ass tighten around the dildo a few painful times before slowly surrendering, and then relaxing back to normal. Mission accomplished: little miss Meringue had been caught with her panties down and now her ass was taken. "Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Chloe moaned as her last protections were breached and Madhuri entered the unguarded sanctuary between her heaving, sweaty buns. Emboldened, Madhuri grabbed Chloe by her tousled blonde hair and gently pulled her head back as she slowly plunged deeper inside her, feeling her sensitive teenage anus grow tighter and tighter as the dildo claimed more and more of her ass as its possession. Soon, the blonde involuntarily began to spread her legs, thinking that this would make it easier to accommodate the dildo -- but the only thing that happened, Madhuri noted with amusement, was that she ended up in an even more invitingly submissive position. "Your ass is mine, Chloe," Madhuri whispered in her ear as she plunged in until her thighs came up close against Chloe's rump, signaling that there was no further to go. "I have complete power over you. Isn't that right?" "Unnnnnnnhhhhhh, it'sss sooooo biiiiiggggg," Chloe moaned as she arched her back and wiggled her hips to escape the dildo inside her, but Madhuri put an end to this by shaming her with a stern slap on her blushing butt (*SMACK!* "Eeep!!"). "Don't make such a fuss!" Madhuri admonished her, "It's for your own good... and my pleasure." "Ooooohhhhhhh," the blonde moaned as her teacher continued to work her tight ass into something more pliable. Madhuri cocked her head to the side and observed with delight how Chloe's ripe teenage boobs were bouncing deliciously with every thrust, like two great vanilla flans on a rickety dessert trolley. She gently undid her student's bra with her free right hand and let it slide off her, leaving the white girl's tits free to bounce away to their hearts' content. "Uuuummmmmmm," Chloe inquired, mid-moan, when she discovered that she was now completely naked. "No 'ums', young lady," Madhuri replied, giving her tight ass another spank (*SMACK!* "OOOHH!!"), "I want you to be completely nude now that you're about to be reborn. Also, I quite like seeing your big boobs bounce up and down -- so sue me." "Unnnggghhhhhhhhh!" the blonde moaned again, and Madhuri noticed that her moans were growing lower in pitch, as well as warmer and more tinged with pleasure. I'm taming this white tigress, Madhuri thought, and I'm leaving her a docile little kitten. "Now, Chloe, it's time for the exam," Madhuri said as she picked up the pace, pounding Chloe's increasingly well-lubricated ass faster and faster, and sending her perky boobs into a jiggly frenzy as she did so. "What do you think about the story of Athena and Nandini?" "OOOHH!!... AAAHHH!!... OOOOHH!!... AAAHHH!!... OOOOHH!!" Chloe cried, unable to say much more. "All right, maybe that was a little too fast. How about now?" "Ooooohhhh... I think that Athena... aaahhhhhh... was put in her place... ooohhhhh... and that she deserved... ooooohhhhh... to be spanked... aaaahhhhhh..." "And was it right of Nandini to take her as her sex slave?" "Yes, because... that way, Nandini could... temper her pride and... spank her properly... whenever she misbehaved!" "What about Inga and her vikingesses?" "They were bullies... and I'm glad... they got their asses... handed to them!" "Why am I spanking you?" Madhuri punctuated the question with a cheeky little spank (*SMACK!* "OOWW!!") that jiggled the schoolgirl's hot-red posterior for her viewing pleasure. "Because I... am an entitled little... princess and I... should have been spanked... by my mommy long ago!" "And are you going to tell your daddy about this?" Another spank - *SMACK!* "OOUCH!!" "No, never... this'll be... a secret!" "And are you aware that if you tell your daddy about this, I will spill the beans to the disciplinary board and have you permanently expelled from the school, as well as track you down and spank your silly blonde bimbo ass so long and hard that you'll be sitting on pillows for the next few six months?" "Yes... I am!" "So what are you going to do instead?" "I'm gonna... sit still on my... silly blonde bimbo ass... and pay attention in class!" At this point, Madhuri was so feverish with lust that she could no longer contain herself. With a mighty hip thrust she buried the dildo so far up the little blonde's wide-open ass that she seemed to be rubbing up against Chloe's very core, and there she exploded in a spectacular orgasm, flooding the opened-up white booty with all the pent-up energies of her being. "OHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'M COMMMMIINNNNG, I'M COOMMMMINNNGGG!!!" Madhuri wailed, grabbing the blonde's bouncing buttocks and prying them further apart as she climaxed into her ass. In that moment, Chloe's floodgates burst too, and her vulnerable white body was shook with the ferocious vibrations of their combined ecstasies. Their minds collided and dissolved in a moment of complete union in the white girl's ravished anus. "UUNNGGGHHHHHHHGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Chloe moaned, as hot cum splashed down her trembling thighs. Then, it was over. Her energy completely spent, Madhuri slid out of her student's wet, hot red ass and plopped down on a nearby chair. Chloe remained bent over the desk, still moaning in half-conscious bliss. "That was... phenomenal," Madhuri said as she pulled out a cigarette, lit it and proceeded to enjoy a lovely post-coital smoke whilst enjoying the view of the blonde's beautifully displayed naked body. "Ohhhhhhhhhh," Chloe moaned, as her body stirred for the first time since her orgasm. "I can't... believe... that just... happened..." "But it did, Chloe, it did!" Madhuri said, smiling as she sucked on her cigarette. "And you're all the better for it." The blonde stood up on wavery legs and ran her hand along her bottom, feeling the various fluids that had accumulated there. "I guess you really got under my skin there, professor." "Indeed. You've got a very... receptive bottom." Madhuri chuckled. "I'm giving you a D- for your performance in class and a B+ for your susceptibility to buttock-centric learning. So I guess that averages out into a C." "Wow, I really am type B, after all!" Chloe said, smiling sincerely for the first time. "Thanks for setting me straight, professor." "No problem, but Chloe-," Madhuri gestured for the blonde to turn around, and then cupper her hand around her blushing rump, "-you do realize that this means a lot of changes on your part. Being a type B woman means that you need to make a habit out of this kind of treatment -- for your own good. In fact, I'd recommend that you stop by at least twice a week so that I can... improve your learning." "Oh," Chloe said, blushing nervously. "But won't that mean that... my bottom will be sore all semester?" "Yes, and since you're type B, what does that mean for your learning?" "That... I'll always be performing at maximum capacity..." "Exactly. Also, since I want to be sure that you do your homework, I want you to start wearing shorter skirts," Madhuri ran her finger along the lower line of the blonde's buttocks, "so that I can see that they stay... well-stimulated all the time. Oh, and wear only thongs and g-strings from now on." "G-strings? Are y-you serious, professor?" "I'm serious. This is an important matter, Chloe -- your whole education hangs in the balance." "Of c-course," the blonde stammered as she hastily put on her clothes. "I guess I'll see you... in class then, professor?" "Naturally. Goodbye, Chloe! It's been lovely talking to you." Madhuri watched as the young blonde tottered out of the classroom, her well-rounded buns bouncing in rhythm with her steps. Oh yes, she thought, that ass was going to stay red all semester, she was going to make sure of that. The teacher smiled to herself as she switched off the projector and put away the presentation materials. She couldn't believe that Chloe had fallen for that type A/type B-hooey - she had actually bought the idea that her buttocks was intimately connected with her brain, just because she had shown her a bunch of graphs! And now she would go through the rest of her freshman year (or longer?) dutifully presenting her dumb little tush to the nearest authority figure for regular healthy, mind-improving bottom-paddlings! It was almost a bit cruel. Almost. After she had gone back to her office, it didn't take long before there was another knock on the door. "Professor Sandhu?" Oh great, she thought, another one. And sure enough, the unexpected visitor turned out to be none other than 18-year-old Jennifer Butterside, Chloe's classmate and best friend. She was wearing a flimsy white summer dress with one shoulder-strap hanging loose, treating Madhuri to an eyeful of ripe teenage bosom. The doll-faced brunette was eyeing Madhuri with toffee-nosed contempt. "Professor Sandhu, can I talk to you for a second?" she said, pouting slightly. "Sure, Jennifer. What's on your mind?" "I have a couple of complaints. Regarding the course literature." Madhuri smiled. "Come right in. I've still got couple of hours left until my next class." THE END